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Jarlaxle’s Guide
to Traps
A Bregan D’Aerthe Publication.
Lead Designer: R P Davis
Designers: Jeromy Schulz-Arnold, Ken Carcas, D W Dagon, Justin Handlin,
Bryan Holmes, Hal Howard, Noel Proulx
Managing Editor: Ken Carcas
Assistant Editor: Kass McGann

Art Credits
Art Direction: R P Davis
Cover Illustration: Omercan Cirit
Interior Illustrations: Noel Proulx, Wizards of the Coast, David Lewis
Johnson, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art (c) Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin
Games. Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All
rights reserved.
Layout: Travis Legge

This book is dedicated to the memory of Rick Loomis

of Flying Buffalo Games. Rick gave us the Grimtooth’s
series of traps books, which inspired generations of
gamers and game designers. Rest easy, Rick.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms,

Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright (c) Wizards of the Coast and/or oth-
er authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright (c) 2019 by R P Davis and
Kabouter Games, and published under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

Disclaimer: Many foolish, greedy delvers were sliced, incinerated, impaled,

squished, and maimed during the making of this book. I had to make sure these
contraptions worked, and anyway they had it coming. If any of them were your
relatives, I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I’m really not. I regret nothing.
- Jarlaxle


elcome to the Guild’s ultimate guide to turning PCs into puree! In
these pages, you’ll find a mouth-watering array of ways to turn characters
inside out or fry them.
Before we go any further, let’s get something out of the way. There’s a little bit
of dissent in the role-playing community about how traps are lame because they
don’t have much to do with story and player agency and blah blah blah. We hear
that concern, and we’d like to address it.
If you don’t think traps are cool, and you’re reading this, sorry. No refunds. But before you get
all huffy and take to social media to call our ancestors into question, read a bit further.
See, here’s the thing: Traps are a time-honored part of fantasy role-playing games. When we sit
down to play a fantasy role-playing game, a game where our characters explore ancient dungeons,
the lairs of foul creatures, or a spooky castle on the mountaintop, we expect to kill monsters,
dodge traps and walk out with the treasure. Traps don’t have to make “sense,” except insofar as
they exist to keep intruders out of secure areas.
It’s worth pointing out there should always be a chance a character notices a trap or hazard.
None of the traps in this book are no-chance-to-spot, save-or-die character killers like the sphere
of annihilation trap in the original Tomb of Horrors. But the chance to spot or avoid some of
them is quite small, and the chance of most of them reducing your character to their component
atoms is quite large.
If that’s not your expectation, adjust your expectations. Otherwise, your character might lose
a hand or an eye—or worse. If they do, don’t come crying to us about “agency”, because you
exercised your agency when you chose to make Wisdom your dump stat. It’s not our fault you
didn’t put any emphasis on Perception.
That said, GMs, read your players! If your players don’t appreciate the idea of things they
don’t even notice turning their beloved characters into a fine red mist without warning, this
book isn’t going to be of much use to you other than as wistful entertainment. If you want to
include the contents of this book in your game, talk it over with your players and seek their
approval first, before ever you use anything in these pages. And even then, you should be ready
for them to throw pizza crusts at you when they lose their beloved character to the White Dragon
Breath Torrent.
There’s your disclaimer. Now let’s get to the proper Introduction, shall we?
The creators of this book are lovers of old-school traps. You know, the kind of traps that really
ruin a character’s day. The kind of traps that make you bring a stack of character sheets to a
dungeon crawl. The kind of traps that, as you read the book, make you say, “Oh, hell no, y’all,
that’s just ... damn.”
Plus we all had a copy of a certain book which shall remain nameless but the title of which
rhymes with Jrimtooth’s Flaps, and we were certain we could make such a book for 5th Edition
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. We think we got pretty darn close, but you can be the judge of that.
So here you are. Enjoy. Or, you know, don’t. We’ve already deposited your money with Bregan
d’Aerthe, and good luck getting it out of their vaults without getting your arms ripped off.

R P Davis, Lead Designer

P.S. If you’re too gentle or frightened to use a trap or hazard as-is, you can tone down the mayhem. Coward.
You might make the whole thing an illusion, which is funny for those who make their saving throws. It’s up
to you. But if you do, we’ll know. And we’ll point at you and laugh at your lack of spine.

Chapter 1:
What is a

than scrimpers. The sooner they learn
One of my favorite pastimes as a boy in that, the better. The life they save
Menzoberranzan was designing traps; devious, might be yours!
deadly traps. I would scrawl out diagrams To Surprise People. Many
for my creations on whatever surface I could people in my line of work don’t
find. Traps were always exciting to me (and like surprises, and for good reason;
surprises are usually not pleasant.
they’re very exciting for intruders!). Trap
I beg to differ. I just love surprises,
building and trap design is not my primary
and so do my minions. Sometimes I
calling but taking hands off is a subject that set traps for them in their chambers
I have some, er, hands-on experience with. or in the common hall. Nothing too
Traps make thieves and other interlopers think deadly but something that will leave
twice before attempting to plunder a cache. a scar. A good rousting keeps the
Many novice trappers fall prey to the two blood pumping and the wits sharp.
gravest errors of trapping - using too many It keeps them on their toes and
traps and trapping something for no reason. they love it! Well... maybe not, but I
do it anyhow…
To Disrupt Intruder Actions.
Something as simple as a bear trap
When to Use Traps in the rose bush can severely hinder
I have always delighted in the good any would-be housebreaker. It keeps
use of a trap. One good trap is better them stationary so my guards can
than ten bad ones. Sometimes you easily acquire them and it hobbles
set a snare and what you catch them if they manage to pry their foot
surprises you more than what you from the iron jaws. They won’t be
don’t. Maybe you catch one of your running or scaling any walls tonight.
minions skimming from the coffers; This will limit their entry and egress
that is really rewarding. Now you options to heavier patrolled areas.
have the chance to really show those This measure and other obstacles
who do your bidding that your ‘good limit movement quite effectively.
nature’ is not to be tested. It is Something as simple as using
always a good idea to use traps in the difficult terrain can do this. A trap or
following situations: set of traps designed to restrain can
To Prepare People. Good goons are be used to limit character movement
hard to come by and even harder to during an encounter. When used
train. Most folks will hoard money with physical obstacles that limit
and resources, saving up to buy some movement and provide cover, you
bauble. Long term plans are good make a more dynamic and interesting
but I like to teach my toadies to be encounter. It will force characters to
prepared, that danger is everywhere. use their resources more effectively
Better equipped flunkies live longer and fight more strategically.
I know what you’re thinking: the more paying them to break into a rivals’
traps, the better. Not so. The better traps, vault and stealing their loot.
When the Thing to be Protected
the better. If thieves expect a place to be
Isn’t Worth the Expense. Ah, a
trapped, they will come prepared and scour common mistake among the nouveau
every inch of a place, finding all the secret riche. A certain item may have
doors in the process and making quite a sentimental value to you, but that
haul. This will take a lot of time and be doesn’t mean a thief would bother
boring to watch. I like the stunned look on stealing it. Store keepsakes in your
quarters and put a lock on your door
a burglar’s face when the door slams behind
like a normal person. The only people
them and the spikes shoot up from the interested in stealing those things
floor. Much more satisfying, albeit messy. from you is a rival and if they have
ransacked your bedroom; you have
more pressing security issues. Set
When Not to Use traps to guard something worth the
effort it takes to protect. Thieves
Traps won’t be tempted by the bait if they
don’t think they have a chance at
No one really likes to get punked all
actually getting it or if they think it’s
the time. Bad trap use and design lead
not worth the hassle of bypassing all
to predictable and boring gameplay.
the traps and locks.
Many novices lace a dungeon with
To Punish People. I don’t like to
deadly traps that have absurd DCs.
punish a scoundrel for outwitting
Then they plop legendary items in
me. They have bested me once, then
every treasure chest and in every
shame on me. I should have done
room. Balancing aside, this dungeon
better to protect my assets. I have not
is silly. Why bother to place items
drawn blood in many moons, that’s
for characters to find if they can’t get
what my henchmen and “pets” are
past the traps? The following is a list
for. Don’t take it personally, revenge
of the “pitfalls” of poor trap use.
is far sweeter when the temper cools.
When There Already Enough
Randomly. When I was an
Traps. Traps are expensive and do
adventurer, we went on several raids
require maintenance. Some need to
in Undermountain. No chambers
be manually reset. Finding a nimble-
were as infuriating and frivolous
fingered flunkey up to these tasks
as the sections of the Mad Mage
is challenging; many require a lot of
Halaster. The guy would lock a secret
‘encouragement’. Besides who wants
door to a room filled with deadly
to pay a thief to run around resetting
traps and when we finally opened the
all your traps when you could be
treasure chest, it was empty. Halaster

was bat-in-a-hat crazy wasting money Goal. Ah, the bait. We discussed
on locks and traps that protect this before but only one example was
nothing. Why spend so much money offered. Loot is fine but simplistic.
securing a treasure that isn’t even A reward is not always extrinsic.
worth as much as the chest it’s in? Put a switch on the wall and almost
certainly someone will pull it, even
The Trap Makers Toolkit if it has no discernible function.
They might believe it opens a secret
Now we come to my favorite part,
door, or closes a pit; they don’t know
designing traps. The brass tacks that pin
and that in itself is enough of a
the hides to the wall.
bait. In this scenario, the trigger is
Once the concept of the trap is
pulling the lever, switch, handle, etc.
manifest, it is time to solidify the
Returning the switch to the upright
design with concrete planning and
position is a common failsafe but you
engineering concerns. Time to
would be surprised how few people
turn those gears in your head into
think to do that. Dullards.
gears under a pressure plate. Each
MacGuffin. I really hate getting
subsection contains some functional
caught in my own traps. Some
considerations for the specific parts
trap designers use a MacGuffin,
of the trap.
something that allows characters to

bypass the trap passively. Failsafe would make sense that a door might
and passwords are a good measure to be trapped and not a fountain as the
ensure you and your compatriots do door controls the ingress and egress
not accidentally fall prey to your own from room to room and also blocks
dirty tricks. The possibilities for such line of sight. That said, unusual trap
MacGuffins are endless just be sure it placement can lead to some amusing
is something the characters actually outcomes. As before, limit these
have a shot at getting, otherwise you kinds of surprises as characters
are wasting time designing it. may begin to tire of such antics
Time. Now is the time to decide before long.
on initiative count for elements of Effect. When the trap is triggered,
complex traps (and sometimes simple what happens? Does the character
traps too, see “Dancing Blades”). roll a saving throw, is it an attack
Time is reduced by increasing the versus the character’s armor class?
DCs of the trap or the number of rolls Consider the difference between
needed to disable the trap. Consider the two examples listed, which
the effects reducing time will have on makes more sense given the intent
other parts of the traps construction. and design? Play with the DC and
Traps like the “Switch Cinch” (see damage. High DCs make damage
the Traps chapter)are really effective more likely. Low damage acts only as
when a time restraint is placed on a drain on healing resources rather
them, like say a gelatinous cube than a real threat. Is there a danger
slurping down the corridor or a other than damage to consider? Does
damaging effect from another trap a haunting cause disadvantage on
that is counting down. A trap will lose certain rolls? Perhaps a condition like
its immediacy and become a puzzle blindness or poisoned or restrained is
if there are no time constraints. more fitting. Using non-quantitative
Characters are free to try and try danger metrics can make balancing
again until they succeed if they aren’t more of a challenge, but often it
racing the clock or at least in some leads to more exciting gameplay.
kind of peril while negotiating the You can always up the XP rewards or
trap; so setting a DC is meaningless treasure output if a threat was more
if they have time to perpetually reroll dangerous than anticipated.
an ability check. Trigger. The trigger has a lot to
Location. If the characters are do with how the trap is meant to
free to leave and come back, say so. work. Most of the time there is no
Place traps where they pose a real wrong answer when it comes to
danger. Doors are good places to set the trigger. It can be an aesthetic
traps because characters will almost choice as opposed to an engineering
always check a door for a trap. It choice. Deciding how the trap works

will suggest how it is triggered, the about the location based on the
rest is just describing the action to descriptions given. If the blades
the characters. look like they were sharpened and
This activates the trap. There are the gears oiled, who did that? Who
four main kinds of triggers: Location, lit the torches in sconces. Why
Proximity, Timed, and Environmental are the magical dweomers on the
(for more, see the Dungeon Master’s Guide). doors still strong? The characters
Deciding on either of the following may have been lead to believe
triggers can add to a traps signature: this place was abandoned but
Location. The trap is triggered evidence like refurbished traps may
when a creature steps on a plate, trips suggest otherwise.
a wire, etc. Difficulty Class (DC). The result
Proximity. The trap is triggered of a check or save needed to avoid
when a creature enters within a the threat the trap poses. Bumping
certain area. up the DC of the trap makes it more
Timed. The trap is triggered dangerous even if the damage is low.
when a creature enters and remains It is always good to include fewer
in the triggering area for a set traps but increase the DCs. It makes
amount of time. traps seem more dangerous.
Environmental. The trap is Reset or Reuse. So again, if
triggered when the triggering something is resetting the traps,
creature is detected by body heat, it may still be here to check the
vibrations through the ground from trap (as in a restaining trap). See
footsteps, a vacuum released from the section above (Appearance) for
opening a door, etc. (for more, see the more on foreshadowing. Allowing
Book of Challenges) characters to tinker with the trap
and use it for their benefit lets
Features of a Trap those skill-heavy characters have
Now that a trap has defined a chance to get some time in the
parameters, it’s time to define the spotlight too. So often the trap
features of the trap. How difficult will bypass procedure is just disarming
it be to disarm? Does it reset? Why the trap,then character moves on to
is it here? How can it be avoided? the next Wisdom (Perception) check
Trap design and placement can and subsequent Dexterity, Wisdom,
further stress overall design themes or Intelligence check to disable the
or just wreak havoc on unsuspecting trap / pick the lock / ad nauseam. Let
characters. Use the following features the characters have a little fun; it is a
to make traps more detailed: non-verbal compliment on the traps
Appearance. Attentive characters intriguing design.
will always be gleaning information

Purpose. Doors, stairs, and Considerations by Trap
hallways make great places for traps.
Seasoned characters know this Type & Mechanic
whether they are aware of it or not. There are two types of traps:
They will check for traps, and check if mechanical and magical. Each of
it is locked every time they approach these has two subtypes: simple and
a door. Use this knowledge when complex. Each of these entries has
placing traps so that the trap has a game mechanics that can be tinkered
purpose. Also, characters will check with to create more interesting
certain objects for traps. Treasure situations. Consider these options
chests are a common item to be when creating the in-game effect
trapped (and locked); characters will mechanics for a trap:
proceed cautiously. Expect characters Mechanical Traps. These work via
to look for secret doors behind the mechanical means: gears, pulleys,
bookshelf as well. In that same room inertia, etc. They are usually disarmed
is a cot. Someone might search the with skill checks. Are the inner
cot but no one checks the cot for workings accessible? Can they be
traps; what purpose would that trap destroyed so that even if the trap is
serve? The cot might make for a good capable of resetting, it can’t?
haunting but not a trap. Magical Traps. What spells created
Bypass, Failsafe, Safety. Is there the trap and what spells negate it?
a switch that shuts it off, a MacGuffin What is the trigger? Does dispel
that disables the trigger, a password magic work? If it doesn’t, why not?
that dispels the magical runes? If so, Consider what would be the trap’s
what is it and how can the characters failsafe based on its construction and
get it. If there is such a thing, they use that to determine what it would
should have a shot at getting it, even take to disarm it.
if they don’t know how or when to Simple Traps. Generally, the effect
use it. One clever trick is to plop it is triggered and it is resolved. It may
in a loot pile inside the dungeon. need to be reset manually; how is this
Smart characters may realize what it done? Most simple traps lose a great
does and use it to great effect while deal of their effectiveness if they are
leaving, bypassing all the traps they found before the triggering event.
struggled with on the way that may Keep this in mind for low damage,
have reset. See “When you Simply restraining, delay, and alarm traps.
Must be a Jerk” for a clever spin on Complex Traps. With complex
this scenario. traps, Initiative is timing. A high
initiative trap effect is good for
restraining characters and subjecting
them to lower initiative damage
effects. Low initiative effects are
great for damage effects and status
ailments like poison and suffocation.
A Word on Puzzles
Active Elements. The more Puzzles can indeed be fun (meta-
active elements a trap has, the gaming aside) and clever designers
more dangerous it is and the less can work them into traps.
time characters have to disable it Take this example: in some other
or escape. Try to use an inverse area nearby, the puzzle is presented
proportion for DC and damage if the obviously. The characters can stay
trap has numerous active elements, and solve it, or move on and come
like an effect that has a low DC but back later, if at all. The reward for
high damage, or a high DC but low solving the puzzle, in addition
damage. One can also lower the to perhaps some combination of
DCs and damage to make the trap experience points and loot, can be a
less lethal if many active elements MacGuffin that allows the characters
are involved. safe passage through a particularly
Dynamic Elements. Dynamic deadly trap or protection from a
elements drastically reduce the sinister haunting. This lets the puzzle
amount of time the characters have sleuths get some time in the spotlight
to overcome the trap. The longer the too and saves the party some
trap is running, the more influence trouble later on.
the dynamic effect has. A countdown This is a plausible solution for old,
counter (every 3 rounds) could be abandoned places that remain heavily
added to a dynamic effect if it is trapped. Even the most powerful
too intense. characters die. They die knowing the
Constant Elements. Constant magical wards they set will fade and
Elements disrupt attempts to disable the traps they build will decay and
parts of the trap. As the complex trap break. They die knowing thieves and
is gradually disabled, it’s elements looters will come to raid their troves
can become less effective. Constant eventually. Why not set a trap that
elements can target those attempting can’t be bypassed, make a lock that
to disarm the trap. The trap may have can’t be picked? A puzzle will ensure
‘safe spots’ in its area of effect for the that only the worthy few will reach
characters to discover as they work the most prized treasures. When I
on the trap. As they make progress die, I don’t want some slack-jawed
on the trap, the safe spots may get farm boy on his first heist picking
larger. The DCs and damage from the through my vaults!
traps elements could lower as more of I have only two cautions for using
the trap is disabled. puzzles: do not force characters to
solve them before they can continue
and do not (as dungeon master) give
the characters the answer.
Not forcing the characters to solve
puzzles is as simple as it sounds. I would be remiss if I didn’t at least
The doors shouldn’t lock behind mention hazardous terrain in this screed.
them. Don’t put a door puzzle on Hazardous terrain is really great for
the only door that leads to where controlling movement. I have a thriving
the characters need to go. Puzzles patch of Grab Grass surrounding my villa
aren’t dangerous by nature, they
are a diversion and they can, if used
for just such a purpose.
improperly, eat up a lot of table time.
The second rule is don’t give away
the answer, and by extension, the Hazardous Terrain
prize. This is a common mistake. Once characters realize a certain
Characters may get frustrated area is dangerous, they tend to
because they can’t solve the puzzle avoid it. This can give DMs who
but that is no reason to spoil a clever use it judiciously a lot of power
design. Remind them that they can because they can control where
(and should) come back to it later. characters go without being accused
Characters will be looking for hints as of “railroading”. Railroading is
they continue the main story arc and when a character’s choices seem to
DMs can drop clues as they progress. have no effect on the game’s course
Remember that characters have no and all choices lead to the same
idea what the reward is for solving outcome. Once the characters get the
the puzzle so if they really struggle MacGuffin (see “failsafe”), they can
and have good ideas, but just can’t come back later and traverse the area
figure it out, some more loot can be with impunity. They can, of course,
added to the reward to soothe a sore slog through the hazardous terrain
ego or two, if needed. but make it clear that the characters
are aware of other options.
I can hear you shouting “Enough!
Get on with it!” from here,
so here we go.

