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Course Instructors:

Evelyne Asaala/Florence Simbiri- Jaoko ([email protected],

[email protected] +254 733 905643)
LLB 1 Second Semester February 2022

Semester Dates: February -April 2022

Lecture Hours: 45


This unit is part two of Criminal Law I and both deal with the substantive law of crime, i.e.
the law that determines whether or not conduct amounts to a crime. It does not deal with
criminal procedure or the law of evidence, except where strictly necessary or relevant.

The aim of the course is to provide students with a clear and comprehensive knowledge of
the general principles relating to criminal liability, as well as the major offences categories,
defenses and sanctions imposed upon individuals in case of a breach of the criminal law.
Specifically, this unit will introduce the student to theories of crime and punishment.

This course will comprise two parts namely:

Part I: Theories of crime and punishment

Part II: Specific offences in the Penal Code and Sexual Offences Act
This part will not deal with all offences but tries to deal with some of the most common
offences, including identification of their key ingredients.


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Evaluate the criminal law as a means of solving social problems

2. Explain the nature, concept and theories of crime and punishment, and critique
Kenya’s penal system
3. Understand and critique sentencing theories and practice in Kenya
4. Understand the ingredients of specific offences and evaluate appropriateness.


 Lectures
 Class discussions
 Case studies
 Group presentations
 Group discussions

 Course Work – 30%
(Written CATS (Continuous Assessment Test); Assignments)
 Final exams – 70%


Constitution of Kenya, 2010
Penal Code (Cap 63 Laws of Kenya)
Sexual Offences Act, 2006
Criminal Procedure Code (Cap 75 Laws of Kenya)
Evidence Act (Cap 80 Laws of Kenya)

 William Musyoka, Criminal Law (Nairobi: LawAfrica, 2013)
 Smith,J.C. & B. Hogan, Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 10th Ed)
 Card, Cross & Jones, Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 21stEd)
 Mushanga, T., Crime and Deviance: An Introduction to Criminology(Nairobi: East
African Literature Bureau, 1976).

 Clarkson,C.M.V. & HM. Keating, Criminal Law: Texts and Materials (London: Sweet &
Maxwell, 2014, 8thEd.)
 Collingwood, J.J.R., Criminal Law of East and Central Africa(London: Sweet &
Maxwell, 1967)
 Williams, Katherine S. Textbook on Criminology (London: Blackstone Press, 5th
Edition, 2004)

 Easton,S. & C. Piper, Sentencing and Punishment (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
 Muga, Erasto, Crime and Delinquency in Kenya, (Nairobi: East African Literature
Bureau, 1975)
 Williams, Glanville, Textbook on Criminal Law (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2006)
 Robinson, P. H., Criminal Law (New York: Aspen Publishers, 1997)
 Kaplan, Weisberg & Binder, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (New York: Aspen
Publishers 4th Edition 2000)
 Seidman, Robert, A Sourcebook of the Criminal Law of Africa (London: Sweet &
Maxwell, 1966)
 Padfield, Nicola, Criminal Law Core Text Series (Oxford University Press, 8th Edition,
 Clifford, William, An Introduction to African Criminology (Nairobi: Oxford University
Press, 1974).
 Maguire, Morgan& Reiner,The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 4th Edition, 2007)
 Jones, Stephen, Criminology (London: Butterworths, 3rd Edition, 2005).
 Cross, Rupert, Punishment, Prison and the Public (London: Stevens & Sons, The
Hamlyn Lectures 23rd Series, 1971).
 Oruka, Odera, Punishment and Terrorism in Africa: Problems in the Philosophy and
Practice of Punishment (Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau, 1985).


(1)Theories of Crime
1 Classical and positivist traditions
2 Environmental criminology
3 Social disorganization
4 Social differentiation
5 Ecological theories
6 Poverty, anomie and strain
7 Conflict, Marxist and Radical theories of crime

(II)Theories of Punishment

1 Retribution
2 Deterrence: general and specific deterrence
3 Reformation
4 Rehabilitation



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Murder and Manslaughter
Chapter XIX of the Penal Code

