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Order Types:
MN-VWxxx-UK - MicroNet View
MN-VWPxxx-UK - MicroNet View Pro
MN-VWIO-NCP - MicroNet NCP/ARCNET® I/O-server
MN-VWIO-SNP - MicroNet Satchnet I/O-server

The Satchwell MicroNet View is a software platform that provides an

intuitive, graphical interface for network-level supervisory and control
functions. MicroNet View works on any of the MicroNet network
options, LONWORKS® FTT-10 Free Topology, NCP (Native
Communications Protocol), and ARCNET, and works with the
MicroNet family of controllers, sensors, and displays. MicroNet View
supports also Satchnet range products such as IAC controllers and
third party products such as chillers, boilers and access control
systems. It operates on a PC running Microsoft® Windows® XP® Pro
or Windows 2000 Professional. MicroNet View uses an array of graphic
tools and technologies (Active X controls, Microsoft DDE, and
embedded objects) to create a dynamic view of network operations,
placing real-time data on active graphic displays. MicroNet View allows
an on-site user to schedule control system objects and overrides,
sample and store real-time data, and set and route notification of
alarms. MicroNet View Pro allows the user to generate and print
reports culled from different databases, and construct and test
custom-built monitoring screens.

• Real-time data on active, multi-media graphical displays. MicroNet View Pro:
• Provides intuitive operation via customised control panels. • Allows graphics generation and development of the
• Support for DDE, and fast DDE standards. application.
• Connects to all MicroNet Bus du jour®, and to third party • Powerful scripting editor for creating and performing system
LONMARK® devices. tasks.
• Connects to Satchnet products via Satchnet I/O-server. • Use of ActiveX Controls and Wizards makes the system
configuration easy.
• Supports the use of bitmaps, photos, and other graphic formats
when designing the network reporting display. • Allows monitoring and editing of system variables.
• Comprehensive Logging and Alarm management utilities.

Data Sheets
DS 10.000 - MN Sx Sensors
DS 10.050 - Touch Screen Display
DS 10.101 - MN350 Controllers
DS 10.102 - MN450 Controllers
DS 10.103 - MN550 Controllers
DS 10.104 - MN650 Controllers
DS 10.210 - MicroNet Manager Interface
F-26291 - MN100 and MN200 Controllers
F-26365 - VAV Controllers
F-26366 - VAV Controllers


Order Type Description

MN-VW100-UK MicroNet View, 100 Tag English Version

MN-VWP100-UK MicroNet View Pro (Development), 100 Tag English Version

MN-VW500-UK MicroNet View, 500 Tag English Version

MN-VWP500-UK MicroNet View Pro (Development), 500 Tag English Version

MN-VW2K-UK MicroNet View 2,000 Tag English Version

MN-VWP2K-UK MicroNet View Pro (Development) 2,000 Tag English Version

MN-VW10K-UK MicroNet View 10,000 Tag English Version

MN-VWP10K-UK MicroNet View Pro (Development) 10,000 Tag English Version

MN-VW60K-UK MicroNet View 60,000 Tag English Version

MN-VWP60K-UK MicroNet View Pro (Development) 60,000 Tag English Version

MN-VWIO-NCP MicroNet View, NCP/ARCNET I/O-server

MN-VWIO-SNP MicroNet View, Satchnet I/O-server


Personal Computer Configuration. Screen Design Monitoring screens may be designed for maximum
effectiveness using a variety of embedded third-party graphics and
Type: IBM-compatible desktop. drawings. Screens can be tested before use with live data.
Microprocessor: Pentium Pro 180MHz (minimum). Object-Oriented Graphics Easy-to-configure applications mean
faster development times. Objects and groups of objects can be
RAM: 128MB (minimum).
moved, sized, and animated more quickly and simply than bit-mapped
Disk Drives: 850MB hard drive, 4X CD-ROM drive. graphics. Powerful object-oriented design tools makes it easy to draw,
LCD Monitor: SVGA/1024 x 768 high colour display. arrange, align, layer, space, rotate, invert, duplicate, cut, copy, paste,
erase and more. These tools are available in a unique, configurable
Video Card: 1024 X 768 Video Card (recommended).
Toolbox or from standard pull-down menus.
Serial (DTE) Port: 9-pin male connector.
Script Editor MicroNet View provides extensive scripting capability
Parallel: 25-pin female connector. for rapid prototyping, background calculations, and simulation.
Condition Scripts include on True, On False, While True, and While
SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS False. Button Scripts include On Button Down, While Button Down,
and On Button Up. Window Scripts can be invoked when Opened,
OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP Pro Service Pack 1 or Closed, or While Open. Data Change Scripts activate when data
later or Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 1 or later). changes value, upon operator actions such as selecting objects, or as
the results of events such as alarm conditions. Scripting is easy. All
MICRONET VIEW functions are simply buttons that are adjacent to the script window. All
script functions and data variables are chosen by point-and-click. The
Time Scheduling User can easily change the MicroNet or IAC script editor itself has Find/Replace and Convert, and it offers up to 256
controllers time schedule entries using a graphical ActiveX component. character expressions for Condition Scripts.
Holiday Scheduling Holiday Schedule ActiveX makes it easy for the Script Functions Script functions support logical and mathematical
user to modify the holiday schedule objects on the MicroNet or IAC expressions. Users can display single precision floating point numbers,
controllers. while internal calculations use double precision floating point numbers.
Compensation Curve Adjustment Look-up-table ActiveX makes it Functions such as string manipulation, math functions, file I/O, system
easy for the user to modify the look-up-table object entries on the resources, and hexadecimal and scientific numerical representations
MicroNet or IAC controllers. are available.
Alarm Handler User may define two types of alarms, analogue and Wizards and ActiveX MicroNet View Pro includes library of Wizards
digital point alarms which are sent up from the MicroNet Manager and ActiveX components, which are pre-configured complex objects
Interface and MicroNet Controllers. Alarm points can be allocated to that users can modify and duplicate freely. Frequently used Wizards
different alarm groups, and different priorities can be assigned to them. and ActiveXs can be added to the Toolbox for even easier access
The alarms points can be in any of the following states; alarm not during the application development. ActiveX component library
acknowledged; alarm acknowledged; alarm cleared and includes support for the MicroNet controller Look-up-table, Time
acknowledged; alarm cleared and not acknowledged. Schedule, Holiday Schedule, Optimiser and Controller objects.
Logging Management Direct, individual real-time data sampling Animation Links Animation links may be combined to provide
and gathering of data resident in MicroNet Manager Interface is complex size, colour, movement, and/or position changes. Animation
supported. Logging viewing will be available through a logging viewing links include: discrete, analogue, and string touch inputs; horizontal
module. Automatic retrieval and storage of analogue values and digital and vertical sliders; discrete and action push buttons; show and hide
states from MicroNet programmable controllers from local and remote window push buttons; line, fill, and text colour links for discrete and
sites are supported. analogue values and alarms; object height and width links; vertical and
Control Performance Optimisation Control Module and horizontal position links; vertical and horizontal percent fill links;
Compensator Module ActiveX components allow easy optimisation of visibility links; discrete, analogue and string value output links, rotation
the control performance. links, and blink links.
Monitor Tool Designed for each configuration of alarms and data
logs on both local and remote sites. The Monitor Tool provides very
extensive options for alarm management and data logging and
integrates seamlessly with SPI (GSM/Pager Interface) for alarm
remote transmission to pagers, mobile phones, remote faxes and for
e-mailing the alarms.