Chapter 2:
Traps .

invitingly open on the far wall, away
Hit Dice & Skill Challenges from the door.
Some of the items in this book use Skill
Challenges to resolve and challenge the The floor is a specially-modified wall
management of Hit Dice as a resource. of force covered with illusory treasure.
Hit Dice Prodding the treasure with a 10-foot
While hit points represent a character’s
resilience in battle, their Hit Dice represent pole reveals nothing but assurances
their vitality and ability to recover over time. the treasure is real; the coins and
Unlike taking damage, which directly affects
how long a character can survive in combat, gems move, and the floor is solid—
removing Hit Dice affects the character’s ability until a creature weighing more than
to recover from those encounters and begins
to impact them much more as the adventuring
75 pounds steps on it. That character
day continues. plunges 20 feet into a 20-foot-deep
Removing Hit Dice from the Hit Dice pool pool containing a vicious, hungry
prevents characters from fully recovering during
a short rest, meaning they won’t enter the predator of your choice. It might be a
next encounter in optimal shape. This makes swarm of quippers or giant shark in a
Hit Dice a wonderful resource to drain during
skill challenges, allowing you to wear down the
pool of water. It might be a gelatinous
characters in a way that won’t necessarily affect cube that entirely fills the bottom of
the situation they’re currently in, but those the pit. It’s up to you!
beyond. With loss of Hit Dice, an encounter that
would normally be easy could very well become Trigger. A creature that steps on
much more dangerous. the floor dispels the wall of force and
Skill Challenges the illusion.
D&D is a game that consists of multiple pillars
of play: combat, roleplay, and exploration. Skill Effect. The triggering creature
challenges are designed to help enhance all makes a DC 15 Dexterity saving
those various encounters in a controlled and
structured format. In many scenarios, heroes find throw. On a success, the creature
themselves in encounters and social situations manages to grab the doorjamb before
that revolve entirely around the use of their
skills. Other times they are engaged in combat
it falls. On a failure, the creature
or dealing with a trap, and skill challenges add a falls into the water/puddle of black
level of complexity or strategy to the encounter. puddings/whatever you’ve chosen.
Part of the excitement of D&D is that success
or failure is often uncertain. Skill challenges Countermeasures. A creature
offer you a tool to introduce a complex series of with a passive Perception of 16 or
changing conditions, keeping track of the results
to determine the overall success or failure of a
higher notices something isn’t quite
series of skill checks. right about the treasure. Using mage
hand or some other magical means
to remove a piece of treasure causes
All That Glitters the treasure to disappear when it
Simple magical trap (levels and threat vary)
leaves the room. The contents of the
What adventurer doesn’t like room radiate strong illusion magic. A
treasure? When the hapless fools successful DC 15 dispel magic destroys
open the door to this room, they the illusion and the wall of force.
see a carpet of glittering gold and
gems, and a wooden treasure chest is

Bandaloo’s Watery Grave Effect. If the trap is triggered, a
Complex Trap (level 5-10, dangerous threat)
stone slab set into the wall, 2 inches
A millennia ago, the master gnomish below the surface of the water, slides
architect and engineer, Bandaloo quickly into place trapping anyone
Springwinder, created this multi- below. Anyone unable to breathe
stage trap to protect his most underwater will eventually drown.
valuable designs. Since then, its Countermeasures. If the stone
construction has been passed from slab is jammed with iron spikes
master to apprentice amongst the (keeping the lid from closing) or
best builders in gnomish history. if the correct tile(s) are pressed,
A large pool (30’ x 10’) contains the trap is disabled. Detecting the
a chest bolted to the bottom on a slab requires a successful DC 15
cross-shaped stone brace beneath Wisdom (Perception) check; due to
ten feet of water. The pool is lined the distortions created by the pool,
with exquisite ceramic tiles which this check is made at disadvantage
are laden with gnomish runes and from above the surface of the
pictograms which connect to a water. A successful DC 14 Wisdom
mechanical release. The water is (Perception) check and 20 minutes
unnaturally clear and the distortion will revel the correct tiles to depress;
makes the depth of the pool difficult add an additional 2 to the check and
to determine without entering it. an extra 20 minutes per additional
Trigger. There are two ways the tile in the sequence. If the correct
first part of the trap is triggered, tile(s) are pressed, the floor of the
either by attempting to move the pool slowly drops ten feet leaving
chest or by depressing any tile inside the chest suspended on the stone
the pool that is not meant to disable cross which acts as a bridge. This also
the internal mechanisms. disables the second part of the trap.

The Chest. The chest is watertight requiring anyone in the pool to make
and also trapped. Inside the locked a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or
chest is an iron strongbox and an take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage on
alchemical mixture that explodes a failed save, or half as much damage
when it comes into contact with on a successful one, as the shockwave
water. The mixture is completely bounces off the walls of the pool
obscured from the outside, and and through the water. If the save is
a successful DC 25 Intelligence failed by 5 or more, the adventurer
(Investigation) check is required is also stunned for 2d4 rounds. The
to detect it. If the chest is opened strongbox protects its contents from
underwater, an explosion occurs,

Piranha Zombie
Tiny undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 11 (3d4+3)
Speed Swim 30 ft

6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 6 (-2_ 5 (-3)

Saving Throws Wis +0
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages None
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the piranha zombie to 0
hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
of 5+the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from
a critical hit. On a success, the piranha zombie drops to 1 hit
point instead.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target. Hit:
3 (1d2 + 2) piercing damage.

this explosion. Attempting to
break the bolted chest free of its
Bell On The Door,
moorings requires a successful DC 22 The
Strength check. Simple trap (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
Variants. Over the centuries, other This trap is an effective alarm
builders have tried to add their own measure. Some intelligent races put
flair to this construction, the most bells on doors and curtains so that
notable of which is a hidden side even the sneakiest of thieves ring
chamber that releases a number of the dinner bell when they make
Zombie Piranha into the pool when an entrance.
the lid slams shut. Trigger. A creature that opens the
door or curtain triggers the trap.
Vendamoor’s Watery Effect. This trap is as simple as it
sounds; a bell is attached to a door or
Grave of Doom a curtain and set in such a manner
The arch-engineer Vendamoor
that it rings when the door or curtain
Pryhammer constructed a version
is opened. If the creature is trying to
of this trap that replaces the water
open the door or curtain quietly, they
with a massive gelatinous cube. He
must roll a Dexterity (Stealth) ability
wore a medallion that made him
check with disadvantage.
immune to acid damage in order to
Countermeasures. A successful
enter the pool.
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
Construction. Building this trap
reveals the trap as the creature hears
requires a master gnomish engineer
the bell ring when the creature opens
who has a copy of the diagrams
the portal. If they have not seen the
needed to do so. Building a version
door or curtain open and not heard
that has only one tile takes two
the bell, they have disadvantage on
months and costs 40,000gp. For each
their ability check to locate the trap
additional tile in the combination,
on the other side. A successful DC
it takes an additional week and
13 Dexterity check using thieves’
5,000gp. The secrets of this trap are
tools removes the bell silently from
contained in a copy of Bandaloo’s
the door or curtain once it has
Codex which would fetch a hefty price
been found. The trap can be reset
to the right buyer (4,000gp).
by putting the bell back on the
door or curtain.
Gelatinous cubes are wonderful things. Not Variant Effect. When the bell
only do they make great guardians in a dungeon rings, a wave of psychic energy
complex, they clean up after themselves and strikes all living creatures within 10
require very little maintenance. I use one in my feet of the bell. A creature in the area
own home. Her name is Verax. Couldn’t say why. must make a DC 15 Constitution

saving throw. On a failure, a creature are so attracted by the jam they go mad;
takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage, is they have advantage on attack rolls they
stunned, and its turn ends. At the make against creatures covered in jam.
start of each of its turns, the creature In addition, they have disadvantage on
takes an additional 22 (4d10) psychic saving throws they make, and attacks
damage. The creature can repeat the against them have advantage.
saving throw at the end of each of Deadly Variation. Honey sprays
its turns, ending the effect on itself out, and 1 brown bear per character
on a success, but each time after the materializes. The bears are so attracted
first the save DC increases by 2 as the by the honey they go mad; they have
cacophony in its head increases. If a advantage on attack rolls they make
creature is reduced to 0 hit points or against creatures covered in honey. In
less, its head explodes and it dies. addition, they have disadvantage on
Variant Countermeasures. saving throws they make, and attacks
A creature that receives a lesser against them have advantage.
restoration spell automatically Countermeasures. A successful DC
succeeds on its Constitution 16 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
saving throw. small holes in the walls from which a
sweet smell emanates. Stuffing the holes
Buzz Off! with cloth or wax blocks the nozzles.
Simple mechanical trap (levels 1-4, dangerous
Spells capable of sensing magic, such as
threat) detect magic, reveal the chest radiates
Everyone knows an unattended strong conjuration magic. A dispel magic
treasure chest in an empty room is spell destroys the trap on the chest.
totally irresistable to D&D players. A successful DC 16 Dexterity check
They either charge right in (if with thieves tools unlocks the door. A
they’re new) or they spend hours successful DC 18 Strength check forces
trying to find the fiendish trap (if the door to open.
they’re veterans). Here’s a variation
on the tempting-chest-in-an- Catastrophe
empty-room trap. Simple trap (level 1-4, deadly threat)
Trigger. A creature opens the chest. This deadly trap was first encountered
Effect. The door slams shut and in the lair of Axium the Unbalanced, a
locks. Nozzles spray the room wizard whose already tenuous grip on
(and everyone in it) with sweet, sanity was permanently severed when she
sweet strawberry jam. A moment embraced lichdom.
later, 1 giant wasp per character In an otherwise small room (which is
materializes in the room. The wasps nevertheless just large enough for all

members of the party
to fit), on the wall
opposite the door is a
wooden plaque on which
is mounted the nether
half of a common house
cat, including the tail.
Affixed to the plaque is a
small brass label on which
is scribed “Aren’t puns
Trigger. This trap
is activated when a
creature steps close
enough to the cat-ass- flames fired from the cat’s anus must
trophy to read the succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
brass label. When throw, taking 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
it does so, the intruder steps on a damage on a failed save, or half as
hidden pressure plate, releasing a much damage on a successful one.
magical gout of flame from the cat’s Once the trap is triggered, the floor
taxidermied anus. of the room is filled with rubble and
Effect. The trap activates when becomes difficult terrain.
more than 20 pounds of weight is Countermeasures. The DC is 15
placed on the pressure plate, causing to spot the pressure plate, as well as
the statue to release a 30-foot faint scorch marks on the floor and
cone of fire. Each creature in the walls. A spell or other effect that
fire must make a DC 13 Dexterity can sense the presence of magic,
saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) fire such as detect magic, reveals an
damage on a failed save, or half as aura of evocation magic around the
much damage on a successful one. cat-ass-trophy.
A creature which is reduced to 0 hit Wedging an iron spike or another
points by the flames immediately object under the pressure plate
dies, its body reduced to ash. prevents the trap from activating. A
A few seconds after the flames die successful dispel magic (DC 13) cast
down, long enough for the heroes go on the cat’s ass destroys the trap.
finish shouting in pain, the ceiling
falls in. A creature which didn’t
immediately flee the room when the

Cheap Shitty Traps Countermeasures. The DC to
spot the tripwire and sapling is
Like Kobolds Use 10. A successful DC 15 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools breaks
Or goblins, or ewoks, or any other
the tripwire harmlessly. A character
group of people with only a tenuous
without thieves’ tools can attempt
grasp or mastery of technology—or
this check with disadvantage using
who have to make do with what
any edged weapon or edged tool. On a
they’ve got, like guerrilla fighters
failed check, the trap triggers.
in the Underdark. These can be
sprinkled anywhere they make sense.
Foot Stuck In A Hole
Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
Kobold Manticore This is nothing more than a small
Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
pit, about 2 feet deep and 1 foot
This trap uses a tripwire to release
across, which has been concealed
a sapling which has been bent
by foliage. In the bottom of the pit
and twisted into a living spring.
are sharpened wooden stakes that
Sharpened sticks have been lashed to
skewer the foot of the fool who fails
the sapling. The tripwire is 3 inches
to spot it.
off the ground and stretches between
Trigger. When a creature steps on
two trees, across the path. The sapling
the cover, their foot breaks through.
is hidden by foliage.
Effect. The trap makes an attack
Trigger. A creature that steps on
against the triggering creature. The
the tripwire triggers the trap.
attack has a +8 attack bonus and
Effect. The trap makes an attack
deals 5 (1d10) piercing damage on a
against the triggering creature. The
hit. This attack can’t gain advantage
attack has a +8 attack bonus and
or disadvantage. A creature hit by
deals 11 (2d10) piercing damage on a
the trap has its speed reduced to 0. It
hit. This attack can’t gain advantage
can’t move until it breaks free of the
or disadvantage.
trap, which requires a successful DC
15 Strength check by the creature or
another creature adjacent to the trap.
Countermeasures. A successful
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
discerns an absence of foot traffic
over the section of ground that forms
the pit’s cover. A successful DC 15
Intelligence (Investigation) check is
necessary to confirm that the trapped

section of groundis actually the can attempt this check with disadvantage
cover of a pit. using any edged weapon or edged tool. On
Refinement. Truly vindictive a failed check, the trap triggers.
kobolds will install stakes in the
sidewalls of the pit. These stakes are Bucket of Wriggly Death
angled down. When a Medium or Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly threat)

larger creature triggers the trap, these Precariously balanced on top of a slightly-
stakes close around the creature’s ajar door is a bucket. Yeah, just like the old
leg. Breaking free of the barbs deals “bucket o’ paint” gag from the movies. The
5 (2d4) slashing damage to the difference is this bucket is full of a swarm
trapped creature. of poisonous snakes.
Trigger. A Small or larger creature
Spring-Loaded Fire touches the door, triggering the trap.
Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat) Effect. When triggered, the bucket
This trap uses a tripwire to release falls, dumping deadly snakes over the
two vials of alchemist’s fire. The creature that touched the door. The snakes
tripwire is 3 inches off the ground immediately attack.
and stretches between two trees, Countermeasures. The DC to spot
across the path. The vials are the bucket is 15. A Medium or larger
concealed in small, spring-loaded character can simply reach up and tip the
containers hidden by foliage. bucket onto the far side of the door, but
Trigger. A creature that steps on this releases the swarm into the room. A
the tripwire triggers the trap. Small creature can use a pole or tool to
Effect. When triggered, the springs do the same. A Medium or larger creature
launch the vials into the air, where can attempt to reach up and remove
they explode, showering a 10-foot- the bucket keeping the snakes within. A
radius area with sticky goo which is creature making the attempt succeeds on
also on fire. The triggering creature a successful DC 12 Dexterity check.
and other creatures in the area must
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. Chest Go Boom
On a failure, a creature takes 5 (2d4) Simple mechanical and magical trap (levels 1-10,
fire damage at the start of each of dangerous to deadly threat)
its turns. A creature can end this This chest looks perfectly normal and
damage by using its action to make a mundane, made of wood dark with age,
DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish bound in black iron, securely closed with
the flames. locks. One of the locks has a very real
Countermeasures. The DC to spot poison needle trap, which will indeed
the trip wire is 10. A successful DC kill the unwary or unlucky. But the real
15 Dexterity check using thieves’ killer is the combustible poison gas in the
tools breaks the tripwire harmlessly. second trap, the one that’s much more
A character without thieves’ tools difficult to detect—if the overconfident
Trigger. If the chest is opened
without the magical trap
being disabled, it bursts in a
thunderous explosion.
Effect. When the trap triggers, a
cloud of gas fills the space within
15 feet of the chest. The cloud
spreads around corners. A
creature in the cloud must make
a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw, taking 22 (4d10) poison
damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful
one. 1 round later, a metal spring
Chest Go Boom
unwinds, striking a flint against steel,
rogue even thinks to look for it after igniting the gas in a blast of fire. Each
finding the needle. creature in the cloud must make a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Poison Needle 11 (2d10) fire damage and 11 (2d10)
Trigger. When the trap is triggered, thunder damage on a failed save, or
the needle extends 3 inches straight out half as much damage on a successful
from the lock. one. In addition, unsecured objects
Effect. A creature within range takes that are completely within the area
1 piercing damage and 22 (4d10) poison of effect are automatically pushed
damage, and must succeed on a DC 15 10 feet away from the chest by the
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned explosion, which emits a thunderous
for 1 hour. boom audible out to 300 feet.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Countermeasures. A successful
Intelligence (Investigation) check allows DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
a character to deduce the trap’s presence check deduces the presence of the
from alterations made to the lock to trap through the design of the lock
accommodate the needle. A successful DC and arcane sigils on the surface of
15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools the chest. A spell or other effect that
disarms the trap, removing the needle can sense the presence of magic,
from the lock. Unsuccessfully attempting such as detect magic, reveals an aura
to pick the lock triggers the trap. of evocation magic in the chest.
A successful dispel magic (DC 13)
Burny Poison cast on the chest destroys the trap,
while the trigger can be disabled

with a DC 15 Dexterity check using and similar spells of 3rd level or higher
thieves’ tools. also renders the trap inert. If the fountain
is destroyed or the magic is dispelled,
Coin In The Fountain the water putrifies. Creatures who have
Simple trap (level 1- 4, dangerous threat)
already taken a drink from the fountain
A creature finds an ornately carved are poisoned until they complete a short
wall fountain of a lion’s head. Its jaws rest. If the gold coin is returned, the
are open and its mouth is filled with fountain becomes dormant again.
fresh, clean water—and a tempting
gold coin. The water flows like slobber Coin in the Fountain
through the lion’s teeth, over its lips,
and trickles into a small basin shaped
like a food dish on the floor below.
Trigger. A creature attempts to
take the coin.
Effect. When a creature attempts
to take the coin, the lion’s jaws
animate and clamp shut. The
triggering creature must make a DC
17 Dexterity saving throw, taking
11 (2d10) piercing damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. In addition, the
lion’s bust is magically animated
and attacks any adjacent creature
with its powerful jaws. Each attack
has a +8 attack bonus and deals 11
(2d10) piercing damage on a hit.
This attack cannot gain advantage
or disadvantage. The lion has a
movement of zero and can attack
twice per turn on initiative count 20.
It is AC 17 with 18 hit points.
Countermeasures. A successful DC
17 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals
the transmutation dweomer that
animates the trap and purifies the
water. If the fountain is destroyed,
the magic dissipates and the fountain
becomes inert. Casting dispel magic
Dancing Blades the trap and that casting dispel magic
will render the trap permanently
Simple trap (level 5- 10, dangerous threat)
disabled. Spells of a similar nature
Hazim Al-Siddiq was a great wizard
that are 3rd level or higher will also
known for his dazzling evocations and
disable the trap. Once the trap’s
conjurations. He is also known to have
magic is dispelled, the swords fall
employed this devious magical trap in his
gently to the ground. The swords are
palace. From a distance, there appears
finely made non-magical scimitars.
to be a finely made scimitar(s) on the
Creatures can choose to attack and
5-foot space the trap occupies. A closer
damage the sword(s), which have
inspection could lead to a would-be thief
AC 19 and have 10 hit points each.
being sliced to ribbons.
Destroying the sword(s) renders the
Trigger. A creature that enters any
trap inert.
space within 5 feet of the trapped space
triggers the trap.
Initiative. The trap activates on Doors, The
initiative count 20. Simple mechanical trap (all levels, deadly threat)