1.3 Murder
(1) Definition
section 203 of the Penal Code
Section 213 of the Penal Code

(2)The Actus Reus

 Ndiba vs. Republic [1981] KLR 103
 Republic-vs. Felix Nthiwa Nairobi HCCRC No. 43 of 1999
 Republic vs. Isaiah Muoki Musyoka and two others Nairobi HCCRC No. 69 of 1998
 Rex vs. Sirasi Bachumira (1936) 3 EACA 40
 Rex, vs. 'Muhoja s/o Manyenye(1942) 9 EACA 70
 Kimweri vs. Republic [1968] EA 452
 Republic vs. Cheya and another [1973] EA 500

(a) Deceased undergoes treatment which causes his death : section 213 (a) of the Penal
 Rex vs. Mwagambo s/o Gishodi (1941) 8 EACA
 John MuiaMuii vs. Republic Mombasa CACRA No. 96 of 1999

(b) Deceased fails to get proper medical attention

 Section 213 (b) of the Penal Code
 Tindira s/o Chiru and another vs. Rex (1951) 18 EACA 180
(c) Act of accused forces deceased to take evasive action which results in his death.
 Section 213 (c) of the Penal Code
(d) Act of accused hastens death of deceased
 Section 213 (d) of the Penal Code
(e) Act of accused accompanied by that of the deceased or of other persons
 Section213 (e) of the Penal Code
Tindira s/o Chiru and another- vs. Rex (1951)18 EACA 180
Rex vs. Tabulayenka s/o Kirya and three others (1943) 10 EACA 51
Njoroge vs. Republic [1983] KLR 197
Rvs. Ngerezas/o Masaga and others [1962] EA 766
Dracaku s/o Afia and another vs. R [1963] EA 364

(3) Mens rea/malice aforethought

 SharmpalSlngh vs. R [1960] EA 779
 Lokoya vs. Uganda [1968) EA 332
 Mugoma and another vs. Republic [2003] KLR 382
 Joseph CheboiKabon vs. Republic Nakuru CACRA No. 86 of 1999 (unreported)
(a) An intention to cause the death of another/ express malice
 Section 206 (a) of the Penal Code
 Ogeto vs. Republic [2004] 2 KLR 14
 Rex vs. MazabiabinMkomi 8 EACA 85
 Chenttyot vs. Republic [1976-1985] EA 47
 Paulo s/o Mabula vs. R (1953) 20 EACA 207
 Rex vs. Tubere 12 EACA 63
 Tindira s/o Chiru and another vs. Rex (1951) 18 EACA 180
 Mugao and another vs. Republic [1972] EA 543
 Rex vs. Mwita s/o Ogondo (1944) 11 EACA

(b) An intention to cause grievous harm to another/ implied malice

 Section 4 of the Penal Code
 Section 206 (a) of the Penal Code
 Republic vs. Isaiah MuokiMusyoka and two others Nairobi HCCRC No. 69 of 1998
 Rsx_vs. Gwangire s/o Sinyangwire(1935) 2 EACA 133
 Rex vs. YakoboOjambo s/o Nambio (1944) 11 EACA 97
 Rvs.Singh [1962]EA l3
 Peter Okoth and another vs. R [1964] EA 103
 Solomon Mungai and others vs. Republic [1965] EA 782

(c) Knowledge that the act or omission will cause death/ implied malice
 Section 206(b) of the Penal Code
 Olenja vs. Republic [1973] EA 546
 Rex vs. Tintgurwa bin Byantimba(1943) 10 EACA 44
 Rex vs. Tabulayenka s/o Kirya and three others (1943) 10EACA51
 Njoroge vs. Republic [1983] KLR 197
 R vs. Ngereza s/o Masaga and others [1962] EA 766
 Dracaku s/o Afia and another vs. R [1963] EA 364
 Isa Mukabya vs. 5[1963] EA 376
 Rex vs- KariokiwaNjagga(1934) 1 EACA 149
 Republic vs. Ndalamia and two others [2003] KLR 638
 Rex vs. Petro Mangongo s/o Katwa (1944) 11 EACA 100
 Rvs. Serne (1887) 16CoxCC311
 Rvs.Singh [1962]EA.13.
 Rvs. Hancock and Shankland [1956] 1 AllER 641.
 Rex vs. Palamba s/o Fundikila and another (1947) 14 EACA 96

