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Pnillted by G. Stewnrt. Eugravcl by W. Wn,rd.
Pnblisued Apl'll, 179i, b,Y G, \'\T, Alien. Dubliu.
I N THTi: POR:':ES:-lION OF THE l\IUNJCIPAL CORPOlt A'l'ION DJ<' '1'1-1,,\ ']' Cr[Y
ElllTEl> BY
LAD Y G I L 13 E IVr
DOL LA R [), I, Br [ T I'; D, WE L L 1 N G 'r 0 N Q U A Y
[A ll rig-Ms reserz'ed.]
THE Calendar of the Assembly Rolls of the 1807.
Corporation of the City of Dublin is continued
in this the sixteenth volume from January,
1807, to April, 1814, inclusive.
A letter was received from John Johnstone, n.lro(hery
attorney, on beha.lf of several millers and
manufacturers on the river Dodder, relative to
the weir at Balrothery.
John Garnett, tenant for part of the lands of
BaUycullen, refused to pay arrear of rent or
execute a counterpart of the lease, alleging that
he had not got the quantity of land which had
been let to him.
6. Resolutions were entered into to resist an Chartered
Rights and
attempt to disturb the chartered rights and Privileges.
ancient privileges of the Corporation of Dublin.
9. William Nash was paid the sum of 150, for City
engrossing the eharters of the city of Dublin. Nash.
Arthur Moore, first serjeant at law, was
granted the freedom of the city.
12. A petition was presented to parliament
. Demands.
against the demands of the Roman CatholIcs of
A bill for the improvement of Dublin and the
enVIrons thel'eo was opposed by the corpora- 15.
Duke of
George Ill.
Duke of
The Duke of Bedford, lord lieutenant, was
thanked for his ex.ertions in the support of the
arts, manufactures, and agricultures of Ireland.
An address was presented to George Ill. for
his wisdom and firmness in maintaining the
constitution in church and state.
Proposals were received for building a basin
at the Grand Canal near the Royal Circus.
Furniture for the picture of the Duke of
Cumber-land in the Mansion House was
by J osias Kearney of Henry street.
The Earl of Harrington, commander of the
Duke of
forces, was granted the freedom of the city.
The Duke of Richmond, lord lieutenant, was
presented with an address and the freedom of
the city in a gold box.
The corporation presented an address to Sir
Arthur Wellesley, Chief Secretary to the lord
lieutenant of Ireland.
Annual reductions were ordered to be made
in the various city and corporate expenses.
An address with the freedom of the city was
presented to Lord Manners, Lord High
Chancellor of Ireland.
Stewart and Swan, agents to Lord
ton, purchased a quantity of excavated earth
for raising upper Dominick street.
The freeuom of the city was granted to
captain Everard and
heroic gallantry in
colonel Browne for their
the storming of Monte
47. David J ohnstone was paid his bill for build-
ing the north angle wall of the Sessions House.
51. A piece of plate was presented to Mrs.
Pemberton, Lady Mayoress, for her polite
attention to the corporation and citizens during
her residence in the Mansion House.
61. An address was presented to Sir Arthur
W cHesley, for his very gallant conduct before
Copenhagen and on his safe and triumphant
return from Denmark.
62. J ames Digges Latouche was granted the
freedom of the city.
65. Robert Willard and William Grove, wardens
of the corporation of shoemakers, refused to makers.
sign the certificates of the freedom of Thomas
()7. The corporation presented an address to
. George liT.
George Ill. on the present momentous perIod of Europe.
public affairs in Europe.
68. A petition was presented to parliament
Demalul s.
against the demands made by the Roman

Catholics of Ireland for political power and for
their election into Protestant corporations.
A schedule of annual savings in the city's
expenses was laid before the quarterly
Plans for making a harbour between Howth
and Ireland's Eye were laid before the corpora-
tion by vice-admiral Bowen.
Premises at the rear of Cuffe street, called
N ettleton's holding were added to the city
l s land
A survey was made of the ground at Island
Bridge, same being reserved for the use of the
engine house.
Nelson A sum of 200, was subscribed to the erecting 90.
Earl of
Report ..
of a pillar to the memory of Lord Viscount
The freedom of the city was presented to the
Earl of ' Clancarty, one of the postmasters-
The report of Andrew Coffey, engineer, was
presented to the lord lieutenant, it contained
the sentiments of the corporation respecting the
proposed mode of making sewers, and that a
request be made to his grace to suspend the
present works.

01. XVI.
A petition was presented to parliament
praying to repeal certain clauses in " An act for Sew"".
the more effectual improvement of the city of
Dublin and the environs thereof," as far as same
related' to laying pipes on ledges in sewers
within said city.
96. An address was presented to George In. on Address.
'--' George III
the important crisis of affairs in Spain and
101. A proclamation was issued by the Lord
Mayor offering a reward of 100, for the pro-
secution of persons concerned in unlawful
combinations in the baking trade.
]07. Opinions of some of the ablest engineers in in
England were obtained relative to the laying
main pipes in sewers as intended by the paving
109. Some full grown timber at the Grange of
Baldoyle had been cut by Mr. Purdon, the
tenant, and a survey was made of all the timber
trees on Baldoyle and Clonturk estates.
JlO. It was ordered that Mr. Purdon be prevented
from cutting any more of the trees on the lands
of Grange, Baldoylc, and that he be called on
for payment of those already cut down.
m. The city surveyor was directed to make'li:;;;e";.
aocurate surveys of all parts of the corporation's
estate planted with timber, also lists of all the Calendar. i
other valuable improvements thereon.
Sir John Doyle was presented with an
address for his achievements in the campaign
of Egypt.
Earl O'Neill, one of the postmasters-general,
was granted the freedom of the city.
Sir Arthur Wellesley was presented with an
address on his brilliant victory over the French
troops in Portuga1.
The corporation presented a memorial to the
lord lieutenant requesting him t.o confer some
preferment upon the reverend vVilliam Blundell,
-city chaplain.
A memorial was presented to the Duke of
Richmond, lord lieutenant, praying for the
extension of oanals to K.ilkenny, Cashel,
Clonmel, and other towns in Ireland.
Francis Fladgate, solicitor, was appointed 145.
parliamentary agent for the corporation in
Hesolutions signed by the vestry clerk of
Saint Thomas's parish appeared in the news-
papers containing slanderous charges against
the corporation.
Doctor Knox, Bishop of Derry, agreed to let 150.
the house in Dawson street next the Mansion
House, the windows which looked into the ($?.;j ow,
150. garden were to be closed up.
152. A lease of the Exhibition House in William Exhibition
street was taken to be fitted up as a Corporation
House for the meetings of the assembly.
Hill. The freedom of the corporation was granted
, Wilson
to John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Croker.
Admiralty, in testimony of his great attention
in parliament to the interests of the citizens of
157. The corporation of Dublin resolved to cele-
bra te the Jubilee of the accession of George In.
t.o the throne.
160. An ,address was presented by the corporation
.. Jubilee.
to eorge n. congratulatmg hun upon enter-
ing into the fiftieth year of his auspicious reign.
161. The sincere thanks of the assembly were
leturned to the Duke and Duchess of Richmond Douatlom.
for their most munificent donations towards
relieving the confined debtors and other poor
by the hands of the Jubilee committee.
165. The expenses of the different officers on
passing the pipe water bill in London were Bill.
ordered to be paid.
172. The freedom of the city was granted to Franchise.
the most reverend Euseby Cleaver, D.D., lord ('Icaver.
archbishop of Dublin.
A petition was presented to the imperial
parliament against the scheme, so often rejected 172.
by the Irish Parliament, of enclosing the city of
Dublin on its southern sides with turnpikes.
An application was received from the King's
Inns Society for a supply of water.
The .law agents were paid their expenses
attendant upon the soli'citing the Baking bill.
A letter was sent to government relative to
the intended improvements m Saint Stephen's
William Wellesley-Pole, Chief Secretary to
the lord lieutenant, was presented with an
The thanks of the assembly were given to 194.
Hardinge Giffard, LL.D., for his Jubilee Ode,
dedicated to the Corporation.
William McGee was paid his bill for trans-
parencies painted for the Mansion House on
the Jubilee night.
A piece of plate was voted to Mrs. Stamer,
our worthy Lady Mayoress, as a mark of the
corporation's esteem.
Arrangements were made for the future col- 201.
Metal Main 1 . f' d 1 .
Tax. ectlOn 0 pIpe water rent an met.a mam tax
by dividing the city into six wards and appoint-
ing two new collectors.

{0J. XVI.

The Guild of Merchants presented a memorial of
for liberty to hold their meetings m the
Assembly House.
On the new road leading to Tallaght, the
bridge built over the water course was found to
be exceedingly defective in its construction and
It was observed that the river Dodder had
taken a turn, so as to have destroyed the Strand
road from Fir House to N ewtown.
John Clarke was ordered a lease of the Tolls
and Customs for three years at the rent of
4,050, per .annum:
An address was presented to George Ill. on
the eSClape of the Duke of Cumberland fmm
An address was presented to the Duke of of
Richmond for relieving the distress of the
working people and the industrious poor.
An address was presented to Sir William
Stamer, Lord Mayor of Dublin, accompanied
by a piece of plate.
Resolutions were entered into by the corpora-
tion relative to the present distress and growing Ireland.
misfortunes of Ireland, which arose from not
having a Resident Parliament, and calling upon
all corporate bodies and grand jury meetings to
demand a Restoration of that Constitution
Parliament. Page
Pipe Water
which is our birthright, and of which we have 223.
been despoiled by fraud and corruption.
The corporation agreed to several resolutions
for the relief of distressed manufacturers.
The salaries of the officers of the pipe water
works were largely increased.
The salary of Timothy Allen, clerk of the
commons house, on account of his long and
faithful services was raised to one hundred
It was ordered, that the act of assembly
rescinding the hospitable dinner be annulled,
and that in future the Lord Mayor for the time
being do give the summer annual dinner as
225 .
1faurice Hime, music-seller, was granted a 234.
renewal lease of premises in South Great
George's street.
A letter was received from the solicitor of the
Barrack Board relative to the old Custom
House being used as a Barrack.
The thanks of the corporation were given to
Lord Wellington and his gallant officers and
soldiers iil maintaining the war in Spain and
Bereslord. Thanks were returned to Field MarsLal
11. XVI.

