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Module 4: Aneka: Cloud Application Platform

● Aneka is the product of Manjrasoft.

● Aneka is used for developing, deploying and managing cloud
● Aneka consists of a scalable cloud middleware that can be
deployed on top of heterogeneous computing resources
● Aneka can be integrated with existing cloud technologies.
● Aneka includes an extensible set of APIs associated with
programming models like MapReduce.
● These APIs support different types of cloud models like private,
public, hybrid cloud.

Aneka framework:

● Aneka is a software platform for developing cloud computing


● In Aneka cloud applications are executed.

● Aneka is a pure PaaS solution for cloud computing.

● Aneka is a cloud middleware product that can be deployed on a

heterogeneous set of resources.

● Aneka can be deployed on a network of computers, a multicore server,

data centers, virtual cloud infrastructures, or a mixture of these.
● Aneka implements a service-oriented architecture (SOA), and services
are the fundamental components of an Aneka Cloud. Services operate at
container level and, except for the platform abstraction layer, they
provide developers, users, and administrators with all features offered
by the framework.
● These services involve:
➔ Elasticity and scaling. By means of the dynamic provisioning service,
Aneka supports dynamically upsizing and downsizing of the
infrastructure available for applications
➔ Runtime management. The runtime machinery is responsible for
keeping the infrastructure up and running and serves as a hosting
environment for services. It is primarily represented by the
container and a collection of services that manage service
membership and lookup, infrastructure maintenance, and profiling.
➔ Resource management.
➔ Application management.
➔ User management
➔ QoS/SLA management and billing

Anatomy of the Aneka container
● The Aneka container constitutes the building blocks of Aneka Clouds
and represents the runtime machinery available to services and
● The services installed in the Aneka container can be classified into
three major categories:
1. Fabric Services
2. Foundation Services
3. Application Services
● The services stack resides on top of the Platform Abstraction Layer

The platform abstraction layer(PAL)

● The core infrastructure of the system is based on the .NET
technology and allows the Aneka container to be portable over
different platforms and operating systems.
● The PAL is a small layer of software that comprises a detection
engine, which automatically configures the container at boot time

Fabric services
Fabric Services are fundamental services of the Aneka Cloud and define
the basic infrastructure management features of the system. Fabric
Services define the lowest level of the software stack representing the
Aneka Container. They provide access to the resource-provisioning
subsystem and to the monitoring facilities implemented in Aneka.Services

➔ Profiling and monitoring

➔ Resource management
Foundation services
Foundation Services are related to the logical management of the
distributed system built on top of the infrastructure and provide
supporting services for the execution of distributed
applications.Services include:
➔Storage management for applications
➔ Accounting, billing, and resource pricing
➔ Resource reservation

Application services
● Application Services manage the execution of applications and
constitute a layer that differentiates according to the specific
programming model used for developing distributed applications on
top of Aneka.
● Services include: scheduling and execution.
● Scheduling Services are in charge of planning the execution of
distributed applications on top of Aneka and governing the
allocation of jobs composing an application to nodes.
● Execution Services control the execution of single jobs that
compose applications.

Building Aneka clouds

Aneka is primarily a platform for developing distributed applications for
clouds. As a software platform it requires infrastructure on which to be
deployed; this infrastructure needs to be managed.

Infrastructure organization
The figure below provides an overview of Aneka Clouds from an
infrastructure point of view.
The scenario is a reference model for all the different deployments Aneka
● A central role is played by the Administrative Console, which
performs all the required management operations. A fundamental
element for Aneka Cloud deployment is constituted by repositories.
A repository provides storage for all the libraries required to lay out
and install the basic Aneka platform.
● The Management Console can manage multiple repositories and
select the one that best suits the specific deployment.
● The Aneka node manager( Aneka daemon)constitutes the remote
management service used to deploy and control container
instances. The collection of resulting containers identifies the
Aneka Cloud.

Logical organization
● The most common scenario in the logical organization is to use a
master-worker configuration with separate nodes for storage.
● The master node features all the services that are most likely to be
present in one single copy and that provide the intelligence of the
Aneka Cloud.
● The worker nodes constitute the workforce of the Aneka Cloud and
are generally configured for the execution of applications.
● Storage nodes are optimized to provide storage support to

Private cloud deployment mode

● This deployment is acceptable for a scenario where the workload of
the system is predictable and the capacity demand in excess can be
easily addressed by a local virtual machine manager

● Private cloud deployment model can deliver

➔ Dynamic Resource Provisioning-Dynamic provisioning is the
ability to dynamically acquire resources and integrate them into
existing infrastructures and software systems. I
➔ Resource Reservation-allows for reserving resources for
exclusive use by applications
➔ Workload Partitioning

Public cloud deployment mode

● Public Cloud deployment mode features the installation of Aneka
master and worker nodes over a completely virtualized
infrastructure that is hosted on the infrastructure of one or more

● Resource Provisioning
• Accounting,Reporting,Billing-provide details about resource
utilization by users and applications
● Application management and scheduling

Hybrid cloud deployment mode

The hybrid deployment model constitutes the most common deployment
of Aneka.

This scenario constitutes the most complete deployment for Aneka that is
able to leverage all the capabilities of the framework:
➔ Dynamic Resource Provisioning
➔ Resource Reservation-allows for reserving resources for exclusive
use by applications
➔ Workload Partitioning
➔ Accounting, Monitoring, and Reporting

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