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A Homebrew Martial Class with Super Powers

Created by u/Tandra_Boy
Dragon Punch!
Artist: Fahmi Fauzi
Version 1.5

he masked man takes one arrow to the chest.
Then another. Despite the beating he is taking,
he simply won't go down. Suddenly, he leaps
towards his attacker and takes flight, leaving a
crater in the ground where he stood. Once he
grabs ahold of his opponent, he lifts them and
throws them into a nearby wall. He picks up
the bandit's bow and snaps it in half before turning to greet
his adoring fans.
Just when the goblins are about to leave, they see someone
walking directly out of the burning village: an elf whose skin
is wreathed in crimson flames. The last thing they see is the
inferno blooming from her hand.
Within the blink of an eye, the tiefling speeds past the
guards, into the tower, and makes their way through the
dungeon. The prisoner barely has time to realize he's being
saved before he's outside of the castle walls. The tiefling
stops to catch their breath for just a moment before speeding
right back in, faster than the eye can see.
No matter where they may go, an empowered will always
be trying to change the world. Sometimes it's for the better,
other times... not so much.
With Great Power...
Unlike sorcerers, empowered beings have not been gifted
mastery over magic. Instead, they have been given
supernatural strength. They can punch with the weight of the
world behind them, crush boulders, and are often capable of
natural flight.
There are times when an empowered's abilities might
seem akin to magic, but this would be a misunderstanding.
What arcane abilities they do have are built directly into their
physiology. If an empowered can summon lightning from
their fingertips, an autopsy would likely find significant
mutations in the empowered's hands.
...Comes Great Responsibility
These powers grow and develop in ways that the empowered may
not fully understand. Since no two empowered beings are exactly
alike in their abilities, no one is well suited to guide them. Being
innately different from the rest of their kin gives an empowered the
opportunity to be a hero, but it can also lead to a life of villainy.
Creating an Empowered
The key to creating an empowered is figuring out their origin story. Where did
you get your powers? Did an alien crystal fuse with you after crash landing on
your planet? Has an extra-planar entity chosen you as their champion?
The next important step is to determine how your empowered has
responded to their abilities. An empowered can have almost any backstory or
alignment depending on how they came to be who they are now. Have they
had powers since birth? Did they discover them last week? Are they hiding
their abilities, or reveling in them? Justice League - Superman Watercolor Stain 35
Artist: theDURRRRIAN Artist: flamableconcrete
Quick Build
You can make an empowered quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Strength, and your next
highest into Constitution. Second, choose the folk hero background.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
The Empowered
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Pure Strength Powers Known
1st +2 Pure Strength, Vigor 1d4 —
2nd +2 Astounding Powers 1d4 2
3rd +2 Power Manifestation 1d4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d4 2
5th +3 Extra Attack, True Potential 1d6 3
6th +3 Inner Strength 1d6 3
7th +3 Manifestation Feature 1d6 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 4
9th +4 — 1d6 5
10th +4 Stopping Power 1d6 5
11th +4 Perfected Strength 1d8 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 6
13th +5 Manifestation Feature 1d8 6
14th +5 Never Say Die 1d8 6
15th +5 — 1d8 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 7
17th +6 Manifestation Feature 1d10 7
18th +6 — 1d10 8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 8
20th +6 Invincible 1d10 8

Class Features Pure Strength

As an empowered, you gain the following class features. The first sign that you were empowered was your enhanced
strength. While you are not wearing heavy armor or wielding
Hit Points a shield, you gain the following benefits:
Hit Dice: 1d12 per empowered level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier You can attempt to grapple or shove a creature as a bonus
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution action on your turn.
modifier per empowered level after 1st Whenever you make an unarmed strike using Strength,
you can roll a d8 in place of the strike's normal damage.
Proficiencies Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike using
Armor: Light armor, medium armor Strength, the strike deals an extra 1d4 damage if you are
Weapons: Simple weapons grappling the target or the target is prone. This die
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution increases as you gain empowered levels, as shown in the
Skills: Two of your choice from Acrobatics, Insight, Pure Strength column of the Empowered Table.
Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Stealth
Some of your abilities might require your target to make a
Equipment saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the DC is calculated as follows:
equipment granted by your background:
Power save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
(a) a spear or (b) a quarterstaff Constitution modifier
(a) leather armor or (b) scale mail
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer's pack Vigor
a mask and cape with a design of your choosing
You are a natural when it comes to performing acts of
Multiclassing gymnastic strength. You gain proficiency in Athletics, and
Requirements: 13 Strength and 13 Constitution
your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you
Proficiencies Gained: Simple Weapons make using Athletics.
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy

Astounding Powers Inner Strength

Due to their unique nature, no two empowered beings are At 6th level, the power within you allows your unarmed
alike. As you begin to control your strength, you will gain strikes to count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
distinct abilities known as Astounding Powers. resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
At 2nd level, you gain two powers of your choice. Your
power options are detailed at the end of the class description. Stopping Power
When you gain certain empowered levels, you gain additional
powers of your choice, as shown in the Powers Known At 10th level, you can attempt to grapple creatures that are up
column of the Empowered table. to two sizes larger than you. While you are grappling a
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can creature that is two sizes larger than you, your movement
choose one of the powers you know and replace it with speed is reduced to zero.
another power that you could learn at that level.
Perfected Strength
Power Manifestation Starting at 11th level, you have refined your raw power
Once you reach 3rd level, the source of your powers begins to through practical experience. Your Pure Strength now allows
truly manifest. Choose the Conduit, Idol, Speed Demon, you to use a d10 in place of the normal damage for unarmed
Titan, Vigilante, Mutant, Super Soldier, or Hybrid strikes you make using Strength instead of a d8.
manifestation, all detailed at the end of the class description. Additionally, you can unleash a wild and deadly haymaker.
The manifestation you choose grants you features at 3rd level Whenever you make an unarmed strike using Pure Strength,
and again at 7th, 13th, and 17th level. you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the
attack hits, you add +10 to the strike's damage.
Ability Score Improvement
Never Say Die
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice At 14th level, you cling to life, even when most would give up.
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Whenever you make a death saving throw, you regain a
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 number of hit points equal to a roll of your Pure Strength die
using this feature. on a roll of 19 or 20.