Heresford for essential services rendered to the
. . . S . Portugal.
British EmpIre in defeatmg the French m pam
and Portugal.
An address was presented to the Prince of
Wales on his taking upon himself the Regency
of the United Kingdom.
William Betham was granted the freedom of
the city by the corporation.
The Duke of York was presented with an o[
address on his reappointment as Commander-
Resolved, that a petition be presented to the
. .. Hghtholl sc.
Prmce Regent and parlmment, praymg them to
take into their serious consideration the neces-
sity of erecting a Pier and Lighthouse at or near
Dunleary for the protection of the Shipping
frequenting the of Dublin.
The freedom of the city was conferred on
Lord March,l together with a sword value March.
twenty guineas.
The freedom of the city was grantcd to
. F Col .
colonel Gough, general 0 e, captam erns,
and Sir Thomas Chapman.
Resolutions were passed by the assembly 1812.
Penal Laws,
censuring a pamphlet entitled "A Statement Ireland.
1 Fifth Duke of Richmond, 1791-)860.
of the Penal Laws which aggrieve the Catholics
of Ireland."
Silver labels with inscriptions were placed on
the balloting boxes used by the Sheriffs and
Commons expressing that same were the gift of
Lewis Morgan.
The freedom of the city, engrossed, and put S05.
Duke of
under the city seal was presented to general
Petitions were presented to the Prince 31)6.
Regent and both houses of parliament sub-
mitting the neoessity of constructing a harbour
of refuge at Dunleary.
The Prince Regent was presented with an
address by the corporation for continuing the
Duke of Richmond as Viceroy.
The law committee were directed to take into 312.
consideration the expiring laws which affect the
corporation of Dublin.
The freedom of the city was granted to Sir
John Hope and Lord George Lennox.
Demands .
A further petition was. presented to parlia-
. ment against the demands of the Roman
Catholics of Ireland.
The Prince Regent was presented with an
address relative to the assassination of the right
honourable Spencer Perceval.
11. XVI.
It was recommended in future, that addresses
. . from Ci ty.
from the CIty were to be fauly and neatly
transcribed by the boys of the King's Hospital.
337. The freedom of the city was granted to
Doctor Keatinge, Dean of St. Patrick's and
formerly Chaplain to the Irish House of
Hesolved, that the humble and sincere thanks
of this house be and are hereby presented to
that illustrious prince his royal highness the
Duke of Cumberlimd-to the noble members of
the House of Peers-and to the worthy and
patriotic members of the House of Commons-
who have manifested a firm determination, in
which only under the protection of divine
providence, we hope to maintain inviolate the
religious and civil constitution of the United
The finance committee submitted a statement
of the city's estate in Dublin, Clonturk, and
Resolved, that the thanks of this house be
, 1 UT'l C I Croker.
and are hereby gIven to J 0 m HI son ro mr,
esquire, Secretary to the Board of Admiralty,
for his manly and spirited conduct in support-
ing the truth against an unfounded assertion
lately made in the House of Commoni2 with a
Bond Debt.
Duke of
COllrt of
view of stigmatizing the administration of Earl
Camden, \yhen lord lieutenant of Ireland, and 338.
the loyal inhabitants of this city.
A sum of no less than 3,700, per annum was
recommended to be speedily rais-ed to prevent
the necessity of increasing the bond debt of the -
corpora tion.
The freedom of the city was presented to
the honourable Robert Peel, on being appointed
Chief Secretary to the lord lieutenant of
The freedom of the city accompanied with an
address was presented to the Duke of Leinster
on his return to Ireland.
Lord Viscount Powers court was presented in
the most respectful manner with the freedom of
the city of Dublin.
TIesolutibns relating to enlargement of
the jurisdiction in the Court of Conscience were
prepared for a petition to parliament.
It was resolved by the corporation of Dublin 353.
to support the Protestant Ascendancy, and to
maintain the Constitution in Church and State
by every lawful means in their power.
The city surveyor was directed to make out a 354.
plan of the ground adjoining the Mansion
House, which could be set for building.
Va!. XVI.
. 367.
Resolved, that no proposal for a lease or 1812.
renewal of a lease of any holdings under the city Leases.
be received by the committee of city leases,
unless acccompanied by a map and survey of the
same under signature of our surveyor, and of
the party applying, the same to be made at the
party's expense, and that the city surveyor be
directed to lay before the said committee a
schedule of prices for such work for their
approbation ..
It was proposed that a lease of the lands of
Clonturk should be granted to Sir J olm Coghill.
Resolved, that a reduction on all salaries pay- .
able by the .corporation to their respective Salarie'.
officers and on all gifts and annuities should
take place from 29th September, 1812, at the
rate of 20, per cent per annum.
The freedom of the city was presented to
William FitzGerald, Chancellor of the
Exchequer in Ireland.
A petition was presented to the Prince
Regent relative to the heavy charge paid by
the corporation to the commissioners for
paving, cleansing, and lighting the streets of
371. Petitions were presented to parliament rela-
tive to the various charters granted to the

ti OD
oI Homau
C'atlloli cs.
l." rallcllise.
corporation and of the city's senous financial
condition. 371.
A memorial was presented to the Duke of
Richmond drawing his attention to the state of
the city's finances and of the heavy burdens
placed on the corporation.
A further petition from the corporation was
presented to parliament against the demands of
the Roman Catholics of Ireland for political
power and civil liberty.
The freedom of the city was granted to
Sneyde Sankey, Sir Frederick Falkiner, John
Wilson Croker, Sir Capel Molyneux, and John
8f,S;;:;ic Resolutions were entered into by the corpora- 386.
tion regarding the claims of the Roman
Catholics of Ireland.
.. w;t.h. T.he corporation of Dublin presented a 387.
petition to parliament relative to the right to
trade to and from India.
and Resolvcd, that petitions be prcsented to the 388.
Catholj (;,
Prince Regent and to each House of Parliament
beseeching that the constitution in church and
state may be preserved inviolate by refusing the
demands of the Roman Catholics.
It was proposed to pay the Lord Mayor 392.
Vol. XVL
annually hi::; salary and emoluments, subject to
a reduction of twenty per cent.
Upon the election of every alderman to be
hereafter elected, h", was to pay a sum of 400, Fum;t uro.
to form a fund for keeping the Mansion House
:md furniture in repair.
39+ The finance committee laid before the City Estat e.

assembly schedules of the revenue and income
arising from rents, settings, tolls, customs, and
tithes of the city estate.
Hentals of Essex Street, Essex Bridge, New Rentals
of Cit y
Quay, and Clonturk estates were laid before the Eslate".
The Earl of Charlemont proposed to sur-
render his determinable lease of part of the earne;-.
lands of Donnycarney.
An offer of 3,000, was made for the next
presentation to the living of Rathdrum.
A lease of the tithes and glebe of Taghadoe
was ordered to be made to Thomas Newenham ntebe.
of Kilcock.
413, The thanks of the corporation were returned
to Robert Peel, Chief Secretary, in contending
for the admission of the Lord Mayor of Dublin
to the Bar of the House of Commons to present
peti tions.
mont .
Thc freedom of the city accompanied with an
:l[ ll.yor of
Elri ngton.
address was presented to Scholey, Lord
Mayor of London. 413 ..
The freedom of the city was granted to
Thomas Elrington, D.D. , Provost of Trinity
College, Dublin.
The thanks of the corporation of Dublin were
given to Henry Grattan and Robert Shaw for
their exertions and perseverance in the imperial
parliament in supporting the claim of its Chief
Resolved, that Abraham Bradley King, Lord
Mayor, was entitled to the thanks of the cor-
poration for presenting petitions to parliament
and for maintaining the dignity and splendour
of his office without lany expense to the city.
Molesworth Greene, one of the Town Clerks, 416.
Castl crea.
Duke of
was presented with a piece of plate for letting
the lands of Colganstown.
William Blundell, D.D., city chaplain, was
appoinLed to the living of Castlerea, ID the
diocese of Elphin.
An address was presented to the Prince
Regent on the victory over the French near
Vitoria, by the army under the 'Command of the
Marquis of Wellington.
The Duke of Richmond, lord lieutenant, was
ol. XVI.
presented with an addlcss on his departure
from Ireland.
The Marquis of Wellington was presented
with an address upon the memorable victory Vi tocia.
over the French near Vitoria.
431. William Saurin, Attorney-General , was pre-
sented with a congratulatory -address.
431. The freedom of the city was granted to
general Sil' Rowland Hill for his signal services
upon the Peninsula.
Alderman John Claudius Beresford
,vas ToUs anti

declared the taker of the Tolls and Customs of
the city for seven years.
Viscount Whitworth, lord lieutenant, was Viscount
presented with an address and the freedom of
the city on his arrival in Dublin.
The corporation presented an address to Robe,t
TIobert Peel, on his continuance as Chief
Secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland.
The thanks of the corporation were presented
to Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of
Commons, for supporting the constitution in
church and state, and resisting the demands of
the Catholics.
The answer to the city's address wns received
Vitori a.
from Field Marshal We1lington, relative to the .
battle of Vitoria.
Recorder of

An address was presented to Lord Mayor
King with a piece of plate for the services 45l.
rendered by him to the citizens and corporation
of Dublin.
Resolved, that vVilliam Walker, esquire, 453.
Recorder of the city of Dublin, is justly entitled
to the thanks and gratitude of this assembly for
his constant attention to the interest and
dignity of this -corporation, and more particu-
larly for his manly and energetic address to his
excellency the lord lieutenant on his ,arrival in
this city, and for the firm and eloquent manner
in which he oalled his attention to the main-
tenance of the honour and dignity of the city of
Resolved, that petitions be prepared to both
houses of parliament against the unqualified
demands of the Roman Catholics of Ireland.
The committees of finance and city leases were
requested to employ a proper person residing
near Colganstown to watch the timber on said
lands and prevent any depredations thereon.

Resolved, that the order formerly made at
Christmas assembly 1808, respecting the voting
of gold boxes to any person, but a lord
lieutenant, be amended by expunging the
words, 'On his departure from Ireland.'
iI. XVi.
The Chronological T'Lllle was ordered to be
repaired and completed agreeable to its original
The freedom of the city was granted to the Franchise.
Duke of
Duke of Dorset, admiral De Courcy, Sir
William Curtis, and others.
William Cumming, IJortr'ait fJainter, was Franchl'e
.. . rortralt
presented wIth the freedom of the cIty under Painter.
the city seal by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.
The Prince Hegent was presented with an Holl anrl.
address, on the Independence of Holland and Mmi".
the victories obtained over the French Armies.
Metal mains were laid down to the Custom 181 .

House and to several new houses in Fitzwilliam Main' _
Square for supplies of water.
467. The freedom of the city was presented to the Ft.nchi, .
Earl of De La Warr.
480. A congratulatory address was presented to British
the Prince Regent on the glorious achievements
of the British Army under the command of
Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington.
486. An address 'YaS presented to William
Mc1fahon, Master of the Holls in Ireland.
488. The freedom of the city was granted to
Archdeacon Saurin, Lord Henry Moore,
colonel Hudson Lowe, and colonel Tonson.
18 14.

Roard of
The thanks of the corporation were given to
William Cosby, Brigade Major of Yeomanry, 4"".
for his long and faithful services to the city.
The city seal was to a document for
changing the site of R,athmacknee Churchyard
in the Diocese of Ferns_
The proceedings relating to the Elections of
Lord Mayors, Aldermen, and Sheriffs of the city
of Dublin appear each year in the Assembly
In the Appendix to this volume are given the
particulars of the Elections of Treasurer and rtf
Coroners of the city of Dublin_
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of
the city Dublin presented an address accom-
panied with a gold' box to alderman Hugh
Trevor for his upright, humane, and dignified
conduct during his year of Mayoralty_
The Directors of the Royal Canal Company
requested the Lord Mayor and Board of
Aldermen to establish a Market at the Broad-
Stone Harbour, Dublin_
It was resolved, that in future no person be 502_
allowed to remain in the Board Room at the
meetings of the Board of Aldermen, except the
Town Clerks -and their clerk.
A resolution was passed relative to the report of
of the commission of inquiry respecting the
Gaols of the city of Dublin, that a committce
should be appointed to take same into their con-
;04. A letter was submitted relative to the con- 1810.
duct of the Lord Mayor's Secretary towards the
Lord Mavor and Board of Aldermen.
The election of alderman John Cash as one of Port of
the corporation for preserving and improving Cash.
the Port of Dublin, in pursuance of the act of
;06. Several of the Magistrates and Sheriffs' Peers 1813.
of the Corporation of Dublin subscribed to a Luc.s.
fund for the widow and daughter of the late
Doctor Charles Lucas.
Proceedings relating to the resignation
alderman Uobert Shaw from the Board
of Shaw.
Aldermen and the committee of finance, and
also of the address and resolutions of the
Sheriffs and Commons.
Lists of the Commons of the Gommon Council
of the city of Dublin returned in the years 1808, Council.
1811, and 1814; videlicet, Sheriffs, Sheriffs'
Peers, Corporations or Guilds.

