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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

BSBOPS502 Manage Business

Operational Plans
Project Portfolio
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Section 1: Planning for an operational plan................................................................................................5

Section 2: Developing an operational plan................................................................................... .......... 9
Section 3: Managing operational performance......................................................................................... 14
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Section 1: Planning for an operational plan

About the organization

Provide an overview of An Overview of the Business Worlducation is a social enterprise that
the organization and manufactures tablets for primary school students. They not only
concentrate on gear, but they also have a ruthless team that creates
m s.
projects, content, and exercises to better attract and teach understudies.
Describe the key
Worlducation is a term used to describe a strategy of changing the way
functions and activities
of the work area you will children learn at school and creating the most effective form of learning by
develop an operational utilizing man-made consciousness technology that can track each child's
plan for. progress and modify to their requirements as they learn. Worlducation
Briefly describe at least used to only offer B2B tablet PCs since they realized their material and
two objectives outlined in equipment were only useful if the full study hall was using them and the
the strategic plan (if there educator was conducting the activities. It also assisted the outreach team
is no strategic plan for
in focusing on larger agreements and reducing the number of possible
your business, develop
two objectives for your issues that could arise from individual clients. In any case,
work area or business).
Functions and Activities of Critical Importance
Describe your job role.
1. Develop a cloud-firing technique that includes many clouds. A
Explain how your job role
contributes to the broader cloud-first strategy should extend beyond the IT department's
goals of the business or scope. The entire organization must understand and accept it. As a
work area. result, IT organizations must concentrate on more than just the
technical aspects of a cloud-first strategy.

2. Practice workload placement analysis on a regular basis.

Continuous workload placement analysis entails reassessing
workloads on a frequent basis, determining if the existing execution
venue adequately fulfils the organization's demands and whether
migrating to a different model provides more value without putting the
organization's operations at risk.

The Strategic Plan has two goals:

1. Raise sales to increase donations to needy classrooms.

2. Improve our people's talents so that we may better serve our


Job Purpose I have overall responsibility for a project's effective initiation,

planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling, and closure as the
project manager. The project manager must ensure that risk is controlled
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

and uncertainty is minimized.

Stakeholder Contribution Approval

Source information

Identify stakeholders who

will contribute to the
Project Sponsor Manages project authorize
operational plan and finances, participates in new
provide relevant critical decision-making, ideas and
approvals: oversees engagement modificati
and communication ons
 Who are they procedures, assists in the
(consider formulation of the original
escalation, scope and project charter,
specialist resource and manages stakeholder
manager, colleague, relationships.
 What contribution
will they make?

• What will they Project Manager a project's successful the project

Approve (if relevant)? start-up, planning, plan's
design, execution, approval or
Identify and summarize monitoring, control, and the scope's
any legislation relevant to close-out revision
the operational plan you throughout
develop. the project's
Identify and summarize
any organizational
policies and procedures Sales Manager assigning sales territory, Prepare and
relevant to the setting quotas, mentoring budget for
operational plan you salespeople, providing marketing;
develop. (Attach proof to sales training, and plan and
this section of your developing a sales budget for
portfolio). strategy promotional
Summarize the financial
information (e.g. budget Project team member Setting quotas, mentoring No member of
and forecast) that will salespeople, giving sales the project
inform spending and training, and designing a team has the
(attach proof to this sales plan are all things authority to
that sales managers do. approve any
section of your portfolio).
report or
explain how the resource documentation
will be recruited and .
inducted following policy
and procedure.

explain any financial

implications (e.g.
approval required,
amount to be budgeted
for etc.).
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Explain any Intellectual

Property (IP)
requirements, rights and
responsibilities linked to
the resource.

Relevant Legislation The Privacy Act 1988

Introduced to preserve and promote individual privacy, as well as to

regulate how Australian government agencies and businesses with
revenue of more than $3 million, as well as some other businesses,
handle personal information.

Financial Information
The board of directors decided to create a cloud-based solution that will
allow consumers to access the software from their own devices. A
cloud-based solution is expected to cost $2 million, according to the
board of directors.
Cloud policies are the rules that govern how businesses use the cloud.
Cloud policies are commonly used to protect the integrity and privacy of
company-owned data, but they can also be used for
finance management, cost utilization, performance management, and
security of network.