(d) Intent to commit a felony/ constructive malice

 Section 206 (c) of the Penal Code
 PeteroSentali s/o Lemandwa vs. R (1953) 20 EACA 230
 Olenja vs. Republic [1973] EA 546
 Rvs. Stnne [1937]3 All ER 920
 DPP vs. Beard [1920] AC 479.
 R vs. Isingoma 6 EACA 159
 Abdurabi s/o Musavs. R (1956) 23 EACA 555
 Rex vs.Tirugurwa bin Byantimba (1942) 10EACA44
 Rex vs. Selman s/o Ngulu and another (1947) EACA 94
(e) Intention to facilitate the escape from custody of a person who has committed a
felony/constructive malice
 Section 206(d) of the Penal
 Isa Mukabya vs. R [1963] EA 376
 Rex vs. Kariokiwa Njagga (l934) 1 EACA 149

(4) Person for murder purposes

 Section 214 of the Penal Code
 Republic vs. Nyamu and two others [2005] 1 KLR 806

(5) Defences and extenuating circumstances

 Republic vs. Felix NthiwaNairobi HCCRC No. 43 of 1999 (unreported)
 Mberu ale Legure vs. Rex (1934) EACA 157
 Shoukatallie vs. R [1962] AC

(6) Penalty for murder

 Section 25 of the Penal Code
 Section 204 of the Penal Code
 Section 211 of the Penal Code
 Section 212 of the Penal Code
 Section 222 of the Penal Code
 Republic vs. WamboiKamau[1965] EA 548
 Byagonzavs. Uganda [2000] EA 351
 Rex vs. Mvula s/o Irove(1944) 11 EACA 112
 Njuguna s/o Karanja vs. Reginam(1953) EACA 196
 Rex vs. John s/o Ngona and three others (1944) 11 EACA 119
 R vs. Kiripo (1942) 20 KLR 60
 Ekai vs. Republic [1981] KLR 569 (7) Jurisdiction over Murder

1.4 Attempted murder

(1) Definition
 Section 220 of the Penal Code
 Section 221 of the Penal Code
 Mustafa Daga s/o Andu vs. Rex (1950) 17 EACA 140
 Hamisi s/o Tambi(1954) 20 EACA 176
 R vs. Muhoja s/o Manyenye 9 EACA 70
 Zebiyo s/o Ndyoka vs. Reginam(1956) EACA
 Ahmed Mohamed Saeed vs. Reginam(1956) 23 EACA 396
 Cheruiyot vs. Republic [1976-1985] EA 47
 Rex vs. LuseruWandera s/o Wandera(1948) 15 EACA 105

(3) Conviction of Related Offences

section 179 of the Criminal Procedure Code
Rex vs. Roy Hull Home (1944) EACA 107
Mustafa Daga s/o Andu vs. Rex (1950) 17 EACA 140
Rex vs. LuseruWandera s/o Wandera (1948) 15 EACA' 105
(4) Penalty for Attempted Murder
 Section 220 and 221 of the Penal Code
 Section 221 of the Penal Code
 Cheruiyot vs. Republic [1976-1985] EA 47

1.4 Manslaughter
(1) Definition
 Section 202 and 205 of the Penal Code
 Section 205 of the Penal Code
(2) The Actus Reus
 DPP vs. Newbury [1976] 2 All ER 365
 Rex vs. Mutono s/o Luigo and another (1936) 3 EACA
 Rex vs. Jeremiah Singine(1935) 2 EACA 120
 Rex vs. PelroMangongo s/o Katwa(1944) 11 EACA 100
 Amir Begum and another vs. Reginam(1956) 23 EACA 402
 Rex vs. Qurban Malik and another (1948) 15 EACA

(3) The Mens Rea

 Rex w, ZakayoLwabijjawo(1947) 14 EACA 128
 Kinywa Republic [2003] KLR 294
 Rex vs. Mbologa s/o Nyeshema (1947) 14EACA 120
 Rex vs, Petro Mangongo s/o Katwa (1944-) 11 EACA 100
 Rex vs. Mgambo bin Kwenyema(1934) EACA 169
 Gideon Miano vs. Republic Nairobi CACRA No. 13 of 1999
 Rex vs. KalunaSeguja(1935) 2 EACA 85
 Rex vs. YokanaKafero s/o SamvillLetakbulide(1936) 3 EACA 104
 Rex vs. DanieriBisamuli s/o Kite (1943) 10 EACA 42
 Rex vs. AmosiOnoka s/o Amboya (1943) 10EACA69
 James Philip vs. Rex (1952) 19 EACA 231
 Rex vs. Obao s/o Olukamba(1936) 3 EACA 25
 Issa Nurra vs. Rex (1939) 16 EACA 158
 Terence John Image vs. R [1957] EA 94
 Rex vs. KostaRwechunguras/o Tamuzim(1947) 14 EACA 54
 Rex vs. DaudiMagomu s/o AndereaMagombe(1941) 8 EACA

