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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Circle the adjective or the adverb to complete each sentence.

Example: My friend is a _____ driver. [ careful / carefully ]

1. My classmate is a _____ person. [ nice / nicely ]

2. I can speak Spanish very _____. [ good / well ]

3. Katrina took a painting class, so she can paint _____ pictures. [ beautiful / beautifully ]

4. Mr. Smith looked _____ at me when I arrived late. [ angry / angrily ]

5. Of course, I was _____ when I got an A+ on the exam. [ happy / happily ]

6. The music is too _____. Please turn it down! [ loud / loudly ]

7. My friends all tell me that I sing _____. [ bad / badly ]

8. The thief _____ took the money and walked out the door. [ quiet / quietly ]

9. The cat waited _____ for the mouse to come out of the hole. [ silent / silently ]

10. My cousin always walks very _____. [ quick / quickly ]

11. The work that my boss gave me was _____. [ easy / easily ]

12. Thomas is very _____. He always helps me. [ kind / kindly ]

13. The little boy _____ kept the cookie for himself. [ selfish / selfishly ]

14. The man _____ opened the door and looked inside. [ nervous / nervously ]

15. The fireman _____ rescued the people from the burning house. [ brave / bravely ]

16. I _____ offered to help my friend study for his exam. [ happy / happily ]

17. She is the most _____ person I know. [ polite / politely ]

18. It was midnight, and I heard a _____ noise outside. [ strange / strangely ]

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