Establish potential
Requirements for Physical Resources
physical resource
The delivery of various services over the Internet is known as cloud
requirements computing. These resources include data storage, servers, databases,
Use the information from networking, and software, among other tools and applications.
• The licensing of a software application to clients is known as software-
your research and
as-a-service (SaaS). Licenses are usually supplied on a pay-as-you-go
knowledge of your work
or on-demand basis. This kind of mechanism is available in Microsoft
area. Office 365. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is a means of supplying
For each potential activity everything from operating systems to servers and storage as part of an
on demand service using IP-based connection. Instead of purchasing
in the operational plan, list
software or servers, clients can obtain these resources through an
the physical resources
outsourced, on-demand service. IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure are two
required (identify at least well-known examples of IaaS systems. The most complicated of the
one). three layers of cloud computing is platform-as-a-service (PaaS). PaaS
and SaaS are comparable in several ways, but the main distinction is
For each physical
that instead of distributing software online, PaaS delivers it locally.
resource: and Heroku
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

• research and


information on

resource alternatives

(e.g. RPA vs human


 analyse options and

choose best one

 explain how the

resource will be


following policy and


 explain any financial

implications (e.g.

approval required,

Amount to be
budgeted etc.)
 explain any
Intellectual Property
(IP) requirements,
rights and
responsibilities linked
to the resource (other
than those already

Establish potential KPIs

1. Basic Services: basic support includes availability, which is
For each activity, establish defined as the amount of time the service is available +
measurable KPIs. maintenance time as a percentage of total time. If the system can
Show how you process requests within a certain response time, it is considered
approached establishing usable. The KPIs mean time between failure and mean time to
the KPIs in a repair, which indicate the time intervals at which failures should be
mathematical way using
expected and how long it takes to repair them, are also provided.
2. Security: Security KPIs govern issues such as which software
How do the KPIs reflect version levels should be utilized, how long it should take to perform
financial requirements?
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

List ways to monitor the an upgrade, and the breadth and frequency of security audits.
KPIs. Other essential KPIs monitor data encryption, anti-virus software
use and timeliness, and isolation and logging.
3. Service and Helpdesk: Controlling service and helpdesk KPIs such
as the times at which assistance is offered and the support
techniques used.

Identify data security Data Security Issues

1. Lack of visibility into what data is within cloud applications

Identify any data security

2. Theft of data from a cloud application by malicious actor
requirements or issues
associated with the 3. Incomplete control over who can access sensitive data
activities. 4. Inability to monitor data in transit to and from cloud applications

5. Cloud applications being provisioned outside of IT visibility (e.g.,

shadow IT)

6. Lack of staff with the skills to manage security for cloud applications

7. Inability to prevent malicious insider theft or misuse of data

8. Advanced threats and attacks against the cloud application provider

9. Inability to assess the security of the cloud application provider’s

operations Inability to maintain regulatory compliance

Attach: Proof of work-related policies and processes, as well as an operational


Evident of financial information and calculations (for example,graphs,

Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Section 2: Developing an operational plan

Consult with others The following are some of CGI's consulting services:
Summarise the outcomes of Formation of a cloud strategy and roadmap
your meeting with relevant
— For the shift to a cloud-enabled hybrid IT environment, CGI
professionals give consulting and planning across strategy,
 Which stakeholders did applications, data, and infrastructure. We assist clients with aligning
you consult with? business and technical requirements, documenting key indicators of
cloud adoption success, and developing a customised roadmap for
 Why were these
moving ahead. To enable enterprise transformation adoption, we use
stakeholders part of the
tried-and-true tools and frameworks, such as:
consultation process?
• Capture and aggregate enterprise data with CGI Unify360 Portfolio
 Were any changes to
your suggested
activities, resources, The CGI Unify360 Code Analyser analyses source code to discover
timeframes, KPIs and which applications are most suited for cloud migration.
monitoring processes
Evaluation of the cloud situation
Describe how you
collaborated to achieve joint - CGI aids customers in examining their current applications in order
outcomes. to determine cloud suitability. We examine responsibilities (entire
portfolios or specific apps) together, and then devise a best-fit cloud
How did you seek feedback,
foundation arrangement plan for each. We discuss the re-engineering
advice and support?
and costs associated with inheritance applications. We plot cloud
specialist co-op (CSP) contributions based on the cost, risk, and
effort of cloud move. The cloud availability assessment aids in the
planning, migration, and management of the mixed IT biological
system's advancement.
Application modernization and defence — Using CGI tools and
techniques, our experts assist organisations in assessing legacy
portfolios and applications in preparation for cloud migration. Our
application modernization and defence measures reduce waste by
removing old and maturing innovation. Our strategy is in line with the
hybrid IT ecosystem architecture and enhances system compatibility.