MicroNet View MicroNet View

Connection to
Ethernet 10 Mbps/100 Mbps Network 8000
Access Control
MicroNet View
Central Alarm Database

Controller network e.g. NCP,

ARCNET, Satchnet

Controller network e.g. NCP,

ARCNET, Satchnet

ECH-37200 LNS DDE Server Satchwell Edition. MicroNet View software runs on Windows XP Pro or Windows 2000
LNS based 32-bit software package that allows any Professional desktop personal computers. It provides (amongst other
DDE-compatible Windows application to monitor and features) these network management functions:
control LONWORKS networks. • Network time scheduling
ECH-42100 LPR-10 Router Module TP/FT-10 to TP/FT-10. • Network holiday scheduling
Requires ECH 48222 for installation.
• Alarm management
ECH-42102 LPR-12 Router Module TP/FT-10 to TPXF-1250.
Requires ECH 48222 for installation. • Data logging and reporting
ECH-42105 LPR-15 Router Module TP/XF-1250 to TP/XF-1250. CONNECTIVITY
Requires ECH 48222 for installation.
MicroNet View connects to an NCP or ARCNET communications
ECH-48222 Type 2D DIN Base Plate. network through the MicroNet Manager Interface via an RS 232 port.
For use with LonPoint Router Modules to be wall or MicroNet View will support multiple directly connected MicroNet
DIN-rail mounted to 35mm x 15mm or 35mm x 7.5mm Manager Interfaces. Additionally, MicroNet View can function as a
DIN rails. central station on a Wide Area Network (WAN) supporting a modem
ECH-73403 PCLTA-10/TP-1250 ISA (16-bit) Desktop Interface. pool and switched connections to additional MicroNet Manager
For connecting PC to LONWORKS TP-1250 network. Interfaces. MicroNet View connects to the LONWORKS communications
ECH-74401 PCLTA-20/FT-10 PCI (32-bit) Desktop Interface. network through the LNS I/O server; it can also be connected to
For connecting to LONWORKS FTT-10 network. Satchnet products such as IAC and MMC controllers.
WPA-LON-1 PC ISA Card (16-bit) to connect PCs to LONWORKS The connection from the field equipment to the MicroNet View
FTT-10 network. front-end is accomplished by installing the appropriate I/O-server:
NCP/ARCNET I/O-server for MicroNet NCP and ARCNET controllers,
WPA-LON-2 PCMCIA card to connect Laptop PCs to LONWORKS LNS I/O-server for LONWORKS and LONMARK products and SNP
FTT-10 network. I/O-server for the Satchnet products.
SPI-1111 SPI Main Software (with dongle) (see DS 13.701).
SPI-1112 SPI Main Software (for existing dongle)
(see DS 13.701).

• Do not apply any voltages until a qualified technician has checked
the system and the commissioning procedures have been
• If any equipment covers have to be removed during the installation of
this equipment, ensure that they are refitted after installation to
comply with UL and CE safety requirements.
• MicroNet View should be installed and commissioned by a TAC
Satchwell Engineer or an approved TAC Satchwell agent.
• It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or
information about, TAC Satchwell products, programming and
services that are not announced in your country. Such references or
information should not be construed to mean that TAC Satchwell
intend to announce such products, programming, or services in your
• The design and performance of TAC Satchwell equipment is subject
to improvement and therefore liable to alteration without notice.
• Information is given for guidance only and TAC Satchwell does not
accept responsibility for the selection or installation of its products
unless information is given by the Company, in writing, relating to a
specific application.
• A periodic check of the Building Management System is
recommended. Please contact your local sales office for details.

Copyright © 2005, TAC AB TAC Headquarters

All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks are Malmö, Sweden
the property of their respective owners. Information contained +46 40 38 68 50
within this document is subject to change without notice. All
rights reserved.
Satchwell Helpline
DS 10.201 12/05 +44 (0) 1753 611000
[email protected] Satchwell

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