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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice


Assignment Writing Guidance

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You must include both long and short references
You should make reference to the case study where possible in your answers
You should use relevant theory where possible in your answers

TASK ONE Report about organisational strategy (3,000 words)

Section 1

AC 1.1 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two different types of organisation
structures, including the reasons underpinning them.
KEY FOCUS AREA. KEY FOCUS AREA. A strategic, carefully planned organisational structure helps an
organisation run effectively and efficiently. An ineffective structure can cause significant problems for
an organisation, including lack of agility, less competitive, lower profits, poor customer service, high
employee turnover and loss in productivity. The key is to find the right type of organisational
structure to meet the existing and emerging needs of the organisation.
We advise you to use a table and narrative supported by an explanation for both organisational types
 Identify 2 different types of organisational structure – one MUST be BMC – and one could be Matrix,
Horizontal, Hierarchical or Functional.
 Clearly identify the advantage and disadvantages of both of your chosen structures. (evaluate)
 Briefly explain the link between the structures and an organisation's purpose, strategy, goals, and
 Briefly explain the link between the structures and its products, services, and customers (you must
discuss all 3)
 Organization Design - Understanding and Influencing Organizational Structure (
 Tall vs. Flat Organizational Structures in Management (
 Advantages & Disadvantages of Divisional Organizational Structure (

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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

AC 1.2 Analyse connections between organisational strategy, revenue generation, products,

services and customers.
KEY FOCUS AREA. Organisational Strategy provides the guidelines for the organisation to achieve their
long term objectives. It acts to guide strategic decision-making taking into consideration the
environment in which it operates, its marketplace position and the level of competition it faces.
We advise you to use 3 clear sub-headings
 You should analyse how:
 Strategic goals and objectives logically link to products and services
 Strategic goals and objectives logically link to customers
 Strategic goals and objectives logically link to revenue generation
 What Is the Purpose of Strategic Objectives? (
 What are product goals and initiatives? | Aha!
 Strategic goals |
 Revenue Goals & Objectives (

AC 1.3: Analyse external factors and trends impacting organisations

KEY FOCUS AREA. It is important to understand the market and competitive contexts facing your
organisation which can be achieved by using appropriate analysis models to identify such things as:
Market forces; Competitive forces; impact of COVID-19, new regulations etc…
We advise you to use 2 clear subheadings. You will need to use an analysis model, for example PESTLE,
STEEPLE or Porter’s 5 Forces.
 From your model, identify a minimum of 2 current factors (considerations, influences) that are likely
to impact BMC’s future. Analyse the impact they will have on the organisation.
 Identify a minimum of 2 current trends that are likely to impact BMC’s future strategic direction.
Analyse the impact they will have on the organisation.
 Models - ManagementDirect (
 PESTLE Analysis | Factsheets | CIPD
 Porter's Five Forces Analysis – Understanding Competitive Forces to Maximize Profitability
 The TOWS Matrix - Developing Strategic Options from an External-Internal Analysis (

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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

AC 1.4: Assess current organisational priorities and the associated issues and causes.
KEY FOCUS AREA. How do Organisation’s decide what to prioritise? “What are the most important
things that we should be doing?” Research shows that many organisational leaders are having to be
agile in deciding their priorities without really knowing what the future might hold – COVID-19 and
home country responses to it have created uncertainty. However, research shows there are still
common priorities and challenges most organisations are looking to manage.
We advise you to use 2 clear sub-headings
 Identify a minimum of 2 key current strategic priorities for BMC
 For each one, provide an example of what caused them. Assess the causes.
 External Factors (
 External Environment: Introduction (GCSE) | Business | tutor2u
 COVID-19 impact on sustainable production and operations management - ScienceDirect
 How All Social Organizations Are the Same: They're All Systems (
 Examples of Closed Systems in Organizations (
 Understanding Organizational Structures (


