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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  [email protected]
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 May 9, 2022 – Schuman Declaration
{and what wudda been my parents’
74th wedding anniversary}

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART DXVII] – Reliable Election Sources

While Brandon Warned Covid-19 Could Infect 100 Million This Fall (just in Time For the
Midterm Elections), Trump said, “Brandon Didn’t Get Votes – He Got Ballots…The Only
Way They Win Is to Cheat in Elections.” This dynamic continues to play-out, encompassing
the internal GOP conflict and zeroing-in on how RINOs/GOPe are complicit in delays:

These data are accrued from reliable sources that document their conclusions, to wit:

As noted a week ago, I listened to Brigitte Gabriel (Founder and Chair of

ACT for America, the largest national security grassroots organization in
the U.S. with over one million members). She is a NYT best-selling author
of three books, the latest being “RISE” that defends Judeo-Christian Values
and Freedom. I chatted with her and her husband and then noted their
theme: “Stop Ballot Harvesting and Ballot Trafficking Election Theft!”

Graham Ledger hosted forensic election audit expert Jovan Pulitzer, who
uncovered a man-made, partisan catastrophe at the Post Office:
destruction of voter evidence. He opposes letting the 2020 election fade
off into history. [Also on the (March) program were review of the
political/financial nexus among Ukraine, the Bidens, the laptop, and the
oligarchs; Kirk Elliott discussed huge financial guidance for patriots who
see the recession that’s clearly on the American horizon.] Feel free to
subscribe free to The Ledger Report.

J. Christian Adams noted Brandon’s budget includes a proposed a $10

billion federal fund available for the next decade to meddle in elections by
replicating and increasing cash injections to election offices like those seen
in 2020; only a fraction of that request would dwarf the $500 million spent
in 2020 from private groups to increase urban turnout. Another $5 billion
is to be used by the U.S. Postal Service to expand its role in voting-by-mail.

After True the Vote (Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips) Claimed 4.8 Million Ballots
were illegally Trafficked in 2020 JUST in the swing states, “2000 Mules” documentary
producer Dinesh D’Souza said (at Trump’s Save America Rally In PA): “In This Movie, we
showed there Are At Least 400,000 fraudulent votes, more than enough to have stolen
the election. True the Vote has cell phone data and video evidence; its investigation was
limited due to the incredible costs and the incredible time required to do this work.

In response, Tech Giants Are Censoring, Blacklisting and Banning Posts on the “2000
Mules” Ballot Trafficking Documentary Across Social Media Platforms, for Only Approved
Speech was to be allowed; for example, YouTube-Google Censored Judicial Watch and
Newsmax over Brandon Corruption Video, Locking Out Judicial Watch for a Week. Also,
in response, True the Vote will Release Addresses of ALL Ballot Trafficking Stash Houses;
True the Vote will pull the “Ripcord” by Releasing ALL of Their Data.

Initially, FOX News Joined the Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules”
because Investigator Gregg Phillips felt FOX’s Lawyers were Keeping it off of the Channel.
Subsequently, Tucker Carlson ate Up Catherine Englebrecht's Claim of 'Rampant Abuse'
of Ballot Drop Boxes in 2020; Tucker missed her Most Important Statement. After this
interview, Tucker concluded Criminal Voter fraud had occurred in Fulton County, Georgia.

Chris Wright’s Early Warnings [on Liberato.US] routinely highlights key-articles, to wit:

PA election to feature unconstitutional mail-in balloting, unless state

Supreme Court changes course
CTCL forming “support group” for local elections officials
Those Dastardly Republicans Are Planning to Steal the 2024 Election [CNN
and The Guardian]
Judicial Watch Thinks the DoJ Election Threat Task Force Has Something to
ERIC is Mounting an under-the-Table Democrat GOTV Drive and ERIC
States Won’t Provide Lists That Update Voter Registration
Brennan Center started “Tracking the Big Lie in Races for Election
Administration Positions”
Election Workers Feel Threatened [Brennan Center and NPR]

This past week, he provided commentary on selected narratives:

“We need Zuckerbucks in Future Elections”

Biden’s Executive Order [3/2021, “Promoting Access to Voting”] hides the
new Zuckerbucks via a thinly disguised GOTV effort to benefit Dems. All
agencies in the federal bureaucracy are to “expand citizens’ opportunities
to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the
electoral process.” That language sounds benign, but it’s malignant; it may
conceal abuse of power. Brandon is impeding public efforts to find out.

