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How BIM can be Utilized to Ensure a Client’s Requirements for a Constructions Project

Are Met
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Through the application of BIM mode innovation, fully integrating and utilizing the information

involved in the whole life cycle of construction projects, it can not only shorten the time required

for construction projects, save resource costs, but also help all project participants improve

decision-making efficiency and design quality (Abd, Hameed & Nsaif, 2020). In the chapter, it

would review how BIM should be utilised in each phase of a construction project, how it should

be utilised to analyse construction projects to ensure the needs of client/customer, as well as how

BIM could be utilised in construction schedule. All of the contents would be as the theoretical

basis of the whole research.

2.2 The Application of BIM in Each Phase of a Construction Project

The application of BIM in the whole construction life cycle of a construction project mainly

involves the planning stage, design stage, construction stage and operation stage (Merschbrock &

Munkvold, 2015). The planning stage is mainly used for status QUO modeling, cost budget,

stage planning, site analysis, spatial planning, etc. The design stage is mainly used to

demonstrate the design scheme in the planning stage, including scheme design, engineering

analysis, sustainability assessment, specification verification, etc. Abd et al. (2020) pointed out

that the construction stage mainly plays the role of three-dimensional coordination with the

design stage, including site use planning, employee system design, digital processing, material

site tracking, three-dimensional control and planning, etc. In the operation phase, it is mainly
used for recording and modeling in the construction phase, including making maintenance plan,

building system analysis, asset management, space management / tracking, disaster planning, etc.

2.2.1 The Application in the Planning Stage

Whether it can help the owner to grasp the relationship between the product and the market is a

crucial point in the project planning stage, and BIM can just do the work of maximizing the

market revenue for all parties in the project planning stage. At the same time, Sears et al. (2015)

claimed that in the planning stage, BIM Technology provides help for the technical and

economic feasibility demonstration of construction projects, and improves the accuracy and

reliability of the demonstration results. In the project planning stage, the owner needs to

determine whether the construction project scheme has both technical and economic feasibility

and can meet the requirements of type, quality and function (Levy, 2012). However, only by

spending a lot of time, money and energy, can we get high reliability results. BIM Technology

can provide summary model for the majority of owners, analyze and simulate the construction

project scheme, so as to reduce the cost, shorten the construction period and improve the quality

of the whole project.

According to Merschbrock and Munkvold (2015), BIM can improve the information

management in the planning stage of a construction project. After obtaining the relevant data

(including geometric features, attributes and other information) according to the completion data

of known buildings or field measurement, these data can be quickly digitized by means of b1m

technology, and stored in the corresponding database according to a certain data format. From
another perspective, *** claimed that in the BIM platform, the digital structures can be used as

control conditions for the corridor layout of various pipelines, and the collision inspection

function of BIM Technology can be used. Check the spatial location information of the

foundation and underground pipelines of the existing buildings to judge whether the distance

between the planning scheme and the existing structures meets the specification requirements.

Meanwhile, *** pointed out that on the basis of the known control conditions unchanged, by

adjusting the scheme parameters in BIM platform, it is not only convenient to determine the

reasonable spatial location, calculate the corresponding quantities and project cost, but also easy

to realize the evaluation of the scope of influence of the project, which provides a reference for

the determination of the optimal planning scheme. *** emphasized that after the completion of

planning, BIM Technology can automatically generate planning results, such as traditional plan,

profile and cross-section. At the same time, BIM technology can also directly transfer these

planning results data to the design department, which not only realizes the seamless connection

of data transmission, but also can timely communicate with the design department about changes

in case of later planning conditions adjustment, so as to realize multi professional and multi-

stage interactive work.

2.2.2 The Application in the Design Stage

In the design stage of the project, it is BIM Technology that makes the architectural design from

two-dimensional to three-dimensional, which is a major change for the architectural design

method. According to Zheng et al. (2018), through the use of BIM Technology, architects are not
confused with the problem of how to use the traditional two-dimensional drawings to express the

complex three-dimensional shape, and deeply expand the feasibility of the complex three-

dimensional shape. Visualization, one of the important features of BIM, enables designers to

achieve "what they see is what they get" for their design ideas, and enables owners to break

through the "window paper" of technical barriers, and know what kind of results they can reap

from their investment at any time. Meanwhile, **** pointed out that based on the BIM model

provided by the planning department, the design department carries out the scheme deepening

design. By using BIM model, the design department can feed back the control conditions that

affect the planning to the planning department, which not only realizes the interactive use of

planning and design in the data model, but also can be used as the information data carrier for

subsequent construction, operation and maintenance, and realize the management of the whole

life cycle.

According to Williams (2019), BIM technology can also realize multi professional collaborative

design. Multi discipline design on the same BIM model. For example, when the design layout

and other aspects need to be adjusted due to planning adjustment, unable to demolish and other

reasons, it can also realize the synchronous update of the main professional conditions, ensure

the uniqueness of the design results, avoid the design drop items of the subsidiary professional,

and reduce the design errors. Furthermore, by BIM model, the design department can accurately

transmit the key points, difficulties and design intention of the project to the construction

department, so as to reduce the design changes in the construction, shorten the construction

period and save the investment.

2.2.3 The Application in the Construction Stage

It is precisely because the BIM model could reflect the complete project design, so the

component model in the BIM model can be one-to-one corresponding to the real components in

the construction site. McGeorge et al. (2013) claimed that through BIM model, the construction

party can find the design errors of mistakes, omissions, collisions and shortages in the

construction site, so as to improve the design quality, reduce the changes in the construction site,

and finally shorten the construction period and reduce the project cost.

The formation of the building is the result of a number of constructions. For example, the

construction includes frame construction, wall construction, layout of water, heating and

electricity pipes, construction outside the wall and cement plastering inside the building (Levy,

2012). The construction of the building needs the effective cooperation of various departments.

Due to various reasons, the construction period has been extended. Through BIM Technology,

simulate the construction process, promote the effective cooperation of various departments, so

that the construction technology can get the best play, and the construction period can be

completed within the given time.

2.2.4 The Application in the Operation Stage

BIM also plays a very important role in the operation stage of construction projects. The

information of all systems in the construction project plays an important role for the owners to

grasp the use of the building in real time, timely and effective maintenance and management of

the building (Eadie, Browne, Odeyinka, Mckeown, McNiff & Elsevier, 2013). So is there a
platform that can provide the information of all systems in the construction project to the owner?

The parameter model of BIM gives a clear answer. In the BIM parameter model, all the

modifications made in the construction phase of the project would be updated in real time to

form the final BIM completion model, which would be used as the database of various

equipment management to provide the basis for the maintenance of the system (Harris, McCaffer

& Edum-Fotwe, 2013).

