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The Miracles of the

Prophet ;i
Imam Ibn Kathir

Translated by
Dr. Nancy Eweiss

Edited by
Selma Cook

Dar Al-Manarah
For Translation, Publishing& Distribution
Table of Contents
Translator's Preface Vll
Introduction X
The life of the Prophet ~ is a great 1
The definition of a miracle 1
Types of miracles 2
Miracles of the Prophet ~ 3
First: Moral miracles 3
The miracle of the Qur'an 3
Aspects of the miracles of the Qur ~an 8
The miracle of his morals and attributes ~ 24
His honorable lineage 24
The honor of the area where he was born 25
and raised
His perfect discipline and upbringing 26
His perfect creation and image 26
His Migration from Madinah 27
His nation is the most perfect of nations 36
Second: The material signs of Prophecy 40
1. The sign of the splitting of the moon 40
2. Invoking Allah (Du'a') for rain ((lstisqa' 42
3. The miracles related to the earth 46
A. The spouting of water from between 46
his fingers
B. Food multiplies in amount in his hand ~ 51

C. The tree follows the command of the 66
Prophet ;i
D. The weeping of the pulpit on missing 71
the Prophet~
E. The stones glorify Allah in the palm of 72
the Prophet~
F. The stones salute him~ 74
G. The Prophet ~ throws dust into the 74
enemies' faces in Badr and Hunain
H. The Prophet ~ pointed to the idols and 77
they fell on their faces
4. The miracles related to animals 77
A. The story of the camel which fled 77
B. The story of the camel which wept and 78
complained to the Prophet ;i
C. The Messenger of Allah ~ is informed 79
about the poisoned sheep
D. The story of the camel of Jabir 80
E. The blessing of the Prophet ~ gives 81
power to the donkey of Halimah as-
Sa'diyah (his wet nurse)
F. The wolf who testified that Muhammad 82
~ is the Messenger of Allah
G. The Hadith of the deer which seeks the 83
protection of the Prophet ~
H. The story of the bird 84
5. The miracles related to the companions 85
of the prophet ~

A. The story of the two men whose sticks lit 85
the way for them
B. The man whose fmgers lit the way for 86
C. The miracle of Tamim ad-Dari who 86
pushed away the fire which appeared in at-
Harrah (a mountain at the side ofMadinah)
D. The story which Anas told about "al- 87
'Ala' Ibn al- Hadrami"
E. An army which walks on the water 89
6. Miracles related to the cure of disease 90
A. The Prophet ~ cures the boy who is 90
suffering from epilepsy (due to being
touched by the Shai!an)
B . Making Du'a' for the woman who was 91
suffering from epilepsy
C. Making Du' a' for the Emigrants to be 91
cured from
. fever in Madinah
D. The blind man was cured when he said a 93
Du' a' that was taught to him by the Prophet
7. His Du' a' ;i is answered 93
8. The Prophet ~ was asked bout certain 107
matters, and his answer was in accordance
with - the facts - that were stated in the
previous books revealed to other Prophets
(before his Message)
A. His answer about : the soul, the people 107
of the cave and Dhul Qarnain

B. His answer ~ about the signs of the 108
Hour and other questions
C. The Story of the Jew who defied him ~ 112
D. A Jewish boy who used to serve the 113
Prophet ~ ' believes in his Message, but his
father belies him
Third: The Previous books give Glad 114
Tidings (Prophecies) about him ~:
Fourth: His Telling ai about events 130
which actually took place:
Fifth: His telling ti about future events: 140
Sixth: The Miracles of the Prophet ~ 160
compared to those of the Previous
Seventh: The Night Journey al-Isra' and 200

Translator's Preface
All Praise is due to Allah, the Most High, the
Greatest and the Almighty. I testify that there is no
god but Allah, Who has no partner and that nothing
is like unto Him. I testify that Muhammad ~ is the
Messenger of Allah. May the peace and blessings of
Allah be upon His Messenger, his family, his
companions and his followers until the Day of

Allah the Almighty sent His Messengers and

supported them with miracles to prove to those who
belie them that they are really sent by Allah. Before
the advent of Muhammad ~' those miracles were
mainly material signs that could be seen and felt by
the senses. However, Muhammad :t was supported
by the greatest and everlasting miracle- The Glorious
Qu 'an, the Book of Allah- which AHah promised to
preserve -Himself- until the Day of Judgment. Truly
Alhlh said:

"Verily We: It is We Who have sent down

the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely,
We will guard it (from corruption)"

The Prophet ~ was supported by many material
signs, that all could see and which were narrated by
the Companions of the Prophet ti and were reported
in many books of !f_adfth.

This book, "The Miracles of the Prophet M "

is extracted from the great book of Ibn Kathfr; "al-
Bidayah wan-Nihayah "; the greatest book ever
written about the history of the world until the era
which the author had lived through. Imam Ibn
Kathfr, was a scholar of Hadfth, so when he relates a
Hadfth, he follows it by commenting on the chain of
narrators and the text of the !f.adfth. That is why, I
chose to leave out (in this translation), the very weak
or invented narrations, depending mainly on the
comments of IIJn Kathfr and trying to adhere
whenever possible to the sound (§.a!J:.i!l) narrations or
the good (Hasan) ones.

I must say though, that I have come across many

interesting stories, for the first time, which proved
to me that we -the Muslims- are not fully aware of
the material miracles by which Allah supported His
Prophet, and we chose to remain under the
impression that it is only the Qur'an which is the
miracle of our Prophet ti.

I would like to express my appreciation to sister

Selma Cook for her great efforts not only in editing

this work, but also for being a critical reader, who
appreciates and understands what she is reading,
giving interesting remarks, of which I benefited a
great deal.
I hope that this valuable book will be a
beneficial addition to the English Islamic library, and
I pray to Allah to accept this humble effort, without
Whose help and guidance, this work would not have
been accomplished.

Nancy Eweiss

All praise is due to Allah and may the peace
and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger
Muhammad, his household, his companions, his
followers and those who continue the call to Islam
until the Day of Judgment.

This book, "The Miracles of the Prophet" is

extracted from the famous history book, entitled "al-
Bidayah wan-Nihayah" written by Imam Ibn Kathfr.
The miracles of the Prophet ~ were included in this
encyclopedia under the heading "The signs of
Prophethood". This book is spiritual nourishment for
Muslim readers as it links them to the life of our
holy Prophet ~ - It clarifies an aspect of his great
character, which is supported by endless Divine
power of which all the laws of the universe submit.
For this reason, we observe that all creatures
responded to him - with the will of Allah the
Almighty- in whichever way he chose. Trees
followed him, stones praised and glorified Allah in
his hand, mountains communicated with him, birds
and beasts spoke to him, the linn submitted to him
and the devils were stricken upon hearing his name.
There are many more miracles, which were narrated
about him ~ . These miracles bewildered the minds
of his contemporaries and their great impact was
evident in silencing the tongues of those who
opposed his Message, while being a source of
comfort to the believers.

The miracles of the Prophet ~ were so

numerous, that it was impossible to count them all.
Narrators of Hadfth reported them in authentic
chains of narration that were subsequently
transcribed by Muslim scholars. All the books of
history and biography of the Prophet ~ or his
companions, refer to some of these great miracles.
These miracles prove that Allah supported His
Prophet ~ and granted him victory over his enemies.

The transcription of these miracles started very

early, under the title "The signs of prophethood".
One of the earliest authors of these miracles was Ibn
Qutaybah, who died in 267 AH followed by Imam
Abu-Dawud as-Sajistanf, who died in 275 AH who
also wrote a book about the signs of prophecy,
which was referred to by Imam Ibn Hajar in his
book ~'Tahdhfb at-tahdhfb ".

The life of the Prophet M is a great miracle:
There is no doubt that the life of the Prophet :i
is in itself a great miracle. Imam lbn-Taymiyah
referred to this fact by saying, "The biography of the
Prophet ~' his attributes and manners, his sayings
and deeds and his Sharf'ah are of the signs of his
Prophecy" . If this were the true miracle of the
Prophet ~' what would one say about the moral and
material miracles, which AIIah bestowed upon him!
The latter will be discussed in detail in this book,
lnshi' Allah (Allah willing).
The definition of a miracle:
Scholars have defmed a miracle as an event,
which violates the conventional laws of life. This
kind of event occurs by the permission of Allah
through one of His Prophets, in order to prove His
Prophecy and message.
It is customary that a miracle comes to defy
human power and that this occurs in the same field
in which those people have achieved some level of
progress and development.
The sign of prophecy is a miracle, which AllAh
reveals, through that Prophet, after the non-believers
have defied him. It occurs in a way that renders them
helpless to perform a similar feat. This miracle, is a
testimony from Allah that this Prophet, who came with
· this miracle is truthful in conveying this message, as
Allah the Almighty does not support liars.
Types of miracles:
If we look at the miracles that supported Allah's
Prophets and Messengers throughout history, we will
fmd that for each Prophet, there is a miracle that
suits both his people and his time. This miracle, is
either an action, such as the emergence of the she-
camel of Sali!J:. from the mountain rocks, or the
conversion of the stick of Moses into a snake and its
swallowing of the magic of the magicians without
leaving a single trace of it.
On the other hand, a miracle could be displayed
in a negative fonn of action such as the frre in which
Ibrahim was thrown, as it did not bum him when the
non-believers cast him into it.
A miracle could also be manifested in the form
of sayings, such as the words of the Glorious
Qur' an, which defies the rhetoric ability of the non-
believers throughout the ages.

Miracles of the Prophet M
First: Moral miracles
The miracle of the Qur'an:
The miracle of the Qur' an, is both a moral and a
material miracle. In the moral aspect, it is the
revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet ?i, which in
itself reflects the greatest of miracles, the most
amazing sign and the clearest evidence, due to its
miraculous linguistic structures that defies human
beings and the jinn alike. They were both challenged
to produce the like of the Qur'an, but were unable to
do so. The enemies of the Qur'an were absolutely
incapable of saying anything like it, even though
they were motivated to oppose it, in addition to their
traditional eloquence and fluency in Arabic. This
challenge to produce something like the Qur'an,
went down to ten Surahs (chapters), but they still
could not, and then even one Surah (chapter) but
they were still incapable of producing anything like
it. They were well aware that they could never do so
and that no one could ever meet this challenge.
Allah, the Almighty says in the Qur'an:

(AA : ~l.r~l) ((AA)I~ ~ ~~Ja:.! ~~ ")j ~ ~j~

.,. ~ "" .,. ., " .;

"Say: "If the mankind and the Jinns were

together to produce the like of this Qur'an,
they could not produce the like thereof,
even if they helped one another" (17:88).
This verse was revealed in Makkah. In Surah
a!-Tur (The Mount), which was also revealed in
Makkah, Allah the Almighty says:
(~ t -~~: J#l) ((~f);~ fo)! J J. ~~ ~)~ ~f)

"Or do they say: "He (Muhammad M)

has forged it (this Qur'an)?" 1Vay! They
believe not! Let them then produce a
recital like unto it (the Qur'an) if they
are truthful" (52: 33-34),
i.e. if you are truthful in saying that Muhammad
~ made this Qur'an himself, then remember that he
is a human being like you, so they should be able to
say something similar to what he said.
Allah the Almighty repeats in Surah "al-
Baqarah " (the cow), which was revealed in
M adfnah, the challenge to the non believers ..
",. ...
::,.. oj~ 1j~ u~
~ ... , ;'
.P- Jjr ~ "'~) ~ ~ ~l:J)
) • ~
..,. ""
J ;

c~r:o..,J-)1) <~~)~~IJ ~ ~~ ~~ ~J~ ~~,14\ ~~~~J


"And if you are in doubt concerning that

which We have sent down to Our slave
(Muhammad M) then produce a Surah
(chapter) of the like thereof and call your
witnesses besides Allilh, if you are
truthful" (2:23).
Allah the Almighty also said:
' • _. ,. 0 , • , ' ' f)..
'}~') ..:.tliJt ~ J~ ~ 1§\! Ji oiJ:!I ~ _,._J ;i. ~i,
~ "'"' ., "' , .,;

Ill ,

,~:-.~ i-J~( ' ,.)~.)~ ~ ~l ~\ ~J~::,..

"" ,..,
' 0

, .;

"' "'
;..:;b;t,, :;

~f ~ )A Jl, 41} J ~fj JJ, ~ Jjlf Wf ~~~ ;....Jj

"" ,. , ,. "" ""

<' t - ' r:.)JA) ( <' t )~; •.1,.:. !

"Or they say, "He (Prophet Muhammad#)
forged it (the Qur'an)". Say: "Bring you
then ten forged Surah (chapters) like unto
it, and call whomsoever you can, other
than Allah (to your help), if you speak the
truth! If then they answer you not, know
then that the Revelation (this Knowledge of
AllQh and that La ilaha illa Huwa (none
has the right to be worshipped but He)!
Will you then be Muslims (those who
submit to lstam)?" (11:13-14).
Allah, Glorified be He also said:
~J~ ::,.."" i.SjA;_ ~f ~T:,ij1 llA ~L-.5 Gj)

JJ ,ol~l. ~)_,it
~b;• . 1:; I}~'J 4li,. ij~ 1j~
, ,. .,. . ,
"', ,.
rf( rV)
tJ ,.

'~ (J ~ '..~JS' J.<r A)~.)W, ~ ~< ~1 "'-.-l!l ~ J~ :.r--

, "" ,,. ; , ,. ,.

ji:J~ ~ "'6"'1:.i ~"" Y-li' ~~ ~~

; .,
410, \1 ~~
~j .."' ,~i~"', ;

<,. ~ -Y'V :~Jt) ((r ~ )~Jil,

, ,.
~~ ~

"And this Qur'dn is n.ot such as could
ever be produced by other than AllQh
(Lord of the heavens and the earth), but
it is a confirmation of (the Revelation)
which was before it and a full
. explanation of the Book wherein there is
no doubt from the Lord of the universe.
Or do they say : "He (Muhammad M)
has forged it?" Say: "Bring then a Sarah
(chapter) like unto it, and call upon
whomsoever you can, besides Allah, if
you are truthful! Nay, they deny that ;
the knowledge whereof they could not
compass and whereof the interpretation
has not yet come unto them. Thus see
what was the end of the wrong-doers!"
Allah the Almighty clarified that human beings
are unable to say anything like it (the Qur'an), not
ten Surah (chapters), not even one Surah. They
would never be able to do so, as Allah the Almighty
says: "But if you do it not, and you can never do
it", i.e. if you did not do this (in the past) and will
not be able to do this in the future; which means they
could not say anything like it, now or later.
If the Qur'an was written by a human being,
then that person would hesitate to throw out such a

challenge and thereby be exposed and suffer the
repudiation of the people, contrary to what he
originally intended. It is well known by every wise
man, that Muhammad is the most rational creature
of Allah; the most wise and most perfect of all. He
would never have taken such a step (saying the
Qur'an) unless he was certain that no one could ever
produce anything like it. This is how it has been
since the time of the Prophet ~ till now, that no one
has ever been able to say anything like the Qur'an,
not even one Surah. It is impossible because the
Qur'an is the word of the Lord of the Universe,
Allah, and there is nothing like unto Him. He bears
no similarity to any of His creation, in His Being,
His Character or His Deeds. How then could the
words of His creation, be similar to His words!
The non believers of the Quraish said - as Allah
told us in the Qur' an:
,iA Ji.. &f ;~ ") ~ ~ 1)~ ~0 ~ fl ~~r,)
"" "" / /

(~' :Jl4i"i1) ((r' )~-:JjUI ~L:...i Jl llA

r r r

"And when Our Verses are recited to

them, they say: ''We have heard this (the
Qur'an); if we wish we can say the like
of this. This is nothing but tales of the
ancients" (8:31).
There is no evidence to support their 1ie. If they

were truthful, they would not have said any such
thing, but they know within themselves that they are
lying, just as they know that they lied when they said :
~):; 4i-
lt~~~~ ~jU1 )_J,L:A
, "'
( 0: ~li _till)

"Tales of the ancients, which he has

written down, and they are dictated to
him morning and afternoon,, (25:5).
Allah the Almighty answered them saying,
~lf ;J! ")Uij ~~j~l ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ;Jj-JI j..J)
('\ :~li yAJI) (('\ )~J

"Say: "It has been sent down by Him

(AllQh) (the Real Lord of the heavens
and earth) Who knows the secrets of the
heavens and the earth, He is Oft-
Forgiving, Most Merciful" (25:6),
which means that Allah knov.s all the hidden
secrets. That He is the Lord of the heavens and the
earth, and knows all that took place (in the past),
what will be (in the future), and even from what
never took place, He knows what would have
happened should it have occurred.
Aspects of the miracles of the Qur'an:
Allah the Almighty revealed to His slave and

messenger, the illiterate Prophet ~ the stories of the
previous religions, which he did not know before. It
was Allah Who told him the stories of what took
place in the past, together with what existed in
reality, at that time. By doing so, Allah makes a
distinction between what is true and what is false,
and that is the distinction, which the previous books
differed in. Allah the Almighty said:
~J CJf '+J:.; J ~ ~l ~} t.: )il ~yt ::,...... ~~ h)
"' ,; "' , , "'
( t ~: ~JA) (( t \ )~ o!~iJ i;iuJ1 ~1 ~~ IJA J,i :,. ~ji
; ""' "' ""' "

"This is of the news of the unseen which

We reveal unto you (0 Muhammad)
neither you nor your people knew them
before this. So be patient. Surely, the
(good) end is for the pious" (11 :49),
and said:
,')~ lflf ~ l)qi :Jj ~. :J ~ ~~t::,.. ~.~:'~~a! ~jS')
,. "' "'
• J ;
f ""'

.,. ,.
• •)'JJJ ~~~
"' ,"'
~Ji ~ U\i ~ ~}- ,. "'
<'. '-'\'\ :.U,) (<'. ')~ ~~', ~Ji ~ ~C.j 4:) "' ; "' ;

"Thus We relate to you some information

of what happened before. And indeed We
have given you from Us a Reminder (this
Qur'an). Whoever turns away from it,
verily, they will bear a heavy burden (of
sins) on the Day of Resurrection. They
will abide in that and evil intleed will it
be that load for them on the Day of
Resurrection". (20:99-101).
Truly, Allah also said:
Y~' ~ ~~ ~ I.;J,., ~~ j;jt.t., Y~' ~!""' u;f:,) ""'

"And We have sent down to you the Book

in truth, confirming the Scriptures that
came before it and a witness over it (old
Scriptures) (5:48),
and said:

o...i-- f o. )~.}!.u u1 \.Jt'.J JJ, ~ ~u-'tit
~ J ~ ~
·,i -...
"'"' ., ., ~ "' "' "' ,
~) ~~
J"" ~!., ~f:rs. ~ y~\ ~':~ J;f \...Jf
;' .;


· ~ ~t~ ,..
~ ~

--~ ~--
.J ~

~< "
..Uu. 4.r* iJ'
, , Oo ,

( )

~J ! ··J~.,..-
·- ~•

~ ~jf
" "'
'J~J j»~lt
"" "
t.PT ~wUij ~)Otj ~'J~'
~ "" ""
(OY-tA:~J·~·(ah) ((O~)~J~~t

"Neither did you read any book before it

(this Qur'an) nor did you write any book
(whatsoever) with your right hand. In that
case, indeed, the followers of falsehood

might have doubted. Nay, but they, the
clear Aydt [i.e. the description and the
qualities of Prophet Muhammad M written
like verses in the Turat (Torah) and the
Injeel (Gospel)] are preserved in the
breasts of those who have been given
knowledge. And none but the wrongdoers,
deny Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, signs ..
etc). And they say: "Why are not signs
sent down to him from his Lord? Say:
"The signs are only with Allah, and I am
only a plain warner. Is it not sufficient for
them that We have sent down to you the
Book (the Qur'an) which is recited to
them? Verily, herein is mercy and a
reminder for a people who believe. Say (to
them 0 Muhammad M: "Sufficient is
Allah for a witness between me and you.
He knows what is in the heavens and on
earth. " And those who believe in
falsehood and disbelieve, in Allah and (in
His Oneness), it is they who are the
losers" (29:48-52).
Allah, thus declared that revealing this book to
Muhammad - the illiterate Prophet ~' the book
which contains the reality of what happened before,
what will take place (in the future) and what was
actually taking place at that time, is sufficient in
itself to prove that he is truthful.
Allah Glorified be He, has said:
~~ u~Lil""' ~ };"Jt ~ ~.J,
., ,..
J~ ,~~ ~0 ~ ~
)L1 ~~tj)

~ ,~\ili" :,."' ;j~( ~f

J ~~ ~ Ji 4!~ jll~ ~ ~, ~~
,.. , ""
· ' ~lit. 1~, ~ · ; ae ~~ ~~f tl :; f1 ' J ~ Jl , ff ~I
, . ~) - ,• " ·"" ,.,., 4T J! ., ~
"' •"'
.,,. J ,. ,. J ,. " • ,. " a J

:W ~
;..s'')~f \J) ~ ;J_,M ~ W1 ~~ Jl J--i<' "')1'-

::,. \;s. ~ c ~.'

D .... . , , .,; J. ,._,, , J D ,

~J=il :;... ~i :;..(' , )~ ~ Ll!i ~

"' """' "' ,. , .,
, • • ,. ....: Ill , , "" .. ,

( 'v )Y.r--'-~.
~ , :...~ '' ~ \l ;.r, .u\.i'L
, ~·, ~~
· •J i G.lS"
. 4......lll ~1e
,.. .,. "' , ,..

(('V-' o:~y..)
"And when Our Clear Verses are recited
unto them, those who hope not for their
meeting with Us, say: Bring us a Qur'an
other than this, or change it". Say (0
Muhammad #): "It is not for me to
change it on my own accord; I only follow
that which is revealed unto me. Verily, I
fear if I were to disobey my Lord, the
torment of the Great Day (i.e. the Day of
Resurrection)". Say (0 Muhammad M)
"If Allah had so willed, I should not have
recited it to you nor would He have made
it known to you. Verily, I have stayed
amongst you a life time before this. Have
you then no sense?" So who does more
wrong than he who forges a lie against

Alllih or denies His evidences and signs?
Surely, the criminals will never be
successful". (1 0:15-17).
The Prophet :i is saying to them: "/ cannot
change this on my own accord, it is only Allah the
Almighty who blots out what He wills and confirms
(what He wills). I am only conveying the. Message,
and you know how truthful I am concerning what I
revealed to you, as I was brought up amongst you
and you know my lineage and my honesty. I never
lied to any one of you, how could I lie to Allah the
Almighty, to whom belongs the ability to inflict harm
or bring about what is beneficial. He has power
over all things, and He is the All-Knower of
Is there a greater sin than forging a lie against
Allah, and relating to Him what He did not say, as
Allah the Almighty said:
L ~a, . ··. ,~j~ J~ IIi~"
·-- --iu. u. u~ti(t t )loft.J
~ t" )~
r-< ~, , , "'""
~ - JAJ .,.-f~)
((tV)~}':"~~ ~f::,. ~ ~(t '\)~)1 4l. ,~ •f,ji
, ... ~ , "' "' ,.
(tv- t t :UY.t)

"And if he (Mu!!_ammad) luulforged a false

saying against Us. We surely should have
seized him by his right hand. And then
certainly should have cut off his life artery
(Aorta). And none of you could withhold Us

from (punishing) him" (69: 44-47).
This means that if he had lied concerning
what was revealed to him, Allah would take His
revenge from him, in a most severe way. Not one of
the inhabitants of the earth would be able to prevent
Allah from taking revenge.
Allah the Almighty said:
~J :,Jl, ,.,."" Jf J~ jf 4~
~ ~Jii' ~"" ~~ ~j)
~! ,s1f -}j 4IJ, JJ;f ~ Ji.."" JJL.
; ,
J~ ~J ;:_;. ~! t.H. ; ;

, ;
'~li k;~,J
"' , ~~~ ..,~·~ J ~~~'
.., ; ,
.~~, ~ !~ ::!< t": . • &!i, " ,. .." -: •.. .!..._4 -·&1, ..<' " ~ f
ie. -: .1'&(jiiJ
(J r \4.!
" "
I)~ ~ JS, Jp ~r-' r
l) ...Ajt

(~,.:~\al~l) ( (~,.,)~J~; .. f 410 ~ ~J ~~ ~

" ""

"And who can be more unjust than he

who invents a lie against Alliih, or says:
"I have received inspiration," whereas he
is not inspired in anything; and who
says, "I will reveal the like of what Allah
has revealed. " And if you could but see
when the wrongdoers are in the agonies
of death, while the angels are stretching
forth their hands saying: "Deliver your
souls! This day you shall be recompensed
with the torment of degradation because
of what you used to utter against Allah
other than the truth. And you used to

reject His signs with disrespect" (6:93),
and said:
:rJ fJ ~J ~ :._~,~ tlll Ji• 0~~ ~i .,<~ ~i J-J

, ,
~ J - • , J , • ))

~ ~t ~J:~+·~ ;j ~i ~ :;:, ~, ~).UU ~ T:,ijl llA ~l ; ... ., ; .,

~ ;4$;. ~!) l>-1) ;Jl )A Wl Ji Ji_\f ~ Ji 4>;-f ~n

,. , / , """ ... "" .;

<' ~:~W"JI) ((, ~)~_j?J

"Say (Muhammad !/1) "What thing is the
most great in witness?" Say: "Allah (the
Most Great!) is Witness between me and
you; this Qur'an has been revealed to me
that I may therewith warn you and
whomsoever it may reach." (6:19).
This means that Allah is witness over all that is
happening and that He is the greatest witness. He is
watching over you and I, concerning all that was
revealed from Him. What makes these words even
stronger is that they imply a solemn oath from the
Prophet ~ in that Allah sent him to all creation to
warn them through this Qur'an. Whoever received
the Message, is considered to have received the
warning, as Allah the Almighty said:
~{ ~~ ~ ~
../, ,;;.- Ui o~~ ~1?-UI ~ ~ ~ ~J· ...... .
• •. , , • , J ·" : , • • • ,, )

((' V)~ PJt J ',""l1!' ;-f ~J &,) ~ J;jl ;jl ~ ~~

.; "' ; _, """ , ,.

<' V:~JA)
"but those of the sects (Jews, Christians
and all the other non-Muslim nations)
that reject it (the Qur'an), the Fire will
be their promised meeting-place. So be
not in doubt about it. Verily, it is the
truth from your Lord, but most of
mankind believe not" (11:17).
The Qur'an contains all truthful information
regarding Allah, His angels, His Throne, and His
upper and lower creatures. It also includes
knowledge about the heavens and the earth and all
that is between them. As well as all the great events
taking place therein, supported by decisive evidence,
which is to be conceived by the sound mind, as
Allah the Almighty says:
~f j.~ ~
Y::,. ~T:Jj1 1iA J ~l.W ci~ :Ufj)
., ,. , .,. ..

(A~:~Ir1') ((A~)I)~ J!

"And indeed We have fully explained to

mankind, in this Qur'an, every kind of
similitude, but most mankind refuse (the
truth and accept nothing) but disbelief"
AlMh the Almighty also said:
(< t ~)~ ~\Af, J! ~a~ ~J ~\ill ~~ j~u, ~~ hj)
"' "' "'
(t~ : ~~l)

"And these similitudes We put forward
for mankind, but none wiU understand
them except those who have knowledge
(of AlMh and His Signs, etc.. )" (29:43),
and said:
~ tW ~ jS- ~ \)'~'
jJ "" ,
,:u. J J'lL..U ~J..-:P U:,)
., J1l' .,

((Y/\);:,~~6W ~~ 'i~ ~ ~~ Uf)(YV)~Jj'J; i

(Y A-YV:y)1)

"And indeed We have put forth for men,

in this Qur'an every kind of similitude in
order that they may remember. An
Arabic Qur'an, without any crookedness
(therein) in order that they may avoid all
evil which AllQh has ordered them to
avoid, fear Him and keep their duty to
Him" (39: 27-28).
The Glorious Qur' an also tells us the truth
concerning the events that happened in the past, as
evidenced by what was written in the books of the
people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)
themselves, even though the Qur'an was revealed to
an illiterate man. This man, never witnessed any of
the events of the previous nations, or read any of
their books. Nevertheless, he surprised people by
what was revealed to him, of those events that are
mentioned, so that people can take lessons from the

stories of the previous Prophets with their nations,
how they suffered with them, and how Allah the
Almighty, saved the believers and destroyed the
unbelievers. These stories were revealed to the
Prophet ~ in a language with which nothing can
compare. Stories are told briefly but using very
eloquent and well-versed language. The same story
is told again in other places but in detail with the
same superb linguistic structures. The one who reads
or hears these verses of the Qur'an, feels as if he is
watching the scene live; being present in the midst of
events as they are unfolding. Allah the Almighty said:

"And you (0 Muhammad 6) were not at

the side of the Tur (Mount) when We did
call. But (you are sent) as a mercy from
the Lord, to give warning to a people to
whom no Warner had come before, in
order that they may remember or receive
admonition" (28:46),
and said:

"You were not with them, when they cast
lots with their pens as to which of them
should be charged with the care of
Maryam (Mary); nor were you with them
when they disputed" (3:44).
Allah, Glorified be He, also said in Surah Yusuf
~~f 1! ~:J
~ ~J ~!.., ~""' y ~
.... ,
:.J1 ,.~~t ~ ~~)
.., / /

Jlj ~~\ ~~ ~J(' • ~ )~ J~ ;...-e) ;.Ay...;i

, I' .... It tl" ,. .J. ....

II " I) ., , J,,.

~~ \J} )A ~1 .f.i ~ (,. lC. ;.iJL:....f G)(' • r)~~

, ,. ... ~ ,; , , ""

( ' • t -' • y : ~ ~) ( ( ' • t )~\ill ~ ~

"This is of the news of the unseen which

We reveal by Inspiration to you. You
were not (present) with them when they
arranged their plan together, and (also,
while) they were plotting. And most of
mankind will not believe even if you
desire it eagerly. And no reward you ask
of them for it, it (the Qur'an) is no less
than a Reminder and an advice unto the
men and linn"" (12:102-104),
until He says at the end of the Surah:
~~ ~:'""" ~~ ~ 7~u~ ~:,~ ~~ ~~;a~Ai ~ ~~ ~)

"Indeed in their stories, there is a
lesson for men of understanding. It
(the Qur'an) is not a forged statement
but a confinnation of Allizh 's existing
books (the Torah, the Gospel and other
scriptures of Allah) and a detailed
explanation of everything and a guide,
and a Mercy for the people who
believe" (12:111).
Truly, Allah also says:
~I ~. ~ ~ • ·\J ".. t" \ ~-- •. ~ ~t L.J•j I .lt_j-- )
.. ~ ~ J .) ~ ~ . - ~ y y J
"' "' "'"' , , , ,. ...

<' T'T' :i.k) (<' T'T')JJU1

"They say: "Why does he not bring us
a sign (proof) from his Lord?" Has
there not come to them the proof of that
which is (written) in the fonner books
(Scriptures, about the coming of the
Prophet Muhammad M)" (20:133),
and said:
JA ~ ~t :; ~ ~)5 ~ Jj,
"' ...
~ ::,. ::,tr ~! ~i) Jj)
"'"' "" "" ,. ""
' , ,; It ,

~ ;. 6 ~f J) J~UI J wl.(i ~~( O 'f )~ J~ ~

,., "' ... , "" "" /, "' .; ,. /

# --,. ~· .-,. " , ( -
~ tJ" ~
i~ 4ft ~--.f. ~ ._t" i t-:;...i, 4ft (.-.:"
- ~J ~
: ~f ~ --. Si " ;;'

,. ~ , ,.