Effect. When the trap is triggered, This one is so simple they’ll never
the creature(s) triggering it must roll see it coming. The trap consists of
initiative. Creatures who act before the a set of bronze doors. Each door
trap may move away from the trap and 15 feet wide and 30 feet tall. Make
avoid the slashing blades before they them shiny bright as though new, or
strike. On the traps initiative, the trap crusted with verdigris. In any case,
makes two attacks with each scimitar it’s embossed with bas relief depicting
(maximum of 4) against any creature gruesome scenes of slaughter and
within 5-feet of the trapped space. Each mayhem: People being devoured by
attack has a +8 bonus and deals 9 (2d6+2) dragons, dismembered by demons,
slashing damage on a hit. This attack eviscerated by get
cannot gain advantage or disadvantage. the idea. Cartouches in the doors
Due to the chaotic nature of the swirling bear inscriptions which say “Do
blades, this attack cannot score a not touch!” in Common, Elvish,
critical hit. Dwarvish, Celestial, Infernal, and
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Draconic. The doors are ever so
Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals slightly ajar.
the trap. It seems odd to the character
who succeeds on this check that such The Wall Came Tumblin’ Down
A variation on this is a tall, wide stone wall
a finely made weapon would simply be around a regular old dungeon door. Experienced
discarded in such an overt location. Once players will, if they can, have their characters
stand off to one side in case a white-hot jet of
the trap is triggered, a successful DC 15 flame fires out of the door or something when it’s
Intelligence (Arcana) check allows the opened. The door is unlocked and isn’t stuck. But
creature to recall the magical nature of when someone opens it, the wall itself topples
onto the characters. The only one who escapes
unscathed is the one holding the doorknob.
The doors are also delicately Countermeasures. A successful DC
balanced. When a creature touches 22 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
them, they’re designed to fall (Investigation) notices the doors are
outwards, onto whoever fails to heed delicately balanced. There is no way to
the warning. And seeing as they physically alter the balance, because that
weigh about 40 tons each, that’s not means you have to touch the door. The
going to end well. only way past is by being ethereal or in
Trigger. A creature gaseous form or a Tiny creature or by
touches the doors. some means that doesn’t touch the doors.
Effect. The multi-ton doors fall Like, at all.
over, smashing the feckless idiots
to paste. The players roll all the Faux Pas
dice they own and total the result. Simple trap (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
Yes, all of them. All of them, which This trap is yet another take on a small
makes one huge number. That’s outdoors pit trap. A hole is dug in about
how much bludgeoning damage an 18-inch diameter circle about 1-foot
the doors deal when they fall on a deep. Sharpened sticks are driven into
creature. Creatures can make a DC 20 the ground around the rim at a downward
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, angle. The trap is covered with leaves and
the creature takes half damage. As if otherwise hidden. When someone steps
that’s going to help. in it, their foot is pinned in place by the

Faux Pas

stakes. Something akin to caltrops is damage as the stakes gouge their
usually placed in the bottom of the pit to feet. Taking this additional damage
encourage the victim’s reflexive reaction reduces the creature’s walking speed
to just yank out their foot, causing even by 10 feet until the creature regains
more damage. at least 1 hit point, or the wound
Trigger. A creature that steps on the is treated with a successful DC 17
affected space triggers the trap. Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Effect. This simple pit trap is placed in Countermeasures. A successful DC
a 5-foot space and is triggered when a 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
character enters the space. The creature the trap. The trap can be avoided or
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving disabled by using an action to remove
throw. On a successful save, the creature the stakes from the rim of the hole.
catches itself before their foot is caught The trap can be reset by driving the
and instinctively steps back. On a failed stakes through the rim of the trap.
save, the creature steps fully into the pit
and takes 3 (1d6) slashing damage from Flash & Thunder
the stakes and 3 (1d6) piercing damage Simple trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
from the caltrops (if any). The affected These simple magical traps were
creature must then make a DC 15 Wisdom created by scribing runes on prepared
(Survival) ability check. On a success, the surfaces. Magic-using creatures
creature realizes that in order to prevent sometimes leave these traps where
further injury, they must remove the the affected tomb robbers can be
stakes pinning their foot in place. Doing collected by minions for questioning.
so is an action that does provoke an attack Trigger. A creature that moves
of opportunity and disables the trap. within 10 feet of the trap triggers it.
Creatures that fail this check Effect. When it goes off, the rune
immediately pull their foot out of the hole releases a pulse of blinding light and
and take an additional 7 (2d6) piercing disorientating magical energy. Each
Flash & Thunder creature within 20 feet of the rune
must make a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw. On a success, the
creature is blinded and incapacitated
for 1 minute. A creature that succeeds
by 5 or more isn’t affected at all. On
a failure, a creature is blinded and
incapacitated for 1 hour. A creature
that fails by 5 or more is blinded and
stunned for 2d6 hours.
Countermeasures. A successful DC
10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
Flash & Thunder
the rune. A spell or other effect that
can sense the presence of magic, such
as detect magic, reveals an aura of Effect. When a creature pulls the lever,
evocation magic around the rune. every character in the room is smashed
Defacing the rune disables it, but as against the walls and ceiling by the
the rune is carved into a hard surface catapulting floor and must make a DC 20
(rock or wood), physically defacing it Dexterity saving throw, taking 99 (18d10)
is a difficult task. bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or
A successful dispel magic (DC 13) half as much damage on a successful one.
cast on the rune destroys it. Countermeasures. A successful DC
20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
Floor Winch reveals the trap as the character can find
Simple trap (level 11- 16, deadly threat) no discernable function for the lever and
This trap is set in a 10-foot by 10- deduces that it is probably a bad idea to
foot square room. A lever is on one of pull it. Incorporeal creatures or creatures
the walls; when a creature pulls the under the effect of a gaseous form or
lever, they release the spring-loaded similar spell or effect are not subject
winch and the floor spins violently on to this trap.
a steel axis, flinging everyone in the
room against the ceiling and wall.
Trigger. A creature that pulls the
lever triggers the trap.

Floor Winch

Gibbering Head
Simple trap (level 1-4, moderate threat)
A severed head lies upon the cold floor.
As you approach, its eyes shoot open and
it begins to spew a cacophony of curses,
blasphemies, and hate. Your darkest fears
and sins flash before your eyes.
A necromancer’s failed attempt to create
a flameskull, this cursed, disembodied
head is often left immobile, waiting to
probe the minds of any sentient creatures
who wander near. When a creature
approaches, it attempts to probe the
creature’s memories for fears or past dark Gibbering Head
deeds, twisting them into a horrifying
psychic assault that often ends in the
target being enslaved. creatures turns while it can hear the
Trigger. A creature that can hear gibbering head, the head continues to
enters the gibbering head’s line of sight shout at the creature, continuing the
triggers this trap. effect of the trap.
Effect. The triggering creature must Countermeasures. A creature with
make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 15
On a failure, the creature takes 5 (1d10) or higher is able to hear faint chaotic
psychic damage and has disadvantage whispers before entering the chamber
on its next attack roll. On a success, the where the gibbering head lies.
creature takes half as much damage and Hear no Evil. A creature that can
doesn’t have disadvantage on its next hear who succeeds a DC 10 Wisdom
roll. If the creature fails the save by more (Religion) or Intelligence (Arcana)
than 5, the creature is also cursed with check reveals the source of the effect.
magical deformities. While deformed, the Creatures can avoid being affected
creature has its speed reduced by half and by covering their ears. Alternately,
has disadvantage on ability checks, saving casting the silence spell or similar
throws, and attack rolls based on Strength effect renders the gibbering head
or Dexterity. ineffective.
A creature that can’t hear the gibbering Attack. A creature can attack and
head is immune to this effect. The destroy a gibbering head with brute
transformed creature can repeat the force. The head has an AC 10, 10 hit
saving throw whenever it finishes a points, and the Undead Fortitude
long rest, ending the effect on itself on trait with a Constitution bonus of +2.
a success. At the start of each of the
I Believe I Can Fly Antimagic Field
Simple magical trap (level 5-10, deadly threat) Trigger. At the top of the shaft is a
By the time characters reach Tier 2, permanent antimagic field.
they’re familiar with spells and magic Effect. A creature using magic to
items that allow them to transcend travel up the shaft quite suddenly has a
the law of gravity, and likely have very bad day.
access to them. Potions of gaseous Countermeasures. Physically climb up
form, slippers of spider climbing, and around it.
spells like fly and levitate—a vertical In both cases, all you really need to
shaft is hardly an obstacle to them. do is trust in skill and physical abilities
Unless you get clever. rather than using magic to do the heavy
Some people like to put beholders lifting. The shaft’s walls are rough enough
into such places, but you don’t that a creature can physically climb it
really need that. They’re notoriously pretty easily—all it takes is a successful
unreliable. All you need is to make DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. If the
their only way forward a 10-foot lead climber takes the time to use ropes
by 10-foot, 100-foot-long vertical and pitons, climbers who follow the first
shaft and a clever person to cast make their Strength (Athletics) checks
some spells. Oh, and you need to be with advantage.
cleverer than the heroes who want to
kick in your door and take your stuff. Imitation is the Sincerest
Form of Slaughter
Glyph of Warding Simple trap (level 1-4, deadly threat)
Trigger. 50 feet up the shaft is a This isn’t so much a trap as an encounter,
spell glyph of warding. When a creature but it’s in here because everyone forgets
comes within 5 feet of it, it triggers. about mimics these days. Here’s an
Effect. The glyph casts dispel magic amped-up mimic you can use to catch
on the area within 20 feet of it, using the heroes with their chain-mail trousers
a 7th-level spell slot. down. But if they win through, they get
Countermeasures. When a some really shiny things. If they win.
creature comes within 10 feet of Remember, a single successful mimic
the glyph, it spots the magical rune encounter creates an unnatural paranoia
on a successful DC 18 Wisdom among the players, lasting for the rest
(Perception) check. The rune can of the session if not their entire gaming
be destroyed with a successful careers. You owe it to them to make sure
dispel magic. they live the trope.

Add a rectangular room to your heroes let it depart alive, it gives the
dungeon, entered by one door. Read or weapons to the party.
paraphrase the following: Treasure. The weapons consist of
The door opens into the narrow wall of a 50-foot a +1 halberd and a longsword which
by 20-foot room. On the end away from you is enchanted never to rust (consider
there are three archery targets, made of rotting
straw, wood, and leather straps. Next to the door
it a magic weapon for the purposes
is a barrel half full of rotten arrows, and lying on of overcoming resistance to damage
the floor next to it is a warped longbow. Halfway from nonmagical weapons).
down the room on the left-hand wall, pegs
driven into the stonework hold rusty, decrepit
longswords, spears, and battleaxes. On the right-
hand wall is a weapons rack. Interestingly, though
It’s Log, It’s Log, It’s
the other items in this room are clearly old and
neglected, the weapons remaining on the rack—a
Big, It’s Heavy, It’s
longsword and a halberd—are shiny and well
maintained. Wood
Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
The weapons rack is 6 feet tall, 10 This is a simple trap that uses a great
feet wide, and 2 feet deep. It contains big log to crush the creature who
the mouldering remains of 3 spears, triggers it into paste.
2 greataxes, and the shiny weapons. A large log—I mean big, like 3
Spells such as detect magic reveal feet in diameter by 10 feet long—is
the shiny weapons to be magical. The suspended from the ceiling on ropes.
archery targets show signs of use but are A rope is attached to the far end
otherwise unremarkable. (the end away from the door) and
Trigger. A living creature comes within run through greased metal rings to
5 feet of the “weapons rack.” the knob on the inside of the door.
Effect. The “weapons rack”, which Closing the door pulls the log back.
is really a powerful elder mimic (see Opening the door releases the log.
Appendix), springs to life and attacks. Opening the door really quickly,
Countermeasures. A DC 22 Wisdom like characters do when they make
(Perception) check notices a slight twitch a Strength check to force open a
of the mimic’s eyelid. A creature must be door in a dungeon, lets the log fly
within 10 feet of the mimic to notice the toward the idiot tough guy with
twitch, and such a creature isn’t surprised enough newtons to turn him into a
the first round of combat. Fig Newton.
Tactics. The elder mimic attacks with Trigger. A creature that opens the
its longsword and halberd. If it is reduced door triggers the trap.
to less than half its hit point maximum, Effect. The trap makes an attack
it surrenders. Remember, it’s intelligent against the triggering creature.
and can speak rudimentary Common. It The attack has a +8 attack bonus
bargains with its magic weapons; if the and deals 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
damage on a hit. This attack can’t
gain advantage or disadvantage. A Opening the door slowly and carefully
creature hit by the trap must make a lets the log come to rest without danger.
DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a In order to do so, the creature that opens
failure, the creature is thrown 20 feet the door must make a successful DC 15
away from the door and lands prone. Strength check. Failure means the trap
If a wall or some other solid surface triggers as above. Failure by more than
is closer than 20 feet from the door, 5 indicates that the creature is flung
the creature takes an additional 1d6 into the log, taking damage as above
bludgeoning damage for every 10 and automatically failing the Strength
feet it flies. On a success, the creature saving throw.
falls prone.
Countermeasures. A successful Kelvin’s Ice Tomb
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) Simple trap (level 5-10, deadly threat)
check reveals that the door isn’t stuck A popular choice of trap built by the
or locked; it’s under a considerable goblins who infest ice-riddled mountains,
amount of tension and the only thing this trap is best placed near ledges where
holding it in place is the latch. A creatures want to descend. The goblins use
failed check shows the door is stuck. buckets of water to build up a slide that
(You know what’ll happen next! One looks stable, but is deceptively thin.
of the characters will want to do a The outside edges of the slide is
Strength check to force it open. That’s thicker, which is how the goblins descend
when you clap your hands in delight.) using the slide.

Trigger. A creature that weighs more
than 50 lbs uses the slide without
Lightning Obelisk
Complex trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
specifying they’re using the outside edge.
The obelisk stands 20 feet tall and 5
Effect. Falling creatures must make a
feet per side. Blue and white lightning
Dexterity saving throw (DC 15), taking
crackles and leaps along its length.
4d10 piercing damage from ice covered
The tower is covered in intricate
stalagmites below, or half as much
carvings that praise some sort of
on a success.
primal force or deity. Small piles of
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
black dust fill the area within 20
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
feet of the obelisk, and the smell of
trap, as well as the safer outside edges.
charred meat touches your nose.
A lightning obelisk is often put in
place by members of the Howling
Hatred, a group of cultists who
worship Yan-C-Bin, the evil Prince
of Elemental Air. Frequently placed
at the entrance of a less-guarded lair
to prevent unwanted monsters and
wandering adventurers from easily
entering, the obelisks are designed
to slay weaker foes and slow stronger
enemies until reinforcements arrive.
Perception. A creature can see
charred burns all over the area’s floor,
walls, and ceiling with a successful DC
12 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A creature who searches the obelisk
can spot cleverly hidden keyhole
at its base with a successful DC 17
Intelligence (Investigation) check. If
the creature adjacent to the obelisk
has advantage on the check. There is a
total of two key holes.
Trigger. The trap activates as soon
as a creature starts or ends its turn
within 20 feet of the obelisk.
Initiative. The trap acts
on initiative count 20 and
initiative count 10.