Pittard et al. (2016) pointed out that the structural facilities (such as walls, floors, roofs, etc.) and

equipment (such as equipment, pipelines, etc.) of buildings need to be maintained continuously

during the service life of buildings. BIM model can give full play to the advantages of data

recording and spatial positioning (McGeorge et al., 2013). By combining with the operation and

maintenance management system, it can make a reasonable maintenance plan, and assign special

personnel to do special maintenance work in turn, so as to greatly reduce the probability of

unexpected situation in the use of buildings.

2.2.5 Summary

BIM is the direct application of information technology in the construction industry, serving the

whole life cycle of construction project design, construction, operation and maintenance. BIM

provides a platform for all participants to communicate smoothly and work cooperatively. It

makes great contributions to avoid mistakes, improve project quality, save costs and shorten

construction period. Its huge advantages make the industry pay more attention to BIM. The

application of BIM Technology in the collision inspection of various professional design can not
only completely eliminate the hard and soft collision, improve the engineering design, and

greatly reduce the possibility of error loss and rework in the construction stage, but also optimize

the space and facilitate the use and maintenance.

With the help of BIM Technology, it can not only realize the collaborative design in the design

stage of the project, the integration of the whole construction process in the construction stage

and the intelligent maintenance and facility management of the building in the operation stage,

but also fundamentally break the barriers and boundaries between the owner, the construction

unit and the operator, so as to truly realize the application value of BIM in the whole

construction life cycle.

2.3 BIM for the Analysis of Construction Projects

BIM Technology can adjust the different system space in the construction project, so as to ensure

the quality of architectural design. According to Eadie et al. (2013), in fact, at present, the

communication between the architectural design staff and the construction staff is not close

enough, and the construction experience of the designers is far from rich, so the difficulties in the

actual construction are often ignored in the architectural design work. This is a way to improve

the communication between designers and constructors, and to ensure the effective

communication between designers and constructors. In the investigation stage, the site analysis

can be carried out by BIM Technology, and then the designer can roughly conceive the spatial

structure and modeling, and use 3D model to analyze and compare several alternative schemes

(Barnes, 2019). In the aspect of cost control, using BIM Technology, the quantities and prices of
the project are accurate and transparent, which can help the main body of the project life cycle to

control the funds, that is, the 5D simulation of BIM.

According to the volume of the project, the material is filtered and summarized. Pittard et al.

(2016) mentioned that after the modeling is completed, the material list can be exported to

optimize the allocation of resources, make good planning and arrangement in the time and

schedule of mobilization, and grasp the relationship between direct cost and indirect cost, so that

the optimization of schedule can lead to the optimization of cost in the case of high probability.

The 3D digital model drawn by BIM modeling software ensures the dynamic adjustment of

project data, which is convenient for managers to update plans, count and trace the use of funds.

McGeorge et al. (2013) pointed out that BIM Technology is a highly information technology,

which can replace many traditional human intensive works. In this aspect, it can reduce the

redundancy of enterprise personnel and reduce the cost of human resources. In terms of quality

and safety control, virtual construction technology, namely 4D simulation of BIM, can simulate

in advance and find out the possible problems in the construction stage, and then formulate

solutions to modify, so as to optimize the schedule and construction scheme. In the aspect of

information control, Choi et al. (2014) argued that BIM Technology can track the information of

material quality and component quality. It can realize space management and building analysis,

and is convenient for production management and supervision in operation and maintenance

stage. For example, in the process of modeling, the "room" command is used to divide the room

blocks in the building, label information and calculate the area, and the "export" command is
used to export the room / area report, so as to accurately record the area, volume and number of

rooms of the whole building.

There are many risks in the construction process of engineering projects, and the existence of

risk factors greatly restricts the realization of construction project objectives. Hardin and McCool

(2015) argued that risk can be roughly divided into two categories: avoidable risk and non

avoidable risk, and avoidable risk plays a decisive role in the construction project. It generally

includes technical risk, organizational risk and management risk. Under the traditional project

management mode, the avoidance of these factors is a problem that all the project participants

need to treat carefully and actively promote (Levy, 2012). However, in the actual project

management process, it is often necessary to coordinate not only the risk of a single party, but

the combined risk of all the participants. How to make all parties establish a unified consensus is

based on effective communication, which is also the main problem and crux of the traditional

project management mode.

The application of BIM in project analysis can greatly enhance the strength of risk management.

According to Ham (2020), the introduction of Bim in the early planning stage of the project can

simulate the environmental indicators of the project and quantify the ecological indicators

through the parameter information contained in BIM itself. And when the scheme changes, BIM

itself has the linkage and statistical analysis function, which can solve the repeated calculation

process and strengthen the feasibility analysis in the early stage of the project (Assaad, El-

adaway & Parker, 2020). BIM is applied to the design stage. In the conceptual design stage, it
can fully reflect the design creativity and provide decision-making basis for the construction

party. In the scheme design stage, it can play the role of design optimization for complex

modeling projects. When it is applied to the construction drawing design, BIM can effectively

and thoroughly solve the pipeline layout of large-scale projects and public projects, and

strengthen the risk management in the design stage. In the construction stage, BIM Technology

can be used to simulate the construction progress, so as to provide a scientific basis for the site

layout scheme and coordinate the cooperation between various disciplines. Eynon (2016) pointed

out that through the establishment of BIM model, the hazard sources in construction can be

judged in advance and compared with the construction results, so as to strengthen the safety

management and on-site quality management, which is conducive to the risk control in

construction (Barnes, 2019). The application of BIM Technology in the whole stage of project

management can effectively reduce the uncertainty of construction projects, reasonably avoid

risks, and escort the realization of project objectives.

2.4 BIM for the Management of Construction Schedule

According to Choi et al. (2014), construction schedule management, fundamentally speaking,

mainly includes four aspects, which are the construction link, construction process, construction

time and the overall schedule of the project. From these four aspects, it can make the progress

plan, and ensure that the progress plan matches with the actual construction, to ensure that it can

use the effective construction methods and construction technology to achieve the construction

goal (Barnes, 2019). In the past, the construction schedule management mainly depends on CAD

engineering design drawing and on-site construction drawing information, and then carries on

the overall planning according to each construction link (Lu, Fung, Peng, Liang & Rowlinson,
2015). However, the content and process of each construction project are complex, and the

construction personnel and materials of the project have great uncertainty. Therefore, any factor

and problem will affect the control of the whole project schedule. After the introduction of BIM

Technology, construction management personnel can use the technology for scientific modeling

and reasonable planning. The first mock exam is to build a 3D model of engineering project by

using BIM technology (Sun, Man & Wang, 2015). Then, the time dimension is added to the

model to form a four-dimensional model. In the early stage of planning, this system can also be

used for dynamic simulation of construction projects, so as to achieve more rational allocation of

various resources for project construction, and optimize and improve project schedule

management from all aspects.