( 0 T'-0 ~ : ~J a!) ( (o T')

"Say: "Tell me, if it (the Qur'an) is from

Alldh, and you disbelieve in it, who is
more astray than one who is in opposition
far away (from Alldh 's Right path and
His obedience). We will show them Our
Signs in the universe, and in their own
selves, until it becomes lllllnifest to them
that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not
sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is
a Witness over all things?" (42:52-53).
Alhih the Almighty, promised that He will prove
the truth of the Qur'an and the truth of the one to
whom it was inspired, through what He created in
the universe, of the signs which prove that this book
(the Qur'an) is the truth. This evidence (of creation)
is also to be seen in themselves, i.e. those who are
denying the Qur'an, which in itself is an evidence
against them, in order that they are sure that this
Qur' an is revealed by Allah through inspiration to
His truthful Prophet ~- Allah then directed them to
another independent proof by saying: "Is it not
sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a
Witness over all things?" i.e. knowing that Allah is
a Witness over this matter, is sufficient to know the
truth of the Messenger, because if he was forging a
lie against Allah, he would have been severely
punished, as mentioned earlier.
The Qur'an also tells us about what will take
place in the future, as much as it tells us about the
past. The following is an example:

"He knows that there will be some

among you sick, others travelling
through the land, seeking of Allah's
Bounty; yet others fighting in Allah's
Cause" (73:20).
This was one of the very first chapters that were
revealed in Makkah. There is another example
mentioned in Surah al-Qamar (the Moon), which
was also revealed in Makkah - with no dispute
among the scholars as to the place of its revelation-
J J~ • • • - 1 0 )

~~(J (..A~~ ~CJ\ ji(tO)Y!..Ut 4Jy)U ~I~~~~"

(t ,_t o:~l) ((t ,)~fj ~~f

"Their multitude will be put to flight, and

they will show their backs. Nay, but the
Hour is their appointed time and the
Hour will be more grievous and more
bitter" (54:45-46).
The defeat mentioned here, was that of the non
believers, which actually took place in the battle of

Badr, later on1•
Allah the Almighty said in the Qur' an :
> 0~ J;j' ~~J ~4i~
I , / / ""
;j~J ~)f ~.u, ~)

<T'r :~_ph) ((,-T')~j~'

"jj &

v ~,t is He Who has sent His Messenger

.. •J. u~1ammad :#) with guidance and the
~iigion of truth (lsldm)" (9:33),

.c. He has sent His Messenger with useful

knowledge and guidance to the p ath of piety. It was
reported on the authority of 'Alf Ibn Abu Talib (may
Allah be pleased with him) who said: "It is the book
of Allah that has the news of those who were before
your time and the judgment of what takes place
among you, and the news of what takes place in the

Sa'id bin Jubair narrated that: "Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas said: "When
th£ words of Allilh "Their multitude will be put to flight and they
will show their btJclcs ", were revealed, I did not know, which
multitude would be put to flight. But on the day of Badr, I saw the
Prophet J/t jump into his shield and say: "0 Allah! The conceited
and haughty Quraishites are already here defying You and belying
Your Messenger. 0 Alliih ! I am waiting for Your victory which You
have promised. I beseech You Allah to defeat them (the enemies)"
and then he said Ji : "Their multitude will be put to flight, and they
will show their backs.,. Sa 'd then said: "It was only then that I knew
th£ interpretation of the verse". This is also one of th£ miracles of
th£ Prophet j/i, as he told about a future event , which took place as
he said. (See th£ Tajsir of Imam al-QUf!Ubi) ".

The miracle o.f his morals and attributes:
From among the moral miracles of the Prophet
~' are his pure manners and perfect morals, his
courage and stamina, his patience, forgiveness and
clemency, his generosity and asceticism, his pleasant
companionship and giving preference to others over
himself, his honesty and truthfulness of speech, his
piety and worship, his nobility, honorable birth and
Imam Ibn-Taymiyah said in a chapter in which
he wrote about the signs of Prophecy2 · "The
biography of the Prophet if, his attribute5 and
manners, his sayings and deeds, his Sharf~ah, his
nation, the knowledge of his nation and their
religion, and the pious people of his nation, are all
signs of his Prophecy. This is made clear by a
critical study of his biography from the day of his
birth to the beginning of his message, and from the
date of his message to the day he died. It is also
made clear through studying his lineage, origin and
His honorable lineage k.

This chapter was written at the end of his book, in which he
answered back the different sects of the people of the Scripture; i.e.
the sects of the Jews and Christians.

Mu!J:.ammad #.i is one of the most honorable
people in regards to lineage. He is a descendant of
Ibrahim, of whom Allah ordained from among his
offspring, Prophethood and the Book, so all the
Prophets who came after Ibrahim are of his
offspring. Allah the Almighty, gave him two sons:
Isma 'il and Ishaq, who are both mentioned in the
Torah. The good news was mentioned in the Torah,
that there will be a Prophet from the children of
Isma 'il. None of the children of Isma 'il had the signs
of Prophecy except Muhammad ~ .Ibrahim made a
Du 'a' (supplication) to Allah to send a Messenger
from his offspring3 . Moreover, the Prophet ~ is of
the Quraish tribe which is selected from the children
of Ibrahim, and the sons of Hashim who are
selected from the sons of the Quraish.
The honor of the area where he was born and
The Prophet ~ was born in Makkah, the Mother
of the towns (Umm al-Qura), the place where

He is referring to the verse: "Our Lord! Send amongst them a
· Messenger of their own who slulll recite unto them Your Verses
and instruct them in the Book (this Qur'dn) and wisdom and
sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise".
(2:129). That is why the Prophet ~ used to say "I am the Da 'wah
of Ibrllhim, and the last to give the glad tidings about me was Isa,'.
Narrated by Ibn 'Astildr on the authority of 'Ibildah ibn A~-§_llmit,
and reported to be a good (Hasan)
- -Hadith by lmam as-Siuti.
Ibrahim built the House of Allah ((the Ka ~bah at
Makkah) and invited people to come to it for Hajj
(pilgrimage). People have been coming to the
Ka 'bah for Hajj since the time of Ibrahim, and it is
mentioned in the books of the Prophets, with the best
His perfect discipline and upbringing:

The Prophet ~ was raised with the most perfect

discipline. He was known for being honest,
righteous, just, and for abandoning all forms of evil
acts (such as adultery) and oppression. He was
known for these qualities by all those who knew him
before the Message, and by all, who believed in
him, as well as those who disbelieved in his
Message. Nothing disgraceful was ever known about
him, in his sayings, deeds or manners. He was
never known to have ever lied, practiced oppression
or committed any sin.
His perfect creation and image:
The Prophet ~ was the most perfect and
beautiful creation, which combined all the merits and
charms which signify his perfection.
He was illiterate, and grew up among an
illiterate nation, where neither he nor them knew of
the knowledge of the people of the Scripture, i.e. the
Torah and the Bible. He never read or heard any of
the knowledge of the people of his time. He did not
claim Prophethood, until he was forty, but after that,
he came with wondrous words (i.e. the Qur'an) the
like of which was never known before by the people
of previous or later times. He was followed by those
who were deemed weak, and was belied by the
leaders of his people, who persecuted him and
exerted every possible effort to destroy him and his
followers, just as the disbelievers have always done
to the Prophets and their followers .
Those who followed him did not do so for any
worldly incentive or due to fear of him, as he did not
have any property to give them or ranks to appoint
them to. He did not even have a sword. It was his
enemies who inflicted every type of torture on his
followers, who in tum tolerated all this with
patience, awaiting the reward from Allah. They
never turned away from their religion, as they felt
the beauty of faith and knowledge in their hearts.
His Migration from Madinah:
Since the age of Prophet Ibrahim, the Arabs
used to come to Makkah for pilgrimage every year.
So, the Prophet ~ used to go out at that season,
when all the Arabian tribes gathered for pilgrimage,
to convey the Message to them, calling them to
Allah and exhorting them to enter the fold of Islam.
He used to do so, with patience with those who
belied him, who were averse to him and those who

turned away. He continued until he u . \o-1 the
inhabitants of Madinah, who were the neighbors of
the Jews, who knew about him and his description
from their books. When they met with the Prophet
~ they knew that he was the awaited Prophet, that
·the Jews used to speak about. As well as that, they
heard the news of his Message that was spreading all
over the area, ten years or so after the beginning of
his mission. They believed in him, gave him the
pledge of allegiance for his migration and the
migration of his companions to Madinah, and also to
fight with him in the Cause of Allah (i.e. perform
Consequently, the Prophet and his followers
migrated to Madinah, where the emigrants and the
Ansar4 , settled together. None of them embraced
Islam for any worldly pleasure or for fear, except for
a few of the Ansar who apparently embraced Islam
(i.e. the hypocrites), but then, some of them
repented and became better in their Dfn (religion and
faith). The Prophet ~ was then allowed to go out for
Jihad, and was ordered to fight the disbelievers. lie
continued in the cause of Allah in the mo&t perfect
\\:ay, observing honesty, justice and fulfilling every
promise. He was never known to tell any lie, and
never known to inflict oppression or injustice on

The l·ompanions of the Prophet from the inhabitants of Madinah.

anyone. Rather, he was the most honest, most just
and the first to fulfill his promise to all people. He
observed all this throughout all the different
circumstances that they underwent, between war and
peace, security and fear, wealth and poverty, power
and incapability. They were few in number but
steadily increasing, and they remained steadfast
during times of victory over their enemy and during
times of defeat. Throughout all these phases, he
continued on the same path, until his Da 'wah was
established throughout all the Arabian Peninsula,
which was dominated by paganism, soothsaying,
obeying Allah's creations while disbelieving in
Allah, shedding blood which is prohibited to shed,
severing the ties of kinship, and on top of that, they
did not believe in the Hereafter or the Day of
Judgment. Yet, when those same people discovered
Islam and followed its guidance, they became the
most knowledgeable people on earth, and moreover
the most religious, the most just and the best of all
people, so much so, that even when the Christians
saw the Muslims upon their arrival in Syria, they
said: uThose who accompanied Jesus, were not
better than those people (i.e. the Muslims)". ·
The effects and impressions left by them on
earth, concerning their deeds and knowledge, in
comparison to the impressions left by others, are
obvious to every wise man. Even though, the

religion of the Prophet ~ was established and obeyed
by everybody, who gave him preference over their
lives and their property, he died without leaving one
single Dirham or Dinar, and none of his heirs were
allowed to inherit anything that he left behind. He
persevered at all times, showing the wondrous signs
and miracles that require pages to detail. He told his
companions about the unknown past, what will be -
in the future- and enjoined on them to do right and
forbade them from doing wrong. He made lawful
for them all good things, and made all evil
unlawful. The Sharicah was gradually revealed to the
Prophet ~' who in turn taught it to his people as it
was revealed to him, until the religion of Allah was
The Shari'ah that was revealed to him, was
absolutely complete. There was no right or pious
thing but it was prescribed, and there was no evil,
which is known to the sound mind, except that he
prohibited it. He never ordered them to do anything,
to which they reacted negatively saying: "Wish that
he did not command us to do", and he never forbade
them from doing anything, that they reacted to by
saying: ~~wish he did not forbid us from doing it".
He made lawful for them all good things, unlike the
other religions, which prohibited some of them. He
prohibited them from all evils, unlike some other
religions, which made lawful some evil things. There

was nothing which was mentioned in the earlier
Scriptures, the Torah, the Bible, and the Psalms
concerning Allah, the Angels and the Day of
Judgment, except that the Prophet ~ told his people
about them in the most prefect way, and included
even more than what was mentioned in these books.
There was no encouragement to perform pious deeds
in the other Scriptures, except that the Prophet ~
ordered them to do so, and even better.
If a man of wisdom compares the worship,
prescribed punishments in Islam, and all other
legislation that were ordained by the Prophet :1 to
that of the other nations, he would see the superiority
of Islam. If the knowledge, Din (faith and religion),
worship and obedience to Allah - of the Muslim-
was compared to other nations, it would be clear that
they are more courageous and stronger in heart. If
their generosity, piety and forgiveness were
compared to others, it would be clear to every man
of reason that they are more generous and pious than
They learnt these virtues, and acquired them
from the Prophet ~' and he is the one who
commanded them to this behavior. They were not
following one of the previous scriptures, which he
came to complete, as Jesus came to fulfill the
Sharf~ah of the Torah. Consequently, the virtues of
the followers of Jesus and their knowledge were

taken partly from the Torah, from the other
prophecies, from Jesus and from the disciples. They
also adopted some of the sayings of the Philosophers
and others into the religion of J~sus, until they
introduced into it the principles of the atheists, which
contradict the religion of Jesus.

As for the nation of Muhammad ~ they were

not reading books before his Message. On the
contrary, most of them did not believe in Moses,
Jesus, Dawud, the Torah, the Bible or the Psalms
except through him. It was Muhammad ;i who
ordered them to believe in all the Prophets and to
acknowledge all the Books revealed from Allah. He
prohibited them from differentiating between the
Prophets, as Allah Almighty said:
"l ~~~r .. r ·, J--, J.. ··f ~.. Lti1 J.. ··f ~. Jlu ~~ ' J J)
"" "'
."""'Y J •., Y ,
J , , .· Yr
. f ~.. .. . . Jl .. .. f ~. .kC.O( ~ !.,.,. .... ~r
~""J J ~,. J ~ _,. 4.1,J J , . J . JM!J "' .J

~J~··! 4i :fJj ~ ~f ~ ~~ J ~J
. "'
:r-- ~_Hh
.~!J lJ~\ :W ~ ~~ ~ ~. I~T .~\1(' r,)
"',, "' ,. , ,
~\i I}JJf
, "' "', ""' ., "' ,
~-~" !.~ ... ~-t, .,.
( ( 'Y'V )~ c:-- ~J
"' ;
jl .,. Uh ~"'
ll,~ ...~_.,. ~ -~ • •

, , ~~ , ,

(' YV-' r, :o.;,l\)

"Say (0 Muslims): "We believe in Allah

arul that which has been sent down to
Ibrahim, Isma'il, Ish{iq, Ya'qub and al-
Asbti!. (the twelve sons of Ya'qub), and
that which has been given to Musa and
Jesus and that which has been given to
the Prophets from their Lord. We make
no distinction between any of them, and
to Him we have submitted (in Isliim)".
So if they believe in the like of that which
you believe, then they are rightly guided,
but if they tum away, then they are only
in opposition. So Allah will suffice you
against them. And He is the All-Hearer,
the All-Knower" (2:136-137),
and said:

- . .J, ~i~ W:~ ~ \'.r".

4Y- ,;
' · .,, cje:.
- u--·' .~f ~--J ~--..) utw..f ·J f ~
"" /
d ~(J ~ ~lj ~ ci ijli, ~ ~ ~ ~J ~) ,~, l;i :r--
"' ,. "" , ,;

<< ~ A'>· ~)'.S:h

.. .. ~jih
.. Js, u-~~ u~~ ~f ~ j~j
(~ /\"\-~ 1\0:iAJl)

"The Messenger (Muhammad M) believes

in what has been sent down to him from
his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each
one believes in Alllzh, His Angels, His
Books and His Messengers. They say,
"We make no distinction between one
another of His Messengers" and they
say, "We hear, and we obey, (We seek)
Your Forgiveness, our Lord and to You is
the return (of all). AlMh burdens not a
person beyond his scope. He gets reward
for that (good) which he has earned, and
he is punished for that (evil) which he
has earned .... " (2:285-286).
His nation ;I do not allow themselves to
introduce any innovations (such as in worship) or
any legislation into the religion, which was not
revealed by Allah. They only believe in that with
which Muhammad ~ came, and what he told them
regarding the stories of the Prophets and their
nations, in order to take lessons from them.
Whatever the people of the Scripture told them,
which is in accordance with what they have in the
Qur'an and Sunnah, they believe in it. What they do
not know, whether it was true or false, they abstain
from accepting or commenting about its being true
or not. Whatever they know that it is definitely false,
they reject it and confirm that it is not true. Those
who innovated in Islam, such as the sayings of the
Indian, Persian and Greek Philosophers or others,
the Muslims consider them as innovators in the
religion and even bearing some atheism. This was
the faith of the companions of the Prophet ~ and

their followers, and is still the belief of the scholars
of Islam, and all Muslims in general. Whoever
contradicts this faith, is considered disgraced and
expelled, which is the belief of Ahl- al-Sunnah wa
al-Jama 'ah (mainstream Islam), This group was
described by the Prophet~ when he said: "A group
of my followers will remain victorious in their
struggle in the cause of the Truth and they will not
be harmed by those who dispute or stand against
them, till the Day of Judgment". 5 ·

Some Muslims, may still have their dispute~ .

even though they agree on fundamental principles
which reflect the religions of the Prophets in general
and the religion of Muhammad ~ in particular.
Whoever contradicts these fundamentals is
considered a disgraced atheist. They are not like the
Christians who invented a religion, which is not the
religion of Jesus or of any of the other Prophets.
Allah the Almighty sent all His Prophets to teach
people useful knowledge and pious deeds. Whoever
follows the Prophets in their words and actions, will
gain happiness in this world and in the Hereafter,
and whoever fails to do so, will fall into the pit of
innovation. When Allah sent His Prophet ~ with
guidance and the religion of Truth, the Muslims
received this guidance directly from him.

Narrated by al-Buklulri.

His nation is the most perfect of nations:
From the above statement, we deduce that the
nation of Muhammad ?i is the most perfect of
nations, in their deeds, knowledge and worship. It is
well known that any form of perfection in the student
emanates from the teacher. He ~ was the most
perfect person in his religion and knowledge.
We are further assured that he was honest when
he said: " because he who is not honest, is either
lying deliberately or mistaken in what he says." The
first assumption (i.e. lying deliberately) means that
he is a liar, while the second (i.e. committing a
mistake) means that the person is ignorant and being
led astray. Muhammad ;I was neither ignorant nor a
liar (his people called him the truthfully honest), and
that is why Allah the Almighty said about him in the
~)(1)($~ ~J ~\J ~ ~( ,)($j}t '~!, ~\j)
~ ~

(t-' :~\) ((t)~}.. :;.J J!;. ~!(f)\S)fi\ ~

"BY the star when it goes down. Your
companion has neither gone astray nor
has erred. Nor does he speak of (his
own) desire. It is only an Inspiration
that is inspired. He has been taught
(this Qur'an) by one mighty in
power(Jibril)" (53:1-4).

And said:
~ ~:;Jt 4$~,. ~, ,(J 'i~<'
,., J~) J~ U!)
~., ,

,, , ~

., , .,

oT) ~J(~~)~~~~ ~J (Y ') ~f ~ ~~ (Y •)

"' . ,.
·· ~ t' JJ. ·uu.
yr )~
. ,,.
J ...
~ JA ~--J ( Y t ) ~
.-J · .... ~'
. .. 1~
..r- JA
.-J ~--J(
" • • tl • , • ,.,. ,.

,. ,
~~, ~~ ~ ~!,. (Y '\) ~ ;,AJi ~\! (YO) ~)
; , ,~~k:'~;. .;

(YV-' ~:.r-J~.:h) ((YV)

"Verily, this is the Word (this Qur'an

brought by) a most honorable messenger
(Jibril) from Allah to the Prophet
Muhammad ;Ji • Owner of power, and
high rank with (Allah) the LOrd of the
Throne. Obeyed (by the angels),
trustworthy there (in the heavens). And
(0 people!) your companion is not a
madman. And indeed he saw him(Jibril)
in the clear horizon (towards the east).
And it (the Qur'an) is not the word of
the outcast Shai~an (Satan). Then where
are you going? Verily, this (the Qur'an)
is no less than a Reminder to (all) the
Universe." (81:19-27).
And said:
Js. <, 4\ ,.)~u, (./,h ~ JJr<, ~ ")~\iJ, y) ~fol ;s!:,)
., ,,., , "' ,.

((' ~ 0 )~ fl ,
~~(' ~ t )j.)~h ::,.. ~j.w ~.J. ii
, , , , "" , , .,

<' ~o-,~Y:~\~\)
"And truly, this (the Qur'an) is a
revelation from the Lord of the
Universe. Which the trustworthy spirit
(Jibril) has brought down. Upon your
heart (0 Muhammad M) that you may
be (one of the warners. In the plain
Arabic language." (26:192-195).
And said:

jS- J$ J~ (YY ') ~~\ J~:; J$ ~f jA)

((Y Yr) ~}.~L..S' j..A~f:J t· ~. 11 ~.,._li;(Y Y Y)~f

~ ,~

"Shall I inform you (0 people!) upon

whom the devils descend? They descend
on every lying, sinful person. Who gives
ear (to the devils and they pour what they
may have heard of the unseen from the
angels), and most of them are liars."
In the above verses, Allah, Glorified be He,
declared that the Shai!an (Satan) inspires those who
resemble him in his qualities, in order to fulfill his
purposes. The Shai!an always aims at fulfilling evil,
which includes lying and committing adultery, but he
never aims to establish truth and justice. That is why
he always affiliates with those who lie deliberately or
by mistake, as making a mistake in one's Dfn

(religion and faith) is also from the Shaitan. When
Ibn Mas (ud was asked about a religious matter, he
said: ('/would answer you, but according to my own
opinion. If it was right, then it is a blessing from
Allah, but if it was wrong then it has come from me
and from the Shaiy1n. Allah and His Prophet are not
responsible for it". The Prophet ~ is protected from
the inspiration of the devils, whether deliberately or by
mistake. On the contrary, anyone otrer than the
Prophet ~ is subject to making mistakes, whose
source is the Shai!dn, even though his mistake is
forgiven. That is why Allah the Almighty said about
His Messenger~:
;:, fo)1
~ ~, _;(:;, J~ )A ~J( t • )f-j J~j J~ iJ})
, , "" "' ~ ,. ; ""

~) ~ :4]-f (t Y) ~Jj'JJ ~ ,j)i ~~ J:~

,. , .. ... .,.
Wj ( t ')

(t r-t. :U~') (<t ,.)~,~.•.hJ,

"That is verily the word of an honored
Messenger. It is not the word of a poet,
little is that you believe! Nor is it the
word of a soothsayer, little is that you
remember! This is the Revelation sent
down from the Lord of the Universe."

Second: The material signs of Prophecy
1. The sign of the splitting of the moon:
One of the greatest signs of prophecy is the splitting
of the moon. Allah the Almighty says:
JJ - • .... . J .)

'} ~j ~~;! 4!\ 'JJ! ~lJ<' )~~h ~~ t1j 4&.U1 ~J:i'

..)A::· ,.~;f~~

f .; '

~J ~~~)A l}t;f\j 1}..lS'j (Y) _,,.; •• ~ ~
""' ~
~ . ..... ,

W ~~ ~(t),.~:_; ~ ~ ~~U1 ~ j.A~~ LA!j (r)

(0-' :,;.All) ((O))lfh ~

"The Hour has drawn near, and the

moon has been split. And if they see a
sign, they tum away, and say: "This is
continuous magic. They belied (the
Verses of Allah- this Qur'an) and
followed their own lusts. And every
matter will be settled. And indeed there
has come to them news (in this Qur'an)
wherein there is (enough warning) to
check (them from evil). Perfect wisdom
(this Qur'an), but (the preaching of)
warners benefit them not" (54:1-5).
There is consensus among the scholars that the
splitting of the moon was at the time of the Prophet
~- Their consensus is supported by evidence from

Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
'Anas Ibn Malilt who said : ~~that the inhabitants of
Makkah asked the Prophet ;}! to show them a
miracle, and so he showed them the moon splitting in
two halves, until 7they saw the space between
them ,,s_
Imfun al-Bukharf also narrated on the authority
of Ibn ~Abbas who said: "The moon was split in two
parts during the lifetime of the Prophet # ". 9
Imam al-Bukharf also narrated on the authority

'Anns Ibn Malik Ibn an-NOIJ.r is the servant of the Prophet #./i.,
was so called, and he was proud of the title. He served the Prophet
~ for 10 years and he ~made Du'a' for him to have blessing in
all his life matters and to have a long life. Subsequently, 'Anas had
an orchard which produced fruit twice a year, and he also had Basil
plants -in that orchard- which had Musk like fragrance. 80 boys
and girls were born for him and he lived for 120 years. He was the
last of the companions of the Prophet ~ to die in Basra.
Ibn 'Abbiis, is 'Abdullllh Ibn 'Abbiis Ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib, the
cousin of the Prophet~ who was called "Trujumizn al-Qur'an, i.e.
the interpreter of the Qur'dn. The Messenger of Allah ;J/i made
Du 'a' for him and said: "0 Allilh teach him wisdom,. He died in
Ta 'if in the year 68 AH, when he was seventy years old.
8 Narrated by Imam al-Bukhiiri in his §!lhih "Book of the merits of

the Prophet #Jt; (and his companions), Chapter: The demand of the
pagans to the Prophet fli to show them a miracle".
Narrated by Imam al-Bulduiri in his Sahih.

of ~Abdullah Ibn Mas ~Ud10 who said: "During the
lifetime of the Prophet !Jf the moon was split into two
parts and on that the Prophet J!i said: ~'Bear witness
(to this) "11•

All the narrations, which are reported by the

companions of the Prophet ti in addition to what is
mentioned in the Qur'an about the same event,
assure that this miracle defmitely took place during
the lifetime of the Prophet ~.
2. Invoking Allah (Du 'a') for rain ((lstisqa'
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
'Anas Ibn Malik who said: ''A man came to the
Prophet it and said: "0 Messenger of Allah!
Livestock have been destroyed and the roads are cut
off, so please supplicate for rain". The Messenger of
Allah ;Ji made Du 'a' and it rained from that Friday
to the next Friday. The man came again to the
Prophet and said: ~~o Messenger of Allah! Houses
Ibn Mas'Ud embraced /shim very early, as he was only preceded
by five others. He was the first to read the Qur'an aloud inMakkah,
and the Prophet ;i liked to hear his reading. He died in 32 AH in
Narrated by .Imam al-Bukbarf in his Sahib on the authority of Ibn-
Mas 'Ud, in the "Book of the merits of the Prophet ;JG,· (and his
companions), Cbapter: The demand of the pagans to the Prophet J!i
to show them a miracle".

have collapsed, roads are cut off and livestock are
destroyed. · Ask Allah for us to make it stop". So The
Prophet 1i said: "0 Allilh make it rain upon the
ldlls, small mountains, bottoms of the valleys and
the plantations". So the clouds cleared away from
Madfnahjust as when clothes are removed"12•
Imam al-Bukhilri also narrated on the authority
of 'Anas Ibn Malik who said: "During the lifetime of
the Prophet II a drough1 affected the area of
Madinah and irs surroundings. So while the Prophet
jt was delivering the Friday sermon, a man entered
the mosque and said: ''0 Messenger of Allah, our
wealth has been destroyed and our offspring are
hungry so please invoke Allilh to bless us with rain".
So Allt2h 's Messenger raised both his hands towards
the sky, and at that time there was not a trace of
cloud in the sky. By Allah, no sooner had Allah's
Messenger lowered his hands than the clouds started
gathering like mountains. Before he got down from
the pulpit I saw rain~water trickling down his beard.
It rained that day, the next day, and the third, till the
next Friday, when the same Bedouin or some other
person stood up (during the Friday Sermon) and
said: •o Allah's Messenger! The houses have
rollapsed and the livestock are drowned. Please
invoke All4hfor "ils•. So AlLah's Apostle raised both
Narrated by oi-Buklubf in his Sohih •Boot of Invoking Alllih for
• •
1rlUI •

his hands and said: "0 Allah! Around liS OIJd not
upon us". Whichever side the Prophet directed his
hand, the clouds dispersed from there till a hole (in
tht clouds) was formed over MadilUlh. The valley of
Qanat remained flowing (with water) for one month
and none, came for outside (the area) except that he
talked about the abundant i'ain ".
Invoking Allilh for rain at Tabuk:
,'!mar Ibn al-Khattab ~ was asked by some
companions to talk to them about the hardship and
distress they faced on their way to Tabuk. Thereupon
he said to them: "When we left for TabUk, the
weather was extremelv hot. When we arrived at
Tabuk and camped there, we were extremely thirsty-
due to the excessive heat and the shortage of water-
until we felt that our necks would be cUI off. A man
would slaughter his camel, so that he could drink the
water from its belly. Then, tAbu Bllkr ..- said: "0 of Allah! Supplicate Allah for us (to bless
us with water)". The Messenger of Allah if then
said to him: "Would you like that?" tAbU Ba1cT
replied: ''Yes I would". The Prophet #then raised

them down, the response came from A•

his hands towards the sky, and before he lowered
and a
rain full cloud passed, pouring its water down. We
filled our utensils and went to inspect -where it came
from- but we discovered that it did not exceed the
boundaries L~r ·i1e camp."
Imam al-Wiiqidi13 said that at the battle of
Tabuk, the Muslims had twelve thousand camels and
a similar number of horses, and their number was
almost thirty thousand fighters. He added that the
rainfall (after the Du 'a') was so abundant, that the
pools of water were pouring one into the next, even
though it was extremely hot.
His Du 'a' M on the Quraish:
There were many occasions when the Prophet ~
made Du 'a' on the Quraish, upon which he received
an immedi'!te response from Allah. For example, he
made Du 'a' on the Quraish, when they insisted on
rejecting his Message in the most aggressive way,
and inflicted all forms of oppression against him and
his companions. The Messenger of Allah, ~ invoked
Allah to curse them, so they were afflicted with
seven years of famine like at the time of Prophet
Yusuf (Joseph) ~. They actually suffered from a
year of famine and severe drought which destroyed
everything until they ate the bones, carcasses and
dogs. Thereupon, Abu-Sufyan (from the Quraish)
asked the Prophet ~ to make Du 'a' to Allah to
alleviate their suffering, and Allah Almighty
responded to his Du 'a'.

A famous Muslim Historian.

'Umar's invocation for rain through intercession
with al-'Abbas the Prophet's uncle ;At
Imam al-Bukhari reported on the authority of
Anas Ibn Malik that whenever drought threatened
them, 'Umar Ibn al-Khagab used to ask al- Abbas 1

to invoke Allah for rain. 'Umar ~ used to say: "0

Allah! We used to ask our Prophet #ito invoke You
for rain, and You would bless us with rain, and now
we ask his uncle to invoke You for rain. 0 Allah!
Bless us with rain "14•
3. The miracles related to the earth:
There are some miracles related to the earth
concerning solid matter and some related to animals.
A. The spouting of water from between his fingers:
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
Anas Ibn Malik who said: "I saw the Prophet Jf one
day, when it was time for 'Asr (afternoon) prayer.
Then the people were searching for water to make
Wu4u' (ablution) but could not find any. The Prophet
!)! ordered that some water for Wudu' be brought to
him. He then placed his hand in the pot and ordered
the people to start making Wudu' using that water. I
saw the water spouting from underneath his fingers,
and the people started performing Wu4u' until all of
Narrated by Imfun al-Bukhizri in his Sa!lfh "Book of Invoking
Allah for rain ".

them finished "15•
lmlim al-Buklulrl 3' uarrated on the a· : ~lviU\
of Anas who said: "Th f rophet ~ went out on one

of his journeys with su. .;: of his companions. The)

went on walking until the time of the prayer became
due, and then they could not find any water to
perform ablution. They said: "0 Messenger of Allah!
We cannot find water to perform ablution ", and he iii
could see in their faces that they disliked it. One of
them went away and brought a little amount of water
in a pot. The Prophet Jf took it and performed
ablution, anrf then stretched his four fingers onto the
pot and said (to the people): "Get up to perform your
Wudu' . They started performing the ablution till all
of them did it, and they were seventy or so
persons "16
Imam uL, t &lso narrated on the authority
of Anas who said: "It was the time of prayer one day
and the people whose houses were close to the
mosque went to their houses to perform Wudu ', while
the others remained there. A stone pot containing
water was brought to the Prophet ,1! , who wanted to
put his hand in it, but it was too srnall . So, he had

Narrated by Imllm al-Bukhilri in his §.all~ "Bock of the virtues and
merits of the Prophet Ji (and his companions), Chapter: The signs
of Prophethood in Islam".
16. Ibid.

to bring his fingers together before putting his hand
in the pot. Then all the people performed w~,
(with that water)". They were eighty men according
to the narration of Anas. 17
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of al-
Bara' Ibn (Azib ~ who said : "We were one
thousand four hundred persons on the day of al-
Hudaibiyah (Treaty). Al-Hudaibiyah is a well, and
we drew out its water without leaving a single drop.
The Prophet ?J1 sat at the edge of the well and asked
for some water with which he rinsed his mouth and
then he threw it out into the well. We stayed for a
short while and then drew water from the well and
quenched our thirst, and even our riding animals
drank water to their satisfaction "18•
The Miracle on the Day o.f Hudaibiyah (Treaty):
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Jabir Ibn (Abdullah who said: ICThe people became
very thirsty on the day of al-Hudaibiyah (Treaty). A
small pot containing some water was in front of the
Prophet Jf and when he had finished peiforming
ablution, the people rushed towards him.
He asked, "What is wrong with you?". They
replied: uwe have no water either for performing


Wll4u' or for drinking except what is present in front
of you". So he placed his hand in that pot and the
water started flowing between his fingers like
springs. We all drank and performed ablution (from
it). I asked Jabir: "How many were you?". He
replied: "Even if we had been one hundred-
thousand, it would have been sufficient for us, but we
werefifteen hundred".
-"Jmam al-Bukhari also narrated on the authority
of al-Miswar and Marawan Ibn al-Hakam, in a long
Hadith about the Treaty of al-Hudaibiyah "The
Prophet 1i changed his way till he dismounted at the
farthest end of al-Hudaibiyah at a pit (i e small 0 0

well) containing little water which the people used in

small amounts, and in a short while the people used
up all its water and complained of thirst to Allah 's
Messenger ;Jf. The Prophet took an arrow out of his
arrow-case and ordered them to put the arrow in that
pit. By Allah, the water started and continued
spouting out till all the people quenched their thirst
and returned with satisfaction "0 19
Some people embraced Isldm when they saw the
miracle of the water:
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
'Imran Ibn Husain that they were with the Prophet ;fi
Narrated by al-Bukhilri, Book of : "The conditions", "Chapter:
The conditions of Jihlul''.

on a journey. They traveled the whole night, and
when dawn approached, they took a rest and sleep
overwhelmed them till the sun rose high in the sky.
The first to get up was Abu Bakr ~ . Allah's
Messenger :Jf used not to be awakened from his
sleep, until he woke up by himself 'Umar ~ woke
up and then Abu Bakr ~ sat by the side of the
Prophet's head .# and started saying: "Allahu Akbar
(Allah is great), raising his voice till the Prophet if
woke up (and after travelling for a while) he
dismounted and led us in the morning prayer. A man
amongst the people failed to join us in the prayer.
When the Prophet ?if had finished the prayer, he
asked (the man) "0 so and so! What prevented you
from offering the prayer with us?" He replied, "I
am Junub (in a state of sexual impurity)". Allah's
Messenger fJt ordered him to perform Tayammum 20
with clean earth. The man then offered the prayer.
Allah's Messenger ;Ji ordered me and a few others to
go ahead of him. We had become very thirsty. While
we were on our way, we came across a lady (riding
an animal) hanging her legs between two water-
skins. We asked her, "Where can we get water?" She
replied: "Oh! There is no water". We asked: "How
far is your village from the water?" She replied: "A
distance of a day and a night ". We said: "Come to

It means performing ablution using sand or earth when water is not
available ..