Effect. Each creature in a 30-foot- to modify the magical current within
radius sphere centered on the obelisk the obelisk to disrupt its connection to
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving the Weave. The creature must make 3
throw, taking 11 (2d10) lightning successes before it suffers 2 failures.
damage on a failed save, or half as On a success, they alter the trap’s effect
much damage on a successful one. A from an area effect to a line effect. When
creature who fails by 5 or more must the trap is triggered the effect is a 100
make a DC 15 Constitution saving foot by 5 foot line.
throw. On a failure, the creature is On a failure, the lightning energy
paralyzed for 1 minute. surges through the caster and they lose
Active Event. This trap punishes two Hit Dice. If the character has no
those who attempt to disable it Hit Dice remaining they suffer a level
without using the proper process. of Exhaustion.
Key lock. If a single key is
inserted or both keys aren’t turned Maddening Mural
simultaneously, the trap’s area Complex Trap (level 5-10, deadly threat)
increases by 10 feet with each The mural carved onto the ceiling appears
attempt, up to a maximum of 50 feet. like a normal forest vista at first glance,
In addition, the damage increases by but the more you look at it, the more
5(1d10) with every 10 feet the area strange the details become. The fanged
increases. mouths, hidden eyes, shadowy claws, and
Dynamic Elements. The more a the general scene begins to twist and turn
creature is exposed the more deadly into horrifying monstrosities that feel as
the trap becomes. if they are reaching out and trying to claw
Shocking Experience. Each time at your sanity.
a creature suffers the effects of the The odd mural has been imbued with evil
trap, it loses one of its Hit Dice. magic designed to twist and assault the
Countermeasures. sanity of those who look upon it closely.
Key to success. The trap is designed These can often be found in a temple of
to be disabled by a set of two keys Lolth in the Underdark or a similar place
turned in the hidden keyholes where dark deities are worshiped.
simultaneously. The keys are carried Trigger. The maddening effect only
by a few members of the Howling affects those who view it from within 30
Hatred. Those who carry a key are feet away; farther away and the mural
immune to the effects of the obelisk appears normal.
while they hold them. Effect. A creature within 30 feet of the
Altering the Spell. A creature mural that can see it must make on a DC
with proficiency in the Arcana skill 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the
can engage in a DC 15 Intelligence creature takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage
(Arcana) skill challenge and attempt and must make a roll on the Short-Term

Maddening Mural

Madness table (see the Dungeon Master’s enchanted power source is reduced.
Guide). If the save is failed by 5 or more, the Each removed stone weakens the
creature rolls on the Long-Term Madness trap’s damage by 1d10. When 4
table instead. stones are removed, the trap is
Countermeasures. A successful DC 18 destroyed. On a failure, the trap
Arcana (Intelligence) check reveals the triggers, whether or not the creature
mural for what it is—a trap that induces making the Dexterity check is looking
madness—and the character knows that at the mural.
closing their eyes will negate its effect. The magical mural, which counts
Once the trap is triggered, a creature a 6th level spell, can be destroyed
outside its area which investigates the with two successful castings of dispel
mural makes a discovery on a successful magic. The first success weakens the
DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) or mural’s damage by 1d10 and lowers
(Arcana) check: That creature identifies the save DC by 5. The second success
small gems embedded in the mural as the disables the trap.
source of its magic.
A creature adjacent to the mural
removes a gem with a successful DC 16
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
When they do, they also notice the murals

Mummy Dust Trap another suitable irritant in powder form,
the trap can be reset with a successful DC
Simple trap (level 5- 10, dangerous threat)
17 Dexterity check. A failed check results
This trap is set within a treasure
in the trap being triggered and nothing
chest. When a creature opens the
happens. Creatures who fail this check by
chest, a counterweight squeezes a
5 or more spring this trap on themselves,
make-shift bellows and sprays a puff
becoming subject to the effect of the
of blackish, vile-smelling powder at
material they used when they attempted
the creature and those located close
to reset the trap.
to the area.
Trigger. A creature that opens the
chest triggers the trap. Pit and the Portcullis, The
Effect. Within the chest is a make- Complex mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly threat)

shift bellows filled with mummy Adding a gelatinous cube encounter to

dust. When the trap is triggered, any a dungeon is a classic trope. Putting
creature within a 10-foot cone must one into a pit trap is a trope within a
make a DC 12 Constitution saving trope. Using them in conjunction with
throw. On a failed save, the creature other traps is just pure evil. Try this one
takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and is on for size.
cursed with mummy rot. Creatures You can place this anywhere a corridor
that succeed on this saving throw ends in a “T”, where passages lead off at
take half damage and are not cursed. right angles to the corridor the characters
Creatures cursed with mummy rot are currently in. To one side, an iron
cannot regain hit points and its hit portcullis is cunningly hidden in the
point maximum decreases by 10 ceiling. To the other, 15 feet down the
(3d6) for every 24 hours that elapse. passage is a hidden pit trap.
If the curse reduces the creatures hit
point maximum to 0, the creature Portcullis
dies, and its body turns to dust. The Trigger. A creature passes under
curse lasts until removed with the the portcullis.
remove curse spell or other magic. Effect. The portcullis slams down with a
Countermeasures. A successful loud clang.
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check A gelationous cube lurks 10 feet
reveals the trap as the creature begins beyond the portcullis. When the portcullis
to open the lid. A successful DC 15 triggers, the cube slurps toward the
Dexterity check with thieves tools intersection, eagerly seeking its next meal.
disables the device by removing Countermeasures. A successful DC 18
the counterweight from the lid of Wisdom (Perception) check spots the slot
the chest. Once triggered, the trap through which the portcullis drops, as well
must be reset to function again. as the rusty iron spikes on the bottom of
If a character has mummy dust or it. A lever 20 feet beyond the portcullis
(10 feet beyond the gelatinous cube), away trapped section of floor is actually
from the intersection, raises the portcullis the cover of a pit. Once the pit trap
and immobilzes it for 1 minute. Once the is detected, an iron spike or similar
portcullis is detected, an iron spike or object can be wedged between the
similar object can be jammed into the slot, pit’s cover and the surrounding floor
preventing the portcullis from falling. It in such a way as to prevent the cover
can also be magically held shut using the from opening, thereby making it
arcane lock spell or similar magic. safe to cross. The cover can also be
A creature directly under the portcullis magically held shut using the arcane
when the trap triggers must make a DC lock spell or similar magic.
18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure,
the creature takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning Red Phosphorous Ar-
damage, and is prone and restrained by
the portcullis. On a success, the creature row Trap
adroitly avoids the portcullis and can Simple trap (level 5- 10, dangerous threat)
decide on which side they want to leap. This variation on the common
A creature restrained by the portcullis crossbow trap has a nasty surprise:
is freed on a successful DC 20 Strength the arrowheads on the crossbow bolts
check. The portcullis can be raised with a are made from a red phosphorus,
successful DC 20 Strength check. While resembling match heads. When
it’s being held open, the portcullis’s space the trap fires the bolt, the friction
is difficult terrain. from the bolt traveling along the
bolt rail ignites the tip. These bolts
Hidden Pit Trap lodge easily in flesh and cause severe
This pit has a cover constructed from burns if not snuffed quickly. They are
material identical to the floor around it. usually triggered by a tripwire.
Trigger. When a creature steps on the Trigger. A creature walks through a
cover, it swings open like a trapdoor. tripwire’s area.
Effect. The intruder falls 30 feet into the Effect. When the trap is triggered,
pit below, taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning it makes two ranged attacks against
damage from the fall. In addition, if the the triggering creature. Each attack
gelatinous cube can do so, it follows a has a +8 attack bonus and can’t gain
creature into the pit, automatically hitting advantage or disadvantage. On a hit,
with its Engulf attack. the target creature takes 5 (1d10)
Countermeasures. A successful DC piercing damage and 5 (1d10) fire
15 Wisdom (Perception) check discerns damage. Taking this damage reduces
an absence of foot traffic over the the creature’s walking speed by 10
section of floor that forms the pit’s feet until the creature regains at least
cover. A successful DC 15 Intelligence 1 hit point or the wound is treated
(Investigation) check confirms that the with a successful DC 17 Wisdom

(Medicine) check. Until the flames If the saving throw is failed by 5 or
are extinguished, at the start of each more, roll on the Slicing Wheel Table.
of its turns the creature takes an Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
additional 5 (1d10) fire damage. A Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
creature, including the target, can use stealthily hidden blades running along
its action to extinguish the flames. the top of the wheel handle, but only
Countermeasures. A successful if the creature checks the wheel handle
DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check specifically for traps (checking the door
reveals the trap. A successful DC 12 won’t do). A successful DC 15 Dexterity
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools check with thieves tools disables the trap,
disables this trap by snipping the as does pressing a hidden stud hidden in
tripwire. This trap can be reset with a the wall next to the door.
DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. Slicing Wheel Table
1d10 Result
Slicing Wheel Handle, The 1-4 the victim loses 1d3 fingers chosen
Simple Trap (level 5-10, dangerous threat) randomly from both hands
Woe betide the gormless sap who just 5-8 the victim loses 2d4 fingers chosen
starts spinning the wheel without randomly from both hands
checking it carefully. This revolving 9 victim loses the hand between the
door handle has razor-sharp blades thumb and forefinger (half the palm
tucked into it. Hopefully you ‘finger’ and 4 fingers) randomly from either
left or right hand
it out before you leave your prints all
10 victim loses both hands between the
over the place. thumb and forefinger (half the palms
Trigger. Anyone grasping the and 8 fingers) from both hands
handle with one or both hands and
turning the wheel. Slicing Wheel Handle
Effect. The triggering creature
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature
takes 22 (4d10) slashing damage
as the hidden blades slice out from
the interior of the handle, directly
attacking the fingers or palms of the
victim. If the victim takes 10% or
more of their maximum hit points in
damage from the trap, one (1-50 on
a d100) or both hands (51-100 on a
d100) are rendered useless until the
damage is healed.

Sound & Fury Effect. Triggering the trap causes
the portcullis to slam closed. A
Complex trap (level 5-10, dangerous threat)
creature standing under the portcullis
Sound and Fury is a clever ruse to lure
when the trap is triggered must make
adventurers to their spectacular doom.
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On
A portcullis guards the entrance to a
a failure, the creature takes 7 (2d6)
5-foot wide, 40-foot long hall leading to
piercing damage, becomes prone,
a chamber beyond. The wheel that raises
and is restrained. On a success, the
the portcullis is just to the left of it and
creature takes no damage, and lands
is locked. This is surely the entrance to
in an unoccupied space adjacent to
the treasure chamber the characters have
the portcullis. The creature chooses
been seeking. Defeating the lock requires a
the inside or outside. Raising the gate
DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools
to free a pinned creature requires a
to open or a DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
check to smash.
check. The pinned creature makes
Trigger. This trap activates when any
such checks with disadvantage.
creature steps on the floor of the last 20
Initiative. The trap acts on
feet of the hallway. That entire section
initiative count 10.
of the floor is a series of pressure plates.
Active Element. Sound and Fury
The trigger can be detected with a DC 20
is an oil-based trap with one active
Wisdom (Perception) check.
element. Two different oils pour
from opposite walls when the trap
is triggered, when they meet a
Sound & Fury chemically induced explosion occurs.

Explosion (Initiative 10). On the The explosion could be thwarted by
trap’s first turn, an explosion rips plugged the holes from which the oil
through the hall. Creatures in the pours or magically transmuting the oil
hall take 21 (6d6) thunder damage into an inert substance.
and make a DC 15 Strength saving The portcullis could be jammed open by
throw. On a failed save, they are inserting an object under the gate.
knocked prone.
Dynamic Elements. The dynamic Notes.
element of the trap is fire. • The purpose of “Sound and Fury” is to
Fire. On round two and each alert the defenders to the presence of
round thereafter, any creature intruders while trapping or potentially
within the burning area takes 7 killing them.
(2d6) fire damage. The fire grows • The treasure chamber at the end of the
each subsequent round, adding an hall could be the real deal. That’s up to
additional 7 (2d6) fire damage to the you.
previous round. • The recommended setup is a circular
Constant Elements. Fire is chamber with a chest or two in the
a constant element of the trap center and six to eight arrow slits
beginning on round 2. The fire around the perimeter.
exhausts its fuel supply in round 11. • Two rounds after the trap triggers
Fire. A creature that enters (round 3), the defenders start to
the trap’s area for the first time appear behind the arrow slits and
on a turn or starts its turn there fire crossbow bolts at anyone in the
takes fire damage equal to the room. The defenders have full cover
Dynamic Element. behind the arrow slit, so bump their AC
Countermeasures. The trap could appropriately. They can be whatever sort
be thwarted by disabling the pressure of creature fits thematically with your
plates. The pressure plates could dungeon.
be held open by supporting their • If the builders have abandoned the
corners. Each plate is two and a half dungeon, then perhaps no one appears,
feet by two and a half feet meaning but instead, there are wandering
each five-foot square has four plates. monsters attracted by the explosion
They fit together closely. Disabling waiting outside the portcullis when the
each plate requires a successful DC 20 party emerges.
Dexterity check with thieves tools to Scaling. Scaling Sound and Fury is as
lift the corner just enough to insert a easy as changing the damage output of the
coin or similar object underneath the explosion and fire and deciding whether
corners without activating the trap. to have defenders or wandering monsters
There are 16 plates in total. compound the character’s woes.

Spear Gauntlet Effect. Any creature in the area of
the spear gauntlet trap must succeed
Complex Trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
The sound of a click barely precedes the
taking 11 (2d10) piercing damage on
upward rush of spears thrusting out of
a failed save, or half as much damage
small dark holes in the ground. They
on a successful one.
pierce parts of your body with agonizing
Countermeasures. The cleverly
pain before retreating back into their dark
hidden spear holes embedded into
home as swiftly as they appeared.
the grooves of the floor are difficult
In this 30-foot stretch of hallway, bridge
to see as they are obscured by dust.
or other narrow passage, many of the
With a successful DC 15 Wisdom
cobblestones are pressure plates. The
(Perception) check, a character can
area is full of pitted dark holes that are
see slight indentations through the
difficult to spot. When a creature steps on
dust and grooves in the floor.
a pressure plate, or starts its turn there,
A character can deduce the location
the trap is triggered, causing spears to
of a pressure plate with a successful
thrust upward from all the holes that
DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
fill the floor.
check from the variations in the
Trigger. A creature weighing 20 pounds
mortar and stone used to create it
or more that steps on the plates will
compared to the surrounding floor.
trigger this trap.

Spear Gauntlet
A creature can spot a hidden control If the panel is destroyed, all spears are
panel at the end of the gauntlet triggered and stay in the upward position,
with successful DC 25 Wisdom leaving no room to pass through without
(Perception) check. If they are within hacking a way through.
5 feet of it, they have advantage
on the check. Splinter Spike
A creature can attempt to outrun Simple trap (level 1- 4, dangerous threat)
the gauntlet with a DC 25 Strength This trap launches spring-loaded spikes
(Athletics) check. On a success, a into unwary fools who step on the
creature who can move at least 90 pressure plate. As an added danger, the
feet in a single turn can run through spikes are brittle, breaking off in the
the gauntlet triggering the traps wound causing great pain and infection.
and not being caught within them. Trigger. A creature that steps on the
Failure on the Strength check or pressure plate triggers the trap.
not being able to move the entire Effect. When a creature steps on the
distance results in the creature being pressure plate, large spikes spring out of
caught in the spear trap, with their holes in the floor. Each spike is made of
speed becoming 0 until the end obsidian, a brittle type of volcanic glass
of the turn and taking 11 (2d10) that breaks off in the wound. When the
piercing damage. trap is triggered, it makes two attacks
A creature standing adjacent to a against the triggering creature. Each
trigger plate can attempt to disable attack has a +8 attack bonus and deals 5
it by wedging metal spikes under it. (1d10) piercing damage on a hit. These
A successful DC 15 Dexterity check attacks gain advantage if the triggering
using thieves’ tools disables the plate.
A failure triggers the plate. Splinter Spike
A creature adjacent to control panel
can shut down the entire trap with
a successful DC 20 Dexterity check
using the thieves’ tools. A failure
triggers the trap.
A creature can ready an action to
attack the spears when they appear.
A 5-foot area of spears has AC 14
and 5 hit points. A miss results
in the attacker taking 11 (2d10)
piercing damage.
A creature who attacks the control
panel can disable the trap. The control
panels AC is 16 and has 10 hit points.

creature is prone. A creature taking this
damage from obsidian spikes cannot
Sticky Floor
Simple trap (level 5- 10, deadly threat)
regain hit points until a successful DC
This trap is usually found in a room
15 Wisdom (Medicine) check is made
with wood floors, though any floor
to remove the shards of glass from the
that is comprised of a material that
creature’s wounds. Creatures using a
has seams or cracks will suffice. When
healer’s kit or have taken the Healer feat
a creature steps on the floor, the
make this check with advantage.
seemingly solid surface buckles under
Countermeasures. A successful DC 13
their weight and squeezes a quick-
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
drying goo up through the seams
small holes in the floor and the pressure
in the floor.
plate that triggers them. A successful DC
Trigger. A creature that weighs
15 Dexterity check with thieves tools
more than 50 pounds steps
disables the device.
on the floor.
This trap can be reset using any kind
Effect. The triggering creature
of spikes. A successful DC 12 Wisdom
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving
(Survival) check is needed to craft the
throw. On a success, the creature
spikes and a successful DC 15 Dexterity
avoids getting stuck in the goo. On
check is required to properly set the
a failure, the creature becomes stuck
springs beneath the floor. Failing either
in the goo, gaining the restrained
of these checks results in the trap not
condition. Creatures failing this save
functioning when later triggered.
by 5 or more fall prone as well.
A creature restrained by this effect
may use their action to make a DC 17
Sticky Floor Strength check to free themselves.
If a creature fails this saving throw
three consecutive times, it is subject
to the incapacitated condition. In
any case, the affected area becomes
difficult terrain.
Some variants of this trap use
adhesive that is mixed with acid
or poison, causing 11 (2d10) acid
or poison damage each turn the
creature begins their turn in an
affected space; succeeding on the
initial Dexterity
saving throw halves
the damage. This
option can be
Switch Cinch

quite deadly as restrained creatures

have disadvantage on Strength
Switch Cinch
Simple trap (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
checks to free themselves.
This trap presents as a fairly obvious
Countermeasures. A successful DC
“hidden” switch behind a loose stone or
20 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
panel in a wall. When a character reaches
the trap. The trap can’t be disabled.
in to flip the switch, all is fine until they
A creature that can fly, levitate, is
try to pull their arm out again.
incorporeal, or that is under the
Trigger. A creature reaches into the hole
effect of the gaseous form or similar
in the wall and pulls the lever.
spell is unaffected, as is a creature
Effect. A creature that reaches into
that weighs less than 50 pounds.
the hole in the wall and pulls the lever,
Creatures can otherwise avoid the
hears a slight metallic “ping”, resulting in
room entirely. A restrained creature
the tension spring around the telescopic
can use oil or a similar lubricant
bands within the wall breaking and the
to grant themselves advantage on
bands cinching closed. Their arm is not
Strength checks and Dexterity saving
crushed but proves to be held quite firm,
throws related to this trap. Using
as if caught in a Chinese finger-trap.
oil of slipperiness, universal solvent,
Pulling and forcing the creature’s limb
or casting a grease spell renders the
only seems to tighten its grip. Until the
affected area inert. A fine powder, like
creature’s arm is removed from the trap,
a one-pound bag of flour, poured in
the creature is restrained.
a 5-foot space hardens the adhesive
Countermeasures. A successful DC 10
to a brittle clay that breaks easily,
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
granting the creature advantage on
‘secret panel’ but a DC 15 Intelligence
Strength checks related to this trap.
(Investigation) check reveals its true by 3d4 barbed iron spears. While
purpose. The trap can be bypassed if the restrained, at the beginning of each
characters manipulate the switch without of the creature’s turns, it takes
reaching into the hole (using a mage hand Xd10 damage, where X equals the
spell, for example). If sprung, a creature number of barbed spears restraining
can free themselves on a successful DC the creature, as suction holes along
15 Dexterity check using thieves tools. the length of the spears drain the
Using a flask of oil or the effect of a grease creature’s body of its precious bodily
spell gives the character advantage on this fluids. If the creature is reduced
check. If the characters can find another to negative hit points equal to its
way to access the inner workings of the Constitution score, it dies.
trap, a successful DC 13 Dexterity check The barbed spears bite into the
using thieves’ tools disables the trap and creature’s body, holding it in place.
frees the trapped creature by using the Each iron barbed spear has an AC
tools to cut the bands. of 19 with 10 (3d6) hit points and
must be broken to free the creature
Thirsty Pincushion without additional slashing damage.
Once all the spears are destroyed,
Throne, The the creature can be successfully
Simple Trap (level 5-10, deadly threat) pulled off the throne without taking
Thinking oneself as royalty and sitting additional damage.
on this throne could lead to yourself, Attempting to remove the seated
and your ‘subjects’, suffering a royally creature whilst the barbs are intact
unfitting death. requires a successful Strength check,
When a creature above a certain weight the DC of which is equal to 10 plus
sits on the throne, barbed spears erupt 2 per intact barbed spear; failure
upward from the throne’s seat and into results in the creature taking Xd6
the creature’s body. Once embedded into slashing damage, where X equals the
the creature, the spears drain the creature number of embedded spears. On a
of their precious bodily fluids whilst their success, the creature is pulled free,
‘subjects’ (other creatures within a certain but the barbs rend flesh from the
distance of the throne) take damage from creature’s body. It takes double the
the throne’s aura. failed saving throw damage. If pulled
Trigger. A creature which weighs more free whilst the barbs are intact, at
than 40 pounds sits onto the seat part the start of the creature’s turn, it
of the throne. takes Xd3 in necrotic damage, where
Effect. The triggering creature must X equals the number of barbed iron
make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. spears the creature was freed from.
On a failed save, the creature takes 55 This necrotic damage continues until
(10d10) piercing damage and is restrained the bleeding can be stopped with a