2.4.1 Process Management of Construction Schedule

The traditional management work has four aspects, including general construction plan

management, secondary project plan management, one week construction plan management and

one day planning management. Barnes (2019) claimed that each schedule management requires

relevant personnel to combine relevant materials and experience data, and then make a detailed

construction plan through the discussion between project management personnel and

construction technicians. In the process of using BIM to manage the progress of construction

project, we can use the information module to plan the construction objectives, processes and

schemes (Pittard & Sell, 2016). Through the construction process preview simulation function of

BIM Technology, combined with various on-site construction conditions, construction schemes,

construction data analysis and optimization, the project task display processing is more intuitive,

and combined with the actual problems, timely correction and solution.
2.4.2 Information Control of Construction Schedule

BIM schedule management platform focuses on the quantity information, schedule information

and three-dimensional model. According to Eynon (2016), by inputting all the parameters of

municipal engineering into the corresponding computer software, the three-dimensional model

can be obtained, and the time parameters are given to the components in the model, thus forming

the BIM progress control model. BIM information platform can process these basic data and

comprehensive data to meet the functional requirements of construction schedule management

(Barnes, 2019). One of the characteristics of BIM is the coexistence of multi-disciplinary

information. Therefore, the platform can integrate construction progress information. Sun et al.

(2015) pointed out that engineering model is the center of information sharing, information

transfer and information query. BIM model can store all the information in the whole life cycle

of municipal engineering, and then use the platform for information contribution and

transmission to realize the whole process management of construction schedule.

2.4.3 Centralized Control of Information Platform

BIM information platform has all kinds of data in the construction process, and the collected data

and information as well as the information of operators have been comprehensively analyzed and

processed, which can ensure the correct statistics, sharing and screening of information, so as to

more accurately display the cost, progress and predict the project quality (Barnes, 2019). BIM

data model can be realized not only by manual input, but also by opening the interface. With the

help of other systems, new data information can be obtained. Hardin and McCool (2015) argued
that the components of BIM information platform include interactive exchange layer, application

and storage structure. The exchange layer is used by project personnel. The core layer of BIM is

an application layer, which contains basic information, provides data analysis, collation and

sharing tasks.

3.0 Methodology

In order to complete research aims and objectives, it is necessary to design appropriate research

methodology, which should be based on the angle of researchers to consider on the problems and

the complexity of the research object and so on. In the research, the research methodology would

be designed based on Saunders’ research onion from research philosophy, research approach,

research strategy, as well as data collection and analysis. Besides, the ethical issues of the

research would be also identified.

3.1 Research Philosophy

Interpretivism research philosophy has been determined to be used in the research. Interpretivism

is to explain how to construct knowledge through subjective and objective. This is the main

difference between positivism and interpretivism that positivism pursues to discover and prove

the knowledge of objective existence, while interpretivism pursues to explain the construction of

knowledge by both subjectivity and objectivity. Social science researchers understand people's

thoughts, and then explain their behaviors and their views on society (Bryman, 2004).

Hermeneutics do research and hold the following views. First of all, the observer is not

independent of the observed object, but a part of the observed object. Human interests are the
main driving force of science. Secondly, the purpose of interpretation is to increase the overall

understanding of the situation. The process of research is to collect abundant data from the

deductive ideas. Finally, the concept should be to combine the different views of various

stakeholders. The sample size of research data is small, but it is required to be full and accurate.

Therefore, in the research, based on exploring the behaviour and the actual condition for the

application of BIM in a construction projection, it could understand how it could satisfy the

requirements of clients in the project.

3.2 Qualitative Research

Qualitative research collects data, focusing on the rich text and language, but not on the number

of data. Under the hermeneutic paradigm, research focuses on the quality and depth of data, and

the corresponding research methodology is qualitative research. Qualitative research focuses on

the quality and depth of data. As Mason (2002) said, the research objects of social science are

situational, contextualized and interactional. Therefore, the data collected in qualitative research

are mainly full and accurate words and language. Qualitative research does not focus on the

breadth of research as quantitative research, but on the depth that quantitative research does not

have. It does not pursue inductive generality, but has certain inductive generality. In addition, the

heavy and rich description of qualitative research can enhance its generalization (riege, 2003).

Through reading, readers can find some patterns in qualitative research findings to explain their

own experience and make relevant decisions for them in future actions. Readers can also apply

the findings of qualitative research to similar scenes. Therefore, qualitative research is called

inductive generalization with small scope (stack, 1995). Whether a research adopts a qualitative

method or a quantitative method is determined by its philosophy, epistemology and theoretical

point of view. Under the philosophical paradigm of social constructivism and hermeneutics,

qualitative research method is adopted. Under the philosophical paradigm of objectivism and

positivism, quantitative research methodology is adopted. In the research, in order to deeply

understand the social phenomenon, qualitative research can be considered as one of the most

appropriate method to complete the research aims and objectives under interpretivism.

3.3 Research Strategy

Based on qualitative research method, interview would be used in the research. Qualitative

interview method deeply reveals the meaning of people's life, daily work, behavior and feelings.

It not only studies people's thoughts, feelings and behaviors, but also explores why people have

these thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and what deeper meanings they contain. Qualitative

interview is a powerful way to help participants sort out their implicit cognition, feelings and

understanding (arksey & Knight, 1999). When the research needs participants to have many

ideas and reactions, qualitative interview is the appropriate method and approach (Easterby

Smith et al., 2002). The meaning and knowledge pursued by the research are generated in the

interactive dialogue, which is the result of the cooperation between the interviewers and the

interviewees. Qualitative interview is the construction of knowledge by the interviewers and the

interviewees (Mason, 2002).

3.4 Data Collection and Analysis

3.4.1 Research Samples

The samples of the research are the senior employees in construction projects with BIM, because

they have plentiful experiences to use BIM and understand the effects of BIM in construction

project. Qualitative research is to obtain rich and detailed experience from small-scale

population, but the sample size is determined by a certain principle, that is, the saturation

principle (Marshall, 1996). For example, when there is no new topic or new explanation in the

interview, the data is saturated and the sample is sufficient.