Allah's Messenger?If". She asked: "Who is Allah's
Messenger?" So we brought her to the Prophet it
against her will, and she told him what she had told
us before and added that she was the mother of
orphans. So the Prophet Jf ordered that her two
water-skins be brought and he rubbed the mouths of
the water-skins. As we were thirsty, we drank tilll·ve
quenched our thirst and we were forty men. We also
filled our water-skins and other utensils with water,
but we did not water the camels. The water skin was
so full that it was almost about to burst. The Prophet
if then said: "Bring what (foodstuff) you have". So,
some dates and pieces of bread were collected for the
lady, and when she went to her people, she said: "/
have met either the greatest magician or a prophet as
the people claim". So Allah guided the people of
that village through that lady. She embraced Islam
and so did all of them. "21 •

B. Food multiplies in amount in his hand M:

Milk becomes abundant on some occasions as well:
Imam al-Bukharf reported on the authority of
Abu Hurairah who said: "By Allah except whom
none has the right to be worshiped, (sometimes) I
used to lay (asleep) on the ground on my liver
(abdomen) because of hunger. One day I sat in the

N arrall bYJl-Buldrizri, Book of: "The merits of the Prophet Jf.

way, where they (the Prophet .~and his companions)
used to come. When Abu Bakr ~passed by, I asked
him about a Verse from Allah's Book and I only
,Jsked him hoping 1hat he might satisfy my hunger,
but he passed by and did not do so. Then 'Umar ~
passed by me and I asked him about a Verse from
Allah's Book, and I only asked him hoping that he
might satisfy my hunger, but he passed by without
doing so. Finally, Abul-Qasim (the Prophet .#)
passed by me and he smiled when he saw me, for he
knew what was in my heart and on my face. He
said: "0 Aba Hirr (Abu Hurairah)!" I replied:
"Labbaik!2, 0 Messenger of Allah". He said to me:
"Follow me." He left and I followed him. Then he
entered the house and I asked permission to enter
and was admitted. He found milk in a bowl and
said: "From where is this milk?" They said: "It has
been presented to you by such and such a man (or by
such and such family). He said: "0 Aba Hirr!" I
said: "Labbaik 0 Messenger of Allah". He said:
"Go and call the people of Suffah23 to me". He said
(i.e. Abu Hurairah): "These people of Suffah were
the guests of Islam who had no families, nor money,

Here I come, I rc~pond to your call, etc ...
Many companions of the Prophet ~ who left their homes, and
stayed with him to learn Islam in Madinah. They were very poor,
and so their boarding place was at the end of the mosque, where they
used to s1eep.

nor anybody to depend upon, and whenever an
object of charity was brought to the Prophet ;Jf he
would send it to them and would not take anything
from it, and when a present was given to him he used
to send some to them and take some of it himself
The order of the Prophet # upset me, and I said to
myself "How lvill this little bit of milk be enough
for the people of As-Suffah?" I thought I was more
entitled to drink from that milk in order to strt 'lgthen
myself, but behold! The Prophet Ji came to order
me to give that milk to them. I wondered what would
remain of that milk for me, but anyway, I could not
but obey Allah and His Messenger .1!, so I went to
the people and called them, and they came and asked
the Prophet's permission to enter. They were
admitted and took their seats in the house. The
Prophet ;W said: "0 Aba Hirr!" I said: uLabbaik 0
Messenger of Allah". He said: "Take it and give it
to them. " So, I took the bowl (of milk) and started
giving it to one man who would drink his fill and
return it to me, whereupon I would give it to another
man who, in his turn, would drink his fill and return
it to me, and I would then offer it to another man
who would drink his fill and return it to me. Finally,
after the whole group had drunk their fill, I reached
the Prophet ?fi who took the bowl and put it on his
hand, looked at me and smiled and said: "0 Aba
Hirr!" I replied: "Labbaik 0 Messenger of Allah".
He said: "There remains you and I". I said: t'You
have said the truth 0 Messenger of Allah!". He said:
"Sit down and drink. " I sat down and drank. He
said: "Drink", and I drank. He kept on telling me
repeatedly to drink, till I said, uNo. By Allah Who
sent you with the Truth, I have no space for it (in my
stomach)". He said: UHand it over to me. " When I
gave him the bowl, he praised Allah and
pronounced, Allah's Name on it and drank the
remaining milk "24.
The reason behind Ibn Mas'ud's embracing Islam:
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Ibn
Mas 'ud who said : ui was a young shepherd boy
pasturing sheep for 'Uqbah Ibn Abu Mu 'aiyt. The
Prophet #i once came with Abu Bakr ~ and said: "0
boy, do you have milk for us to drink?" I replied :
''Yes, but I am entrusted with these sheep (i.e. I
can't let you drink their milk) ". The Prophet . ~ said:
"Do you have a virgin sheep that has never mated
with a male?" I thereupon brought him a sheep,
which he caught and stroked its udder, which
became full with milk. The Prophet #!' milked the
sheep into a bowl, drank some of the milk and gave
Abu Bakr to drink. After that the Prophet _.j' said to
the udder, "Shrink" and it did. I went to the
Prophet if after this incident and said to him: ''Teach
me this kind of talk (i.e. the prayers he was
Narrated by al-BukhiJrf, Book of: "Ar-Raqa 'iq"..

uttering) ". The Prophet !JJi stroke his head and said:
"0 boy! May Alwh have mercy on you. You are
already a learned boy". (In another narration by
Imam al-Baihaqf, Ibn Mas 'ud added: "I learnt from
the Prophet 1! seventy chapters that no one else
learnt from him".

The Hadith narrated by Umm Ma'bad (on the way

to Madinah):
When the Prophet ~ was on his way to Madfnah
(during his migration Journey) , he stopped at the
rent of a woman called Umm Ma 'bad al-Khuza 'iyah.
\'he lvas a gracious lady who sat at her tent-door
· ,h a mat spread out for any traveler that might
) ,s by. The Prophet -~ and his companion wanted

.. refresh themselves with food and some milk, so

~tey asked her if she had anything (food or milk) for
.'lem. The lady told them that the flock was out in the
.Jsture and the goat standing nearby l·vas almost
•. and it was a rainless year. The Prophet .# asked
£t:r UJ bring that goat to him. He rubbed its udders
~ ·ith his hand, reciting the name of Allah and making
iJu 'a '. To their joy, there flowed plenty of milk out
of thetn. The Prophet .1¥ first offered it to the lady o,f
the house, and she drank until she quenched her
thirst. He !J!! shared 1vhat was left with his
compantons, and they drank to their fill. Before he

left, he miLked the goat once more, filled the
container and gave it to her. When her husband
arrived with slender goats hardly having any milk in
their udders, he was astonished to see milk in the
house. His wife told him that a blessed man passed
by, and then she gave him details about his physical
appearance and manner of talk. Here Abu Ma'bad
realized on the spot that the man was the one whom
the Quraish were searching for and asked her to give
a full description of him ... . "25
The story of Umm Shuraik:
Imam al-Baihaqi related on the authority of Abu
Hurairah who said: "There was a woman from the
tribe of Doas called Umm Shuraik?-6 , who embraced
Islam in Ramadan". Abu Hurairah mentioned the

Related by Ibn-HishOm in his "Seerah" (Biography of the Prophet

,,She is Umm Shuraik ad-Dawsiyah, and she is counted as one of
the emigrants, It was said that she embraced lsllmz in Ramadiin, and
came asking for someone to take her to the Prophet ;li. She came
across a Jewish man who asked her what she wanted. She said: "I
am asking for someone to take me to the Prophet if so he offered to
take her to him, and he did. Before she migrated to Madinah, she
was active in making Da 'wah to Is/Om in Makkoh. She used to go
secretly to the women of Quraish, inviting them to embrace lsldm,
until her activities in Makkah were disclosed. Thereupon, they took
her by force l 1-rer family, so she migrated to Madinah. (Usd al-
Ghiibah 71351.

story of her migration to Madfnah, accompanied by
a Jewish man. On the way, she became thirsty, but
he refused to give her water unless she embraced
Judaism. She fell asleep and saw in her dreams that
someone was giving her water, and when she woke
up she felt that she has quenched her thirst. When
she came to the Prophet Jf she told him her story,
and he asked her for marriage, but she felt that she
did not deserve to be the wife of the Prophet jff and
said to him: "But marry me to whoever you choose".
He married her to his slave Zaid Ibn Harithah, and
he ordered that 30 Sa' (a measure of capacity) of
barley be given to her, and said to them: "Eat and
do not re-measure the barley ". She also had some
clarified butter in a small leather skin which she
intended to give as a present to the Prophet .:1# . She
ordered her servant to carry it to him -~; and when
she arrived there, she poured it all for him. He
ordered her to hang it in its place, when she gets
back (to Umm Shuraik) and not to tie it up. When
Umm Shuraik came in, she found that the skin was
full, so she asked her servant: "Didn't I ask you to
take it to the 1\1essenger of Allah /i!i? The servant
assured her that she did. They mentioned what
happened to the Prophet i! and he ordered them not
to tie it up. It remained there for a while, until Umm
Shuraik tied it up, and when they measured the
barley, they found that it was still 30 Sa ' ".

Another Hadfth reported by Jabir:
Imam Muslim reported on the authority of Jabir
that a man came to the Prophet :*- and asked for
food. He gave him half a Wasq (measure) of barley,
and the man and his wife and their guest kept on
making use of it (as a food) until he weighed it (in
order to find the actual quantity).. but he found
nothing left. He came to Allah's Messenger .: if and
informed him about it. He said: "Had you not
weighed it, you would be eating out of it and it
would have remained intact for you "27•
The Prophet ;If is a guest of Abu Talhah al-Ansari :
Imam al-Bukhari related on the authority of Anas
Ibn Malik who said: "Abu Talhah said to Umm
Sulaim: ul have noticed feebleness in the voice of
Allah's Messenger :fli which I think, is caused by
hunger. Have you got any food?" She said: "Yes. "
She brought out some loaves of barley and took out a
veil belonging to her, and wrapped the bread in part
of it and put it under my arm and wrapped part of
the veil round me and sent me to Allah's Messenger
-~· I carried it and found Allah 's Messenger J! in
the Mosque sitting with some people. When I stood
there, Allah's Messenger if asked: "Has Abu

Narrated by Imam Muslim in his §_a~fh in the book of "The merits
of the Prophet ;JJi).

Talhah sent you?" I said: "Yes". He asked: "With
some food?" I said: "Yes". The Prophet if then said
to the men around him: "Get up!" He set out
(accompanied by them) and I went ahead of them till
I reached Abu Talhah and told him (of the Prophet's
visit). Abu Talhah said: "0 Umm Sulaim! Allah's
Messenger if is coming with the people and we have
no food to feed them. " She said: "Allah and His
Messenger kno·w better". So Abu Talhah went out to
receive Allah's Messenger i/i. Allah's Messenger Jt
came along with Abu Talhah and said: "0 Umm
Sulaim! Bring whatever you have. " She brought thf
bread, which Allah's Messenger ;if ordered to be
broken into pieces. Umm Sulaim poured on them
some butter fronz an oilskin. Then Allah's Messenger
1f recited what Allah wished him to recite, and then
.,aid: "Let ten persons come (to share the meal)".
Ten persons were admitted, and when they were full ,
they went out. Then he again said: "Let another ten
do the same". They were admitted, ate their fill and
went out. Then he again said: "Let another ten
persons (do the same)." They were admitted, ate
their fill and went out. Then he said: "Let another
ten persons come." In short, all of them ate their
fill, and they were seventy or eighty men. "28

Narrated by aL BukJuui, Buvk of : "The merits of the Prophet ::Pi •
The Prophet M is a guest of Jabi;.. . .. ·AbdulLah:
Imarn al-Bukhari narratpr~ un the authority ot
Jabir Ibn 'Abdullc · ~ uv .)d..O: "We were digging (the
trench) on the day of (al-Khandaq, i.e. the trench)
and we came across a large solid rock. We went to
the Prophet :iff and said, " Here is a rock appearing
across the trench. " He said, "I am coming down. "
Then he got up, and a stone was tied to his belly for
we had not eaten anything for three days. So, the
Prophet it cook the spade and struck the large rock
and it became like sand. I said, "0 Allah's
Messenger! Allow me to go home." (When the
Prophet ;J.t allowed me) I said to my wife, "I saw the
Prophet~ in a state that I cannot take lightly, Have
you got something ifor him to eat)?" She replied, "/
have barley and a she goat. " So I slaughtered the
she-kid and she ground the barley: then we put the
meat in an earthenware cooking pot. Then I came to
the Prophet ;Ji when the dough had become soft and
fermented and (the meat in) the pol over the stone
trivet was nearly cooked, and said, "I have got a
little food prepared, so get up 0 Allah's Messenger,
you and Oite or two men along with you (for the
food)." The Prophet _.i f asked "How much is that
food?" I told him about it. He said: "It is abundant
and good. Tell your wife not to remove the
earthenware pot from the fire and not to take out
any bread from the oven till/ reach there." Then he

said (to all his companions): "Get up". So the
emigrants and the Ansar got up. When I came to my
wife, I said: "Allah's Mercy be upon you! The
Prophet ,:;t came along with the emigrants and the
Ansar and those who were present with them. " She
said, UDid the Prophet it ask you (how much food
you had?" I replied "Yes" Then the Prophet #i said:
"Enter and do not throng" The Prophet ~ started
cutting the bread (into pieces) and put the cooked
meat over it. He covered the earthenware pot and
the oven whenever he took something out of them. He
would give the food to his companions and take the
meat out of the pot. He went on cutting the bread
and scooping the meat (for his companions) till they
all ate their fill, and even then, some food remained.
Then the Prophet j f said (to my wife): "Eat and
present to others as the people are stricken with
The Walimah (wedding meal) of Zainab hint
Imam Muslim reported on the authority of Anas
Ibn Malik who said: "Allah's Messenger :~·
contracted a marriage and went to his wife. My
mother Umm Sulaim prepared some (food ·which is
made of dates, flour and butter) and placed it in an

Narrated by al-Bukhizri in the book of "al-Maghazf (the military

earthen vessel and said: uAnas, take it to Allah's
Messenger and say: uMy mother has sent that to you
and she offers greetings to you and says that it is a
humble gift for you on our behalf, Messenger of
Allah ". So, I went along with it to Allah's Messenger
_j! and said: "My mother offers you salutations and
says that this is a humble gift for you on our behalf".
He said: "Place it here" and then said: "Go and
invite on my behalf so and so and anyone whom
you meet", and he even named some persons. He
(Anas) said: "I Invited whom he had named and
whom I met. I (one of the narrators) said to Anas:
"How many (persons) were . there? He (Anas)
said: "They were about three hundred persons. Then
Allah's Messenger (said to me): "'Anas, bring that
earthen vessel". They (the guests) then began to
enter until the courtyard and the apartment were
fully packed. Allah's Messenger .it said: "Make a
circle of ten (guests), and every person should eat
from that nearest to him". They began to eat, until
they ate to their fill. A group went out (after eating
the food) and another group came in until a lot of
them had eaten . He (the Holy Prophet) said to me:
"Anas, lift it (the earthen vessel)". So, I lifted it, but
I could not asses whether it had more (food) when I
placed it (before Allah's Messenger) or when /lifted it
(after the people had been served out ofit) ..... . "30
Narrated by Muslim, Book of "an-Nikilh (marriage).

The story of the bowl in the house of Abu Bakr 4J,:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
tAbdur-Rahman Ibn Abf Bakr who said: "The
companions of Suffah were poor people. The Prophet
;1! once said: "Whoever has food enough for two
persons, should take a third one (from among
them), and whoever has food enough for four
persons, should take a fifth or a sixth (or said
something similar). " Abu Bakr ~brought three
persons while the Prophet ii took ten. And Abu Bakr
with his three family members (who were I, my father
and my mother) (the sub-narrator is in doubt whether
'Abdur-Rahman said, uMy wife and my servant who
was common for both my house and Abu Bakr's
house".) Abu Bakr took his supper with the Prophet
.#and stayed there till he offered the tlsha (night)
prayer. He returned and stayed till Allah's
Messenger ;Jf took his supper. After a part of the
night had passed, he returned to his house. His wife
said to him, "What has detained you from your
guests?" He said: uHave you served supper to
them? " She said, "They refused (to take supper) until
you come. They (i.e. some members of the
household) presented the meal to them but they
refused (to eat)". I went to hide myself and he said:
uo Ghunthar!31 " He invoked Allah to cause my ears
31 This expression i11die2.tes that Abu Bakr was angry with his son

to be cut and he rebuked me. He said: · f.Jo eat!"
and added, "/ will never eat that meal". By Allah
whenever we took a handful of the meal, the meal
grew from underneath more than that handful till
everybody ate to his satisfaction; yet the remaining
food was more than the original meal. Abu Bakr saw
the food was as much as or more than the original
amount. He called his wife, "0 sister of banf Firas!"
She said: "0 pleasure of my eyes. The food has been
tripled in quantity. " Abu Bakr then started eating
thereof and said: ((It (i.e. my oath not to eat) was
because of the Shai!iln. " He took a handful from it.
and carried the rest of it to the Prophet 1/j so the
food was with the Prophet #. There was a trea1
between us and some people, and when the period {~/
that treaty had elapsed, he divided us into nt'(;;lve
groups, each headed by a man. Allah knows [.:,0 ~1
many men were under the co1nmand of each leader
Anyhow, the Prophet jt surely sent a leader with
each group. Then all of them ate of that meal "32 •
The story of the debt of Jabir's father, and the
multiplication of the dates:
Imam al-Bukhiirf narrated on the authority of
Jabir who said: "My father had died in debt. So I
came to the Prophet if and said: uMy father (died)

Narrated by al-Bukhliri in the Book of "al-Manaqib (the virtues
and merits of the Prophet Jf".)

leaving unpaid debts, and I have nothing except the
yield of his date-palms; and their yield for many
years will not cover his debts. So please come with
me, so that the creditors may not misbehave with
me. " The Prophet ~ went round one of the heaps of
dates and invoked Allah, and then did the same with
another heap and sat on it and said: "Measure (for
them)". He paid them their rights and what
remained was as much as had been paid to them "33•
The guest who drank the milk taken from seven
Imam Muslim related on the authority of Abu
Hurairah that: ''Allah's Messenger !J!i invited a non-
Muslim. Allah's Messenger 1! commanded that a
goat be milked for him. It was milked and he drank
its milk. Then the second one was milked and he
drank its milk, and then the other one was milked
and he drank its milk, till he drank the milk of seven
goats. The next morning he embraced Islam and
Allah's Messenger commanded that a goat should be
milked for him and he drank its milk and then
another was nzilked but he did not finish it,
whereupon Allah's Messenger .:Ji said: "A believer
drinks in one intestine whereas a non-believer
drinks in seven intestines". 34
Related by Muslim in the Book of "al-Ashribah (drinks)".

C. The tree follows the command of the Prophet M:
Imam Muslim reported on the authority of
'Ubadah Ibn as-Samit on the authority of Jabir who
said: "We set out on an expedition along with Allah's
Messenger ~ until we got down at a spacious valley
and Allah's Messenger jf went to relieve himself I
followed him with a bucket full of water and Allah's
Messenger i! looked about and he found nothing to
sit behind (jor privacy) but two trees at the end of the
valley. Allah's Messenger 1! went to one of them and
took hold of one of its twigs and said: "Follow me
(i.e. be under my control) by the permission of
Alliih ", and so it followed him like the camel who
has its nose string in the hand of its rider. And then
he came to the second tree and took hold of one of its
twigs and said: "Follow me by the permission of
Altah ", and so it followed him, just as the first one
did. When he came in the middle of the two trees he
joined together the two twigs and said: "Join with
the permission of Altah ", and so they joined
together. Jabir said: ((/ was afraid lest Allah's
Messenger should be aware of my nearness and go
still farther. I sat down and began to talk to myself,
and suddenly I found Allah's Messenger before me
and the two trees were separated and each one of
them was standing at its trunk. I saw Allah's
Messenger .:Jt standing for a short time, nodding his
head toward right and left (i.e. pointing to the trees

to go, one to the right and one to the left)". Then he
(The Holy Prophet jj) came to me and said: ~'Jabir,
did you see the place where I was standing?" I said:
~'Allah's Messenger, yes". He 1hen said: "Then you
should go to those two trees and cut a twig from
each of them and go to that place with them where
I was standing and stand there and place a twig on
the right and a twig on the left". Jabir said: "/set
out and took hold of a stone and broke it and
sharpened it and then I came to those trees and cut a
twig from each one of them. I then dragged them
until I stood at the place where Allah's Messenger it
had been standing and placed a twig on the right and
a twig on the left. Then I came to · him and said:
"Allah's Messenger, I have done that, but (kindly)
explain to me the reason for it". Thereupon he said:
ul passed by two graves the occupants of which had
been undergoing torment. I liked to make
intercession for them so that they might be relieved
of this torment as long as these twigs remain
fresh". Jabir said: ~~we went back to the army camp
and Allah's Messenger #said: ''Jabir, call people to
perform Wudu'". I said: ~~Allah's Messenger, there
is not even a drop of water in the army camp". There
was a person who used to cool the water for Allah's
Messenger .# in an old water-skin, which was
hanging by the twig. He asked me to go to such and
such Ansarf (the supporters from the inhabitants of

Madfnah) and ask him to see if there was any water
in that skin. I went to him and cast a glance in it but
did not find anything but a drop in the mouth of that
water-skin and if I were to draw that, the water
skin's dried part l1/0Uld soak it up. I came to Allah's
Messenger ~and said: "I have not found anything in
it but a drop of water in the mouth of the water-skin
and now if I were to draw that, it would be
absorbed. He then said : "Go and bring that to
me". I brought it to him. He took hold of it and
began to utter something which I could not
understand and then pressed it with his hand and
gave that to me and said: "Jabir, announce for the
tub to be brought". So, I announced that the tub of
the army (be brought). It was brought accordingly
and I placed it before him (the Holy Prophet).
Thereupon Allah's Messenger J!i placed his haltds in
the tub like this: with his fingers stretched out, and
then he placed his fingers at the bottom of the tub
and said: "Jabir, take it (that water-skin) and pour
water over me and say: "Bismillah" (In the Name
of Alwh) ". I poured water and 1 said: "Bismillah"
(In the Name of Allah) ", and found water spouting
out between the fingers of Allah's Messenger Ji .
Then that tub gushed forth until it was filled up and
the Messenger jj said: "Jabir, make an
announcement to the effect: lie who needs water
should take that". Jabir said: "The people came

and got water until they were all satisfied. I said: "Is
there anyone left who wants any water? And Allah's
Messenger if then lifted up his hand from that tub
and it was still full. Then the people made a
complaint to Allah's Messenger ~ about hunger and
he said: "May Alllih provide you with food!". We
came back to the ocean and the ocean was tossing
and it threw out a big whale and we lit a fire and
cooked it and took it until we had eaten to our
heart's content. Jabir said: "I and such and such five
persons entered its socket and nobody could see us
until we had come out, and we took hold of one of its
ribs and twisted it into a sort of arch, then we called
the tallest of the persons of the army and the most
huge of the camels of the army and it had a big
saddle over it, and it could easily pass through it
without the rider having need to bend down "35•
A sign which was shown to him by Jibreel
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Anas
Ibn Malik who said: "Jibreel came to the Messenger
of Allah _;Jf one day, when he was sitting on his own
feeling sad and bleeding after being hit by some of
the people of Makkah. Jibreel asked him: "What is

Narrated by Muslim in his §!l~i~, "Book of Az-Zuhd war-
Raqa 'iq ", Chapter: "'The story of Abu al-Yasar and the lengthy
ladfth of Jabir".

wrong with you? " He said: "Those people did so
and so to me". Jibreel then said to him: "Would
you like me to show you a sign (from Allah)?" The
Prophet #,said to him: "Yes". Jibreel said to him:
"Look at one of the trees down at the other end of
that valley". And then he said: "Call it". The
Messenger of Allah #i did, and so the tree came
walking and stood before him. Jibreel then said to
him: "Command the tree to go back". Thereupon the
Prophet 1t commanded it and it Y1·ent back to its
place. The Messenger of Allah then said: "That is
sufficient for me "36•
Th·e Messenger of Alltlh M calls a palm tree which
responds to his call:
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Ibn
- A

'Abbas who said: "A man from Bant 'Amir came to

the Prophet !i and said: "0 Messenger of Allah!
Show me (the seal) which is between your two
shoulders, I am one of the most knowledgeable
people in medicine". The Messenger of Allah, then
said to him: "Shall I show you a sign?" The man
said: ''Yes". The Messenger of Allah -~~ then looked
at a palm tree and said to the man: ''Call that bunch
of dates (on the palm tree)". So, the man did and
the bunch of dates came jumping between his hands.
The Messenger of Allah then said to it: "Go back",
Related by lmiun Al]_mad in his Musnad, 31113.

and so it went back to its place. The man then said:
~ A

''0 Banf 'A mer (tribe of ~A mer) I have never in my

life come across a magician who is more skilful in
magic than that man ". 37 In another narration by
Imam al-Baihaqf, Ibn 'Abbas said: '~The man then
said: "0 Banf 'Amer! By Allah I will never belie
him in anything he says". And in another narration
reported also by Imam al-Baihaqf, Ibn 'Abbas said:
"The bunch of dates came down the palm tree until it
fell on the ground, and kept on jumping until it came
between the hands of the Prophet #. When the
Messenger of Allah .1! ordered it to go back, it then
went back to its place on the palm tree. The mra
then said: "/ testify that you are the Messenger of
Allah", and he embraced Islam". 38
D. The weeping of the pulpit on missing t,'t.·
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Jabir Ibn 'Abdullah who said: "The Prophet~ used
to stand by the trunk of a date-palm (palm trees were
used as the pillars of the mosque), while delivering a
sermon. When the pulpit was placed for him we
Related by Imiim Ahmad in his Musnad, 1.223.
Related by Imiim at-Baihaqi. Imam Ibn Kathir commented on the
narrations saying: "Maybe the man said .first that this was an act of
magic, but then realized that it was not so, and then he embraced
Islam when Allah Almighty guided him to the truth. And Allah knows

heard that trunk crying like a pregnant she-camel till
the Prophet J.f got do·wn from the pulpit and placed
his hand over it (he silenced it) "39.
Imam al-Bukhari also narrated on the authority
of Jabir Ibn 'Abdullah who said that "The Prophet if
used to stand by a tree or a date-palm (trunk) on
Friday. Then an Ansari woman or man said: no
Allah's Messenger! Shall we make a pulpit for you?"
He replied: "If you wish". So, they made a pulpit for
him and when it was·Friday, he proceeded towards the
pulpit (to deliver the sermon). The date-palm (trunk)
cried like a child! The Prophet 3t descended (the
pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like
a child being rendered quiet. The Prophet :11 said: "It
was crying for (missing) ""'hat it used to hear of
religious knowledge given near to it. '«J
E. The stones glori,fy AlM.h in _the palm of the
Prophet M:
Imam al-Baihaqi narrated un the authority Abu
Dharr who said: "I saw 'Uthman ~ one day in a
situation, after which I never mentioned him except
with all that is good. I was a man who used to
follow the Prophet J.r in his seclusion. One day, I

Related by Imiun al-Bukhii.ri in the Book of: "al-Jumu~ah (the
Friday prayer".
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhflri in his Sa!!.f~ "Book of the merits of
the Prophet #/i; (and his companions) .

saw him sitting on his own, so I entered to sit with
him. Abu Bakr .:;e. then entered, greeted him and sat
on his right .#, and 'Umar 4#i· came in and sat to the
right of Abu Bakr. Then, 'Uthman ~· came and sat to
the right of 'Umar 40. The Prophet .~ had seven or
nine stones in his hand. He took them in his palm,
and they started to glorify (say Tasbf!:J) Allah, until
we heard them moaning (like the trunk of the date-
palm). When the Messenger of Allah ?it put them
down, they became silent. The Prophet :Jii then took
them and put them in the palm of Abu Bakr, and they
started glorifying Allah (say Tasbf!:!J until we heard
them moaning (like the trunk of the date-palm), and
when he put them down they became silent. The
Messenger of Allah took them again and put them in
the hand of 'Umar, and they started to glorify Allah,
until we heard them crying like the trunk of the date-
palm, and when he put them down they became
silent. The Prophet Jt then put them in the had of
'Uthman, and they started to glorify Allah until we
heard them moaning like the trunk of the date-palm,
and then he put them down, so they became silent.
The Prophet ;k then said: "This is the Khilafah
(succession) of Prophethood ".
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of Ibn
Mas 'ud who said: ''We heard the meal glorifying

Allah when it lvas being eaten (by him)". 41
F. The stones salute him M:
Imam Muslim reported on the authority of Jabir
that the Prophet Jg said: "I recognize a stone in
Makkah, which used to salute me before my advent
as a Prophet and I recognize that stolle even now".
G. The Prophet M throws dust into the enemies'
faces in Badr and Hunain:
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of
Salamah who said: "We fought by the side of the
Messenger of Allah at Hunain. When we encountered
the enemy, I advanced and ascended a hillock. A
man from the enemy turned towards me and I shot
him with an arrow. He (ducked and) hid himselffrom
me. I could not understand what he did, but (all of a
sudden) I saw that a group of people appeared from
the other hillock. They and the Companions of the
Prophet turned back and I too turned back defeated.
I had two mantles, one of which was wrapped
around my waist (covering the lo·wer part of my
body) and the other I put around my shoulders. My
waist-wrapper became loose and I held the two
mantles together. (In this downcast condition) I
passed by the Messenger of Allah ,k' who was riding
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhilri in his §_~f!!:_ "Book of the merits of
the Prophet j./i; (and his companions),

on his white mule. He said: "The son of Akwa' finds
himself to be utterly perplexed". When the
companions gathered round him from all sides, the
Messenger of Allah Ji got down from his mule,
picked up a handful of dust from the ground, threw it
into their (enemy) faces and said: "May these faces
be deformed!" There was no one among the enemy
whose eyes were not filled with the dust from this
handful. So, they turned back fleeing and Allah the
Exalted and Glorious defeated them, and the
Messenger of Allah 1! distributed their booty among
the Muslims". 42
In another narration by Imam Muslim, al- 'Abbas
said (in a long Hadith): ".......... And the Messenger
of Allah if who was riding on his mule looked at
their fight with his neck stretched forward and he
said: "This is the time when the fight is raging
hot". Then the Messenger of Allah if took (some)
pebbles and threw them in the face of the infidels.
Then he said: "By the Lord of Muhammad, the
infidels are defeated. Al- 'Abbas said: "I went round
and saw that the battle was in the same condition in
which I had seen it. By Allah, it remained in the
same condition until he threw the pebbles. I
continued to watch until I found that their force had

Related by Imiim Muslim In the Book of Jihlui.

been spent out and they began to retreat". 43
As for the battle of Badr the Qur'an says about it
in Surah al-Anfal (the spoils of war):
, .
o~~ '
~j-1 ~J ~J ~J ~J
, lo"t" ,, "
": It ~~. ~t, ', ., , ..)! ~J l....eJ···· ·· · · ·)
• , o... ,., ,,

(' V : JlAi~l) ((' V)~ ~ llh ~! \Z_;.. ~li! ~

"And you (Muhammad) threw not when
you did throw but AlLah threw, that He
might test the believers by a fair trial
from Him". (8: 17).
As for what has taken place in the battle of
Hunain, the Qur'an says:
~ , • , fll ~ ' I\.
~f ~!, ~ fjj fy_S
., .,.
,.. ~
J .,.
llJ1 (.S"~ ~,
..... , ... , ~ J ,, J. • ,

~~J ~ ~)U1 ~ ~~J 1•.:. .~. ~ JJ( ~;...5

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"Truly AlLah has given you victory on

many battle-fields, and on the Day of
Hunain (battle) when you rejoiced at
your great number but it availed you
naught and the earth, vast as it is, was
straitened for you, then you turned back


in flight. Then Allah did send down His
calmness on the Messenger ;#and on the
believers, and sent down forces (angels)
which you saw not, and punished the
disbelievers. Such is the recompense of
disbelievers". (9:25-26).
H. The Prophet 6 pointed to the idols and they fell
on their faces:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
~Abdullah ~ who said: uWhen the Prophet :if entered
Makkah on the day of the Conquest, there were 360
idols around the Ka ~bah. The Prophet .~ started
striking them ~'ith a stick he had in his hand and was
saying: uTruth has come and Falsehood will neither
start nor will it reappear". 44
4. The miracles related to animals:
A. The story of the camel which fled:
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Jabir
Ibn 'Abdullah who said: uwe returned from one of
our journeys with the Prophet _ii, until we reached a
garden, which belongs to Bani an-Najjar. When we
tried to enter the garden, there was a camel. No one
enters the garden except that the camel attacks him.
When the people mentioned this to the Prophet .:J! ,

Related by Imam al-Buldu1ri in the Book of 'Maghflzi".

he went inside the garden and called the camel who
came putting his snout on the ground, until he knelt
down in front of the Prophet ;if. The Prophet ,~ then
said: "Bring me a halter ", thereupon he tied him
up and gave him back to his owner. The Prophet :1!
then turned to the people and said: "There is
nothing -which exists - in between the heaven and
the earth, except that it knows that I am the
Messenger of Allah, except for those disobedient
among the linn and mankind".
B. The story of the camel which wept and
complained to the Prophet #
Imam Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of
'Abdullah Ibn Ja jar who said: ~'One day I was
riding behind the Prophet ~ and he told me secretly
about a matter, which I should not mention to
anybody at all. What the Messenger of Allah .15' liked
most to hide behind (while relieving himself) was an
elevated piece of land or a winding group of palm
trees. One day, he went inside a garden which
belonged to one of the An~ar and there was a camel
, which upon seeing the Messenger of Allah .## started
weeping and tears fell from its eyes. The Prophet #i
went to the camel and rubbed his ear, and so the
camel became quiet and stopped crying. The
Messenger of Allah if asked "Who is the owner of
this camel?" A young man from the An~ar came and
said: "It is mine 0 Messenger of Alah ". The Prophet
:Ji then said to him: "Don 't you fear AlLah regarding
this dumb animal, which Aliah gave you as your
own property? The camel complained to me that
you do not give him enough food and that you force
him to work until he gets too tired". 45

C. The Messenger of AlLah M is informed about the

poisoned sheep:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah who said: ~~When Khaibar lvas
conquered, Allah's Messenger if was presented with
a poisoned (roasted) sheep. Allah's Messenger 3JPj
said: "Collect for me all the Jews present in this
area". (When they were gathered) Allah's Messenger
.# said to them: "I am going to ask you about
something; will you tell me the truth?" They
replied: ~~Yes, 0 Abul-Qasim!" Allah's Messenger 31!
said to them, "Who is your father?" They said,
"Our father is so and so". Allah's Messenger #i said:
"You have told a lie, for your father is so and so".
They said: "No doubt, you have said the truth and
done the correct thing". He again said: "If I ask
you about something; will you tell me the truth?"
They replied, "Yes, 0 Abul-Qasim! And if »'e should
tell a lie you will know it as you have knov.;n it
regarding our father". Allah's Messenger J! then
asked: "Who are the people of the (Hell) Fire?"
Related by Imam Abu DawUd in his Sunan in the Book of "Jifuid'J.

