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Financial Reporting

and Analysis with PowerBI

Overview Of Course
Power BI has been globally
acclaimed for its abilities to
analyze data from single or
multiple sources, clean up and
transform the data into insight-
ful and beautiful visualizations
after which the reports can be
shared with your colleagues or
clients. Our Power BI courses
offer you a comprehensive set
of Business Intelligence tools
for your data analysis and
financial reporting goals and
how to use these tools to fulfill
your financial analysis needs -
and much more. Imagine to
quickly structure your data, to
easily add calculations to it and
to create and publish nice-look-
ing charts in just a few minutes.

Course Objective
Course Objective
Understanding key features of Power BI
Understand the fundamentals of Querying and Transforming of Data
Understanding key features of Power BI
Understand the
the Importance
fundamentalsof of
Data Modeling
Querying and Transforming of Data
Data Analysis
Understand Expression
the (DAX)
Importance of Data Modeling
Data Visualization
Analysis Expression (DAX)
Create Powerful Insight and Financial Dashboard that creates value
Data Visualization
Createan Income Insight
Powerful statement
andDeep Dive.Dashboard that creates value
Build an
an Account Receivables
Income statement Aging
Deep Report
Build Income
DynamicStatement from GL Transaction
Income statement with VerticalData
and Horizontal Analysis
Build Dynamic
Dynamic Income Statement
Statement withPosition
of Financial Verticaland
Horizontal Analysis
with Historical
Build Dynamic and Verticalof
Statement Analysis
Financial Position and Financial Ratios
with Historical and Vertical Analysis
Build Dynamic Cashflow Statement with YOY change and Horizontal Analysis.
Build Dynamic Cashflow Statement with YOY change and Horizontal Analysis

…a major tool for the future of work!


Pre- Training
Participants should have basic
knowledge in Microsoft excel

Modules of Training At the end of the course, participants will
be required to develop a complete
The training comprises of 2 parts, model of Financial Statement with spec-
the 1st part covers the basic to ified Analysis, which will be sent to BFI
advanced knowledge in Power Insights for appraisals based on lay
BI and the 2nd part covers how down criteria, if approved, the partici-
to build complete set of finan- pant will qualify to be certified in Finan-
cials using Microsoft Power BI. cial Reporting and Analysis with Power
The Training covers the modules BI by BFI Insights. If not approved, the
on the following areas: Introduc- participants will be guided by our team
tion to Power BI, Data Querying and will be required to build the model
and transformation of data, Data again until all criteria for the certification
Modeling, Dax Calculations, are met before the participants will be
Report and Data Visualization, certified by BFI Insights.
Power BI online service, Financial
reporting data setup and model-
ling, Income statement, Balance
Sheet, Cash flow statement.

Post Training
Participants will have access to training
Facilitators as well as other experts to
interact and ask questions in grey areas.
Course Delivery
This course will be delivered via a
webinar which requires con-
struction of models, dashboards
and reports in Power BI. Each
participant is required to build This training will be a 10 hours session,
their own interactive reports and which will be spread out for 4 days.
dashboards. The end goal is to
equip participants with a tool
that will be useful to generating
unmatched insights, intelligence
and outliers from their data
which will aid strategic decision

…a major tool for the future of work!

Godbold Promise is a Nigerian, based in Lagos.
He is a Certified Power BI Expert, a Certified
Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst and a
Level 3 candidate member of Chartered Finan-
cial Analyst (CFA), a member of the Institute of
Chartered Accountant (ACA), a member of the
Nigerian Institute of Chartered Management.