3.4.2 Data Collection

In order to get the interviewee's real ideas, the interviewee should choose a convenient and

comfortable place (Bailey, 2007). Researchers need to master interview skills. How to break the

ice and make the interviewees relax (Dwyer, 1996), how to advance the questions from easy to

difficult level by level, how to guide the interviewees to talk freely about their real ideas along

the theme of the interview, etc. all these need skills and strict procedures. In order to preserve a

complete interview record for analysis and adoption, researchers usually record the interview

content with the consent of the interviewee, and then transcribe it word by word.

3.4.3 Data Analysis

Qualitative analysis focuses on the continuity and consistency of data. It not only analyzes what

participants talk about, but also why they talk about it, and what kind of information and position

they are trying to convey behind these conversations. In a word, qualitative research has rigorous

research procedures and orderly analysis process, such as coding, classification and so on. In

order to establish verifiability, data collection and validation of raw data, research findings, and
interpretation processes need to be validated (Guba and Lincoln, 1994). The review includes two

stages: firstly, to confirm whether the original data such as recording, note taking and transcribed

text are consistent; secondly, to confirm whether the inference based on data is logical in the data

analysis stage, and to check the quality of research findings and interpretation (Riege, 2003).

3.5 Research Ethical Issues

The ethical issues in the research are main the autonomy of respondents and privacy protection.

In order to ensure the autonomy of respondents, all of respondents would be told the research

aims and objectives before they determine to participate the research. Meanwhile, they could

determine whether they give up participating in the research at any time during the investigation

process. For privacy protection, all the collected data would be stored in the documents with

password. Besides, all the investigation process would use anonymous way that participators

could refuse the information involved with their privacy information

4.0 Data Analysis

This chapter covers the analysis of the qualitative data collected in Client details

Company Name: Shaanxi Seventh Construction Group Co., Ltd. The data was collected via

telephone and skype interview due to the prevalence of the covid-19 pandemic. The collected

data interpreted in table for easier interpretation of the data. Qualitative data provides an insight

on attitude, beliefs, motivations, and behaviors of the contractors who use BIM or planning to

use BIM to ensure that they meet the requirements of the clients.

4.1 Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis of the interviews

Telephone calls and skype meeting were held with contractors, and clients who were using BIM

or were planning to use BIM. In total there were ten phone calls and 5 skype meetings that were

held to get the data required for the analysis to display effective results. thirteen of the of the

interviews were effective. Two of the telephone were cut short because one of the clients was in

disrupted by an emergency meeting and another a contractor had to leave in the middle of the

phone interview again due to an emergency in a construction site. Quantitative data was helpful

in determining the actual figure in raw data and also in percentages.

4.1.1 How to use BIM in each phase of a construction project to meet customer needs?

4.1.2The Application of BIM in Each Phase of a Construction Project

To gather the data from the interviewees it was important to know their positions in the

construction business they held. The position of the interviewees was crucial in comprehending

their understanding of the BMI. Tables were used in tabulation of the data for easier reading.

Table 4.1

Interview method Planned interviews Successful interviews Percentage

Skype 5 5 100%

Telephone 10 8 80%

Table 4.1 shows the number of participants who were expected to be interviewed. The interviews

like stated earlier were via telephone and skype. The table indicates that skype meeting were

successfully conducted for they yielded a hundred percent result. Telephone interviews were

eighty percent which was a good turn up.

4.2.3 Job description and position of the interviewees.

The first question was aimed to know the position the interviewees held in the construction

industry and if it was a client to determine if he was the owner or was representing the owner of

the building.

Question 1. (Contractor)

What is yours position in the construction company?

Question 1(Client) are the owner of the construction or a representative of the client?

Table 4.2 (contactors)

Position No. of interviewees Percentage

Site manager 2 15

architect 7 53

Senior engineer 1 8

Table 4.2 shows the construction personnel who participated in the construction. The table does

not include the clients. The table was tabulated separately for construction employees have more

construction know how than the clients who are mostly interested in results and cost efficiency.

Table 4.3 (client)

position No. of interviewees Percentage

Owner 1 8

Representative 2 16
According to table 4.2 and 4.3 shows that the majority of the interviewees are architects who are

key players in panning of the constructions. Table 4.3 also indicates that there were owners of

the buildings or their representatives. The data indicates that the key players of the construction

were captured during the interview.

Question 2

How long have you been in in the construction industry?

Table 4.4

Work experience No. of interviewees Percentage

1-4 8 62

5-8 2 16

9-12 1 8

12 and above 0 0

others 0 0

Above table 4.4 indicates the years of experience the interviewees have working in construction.

The data tabulated indicates that majority have between 1 and 4 years in construction followed

by 5 to eight years in construction. Young people are aggressive in embracing new technology

and hence the ones who had 1-4 years in construction industry were likely to adapt new

technology in construction more than the those who have 12 and above years in the industry.

Older experienced construction workers rarely change their traditional way of doing things.

Experienced workers trust their old methods for they have yielded results and are not thrilled to

venture in new ideas.

The Application in the Planning Stage

Table 4.5

Answer No of interviewees Percentage

Always 11 85

Sometimes 2 15

Never 0 0

Table 4.5 indicates that 85 percent of the interviewees use BIM in construction. Fifteen percent

use BMI sometimes. The data showed that all the interviewees have used BMI in construction.

BIM has proved to be successful especially in big constructions. The majority of the group were

involved in vast and intricate construction and hence they always used BIM in construction. Two

percent of the interviewees were also involved in construction of smaller building which they did

not find the efficiency of using Building Management Information. The data showed that all the

participants were conversant with BMI and hence the results show that zero percent of the

interviewees had never used the Building Information Modelling.

Interviewees were asked how they apply BMI in the planning stage. At this stage the

interviewees especially, the clients agreed that the they spend time and money so that they can

determine the feasibility of the construction. the stage is crucial for the client is able to know the

cost of materials that will be required for the building. Using |BIM technology it is easy to

transfer the designs in other databases for future retrieval. Storing of the information is handy

when there are changes that will be made on the building in future. The interviewees agreed that
in the initial stages of construction it is easy to check using BMI technology the special location

of pipeline layout using the collision inspection technology.

Lean thinking just like in manufacturing has the same goals and objectives. The interviewees

agreed through workshops and seminars they attended on construction led them to understand

more about lean thinking and BIM. The concept saves energy, time and resources during

construction. Using batching planning the construction is divided into different batches where

the materials for a particular batch are delivered at a specific time when is required on site. Right

quantity of material is controlled by the number of batches. Since adoption of lean thinking in

BIM there is a significant reduction in wastage of materials according to the interviewees

The application in design stage.

