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Date :

QAV L-1 Check Sheet - Design Finalization & Feasibility commitment Sheet 1 of
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.

MODEL HMCL Location R&D : Result : REV No. - 02, Dt. - 14-01-2017

PART No. / Rev No. HMCL NMC : SUPPLIER Recorded By :

Members & Members &
Part Name : Supplier Location Signatures SQA : Signatures
Supplier Name SS / VD :
Summary :

Evidences to be submitted by supplier and Assessment HMCL

S.No. Verification Item Check Point Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
Verified by HMCL (O,X, ) Closure

Maker :- SOR released from HMCL .

Is SOR / Maker Drawing / Proto Drawing available?
Maker :- Supplier Drawing submitted to HMCL and HMCL
1 Design Spec. For Maker parts /Proprietary parts ,Has supplier submitted the drawing to
approval should be available on same .
HMCL .Is the drawing accepted by HMCL .
Non-Maker :- HMCL released drawing .

Is HMCL Event Plan available with supplier? Event dates availability with supplier

Model plan &

Volumes at each event date and Mass production
Is Model Volumes are clear to supplier?
Volumes availability with supplier

Is Supplier Project Org Chart available? It should clearly states project Project team organization chart with
leader & Function wise(CFT) responsibility with contact details department ,Designation ,Mail id and Contact No.

New Model Org

3 Structure for How the supplier develop new part/product. Any written
HMCL Does new product development process exist at Supplier end & adhered? methodology or procedure with CFT Involvement and

Is there any internal review mechanism & progress reporting system Review Mechanism .Frequency and frequency of sharing
available at supplier? the information with HMCL .

Is Design FMEA completed & action items identified. (To be discussed Maker Parts :- DFMEA to be verified .
during QAV L1).For Maker parts DFMEA is supplier responsibility. Non-Maker :- DFMEA not required from supplier.

Maker Parts :- DVP to be verified .DVP Details as

Is Test Specification / DVP finalized & agreed between Supplier & HMCL accepted by R&D HMCL to be verified .
R&D (To be discussed & shared during QAV L1) Non-Maker :- DVP not required by supplier as design is
not supplier responsibility.

Drawings &
4 Specification Are CTQ parameters clearly defined & agreed between Supplier & HMCL Ballooned drawing with CTQ Parameters identified.
Is Cpk > 1.33 achievable .Yes or No.
(Design Status) R&D For No items ,mention firewall details proposed.

Machine & Measurement &Testing equipment details.

Is required design/validation facility available in-house or required outside
Testing plan schedule & Testing Methodology.
support. Details with action plan to be discussed during QAV
Sample size & Frequency of testing.

Maker Parts :- Proto Parts testing result to be shared by

Is confirmation available for proto parts testing/validation? (Maker parts)
supplier .
Evidences to be submitted by supplier and Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
Verified by HMCL (O,X, ) Closure

Team Feasibility commitment duly filled and signed( with

ballooned drawing/Ballooned SOR .

Measurement & Manufacturing feasibility on each

Drawing / Design Related Queries (Material, Dimensions, Tolerance dimension, Note or Material (Whether feasible or not
Feasibility Study, Test Etc.) feasible ).
5 HMCL comments should be available on TFC either
Feasibility Review
accepted or not accepted with HMCL responsible person

Duly Filled DFM and DFA from supplier and approved by

Is DFM/DFA Completed & action items identified.

Base model problems (development/Mass Pro/Warranty) at HMCL end in

Past 8D and CAPA .
similar parts along with action plan available? To be discussed during QAV

List of past troubles at supplier end in similar parts along with action plan List of Troubles along with preventive action plan for
Past Trouble available? To be discussed during QAV current part development.

Is supplier clear about warranty agreements Signed Warranty agreement from supplier.

Process Flow
7 Is initial PFD defined Process Flow Diagram

No. of Machines required to meet the volume targets

available ?
Is required machines, equipment & space identified & available or any new
Mention cycle time at each process .
For additional Machine ,Equipment's or New Line
etc. ,Share the Commissioning plan .