The Constitution doesn’t grant the POTUS authority over federal elections,
reserving that power to the states and Congress (to a lesser extent).
Brandon’s order ignores that prohibition by expanding the role of D.C.
bureaucrats absent Congressional approval; his election legislation is stuck
in the Senate. Brandon refused to release full plans of possible meddling
in local elections, despite the fact that hundreds of affected agencies
allegedly submitted their plans by last September; instead, Brandon
provided only overviews of slightly more than a dozen, with little detail.

Americans have a right to see how the federal government has thrown its
weight behind voter registration and participation (and which voters it’s
targeting), especially with crucial midterm elections in November. Indeed,
this past July, the Foundation for Government Accountability [FGA]
submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to key agencies
covered by the executive order. Yet, no agency has provided the
documents the FGA requested, and most of them haven’t responded. The
DoJ even blew past the federal requirement that it acknowledge our FOIA
request within 20 days. {For example, HUD Pushes Voter Registration
Drives in Public Housing Under Biden’s Executive Order.}

Thus, the VGA is to file a federal lawsuit seeking to right this wrong, having
exhausted all other legal remedies; we want the court to compel the DoJ
to turn over the documents we requested within three weeks, thereby
ensuring that Americans can learn if anything inappropriate is happening
before they cast their midterm ballots. Deferred is suing other agencies,
hoping a federal ruling in our favor will spur them to follow the DoJ’s lead.

Increasing campus voter turnout is part of the Dems’ effort to tilt elections
in their favor (Zuckerbucks, Biden executive order, ERIC, attempted Dem
redistricting in New York, etc.). thus, the Center for Tech and Civic Life
issued an APB [Calling All College Democrats] and a toolkit to provide
guidance on fostering partnerships with universities. Students Learn their
possible roles via interaction with Election Officials and pursuit of Campus
Engagement; the Report has action items including, as per this article:

Two Michigan clerks—Jody Hansen and Jackie Beaudry—

successfully aet up satellite clerk’s offices at their local
universities in 2020 they registered thousands of new
voters while demystifying the voting process. This year,
they’re evaluating what worked well in 2020, and where
there was room for improvement. Using their reflection and
refinement skills, they’re ensuring that their initiatives have
an even greater impact in 2022.

Grand Valley State University, located 12 miles west of
Grand Rapids in Allendale Township, serves over 24,000
students. And GVSU students have a history of turning out
in impressive numbers. On Election Day in 2016, so many
first-time student voters showed up at a polling location
that election workers were overwhelmed and long lines
formed. In 2020, to prevent a similar situation from
happening, former Township Clerk Laurie Richards
established a satellite clerk’s office on GVSU’s campus.

The pop-up satellite offices at GVSU and UMMA made

voting more accessible and convenient for college-age
voters in 2020. Ann Arbor and Allendale Township
registered thousands of voters and collected thousands of
ballots. Still, there was room to further improve voters’
experiences for the upcoming 2022 elections; anticipated is
incorporation of popular elements from the UMMA office
(e.g., using art/design to create a welcoming environment
for student voters).

Dems obtain arrests and a conviction in unauthorized voting system access

Cases; Chasing proof of vote-rigging “falsehoods or conspiracy theories,
Republican officials and activists in eight U.S. locales In five states have
plotted to gain “illegal” access to balloting systems, undermining the
security of elections they claim to protect. states since the 2020 election.
All involved local Republican officeholders or party activists.