1' 13.
xxviii PREFACE
The report of Andrew Coffey, engineer to the
pip'cl water works of the city of Dublin, made to 519.
the Lord Mayor and the pipe water committee
relative to laying pipes on ledges in sewers
within said city.
Petitions to George Ill. and Queen Charlotte
praying for the establishment of a Hospital for
the Female Children of the Reduced Freemen of
A letter of thanks to the Lord Mayor from the
reverend Doctor Wi1liam Blundell, city chap-
lain, on being appointed by the lord lieutenant
to the living of Castlerea in the diocese of
Abstracts of Charity Petitions gronted by the
Corporation at Christmas Assembly in the years
1809, and 1813.
The general account of the receipts and pay-
ments under the Metal Main Act from 24th
May, 1809, to 22nd January, 1813, inclusive.
The appointment of a committee to inquire
into the great inconvenience felt by the citizens
of Dublin from the almost total want of Small
Silver Currency or Coinage.
Letters were sent by the Lord Mayor to the
several Masters of the different Guilds, warning
531: ' ;
34 ,
and forbidding them to permit any surrep-
titious admission of Freemen, who had not F'reemen,
passed the city at large,
It was resolved, that the map of ground for
building a Parish Church for the Parish of Saint Church.
Thomas be referred to the committee of city
leases with power to treat with the commis-
sioners of Wide Streets.
The Treasurer's quarterly abstract of the city
accounts from 29th September, 1813, to 21st
January, 1814, inclusive.
It was resolved, that as the Hecorder of the
city of Dublin was a public functionary and not
a servant of the corporation only, and therefore
that his salary did not come under the same
circumsk'lnces as ordinary officers and should
not be reduced.
It was ordered, that upon the nomination of
Freemen for the office of Sheriffs and before the Sheriff.
return made to the Lord Mayor and Board of
Aldermen, that the Freemen should be severally
required to take the prescribed Oath against the
traffic and sale of the office of Under-Sheriff.
36. An estimated accollnt of the current expenses 1813.
of the city of Dublin for one year from 29th Expenses.
September, 1812, to 29th September, 1813,
Treasurer's half-yearly abstract of the city
Accounts. PagE
Case of
J!'itzsim ..
lVccounts from the September, 1813, to the 538.
22nd April, 1814.
Resolutions relating to his majesty's Post 539.
i. That a system of suppressing letters, which
would pass through his majesty's Post Office or
of pilfering the contents thereof had in various
instances been carried on with unparalleled
persever,ance to the great detriment and
threatened destruction of all commercial and
soci,aJ intercourse.
ii. That an humble address be presented to his
grace the lord lieutenant praying an immediate
investigation into so destructive and pernicious
an evil, and that he would be pleased to direct
the adoption of suoh measures' as would in
future more securely protect the property of his
majesty's subjects by the prevention of similar
The statement of the oase of Thomas
Fitzsimmons, who was fined by the commIS-
sioners for paving, cleansing, and lighting the
streets of Dublin, for building a wall .at Irwin
Street, Bow Bridge, without taking out a
licence from the Paving Board.
)1. XVI.
of Corpor-
Petitions were presented by the Corporation aticn.
of Dublin to the Prince Regent, the House of
Commons, and the Duke of Richmond asking
relief from the burdens under which they
laboured so long and to which their means were
so totally inadequate, and stating:-
That in the year 1782, the Legislature passed Commis'
a bill binding the Corporation to pay the
Commissioners for Paving an annual sum of
2,000, as compensation for Scavenging, a duty
supposed to Ibe annexed to the grant of their
Tolls and Customs and contrary to their
Charters. Thus the Corporation paid in their
own wrong for thirty years an annual sum of
2,000, which with simple interest in the
several payments amountcd to 126,000.
374. That by another act of the Legislature of
Ireland, all Corn coming by way of the Canal
was exempt from Toll, that in consequenoc they
wcre obliged to lease their Tolls for 1,000, less
than they were leased before it was enacted, by
this they lost in rent and interest 58,000.
That by the erection of Carlisle Bridge in the
year 1795, they suffered another diminution in
their income, inasmuch as their Ferries, which
Debts of
before that time let for 1,400, per annum, had
never since produced a larger sum than 270,
yearly, the gross amount of which loss amounted
tD 60,000.
That in consequence of all these heavy
diminutions of income, the finances of the
Corporation were much reduced, and they were
necessitated tD borrow money from time to time,
till their debts amounted to 184,500, which
bear so heavily on their income, that they would
be unable to provide a fund for the support of
their establishment.
The portraits and illustrations comprise
facsimiles of scarce engravings, videlicet:-
Alderman Robert Shaw, M.P., Alderman
Nathaniel Hone, Gustavus Hume State
Surgeon, Right Honourable John Wilson
Croker, LL.D., F.RS., Observatory Trinity
College Dublin, Old Courts of Justice Dublin,
Royal Chapel of Saint Matthew Ringsend,
Dining Hall Foundling Hospital Dublin, Linen
Yarn Office at Dublin.
In the preparation of this the sixteenth
volume of the Calendar of Ancient Records of
the Corporation of the City of Dublin, Mr. John
F. \Veldrick has acted as assistant editor.
Calend: .
Vol. X'
IV.-Rollo of the City of Dublin.'
XXVI.-Assembly Roll, 1806-1807
XXVII.-Assembly Roll, 1808-1814
I.-The Elections of Treasurer, and Coroners of the City of Dublin,
1807-1814 493
n.-Alderman Hugh Trevor 498
at BroadStone Harbour 500
IV.-Board of Aldermen - 502
of the City of Dnblin 503
n.-Lord Mayor's Secretary 504
and Harbour of Dublin 504
VIII.-"l Vidow Lucas and 506
IX.-.-\ Iderman Robert Show 506
X.-Lists of the COllllllon Council, 1808, ISII, ISH 513
XL-Pipe Water Works - 519
XII.-Hospital for Femak Children 523
XIII.-Letter from Doctor Blundell 525
XIV.-Charity Petitions, 1809, 1813 527
XV.-lIetal Main Act 529
XVI.-Silver Coinage 531
XVII.-Guilds and Freemen 531
XVIII.-Saint Thomas's Church 532
XIX.-Treasurer's Quarterly Abstract 53:::
XX.--Recorders Salary 534
XXI.-Sheriffs' Oath 534
XXII.--City Expenses 536
XXIII.-Treasurers Half Yearly Abstract 538
XXIV.- Post Office 539
XXV.-Case of Thomas Fitzsimmons 540
1 III cuutilllmtiOll from Vol. xv., p. 492.
Painted by G. Stewart. Engl'R ved by W. ard.
n. HO-:-ll<;, ESQUIRE. '1'0 face 7Juge 96
From a Miniature. Paiuted by W. Hone.
Painted by J 01111 Comerford. Engraved by. John Carver.
IV.-JoHN CROTmI<, LL D" F.R.S. 352
Painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Engraved by '1'. H. Parry.
V.-ObSl'vatory, 'l'1-inity Oollege, Dublin. 432
YI.-Old CO'<1t8 01 Justice, Dublin. 432
VIlL-Dining Hall, F01tndiing Hospital, Dublin.
IX.-Linen Yam OJlice at D1tbli1t.

1807-S. -Lord Mayor, Hngh Trevor.
Sh.erifi's, John Alley, Alexitnder
180S-n.-Lord Mayor, Fredcrick Dm'ley,
Sheriffs, George Sutton, John Gcorge.
I80!) IO.-Lord l\Iayor, \Yillin.m Stamer.
Sheriffs, Edward SLanley, Jame. Riddall.
ISIO-I\.-Lord Mayor, Nathaniel Hone.
Sheriffs, Matthew "'"est, Brent Neville.
1811-12. -Lord Mayor, \Yilliam Henry Archer.
Sheriffs, Robert HArlY, John Kingston James.
ISI2-l3.-Lord Mayor, Abl'llham Ilradlcy King.
Sheriffs, George Lewis l\Iorgan.
1813-H.-Lord .\layor, John Cash.
Sheriffs, George Warner, Jacob WesL.
ISI4 -15. -Lord Mayor, John Clandiu. Beresford.
Sheriffs, Richa.rd Smith, John Smith Fleming.
J ohl1 Alien and '?IIoleswol'th Grecne.
\Yilliam \Valker.
II xxvi.
160 b,
1807, .January lo.-Fourth Friday aftGr the 25th of 1807.
December, 1806.
Christmas Assembly held at the Exhibition House in
Willia ID street.
[1.] Auditors of the city accounts for the last year. ~ n ~ n ~ r ;
Lord l\fayor, Sheriffs, masters of the works. acconnts.
aldermen William Alexander, John Exshaw, Sa-muel
Reed, Henry Hutton, Thomas Andrews, Alexander
Kirkpatrick,Nathaniel Hone, William Henry Archer,
Abraham Bradley King, and eighteen of the commons
to be named by the Sheriffs 'and Commons or any nine
of them, wherEl'lf the Lord Mayor and one of the Sheriffs
to be always two, and in the absence of the Lord
Mayor the senior alderman present to preside, be
and are hereby appointed auditors of the city accounts
from the 29th September, 1805, to the 29th September,
[The eighteen of the commons:] Messieurs William Commons,
Cope, John Pittar, George Connor, James Ridclall,
Joshua Dixon, John Dooley, \VillialIll Walsh, William
MeCready, Gabriel Whistler, John Giffard, John
1 In continuation from vo!. xv., p. 492.
city works,
City pipo
Uampbell, John Judge, WilJiam McAuley, John
Townsend Sinnett, Robed Harty. Francis Hamilton,
William Davison, Frederick George Bourns.
[2.] Ordered, that James Blacker, esquire, and John
Tudor, esquire, late High Sheriffs, be and ,are hereby
appointed masters of the city's works for the ensuing
[3.] Certain of the commons, praying to reimburse
the late Lord Mayor his expenses and costs in providing
horses and servants, et cetem)', for the state coach:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay alderman James
Vance, late Lord Mayor, the sum of 50, sterling,
for that purpose, the same to be allowed in his
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 15th day of January, 1807.
'We, the oommittee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg le,ave to m. 159.
inform your honours that we have sedulously attended
to the business committed to our care since our last
, And your committee, in pursuance of the order of
last assembly, met and took into consid.eration the
amount of the several salaries and gratuities heretofore
paid to the officers of this establishment, aJso the
petitions of those officers stating their additional
duties and the great increaso in price of every article
of life.
, And your committee after maturely considering the
same, are of opinion and do I1eoommenru that in futuI'e
the custom of granting gratuities to the officers shall
be discontinued and that they shall receive the follow-
ing respective salaries in full and in lieu of any
I xxvi.
gratuity or allowance for lodgings or otherwise,
is to say;
s. d.
'The storekeeper Hugh Crofton,
annum 145 0 0
, Tho overseer of the north side Richard
Homan, per annum 145 0 0
, The overseer of the. south side Richard
Crofton, per alllum 165 0 0
, The turncock Daniel Hautenville, per
annum 100 0 0
'The turncock Ambrose Binns, per
annum 100 0 0
, The oversoor of the water course J 'ohn
Despard, per annum 34 2 6
'By adopting which regulation overy member of the
corporation can see at one view what those officers
respedively receive from the city.
159 b. ' Your committee further inform your honours, that
we reooived a from "Mr. John Johnstono, attorney.
on behalf of several millers and manufacturers on the
rive.r Dodder, enclosing copies of the opinions . of Dou(]co.
counsel relative to the weir at Balruddery.1 having been
raised. 8,;nd your committeo thereupon appointed
messieurs John Giffard, Charles Lilly, and Daniel
Hutton, with the assistance of the engineer, to vimv the
weir, who have since reported to us.
" That upon suoh view thoy found that the weir had
not been raised above, its former height." Height.
, An answer to whioh effect was returned by the Town Answer.
Clerks to Mr. Johnstone, attorney.
, Your committee having l,a,id before us the abstract Account.
of the expenuiture on repairing and renewing the said
weir and the bulwark thereto adjoining, commencing Weir.
. . Bulwark.
1st July, 1803, and onclmg 2nd August last, amountmg
1, Balrothery.
Earl of
to 1,986 2s. 5td. We directed that a copy thereof
should be sent io the reverend Mr. Knox, agent to the
Earl of Meath', with a letter requesting payment of his
lordship's proportion, being t>Vb thirds pa,rt of said
sum as in such cases has been usual, but no answer
has been yet received thereto.
'Your committee directed that the several under-
turn cocks do provide lodgings in the vicinity of the
pipe water house on pain of dismissal, in order that in
cases of accidental fire, the public may have immediate
assistance by applying to a central situation, where the
keys of the cocks and proper tools can be obtained at m. 158.
the moment.
'Your committee have given direotions to the
collectors to enforce payment of the rent due by the
different inhffibitants for private use, and to call on the
brewers, distillers, and others for the half year's rent
due 25th December last.
'And your committee further beg le'ave to reoom-
mend that John Despard, overseer of the Wlawr-course,
be paid the usual gratuity of 5, and that the new
bason near the Royal Circus and the works therefrom
be immediately commenced and proceeded upon with-
out delay.'
And the said co=ons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the co=ittee's, report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, save that part which
relat,es to the increase of salaries of the several persons
therein named, which is postponed until the revenue
arising from the extension of the works will afford such
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
City le .. es. committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 15th day
of January, 1807.
Roll L'(vi
ID. 158.
m. 158 b.
'We, the committooappointed for inspecting 1807.
.. b I' Report.
eases near expJrmg, eg eave to mform your honours
that we took into consideration the petition of Henry
Ware, esquire, referred to us for renewal of lease of Ware.
premises north side of Castle street, stating that two
lives therein named were dead and praying to have
two lives inserted in their stead, pursuant to the
covenants for renewal in said lease.
'Your committee also took into consideration the
petition of Mrs. Olivia Beatty, guardian to David, Beatty.
Rooort, and Frederick Beatty minors, for renewal of
five leases of premises north side of Exchequer street,
two of the lives in said lease named being dead and
praying to have two lives inserted in their stead,
pursuant to the covenants in said lease.
'Both which petitions we referred to the law agent.s Law agent,.
to be informed whether pctitioners were cntitled to such
renewals, who reported to us t.hat they were respectively
entitled, your committee therefore recommend same to
he granted.
'We further beg leave to report, that the city
treasurer having informed us that Mr. John Gamelt, Gamett.
tenant for part of the lands of Ballycullen, owed a Ballycullen.
considerable arrear of rent which he refused to payor Reut.
to execute a counterpart of the lease, alleging that he Lease.
had not got the quantity of land which had been let
to him. We therefore directed Mr. Revi}]e, city
surveyor, to go on said grounds and ascertain the fact,
which he having done and made a survey thereof, Survey.
reported that 11r. Garnett was in the possession of th'!
quantity of land let to him. 'Ye therefore directed the
Town Clerks to wrile to Mr. Gamett requesting he
would immediately payoff said arrear and take out a Arrear.
157. leasf', pursuant to said letting.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
reporL and make the same .an act of assembly: it was
Iti07. thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the annexed report of the 15th day of
January, 1807.
Report.. 'We, the appointed for inspecting trades-
men's bills beg leave to inform your honours that there
R<pairs. being severaJ repairs requisite to be done in the
Mansion House, we appointed a sub-oommittoo consist-
ing of alderman Samuel Rood, alderman Charles
Thorp, messieurs William McCready, Charles Lilly,
Anthony Davis, and Daniel Moore to inspect the same
Chart ers
of city.
and give directions for such repairs at an expense not
exceeding 80. Which was done under the inspection
of Mr. Charles Lilly and amounts to 83 3s. 3!d., as
appears by the bills hereunto annexed.
, And your committee furt.her report, tha,t the Lord
Mayor on coming into the Mansion House found that
in order to preserve the building and make it at all
times habitable, there were several other repairs
necessary, and that having directed the same to be
done in the most <:economical mannm, the same
amounted to a further sum of 86 10s. 7td., as appears
by the annexed bill, and we recommend said sum to m. 1.7 b.
be paid.'
And the salid commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and ordered that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay t.he
sums in the within report mentioned, on his lordship
giving a certificate that the business has been properly
[7.] i. "Rl)solved, that it appears from the several
charters of this city, that the privileges and immunities
:tOll xxvi.
n. J57b.
thereby granted and confirmed to the citizens of Dublin 1807.
. . . Privileges.
by hIS maJesty's predecessors, were granted III con
sider.ation of the invariablo loyalty and invincible Dublin.
valour of the citizens, in consideration of the treasures
expended, and the blood shed in defenee of our glorious
constitution, and in consideration of the extraordinary
losses and sufferings which they sustained by their
firm attachment and inviolable fidelity to their
ii. "Illisolv.ed, that those grants, liberties, and' Grant,.
immnnities have been repeatedly confirmed and
established, as the best reward for our loyal exert.ions Loyalty.
and as the most powerful incentive to a perseveranoo
in that honourable conduct, which afforded in the hour Conduct.
of danger an invincible barrier against disloyalty, and
a firm, active, aud vigorous support to the government
of the country.
I. 156. iii. "Resolved, that it is with the deepest regret we
have heard that an attempt will be made to invade those
sacred rights, thus cLGarly purchased and honourably
iv. "Resolved, that we will consider the least viola-
tion of our ancient and dear bought franchises, as more }-ranchise,.
unjust and unwarrantable than any invasion of our
private property, and we sineerely lament that any Property.
attempt should be made to infringe thoso privileges,
which engaged our affections and secured our attach-
ment to our native city, and which attempt, if
successful, would leave us nothing in future to animate
our zeal in its defenee, but a sense of our duty to the Defence.
best of kings.
v. "Resolved, that our firm adherence to the safety,
the honour, and the interest of his majesty's person, King.
crown, and dignity, impels us to call upon every cor-
poration in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and tions.
Iroland to co-opeTate with us in resisting by every
Resolu ..
Kingdom .