Extra Attack Invincible

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, At 20th level, you can use this feature at any time on your turn
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. to push yourself past your limits. Until the end of your next
turn, you are immune to all damage and automatically
True Potential succeed on any Strength check or saving throw you make.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest
Also at 5th level, you count as one size larger when before using it again.
determining your carrying capacity and the amount you can
push, drag, or lift. Watercolor Stain 7 Wolve'rune - The Order of X
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Nate Hallinan

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Power Manifestations
The true nature of an empowered being's strength is not
obvious from the outset. Your manifestation reflects the
unique nature of how you got your powers.
Your powers were formed after an encounter with a
supernatural elemental event, making you a powerhouse of
primordial energy. These powers are difficult to control, so be
careful not to hurt those closest to you.
Elemental Infusion
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, you choose
which damage type you're infused with: cold, fire, or lightning.
Your chosen damage is referred to as your 'infusion damage.'
You gain resistance to your infusion damage. Whenever you
land an unarmed strike using Pure Strength, you can use
infusion damage in place of the strike's normal damage type.
Energy Beam
Also at 3rd level, you can project a beam of vibrant and deadly
energy. Whenever you take the Attack action, you may replace
one or more of your attacks with an Energy Beam attack. To
fire the beam, make a ranged attack against a target you can
see using Constitution as the ability modifier for the attack.
The beam has a close range of 60 feet, a long range of 180
feet, and deals infusion damage equal to two rolls of your
Pure Strength die + your Constitution modifier.
If you take damage of the same type as your Elemental
Infusion, your Energy Beam becomes charged, causing it to
deal extra damage equal to a roll of your Pure Strength die
until the end of your next turn. As a bonus action on your
turn, you can willingly deal infusion damage to yourself equal
to a roll of your Pure Strength die. You cannot resist your
infusion damage when you deal it to yourself this way.
Hazard Zone
By 7th level, just getting close to you is dangerous. You can
deal infusion damage equal to a roll of your Pure Strength
die to creatures whenever they move within 5 feet of you for
the first time on a turn or start their turn there.
Beam Sculpting
At 13th level, your Energy Beam can now be sculpted into
different shapes. You can use an action to release a blast of
energy, allowing you to target each creature within a 20-foot
cone or a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide (your choice) with an
attack using your Energy Beam. Once you use this feature,
you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
Hyper Beam
At 17th level, as an action on your turn, you can unleash a
Hyper Beam that is 100 feet long and 10 feet wide, forcing all
creatures within range to make a Dexterity saving throw
against your power save DC. This saving throw is made with
disadvantage if your Energy Beam is charged. Creatures take
10d6 infusion damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one. Once you unleash your Hyper Beam, you
must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
Human Torch vs Namor Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Michael Komarck Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
The Idol is a symbol that the people look to for hope and
direction. They are usually everyday individuals who have had
the responsibility of power thrust upon them. As such, their
powers are simple and effective.
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, you are a
humble adventurer, of simple beginnings. You can add half
your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check
you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.
Also at 3rd level, you can lead others by example. Once on
each of your turns when you hit a hostile creature with an
unarmed strike using Pure Strength, you can choose a
creature other than yourself within 30 feet of you that can see
or hear you. That creature becomes emboldened.
Once within the next minute, the emboldened creature can
roll your Pure Strength die and add the number rolled to an
attack or damage roll it just made. Alternatively, when an
attack roll is made against the creature, it can use its reaction
to roll your Pure Strength die and add the number rolled to
its AC against that attack. This reaction can be taken after
seeing the attack roll but before knowing whether it hits or
misses. The creature ceases to be emboldened after rolling
your Pure Strength die.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and regain all
expended uses whenever you complete a short or long rest.
Experimental Training
At 7th level, you have taken the time to learn more about what
you are capable of. You learn an additional Astounding Power
whose requirements you meet. This power does not count
against your number of Powers Known.
Fearless Leader
At 13th level, so long as you keep fighting, your allies will
stick by you through thick and thin. Whenever you use your
Exemplar ability to embolden a creature, you become
emboldened as well.
Additionally, whenever you use your Exemplar ability to
embolden a friendly creature, you can end one effect that is
causing the creature to be charmed or frightened.
Glorious Purpose
At 17th level, your sense of purpose gives you the strength to
face down your destiny. You can use a bonus action on your
turn to enter a state of awe inspiring bravery, granting you the
following benefits for 1 minute:
You can use Exemplar without expending any of its uses.
You can use Exemplar twice on each of your turns instead
of once.
You are immune to the charmed and frightened
The effects of this feature end early if you are knocked
unconscious. Once you use this feature, you must complete a
long rest before using it again.
Watercolor Stain 16 Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: lie setiawan
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Speed Demon
You're fast. Very fast. You might be infused with the power of
light, or favored by a god of speed. Either way, you leave
everyone else in the dust.
Super Speed
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, your powers
grant you supernatural speed. Once at the start of each of
your turns, you can use this feature to activate your Super
Speed, which grants the following effects until the end of your
next turn:
Any movement you gain by Dashing is doubled.
You ignore the effects of difficult terrain
Whenever you attempt to grapple or shove a creature, you
don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for
the rest of the turn, regardless of whether the grapple or
shove was successful or not.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and regain all
expended uses whenever you complete a short or long rest.
Also at 3rd level, while you are not wearing heavy armor, and
your walking speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5
times your proficiency bonus, and you can take the Dash or
Disengage actions as a bonus action on your turn.
Additionally, you can perform mundane tasks rapidly,
allowing you to read, write, and complete tasks with artisan's
tools in half the time that you would normally need.
Starting at 7th level, even while you are simply standing in
place, it's hard to pin you down. You can begin concentrating
on this ability as a bonus action on your turn (as if
concentrating on a spell). For up to 1 minute while you
maintain concentration, attack rolls against you are made
with disadvantage. Once you use this ability, you must
complete a short or long rest to use it again.
Pure Agility
At 13th level, your unbridled speed is impossible to contain.
While you are under the effects of your Super Speed, your
jump distance is doubled, and you cannot be paralyzed,
restrained, or otherwise have your speed reduced by spells or
magical effects.
Time in a Bottle
At 17th level, you can summon all of your energy to move
faster than light. You can cast Time Stop without using spell
slots or components. When you cast Time Stop this way, you
can grapple or shove creatures without resuming time, and
your attempts to do either succeed automatically. Moving a
creature you are grappling also does not resume time.
Creatures that you shove while time is stopped will only
begin to move once time resumes. If a creature is knocked
prone or pushed into an obstacle once time resumes, they
take 3d10 bludgeoning damage.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
finish a long rest.
Justice League - Flash Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: theDURRRRIAN Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Your power is so wild and vibrant that you often struggle to
contain it. When this energy boils over, you transform
dramatically, unleashing your true strength for a short time.
True Form
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, you can use
a bonus action to assume your True Form for 1 minute. You
exit this form early if you use a bonus action to end it, or if
you are charmed or knocked unconscious. You gain the
following benefits while in your True Form:
You become one size larger, along with anything you are
wearing. If you lack the room to grow, your physical size
doesn’t change but you are still considered one size larger.
You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class.
While you are grappling a creature, they take bludgeoning
damage equal to a roll of your Pure Strength die at the
start of each of their turns.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and regain any expended uses when you
finish a long rest.
Simmering Fury
Also at 3rd level, hints of your True Form become apparent as
your anger builds. You can add your Strength modifier to any
Charisma (Intimidation) check you make.
Living Weapon
Starting at 7th level, while you are in your True Form, if you
are grappling a creature that is your size or smaller, you can
use them to make an unarmed strike using Pure Strength
against another creature. If you hit the target creature, they
take the unarmed strike's damage as normal, and the
grappled creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to a roll
of your Pure Strength die.
Thick Skin
By 13th level, while you are in your True Form, if you are
subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity
saving throw to take only half damage, you can make a
Strength saving throw instead.
Additionally, whenever you make a Strength saving throw
this way, you take no damage if you succeed on the saving
throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Seismic Slam
At 17th level, if you are grappling a creature that is your size
or smaller while in your True Form, you can use an action on
your turn to repeatedly slam the creature into the ground in a
fit of rage. When you use this ability, the grappled creature
must make either a Strength or Dexterity saving throw
against your power save DC (the target chooses which).
On a failed save, the creature takes 10d10 bludgeoning
damage, is knocked prone, and is stunned until the end of
your next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half
as much damage and is not stunned. In either case, you stop
grappling the creature.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest
before using it again.
Watercolor Stain 16 ONE PIECE - D vs D
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: InHyuk Lee
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
In the dead of night, you give your enemies something to be
scared of. You don't fight fair, and you might not even fight for
what's right. All that matters to you is enacting your own
sense of justice. To that end, you work in the dark.
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, you prefer to
stalk your foes. You can use your bonus action to take the
Hide action on your turn. While you are hidden from a
creature, you have advantage on attempts to grapple them
and can do so without you or the creature creating any noise
that would alert others.
Additionally, you do your best work when you stick to the
shadows. While you are in an area of dim light or darkness,
you can add your Strength modifier to any Dexterity (Stealth)
check you make.
Sucker Punch
Also at 3rd level, you aren't above fighting dirty if need be.
Once per turn, you can deal extra damage equal to a roll of
your Pure Strength die to one creature you hit with an
unarmed strike using Pure Strength if you have advantage on
the attack roll.
Provided that you do not have disadvantage on the attack
roll, you do not need advantage on the attack roll to deal this
damage if you are grappling the target, or if another enemy of
the target is within 5 feet of it, and that enemy is not
No Escape
At 7th level, you've had enough of your enemies trying to run.
When a creature within 15 feet of you starts moving away
from you on their turn, you can use a reaction to try to catch
them. You can use half of your movement speed to go directly
to the creature and attempt to grapple or shove them without
provoking opportunity attacks.
You can use any type of movement to get to the creature,
but you must be able to sense the creature's presence and
have a direct, unobstructed path to them to use this feature.
Ominous Stare
At 13th level, you can strike fear into the hearts of your foes
once you grab hold of them. Whenever you successfully
grapple a creature, you can force them to make a Wisdom
saving throw against your power save DC. The creature
automatically succeeds on this saving throw if they cannot
see or hear you. On a failed save, the creature is frightened by
you until they escape from your grapple, are incapacitated, or
you attempt to frighten another creature this way. You can
also use a bonus action on your turn to end the effect early.
Once you attempt to frighten a creature this way, you
cannot attempt to frighten that creature again until you
complete a long rest.
No Mercy
At 17th level, you are absolutely relentless. Once per turn
when you successfully grapple or shove a creature, you can
immediately target the creature with a single unarmed strike
using Pure Strength as part of the grapple or shove.
Q (Practice) Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Zhihui Su Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
You walk the line between what is natural and what is
monstrous. Your physiology has been permanently altered,
and now you have to live with what you are.
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, your
creature type changes to monstrosity, and you gain the ability
to morph your limbs into weapons. As a bonus action, you
can grant yourself one of the following benefits:
Bio-Sword. Your unarmed strike deals slashing damage.
Once per turn when you roll damage for an unarmed
strike using Pure Strength, you can reroll the strike’s
damage dice and use either total.
Bio-Whip. Your unarmed strike deals slashing damage
and its reach is increased by 5 feet. Your movement speed
is increased by 10 feet while using this Bio-Weapon.
Bio-Shield. One of your forearms grows into a barrier that
grants you +2 AC.
You retain the chosen benefit until you use a bonus action
to either choose a new benefit or return your body to its
normal shape.
Also at 3rd level, if you touch a humanoid creature that has
died within the last minute, you can absorb a fragment of
their identity. You learn the creature's name, age, occupation,
and alignment. Once you have absorbed a creature's identity,
you can cast Disguise Self at will to assume their form. While
disguised as them, you perfectly imitate their voice. There is
no limit to how many creatures you can disguise as this way.
Monstrous Imitation
At 7th level, while grappling a hostile creature, you can use
your action to adopt some of their physical properties. For 1
hour, you gain any unique senses or resistances that the
creature has. This does not work for senses or resistances
granted by items. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it
again until you complete a short or long rest.
At 13th level, as an action on your turn, you can assume the
shape of an inanimate object you have seen that weighs no
more than 100 pounds and takes up no more space than a 5
foot cube. You can maintain this shape for up to an hour
while you maintain concentration (as if concentrating on a
spell), or until you use an action to change back to your form.
You cannot move or take normal actions while
shapeshifted. The only action you can take is to return to your
normal form. If a creature accidentally touches you while you
are morphed, you can use a reaction to return to your normal
form and grapple them instantly. Once you use this feature,
you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
Dual Bio-Weapons
At 17th level, you can now manifest two different Bio-
Weapons at once. Whenever you use a bonus action to
manifest a Bio-Weapon, you can choose 2 different properties
to grant your unarmed strike instead of 1.
Watercolor Stain 16 Dettlaff van der Eretein
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Lorenzo Mastroianni
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Super Soldier
You discovered your powers during a time of strife, and
carried them with you into battle. Learning how to wield your
powers and a weapon at the same time wasn't easy. Now that
you're acquainted with both, your training shines through.
Battle Ready
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, your
wartime training allows you to combine combat expertise
with sheer might. You gain the following benefits.
Weapons of War. Choose two types of weapons to be your
weapons of war. Each of these weapons can be any simple or
martial weapon that lacks the reach and special properties.
You gain proficiency with these weapons if you don’t already
have them. Any empowered ability that applies to unarmed
strikes you make using Strength also applies to attacks you
make using a weapon of war. You can choose an additional
weapon of war when you reach 7th, 13th, and 17th level in
this class.
Guardian of Steel. You gain proficiency with heavy armor.
While you are wearing heavy armor, you can gain the benefits
of your Pure Strength.
Power Shot. You can use Strength instead of Dexterity for
the attack and damage rolls of your attacks with ranged
weapons of war.
Sundering Strike
Also at 3rd level, you can shatter swords and splinter shields.
Once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack using a
weapon of war, you can deal damage equal to a roll of your
Pure Strength die to one weapon, shield, or set of armor the
creature is wielding, wearing, or carrying. This damage is of
the same type as the weapon used for the attack.
Shield of War
At 7th level, you know that the best offense is a good defense.
You gain proficiency with shields, and can gain the benefits of
your Pure Strength while wielding a shield. Shields also
count as weapons of war for you, allowing you to treat them
as simple weapons that deal bludgeoning damage equal to a
roll of your Pure Strengt die. You can also use shields as
thrown weapons with a short range of 60 feet and a long
range of 120 feet. On a successful thrown hit, your shield will
bounce back to your hand. Finally, you can doff a shield by
throwing it, and can don a shield by catching it.
Soldier On
At 13th level, you can summon up the strength to keep on
fighting. Whenever you receive healing from others, you can
add a roll of your Pure Strength die to the number of hit
points restored. Additionally, you regain a number of hit
points equal to a roll of your Pure Strength die whenever you
spend a Hit Die as part of a short rest.
Offensive Parry
At 17th level, you can strike preemptively when attacked.
Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you targets you with a
melee attack, you can use a reaction to target them with a
melee attack with a weapon of war in response. If your attack
hits, the creature's attack misses.
A Knight flying over the city. Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Kenkai Kotaki Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
While druids serve the land voluntarily, nature has singled
you out to be its champion. Your powers have turned you into
something wild, untamed, and dangerous.
Nature's Chosen
When you choose this manifestation at 3rd level, your
creature type changes to beast and your fingernails sharpen
into claws or talons that allow your unarmed strikes to deal
slashing damage.
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception),
Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks
that rely on hearing or smell.
Prehensile Tail
Also at 3rd level, you grow a tail that you can use to grasp
creatures and objects. Your tail has a reach of 10 feet, and it
can lift a number of pounds equal to five times your Strength
score. You can use it to do the following simple tasks: lift,
drop, hold, push, or pull an object or a creature; open or close
a door or a container; grapple or shove a creature; or make
an unarmed strike.
Your DM might allow other simple tasks to be added to
that list of options. If your race already has a tail, you can
apply these features to your existing tail or alter your existing
tail's appearance.
Your tail cannot wield weapons or shields or do anything
that requires manual precision, such as using tools or magic
items or performing the somatic components of a spell.
At 7th level, you can tackle your foes like a beast of prey by
moving at least 20 feet in a straight line toward a creature
before attempting to grapple them with a bonus action on the
same turn. If this grapple is successful, you can also knock
the creature prone.
Saber Tooth
At 13th level, you grow razor-sharp fangs that you can use to
make unarmed strikes that deal piercing damage. Once per
turn when you successfully hit a creature with an unarmed
strike using your fangs, you can attempt to grapple or shove
the creature as part of the attack. If you successfully grapple
a creature this way, the creature takes piercing damage equal
to your Strength modifier.
At 17th level, you can use an action on your turn to inject a
powerful venom into a creature you are grappling. The
creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your
power save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d12
poison damage and becomes poisoned for 1 minute. On a
successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and
is not poisoned.
The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of
each of their turns, ending their poisoned condition on a
successful save. If the creature fails on one of these
subsequent saving throws, they take 1d12 poison damage.
Once you use this feature to successfully poison a creature,
you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
Watercolor Stain 16 The Monkey King
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Oliver Liu
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy

Astounding Powers
If an astounding power has prerequisites, you must meet Collateral Damage
them to learn it. You can learn the power at the same time You are proficient in the use of improvised weapons, and deal
that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to damage equal to a roll of your Pure Strength die when you hit
your level in this class. If an astounding power grants a spell a creature with an improvised weapon. When you throw
casting, that casting does not require a spell slot. objects as improvised weapons, they have a short range of 60
feet and a long range of 180 feet.
You can cast Thunderwave by striking the ground at your Courage
feet, using Strength as your spellcasting ability, and without Prerequisite: your race is smaller than medium in size

using verbal components. The spell's level equals your You count as one size larger when attempting to grapple or
proficiency bonus. Once you use this power, you must shove creatures.
complete a long rest before using it again.
Anatomical Armor You gain 15 feet of Tremorsense, and 5 feet of Blindsight.
While you are not wearing armor, your Armor Class equals
10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. Destiny
You can use your Anatomical Armor to determine your AC if You can cast Augury without using material components.
the armor you are wearing would leave you with less AC. Once you use this power, you must complete a long rest to
use it again.
Aquatic Nature
Prerequisite: 5th level
Dormant Energy
While you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, you can Prerequisite: 7th level, Conduit Manifestation

breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to Whenever you roll for initiative, your Energy Beam
your walking speed. You can also cast Speak with Animals at automatically becomes charged.
will, but only to speak with beasts that have a swim speed.
Arcane Synesthesia Prerequisite: 5th level

Prerequisite: 5th level, Conduit Manifestation

Whenever you make an unarmed strike using Pure Strength

You can cast Detect Magic at will, without using components. on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
Your reach for grasping objects also increases by 5 feet.
Barehanded Block
If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are Equipment Expert
unarmed, unarmored, and are not wielding a shield, you can Prerequisite: 5th level, Vigilante Manifestation

use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for You gain proficiency with Thieves' Tools if you don't have it
that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you. already, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
check you make with them.
Boring Monologue
You can cast Charm Person as a 1st level spell, using Fanclub
Charisma as your spellcasting ability. Rather than viewing Whenever you interact with a non-hostile NPC for the first
you as a friendly acquaintance on a failed save, the target will time, the DM must roll a d20. On a roll of 20, the NPC
admit that they are swayed by your reasonable line of recognizes you and is a fan of your exploits, and you have
thinking. Once you use this power, you must complete a short advantage on all Charisma checks against them until they
or long rest to use it again. have a reason to dislike you.
Bullet-Time Fixation
Prerequisite: 7 level, Speed Demon Manifestation

Prerequisite: 9th level

Using your Super Speed causes ranged attacks targeting you You can fixate your willful intent on a creature you can see
to be made with disadvantage until the end of your next turn. within 30 feet of you as a bonus action. For 1 minute, so long
as you do not damage creatures other than the target, you
Cling Grip resist bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from the
Prerequisite: 5th level
target. Once you use this power, you must complete a short or
While you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, you gain long rest to use it again.
a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and can move
up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down Flight
along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. Prerequisite: 12th level