its turn there, it must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw. The creature
takes 22 (4d10) necrotic damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. This effect continues whilst
the seated creature continues to take
necrotic damage from the barbed spears.
Countermeasures. A detect magic
spell or effect reveals a faint aura of
necromancy coming from the throne. This
aura greatly amplifies once the necrotic
aura activates, diminishing back to its
faint aura over time. A successful DC 20
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals small
circular holes on the seat of the throne.
In addition, this successful Perception
check reveals that the seat of the throne
is designed to be lifted. To lift the seat,
a successful DC 20 Dexterity check
DC 10 Intelligence (Medicine) check with thieves tools is required to first
per barbed spear wound (1 check deactivate the initial seat trap. Failing to
per round per wound per treating deactivate the initial seat trap results in
person), the creature gains the the activation of the trap as if the creature
benefit of any form of magical healing deactivating the trap was seated on the
in hit points equal to the number of throne, as shown under Effect above.
barbed spear wounds (1 hit point of Within the seat of the throne. Lifting
healing equals 1 barbed spear wound the seat reveals a locked iron box roughly
healed), or the creature dies from 1-foot by 1-foot below the now-exposed
blood loss and agonizing pain. iron spears. A successful DC 15 Dexterity
Necrotic Aura. When a creature check with thieves tools disarms the
takes necrotic bleeding damage for internal mechanism and destroys the
the first time, the throne activates device that causes the damaging necrotic
and becomes powered with a necrotic aura, allowing access to the locked iron
aura. Any creature within 15 feet of box. Failing to deactivate the internal
the throne when the aura activates mechanism results in the activation of the
must make a DC 15 Constitution trap as if the creature trying to deactivate
saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) the trap was seated on the throne, as
necrotic damage on a failed save, or shown under Effect above.
half as much damage on a successful
one. When a creature enters the aura
for the first time on a turn or starts
Author’s Note relating to Iron Box: creature takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
You are encouraged to add whatever damage as the throne’s seat batters
important item you wish in the box for it and throws it to the floor, where
the party to recover. Personally, I’d leave it lands prone. On a failure, the
it empty, but that’s me. For example, you creature is launched through the
may wish to add a container of restorative canopy, taking 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
goo. When this goo is applied to a dead damage, and into the open sky.
creature (one and one only), that creature The creature flies a number of feet
is returned to life with 1 hit point. For the straight up equal to 3d10 x 10. Unless
life of me, I can’t imagine why you’d want it has some means of arresting its
to do such a thing, except for the fact that fall, it takes that much falling damage
the owner of the dead character may not as it plummets back to terra firma.
hate you as much as those others still Countermeasures. A successful
lying dead on the floor ... unfortunately DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
for you, the owners of those characters are spots the mechanism under the dais’s
left to you to sort out. stairs. A successful DC 20 Intelligence
(Investigation) check connects
Throne of Flying the mechanism to the throne. An
Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, deadly threat)
Intelligence (Investigation) check
How about a throne? How about a throne which succeeds by 5 or more correctly
inscribed with inscriptions that read, in a identifies the trap and what’ll happen
language the characters can understand, when it goes off. A successful DC 20
“Whoever sits on this chair gains the Dexterity check with thieves tools
ability to fly!”? disables the mechanism.
The throne is found on a dais, under a
glass and iron canopy above which is open Time Bomb
sky. It actually does bestow the ability to Simple trap (level 5- 10, dangerous threat)
fly, albeit through a powerful spring which This trap is made with an hourglass.
launches a creature through the canopy There is a chunk of silvery, white
and hundreds of feet into the air. stone (sodium) in the top and a
When a creature approaches the throne, clear liquid in the bottom (water).
delicately-calibrated instruments record When the hourglass is inverted,
its weight. Unless that weight settles the fun begins.
onto the throne’s seat, nothing happens. Trigger. A creature that flips the
This prevents your cunning players doing hourglass over triggers the trap.
something clever like putting a bag of Effect. When a creature flips over
sand on the throne to test if it’s safe. the hourglass, the water drains onto
Trigger. A creature sits on the throne. the silvery rock and it starts to sizzle.
Effect. The creature must make a DC 20 Roll 1d4; any creature within a 10-
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the foot square of the timebomb at the
end of 1d4 rounds must make a DC TEST TRAP, PLEASE IGNORE
17 Dexterity saving throw, taking
11 (2d10) slashing damage and 11 A long hallway is filled with very
(2d10) fire damage as the hourglass obvious dangers:
explodes from the heat and pressure. • metal circles in the floor between tiles;
On a successful save, the creature • the tops of the tubes scorched black;
takes half damage. • tiles depicting a shifting pattern of
Countermeasures. A successful pictograms of the moon, sun, stars, and
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check planets;
reveals the trap, correctly identifying • holes in the walls which reveal glints
the metal inside. The best way to from within, arrows or bolts ready to be
avoid this trap is not to do anything fired;
to it. If timed properly, however, it • tiny holes in the ceiling, where spikes
can be used to decimate even the might emerge.
heartiest of foes. Finally, every ten feet, there exists a slot
that cuts from ceiling to floor and along
both walls, threatening a swinging axe if
one should step in the wrong location.
Should the characters roll a stone,
marble, or other object into the hallway,
all the traps explode at once. A successful
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals the stone landed unharmed.
Rolling a 30+ on this check indicates only
the traps where the stone was located
failed to trigger.
If a creature moves confidently down
the hallway, the traps go off in a manner
perfectly timed to cause no harm to the
creature. A creature unaware of the effect
must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
every 10 feet it travels. On a failure, the
creature flinches in fright and is narrowly
missed by a trap effect.

Traps That Aren’t Traps Labels Are Misleading
Somewhere in a treasure cache before
One of the most satisfying things you
they meet with a Big Bad, put a
can do when you’re sitting behind the
vial carefully and obviously labeled
DM screen is to make your players skitter
poison. Except it isn’t poison. It’s a
in paranoid mania. You have to keep a
highly-concentrated potion of speed.
straight face, but inside you feel all warm
So when the characters “cleverly” dip
as they spend hours thinking every step
their weapons in the “poison”, the
is going to turn their beloved characters
first time they score a hit on a living
into paste.
enemy they essentially cast haste
The easiest way to make that happen
on it. Larks.
is to put all the hallmarks of a trap right
in front of them but to have there be no
trap to find. Do that a couple of times, Levers of Madness
they’ll let their guard down, and then At the entrance to something juicy is
WHAM. You hit them with a sphere of a rusty iron lever set into a wall. It’s
annihilation. not trapped. It doesn’t do anything at
Here are some “set dressing” all except make a horrific screeching
descriptions that’ll have them tearing noise when it’s pulled, which attracts
their hair out and cursing your name. the nearest random encounter or
wandering monster in 1d6 rounds.
Dagger of Backfiring Sword of Glittery Shat-
This is a very ornate +1 dagger with a fine
gem stuck on the pommel. It works just tering
fine—until you reduce a creature to 0 hit This one is particularly nasty, so don’t
points with it. When that happens, the use it unless you’re 100% certain
gem falls off and a cloud of needles fires your players won’t rise up in rebellion
out at the wielder. The wielder must make when it bites them on the backside.
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a The heroes find a beautifully-made
failure, the creature takes 18 (6d6) poison longsword that radiates strong
damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. On transmutation magic. When they
a success, the creature takes half as much try to identify it, they think it’s a +2
damage and isn’t poisoned. A poisoned longsword that requires attunement
creature can repeat the saving throw at and that deals an extra 1d8 lightning
the end of each of its turns, ending the damage on a hit.
effect on itself on a success. Whenever the sword comes within
50 feet of an intelligent opponent,
it yells the most vile insults at
it. The sword makes a Charisma
(Performance) check with a +3 bonus.
The creature the sword insulted must
make a Wisdom saving throw, the Tiles of Doom II - MORE
DC of which is equal to the sword’s
Charisma (Performance) check. On a DOOOOOOM
failure, the creature flies into a rage, A corridor stretches at least 50 feet into
attacking the sword’s wielder. the gloom. Scattered in an irregular
Surely the wielder will use the pattern amongst the flagstones on
sword against the enraged creature, the floor are enameled tiles depicting
right? That’s exactly what you a flaming fist. The first tile is slightly
want to happen. loose. There is no trap; the builder of
When the wielder scores a hit with the dungeon just thought the design
the sword, it explodes into a cloud of looked boss.
golden particles which lasts 1 minute
and covers everyone and everything Five Levers
within 10 feet of the wielder. A This chamber has five levers, each set into
creature in the area must succeed on the floor, each surrounded by a grating.
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or When a creature pulls a lever, an effect
be blinded for the duration. After it occurs. The first creates an uncomfortable
leaves the area, an affected creature heat. The second gives the smell of acrid
can repeat the saving throw as an garbage. The third is a blast of cold air. The
action, ending the effect on itself on a fourth causes anyone within 5 feet of the
success. In addition, creatures in the lever to have their hair stand on end and
area have disadvantage on Dexterity thin bands of lightning to crackle along
(Stealth) checks and can’t be invisible. the length. Finally, the fifth creates a puff
Now hand this to the player: of green gas, harmless but pungent.
Curse. This sword is cursed, a fact Each lever is carved into the shape of a
that is revealed only when an identify dragon’s head (red, black, white, blue, and
spell is cast on it or you attune to green). The only other feature in this room
it. Attuning to the sword curses you is a door with the sigil of Tiamat (five
until you are targeted by the remove dragon heads arranged in a circle) carved
curse spell or similar magic. When into it. The door is not tied to the levers,
the sword shatters, it reforms after 1 but it does have a mundane lock hidden in
minute has passed. the mouth of each dragon.

Tiles of Doom A Simple Button...?

A room where the walls, ceiling, and A large, round chamber is lit by magic. In
floor are completely covered with the center of the room, a button sits atop
stark white tiles. On the wall opposite a podium. It can be destroyed but if this
the door are three off-color tiles that happens, a new button appears atop the
don’t do anything. Ever. podium immediately.

If a creature presses the button, the show there is a source of water
lights go out and noises like a door somewhere nearby.
opening can be heard. Careful exploration Around the edge of the room upon
of the room shows no such door opening. each of the six walls is a statue of an
After 30 seconds, the number 29 appears animal. Above the entryway is an ape
on the button and if pressed again, the and going around the room clockwise
effect lasts for 29 seconds and the number there is a long-necked bird (crane),
on the button goes down by one. a whale with a horn (a narwhal), a
If the number reaches 15, the light snake with a hood (cobra), a spider
becomes yellow, at 10 it becomes red, and coated in thick hairs (tarantula), and
at 5 the light becomes pure white and a bloated frog.
strobes. At 1, the number on the button If the characters interfere with the
becomes a skull. If pressed again, nothing statues, each one releases something.
happens and the whole cycle restarts. The ape releases a handful of smashed
This works best in a room where there is bananas. The crane drops a dead fish.
only a single way into the room and there The narwhale expels a small amount
are no other doors. of water, the snake drips blood, the
spider drops itchy hairs, and the frog
Tipsy Scales unleashes handfuls of dead flies.
In a room is a locked door or chest. Before None of those things are harmful
it are two metal platforms. Whenever at all. In fact, the door opens by
anything is placed on one platform, spinning the wheel. Unfortunately,
that platform descends while the other the wheel has been corroded and is
raises. If something of greater weight difficult to open. It requires a DC 25
is placed on the opposing platform, the Strength check to move.
positions switch. NB: This is an excellent place to add
The scales will never balance. They’ve The Slicing Wheel Trap from above,
been made specifically to never balance which we encourage you to do!
properly, even with objects of perfectly
equal weight on both sides. The door or Trick a Picker
chest is locked via mundane means. Simple trap (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
This trap is set on a door with
Menagerie an internal lock. When a thief
This hexagonal room is expansive, tries to pick the lock, they get a
the stonework delicate and strong. nasty surprise.
In the center of the room, a bronze Trigger. A creature attempting to
wheel centered on a large circular door pick the lock triggers the trap.
presumably caps a shaft extending Effect. This trap is the bane of
downward. Teal-blue flecks of corrosion lockpickers as it adds insult to injury.
When a thief puts their tools in the
lock and begins to work, they might with thieves tools with advantage to
perforate the pressurized bladder unlock or disarm.
of acid placed inside the lock. The
highly corrosive acid sprays out of the Tripwire
keyhole, resulting in horrific burns Simple trap (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
to their face and neck. To add insult This trap is exactly what it says: it’s a
to injury, their tools are corroded wire or cord pulled taut between two
and destroyed. anchor points that trips creatures passing
When the creature rolls a Dexterity through it. Most tripwires are also the
check with thieves tools to pick trigger to a more dangerous trap.
the lock, if the result is DC 20 or Trigger. A creature moves through the
higher, they manage to pick the lock tripwire’s space.
without rupturing the acid bladder Effect. When a creature passes through
and nothing happens. If the result the trapped space, it must make a DC 15
is less than DC 20, the bladder Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they
explodes, and they must make a DC stumble but are able to continue their
15 Dexterity saving throw, taking movement. On a failure, the creature falls
7 (2d6) acid damage on a failed prone and their movement ends.
save, and half as much damage on Countermeasures. A successful DC
a successful one. Creatures that 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
fail this saving throw by 5 or more the trap. A successful DC 12 Dexterity
are blinded. check with thieves tools is disables the
At your option, creatures that roll trap, as does cutting the cord or wire with
a 1 (critical failure) on this saving a weapon that deals slashing damage.
throw are blinded and suffer a Flying, levitating, and incorporeal
permanent 2 (1d4) point reduction creatures are not subject to this effect.
of their Charisma ability score. These Creatures under the effect of a gaseous
points can be regained by casting form or similar spell or effect are not
greater restoration or a similar spell subject to this effect.
or effect of 5th level or higher. Their
thieves’ tools are destroyed, as is the
lock mechanism. The lock is stuck and
the door must be broken down. The
door has AC 15 and 18 hit points.
Countermeasures. A successful DC
17 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
the trap as the creature is looking
the lock over and preparing forwork.
If the creature is aware of the trap,
they may make their Dexterity check

Up To Eleven half as much damage, is deafened
for 1 hour, and isn’t stunned. In
Simple magical trap (level 5-10, dangerous threat)
addition, unsecured objects that are
Lots of parties have bards. Bards can
completely within the area of effect
be super annoying. Here’s a way to get
are automatically pushed 10 feet
back at the jerk who gets the party out of
away from the instrument by the
every jam with their +27 to Persuasion
trap’s effect, and the trap emits a
or Deception.
thunderous boom (or power chord,
In the middle of this room is a pedestal.
as the case may be) audible out
On the pedestal is a musical instrument.
to 300 feet.
What kind is your choice; make it one
Countermeasures. The instrument
your bard won’t be able to resist. Just
radiates strong evocation magic.
make it really, really shiny and radiating
A successful DC 18 dispel magic
enough magic to make it look like it’ll be
destroys the trap.
just what they need to send them into
When the bard’s towering greed and ego
combine to send them pelting into the
room, precisely nothing happens. They can
pick the instrument up. They can examine
it, check it for traps. They find nothing.
But when they actually play it, all hell
breaks loose. Their lives go from awesome
to suck in a microsecond, and if they’re
really unlucky, the trap will attract any
hungry or bored monsters within earshot.
Particularly nasty bards often have this
trap laid on the priceless instrument
they take with them to the grave, just so
nobody else can ever use their prized lute,
or harp, or tympani, or whatever.
Trigger. A creature plays
the instrument.
Effect. The triggering creature and each
creature in a 15-foot cube originating
from the instrument must make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, a creature takes 6d8 thunder
damage, is deafened until they finish a
long rest, and is stunned for 1 minute.
On a successful save, the creature takes
When You Simply check with thieves tools, or by physically
preventing the trap from working.
Must Be A Jerk
Simple mechanical trap (level 5-10, deadly threat) White Dragon Breath
The characters find a long corridor
along which they find different traps, Torrent
all plainly visible, all inoperative. Complex Trap (level 1-4, deadly threat)

Scything blades and pendulum Two small, intricately-carved dragon

blades hanging still, soot on the statues gaze at you menacingly, their
walls and floor opposite the dragon’s mouths wide open. You spot a flickering
head statue (in which you can still blue light deep in the back of each throat
see a faint blue pilot light), drips of just moments before a torrent of cold
acid from spouts that look like they bursts forth, catching you and causing
should be firing caustic liquid like a frost to cover you.
fire hose, spiked pits with open metal The dragon statues are often placed at
lids. Whatever you decide should be the entrance to a valuable treasure or
there, all in plain sight, all already secret of a powerful wizard. The trap is
triggered. In fact, there’s plenty of two dragon statues placed on either side
room to just walk around them. of an entrance.
Trigger. When the heroes get to Trigger. This trap activates when
the treasure room and start looting, a creature comes within 20 feet of it
or the instant they slay the villain: without speaking the command word.
The climax of the dungeon is the Effect. The dragon heads each make an
trigger. Wherever they happen to attack immediately as a reaction. Each
be and just before they think you’re creature within a 30-foot cone must make
going to hand-wave the trip out of a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking
the dungeon and back to town, that 22 (4d10) cold damage on a failed save, or
sort of thing. That’s when the traps half as much damage on a successful one.
in that corridor reset all at once. A Countermeasures. A creature detects
character with a passive Perception a faint magical rune on the inside of
of 20 hears the faint clicking sounds the dragon’s mouth on a successful DC
of the traps resetting. Try sauntering 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a
out thinking you’ve cleared the successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
dungeon NOW, you greedy pricks. check, a creature notices a collection
Effect. Each stage deals 22 (4d10) of magical glyphs on the floor. With a
damage of the specific trap’s type and successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana)
requires a Medium DC saving throw check, they are able to identify that the
to avoid for half damage. glyph has a command word that prevents
Countermeasures. Each stage can the trap from triggering.
be disabled with a DC 18 Dexterity

A creature deduces that the statues are A creature can discover the
unable to move with a successful DC 12 command word from an enemy
Intelligence (Investigation) check, creating guard or force a hostage to speak it.
a blind safe spot behind or below them to A spellcasting creature can engage
be disabled. in a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
A creature adjacent to the statue skill challenge and attempt to re-
can attempt to deactivate the torrent write the magical glyphs to alter
between the bursts of icy torrents. With the command word to one of their
a successful DC 15 Dexterity check, a choosing. A creature succeeds on
creature can attempt to jam the nozzle the challenge if it scores 3 successes
on the inside of one of the dragon’s maw before 2 failures. On 3 successes,
full of rocks or some other similar object, they change the command word to
halting its function for 3 rounds, at which one of their choosing. On 2 failures,
point it explodes, dealing its damage in a the trap is disabled, but the arcane
20-foot radius. energy tied to the glyph backlashes
For the purposes of dispel magic, the into the creature making the check.
object counts as a 4th level spell. That creature loses two Hit Dice from
its Hit Dice pool. If the creature has
no Hit Dice left in its pool, it suffers a
level of exhaustion.

