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Starbucks in Australia

1. Explain why Starbucks’ expansion into Australia is organic growth’?

-Starbucks has grown organically because its opening new business location
overseas in Australia which is one of the strategies of organic growth.

2. What went wrong and why?

-Starbucks struggled to compete against the existing strong coffee culture in Australia
because consumers criticised the quality of the Starbucks product compared to
independent cafes and has failed in adapting it to suit the local market in Australia.

3. What were the consequences of failure for Starbucks?

-The consequences are that Starbucks stores have lost a lot of money over the years and
the stores are shut down; therefore, Starbucks will now be operated by the group,
rather than franchisees, and that the coffee stores will remain independent from 7-
Eleven stores. Franchise businesses have higher rates of success, leading to a chance of
success to decrease for Starbucks.

4. How else could Starbucks grow their business? Give three methods:
-Developing a wider range of products in its menu and differentiating products from
competitors, making Starbucks unique.
-Developing or expanding through the internet with its own website such as delivering
to homes.
-Since adapting Starbucks to suit Australia’s local market has failed, it could focus on
diversification as a different strategy for Starbucks to grow its business.

5. What are The Withers Group doing?

-They planned to change the fortunes of the coffee chain but has failed to gain a suitable
position in increasing Australian coffee market. They have indicated Starbucks stores will
now be operated by the group instead of franchisees and independent from 7-Eleven

6. What type of growth is this?

-Organic Growth

7. Briefly evaluate whether or not The Withers Group are likely to succeed.
- Franchise businesses have higher rates of success, since stores will now be operated by
the group instead of franchisees, the Withers Group are unlikely to succeed. It’s easier
to secure finance for a franchise and franchisors also supports the business by offering
the business human resources and accounting delivering rapid growth like giving brand-
awareness and reducing risks. However, a business operating under a franchise will have
less control over the business and its stakeholders, therefore the Withers Group will
have more control because the stores will be operated by the group instead of
Franchisees. In conclusion the Withers Group is less likely to succeed.
Other questions on this topic:

1. Why are businesses likely to grow organically in their early stages of development?
-They are likely to grow organically in their early stages because the development and
launch of new products gains immediate consumer attraction allowing an increase in
sales leading to profit gains and revenues. Opening several business units and location
will allow more consumers in different areas to access the business and buy their
products leading to further development of products if the business chooses to reinvest
its profits to the business, it will likely differentiate from its competitors and will allow
the business to gain a competitive advantage.

2. Which is slower organic or inorganic growth? Why?

-Organic growth is slower because the business has not burrowed money or looked for
additional venture capital where the investors provide VC finance to the start-up
business or acquired other companies for merging or joint ventures. Whereas Inorganic
growth is considered faster because it increases output and business reach by acquiring
new businesses by way of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances and

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