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( 8 )
Names. PropietlJrs, &c. _ Parijh. ClJtmty. Letterr.'
Coftertoun Earl of Hopeton Chrighton Edinburgh F t,
Coufland Dalrymple, Bart. Newbattle Ditto Ft
Couftoun Sandilands, Efq; Ba:t11gate Linlithgow :B 1\1
Craigcrook A Mortification for aged Perrons Crainond Edinburgh D 1\1
C~-aigend Cun. Dur~lam, Efq; of Bonnington Stow Ditto ,. , GF
Craigengar Hill Calderwood, Efq; of Polton Mid-Calder Ditto C()
Craig' :Bills Earl of H.opeton Torphichen Linlithgow A N'
Craighoufe Lockhart, Efq; . Weftkirk Edinburgh D ~r
Craigie mill Earl of Rofebery Cra[~ond Linlithgow D 1\{
Cr~jgleith Sherrif, Efq; Weftkirk Edinburgh D 1\1.
Craigleith Wand Dalrymple, Bart. of N"orth ~cnvick N~rth Berwick Haddington G L ,

CraigIockhart Parkhill, Efq; Collington Edinbui (l'h D1\

- 0
CraiQ"miller, 1-t!ins
Gilmour, Bart. Liberton D Itto
, E l\l
Craigs Capt. Stewart Corftorphin Ditto D 1\1
Craigs Shairp, Efq; of Houftoun Mid-Calder Ditto Cri ,

CraigtouIl Earl of Hopeton A bercorn Linlithgow C 1\1'

Craigy Hon. Hope-Weir, of Craigy Hall Dalmenie Ditto D 1\1
Craigy Hall Ditto Ditto Dit!to DM
Cramond Inglis, Bart. Cramond Edinburgh D 1\,1
Cramond Hland Lady Glenorchy Ditto Dltto DM
Cramondbridge Hon~' Hope-Wcir, of Craigy Hall Dalmenie Linlithgo'W DM
Cranfton Wilkiefori~ Efq; of Chefter Hall Cranfton Edinburgh Fl\
Cranfi:on, Upper Dalrymple Bart. of Coufland Ditto .Ditto . FN
Crawhill . Waddell, Efq; , Torphichen Linliihgow BM
Crei,ghnefs . Ma~quis of Tweedale I~verwick Hadpington IN'
Crookftoun Botthwick, Efq; Stow Edinburgh FO
Croifannit Mr. \Vyllie' WeftCalder Ditto BN
Crofshoufes Trotter, Efq; of CaftleIaw Glencrofs Ditto' DN:
Croifwoodbum Calderwood, Efq; of Polton Weft Calder Ditto BO
Croifwoodhill Mr. Thornton Ditto Ditto B 0
Cro:lfwood, Middle Douglas, Efq; Ditto Ditto BO
Cruickfi:ane Mr. Le.lJie lrivereik Ditto FM
Cuckold-dc-roy Hill Baron, ECq; of Prrfton Linlithgow Linlithgow BM ,

Cult Wardrobe, Efq; Whitburn Ditto AN

C~rruber, ruins Shairp, Efq; of Houftoun Linlithgow Ditto ' BM
Curry Brown, Efq; Borthwick Edinburgh F 0'
Curry Scott, Efq; of Malleny Curry Ditto DN
Curryhill Newton, Efq; Ditto Ditto ,
Dales Mr. Napier • Whitburn Linlithgow ' B N
Dalgourie M'Farlane, Efg; Haddington Haddington G N
Dalhoufie CaftIe Earl of Dalhoufie Cockpen Edinburgh. E N
:Oalho~fie, Long Ditto Ditto Ditto E N
Dalhoulic Mains lVla:rqui~ of Lothian, Ditto Ditto E N
DALKEITH A Market Town Dalkeith, ' Ditto E N.
Dalkeith Houfe Duke of Buccleugh Ditto Ditre E' N
Dalmahoy Earl of Morton Ratho Ditto C N
DaImahoy Craigs Ditto Ditto Ditto C N
DaImahoy, Long Ditto - , Ditto Ditto C N
Dalmenie Earl of Rofebery Dalmenie Linlith!!ow e M
DaIry Kirkpatrick, Efq; Weftkirk Edinbu';.gh· D M
D;\mhcad F erguLon, and Blair, Efqrs. Ditto Ditto D M
, Names,

, ,

(' 9 )
d- ~V(/mes. Pyoprhtors, &c. Parijh. . COllnty. Letters.
Dean! Nifbct, Bart. , Vieftkirk Edinbmgh' D NI
Dean •• • Norvel, EIg; of Boghall • Bathgare Liniithgow B N
Deichmont Mrs. Ham. Nifl"}et of Pencaitland Livi~gftone Ditto.'. B lVI
Deuchrie Dod Sydierf, Efq; of Ruchlaw Stenton Haddington H 1\11
Dewar Cranftoun, ~iq; Herriot Edinburgh . E r
Dirleton, Ca. im'uins Nifbet, Erg; . Dirleton Haddington G L
Dod Hill Adnifton, Erg; of Carcant . Merriot . Edinburgh F P
Dodrig Law, Camp Earl .of Hopeton Ormiftoun . Haddington F N
Dolphingfton Countefsof Hyndford Preftonpans Ditto F M
Down BiiJ, Camp Hay, Efq; of Lav,rfielrl Spott Ditto I IvI •

Dreghorn Mac Laurin, E1q; Collington E~inburgh D N

Drem Earl of Hopeton Athelftonford Haddingt6n G 1\1
Doaor Anderfon •
Mid-Calder Edinburgh B N
Drum Lord Somerville Liberton Ditto E N
Drumcro[s Earl of Lauderdale •
Bathgate Linlithgow B M
Drul1lduff - Mr. Nimmie T orphichen. Ditto A M
Drummelzie Mr. Addie Ditto Ditto . A M
Drummond-lodge. Dr. Drummond Weftkirk· Edinburgh E M
Drummore ,. Rev. Doaor Findlay Preftonpans Haddington F M
Drum1hcugh Stewart, Erg; Weftkirk . Edinburgh D M
Drumihoreland Moor Sever~l Proprietors •
Mid-Calden&c Ditto & Linw. C N
Dryden Lockhart, Efg; of Carnwath.:. Leii.vade . Edinburgh E N
Drylaw Loch, Elq; . Cramond Ditto D M
Duddingfton Dundas, E1'1;_ , Abercorn Linlithgow C M
Dndingt1:on Earl of Abercorn - ,
Dudingfton Edinburgh E M- •

Dudingfron, Eaft Ditto . Ditto . Ditto E 1\1

DUNB-AR A Royal Burgh , •
Dunbar Haddington I IVI.
Dunbar, Battle of Third September 1650 Ditto Ditto •
I M. •

Dunbar Ca. in ruins Hamilton, Eiq; of BangouI' Ditto Ditto I L

Dundas Dundas, E1(1; Dalmcnie Linlithgow CM
Dunglas Hall, Bart. Oldhamftocks Haddington K IV!
Duntarvie MI". Durham, &c._ Abercorn LinIithgow C 1-1
• .

Eaglefcarnie Lindefay, E1'1; Bolton Haddington GN

]~a fin ~~. \;" t~ \ r. Kirkpewton .. Edinburgh CN
Eaftp;H:~ 1- -- J(c, or 1
S IDC '-''''r',
... -,-l ... ,_
' ..... ·i.l·c
~ ~.U ~;,.
J Duke of Buccleugh· Ditto E N. Invereik
E",cc 1. . . L.j.,.~ ....
c·;_,,····, - ..
- "
·.1 '.I.
Earl of Fopeton Eec! cfrnachan Linlithgow C :rvI
E l
j.: "
Duodas, Efg; of Dnndas Dalmenie Ditto CM
The LVIctropR.1is of North Britain . Nine Parifhes. Edinburgh 'E 1\1
\Vauchope, Etq; Newton DItto EN
1 - •
1".· .. ·' V'" :. !"':1
--.-,,- ''''''-, - Ham iIton, Efq; of Whi111aw Tranent Hadaington FN
--;' -, ~
... ,,-.
.t... '\. . ,. :,. . , ; -·"':~l
• _' L l • • • -... • _ ~..

• 0· ..... ·.,'..
..a.. \- I ._ J.
Ditto , Ditto Ditto FN •
• 't" "
" • \"1";-""

""1 ,_,-~",-,-
Lav,,-, Efc1; Gladefinuir Ditto G 1\·1.
• \' r·· " (~ ..
\ 'I J ' 1 .':) .a. .J rVlarquis of T\veedale Bolton Ditto GN
1..' ~:'"\~"l·-'"
• .1.1 ! ......

