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Ethics Lesson 2

Defining Morals and Ethics

 Definition of Morals
- morals refer to the social, cultural religious beliefs or values practiced overtime by an
individual or group which direct people to do what is customarily allowable as right or refrain
from those that society prohibits as taboo or wrong.
- morals are the rules and standards made by the society or culture which is to be followed by
us while deciding what is right. Some moral principles are here to be examined:
a. Do not cheat
b. Be loyal
c. Be patient
d. Always tell the truth
e. Be generous
 Definition of Ethics
- ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of conduct of an individual or
group. it works as guiding principle as to decide what action to take either the good or the
- ethics is also known as moral philosophy. some ethical principles are:
a. Honesty
b. Loyalty
c. Respect
d. Fairness
e. Integrity

Key differences between Morals and Ethics

Morals Ethics
Right / Wrong Good / Evil
Guidelines framed Response to a
By the society Particular situation
Latin word Greek word
mos - customs ethikos - character
Dictated by: Chosen by:
Society, Culture, Religion Person, Himself, Reason
Designed by the group Free to think &
No option to think & Choose the principles
Choose Of his life
Vary from Same regardless
Society to society Of any culture,
& culture to culture Religion, society
Not applicable Widely applicable
In business In business
Expressed in the Translated into
Form of statement Explicit action

 Morals - principles of right and wrong (knowledge, theory, custom)

 Ethics - right and wrong conduct of an individual in a particular situation (wisdom, application,
 Ethics comes from the ancient Greek word ethikos, derived from ethos, which means custom
or habit.
 The Roman politician, lawyer and bon vivant Cicero coined the term moralis as a Latin
equivalent of ethikos.
 Historically, then, the roots of the words ethics and morality meant the same thing. One was a
translation of the other.
 Moral Standards
- In definition, these are set of norms in society in accord to moral principles that supposed to
determine about the kind of actions people believe to be morally right and deter them from
doing what is considered as wrong. moral standards therefore are those laws or commands
that allow specific actions to be committed or those that disallow actions contrary to this norm.
- Moral standards are precepts to follow based on mores for traditional norms and practices
that allow actions as good in specific time and place. Hence, failure to submit to these
principles, one may be subjected to an appropriate sanction.
 Ethical Standards
- Meanwhile ethical standards or principles that followed promote values such as honesty,
patience, respect and kindness. However, there is not one set of the standards that is
imposed to every setting or sector. None the less ethical standards are difficult to realize
because often these are vague and subject to interpretation.
 Development of Moral Standards
- During childhood, moral standards are absorbed from family friends and various institutions
as a positive regulating mechanism to ensure that the appropriate code of conduct is
observed among its members. Later in life experiences, learning and intellectual
development helps a person complying with the standards and eventually upon which the
individual comes up with personal moral guide to achieving one's goals in life.
- Moreover, moral standards are postulated accepted cultural practices and established
societal norms overtime. In addition, actions that were allowed and permitted under particular
situation once they become irrelevant in the community certain moral standards are set to
rectify these actions.

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