White Dragon Breath Torrent

You Think You’re So Clever

Effect. The real trap is a 20-foot-deep

pit trap with sharp spikes at the bottom.
A creature falling into the pit takes 11
(2d10) piercing damage from the spikes,
in addition to 2d6 falling damage. Even
nastier versions have poison smeared on
the spikes. In that case, anyone taking
You Think You’re So piercing damage from the spikes must
also make a DC 13 Constitution saving
Clever throw, taking 22 (4d10) poison damage on
Simple mechanical trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat) a failed save, or half as much damage on a
This trap relies on the hubris of the successful one.
rogue to work. Thus it works more Countermeasures. A successful DC
often than not. It is a series of traps: 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
a false one and a real one. The false the false trap and disarming mechanism.
one can be whatever you fancy, Any result on a Dexterity check using
provided it’s a mechanical trap, such thieves’ tools “disarms” the false trap
as what looks to be a hole in the wall and sends the trapmonkey plummeting
containing a spear. However, the real onto the spikes. A successful DC 20
one is the pit that’s directly under Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
where the arrogant rogue must kneel true trap and its disarming mechanism.
to disable the false trap. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
Trigger. A creature that disarms thieves’ tools disables it.
the false trap triggers the real one.

Chapter 3:


What is a Haunting? cause greater effects in our world. They
are restless and seldom dormant; they are
Death is usually only a minor called manifestations.
inconvenience for heroes in a
fantasy world. If a person is wealthy Haunted Places
or powerful, they are sure to be Haunted places are usually the scenes
resurrected before too long. For of a great tragedy or a terrifying event,
some, death is a bit more permanent, though sometimes a ghost will haunt a
and the Ferryman’s toll is too steep. place where they found joy. This could be a
These lost souls languish in turmoil former home, a workshop, even a tavern.
and lash out at anything that disturbs Cemeteries, temples, theatres, or even
them. When emotions run high, woods or roads could be haunted.
souls shed ectoplasm, an invisible Many manifestations are too weak to be
film that lays on the affected area more than an echo, but the powerful ones
like dust. Most living creatures aren’t created by anger, sadness, or fear are truly
sensitive to this film but those who loathsome and are reason enough to avoid
are, immediately feel the emotions a place altogether. A detect evil and good
that caused it. It is possible for spell will determine if an area is haunted
spirits to manifest their energy and and a successful DC 20 Intelligence
exert their will so strongly that their (Religion) check will determine any
ripples can affect the Material Plane. countermeasures. Most haunts can be
These experiences are commonly dispelled from an area with holy water and
called hauntings. the casting of the hallow spell.
This chapter deals with three
types of hauntings: haunted places,
haunted items, and haunted
Haunted Items
Most wizards who dabble in magic item
people. In each type, spirits attach
creation don’t intentionally create cursed
themselves to an anchor on the
items. Cursed items are usually the result
Material Plane as an overboard sailor
of an error on the creator’s part rather
clings to driftwood. Some spirits are
than an item being haunted. Most laymen
more powerful than others. Those
who deal in magic items are unable
without the ability to sustain a
to determine the cause of the item’s
lengthy connection to the Material
malfunction, only that it doesn’t work the
Plane lie dormant, quiet, until
way it was intended.
triggered by the actions of living
Haunted items can be identified by
creatures that infuriate the ghost(s)
making appropriate skill checks or
and cause a supernatural event to
by casting detect evil and good. Most
occur. These types of hauntings are
haunted items will radiate evil. Some
called echoes. Older, more powerful,
minor item haunts can be handled with
and malicious specters can maintain
remove curse and discarding the item,
that connection much longer and can
while others require more involved steps. check. If a character is attuned to the
The simplest way to end a haunted item’s item, they have advantage on this
effect is to discard it. The DM will decide skill check. Success indicates that the
whether the cursed item is haunted or character has found a flaw in the item
flawed, or they can roll a d100 percentile (if any) and what (if anything) can
based on the percentages below. be done to repair the flaw so that the
A character can determine if a cursed item functions as intended. The DM
item is haunted (20% chance) by making will determine if and how the item
a DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) check can be repaired.
while examining the item. The character Most haunted items are haunted
has advantage on this check if they are by the ghosts of former owners. This
attuned to the item. On a success, they item was once their most prized
know whether or not the item is haunted. possession, and as is the case with
If it is haunted, they also glean how to many hauntings, the spirit has a
remove the ectoplasm from the item so tough time letting go. Some great
that it functions as intended. roleplaying can be done convincing
If the item was created with a flaw (80% the ghost of an item’s former owner
chance), there is usually nothing that can to let the new owner use it. It could
be done to repair the item. To determine be an adventure all on its own. As the
if an item is flawed, the character must cosmic wheel turns, so too could this
succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) new owner one day be the ghost who
can’t let go.

Haunted People Running a Haunting
Some people are just cursed. They
One may wonder why there is a chapter
have done awful things and their aura
in a book of traps dedicated to hauntings.
is dark and ominous. Those sensitive
Simple: Hauntings as presented here run
to these auras will take particular
much like traps. First, determine the type
note of haunted people.
of the haunt (place, item, or person), then
People can be haunted because
determine the severity of the haunt. Is
of grief, guilt, lust, anger, etc. Very
it an echo or the dreaded manifestation?
rarely is the emotion causing the
The nasty thing with hauntings is that
haunting a positive one.
a creature may not be able to detect the
Haunted people act as if possessed
haunting until it is triggered.
and often have some form of long-
Each haunt will operate mechanically
term or indefinite madness (see
as though it was a trap, or part of
Chapter 8 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide:
a trap. They are run like a trap, and
“Madness”). Most of these people
when designing them, use the same
can be helped in the short term by
formatting as a trap.
casting calm emotions or remove
curse. Ability score reductions and
status ailments can be undone Echoes
with a casting of greater or lesser An echo is a minor haunt that is treated
restoration. The person’s suffering as a simple trap. Once triggered, the effect
will continue until the haunt causing is usually acute. The haunt can usually
the effect is dispelled. be dispelled with one check, one casting,
A haunted person can be identified etc. The effect is usually over a smaller
by casting detect evil and good, or area. The effect of the haunt can still be
with a successful DC 20 Intelligence quite dangerous.
(Religion) check. Once the haunted
person is identified, the steps Manifestations
to ending the haunting are also A manifestation is a more potent, ongoing
identified. Again, this can be done effect similar to a complex trap. The
mechanically with rules and spells haunt will have multiple effects once it
or it can be more organic, a great is triggered, often not only hindering
roleplaying opportunity for the characters but doing them great harm
characters to convince an angry as well. There may also be some lasting
ghost to forgive. effects like madness, disease, poison, or
even temporarily gaining a monster trait
like Horrifying Visage. Dispelling these
effects requires more checks (with higher
DCs) or magical remedies. The area a
manifestation affects is usually larger than

that of an echo. Manifestations can be (Investigation) or (Religion) check.
quite deadly, and some of the effects of a This gives other characters a shot at
manifestation can even be the hauntings finding dangers. Mechanical traps
of its previous victims! have no agenda or motive, but a
sentient magic trap or a haunt might.
Echoes Consider choosing an alignment
for the haunt; a ghost doing the
Level and Threat. Haunts use the same haunting may be evil, or chaotic,
rating system mechanic as traps (see and spells or abilities that detect
Chapter 2 in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: alignment would likely detect the
“Designing Simple Traps”). presence of the creature doing the
Description. Describe the haunting haunting. List the alignment in the
with an overview of effects and a bit of countermeasures section.
background information about the haunt.
Remember to describe sensory details
other than sight. Do they hear children
Walls of the Abbatoir
Echo haunting (level 1-4, moderate threat)
laughing, do they smell blood? Does the The walls and doors of this room
hair on their nape stand up? These are begin oozing blood and the
worn horror tropes but they set the mood room fills with a cacophony of
and tone nicely. panicked screams.
Trigger. Each haunt has a trigger, a Trigger. A creature
condition which triggers the haunt’s enters the room.
effects. A trigger can be as simple as a Effect. When it enters the room,
creature enters an area or buys a cursed a creature that can see or hear
item. A trigger can be anything; a botched must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
social encounter with a powerful NPC throw. On a success, the creature is
could cause that NPC to curse them with a unsettled but otherwise unaffected
spectral pest. by the haunt. A failed saving throw
Effects. Effects are really what give results in the creature making
the haunting it’s horrific flavor. Where skill checks and attack rolls with
traps are meant to cause physical harm to disadvantage until it leaves the
characters, haunts can be used to damage room. A creature can repeat the
a character’s mental health. Easy-to-use saving throw at the end of each of its
effects can be found under Madness, turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Chapter 8 of the DMG. These are good success. Failure by 5 or more on this
mechanics to build on when designing saving throw indicates the creature
haunting effects. runs out of the room shrieking, using
Countermeasures. Instead of the its entire movement to move as far
Perception or Investigation skills, as from the room as possible.
for traps, use another ability check to Countermeasures. Creatures
reveal the haunt, such as an Intelligence notice an unsettling aura as they
enter the room. Spells or abilities that
detect evil indicate an evil presence.
When the effect is triggered, a Mechanically, a manifestation works like a
creature that succeeds on a DC 12 complex trap. Many of these ideas can be
Intelligence (Religion) check recalls applied to complex traps as well.
a potent incantation which bolsters Level and Threat. As above, use the
the resolve of creatures in the face of trap rating guide. Consider awarding
threatening spirits. Living creatures experience points for neutralizing a
who can hear the incantation have manifestation as one would for disabling
advantage on saving throws related a complex trap. These situations can
to the effects of this haunting. be as dangerous and as involved as an
The haunting can be permanently encounter. Consult the chart in Chapter
dispelled with a 10-minute ritual 2 of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything for complex
requiring a block of incense and trap experience awards.
a flask of holy water, which are Description. Describe the
consumed by the ritual. The character manifestation. A manifestation, like
performing the ritual must make a a complex trap, has many elements.
DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check. Consider delving into the background
If at least one other creature assists of this manifestation to help craft
with the ritual, they make this check the language of its description to the
with advantage. A successful check players. Was the ghost once a wizard?
means the spirit is forever banished. Perhaps the characters catch a whiff
A failed check indicates that the of ozone like a spell has been cast. It
haunt is still banished but returns is not always necessary to share these
after 1d6 days. details with players explicitly but it can
make describing the action during play
more dynamic.
Trigger. As above, be specific with
the conditions of the trigger. “When a
creature enters a room” is fine. “When
the characters enter the area” is not.
‘Character’ implies that only a player
character can trigger the effect. ’Creature’
is much broader and more in tune with
the wording of the game mechanics.
Secondly, what area? How large is it and
where is it? What is the area of effect
and how is it shaped? Define these
parameters specifically, and do the same
when describing the elements of the
trap later on.
Initiative. The manifestation activates list the alignment of the haunting if
on initiative count 10 or 20. Each active it is not evil. In addition to providing
element might have a different initiative a detailed and specific description
count or the active element might have a of each element’s function in the
different effect on each count. manifestation, provide specific
Active Elements. On a manifestation’s conditions that neutralize an
turn, it produces specific effects that element. It may seem cruel but
are detailed in this part of the haunt’s perhaps it may not be possible
description. The more active elements a to disable a certain element of a
manifestation has, the more dangerous manifestation. This effect should
it is, and the less time the characters be minor and once this discovery
have to neutralize the threat or escape is made, fleeing might be the
(if possible). better option.
Dynamic Elements. A dynamic element
is a threat that arises or evolves while the Theme
trap functions. Usually, changes involving
dramatic elements take effect at the end Whether you’re designing a complex
of the trap’s turn or in response to the trap or a manifestation, it’s wise
creature’s actions. Dynamic elements to develop a theme. A theme helps
work to hinder the characters’ efforts to you to design a more cohesive set
neutralize a threat. Perhaps the DC for of effects. If it seems like the design
skill checks and saving throws increases by choices are rolled on a random chart
1 every 1d4 turns until it reaches 20. and mashed together, the gestalt is
Constant Elements. A manifestation nonsensical. Realistically, everything
poses a threat even when it is not taking that was made was designed by
its turn. The constant elements describe someone. Consider the imaginary
how these parts of the haunt function. person who designed the traps in
Most make an attack or force a saving the imaginary dungeon. Consider
throw against any creature that ends the creature that is now the ghost
its turn within a certain area. Constant terrorizing the characters.
elements are a great way to control space This is why a theme makes for a
and limit time. If every character can better design. If the end goal is to
work on the threat unfettered, the threat draw something, start by drawing
won’t be a threat for long. Damage and the ‘box’ it came in. The box in this
restricted movement are the two most analogy is the theme, which limits
obvious constant elements to employ. the scope and defines the aesthetic. It
The frightened condition is especially contains the chaos much like the box
effective here. contains its contents.
Countermeasures. Describe how the Consider the theme “Revenge”.
haunting can be detected. As with echoes, What kinds of effects or elements
could be related to the theme of
revenge? Consider how the revenge Spring Trap element, and howls with rage.
theme is used to construct this All creatures who end their turn within
next haunting:. a 30-foot sphere of the haunted trap’s
trigger mechanism must make a DC 14
Falsefern’s Folly Wisdom saving throw, taking 2d4 psychic
Manifestation haunting (level 1- 4, deadly threat)
damage on a failed save, half as much on a
This haunting occurs near a trap. If successful one.
someone notices the trap, they also Dynamic Elements. The spirit will
notice evidence of the trap killing use their ghastly influence to ‘punish’
someone, like a pile of splintered characters for meddling with their trap.
bones and tattered clothes, or a Once the trap is disabled a second time,
gruesome blood splatter. The ghost of the ghost becomes enraged and lashes out
an unlucky rogue haunts the trap. with their Racking Scream.
Trigger. Creatures notice their Discharge. Whenever a creature
mood and emotions become unstable attempts a skill check related to disarming
as they begin to manipulate the the haunted trap or takes an action in an
trap. A creature that makes a skill effort to destroy the trap, resolve that
check or takes any action in an action and then that character must make
attempt to disarm the trap, triggers a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
the haunting. Once this action is 1D6 lightning damage on a failed save,
resolved, the haunting is triggered. half as much on a successful one.
Initiative. The haunt activates on Constant Elements. Creatures within the
initiative count 20 and 10. affected area of the haunted trap that
Active Elements. On the haunt’s aren’t deafened can hear the distant,
turn, it resets and triggers the solemn tolling of a church bell. The
trap it haunts. echoing doom lingers even after they leave
Spring Trap (Initiative 20). Resolve the area or neutralize the threats.
the effect of the haunted trap as if Knell. Each creature that enters the
it was just triggered. If the trap has affected area of the trap or ends it’s turn
already been disabled once (as a there must make a DC 12 Intelligence
mechanical trap) or dispelled (as a saving throw. On a success, nothing
magical trap), the creature makes all happens. On a failure, the creature has
saving throws related to the trap’s disadvantage on ability checks. A creature
effects with advantage and takes only can repeat the saving throw at the end
half damage from the trap’s effect(s). of each of its turns, ending the effect on
If the haunted trap is disabled again, itself with a success.
the haunt cannot use this element. Countermeasures. Creatures notice
Racking Scream (Initiative 10). their mood and emotions become
It the haunted trap is disarmed twice, unstable as they begin to manipulate the
the haunt can no longer use their trap. Spells or abilities that detect evil

indicate an evil presence. A successful DC She was a rogue of the skill-focused
15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals variety. Falseferne was killed when
the haunt and its affinity for the trap. she accidentally triggered the trap
Avoiding the trap entirely prevents the she was trying to disable, a very
haunt from triggering. Casting calm likely circumstance for a haunting.
emotions ends all active, dynamic, and Just as a good villain can be the
constant elements of the haunt for the embodiment of taking an emotion
spell’s duration. too far, a good haunting can simply
The haunt can only be dispelled by be regressing the character to a child-
destroying the trap it haunts. For simple like emotional state. Consider the
mechanical traps, use AC 15 with 10 HP. description of the use of the revenge
Use this for each element of a complex theme in Falseferne’s Folly in the
mechanical trap. For magical traps (or paragraph above. The ghost seems
magical elements of a complex trap) and petty, immature, and spiteful. One
hazardous terrain, use the conditions could almost pity the ghost; it’s all
outlined within its countermeasures they have left. Players can empathize.
section. Once the trap is destroyed, all of Good horror isn’t about the monsters
the effects of the haunt end. chasing and killing people. It’s also
Add 400 xp to the Experience reward for about seeing the monsters we find
the trap if the players destroy the trap and in ourselves.
dispel the haunt. Use gender-neutral language in the
This haunt runs just like a complex trap trap’s design because the characters
because, at its core, it is one. The revenge are probably too distracted with other
theme plays out in the entire haunt. problems to discern gender during
The haunt triggers when the characters the encounter and because frankly,
mess with the spirit’s trap (How dare it really doesn’t matter. It isn’t vital
they?). It continues as the haunt springs to the trap’s design, it makes it
the trap on them, shocks them for easier to incorporate the material,
touching it, screams at them for ruining and it avoids sexist overtones. A
it, and hinders their concentration with memorable character’s death may
sepulchral bells. Emotion plays a key role have inspired the haunt’s theme but
in managing the haunt, which is alluded don’t let that character hijack your
to when the characters first discovered design. Keep these considerations
the haunt by triggering it. When the in mind during the design process
trap is destroyed, so is the haunt, for and see Chapter 1: What is a Trap?
the spirit no longer has an anchor to the for further reading on trap design
Material Plane. and mechanics.
Another design element is the character
that became the haunt. Falseferne was
one of Jeromy’s first RPG characters.