The interviewees were asked why they thought it was prudent to use BMI in the application in

design stage. This is the stage her the plan is converted from a wo dimensional into a three-

dimensional plan. The client is able to see all the aspects of the model using the BIM 3D

technology. The architects who were interviewed agreed that this stage makes the work much

easier for they are not bombarded with the task of converting a two-dimensional design into a

three-dimensional design as they used to do earlier. Due to the design being elaborate design the

feasibility of the construction is realized soon and reduces time and resources wastages. The

design team on the hand can feed the design back to the planning stage for changes, this can

method can be stored and used in the future in maintenance of the construction.

Table 4.6

Answer No. of interviewees Percentage

Yes 11 85
No 2 15

Table 4.6 indicates that the majority which was eighty-five percent of the respondents believe

that BIM leads to cost saving in the overall construction f the building. Fifteen percent did not

agree that BIM leads to cost and resources savings. The majority of the interviews who were

architects indicated BIM tools such as BIM 360 helps in estimation of costs. For example, they

could use more cost-effective materials, find the most ideal time to buy the materials in the

market at a lower cost, decide whether it would be easier to prefabricate or construct in situ.

With all the options that BIM was proving it was possible to save money. Fifteen percent

indicated that sometime giving the client the option of delaying to buy materials on a later date

could lead to delay in completion of the project.

The application in construction stage

BMI technology is able to simulate the complete construction. due to this fact the interviewees

agreed that it was easy to note the errors, collision and omissions that would take place during

construction and remedy them before they happened. The construction team is able to work

within the confounds of the stimulated design. Prior correction of mistakes and before the

mistakes are done saves time during construction. The interviewees again agreed that during

construction materials required for the next stage are prepared in the appropriate time hence

reducing time wastages waiting for the materials to be delivered. BIM enhances cooperation

between the construction departments hence a project is completed at the expected time.
4.2.1 How to apply BIM to the site analysis of construction projects to ensure customer


4.2.2 The application in the operation stage.

Have you ever used 5D BIM software technology such as Revit or BIM 360?

Table 4.8

Answer No. of interviewees Percentage

Yes 7 54

No 6 46

Table 4.8 indicates that a 54 percent of the of the interviewees had used the 5D software in

planning the buildings. The 54 percent of the interviewees who had used the software were all

architects. Forty-six percent were clients, senior engineer and site manager. The former was

aware of the BIM software but they had not used the software.

The interviewees agreed that BMI plays a key role in creating awareness to the client on the how

to operate the building. The building requires maintenance and all the aspects of changes made to

the building are incorporated in the BMI design. The piping, walling. Heating, and wiring of the

building are updated from real time to the BMI model of the building. During the service period

of the building the design can be used to access the areas to be maintained easily and hence save

time. the owner of the building again is able to use the building in for the intended purpose for

they are able to see from the design the size, walling, piping, heating, and fittings that in the

building and hence use the building for the right purpose without damaging its integrity.
The interviewees agreed that BMI is crucial in the whole cycle of the construction project. It is

integral for the clients who want to save time and resources during the construction. in planning

phase, design phase, construction phase, and operation phase of the construction, BMI aids in

making the work run smoothly. Departments involved in the construction are able to collaborate

and operate within the design of the BMI and also within the stipulated time. Furthermore, the

client is able to get desired output right from the start to the finishing of the project.

4.3.1 How to rely on BIM to optimize the construction process during the construction


4.3.2 BIM for the Analysis of Construction Projects

How have you heard of 5D BIM?

Table 4.7

Answer No. of Interviewee Percentage

Yes 13 100

No 0 0

Table 4.7 indicates that all the interviewees were aware of 5D BIM. the clients were aware of the

technology for they had used the technology earlier in their previous construction. The Architects

and senior engineers were aware. The architects were familiar and had a lot of input regarding

the using 5D technology. The architects were excited about using the technology and had a lot of

input regarding using BIM technology. The senior engineer and the site manager were aware of

the technology and supervised buildings that had used the technology.
What is the linked cost to the 3D model, for better understanding of the project?

Answer No. of interviewees Percentage

Totally disagree 0 0

Disagree 0 0

Moderate 0 0

Agree 1 7.9

Totally agree 12 92

Most of the interviewees totally agreed the linked cost to the 3D model was required for proper

understanding of the other models of BIM.

The interviewees agreed that in the past agreement between the designers of the project who are

architects and the contractors working in real time is minimal. The architects design the

construction in a room and sometimes fail t put into consideration of the hindrances that are in

the field. The architects sometimes are not able to perceive the difficulties that the contractors

encounter in realizing their designs and blame the contractors for wastage of time and materials.

During the investigation stage BIM technology is used is to work out several schemes on the

field which can be adapted on the field. BIM technology helps the construction team in an

efficient collaboration and communication working environment.

BIM design is dynamic and can be changed and adjusted during construction stage. The

materials required during construction are prepared in advance reducing time wastage waiting for

the materials to be delivered. BIM technology is able to assess the construction requirements and

hence reduce risk of laborers working in dangerous position. Some materials required in
construction can be designed using robotics in ware houses and later brought to site to be used in

the construction. 4-dimension simulation is again used to assess the problems that are likely to

crop up in future and find the solution before the challenge in encountered in real time.

furthermore, the simulation is able to come up with more suitable methods of working round the


4.3.3 BIM for management of construction schedule.

The client agreed that BIM led to greater efficiency in construction. The faster the construction is

completed the more it saves in construction cost. If the construction is completed earlier the cost

labor id greatly reduced. The clients additionally are able to put the construction into use return

on investments. Sometimes architect said that they pre-fabricated some materials using robotics

which makes the work fast and efficient. The architects also indicated that BIM was effective for

they were able to complete a construction in good time and move to another project easily.

The clients and the architects agreed that seeing having an earlier design of the project was

beneficial. The client is able to have visual picture which the building will have in the

surrounding. The color and how it blends with the neighborhood. The interviewees agreed since

the model of the construction is done in the stages ff the building the clients can make early

changes on the design. Making earlier changes in the design reduced construction costs of going

back to change an aspect of the building the client was not satisfied with when the design is in

the construction phase. Clients are able to get what the type of building they want.

4.4.1 How to use the demand data in BIM, especially in the construction phase?

4.4.2 BIM in process management for construction schedule

All the interviewees agreed that BIM is determined by the ongoing research and software

development. The evolution of structure is in the development. There is need to understand the

structure and how to make the BIM database better. Again, most of the interviewers agreed that

there is need to make the functions of the database better. There interviewees agreed there is

more that is required in the functioning of the BIM to expand the coverage f the functions of

BIM. there is need to cover both building process both in depth and breadth.

