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Learning Area Practical Research 1

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School Mamatid SHS Grade Level 11

Teacher Alex S. Sanchez Learning Area Practical Research
Teaching Date Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 8 days(Week 1)

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards
a. describe characteristics, strengths, and
weaknesses of quantitative research;
b. differentiate kinds of variables according to
scales of measure; and
c. contrast kinds of quantitative research.
B. Performance Standards

C. Most Essential Learning

Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)

D. Enabling Competencies Identify the different properties of ionic, covalent and metallic
(If available, write the attached enabling bond.

II. CONTENT The Nature of Inquiry and Research


A. References Practical Research

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages Pages 1 - 12

d. Additional Materials from www. Slideplayer, slideshare

Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for

Development and Engagement

A. Introduction There are many things you want to know in this

(1 day)
world. Living and nonliving things including the

their nature or qualities make you wonder
continuously, frequently or quickly. Marveling at
them, you put to continue yourself in a course of
situation where you seem to be grappling with
different problems. Questions after questions on
the different aspects of the things of your
curiosity prod you to move, act, or do something
to find answers to your questions or to discover
truths about your inferences or speculations on
such thing. Behaving like an investigator, asking
and seeking answers, to some questions about
the thing you find puzzling indicates the true
nature of inquiry research. (Baraceros, 2017)
Activity No.1:
Direction: Puta tick(/) if it describes the characteristics of a Quantitative Research.

1. Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects.

2. The data is usually gathered using structured

research instruments.
3. It is not based upon numerical measurements
and does not use numbers and statistical methods
as key research indicators and tools.
4. It tends to be associated with small-scale
studies and a holistic perspective, often studying a
single occurrence or small number of
occurrences/case studies in great depth.
5. The research study can usually be replicated or
repeated, given its high reliability.
6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics,
often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other
non-textual forms.
7. Emphasis is on discovery rather than proof.

8. The results are based on larger sample sizes

that are representative of the population.
9. It tends to be associated with emergent
research design, using a wide range of
10. Researcher has a clearly defined research
question to which objective answers are sought.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the basic characteristics of quantitative research?

2. What kind of words can be used in quantitative research
3. Are yes no a quantitative research or qualitative?
4. What are the differences of qualitative research and quantitative research?

Activity No.2 :

Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Discuss the strengths of a Quantitative Research.


2. Discuss the weaknesses of a Quantitative Research.

A. Development Activity No.3 Describe the following Kinds of
Quantitative Research.
(2 days)
1. Descriptive

2. Correlational
3. Quasi-experimental
4. Experimental
Four Types of Quantitative Research and its common study designs

Guide Questions:
1. What are the four types of quantitative research
2. What are the examples of each type?
3. How does it differ from each other?
4. What are the distinct characteristic of each compared
to qualitative research?
C. Engagement Activity No: 4
(3 day) Classify the variables at the right based on their “likelihood” to the three
others in the color-coded columns.
Which goes where?
Age Gender Level
• Daily Allowance
• Availability of Internet Connection
• Time
• Temperature
• Test Score
• Position in Student Government
• Cellphone Brand
• Height
• Cellphone number
• Class rank in the honor roll
Activity No.5: Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast the characteristics of qualitative and

quantitative research.


Qualitative Quantitative

D. Assimilation Activity No. 6 : Determine the design

 Internet availability at home and student’s
average sleeping time at night
 Social media involvement and practices of
Grade 12 HUMSS students
 The effect of the use of <a local packaging
material> on the shelf life of a product.
 The marketability of <innovative product> to
SHS students.
 Children of single parents and their level of Math
As a group, decide on a researchable topic leading to a
quantitative research suited to the level of SHS

R E F L EC TIO N I u n d ersta n d th a t
(R e fle ctio n o n t he T y pe o f Fo r m a tiv e A sse s s m e nt U se d fo r
T h is P a rticu la r L e sso n ) I re a lize th at
Written by:

Teacher III

Validated by:

EPS- SHS/SDO Cabuyao City
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Approved by:
Schools Division Superintendent

EPS/PSDS SDO Cavite City

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