• Our specialists use data collecting and analysis tools like CGI
Unify360 Portfolio Manager and other third-party tools to determine
which apps can be migrated to the cloud directly, which should be
rebuilt, which should be replaced (possibly with a SaaS model), and
which should be left alone.
• We use CGI Unify360 Code Analyzer to analyse source code,
detecting and resolving technical cloud migration barriers.
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Migration and transformation are two words that come to mind while
thinking about migration and transformation.
CGI provides end-to-end services for planning and executing cloud
migrations to any cloud target, from a single system to the business.
Key benefits :
• Complete awareness of both the commercial and technical sides of
cloud computing
• Describe the dangers, benefits, and consequences of cloud
computing for your company.
• Expert cloud computing guidance and recommendations
• A clear transition path
• Full implementation and transition assistance
• Highest possible return on investment with the least amount of risk

Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resources KPI Budget

responsible required
strategy to

Objective Activity Person When Human and KPI to

selected required to responsible must the physical measure and
from realise for the activity be resources monitor
strategic objective activity’s completed required to success of
plan successful by or complete the activity
completion during activity
period is it
to be

Increase Create an Sales Advertisemen 2. which

6 months 25000$
sales in online advert manager t Consultant software
order to for the new Cloud version levels
increase product computing will be used,
donations to service how long it
classrooms provider for will take to
in need. graphic deploy an
designers upgrade, and
Storage of the scope
data and
frequency of
3. Data
software use
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

timeliness, as
well as
isolation and
4. How many
calls are
made or
which support
methods are
used and
received per
5. the

Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resources KPI Budget

responsible required
strategy to
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Organize a Advertisement
Sales 6 months
live Consultant
demonstration manager Cloud
for current computing
clients. service
provider for
Storage of
improve Educate Servers
6 months 25000$
our salespeopl Databases
people's e on how to Networking
talents in use the software
order to be new
more product.
6 months
school visits
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resources KPI Budget

responsible required
strategy to

Objective Activity Person When Human and KPI to

selected required to responsible must the physical measure
from realise for the activity be resources and monitor
strategic objective activity’s completed required to success of
plan successful by or complete the activity
completion during activity
period is it
to be
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resources KPI Budget

responsible required
strategy to
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Develop a contingency plan.

Activity/strategy Potential risks Planned Response

to achieve

Activity required to Risk associated with How you will mitigate the risk
realise objective the activity

Make a web User Privacy Is Treating user data with respect (due to the importance
advertisement for Being Invaded of privacy) by acquiring legal authorization for the use of
the new product. a name or likeness in advertising, and protecting your
users' privacy

Organize a live Defamation All of their information is thoroughly vetted, and they
demonstration for avoid making disparaging remarks about a competition..
current clients.

Educate Lack of product You can increase your sales team's performance and
salespeople on knowledge assist your firm further its mission by identifying,
how to use the new monitoring, and mitigating risks.

Arrange for school It's possible that A brief follow-up email following each stage of the free
visits. prospects will take trial (signing up, live demo, etc.) encourages your users
longer to convert into to take action.
paying clients.
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Approve plan Dear CEO,

Follow organisational policies I'm sending you this request for your approval of our functional
and procedures to seek layout for our next project. I've attached an itemised plan that the
approval for your operational group and I created to this email. When you accept our proposal,
plan: we will immediately begin working on the project. You'll find this
arrangement to be a comprehensive response to better engaging
 Who will you seek
our present customers with retargeted advertising. I'm sure you've
approval from?
been seeking for an answer to how we might generate more repeat
 How will you seek business, and I'm confident that this is it. I'm looking forward to your
approval? response.
Attach proof of approval
(e.g.minutes of executive team
meeting, draft email) to this
section of the portfolio.