The interviewees agreed that the structural evolution of BIM it is possible to understand all the

interpret and construct building without BIM. the interviews agreed it is hard to compress all

there is about construction in a single database, building Information management will be

scattered in several databases. A simple routine building Information, can be obtained in a single


4.4.2 Information Control of Construction Schedule

The interviewees agreed that there were hindrances in the past on controlling the construction

schedule. There were environmental factors that would affect scheduled tasks. Factors physical

environment, subject environment and objective of the client could hinder the flow of events

during construction. BIM technology combined with 5D software is able to overcome these

challenges during the conception stage and also during the construction phase. During the

conceptual stage it is possible to plan the construction to fit the needs of the client. Sometimes

there are challenges that are encountered that lead the planning of the construction to change the

overall desire of the client. BIM technology is able to handle the challenges at an initial stage and

hence the schedule is able to run according to plan.

4.4.3 Centralized Control of Information Platform

The interviewees defined control of information system as gathering of data, data management

and analyzing of the data to understand the management of time and cost influence of a

construction. the interviewees agreed that construction companies need to embrace the BIM in

construction citing countries like Malaysia which has made construction project to follow

modern trend to ensure safety and efficiency during construction. Control of information can be

achieved through communication and efficient decision making. The major challenge facing

BIM at this stage to ensure the clients requirements are met is the lack of proper communication.

Though BIM can make all the factors evident there is a difference in real life construction and

simulation. If structural engineers are not wholly involved in the design stage of the construction,

there will be failure in communicating.

5. Discussion

5.1 introduction

The data gathered from the interview and the research methodology were compared to produce

the output in order to answer the research question. The discussion is useful in understanding

how BIM can be used to ensure clients requirements are met for a construction project. The

clients’ needs are mandatory when designing a building, and the changes that can be introduced

earlier in the stages of construction can be made hence reducing time and resources wastages.

5.2 BMI in planning stage.

To understand more about the usefulness of Building Information Modelling, there is need to

compare the respondents’ answers and the literature review. Designing buildings in conventional

methods involved sketching the building in CAD deigns (BIM services, 2019). This approach
never gave the clients the actual design in terms of aesthetics and actual design. At the same

time, Sears et al. (2015) claimed that in the planning stage, BIM Technology provides help for

the technical and economic feasibility demonstration of construction projects, and improves the

accuracy and reliability of the demonstration results. In the project planning stage, the owner

needs to determine whether the construction project scheme has both technical and economic

feasibility and can meet the requirements of type, quality and function (Levy, 2012). The

respondents agreed that the during the conceptual stage (planning stage) the client I able to see

the simulated design of the building they are spending money to have. At this stage the

respondents agreed that the challenge of the initial cost is high and the clients are overwhelmed

by the initial cost.

Clients are able to see the simulated design in three-dimensional design and hence can ask for

changes that will fulfill their desire. Initially using CAD sketches this was not possible. The

client would have to wait until the building was in construction stage to start visualizing, they

dream. According to the respondents it would the real-life construction would be different from

what the client had in mind and this would bring a conflict between the client and the architect.

The architect would in turn blame the contractors. Using BIM technology, the client is able to

see what they are investing right from the conceptual stage.

5.3 BMI in design stage

During this stage a structural engineer and a MEP team to design the last phases of the building

(BIM services, 2019). The teams design the structure according to the codes of standards of the

area and send the design to the BIM team. Collaboration between different departments is crucial

on this stage to prevent collision and clashes. According to Zheng et al. (2018), through the use

of BIM Technology, architects are not confused with the problem of how to use the traditional
two-dimensional drawings to express the complex three-dimensional shape, and deeply expand

the feasibility of the complex three-dimensional shape. The respondents agreed that that during

this stage collaboration between all parties is key to bring the client dream in reality. Again, at

this stage the client is able to see their desire in three dimension and can add input or ask for

change. Since collision and clashes are checked at this stage, wastage of resources and time is

reduced during the construction phase. The challenge the architects that clients encountered at

this stage is cooperation between all the departments in the construction project. Bringing all the

departments to communicate and give a final design is hectic. All the parties are supposed to

communicate at this stage for efficient construction.

5.4 BIM in construction stage

For engineers using BIM technology this is the stage where they watch as the design takes shape

in real the past this was not possible for there were frequent question from the site the site

to the engineers later to the architects (Tekla, 2020). Time used in the design stage to actualize a

simulation of the construction helps in saving time and giving the client their desired

construction. the respondents agreed that there is minimal collision during construction stage

because during simulation stage all players of the construction are involved in the process. The

client is saved the cost of remodeling and redesigning because BIM technology was able to

produce effective designs at an early stage.

5.5 BIM in operation stage.

After the construction is completed, the client is handed the designs. The BMI designs are crucial

during the service period of the construction. the respondents agreed that the building requires

maintenance and the simulation design is key for easier location of parts of the building.
Operation and maintenance cost of a building is seventy percent of the total amount spent from

the start to the end of the period the building exists in operation (Building in Cloud, 2021). This

amount surpasses the cost that was incurred at first during construction. The respondents agree

that BIM designs are crucial at this stage for the design contain all the information regarding the

building. All the changes made in real life are passed to he designs to keep it up to date for

proper maintenance. BIM is standard and hence it will be adapted during the maintenance period.

5.6 BIM for the Analysis of Construction Projects

For purposeful efficient project management, BIM is one of convergence technologies that draw

public attention to achieve the target of process innovation and efficient project management.

The term BIM has been used as a concept to integrate information (3D object information and

related data) that is created during the life cycle of the whole construction project ranging from

the planning of construction projects to maintenance and their process and their compatibility.

By using BIM Modeling Services, it is possible to minimize various interception and errors that

is caused by inaccuracy of information at the early stage of construction projects and makes it

possible for smooth communication of participants of those projects. Recent construction has

tendency to utilize the technological aspect of 3D- based BIM for improvement of

constructability works. When delivering information, there is a problem that the intention of an

architect is hard to be understood due to discordance on the drawings.

5.7 BIM in management of construction schedule

By merging BIM technology and scheduling managers can watch a construction taking place

virtually, this will help them validate the scheduled time for the construction period. Using 4D

simulation and merging it with BIM there is significant hope that constructions will be spending

the scheduled time according to the simulation (Stroggins, 2018). According to Choi et al.

(2014), construction schedule management, fundamentally speaking, mainly includes four

aspects, which are the construction link, construction process, construction time and the overall

schedule of the project. From these four aspects, it can make the progress plan, and ensure that

the progress plan matches with the actual construction, to ensure that it can use the effective

construction methods and construction technology to achieve the construction goal (Barnes,


5.8 BIM in information control

In the traditional mode of construction, events such the natural environment, subjective

environment, and objective environment could interfere with the scheduled date of completion of

a construction (Li et al., 2016). Today with BIM combined with BIM 5D software it is possible

to work according the scheduled plan right from the conceptual stage to the application stage.