They replied, "We will remain in the (Hell) Fire for
a while and then you (Muslims) will replace us in
it." Allah's Messenger jj said to them, "You will
abide in it with ignominy. By Allah, we shall never
replace you in it at all. " Then he asked them again:
"If I ask you about something; will you tell me the
truth?" They replied, uYes" He asked: "Have you
put the poison in this roasted sheep?" They replied:
"Yes". He asked, "What made you do that ?" They
replied, ''We intended to learn if you were a liar in
which case we would be relieved from you, and if
you were a prophet then it would not harm you. '146

D. The story o.f the camel o.f Jabir:

Imam al-Bukharf related on the authority of
Jabir who said: "While I was riding a (slow) and
tired camel, the Prophet jj passed by and beat it and
prayed for Allah's Blessings for it. The camel
became much faster than it had ever been before.
The Prophet :Jf then said: "Sell it to me for one
Uqiyah (of gold)". I said: "No". He again said:
''Sell it to me for one Uqiyah of gold". I sold it and
stipulated that I should ride it to my house. When we
reached (Madinah) I took that camel to the Prophet
j j and he gave me its price. I returned home but he
sent for me (and when I went to him) he said: "I will

Related by Imam al-Bukhari in the Book of "Medicine".
not take your camel. Take your camel as a gift ". 47

The Prophet ;W rides the slow horse of Talhah

which becomes very fast:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Anas who said: "The Prophet iii was the best and the
bravest amongst the people. Once the people of
Madfnah became terrified at night, so they went in
the direction of the noise (that terrified them). The
Prophet ,~iii mer them (on his way back) after he had
found out the truth. He was riding an unsaddled
horse belonging to Abu Talhah (which was a slow
horse) and a sword was hanging around his neck,
and he was saying: "Don't be afraid! Don't be
afraid!" He further said, "I found it (i.e. the horse)
very fast, " or said, "This horse is very fast ".48
E. The blessing of the Prophet §gives power to the
donkey of Halfmah as-Sa 'diyah (his wet nurse):
When Halfmah took the Prophet :ii when he was
a baby to breast feed him, she had already come to
Makkah with a fatigued and very slow donkey. But
when she decided to take the Prophet :~ back to her
tribe (of Bani Sa 'd), she sat on the same donkey with
the blessed child, but then she was ahead of all
those who had come with her to Makkah. They were

Related by al-Bukhilri in the Book of uconditions ".
Related by al-Bukhari in the Book of uJih&l".

astonished at the speed of her donkey. Not only that,
but his mercy .~~ started to show on her animals,
which started to give plenty of milk at a time when
all the animals in that area had started to dry up,
due to lack of rain. The people of her tribe asked if
they were pasturing their sheep somewhere else,
apart from the known places, which they were
accustomed to use.
F. The wolf who testified that Muhammad M is the
Messenger of Allah:
Imam Ahmad related on the authority of Abu
Sa 'fd al-Khudrf who said: "A wolf attacked a sheep
and took it a~vay, but the shepherd ran after the wolf
and grabbed it from him. The wolf sat down and
said: "Don't you fear Allah? Holv could you grab
from me a sustenance which Allah has given me? The
Shepherd then said: "How strange! A wolf talking
like a man!" The wolf then said to him: ~~Shall I tell
you something which is even stranger? Muhammad
.#i in Madfnah is telling people the news of the
previous times in history". The shepherd then came
leading his sheep until he entered Madfnah, and he
left his sheep on one side of Madfnah. He then came
to the Prophet #t and told him abouT the wolf The
Messenger of Allah J! asked someone to announce
among the people that: ''A prayer is to be offered in
congregation (i.e. to say A~-Salatu !ami 'ah) ". The
Prophet Jf then came out and said to the shepherd:
"Tell them (what happened with the wolf)". The
shepherd then told the people about what happened
with the wolf The Prophet # then said: "He is
truthful. I swear by Whom my soul is in His hand,
the hour (Day of Judgment) will not be established
until the wild animals talk to man, and the man is
!,poken to by the tip of his lash and by lzis shoelace,
and his thigh tells him about what his wife did a.fter
he left her"49•
G. The Hadith of the deer wl:ich seeks the
J!!..Otection of the Prophet ;#:
Al-Hafi!:. Abu Na 'fm al-Asbal~a11f
(May Allah
bestow His mercy upon him) related on the authority
of Umm Salamah (the wife of the P1ophet /if) who
said: "While the Prophet #was sitting somewhere in
the desert, there was a voice calling out to him: "0
Messenger of Allah! 0 Messenger of Allah!" The
Prophet # then turned round, but could not see
anybody. The voice then called again, so the Prophet
#followed the source of the voice and there was a
female gazelle tied up firmly. Beside the gazelle there
was a Bedouin wrapped in his garnzent and sleeping
in the sun. The gazelle said to the Prophet !if : ~~This
Bedouin caught me and I have two fawns in tha!
mountain over there. Could you please untie me sn
that I could go to suckle them and then conze back to
- - - - -·
Related by Imiim ~mad in his Musnad, J/83-84.

my bond. The Prophet J! then said to her: "Would
you really come back?" The gazelle then said: "May
Allah torture me with the worst torment if I don't".
The Prophet !1! then untied her, and so she went to
suckle her young and then came back. While the
Prophet !ii was tying her, the Bedouin woke up and
said: "0 Messenger of Allah, may I ransom you with
my mother and father, 1 caught her earlier. Do you
need her?" The Prophet Jf then said: "Yes". The
Bedouin then said: "It is yours". The Messenger of
Allah # untied her, and she set off running in the
desert joyfully, beating the earth with her feet and
saying: 'I testify that there is not God except Allah
and that you are the Messenger of Allah".
H. The story of the bird:
Imam al-Baihaqf related on the authority of Ibn
Mas 'ud on the authority of his father who said:
"Once we went out on a journey with the Prophet ~­
We passed by a tree and saw two little birds in a
nest, and so we took them. The mother of the little
birds catne to the Prophet # flapping her wings. The
Prophet 1! then said: "Who has grieved this bird by
taking away her little ones?" We replied: "We did".
The prophet ;Jf thereupon said: "Give them back to
her". We put the little birds back in the nest, but she
didn't come back.

5. The miracles related to the companions of the
A. The story of the two men whose sticks lit the way
.for them:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Anas 4& who said: ''Once two men from the
companions of the Prophet jif went out of the house
of the Prophet J! on a very dark night. They took
with them two things that resembled lamps lighting
the way in front of them, and when they parted, each
of them had those two things (lamps) till they
reached their homes "50.
Imam 'Abdur-Razzaq narrated on the authority
of Anas who said that: "Usaid Ibn Hudail_s1 and
'Abbiid Ibn Bishr2 went to the Prophet .:~ to ask him
about something. By the time they went out of the
house of the Prophet:~ it was nighttime, and it was a
very dark night. Each had a stick in his hand, and
the stick of one of them lit the way for them and they
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhiiri in his §_a.l_}:_if!. "Book of the merits of
the Prophet ;tl,· (and his companions),
He is one of the An~izr, who embraced lslizm after the first pledge
of al- 'Aqabah. He fought in the battle of U!!_ud and the following
baJtles. He died in Sha'bdn, on the year 20 AH. 'Umar 4)b carried
his coffin until he was buried in al-Baqi', in al-Madinah.
He is also one of the al-An~izr who fought in the battle of Badr
and was killed as a martyr in the battle of al-Yamizmah.

walked accompanied by its light. When they parted,
the other stick started also to light the way for the
other one, and so each of them continued to walk in
the light of his stick until they reached their homes".
B. The man whose fingers lit the way for him:
mam al-Bukhari narrated in his book uat-Tarikh (the
History)", on the authority of 'Amro al-Aslamf53 who
said: "We were with the Prophet J.f on a very dark
night. When we parted, my fingers lit up, so that
even the people who were with me, gathered their
riding animals, depending on their light".
C. The miracle of Tamim ad-Dari who pushed away
the .fire which appeared in al-Harrah (a mountain
at the side of Madinah):
Imam al-Baihaqf related on the authority of
Mu 'awiyah Ibn Harmal who said: "~ Umar 4}b came
to Tamim ad-Darf4 and said to him: "Get up to push
away this fire". Tamim then said: "0 Amir al-

He was the guide of the Prophet ~ on his way to al-Hudaibiyah.
He is from Bani 'Adi. He was a Christian and then he embraced
lslfun in the ninth year of Hijrah. He used to pray a lot at night, and
one night he got up to pray and he kept on reading a verse from the
Qur'iin and crying until the morning. 1he verse was : "0 do those
who earn evil deeds think that We shoJ/. hold then equal with those
who believe.... " (45:21). He used to live in Madi'nah, but then he
moved to Syria and remained there until he died after 'Uthmiin ~
was killed.
Mu 'minin (Chief of the believers), and who am I?
'Umar ~ insisted that he get up and finally he did.
They both set off towards the place where the fire
was, and I (Ibn Harmal) followed them. When they
reached the fire, Tamim kept on pushing it away with
his hands until it entered one of the mountains, and
Tamim went after it. 'Umar then said: "The one who
saw is not like the one who didn't". He said it three
D. The story which Anas told about "al- 'Ala' Ibn
al- Hadrami":
Imam al-Baihaqi related on the authority of Anas
who said: "'Umar Ibn al-Khattab ~ prepared an
army, which was led by ual- 'Ala' Ibn al-!f.adrami"55 •
Anas continues, I was in that army, and when we
reached the spot we were heading for, we discovered
that the enemy had destroyed all the water wells. It
was very hot, and so we, and our animals, became
extremely thirsty. It was a Friday, and so when the
sun started to come down, al- 'Ala' gathered us and
prayed two Rak'as and then raised his hands
(invoking Allah), but there were no clouds in the sky.

He was originally from Ha4_ramout (south of Arabia). The
Prophet ;It appointed him as the governor of ~rain. The Prophet
J/i died while he was still in charge of Bahrain, and Abu Bakr and
'Umar kept him in his position and he died during the Khilllfah of

hands down than the wind started to blow and
clouds gathered and it started to rain until all the
roads became flooded with water, and we drank until
we quenched our thirst and gave water to our riding
anin:als. Then we encountered our enemy, who had
already crossed a small gulf in the sea until they
reached an island. Al-'Alii' stood by the gulf and
said: "0 Allah, The Exalted, The Most Glorious, The
Forbearing, The Most Generous. And then he said:
ucross in the name of Allah". Anas continues: "We
l-·rossed and the water was so shallow that even the
feet of our animals did not get wet. It did not take us
too long, before we gained victory over our enemy.
We killed some, took others as war captives, and
started on our way back. When we reached the gulf
on the way back, al- tAla' repeated what he had first
said, and so we crossed again, and the water did not
even get the feet of our animals wet.
Anas continues: "It was not too long before he
died. So, we dug a grave for him, ~'ashed him and
buried him. A man then came along, and asked:
"Who is that?" We answered him: "He is the best of
all people, he is Ibn al-Ha4_ramf. The man then said:
ttThis land rejects the dead bodies, so it would be
better if you transfer him to another land, one or two
miles away, which does not do so. We replied: ,. We
can not leave our companions to be eaten by wild
animals", and so we re-dug the grave. When we

animals", and so we re-dug the grave. When we
reached the spot where he was buried, our
companion was not there, but the_ grave was
glittering with light as far as you can see. So, we
put the rubble back into the grave and left.
E. An army which walks on the water:
Imam al-Baihaqa related on the authority of al-
A 'mash who said: ''We reached The Tigris river (at
the battle of al-Mada 'in) and the Persians were on
the opposite bank of the river. A Muslim man said:
"In the name of Allah", and he entered the water
with his horse, which started to run over the water.
The rest of the army then said: ~~In the name of
Allah" and broke into the water like him, and here
they were all running (with their horses) and walking
over the water. The Persians then looked at them and
said: ~~crazy people! Crazy people!" and they fled.
The Muslims then started to see if they had missed
anything, and it was only a cup, which had been
hung by the saddle of one of the warriors. Then they
started to divide the war booty (which the enemy had
left behind) between themselves. "56

This miracle took place during the conquest of "al-Mad!J 'in", and
the leader of the army was "Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqq~"., and he was one
wlwse prayer and Duii' were heard and answered. Sa 'd appointed
'~em Ibn 'Amro as a leader over one detachment of Muslims.
'~em said: "Who would come with me to be the first to cross this
sea?" Sixty of the most brave Muslims came along to cross with

6. Miracles related to the cure of disease:
A. The Prophet tJi cures the boy who is suffering
from epilepsy (due to being touched by the
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Ya'lf
Ibn Murrah who said: "A woman came to the
Prophet ?}! with a son of hers who was suffering from
epilepsy (due to being touched by the Shaitan). The
Messenger of Allah :#;!said to him: "Get out you -
enemy of Allilh- I am the Messenger of Allllh M''.
Thereupon the boy was cured, and the woman gave
the Messenger of Allah two sheep, some cheese and
some butter as a present. The Prophet ;}.It took the
cheese and the butter, and one of the two sheep, and
gave her the other "57•

them, and the Persians were standing in rows on the opposite bank.
One of the Muslims came forward when he saw that the people were
apprehensive about crossing The Tigris river, and said to them: Are
you afraid of this drop of water, and he recited the verse of Allah:
"And no person can ever die except by AUilh Leave and at an
appointed term" (3:145). He then broke into the water and the
people came after him. The group of sixty people was divided into
two groups: Tlwse riding the male horses in one team, and the other
group consisted of those riding the female horses. When the
Persians saw them floating on the surface of the water they said:
"Crazy people! Crazy people!" The Sa d Ibn Abu Waqqas
commanded the people to cross the water and they went along with
their horses as if they were walking on the ground talking to each
Related by Imfun Aflmad in his Musnad, 41171.

B. Making Du'a' for the woman who was suffering
[rom epilepsy:
Imam al-Bukhari related on the authority of
- bin Abi Rabah- who said: "Ibn 'Abbas said to
me: "Shall I show you a woman of the people of
Paradise?" I said "Yes". He said: ~~This black lady
came to the prophet 11 and said: "I get attacks of
epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please
invoke Allah for me". The Prophet Jt said (to her):
"If you wish, you can be patient and enter
Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke AUQ.h to
cure you. " She said: "I will remain patient" and
added, "But I become uncovered, so please invoke
Allah for me that I may not become uncovered". So,
he # invoked Allah for her8.
C. Making Du 'a' for the Emigrants to be cured
from fever in Madinah:
Imam al-Bukhflri narrated on the authority of

'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that: "When

the Messenger of Allah Ji arrived in Madinah, both
Abu Bakr and Bilal fell ill. When Abu Bakr's fever
got worse, he would recite the (poetic verses):
Everybody is
Staying alive with his people, yet
Death is nearer to him than

Related by Imam al-BukMri ill the Book of "Patients".

His shoe laces".
And Bilal, when his fever deserted him, would recite:
Would that I could stay overnight in
A valley wherein I would be surrounded by
Idhkhar and Jalfl (two types of good smelling grass)
Would that I could drink the water
Of the Majanna, and would that (!he two mounlains)
Shamah and Tafil would appear to me!
The Prophet :;i said: "0 Allah! Curse Shaibah bin
Rabi'ah and 'lJtbah bin Rabi'ah and Umaiyyah bin
Khalaf as they turned us out of our land to the land
of epidemics." Allah's Messenger !Ji then said: "0
Allah! Make us love Madinah as we love Makkah or
even more than that. 0 Allah! Give blessings in our
Sa 'and our Mudd (measures symbolizing food) and
make the climate of Madinah suitable for us, and
divert its fever towards al-JuM"ah59 " 'Aishah (may
Allah be pleased with her) added: "When we reached
Madinah, it was the most unhealthy of Allah 's land,
and the valley of BatJ! (the valley of Madinah) used
to flow with impure colored water".(j()
Allah the Almighty, responded to the Du 'a' of
the Prophet ~ and al-Madinah became the most
healthy place, due to the blessing of the arrival of the
Prophet~ in it, and his Du 'a'.

A place close of Maamah on the way to Makkah.
Narrated by al-Bukhlui in the Book of "The merits of al-

D. The blind man was cured wh~n he said a Du'a'
that was taught to hiu, by the Prophet M
Imam al-Baihaqf related on the authority of
~uthman bin Hunaif, who said: ~'/heard the Prophet
_#f when a blind man came to him and complaining
that he had lost his sight. The man said to the
Prophet ;Jii: ''0 Messenger of Allah! I do not have
anyone to lead me (as I am a blind man) and it has
become difficult for me to keep going ". The
Messenger of Allah then said: "Go and make Wudu'
(ablution) and pray two Rak'as and say: "0 Allah!
I ask You and tum to you by the dignity of your
Prophet Muhammad M, the Messenger of mercy. 0
Muhammad! I tum to my Lord, by your dignity
(and honor), to return back my sight to me. 0
Allah! I ask You for his intercession (for me)."
'Uthman said: "By Allah, we did not leave our
place, and we did not remain there for long, except
that the man came in as if he had never suffered from
any disease".
7. His Du 'a' Mis answered:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah, who said: "/ said to the Prophet ;Ji :
"/ hear many Ahiidfth from you but I forget them. "
The Messenger of Allah said: "Spread your
garment" "/did accordingly and then he moved his
hands as if filling them with something (and emptied

them in my garment) and then said: "Take and wrap
this sheet over your body". "I did it, and after that I
never forgot anything". 61
In another narration, he said to the companions
~: "Whoever spreads his garment till I finish my
speech , then collects it to his chest , will never
forget whatever I've said!" Abu Hurairah said:
"Therefore I spread my garment, and he directed his
speech to me, then I collected it. By Allah! I never
forgot anything which I heard from him later on,,.
His Du'a' Mfor Ibn 'Abbas:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of Ibn
'Abbas who said: "Once the Prophet . ?if entered a
lavatory and I placed water for his ablution. He
asked uWho placed it?" He was informed
accordingly and so he said: "0 AUQh! Grant him
(Ibn 'Abbas) Fiqh (understanding) in religion. '"2
Imam al-Baihaqf in another narration by Ibn
'Abbas added that the Prophet ~ put his hand on his
(Ibn 'Abbas) shoulder and said: "0 Alltlh Grant
him Fiqh (understanding) in religion and teach him
the interpretation of the Qur'an ".
Allah the Almighty responded to the Du 'a' of
His Messenger ~ for his cousin (Ibn 'Abbas), who
Narrated by al-BukM.ri in the Book of ~Knowledge".
Narrated by al-BukMrf in the Book of "Wu@'" (Ablution).

became a scholar in religion, especially in the
science of Tajsfr (Qur'an exegesis). He benefited
from all the knowledge of the companions, which
they learnt from the Prophet ~ before he was even
born, and also from all that he managed to hear
from the Prophet ~ before his death.
His Du'a' II for Anas:
Imam al-Bukhdri narrated on the authority of
Qatadah, who said: "Umm Sulaim said to the
Prophet ;Ji : "Anas is your servant. " The Prophet #
said: '0 AlLah! Increase his wealth and offspring,
and bless (for him) whatever you give him".
Imam at-Tirmidhf narrated on the authority of
. 4bu Khaldah, who said: ttl said to Abi al- Aliyah:

~·nas Anas heard the Hadith from the Prophet #?"

He said to me: 'tHe served him for ten years, and the
Prophet :J.f made Du Ia' for him. tAnas had an
orchard, which produced fruit twice a year, and he
also had Basil plants -in that orchard- which had
Musk- like fragrance".
It was also narrated that Anas had almost a
hundred boys and girls or even more.
In another narration, it was reported that the
Prophet ~ said : "0 Al/Qh! Malee him live a long
life". Anas, then lived a 100 years.
The Prophet ~ also made Du Ia' for his mother

Umm Sulaim and her husband Abu Tal!l_ah, and so
they were given 9 sons, who were all reciters of the
Qur' an by heart63 •
His Du'a' !II for Abu Huraira's mother to follow
the right path:
Imiml Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu
Hurairah, who said: "I invited my mother, who was
a polytheist, to Islam. I invited her one day and she
said to me something about Allah's Messenger :#
which I hated. I came to the Prophet # weeping and
said: nAllah 's Messenger, I invited my mother to
Islam but she did not accept (my invitation). I invited
her today but she said to me something, which I did
not like. (Kindly) supplicate Allah that He may set
the mother of Abu Hurairah right. Thereupon,
Allah's Messenger #said: "0 AlJah! Set the mother
of Abu Hurairah on the right path". I came out
quite pleased with the supplication of Allah's
Messenger M and when I came near the door, it was
closed from within. My mother heard the sound of
my footsteps and she said: "Abu Hurairah, just wait,
and I heard the noise of water falling. She took a
bath and put on a garment and quickly covered her
head with a headdress and opened the door and then
said: "Abu Hurairah, I bear witness to the fact that

The Hadl"th is narrated in Sohlh al-Bukharf, Book of 'iz"
there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His
bondsman and His Messenger. He (Abu Hurairah)
said: "I went back to Allah's Messenger ;Jt and (this
time) I was shedding tears of joy. I said: "Allah 's
Messenger, be happy, for Allah has responded ta
your supplication and He has set on the right path
the mother of Abu Hurairah. He (the Holy Prophet)
Jl praised Allah, and extolled Him and uttered good
words. I said: "Allah's Messenger, supplicate to
Allah so that He may instill love of mine and that of
my mother in the hearts of the believing servants
and let our hearts be filled with their love,
whereupon Allah's Messenger J.i said: ''0 Allah, let
there be love of these servants of yours, (i.e. Abu
Hurairah and his mother) in the hearts of the
believing servants and let their hearts be filled with
the love of the believing servants". (Abu Hurairah
said: This prayer) was so fully granted by AUah that
no believer was ever born who heard of me and saw
me, but they loved me. '164
His Du'a' ;Jifor Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas:
The Messenger of Allah made Du 'a, for him
while he was sick, and he got better.. Also, he made
Du 'a' ;Ji that Sa 'd's invocation would always be
answered. The Prophet if said: "0 Allah, make his

Narrated by Muslim, in the Book of "The merits of the

spear hit unerringly and answer his prayer
(Du 'a')". 65

As narrated by Imam al-Bukharf, the Du (a' of

Sa (d was answered when he was the governor of Al-
Kufah in Iraq. Jabir bin Sumrah narrated that: ((The
people of Kufah complained against Sa(d to (Umar
~ and the latter dismissed him and appointe¢
(Ammar as their chief They lodged many complaints
against Sa 'd and even alleged that he did not pray
properly. (Umar sent for him and said: ''0 Aba
Ishaq! These people claim that you do not pray
properly". Abu Ishaq (Sa 'd) said: ~~By Allah, I used
to pray with them a prayer similar to that of Allah's
Messenger !If and I never reduced anything of it. I
used to prolong the first two Rak'at of 'lsha' and
shorten the last two Rak'at ". 'Umar said: "0 Abu
Ishaq, this was what I thought about you. " And then
he sent one or more persons with him to Kufah so as
to ask the people about him. So, they went there and
did not leave any mosque without asking about him.
All the people praised him till they came to the
mosque of the tribe of Banf Abs; one of the men
called Usamah bin Qatiidah with the surname of Aba
Sa 'dah stood up and said: ''As you have put us under
an oath; 1 am bound to tell you that Sa 'd never went
himself with the army and never distributed (the war
Narrated by al-Buklulrl, Book of "The merits of the

booty) equally and never did justice in legal
verdicts." (On hearing it) Sa'd said: "I pray to Allah
for three things: 0 Allah! If this slave of yours is a
liar and got up for showing off, give him a long life,
increase his poverty and put him to trials. " (And so
it happened). Later on when that person was asked
about his condition, and he used to reply that he
was an old man in trial as the result of Sa'd's curse.
'Abdul Malik, the sub-narrator, said that he had
seen him afterwards and his eyebrows were hanging
over his eyes owing to old age and he used to tease
and assault the small girls in the way ',()6.
His Du'a' Mfor As-Sa'ib:
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of As-
Sa 'ib bin Yazid who said: "My aunt took me to Allah's
Messenger jj and said: "0 Allah's Messenger! My
sister's son is sick." So, he passed his hand over my
head and invoked Alldh 's blessing upon me and then
performed ablution. I drank from the water of his
ablution and I stood behind him and looked at his
Khatm (seal of Prophethood) between his shoulders
(and its size was) like the button of a tent. 167 As-Sa'ib
lived until he was ninety four, and his body remained
upright, and never bent forward. Not one hair that the
hand of the Prophet Jli touched became white. His
Narrated by al-Bukhllri in the Book of "al-Adhim" (the call to
Narrated by al-BukhQri in the Book of "Invocation".

senses remained strong until he died, due to the
blessing of the Prophet's Du 'a 'for him.
His Du'a' Mfor 'Abdur-Rahmdn bin 'Auf:
When 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf came to al-
Madfnah, the Prophet~ joined he and Sa'd Ibn Ar-
Rabf' as brothers. Anas, the noble companion ~
narrates what happened: ".... Sa 'd said to 'Abdur-
Rahman: ~~o brother, I am the richest of all the
Ansar, so I want to divide my wealth (between us).
And I have two wives, so choose the one you like
better and I'll divorce her, and when she finishes her
prescribed period (i.e. 'Iddah), then marry her".
'Abdur-Rahman then said: ~'May Allah bless your
family and your property for you. Where is the
market?~ So, they showed him the Qainuqa' market.
(He went there and) returned with a profit in the
form of dried yogurt and butter . He continued going
(to the market) till one day he came, bearing the
traces of yellow scent. The Prophet Jf asked.· "What
is this (scent)?" He replied : ~'I got married. " The
Prophet #i asked: "How much dowry did you give
her?" He replied: "I gave her a date-stone weight of
gold or a golden date-stone. " The Prophet Ji then
said to him: "Make a Walimah (wedding meal),
e1-·en with one sheep. '168
In another narration, the Prophet Ji made Du 'a'
Narrated by ai-Bukhitrf in the Book of "The merits of the ~r."

for him when he met him and said: "May Allah
bestow His Blessing on you. Make a Walimah
(wedding meal), even with one sheep '169•
The Du 'a' of the Prophet ~ was answered, as
his buying and selling was blessed and successful,
and he was very fortunate in his trade , so that he
once said: "If I lift up a stone, I find silver and gold
under it. "
His Du 'a' Mfor Abu 'Aqil:
Imam al-Bukharf narrates on the authority of
Abu 'Aqil, who said that: ICHis grandfather,
'Abdullah bin Hisham used to take him from the
market or to the market (the narrator is in doubt)
and used to buy grain and when Ibn Az-Zubair and
Ibn 'Umar met him, they would say to him: "Let us
be your partners (in trading) as the Prophet ;.i
invoked Allah's blessing upon you." He would then
take them as partners and he would sometimes gain a
whole load carried by an animal, which he would
send home. "70
His Du 'a' M is answered concerning the spread of
lsldm in Persia, Syria and Yemen:
Abu Dawud a!-Tialisf narrated on the authority
of Zaid Ibn Thabit who said: ~'The Prophet ?1! looked
Narrated by al-Bukhiiri in the Book of "Invocation. •
Narrated by al-Bukhilri in the Book of "Invocation."

towards Yemen and said: "0 Allllh! Make their
hearts tum to us (i.e. to embrace Istam)." And then
looked towards Syria and said: "0 Allflh! Make
their hearts tum to us." And then he looked
towards Iraq and said: ""0 Allah! Make their
hearts tum to us, and give blessings in our Sa' and
our Mudd (measures symbolizing food)". And so it
happened, as the people of Yemen embraced Islam
before those of Syria, and the latter promised to
continue on the right path and support Islam till the
Day of Judgment.
His Du'a' M on some people (i.e. invoked curse
upon them) is also answered:
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of 'las
bin Salamah bin al-Akwa, ' who reported on the
authority of his father that "a person ate in the
presence of Allah's Messenger tJf with his left hand,
whereupon he said: "Eat with your right hand. " He
said: "I cannot do that, " whereupon the holy
Prophet it said: "May you not be able to do that. "
It was vanity that prevented him from doing so, and
he could not raise it (the right hand) up to his
mouth. "71
Imam Muslim also narrated on the authority of
Ibn tAbbas who said: ~~I was playing with some