AC 3.1. Critically evaluate the relationship between the employee lifecycle and your work.
KEY FOCUS AREA. In simplest terms, the purpose of HR is responsible for designing, managing, and
guiding employees through their Life Cycle. This question is all about what you do or have done.
We advise you use 4 clear sub-headings. You should use the first person ‘I’ here.
 Identify 3 examples of where your work as a people professional has directly related to the stages of
the employee lifecycle. Minimum expectation would be one example from each of the following
 Onboarding.
 Performance Management/Development / Retention / Promotion.
 Exit / separation.
 Now critically evaluate your relationship as a people professional, to these 3 examples of your work.
What were the pros and cons/ what was successful/not successful. Give your opinion on each and its
value in the workplace.
 The 6 Stages of the Employee Life Cycle • SpriggHR

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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

AC 3.3 Discuss key themes that currently shape the work of an area of people practice and
how these impact on the provision of people solutions.
KEY FOCUS AREA. The world of work is rapidly changing, and COVID-19 has had a massive impact on
every part of the employee lifecycle. This question is about identifying what some of the priority
areas HR is focusing on (globally, regionally, sector and / or own organisation) and highlighting what
impacts they have on what HR is doing and why.
We advise you to use 3 clear sub-headings. (Remember people practice refers to HR)
 Explain 2 contemporary themes that are moulding your area of people practice e.g. Mental wellbeing
or flexible working
 Explain how these themes impact on how people practice (e.g. performance management,
recruitment etc) supports the organisation
 The Impact of The Coronavirus on HR and the New Normal Of Work (

AC 1.5 Explain how People Practices impact on organisational systems and structures
KEY FOCUS AREA. Organisations stand to gain a lot of value from having HR at the ‘top table’ to
ensure that the organisation is getting the best out of its people, by enabling and empowering them to
create more value for the organisation. HR then needs to follow through the strategic with delivering
operational excellence.
(Remember people practice refers to HR)
 Explain how people practice impacts on structures [Structures refers to organisational structure]
 Explain how people practice impacts on systems.[Systems refers to open and closed organisational
 You should consider aspects such as effective employment, management, and development of
people here.
 Refer to your own organisation or other case studies to highlight practical examples
 How All Social Organizations Are the Same: They're All Systems (
 Examples of Closed Systems in Organizations (
 Understanding Organizational Structures (
 Why H.R.'s Organizational Structure Matters -

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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

SEPARATE A. C’s. – AC3.2/AC3.4/AC3.5 (number 8 on your Learner Assessment brief)
AC 3.2: Assess how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports
wider people and organisational strategies.
KEY FOCUS AREA. The People Practices (as part of an HR strategy) should be completely aligned with
the organisational strategy. Ideally, HR Leaders should have a place at the top table and be a key part
of building and evolving organisational strategy. The focus of this question is to explore how HR
strategically supports its organisation.

(Remember people practice refers to HR) (‘other areas’ in this task means from a different area or
department to your own)
You can split people practice into 3 areas for this activity – HR, L&D & OD – or you can address People
Practice as one area.
 Using your 2 examples of priorities from your answer in A.C 1.4, assess how the BMC team connects
with and could support these two priorities
 Assess how the BMC People Practice team supports wider people strategies
 Assess how the BMC People Practice team supports wider organisational strategies.
 Strategic Human Resource Management | Factsheets | CIPD
 Five ways HR really can impact business strategy | HR Dive
 HR Trends 2021: 4 big ideas shaping the new world of work | Talentsoft

AC 3.4 Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand
their needs.
KEY FOCUS AREA. This is about how a HR function works with, consults, and engages with its internal
customers. Is there a clearly defined process and who in HR has the formal links with internal
customers? How does HR understand the needs and how does it use these insights to shape People
We advise you to use 3 clear subheadings
 Discuss consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs through the
following methods:
 Consultation and communication processes.
 Stakeholder analysis.
 Needs analysis activities.
An example of each of the above should be included in the answer.
 Yes, HR Professionals, You Are Consultants (
 What is Stakeholder Analysis? | Definition and Overview (
 Stakeholder Analysis - Winning Support for Your Projects (
 Cause and Effect Analysis - Identifying the Likely Causes of Problems (
 5 Whys - Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly (

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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

AC 3.5 Explain the key components of planning strategies for ensuring that projects are
delivered in line with customer requirements.
KEY FOCUS AREA. This question is about exploring how HR systematically Project Plans to make sure
its projects are consistently delivered in line with its internal customers’ requirements and
 Explain which strategies and key components are required at each stage of the project

Key components could include:

 Goals/Milestones/Resources/Risks/Costs/Interdependencies.
Phases of a project may include:
 Conception/Development/Realisation/Termination.
Strategies to ensure project is delivered:
 Project leadership/Effective liaison with stakeholders/Monitoring activities/Evaluation activities.
 Explain how the inclusion of these elements can help ensure the project is delivered in line with
customer requirements.
 Change Management | Factsheets | CIPD
 What are PRINCE2 Principles? » Project Manager Success

You must include both long and short references

You should make reference to the case study where possible in your answers
You should use relevant theory where possible in your answers

TASK TWO Presentation Pack (1550 words)

This must be submitted on a PowerPoint presentation slide deck, with the majority of the narrative in the
notes section under each slide. Slides should be used for visuals and brief bullet points. Add the AC to
each slide. Please also submit the appropriate LAB.

AC 2.1 Interpret theories and models which examine organisational and human behaviour.
KEY FOCUS AREA. Understanding how organisations and people behave is a key skill for HR to make
sure it is able to design a people strategy to positively influence, reinforce and reward how
individuals, groups and teams can most effectively and consistently contribute to the ongoing
organisational success.
We advise you to use two clear sub-headings for this task to show you have covered both elements of
the task

 Identify and interpret 2 behavioural theories or models- 1 organisational and 1 human

 Human Behaviour theory may include group theory such as Belbin or Tuckman or Motivational theory
such as Maslow or Hertzberg
 Organisational Behaviour theory such as Nudge
 Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing Video -
 Belbin's Team Roles Video - Team Skills Training from
 Models - ManagementDirect (
 Top 5 Models of Organizational Behaviour – Explained! (

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AC 2.2 Evaluate the drivers for change and basic models for how these changes are
KEY FOCUS AREA. Change is a constant and being able to understand it and work with it is a core skill
for HR, with a particular focus on understanding the different ways people respond to change and
knowing how to most effectively and empathetically support people through change.
 Identify 2 drivers for change. These may include Internal factors and External factors.
 Use MUST then use a minimum of two different models to explain how people might experience

Models (focusing on peoples’ experience of change) might include:

 Kubler Ross Change Curve.
 Lewin’s 3 Step Model.
 Kotter’s 8 Stage Model.
 Any other recognised model provided it is clearly explained
 The Driving Forces of Change [Internal & External] | CMOE
 Change Management: Understanding the Type and Drivers of Change - Cloud for Good
 Kubler-Ross Five Stage Model (
 Lewin's Change Management Model - Understanding the Three Stages of Change (
 The 8-Step Process for Leading Change | Dr. John Kotter (
 The ADKAR® Change Management Model - Using Goals to Accomplish Change (

AC 1.6 Evaluate the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work.
KEY FOCUS AREA. Technology is increasingly touching every part of all of our lives (work and home)
and HR needs to be able to understand what impact existing, new, and emerging technologies are
having on our people (e.g. employees, customers), work and working practices as well as proactively
embracing HR technology to enhance HR’s offering.
 Evaluate current and emerging scale of use of technology within organisations. Focus on the good
and the bad / advantages and disadvantages/ pros and cons
 Refer to own organisations or others to highlight your key points
 Identify 2 different examples of types of technology used by the people professional
For each of the examples, evaluate the impact that these have on
 both workers AND working practices. We advise using two separate sub-headings for this part
of the task so you cover both elements.
 Workplace technology report (