Document resource Searching the internet for cloud-based businesses that fit the
requirements budget. If Worlducation receives what it requires, it will enter into a
cloud computing collaboration agreement to ensure the
Document the resource
confidentiality of Worlducation's data in the cloud, as well as the
requirements (following
security of company data, in line with existing privacy regulations.
organisational policy and
Attach proof to this section of Requirements for Physical Resources The delivery of various
the portfolio. services over the Internet is known as cloud computing. These
resources include data storage, servers, databases, networking,
and software, among other tools and applications.
1. SaaS (software-as-a-service) refers to the licensing of a software
application to clients. Licenses are usually supplied on a pay-as-
you-go or on-demand basis. This kind of mechanism is available in
Microsoft Office 365.
2. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is a mechanism for offering
everything from operating systems to servers and storage as part of
an on-demand service using IP-based connection. Clients can
avoid purchasing software or servers by renting them instead. The
most complicated of the three layers of cloud computing is platform-
as-a-service (PaaS). The key distinction between PaaS and SaaS
is that instead of distributing software online, PaaS is a platform for
producing software that is provided via the Internet. Platforms like and Heroku fit within this approach.
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Explain plan to team Dear, team!

Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio (if not already
If it's not too much difficulty, look for both people and physical
viewed in person by the
resources that are required for this project for your careful
consideration. If you require any additional clarity, don't hesitate to
ask me whatever it is. I'll try to provide you with further information
about the two asset requirements based on your needs.

Attach: Proof of stakeholder meeting (if relevant) ☐

Documented resource requirements ☐

Operational plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☐

Contingency plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☐

Proof of operational plan approval ☐

Explanation to team (if relevant) ☐

Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Section 3: Managing operational performance

Confirm human resource Dear team,

Good morning. I'd want to draw your attention to some noteworthy
Confirm that any new staff changes affecting our claim to fame. Our primary company has
members required to complete reasoned that a couple of rebuilding of our subject matter is all
the activities in the operational together so our progress through this assignment can be essentially
plan were recruited and as foreseeable as possible due to Worlducation's new HR obtaining.
inducted according to the
When in question, this is fantastic news for us all; we will be on
organisation’s policies,
boarding ten more specialists, which will help us deal with our
practices and procedures
current understaffing crisis while also preparing us for the greater
(e.g.via email, face-to-face
arranging duties that this merger is expected to bring about.
conversation, survey etc.)
I've scheduled a labour force meeting for later today from 12pm to
Attach proof to this section of
1pm, where I'll lay out the plan for this massive transformation;
the portfolio.
lunch will be provided. If it isn't too difficult, please contact me at
any time throughout the following few weeks.

Confirm physical resource Dear team,

Good morning. Because of Worlducation's new actual acquiring, our
Confirm that any new physical leader the board has decided that a few rebuilding of our area of
resources and services specialty is all together so that our change via this project can be as
required to complete the consistent as possible.
activities in the operational
This is generally good news for us all, because we will use cloud-
plan were acquired according
based calculating to aid our organization's execution during COVID-
to the organisation’s policies,
practices and procedures
(e.g.via email, face-to-face I've scheduled a staff meeting for tomorrow from 12 to 1 p.m.,
conversation, invoices, quotes during which I'll go over the steps of this critical changeover; lunch
etc.) will be given. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or
concerns at any moment throughout the next few weeks.
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio.
Warm regards,

Incorporate Intellectual Here are a few things to keep in mind when incorporating our
Property (IP) requirements company's intellectual property (IP) requirements:
Take necessary steps to
ensure any IP requirements
Various associations now keep their data assets on a variety of local
(established in Section 1 of
and cloud-based limit contraptions. As a result, the initial step in
your Project Portfolio) are
obtaining guaranteed development is to locate it, create a
incorporated in the execution
framework for it, and depict it in a range of sizes, from the tiniest to
of activities (e.g. memo to
the most difficult. Customers can also bring their own devices
staff, contractual agreement,
thanks to the presence of BYOD. They routinely copy sensitive data
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