Narrated by Muslim in the Book of "Drinks"'.

children and Allah's Messenger Ji happened to pass
by (us). I hit myself behind the door. He (the Holy
Prophet Ji ) came and patted my shoulders and
said: "Go and call Mu 'awyiah. " I returned and
said: ~~He is busy eating." He again asked me to go
and call Mu 'awyiah to him. I went (and came back)
and said that he was still busy eating, whereupon he
said: "May Allah not fill his belly/"72 Imam Ibn
Kathfr comments on this narration saying that this
invocation affected Mu ~awyiah at the time of his
Caliphate, as it is said that he used to eat seven
times a day, food cooked with meat, and still say:
tcBy Allah I never get satisfied (with food). "
His curse !II upon some of the disbelievers was
answered on the Day of Badr:
Imam al-Buklulrf narrated on the authority of Ibn
Mas~Ud that: "Once when the Prophet ?Ji was praying
beside the Ka ~bah, there were some people of the
Quraish sitting in a gathering. One of the1n said:
~'Don't you see this person, who does deeds just to
show off? Who amongst you can go and bring the
dung, blood (in another narration the dirty fetus of a
she-camel) and the abdonzinal contents (intestines,
etc.) of the slaughtered C(llnels of the family of so
and so and then wait till he prostrates and put that

Narrated by Muslim in the Book of "al-Birr Vt~-~i1ah" (Good

·between his shoulders?" The most unfortunate
amongst them (Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ai!) went (and
brought them,J and when Allah's Messenger it
prostrated he put them between his shoulders. The
Prophet Ji remained in prostration and they laughed
so much so that they fell on each other. A passer-by
went to Fa!Jmah (the Prophet's daughter), who was a
young girl in those days. She came running and the
Prophet J.t was still in prostration. She removed
them and cursed upon the Quraish to their faces.
When Allah's Messenger .J.i completed his prayer, he
said: "0 Allah! Take revenge on Quraish. " He
said so thrice and added: "Take revenge on 'Amr
bin Hisham, 'Utbah bin Rabi'ah, Shaibah bin
Rabi'ah, al-Walid Ibn 'Utbah, Ummayah Ibn
Khalaf, 'Uqbah bin Abi Mu 'ayy!J 'Umarah bin al-
Walid. " 'Abdullah Ibn Mas 'ud added: "By Allah! I
saw all of them dead in the battle field on the day of
Badr and they were dragged and thrown in the Qalib
(a well) at Badr: Allah's Messenger J.f then said:
"Alldh's curse has descended upon the people of
the Qalib (well). " 73
Imam Muslim reported on the authority of
'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that: "Two
persons visited Allah's Messenger !it and both of
them spoke about a thing of which I am unaware. It

Narrated by al-BukMri in the Book of "Prayer."

annoyed him and he invoked a curse upon both of
them and hurled malediction, and when they left, I
said: ((Allah 's Messenger, the good would reach
everyone but it would not reach these two. He said:
"Why so?" I said: "Because you have invoked a
curse and hurled malediction upon both of them. "He
said: "Don't you know that I have made condition
with my Lord saying this: 0 AlMh!, I am a human
being and that for a Muslim upon whom I invoke
curse or hurl malediction make it a source of purity
and reward. " Abu Hurairah also reported in
another narration that Allilh 's Messenger ii said: "0
Aliah!, I am a human being and for any person
amongst Muslims upon whom I hurl malediction or
invoke a curse or give him a whipping, make it a
source of purity and mercy. "74
Imam al-Bukharf also reported on the authority
of Abu Hurairah, who said that he heard the
Messenger of Allah J.i saying: "0 Allah! If I should
ever abuse any believer please let that be a means
of bringing him near to You on the Day of
Resurrection. " 75
The man who apostatized and was rejected by the
earth after his burial:
Both narrations are reported by /miim Muslim in the Book of: "al-
Bi" Was-Silah" (Good manners).
Narrated by al-Bukhdri in the Book of "Invocation. "

Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Anas
that: 'There was a Christian man who embraced
Islam and he used to write (the revelation) for the
Prophet # . This man had read Surah (chapter) al-
Baqarah and 'Al- 'Imran, and when a man reads
those Suras (chapters) we used to honor and revere
him. However, when the Prophet Ji used to dictate
to him: ''Write: Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful", the man then disobeyed and wrote
:"Allah is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise. " The
Messenger of Allah then would say to him: "Write so
and so.. ", thereupon the man would say: "I write
whatever I like. " The Messenger of Allah ?if would
dictate to him: "Altah is Ever All-Knowing, All-
Wise", but then the man writes instead: ~~Allah is
Ever All-Hearer All-Seer. " This nzan eventually
apostatized from Islam and went back to join the
disbelievers. He said to them: "I anl the one, who
know most about Muhammad, and I only used to
write what I liked. " When this man died, the Prophet
J.i said : "The earth will reject his body. " Anas
added: "Abu Talhah informed me that he went to the
spot where that man died, and found that the earth
had thrown his body out. Abu Talhah then asked the
people: "What is wrong with that man?" Thereupon
they told him that they buried him several times, but
the earth threw him out every time they did. "

8. The Prophet II was asked bout certain matters,
and his answer was in accordance with - the facts -
that were stated in the previous books revealed to
other Prophets (be,[ore his Message):
A. His answer about : the soul, the people of the
cave and Dhul Qamain:
At the advent of the Message of the Prophet if ,
Quraish sent to the Jews in Madinah to ask them
about certain matters, which they could in turn ask
the Prophet 1f (with the intention to embarrass him),
as the Jews already had a revealed Book (The
Torah). The Jews told the people of Quraish to ask
him about three things: First: About the -nature- of
the soul. Second: ask him about those young men
who lived in olden times and nobody knows what
happened to them. Third: to ask him about a man
who traveled round the earth until he reached its east
and west. When the people of Quraish returned and
asked the Prophet j ! the three questions, the
following verse was revealed by Allah the Almighty:
~ ~Jf ~J j.) ;f ~ ~.J~,h Ji ~J~h ~ ~il..:.-tj)
("0:'-\~~\) ((AO)~" J1,., ~\
, ,

"And they ask you (0 Muhammad)

concerning the soul; Say: "The soul is one
of the things the knowledge of which is
only with my Lord. And of knowledge,

you (mankind) have been given only a
little." (17:85).
Then Surah al-Kahf was revealed, giving details
about the story of the young men, who abandoned
the religion of their people (who were atheists) and
believed in Allah, the All-Mighty, Worthy of all
Praise! Worshipping none but Him. So, they decided
to escape from their people and went to hide it) a
Cave in which they slept for 309 years, when Allah
the Almighty woke them up. Allah has given us
details of their full story in Surah al-Kahf.
In the same Surah, Allah the Almighty, revealed the
story of Dhul-Qarnain:
((Af>'~.) ll.. ~(;jc. _,itL Jl ~)i' ~.) ~ ~}L:...!:;)
;I , ; ,


"And they ask you about Dhul-

Quamain. Say: I shall recite to you
something of his story." (18:83).
The following verses, give details of the
journeys made by him to the East and to the West,
and the good deeds, which he performed.
B. His answer M about the signs of the Hour and
other questions:
lmfun al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Anas ~ that: ''When the news of the arrival of the

Prophet ?Ji' at Madff!ah reached ~Abdullah Ibn Saluli~
(who was a Jew at that time), he went to ask him
,about certain things. · He said: 'I am going to ask
you about three things, which only a Prophet can
answer: What is the first sign of the Hour? What is
the first food, wJ:zi~h the people of Paradise will eat?
Why does a child look more like his father or his
mother?" The Prophet J.i replied: "Gabriel (Jibril)
has just now infonned me of that. " Ibn Salam then
said: ~~He (i.e. Gabriel) is the enemy of the Jews,
amongst the angels. " The Prophet :fi said: "As for
the first sign of the Hour, it will be a fire that will
push the people (to gather them together) from the
East to the West. As for the first meal, which the
people of Paradise will eat, it will be the extra lobe
of the fish liver. As for the child, if the man's
discharge precedes the woman's discharge, the
child looks more like his father, and if the woman's
discharge precedes the man's, then the child looks
more like his mother. " Thereupon, ~Abdullah Ibn
Salam said: "/ testify that None has the right to be
worshipped except Allah, and that you are the
Messenger of Allah.... "76
Imam Muslim also narrated on the authority of
Thauban (the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah
ji, who said: "While I was standing beside the

Narrated by al-Bukhilri in .the Book of "The merits of the An~iir. "

Messenger of Allah #, one of the Rabbis of the Jews
came and said: "Peace be upon you, 0
Muhammad. " I pushed him back so strongly, that he
was about fall. Upon this he said: ""Why are you
pushing me?" I said: ~~Why don 't you say 0
Messenger of Allah?" The Jew said: "We call him by
the name by, which he was named by his family.
The Messenger of Allah J.t said: "My name is
Muhammad with which I was named by my
family." The Jew said: ~~I have come to ask you
(something)." The Messenger of Allah .# said:
"Should that thing be of any benefit to you, if I tell
you?" He (the Jew) said: ~~I will/end my ears to it."
The Messenger of Allah ;Jt drew a line with the help
of the stick that he had with him and then said: "Ask
(whatever you like)." Thereupon, the Jew said:
~~Where would the human beings be on the Day when
the earth would change into another earth and the
heavens too (would change into other heavens)?"
The Messenger of Allah :Jf said: "They would be in
darkness beside the Bridge." He (the Jew) again
said: ""Who amongst people would be the first to
cross (this bridge)? He said Jf: "They would be the
poor amongst the immigrants." The Jew said:
""What would constitute their breakfast when they
would enter Paradise?" He (the Holy Prophet Jf )
replied: "The extra lobe of the fish-liver." He (the
Jew) said: ~~What would be their food after this?"

The Messenger of Allah #said: "A bullock, which
was fed in the different quarters of Paradise woult~­
be slaughtered for them. " He (the Je») said: ~~Wha1
would be their drink?" The Holy Prophet ?Jf said:
"They would be given drink from the fountain,
which is named Salsabil. " He (the Jew) said: "I
have come to ask you about a thing, which no one
amongst the people on the earth knows except a
Prophet or one or two men besides him. " The
Messenger of Allah :Ji then said: "Would it benefit
you if I tell you?" He (the Jew) said: ~'/would lend
my ears to that." He then said: "/have come to ask
you about the child. " The Messenger of Allah ~
said: "The discharge of the man is white and tkat
of the woman is yellow, and when they have sexual
intercourse and the male's substance (his sperm)
prevails upon the female's substance it is the male
child that is created by Alllih 's Decree, and when
the substance of the female prevails upon the
substance contributed by the male, a female child is
formed by the Decree of Alllih. " The Jew said:
"What you have said is true; verily you are a
Prophet." He then returned and went away. The
Messenger of Allah J.f said: "He asked me about
such and such things of which I have had no
knowledge till Alliih gave me that. " 77

Narrated by Muslim in the Book of "Menses".

C. The Story of the Jew who defied him ~
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of
§_ajwan bin 'Assai who said: "Once a Jew said to his
companion, let's go to the Prophet and ask him
about this verse:
~! j,;t~l ~ JC-,~ ~~ ~0 ~ i-; ~ :Wlj)
,. , ~ , , ~ If' .

(<'. ')()~ ~;'lt ~« .)1 ~~ji ~ JYi ~w-

.... ,

"And indeed We gare to Mfisa (Moses)

nine clear signs." (17:101).
They went and asked the Prophet #, who replied
saying: "Do no associate anything in worship with
AUQh, do not steal, do not commit adultery, kill not
anyone whom Alldh has forbidden, except for a just
cause, do not practice magic, do not eat RiM
(usury), do not take an innocent man to someone in
authority to kill him, and do not accuse chaste
women" or he said (as the narrator was uncertain):
"Do not run away from the battle field". He then
added Ji :"And specially, you, -lhe Jews-
Transgress not (by doing worldly works on) the
Sabbath (Saturday)." §.afwan added: ''They both
kissed his hands and feet Ji and said: "We bear
witness that you are a Prophet. " The Messenger of
Allah Ji then said to them: "What stops you jr0111
following me?" They said: ''DawUd -may the peace
of Allah be upon him- invoked Allah that there will
always be a Prophet from his offspring, and we fear
that if we embrace Islam that the Jews may kill us."
However it seems that the narrator of the
Hadfth, has mixed up the ten commandments (which
are actually mentioned in the Hadfth and the nine
signs mentioned in the verse, which are : the stick of
Musa (Moses) ,~!, his hand that turned white, the
flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, the blood, the
draught, and the shortage of fruits (and crops .. ),
(most of them are mentioned in Surah al-A 'raj
"7: 130-133 ".
D. A Jewish boy who used to serve the Prophet M,
believes in his Message, but his father belies him:
Imam al-Baihqaf narrated on the authority of Anas
that: "A Jewish boy who used to serve the Prophet if ,
fell ill one day, so the Messenger of Allah :1t came to
visit him. When the Prophet ~got there, he found the
boy's father reading the Torah at his head, thereupon
he said to his father: "0 you Jewish man! I beseech
you by Allah Who revealed the Torah kJ Musa
(Moses)! Do you find my description, qualities and
my location (from where the Message would emerge)
in the Torah?" The father said: "No". The boy then
replied: ''By Allah! Yes we do 0 Messenger of Allah.
We find in the Torah, your description, your qualities
and your location, and I bear witness to the fact that
there is no god but Allah and that you are His

Messenger. " The Prophet ;Ji then said to his
companions: "Take away this man (the boy's father)
from beside his head, and take care of your brother. "
Third: The Previous books give Glad Tidings
(Prophecies) about him #.
It is clearly mentioned in the Qur'an and the
Sunnah that the previous Prophets of the Messenger
of Allah # told of the Good news of his coming,
and that their followers knew it, but most of them
hid it and concealed all the facts, which are
mentioned in their books about him ;Ji . Allah the
Almighty says in the Qur 'an:
~~, 4~ 4fJ~
J;..i' ~;;.;. ~jj,) ,. ,
I ,. • • 1 o

~ _p, ~ ~~J J J~4,. ~:;~ JJ~'J ol)j~h ~

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oJ~J oJj~) ~ 1foT ~.U\! ~ ~\S" ~~ JL..l&.Uij

"'"' .; "' ,

Jl <' OV)~~I ~ ~jf ~ Jjf ~..J1 j)!l l~lj

"' "' ,. """

~j! 4f 'i .if1 ~ •_ ~·t\ JJ1 JJ~' ,.J

- . ~· ~·"'
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..rlLJ1 l~:,~\J
, , "' "'
• , tl ,,. ... . ' """'
,. :~ ' ~ \i :::._.:
..,..J~JA: · • Ul'J,.~I'·~
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J " ,. .: ,. ~ " ..... , . ... "'

~ o;Jij
,.,.. ,
::,._.); ~.ill
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~UI ~~
(' 0 " - ' 0 V :JI..f-~1) ((' 0,\ )~Jj;'f

"Those who follow the Messenger, the

Prophet who can neither read nor write
(i.e. Muhammad M) whom they find
written with them in the Torah and the
lnjil (the Gospel). He commands them to
do what is right and forbids them from
doing that which is evil. He allows them
as lawful all that is good, and prohibits
them as unlawful all that is evil. He
releases them from their heavy burdens
(of Alldh 's Covenant) and from the
fetters that were upon them. So those
who believe in him, honor him, help
him, and follow the light (the Qur'an)
which has been sent down with him, it is
they who will be successful. Say (0
Muhammad ji) "0 mankind! Verily, I
am sent to you al as the Messenger of
Alldh to Whom belongs the dominion of
the heavens and the earth. None has the
right to be worshipped but He; it is He
Who gives life and causes death. So
believe in Alldh and His Messenger
(Muhammad M), the Prophet who can
neither read nor write, who believes in
4.lliih and His words and follow him so
,hat you may be guided." (7:157-158).
-4tul said:
~ ~~'
~1, Jj;f ~.J, ""'
JAJ ~ ~f JJ,
"' ,
fl +if)
ili j;j~ &) ~,. Jp ~~ ~JJ'! ~~'(.A'~
""' ;
)T ~lllj

<' ' t :~w~') ((' ' t )~.~~~

, h::,. :;jJ
•. ,

"Those unto whom We gave the
Scripture know that it is re~ealed from
your Lord in truth." (6:114).
And said:
# , , , ,, , , } • .)

~} W}J ~~~( wj }J.. W'

,. ,. ,
~\iSJ1 ~q\ ~~I
, "'

(' t ' ((' t ')~;1~ (.A) j;jl ~ )~~.;f ~@ ~~

"Those to whom We gave the Scripture,

recognize him (Muhammad M) as they
recognize their sons. But verily, a party
of them conceal the truth while they
know it." (2:146).
And said:
:ill ,~f ~~, ;.;.-J·. .n~fi(, ~li)j, '}Jf :t~ Ji:, ....)
( (Y • )~~~
. ~ llhj - ,,... ,. , "' , ,

t u;ll ~~'- LJ~, ljJj ~1J, IJJ:; •1

, , , ,

(Y • : ~1~ JT)

"And say to those who were given the

Scripture and to those who are illiterates
(Pagan Arab): "Do you submit yourselves
(to Alllzh in lsllzm) ?" If they do, they are
rightly guided; but if they tum away,
your duty is only to convey the Message;
and Alllzh is All-Seer of (His ) slaves. "
And said:

r., <--l:r
-,J ~r
., J
;J,. .J'6
-- , \4ff 1~
-~ 1:.--,.. ~ 1 'l,W-- l!ll ~ li; 1lA)
,.J , ..,· JJ -,J d
, t ·

( 0" :~ly.l) (( 0 ")~~ij, t)jf

"This (Qur'an) is a Message for mankind

in order that they may be warned
thereby, and that they may know that He
is the only God (Alldh) and that men of
understanding may take heed." (14:52).
And said:

<' ~ :~w'JI) ( .... . .... ~ :;J ~ ~)~~ ....... )

"That I may therewith warn you and
whomsoever is in my reach." (6:19).
And said:


"but those of the sects (Jews, Christians

and all the other non ..Muslim nations)
that reject it (the Qur'an), the Fire will
be their promised "
And also said:
((V • )~}~' )$ J)iil ~J ~ ~~ ~ )~)
", ;" 4 ., ""'

(V • :v !)

"That he or it (Muhammad lf or the
Qur'an) may give warning to him who is
living and the Word may be justified
against the disbelievers. " (36: 70).
Allah the Almighty, then mentioned in the
Qur'an that He sent His Messenger .~- to the illiterate
(Arab Pagans) to the people of the Scripture, and to
all mankind, Arabs and non-Arabs. Therefore,
anyone who received the Message of the Qur 'an is
considered to be a warning for him.
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu
Hurairah that The Messenger of Allah . ~ said: "By
Him in Whose hand is the life of itfuhammad, he
who amongst the community of Jews or Christians
hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in
that which I have been sent with and dies in this
state (of disbelief) he shall be in the Hell -Fire. "78
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Jabir bin 'Abdullah that the Prophet . ~, said: "I have
been given five things, which were not given to any
one else before me:
1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His
frightening my enemies) for a distance of one
month's journey.

Narrated by Muslim in the Book of: "Faith".

2. The earth has been made for me (and for my
followers) a place for praying and a thing to
perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my
followers can pray whenever the time of a prayer is
3. Booty has been made HaMl (lawful) for me yet
it was not lawful for anyone else before me.
4. I have been given the right of intercession (on
the Day of Resurrection).
5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only
but I have been sent to all mankind. "79
In another narration, the Prophet if said: "I
have been sent to the black and the red (people)".
It was also narrated that he said #i that he has been
sent to the Arabs and the non-Arabs, and it was also
narrated that he has been sent to mankind and the
linn, but what is actually meant is more general than
that. What is meant in the Hadfth of the Prophet .#
is that Glad tidings have been given about him in the
previous Scriptures revealed by Allah the Almighty,
to the previous Prophets. The Prophecy before
Muhammad #i ended with (/sa Ibn Mariam (Jesus),
who is the last Prophet to be sent to Banf Isra 'il (the
children of Isra 'il). (isa (May the Blessings of Allah
be upon him) told them about the coming of

Narrated by al-Bukiulri in the Book of "at-Tayammum."

Mu!!_ammad .#as was stated in the Qur'iin:
·- c·r, JJ, J, ~, J.. ~·t' 4P
. l_~(~.
• , ..."" ....... '. ·, ..
~- ~f ~ ~
J, L.J ~"")
, ,. ,. "" , ., ,

4$~::,.. ~~ J;-~ ~~~J ol)~l\::,. ~~ :;. w J:. ,,~

"" "' "" tl ,. ""' "" ""

(('\)~ fr-: \~ 1)~ ~~~:5~ ~~~I~ ~f #~ •_,\

<' :. . A.•.a.h)
"And (remember) when 'lsa (Jesus), son
of Mariam said: "0 Children of Isra 'il! I
am the Messenger of AlLah unto you
confirming the Torah which (came)
before me and giving glad tidings of a
Messenger to come after me, whose name
shall be Ahmad (i.e. Muhammad) M''
Adding to that, the Prophet ;Jf told us that he was
mentioned in the previous Scriptures, as evidenced
by many verses from the Qur'an and the Sunnah,
which proves this issue.
His Da 'wah is widespread M and this is one of his
Moreover, the widespread Message of the
Prophet Ji , which has reached the East and West of
the earth, is something which has never happened to
any nation before his ;Ji . If Muhammad j j was not a
Messenger of Allah, his harm would have been more
than anybody and the previous Prophets would have

warned humanity of his danger, as they all warned
their followers of the advocates of false beliefs. All
the previous Messengers, including Nuh, - who was
the first of Allah's Messengers-warned their
followers of the Dajjal (the liar or the false Christ),
and it has never been stated that they warned them of
Muhammad f!· or told them anything about him
except for praising him and giving glad tidings of his
coming, and commanding their followers to follow
him and warning them of disobeying him. Allah the
Almighty says in the Qur'an:
~ ~j Y~
t1 , t1 ...
~ ~ ~' 3~ Llll Uf ~!j) "" "" ,
• ,., , , , , J ~ J. ,.

;J"J)H J\i ;J~,Q~==tj ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ J~j ~~~

J , / , / , ,. J , J ,. / ~ ,

~ ~ u~j IJ:~~:~\! J\i uj}i t)\i 4$ ~! ~~ Js- ~~ij

((A Y)~ ~~lil1 ;.A ~J~ ~~ ~ jy ~(A' ) ~~~~
(A Y-A' : ~l_rS- JT)

"And (remember) when Alldh took the

Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take
whatever I gave you from the Book and
wisdom and afterwards there will come to
you a 1Wessenger (Muhammad ;Ji )
confirming what is with you; you must,
then, believe in him and help him. Alldh
said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you
take up My Covenant (which I conclude
with you)?" They said: "We agree." He

said: 'Then bear witness, and I am with
you among the witnesses (for this). Then
whoever turns away after this, they are the
immoral and the disobedient." (3:8J ..82).
Some of the news given in the previous Scriptures
about Muhammad#:
1. In the story of Ibrahim:
In the Book of Genesis, during the course of the
story of Ibrahfm (May Allah's blessings be upon
him), it is said that Allah inspired Ibrahfm, after he
was saved from the fire to go and travel to the East
and the West for the sake of his son. When he told
Sarah about this, she hoped that the son would be
hers, and she was very much concerned to drive
away Hajar and her son Isma 'fl. Thereupon, Ibrahim
took them both to Arabia and the wilderness
(mountains) of Parn. Ibrahfm thought that this
prophecy was for his son Ishaq until Allah inspired
him that his son Ishaq would be given a blessed
offspring but as for Isma 'il I have blessed thee and
have given him a great nation, and from his
offspring will come Muhammad, who will have a
great nation
"The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your
country, your relatives, and your father's home, and
go to a land that I am going to show you. I will give
you many descendants, and they will become a great

nation. I will bless you and make your name famous,
so that you will be a blessing" (Genesis: 12:1-2),
uYou are going to have a son, and you will name
him Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your cry
of distress" (Genesis: 16:11).
Also when Hajar was placed by the Ka 'bah by
her husband Ibrahfm, and she became very thirsty,
she became very worried about her son. Then came
the angel, who brought forth the spring of Zamzam
and ordered her to keep this boy, as a great person
would be born from his offspring.
It is well known that there are none of the
offspring of Isma 'fl, rather of Adam who is greater
or more honored than Muhammad Jf, and it was his
nation which dominated the eastern and the western
part of the land.
2. The story of Isma 'il:
Also in the course of the story of lsma 'fl in the
Book of Genesis, it says that the child Ismil 'fl would
lead all the nations, and would live by his brothers.
This was not fulfilled by anyone except for the
nation of Muhammad .#.
3. Tthe story of Musa (Moses) ,~:

In the Book of Deuteronomy it is mentioned that

Allah inspired Musa (Moses) ,~! to say to the
children of Isra 'fl : ''And the Lord said unto me,

they have well spoken that which they have spoken, I
will raise them up a prophet from among their
brethren, like unto thee and will put my words in his
mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him." (Deuteronomy 18:17-18).
And also said: Lord your God will raise up
for you (Children of Isra 'fl) a Prophet like me from
among you, from your brethren - him you shall
heed... " (Deuteronomy 18:15).
4. In the Book of Deuteronomy:
It is mentioned here that Musa (Moses) ~~
talked to the children of lsra 'fl towards the end of
his life - in the 39th year of the Teeh (wondering
through the land) and reminded them of Allah's
bounties and Graces, which He had provided them
with, and said to them: ''And remember that the Lord
will send you a Prophet from among your own
selves, as He sent me to you. He will command you
to do the right and forbid you from doing evil. He
will make lawful for you all that is good and make
unlawful all that is evil. Whoever disobeys him will
be disgraced in this life, and subject to torment in
the Hereafter. "
5. At the end of the Book of Deuteronomy:
In the fifth (and the last) book of the Torah it
says: "The Lord came from Mount Sinai and rose
like the sun over Sa 'fr, and he shone on his people
from Mount Paran. To his right there is a light, and
to his left there is a fire. All nations gather around
him" (Deuteronomy: 33:2). This means that the
Sharf'ah of Allah came from Sinai, which is the
mountain at which Musa (Moses) ~\ talked to Allah
the Almighty.
Sa 'fr stands for the hills in Jerusalem
where '/sa (Jesus) ,%EJ preached. "He shined" i.e.
His Message was finally complete, dominant and
clear, from the side of the Mount of Paran, which
are - without dispute- the mountains of Arabia (or
the heights of iWakkah). This only took place when
Muhamtnad -~ proclairned his Message. Allah,
Glorified be He, mentioned the three places in the
order in which the events took place. Therefore, he
mentioned the place where Musa (Moses) ,~tl started
the Message, then '/sa (Jesus) ,%JfJ! and finally the
land where Muhammad completed the ~1essage.
When AlLlh the Almighty swore by these three
places -in the Qur'an- , he mentioned them in the
order which ends with the best of the three. In Surah
at-Tfn Allah says:
"By the fig and the olive" ....(95:1) (which is the
location of Jerusalem, where '!sa (Jesus) ,.'f1!Q was.
And then He said: "By the Mount Sinai" (95:2),
which is the mountain by which Allah talked to His
Prophet Musa (Moses) :?±Jilt • And finally He said:
"And by this city of security (Makkah) '' (95:3),
which is the city, where Muhammad proclaimed his

mission. (This is according to the opinion of many
interpreters of the Qur'an).
6. In the Psalms (Zabur) of Dawud (David) ,~:

In the Psalms of Dawud ,'1±!§.Q there is a

description of this nation that they are a nation of
Jihad and worship. It also gives an example, which
V.'::t~ r~lated by the Prophet ~ that he is the final
brick i11 th~ built dome, as was mentioned in the
lladfth tl12t is narrated by Imams al-Bukharf and
Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah who said:
"The Messenger of Allah ~ said: "My similitude in
comparison with the other Prophets before me, is
that of a man M'ho has built a house nicely and
beautifully, except for a place of one brick in a
corner. The people go about it and wonder at its
beauty, but say: "Would that this brick be put in its
place! So, I am that brick, and I am the last of the
Prophets. ,,so The same meaning is also expressed in
the Qur 'an in the verse:
~~J JJ, J~j ::,s:fj ~G:-)::,.. ~f lif ~ ~~ w)
" " "" " , II

ct. :~,r~') ((t ·)~ "~ ~"" ;iJ, ~~:, ~~

, , "

"Muhammad M is not the father of any

man among you, but he is the lfessenger

Narrated by al-BukJW.rf in the Book of "The merits of the Prophet
of Aliah and the last of the Prophets"
7. The description of Muhammad !It in the Psalms:
It is also mentioned in the Psalms that the
Message of Muhammad ~ will spread and be
established from sea to sea, and all the kings will
come to him from all countries willingly, carrying
presents to him. It also says that he ~ helps the
needy, supports the weak, that prayers are said on
him at all times, Allah will bless him everyday and
he will be mentioned forever. This description only
applies to Muhammad ~ .
8. In the Scriptures of Isaiah:
There is a long speech in the scriptures of Isaiah
that reprimands the Children of lsra 'fl, and tells
them that Allah is sending them an illiterate Prophet,
who is not harsh hearted or severe, he does not raise
his voice in the markets. Allah the Almighty also
said about him, I shall endow him with every noble
manner, with serenity, piety, wisdom, sincerity,
justice, truth, and guidance of others to the right
path. Islam will be his religion (Dfn) and the Qur'an
will be his book. His name will be Ahmad, through
him I will save humanity from being led astray,
gather them together after being separated, unite the
hearts (of the believers), and make his nation, the
best ever raised up for mankind. The sacrifice they

offer (to Allah) is their blood, and their gospel is
(preserved) in their hearts. They are monks at night
and daring lions during the day,
.... Jf J
l\".1'1 . ~II( l.:!.;- .;)"
~ J~ """'J ~
•. ,. ~..•,J.
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.,, ,
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.. ..... . .