legal and constitutional means any attempt to disturb
or infringe the chartered rights and ancient privileges
of any corporation."
"Resolved, thaft a copy of these resolutions be forth-
with transmitted to our representatives in parliament."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldennen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore- m. 156 b.
going resolutions, and that same be published, and a
copy thereof sent toO each corporatiDn in the United
. Kingdom.
The Sheriffs and Commons ullJanimously agree with
the Lord 1iayor and Board of Aldermen in the fore-
going resolutions.
[8.] "Resolved, that the commissioners for paving,
cleansing, and the city of Dublin, in the short
period since their appointment, have remDved many of
the grievances heretofore compl3iined of and have
thereby contributed much to the health and comforts
of the inhabitants, and that their zea.]ous performance
of their duty, their prompt attention to the complaints
of their fellow citizens, and strenuous exertions to
redress their grievances entitle them to this public
testimony of our app:wbation."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution and that the same be published.
[9.] The Sheriffs and Oommons unanimously request
the Lord 1'Layor and Board of AlcLElrmen will concur
with them in presenting to J ames BlackElr and John
Tudor, esquires, late High Sheriffs, a silver box each
value five guineas, as .31 testimony of their approbation
for the active and honourable discharge of their duty m 155.
in that important office.
The Lord Mayor and Boatl'd of Aldennen unani-
1l1ously concur with the Sheriffs .and Commons in the
above request and that each box be accompanied with a
suitable inscription. boxe,.
[10.] Certain of the commons, praying for aid to the
justices' office: whereupon it was ordered, that the city J"sUees'
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay aJder- Payment.
man Henry Howison, treasurer to said 'office, the sum Howison.
of 150, sterling, for the support of said office for one
year ending Christmas assembly 1807.
[11.] Certain of the commons, praying for payment
to Mr. William N ash for engrossing the charters of the
city of Dublin: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay Mr. Payment.
William Nash the sum of 150, sterling, and Nash.
Mr. Recorder Walker the sum of thirty guineas for the Walker.
reasons in said petition mentioned.
[12.] "Resolved, that no officer of this corporation do Officm.
presume to take upon himself to undertake or do any
work on account of the corpor.ation, without first
155 b. obtaining an order from the Lord Mayor or some of the
committee for that purpose."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore- Conem-
going resolution.-Allowed. rence.
[13.] Certain of the commons, praying for payment
of bill for painting the Duke of Cumberland's picture:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do W;\\" .
on the Lord Mayor's w.arrant, pay the sum of Payment.
232 16s. lId., Irish.
[14.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom to Franchise.
Arthur Moore, esquire, his majesty's first scrjeant at )loQre.
law, and the rather for his honourable and impartial
conduct in the late investigation directed by govern-
ment in the county of Armagh. whereupon it was Armagh.'
granted, pursuant to the prayer of the petition,
[15.] Thomas Snaggs, praying for freedom: where-
officer of
upon it was granted, on a fine of 4, pursuant to the
prayer of the petition.
[16.] Edward Godwin Pilsworth, praying for
freedom: wheraupon it was granted, on a fine of 2,
pursuant to the poTayer of the petition.
[17.] Joseph Boardman, a free chandler, praying to
have a mistake rectified, he having been admitted by
the name of Josiah: whereupon it w,s,s granted pur-
suant to the prayer of the petition.
[18.] Richard Quintin, praying to be oontinued mace m. 154
bearer and officer of commons: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Richard Quintin be and is hereby
continued mace bearer and officer of commons during
the city's pleasure, not xoeeding one year ending
Christmas assembly 1808, at a salary of 100, per
[19.] Riohard Quintin, mace bearer and officer of
commons. commons, praying for usual allowance for providing
the Sheriffs and Commons with candles, candlesticks,
Necessaries. and other necess'aries for one year ending this
assembly: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
Payment. treaSUl'e,r do, on the Lord 1Iayor's warrant, pay
petitioner the sum of 5, sterling, for the reasons in his
petition mentiJoned.
[20.] James Henry, praying to be continued one of
collector. the collectors of the pipe water revenue: whereupon it
w,as order-Bd, that the said .lames Henry be and is
hereby continued one of the pipe water oollectors
during the city's pleasure, not excooding one year
ending Christmas assembly 1808, he giving such
SecUJ"ity. security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
office and paying to the city treasurer all such sums of
money illS he shall reoeive from time to time, said
security to be entered into in one month from this date
or this order to be void.
1 xxvi.
154 b.
[21.] Hose Emerson, praying for usual aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of
thirty guineas swrling, for the reasons in her petition Grant.
[22.] Elizabeth French, praying for usual aid: French.
whereupon it was ordered, that pet.itioner bo paid thE>
sum of 10, sterling, for the reasons, in her petition Grant.
[23.] Thomas Duplex, praying for usual aid: where- Duplex.
upon it was ordered, tha,t petitioner be paid the sum of
ten guineas, storling, for the reasons in his petition Gront.
[24.] IIelen Roman, and Elizabeth Roman praying Homac.
for usual aid: whereupon it was ordered, that
petitioners be paid the sum of ten guineas, for the Grant.
reasons in their petition mentioned.
[25.] Mary Kelly, praying for usual aid: whereupon Kelly.
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of five
guineas, sterling, for the reasons in her petition Grant.
1807. January 16.-Admissions to franchiso.
1807. January l6.-Declaration and signatures.
b. 1807. March l8.-Post Assembly.
[1.] "Hesolved, tha.t a committc(! consisting of to
aldermen William Alexander, John Exshaw, Alexander ment.
Kirkpatrick, and Abraham Bradley King, with four
of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons, be and are hereby appointed a committee
with the assistance of the R.ecordeT to prepare a petition
to parliament in support of our happy constitution in
.53. church and state to be transmitted to our representatives, Church.
in order that I.hey may lay the same before the imperial
parI iament, in case the petition of the Roman
Catholics be brought forward a.nd not otherwise."
The Sheriffs and Commons agref> with the Lord
1807. Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the foregoing resolu-
Commoll" [The four of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard,