8 Infrastructure Plan

Confirmation from which location ,part/product will be

supplied .
Is there any requirement for new location / extra space within same location ?
In case of new location /extra space provide the lead time
of commissioning and readiness.

Supplier to be ready with initial Macro Development Plan that includes

following items Planning with dates at QAV L1 :-
* Tooling's/jigs/fixtures
* RM procurement,
Master Development Plan with Starting dates and End
* BOP development
dates on Macro level .
* Testing plan
Initial / Macro Each event date to be mentioned in Development Plan .
9 * Inspection Gauge Manufacturing & Validation Plan
Development Plan * Line trial Plan, MCP format should include tracking of same i.e. Actual Vs
Planned comparison .
* Sample Submission & Lot Submission for PP1 & PP2
* SOP readiness Plan

At the time of QAV L2 ,Micro Development plan will be verified with detailed
activity. Planned vs Actual adherence will also be verified in QAV L2.

Support required from HMCL, if any

10 Miscellaneous

Other Points, If any

Date :

QAV L-2 Check Sheet - Process Planning & MCP Review Sheet 1 of
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.

MODEL HMCL Location R&D : Result : REV No. - 02, Dt. - 14-01-2017

Recorded By :
Part Name : Supplier Location MEMBERS SQA : MEMBERS

Supplier Name SS / VD :
Summary :

Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified Assessment HMCL

S.No. Verification Item Check Point Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
by HMCL (O,X, ) Closure

Check Last QAV L1 which is signed by HMCL and

1 QAV L1 Closure Ensure closure of QAV L1 pending items Supplier .Verify open points .Supplier to provide the evidences
for closure of open points .

Check the latest revision number of drawing and availability of

related standards mentioned in Drawings.
Any ECN ?
Is drawing available with supplier with latest revision
For Maker parts:- ,Supplier Drawing should be submitted to
HMCL and HMCL approval should be available on same
Drawing & Spec Ensure no open points on Feasibility.

For Maker Parts :- Check for the DVP/Spec test availability

Is DVP agreed between Supplier and HMCL R&D available ? and a Schedule to conduct all tests with timings

Manufacturing Are all feasibility related pending Items Closed & action plan in Supplier to provide evidences on closure of points open in
3 place? feasibility .

Check for PFMEA .Check the recommended actions and

Is Preliminary PFMEA completed & action plan in place?

Check for process design with process inputs ,Process Control

Are details of process design & controls finalized & discussed? ,Process Validation, Process sheets.
Check the linkage of same in Control Plan for each process.

Is there a list of all required Gauges and clarity on if the design is Check for List of required gauges and plan for the
by HMCL or Supplier . availability .Must cover all CTQ Parameters .

Are inspection Gauges concept/design ready & to be discussed Supplier should share Gauges concept(3D and 2D)with HMCL
during QAV in case of supplier design for all the gauges designed by supplier.

For each operation ,process CTQ to be defined , Plan for

control and monitoring method. ( type of checking aid, poka
CTQ Matrix/parameters at each process defined ,control and
yoke, CPk, control chart etc ) .
monitoring method
Cpk>1.33 achievement plan and control.
For Cpk <1.33 ,firewall to be in place .Details of firewall.

Plan for making Process Sheets / Operation Std. / Check Sheets Process sheets to verified .PPAP Documentation for approving
& PPAP documents the process internally at supplier and for HMCL to be verified .
Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
by HMCL (O,X, ) Closure

Master Development Plan with Starting dates and End dates of

each activity for each point(Even for small machine to New
location) as mentioned .
Each event date to be mentioned in Development Plan .
Is MCP Finalized with micro activities
Tracking of same i.e Actual Vs Planned comparison .
Check the lead time mentioned is realistic or not for each
activity .
Risk related to events and action plan defined ?