~ ~ ~ / ,

(Y' :~»1) ((Y ')~-~-j,

"That is the Grace of Aliah, which He

bestows on whom He pleases. And Alldh
is the Owner of Great Bounty" (57:21).
In another chapter of Isaiah he says: uHe gains
victory over all nations and defeats the polytheists in
9. His description in the Scriptures of /lias (Elias):
It is said in the Scriptures of /lias ,~ that he
went on a trip with a group of his companions, and
when they reached the land of Arabia, /lias said to
them: "Look at those (the people of Arabia), they are
the owners of your great forts." His companions
asked him: "0 Prophet of Allah! Whom do they
worship?" He then replied: "They glorify Allah on
top of each hill. "
10. His description in the Scriptures of Ezekiel:
It is said in the Scriptures of Ezekiel : "My
chosen slave, I descend my revelation upon him. He
makes my justice prevail among the nations. I have
chosen him for Myself, and sent him to the nations

with truthful judgments. "
11. In the Book of Prophecies:
It is said in the Book of Prophecies that : "One
of the Prophets passed by al-Madfnah, and the tribes
of Banu Qurai?:_ah and Banu an-Nadir (Jewish tribes)
received him as their guest. When he saw them, he
cried, so they said to him: "What is making you cry,
0 Prophet of Allah!" He said to them: "A Prophet
will be sent by Allah from the side of that mountain
(al-hirrah, which is on one side of Madinah). He will
(this coming Prophet) destroy your homes and take
your women as war captives." The Jews then wanted
to kill that Prophet, so he ran away. "
12. His description ;II in the Bible:
In the Gospel of John, Jesus says: "/am going
(i.e. Jesus) to Paradise, and will send you the
Paraclete (the comforter), the spirit of truth, who
shall teach you everything." And: "But when the
Paraclete (the comforter) is come whom I will send
unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth,
which proceedeth from the Father, he shall bear
witness of me'' (John: 14:16, 15:26, 16:17). The
Paraclete, refers to the Prophet ~' as it is also in
agreement with what is mentioned in the Qur'an:
• ~ ~ ~ r J, • I
, I :::._ / • • ,. • -r~ J ~~. J / ( , ) ,. )

~~~ ~ ~ 4.$~ ,y ""~ J-M f. ) -~J . . ...

"" ""' "" ~ ,

<" = ~') (c, )~ ~ ,:u. 1)~ ~ol!

, "' "' ,.

"and giving glad tidings of a Messenger
to come after me, whose name shall be
Ahmad (i.e. Muhammad M)" (61:6).
There are many more details about this issue,
which one can refer to in books, which contain
extensive studies about the Prophecies of Muhammad
if, in the Old and New Testaments.

Fourth: His Telling ~about events which actually

took place:
1. His telling about the damage of the parchment
containing the conditions of the boycott:
When Quraish decided to boycott the family of
the Prophet ~ (Bani Hashim and Bani 'Abdul
Muttalib) due to his announcement of His Message
aloud in Makkah, they suspended the parchment of
boycott (which included all the articles of their
proclamation) from the ceiling of the Ka 'bah. They
decided not to do any business with them or any sort
of inter-marriage or even to give shelter to any of
them, until they hand over Muhammad ;Ji to kill him.
Every member of Bani Hashim and Bani 'Abdul
Muttalib, whether a Muslim at the time or a non-
Muslim went into a valley on the outskirts of
Makkah, as they refused to respond to their request.
But Allah the Almighty, sent an "ant" which ate the
parchment, just leaving the name of Allah. The
Prophet J!i told his uncle, Abu Talib , who in tum told

the people of Quraish about it and said to them: uMy
nephew has told me that Allah has sent an ant, which
ate your parchment, which ate it all except for the
part which has Allah's names written on it. So, bring
it over, and if what he said was not true, then I shall
give him up to you. " When they went to see what
had happened, they found that it had been eaten
away by ants, just as the Prophet ;.t had told his
uncle, and the proclamation was thus abrogated.
Thereupon, both Bani Hashim and Bani 'Abdul
Muttalib returned to Makkah and to their normal life.
2. His telling !li about the migration to Madinah
and what took place afterwards:
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
Abu Musa who said: "The Prophet :J! said: "In a
dream I saw myself migrating from Makkah to a
place having plenty of date- trees. I thought that it
was al-Yamamah or Hajar, but it came to be al-
Madinah i.e. Yathrib. In the same dream I saw
myself shaking a sword and its blade got broken. It
came to symbolize the defeat, which the Muslims
suffered from on the Day of Uhud. I moved the
sword again, and it became nonnal as before, and
that was the symbol of the victory Alllzh bestowed
upon the Muslims and their gathering together. I
saw cows in my dream, and by Alllzh, that was a
blessing, and they symbolized the believers on the
Day of U!!ud. And the blessing was the good Alllzh
bestowed upon us and the reward of true belief,
which Alldh gave us after the day of Badr". 81
3. His telling II about the killing of Umaiyah Ibn
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
~Abdullah bin Maslud who said: ''Sa'd bin Mu'ddh
came to Makkah with the intention of performing
'Umrah and stayed at the house of Umaiyah bin
Khalaf Abu Safwan, for Umaiyah himself used to
stay at Sa'd's house when he passed by Madinah on
his way to Syria. Umaiyah said to Sa 'd: "Will you
wait till midday when the people are (at their homes)
then you may go and perform the Tawaf around the
Ka 'bah?" So, while Sa 'd was going around the
Ka 'bah, Abu Jahl came and asked: "Who is that who
is performing Tawaf?" Sa 'd replied: "/ am Sa 'd. "
Abu Jahl said: "Are you making Tawiif around the
Ka 'bah safely in spite of the fact that you have given
refuge to Muhammad and his companions?" Sa 'd
said : "Yes, " and they started quarrelling. Umaiyah
said to Sa 'd: "Don't shout at Abf al-Hakam (i.e.
Abu Jahl) for he is the chief of the valley (of
Makkah). Sa'd then said (to Abu Jahl), : ''By Allah,
if you prevent me from performing the Tawaf of the
Ka 'bah, I will spoil your trade with Syria. "
Narrated by al-Bukhari in the Book of "The merits of the Prophet
Umaiyah kept on saying to Sa 'd: "Don't raise your
voice" and kept on taking hold of him. Sa 'd became
furious and said (to Umaiyah): tiBe away from .me,
for I have heard Muhammad ,~ saying that he will
kill you. " Umaiyah said: tiWill he kill me?" Sa 'd
said: ''Yes. " Umaiyah said: "By Allah! When
Muhammad says a thing, he never tells a lie."
Umaiyah went to his wife and said to her: "Do you
know what my brother from Yathrib (i.e. Madfnah)
has said to me?" She said: "What has he said?" He
said: "He claims that he has heard Muhammad
claiming that he will kill me. " She said: "By Allah!
Muhammad never tells a lie." So, when the infidels
started to proceed for Badr (Battle) and declared
war (against the Muslims), his wife said to him:
''Don 't you remember what your brother from
Yathrib told you?" Umaiyah decided not to go but
Abu Jahl said to him, "You are from the nobles of
the valley (of Makkah) so you should accompany us
for a day or two. " He went with them and thus Allah
had him killed." 82
4. His telling Jf about the disbelievers, who were
killed on the Day of Badr:
Imam Muslim related on the authority of Anas,
who said: "..... Allah's Messenger j f showed us one

Narrated by al-Bukhii.ri in the Book of "The merits of the Prophet
!/i. "
day before (the actual battle) the place of death of
the people (participating) in (the Battle) of Badr and
he was saying" "This would be the place of death
and so and so tomorrow, with the will of Allah. "
'Umar said: "By Him Who sent him with truth they
did not miss the places (of their death), which
Allah's Messenger Jli had pointed out for them. Then
they were all thrown in a well one after another.
Allah's Messenger J! then went to them and said: "0
so and so, the son of so and so; 0 so and so, the
son of so and so, have you found correct what
Allah and His Messenger had promised you? I
have, however, found absolutely true what Allah
had promised me. " 'Umar said: "Allah's
Messenger, how are you talking to dead bodies with
no soul in them?" Thereupon he said: " You cannot
hear more distinctly than (their hearing) of what I
say, but with this exception that they have no power
to make any reply. 'J83

5. His telling Ji about the conquest of Persia and

Syria (ash-Sham):
In the battle of al-Ahzab (the confederates) while
the companions were digging the ditch, an obstinate
rock stood out as an obstacle in the ditch. The
Prophet ~ took a spade and struck it, and the rock
was immediately shattered into a heap of sand. The
Narrated by Muslim in the Book of "Paradise and its description.,

Prophet ~ while striking the rock was uttering : "In
the Name of Auah, Alldh is Great, the keys of Ash-
Sham (now Syria) are mine, I swear by Alldh, I
can see its palaces at the moment. " At the second
strike he said: "Alllih is Great, Persia is mine, I
swear by Alllih, I can now see the white palace of
Madli'in; and for the third time he struck the rock,
and said: "Allilh is Great, I have been given the
keys of Yemen, I swear by Alldh I can see the gates
of San 'li' while I am in my place. ,,a4
6. His telling JJ about the fall of the kingdom of
Khosrau (in Persia) and Caesar (in Rome):
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah who said: ''The Messenger of Allah Jli
said: "When Khosrau perishes, there will be no
(more) Khosrau after him, and when Caesar
perishes there will be no more Caesar after him.
By Him in Whose Hands Muhammad's life is, you
will spend the treasures of both of them in Alllih 's
Cause. "85
This actually took place during the rule of the
three Khalifs - Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman.
Both kingdoms were conquered by the Muslims and

See the Seerah of Ibn Hisham.
Narrated by Imllm al-Bukhiiri in the Book of "The merits of the
Prophet ;J/i. "

the treasures of Caesar and Khosrau were spent in
the Cause of Allah.

7. His speech with 'Adiy bin Hatim 0!.- Ta 'i, which

eventually came true:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
'Adiy bin !J.atim af-Ta 'f who said: "While I was in
the city of the Prophet J.i, a man came and
complained to him of destitution and poverty. Then
another man came and complained of a robbery (by
highway man). The Prophet ;k said: "'Adiy! Have
you been to al-Hirah?" I said: "/ haven't been to it,
but I was informed about it." He said ;J.f: "If you
should live for a long time, you will certainly see
that a lady in a Howdah travelling from al-Hirah
will (safely reach Makkah and) perform the Tawaf
fearing none but AlMh. " I said to myself: "What
will happen to the robbers of the tribe of Taf, ' who
have spread evil throughout the country? " The
Prophet Jifurther said: "If you should live long, the
treasures of Khosrau will be opened (and taken as
spoils)." I asked: uYou mean Khosrau, son of
Hurmuz?" He said: "Khosrau son of Hurmuz and if
you should live long, you will see that one will
carry a handful of gold or silver and go out looking
for a person to accept it from him. And any of you,
when meeting AlMh, will meet Him without needing

an interpreter between him and Allilh to interpret
for him, and Allah will say to him: "Didn't I send
you a Messenger to teach you?" He will say: "Yes"
Allah will say: "Didn't I give you wealth and
offspring and do you favors?" He will say: "Yes."
Then he will look to his right and see nothing but
Hell, and look to his left and see nothing but
Hell. " 'Adiy further said: "I heard the Prophet if
saying: "Save yourself from the (Hell) Fire even
with half a date (to be given in charity) and if you
do not find a half date, then with a good pleasant
word. " 'Adiy added: (Later on) "/ saw a lady in a
Howdah travelling from al-Hfrah till she performed
the Tawaf of the Ka 'bah, fearing none but Allah.
And I was one of those who opened (conquered) the
treasures of Khosrau, son of Hurmuz. If you should
live long, you will see what the Prophet Abul Qasim
Ji had said: ''A person will come out with a
handful of gold.... ,,a6

8. His Comforting of Khabbab:

Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Khabbab Ibn al-Arat who said: "We complained to
the Messenger of Allah 1! (of the persecution inflicted
on us by the infidels) while he was sitting in the
shade of the Ka 'bah, leaning over his Burd (i.e.
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhari in the Book of "The merits of the
Prophet 1/i. ".

covering sheet). We said to him: "Would you seek
help for us?" He said: .~ "Among the nations
before you a (believing) man would be put in a
ditch that was dug for him, and a saw would be put
over his head, and he would be cut into two pieces:
Yet that (torture) would not make him given up his
religion. His body would be ruined with iron combs
that would remove his flesh from the bones and
nerves, yet that would not make him abandon his
religion. By AlLah, this religion (i.e. Islam) will
prevail till a traveler from San 'a' (in Yemen) to
Hadramaut (south of Arabia) fears none but Allah,
or a wolf as regards his sheep, but you (people) are
hasty. ,,a7
9. His telling ?# about the fighting and envy
between the people of his nation over worldly
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
'Uqbah bin 'Amir, who said: "The Messenger of
Allah ;Jf once came out and offered the funeral
prayer for the martyrs of Uhud and proceeded to the
pulpit and said: "I shall be your predecessor and a
witness for you, and I am really looking at my
sacred Fount now, and no doubt, I have been given

Narrated by Imam al-Bukhilri in the Book of "The merits of the
Prophet J/i. ".
the keys of the treasures of the world. By Alldh, I
am not afraid that you will worship others along
with Alllih, but I am afraid that you will envy and
fight one another for worldly fortunes. ,,as

10. His telling the good news to Thabit that he will

be in Paradise:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of Anas
Ibn Malik who said: ''The Prophet 31t noticed the
absence of Thabit bin Qais. A man said: 0
Messenger of Allah! I shall bring you his news." So,
he went to him and saw him sitting in his house
drooping his head (sadly). He asked Thabit: ~'What
is the matter?" Thabit replied: (tAn evil situation: A
man used to raise his voice over the voice of the
Prophet if and so all his good deeds have been
annulled and he is from the people of Hell." The
man went back and told the Prophet J.f that Thabit
had said so and so. (The sub-narrator Musa bin
Anas said, uThe man went to Thabit again with glad
tidings." The Prophet Jr said to him, ('Go and say to
Thabit: ~'You are not from the people of Fire, but
from the people of Paradise. ,,s9

Narrated by Imam al-Bu.khilri in the Book of "11ze merits of the
Prophet Ji. ".
89 Narrated by lmiun al-Bu.khilri in the Book of "The merits of the
Prophet ?1f. ".

Thabit was killed as a martyr in the battle of al-
11. His telling M that 'Abdullah bin Saliim is from
the people of Paradise:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Sa 'd bin Abf Waqqa~ who said: "I have never heard
the Prophet 1! saying about anybody from the people
of the earth that he is from the people of Paradise
except 'Abdullah bin Salam. The following verse
was revealed concerning him: "And a witness from
among the children of lsra 'il testifies that this
Qur'an is true." (46:10). 90
Fifth: His telling Mahout future el'ents:
1. What he said Mahout 'Umar ~
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah that the Prophet ~ said: ''Among the
nations before you there used to be people who
were inspired (though they were not Prophets).
And if there is any of such persons amongst my
followers, it is 'Umar." 91
There were many events, which took place
during the life of 'Umar which, proved that he was
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhllrf in the Book of "The merits of the
-Narrated by al-Bukhiirf in the Book of 'The merits of the
companions. "
inspired. Of these is the incidence of the prisoners of
war from the battle of Badr as the Qur' an was
revealed confirming the opinion of ~ Umar, who did
not agree that they should take ransom, but rather to
kill all the leaders of the disbelievers. The Prophet if
though, was more inclined to the opinion of Abu
Bakr, and that is why they both (the Prophet ;Jf and
Abu Bakr) cried when the verse was revealed but
Allah forgave them with His mercy, and confirmed
the fact that they should have accepted the opinion of
~umar. Imam Muslim narrated this incident on the
authority of Anas ~, who said in a long Hadfth
about the battle of Badr: ~~........ The Messenger of
Allah .# said to Abu Bakr and ~umar: "What is
your opinion about these captives?" Abu Bakr said:
'They are our kin. I think you should release them
after getting a ransom for them. This will be a
source of strength to us against the infidels. It is
quite possible that Allah may guide them to Islam.
Then the Messenger of Allah ~ said: "What is your
opinion Ibn al-Khattab?" He said: ttMessenger of
Allah, I do not hold the same opinion as Abu Bakr. I
am of the opinion that you should hand them over to
us so that we may cut off their heads. Hand over
'Aqfl to 'Alf that he may cut off his head, and hand
over such and such relative to me that I may cut off
his head. They are leaders of the disbelievers and
veterans among them. The Messenger of Allah if
approved of the opinion of Abu Bakr and did not
approve of what I said. The next day when I came to
the Messenger of Allah Jf, I found that both he and
Abu Bakr were sitting shedding tears. I said:
"Messenger of Allah, why are you and your
Companion shedding tears? Tell me the reason. For
I will weep and if not, I will at least pretend to weep
in sympathy with you. The Messenger of Allah .#i
said: "I weep for what has happened to your
companions for taking ransom (from the prisoners).
I was shown the torture to which they were
subjected. It was brought to me as close as this tree.
(He pointed to a tree close to him). Then Allah
revealed the verse: "It is not for a Prophet that he
should take prisoners until the force of the
disbelievers has been crushed.... " (8:67), to the end
of the verse: "So enjoy what you ha~e gotten of the
spoils of war, (it is ) lawful and good" (8:69). So
Allah made booty lawful for them. 92
2. His telling ;Jf about which of his wives is the
first to die after him:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that: " Some
of the wives of the Prophet :~ asked him: "Who
amongst us will be the first to follow you (i.e. die
after you)?" He said: "Whoever has the longest
hand. " So, they started measuring their hands with a
Narrated by

stick and Sauda 's hand turned to be the longest.
(When Zainab bint Gahsh died first of all in the
Caliphate of 'Umar). We came to know that the long
hand was a symbol of practicing charity, so she was
the first to follow the Prophet #i and she used to
love to practice charity. (Sauda died later during the
Caliphate of 'Umar). 93
3. His telling ;Jt about the merits of Uwais al-
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Usaid
bin Jabir that : "A delegation from Kufah came to
'Umar and there was a person amongst them who
jeered at Uwais. Thereupon 'Umar ~ said: "Is there
amongst us one from Qaran?" That persom came
and 'Umar said: "Verily, Allah's Messenger :lf has
said: "There would come to you a person from
Yemen, who would be called Uwais and he would
leave none in Yemen (behind him) except his mother,
and he would have whiteness (due to leprosy) and he
supplicated Allah and it was cured except for the size
of a dinar or dirham. He who amongst you meets
him should ask him to supplicate for forgiveness
(from Allah) for you. "
In another narration by Imam Muslim, 'Umar
said: ''I heard Allah's Messenger ?if saying: "Worthy
amongst the successors would be a person who
Narrated by Muslim in the Book of "ZakOI. (charity)".

would be called Uwais. He would have his mother
(living with him) and he would have (a small) sign of
leprosy. Ask him to supplicate Allah for you, for
forgiveness. "94
This man actually existed at the time of the
Caliphate of 'Umar, in exactly the same description
as the Prophet Jt told the companions. Many
narrations described the white mark, which existed
on his body, and said that he had been extremeIy
kind to his mother. 'Umar ~ met him, and asked
him about his disease and asked him to supplicate
Allah for him, for forgiveness.
4. Umm Waraqah is informed by the Prophet M
that she would die as a martyr:
Imam Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of
Umm Waraqah bint Nawfal, that when the Prophet #
went to the Battle of Badr, she said to him: " 0
Messenger of Allah! Give me permission to go out
with you to the battle. I could look after the sick and
the wounded, and may Allah grant me Shahadah
(death in the cause of Allah). " The Messenger of
Allah J!i then said to her: "Stay in comfort at home,
as AllQh will grant you Shahiulah (i.e. even if you
stay at home.") Therefore, people used to call her
the martyr. She used to recite the Qur'an, and she
Narrated by Imilm Muslin in the Book of : "The merits of the
Companions. "
asked the Prophet .:J! to give her permission to get
someone who would call for the prayer (make
Adhan) at her home. She had intended to free a boy
and a girl (who were her slaves), after her death.
They both woke up one night and suffocated her with
a velvet garment of hers, until she died. In the
morning, 'Umar asked the people, about anyone who
knew the whereabouts of those two slaves, or had
seen them anywhere, and if so, they should hand
them in. So, they were both brought to him and 1vere
crucified (as a punishment for what they had done).
They were the first to be crucified in Madfnah. "
5. Abu Dhar is informed by the Prophet M that he
would die on his own in the desert:
Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Umm
Dhar who said: HWhen Abu Dhar was about to die I
sat beside him crying". He then said to me: "Why
are you crying?" I said: "Why shouldn 't I cry while
you are about to die in a desert with no one to bury
you, and I do not have a garment which is sufficient
for you as a shroud. " He smiled to her and said:
"Calm down. Don't cry. I heard the Prophet gt once
saying while I was sitting with him among a number
of companions: "One of you will die in a desert land
and a group of the faithful will witness him. " All
of those who were sitting with me at that assembly
have died, whether in a village or among . a
congregation. No one is left except me, and now I
am dying in a desert land. By Allah, he !it did not
lie and neither did I. " It is well known that Abu
Dhar died in a desert land called Ar-Rabadhah, in
the year 23 AH, during the Caliphate of (Uthman.
~Abdullah Ibn Mas 'ud was one of the group of the
faithful believers who attended his funeral, and he
prayed the funeral (Janazah) prayer for him.
6. His telling ~ about the hole in the wall of Gog
and Magog:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Zainab Bint Jahsh, the wife of the Prophet who said
that: "The Prophet Jf came to her in a state of fear
saying: "None has the right to be worshipped but
AllQh! Woe to the Arabs because of evil that has
come near. Today a hole has been made in the
wall of Gog and Magog as large as this, "pointing
with two of his fingers making a circle. Zainab
said: "I said, '0 Messenger of Allah! Shall we be
destroyed though amongst us there are pious
people?" He said: "Yes, if evil prevails . "95
7. His telling ;Ji about those who invaded Cyprus by
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Anas Ibn Malik, who said: "Allah's Messenger Jf
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhiiri in the Book of: "The merits of the
Prophet ;J!i"

used to visit Umm Haram hint Malhan, who would
offer him meals. Umm-Haram was the wife of
"Ubadah bin A~-Samit. Allah's Messenger ;Jr visited
her and she provided him with food and started to
comb his hair. Then Allah's Messenger if slept and
afterwards woke up smiling. Umm Haram asked:
What causes you to smile, 0 Messenger of Allah?"

He said: "Some of my followers (in a dream) were

presented before me as fighters in Alldh 's Cause
(on board of a ship) amidst the sea, causes me to
smile; they were as kings on the thrones (or like
kings on the thrones. ") (ls~aq a sub-narrator is not
sure as to which expression the Prophet # used.)
Umm !!_aram said: "0 Allah's Messenger! Pray to
Allah that He makes me one of them." Allah's
Messenger ;Ji invoked Allah for her and slept again
and woke up smiling. Once again Umm !f_aram
asked: "'What makes you smile, 0 Allah's
Messenger?" He replied: "Some of my followers
were presented to me as fighters in Alliih 's cause,"
repeating the same dream. Umm Haram said: "0
Allah's Messenger! Invoke Allah that He makes me
one of them. " He said: "You are amongst the first
ones. " It happened that she sailed on the sea during
the Caliphate of Mu 'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan, and
after she disembarked she fell from her riding
animal and died. "96
Narrated by al-Bukhilri in the Book of "Jihlul".

8. His telling M about Fighting the Turks in the
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah who said: "The Prophet :li said: "The
Hour will not be established till you fight a nation
wearing shoes made of hair, and till you fight the
Turks, who will have small eyes, red faces and flat
noses: and their faces will be like flat shields. And
you will find that the best people are those who hate
responsibility of ruling most of all till they are
chosen to be the rulers. And the people are of
different natures: The best in the pre-IsLamic period
are the best in IsLam. A time will come when any of
you will love to see me rather than to have his
family and property doubled. "97
9. His Prophecy M to 'AbdulLah Ibn SaLam:
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Qais Ibn ~ubad who said: "While I was sitting in the
Mosque of Madfnah, there entered a man ( Abdulah 1

Ibn Salam) with signs of solemnity upon his face. The

people said: "He is one of the people of Paradise."
He prayed two light Rak~as and then left. I followed
him and said: ~~When you entered the Mosque, the

Narrated by Imam al-Bukhllri in the Book of : "The merits of the
Prophet ;J/i,", and by Imam Muslim in the Book of· "The signs of
the Last Hour. "

people said: UHe is one of the people of Paradise."
He said: "By Allah, one ought not say what one does
not know." (I lvill tell you why). In the lifetime of
the Prophet :;#! I had a dream, which I narrated to
him. I saw that I was in a garden. " He then
described its size and beauty. He added: uln its
center there was an iron pillar whose lower end was
fixed to the earth and the upper end was in the sky,
and at its upper end there was a (ring shaped)
handhold. I was told to climb it. I said: "I can't. "
Then a servant came to me and lifted my clothes
from behind and I climbed till I reached the top (of
the pillar). Then I got hold of the hand-hold and I
was told to hold it tightly, then I woke up and (the
effect of) the handle was in my hand. I narrated all
that to the Prophet ~~ who said: "The Garden is
Islam, the pillar is the pillar of Islam and the
handhold is the Most Trustworthy Hand Hold. So,
you will remain as a Muslim till you die. " The
narrator added: "The man was 'Abdullah Ibn
Salam. "98
10. His telling M about the killing of Al-Husain bin
'Ali •:
Imam al-Baihaqf narrated on the authority of Um
al-Fadl bint al-Harith, that she entered the house of

Narrated by Imiim al-Buklulri in the Book of "The merits of the
Ansar. "

the Prophet :Jf and said: "0 Messenger of Allah! (
saw a bad dream last night. " Ile then asked her Jf :
"What was it?" She replied: "/saw as if a piece o.f
your body was cut off and put in my lap." The
Prophet :1f said to her: "You saw a good dream.
This is Fatimah (his daughter). With the will of
Alldh, she will give birth to a boy, and he will be
put in your lap. " Later, Fa!imah gave birth to Al-
Husain and he was put in my lap, just as the
Messenger of Allah !li said. I then put the baby boy
- Al-Husain- in the Prophet's lap 3ki, and glanced at
his face, and there he was #i with his eyes filled with
tears. So, I said to him: "0 Messenger of Allah!
May I ransom you with my mother and father! What
is wrong with you?" He then said f1/i : "Jibril
(Gabriel) came to me and told me that may nation
will kill this son of mine!" I then said: "This one?"
The Messenger of Allah ;if replied: "Yes. And he
(Jibril) brought some of the soil, where he will be
buried, and it was red. "
11. His telling Mahout the appearance of liars who
claim Prophethood:
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah who said: "The Messenger of Allah :if
said: "The Hour will not be established until there
appears about thirty liars, all of whom will be

claiming to be the Messenger of Allilh. '199
In another narration by Imam al-Baihaqf, the
Messenger of Allah jff mentioned some of them when
he said: "The Hour will not be established until
there appears about thirty liars, of which are
Musailimah (the liar), al-'Ansi (who appeared in
Yemen) and al-Mukhtar (who was the prince of
Kufah for a year, and claimed that he used to
receive revelation and news of the unseen and the
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu
Naufal who reported that: "Asma' hint Abf Bakr said
to Al-Hajjaj Ibn -Yusif: ".......... Verily Allah's
Messenger Ji told us that in Thaqif there would be
born a great liar and a great murderer. The liar we
have seen (al-Mukhtar), and as far as the murderer
is concerned, I do not find anyone else besides you
(Al-Hajjaj) ". Thereupon he (Al-Hajjaj) stood up and
died, without giving any reply to her. "100
An inspiration of 'Umar •:
Imam al-Baihaqf reported on the authority of
Abu 'Adhbah who said: "A man came to 'Umar Ibn

Narrated by Imiun al-Bukhilri in the Book of : "The merits of the
Prophet ;JJi. , "
Narrated by Imlim Muslim in the Book of : "The merits of the
Companions. "

al-Khattab ~ and told him that the people of Iraq
have thrown pebbles at their prince. Thereupon
'Umar went out angry, and performed the prayer in
congregation. He was so angry that he was forgetful
in his prayer, and the people kept on saying :
- Allah! Subhana
Allah!" When we
completed the prayer, he said: "Who among you is
from Syria?" A man then stood up and then another
one and then I got up, third or forth. 'Umar then
said: "0 Allah! They have made me confused, so
make them confused, and hasten with the young man
of (the tribe o/) Thaqif whose judgment among them
will be that of Jahiliyah, who will not accept from
their good-doers and he will not forgive the wrong-
doers. "101 (The narrators of this event, believe that
the young man which 'Umar meant, was Al-!f_ajjaj).
12. The Prophecy of the Prophet M concerning the
Khilafah (Caliphate) of 'Umar bin 'Abdel 'Aziz (the
fifth of the rightly guided Khalifs):
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Hudhaifah Ibn al-Yaman, who said (in a long
Hadfth): "People used to ask Allah's Messenger :if
about good, but I used to ask him about evil for fear
that it might overtake me. Once I said: ''0 Allah's

This narration reflects one of the inspirations of ~umar ~ and
one of his miracles. The Prophet J/i said that he is one of those who
are inspired (as mentioned earlier).

Messenger! We wt=re in ignorance and in evil and
-4llah has bestowed upon us the present good (i.e.
/ ·vne through Islam); will there be any evil (time)
:1er this good one?" He said: "Yes. " I asked: "Will
urcre be a good (time) again after that evil period?"
He said: "Yes, but it would be a hidden evil." I
usl-..ea.· ''What will this evil be?" He said # ; "There
lrilL be some people who will guide others according
to principles other than my tradition, and adopt
ways other than mine. You will see their actions
and disapprove of some of them. "102 Imam al-
Baihaqf and others, are of the opinion that this
second ''good time" which will come after the first
evil period, is the Caliphate of 'Umar Ibn 'Abdel

The rest of the Hadith says; '" He said (Hudhaifah): Will there be
any erL ufter that good time?" He said: ''Yes, there will be some
people who will invite others to the doors of Hell, and whoever
acceptr; their invitation to it will be thrown in it (by them)." I said:
"0 Allfih 's Messenger! Describe those people to us." He said:
"They will belong to us and speak our language. " 1 asked: " What
do you order me to do if such a thing should take place in my life?"
He said: "Stick to the group of Muslims and their Imam (leader)."
I asked: "If there is neither a group (of Muslims) nor a leader (what
shall I do)?" He said: "Keep away from all those different sects,
even if you hod to IJile (i.e. hold on to) the roots of a tree till you
meet AIJah while you are still in tlwt state. " Narrated by ai-
Bukhiiri in the Book of "The merits of the Prophet ;J/i'' , and by
Muslim in the Book of "Imllrah (leadership)"

,. <:J. 1-li.~telling II about the death OJ "'' t·~:J ~oay on
(-(1'""" ifter a century of a certain night:
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
'Abdullah Ibn 'Umar, who said: "Once the Prophet
Ji led us in the 'Isha; prayer during the last days of
his life and after finishing it (the prayer) with Taslim
(the final salutation of the prayer) he said Jf : "Do
you realize (the importance of) this night?" Nobody
present on the surface of the earth tonight will be
living after the completion of one hundred years
from this night. " 103
Imam Muslim also narrated on the authority of
'Abdullah Ibn 'Umar who said: "The Messenger of
Allah ?if led us in the 'Isha 'prayer at the latter part
of the night and when he had concluded it by
salutations, he stood up and said: "Have you seen
this night of yours? At the end of one hundred
years after this, none would survive on the surface
of the earth (from amongst the Companions). Ibn
'Umar said: "People did (not realize) these words of
the Messenger of Allah ,# which had been uttered
pertaining to one hundred years. Allah's Messenger
1.# in fact meant (by these words) that on that day
none from amongst those who had been living upon
the earth (from amongst his Companions) would
survive (after one hundred years) and that would be
Narrated by lmlon al-Buk:Julri in the Book of : "Knowledge. "