While you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, you gain
Clothesline a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. You
Prerequisite: 15th level

choose how this flight works when you gain this power. You
When a creature within 5 feet of you misses you with a melee can grow wings, levitate naturally, shoot energy out of your
attack, you can use a reaction to attempt to shove them. feet or palms, or any other innate way to fly.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Full Metal Cuirass Instinctive Reflexes
Prerequisite: 9th level, Super Soldier Manifestation

Prerequisite: 7th level, Hybrid Manifestation

While you are both wearing heavy armor and wielding a Other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against
shield, you count as full cover for creatures that are not you as a result of being unseen by you. Additionally, you can
hostile to you. cast Find Traps. Once you use this power to cast Find Traps,
you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
Prerequisite: 12th level, Mutant Manifestation

When you use your Monstrous Imitation on a creature, they Prerequisite: 5th level, Titan Manifestation

must make a Wisdom saving throw against your power save You count as a mount while you are in your True Form,
DC. On a failed save, the creature is frightened by you for 1 allowing your allies to ride on your back.
minute. On a successful save, they are frightened by you until
the end of your next turn. Keen Vision
You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to
Guiding Hand discern even fine details as though looking at something no
Prerequisite: 5th level, Idol Manifestation

more than 100 feet away from you.

You can cast Guidance and Resistance without using material
components, but only on targets other than yourself. Kilojoule
Prerequisite: 12th level, Conduit Manifestation

Harrowing Vision You gain an additional infusion damage type. If your infusion
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and non damage is fire, this damage is radiant. If your infusion
magical, to a distance of 120 feet. damage is cold, this damage is necrotic. If your infusion
damage is lightning, this damage is thunder. Alternatively, you
Healing Factor can choose one of the other base infusion damage types (fire,
Prerequisite: 15th level

cold, or lightning) to be your second infusion damage type.

You can gradually recover from injuries over time. So long as
you have 1 hit point, you regain hit points equal to a roll of Laser Eyes
your Pure Strength die at the end of every hour that you Prerequisite: 5th level

spend outside of combat. You can cast Scorching Ray from your eyes using
Additionally, if you lose a body part, it will grow back and Constitution as your spellcasting ability and without using
return to full functionality after 1d6 + 1 days if you have at components. You cast the spell at a level equal to your
least 1 hit point the whole time. proficiency bonus, and the spell can deal infusion damage if
you chose the Conduit Manifestation. Once you use this
Immortal Spirit power, you must complete a long rest to use it again.
When you dream or meditate, you can access the memories
of empowered beings that came before you. The DM rolls a Launching Maneuver
d20 to determine the quality of the visions you receive, Prerequisite: 5th level

ranging from vague symbolism on a roll of 1, to crucial You can use a bonus action to propel yourself in a straight
information on a roll of 20. At the DM's discretion, you might line a number of feet equal to 10 times your proficiency
receive visions from one empowered being in particular, and bonus in any direction, leaving a small crater where you were
that being might even speak to you directly. standing. If you impact a creature during this movement, you
can attempt to grapple them as part of the same bonus
Immovable Object action. If you successfully grapple the creature, you continue
Prerequisite: 7th level
moving with the creature in tow, and without having your
You can use an action to begin concentrating on this power speed reduced by the grapple. Once you use this power, you
(as if concentrating on a spell). For 1 minute while you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
maintain concentration and do not move, you cannot be
moved against your will by creatures no more than one size Lighter than Air
larger than you. Once you use this power, you must complete Prerequisite: 9th level, Speed Demon Manifestation

a short or long rest to use it again. You gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and
across liquids on your turn without falling during your move.
Impact Force
Prerequisite: 7th level
Major Mentalist
Whenever you successfully shove a creature, you can choose Prerequisite: 15th level

to both push the creature 5 feet away from you and knock You can cast either Telekinesis without using components,
them prone, rather than choosing to do one or the other. using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability. Once you use
this power, you must complete a long rest to use it again.
Inspired Charge
Prerequisite: 12th level, Idol Manifestation

Maximum Effort
Creatures can take the Dash action as a bonus action on their Prerequisite: 15th level

turn while emboldened by your Exemplar ability. Once they Whenever you make a Strength check, you can treat a d20
use their bonus action to do so, they cease to be emboldened. roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Minor Mentalist Pure of Heart
You can cast the Mage Hand and Message cantrips without Prerequisite: You do not have the Valiant Soul power

using components. Your mage hand is invisible. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or
end the charmed condition on yourself.
Momentous Tackle
When you use a bonus action to attempt to grapple or shove a Pure Smite
creature, you have an additional 10 feet of movement that you Prerequisite: 12th level

can use exclusively to get close enough to your desired target. You can add a roll of your Pure Strength die when
determining the extra damage for a critical hit with an
Nameless unarmed strike using Pure Strength.
When you gain this power, you toss your old identity aside,
allowing you to choose a new name and alignment. The old Quipping Expertise
you is presumed dead by those who are not adventuring with You can cast Vicious Mockery, using Charisma as your
you, and you won't be hunted down for crimes the old you spellcasting ability. Wherever this spell uses a d4, you may
committed. If a creature that used to know you discovers that use your Pure Strength die instead.
you are not dead, they become stunned until the end of your
next turn. You revert to your old identity permanently if you Rending Strength
swap this power out for a new one. You can use an action to instantly crush, bend, break, or snap
an object within your grasp that is made of nonmagical
Ninjutsu materials. For larger objects, the area of the object you
Prerequisite: 7th level, Vigilante Manifestation

damage is no larger than a 3 foot cube. Once you use this

Empowered abilities that apply to your unarmed strikes power, you must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
made using Pure Strength also apply to any attack you make
with a quarterstaff or dagger, so long as you use Strength as Rotten Shell
the ability modifier for the attack. Prerequisite: 9th level, Mutant Manifestation