Dundas, Efq; Lord Prdidcnt Temple Edinburgh EO
F -'·I·1.,," l I. Ham i Iton-1\:Iacgill, Efll; Falla Edinburgh FO
F .,lj ..Cl.' ,," """1
•.• ~\lt Earl of Hopcton Chrightcn Ditto FO
Fal!a F·)ufC3 i,·T L, 1,
"V al·j·lcJl
_"",,: 1· • ,::T <:'c
~ • lVhitburn Linlithgow AN
Falla Tower, in ruins Hami!ton-:!\1acgill, Eiq; of Falla F;llb ' Edinburgh FO
l:;'alliid~ COl.1ntcis of DYlldford Trancnt Haddin!!ton F NI.
J. .....
C •
l\'alllcs •.
- •

• ( 10 ) •

Names. Proprietors, &c. Parijh. County. Lt'~·t'r(,

Fcnton, E. and W. . Nifbet, Efq; of Dirleton Dirleton Haddington ..G L
Fenton Tower Ditto • North Berwick Ditto . G L
·Fidra Hland DittQ •

Dirleton Ditto G L
FiIIyfide bank rvIr. 1\1ilIcr Leith Edinburgh E M
Fiiher Row Several Proprietors' . •
Invere:lk Ditto .£ M
Ford Frafer, Efq; &c. Chrighton Ditto F N
Fm'dell Dalryrnple, Efq; Cranfton Ditto F N
Fortune, Eaft . . Earl of Aberdeen Athelftonford Haddington G M
Fortune, 'Veil: . Earl of Hopeton ,
Ditto' . Ditto G IV1
Fountain Hall Lauder-Dick, Bart. PencaitIand Ditto F N
Fox Hall, or

Tod's Hall \Viiliart, Efq; KirkIifton Linlithgow CM
. •

Froftyneb . Mr. Carre • Humbie Haddington F 0

FuIJarton Dewar, Erq; 'of V ogrie Penicook Edinburgh E 0
FuIlfllields Several Proprietors Whitburn Linlithgow B N
• •

Gameliliiels Home-Rigg, Efg; Stenton Haddington HN
Garleton, EaR: Hon. Charteris of Amis£eId . Athelftonford Ditto GM
Garvald Douglas, Efq; . Garvald Ditto HM
Garvald Law Dalryrnple, Bart•. of Coufland Herriot Edinburgh FP
Gifford ,
Marquis of Tweedale Gifford Haddington HN
Gifford Ca. in rzib!oS D i t t o ' DitroDitro GN
. Gilchi-iftcn Mr. \Vilkie Salton Ditto •
GiIrnerton KinIoch, Efq; . Athelftonford Ditto GM
'Gilmerton Baird, Efq; of Newbyth Liberton EdinburgIl EN
Gimmerfrniln Doaor Forreft Haddington Haddington GM
Gladefinuir . Several Proprietors GIadefmuir Ditto GM
Gleghornie Dalrymple, Bart. of North Bel'wick North Berwick Ditto •
Glenclofs' Drummond, Efq; Glencrofs Edinburgh DN
Gogar M yrton, Bart. Corftorphin Ditto DM
Gogar, Nether , Ditto Ditto Ditto DM
Gogar, Over Cunninghame, Bart. of Livingftone Ratho' .Ditto DM
Gogarftane Brown, Eft];· Lord Coalftoun . Kirklifton Ditto. DM
Gorgie . Lind, Efq; . Weftkirk' Ditto DM
Gormvre ~
Mr. Gillies Torphichen Linlithgow B lVI
.(jorton Prefion, Efq; Lefivade Edinhurgh EN
Gosford Wedderburn Halket, Efq; of Pit fer ran Aberlady Haddington GM
Gourlaybank Mr. Miller Preftonhaugh - Ditto HM
Graham's Dyke Built by Antonius Pius A. D. I40 Bo-nefs &Car. Linlithgow . BM·
. 'Grainge Lauder-Dick, Bart. of Fountain Hall Wcil:kirk· Edinburgh EM
Graingc Rev. Mr. Wilkie Weft Calder Ditto BN
:Grange Belchier, Efq; Carridden . Linlithgow BL
Grangehaughs Lord Belhaven Whittingham Haddington HM
Grangemoor Ditto Stenton Ditto BM
·Granton Baronefs of Greenwich Cramond Edinburgh DM
Greenbank Dick, Efq; . Mid-Calder Ditto eN
Greenhead 'Several Proprietors Liberton Ditto EN
Greenhill Fairholme, Efq; Weftkirk - Ditto DM
Greenlaw PhiIp, Efq; G1encrofs Ditto DO
Gullen Several Proprietors Dirleton Haddington' GL
·Gyfide Davie, Efq; of Brotherton "\Veft Calder . Edinburgh BN

, Names.
, •
, , '

, ,


( 11 )

Names. Proprietors, &c. Parijh. County. Letten.

j HADDINGTON A Royal Burgh

Haddington Haddington G M
Hailes, Ca. in ruim DalrympJe, Bart. Lord HaiIes Preftonhaugh' Ditto H M
Haills Carmichael, El<]; ColIington ' EdinburghD N
Halltree Davidfon, Efq; Stow Ditto F 0'
· Hallyeards Marjoribanks, Eiq; of Lees Kirklifton Ditto C IVl
Hamilton Hall Hamilton-Macgil1, Efq; of FalIa Falla Ditto F 0 •

Hardrigs ' Dalrymple, Bart. of North Berwick Dirleron Haddington G L

Harperig Hill Earl of Morton Mid-Calder Edinburgh C 0 •

Harveftoun, Cranftoun" Ei'1; of Dewar Borthwick Ditto E 0

Harwood Dundas, Efq; of Duddingfton Weft Calder Ditto B N
Harwood, Mikle Rev. Mr. Hamilton Ditto, Ditto 'B N
, Harwood Houfe Henry, Efq; Ditto Ditto B N
Hatton . Earl of LauderdaIe ' Ratho Ditto C N
HawkhiIl ' Pringle, Efq; Lord Alemoor Leith Ditto EM
, Hawthornden Rev; Dr. Abernethy Drummond Lefwade, Ditto E N
Hayfield Tod, Efq; Weft Calder Ditto B N
· Hay Mains Ditto ' Mid-Calder Ditto .B N
, Hedderwick Hamilton, ,Efq; of Bangour Dunhar' Haddington H M
, Hendaxwood Chatto, , Efq; Weft CaIder Edinburgh B N
,- Herdtnanfhields .Foulis, E(q; . Ditto Ditto B N
, Hermifton Several Proprietors Curry Ditto D N
, Hennifton St. Clair, Efq; . Salton Haddington G N
: Hermitage Chalmers" Efq; Leith . Edinburgh E M
Gordon,. Efq; of Braid Weftkirk Ditto' D N
Herriot Dalrymple, Bart. of Cou'fland Herriot Ditto ,
F 0
,Herriothoufe Ditto Ditto Ditto F 0
: Hilderfton GiI1on, Efq; of Walhoufe Torphichen . LinlithgO\v 'B M
; Hilldown Lord Belhaven Spott . Haddington I M .
'Hillhead Murray, Bart. Lefwade Edinburgh E N
·Hillhoufe' Capt. Johnfton Kirknewton Ditto C N
'HilIhoufe • Mr. lVliIler Torphichen Linlithgow A N •
Hillhoufefield Robertfon, Efq; of Ladykirk North' Leith Edinburgh E M
:Hiltly Baron, Efq; of Prefton Linlithgow Linlithgow BM
,Hodges . Mrs. Ham. Niibet of Pencaitland Gladcfmuir Haddington G M
Hol yrood Houfe, A Royal Palace Canongate Edinburgh EM
, or Abbey •

Holyrood Park Earl of Hadinton Ditto Ditto EM

Hopefield, or •

Baads Dundas, Efq; of Duddingfl:oll 'Veft Calder Ditto BN


Hopes Hay, Efq; , Garvald Haddington HN

Hopeton 'Houfe Earl of Hopeton Abercorn Linlithgow CM
Hoppringle Frafer, Efq; of Ford Stow Edinburgh FP
Houfes, Eaft Marquis of Lothian NcwbattIe Ditto RN
Houfes, ' Weft Ditto Ditto Ditto DN
Houftoun' Shairp, Efq; UphaIl Linlithgow CM'
Howatfon Rev. Mr. Wilkie of Grainge lVlid-Calder Edinburgh BN

\Vilron, Efq; Ditto Ditto RN
• , Brown, Et'1; Lord Coalftoun Bolton Haddington GN
f-Iowgate Clerk, Bart. of Penicook Penicook Edinburgh DO
flumbie Hepburn, Efq; Humbie Haddington GN
t-luntingdon Gray, Ef<l; ,
Haddington Ditto GM

bris 111and Nlfbe~ Efq; of Dirleton Dirleton Haddington G L

- " Names.
• -


( IZ )
Names. Proprietors, &c. . Parijh. Comzty. Letters•.
Teanfield Douglas, Efq;, of Garvald Ncwbattle Edinburgh .E N·
iIJifton Earl of .l:-lopcton Kirklifton Linlithgow eN
Inch Gilmour, Bart. of Craigmiller Liberton Edinburgh ' EM
Inches Meffrs. RuifeIs Bathgatc Linlithgow RN
Inchgarvcy IfIand ·Dundas,. Efq; of Dundas Dalmenic Ditto CL
Inchkeith Jf1and Baronefs of Greenwich • Cramond Edinburgh: EL
Inglifion . Earl of Hopeton Kirklifton Ditto CM
Inveravon, Rom.Camp Duke of Hamilton Borrowftounefs· Linlitbgow BM
Inverefk Several Proprietors Inverelk Edinburgh E1\1
Inverlcith Rocheid, Efq; '\Veftkirk Ditto D1\1 •

Inverwick Nifbet, Efq; of Dirleton Inverwick Haddington 11\1

Inverwick.Ca. ill ruins Ditto Ditto Ditto IN
Jockf1odge . Veitch, Efq; Lo~d Elliock Leith' Edinburgh E IVI
Johilfcleugh Earl of Hadinton- Whlttingham Haddington HN
Johnftonburn ~rown, Efq; Humbie Ditto G O.
Irongarth Hill . Glen, Efq; of Longcroft Linlithgow LinIithgow B 1\'1