William Cope, William McAuley, Henry Charles Sin.
I To the knights, citizens, and burgess,es in parlia-
ment assembled.
I The humble petition of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in common
council assembled.
I Sheweth.
I That your petitioners have he.ard with the deepest
regr1ct, that a petition has again been presented to this
honourable house by certain persons in the name of the
Roman Catholics of Ireland containing demands of
political power, which if yielded would be, ruinous to
our happy constitution in church and state.
I That the good conduct of the Irish Roman Catholics,
as recognised by the Irish Legislature in 1779, took
place under the operation of severe laws, which since
that period have been from time to time repealed, so as m. 153 !
to place the Roman Catholics of Ireland upon a footing
of political powe,r and civil liberty, not enjoyed by any
dissenters from the Esta,blished Church in any other
state. And though the Roman Catholics dee1ared at
the time of relaxing those laws, that they would be fully
content, yet we are sorry to observe that that cordiality
and union of sentiment, which would be so desirable
in Ireland, have not yet taken place.
I Tha,t the assertion made by the Irish Roman
Catholics of their being excluded from the privileges
of corporations is wholly unfounded, inasmuch as they
are admissible into all guilds and corporations on
taking the oaths in their former petition recited and
many of them do at this time actually enj oy and exer- 1807.
cise such privileges. But your petitoners obsorve that Privilege,.
tho object of this ass,ertion seems to be to induce the
legislature to compel the Protestant corporations of
Ireland to elect Roman Catholics into their franchises Election.
in such numbers as to overbear and destroy the
Protestant interest. An attempt which was made both 1
in England and Ireland during the short and arbitrary
reign of that unfortunate and infatuated monarch,
king James th<3 Second, and whioh with other serious Jame, 11.
innovations led to the glorious reassertion of the con-
stitution in church and stato under tho great and good
king William.
'And your petitione,rs beg leave most humbly to
152. im press upon this honourable house, that tho lower
orders of Roman Catholics in Ireland are in possession Roman
of civil, religious, and political liberty in as eminent
a degree as the Protestan ts of the same rank and
station, and even the restraints complained of by said
pelition affect w very inconsiderable number of Roman
Catholics and only those who avow their object to be Catholics.
the attainment of political power, which upon every Political
former occasion they not only studious,ly concealed but power.
repeatedly disclaimed. Though now they do not hesi-
tate openly to dec\are, that nothing less than political
powElr will satisfy their ambitious views and which if View,.
granted would in the place of that mild toleration and
liberal policy expericmced by his majesty's subjects of
every description in this realm, lay a fresh foundation
for the exercise of that arbitrary and intolerant spirit, !;Jrit
which formerly had. almost extinguished the Protestant
interest in Ireland.
'Petitioners therefore humbly conceive, that the
inducements held out by the petition to this honourable
house, videlicet, that granting the demands of the Demand,.
Roman Catholics of Ireland would extinguish all
City seal.
mQtives t0' disuniQn and means Qf discontent are utterly
fa.llaoi0'us and unf0'unded, and we therefore most
humbly submit that if the demands contained in said
petiti0'n were acceded to, all the fences and securities
0'f our excellent constitution in church and state
established by Pr0'testant legislatQrs fr0'm the time Qf
the Reformati0'n to the reign Qf his present m8ljesty m. 152
WQuld be destroyed and annihilated and his majesty's
Pr0'testant subjects be again devQted t0' all thQse
miseries, calamities, and persecutiQns, which they
never ceased to experience when P0'pery had the
'Petitione'rs theref0're pray, that this h0'nourable
house will c0'ntinue to preserve unimpaired our excel-
lent constituti0'nand rej,ect the of the Roman
Oatholics of Ireland.
, In testim0'ny whereof, we have caused the CO=0'n
seal 0'f the said city to be hereuntO' affixed this 18th
day Qf March, in the year of Qur LQrd, 1807.'
Order. Ordered, that the fQregoing petition do stand the
petition 0'f the Lord MayQr, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin and that same be
City seal. engrossed, put under the city seal, and a C0'Py thereof
Parliament. immediately sent to QUI' representatives in parliament,
1ut not to be presented unless the petition of the RQman
Dill for
ment of
Oa,tholics be br0'ught forward.-AllQwed.
1807. March 23.-P0'st Assembly.
[1.J Ordered, thia,t a committoo cQnsisting of aldermen
John Exshaw, Samuel Reed, Alexander Kirkpatrick,
anu. N athaniel Hone, with four of the co=Qns to be
named by the Sheriffs and Commons, be and are hereby
appointed a c0'mmittee with the assistance of 1Ifr.
Recorder Walker t0' prepare a petiti0'n to the imperial
parliament against several clauses in the bill lately
introduced, entitled 'for the more effectual improve- 1807.
ment. of the city of Dublin and environs theroof.'
[The four of the- commons: 1 Messieurs John Giffard, Commons.
William McAuley, Joshua Dixon, Daniel Hlltton.
51 b.
'To the knights, citizens, and burgesses in parlia-
ment assembled.
, The petition of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, Petition.
and citizens of the city of Dublin in common council
, Sheweth.
, That your petitioners have read a bill entitled, 'A
bill for the more effectual improvement of the city of
Dublin and the environs thereof,' and your petitioners Dublin.
most humbly beg leave to state, than if said bill should
pass into a law, a; great and severe addition would bo
made to the local taxes paid by the citizens of Dublin f::,z;i.
and at a time when they can with difficulty pay those
which have been already imposed on Wem. And your
petitioners humbly submit, that if the incessant valu&- Valuation .
tions stated in said bill woro to be made and in the
manner directed by said bill, the most serious conse-
qu.onces would be justly apprehended by the house-
holders of the city <,>f Dublin, who would be liable to an
uncertain and .. very heavy tax made according to the
vJJ.luation . of interested valuators and which might Valuators.
render them unable to discharge the many taxes, which
they cheerfully pay to the state in support of our
excellent constitution.
, And your petitioners further beg leave to observe
that by the present bill a considerable increase may be Increase
made to the tax now paid by the Corporation of Dublin tax.
for paving and cleansing certain parts of the city in Cl eansing
violation of the contract entered into by them with cIty.
former commissioners and which received the sanction
of parliament, and your petitioners would from the state ! ~ ~ 5 f '
of their funds be totally unable to bear any addition
to the present tax.
, And your petitioners beg leave to st.ate, that since
the time the paving, lighting, and cleansing the city
of Dublin were vested in commissioners .and the power
taken from the Lord jI.fayor and church wardens, there
has been a debt of 79,000, incurred and the streets in a
worse condition than they over were before the passing
of tliose acts, and salid debt was in a great measure
incurred by the mismanagement of the commissioners
appointed by the said acts, the truth of which allega-
Acts. tion appears from the preambles to the acts of the 21st,
George Ill.
F und".
22nd, 23rd, and 24th of his present majesty, which
expressly state the profuse expenditure and gross mis-
management of the funds of those commissioners, and
yet said debt has been considerably augmented without
any solid advantage whatsoever to the public.
'Your pe,titioners therefore conceive, that they have
from dear bought experience just reason to apprehend,
Taxation. that the alarming increase of t.aocation intended by the
DUIdens. present bill could only augment their burdens, with- m. 150
out any certain prospect of public advantage.
Pipe water
ill streets.
, And your petitioners further humbly submit that
the clauses which would prevent tlie pipe water officers
from making any openings in the streets, without first
obtaining any permission from tlie commissioners of
Operat.ious. paving, must most materially obstruct the operations
of the pipe water works, which should receive no
impediment or delay whn necessity required that they
should be opened. Your petitioners beg leave also to
r.emark, that the clauses in the intended bill, which
New works. would prevent the laying down new works after a
street is paved for years, might prove very inconvenient
to private citizens and highly injurious to manu-
50 b.
'Your petitioners further beg leave to state, that the 1807.
clauses for empowering the paving commissioners to Clauses.
construct sewers with ledges for supporting the main Sewers.
pipes and empowering them to cause the same to be Main pipes.
done al!e founded on a speculation never yet actod upon
to your petitioner's knowledge and would only be pro-
ductive of considerable expense without any solid Expense.
advantage, for though the object of said clauses is to
prevent t.he necessity of opening the streets for repair- Slreets,
ing or laying down mains, under the idea that any Main .
alterations or repairs might be effected within the
sewer, yet from the situation of sewers, it would be
impossible to make perfect and seoure work in such Work.
confined places, if even un annoyed by the vapour of
(orche,s and the noxious offiuvia of putrid fiIths, which
filth would naturally cause a rapid decay of the timber Timber.
and render the water impure and unwholesome. Water.
'And your petitioners further remark, that the
proposer of the new measure must have been totally
unacquainted with the necessity wbioh often exists of
having several mains in the same stmet, which necessity In
must be 'lP proportion to the extension of the city and s ree
the of population.
'Your petitioners thereforo most humbly hope, that
their burthens' too heavy to be borne may not Burthen'.
be increased by. an expense equally novel and imprac-
ticable .and beg this honourable, house will reject this
bill or if the house should still entertain it, that it will Bill.
permit them to be heard by counsel against a bill, which Counae!.
they conceive would be productive of 8'lldless and
unnecessary expense to the citizens of Dublin without Expen.e.
obtaining any of those desirable improvements, which it
so speciously affects to have in view.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to bo hereunto affixed this 23rd day City seal.
of March, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
City seal.
Duke of
lord lieu-
Ordered, that the foregoing petiti{)ll do stand the ! ~ ~ t o x ! l
petition of the Lonl :Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin against the bill now
pending in parliament entitled, 'a bill for the more
effectual improvement of the city of Dublin,' and that m. 149.
said petition be engrossed, put under the city seal, and
transmitted, in order to be laid before the imperial
parliament, and that the Recorder be directed to pre-
pare instructions for counsel to be employed, pursuant
to the prayer of the petition.-Allowed.
, J oseph Pemberton. - William Alexander. - John
Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-Henry Gore Sankey.-
James Vance.-Charles Thorp.-Hugh Crothers.-
N athaniel Hone.-Samuel Reed.-Alexander Kirk-
patrick.-Abraham Bradley King.-John Carletan.'
1807. April 10.-Second Friday after Easter.'
Easter Assembly held at the Exhibition House 111
\Villiam street.
[1.] "Resolved, that his grace John, Duke of Bedford,
the lord lieutenant and general governor of Ireland,
is entitled to the grateful acknowledgments of the
people of this country for his exertions in the support of
the arts, manufactures, and its agricultures."
The Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrence
of the Lord :Jfayor and Board of Aldermen in the fore-
going resolution.
'fhe Lord Mayor and Board of Aldennen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the within resolution as m. 17
Committee. it now stands, and that a committee consisting of
aldermen William Alexander, John Exshaw, Henry
Howison, and Henry Gore Sankey, and four of the
commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons,
with the assistance of the Recorder, be and are hereby
I Easter day. 29th March, 1807.
appointed a committee to prepare an address pursuant
to the said resolution .
. [The f<Jur of the commons:] Messieurs Daniel Hutton, Commons.
Edward Stanley, Robert Alexander junior, William
[2.] "Resolved unanimously, that a message be sent
to the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen requesting
that they will appoint a committee with the ulssistance
of Mr. Recorder to draw up an address of congratula-
ti<Jn and thanks to our most gracious sovereign for his
wisdom and firmness in maintaining the c.onstitution
in church and state."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foreg<Jing resolutions
and that a committee consisting of aldermen \Villiam Committee.
Alexander, John Exshaw, Henry Howison, and Henry
Gore Sankey, and four of the comm<Jns to be named by
the Sheriffs and Commons, with tli e assistance of the
Recorder, be appointed to pn>,pare said address pursuant
to the above resolution, and that said address be Address.
reported to the assembly for their approbation.
[The)our of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard, CommODS.
Williaw McAuley, William Cope, Henry Oharles Sin .
To the most excellent majesty.
'Mast gracious sovereign .
We, your majesty's most faithful and loyal subjects
thoe Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Commons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, beg leave to approach the throne with
sentiments of the liveliest gratitude and affection for
your firm and uniform maintenance of the constit.ution
in church and state.
'\Vhilst we view in our belove:} sovereign the pure
and amiable virtues which embellish private life, WeVirlues.
can also trace with f<Jnd de]igllt the magnanimity,
SubjecU3 .
City geal.
City seal.
Election of
wisdom, and virtue which dignify a public character
and add splendour and renown to the most illustrious
and upright of kings.
'Your loyal citizens of Dublin have also
with heartfelt satisfaction, that no undue regard to the
opinions of any men oould ever induce your maj esty
to betray the rights of conscience or the principles of
our glorious and match},ess oonstitution. Your
maj esty's protecting virtue will support and maintain
it in its primeval purity and transmit it to your
posterity undiminished and unimpaired.
, And we trust that your majesty's loyal subj.ects of
every description, sensible of the blessings which they
enjoy under a constitution which equally protects their
lives, their libeliies, and their properties, will feel that
enthusiastic veneration for it, whicli its merits justly m, 173 b.
inspiI1e and will manifBst their ardent love to your
majesty, who oonsulting th happiness and welfare of
your people wisely determined to maintain it inviolate
in all its parts, well convinced that the infringement of
any might endanger the safety of the whole.
'That your majesty may long live to enjoy the
affections of your loving and beloved subjects is the
ardent prayer of your faithful citizens of Dublin.
, In testimony whereof, we have caus08d the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 10th day
of April, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
Ordered, that the foregoing adare;ss do stand the
address of the Lord JiIayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin to his mwjesty, and that
same be engrossed, put under the city se'al, and pre-
sented to his excellency the lord lieutenant by the
corporation at large, in ordr that same be transmitted
to his majesty.
[3.) " We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot
alderman Hugh Tr,evor to serve in the place or office of
Lord l'Ifayor of the said city for the ensuing year com-
mencing l'Ifichaelmas next and do hereby return the
said Hllgh Trevor to you the Sheriffs and Commons of
said city for your approbation.
"Joseph P,emberton, Lord Mayor."
" \Ve, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of Dublin Approval.
,.172. in common council assembled, have this day by ballot
approved of alderman Hugh Trevor to serve in the Trevor.
. . . Lord
office of Lord .Mayor of the saId CIty for the ensumg Mayor. '
year oommencing Michaelmas next.
" Richard Manders junior, Edmond Nugent,
[4.J "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated
by ballot the following eight freemen of the said city,
resident within the said city or the liberties thereunto
adjoining, each of them worth in real and personal
estate in possession the sum of :2,000, sterling, over
and above all their just debts, that is to say, Thomas
Abbott of Saint Alldrew Street weaver, John Alley of
Townse,nd street brewer, Alexander Montgomery of
Lurgalf street merchant, Edward Stanley of Saint
Stephen's Green merchant, John Claudius Beresford
of Beresford p!ace merchant, Matthew \Vest of
Skinners row goldsmith, Henry Charles Sirr of
. Dawson merchant, and J ames Ui.Jdall of
Suffolk street merchant, as fit persons to smve in the
office of Sheriffs of the said city ,and do heI'eby return
the names with the additions of the said eight persons
to you the Lord Mayor ani Board of Aldermen of the
said city, in order to your elcding two of the said
persons to be Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing
year commencing from Michaelmas next.
" Richard Manders, junior, Edmoni Rugent .
"'Ve, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of t he !':'lll7t.
city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot John
Claudius Beresford of Beresford place, merchant,
and Henry Oharles Sirr of Dawson street, merchant,
out of the eight pmsons returned to us by the Sheriffs
and Commons to serve in the offioe of Sheriffs of said
city for the ensuing year commencing from Michaelmas
".Joseph Pemberton, Lord Mayor."
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the m. 172 b.
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 9th day of April, 1807.
'We, the committee appointd for better supplying
the city of Dublin with water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been particularly atten-
tive to the various business respeding the pipc water
establishment entrusted to cur care since we last
'Your committee received a lettm from the paving
board intimating their intention to new pave several
of the str.eets in this city, which your committee referred
to your engineer, "in order that the necessary pipes
might be laid d{)wn prior to such improvements.
'Y{)ur committee received through your honours'
treasurer intimation, that the Duke of Leinsters agent
Larch trees. was inclined t{) treat for a quantity of larch trees at
Carton. Cartown. We thel'efore referred same to the engineers
with directions to view and value such as might be fit
for your works.
'Your committee filllling it highly necessary that
Cast metal. your engineer should inspect the cast metal at the
different English foundries, preparatory to the intended
Mains. improvement of laying cast metal mains in certain
situations, gave him leave of absence for one month,
as well for that pnrpose, as to purchase the necessary
11 xxvi.
172 b,
boring tools and also to endeavour to:iispose of the
steam engine now in your honours' stores.
'In consequence of which Mr. Amlrew Coffey
informed your committee that he had .agl'eed with
messieurs Aydon and Elwell of the Shelf Iron \Vorks, Aydon.
Bradford, Yorkshire, for the necessary iron pipes, and
that the boring tools necessary for YOllr lordship's and
honours' works were now preparing ancl woulcl be
shortly completed. 'l'hat he had a.pplied to messieurs
Bolton, 'Vatts, and ,company crespecting the steam Bolton.
engine, but had not boen as yet able to come to an
ultimate decision respecting it.
'Your oo=ittee received proposals from JUl'. Vesey Vesey.
of Lucan, and from Mr. Fitzsimons to supply elm
. b f k 0
hm er or your war 9 at 7 1 s., per ton. .l. our timber.
committee in consequence directecl that such as was
fit for the works might be taken, judging it highly
necessary to have at all times a sufficient, stock of
timber in the stores.
'Your committee directed handbills to be dispersed Halldb;IL,.
and put up in the diff'erent vestry rooms and watch-
houses;' apprising the public where aid can be had at
all tim:es ifl cases of accidenta,l fire, a measure which Fire,
your committee have every hope will be attended with
the most beneficial consequences to the inhabitants of
this city in <;ases 'of fire, which your committee lament
too frequentlS occurs.
committee directed the, several collectors to
make returns of the arrears due in the 1'8spective. wards in
and also to report weekly such of sa,id al'l'ears as they
may receive, a measure from whence your committee
171 b have every hope the large arrear formerly suffered to
lie over will be considerably decreased.
'Your committee received sev8'l'al proposals for Bawn.
building a bason adjoining the Grand Canal near th'l
Royal Circus, and your committee having taken same
into their consideration are of opinion and do recom-
mend that the proposal of William Free being the most
advantageous one be .accepted of, inasmuch as he pro-
poses to execute in a workmanlike manner the
necessary rough stone mason work adjoining the
Gmnd Canal at 11s. per perch, and that at the Royal
Canal at the rate of 11s. Bd. per perch.
, Your committee are therefore of opinion and do
recommend that his proposal shall be aocepted of,
upon his entering into good and sufficient security to
execute the same within a limited period of time in a
propeT and workmanlike manner, suoh secrn-ity to be
approved of by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, as well
as the period of time' for its, oompletion.
, And your oommittee having l'Iclceived several pro-
lla.on. posals for the excavation of the intendBd bason at the
Broad-Stone, beg leave to submit that proposal of Denis
Lineha.n and J ames McCormick being the most advan-
tageous proposal for your lordship and honours be
accepted of, inasmuch as they have by suoh tneir
proposal submittei three different prices for the
execution of the works. Your committee are therefore
Proposals. of opinion that their proposals oe accepted of,
reserving to your honours the right of adopting which-
ever they may think most advisable.
Officers. 'And your committee again, as the:)'" did in the,ir m. 170.
former report, recommend that in future the custom of
Gratuities. granting gratuities to the officers shaIl be discontinued
and that they shall receiv,e the following respective
S.laries. sal,aries in full and in lieu of any gratuity or
allowance for lodgings or otherwise, that is to say.
s. d.
'The storekeeper Hugh Crofton per
145 0 0
"rhe overseer of the north side Richard
Homan per annum
145 0 0
011 xxvi .
. 170.
170 0.