Is raw material availability confirmed & source finalized? (Should

Check for RM Supplier details .
be HMCL approved source)

Master Development Plan with Starting dates and End dates of

each activity for each point(Even for small machine to New
Is sample , lot (PP1/PP2) & Mass Production plan is line with location) as mentioned .
HMCL events shared and agreed . Each event date to be mentioned in Development Plan .
Tracking of same i.e. Actual Vs Planned comparison .

Master Development Plan with Qty for each Tooling's /Jigs

/Fixtures /Dies and Molds . of tools with Starting dates and
Is Tooling's/Jigs/Fixture/Dies/Molds manufacturing Plan available &
End dates of each activity .
No. of tools to be planned considering next three year volumes
Tool Life /Die life finalized and tools planned accordingly ?
.Check for the evidence .

5 MCP Review

Supplier should have a List of BOP (Tier-2 for HMCL)

Suppliers. Supported by BOP Supplier Master Development
Is BOP development plan along with resources finalized & agreed plan and plan for QAV by Supplier at their sub supplier. Check
their child parts submission date to be at least 1 month prior to
HMCL PP1 dates

Is Inspection Gauges/Receiving gauges manufacturing plan &

No. of gauges ,Type of gauges ,Gauge Manufacturer ,MSA for
validation plan available
each gauge ,Development plan for each gauge to be verified .
(BOI/ In-process/ Final)

Check for Packaging concept and plan .

Material Handling /Packaging details /Packaging data sheets
/Packaging concept defined and agreed by HMCL ? MCP to consider the Material Handling time line and its
tracking .

No. of Machines ,Type of Machines ,Cycle time of each

Is plan for production facility (machines, Equipment's etc.) machine ,Procurement and Commissioning Plan in addition to
available? above points for new machines to be verified considering First
3 year volumes.

Project team organization chart with

Is Supplier APQP Team available .Project Leader is
Supplier APQP department ,Designation ,Mail id and Contact No.
6 nominated .Escalation mechanism is defined and is APQP team
Team meeting regularly/Supplier internal review .
Regular update to HMCL and internal .MOM of last meetings to
be referred within Supplier and HMCL.

Support required from HMCL, if any

7 Miscellaneous

Other Points, If any

Date :

QAV L-3 Check Sheet - PP1 Lot readiness( Process Verification) Sheet 1 of
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
Result :
MODEL HMCL Location R&D : REV No. - 02, Dt. - 14-01-2017

PART No. / Rev No. NMC : Recorded By :

Part Name : Supplier Location SQA :

Supplier Name SS / VD :
Summary :

Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by HMCL Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
(O,X, ) Closure

Check Last QAV L2 which was signed by HMCL and Supplier. Verify open points
1 QAV L2 Closure Ensure closure of QAV L2 pending items
Supplier to provide the evidences for closure of open points

Check the latest revision number of drawing and availability of related standards mentioned in Drawings.
1. Is Latest ECN Drawing & specification available?
For Maker parts:-Supplier Drawing should be submitted to HMCL and HMCL approval should be available
Is current Drawing indicate the Latest ECN Number?
on same .

Latest Drawing /
Spec Confirmation
Any ECN released? If yes check implementation phase along with its feasibility.HMCL approval should be
made available on same
2. Is Feasibility confirmation / drawing clarification w.r.t. ECN (if any) Ensure that as changes occur, appropriate modifications are made to program timing and other deliverables,
completed? as required.
Review the Supplier's Change Management process and ensure they have a method of communicating to
sub-tier Suppliers.

Check for the sample submission status along with inspection reports
Is sample submitted & status (S1/S2/S3) clear with closure of pending
ISIR feedback from HMCL
items related to approval? (applicable for ECN if any)
Supplier should address the open issues reported in ISIR, verify the same.
3 Sample Status

Supplier to provide evidence whether the samples submitted from semi tooled up process or fully tooled up
Is sample approval done on Fully tooled up / semi tooled up process?

Ensure the Process Flow Diagram, floor plan, and workstation layout reflect the planned process. All
Review of PFD and Floor plan processes and sub-processes shall be included, from raw material receiving to final assembly shipping and
including rework/scrap areas.