Kames Crawfurd, Efq; Liberton Edinburgh EN

Keams Campbell, . Efq; of Ballernoe Ratho Ditto CN-
Keith MariIhall Earl of Hopeton Humbie Haddington F :N
Kcith, Nether Ditto. Ditto Ditto GN
Keith, Upper Brown, Efq; of Johnftollburn Ditto Ditto GN
Kcnneil Hou[e Duke -of Hamilton Borrowftounefs Linlithgow B L
Kenneil, Upper Ditto ' Ditto .' Ditto B 1\1
Killeith, E. and W. Scott, Efq; of Nlalleny I Curry Edillhu),o-h
Killduff Rev. Mr. Hume' Athelftonford Haddington G 1'. .1
• Killicanty- Mr. Berry Torphichen Linlithgow BN.
Killpunt Earl of Hopeton Kirklifton Ditto C l\i
Kilfi)indie. Earl of Portmore . i\bcrIady . Haddington GI
Kincurran • Hill . Dundas, Efq; of Duddingfton Weft CaIdeL Edinbl,rgh BC
Kingcavill Johnfton, Eiq; of Straitoun Linlithgow Linlithg'ow BN
Kings Cramond- Lady Glenorchy" Cramond Edinburgh D·l\\
·Kingsfield. Rev. Dr. Drummond of Hawthornden Linlithgow LinIithgow BN
King Seat_ Ramfay, Efq; of White hill Primrofe Edinburgh E (

Kingfton Hcpburn, E1q; &c.. Di rleton Haddington GI
Kipps, ruirls Earl of Hopeton T orphichen Linlithgow RN

Kirk-braehcad Arbuthnot, Elq; &c. Weftkirk Edinburgh DN
Kirkcttlc Ramfay, Efcl; of Whitehill Lefwade Ditto E'C
Kirkcttoll Hill Trotter, E[q; of MOl'ton Hall ColIington Ditto • D~
T ' I' t
Kirkhill Ead of Buchan U phaJ l ,in ItJlg0W
I C i\~

KirkhiIl Burnett, Eiq; Cockpcn Edinburgh E~
Kirklady, Camp Douglas, Efg; of Garvald Garvald Haddington H~
Kirkland . Robenfon, Efq; of Ladykirk' Bolton Ditto Gii
Kirklifton Earl of Hopeton Kirklifion Linlithgow C :[\'
Kirknewton Earl of Laud er dale, &c. Kirknc\vton Edinburo'h::, C ~.
Linlitbgo\V' . B }

Knightrig Hill Shairp, .£i<]; of Houftonn . Livi ngftone

Knocki ng-harc Andcrlon, Efq; of Windicgoul Dpnl;ar Haddington, I i\'

D 71•

LCLd y I-~ ill, Camp I F ou lis, £fi:1; of \-Vood Hall Collin(!ton Edinburgh · -•
. , Lamb bland . Niilic.i:, E{cl; of Dirleton Dirleton H ;]c!.:!i l1oLon GI •

J\/l:uquis of Twecclalc

Lamhmoor Law. "''''' I

G rtwrc Ditto G ( ,

Langl;mr !-1/Iar'1uis of Lothian N'ewbctttle Edini.>UT!!h u
.F • I

Lalhii~()n Sicur Law. ' Cr~i11ond Ditto D~


• •

( 13 ) •
Names. Proprietors, &c. Parijh. County. Lel!ers.
Lavcrockbank . AnderCon, Erq; North Leith Edinburgh D 1\1
Laverocklaw TvI r. Dewar Gladefmuir Haddington G TvI
Lawfield Hay, ECq; Oldhamftocks Ditto . I 1\1
Leafton Gray, Erq; Humbic Ditto G N
LEITH - A Market Town Leith Edinburgh E IVI
Leith, North Several Proprietors North Leith Ditto EM
Leith head , Tnglis, ECq; Kirknewton Ditto C N
IJcnnie . Hon. Hope-Weir, of Craigy Hall Cramond Ditto D 1\1
Lenox Ca-. in ruins Scott, ECq; of Malleny Curry Ditto D N
Lenox love, or Lord Blantyre Haddington

Haddington GM
Lenridge Mr. Mylne Gladefmuir Ditto GM
LeCwade Clerk, Bart. of Penicook Lefwade Edinburgh E N
Letham Buchan,' ECq; . Haddingtou Haddington G M
Letimore place Hon. Leflie Ditto Ditto

Leuchie Dalryrnple, Bart. of North Berwick North Berwick Ditto H L
Leuchold . Earl of Rofehery Dalmcnie . Linlithgow C IVI
Leven lodge Williamfon, ECq; Weftkirk

Edinburgh D M
Leven Seat Chatto, Erq; of Hendaxwood Weft Calder Ditto .. A 0
Liberton Little, ECq; Liberton Ditto E N
Liberton Tower Ditto . Ditto Ditto E N
Limefield - Hamilton, . ECq; Weft Calder Ditto B N
LINLITHGOW A Royal Burgh Linlithgow Linlithgow BM
Linlithgow Palace A Royal Palace, now in ruins Ditto Ditto B TvI
Linhoufe Calderwood, Efq; of Polton Mid-Calder Edinhurgh C N
Linplume Marquis of Tweedale . Garvald Haddington H N
Linton •
Several Proprietors Preftonhaugh Ditto H M '
Lifton fhields Captain Sandilands Curry Edinburgh C N
'Little france Wauchope, Efq; of Edmonfion Liberton' Ditto E N
Livingftone Cunninghame, Bart. Livingftone Linlithgow BN
Livingftone, Long Ditto' Ditto Ditto . B N •

Loanhead Clerk, Bart. of Penicook 'Lefwade Edinburgh E N

Loanhead Dalrymple, Bart. of Coufland Cranfton Ditto F 0
Lochcoat Auchinleck, Erq; of Woodcockdale Torphichen Linlithgow B M
Lochend Warrender" Bart. Dunbar Hadclington I M '
Lochend Earl of Moray Leith Edinburgh. E M
Lochhill PuItency, Erq; of Bath Houfe Aberlady Haddington G M
Lochqurhat Dewar, Erq; of V ogrie - '-
Borthwick . Edmburo-h F 0
Logan houCe Ferguion, Erq; of Raith Penicook
D_ Itto b
Longfaugh EdrilOnfton" E1'1; Chrighton Ditto F 0
Longfords . Chatto, Erq; of Hendaxwood 'Veil: CaJder Ditto B N
Long niddery York Building Company GIadefin ui r Haddington F IVI
Longmuir Mr. Hog' Stow Edinburgh G P
LuffneCs Earl of Hopeton Abcrlady Haddington G L •

Lugate Ca. in ruins Fairholme, Efq; of Greenhill Stow Edinburgh F P

Lugton . Duke of Buccleugh Newton Ditto E N
Lumphoy, \Vcft Scott, Efq; of Malleny
Curry Ditto D N

Malleny Scott, ECq; Curry Edinburgh D N

Manfion HouCe MiCs Baird \Veftkirk Ditto D M
Marchfield Lady Glenorchy . Cramond Ditto D M
IVlarchwell . Clerk, Bart. of Pt'nicook Glencrofs Ditto ' D N
Marr Law Camp
- Anderfon, Eftl; of ,.v hi tehl.lrgh Humbie Haddington' F N
n •
Names •

( 14 )

. Names. Prop rietors, . &c•. Parifo. Cormty. Letters.

Mafon's Mains Fe rgufon, Bart. of Kilkerran Invel'e1k. EdinbUl'gh FM
Mafr~rton Dundas, Efq; Lord Prdident Newbattle Ditto FN
Maviibank Clerk, Efc:J; .Lerwade Ditto .EN
1vIayihadc Mr. Baxter of Springfield Ditto Ditto EN
lVlayfhic1cl Mr. Knox Whittingham Haddington HN
Iv1ayfhield Cairn Ditto Ditto Ditto HN
IVIcadowbank M'Connichie, Efq; Kirknewton Edinburgh . C N
1'.1eadO\vhead Mr. Waddcll 'V eft Calder Ditto Br;
:r.-1 CQ'Q"ot
bnd Sivright, Erq; '\Veftkirk Ditto D :M
Mdvillc Dundas, Efq; Lefwade Ditto EN
1\1crchifton Lord N apier , Weftkirk Ditto DM
• lv'Ierchifton, North Adam, Efq; of Maryburgh Ditto Ditto DM
Merry hatten Gray, Efq; of Huntington Gladefmuir Haddington GM
l'vlidhope Earl of Hopeton . Abercorn Linlithgow CM
Midleton lVlitchelfon, Erq; Borthwick Edinburgh FO

Rev. Mr. BarcIay Uphall Linlithgow CM
. ?vli rtle, ruins Kinloch, Efq; of GiImerton Preftonhaugh Haddington HM
TylitcheIfton Mr. Murray Stow Edinburgh ·GP
.,. .r
!VIon 'ng
k' Hepburn, Erg; Haddington Haddington GM
IVlonktoun . Falconar,· Efq; . InvereiK Edinburo-h EN
Ivlonnynuts Oldhamftocks Hadding~on I N
Ivloorbarns Calderwood, Efq; of Polton Kirknewton Edipburgh DN
.lVloorfoot Hepburn, Efq; of Clerkington Temple Ditto . E P
l'vloredun, or Stewart-lVloncrief, Efiq; Liberton Ditto EN
Goodtrccs " .
IV!orham DaIrymple, Bart. Lord Hailes Morham Haddington HM
Morningfide. lVlac Millan, Efq; of Dounmore Weftkirk Edinburgh DM
IVlorrifon's HaveR Countefs of Hyndford . Preftonpans Haddington FM
Morton Earl of 1\I101'ton Kirkncwton Edinburgh CN •