Promise holds a bachelor degree in Accounting

(First Class), a Mini MBA from Lagos Business
School, and a FMVA certification from Corpo-
rate Finance Institute and a Modano Certifica-
tion (The world's first content management
system for Excel).He has advanced industrial
training on Financial Modeling, Equity Valua-
tions, Business Analytics. Promise has an expe-
rience with special focus on Equity and Corpo-
rate Finance.
Godbold He serves
Promise as thebased
is a Nigerian, Executive Direc-
in Lagos.
tor of Inveeca and Chief Financial officer of Financial
He is a Certified Power BI Expert, a Certified
Yikodeen and Valuation Analyst
Limited. Heand
was a Level 3 candidate
previously a
financial consultant at Cantab Associate. He(CFA),
member of Chartered Financial Analyst has a
member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant
solid years of experience in financial modeling,
(ACA), a member of the Nigerian Institute of Chartered
corporate valuation, financial analysis, Corpo-
rate Finance & Equity.
Promise holds a bachelor degree in Accounting
Promise is the
(First Class), a lead
Mini faculty
MBA from with Mindcypress
Lagos of
Business School,
Nigeria where
and a FMVA he oversees
certification fromFinance & Invest-
Corporate Finance Insti-
ment training
tute and in East
a Modano Africa. He (The
Certification is also a Trainer
world's first con-
tent management system for Excel). He
with Mindcypress, a leading training institute in has advanced
USA, wheretraining on Financial
he trains FinancialModeling,
Modeling Equity
& Valua-
tions, Business Analytics. Promise has
Equity Valuation modeling to finance & invest- an experience
with special focus on Equity and Corporate Finance. He
ment professionals from PE Funds, Investment
serves as the Executive Director of Inveeca and Chief
banks, Commercial banks and financial special-
Financial officer of Yikodeen Footwear Limited. He was
companies in East Africa.
a financial consultant at Cantab Associate.
He has solid years of experience in financial modeling,
Promise is a valuation,
corporate lead Trainer and Senior
financial Consultant
analysis, Corporate
with BFI Insights.
Finance & Equity.

Promise is the lead faculty with Mindcypress of Nigeria

where he oversees Finance & Investment training in
East Africa. He is also a Trainer with Mindcypress, a lead-
ing training institute in USA, where he trains Financial
Modeling & Equity Valuation modeling to finance &
investment professionals from PE Funds, Investment
banks, Commercial banks and financial specialist com-
panies in East Africa.

Promise is a lead Trainer and Senior Consultant with

BFI Insights.

…a major
...a major tool for the future of work!
Financial Reporting
And Analysis With Power BI

Day 1 Day 2
Module 1 Module 4
Overview of Power BI Data Analysis
Objective for this training Expression (DAX)
What is Power BI
Overview of Data Analysis Expres-
Power BI vs Excel
sion (Dax)
Pillars of Power BI Solution
Basic calculations using Dax
Understanding the interface
Calculated columns versus meas-
and features of Power BI
Best practice method for creating
Module 2 Types of Dax Functions
Cleaning, Transforming Understanding Context
and Loading Data Types of Evaluation Context
Table functions and It’s importance
Overview of query editor? Importance of measure branching
Effective ways to source for Data Understanding the most effective
Querying multiple data sources and used DAX function in Finance
Row & Column transformations Understanding Time Intelligence
Understand Data types and functions
when to use them
Grouping queries
Understanding “M” Module 5
Significance of date tables
Understanding Query depend- Data Visualizations
encies How to pick the best chart
Four types of chart
Design best practice tips
Managing interactions between
Module 3 visuals
Data Modeling and Use of custom visuals
Significance of Data Model
Understanding the importance of Module 6
right relationship in your Model Online Service
Types of tables and purpose of How to publish your data to the
each table web
Creating relationships Overview of Power BI service
Understanding the difference Overview of Apps & Workspaces
between active and inactive rela- Reports vs Dashboards
tionships Email subscriptions, comments
Dealing with Multiple dates in your and other compelling features
main table

…a major tool for the future of work!