Ensure PFMEA was developed taking into account lessons learned from previous programs and action plans
exist for items with the highest risk priority Number (RPN). Verify items with a Severity greater than or equal
Verification of PFMEA
to 8 (or per Customer requirements, if more stringent) are adequately error-proofed or actions are taken to
minimize the severity via design.

Raw Material test report from HMCL approved source.

Raw material verification
Availability & verification of approval reports of raw materials (HMCL
Review the list of supplier raw material and confirm
approved source)
I) Are they all on the HMCL-approved lists for the material they will be supplying (as applicable)?
II) Do they have the appropriate certifications or approvals (as applicable)?

Review the Supplier's plan for management of the sub-tier components. Ensure all sub-tier suppliers have
been approved and the appropriate risk assessments have been done on the components. Review that the
Verification of BOP parts/Tier2 supplier readiness & approval status Supplier's timing for QAV's and PPAP of the sub-components
For components that are not inspected (i.e.DOL), does the Supplier
have appropriate plans in place to begin inspection in the case of a defect?

Review the status and content of the Supplier's Control Plan, both for Prototype (if applicable) and Production
4 Process Verification Verify the linkage between the Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, and Control Plan.
Ensure controls are adequate and match those described in the Design and Process FMEAs.
Verification of actual Process with control Parameters (As per defined
Verify that the control plan is updated to the latest design revision level.
PQCS) including CTQs & required Poka-Yokes (List to be freezed)
Review the Supplier's plan for certification of Incoming and
Outgoing material.
Review the Supplier's plan for monitoring the process, including SPC for identified CTQ's,performance data
(scrap, efficiency, etc.), and Boundary Samples.

Status, Availability & Verification of following Items :

Check physical availability of dies /molds /tools as per volume requirement .

Tool /Dies inspection report with result and approval status ?
First piece sample report - 100% dimensions to be verified with result and approval status ?
Verify that Customer tooling & equipment/ machines (complete or under construction) is consistent with that
A) Dies/Molds/Tools
which was determined needed during the sourcing phase. Any modifications (e.g., more tools required, some
tools not needed/built, etc.) with respect to which was declared during sourcing shall be promptly reported to
the Buyer.
Review the Supplier's plan / procedure for release of tools and equipment/machines to the production

B) Equipment's / Machines Supplier to have equipment's and machines as per mass production readiness. Fully tooled up process

C) Jigs/ Fixtures Fixture/Jigs validation report

Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by HMCL Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
(O,X, ) Closure

Review status of gauges, inspection fixtures, measurement devices, and testing equipment. Are they
adequate for the job?
Are all required checking aids, inspection gauges (BOI/In-Process/Final)
Has the PFMEA been used to determine the appropriate measurement method? Ensure that each device is
available & approved ?
appropriate for the measurement taken (e.g. not an attribute gage for characteristics where SPC is expected).
Verify that gauges have been updated to the latest design level.


Check EOL .EOL requirements to be defined in Control Plan and Inspection plan .Check for adherence and
Is End of Line testing requirement clear, available & approved
implementation .

Is Quality Gate / PDI requirement from HMCL clear & planned before PDI requirements and reports .requirements to be defined in Control Plan and Inspection plan. Check for
SOP adherence and implementation .

Review the Supplier's testing facilities and equipment. Are they certified to perform the tests expected of
Spec. Testing / DVP them? Review all appropriate certifications and verify. If the Supplier does not have the appropriate
6 Status & verification of spec. testing & concern area if any
verification certifications, review their plan to use 3rd party certified labs.
Check Testing plan Vs Actual status.

Verify the Critical Product characteristics for adequate samples.