.1\101"ton Rigg, Erq; Liberton Ditto DN

lVIorton Hall Trotter, Efg; • Ditto Ditto E'N
',Nlofs Hall . Middleton, Efq; . Whitburn •
Linlithgow BN
'1\tlountain hall Hon. Charteris, and Baron Grant Invere1k. Edinburgh EM
l\1uirfield Cochrane, Efq; ; Dirletoll Hadding'ion. GL
Tvluirhall Mr. Flint Weft CaIder Edinburgh '. BN
:Nluirhol1ie Watfon, Efg; Cramond Ditto ]) IVI
Muirhoufedikes Chatto, Efg; of Hendaxwood Weft Calder Ditto . BN
Muirhoufes . Maxwcll, Eiq; of Carridden Carridden Linlit.hgow BL
Muirhoufetoun, vVefl: Mr. Graham . Mid-Calder Edinburgh BN
Mulron Mr. Graham •
Weft Calder Ditto AO
Murrayfield Murray,. Efq; Weftkirk Ditto DM
MUSSELBURGH A Marke~ Town J nvereik Ditto EM
Muttonhole Several. Proprietors Cramond Ditto . D M.

Nellfield Renton, Efq; Liberton Edinburgh, E . N

Nether ihield . Rev. Mr. Barclay of Midleton Kirknewton Ditto C N·
Ncwbattle Marquis of Lothian. Newba,ttle Ditto. E N
Newbigging . . Tod, Efq; . Inverwlck Haddington IM
Newbyres Ca.tllrzmls Dundas, Efq; Lord Prefident Cockpen Edin burgh E 0
Newbyth Raj rd, Erq; . Wllitekirk Haddington H L
Newhailes Dalrymple, Bart •. Lord Hailes Ihvereik Edinburgh . E l\t1
New Hall Marquis of Tweedalc. . . Giffo1'd. Haddington G N

, Names •


( IS ) •

'NamtS. Pr~prietor.r, &c. Counly. Le/un. Pari./h.

New Hall Hay, Elq; PCl1icook Edinhurgh DO
New'halls Dundas, Efg; Dalmenie LinJithgow C Nf

Newhaven City of Edinburgh North Leith· Edinburgh 1) i'vI

Newlandftoun Dewar, Efq; of Vogrie Bo1'thwick Ditto FN
Hog, Erg; 'Kirklifton Linlithgow C }VI
Newton Grant, Elq; Baron of Exchequer Newton Edinhurgh E ·N'
Newton Dundas, Efq; of Duddingfton Ahercorn Linlithgow C IVr
Newton Newton, Efq; Gifford Haddington GN
Newton, Long Ditto Ditto Ditto, G N'
Niddery Wa~lchope, Erg; Libcrton Edinburgh E IVI
Niddry, Ca. in ruins Earl of Hopeton Kirklifion Lin!ithgow C 1\1
Nine mile burn Clerk, Bart. of Pcnicook Penicook ,Edinburgh DO
Nine war Hamiiton, Erg; of Bapgour Dunbar Haddi ngton ' H1H
Nifoet Mrs. Ham. Ni:fbet of Pencaitland Pencaitland Ditto G N',
NORTH BERWICK A Royal, Bu rgh North Berwick Ditto' GL
North Berwick Law ,Dalrympl'e, Bart. of.North Berwick Ditto Ditto, G L,
N'orth£e.ld Syme, Erg; Preftonpans Ditto FM
Norton Earl of Laudcrdalc Ratho " Edinburgh' CM
N'unraw Dalrymple, Efq; Garvald '. Haddington HM

Ochiltrec '. Earl of Rofebery Linl~thgow Linlithgow, BM

Ogclface, in ruins Earl of HOpctoIl 'i 'orphichen Ditto, . AN
Old Cathie Ditto Dalmenie Ditto CM
Oldham Coult, Efq; , 'Vhitekirk Haddington· HL
OIc1hamftocks Several Proprietors OIdhamftocks Ditto IM
Oldlifton Lockhart and )V£ajoribanks, .Eiqrs; Kirklifton Edinburgh CM
O. Cromwell's CamtJ... 1650 Collington ' Ditto - D N
Ormifton Mofinan" Efq;
Kirknewton ' Ditto, eN
Onnifton hill Hallyburton, Eiq; Ditto Ditto CN
Ormiftoun Earl of Hopeton •
Oimiftoun· Haddington FN
,Ormiftoun Hall Ditto Ditto Ditto FN
Outterfton Dundas, Erq; Lord Prefident Temple· Edinburgh, EO'
Overtoun Dtlndas, Efq; of Dundas Kirklifton ' Linlithgow CM.,
Oxford Hall Hamilton-MacgiLl, Eiq;of Falla Cranfton· Edinburgh. F N.

Paple Lord Blantyre vVhittingham Haddington HM

Pardivan, Earl of Hopeton, and Hamilton, Efq; Linlithgo\v. Linlithgow BM
Park head His moft Sacred Majcfty. Ditto Ditto CM
Park head Gloug, Erg; , , "\Vefl: Ca Icier Edinburgh BN
Parkly Dallas, Efg; Linlithgow Linlithgow BM
Par{on's know Robinfon, Erg;' , Leith "Edinburgh E lYI
Path head Lord Adam Gordon Cranfton Ditto FN
Pe aftot:\ , E. and 'V. Earl of Hopcton, Ormiftoun . Haddington FN
Pcatcox ' Lord Belhaven Stenton ' Ditto HM
Pencaitland Mrs. Hamilton Nifbet Pencaitland Ditto FN
Pencaitland, Vveft SincIair, Bart. of Murklc Ditto Ditto FN
Pencraig Hill Dalrymplc, Bart. Lord Hailes Preftonhaugh Ditto HNI
Pcnicook . Clerk, Bart.' ' Penicook Edinburgh, DO
Penicook Hou{e Ditto Ditto Ditto DO
Pennon R:?fS, E{g; of BaIganagown 'Gladelin~lir Hadddington F l\tl ,

Pentland ('J)bfon, lhrt. Lefwaue Fdinourgh EN

PeppermilI . Balfour, E1q; Liberton .. Ditto E Ivr



( 16 )
Names. Pr()prietors, &c. Pa1"ijh. County. Lelttrr.
Phantaffic Earl of Aberdeen Prefionhilugh Haddington H N·
Philpfton Earl of Hopeton Abercorn Linlithgow C M
Phyfick Garden Hope; Efq; Weftkirk . Edinburgh. E M
Pilmuir Edwards, Efq; Bolton Haddington G N
Pilrig . Balfour, Efq; Weftkirk . Edinburgh E M
Pilton Ainflie, Efq; •
Cramond Ditto D M
Pinkerton, M. & L. Duke of Roxburgh Dunbar Haddington. I M
Pinkie, Bnttle of September 10, 1547 Invere1k Edinburgh F M
·Pinkie burn Captain Lindfay Ditto Ditto E M
Pinkie Houfc Marquis of Tweedale Ditto Ditto E M
Pirn Tait, E1q; Stow ' Ditto F P
Pirntaton Cockburn, Efq; of Cock pen Ditto Ditt() }<~ P
Ditto . B N

Polbeth Mr.
. Flint .
Weft Calder
Poikemmet Baillie, Efq; Whitburn Linlitbgovf . A N
PoltonCaldcrwood, Efq; Lefwade Edinburgh E N
Polton Mains Ditto Cockpen Ditto E N
Pooraw Lord Elibank Athelfionford Haddington D M
Prefminnan Lord Belhaven Stenton Ditto H M
Frefton Barron, Efq; Linlithgow . Linlithgow B M
Prefton Ramfa y, Efq; Preftonpans Haddington F M
Preftonfield Dick, Bart. Duding~on Edinburgh E M
Preftongrainge Countefs of H yndford Preftonpans Haddington F lVI
Prefton Hall Lord Adam Gordon Cranfton Edinburgh F N
Preftonhaugh Buchan-Hepburn, Efq; of Smeaton Preftonhaugh HaddingteJn H M
Preftonpans Several Proprietors Preftonpans Ditto FM
Preftonpans, Battle of September 21, 1745 Tranent Ditto FM •

Prieftlaw Marquis of Tweedale vVhittingham Ditto H N

Prieftlaw, Hill 'Ditto .Ditto . Ditto H N
Primrofe, or Earl of Rofebery Primrofe Edinburgh EO
Pumpherfton Earl of Hopeton Mid-Calder Ditto •
• •

Qgeen Mary's Camp JI11y IS, 15 67 •
Invcre1k Edinburgh FN
Q,gEENSFERR Y A Royal Burgh ~censferry Linlithgow C 1\1

Ramfa y 'Lodge Ramfay, E1q; Weftkirk Edinburgh DM

Ratho Earl of Lauderdale RatlIo Ditto C IVI
Ratho Houfe Mifs Foulis Ditto Ditto

. .CM
Ravelrig Davidfon, Efq;' Curry Ditto • CN
Ravelftoun Keith, Efq; Corftorphin Ditto DM
Redbraes Crawfurd, Bart. Weftkirk Ditto EM
Redford Mr. Allan Collington' Ditto DN
Red Hall Inglis, Efq; Ditto Ditto DN
Reid Hall, or Humbie Haddington GO •
Hamilton, Efq;
Mufdenhead • , •

