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Lesson No -1

1. Copyright Assignment and Licensing

One of the species of intellectual property is copyright which provides for protection of
expressed ideas in the form of literary, artistic or musical work. A copyright is a legal device that
gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to publish
and sell that work. Copyright owners have the right to control the reproduction of their work,
including the right to receive payment for that reproduction. An author may grant or sell those
rights to others, including publishers or recording companies. Violation of a copyright is called
infringement. There is no protection available to a creative work under the copyright
jurisprudence unless it is put in a tangible form, like a book, publication, musical or dramatic
work, a photograph or a computer programme. Indian Copyright Act,1957 is the relevant law
which provides for a comprehensive treatment of the copyright, its nature, scope, subject-
matter, infringement, remedies against violations, transmission and utilization of copyright
works for commercial as well as non-commercial use. One of the primary reasons to accord
legal protection to copyrightable works is to serve the public purpose of dissemination of
information, and useful knowledge to those who need it, apart from incentivizing the creator of
such useful knowledge base.

There are two ways that a copyright owner can transfer some or all of his or her copyright:
through a license or an assignment. in an assignment of copyright rights, the owner sells his or
her ownership rights to another party and has no control over how the third party uses those

1. What is Assignment of Copyright

Assignment of copyright law is the transfer or setting over to another by the owner of a
copyright of his/her entire interest or part of his/her interest in the copyright. Since copyright is
a private right it is transmissible by assignment. Section 18 and 19 of the Copyright Act provide
for assignment of copyright. The effect of assignment is that the assignee becomes entitled to
all the rights related to copyright to the assigned work. However, mere grant of right to publish
and sell the copyrighted work amounts to publishing right and assignment of copyright. Where
the assignee of a copyright becomes entitled to any right comprised in the copyright, he shall
be treated as the owner of the copyright in respect of those rights. The assignor shall also be
treated as the owner of copyright with respect to unassigned rights. The legal representatives
of the assignee shall be entitled to the benefits of assignment, if the assignee dies before the
work comes into existence.
In Video Master V, Nishi Productions (1998), Bombay High court considered the issue whether
assignment of video rights would include the right of satellite broadcast as well. The court
agreed with the contentions of defendant that there were different modes of communication
to the public such as terrestrial television broadcasting (Doordarshan), satellite broadcasting
and video TV. the owner of the film had separate copyright in all those modes, and he could
assign it to different persons. Thus, satellite broadcast copyright of film was a separate right of
the owner of the film and the video copyright assigned to the plaintiff would not include this.

2. Modes of Assignment (section 19)

As per section 19 of copyright Act, assignment of copyright is valid only if it is in writing and
signed by the assignor or his duly authorized agent. The assignment of a copyright in a work
should identify the work and specify kind of rights assigned and the duration and territorial
extent of such assignment. Further, it should specify the amount of royalty payable, if any, to
the author or his legal heirs during the continuance of assignment and the assignment will be
subject to revision, extension or termination on terms mutually agreed upon by the parties.

If the period of assignment is not mentioned it will be deemed to be taken as five years from
the date of assignment. if the territorial extent of such assignment is not stipulated, it will be
taken as applicable in whole of India. Also, Section 19(8) contemplates that the assignment of
copyright work against the terms and conditions on which rights have been assigned to a
particular copyright society where the author of the work is a member shall be void. Further,
Section 19(9) and section 19(10) opine that the assignment of copyright for making
cinematograph film or sound recording shall not affect the right of the author to claim an equal
share of the royalties and consideration payable with respect to use of his protected work.

In Saregama India Ltd v. Suresh Jindal(2007 ), the Calcutta High Court held that the owner of
the copyright in a future work may assign the copyright to any person either wholly or partially
for the whole of the copyright or any part thereof and once the assignment is made the
assignee for the purpose of this Act is treated as the owner of the copyright.

As per section 19(a) the Appellate Board may on the receipt of a complaint from the assignor
and on holding such inquiry as it may deem necessary, revoke such assignment, if the assignee
fails to make sufficient exercise of the rights assigned to him , and such failure is not
attributable to any act or omission of the assignor. In case of a dispute with respect to the
assignment of copyright, the Appellate Board may pass a suitable order on receiving a
complaint from the aggrieved party and after holding such inquiry as it considers necessary
including an order for the recovery of any royalty payable.