BIM schedule management platform focuses on the quantity information, schedule information

and three-dimensional model. According to Eynon (2016), by inputting all the parameters of

municipal engineering into the corresponding computer software, the three-dimensional model

can be obtained, and the time parameters are given to the components in the model, thus forming

the BIM progress control model

5.9 BIM in centralized control of systems

In construction business completion of a project within the stipulated in beneficial to the client,

for they are able to put the construction into use. Clients should engage people, process, and

technology in construction (Singh, 2019). BIM technology forms the link between these three

groups. The human labor is key because they will be the interpret the design simulation and put it

in real life construction. BIM data can be obtained through sharing of interfaces to the parties

concerned in the construction. BIM is the central part of the project and all information is relayed

through the BIM before it is implemented. If there is a challenge on the ground which cannot be

implemented, the challenge should be tackled in the design to check different options of tackling

it. Later the it should be implemented on the ground. Changes that are made should be put in the

BIM for future use.

6.0 Output
6.1 introduction
This chapter discusses the developed framework according to the data collected both quantitively
and qualitatively in regards to the role of BIM in ensuring a client’s requirements are met for a
construction project. The frame shows how the construction departments currently work on a
project and also checks my recommendation on ensuring the clients requirements are met.
6.2 The current framework
Departments in the construction departments approach construction using BMI in different ways.
The approaches that the construction company take to when BIM yield different results that
sometimes the client is not fully satisfied with.

stage 0
Business Justifaication
Strategic Brief

Stage 1
Preparation and brief
Appraissals Briefs and

stage 3
Concept design

Stage 4
Development design

Stage 4
Technical Design

Stage 5


During the study it was found that the construction department follow the steps above during
construction. During step 0 the departments started with business justification. Business
justification involves vital questions such as whether it is feasible to continue with the proposed
business and if to proceed the way to go about the project. The departments said it was
mandatory for the steps taken to be information driven. At this step the departments are involved
in tasks such as the client identifies the need of the construction in the department. Again, in step
0 there is strategic definition. The step is involved when the client identifies that there more
information that is required before proceeding to the next step.
During stage 1 which is preparation and brief the three were three steps that were involved. The
steps are appraisals, briefs and information, and supplier appointments. In appraisals it involves,
assessing whether the project is feasible and if there is another more preferred way of proceeding
with the project. It is prudent for the employer to work with appointed advisors who will advise
them on the feasibility of the project. \the construction department advised the customer to
employ third party advisors to guide them on the way forward.
On the second step of the project the construction departments developed the conceptual design
of the project. At this stage the construction departments involve he design responses to the
project design. The departments at this stage could opt to freeze the whole project. If the project
was deemed good at this stage to continue the departments continually involved the client’s
input. If the client had decided to involve advisors their input was thoroughly investigated and
put into consideration during this stage. If there were additional input from the client they were
updated in the BIM. the suppliers for the project were from the Shaanxi Seventh Construction
Group Company.
During the third stage of the project the design was developed into a more detailed design. The
design is developed into a dimensional design where the client was able to view the construction
in a three- dimensional design. The client again, on this stage was advised to consult external
advisors who were conversant with BIM to put their input in the work. At this stage it should be
noted that the construction departments ensured that the elemental cost plan was updated from
the design I accompaniment of the schedule of the cash flow injections. The construction
departments an end stage report of the project.
The fourth is the construction departments are involved in the construction departments were
involved in the development of the design. At this stage which is commonly referred as the final
stage includes developing the design into a sufficient detail that can be carried out practically in
the construction stage. The information on the BIM at this stage was sufficient to be passed on
the contractor. Again, on this stage the client provided the BMI designers on the proposed
occupants of the construction. The proposals made by the client were put in the BMI design to be
affected during the construction stage. The supplier subcontracted specialist in preparation of the
technical design which would be the effected in the construction stage.
The fifth stage was the construction stage which is the construction stage which the respondents
referred as the build stage. At this stage there is on site construction and off-site manufacturing.
Off site manufacturing includes the use of robotics to manufacture some of the parts of the
construction that would use to make the construction to be completed at the right time to prevent
delays. The contractor makes a draft for the client in a manual format for the client to understand
the working of the construction. he contractor again prepares a manual in plain language for the
employer to so that they can understand the development of the construction during the building
The sixth stage of the construction is the handover stage. At this stage the owner is handed over
the building. The contactors remain responsible to maintain the building to rectify defects in the
building for a period of about six months. The contractor requested for a day of handing over the
overall project to the client. The client and the contractor agree on a method of reporting defects
that emerge on the construction so that they are corrected.
6.2 The proposed framework
To ensure the client requirements are met the following steps would be taken. It is important to
note the proposed framework at may seem similar to the current framework but the key
differences lies in the details where the client takes a major role during the steps the four key
steps of construction.

Step 1
stage 0
strategic Preparay Stage 2
Cocept Design
Step 3
Techni cal Design
defination tion abd Brief

Step 4
Step 5
Design Constructio
n Step 6 step 7 Construction
Handover in use

The difference between the proposed steps and the current steps lies in the details of the steps
where the in the proposed strategy the client in fully involved in all the steps of the construction.
to meet the clients’ requirements in construction it is critical to involve them during all the steps
of the constructions. The research conducted showed that the construction companies that were
involved did not go further to with the client to the in use step during construction. the
interviewed construction industries handed over the BBI to the client after handing over the
building to the client and checking the major defects that may have occurred during construction
The following steps are the proposed steps that would take place during construction. it is
important to note that the client is involved during all the steps of construction.
The first stage would be stage 0. During this stage, the project would be examined to find out
whether to proceed with the proposed project. The client would be encouraged and guided by
experts from the company to suggest the need of the construction. the employer will be given
enough information to decide whether with the information proposed whether if to continue or to
abandon the project. The information provided for the client should be in a plain language which
the client can understand and manage to ask and provide recommendations about the project.
On the second stage the client stage the client input will continue to provide the steps that should
be taken to proceed In the next steps of the project. The client should be included in this step to
ensure that his recommendations are included. It should be noted that the researched companies
advised the client to look for an external advisor on BIM. instead of this I would recommend
explaining to the client each step of the BIM to the client. Including external examiners of the
project would result.
Every step of the recommended step would include the client’s input. There is a final step that
the respondents did not include which is the in-use stage. The client would still be accompanied
while using the construction. it is important to use the BIM as the contractor to ensure that the
client is accompanied after the handing over the building. The contractor is advised to
accompany the contractor during and after construction.