Children Laughing thrives on the attention it receives and the
suffering it causes others. Metaphysicians
Echo haunting (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
believe this manifestation to be a more
Creatures who enter the area (60-foot
potent but similar haunting found in the
square) hear children laughing and
Psychic Painting.
playing. They hear the footsteps of
Trigger. A creature that enters the room
children running past them.
where the painting is displayed triggers
Trigger. A creature that enters the
the haunting.
area triggers the haunting.
Initiative. The haunting activates on
Effect. When a creature that can
initiative count 10.
hear enters the area, it must make a
Active Elements. The manifestation
DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. If
may use both effects once on each
it succeeds, it remains unaffected by
of its turns.
the haunting and is immune to the
Egress (Initiative 10). The person in
effects of this haunt for 24 hours. If
the portrait leaps out of the painting and
a creature fails this saving throw, it
may make an attack before re-entering the
is unnerved by the sounds and rolls
original painting or any other painting,
Intelligence and Wisdom checks with
mirror, or window within 60 feet.
disadvantage until it completes a
Alternatively, it may appear in another
short or long rest.
painting, mirror, or window within 60 feet
Countermeasures. Creatures may
and make an attack against a creature that
make a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion)
is within 5 feet of that painting, mirror,
check to identify the haunt. The
or window. This attack has a + 8 attack
lesser restoration spell ends the effect
bonus and deals 5 (1d10) bludgeoning
of the haunting on a creature. The
damage. The egress has AC 15 and 22
haunting can be destroyed by using
(4d10) HP. If the egress is reduced to
the Channel Divinity class feature
0 HP, it vanishes and reappears in the
and a flask of holy water to dispel
original painting.
the spirits.
Ectoplasmic Burst (Initiative 10).
(Recharge using Misery effect). The
Commission of Malice manifestation gathers all its malice and
Manifestation haunting (level 5- 10, dangerous rage, unleashing it in a rush of negative
energy. All creatures within a 30-foot cone
This powerful manifestation looks
of the original painting must make a DC
like a lifesize portrait of a noble. The
13 Constitution saving throw, taking 21
subject is usually trapped in some
(6d6) necrotic damage on a failed save,
regal pose and dressed in fine garb.
and half as much on a successful one.
These paintings can be found in
Dynamic Elements. The manifestation
museums, libraries, temples, homes,
may use this effect once per turn, at the
or anywhere people gather. The
end of its turn. Each turn, the Wisdom
cruel, vain spirit within the painting
saving throw DC increases until it reaches Destroy the Painting. The painting
20, at which time it then resets to normal. can be destroyed (AC 11, 10 (3d6)
Misery. At the end of each of the HP). The painting is immune to all
manifestations turns, it focuses its damage types except radiant damage
malice on one unlucky soul, locking and fire damage. Causing radiant or
eyes with them and filling them with fire damage will cause the painting to
thoughts of despair. Select a creature the automatically fails all saving throws.
manifestation can see; that creature must When the painting is destroyed, the
make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. image of the noble is consumed by
On a failure, the creature takes 7 (2d6) radiant light or fire and vanishes.
psychic damage, and the manifestation Cover everything up. Removing
regains the use of its Ectoplasmic Burst. mirrors and paintings from the walls,
If the creature succeeds on this saving covering them with cloth, and closing
throw, they take half the damage and the the curtains on windows traps the
manifestation does not regain the use of spirit in the original painting, making
its Ectoplasmic Burst effect. it easier to deal with. If the original
Constant Elements. The manifestation painting is covered, the spirit will
is constantly filling the room with self- remove the covering when it uses
promoting chatter, and it will reply to Egress. If taken down, the portrait
rebukes and hecklers. will right itself at the beginning of its
Braggadocio. All creatures who can hear turn on initiative count 20.
who end their turn within a 60-foot cube Magic. Casting banishment or
of the original painting must make a DC similar spells of 4th level or higher
13 Charisma saving throw as the spirit’s causes the manifestation to become
voice prattles on about it’s great deeds. dormant for the duration of the spell,
Creatures who fail this saving throw take during which time other actions can
5 (1d10) psychic damage, or half as much be taken to manage the threat.
on a successful one. Exorcise. A cleric, druid, or paladin
Rejuvenation. If the egress has less may use a bonus action to present
than it’s maximum hit points when their holy symbol and roll a DC 13
it ends its turn within the original Intelligence (Religion) check to recite
painting, it regains 7 (2d6) hit at the litany and prayers in an attempt to
end of its turn. The egress cannot exorcise the spirit. On a success, the
leave its original painting if it is not at creature may select one element to
maximum hit points. become dormant for 1d8 rounds.
Countermeasures. A successful On a failure, nothing happens. If
DC 13 Intelligence (Religion) check the manifestation begins its turn
reveals the painting as the source of the and all elements are disabled, the
hauntings power. painting bursts into holy fire and the
ashes sublimate.

Crafter’s Spirit Doors Slamming
Echo haunting (level 1- 4, moderate threat) (person) Echo haunting (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
The character encounters a Creatures entering this room are greeted
benevolent spirit of a craftsperson. with the cacophony of creaking, slamming
The spirit feels a kinship with this doors. They seem to have no physical force
character and shares their knowledge acting on them as they open and close
with them. The character feels the randomly and violently.
call of home and a life less fraught Trigger. A creature that enters the room
with danger. triggers the haunting.
Trigger. A creature interacts Effect. While a creature is standing in a
with the spirit. room affected by this haunting, they have
Effect. When a creature interacts disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
with the spirit, it seems to checks that rely on hearing and they have
understand what they are saying or a passive (Perception) of 10 for ability
doing. The spirit smiles and nods checks that rely on hearing while the
before fading away. The creature gains haunting is active.
proficiency in any one set of tools Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
or supplies, gaining advantage on Intelligence (Religion) check reveals the
ability checks when using those tools. haunting, in addition to the following:
The creature feels a strong desire to • A chant that severs the spirit’s link with
retire to a life of crafting. The creature the area for 2 (1d4) hours.
cannot gain advantage on any other • A 1-hour ritual requiring a bell,
ability checks, attack rolls, or saving holy water, and 3 candles. The ritual
throws while haunted by this spirit. permanently banishes the spirit. There
Countermeasures. If a creature is no check required to perform this
doesn’t interact with the spirit, ritual but the material components are
nothing happens. A successful DC consumed in the performance of it.
17 Intelligence (Religion) check
reveals the spirit as a well-meaning Ghost Wind
yet debilitating personal haunting. Echo haunting (level 1- 4, dangerous threat)
The haunting can be dispelled by A zephyr carries a chill in the air. It wraps
casting remove curse or similar spells the heart in icy fingers and snuffs certain
of 3rd level or higher. Once dispelled, light sources.
the haunted creature loses the tool Trigger. A creature that enters the
proficiency gained when they were 30-foot square area of effect triggers
initially haunted. the haunting.
Effect. This haunting can occur inside
or outdoors. The creature triggering the
haunting must make a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) cold
damage on a failed save, and half as much
on a successful one. A creature wearing
Glowing Orb
Echo haunting (level 1- 4, dangerous threat)
boots of the winterlands, or under the effect
From afar this haunting looks like
of similar magic, gains advantage on this
a Will o’ the Wisp or a Dancing
saving throw. All candles and torches
Lights spell. Unwary creatures
within the area of effect are extinguished
who follow these ominous lights
when the haunt is triggered.
soon find themselves harried by a
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
persistent curse.
Intelligence (Religion) check reveals the
Trigger. A creature that ends its
haunt. The haunt can be bypassed by not
turn within 60 of the orb triggers
entering the area of effect. The effect can
the haunting.
be destroyed by splashing the affected
Effect. If a creature ends its turn
area with holy water. Only one flask of
within 60’ feet of the orb must make
holy water is needed to dowse the entire
a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. A
area of effect. Once the haunt is triggered
failure means the orb doesn’t notice
and the effect resolved, the haunting
the creature’s presence or isn’t
is destroyed.
interested in the creature. Success
indicates the orb has chosen them
and flies over to that creature. If
multiple creatures must make this
saving throw, the orb chooses the
character with the highest result.
Once the orb chooses a creature,
the orb dissipates and the chosen
creature begins to glow.
That creature is cursed. The orb has
an effect similar to the spell faerie
fire. The creature is outlined in blue
light and sheds dim light in a 10-
foot radius. Any attack roll against
the affected creature has advantage
if the attacker can see it and the
affected creature can’t benefit from
being invisible.
Countermeasures. A creature who
can see the Glowing Orb may make a
DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check.
If successful, they know the orb is not
a will o’ the wisp or dancing lights as
those would typically have multiple
orbs of light. The haunt can simply be oak ashes, and one hour to complete.
avoided. If a creature is cursed by the The material components are consumed
orb, a remove curse or dispel magic at the conclusion of the ritual. The
spell can end the effect of the orb. haunting can also be exorcised by casting
Similar spells 3rd level or higher will a remove curse or similar spells of 3rd
also end the effect of the orb. level or higher.

Oleg’s Impetus Perimania

Echo haunting (level 1- 4, moderate threat) (magic Echo haunting (level 1- 4, moderate threat) (magic weapon
item, worn) that requires attunement)
The item this spirit haunts This echo attaches itself to a magic
continues to function normally, only weapon. The weapon’s magic functions
manifesting itself when the owner of as intended. Though the creature finds
the item chooses to move on. the weapon clumsy, they aren’t able to
Trigger. A creature that takes a determine why. They always have a slight
move action while wearing the item, twitch that spoils their aim, or the flash of
triggers the haunting. If the item a figure in their peripheral vision distracts
requires attunement, the haunt is not them during a key moment within melee.
triggered until the creature is both Trigger. A creature attunes
attuned to the item and then takes a to the weapon.
move action. Effect. When a creature triggers the
Effect. A creature that triggers haunting, it is not always apparent
the haunting must make a DC 17 that something is wrong. As long as the
Wisdom saving throw. A creature that echo persists, the weapon functions as
succeeds on this saving throw isare intended, except that it can’t score a
unaffected. The creature that fails critical hit, nor can its wielder add their
this saving throw must move their ability score modifier for damage rolls. You
entire walking speed before ending may wish to keep this handicap hidden,
their movement. They cannot take letting the character roll the damage
an action or a bonus action until they for critical hits (halving the damage)
complete their movement. and subtracting the ability modifier in
Countermeasures. A successful secret while telling the player that their
DC 17 Intelligence (Religion) check character felt “they just didn’t feel like
reveals the haunting and the creature that was a good hit”.
succeeding on the check remembers Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
a potent ritual to cleanse the Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
ectoplasm from the item. The ritual the echo. A creature attuned to the item
requires a block of incense, a flask gains advantage on this check. Once
of holy water, a mixture of gold dust
(2 gold pieces worth) and crushed

revealed, the echo is simple to dispel, saving throw indicates the creature
requiring a 1-hour ritual using a block is possessed by the painting and is
of incense, three red candles, and a bell highly receptive to suggestion. Until
to appease the restless spirit attached the end of the creatures next long
to the item. The ritual consumes the rest, the creature has disadvantage on
material components upon completion. all saving throws to resist the effects
The character performing this ritual must of illusion spells and to avoid the
make a successful DC 13 Intelligence charmed condition. A creature that
(Religion) check. Success indicates that fails this saving throw by 5 or more is
the spirit is permanently dispelled. On subject to the effect of the suggestion
a failure, the echo is only appeased for a spell, with the DM prescribing a
short time and returns within 1d4 days to task within the parameters of that
continue subtly disrupting and distracting spells effect.
the creature using the haunted item. Countermeasures. A successful
DC 17 Intelligence (Religion)
Psychic Painting check reveals the haunting and
Echo haunting (level 5- 10, dangerous threat) (item,
how to dispel it, but making this
portrait) check triggers the haunting. If the
An unnerving portrait found in a creature succeeded on the above
museum, an abandoned house, or stashed Charisma saving throw, it may reroll
in a moldy basement begins to undermine this saving throw with advantage,
the will of those who meet its stare. This without triggering the trap, as it
haunted item begins as a commissioned contemplates what just happened.
portrait of a wealthy noble. After the The painting cannot possess someone
death of the owner, their spirit manifests that it cannot see, nor can a creature
through the painting and drives those become possessed if it cannot see
who look at it mad. The eyes from the the painting. Hiding or covering
portrait seem to return the character’s the painting works just as well as
gaze no matter where they stand. ignoring it. The painting can be
Trigger. A creature that makes an ability destroyed (AC 11, HP 3, vulnerable to
check related to the painting triggers fire) but expect any creature already
the haunting. possessed by the painting to fight
Effect. When a creature makes an ability to the death to prevent the painting
check related to the painting (trying to from being destroyed, hidden, or
identify the person in the portrait, looking covered. A two-hour ritual involving
behind it for a hidden door or switch, a bell, holy water, a pound of salt,
etc.), they must make a DC 17 Charisma and a block of incense (which are
saving throw. On a success, they feel an consumed upon completion) can
ominous presence attempt to sway their be used to banish the foul spirit
thoughts, but they shake it off. A failed anchored to the painting. At the

end of the ritual, the creatures Creatures that fail this saving throw
performing the rite must make a DC take 5 (1d10) psychic damage and must
17 Charisma (Intimidation) check. use their action to attack the walls of
On a success, the spirit haunting the room, smashing them open to “kill
the painting is convinced that the the rats inside”. Creatures that succeed
power of the creature is greater and on this saving throw take half damage,
flees to the Negative Plane. If the are unaffected by the haunting, and
check fails, the haunting still flees are immune to the haunting’s effect
but returns to the painting within 3 for 24 hours. A creature can repeat the
(1d6) days. If the painting has been saving throw at the start of each of its
destroyed, the spirit is banished to turns, ending the effect on itself on a
the Negative Plane. success. This effect also ends if the haunt
is dispelled or the affected creature
Scratching in the leaves the room.
Countermeasures. A creature
Walls succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence
Echo haunting (level 1- 4, moderate threat) (Religion) check recalls a potent prayer
This haunting is only found within that grants creatures which can hear
buildings. When a creature enters and understand the prayer advantage on
the room for the first time, they hear Intelligence saving throws related to this
screeching and scratches coming from haunting. The haunting can be bypassed
inside the walls. by not entering the room or by not
Trigger. A creature ending a turn in the room. The haunting
enters the room. can be ended permanently by casting
Effect. When a creature that can dispel magic, using the Channel Divinity
hear begins its turn within the class feature and a flask of holy water,
affected room, they must make a or by completely destroying all the walls
DC 13 Intelligence saving throw. in the room.

Chapter 4:


Acoustic Crystals choose to fail this saving throw.
Creatures that succeed on this saving
Hazard (level 5- 10, dangerous threat)
throw take half damage and aren’t
These giant crystals grow in deep
deafened. In addition, the noise is
subterraneous spaces like caverns and
audible out to 300 feet, possibly
abandoned mines. The crystals jut out
(what am I saying? Definitely)
from the walls and ceilings in rows of
alerting other wandering monsters
nearly-perfect tetrahedrons. They amplify
to the feckless idiot who triggered
sound and cause it to reverberate.
the crystals.
Trigger. A creature makes a noise louder
Countermeasures. A successful
than speaking.
DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation)
Effect. Any sound made in this affected
check reveals the hazard. Creatures
area becomes louder. Creatures who speak
can traverse the area carefully, in an
find their voices boom and echo as if they
attempt to make as little noise as
shouted. A pitched battle or explosion
possible. Such a creature must make
creates catastrophic cacophony. Creatures
a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
that can hear have vulnerability to
A creature moving through the area
thunder damage while in this room.
at half speed gains advantage on
A creature that can hear that ends its
this check. On a success, the hazard
turn in this room during combat must
doesn’t trigger. A failure triggers the
make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw.
hazard. If a creature fails this check
On a failure, the creature takes 11 (2d10)
by 5 or more, every creature in the
thunder damage and is deafened until
affected area that can hear takes an
they complete a short rest. A creature that
additional 5 (1d10) thunder damage.
fails by 5 or more also becomes dizzy and
Casting a silence spell or similar effect
ill from the noise, gaining the poisoned
negates the hazard.
condition for 1 hour. A creature may not

