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Gamification Platforms and the Academic Performance in the

English Online Classes of the Selected
Grade 7 High School Students

Name (optional): ________________

Sex: Male Female
Recent grade in English:

1. What is the level of usage of gamification platforms in your English Online class?

1.1 KAHOOT! Always Often Sometimes Never

(4) (3) (2) (1)
We use it in our
motivational activities.
It is used by our
teacher in the
integration of the
We use it in our

1.2 QUIZIZZ Always Often Sometimes Never

(4) (3) (2) (1)
We use it in our
motivational activities.
It is used by our
teacher in the
integration of the
We use it in our

1.3 QUIZLET Always Often Sometimes Never

(4) (3) (2) (1)
We use it in our
motivational activities.
It is used by our
teacher in the
integration of lessons.
We use it in our

2. My academic performance in using gamification platforms:

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
a. It motivates me to listen in class.
b. It makes increases my interest in the subject.
c. It changes my learning environment.
d. It affects my self-esteem boosting my class

3. Can I see a significant relationship between the level of usage of gamification platforms and academic
performance in our English online class?

3.1. KAHOOT!, QUIZIZZ, and QUIZLET as motivational tools.

KAHOOT, QUIZZIZ, AND Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

QUIZLET… Agree Disagree
motivate me to learn more.
create an energetic classroom
Make learning fun.

3.2. KAHOOT!, QUIZIZZ, and QUIZLET in engaging students.

KAHOOT, QUIZZIZ, AND Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

QUIZLET… Agree Disagree
help me to focus on the
help me to retain my
help me to become an active

3.3. KAHOOT!, QUIZIZZ, and QUIZLET in a learning environment.

KAHOOT, QUIZZIZ, AND Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

QUIZLET… Agree Disagree
encourage me to collaborate
with my classmates using
gamification platforms.
induce competition when
played individually.
offers more challenging
features of learning.

3.4. KAHOOT!, QUIZIZZ, and QUIZLET in students’ self-esteem.

KAHOOT, QUIZZIZ, AND Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

QUIZLET… Agree Disagree
allow me to participate in class
without hesitation.
enable me to believe in myself

________________________________________________. Please put my comments here, the one which I
mentioned in the messenger

Validate by:
Alex S. Sanchez

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