7.1 Introduction

This chapter evaluates the objectives of the project in regards to the objectives of the providing

the client with a satisfactory building in regarding to their requirements.

Objectives Evaluation

Propose a paper on the use of BIM in Secondary data gathered was detailed and

construction projects to meet customer evaluation carried out in depth using

needs secondary data.

In depth research was should be carried out in

more depth to ensure all aspects of using BIM

technology are checked.

Validity of the secondary data was

determined because the secondary data

sources are recent. They are dated between

2013-2020. The secondary data are current

and hence conforms to currents trends in

construction business

It was interesting to note during the secondary

data research there is in depth research about

BIM technology. Architects are interested in

the technology and they are excited the use

the technology in the field.

Evidence is indicated in the literature review


Evidence is

Conduct literature review based on auxiliary The primary data was gathered through the

data related to the use of BIM in construction use of interviews. The interviews were

projects. Related journal articles and conducted through skype and telephone calls.

academic papers will be used for this. The interviews were conducted through

questions that were asked to the interviewees

during the gathering of the primary data.

Language barrier was handled through

interpreters who were resourceful in decoding

the research.
Evidence of primary data is in the research

methodology chapter

Use questionnaire surveys and/or interviews It was evident that the secondary data and the

with relevant personnel to collect the main primary data related. Secondary data showed

data on the use of BIM in construction that the clients are able to follow in all the

projects, and then analyze the collected data. phases of the construction

Most of the interviewees were architects and

the answers they provided to the questions

agreed with the secondary data gathered.

One of the major challenges that was evident

in using BIM technology was the initial cost

during the conceptual stage and design stage.

Evidence of this is found in Data analysis,

discussion and output.

Discuss major and minor dates, and how According to the analyzed data it is evident

BIM can assist in creating related output. that contactors and clients use BIM

technology from the start of the project. It was

gathered that this is useful in coordination and

efficiency in construction. using BIM

technology helps the clients in saving money

and resources. Though the process is costly

especially at the initial stages, it has proven

that the process has significant overall benefit

to the client.

Create appropriate output related to the A diagram was used to illustrate the output of

customer. This may take the form of a BIM technology indicating the main phases of

graphical representation, and it may be a construction and its efficiency in saving time

frame or model with instructions. If and resources.

necessary, suggestions will also be provided

7.2 Issues associated with the interviews

Interview questions Evaluation

Social issues related to the interview question It was evident that there were impact

Questions to the interview may put additional negative impact associated with Potential

stress on the participants. The participants Medium repercussions to the interviewee.

might mask the true answers to the questions. The likelihood of the occurrence is low

To mitigate the impacts of negative impact to

mitigation interview would have to be

optional and will be done with the consent of

the interviewee.

The sensitive details of the interviewees shall

be kept private.

As a contingency measure throughout the

interview, the interviewee might choose not

to answer questions that they do not want to


Evidence in Appendix 1 SEPLI appraisal


Ethical issues associated with the interview. Potential Impact: Medium Likelihood of

Interview questions may involve project cost occurrence:low Mitigation:

information or project participants personal Perform one on one interview and keep the

information using BIM, as well as some procedure private in order to protect the

technical secrets. privacy of interviewees.

Questions of the interview will be approved

by the technical department and the

company's legal adviser.


If the data is unconstitutional, the law

department of the organization shall take the

appropriate action.

Evidence is on Appendix 1 SEPLI appraisal


Professional issues issue associated with Potential Impact: Low Likelihood of

interviews occurrence:low Mitigation:

Code of ethics for collaboration with students The dissertation will be presented in a

and clients. professional and dedicated way to improve

the prestige and credibility of

the University.
Evidence is on Appendix 1 SEPLI appraisal


Legal Issues associated with interviews There were legal that were issues with

BIM will increase the risk of data leakage in interviewing respondents on. It was became

the implementation process. evident that BIM will increase the risk of

data leakage in the implementation

process.Potential Impact: High Likelihood of

occurrence: High Mitigation:

Through setting up a strong network

protection program and allowing the user to

clean up a computer or a network infection at

any time.


Improving file protection

Evidence is on Appendix 1 SEPLI appraisal


Client requirements Evaluation

Analyze how to use BIM to reasonably collect The client’s analysis requirements for the task

the correct client request information at the were key in the project. The client was

beginning of the design of the building and involved from the conceptual of the project to

formulate the corresponding construction ensure that their requirements were included.

. Unlike the former days when conceptual stage

involved using CAD. Using CAD design

hindered the client from understanding fully

the design.

At the design stage the Client again was able

to visualize the construction in 3D. in three

dimension the aesthetic aspects of the

construction and spatial aspects of the

construction can be viewed.

Piping, walling and foundation pillars are can

be viewed by the client. Changes can be

included where the client wanted changes to

be made before construction commenced.

Lean thinking just like in manufacturing has

the same goals and objectives. The

interviewees agreed through workshops and

seminars they attended on construction led

them to understand more about lean thinking

and BIM. The concept saves energy, time and

resources during construction. Using batching

planning the construction is divided into

different batches where the materials for a

particular batch are delivered at a specific

time when is required on site

In the construction stage, how to use the At the construction stage the client is able to

customer requirements collected by BIM to participate in the construction. at this stage

be implemented into the actual operation, and the engineers d not have much to do except

finally realize the customer requirements. check and ensure the work is progressing

without delays. The project should follow the

design given at the design stage. BMI

technology is able to simulate the complete

construction. due to this fact the interviewees

agreed that it was easy to note the errors,

collision and omissions that would take place

during construction and remedy them before

they happened. The construction team is able

to work within the confounds of the

stimulated design. Prior correction of

mistakes and before the mistakes are done

saves time during constructionBMI

technology is able to simulate the complete

construction. due to this fact the interviewees

agreed that it was easy to note the errors,

collision and omissions that would take place

during construction and remedy them before

they happened. The construction team is able

to work within the confounds of the

stimulated design. Prior correction of

mistakes and before the mistakes are done

saves time during construction

7.2 Summary

To produce overall evaluation of the project, evidence was gathered using primary data and

secondary data. During al the stages of development it became evident that time management in

key in finishing a project within the given time span. Furthermore, the student gained knowledge

when dealing with individuals who working directly in the field. Dealing with individuals in the

field helped the student to understand more of what they will encounter in future during their

future work in construction industry.

What I have learnt

During working of this project, I have learnt that sometimes the clients’ recommendations are

overlooked. The client is given recommendations in a language that they cannot understand and

therefore rendering their inputs not important. The client requirements are key to winning future

projects. When BIM is utilized with the clients’ interests included the client is satisfied and

hence there are future projects that are offered.

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