Reid Houfe, in ruins Lord Elibank Abcrlady Ditto GM

Reftilrig Taite, Efq; Leith Edinburgh EM
Riccarton Craig, Efq; Cllrry Ditto DN ,

Riccartoun Hamilton, Efq; Linlithgow Linlithgow BM

RockvilIe Hon. Gordon North Berwick Haddington G l\tI
RO'1lan Camp Marquis of Lothian Newbattle Edi'nburgh FN
Raman Camp Duke of Buccleugh Newton Ditto EN •


J:.lames •

• ,


• ( 17 ) .
Names. Proprietors, &c. Parijh~ Cl)unfy. Lr.t/;·rs•.
Rofebank Alexander, Elq; Lefwade • Edinburgh EN
Rofebmn RuffeU, ECq; Weftkirk Ditto' DM

Rofemay . . Clerk, Bart. of Penicook I Penicook Ditto DO

RoDin, Gha. tn rmns Paterfon-Smclair, Efq; LeCwade Ditto EN
Roflin, Battle of February 24: 1302 Ditto Ditto £. N
RoDin Ga. ill ruins Paterfon-Sinclair, Efq; of Romn Ditto Ditto EN
Ruchlaw Sydferf, Erg; Whittingham HaddingtQn. H 1\1
Rullion Green Bdttle, 28th November, 1666 Glencrofs Edinburgh D N.
, .

Saltcoats . Mrs. Ham. Nifbet of Pencaitland Dirleton Haddington GL

SaltoD Fletcher,· Efq; . Salton Ditto. GN
Salton Houfe Ditto Ditto Ditto' GN
Salton, Weft Ditto . Ditto Ditto GN
Samuelfton Earl of Hadinton Gladefmuir Ditto GM
Samuelfton Mains Ditto Salton Ditto GM
Saughtoun Watfon, Efq; Wefrkirk Edinburgh DM
Saughtoun Hall Baird,. Bart. Ditto Ditto . DM
Saughtoun, New, •
Ditto DM
or Cammo I
Watfon, Efq; of Saughtoun· Cramond
Scate raw

. Nifbet, Efq; of Dirlcton Inverwick Haddington IM
. Scougall CouIt, Efg; of Old ham Whitekirk Ditto HL
Seaton, Ca. in ruins York Building Company Tranent Di[to FM
Seaton, Port Ditto . Ditto Ditto FM

Selmore Hill lnnes, Efq; of Stow Stow Edinburgh G p'
Shank •
Dundas, ECq; Lord Prefident Borthwick Ditto EO
Shewington . Ram fay, Erg; of Whitehill Primrofc Ditto EN
Shields, Over Borthwick, Erq; of CrookftouJ? •
Stow Ditto EP , •
Shire Mill . Town of Muffelburgh Invereik. Ditto FN

Sienncs Johnfton, Bart. of Wefterhall 'Veftkirk Ditto EM
Sighthill Wat{on, ECq; of Saughtoun Corftorphin Ditto DM
Silverburn Clerk, Bart. of Pcnicook Penicook Ditto DO
Silver Mines Earl of Hopeton Linlithgow Linlithgow B 1\11
Sinker Law Mr. Murray of Mitchelfton Stow Edinburgh GP
, Skeds bulli Dalziel, ECq; of Hartfide Gifford . Haddington GN
Slateford lnglis, ECq; of Red Hall Collington ' Edinburgh D 1\-1
Smeaton Buchan-Hepburn, Efq; l>reftonhaugh Haddington HM
Smeaton' Park, or ,

Alderfton Ditto Haddington Ditto GM

Slateheugh Mr. Meakle Weft Calder Edinburgh BN
Society . Earl of Hopeton Abercorn Linlithgow CM
South houCe Sivright, EiG; of Meggotland Liberton Ediaburgh EN
Soutra hill, ruins Several Proprietors Humbie Haddingtol1. GO
Soutra, Old Ditto

Ditto GO

Spartleton Hill Home-Rigg, Efq; of GamelfhieIs Stenton Ditto HN

Spittle Clerk, ECq; Penicook Edinburgh DO
Spott Hay, ECq; of Lawficld Spott Haddington IM
Spott Chefters Ditto Ditto Ditto' I 1\1
Springfield Mr. Baxter Lefwade Edinburgh 'E N
Stage hall lnnes, Efq; of Stow Stow Ditto GP
St. Agnes Suttie,· Bart. ofBalgone Spott Haddington IN
Stand-alone Hon. Murray Aberlady Ditto· . G NI
Standing-:(tone Hon. Charteris of Amisfield l\lorham Ditto H 1\1
E Names.

\ •

( 18 )
NCl1IlCS. Prop"itlors, &c. Parijh. County_ Lt-Iter!.
St. Ann's Yards Earl of Dundonald ,
Canongate EdinburghE 1\Ir
·Sr. Baldrin's Cradle Earl of Hadinton • \Vhitekirk Haddington H L
Stenton Lord Bclhaven •
Stenton Ditto H M
Stevenfton Sinc1air, Bart. of MUl'kle Haddington Ditto GM
St. Germans Wedderburn, Efq; ,
Tranent Ditto F'M
St. Katherine~s Crawfurd, Efq; of Kames Liberton Edinburgh E N
St. ¥ary's Hall Mr. Dunn Leith Ditto EM
Stob Chalmers, Efq; Weftkirk Ditto
D M . •

Stobs Dewar, Efq; of V ogrie Borthwick Ditto EO'

Stoneypath . Hay, Efq; of DrummeIzier \Vhittino-ham
, 19 Haddington ,H M
Stoneyp~th Tower Ditto ' Ditto Ditto H M
Stonnylull Hon. Charteris of' Amisfield Invereik Edinburgh E M
Stow lnnes, Efq; . Stow'
- Ditto G P
Straith, E. M. & W. Several Proprietors Torphichen . Linlithgow A M
:Straitoun Johnfton, Efq; Liberton Edinburgh EN,
Sunnvfide Adam, Efq; of Maryburgh Ditto Ditto EM
Swanftoun Trotter, E1'1; of MOl'ton Hall Collington Ditto D N
:Swirs houfe

Mitchelfon, E.fq; of Midleton Borthivick Ditto '. F 0
Sydferf Reid, Efq; North Berwick Haddington G ',L

Symington Mr. Pringle Stow Edinburgh F P


Titilend Thompfon, Efq; ,"Veft Calder Edinb~rgh B N •

'Tamtallan, ill ruins Dalrymple, Bart. of North Berwick North,Berwick Haddington H ,.L
Tarbane hill 'V\T ardrop, Efq; Bathgate Linlithgow '. B N
T arb'ane trees Mr. Whytt ' Ditt.o Ditto B N •

- Tartravan :Earl of Hopeton ,Linlithgow Ditto BM

, Temple. Dundas, Eiq; Lord Prefident Temple, Edinburgh E 0
Temple hall , Lauder-Dick, Bart. of Fountain Hall Pcncaitland Haddington ,F N
'Thornton loch •
Niibet, Efq; of Dirleton Inverwick Ditto I M

Three mile toun Earl of Hopeton . Ecclefmachan Linlithgow C M
Thurfton Hunter, E1q; Inverwick Haddington IM
T orphichen, Lord Torphichen, &c. Torphichen LinlithgowB NI'
.Torphichen aill Dundas, Efq; Lord Prefident Temple Edinburgh .E 0
Torquehan Mr. Douglas . Stow Ditto G P
.Torfonce Pringlc, E1q; Ditto Ditto G P

-Several Proprietors Tranent Haddington F M
'Turnhoufe RiddeJl, Erq; of Ardnamurchan Glcncrofs Edinburg!l D N
.TytminghameCaftle Earl of Hadinton vVhitekirk Haddington H L
Tynninghame, New Ditto Ditto Ditto H M . •


Uphall Earl of Buchan Uphall Linlithgo\V C M
..Viewfield 'Simpfon, Efq; Newbattle Edinburgh EN ,

Vogrie Dewar, Efq; .

Borthwick , '
Ditt.o FN

,"Valhoufe Gillon, Efq;

T()rphichen Linlithgow B 1\1,

'Wallyford Finlay, Efq; lnvereik , . Edinhll'r'gh F 1\1 •

·\Vardlaw Mr. Nimmo •

Linlithgqw Linlit11gow BM
Vv- arrifton Hay, Efq; Ratho Edinburgh DN
Warrifton Mr. Ramfay, &c. vVeftkirk Ditto E lVI
Water of Leith Severai Proprietors Ditto Ditto EM
Waterfton Earl of Hopeton ,
Linlithgow •

• Names •

• I

• •

• •

Names. Praprirlors, &c. Parijb. COUi;')'_ L,·tteJ'i.