Bottles in the Walls

Hazard (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
This hazard is created when a building
or floor is made of concrete or a
similar material. While the concrete
is being poured, empty bottles are
pushed neck first into the walls,
floors, and perhaps ceiling. As the
concrete settles, the bottles shatter.
Later if there are any unbroken
bottles, they are broken as well,
creating a minefield of slashing,
gouging, slivers of glass sticking
out of the walls, floors, and and takes an additional
ceiling. Additionally, the crunching 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
of glass on the floor alerts denizens Taking this damage reduces the
of intruders. creature’s walking speed by 10 feet
Trigger. A creature entering a space until the creature regains at least 1
adjacent to an affected wall, a space on the hit point, or the wound is treated
floor, or enters an area with a low-hanging with a successful DC 17 Wisdom
affected ceiling triggers the hazard. (Medicine) check, removing the
Effect. Creatures wearing medium glass splinters from the affected
or heavy armor are not affected by this creature’s body.
hazard. This hazard has no effect on Countermeasures. A successful
undead or constructs. Creatures wearing DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
light or no armor, who attempt to move reveals the hazard as it is easy to
through an affected space, must make spot. Characters who are affected by
a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check as the hazard can carefully and slowly
they leave each affected space. A creature move through the affected areas at
moving through the affected area at half half speed. Characters can levitate or
speed gains advantage on this ability fly through the area, careful to avoid
check. On a success, nothing happens and walls ceilings and floors. Incorporeal
they avoid all danger. Creatures that fail creatures are unaffected, as are
this ability check take 3 (1d6) slashing creatures under the effect of a gaseous
damage and may then continue their form or similar spell.
move if possible. A creature that fails this
check by 5 or more stops moving this turn
Charon’s Breath Choke Frost
Hazard (level 1- 4, dangerous threat) Hazard (level 5-10, dangerous threat)
A thick gray mist that drifts through This deadly frost is most often found
graveyards, mausoleums, and derelict in icy caves or in the lairs of powerful
churches. This threats sinister power creatures who shroud themselves in the
is revealed only when a creature is chill of winter, such as yetis, ice devils, ice
nearing death. elementals, or white dragons.
Trigger. A creature that enters the Description. This white mist hardens
mist triggers the hazard. into an icy crystal like form and saps the
Effect. This heavy fog, dubbed strength of creatures who stand upon its
“Charon’s Breath” after the boatman surface, slowly turning their flesh icy blue
on the River Styx, is the size of a as it drains away their warmth.
20-foot cube. Any creature that Trigger. Each time a creature enters an
enters the fog must make a DC 15 area of choke frost, or ends its turn within
Constitution saving throw. On a the hazardous area.
success, nothing happens. Creatures Effect. The creature must succeed on a
that fail appear to be unaffected DC 15 Constitution saving throw or lose 3
except that the pupils of their eyes Hit Die. The area is difficult terrain.
take on an hourglass shape. Though Countermeasures. A creature who has
unsettling, it does not affect a resistance to cold damage has advantage
creature’s vision. The unapparent side on this saving throw, and creatures
effect is that the creature rolls death immune to cold ignore this effect.
saving throws with disadvantage
until the effect of this hazard ends.
Countermeasures. A successful DC
17 Intelligence (Religion or Nature)
check allows a creature to identify
the hazard. They also discover that
if a creature can pass through the
fog without breathing, they will be
unaffected. A lesser restoration spell
ends the effect of the hazard for 1d4
days. A lesser restoration or similar
spell ends the effect permanently
if cast using a 3rd level spell slot or
higher. The visual element of the
hazard itself cannot be destroyed or
dispelled. It can be moved at a rate of
5-foot per round with a gust of wind
spell or similar effect.
Defiled Ground
Hazard (setback)
This is the site of a dark necromancer’s
powerful ritual, or an area of ceremonial
sacrifice. The stench of death fills a bloody
area of any size, attracting spirits.
Description. This area is a focal point of
dark magic and is used to enhance spells
from the school of necromancy. Ember Moss
Trigger. A creature who is standing Hazard (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
on an area of defiled ground casts a This moss is abundant in the
spell from the necromancy school of 1st Underdark. Ember moss is extremely
level or higher. flammable, making it a favored
Effect. The necromancy spell is material for creating torches as it
empowered, and is the spell is treated as burns indefinitely.
if it was cast using a spell slot one level Description. Its nature to burn hot
higher than the expended spell slot, up and bright can make it treacherous
to 9th level. In addition, saving throws terrain. If the area has been ignited
to avoid the spells effects are made with by fire, a creature takes on going fire
disadvantage. damage when they enter or start
Countermeasures. A vial of holy water their turn in the hazardous area.
purifies a 10-foot-square area of defiled Trigger. A creature takes fire
ground when sprinkled on it, and a damage or drops a torch while
hallow spell purifies unhallowed ground standing in an area or ember moss.
within its area. Effect. After the moss catches fire,
when a creature enters the area for
Defiled Ground the first time on a turn or starts
its turn there, it takes 5 (1d10) fire
damage and has disadvantage on
saving throws against fire damage.
The fire ignites the area of ember
moss and flammable objects in
the area that aren’t being worn or
carried. A creature who enters or
starts its turn or in the ember moss
flame takes 5 (1d10) fire damage.
Countermeasures. Submerging
the entire area in water
extinguishes the moss.
Fire Spore Mushrooms hazard takes 1 point of fire damage, it
bursts in a gout of fire, rendering it inert
Hazard (level 1- 4, dangerous threat)
for 2d8 hours. Any creature in the affected
These nasty little mushrooms look
area must make a DC 15 Dexterity
like puffball mushrooms with bright
saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage
orange spots. When a creature steps
on a failed save and half as much on a
on them, they spray a fine mist of
successful one. The hazard can be avoided
pink spores that are both poisonous
by avoiding the affected areas.
and highly flammable.
Trigger. A creature that disturbs a
mushroom triggers the hazard.
Effect. These mushrooms can
grow anywhere. They grow in small
patches of 10-foot spaces, though
it is not uncommon to find a few
other colonies nearby. When a
creature enters the affected area,
they must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed saving
throw, the creature takes 11 (2d10)
poison damage. If the creature is
carrying an open flame, such as
a candle or a torch, they take an
additional 7 (2d6) fire damage. On a
success, the creature was very lucky
and did not disturb the area too
much, taking half the poison damage
and no fire damage. If a creature
occupying an affected area takes fire
damage, they must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking an
additional 7 (2d6) fire damage on
a failed save, and half as much on a
successful one.
Countermeasures. A successful
DC 17 Intelligence (Nature) check
reveals the hazard. Incorporeal
creatures and creatures under
the effect of the gaseous form
or a similar effect are not
affected by this hazard. It the
Grab Grass Grabbing Hands
Hazard (setback) Hazard (level 1- 4, moderate threat)
Grab grass has thick, tough, dark blue and This hazard is prevalent in graveyards
green tendrils, like plants often found in but can also be found in crypts,
the forests of the Feywild or areas heavily burial mounds, potter’s fields, and
influenced by the Feywild’s magic bleeding other sepulchral settings. When the
into the Material Plane. character enters the affected area,
Description. An adventurer who dozens of rotting hands burst from
carelessly enters this hazardous area can the ground (or walls) and grab at
quickly find a mundane encounter with the character.
enemies much more challenging. Trigger. A creature that enters the
Trigger. A creature is knocked prone affected area triggers the hazard.
while in the hazardous area. Effect. Designate an area of up to
Effect. A large or smaller creature that ten 5-foot spaces anywhere on the
is knocked prone while in the area is map. Each space you designate is
restrained until it is freed. A creature can affected by the hazard and entering
use its action to make a DC 14 Strength one of these spaces triggers the
check, freeing itself or another creature hazard, as does beginning one’s
within its reach on a success. This area turn within a designated area. Each
counts as difficult terrain. of the affected spaces counts as
Countermeasures. The grab grass has difficult terrain for the purposes of
no effect on creatures that are formless, movement. Any creature beginning
or creatures that are size huge or larger. their turn in an affected space must
Dealing 10 or more fire damage to a make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
10-foot-square area of grass destroys it. On a success, nothing happens. If the
creature fails the saving throw, they
are knocked prone.
Grab Grass

Grabbing Hands

Countermeasures. A passive Opposites Attract

Wisdom (Perception) of 13 or better Hazard (level 5- 10, deadly threat)
results in the character experiencing Iron plates, streaked with rust, line the
a strange sensation whilst adjacent walls, floor, and ceiling of a long, 10-foot-
to the area, momentarily preventing wide corridor.
the characters from entering the area, Trigger. When the first creature in the
ending their movement. Characters marching order reaches the far end of the
actively looking for traps or hazards corridor, the trap triggers.
must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom Effect. Magical energy surges through
(Perception) check to notice the the walls, magnetizing them. Creatures in
latent hands hidden the minutiae ferrous armor, including studded leather,
of the terrain. The hazard can be must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw
bypassed by avoiding the affected or be dragged to the nearest wall and
spaces. If holy water is sprinkled restrained there, taking 1d6 bludgeoning
on the ground, the hazard becomes damage from slamming into the wall.
dormant for 1d8 hours. One flask of Creatures wielding ferrous-metal
holy water can be used to cover up implements—like weapons—must
to 10 spaces in this way. A successful succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw
DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check or have the item wrenched from their
reveals that any character with the grasp to slam against the nearest wall.
Channel Divinity class feature may A creature can use its action to remove
use that feature to destroy the hazard itself or a ferrous-metal weapon from the
by chanting prayers and reciting wall. To do so, it must succeed on a DC 18
litanies. Doing so consumes a flask Strength (Athletics) check.
of holy water but dispels the profane For every 5 feet it travels through the
magic that created this hazard, corridor, the creature must repeat the
rendering it permanently inert. saving throw.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
Radiation Poisoning
Hazard (level 5- 10, deadly threat)
faint magic rune etched into the floor
Though science has not yet discovered
at either end of the corridor. A spell or
radiation and radioactive elements,
other effect that can sense the presence
the threat is real. The creature enters
of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an
an area and finds a shiny or glowing
aura of transmutation magic on the runes
thing; creatures within 60 feet of the
and walls. A successful dispel magic (DC
thing are subject to the radiation’s
15) cast on each rune destroys the trap.
effect. If you’re exceptionally cruel,
Shattering the stone slab into which the
you might choose to place this effect
rune is etched destroys the trap. The slab
on a magic or other item your players
has AC 24, 22 hit points, and is immune
particularly covet.
to all damage except bludgeoning.
Trigger. A creature moves
Variations. For added vengeance,
into the area.
choose one of the following options:
Effect. All creatures within 60
• When the trap triggers, an alarm
feet of the radioactive object are
bell begins to ring. 1d6 rounds later,
bombarded with high levels of
monsters of your choice—preferably
gamma radiation and must make a
those without ferrous-metal weapons—
DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
arrive to clean up the intruders.
On a success, a creature takes 5
• 1d6 rounds after the trap triggers,
(1d10) necrotic damage. On a failure,
oozes—like black puddings or a
a creature takes 5 (1d10) necrotic
gelatinous cube—glop out of holes
damage and is poisoned, with nausea
in the ceiling to literally dissolve the
and headaches, until the end of
hapless characters.
its next turn.
Each hour a creature remains within
range of the radioactive object, they
must make a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, the

Opposites Attract
Radiation Poisoning

creature loses 1 Hit Die from their Effect. While a creature is in the
Hit Dice pool. These Hit Dice can’t corridor, at the start of each of its turns
be regained at the end of a long rest it must make a Constitution saving throw
if the creature is still within range DC 14 or take 14(4d6) necrotic damage on
of the radiation. If a creature has no a failed save or half as much damage on a
more Hit Dice remaining in their Hit successful one. If the saving throw is failed
Dice pool, it collapses unconscious by 5 or more, the creature’s hit point
and must begin making death saving maximum is reduced by the same amount
throws. As usual, three failed saving until they finish a long rest.
throws results in the creature dying. At the end of the corridor is a room in
Countermeasures. A successful DC which a shadow demon resides. The
15 Wisdom (Survival) check reveals demon has hit points equal to the damage
the hazard and that remaining more suffered by all creatures damaged by
than 60 feet away from the area or the corridor over the last 24 hours.
object will end its effect. Undead and For every 15 hp above 66 increase the
constructs are immune to this effect. demons Dexterity by 2 and its claw attack
bonus by 1.
Shadow’s Hunger, The Countermeasures. The trap is
Hazard (level 5- 10, deadly threat)
discovered on a successful DC 13
This corridor is riddled with twisted Intelligence (Arcana) check, and can be
hideous faces and is always at suppressed by dispel magic or similar
least ninety feet long, though it spells. Each 10-foot section of the
can be longer. corridor must be dispelled separately and
Trigger. A creature moves after 24 hours the magic will return to
into the area. 82that section.
Toxic Gases disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on
Hazard (level 11-16, deadly threat)
sight and disadvantage on all attack
In certain environments, toxic gases are
always present, but above ground, their
• Methane (CH4) Odorless
concentration is usually not high enough
and colorless, even at high
to hurt people; in fact, exposure to them
concentrations. Fortunately, other
may even go unnoticed. Underground
gases like hydrogen sulfide are
or in confined spaces with inadequate
present as well. Methane is also
air circulation, toxic gases can kill quite
extremely flammable; keep that
quickly. Their effects may go unnoticed
in mind if a creature is carrying
until it is too late.
torches or lanterns. Creatures
Trigger. A creature enters an affected
who enter affected areas with an
area triggers the hazard.
open flame must make a DC 17
Effect. Pockets of toxic gas can build
Dexterity saving throw, taking 55
up over a long time, given the right
(10d10) fire damage on a failed
conditions, so the area of effect could be
save, half as much on a successful
quite large, encompassing several rooms.
one. Success: dizziness (no effect)
Gases take effect slowly, so designate
Failure: vomiting: creature gains
an area of the map (a certain dungeon
the poisoned condition for as long
level for example) that is the area of
as they remain within the affected
effect. A creature ending its turn within
this area is subject to the effects of the
• Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): This gas is
toxic gas and must roll a Constitution
colorless but has the unmistakable
saving throw. Refer to the conditions
smell of sulfur (rotten eggs, but in
listed for each outcome for the toxic gas
some cases, feces). Hydrogen sulfide
affecting the area.
is also extremely flammable; keep
Gases. Select one of the common
that in mind if a creature is carrying
subterranean toxic gases from the list
torches or lanterns. Creatures who
below or create one of your own:
enter affected areas with an open
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Odorless and
flame must make a DC 17 Dexterity
colorless; in high enough concentrations,
saving throw, taking 55 (10d10)
it has a bitter acidic taste that makes
fire damage on a failed save, half as
the lips and nose tingle. Success:
much on a successful one. Success:
shortness of breath (no effect) Failure:
coughing (no effect) Failure:
confusion: (disadvantage on Wisdom
fatigue: The creature gains a level of
and Intelligence ability checks)
• Carbon Monoxide (CO) Odorless
Countermeasures. A successful DC
and colorless, even at extremely high
20 Wisdom (Survival) check reveals
concentrations. Success: headache
the hazard and any countermeasures
(no affect) Failure: blurred vision:
they can take to avoid prolonged
exposure to the toxic gases. Gust
of wind and similar spells or effects
instantly end the effect of this hazard
in every affected space within range
(at the discretion of the DM, the
effect may return at the end of the
spell or effect).

Washing Pool If an affected creature attempts
to leave the pool or is taken out of
Hazard (level 5- 10, dangerous threat)
the pool by another creature, the
This hazard presents as an inviting oasis
affected creature must make a DC 15
of cool water, which looks like it’s just
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
the thing to soothe aching muscles and
the creature takes 22 (4d10) psychic
quench parched throats. Those drinking
damage and must spend its entire
or bathing soon feel an incredible urge to
next turn attempting to re-enter
never leave this peaceful pool.
the pool. A creature that succeeds
Trigger. A creature touches the water.
this saving throw takes half damage
Effect. A creature that touches the pool
and is no longer affected by the
must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw.
pool’s magic.
On a success, the creature feels the effect
Countermeasures. A successful
of the magic in the pool fade, seeing the
DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check
bottom of the pool littered with bones,
correctly identifies the hazard and
tattered clothing, and ruined equipment.
how to dispel it. The hazard can be
The water turns brackish. On a failure,
bypassed by simply not touching
the creature becomes euphoric and has no
the water. Casting remove curse and
desire to ever leave the pool. A creature
similar spells of 3rd level or higher
can repeat the saving throw at the end
ends the effect of the pool on the
of each of its turns, ending the effect on
affected creature. Casting dispel
itself on a success.
magic using a 5th level spell slot or
higher disenchants the pool entirely
and renders it an inert pool of fetid,
black sludge.

Elder Mimic
Large monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 88 (10d8 + 18)
Speed 15 ft.

17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +5
Damage Immunities acid
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shapechanger. The elder mimic can use its action to
polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous
form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment
it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true
form if it dies.

Adhesive (Object Form Only). The elder mimic adheres to

anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered
to the elder mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability
checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.

False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the elder

mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an
ordinary object.

Grappler. The elder mimic has advantage on attack rolls against

any creature grappled by it.

Multiattack. The elder mimic makes three attacks: one with its
bite and one with each of its magic weapons.

Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.

Psychic Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Radiation Poisoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Red Phosphorous Arrow Trap ������������������������36
Acoustic Crystals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Running a Haunting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
All That Glitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Scratching in the Walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Art Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Shadow’s Hunger, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
A Word on Puzzles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Slicing Wheel Handle, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Bandaloo’s Watery Grave ������������������������������������������15
Sound & Fury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Bell On The Door, The ����������������������������������������������17
Spear Gauntlet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Bottles in the Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Splinter Spike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Buzz Off! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Sticky Floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Catastrophe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Switch Cinch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Charon’s Breath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
TEST TRAP, PLEASE IGNORE ��������������������47
Cheap Shitty Traps Like Kobolds Use 20
Theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Chest Go Boom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
The Trap Makers Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Children Laughing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Thirsty Pincushion Throne, The ��������������������44
Choke Frost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Throne of Flying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Coin In The Fountain ������������������������������������������������23
Time Bomb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Commission of Malice ����������������������������������������������65
Toxic Gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Crafter’s Spirit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Traps That Aren’t Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Dancing Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Trick a Picker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Defiled Ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Tripwire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Doors Slamming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Up To Eleven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Doors, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Washing Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Echoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
What is a Haunting?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Ember Moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
When Not to Use Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Falsefern’s Folly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
When to Use Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Faux Pas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
When You Simply Must Be A Jerk ����������������53
Fire Spore Mushrooms ����������������������������������������������77
White Dragon Breath Torrent ������������������������53
Flash & Thunder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
You Think You’re So Clever ����������������������������55
Floor Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Ghost Wind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Gibbering Head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Glowing Orb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Grabbing Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Grab Grass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Hazardous Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
I Believe I Can Fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Slaughter 29
It’s Log, It’s Log, It’s Big, It’s Heavy, It’s Wood 30
Kelvin’s Ice Tomb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Lightning Obelisk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Maddening Mural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Manifestations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Mummy Dust Trap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Oleg’s Impetus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Opposites Attract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Perimania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Pit and the Portcullis, The ������������������������������������������35

Jeromy has been a writer for a little over ten years. He has been playing tabletop games for over twenty
years. Jeromy writes poetry, short stories, and periodicals. He has worked on such Guild books as
Mordenkainen’s Lost Notebook and Halaster’s Hoard. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and painting
miniatures. He lives near Allentown, PA with his wife and three corgis.

An avid role player for 42yrs, Ken started with D&D Basic (Blue Book) back in 1976. You could say Ken
was probably the Guild’s original editor and proofreader. Ken hopes you enjoy this publication and he looks
forward to seeing what the future holds for the greatest roleplaying game ever.

D.W. Dagon is a role-playing game creator with a love for narrative design and weird fantasy. They enjoy
adventure writing and designing game mechanics but have been known to dabble in illustration and
esoteric rituals.

R P Davis is a best-selling freelance writer, editor, and adventure designer. He has been a tabletop RPG player
and referee the entire time he’s been sentient, and a role-playing addict for more than 30 years. In that time
he’s written countless things, from simple spells and effects to complete game worlds to complete roleplaying
games. He’s led the creation of several books like this, including Mordenkainen’s Lost Notebook and Halaster’s
Hoard. You can find him on Twitter @WP2XX and on the Guild by clicking here.

It wasn’t enough for Justin to just play D&D, after becoming confident enough in his geekery he decided to
to do a podcast about it. The D&D discussion podcast Crit Academy is the result. His Challenge Accepted! hit
best seller, and now Justin spends most of his free time working on projects for the Guild, improving his
show, and working with an amazing D&D community.

Bryan is a father, husband, and nerd. Programmer by day, writer by night, Canadian by birth and choice.
Gamer, Artist, and DM when he can find time. His recent works include Hellbound Heists and Blood,
Salt, & Bones.

Hal has been a playing and dungeon mastering D&D and other RPGs for nearly 40 years. He and his wife
Donna began writing community content in late 2018 with Residents of Trollskull Alley, a Waterdeep:
Dragon Heist supplement. They have several titles in the works and have both contributed to larger
collaborative projects. For news about current or upcoming projects, follow him on twitter @HalHowardDM.

Noel has been playing D&D since 1978. Through every edition, except 4th, he’s been a die-hard fan and
devoted to storytelling. Having written well over a hundred living campaign modules for conventions, he
made the foray into self-publishing with 3rd edition. In early 2018 he decided to take his limited art skills
and develop them due to frustration trying to find art for his own projects. He started an art career late in
life, but has found he enjoys it immensely. Noel is the author of The Glass Garden Tavern.


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