Check relevant PPAP document readiness
7 PP1 Lot Verification PP1 Lot Verification & approval Layout Inspection report verification for adequate samples
Approve or reject the PP1 lot based on above activity results

Is adequate manpower planning done considering HMCL volumes & skill

8 Manpower level clearly define operation wise ?
Skill Matrix identified for critical operations and verify its implementation

Packaging boxes/bins as per approval from HMCL

Is Packing Standard with details finalized & agreed? Review the Supplier's FIFO plan. Do they have adequate controls to assure FIFO is followed?
Are storage locations adequately sized, positioned relative to the process, and protect stored materials?

9 Material Handling

Verify that internal containers, trolleys, bins (i.e., for Work-in-Process) are adequate and prevent damage to
Are internal handling requirement clear & planning done for MP ?
parts stored within.

Identification & Part Identification in terms of Vender Code, model Code, and tractability Vendor code ,Part No. ,Part Name ,Material code wherever applicable to be checked as agreed .
10 Requirement clear & agreed Can the parts are traceable to the source/process/Supplier/Shift/Date/Batch etc. .

Check for cycle time calculations and bottle neck operations /machines identification
11 Capacity planning Is process wise capacity mapping with proposed cycle time? Verify the Supplier has ensured sub-tier capacity. If potential supply issues or risks exist, ensure that
appropriate risk mitigation activities are in place (e.g. Safety stock, expediting, etc.).

Support required from HMCL, if any

12 Miscellaneous

Other Points, If any

Date :

QAV L-4 Check Sheet - PP2 Lot Readiness & Process Consistency Check Sheet 1 of
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
Result :
MODEL HMCL Location R&D : REV No. - 02, Dt. - 14-01-2017

PART No. / Rev No. NMC : Recorded By :

Part Name : Supplier Location SQA :

Supplier Name SS / VD :
Summary :

Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by HMCL Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
(O,X, ) Closure

Check Last QAV L3 which was signed by HMCL and Supplier. Verify open points
1 QAV L3 Closure Ensure closure of QAV L3 pending items
Supplier to provide the evidences for closure of open points

Check the latest revision number of drawing and availability of related standards
mentioned in Drawings.
1. Is Latest ECN Drawing & specification available?
For Maker parts: Supplier Drawing should be submitted to HMCL and HMCL approval
should be available on same .

Latest Drawing / Spec

2 Any ECN released? If yes check implementation phase along with its feasibility.HMCL
approval should available on same.
2. Is Feasibility confirmation / drawing clarification w.r.t. ECN (if Ensure that as changes occur, appropriate modifications are made to program timing
any) completed? and other deliverables, as required.
Review the Supplier's Change Management process and ensure they have a method of
communicating to sub-tier Suppliers.

Are action Items for PP1 Issues are identified & implemented in Check for PP1 event feedback available with supplier .
terms of design/process/tooling's/ PQCS, PFMEA, process sheets Check for the Deployment of actions and relevant updating of documents
etc. ? (dwg/PQCS/PFMEA/Process check sheets etc.)
3 PP1 Issues Closure

Are relevant documents (dwg/PQCS/PFMEA/Process check sheets

Verify change points in Production & Design documents & sheets.
etc.) updated clearly reflecting change points ?

Check for the sample submission status along with inspection reports.
Is S2 sample submitted & its status (S1/S2/S3) clear with closure
ISIR feedback from HMCL.
of pending items related to approval? (applicable for ECN if any)
Supplier should address the open issues reported in ISIR, verify the same.
4 Part Approval Status
PP1 and samples were from Mass production tooling ?
Is sample approval done on Fully tooled up / semi tooled up
Samples and PP1 approved on which type of tooling ?
PP2 samples should be from Mass production tooling in mass production conditions.

Ensure the Process Flow Diagram, floor plan, and workstation layout reflect the planned
Review & approval of PFD process. All processes and sub-processes shall be included, from raw material receiving
to final assembly shipping and including rework/scrap areas.

Ensure PFMEA was developed taking into account lessons learned from previous
programs and action plans exist for items with the highest risk priority Number (RPN).
Verification of PFMEA Verify items with a Severity greater than or equal to 8 (or per Customer requirements, if
more stringent)
are adequately error-proofed or actions are taken to minimize the severity via design.