Day 3 Day 4
Module 7 Module
Income statement Income Statement
Dynamic from
Balance Sheet
Deep Dive GL Transaction
Setting Data
up Data model
Importing Data into the model
Setting up Data model Setting up Data Model
Cleaning, transforming and load-
Importing Data into the model Importing Data into the model
ing data
Cleaning, transforming and load- Cleaning, transforming and loading
Data modeling and creating rela-data
ing data Data Modeling and Relationship
Date modeling and creating rela- Creating Key
Creating KeyDax
tionship Creating Current Year Measures
Time comparison calculations
Creating Key Dax measures Time Intelligence Measures
Creating YOY change, Horizontal
Time comparison calculations
DataVertical analysis Measures
Creating best fit visuals
Creating financial Ratios
Data visualization.
Creating best fit visuals
Data visualization.
Module 8
Account Receivables
Dynamic Income Module 10
Aging Report
Statement Dynamic Cash Flow
Data Model
model Setting up Data model
Importing Data into
into the
the model
model Importing Data into the model
Cleaning, transforming and
and load-data
loading Cleaning, transforming and load-
ing data
Data Modeling and Relationship ing data
Data modeling
Creating Key Dax and creating rela-
Measures Data modeling and creating rela-
Creating Receivables aging table tionship
Writing Key Dax
Dynamic measures
Measures for Aged Creating Key Dax measures
Time comparison
Receivables calculations Creating YOY change, Horizontal
Data YOY change, Horizontal
Analysis Measures
and Vertical analysis Measures Creating best fit visuals
Creating best fit visuals Data visualization.
Data visualization.

…a major tool for the future of work!

Day 4
Financial Reporting
And Analysis With Power BI
Module 10 Module 12
Dynamic Income Dynamic Cash Flow
Setting up Data model

Day 1
Setting up Data model
Importing Data into the model
Day 2
Importing Data into the model
Cleaning, transforming and loading data
Cleaning, transforming and loading data Data modeling and creating relationship
Module 1
Data modeling and creating relationship Module 4 Dax measures
Creating Key
Overview of Power
Creating Key Dax measuresBI Data Analysis
Creating YOY change, Horizontal
Time comparison Analysis Measures
Expression (DAX)
Objective for thiscalculations
Creating YOY
What is Power change,
BI Horizontal Creating best fit visuals
and Vertical Overview
Data of Data Analysis Expres-
Power BI vsanalysis
Excel Measures
Creating best fit visuals sion (Dax)
Pillars of Power BI Solution
Data visualization.the interface Basic calculations using Dax
Calculated columns versus meas-
and features of Power BI
Best practice method for creating
Module 2 11 Types of Dax Functions
Dynamic Balance
Cleaning, Sheet
Transforming Understanding Context
and Loading Data Types of Evaluation Context
Setting up Data model
Table functions and It’s importance
Overview Data into the
of query model
editor? Importance of measure branching
Effective transforming
ways to source andfor
Data data Understanding the most effective
Data modeling and creating
Querying multiple data sources relationship and used DAX function in Finance
Creating Key Daxtransformations
Row & Column measures Understanding Time Intelligence
Time Data
comparison types and
calculations functions
when toYOY
Creating use change,
them Horizontal
and Verticalqueries
analysis Measures
Creating financial“M”Ratios Module 5
Creating of visuals
best fit date tables
Understanding Data Visualizations
Data visualization.Query depend-
encies How to pick the best chart
Four types of chart
Design best practice tips
Managing interactions between
Module 3 visuals
Data Modeling and Thank you!
Use of custom visuals
Significance of Data Model
Understanding the importance of Module 6
right relationship in your Model Online Service
Types of tables and purpose of How to publish your data to the
each table web
Creating relationships Overview of Power BI service
Understanding the difference Overview of Apps & Workspaces
between active and inactive rela- Reports vs Dashboards
tionships Email subscriptions, comments
Dealing with Multiple dates in your and other compelling features
main table

…a major tool for the future of work!


…a major tool for the future of work!


…a major tool for the future of work!

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