Your unarmed strike can deal acid, poison, or necrotic

Orbital Toss damage instead of its normal damage type.
Prerequisite: 5th level

While you are grappling a creature that is your size or Secret Identity
smaller, you use an action to throw the creature in any You have created an alter ego that includes documentation,
direction. The creature moves a number of feet equal to 10 established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to
times your proficiency bonus before falling prone. If the assume that persona. You can adopt this alternate identity as
creature impacts an obstacle, they take 1d8 bludgeoning a disguise, and other creatures believe you to be that person
damage for every 10 feet that they were thrown. If the until given an obvious reason not to. Inexplicably, you can don
obstacle is another creature, this damage is shared between or doff your alter ego in the blink of an eye, but only when no
the two creatures equally. If the creature is in the air after one is watching.
being thrown, they begin to fall normally. Once you use this
power, you must complete a short or long rest to use it again. You Look Familiar...
Members of your Fan Club cannot recognize you while you are
Perfect Landing
Prerequisite: 7th level
using your Secret Identity. However, they can still recognize
You can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling you even if you have the Nameless power, as they have been
damage you take by an amount equal to five times your theorizing that your death was a hoax.
empowered level.
Persona Shockwave
You gain one of the following personas of your choice: As an action on your turn, you can create a shockwave in
front of you by punching the air. Creatures in a 30 foot cone
Detective. You gain proficiency in the Investigation and in front of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against
Perception skills. your power save DC to avoid being knocked prone. Creatures
Dramatic. You can cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip, and have advantage on this saving throw if they are two or more
gain proficiency in Performance. sizes larger than you.
Heroic. You gain proficiency in the Insight and
Persuasion skills. Sidekick
Villainous. You gain proficiency in the Deception and As an action, you can designate one friendly creature you can
Intimidation skills. see as your sidekick. While you and your sidekick are within
10 feet of one another, each of you can use a reaction to take
Plot Armor half of an instance of damage dealt to the other. Once you
Prerequisite: 5th level
choose your sidekick, you cannot choose a new one until you
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, complete a long rest. You can only have one sidekick at a
you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this power, time, so choosing a new sidekick removes the effects of this
you must complete a long rest to use it again. power from your previous sidekick.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Tantrum Valiant Soul
Prerequisite: 7th level, Titan Manifestation

Prerequisite: You do not have the Pure of Heart power

You can attempt to grapple or shove a creature as part of a You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or
bonus action you use to enter your True Form. end the frightened condition on yourself.
Thousand-Yard Stare Vice Grip
Prerequisite: 12th level, Super Soldier Manifestation

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can't be surprised while you are conscious. Additionally, Your movement speed is no longer halved while you are
if a creature knows what you want from them, you can make grappling targets of your size or smaller.
a Charisma (Intimidation) check against them with advantage
simply by maintaining prolonged eye contact with them. Violence
Prerequisite: 7th level, Super Soldier Manifestation

Tireless Whenever you roll for initiative, you gain temporary hit points
Prerequisite: 12th level

equal to your empowered level.

Whenever you finish a short rest, your exhaustion level, if any,
is decreased by 1. "Wham!"
When you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike using
Translucent Pure Strength, and the target is not prone, you can push the
Prerequisite: 9th level
target back 15 feet and knock them prone.
When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use
your action to become invisible until you move or take an Wild Leap
action or a reaction. You only need to run 5 feet to make a running long or high
jump. The distance you cover with a running jump increases
Tunneler by a number of feet equal to your Constitution modifier.
Prerequisite: 9th level, Hybrid Manifestation

You gain 5 feet of burrowing speed, allowing you to dig 5 foot Wolven-Claw
diameter tunnels through sand, earth, mud, or ice. You can't Prerequisite: 5th level

burrow through solid rock or metal. You can grow claws from your fingertips or between your
knuckles as a bonus action. For 1 minute, you gain a bonus to
Unbreakable damage rolls for your unarmed strikes made using Pure
Prerequisite: 12th level

Strength equal to your proficiency bonus, and your unarmed

Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take strikes deal slashing damage. Once you use this power, you
from nonmagical attacks is reduced by 3. must complete a short or long rest to use it again.
Unstoppable Force X-Ray Vision
Prerequisite: 9th level
Prerequisite: 7th level

You can use an action to concentrate on this power (as if As an action, you gain the ability to see through solid objects
concentrating on a spell). For 1 minute while you maintain to a range of 30 feet. Within that range, you have darkvision if
concentration, your movement speed cannot be reduced you don’t already have it. This special sight lasts for 1 minute
unless you are incapacitated or killed. This power does not or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating
allow you to walk through obvious obstructions, but it does on a spell). During that time, you perceive objects as ghostly,
allow you to push creatures no more than one size larger transparent images. Once you use this power, you can’t use it
than you 5 feet away just by walking into them. It also again until you finish a short or long rest.
prevents you from being grappled, restrained, or affected by
difficult terrain. You can only push the same creature once Yield
during each of your turns with this power. Once you use this You can cast Command as a 1st level spell, using Charisma as
power, you must complete a short or long rest to use it again. your spellcasting ability. Once you use this power, you cannot
use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
The Pushpoint Paradox Zeal
When two empowered beings that are both using either the Prerequisite: 9th level, Idol Manifestation

Unstoppable Force power or the Immovable Object power Whenever you embolden a creature with your Exemplar
come into contact with each other, they both lose ability, they gain temporary hit points equal to a roll of your
concentration, fly 5 feet away from each other, are knocked
Pure Strength die.
prone, and take 8d8 force damage.
Zephyr Ray
Prerequisite: 9th level, Conduit Manifestation

Unyielding Your Energy Beam ignores resistance to your infusion

You can cast the Heroism spell on yourself without using damage type. In addition, when you roll damage for your
components, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. Energy Beam, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
Once you use this power, you must complete a long rest to This also applies to damage you deal with your Hyper Beam
use it again. at 17th level in this class.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Character Options Astounding Artifacts
Not all empowered beings rely on strength alone. Consider
Suggested Characteristics adding these items as treasures for an empowered to find.
Empowered beings can be very different depending on their
outlook on life. Some are altruistic, some are selfish, and Antiveld Particle Suit
others are morally ambiguous. Wonderous Item,

Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

d8 Personality Trait This suit was designed by an artificer who was very
1 I make bad jokes during fights to manage my fear. eccentric, even by the standards of other artificiers.
2 I never use profanities, no matter how angry I get. This suit has 4 charges. As an action on your turn, you can
expend 1 of these charges to cast Enlarge/Reduce on
3 I have no sympathy for criminals, whether they stole yourself. Alternatively, you can expend 2 of these charges to
someone's life or they stole a loaf of bread. cause the spell to alter your size by two categories instead of
4 I take immense pleasure in the fame, wealth, and glory one: from Medium to Huge or from Medium to Tiny, for
that comes with being a hero. example. The suit regains 1d4 charges at dawn.
5 I spend my nights brooding on rooftops. In order to attune to this suit, you must first train with it for
a total of 24 hours.
6 I try to fix things, but I end up making them worse.
7 I wish I'd never had my powers. They're a curse. Black Mask
8 I don't think anyone is beyond redemption.
Wonderous Item,

Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

d6 Ideal
This sleek black mask grants you the Harrowing Vision and
Secret Identity astounding powers. These do not count
1 Justice. I will hunt down every last criminal. (Lawful) against your number of powers known. If you already have
2 Freedom. I stand against oppression in all its forms. one of these astounding powers, you can exchange them for
(Chaotic) new ones while attuned to this item.
This mask filters any light from your irises and pupils,
3 Morality. I only kill as a last resort. (Good) making your eyes appear completely white while you are
4 Revenge. I can finally stand up to those who wronged wearing it.
me. I plan on getting even. (Evil)
5 Peace. For all my strength, things only seem to get Darian's Armor
worse when I intervene. (Neutral) Armor (plate),

Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

6 Mastery. My powers are unique. It's important that I

unravel the mystery of how they work. (Any)
This armor was built by a legendary artificer who gave their
life to save the universe. The armor is red with golden trim,
d6 Bond
and a shining diamond is embedded in the chest plate.
Darian built a sentient entity named Silas into this armor.
1 My only friend is my faithful family butler. Once Silas deems you worthy of the armor, you become
2 I'm hunting another empowered: an old rival who was proficient with it and can use your Pure Strength while
once my childhood friend. wearing it.
3 I've joined with several other empowered beings to
Once you are attuned to this armor, you can don and doff it
help each other gain control of our abilities. instantly, as every piece of it shall fly to you and attach itself
as needed so long as it is within 30 feet of you.
4 I've taken in a young empowered as my ward. I am Additionally, while you are attuned to this armor, you can
doing my best to help them learn from my mistakes. cast Eldritch Blast from the armor's gauntlets using
5 By day, I've been hired to hunt an infamous vigilante. Constitution as your spellcasting ability and without using
By night, I am that vigilante. verbal components.
6 I accidentally hurt someone when I discovered my Sentience
powers, and am now wanted for it.
Silas is neutral good, with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of
d6 Flaw
16, and a Charisma of 13. They have hearing and darkvision
out to a range of 60 feet.
1 I have no control over my temper. Silas can speak telepathically with creatures within 30 feet
2 By keeping my powers a secret, I alienate those I love. of the armor, and can speak, read, and understand Common.
3 Sometimes I let my own power go to my head. Personality
4 I'm bad at making tough calls. Why can't I just save Silas was built after Darian gave up on building weapons,
everyone? opting to make creations that protect rather than kill. As
5 I never forgive, and I never forget. such, Silas will happily advise and assist their wearer when
needed, but only if their intentions are noble. When giving
6 I don't take my gifts seriously. It's not my job to save advice, Silas speaks without affect, and is very matter-of-fact.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Dragon-Scale Suit
Wonderous Item,

Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

This skin-tight suit is made up of dragon scales.

While attuned to this suit, you gain the Anatomical Armor
astounding power. This does not count towards your number
of powers known. If you already have the Anatomical Armor
astounding power, you can exchange it for a new one while
attuned to this item.
In order to properly attune to this suit, you must be
deemed worthy of it by either a dragon or the last empowered
who attuned to it.
Helm of Ferrumichor
Wondrous Item,

Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

The original owner of this thick, metal helm considered

themselves a liberator, despite the evils they committed.
While attuned to this helm, you can cast Heat Metal at a
level equal to your proficiency bonus. The helm can be also
used to cast Telekinesis, but only to move or manipulate
objects made of metal. Once you use this helm to cast a spell,
you cannot use the helm to cast that spell again until the next
dawn. You use Constitution as your spellcasting ability for
both of these spells.
Kinetic Weave
Armor (scale mail),

Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

This dark suit of armor appears to be made out of woven

threads of metal. The technology used to create it is beyond
even the most cunning artificer.
When you take damage during combat, this armor gains a
charge. Once this armor has 5 charges, you can expend them
as a bonus action to do one of the following:
Make a long or high jump without expending movement.
Instantly grapple or shove a creature within 5 feet of you.
Make an unarmed strike using Pure Strength.
This suit can have no more than 5 charges in total. If the
armor's previous owner deems you worthy, then you have
proficiency with this armor.
Lucia's Thorn
Weapon (Whip),

Uncommon (requires attunement by an Empowered)

This wondrous, golden whip was passed down through

generations of warrior queens. It is said that it purifies all
that it touches.
This whip deals radiant damage equal to a roll of your Pure
Strength die on a successful hit. Empowered abilities that
apply to your unarmed strikes made using Pure Strength also
apply to attacks with this whip. If you score a critical hit with
this whip, you have advantage on your next attempt to
grapple the target.
You can use this whip to cast Zone of Truth using
Charisma as your spellcasting ability. Once used, this
property can't be used again until the next dawn.
If the whip's previous owner deems you worthy, then you
are proficient with this whip.
Watercolor Stain 16 Justice League - Wonder Woman
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: theDurrrrian
A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Monsoon's Trident Ring of Creation
Weapon (Trident),
Wondrous Item,

Uncommon (requires attunement by an Empowered)

Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

This sparkling trident smells like the ocean depths. It is said The knight who wore this glowing, green ring is said to have
to have been passed down through a long line of deep sea been entrusted with guarding the entire universe. But there's
kings who protected the ocean. definitely no way that could be true... right?
While attuned to this trident, you gain the Aquatic Nature This ring holds 5 charges. You can expend one of these
astounding power. This does not count towards your number charges to cast Creation as a 5th level spell without using
of powers known. If you already have the Aquatic Nature verbal or material components. When you cast Creation this
astounding power, you can exchange it for a new one while way, you can expend additional charges from this ring to
attuned to this item. increase the level at which the spell is cast, with each charge
If the trident's previous owner deems you worthy, then you expended after the first increasing the spell's level by one.
are proficient with this trident. The ring regains 1 + 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
Onyx Hammer Spider-Silk Bracers
Weapon (Warhammer),
Wondrous Item,

Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

This warhammer once belonged to Tralgir, the one and only These bracers hold 8 charges. While they might look silver,
God of Hammers. they are actually made of pure spider-silk.
While you are attuned to this warhammer, empowered While wearing these bracers, you can expend one of the
abilities that apply to your unarmed strikes made using Pure bracer's charges to make a ranged attack roll against a target
Strength also apply to attacks you make with this within 30 feet of you. You are proficient with this attack. On a
warhammer. It has the thrown property, with a normal range hit, a line of spider-silk rope fires from your wrist. Once the
of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. The hammer returns to rope impacts a creature or surface, the rope becomes taut.
your hand after you make a thrown attack with it. You can swing from the rope, or use it to pull whatever it is
You can also use this warhammer to cast Lightning Bolt as attached to. You can release and retract the rope using a
a 5th level spell using Constitution as your spellcasting bonus action. Alternatively, you can expend 2 charges to cast
ability. Once you cast Lightning Bolt using this hammer, you Web, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability.
cannot do so again until the next dawn. In the meantime, the The bracers regain 1d8 expended charges daily at dawn.
hammer can still be used as a magic weapon.
If the hammer's previous owner deems you worthy, then Untethered Boots
you are proficient with this hammer. Wondrous Item,

Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

Red Cape These boots don't look special at all, but they grant you the
Wonderous Item,
Wild Leap astounding power. This does not count against
Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

your number of powers known. If you already have the Wild

This simple red cape grants you the Flight astounding power. Leap astounding power, you can exchange it for a new one
This power does not count against your number of powers while attuned to this item.
known. If you already have the Fight astounding power, you
can exchange it for a new one while attuned to this item. Zygathian Crystal
Many legends are told about the cape's original owner. Wondrous Item,

Some say that this world wasn't ready for them just yet. Very Rare (requires attunement by an Empowered)

Wearing it gives you a feeling of hope. This red crystal is ancient, alien, and extremely dangerous.
None should even think to wield it. And yet... it's hard to take
Renegade's Toolbelt your eyes off of it.
Wondrous Item,
Once you attune to this crystal, you cannot part with it or
Uncommon (requires attunement by an Empowered)

end your attunement to it unless the Wish spell is used to

This dark belt is lined with pockets, causing it to increase interfere with its power. Its power is captivating: you will not
your carrying capacity by 20 pounds. While attuned to this wish to part with it at any cost.
toolbelt, you can use an action to produce an item from it by At the dawn of each day that you are attuned to this crystal,
rolling a d6 on the table below. Once used, you cannot your Strength score and maximum Strength score each
produce another item from the belt until the next dawn. increase by 2 (up to a maximum of 30), and your hit point
maximum is reduced by 2d12. These hit points can only be
d6 Items Produced restored by breaking your attunement to the crystal, which
1 10 Caltrops will also restore your Strength score and maximum Strength
2 25 Feet of Silk Rope
score to their original values.
It is possible for this crystal to reduce your maximum hit
3 A Smoke Grenade points all the way to 0. If you are killed by this crystal, it
4 A Vial of Basic Poison shatters, and you can only be revived by a casting of the Wish
spell. When you are revived this way, your maximum hit
5 5 Darts points are restored to their normal value, along with your
6 A Dagger Strength score and your maximum Strength score.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy
Version 1.5 Changelog Power Changes
All powers updated to reflect the loss of Strength Surge.
Class Changes Removed ability score prerequisites
Strength Surge is gone. I decided that it was New power: Elasticity: you have rubber arms! Your
complicating things too much. unarmed strikes can reach 5 feet further during your turn.
To compensate for the loss of Strength Surge, the New power: Full Metal Gambison: Super soldiers count
Astounding Powers count is now up to 2-8 instead of 1-7. as full cover while wielding both armor and shields.
Customizing the class was the fun part to begin with. New power: Impact Force: allows you to both push a
True Potential has been reworded to follow the Powerful creature and knock them prone when you shove them.
Build wording, since the old wording had multiple Aquatic Nature and Cling Grip now require you not to be
interpretations. wearing medium or heavy armor.
Stopping Power has replaced Nimble Grip. Not being Bullet Time now lasts until the end of your next turn
able to grapple creatures that are more than large in size Clothesline now only allows you to shove creatures.
can make an Empowered worthless in a boss fight. Clotheslining someone generally involves knocking them
Nimble Grip is now an astounding power: Vice Grip. over, not grabbing them.
Never Say Die now restores hit points equal to a roll of Courage has been updated to help smaller races play the
your Pure Strength die. class effectively.
Invincible now allows you to succeed on Strength checks Flight no longer has limited uses and instead requires you
and saving throws since Strength Surge is gone. to not be wearing medium or heavy armor. With the
release of the Owlin and Fairy, there is more than enough
Subclass Changes precedent for this as a 12th level power.
All subclass abilities have been revised to no longer Orbital Toss now explicitly knocks the target prone.
expend uses of Strength Surge. Removed the Mysterious option from Persona
Conduit: Energy beam now deals damage equal to two Plot Armor is now based on relentless endurance
rolls of your Pure Strength die by default. It also now has Pure Smite is now a form of brutal critical
a short and long range rather than a flat 100 foot range. Quipping Expertise no longer imposes disadvantage on
Conduit: Hazard Zone no longer requires your energy saving throws, but now lets you use your Pure Strength
beam to be charged to function. However, charging your die instead of its d4.
energy beam will make it more powerful. Creatures now have advantage on the saving throw for
Conduit: Hyperbeam has more aoe but less damage. Shockwave if they are two or more sizes larger than you.
Idol: Everyman no longer grants extra proficiencies. Unbreakable is now inspired by the Heavy Armor Master
Glorious Purpose has been revised to grant more effects. feat rather than being a damage resistance.
Speed Demon: Super Speed has it's own set of uses now Wild Leap's bonus is now based on your Constitution
that Strength Surge is gone. Pure Agility can no longer modifier.
knock creatures prone though. Thrill of Battle power is now called Violence. The old
Speed Demon: Athleticism now grants its speed bonus effects of Violence have been removed.
based on your proficiency bonus, and requires you not to Maximum Effort is now a form of reliable talent
wearing heavy armor. It also allows you to do mundane Rather than providing complete immunity, the Pure of
tasks quickly. Heart and Valiant Soul powers provide advantage on
Speed Demon: Super speed now lasts until the end of avoiding or ending the charmed and frightened conditions
your next turn, instead of the start of it. respectively.
Titan: True form now makes you larger, provides +2 AC, Removed the Noble Sacrifice and Suplex powers
and gives you a crushing grip. Also at 3rd level, you can Artifact Changes
add your Strength modifier to Intimidation checks. Living
weapon is a 7th level feature, followed by a form of Updated Kinetic Weave to no longer involve Strength
Evasion for your True Form at 13th level. Surge
Super Soldier: The subclass has been revised to have a That was quite it a bit, but it should cover everything.
more distinct use for its weapons of war. The ability to Thanks for reading!
count as full cover while wearing armor and shields has
been made into an astounding power.
Hybrid: Has been updated to not give all of the animal
enhancements out at once. Instead, the tail and teeth are
given out at separate levels, and the crawling mechanic
has been removed.
Hybrid: The tail is now essentially a Loxodon's trunk.
Hybrid: Pounce has been updated to be more akin to the
Pounce feature that lions and panthers have.

A Homebrew Class for DND 5e by u/Tandra_Boy

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