S. d. 1807.
' The overseer of the south side Richard
Salaries .
CroftOll per annum 165 0 0
' The turncock Daniel Hau!enville per
annum 100 0 0
'The turnoock Ambrose Binns per
annum 100 0 0
, The overseer of the wat('r course J olm
Despard pet annum 34 :2 G
'By adopting which regulation, every member of
the oorporation can see at one view what each officer
respectively receives from the city.
'Your committee received petitions from IDElssieurs Petitions.
Orofton and Homan, overseers, praying to have their
present yearly gratuity joined to the salary and
allowed to thl3m qUJal'terly, in consequence of the
additional expense they are subjected to owing to the
inorease in price of the different articleS' of life. With
the prayer of which petition your committee earnestly
reoommend your lordship and honours to comply with,
in the 'eve!}!. of your not acceding to that part of the
report of your committee laid before you last assembly
and herein recapit.ula.ted.
, And your colI)mittoo having been attended by Mr.
Swan, agent'-to Lord Palmerston, he on the part of his
lordship has proposed to take such part of the earth Earth.
to be excavated from the intended bason at the Royal
Circus, as may be wanting to raise the ground of upper Canal.
Dominick stroot, and to leave the value then,of t o be
ascertained by Mr. Thomas Sherrard and your Sherrard.
honours' engineer, and in ca&e of their disagreeing to
call in an umpire. With which proposal your
committee recommend your lordship and honours to
And the said commons, pnaying to confirm the said Order.
1807. report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, except that part which
Increases. r,elates to the increase of salaries to the persons in the
Gratuities. said report mentioned, but that the gratuity which they
Salaries. now receive be added to their present salaries, videlicet:
s. d.
Ambrose Binns to recB'ive annually the
sum of 90 0 0
Daniel Rautenville the annual sum of 90 0 0
Hugh Croft on the annual sum of 100 0 0
Richard Crofton the annual sum of 120 0 0
Richard Roman the annual sum of 100 0 0
John Dtspard the annual sum of 30 13 4
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
City lease,. committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
have made the followillg report of the 9th day
of April, 1807.
Report. 'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have paid particular attention to the business
commi tted to our care sin ce our 1ast report. Your
committee directed the law agents to take proper steps
Surveyor. with the assistance of your honours' surveyor to pre-
vent the report of the commissioners of perambulation Ill, 160.
being confirmel by the court, so far as same relates to
the boundaries of the city's liberties on the north east
side of the said city. Inasmuch as your committee
have been applized by your surveyor that as said
report now stands, an encroachment would be thereby
made as well on your lordship and h<J!1ours' estate
as on their rights and pl'iyileges.
'Your committee directed a dwelling house to be
erected on the white bank of the South Bull, part of
South Bull. your honours' estate, the expense of erecting which
I XX\i.
169 b.
amounted to 14 17s. 1Od., which your committee are 1807.
of opinion and do 11ecommend to bo paid, and that a
loose be granted thereof for such term as may be Lease.
approved of by your committee with the assistance of
Recorder, thereby to asoertain and establish a Recorder.
right to the ground now formed there, as well as for
other purposes in which your lordship and honours'
interest is mate'rially involved.
'Your committeo viewed a piece of ground adjoining Ground.
J\fr. Grumley's green hide crane containing 72 feet in
front. which he informed your committee only produced crane.
him 5, per annum, and which your lordship and
honours formerly included in the demise by lease to
the present tenant's father, but which is now waste and
not occupied as part of said crane. Your committee
therefore called upon the present tenant Mr. Grumley
to surrender same, to which he readily complied with,
being ,allowed an abatement in his rent of 5, per Rent.
annum, which will leave his rent then at 40. per
'Your committee are therefore of opinion and do
recommend phat a surrender be taken of J\fr. Gmmley's Surrender.
present lease and that he do get a new lease at the rent Lease.
of 40, per annum, for the remainder of his present
lease, excluding the 72 feet of, ground, which your Ground.
committee ha-v;e now an opportunity of setting to much
greater advantage, and which your committoo I'6COm-
mend to be done.
, Your committee took into consideration the petitions
of the reverend Edward l\Leyler and William ReyneJl,
esquire, for renewals, which your committee referred Renewals
to your law agents, who reported that they were
severally entitled thereto, your committee are therefore
of opinon and do recommend that same be granted
'Your committee beg leave to inform your lordship
Plots of
Out of
aml honours, that several plots of ground part of your ,!oli691
lordship and honcmrs' estate will be shortly out of
lease and as it will be essentially necessary to have
same surveyed and let to the best advantage, your
committee recommend that your surveyor should make
ma,ps of the same, to wit.
'A piece of ground at the rear of Kevin's Port
extending nearly to Harcourt street.
'A house and ground number six (lorner of Drury
lane in Exchequer stre\'t, formerly in possession of
J ames Pierce.
~ ~ ' : ' k e t . 'Ambrose Strettle's holding neaJ' old Cornmarket, ID. 168.
Audit of
south side Back lane.
, And your committee are of opinion and do recom-
mend to your honours, that they be empowered to let
the same in the usual way to the be,st advantage.
'Your committee took into consideration the bill of
your lordship and honours' surveyor referrai to us at
last assembly and having minutely examined same
are of opinion the balance of 84 14s. 10d., after
deductions being mado to the, amount of 26 3s. 3d.,
be pa,id him.'
And the said commons, praying to (lonfirm the said
report and make the same an act of assemhly: it was
thereupon granted, the oommittee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that the city
treasuror do, on the Lord jl,iayor's warrant, pay Mr.
Arthur Richaifds Neville, city surveyor, the sum of
84 14s. 10d., as is within reported.
[7.] Certain of the (lommons, setting forth that the
committee appointed to audit thB accounts of alderman
John Carleton, city treasurer, hav,e made the annexed
report of the 9thiay of April, 1807.
'We, the committee appointed to audit the accounts
of alderman John Carleton, city treasurer, for the
rents, issues, and profits of said (lity for one year com
mcncing lIiIichaelmas 1805, and ending Michaelmas 1807.
68 b. 1806, beg leave to inform your honours, that we have
carefully examined the same together with the several
vouchers relating thereto. The tre,asurer laid before us
a rental of your honours' estate as it stood Michaelmas Rental.
1806, we charged him with the amount of the rents
received in said yem' being 10,157 Os. 10td., and with
such other incidental issues ,amd profits as accrued III
that time amounting in the whole to the sum of
15,379 2s. 9td.
'We find the disbursements including a sum of
631 10s. 6d., interest of money in advance for your
honours, also including the sum of 768 19s., pound- Poundage.
age amount in the whole to the sum of 26,855 5s. 8tel.,
so that there appears due to the city treasurer upon this
account the sum of 10,476 2s. lId.
'Your committee also further inform your honours
that with the assist,ance of tho pipe wat,sr committee, Pipe water
we audited your treasurer's accounts respecting the revenue.
pipe water revenue for said year and find a balance due
by him .(hereon of 1,839 lls. 7 d., so that the balance
due to your. honours' treasurer on both said a.ccounts treasurer.
67. appears to be 8,636 118. 4d.
'And your committee finding that the whole were Thanks.
stated with great accuracy returne:l the treasurer our
unanimous tnllnks for the very clear and satisfactory
mannel- in which said accounts are stated.
'Your committee r,ecommend t.hat the usual compli-
ment of ten guinE)as be paid to Isaac Smith, clerk to Smith,
' f' . clerk.
your onours treasurer, or hIS trouble in makmg out
the said accounts and a second copy thereof.'
And the sOOd commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the samE) an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
And it is ordered, that this assembly at its rising
Debt due
Duke of
be adjourned to a future day for the purpose of oon- : ; ~ ~ 6 ' \ - ~
sidering the best mode of liquidating the debt due to
the treasurer.
[8.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee app{)inted for providing furniture for the
Mayoralty house have made the annexed report of the
9th day of April, 1807.
'We, the committee appointed for providing furni-
ture for the Mansion house to whom the petition of
certain of the commons was preferred relative to pro-
viding furniture suitable to the picture of his royal
highness the Dulm of Cumberland, beg leave to inform
your honours that we met and reoeived proposals for
that pUrp0se. And your oommittee having taken m. 1671
same into conside.ration are of opinion, that the
.specimoo produoed by Mr. Josias Kearney of Henry
street is deserving of the preference. ''le therefore
118commend, that he be dlirectea to complete the same
with all e.xpedition with the suitable arms at the
top thereof, lat an expense not exceeding fifty
And the said oommons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, t.he oommittee's report oonfirmed
and made an act of assembiy, and ordered that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pa.y the
sum in the within report, as soon as the work is
properly finished.
[9.] Certain of the commons, praying to grant the
usual allowance to alderman J ames Vance for a horse
and cart for admeasuring coals during his Mayoralty:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city tre.asurer do,
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay alderman James
Vance the sum of 40, stlrling, for the reasons in the
foregoing petition m'l1tioned.
[10.J Certain of the oommons, praying to rescind t.he
I xxvi.
167 b.
resolution respeoting the publication of advertizements,
and tha,t in futUl'e all auvertizements shall bo inserted ments.
in the Dublin Journal only: whereupon it was granted,
pursuant to thl) prayer of the petition.
l11.] Certain of the commons, praying to oonfcr the Fr.nchi,..
freedom of this oity on the right honourable Charles,
Earl of Harrington, oommandor of the forces: where- Earl 01
upon it was granted, gmtis, and that same be put under
tho city seal and l'resented by the Lord 'Mayor and City ,eal.
[12.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom Fr.nchise.
t.o major James Shorta11, oommanclant of the arsenal in Shortali.
tho Phoenix Park: whereupon it was grant,ecl, pur-
suant to the prayer of the potition, gratis.
l13.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom to Franchise.
John Radcliff, eSlluire, the rather it being at the Radcliff.
request of J ames Blacker, esquire, late High Sheri IT:
whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[14.] John 'rodd, pra,ying for freedom, the rather it
being at t.he request of alderman Abraha.m Bradley
King, senior master of the guilu of merohants: where-
upon it was granted, gratis.
[15.] \Villiam l\f oCready, praying for payment of !lcCre.dy.
bill for providing furniture, for the use of the corpora- Furniture.
tion at the assemblies in \Villiam street: whereupon Willi.m
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum .of
22 3s. 3d., in said petition mentioned.
[16.] George Brown, praying to be continued high
constab1e: whereupon it was ordered, that the said const.ble.
George Brown be and ' is hereby continued high
constable of the sai,l city during the oity's p1easure,
166 b. not exceeding one year emling Easter assembly 1808.
[17.] AleXJander McCullough, praying t.o bo ... h,
appointed keeper of the city lIrarshalsea: whereupon keeper.
it was ordered. that the said Alexander cCullough be
and is hereby appointed city Marshalsea kreper during
at mace.