Some of the people and groups involved in the vigilante election-

investigator movement are drawing financial support from Mike Lindell,
the My Pillow Inc CEO and one of the most visible backers of Trump’s fraud
claims. Lindell hired four top members of one group, the U.S. Election
Integrity Plan [USEIP]. The group got Lindell’s backing three months after
its co-founder advised Elbert County Clerk Schroeder in his effort to copy
and leak voting data. In all, Lindell has spent about $30 million and hired
up to 70 people, including lawyers and “cyber people,” partly in support of
Cause of America, a right-wing network of election activists.

Four experts in voting law said the extent of these balloting-data breaches
is unprecedented in modern U.S. elections. The violations are especially
worrying, say election officials, because they break the chain of custody
over ballots and tabulating equipment.

The Colorado data Schroeder leaked likely included ballot images that
showed how people voted, according to the secretary of state’s office. If
so, that would violate a core principle of modern American democracy: the
secret ballot, which is intended to protect voters from politically motivated
harassment or intimidation and to prevent vote-buying.

The incidents all took place in states that have been competitive in recent
elections: Two occurred in Colorado, three in Michigan and one each in
Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. At least five of the cases are under
investigation by local or federal law enforcement, with three arrests and
one conviction, according to state and local officials.

Schroeder wasn’t the only Colorado clerk approached by the USEIP’s Smith
for access to secure voting data. In May 2021, Smith told El Paso County
clerk Chuck Broerman that USEIP would conduct a “forensic investigation”
of his voting systems.

Dems Attack GOP reliance on State Legislatures

It was claimed that the independent state legislature theory is a radical and
baseless attack on our elections for, allegedly, the Framers didn’t trust
state legislatures. Corruption & mutability of the Legislative Councils of the
States “led to the appointment of this 1787 Constitutional Convention,”
according to John F. Mercer of Maryland.

The Elections Clause gives “legislatures” the power to set the “times,
places, and manner” of elections. (And — to underline how little the
Framers’ trusted state legislatures — Congress “may at any time by Law
make or alter such Regulations.”) Since the founding, “legislatures” has
been understood to mean “state governments.”

Voters across the country are trying to take back their elections. They are
amending their constitutions to demand fair maps and taking their own
lawmakers to court to ensure access to the ballot. The independent state
legislature theory would wipe those reforms away, along with countless
state constitutional provisions that govern elections.

"Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said Left-Wing Groups use Race and lawsuits to
Carry Out Election Fraud" [Epoch Times / Zero Hedge]. He claimed Dems
use claims that voter ID laws are racist in a bid to strike them down, despite
they are commonplace in countries across Europe and elsewhere. {Note:
Stacey Abrams and other Dems have admitted voter ID is not racist.}

Scott said the NRSC and Republican National Committee are defending
numerous lawsuits against election integrity laws across the United States.
For example, a judge in Florida ruled that the state’s new election law, SB
90, was unconstitutional, although state officials successfully appealed the
order. That law was signed in May 2021 by the governor before it was
challenged by several liberal advocacy groups, some of which accused the
law of being racist.

Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker of the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Florida, an Obama appointee, said the law is
discriminatory and claimed it violates the Constitution. He also issued a
permanent injunction preventing enforcement of many of the provisions.
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody appealed the ruling, while Gov.
Ron DeSantis said he believed Walker’s ruling will be overturned.
{A federal appeals court just reinstated parts of Florida’s new law.}

More dirty tricks are coming from the Democrats.

Democrat National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison discussed the

Dems’ strategy for the 2022 midterms. MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross called
Republicans “Fascists” as she wondered how the Democrat party can
connect with more voters going into the midterms.

Harrison called this statement by Roland Martin as a “good road

map”]: “They’ve got to be willing to engage in war. You cannot play fair
with people who don’t play fair. There are no rules. The other side has
shown that they will do whatever is necessary in order to win. So you’ve
got to say, America, when they didn’t care about you, we did.”

Illustrative of the final piece is the fact that Brandon included $8.8 Billion in the
$33 Billion Ukraine Package on Items like Countering Disinformation ; this game is
routine, notwithstanding the customary desire for “clean” bills composed on the
committee-level with amendments that are only adopted if they relate to the title
(routinely supplanted in Congress by uniparty “continuing resolutions”).

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