email to include it in induction to their own devices while working on their computers in a way that
process etc.) makes them think twice about data. To avoid data breaches, it's
critical to recognise who approaches sensitive property, such as
Attach proof to this section of
clients, project labourers, and associates, and to pick out likely
the portfolio.
symptoms of compromise. Keeping an eye on access control to
detect insiders who no longer require access (e.g., who have left the
organisation or gone on to another venture) is also a significant
Insiders or workers who are disgruntled might sometimes
compromise sensitive information, thus organisations should focus
on implementing security procedures. Delegates should be informed
on association shows and strategies for overseeing safe
development, as well as the outcomes of their activities. A data
security method should specify which data should be obtained and
where it should be discovered, as well as who should access it and
how it should be protected. It should also mention how sensitive
data, such as IP, should be migrated, as well as the process for
destroying it when it is no longer needed or required.
Affiliations can look through a wide range of data security devices,
and taking effective risk countermeasures is critical to reducing the
risks associated with IP. This includes performing certain controls to
monitor customer activities as well as maintaining access controls.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) strategies, like Endpoint Protector, are
an important part of any online security strategy. This method can
locate sensitive data, both moving and fixed, and track how and by
whom it is utilised. Similarly, encrypting important corporate data or
creative work data can reduce the chance of difficulties.
Thank you for taking the time to read the information I've provided

Plan and implement Dear team,

Please find information about our KPI monitoring process and
Choose one activity and its documentation below. Within the performance measure step, there
related KPI. are six process components:
Establish a process that can 1. Describe the desired outcome (s)
be used to monitor and
2. Recognize different options for action
document performance of the
KPI (either using a flowchart or 3. Choose the appropriate measurement(s) for each goal.
words). 4. As needed, define composite indices
Implement the process (e.g. 5. Establish goals and benchmarks.
by placing a poster in the
office, sending an email etc.) 6. Identify and document key performance indicators. Please feel
free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any moment
Attach proof of your throughout the next few weeks.
implementation to this section
of your portfolio. Regards,
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Lucas texopeus

Assess progress Interval of measurement for key performance indicators:

Assessand document the
progress of the activity you
1. Key Performance Indicators Incentives are frequently measured
selected to monitor in the
across industries.12 month rolling average is the benchmark. This
previous step(use the data
provides a 12-month average of performance rather than a one-
showing underperformance).
month average of performance.
You may consider:
 Is it likely to be completed
2. The first 11 months should be measured on a graduated scale,
within the timeframe set?
with the first month's measurement equalling the first month's
 Will it meet budget? availability, the second month's measurement equalling the average
of the first two months, and so on.
 Are any additional
resources required?
 Are any resources under-
performing (identify at
least one)?
Attach relevant data/proof of
progress to this section of your
Attach documented
performance to this section of
your portfolio.

Negotiate and approve Many beneficial outcomes are realised by our organisation.
Summarise the outcomes of
By using variance analysis effectively, you can do the following
your negotiations with relevant
stakeholders: • A competitive advantage in demonstrating your capabilities
through clarity of structure and processes, as well as clearly defined
 Who was part of the
roles and duties.
• Improved risk management as a result of insights that minimise
 What are reasons for
both controllable and uncontrollable variability.
underperformance and
how can it be solved? • Improved decision-making that increases shareholder value.

 What did you negotiate • Behavioural and systematic biases in your forecasts and variance
(e.g. adjusted timeframe results are eliminated.
to allow for additional • A better grasp of the relationship between profitability drivers and
training)? other indicators like price/volume.
 How can you support the
resource going forward?
 Which variations were
Attach proof of your
negotiation to this section of
your portfolio (if not already
viewed in person by your
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template


Approve variations. Dear sir,

Gain approval from relevant I've computed the variance in our project budget; please see the
stakeholders for the table below for the data; I'll need your approval for the budget
negotiated variation(s). variance. Thank you very much for your approval.
Attach proof to this section of Best regards,
your portfolio (e.g. minutes of
executive team meeting, email

Address underperformance Dear team,

Confirm that support is In light of the group's disappointing performance in the
provided where necessary Wolrducation distributed computing advancement project, I propose
according to policy and that we lead optimal preparation with CGI as one of our outside
procedures (e.g. email to advisers. For a while, I'll give you some advice. I am confident that
arrange training). we will all be invested in this preparation. I am optimistic that this
cloud advancement project will improve the usefulness of firms who
Attach proof of confirmed
have suffered a setback as a result of COVID-19. Please do not
support to this section of your
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
With regards,

Attach: Proof to confirm recruitment and induction processes ☐

Proof to confirm physical resource acquisition processes ☐

Proof of incorporated IP requirements ☐

Proof of implementation of monitoring process ☐

Proof of data/progress (if relevant) ☐

Documented performance ☐

Proof of negotiation (if relevant) ☐

Proof of approval ☐
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Proof to confirm additional support ☐

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