at mace.
the city' s pleasure, not exceeding one year ending
Easter assembly 1808, at a salary of 20, with all just
fees and allowances belonging to the said office. he
giying security for indemnifying the corporation from
all escapes, said security to be entered into before thIJ
Lord :1IIayor and Sheriffs in ten days or this order to
be void.
[18.J William J\IcAllister, praying to be continued
serjeant a.t mace: whereupon it was granted on the
Ilsual order, that the said William l\1:cAllister be and
is hereby appointed one of the serjeants at mace of
said city for one year ending Easter assembly 1808, he
giving such security for the faithful discha<rge of the
duties of his office and redelivery of the silver mace,
as the Lord l\1:ayor shall approve of, said security to
be entered into in one month from this date or this
order to be void, provided also that he do appear on
public days in proper gown of office.
[19.) John Colvin, praying to be continued serjeant
at mace: whereupon it was granted on the usual order,
that the said John Colvin be and is hereby continued
one of the serjeants at mace of said city for one ye,a.r
ending Easter assembly 1808, he giving such security
for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office and
redeli very of the silver mace, as the Lord l\1:ayor shall
approve of, said security to be entered into in one
month from this date or this order to be void, provided
also that he do appear on public days in proper gown
of office.
[20.) Ambrose Crane, praying to be continued green-
keeper: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Ambrose Crane be continued green-keeper in Saint
Stephen's Green, eluring the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Easter ,assembly 1808.
[21.) Robert Tyler, beaJle of Saint Paul's parish,
praying for usual allowance for opening Smithfield
U6't market for one year: whereupon it was, that 1807.
petitioner be paid three guineas.
[22.1 Elizabeth Fayle, praying for usual allowance: Fayle.
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid 5, Grant
[23.] r.Iargaret Brooke, praying for usual allowance: Brook .
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid 2, Grant.
[24.] John Usher, praying for usual allowance: Usher.
whereupon it was ordered, that pefitioner be paid 4, Grant.
[25.] Esther Stordy, praying for usu,aJ allowance: Stordy.
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid 4, Grant.
[26.] r.Iargaret Smith, praying to be appointed in the
room of lIIargaret Reilly, city housekeeper, dismissed: keeper.
whereupon it was ordered, that the said :Margaret
Smith be and is hereby appointed to the said place on
the same terms that the said M argaret Reilly held the lteilly.
165. 1807: April 22.-Adjournment of Easte'r Assembly.
[27.] of the commons, praying to present the
freedom, of this city to his grace Charles, Duke of ltIchmond.
Richmond: whereupon it was granted, pursuant to the
prayer of the petition, and that same be presented with
a suitable ad-dress; accompanied with a gol d box val ue
twenty-five guineas, and that aldermen \Villiam
Alexander, John Carleton, and Hugh Trevor, with
three of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons be and are heJ1eby appointed a committee to Committee.
prepare the said address with thE) assistance of the
Recorder, and that same when so prepared, be Recorder.
engrossed. put un:ier the city seal, and presented by
the corporation at J.arge.
[The three of t.he commons: 1 Messieurs John Giffard, Commom.
William Cope, WiIliam lIcCready.
Address. 'To his grace Oharles, Duke of Richmond, lord
Duke of
Richmond. lieutenant general and general governor of Ireland.
Franchise. -
, May it please your grace.
, We, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, oommons, and
citizens .of the city of Dublin, beg leave to present your
grace with the freedom of our ancient ani loyal
, And we cannot but ,embrace with peculiar satisfac-
tion the present opportunity to assure your grace, tha,t
we feel a just sense of his majesty's gracious regard
Roll xxvi
lto the interests of our country in this recent instance m.165 h.
of his attention by appo.jnting a nobleman to preside
over us, who will with firmness maintain our
unrivalled constitution and advance the reaJ happiness
of his people.
'Allow us further to assure your grace, that the
faithful and loyal citizens of Dublin will at all times
exert their most strenuous, efforts to secure the peace
Prosperity. and promote the prosperity of this country.
, In testimony whereof, we have causei the common
City seal. seaJ of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd
day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
" My Lord and Gentlemen.
Answer. "I return you my thanks for the distinguished
honol1l' which you have conferred on me, by admitting
Franchise. me to the freedom of your anci.ent and loyal corpora-
tion. In the exercise of the trust reposed in me by his
Prosperity. majesty, the happiness and prosperity of the people
Ireland. of Ireland and the maintenance of our inv,aluable con-
stitution will be the objects of my anxious solicitude,
and I have the fullest reliance upon the- zeal, fidelity,
ani ll)yalty of the citizens of Dublin.
" Richmond."
011 xxvi .
. 165 b.
[28.J Cert.ain of the commons, praying for freedom to
Sir Arthur Wcllesley, baronet, chief secretary to the
lord lieutenant: whereupon it was gr,antRd, pursuallt
to the prayer of the petition, and that same be presented .
. . . . SlIver box
with a smtable address, accompamed wIth a slIver box
value five guineas, and that aldermen \Villiam
Alexander, John Carleton, and Hugh Trevor, together
with three of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs
and Commons be and are hereby appointed a committee
to prepare the said address with the assistance of l'.fr. Address.
Recorder, and that same be engrossed, put under the
city seal, and presented in the most respectful manner. City seal.
[The three of the commons:J l'.Iessieurs John Giffard, Commons.
William Cope, and William l'.IcCready.
'To the right honourable Sir Arthur \Vellesley,
baronet, chief secretary to the lord lieutenant of Wellesley,
, Sir.
'\Ve, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizen's of the> city of Dublin, beg leave to present you
with the fieedom of our ancient and loyal corporation, Franchise.
an::! to' congratulate you on your appointment to the
important office of chief secretary of the Irish govern-
ment. ,.'
, \'= e cannot, Sir, but fecI the most sincere gratitude
to that government which adv.ances men of eminent Govern-
. ment.
ability and tried integrity to posts of dignity.
Impressed with this sentiment and with the highest
respect for your character and talents, we anticipate
the pleasing expectation that the best interests of of
Ireland will be promoted by that a::!ministwtion in
which you are sc} honourably and deservedly dis-
,164 b, tingnished, am] we cannot but feel an honest pride in
having so estimable a character enrolled amongst the
citizens of Dublin.
City seal.
Audit of
Rent roll.
'In testimony whereof, we have causei t.he common ! ~ ~ 6 ~ ' j , ~ i '
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd
day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
The assembly further adjourned to first May, 1807.
1807. JlIay I.-Adjournment of Easter Assembly.
[29.J Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committees appointed for auditing the city treasurer's
accounts, and for enquiring how the city's revenue may
be increased and its expenses lessened have made the
following report of the 1st day of May, 1807.
'We, the committees appointed for auditing the city
treasurer's accounts and for enquiring how the city's
revenue may be increased and its expenses lessened,
beg leave to inform your honours that in consequence
of the very large balance appearing due to the city
treaSUI1er on his last q uartorly abstract to the 10th day
of April, 1807, for the more serious consideration of
devising means for liquidating said balance, the
assembly has been twice adj0urned.
, We devoted a considerable portion of time at
several meetings to this most important business and
your committee oonceiving that under the present
situation of the city's finances and the circumstances
of the times, every possible degree of CEconomy should
be used in its expenses, so as to bring the corporation's
disbursements within the bounds of its income, until
such time at least as the very rising rent roll of the city
shall be increased by the ,expiration of several old and
valuable leases.
"\Ve recommend that the following annual reduc-
tions be adopted and most strictly adherell to, videlieet. m. 163.
s. d.
; 'rhe allowance k> J lIstices' Office to be
disoontinued 150 0 0
'The allowance to Blue Coat Hospital
to be discontinued 250 0 0
-..oU xxyi.
I. 163.
s. d.1807.
The eXp('llSe of Stationery to be reduced 100 0 0
Gifts ani Alms, including Con cor-
datums reduced 150 0 0
Annuities have been by the late regula-
tions reduced ... 100 0 0
The Town Clerks' fees on Charity
Petitions discontinued 48 15 0
City Surgeon's salary discontinued... 34:2 6
The allowance for Tradesmen' s Bills to
be only 500, per annum 100 0 0
The Sheriffs to discontinue each one of
their Qualierly Dinners and in lieu
thereof to pay the City Treasurer
250, each 500 0 0
The Lord Mayor's Summer Dinners to
be discontinued and in lieu thereof
there shall be deductei out of the
usual sum granted at each
Michaelmas Assembly ... 150 0 0
The Fines paid every Easter Assembly
bY , the Sheriffs on their election to
be paid to the City Treasurer 100
guineas each 227 10 U
an annual sum of 1,810 7 G
And your committee ,also further recommend that
every Alderman <Jll his dcdion and bofom he i\9 sworn Aldermc".
into office shall pay to the city treasurer the sum ElccUo"
usually paid on his election, ani that the fine usually fees.
paid by every Sheriff on being excused from serving
that office be also paid to the city treasurer, and be by
1.163 b. him applied to the funds of the corporation.
And your committee having tumeel their attention
to the best mode of raising money to pn! thp city