Raw Material test report from HMCL approved source.

Raw material verification
Availability & Verification of approval reports of raw materials Review the list of supplier raw material and confirm
(HMCL approved source) I) Are they all on the HMCL-approved lists for the material they will be supplying (as
II) Do they have the appropriate certifications or approvals (as applicable)?

Review the Supplier's plan for management of the sub-tier components. Ensure all sub-
tier suppliers have been approved and the appropriate risk assessments have been
done on the components. Review that the Supplier's timing for QAV's and PPAP of the
Verification of BOP parts/Tier2 supplier readiness & approval status
For components that are not inspected (i.e.DOL), does the Supplier have appropriate
plans in place to begin inspection in the case of a defect?

Review the status and content of the Supplier's Control Plan (PQCS)
Verify the linkage between the Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, and Control Plan.
Process Re- Ensure controls are adequate for all CTQ parameter and match those described in the
Verification Verification of actual Process with control Parameters (As per Design and Process FMEAs.
defined PQCS) including CTQs & required Poka-Yokes (List to Verify that the control plan is updated to the latest design revision level.
(Applicable for ECN be freezed) Review the Supplier's plan for certification of Incoming and
5 Outgoing material.
Parts or parts for
Review the Supplier's plan for monitoring the process, including SPC for identified
which process CTQ's,performance data (scrap, efficiency, etc.), and Boundary Samples.
verification not done
in QAV L3)

CP> 1.67 Cpk >1.33 for each CTQ .Supplier to show onsite physically during PP2
Is process Capability study done & meet required Cp / Cpk values?
samples run to HMCL team .
(Cp - 1.67, Cpk - 1.33)
In case of CpK <1.33 ,100% Check to be implemented .

Is PPAP docs submission is ready as per HMCL PPAP check sheetVerify PPAP Documents submitted as per HMCL requirements
verification not done
in QAV L3)

Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by HMCL Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
(O,X, ) Closure
Status, Availability & Verification of following Items :

A) Dies/Molds/Tools Check physical availability of dies /molds /tools as per volume requirement .
Verify the tooling and equipment status? Tool /Dies inspection report with result and approval status?
First piece sample report - 100% dimensions to be verified with result and approval
status ?
Verify that Customer tooling & equipment/ machines (complete or under construction) is
consistent with that which was determined needed during the sourcing phase. Any
modifications (e.g., more tools required, some tools not needed/built, etc.) with respect
to which was declared during sourcing shall be promptly reported to the Buyer.
Review the Supplier's plan / procedure for release of tools and equipment/machines to
B) Equipment's / Machines the production

C) Jigs/ Fixtures

Review status of gauges, jigs, fixtures, measurement devices, and testing equipment.
Are they adequate for the job?
Are all required checking aids, inspection gauges, jigs/ fixtures Has the PFMEA been used to determine the appropriate measurement method? Ensure
(BOI/In-Process/Final) available & approved ? that each device is appropriate for the measurement taken (e.g. not an attribute gage for
characteristics where SPC is expected).
Verify that gauges have been updated to the latest design level.

EOL requirements to be defined in Control Plan and Inspection plan .Check for
(Applicable for ECN Is End of Line testing requirement clear, available & approved ? adherence and implementation .
Parts or parts for
which process
verification not done
in QAV L3)

Is Quality Gate / PDI requirement from HMCL clear & planned PDI requirements to be defined in Control Plan and Inspection plan. Check for
before SOP? adherence and implementation .

Is Limit Sample / Master Sample / color sample / freeze & signed

Ensure availability of HMCL Approved Master/ Limit Sample
off between supplier & HMCL?

Review the Supplier's testing facilities and equipment. Are they certified to perform the
tests expected of them? Review all appropriate certifications and verify. If the Supplier
Spec. Testing / DVP
7 Is DV, PV testing as per plan ? If any delay what is risk mitigation does not have the appropriate certifications, review their plan to use 3rd party certified
verification plan? labs.
Check Testing plan Vs. Actual status.