the end of this generation "104.
14. His prophecy M about the appearance of Imam
Malik in Madinah:
Imam at-Tirmidhi narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah who said: "The Messenger of Allah ;Jf
said: "People are about to ride their camels, on
long journeys seeking knowledge, but they do not
come across anyone who is more knowledgeable
than the Imam of Madinah (i.e. Malik bin Anas)."
(Imam Malik died in the year 179 AH).
15. His prophecy !If about the classes of his
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
~Imran bin HU!_ain who said that the Prophet ;i said:
"The best of my foUowers are those living in my
generation (i.e. my contemporaries), and then those
who will follow them, and then those who will
follow the latter. " 'Imran added: ~'I do not
remember whether he mentioned two or three
generations after his generation, then the Prophet Ji
added: "There will come after you, people who will
bear witness without being asked to do so and will
be treacherous and untrustworthy, and who will
vow and never fulfill their vows, and fatness will

Narrated by Imiun Muslim in the Book of: "The merits of the

appear among them (as they like to eat and drink
too much). "105
In another narration by Imam al-Bukharf on the
authority of ~Abdullah who said that the Messenger
of Allah 3t said: "The best people are those living in
my generation, and then those who will follow
them, and then those who will follow the latter.
Then there will come some people who will bear
witness before taking oaths, and take oaths before
bearing witness." (Ibrahim, a sub-narrator said:
~~They used to beat us for witnesses and promises
when we were still children). 106
16. His telling ;Jf about the fire, which came out in
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah, who said that the Prophet ,?it said:
"The Hour will not be established till a fire will
come out of the land of Hijaz and it will throw light
on the necks of the camels at Busra. "107 Imam Abu
Shamah (the Historian) says that this fire appeared
on Friday the 5th of Jumada Al-Akhirah in the year

Narrated by al-Bukluiri in the Book of : "The merits of the
companions of the Prophet Jli "
Narrated by al-Bukhilri and Muslim m the Book of
"A.f!lictions. "

654 (A.H.)u>B_ This fire appeared in Madfnah and
lasted for one month, exactly as the Prophet if
described it, as the people saw the necks of the
camels at Busra_through the light of this fire. Other
books mentioned that it lasted for more than a
month, and appeared on the eastside of Madfnah,
towards the valley of Shadha, beside the mountain of
Uhud. It was also said that the people heard noises
five days before its appearance, on the Monday at
the beginning of that month, and the noises
continued day and night until it appeared on Friday,
when a great fire gushed out of the land at the valley
of Shadha, which caused the stones to melt, leaving
what looks like molten lead, which then became like
black coal.
17. His telling # about the people who carry in
their hands whips like the tails of the cow:
Imam iYuslim narrated on the authority of Abu
Hurairah who said: "The Messenger of Allah ,;J! said:
"There are two types of the inhabitants of the Hell
Fire whom I did not see: "People having whips like

llnam adh-Dhahnbi mentioned in his book "The countries of
Islam," that this fire was of the minor signs of the Hour, which the
Prophet ~ mentioned, and even though it was a great frre with a
very strong light, and lasted for days, it did not produce much heat.
The inhabitants of Madinah thought that it was The Hour, and
started repenting and making Du'a' to Allah the Almighty to forgive

the tails of the cow with them and they would be
beating people, and the women who would be
dressed but appear to be naked, who would be
inclined (to evil) and make their husbands incline
towards it (or they do not walk in a straight
manner, rather they swagger and keep on moving
from one side to the other). Their heads would be
like the humps of the camel inclined to one side.
They will not enter Paradise and they will not smell
its odor even though its odor can be smelt from
such and such distance. "109
18. His telling M about the increase of the wealth
of his nation:
Imam Ahmad
- Ibn -Hanbal narrated on the
authority of Dawud bin Abf Hind, who said: ~~I came
to Madfnah and went to see the Messenger of Allah
jj. While he was praying, a man came and said to
him (after he concluded the prayer): ~'0 Messenger
of Allah! Eating dates (all the time) has caused our
stomachs to burn, and the linen clothes (which are
made of the fibers of the palm trees, and are of a
very bad quality) have burnt our bodies. " The
Messenger of Allah then praised Allah and said:
"There was a time when my companion and I (i.e.
Abu Bakr) had no food but black dates, until we
came to our brothers, the Ansar, who shared their
Narrated by Muslim in the Book of "The Dress.,

food with us, and it was also dates, I swear by
Allah, Who none has the right to be lfOrshipped but
He, if I could feed you bread and t,fates, I would
have given you that. There is a time to come,
whether you or those after you will live through it,
when people will be wearing clothes like the drapes
of the Ka 'bah (i.e. very expensive clothes), and will
be served with delicious food, one after the other. "
The companions then asked: "0 Messenger of Allah!
Are we better then (at that time) or today?" He then
said Jf : "No, you are better today, as you are all
brothers. When that time comes, you will be killing
each other. "
19. His telling #about those who come to renew
the religion of his nation:
Imam Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of
Abu Hurairah, who said that the Messenger of Allah
if said: "Alldh will raise for this nation (Ummah)
at the end of every hundred years one who will
revive its religion for it. "110
Imam al-Bukharf also narrated on the authority
of Mu 'awiyah, who said: u/ heard the Messenger of
Allah if saying: "A group of people amongst my
followers will remain obedient to Alldh 's orders

Narrated by Abu Dawfld in the Book of : "oJ-MaUlhim (the
Battles). •

(/oUowing the right path) and they will not be
luumed by anyone, who will tum them down or
wlw will oppose theiR, dll AUQh 's Order (the Last
Day) comes upon them while they are still on the
right path. " 111
Sixth: The Miracles of the Prophet M compared to
those of the Previous Messengers:
The Miracles of the Prophet It surpass the miracles
of the previous Prophets:
The Messenger of Allah ;Wi was supported by
miracles, which resemble the miracles of a group of
the Prophets who came before him. Some of his
miracles ~ were even more superior to the miracles
of the other Prophets, in addition to the great
miracles, which were not given to any Prophet
before him J.! .
Of these miracles, no doubt, is the Glorious
Qur 'an, which no falsehood can reach, from before
it or behind it. (It is) sent down by the All-Wise,
Worthy of all praise (Allah the Almighty). It is a
miracle, which will remain forever, with its clear
evidence that no one can neglect. Allah the Almighty
challenged the linn and mankind to produce the like
of this Qur'an, ten Suras like it, or even one short

ttl Narrated ·by al-BIIkMrf in the Book of : "The merits of the

Prophet #;.

Surah, but they failed.
Imam al-Bukharf narrated on the authority of Abu
Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah !J!i said:
"Every Prophet was given miracles because of
which people believed, but what I have been given,
is Divine Inspiration, which Allah has revealed to
me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber
the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of
Resurrection. "112
The miracles which were given exclusively to t!ze
Prophet k.
Five things were given to him, which were not given
to other Prophets:
We have mentioned earlier the !f..adfth, which
was reported by al-Bukharf and Muslim on the
authority of Jabir, ~ who said: ~~The Messenger of
Allah M said : ": "I have been given five things,
which were not given to any one else before me:
l. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His
.frightening my enemies) for a distance of one
month's journey.
2. The earth has been made for me (and for my
followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform
Tayammum, therefore anyone of n1y followers can
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhlirf in the Book of '' 1 ~e virtues of the
Qur'iln. ''

pray whenever the time of prayer is due.
3. Booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it
was not lawful for anyone else before me.
4.1 have been given the right of intercession (on the
Day of Res'J"ection).
S.Every Prophet was sent to his nation only but I
have been sent to all mankind. " 113
Many scholars said that all the miracles of the
previous Prophets, are considered a miracle for the
Last of the Messengers Muhammad if because they
all gave Prophecies about his advent, and
commanded his people to follow him, as Allah the
Almighty said:
~ ~j ~liS'::..-~ t.J ~:.~" ~~ ;.iJ, Uf ~lj)
tl ." , .., , "' ., ..,
.., .,. , .;'; , ,. ~ J ,.

jli 4J~,a~tJ ~ :)..~ ~ W.., 3:1 'a! J~) ~~L...?.

. .... ""
.,., ,
,. ," ., ., , " .,., . .
'Jl+~L! Jli Uj)if lyl.i 4$ ~! ~~ JS- ~~tj (JJJ-JH
~ ~:ij~
~ Jj ~<",)~.a~'::,..~ wfj
, .., ..,

(A Y-A' : ~\~ J1) ( ( A Y)~ _,L~1


"And (remember) when Alltih took the

Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take
whatever I gave you from the Book end
wisdom and afterwards there will fOmt: to
you a Messenger (Muhammad :ti: )

Narrated by al-BukMri in the Book of "at-Tayammum.

confirming what is with you; you must, then,
believe in him and help him. Allah said: "Do
you agree (to it) and will you take up My
Covenant (which I conclude with you)?"
They said: "We agree." He said: 'Then bear
witness, and I am with you among the
witnesses (for this). Then whoever turns
away after this, they are the immoral and the
disobedient." (3:81-82).
The comparison, which Abu Nu 'aim made between
the miracles of the Prophet If and the miracles of
other Prophets :114
1. Comparing his miracles M to those of Prophet

His Curse on his enemies was answered:

We have mentioned earlier his Du~a' on the
people of Quraish, who put on his back the dung,
blood and abdominal contents (intestines, etc.) of
the slaughtered camel while he was prostrating
beside the Ka ~bah, and they were all killed on the
Day of Badr.
His curse on 'Utbah bin Abi Lahab:
The Messenger of Allah cursed ~utbah Ibn Abf
Lahab, and asked Allah to send on him one of His
Abu Nu 'aim mentioned made this comparison in his book:
•Dala 'il an-Nubwwah • (the signs of Prophecy).

beasts. His Du ~a' .# was answered and 'Utbah was
eaten by a lion on one of his journeys in Syria.
~ Utbah was so sure that the curse of the Prophet ~
would be answered that when he saw the lion, he
said: "A swear by Allah that Muhammad killed me
while he was still in Makkah. "
Noah the Prophet of Allah, also cursed his
people, when they continued to ridicule his Da~wah
and they chose to disbelieve in all that was revealed
to him by Allah, after he spent 950 years with them.
He made Du ~a,' on them and said:
((Y '\ >')~ ~j\S:h
::,.0, ~jUt
J:s. j:U ~ ~j (.} J~j)
<" ':~j)
"My Lord! Leave not one of the
disbelievers on the earth!" (71 :26).
Allah the Almighty, answered his curse, and his
people died, except for a few who believed with
him, and the animals that he took with him on his
boat. This was one of the virtues given to Prophet
Noah ,~/ , which the Messenger of Allah,
Muhammad Jf was also given as evidenced by many
Imam Ibn Kathfr commented on what Abu
Nu 'aim mentioned by saying: "But we believe that
Muhammad if was given the same virtue, when he
was belied by the Quraishites and suffered with his

L·ontpanions, all sorts oj' tonnent. Allah thr: _4Lntighty
sent him the Angel of the Mountains, who was asked
to obey him Ji in whatever he ordered the Angel to
do, in relation to destroying the disbelievers, who
had belied him and ridiculed his Da 'wah. However
the Prophet Ji chose to be patient with them, and to
make Du 'a' for them to be guided to the right path,
which is better. " This event is mentioned herein:
Sending the Angel of the Mountains to the Prophet
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that she
asked the Prophet Ji : "Have you encountered a day
harder than the day (of the battle) of Uhud?" The
Messenger of Allah replied #i : "Your tribes have
troubled me a lot, and the most painful was on the
day of 'Aqabah when I presented my self to Ibn
'Abd-YQJil bin 'Abd-KuMl and he did not respond to
my demand. So, I departed, overwhelmed with
excessive sorrow, and proceeded on in bewilderment
t(!ld could not relax till I found myself at Qamath
Tha ~alib, where I lifted my head towards the sky to
see a cloud casting its shade on me. I looked up
and saw Jibreel in it. He called me saying: "Allfih
has heard your people's words to you and He ha~
heard their reply to you. AlMh has sent the Angel
of the Mountains to you so that you may order him

to do whatever you wish to these people. " The
Angel of the Mountains called and greeted me, and
then said: "0 Muhammad! Order what you wish,
If you like, I will let al-Akh-Shabain (i.e. the two
mountains) fall on them." The Prophet said: "No,
but I hope that Alliih will let them beget children
who will worship AllQh Alone, and will worship
None besides Him. "115
Imam Abu Nu 'aim compared the Du 'a' of
Prophet Noah in the verse:
~~ ~~' ~(,!f ~(' • )~~ y ~
., ..,.
"" ,., ,
Jt 4U ~:J)
. .
., ,.,
~ .,
~ ;t ~ ~w' ~lj u~ ~jU1 u-o.,-~.(,(',) .1•6~ ~
, , ,

( ' y - ' • :.,..AJ I) ( (' y )J~


"Then he invoked his Lord (saying): "I

have been overcome, so help (me)!" So,
We opened the gates of heaven with
water pouring forth. And We caused the
earth to gush forth with springs. So the
waters (of the heaven and the earth) met
for a matter predestined." (54:10-12),
These were mentioned with the Prophetic
Traditions (Ahadfth) relevant to the lstisqa' prayer
(invocation for rain), which we cited earlier in this

Narrated by Imam al-Bukhllri in the Book of :"The beginning of
Creation. "

book. We also mentioned that 'Umar used to~
invoke for rain, asking AI- 'Abbas, the Prophet's
uncle .~ to make Du 'a' for them, whereupon the rain
started to fall.
Imam Abu Nu 'aim then said: "Noah ,%!/! stayed with
his people for 950 years, at the end of which, the
number of those who believed in his Message, men
and women, who went on the ship with him, were
less than a hundred. On the other hand, our
Messenger 1! stayed for just over twenty years
calling his people, at the end of which, his Message
spread east and west, emperors and tyrants like
Caesar (in Rome) and Khusrau (in Persia) feared
that they would lose their reign due to the spread of
the Message of Islam116• Negus (the emperor of
Abyssinia), and the kings of Yemen embraced Islam,
by their own free will and not out of fear. People
came into Islam in crowds as Allah the Almighty
J!, ~~ J ~p~ J.~' ~fjj(' )~!~hj JJ, ~ ~ll:- '~!)
"' """ "' ., "' .<~

((r)t;'j1 ~~ U! ~~'J ~j ..·' ~.. ~: ~.J(Y)~')f

(,._, : ~\)

"When comes the Help of Allah (to you,

0 Muhammad ;Jf against your enemies)
Persia was conquered by the Prophet's companions in the first
Century of the IslAmic Da 'wah.

and the conquest (of Makkah). And you
see that the people enter Alldh 's religion
(Islam) in crowds. So, glorify the Praises
of your Lord, and ask for His
Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who
accepts the repentance and forgiveness. "
Imam Ibn Kathfr commented saying: "By the
time the Prophet Jt died, Allah had already granted
hirn victory over al-Madfnah, Khaibar, Makkah,
most of Yemen and Hadramout. He left behind him #.f
a hundred thousand of his companions or even more.
Towards the end of his life, he wrote to all the kings
on earth calling them to Allah the Almighty. Some
of them answered him positively and some acted in
pride and rejected his message !II , and thus they
were the losers such as Khosrau, who was too
arrogant to accept the call of Islam, and so, Allah
destroyed his kingdom that was conquered by the
companions of the Prophet # . The pious Khalifs
Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali then conquered
the Eastern and Western points of the earth, from the
western to the eastern sea, just as the Prophet j f
said: "Aliah, the Exalted, folded for me the earth,
so much so that I saw its eastern and western sides
(i.e. the extremities). The Kingdom of my Ummah
(nation) wiU reach as far as the earth was folded
for me. The two treasures, the red and the white,

were bestowed on me.... "117 And he said Jf: "When
Khosrau perishes, there will be no (more) Khosrau
after him, and when Caesar perishes there will be
no more Caesar after him. By Him in Whose
Hands Muhammad's life is, you will spend the
treasures of both of them in Alliih 's Cause. "118
Furthermore, just as the curse of Noah ,~4H
affected all the people who were living on earth at
his time, when all, except a few who believed were
drowned in the flood, likewise, the blessing of the
Message of the Prophet~ and his Du 'a' prevailed.
More and more people embraced Islam, and believed
in Allah the Almighty, and the evidence has been
established against those who did not believe. Verily,
Allah the Aln1ighty said:
(' • V:'-Y~I) ((' • V)~\Alj ~) J1,. !lli.jf ~j)
"And We have sent you (0 Muhammad
M ) not but as a mercy for the 'Alamin
(mankind, Jinn and all that exists)."
Abu Nu ~aim commented saying: IC/f Allah the
Almighty called His Messenger Noah by one of His
Narrated by Abu DawUd on the authority of Tawban, in the Book
of: "al-Fit<:.rt " (the Trials).
Narrated by lmlzm al-Bukilllri in the Book of "The merits of the
Prophet .:j-: "

names us He said:
(,.:~l,r~l) ( (,.)ljp ~~ ~~ 1fl .. .. .. )

"Verily! He (Noa~ was a grateful

slave. " (17:3),
Allah, the Almighty called Muhammad by tu'o
of His names, as He said:
<' ~ 1\ :~J=ll) ( <' y 1\)~J:..;J~J ~~\.t
" - ......... ) "

"... for the believers (he M ) is full of

pity, kind and merciful." (9:128).
Abu Nu ~aim also added that Allah the Almighty
called all His Prophets by their narr1tS and said: ~~o
lvoah!, 0 Ibrahfm!, 0 Musa!, . . . . .. But when He
called Muhammad ~ He said: "0 Messenger
(Muhammad ii), 0 Prophet! 0 you wrapped in
garments! 0 You enveloped (in garments)!'' which
clearly portrays his honor ;Jf .
Also, when the unbelievers claimed that their
Prophets were insane and foolish, each of Allah's
Prophets answered for himself. Noah said:
( -~~~ ::../ •.
J ~.,
J" .;. -
~ J ~
~{',.. H~ ~ ., ·:: '-' J. li)
"', ...r. ~., J!
., 0
"" J ' M

( '\ ' ~ JI_r~l)

"0 my people ! There is no error in me,

but I am a ~..,.,lessenger from the Lord of
the 'Alamin. " (7:61).
HCul also said:
-:_-t\Ah :.... /)~
(~ •. J~
J / ~<'·/ iA~ / ·( . ~ li J/li )
.,.~~,. ~
,. ... " ,. ,

("\ v :J\,r~l)
"0 my people! There i~,no foolishness
in me, but (I am) a Mes1enger from the
Lord of the 'Alamin. " (7:67).
When the Pharaoh said to Musa :
<'.' : ~l_r-~~\) (1)~ ~; \t ~~~ J!)
"0 Musa (Moses)! I think you are indeed
bewitched." (17:101),
Musii then said to him:
;~ JP)~l) ~~~~
, " ,
yj ~1 ~-(~ J)f ~ ~ ~ J~)

(' • '( : f.'.r~l) ((,~ ~~~ ~ ~li,~ J;j

"Verily, you know that these signs have
been sent down by none but the Lord of
the heavens and the earth as clear
evidences. And I think you are indeed, 0
Pharaoh doomed to destruction (away
from all good)!." (17:102).
As for Muhammad #, it is .Allah the Almighty
who answers those who insult His Prophet, like
when they said:

"And they say: "0 you (Muhammad II)
to whom the Qur'an has been sent down!
Verily, you are a madman. Why do you
not bring angels to us if you are of the
truthful?" (15:6-7),
Allah the Almighty said:
(/\ :p..t)t..t).~! ~~ 'y~ ~J ~~ ~1, ~~~ J)if ~)
; ~ ; ,

"We send not the angels down except

with the truth · (i.e. for torment, etc.),
and in that case, they (the unbelievers)
would have no respite!" (15:8).
Allah the Almighty also said:
o ~f~J i~~
~~ ~
.. ,.,.-•e;=<• ~J
,._ 4 ~
~ : -: .,' Gl ~~ y t..cJ ,y-'~--)
J ••

1)~ ~\,( 4r! ~)~-j ..:J\~t J ~' ~ 4ijj, ~;t Ji

""' .., "" , ""

<' -o:.J\iJA.h) (t:.,.) ,

"And they say: "Tales of the ancients,

which he has written down, and they are
dictated to him morning and afternoon.
Say: "It (this Qur'an) has been sent
down by Him (Altah) (the Real Lord of
the heavens and earth) Who knows the
secret of the heavens and the earth.
Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful." (25:5-6),
,. .,. . ,. ,.,. f)
J~ \~") Ji<T' ·)~_,w, ~) ~ ~p ~~ 4Jy;i_ ~f
.., "' ... "' ;

(f,-f, :;_,lall) ((,-,) "~ ~ ~

"Or do they say: "(Muhammad It) is a

poet! We await for him some calamity by
time!" Say (0 Muhammad M) to them:
"Wait ! I am with you, among the
waiters!" (52:30-31).
Allah the Almighty also said about His Messenger !Ji
, ,. ., , tl , ,

,, J)i! lij ( t
, /
.foy ~ U:1i, ,f~ J~, ~ ~j)
') ~
.... ., "'
, 0 ~ , ~ , ~ "'

( t r) ~~'
(t Y) ~J'§J.J ~ ~
.,.. /

(t T'-t' :ai\J-1)

"It is not the word of a poet, little is that

you believe! Nor is it the word of a
soothsayer, little is that you remember!
This is the Revelation sent down from the
Lord of the 'Alamin." (69:41-43),
~ (':u,
' ,. ,.
. ,.
w J-ft
-~, ..,.,I ,.~{-- ', .J, ~~ ~()
Jr- ~ - .J , ,

((0 Y) ~~Ail
, ,
~~" ~!"' JA ~J(O ')~~ 4f! ~,_j~J ;

(OY-o' :~1)

"And verily, those who disbelieve would

almost make you slip with their eyes

through hatred when they hear the
Reminder (the Qur'lin), and they say:
"Verily, he (Muhammad li) is a
madman! But it is nothing else than a
Reminder to all the 'Alamin." (68: SJ ...
Allah Glorified be He also said:
(~)~~ &j ~ CJf ~(')~J~~... ! ~J ~Jih:, ~)
~ "' "'"'" "'
,. ;
... ...: ... "' ""' ~

(( t )~
, ""' ,~ ~ W!)(,-)W, ~ ;;, ~~~ i!LJ

(t-' :~1)

"Nun! By the pen and what the (angels)

write. You (0 Muhammad ~ are not,
by the Grace of your Lord, a madman.
And verily, for you (0 Muhammad M)
will be an endless reward. And verily,
you (0 Muhammad 11) are on an
exalted standard of character." (68:1-4),

"And indeed We know that they say: "It

is only a human being who teaches him
(Muhammad ;Ji)" The tongue of the
man they refer to is foreign, while this
(the Qur'lin) is a clear Arabic tongue. "

· Comparing his miracles M to those of Prophet
Hud ,~:
Abu Nu 'aim said that Allah the Almighty,
destroyed the people of Hud with the barren wind,
sent as a punishment because of their disbelief. On
the other hand, the Messenger of Allah was given
victory by means of the wind at the battle of the
Confederates (al-Ahzab), as Allah said: .
~fo.- iJ:i~~ ~! ~ ~I ~ 1Jj~1 1;.\ ~~~ ~~ ~)
, ,J. Ill ... ,. ... , .. ,,.

~P ~ ~~ ~\S'j !.AjJ ~ ~~Y.J ~;> ~fl$. LU ~.,j\j

(4\ :~1}"'~1) (1~


"0 you who believe! Remember Aliah's

Favor to you, when there came against
you hosts, and We sent against them a
wind and forces that you saw not. An
Allfih is Ever All-Seer of what you do. "
The Messenger ofAllah ~ also said, assuring
this fact: "I was granted victory with as-Saba
(Easterly wind . . which frightened the enemy) and
the nation of 'Ad was destroyed by ad-Dabur
(Westerly wind). " 119
Comparing his miracles M to those of Prophet

Narrated by al-Bukhari in the Book of : "al-Istisqa' (invoking
Allflh for rain). "

Siilih ,~:

Abu Nu ~aim said that if someone says that Allah

gave Prophet ~alih a she-camel, which came out of a
rock, as a miracle, and gave it a right to drink
(water) on a certain day, and his people a right to
drink (water) ·on a certain day, we could say that
Allah also gave Muhammad M something similar, or
even more. The she-camel of the Prophet Sdli~
neither spoke to him nor testified that he was a
Messenger of Allah, while on the other hand the
camel testified that Muluunmad is the Messenger of
Allah and complained to him about his owners who
did not feed him properly and who wanted to
slaughter him. It was also narrated that before the
advent of his Message, the stones used to salute him,
as did the trees.
Comparing his miracles M to those of Prophet

Imam az-Zamalktmi (may Allah bestow His

mercy upon him) said: uAs for 1he fire which
subsided when Ibrahim ,%fJ/, was thrown into it - and
did not burn him- it was also reported that the fire of
Persia subsided when the Prophet Jf was born, i.e.
forty years before His Message. The fire of Ibrahim,
subsided when he came in direct contact with the
fire, while the fire of Persia, subsided even though it
was far away from him in space and time.

Abu !Ju 'aitn said: "But if so1neone says: Ibrahim
Y'.JJ exclusively given the .watus of Khilliih ( intimate
.friendship or love) besides being given the status of
.Prophethood, we answer him by saying that Allah taken Muhammad as a Khalil (the one whose
tove is the strongest and nzost intimate of all people,
and is superior than a friend or a beloved one) and
H·as also loved in a superior way by Allah. Imam
Aluslim narrated on the authority of Ibn Mas 'ud who
said: "The Messenger of Allah said: "If I were to
take a Khalil, other than my Lord, I would have
~.tefinitely chosen Abu Bakr as such, but he is my
brother and my companion and AllQh, Exalted and
(;lorious, has taken your brother and companion
(111eaning the Prophet himself) as a Khalil. "120
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Ubayy
Ibn Ka 'b that the Messenger of Allah ?Ji said, in a
long Hadith: "....... it was again conveyed to me for
the third time to recite in seven dialects And (I was
fulther told) : "You have sought for every reply
that I sent you, which you should seek from Me. I
said: "0 AllQh! Forgive my people, forgive my
people and I have deferred the third one for the day
on which tlze entire creation will tum to me,

Narrated by Muslim in the Book of : "The merits of the
Companions. "
including eYetl Ibrahi1n (for intercession) "121 • This
Hadith assures us that the Messenger of Allah~ has
a higher status, as everybody will turn to him on that
Day (of Judgment). It also indicates that Prophet
Ibrahim is the best after the Messenger of Allah ~ '
as he mentioned no one else in the Hadith.
The visions of Ibrahim and those of the Prophet#
The verses of the Qur'an which say:
~, ~j.;)j ~jOI) ""~~~~ ~jl;. ~':i.l
, ,. ., ,

(V o :~lAi~l ) (~~I

"Thus did we show Ibrahim the kingdom

of the heaYens and the earlh that he be
one of those who haYe Faith with
certainty" (6:75),
and the following verses);
Allah the Almighty also said about Muhammad ;i:
~. ;d 0~ , i Lit ~~)
J,,. ~ (;;..i,
.r- ~~

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, , ,. , , ;

(' :~l,r~l ) (~h


"Glorified (and Exalted) be He (Allah)

Who took His slaYe (Muhammad ;Jf) for a

Narrated by Imam Muslim in the Book of : "The prayer of
travellers. "

journey by night from the Holy mosque
(at Makkah) to Al-Aqsa mosque (in
Jerusalem), the neighborhood whereeof,
We have blessed, in order that We might
show him (Mu~ammad M) of Our
(evidence!). Verily, He is the All-Hearer,
the All-Seer" (17:1).
Many Ahlulfth (traditions) actually provide us
with details of all the visions, which the Prophet ~
saw on the night journey (al-lsra' and the Mi ~raj),
that will be mentioned later on.
Comparing the patience of the Prophet II to the
patience of Ya'qub (Jacob):
Imam Ibn Hamid, made a comparison between
the trial which Ya 'qub faced when he lost his son
Yusuf ,~; , his patience and his seeking help from
Allah (though his continuous Du 'a'), and the trial
which the Prophet ~ faced when he lost his son
Ibrahim and his patience and contentment with
Allah's Divine decree when he said: "The eyes are
shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will
not say except what pleases our Lord, 0 Ibrahim!
Indeed we are grieved by your separation. "122
Imam Ibn Kathfr then added: "And I say, more
than that , the three daughters of the Prophet Jf

Narrated by al-Bukhari in the Book of: "The Funerals).

Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum and Zainab, died during
his lifetime as did his uncle Hamzah_{The lion of
Allah) who was killed and mutilated (after his death)
on the Day of Uhud, but he also met all these
calamities with patience and contentment. "
The signs which were given to Musa (Moses) ,~:

The greatest signs which were given to Musil,

were the nine signs which were mentioned in Surah
al-lsra ': "And indeed We gave to ~!usa nine clear
signs ... " (17:1 01). As mentioned earlier, those signs
are : the stick which turned into a snake, his hand
which when inserted into his pocket and taken out,
shines like a moon, his Du 'a' on his people which
was answered when Allah the Almighty punished
them with: the flood, locusts, lice, frogs, blood,
drought, and the shortage of fruit (and crops .. ),
(most of them are mentioned in Surat al-A 'riif
"7: 130-133 ". Of the signs which Mus a was given
also includes, splitting of the sea into two parts to
save Banf Isra 'fl, sending down to them "Al-Manna"
(a kind of sweet gum) and "As-Salwii" (a kind of
bird). Also, when Musil asked for water for his
people, he was asked to strike the stone with his
stick and thereupon, water gushed from twelve
springs, and more signs such as the story of the cow,
which was mentioned in Surah "al-Baqarah (the

A comparison between the stick of Musa and the
Tasbih (glorifying Alldh) of the stones in the hand
of the Prophet fJi and the blessed people of his
Concerning the stick of Musa, Imam Ibn az-
Zamalkanf said: ~'As for the stick of Musa which
turned into a live reptile (the snake), the stones
(which are solid matter) glorified Allah (said Tasbf!J)
in the hands of the Prophet jlj . " We mentioned
earlier the Hadfth which was narrated by Imam al-
Baihaqf on the authority Abu Dharr who reported
that the stones glorified Allah in the hands of the
Prophet if, and said: "... He took them (the stones) in
his palm, and they started to glorify (say Tasbf!J)
Allah, until we heard them moaning (like the trunk of
the date-palm). When the Messenger of Allah jlj put
them down, they became silent. The Prophet jlj then
took them and put them in the palm of Abu Bakr, and
they started glorifying Allah (saying Tasbf!J) until we
heard them moaning (like the trunk of the date-
palm), and when he put them down they became
silent. The Messenger of Allah took them again and
put them in the hand of 'Umar, and they started to
glorify Allah, until we heard them crying like the
trunk of the date-palm, and when he put them down
they became silent. The Prophet jlj then put them in
the had of 'Uthman, and they started to glorify Allah
until we heard them moaning like the trunk of the

date-palm, and then he put them down, so they
became silent. The Prophet ;1! then said: "This is
the Khilafah (succession) of Prophethood"
J'hings made of solid matter speak to him M:
We mentioned earlier under the heading
"Miracles related to the earth" many traditions
which provided details about this incident such as the
Hadith narrated by al-Bukhilri on the authority of Ibn
Mas 'ud that they heard the food glorify Allah (say
Tasbf!l) while being eaten by the Prophet ~ . Also
the stones saluted him, as was reported by Imam
Muslim on the authority of Jabr who said that the
Prophet jJj said: "I recognize a stone in Makkah
which used to salute me before my advent as a
Prophet and I recognize that stone even now". We
also mentioned the Hadfth of the tree which came
along when the Prophet called it, and the two trees
which joined when ordered by the Prophet ~ as in
the Hadfth reported by Imam Muslim on the
authority of Jabir who said in a long Hadfth:
"...... .Allah's Messenger it went to one of them and
took hold of one of its twigs and said: "Follow me
(i.e. be under my control) by the permission of
Allilh ", and so it followed him like a camel who has
its nose string in the hand of its rider. And then he
came to the second tree and took hold of one of its
twigs and said: "Follow me by the permission of
Allilh ", and so it followed him, just as the first one
had done. When he came in the middle of the two
trees he joined together the two twigs and said:
"Join with the permission of Allah", and so they
joined together.. " (mentioned under the heading:
"The food multiplies in amount in his hand ;If'.
The Messenger of Alhlh ~ also called upon a
bunch of dates (on a palm tree), which came jumping
between his hands as in the narration reported by
Imam al-Baihaqf on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas who
said: u •••• The bunch of dates came down the palm
tree until it fell onto the ground, and kept on jumping
until it came between the hands of the Prophet !1!.
When the Messenger of Allah ;it ordered it to go
back, it then went back to its place on the palm tree.
The man (from Banf 'Amir) then said: "/ testify that
you are the Messenger of Allah", and he embraced
We have also mentioned the Hadfth narrated by
Imam al-Bukharf on the authority of Jabir about the
weeping of the pulpit on missing the Prophet Jf.
Drawing a comparison between Musa ,~ talking to
Allilh and the night journey of the Prophet ;Jf and
seeing His Lord:
Imam Muslin narrated on the authority of Abu
Dharr, who said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah :l.i:
"Did you see your Lord? (meaning on the night
journey) He said if: "He is a Light; how could I

see him ?"123 Also when Mus a talked to His Lord at
Sinai, he asked to see His Lord, but he was not
granted what he had asked for. 124 The Messenger of
Allah Jf also talked to Allah on the night journey of
the Isra', and saw a light as mentioned in the Hadfth
narrated by Muslim.
Imam Ibn Hamid also mentioned those events in
his book and added: uAnd if Allah Almighty said to
Mus a:
<"~ :~) (# Js. t-· a!~j ~ i:;v ~J:ic. :;. :aH:,)
"And I endued you with love from Me, in
order that you may be brought up under
My Eye." (20:39),
He said to His Messenger !Jt.

Narrated by Imam Muslim in the Book of" "Faith".
This event was mentioned in the Qur' an as Allah Almighty says:
"And when Mftsa came at the time and place appointed by Us, and
his Lord spoke to him, he said: "0 my Lord! Show me (Yourself)
,tlwJ I may look upon You." AJJQh said: t'You cannot see Me, but
look upon the mountain. If it stands still in its place then you shaQ
see Me. " So, when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He nuule it
collapse to dust, and Mftsa fell down unconscious. Then when he
recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to You, I tum to you in
repentance and I am the first of the beUevers. "(7:143) (translator).

you love Altah then follow me , Allah
will love you and forgive you of your
sins. And Altah is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful." (3:31). "
Allah told us about the white, shining hand of
Musa, as one of the signs which supported him in his
struggle with the Pharoah:

• ( J
J ,~.J-tM ~
I'·- ~
.:r, ~~ ,

• ::. 'i I
~ oWJo-4 ~
• 's t' ' 0
i \l 0


~ , /

~)$-~ J! &) ::,.. ~JulA:,i ~\~ ~:,J' ja ~~ ~!I' ., "" / , ,

(,- Y :~J'~...AAh) (~~ ~ji tj\S" ;.iJ! ~J

"Put your hand in your bosom it will
come forth white without a disease, and
draw your hand close to your side to be
free from fear. These are two signs from
your Lord to Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his
chiefs . .... " (28:32),
Allah the Almighty gave His Messenger a
more glorious sign, which is the splitting of the
moon, which was reported in the Qur'an and the
Sunnah. Imam Ibn Hamid says, commenting on the
story of the shining hand of Prophet Musa, that the
face of the Prophet ~, as the companions described
him, when he felt pleased with something, his face
shone like a full moon. Imam al-Bukharf narrated
on the authority of Ka 'b Ibn Malik who said in a
long Hadfth: " .....for whenever Allah's Messenger if

was happy, his face used to glitter, as ~( it was a
piece of the moon .. " 125
We also mentioned under the merits of the
companions, the story of the two companions "Usaid
bin Hudair and Abbad bin Bishr, " who went out of
the house of the Prophet ~ on a very dark night, and
each of them had a stick in his hand. The stick of
one of them lit the way for them and when they
parted, the other stick started also to light the way
for the other one (narrated by Imam ~Abdur-Razzaq).
We also mentioned (under the same heading) the
story of the companion whose fingers lit the way for
hin1 (as narrated by Imam al-Bukharf in his book
'"'at-Tarikh (the History").

Comparing his miracles ;Jf to those of the Prophet

I dris ,5tilJ:
Lrna;,, Abu Nu 'aim, as many of the 1 ajsfr
(Qur'an Exegesis) scholars consider that ldrfs is one
of the Prophets who were sent to Bani lsra 'fl, while
the genealogi ~ts consider that he comes before Noah
in his lineagL which is traced to Adam ,%§!, and they
believe that this is what is meant in the verse:
<ov =f-r) (~ u~ o~j:J)

i.!~ Narrated by lmilm al-Bukhilri in the B~k of : "The merits of the

Prophet :Ji. "
"And We raised him to a high status"
Nevertheless~ our Messenger ~ was given a
status which is mush higher than that, as he is
mentioned highly, both in this and life and in the
Hereafter, as Allah Almighty said: "And raised high
your fame?" (94:4). It is well known that his name
:fi is mentioned at each call for the prayer, five times
each day, in the East and West parts of the earth,
when the caller says: "/ testify that there is no God
but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger. "
So, his name is forever mentioned together with the
name of Allah at each call for the prayer (Adhan).
The status of the Prophet ~ over the other
Messengers of Allah will be made manifest on the
Day of Judgment, as he was promised the Station of
Praise and Glory (al-Maqam al-Mahmud), which
Allah promised him~. Imam al-Bukharf narrated on
the authority of Anas 4-i· who said: "The Messenger
of Allah # said: "The believers will be kept
(waiting) on the Day of Resurrection so long that
they will become worried and say, "Let us ask
somebody to intercede for us with our Lord so that
He may relieve us from our place. " Then they will
go to Adam and say: ''You are Adam, the father of
the people. Allflh created you with His own Hand
and made you reside in His Paradise and ordered
His angels to prostrate before you, and taught you

the names of all things. Will you intercede for us
with your Lord so that He may relieve us from this
place of ours? Adam will say: "I am not fit for this
undertaking". He will mention the mistake he had
committed, i.e. his eating of the tree though he had
been forbidden to do so. He will add: "Go to
Noa~ the first prophet sent by All!Jh to the people
of the Earth. " The people will go to Noah who will
say: "I am not fit for this undertaking. He will
mention the mistake which he had made, i.e. his
asking his Lord without knowledge." He will say (to
them): "Go to Ibrahim Khalil ar-Rahman." They
will go to Ibrahim who will say: "I am not fit for
this undertaking. " He will mention three words by
which he told a lie, and say (to them): "Go to
Moses a slave whom AlLah gave the Torah and to
whom he spoke directly and brought near Him for
conversation: "They will go to Moses who will say:
"I am not fit for this undertaking He will mention
the mistake he made, i.e. killing a person, and will
say (to them): "Go to Jesus, Allah 's slave and His
Apostle, and a soul created by Him and His word. "
They will go to Jesus who will say: "I am not fir for
this undertaking but you'd better go to Muhammad
the slave whose past and future sins have been
forgiven by Allah. " So, they will come to me, and I
will ask my Lord's permission to enter His House
and then I will be permitted. When I see Him I
will fall down in prostration before Him, and He

will leave me (in prostration) as long as He will ,
and then He will say: "0 Muhammad! Lift up your
head and speak for you will be listened to, and
intercede for your intercession will be accepted, and
ask (for anything) for it will be granted. " Then I
will raise my head and glorify my Lord with certain
words of praise, which He has taught me. Allflh
will put a limit for me (to intercede for a certain
type of people). I will take them out and make them
enter Paradise." Qatadah said: I heard Anas saying
that the Prophet said: "I will go out and take them
out of Hell (Fire) and let them enter Paradise, and
then I will return and ask my Lord for permission
to enter His House and I will be permitted. When I
will see Him, I will fall down in prostration before
Him, and He will leave me (in prostration) as long
as He will let me (in that state), and then He will
say: "0 Muhammad! Lift up your head and speak
for you will be listened to, and intercede for your
intercession will be accepted, and ask (for anything)
for it will be granted." The Prophet Madded: "So,
I will raise m)' head and glorify my Lord with
certain words of praise, which He has taught me.
Then I will intercede and He will put a limit for me
(to intercede for a certain type of people). I will
take them out and make them enter Paradise."
Qatadah added: I heard Anas saying that the
Prophet said: "I will go out and take them out of
Hell (Fire) and let them enter Paradise, and I will

return for the third time and will ask my Lord for
permission to enter His House, and I will be
allowed to enter. When I will see Him, I will fall
down in prostration before Him, and He will leave
me (in prostration) as long as He will let me (in that
state), and then He will say: "0 Muhammad! Lift
up your head and speak for you will be listened to,
and intercede for your intercession will be accepted,
and ask (for anything) for it will be granted. " So, I
will raise my head and praise Auah as He has
taught me, and then I will intercede and He will put
a limit for me (to intercede for a certain type of
people). I will take them out and let them enter
Paradise. " Qatadah said: I heard Anas saying that
the Prophet said: "I will go out and take them out
of Hell (Fire) and let them enter Paradise, till none
will remain in the Fire except those whom the
Qur'an will imprison (i.e. those who are destined
for eternal life in the Fire. " The narrator then
recited the verse: "It may be that your Lord will
raise you to a Station of Praise and Glory" (17:79).
The narrator added: "This is the Station of Praise of
Glory, which Allah has promised to your Prophet ~,
. "(i.e. this station ofintercession). 126
As mentioned earlier, all the previous
Messengers gave prophecies of His Message it. The

Narrated by /mlim al-Bukhflri in the Book of : "Tawhid

Messenger of Allah .:Jii, lead all the Prophets in a
congregational prayer on the night of Isra' (the night
journey) the details of which will be provided later.
Moreover, His religion _1ft , i.e. Islam, will remain
until the Day of Judgment as no other religion will
abrogate or replace it.
Comparing his miracles if to those of Prophet
Dawud ,~:
Allah the Almighty said:
y1jf 4f}... ~~I
I~ ~JI~ IS~ i~lj ~));._ ~ js. ~1) ...
_,. D ol'!! ,.. 0 ;, ,

-( ·~~!'
( 'A )I.J_r , -~lu. ~
, J ~ "'. • 4Aa JL:,JI
.. IS"~
"·"' \JI' ( 'V )
n ,

; "" "" , "" ""

(' ~-,V:~) ((, ~) yljf ;.f jS' ~)~ ~1)

" ... and remember our slave Dawud,
endued with power. Verily, he was ever
oft. .retuming in all matters and in
repentance (toward AllQh). Verily, We
made the mountain to glorify Our Praises
with him (Dawud) after midday till sunset
and after sunrise till mUJ. .day" (38:J7. .J9),
J~~ ,h,~ lf- ~jl~ ql~ ~J ~ Lt. ~jl~ ~~~ ~j)
- o
,; D ,... ,_,.,. IS ,

jlij ~~~ ~~~ ~i( ' • )~WI 4J Lflij ~lj 4Aa ~ji
tl ""' ; ,. "'

((, ')~ ~p ~ J} ~L:P lfol) ~~~ ~

"' / ,. "" " ,

"And indeed We bestowed grace on
Dawud from us (saying): "0 you
mountains Glorify (Alwh) with him! And
you birds (also) ! And We made the iron
soft for him. Saying: "Make you perfect
coats of mail, balancing the rings of
chain armor, and work you (men)
righteousness. Truly, I am All-Seer of
what you do." (34:10-11).
Allah the Almighty made the birds and the
mountains glorify Allah with him, and he never used
to eat except from the work of his own hands. Our
Messenger ~ also used to recite the Qur'an with a
very beautiful voice. Jubair Ibn Muf 'am said that
Prophet ~ read Surat at-Tfn in the Maghrib prayer,
and that he had never heard a more beautiful voice in
his life.
If the birds and the solid mountains said Tasbfh
with Prophet Dawud, then the companions heard the
Tasbfh of the stones in the palm of the Prophet ~ as
mentioned above. Imam al-Bukharf also narrated on
the authority of Ibn Mas 'ud that they used to hear the
Tasbih of the food in the hands of the Prophet ~ ' i.e.
while he was eating. We also mentioned earlier the
story of the poisoned sheep, which informed him ~
about its being poisoned (under the section of the
miracles related to animals). No doubt that the
Tasbih of small solid stones, which have no holes,
is more strange than that of the mountains, which
contain many holes and caves, as they normally
respond by echoing high pitched sounds.
We know that Prophet Dawud ,%fl ate from the
work of his own hands, as did the Messenger of
Allah ~ . He used to pasture sheep for the people of
Makkah, and he used to say ~ that all the Prophets
used to be shepherds. He also went to Syria for
trade on behalf of Khadfjah (May Allah be pleased
with her).
Allah the Almighty also said about Dawud: " ...
and gave him wisdom and sound judgment in
speech and decision. " (38:20). The wisdom which
was given to the Prophet , was more perfect than
what was given to all the previous Prophets, as his
Sharf'ah Jf , is the most perfect as well as being the
final one. Imam al-Bukharf also narrated on the
authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet ~ said:
"I have been sent with the shortest expressions
bearing the most comprehensive meanings and I
have been made victorious with terror (cast in the
hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the
keys of the treasures of the world were brought to
me and put in my hand. "127
Comparing his miracles M to those of Prophet

Narrated by al-Bukhiiri in the Book of "Jihad".

Sulaiman ,~:

Allah the Almighty said in the Qur'an:

(r'\) yl:Pf ~..,_ ~~) o;~ 4if.J ~~,h U lf~)
.,, "' "'
" , ... • J

J "'
~~ ~_;..\~j (fV) ~ljs.j ~\L..i
,. ,.,. , ~
J...! ~(
~. Jlj
( f C\ )~lJ. ~ ~\ j( ::f-~ lJj~ ~~ (r A) .)~~~
~ "' .., "' , ,

<t. _,_, :~) ((t. )~~ ;;-;..:, Jj~ u~ 4f ~!J ~ / J

"So, We subjected to him the wind, it

blew gently to his order whithersoever he
willed. And also the devils from the Jinns
every kind of builder and diver. And also
others bound in fetters. This is Our gift,
so spend you or withhold, no account will
be asked. And verily, he enjoyed a near
access to Us, and a good final return
(Paradise)." (38:36-40),
and said:
~)~ ~~ ~j~l
, "'
J! o;~ ~}:J ~\$. ~j\ ~~..:i:.{J)
"' ,...,. "' "' "' ,.
, " I I

iJ ~~ :; ~~~
,. "'
::,.J (A') ~\$. ~:_;, ~
,. ,,. ~ ,
\!s"j ~,
((/\~ ) ~~ ~ &j ~~ ~J~ ~ ~) l~j L.f
<A -<-A' : ~Y~')

"And to Sulaiman the wind strongly

raging, running by his command towards
the land which We had blessed. And of

everything We are the All-Knower . And
of the devils were some who dived for
him, and did other work besides that;
and it was We Who guarded them. "
Allah the Almighty also said:
:;.p Ai ~ij :.~ ~lj)j ::+~ lAJ~ ~jl ~~~:J J·~j)
D 0 .J. ~ 0 D

~e~~ t! :;J ~J ~~~ ~J.i :,;i ~:; ~~ ~J ~I

J , .. J. ;. ... .t ""'

::,0 "~ ~ 4J J #t(' ~)~I ~~~ ::..- IJ.lJ U;i ~

"" , , , ,
, "" J .J • .... / /

Jl~ 1fo1 ~~1) JJ~J yi}':J\S" ~\b:-j ~Wj ~JIN

, , ; , ;I ,. ,; /

(' ~-' , : ~) ((' ~))~1 ~~~., ::,.... ~J ~~ ~jl~

/ ;

"And to Sulaiman the wind, its morning

(stride from sunrise till midnoon) was a
month 's (journey) and its afternoon
(stride from the midday decline of the
sun to sunset) was a month's (journey).
And We caused a fount of (molten) brass
to flow for him, and there were jinns that
worked in front of him, by the Leaves of
his Lord, and whosoever of them turned
aside from Our Command, We shall
cause him to taste of the torment of the
blazing Fire. They worked for him what
he desired (making) high rooms, images,
basins as large as reservoirs, and

(cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their
places). "Work you, 0 family of Dawud
with thanks! But few of My slaves are
grateful." (34:12-13).
It is true that Allah the Almighty subjected the
wind to His Messenger Sulaiman, but the Qur'an
also mentioned in Surat al-Ahzab (The confederates)
that Allah, Glorified be He, granted His Prophet ~
victory over his enemy through the wind, which was
sent against them. Allah the Almighty says in the
~y ~~~ 1! ~~I l~ 1/f11 1_,£.T ~~~ ~ l!)
, ,. " , , ,. ,., ct ,,

~p ~WI ~lS'"j lAj} ;J l~foj ~? ~ La ~.. jti

(~) :••~.ll_r-~1 ((~~

"0 you who believe! Remember Alltlh 's

Favor to you, when there came against
you hosts, and We sent against them a
wind and forces that you saw not. And
Alltlh is Ever All-Seer of what you do. "
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Ibn
'Abbas that the Prophet J! said: "/ was granted
victory with As-Saba (Easterly wind, which
-- A

frightened the enemy) and the nation of 'Ad was

destroyed by Ad-Dabur (Westerly wind). " Imam al-
Bukharf also narrated on the authority of Jabir bin

'Abdullah that the Prophet ;J.t said (in a long Hadith)
: "I have been given five things which were not
given to any one else before me:
1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (b)' His
frightening my enemies) for a distance of one
month ' s Journey
. ...... " .
The other miracle of Sulabnan, which was the
subjection of the devils and the Jinn to him, to work
as he ordered them to do, was mentioned in the
verse reported above. Allah the Almighty sent angels
to fight with His Messenger J.! on many occasions,
like on the Days of Uhud, Badr, al-Ahzab and on
the day of Hunain . Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the
authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet .# said:
"A strong demon from the Jinns came to me
yesterday suddenly, so as to spoil my prayer, but
Alldh enabled me to overpower him, and so I
caught him and intended to tie him to one of the
pillars of the Mosque so that all of you might see
him, but I remembered the invocation of my brother
Sulaiman "And grant me a kingdom such as shall
not belong to any other after me (38:35) so I let him
go cursed. " 128
Allah also sent a group of the linn to hear the
Qur . an as is stated in Surah al-Aiu;lif and they
actually believed in his Message . ~ and returned to
Narrated by al-Bukhliri in the Book of : "The Prophets".

their people straightaway to warn them and call them
to embrace Islam, as the Prophet Jli was sent to
mankind and to the linn. Allah the Almighty says:
I~ ~~~~h ~;,.P-i~~~\~~~: jl J~ ~!J) ,.,. , .J' , "'

, ;'
(.+-Ji J1., , .,
tojj ~
'~ 1~f
1jL.J oJ~ 'n;.

"And (remember) when We sent towards

you a group of the linn, listeniug to the
Qur'iin, when they stood in the presence
thereof, they said: "Listen in silence!"
And when it was finished, they returned
to their people, as warners." (46:29).

Comparing his miracles M to those of tProphet 'lsa


The Qur 'an tells us about the.... miracles that Allah

the Almighty bestowed upon '/sa (Jesus) ,~, tn
many Surahs, including the verse which states:
~ • ~~, •. J.Jt •_ ~!:_ ~ rt ,l t( • I ·' t\ ~' } " )
"" r-.> ~"' , -., ~,. "" ~,. r ., ,.,r."" IJ·., :~~.>J
• , "'*'J , ,. ~ J, ,.
!),)\, ( •t. I)-~ ';. U J, ·tlt "!..It :~~"':.<" . - L\1 ', • <:'1 J-:l~f
,I "' , 1111 ,. .,

, ~: .? J-""':1' , -, ~ r ~ ~ ~ r ~
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"' ;I' .,, "' "' "'

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"' # ... • J.
j ~\ ._{'-: JJ j ~ } .
::u ~,
A "'

.1<"\j ~
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,.~ "F" J.r
, r J· ;

( t ~ :~I;J- J i) (~~ i•~$'

"And will send a Messenger to the

Children of lsra'il (saying): "I have
come to you with a sign from your Lord,
that I design for you out of clay, as it
were, the figure of a bird, and breathe
into it, and it becomes a bird by A/Mh 's
Leave; and I heal him who was born
blind and the leper and I bring the dead
to life by Allflh 's Leave..... " (3:49).
We have mentioned earlier in this book, many
traditions, which mentioned that the Prophet ~
spoke to solid stones (that saluted him) and how the
trunk of the date-palm tree moaned when the Prophet
started to use a pulpit, instead of standing beside it.
We also mentioned the Hadfth about the poisoned
sheep, which told the Prophet ~ that the Jews
poisoned it with the intention to kill him. So, if
bringing a dead person back to life (by Allah's leave)
is a wondrous sign, then giving life to a solid stone,
who never had a living soul, is even more wondrous.
Also on the Day of Uhud as narrated by Ibn Hisham
(who wrote the Biography of the Prophet ~ )
Qatadah (one of the companions) was hit in his eye
which fell onto his cheek, but the Prophet ~ took it
in his honorable hand and put it back in its place. By
the will of Allah it was cured and he continued to see
with his eye as before.
The story of the blind man who regained his sight
with the Du 'a' of the Prophet 1i:

Imam al-Baihaqf related on the authority of
'Uthman bin Hunaif who said: "I heard the Prophet
~ when a blind man came to him and complained to
him that he had lost his sight. The man said to the
Prophet ;fi: "0 Messenger of Allah! I do not have
anyone to lead me (as I am a blind man) and it has
become difficult for me to keep going". The
Messenger of Allah ,# then said: "Go and make
Wudu' (ablution) and pray two Rak'as a.nd say: "0
Allah! I ask You and turn to you by the dignity of
your Prophet Muhammad ~ the Messenger of
mercy. 0 Muhammad! I tum to my Lord, by your
dignity (and honor), to return back my sight to me.
0 Allah! I ask You for his intercession (for me)."
'Uthman said: "By Allah, we did not leave our
place, and we did not remain there for long, except
that the man came in as if he had never suffered from
any disease".
Seventh The Night Journey of al-Isra' and al-
The Night journey refers to the miraculous
journey of the Prophet !if from Makkah to al-Aqsa
Mosque in Jerusalem and his Ascent through the
Heavens. Allah the Almighty says in the Qur'an:
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"Glorified be He (Alldh) lVho took His
slave Muhammad for a journey by night
from al-Masjid al-Haram (at Makkah) to
al-Masjid al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem), the
neighborhood whereof We have blessed,
in order that We might show him
(Muhammad M ) of Our signs. Verily,
He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. "
Imam al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of
Anas Ibn Malik who reported on the authority of
Malik Ibn Sa'sa'ah (May Allah be pleased 1vith them)
that Allah's Messenger tit described to them his night
journey saying: "While I was lying in al-Hfl!.im or
al-Hijr, suddenly someone came to me and cut my
body open from here to here" and pointed to his
chest. "He then took out my heart. Then a golden
tray full of Belief was brought to me and my heart
was washed and filled (with beliefl and then
returned to its original place. Then a white animal
which was smaUer than a mule and bigger than a
donkey was brought to me." Al-Jarud (who was
sitting by his side) then asked: "Was it the Buraq 0
Abu-Hamzah? Anas replied in the affirmative: "The
Prophet :Ji said: "The animal's step (was so wide
that it) reached the farthest point within the reach
of the animal's sight. I was carried on it, and
Jibril set out with me till we reached the nearest
heaven. When he asked for the gate to be opened it
was asked: "Who is it?" Jibn1 answered: "Jibril ".
It was asked: "Who is accompanying you?" Jibril
replied: "Muhammad." It was asked: "Has
Muhammad been sent (as a Messenger) ?" Jibril
replied: ''Yes." Then it was said: "He is welcome.
What an excellent visit is his!" The gate was
opened, and when I went over the first heal'en, I
saw Adam there. Jibril said (to me): "This is your
father, Adatn; pay him your greetings. " So, I
greeted him and he returned the greeting to me and
said: "You are welcome, 0 pious son and pious
Prophet. " Then Jibril ascended with me till we
reached the second heaven. Jibril asked for the gate
to be opened. It was asked: "Who is it?" Jibril
answered: "Jibril ". It was asked: "Who is
accompanying you?" Jibril replied: "Muhammad."
It was asked: "Has Muhammad been sent (as a
Messenger)?" Jibril replied: "Yes." Then it was
said: "He is welcome. What an excellent visit is
his!" The gate was opened, and when I went ol'er
the second heaven, there I saw Ya!!l.a (John) and

'lsa who were cousins. Jibril said (to me): "These


are Ya!Ya and 'lsa; pay them your greetings." So,

I greeted them and both of them returned my
greetings and said: "You are welcome, 0 pious
brother and pious Prophet. " Then Jibril ascended
with me to the third heaven and asked for its gate to

be opened. It was asked: ''Who is it?" Jibnl
answered: "Jibril ". It was asked: "Who is
accompanying you?" Jibril replied: "Muhammad."
It was asked: "Has Muhammad been sent (as a
Messenger)?" Jibril replied: "Yes." Then it was
said: "He is welcome. What an excellent visit is
his!" The gate was opened, and when I went over
the third heaven, there I saw Yusif. Jibril said (to
me): "This is Yusif; pay him your greetings." So, I
greeted him and he returned my greetings to me
and said: "You are welcome, 0 pious brother and
pious Prophet. " Then Jibril ascended with me to
the fourth heaven and asked for its gate to be
opened. It was asked: "Who is it?" Jibril answered:
"Jibril ". It was asked: ''Who is accompanying
you?" Jibril replied: "Muhammad." It was asked:
"Has Muhammad been sent (as a Messenger)?"
Jibril replied: "Yes. " Then it was said: "He is
welcome. What an excellent visit is his!" The gate
was opened, and when I went over the fourth
heaven, there I saw Idns. Jibril said (to me): "This
is Idris; pay him your greetings. " So, I greeted him
and he returned my greetings to me and said: ''You
are welcome, 0 pious brother and pious Prophet. "
Then Jibril ascended with me to the fifth heaven
and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked:
'"'Who is it?" Jibril answered: "Jibril" It was
asked: "Who is accompanying you?" Jibril replied:

" It was asked: "Has Muhammad-
been sent (as a Messenger) ?" Jibril replied: ''Yes."
Then it was said: "He is welcome, What an
excellent visit is his!" The gate was opened, and
when I went over the fifth heaven, , there I saw
Hilron. Jibril said (to me): "This is Hilron ; pay
him your greetings. " So, I greeted him and he
returned my greetings to me and said: "You are
welcome, 0 pious brother and pious Prophet. "
Then Jibril ascended with me to the sixth heaven
and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked:
""Who is it?" Jibril answered: "Jibril". It was
asked: "Who is accompanying you?" Jibril replied:
"Muhammad. " It was asked: "Has Muhammad
been sent (as a Messenger)?" Jibn1 replied: "Yes."
Then it was said: "He is welcome, What an
excellent visit is his!" The gate was opened, and
when I went over the sixth heaven, there I saw
Musil. Jibril said (to me): "This is Musil; pay him
your greetings. " So, I greeted him and he returned
my greetings to me and said: "You are welcome, 0
pious brother and pious Prophet. " When I left him
he wept. Someone asked him: "lVhat makes you
weep?" Musil said: "I weep because after me there
has been sent (as a Prophet) a young man whose
followers will enter Paradise in greater numbers
than my followers. " Then Jibril ascended with me
to the seventh heaven and asked for its gate to be

opened. It was asked: "Who is it?" Jibn1 answered
: "Jibril" It was asked: "Who is accompanyut;
you?" Jibril replied: "Muhammad." It was asked.
"Has Muhammad been sent (as a Messenger)? ''
Jibril replied: "Yes." Then it was said: "He i.,
welcome. What an excellent visit is his!" So, when
I went (over the seventh heaven), there I saw
Ibrahim. Jibn1 said (to me): "This is your father;
pay him your greetings. " So, I greeted him and he
returned the greetings to me and said: "You are
welcome, 0 pious son and pious Prophet. " Then I
was made to ascend to Sidrat al-Muntaha (i.e. the
Lote Tree of the farthest limit). Behold! There ran
four rivers, two were hidden and two were visible. I
asked: "What are these two kinds of rivers 0
Jibril?" He replied: "As for the hidden rivers, they
are two rivers in Paradise and the visible rivers are
the Nile and the Euphrates." Then al-Bait al-
Mu'mur (i.e. the Sacred House) was shown to me
and a container full of wine and another full of
milk and a third full of honey were brought to me.
I took the milk. Jibril marked: "This is the Isldmic
religion which you and your followers are
following. " Then the prayers were enjoined on me;
they were fifty prayers a day. When I returned, I
passed by Musa who asked me: "What have you
been ordered to do?" I replied: "I have been
ordered to offer fifty prayers a day." Musil said:

"Your followers cannot bear fifty prayers a day,
and by Allah I have tested people before you, and I
have tried my level best with Bani lsra 'il (in vain).
Go back to your Lord and ask to reduce the burden
for your followers." So, I went back and Alltlh
reduced ten prayers for me. Once again I came to
Musa but he repeated the same as he had said
before. So again I went back to Alltlh and He
reduced ten more prayers. When 1 went back to
Musa 'te said the same, so I went back to Alltlh
and He ordered me to observe ten prayers a day.
When I came back to Musa, he repeated the same
advice, so I went back to Allah and was ordered to
observe five prayers a day. When I came back to
Musa he said: "What have you been ordered?" I
replied: "I have been ordered to observe five
prayers a day." He said: "Your followers cannot
bear five prayers a day, and no doubt I have
experience of the people before you, and I have
tried my level best with Bani Isra ,il so go back to
your Lord and ask to reduce the burden on your
followers. " I said: "I have requested so much of my
Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied now
and surrender to AlLah's order. " When I left, I
heard a voice saying: "I have passed My Order and
have reduced the burden of My Worshippers. "129

Narrated by al-Bukhizri in the Book of "The Merits of al-Ansiir. "

The Hadfth of al-Isn1' was narrated by more
than 20 of the companions of the Prophet ~' and was
reported in all the books of the Hadfth.
The Prophet tf prays at al-Aqsa mosque before
ascending to heaven:
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Anas
Ibn Malik who said the Messenger of Allah 1f said: "
I was brought al-Buraq, who is an animal white
and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a
mule, who would place his hoof at the farthest
point within the reach of its sight. I mounted it and
came to Bait al-Mqdis (al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem, then
tied it by the ring used by the Prophets. I entered
the Mosque and prayed two Rak'at in it, and then
came out and fibril brought me a vessel of wine
and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Jibril
said: "You have chosen the Fi!rah (natural
instinct). " 130
Ibn Hisham reported in his Seerah (Biography of
the Prophet ~) that the next morning, after the
Prophet ~ returned to Makkah, he told the
Quraishites about what had happened. Most of them
said: "By Allah This is clear nonsense! A caravan
takes a month ro go to Syria and another to return,
did Muhammad go and return in one night?" Some
people asked Abu Bakr: tcWhat do you think of your
Narrated by Muslim in the Book of: "Faith".

friend Abu Bakr? He alleges that he went to al-Aqsa
Mosque last night, offered prayer in it , and returned
to Makkah. " He answered that they were lying about
the Prophet ;Jf!, but they asserted the truth of the
story and said that he was there in the mosque telling
the people about it. Abu Bakr said: "By Allah, if he
says so, then it is true. And what is amazing in that?
By Allah, he tells me that a revelation from Allah
comes down to him from the heavens to the earth in
an hour of a day or night and I do believe him, and
that is more uncommon than that at which you
wonder!" He then went to the Prophet fit, and knew
that these reports were true. Abu Bakr said: uo
Prophet of Allah, have you told the people that you
went to al-Aq~a Mosque last night? " The Messenger
of Allah ~ answered in the affirmative, so Abu Bakr
said: "0 Prophet of Allah , describe it to me, for I
have been there. " The Prophet #i, said: "It has been
elevated to me so as to be able to see it. " He !/i, kept
on describing it, while Abu Bakr said: "This is true.
I verify that you are the Messenger of Allah", until
he had finished the description. Then the Prophet
said: "And you, Abu Bakr, are as-Siddiq (the
verifier of truth). " Since then he ~vas entitled "As-
Siddfq ".
There is no wonder that this journey is one of
the greatest miracles of the Prophet ~ regarding all
the courses of the journey, which took place

overnight. The fact that the Prophet if, asc~ ·nded to
the seventh heaven is in itself a great miralle , but
what makes it even greater is that he met the
previous Prophets who were sent before him ~."ft~r
they had actually died, and spoke to them as th.·v
already knew that he Jf would be sent after them.
Muslim scholars also like to stress the fact that it was
on that night, that the prayer (which is the most
important daily worship of the Muslim) was enjoined
on the Muslims, i.e. it was ordained directly from
Allah the Almighty, to His Messenger if, and not
th1uugh the Divine Revelation through Jibrfl which
reflects the crucial importance of prayer in Islam.
One of the contemporary biographers of the Seerah
of the Prophet ;t commented on his seeing the Nile
and the Euphrates in Paradise saying: "The Prophet
said that he saw two visible rivers -the Nile and the
Euphrates- and two hidden ones. It appears that the
two visible rivers, the Nile and the Euphrates,
symbolically describe the area in whose fertile
valleys, Muhammad's Message would settle, and the
people whereof would always remain adherent
standard bearers of Islam that would be passed from
one generation to another. This in no way suggests
that they well up from Paradise. "131
Safi-ur-Rahmlm ai-MubarakjUri "ar-Rahiq ai-Makhtam" (the
- -
Sealed Nectar), (Riyad,, Saudi Arabia, Dar-us-SaliJm Publications,
]Sled., J4J6H-1996) pp. 149-150.

We finally ask AlLah the Abnighty to bestow His
mercy upon Imam Ibn Kathfr, the author of this
book, who exerted this great effort to collect most of
what has been written about the nziracles of the
Prophet Jf, (/rom various authentic sources). vVe
also ask Allah, Glorified be He to accept our huullJle
effort in producing this book, and to guide us to the
right path so that we may accompany our Prophet
Jf,, Insha' Allah, in Paradise. A min.

M: Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
r~: Peace be upon him.

AH: After Hijrah (the Prophet's Emigration to

Ahl as- Suffah: Many companions of the Prophet ~
who left their homes, and stayed with him to learn
Islam in Madfnah. They were very poor, and so their
boarding place was at the end of the mosque, where
they used to sleep.
Al-Aqsa Mosque: The Sacred Mosque at Jerusalem.
Ansar: The companions of the Prophet from the
inhabitants of Madfnah.
Da 'wah: Calling people to Islam through the best
and most suitable means.
Din: Faith and religion, which is a complete way of
Dinar: The basic gold unit of currency.
Dirham: The basic silver unit of currency.
Du 'a': Supplication.
Hadith: A prophetic tradition (plural: Ahadfth).
Al-Isrii' wal-Mi'riij: The Night journey, which refers
to the miraculous journey of the Prophet :if from
Makkah to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and his
Ascent through the Heavens .

lstisqfi' prayer: A Prayer which is performed to
invoke Allah for rain.
Jibril: Gabriel.
Jihful: Fighting in the cause of Allah, in order to
make Allah's word supreme.
Al-Ka'bah: The sacred House of Allah in Makkah,
towards which all Muslims turn their faces in prayer.
Quraish: One of the greatest tribes in the Pre-
Islamic Period. The Prophet Muhammad !ii belonged
to this tribe.
Rak'ah: (Plural: Rak~at), the prayer of the Muslim
consists of Rak ~at each consists of one standing, one
bowing and two acts of prostration.
Sa' : a measure of capacity which is equivalent to
2.03 liters offood.
Seerah: The Biography of the Prophet $.
ShanlJah :Islamic legal and moral code.
Shai~fin: The Arabic word for the Devil.
Surah: Any chapter of the Qur'an is a Surah.
(plural: Surahs).
Tasbih: Means to glorify Allah the Almighty by
saying: Subhanallah.
Taw/if: The circumbulation round the Ka ~bah.
Wudu ': Making ablution for prayer.


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