Section 20 of Copyright Act stipulates that when the owner of a copyright dies the copyright will
pass on to his personal representative as part of the estate, provided that no will has been
executed. Section 20 provides that if a person is entitled for copyright under bequest and such
work has not been published before the death of the testator, unless contrary intention is
shown under testators will or any codicil thereto, such person shall be considered as having
copyright in the work so far as testator was the owner of copyright immediately before his

3. What is licensing

The owner of copyright may grant a license to do any of the act in respect of which he has an
exclusive right to do. The license can be classified into following categories:

3.1. Voluntary license (Section 30)

The author or the copyright owner has exclusive rights in his creative work and he alone has
right to grant license with respect to such work. According to section 30 of the Copyright Act
1957, the owner of the copyright in a work may grant any interest in his copyright to any
person by license in writing, which is to be signed by him or by his duly authorized agent. A
license can be granted not only in existing work but also in respect of the future work, in this
situation assignment shall come into force when such future work comes into existence. Where
a licensee of the copyright in a future work dies before such work comes into existence, his
legal representatives shall be entitled to the benefit of the license if there is no provision to
contrary. The mode of license is like an assignment deed, with necessary adaptations and
modifications in section 19 (section 30A). Therefore, like an assignment, a license deed in
relation to a work should comprise of following particulars:

a. Duration of license
b. The rights which have been licensed
c. Territorial extent of the licensed
d. The quantum of royalty payable
e. Terms regarding revision
f. Extension and termination

Voluntary licenses can be:

i. Exclusive - The term exclusive license has been defined in Section 2(j) as a license
which confers on the licensee and persons authorized by him, to the exclusion of all
other persons, any right comprised in the copyright work.
ii. Non-exclusive – It does not confer right of exclusion. It is mere grant of an authority
to do a particular thing which otherwise would have constituted an infringement.
When owner grants an exclusive right, he denudes himself of all rights and retains
no claim on the economic rights so transferred.
iii. Co-exclusive – Here the licensor grants a license to more than one licensee but
agrees that it will only grant licenses to a limited group of other licensees.
iv. Sole license – Where only the licensor and the licensee can use it to the exclusion of
any other third party.
v. Implied license – Author impliedly allows or permits the use of his work. For
example, he had knowledge that someone is using his work but he did not take any
4. Compulsory License

Being a member of Berne Convention, India has incorporated the provision of compulsory
license in the Copyright Act, 1957. The Act provides for grant of compulsory license for Indian
work in the public interest, in certain circumstances:

4.1. Works Withheld from Public

The Indian Copyright Act provides for the grant of compulsory licences in work which has been
published or performed in public. It empowers the Appellate Board to direct the Registrar to
grant license, if a complaint is made to it in writing under the Act, during the subsistence of
copyright stating the necessary facts which are conditions precedent to its exercise of power,
provided the owner has been approached in the first instance for the grant of license and it is
only if he has refused to publish or allow the republication of the work and by the reason of such
refusal the work is withheld from the public. In case where two or more persons have made a
complaint, the licence shall be granted to the complainant who in the opinion of the Copyright
Board would serve the interest of the general public.

In Super Cassette Industries Ltd v. Entertainment Network (India) Ltd, Mumbai (2004) the
respondents who were running a radio FM channel under the brand name Radio Mirchi, made
several attempts to obtain a license from Super Cassette Industries ltd (SCIL) to play its sound
recordings but failed to get it. The Copyright Board ultimately issued them a compulsory license
against which an appeal has been filed in the Delhi High Court. After contemplating over section
31, Court observed that in case compulsory license had to be granted to all, then there was no
need of any enquiry as envisaged by section 31. The court also opined that once the copyright
was in public, refusal has to be made on reasonable and valid ground. While making an order
under section 31, the Board had to maintain a delicate balance between the private rights and
the copyright vis-a vis- public interest. The case was sent back to the Copyright Board for fresh

5.2. Compulsory License in Unpublished or Published Work (Sec. 31-A)

According to this section, where the author is dead or unknown or cannot be traced, or the
owner of the copyright in such work cannot be found, any person may apply to the Copyright
Board for a licence to publish such work or translation thereof in any language.

Before making such an application, the applicant should publish his proposal in one issue of a
daily newspaper in that language. The application to the copyright board should be in the
prescribed form and accompanied by the prescribed fee and with the copy of advertisement
issued. The Copyright Board after making the certain prescribed enquires direct the Registrar of
Copyright to grant license to the applicant to publish the work or its translation subject to the
payment of royalty and other conditions.