(4) Suicide Pacts

 Section 209 of the Penal Code

(5) Penalty for Manslaughter

 Section 202 of the Penal Code
 GedionKenga Malta vs. Republic Mombasa CACRA No. 3 5 of 1997
 Rex vs. Rubias/o Waiyu (1947) 14EACA66
 Saleh bin Mohamed bin SalimShikdi vs. Reginam(1955) EACA 437
 Rex vs. Ami/mi s/o Mahomedi(1941) 8 EACA 39

1.5 Infanticide
 Section 210 of the Penal Code

1.6 Suicide
 Section 225 of the Penal Code
 Section 226 of the Penal Code

1 .7 Concealing Birth
 section 227 of the Penal Code

1.8 Killing an Unborn Child

 section 228 of the Penal Code

1.9 Assault
 Sections 250 to 253 of the Penal Code.

(a) Common Assault

 R vs. Mbulhia s/o Kaguru 22(1) KLR 3 1
 R vs. Gituro s/o Njau 23 (1) KLR 60
 R vs. Mbiirugo22(2) KLR 62

(b) Assault occasioning bodily harm

(c) Wounding
(d) Grievous harm
 Section 4 of the Penal
 Section 234 of the Penal Code
(e) Assaults on a police officer
1.10 Offences against Liberty
Sections 254 to 266 of the Penal Code
(a) Kidnapping
 section 254 of the Penal Code
 section 255 of the Penal Code
 section 257 of the Penal Code
 sections 25S, 259, 260 and 262 of the Penal Code
 Section 261 of the Penal Code

(b) Abduction
 section 256 of the Penal Code
 sections 258, 259, 260 and 262 of the Penal Code
 Section 26 1 of the Penal Code
(c) Wrongful confinement
 section 263 of the Penal Code
(d) Slavery-related offences
 Sections 264 and 265 of the Penal Code
 the Constitution
(e) Unlawful compulsory Labour
 Section 266 of the Penal.
 The Constitution


2.1 Theft
2.2 Robbery and robbery with violence
 Section 295 of the Penal Code
 Section 296(1) of the Penal Code
2.2.1 Robbery with violence
 Section 296(2) of the Penal Code
2.3 Handling Stolen Property
2.4 Burglary and house breaking
 Lerunyani vs. R [1968] EA107
 Gakubu vs. R [1968] EA 395
 R vs. Ndesario[1969] EA 267
 Sewava vs. Uganda [1966] EA 487
 Patel vs. R [1962] EA 509
 Oyat vs. Uganda [1967] EA 827
 Ramadhanivs R [1969] EA 269


3.1 Treason
3.2 Sedition
3.3 Prohibited publications unlawful oaths
3.4 Unlawful assembly and riot
R vs. Damangu(1941) 8 EACA 64
Joyce vs. DPP [1946] AC 347
Mattaka vs. Republic [1971] EA 495
Rex vs. Luima(1949)16EACA 128
4.1 Perjury
4.2 Disobedience of lawful orders
4.3 Contempt of court
Muu vs. R [1957] EA 894
Sigh vs. R 24(1) KLR81
Confaitvs. R [1958] EA 289
Republic vs. Dick [1964] EA 519

Sexual Offences Act, No. 8 of 2006 (SOA)
Definition and elements of key offences:
5.1 Rape – sections 3, 4, 10
5.2 Defilement- sections 8, 9
5.3 Sexual assault – section 5
5.4 Indecent Acts – section 6
5.5 Incest – sections 20-22
5.6 Sexual harassment – section 23
5.7 Consent: definition – section 42; evidentiary and conclusive presumptions – sections 44
and 45
Reading: Kamau, Winifred, “The Legal Treatment of Consent in Sexual Offences in Kenya”
(2014) 10 (1) Law Society of Kenya Journal 27–57.


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