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ADPM 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice

AC 2.5 Assess the importance of well-being at work and the different factors which impact
KEY FOCUS AREA. Employee Wellbeing looks at employee experience at work from a holistic view and
asks, “Do they have what they need to do their best work?”. Looking at employee wellbeing in your
workplace is important for reducing work related stress or instituting incentives for healthy living.
 Assess the importance of wellbeing at work
 Provide a minimum of 2 factors that can impact wellbeing
 You could highlight how COVID-19 is impacting on wellbeing and what organisations are doing about
 Wellbeing at work | Factsheets | CIPD
 Workplace Wellbeing: 50 Ideas for Healthier and Happier Employees (
 8 Ways Employee Well-Being Affects Motivation In The Workplace - GQR (
 Wellbeing is the key to keeping employees motivated | Top Employers | The Guardian

AC 2.3 Explain how to build diversity and inclusion into your work in order to build a positive
KEY FOCUS AREA. As human beings, we should always support each other – and in the workplace this
support can be demonstrated through actively embracing and championing Diversity and Inclusion
(D&I). Not only ethically is it the right thing to do (linked to organisational values) but from a business
sense it brings variety, new thinking, fresh ideas, improved organisational performance. In an
increasingly competitive labour market, D&I is becoming a key part of being an ‘Employer of Choice’.
 Identify and explain a minimum of 1 step that can be taken to increase Inclusion
 Identify and explain a minimum of 1 step that can be taken to increase Diversity
 Explain how each of these steps would help to build a positive culture
 Provide a minimum of 1 example of an implication of not taking these steps
 You could refer to own organisation or other case studies to highlight D&I in practice
 Information on Diversity and inclusion | CIPD
 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace | Factsheets | CIPD

AC 2.4 Assess how people practices impact on organisational culture and behaviour.
KEY FOCUS AREA. There are many ways HR and organisations can develop and sustain an
organisational culture that is ‘fit-for-purpose’, including hiring practices, onboarding efforts,
recognition programs and performance management programs. The biggest challenge is deciding how
to use these tools and how to allocate resources appropriately.
(Remember people practice refers to HR)
 Provide a minimum of 1 positive example of how people practice can affect organisational culture
and behaviour
 Provide a minimum of 1 negative example of how people practice can affect organisational culture
and behaviour
 You could refer to own organisation or other case studies to highlight D&I in practice
 Human Resources: Culture Stewards in High-Performing Companies - Chief Learning Officer - CLO
 Code of Professional Conduct (

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 HR professionalism: what do we stand for? | Reports | CIPD

Final last checks before you submit your work. Tick as completed .
Any boxes you do not tick could result in a serious delay to the marking of your reports, or
result in a refer grade

You must submit your assessments as a Word document or PowerPoint Slides (as appropriate). The
Learner Assessment Brief will clearly explain the format you need to use. Is the correct format

When a PowerPoint presentation is included, this must be accompanied by the signed Learner
Assessment Brief – full and clear instructions are provided on this in the Brief. LAB included?

The CIPD Membership Number must be completed and included in the Learner Assessment Brief
together with your name and Cohort Number.

The ‘wet’ signature and date of submission must be included in every Learner Assessment Brief 

If submitting a PPT, your main narrative should be in the note’s pages under each slide

All PPT slides should clearly state the AC number (Assessment Criteria) to which each respond. 

You must include your name, Cohort and unit on the first slide of a PPT presentation  

Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklists must be completed for every Learner Assessment Brief -
just repeat the example already given (do not put long references here)

Have you included both your long and short references? Are these in the right place?

Have you checked your word count? You are allowed 10% + or 10% - the indicative word count.

Have you calculated your PPT word count using our preferred system? (NB. you are allowed +30%
on PPT).

Have you recorded your wordcount in the correct place in the LAB?

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