Verify the Critical Product characteristics for adequate samples.

Check relevant PPAP document readiness
PP2 Lot Verification & approval done
Layout Inspection report verification for adequate samples
Approve or reject the PP2 lot based on above activity results
8 PP2 Lot Verification

Is rejection percentage recorded? Put the rejection percentage observed during production run of PP2 .

Skill Matrix identified for critical operations and verify its implementation.
9 Manpower Training Operator Training status at critical stations
Review training plan vs actual status

Run @ rate and cycle time to be verified at each process and for all machines .Minimum
Verification Of Cycle Time Wrt Takt Time As Per Mass Production
10 Capacity Verification Requirement Qty :-100 parts/ 1 shift to run.
Is capacity inline with volumes requirement of HMCL ?

Packaging boxes/bins as per approval from HMCL

Review the Supplier's FIFO plan.Do they have adequate controls to assure FIFO is
11 Material Handling Packaging Standard Approval followed?
Are storage locations adequately sized, positioned relative to the process, and protect
stored materials?

Trolleys /Bins /Boxes for internal handling .Can the parts are traceable to the
Are the parts identification & Traceability as per the criteria defined
source/process/Supplier/Shift/Date/Batch etc. .Check for traceability ?
in the drawing or HMCL approved?

Identification &
Is lot traceability Requirement completed & verification done?
Check the lot traceability and part traceability and identification.
(Day/Month/year/batch code etc.)

Support required from HMCL, if any

13 Miscellaneous
Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by HMCL Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
(O,X, ) Closure
13 Miscellaneous

Other Points, If any

Date :

QAV L-5 Check Sheet - Mass Production Readiness Sheet 1 of

Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
Result : REV No. - 02, Dt. - 14-
MODEL HMCL Location R&D :

PART No. / Rev No. HMCL NMC : SUPPLIER Recorded By :

Part Name : Supplier Location SQA :

Supplier Name SS / VD / SC :
Summary :

Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by Assessment HMCL

S.No. Verification Item Check Point Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
HMCL (O,X, ) Closure

Check Last QAV L4 which was signed by HMCL and Supplier. Verify
1 QAV L4 Closure Ensure closure of QAV L4 pending items open points
Supplier to provide the evidences for closure of open points

Check the latest revision number of drawing and availability of

related standards mentioned in Drawings.
Is Latest ECN Drawing & specification available?
For Maker parts: Supplier Drawing should be submitted to HMCL and
HMCL approval should be available on same .

Latest Drawing / Spec

Any ECN released? If yes check implementation phase along with its
feasibility.HMCL approval should available on same.
Ensure that as changes occur, appropriate modifications are made to
Is Feasibility confirmation / drawing clarification w.r.t. ECN (if any) completed?
program timing and other deliverables, as required.
Review the Supplier's Change Management process and ensure they
have a method of communicating to sub-tier Suppliers.

Check for PP2 event feedback available with supplier .

Are action Items for PP2 Issues are identified & implemented in terms of
Check for the Deployment of actions and relevant updation of
design/process/tooling's/ PQCS, PFMEA, process sheets etc. ?
documents (dwg/PQCS/PFMEA/Process check sheets etc.)
3 PP2 Issues Closure

Are relevant documents (dwg/PQCS/PFMEA/Process check sheets etc.) updated clearly

Verify change points in Production & Design documents & sheets.
reflecting change points ?

Check for the sample submission status along with inspection reports
Is S3 sample submitted & its status clear with closure of pending items related to approval? ISIR feedback from HMCL
(applicable for ECN if any) Supplier should address the open issues reported in ISIR, verify the
4 Part Approval Status

Check the S3 sample tooling status. If Tooling status different wrt to

Is sample approval done on Fully tooled up / semi tooled up process?
PP1 batch parts , verify the PP1 samples.

Tooling's ,jigs , fixtures machines required for mass production

Has all preparation wrt to tooling's, jigs, fixtures & machines completed or not?
should be available at definite location and duly approved.

