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Chapter 18  Work: Candide – supposed to have written it at

the age of sixty-five

Thomas Hobbes
Denis Diderot
 Work: French Encyclopedia ( one of the editor)
 Work: Leviathan – proved to be a strong voice
– compilation of works of the most prominent
that supported absolutism.
philosophes and intellectuals of the time
- Reference to a biblical monster
- Consists of 24 volumes
John Locke
Adam Smith
 Work: Tabula rasa ( blank slate)
 Work: The Wealth of Nations – explained the
 Right to life
concept of “ laissez-faire” economics.
 Right to liberty  He advanced the concept of free-market
 Right to property economics.
Age of Enlightenment Enlightened Despots
 Philosophes or philosophers  Plato- the first to forward the idea that the ruler
- Provided a critique of eighteenth century was a philosopher-king.
society, attacking the flaws of traditional
institutions and challenging conventional
 Salons – were social gathering of the elite held
in luxurious drawing rooms, usually hosted by a Frederick the Great (II)
lady of high stature.
 King of Prussia who wanted to project himself
Baron Charles as an enlightened ruler.
 Work: The Spirit of the Laws ( Principle of Catherine the Great
Separation of Powers)
- Purported that the powers of the government  Peasant Revolt in 1773 to 1774 – was a turning
resided in three separate and independent point in her determination to improve the lot of
bodies. peasantry in Russia.
 Executive power – was in the hands of the head Maria Theresa
of state, be it a prime minister or a president.
 Legislative power – was in the hands of an  Also known as “ the mother of her people”
elected assembly  Defended in the War of Austrian Succession and
 Judicial power – resided in the courts in the Seven Years’ War”
Joseph II

Jean Jacques Rousseau  Also known as “ the peasants emperor”

 Work: Le Contrat Social or The Social Contract Scientific Revolution

- General will Nicolaus Copernicus
 Heliocentric theory
 The leader and symbol of intellectual rebellion  Work: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
against traditional ideas and institutions Bodies
 Considered as one of the “ intellectual fathers of Johannes Kepler
the French Revolution”
 He was an ardent advocate of tolerance and civil  Developed the three laws of planetary motion
liberties  First law: the orbit of each planet is an ellipse
 Second law: the radius vector of each planet  Maria Theresa of Austria
sweeps out equal areas in equal times.  Fredrick the Great of Prussia
 Third law: the squares of the periods of the  The territorial claim was a challenge to Maria
planets are proportional to the cubes of their Theresa’s hold on the throne of Austria.
mean distances from the Sun.
Declaration of Independence

 July 04, 1776 – The Second Continental

Galileo Galilei Congress passed the Declaration of
Independence written by Thomas Jefferson.
 Formulation: Law of falling bodies
 The astronomical telescope. The Revolution Begins
Isaac Newton Two groups emerged that influenced the direction of
the revolution:
 Formulation: Law of Universal Gravitation
 Discovered white light by the use of a glass Jacobins
 Extremist republican group that worked for the
Advances in Other Fields of Science establishment of a republic.
 They were behind the execution of both Louis
Andreas Vesalius
XVI and Marie Antoinette.
 Work: On the Structure of the Human Body – Girondin
first to present an accurate study of the human
body.  The more moderate voice among the
William Harvey
 They supported constitutional monarchy.
 Described how the heart and the circulatory
system functioned.
Robert Boyle

 The law of gases

Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Chapter 20
 Dutch scientist who pioneered microscopic
research. Beginning of the Industrial Revolution

Philosophy James Hargreaves

Sir Francis Bacon  Invented the spinning jenny – made it possible

to spin 16 threads simultaneously.
 Work: Novum Organum
 Distinguished himself as a philosopher of Samuel Crompton
scientific method.
 Invented the spinning mule – made it possible to
Rene Descartes increase the amount of yarn that could be spun
by two to three hundred times as the spinning
 Work: Discourse on Method – stressed the jenny could.
importance of rational analysis in determining
all knowledge. Eli Whitney

Chapter 19  Invented the cotton gin – separated seeds from

the cotton ball faster and more efficient.
Seven Years’ War
Manpower – operated by muscle
 Fought primarily between Austria and Prussia
Workman - walks on a revolving steps of a treadmill,
driving pulleys which lower the press’ wooden lid.
Monopoly Capitalism
Horse power – operated by animals (horse)
 They became family firms
James Watt  Corporate mergers may come in two different
forms: a) horizontal merger- involved the
 Invented the steam engine – replaced water as
merger of rivals engaged in the same business
the primary energy.
venture to create a corporate giant, b) vertical
Spread if Industrial Revolution merger – a particular merger wherein a
particular company bought companies engaged
Advances in Technology in related activities to its own
Samuel Morse Middle Class
 Developed the electric telegraph and the Morse  The “self-made man” became a battlecry that
code. inspired thousands.
Alexander Graham Bell New Ideologies
 Invented the telephone Liberalism
Guglielmo Marconi  John Stuart Mill
 Invented the radio - Work: On Liberty- absolute freedom

Henry Bessemer Utilitarianism

 Made the method of making steel cheap.  Jeremy Bethan

- “ greatest happiness of the greatest number”
Dr. Joseph Lister
 Developed antiseptics
 Defined as loyalty and devotion to a nation or
William Morton simply, love of country.
 Developed anesthetics Chauvinism
Louis Pasteur  Nation was superior to all others and were
willing to go to war to prove it.
 Developed vaccine for rabies and discovered
that fermentation is caused by microorganism.
Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Factory System

 “ sweatshops” Racism

Urbanization  Is the belief that the race is the primary

determinant of human traits and capacities.
Karl Marx
Socialism and Marxism (Karl Marx and Friedrich
 Proletariat – according to him, lead the Engels)
revolution that would bring about its liberation.
 Socialism
Free Enterprise and Capitalism
- a movement that aimed to establish a
Adam Smith classless society
 Marxism
 Developed the laws of free enterprise or laissez-
- A philosophical system also known as
“dialectical materialism”, asserts the
inevitability of class struggle.
Current events
Andres Bonifacio

 Birth: November 30, 1863

 Tondo, Maynila
 Death: May 10, 1897
 Maragondon, Cavite
 Nationality: Filipino
 Other names: Supremo, Ang Bayan, Agapito
 Known as : Ama ng HImagsikang Pilipino, Ang
Dakilang Lumpo
 Political Party: La Liga Filipina
 Religion: Roman Catholic
 Wife: Gregoria de Jesus
 Child: Andres Bonifacio y de Jesus ( died as a

 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

 Ang APEC Philippines 2015 – ay ang buong
taong tpagdaraos ng mga nagpupulong ng Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation sa Pilipinas
nahahantong sa APEC Economic Leaders’
Meeting mula Nobyembre 18 -19 ,2015 sa
 Ito ang ikalawang pagkakataong gaganapin sa

 Climate Change – economical concern (Paris)

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