'",aughton Earl of Hopeton Prcfton ha ugh Haddington HL
'Vel tower DaJrymple, Efq; North Berwick Ditto . GL •

'Veftport Hamilton, Bart~ . Linlithgow Linlithgow R 1\1

Whitbum Cunninghame, Bart. of Livingfto ne Whitb.urn Dtto . nN . •

Whitburn, Eaft Ditto Ditto Ditto BN

Whitebaulks . l\1r. WardrClp of Bridgehoufc ' Linlithgow Ditto BM
Whiteburgh Anderfon, Erq; Humbic Haddington FN
White caftle nick Lord Blantyre Whittingham Ditto HN
White hill Ramfay, Efq; Lefwade . Edinburgh .E N . •

White houfe Frafer, 'Erg; Lord Stricben Weftkirk Ditto D lVI

White houfe Mr. Strachan . Cramond •
Ditto DM
'lVl1ite houfe Kincaid, E(g; . ·Weftkirk Ditto DM
Whitekirk Baird, Efg; of Newbyth Whitekirk Haddington HL
Whitelaw vVemys, Efq; of Cattle hill Whittingham Ditto HM
Whitepark, Dyke, Alexander, Efq; Weft Calder Edinburgh BN
or Weftfield • •

Whitefide Mr. Durham of Boghead Bathgate Linlithgow BN

vVhittingham . Hay, Efq; of Drummelzier Whittingham Haddington H 1\1
Winchburgh Earl of Hopeton Kirklifton Linlithgow C 1\1:
Windiegoul Anderfon, Efq; '. • Tranent Haddington FM

Winterfie1d Ditto Dunbar Ditto . IM
vVinton Ca. in "Uil1S York Building Company Pencaitland Ditto FN
W oodcockdale Auchinleck, Efq; Linlithgow Linlithgow BM
Wood Hall Foulis, Elq; ColIington Edinburgh DN
Wood hall

Gordon-Kinloch, E1q; Inverwick Haddington I 1V1:
WoodhoufcIee Tytler, Efq; Glencrofs Edinburgh DN
Woolmet Hon •.Charteris of Amisfield •
Newton Ditto EN •

Wray Earl of Hopeton Linlithgow Linlithgow BM

vV right's houf(!i Mifs Baird • vVeftkirk Edinburgh DM
• •

Yefter •
Marquis of Tweedale Gifford Haddington GN
Y efter, Long Ditto Ditto Ditto . GN
Youk Law Borthwick, Efq; of Crookfrollll •
Stow Edinburgh FP

• •

F I N I s. •

• •


• •


- .
• • •

. -.

• •

• •

• •


• •

• ,

, • •



• •

.0 F T HIt •

•• •

• , •

- •

For the A.P of the "

• • •

• •

. '


'. His Grace the Duke of Athol •

t The Right Hon. the Earl of Abercorn'

: The Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen '
; J>hillip Ainflie, Efq; of Pilton, Maj?r, 2d Tr?op Horfc: Grenadier Guards
· John Adam, Efq; of Maryburgh, Kmcrofs ShIre, ArchIte~ .
; David Armftrong, Efq; of Kirtleton, .Dumfries Shire, Advocate •

· Alexander Arbuthnot, Efq; Kirkbraehead· .. ••

.• James Auchinleck, Efq; of Woodcockdale . ,

: The Rev. Mr. William Abernethy-Drummond of Hawthornden " • .J

: Alexander Anderfon, Efq; juno of Newbigging •

: George Adnifton, Efq; of Carcant

~ Richard Anderfon, Efq; of WindiegouI • •
, Mr. John AUi.nfon, Engineer, Borrowftounefs .
; Mr~ John Ainflie, Surv~yor and Engraver •

\ •


B. "

• •
His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh
.• The Right Hon. the Earl of Buchan •

~.: The Right Hon. Lord Binning .

; The Rjght Hon. Lord Blantyre •

: The Right Hon. Lord Belhaven . • •

:; The" Hon. George Baillie of Jarvifwood, LanerJ< Shire •

:The H~n. Alexander Bofwell, Efq; Lord Auchtnleck •

: The Hon. George Brown, Efq; Lord Coalftoun

~ The Hon. Robert Bruce, Efq; Lord Kennet
",Robert Baird, Efq; of Newbyth
~John Borthwick, Efq; of Crookftoun .
John Buchan, Efq; of L-etham ' •

:George Buchan-Hepburn, Efq; of Smeaton, Advocate .

. George Brown, Efq; of Ellifton, Roxburgh Shire, Commiffioner of Exciie
George Buchan, E1'1; of Keloe, Berwick Shire
:Thomas Brown, Efq; of Johnftonburn
:William Baillie, Efq; of Polkemmet .
Andrt:w BaIfour, Efq; of Peppermill, Advocate
Robert Blair, Efq; Advocate .
James Brown, Efl:],; ArchiteCt, Edinburgh
F Andrew
, •

( ~2 )
• •

Andrew Burnett, Efq; of Kirkhil~ •

WaIter Brown, Efc; of Curry

William :Buchan, fq; M. D. Edinburgh
• Rev. Mr. George Barclay of Midleton, Minifrer at Haddington
Mr. William Beaumont, Borrowftounefs •

- C.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Caffillis

The Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell M. P. ,

The Hon. Frands Charteris of Amisfield . •

The Hon. John Campbell, Efq; Lord Stonefield ,

Sir James Cockburn, Bart. M. P. . •

Sir James Clerk, Bart. of Pcnicook ,

Sir \Villiam Auguftus Cunninghame, Bart. of Livingftone ,

James Carmichael, Efq; of Haills

Archibald Cock burn, Efq; of Cockpen, Sheriff-depute for Edinburgh Shire
Andrew Croiliie, Efq; of Holmes, Dumfries Shire, Advocate . •

Thomas Calderwood, Efq; of Polton . •


Thomas Craig, Efq; of Riccarton . .

John Chriftie, Efq; of Baberton •

QliYcr Coult, Efq; of Oldham

David Campbell, Efq; ~f Belmont, Writer to the Signet ,

Adam Cunningham-Durham, Efq; of Bonnington

Ronald Campbell, Efq; af Balernoe ,

John Clerk, Efq; ~dinl:>urgh . '. ,

Thomas Cockburn, Efq; of Rowchefter, Berwick Shire,. Writer to: the Signet •

Gcorge. Cranftoun, Efq; of Dewar •

William Cochrane, Efq;' of Muirfield •

Rey. Mr. Robert Cunningham ,of Balgounie, Fife Shire. •

]\-lr. Robert Calderwood, Dalkeith . •


Mr.,James Cummyng, Lyon Office, Edinburgh •

The Hon. Board of Cuftoms •


The Right Hon. the Earl of Dalhoufie
The R~ght Hon. ~obert Dundas, Efq; ofArnifton, Lord 'l~rc:fident .. .: '
The RIght Hon. Su' Lawrence. Dundas, Bart. of Kerfe, Stulmg Shire, M. p~,
The Hon. Sir David Dalrymple, Bart. Lord Hailes .
Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. of Coufland
Sir Alexander Dick, Bart. of Preftonfield
Sil:" Robert DalyeU, Bart. of Binns • •

Sir Hew Dalrymple, Bart. of North Berwick ,

Archibald Douglas .. Efq; of Dot;lglas, Larierk Shire

l.ieut. Col ... John Douglas, 2d Regiment Dragoons, •

Henry Dundas, Efq; of Melville, Solicitor General •

Thomas Dundas, Efq; of'Fingafk, Stirling Shire .•

• •

James DuiIdas, Efc ; of Dundas, M. P.

Thomas Dundas, fq; of Caftlecarey, Stirling Shire, M. P.,
James D;!rham, Efq; of Lal'go, Fife Shin~ • ,

James Dlckfon, 'Efq; Kelfo •

James Dewar, Efq; of Vogrie

Hew Dalryrnple, Efq; of Nunraw
Charles Dalrymple, Efq; North Berwick •
David Dundas, Efq; of NewhaIls
John Dalrymple, Efq; late Lord .P,rOyoft of Edinburgh •
( \

( 2.3 )

ohn David(on, Erq; of Halltree, Writer to the Signet '
ohn Deas, Efq; Charleftown, Carolina, America
Captain Archibald Douglas, Berwick upon Tweed
John DavidCon, Efq; of Ravelrig
Lewis Douglas, Efg; of Garvald .
James Dallas, Efq; younger, of Parkly, . Write.r •

Mr. Alexander Donaldfon, Bookfeller, Edinburgh

The Right Hon. the Earl of Eglintonne •

The Right Hon. Lord Elibank . • ,

William Edwards, Efq; of Pilmuir
The City of Edinburgh
, .F. •

The Right Hon. the Earl of Fife •

The Hon. Alexander Frafer, ECq; Lord Strichen .

Sir Adam Fergufon, Bart. of Kilkerran, Ayr Shire •

Andrew Fletcher, Efq; of Salton'

WiUiam FuIle(ton, Efq; of Carftairs, Lanerk- Shire •
Robert Ferguion, Efq; of Raith, Fife Shire
John Fullerton, Efq; of Carberry .,

Alexander Fergufon, Efq; of Craigdarroch,: Dumfnes Shlre, Advocate
George Fergufon, Efq; Advocate .
The Rev. Dr. Robert Findlay of IJrummore •

James Falconar, Efq; of Monktoun· •

Alexander F oulis, Eiq; of Ratho

Georg~ Fairholme; Efq; of Greenhill.
Simon Frafer, Efq;' of Ford ,
James F orrcit, Efq; of Commifton •
Robert Fall, Efq; of Underedge, Dunoar· ,
Doaor George Forrefbof Gimmerfmiln
Mr. Jimes Fairbairn; Poft-houfe,. Haddington.
- . ' G ..... •

The Right Hon. the Earl, of Glafgow. •

The Hon. Alexander Gordon of RockvIlle
• •

The Hon. Francis Garden, Efq; Lord Gardenftoun

Sir Alexander GiImour, Bart. of Craigmiller, .M. P ..
Sir Alexander Gibfon, Bart. of Peritland .
General David Grreme of Gorthre, Perth Shire·
Captain John.Gunning, 43d Regiment
COfillO Gordon, Efq; of Clunie, AberdeenShire, Advocate-
Archibald Gordon~Kinloch, Efq;.: of Woodball: •
John Gallon,. Efq; of Walhoufe, Sheriff~depute for Linlithgow Srure.
lames Gartiliore, Efq;- of Alderfton, Writer to' the Signet
George Gray,. £fq; of Huntington .
George Gray, Efq; of Leafton •

Charles Gordon, . Efq;.. of Braid, Writel· to the Signet

Mr. John Grant, JUDlor, Leith
• H. •

, His Grace the Duke of Hamilton

The Right Hon. the Earl of Hadinton .
The Right Hon. the Earl of Hyndford ,
The'Right Hon. the Earl of Hopeton. ..
The Right Hon. Lord Hope .