Check the results of Machine trial run wrt dimensions ,function and
Are all line trials as per mass production requirement completed or not?
inspection .

Tier 2/ Tier 3 supplier production readiness & capacity confirmed or not? Check the capacity at Tier-2 .Cycle time of its operations at Tier-2.
Mass Production

Is required manpower available or not with required skill matrix ? Check the resource planning allocation and skill matrix

Trolleys /Bins /Boxes for internal handling and supply to HMCL

Are all trolleys / bins required for mass Production available ? considering MP Volumes.
Verify the final packaging as per approved packaging agreement.

verify Imported / local source Raw material availability as per mass

Has all raw materials been procured to meet mass production requirement & confirmation on safety
production volumes
Evidences to be submitted by supplier and verified by Assessment HMCL
S.No. Verification Item Check Point Observation Counter Measure Plan Resp. Target Remark
HMCL (O,X, ) Closure

Run @ rate and cycle time to be verified at each process and for all
Is Run@rate trial conducted & found satisfactory ? ( tact time, capacity, Straight Pass Ratio machines .Minimum Qty :-100 parts/ 1 shift to run.
(SPR), Cp/Cpk verification & bottle neck areas if any to be recorded, action plan in place) Is capacity inline with volumes requirement of HMCL ?
Bottleneck operation if still exists .What is the plan to overcome the
same ?

Review the Supplier's plan for monitoring the process, including SPC
Verification of actual Process with control Parameters (As per defined PQCS) including CTQs & for identified CTQ's. Cp > 1.67 Cpk>1.33
required Poka-Yokes . Poka yoke to be available for all critical stations and their functionality
to be verified

MP Lot verification & Are required check sheets (process sheets, SOPs, Final Check Sheets) available as per latest Process Sheets ,Set Up inspection ,Online inspection ,Shift
6 PQCS ? Inspection ,Dock -Audit ,PDI and Final inspection to be verified
PPAP approval

Safety / Regulatory characteristics shall have a primary check

Has the part verification after lot making being done including dimensional accuracy, Cp/Cpk performed 100% by error/mistake proofing, as well as a secondary
verification for CTQs, limit sample verification, EOL confirmation etc.) measurement audit performed by Quality Auditors at specific sample
sizes and frequencies and recording results on statistical charts.

Dock -Audit ,PDI and Final inspection to be verified with skilled

personnels and required Gauges .
Is Quality Gate in place& PDI report recorded as per requirement from HMCL ?
Verify if the additional controls required to achieve safeguard the
steep ramp up production

Spec. Testing / DVP

7 Is spec. testing / durability testing / other performance related testing completed & verified? Ensure all the testing activity is complete and verify the test reports.

8 Type approval Is Type approval / E Marking Certificate received and identification available on part Confirm the identification on part and availability of E-Marking

Vendor code ,Part No. ,Part Name ,Material code wherever

Parts identification & traceability done as per HMCL requirement
Identification & applicable to be checked as agreed .
9 Are the parts identification & Traceability as per the criteria defined in the drawing or HMCL
traceability approved?
Can the parts are traceable to the
source/process/Supplier/Shift/Date/Batch etc.

Verify the Work instructions and procedures available for reworking

Part mixing control Confirmation in process, PDI & dispatch. Actual document check like or repairing nonconforming parts.
OPS,PQCT,PDI check sheet etc. for OK/NG/Rework & separate area/bin for rejection identified All reworked/repaired product shall be clearly and uniquely identified);
Is part non conformance management process followed ? - Reworked and repaired product shall have controls and
error/mistake proofing equivalent to avoid mix up
10 Parts Mix-up

Are Variant Wise(Drum/Disc, Carb/FI, Cast/Spoke etc.), Model Wise changes identified, Check One point lessons shall be displayed at Final inspection stage
displayed to avoid mix-up? to identify the variant wise changes addressing the mix up issue

Support required from HMCL, if any

11 Others

Other Points, If any

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