5.3. Compulsory License for the Benefit of Disabled Persons (Section 31-B)

Any person working for the benefit of persons with disability on a profit basis or for business
may apply in prescribed manner to the Appellate Board for a compulsory licence to publish any
work in which copyright subsists for the benefit of such persons. However, where a compulsory
licence has been issued, the Appellate Board may on a further application and after giving
reasonable opportunity to the owners of the rights, extend the period of compulsory licence and
allow the issue of more copies as it deems fit. (32-B)

Statutory License for Cover Versions (Section 31-C)

Cover means a sound recording made in accordance with section 31C. Any person desirous of
making a cover version, being a sound recording in respect of any literary, dramatic or musical
work with the consent or licence of the owner of the work, can do so.

The person making the cover version is required to give prior notice to the owner of the
copyright in such works and to the Registrar of Copyright at least 15 days in advance of making
the cover version. Advance copies of all covers with which the sound recording is to be sold to
be provided or royalties to be paid in advance. One royalty in respect of such sound recordings
shall be paid for a minimum of fifty thousand copies of each work during each year. The Delhi
High Court in Star India Pvt Ltd v. Piyush Aggarwal(2014), stated that sound recording included
a subsequent original sound recording made from the musical and literary work and which was
called a version recording i.e. a sound recording made after a first sound recording was made
by use of the musical work and literary work.
5.4. Statutory Licensing for Broadcasting of Literary and Musical Work and
Sound Recording (Section 31-D)

Any broadcasting organization, desirous of communicating published work to the public by way
of broadcast (by way of television broadcast or radio) or a performance of any published
musical/ lyrical work and sound recording, can do so by giving prior notice of this intention to the
owners. The notice must specify the duration and territorial coverage of the broadcast.
Corresponding royalties are required to be paid to the owner of copyrighted work. Rates of
television broadcasting are different from the rate fixed with respect to radio broadcasting. At the
time of fixing the rate of royalty the Copyright Board may ask the broadcasting organisations to
deposit some amount of money in advance to the owner.

5.5. License to Produce and Publish Translation of Literary or Dramatic Work

in any Language (Section 32)

Section 32 of the Copyright Act provides that after expiry of a period of seven years from the
first publication of a literary or dramatic work, any person may apply to the Copyright Board for a
license to produce and publish a translation of work. Where the work is not Indian work, any
person may apply to the Board for a license to produce and publish a translation in printed or
analogous form of reproduction of a literary or dramatic work in any language in general use in
India after a period of three years from the first publication of such work, if such translation is
required for the purpose of teaching, scholarship or research. But where translation is in a
language not in general use in any developed country, such application may be made after the
period of one year from such publication.

5.6. License to Reproduce and Publish Works for Certain Purposes (Section

According to this section, any person may apply to the Copyright Board for a license to
reproduce and publish any literary, scientific or artistic work after the expiration of the relevant
period from the date of first publication of an edition of such work, if the copies of such edition
are not made available in India , or such copies have not been put on sale in India for a period
of six months to the general public or in connection with systematically instructional activities at
a price reasonably related to that normally charged in India for comparable works by the owner
of the right of reproduction or by any person authorised by him in this behalf.
The period prescribed are:

 Seven years for work related to fiction, poetry, drama, music or art
 Three years for works related to natural science, physical science mathematics or
 Five years for any other work

6. Conclusion

The term 'assignment' and 'license' are not interchangeable. An assignment is different from a
license. Generally, in absence of any provision to the contrary the assignee becomes the owner
of the assigned work, whereas in case of a license the licensee gets the right to exercise
particular rights only. An assignment may be general, i.e. without limitation or an assignment
may be subject to limitations. It may be for the whole term of copyright or any part thereof. An
assignment transfers an interest in and deals with copyright itself as provided under section 14
of the Act, but license does not convey the copyright but only grants a right to do something,
which in absence of license would be unlawful. An assignment transfers title in copyright, a
license merely permits certain things to be done by licensee. The Bombay High Court held in
the case of Deshmukh & co (publishers) pvt ltd v/s Avinash Vishnu Khadekar (2006) That
an assignee being invested with the title in the copyright may reassign.

Further Readings

1. India: Assignment and licensing of copyright available at: http://mondaq.com

2. Copyright Licenses and Assignments (BitLaw) available at:
3. Copyrights in India: How to assign and license a copyright? Vakilsearch
available at: https://vakilsearch.com

4. Copyright Licence or Copyright Assignment? IPBlawg available at:


5. Comparative Analysis of copyright assignment and license formalities for

digital dissemination, available at: https://www.researchgate.netcopyright
6. The Difference between assignments and licenses, available at:


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