The .

• • •

(- 24 ) •

' .

""he Hon.Char~es Hope .. Weir of Craigy Hall

T ,le Hon. Henry Home, Erg; Lord Kames " '
Tile Hon. lVlajor Charles Hamilton, 1ft Regiment of Dragoon Guul'd$
S:r Archibald Hope, Bart. Newton-houfe ,

::-iir George Hay-lVl~kdougal, Bart. of Makerftoun, Roxburgh Shire

Sir "\Villiam Hamilton, Bart. of Weftport ,

Viilliam Hope-Vere, Efg; Craigy Hall - •

Col. Robert Hepburn 'of Congalton" M. P. •

William Hay, Efq; of Lawfield , ,

John Hamilton, Erq; of Bargeney, Ayr Shire

John Ha , Efg; of Belton ,

Patrick eron, Efq; of Heron, Kirkcudbright Shire ' •

WilliamHaIl, Efq; of White Hall, Berwick Shire •

James Hamilton, Efq; of Bangour . ,

Robert Hepburn, Efq; of Clerkington
Thomas Hamilton .. lVIacgill, Efq;' of Falla
James Hunter, Efq; of Robertland, Ayr Shire •
Robert Hal:nilton,.Efg; of Whifhaw, Lanerk Shire
Roger Hog, Efg; of Newlifton •

'Thomas Hog, Efq;' Newlifton , ,

George Home, Efq; of Branxtoun, "\-Vriter to the Signet

Charles Hay, Efq; of Hopes , •

Robert Hunter:, Efq; of Thurfton '

William Hay, Efg; of New Hall , ,
Jam~s Home-Rlgg, Efg; of GamelfhieIs ,- •

. George Hay, Elq; of Warrifton •

John ,Hamilton, Efq; of Re id Hall ,

- L

·SiT Ad~m Inglis, Bart. of Cramond •

Alexander Johnfton, Efg; of Straitoun

George Inglis, Efg; of Red Hall . . , '
Alexander Innes, Erq; younger, of Cathlaw, Wnter to the Signet, •

GJlbe rt limes, Erq; of Stow . •

Edward Inglis, Erg; of Leith-head . ,

Mr. George Jervy, New Inn, Bathgate

K. •

David Kinloch, Erq; of Gilmerton •

Francis Kinloch, Efg; Gilmerton , , •

Thomas Kl.!nnedy, Efq; of Dunure, Ayr Shire •

WiIliam Kirkpatrick, Erg; DaIry, Principal Clerk of Seffion .

Alexander Ktith, Erq; of Ravelftoun~ Depute Clerk'of Seillon 1

Archib<!-ld Keir, Efl]; Edinb\ugh : •

Alexander Kincaid, Efg; Printer and Stationer to his Majcfty, Edinburgh

. L.
The Moft Hon. the Marquis of Lothian • •

. 'The Right Hon. the Earl of LaudcrdaIe -

The Hon. Ar'.c!rew Leflie of Letimore place
Sir Andrew Lauder-Di:::k, Bart. of Fountain Hall
General James Lockhart of Carnwath, Lanerk Shire "
Alexander Leith, E{g; of Freefield, Aberdeen Shire
Alexander Li vinrdlon, Efr.; of Bedlormie
VVilliam Law, Efq; of Elvlngfton, Sheriff-dep~te for HadJinO'ton Shire
George Logan, E 1q; of Logan ~ I '


( 25 ) •

P?trick Lindefay, Efq; of EagIefcarnie ,

Lieut. Col. John Lindefay, Muffelburgh I

GCOI'ge Loch, Erg; of Dr l~w ' ,

The Advocates Library, dmburgh
M. •
Hi s Grace the Duke of Montrofe ••

The Right Hon. the Earl of Moray •

The. Right Hop. the ~ar1 of Marchmont. ' • . .

The Hon. Thomas MIller, Efq; of Barikunmmg, Ayr ShIre, Lord Jufbce Clerk
The Hon. James Montgomery, Efq; of Stanhope, Peebles Shire~ .M. P. Lord ,
The Hon. John MauIe, Efq; Baron of Exchequer . . ..
Sir Robert'Myrton, Bart. of Gogar . •

Wil1iam lVlacdouall, Efq; of Caftlefemple, Renfrew Shire, M. P. -

General Alexander Majoribanks of Carlowrie .
Archibald JVlenzies, Efq; of Culdares, Perth Shire, Commiffioner of Cuftoms
John M'Douall, Efq; of Logan, Dumfries Shire
John Mitchelf?n, Eiq; of Mid!eton '.. '
John Mackenzie, Efq; of Delnn, Perth ShIre" Advocate. . .
Duncan Mac Millan, Efq; of Dounmore, Argyle Shire .
George Muir,' Efq; of Caftlec'arry, Kirkcudbright Shire, Writer to the Signet
Alexander Majoribanks, Efq; of Majoribanks
George Moncrieff, Efq; of Black.burn, . . . •

Alexander Munro, Etq; M. D. Profeffor of Anatomy, Edinburgh

George Middleton, Efq; of Mofshall, .
John M'Arthur, Efq; of Coats, Writer •

Mrs. Grace Maxwell of Carridden •

1\'lr. William Miller, Seed Merchant, Edinburgh •

Mr. John M'Donald, Comptroller of Cuftoms, Borrowfrounef..;

N. •

His Grace the Duke of Nurthumberland

Sir John Nifbet, Bart. of Dean
William Nifbet, Efq; of Dirleton
John Nifbet, Efq; Pencaitland • •

Richard Newton, Efq; of Newton .

James Newbigging, Efq; of Haywood, Lanerk Shire," Lord Prefident's Clerk.
. . o. •

General Sir James Adolphus Oughton, Knight, Caroline Parl-:

Robert Oliphant, Efq; of Roffie, Perth Shire, Pait Maf1:erGc:neral
Alexander Or1', Efq; of Waterfide, VV riter to the Signet ' •

P. '
The Right Hon. Lord Polwarth.
Sir John Paterfon, Bart. of Eccles, Benvick Shire • •
.lames Pringle, Efq; of Torfonce, M. P. .

James Philp, Etq; of Greenlaw, Judge Admiral
Andrew Plummer, Efq; of Midlefteed, Selkirk Shire •

, .
James Pringle, Efq; of Bowland, Principal Clerk of Srffii'lll
William Prefion, Efq;. of Gorton . •

• ~
His Grace the Duke of ~eenfber
• •

His G\·ace the Duke of Roxburgh

The Right Hon. the Earl of Rofebery

George Ramfay, Efq; of Whitehill
, Rocheid, Efq; of Inverleith

Cj· Roger

( 26 )
Roger Rohertfon, Efi; of Ladykirk, Berwick Shire
Mllnro Rofs, Efq; 0 Pjtcaley, Fife Shire •

David Rac, Efq; Invereik., Advocate

Thomas Rigg, Efq; of Morton •

Rohcrt Ramfay, Efq; of Blackcraig, M. D. Profefi"or of Natural Hiftory

John Rufiell, Efq; of Rofeburn, Writer to the Signet •

WiIliam Ramfa.y, Efq; (lf Prefton . •
• •

Dollor John Roebuck, Kcnneil Houfe •

Robert Robinfon, Efq; Architect, Edinburgh ,
, S. "
- The Right Hon. the Earl of Strathmore . .

The Right Hon. the Eai-l of Seaforth . • •

The Right Hon. Lord SomerviU('

The Hon. Major Sandilands, Contentibus
The Hon. Alexander Stuart of Northwoodfide •

Sir John Sinclair, Bart. of Murkle, Cathnefs Shire

Sir George Suttie, Bart. of Balgone, M. P. .. \ ....... ,. •

WaIter Scott, Efq; of Harden, Roxburgh Shire


, •

• •
Thon~as Shairp, Efg; of Houftoun -. ... • • •

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Skene, Adjutant General , . .

David Stewart-Moncrieffe, Efq; of Moredun . " ." •

John Swinton, Efq; of Swinton, Berwick Shire, Advocate" •

Robert Sinclair, Efq; Advocate _ .

Andrew St. Clair, Efq; of Hermifton· . . •

J ames Stewart, Efq; Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh .

Robert Stewart, Efq; of Binny . • •

John Sydferf, Efq; of Ruchlaw • • •

.' •

Alexander Schaw, Efq; of Laurieftoun •

Matthew Sandilands, Efq; younger, of Coufton •

Mr. Jofeph Sommers, Farmer at Gi'1ford Caftlemains

. T•

• • •

The oft H(\n. the Marquis of Tweedale

The .ight Hon. Lord Torph!chen
Thomas Trotter, Efq; of Morton Hall •

Archibald Tod, Efq; of Hayfield

Alexander Tait, . Efq; PrinCipal Clerk of Seffion, Edinburgh •

Thomas Tod, Efq; Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh .'. •

John Thompfon, Efq; Accountant, Edinburgh •

John Tait, Efq; of Pirn
Mr. John 'Tait, Land Meafurer •

Nic\lOIasVilant, Efq; Profeifor of Mathematics, St. Andrews
. . W.
Sir John Whitefoord, Bart. of Whitefoord, Ayr Shire •

.Sir Thomas WalIa.ce-Dunlop, Bart. of Craigie, AyrShire •

James Watfon, Efq; of Saughtoun . • ,

John Wa~fon, Efq; of Muirhoufe •

John Wauchope, Efq; of Edmonfton

Alexander Wedderburo, Efq; of St. Germans
Andrew Wauchope, Efq; of Niddery ,
Alexander Wight, Efq; Advocate, Edinburgh
David Wardrobe, Efq; of Cult, M. D.
• Captain James Wilkie, Fouldean, Berwick Snfre •

• •


( 1.7 )
James Wardrop, Efq; of Tarbane hill
Thomas Wilkicfon, Efq; of Chefter Hall •
Gcorge vVarreoder, Efq; ofBruntsfield
Robert Waddell, Efq; of Crawhill
vVilliam vVifhart, .Etq; of Fox Hall
Dr •. Andrew '\Vauchope of Caickmuir .
James ~~Ikcr, Efq; Writer. to the Sigl,1e,t,Edinhurgh •

l\1r•. Wdham vVardrop of BrJdgehoufe

Mr. 0110 Wight; Farmer in Coufland , •
Mr.. eter Williamfon, American· Coffee-honCe, Edinburgh •

. Y.· •

Thomas .Young,. Efq;, M. D~ .. Profe{for of·Midwifery, Edinburgh.

E N. •
I., , S~ , ,

7 7 •
# I • ,. • .
• • •
7 7

;q 7 7


A.. D:· V E.' R T 1. S: E'.: •

. '
P U: B L. IS'· H' E D~

Price ONE GUINEA!and 'a HALF in Sheets,' or Two G.UINEAS laid on Canvas with'Rollers.
• •
A NE wand, Co R R'E C. T M' A p, of the.
C'O,·U'N·T y' OF.' N a··R.T H.U BE"R L.A N'D;
Taken from an ACTUAL SURVEY; and laid down from a SCALE of ONE INCH to aMILE.
GAP.T;. ARM S T R 0 N G and ~ O-N.
This MA P is- elegantly engraved ·by Thomas Kitchin, Geographer; and printed on NINE SHEETS of Imperial
, Paper; in which is infcned every TIling ufeful and ornamental. The Courfe of the ROM AN \V ALL and. Ro-
man Military-Roads are·accurately laid down; with the Roman, :Danifh and Briti1h Forts, Stations and Camps,:
Alfo, the Places where-,. and Time when, the mof!: remarkable BATTLES were fought, efpecially the memorable
Captain Armfirong and Son had a Bounty of Fifty Guineas [l'om the Honourable Society for the Encourage-
m.ent of Arts, &c. for their Map of Northumberland. ,
----.----------.--------~, •• ------------------------.------------------,-----------

LONDON, April 2.7, 1770'
On- O"N E: I M··P E- R lA' L S H:E E T,
P·rice Four Shillings and Six-pence, or Six Shillings laid on Canvas and put in a Pocket Cafe;

Reduced (by defire) from the large M AP, And defigned for the Ufe of Travellers .
• • 2
• • ,

EOINlIURGH, July 18, 17it.

. Price FIFTE EN SHII:"LINGS in Sheets, ,or ONE POUND mounted and Coloured, .
THE A p' 0 F. B E· R I C K S· H IRE;
Taken from an ACTUAL SURVEY, and laid down from a SCALE of ONE INCH to a MILE.
By Capt. ARMSTRONG and SON, and engraved by ANDRE,\V BELL. .

, UMBERLAND. A fo a PJ;.AN of the Town of GREENI.AW.

, . •

- •

Ei) r:= h":_"ItG~-j. !,I~"."·_:!ni'~l J, t ii2t .
1) It 0 r 0 SAL s for SUR V E Y 1 N G: :md l' UDr. I ~ H I ~ G, by S u .n 5 CRI l' T 10 to:,
- A N E VI and C 0 It RE C T
IV! A p o F A y R s H I R E·, ,

(Comprehending CUNNINGI-IAM, KYLE and CARRICK.)

To. be taken from an ACTUAL SURVEY,.-and
- laid do\vn on a SCALE of ONE Ir-:cH to a MiLE.
This l'IIAP will be printed on SIX SHEETS of Imperial Paper, and will contain e.-cry Thin'g ufefut and ornamen-
tal, fo far as the Nature of {uch an Undertaking will admit of. Alfo, a PLA~ of the TOWN of AYR. The
whole to be delineated and expre1f!!d in the Manner of NORTHUMBERLA;:./D and BERWlCKSHIRE. 'Vi:h
ead. Map will he giyen a Copious IN DEX in a B o o k . . ""
Price to Subfcribc:rs ONE GUINEA each MAP, onc Half to be paid on fubfcribing, and the Remainder on •
Delivery of the l\1A P in SHEE"IS j fometime in 1774. . .
-,--------.-------------...---------------.------------------------------ -.----------.------~.----- ..

• •

1\:1ay I, 1773 •
PRO PO,S A L S ' for PUB LIS H I N G by SUB S CRI P T ION, an .

From L 0 N D ON, by CARLISLE, to EDINBVRGH, and from ED I N BUR G H, by


'By M 0 S·T Y N J 0 H N A R M S T R 0 N G. •

TIle Poir Road from I.ondon, by Carlifie, to Ediriburgh; the great Po!!: :Road from Edinburgh, by Berwick •

and \Veadlerby, to London; alld:the Road from Edinburgh, by Coldll:ream, to where it joins the great Poil: Road
near Morpeth; with the Market Towns, Villages and Churches; the Nobility and Gentry's Seau, &c. &e. fitua-
ted on, or within THREE MILES of either Side of the Roads., will be accurately laid down, on a SCALE of :
HALF an INCH to a Statute MILE. ,
The \Vhole to be elegantly engraved, and printed 'on SEVENTY octavo Pages of Royal Paper, e,ach Page to •.
co~~in TWELVE :MILES of the Road; and \vith each Page ofthefc Roads will be given Two PAGES of Letter-
Prefs, as a Reference to every Thing ufeful and neceffarv to inform the Tra\'eJ1(,'r. To which will be aJded, a
general half Sheet MAP of the Two great Roads from.LoNDoN to EDINBURGH, and the intended Road along ,
the. RomanW from 'llorrow1)ridge, by Hcxham to Edinburgh. " '

Price to Subfcribers, only-HAL.F a GUINEA each Copy, t.Q be paid on DELIVERY of the BOOK, neatly- bound :

and put in a Pocket Cafe. _ ••

• , '1 7 5
• •

EDINBURGH, November 10, 1773 • .
' J _U· S T PUB LIS H E D.
',Price ON·E GUINEA and a HALF in Sheets, or T\,~o POUNDS laid on Canvas with Rollers, .'

.and coloured, .
A. N E wand COR R E C T M A P of . ,I

E E L o T H I A N s; •

(Comprehending the :Counties of, HAD DIN G TON, E DIN BUR G H,_
-" -and L 1NL I T H G 0 WJ - .

Taken from an ACTUAL 'SURVEY, and laid down from a SCALE of ONE INCH to a MILE. ~
By Capt. A R M S T R 0 N G and SON; •
And engr.aved by THOMAS KITCHIN, Efq; Hydrographer
to .•
This MAP is ptinted 'on SIX SHEETS ,offine Super-Royal Paper, the vVhole being Five Feet by near 'Three Fc::~:;
in Size: In which is inferte~l the Market Towns, Villages and Churches; the Nobility and Gentry's Scats,l
Cafiles, and Ruip,s ;pi-incipal dwelling and Farm-houfes; Roads, Rivers, \Voods, Battles, Camps, Hills, ~
Fl.ows, &c. with·every Thing remarkable, relating to Antiq'!ity, o~ modern J~nproveLDents. ~s :" CCl.;R r\ TEI;- Y ~
lald ,down and -l'ROIlrERLY e~preffed. Alfo, the PLANS of Haddmgton, Edmbul'gh and Lmhthgow. vVlth~
each MA P is given (gratis) a BOOK containing an Alphahetical IND EX of the principal Places; with thc~
I ' ROPR'1ETO'RS NAMES, &c • .the PARISH and COUNTY each Place isfituatcdin; and REFERENCE, by Lf.T·~
'I"~RS, if.dinding them in the !\trAP. .
The .MAl'S e-f NORTHUMBERLAND, BERWtcK5~nRE, and the THREE LOTHIANS, are SOLD hy Captain~
ARMSTROKG and 'SON, John's Coffec-houfe, Edinburgh i where SUBSCRIPTIONS are taken in for AYRSlllltE'1
'. 'and the BOOK "of the ROADS. " >
-, ,


-' '

•• ,

• ,"





• . ' .
Ulre an • • •


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