treasurer in cash are of opinion and recommend that
bonds be sealed to the amount of 7,000, bearing
Clerks. 1
interest at six per cent. and handed to him. And your
committee are of opinion, that on this occasion the city
treasurer or Lord Mayor be not allowed any poundage,
and that no fees be pai::l to the Town Clerks on the
issuing thereof.
'And we recommend, that your committees be
continued to proceed further in this important business
Reductions. and report therean such veduotions of the
expenses, as shall appear to them practicable and
suitable to the support and dignity of the oorporation.'
Order. And the said conmlons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report oonfirmed
and made an act of assembly.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
Commons. the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the
Al1diwrs. ,report of the committees of auditors and mconomy,
which has been read at the oonference this day of the
Lod Mayor, Board of Aldermen, Sheriffs 'and
Commons, and that same be made an act of assembly,
and that the said committees be requested to still
continue their e,xertions in the furtherance of what
they haw so meritoriously and WIth so great labour
aJready began.-Allowed.
[30.] Certain of the commons, praying for payment ID. 162.
Expenses. of the expenses attending the opposing of the new
Paving bill. inten::led paving bill, amounting to 18 10s. 9d.,
sterling: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
Payment. treasurer do, on the Lord .Mayor's warrant, pay
Alexander Montgomery the said sum in the said
petition mentioned.
1807. April 10.-Admissions to franchise.
1807. April 10.-Declaration an::l signatures.
DUBLlN ROLL, 1807.
1807. May S.-Post Assembly. Id07.
[1.] John Claudius Beresford, esquire, praying to
be excused from serving the office of Sheriff: where-
upon it was ordered, that the within named John
Claudius Beresfori be excused from serving the office Excu, .. I.
of Sheriff for the ensuing year commencing Michaelmas
next, he having paid a fine of three hundred guineas. Fiuc.
[2.] Henry Charles Sirr, esquire, praying to be
excused from serving the office of Sheriff: whereupon
it was orderei, that the within named Henry Charles
Sirr be excused ham serving the office of Sheri ff for Excused.
the ensuing year commencing Micbaelmas next, he
having paid a fine of three hundred guineas. ' Fine.
[3.] "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot Sheritf, .
nominated the following elight freemen of thEl said city
or the liberties thereunto a::ljoining, each of them
162 b. worth in real and personal estate in possession the sum
of 2,000, sterling, over and above ,all their just debts,
that is to say, John Alley of Townsend .stred brewer,
Alexander Montgomery of Lurgan street merchant,
Matthew West of Skinner row goldsmith, Edwanl
Stanley, or' Saint Stephen' s Green merchant, Thomas
Abbott of Saint Andrew street weaver, John ]Hurray
of Blackhall merchant, J ames Riidall of Su ffolk
street merchant, and William MoEenzie of College
Green as fit persons to serve in the office of
Sheriffs of the said city, and do hereby return the
names with the 'additions of the said eight persons to
you the Lord Mayor and Boad of Aldermen of the
said city, in order to your electing two of said persons
to be Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing year com-
mencing from lIfichaelmas next.
"Richard :NIanders, junior, Edmond Nugent
[4.] "We, the Lord Mayor an:! Board of Alderme]!
of thA city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot ! ~ l i 6 f b ~
John Alley of Townsend street, brewer, and Alexander
Montgomery of Lurgan street, merchant, out of the
eight persons returnec] to us by the Sheriffs and
Commons t.o serve in the office of Sheriffs of said city
for the ensuing year commencing from 1Iichaelmas
" J oseph Pemberton, Lmd J\fayor."
1807. June I.-Post Assembly. m.161.
[1.J Andrew Lee, praying to be ,appointed weigh-
master of the city butter crane, in the room of Hugh
Cochran, deceased: whereupon it was ordered, that t.he
said An:irew Lee be and is hereby appoint.ed weigh- of the butter crane in Thomas street during
good behaviour, agreeable to act of parliament. That
he have an appointment under the city seal (but at his
own expense), and enter into a bond before the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs with sufficient sur,eties and con-
ditioned for the true and f'!lIithful discharge of his
And it is ordered, that the said Andrew Lee do at
his own expense provide a convenient weigh-house with
beams, scales, weights, branding irons, with other
necessaries, and that the place for keeping such weigh-
house shall be approve:i of by the Lord Mayor and
And it is further ordered, that the petitioner's
resignation of his seat in the common council for the
corporat[on of tailors be accepted of.-AUowed.
1807, June 15.-Post Assembly.
[1.] " We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated and m. 161 i
returned from amongst the Sheriffs' Peers, Robert
Shaw of Merrion square, esquire, John Oash of
I xxvi.
161 h.
Rutland syuare, esquire, Jeffrey Foot of Essex bridge,
esquire, and John Clau:lius Beresford of Beresford
place, esquire, as fit persons to serve in the place of
alderman of said city, and do hereby return the names
with the additions of the said four persons to you the
Sheriffs and Commons of the said city, in oder to your
electing one of the said four persons an alderman of the
the said city, in the room of alderman William James Willi.m
deccase:l. deceased.
"Joseph Pemberton, Lord Mayor."
[2.1 "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of
Dublin, have this :lay elected by ballot from amongst
the four Sheriffs' Peers ret,urned to this house by the alderman.
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen, John Cash of
Rutland square, esquire, to the place of alderman of
the said city, in the room of alderman William James
" Richard Manders, junior, Eclmond Kugenl, Sheriffs."
'Joseph Pemberlon. - Henry Howison. - John
Carleton.-Charles Thorp.-Alexander Kirkpalrick.
-John Cash.-John Exshaw.-Henry Hutton.-
Frederick Darley. - William Henry Archer.-
Abraham Bradley King.'
181. ]807. July 17.-;-Fourth Friday after the 24th day of
June. '.
J\Iidsummer Assembly held at the Exhibition House
in William street.
[1.] Certain of the commons, praying to confer the
freedom of this city on the right honourable Thomas, Fmuchise.
Lord Manners, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland:
whereupon it was granted, and tha,t same be engrossed, Manuers.
put under the city seal, to be accompanied with It
suitable address, and that a committee consisting of
aldennen William AleXJander, John Carleton, and
181 h. Hugh Trevor, together with three of the commons to be
1807. named by the Sheriffs and Commons be and are hereby ! ~ 1 \ , J ' ~
appointed a committee with the assistance of the
Recorder to prepare the same.
Commons. [The three of the commons:] Messieurs :Mark
City seal.
Bloxham, Robert Harty, James Blacker.
'To the right honourable Thomas, Lord Manners,
Lord High Chancellor of Ireland.
'We, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citiwns oi the city of Dublin in common council
assembled, embrace with peculiar satisfaction this
public opportunity of expressing our sincere approba-
tion of your lordship's conduct in the high and exalted
station which you so ably fill and the duties of which
you so faithfully and diligently discharge.
'Impressed with a just sense of your lordship's
distinguished talents and amia.ble virtues, we beg leave
to present you with th,e freedom of our ancient corpora-
tion and to assure you that we feel an hOD est pride in m. 180
enrolling the name of "Manners" amongst the loyal
citizens of Dublin.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 17th day
of July, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
Ordered, that the foregoing address be presented by
the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and co=ittee, and such
members of the corporation as choose to attend.
" My Lod Mayor and Gentlemen of the Corporation
" It is a matter of great pride to me to have my name
enrolled as a member of your ancient and very
respectable corporation. The principles of loyalty to
our revered sovereign and of attachment to the consti-
tution, which have uniformly marked and distinguished
Ltle corporation of Dubliu, must necessarily render the
honour you have confeued upon me peculiarly valu-
" I return you my grat,eful thanks for it and for this
public testimony of your approbation of my conduct, Conduct.
and I shall be most. highly gratified, if by a faithful
discharge of the duties of my offi ce and by co-operating DUti""
with you in whatever may tend to protect the inU3l'ests
and to promote the welfare of your city, I can entitle
:0 b. myself to the distinguished and flattering compliment
you havE' paid to me personally and to the family to
which I belong.
" I am my lord and gentJemen of the corporation.
":Manners, C. "
[2.] Cert.ain of the commons, praying to provide
fumit.ure for the Mayoralty house: whereupon it was
ordered, that the right honourable the Lord Uayor, F urnitllrc.
Sheriffs, treasurer , master s of t he works, aldermen
Henry HowisOIl, Hugh Trevor, and Frederick Darley,
and eight of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs
and Commons or any five of them, whereof the Lord
Mayor when. present and one of the Sheriffs to be
always two, and in the absence of the Lord Mayor the
seniol- alderman present to preside, be and are hereby
appoill terl a committee to provide such hlllliture fur ('omm;tte .
the use of th,>':M:ayoraJty houso as may be necessary,
the expense attllding the same not to exceed the sum
of 100, sterling, and the committee are hereby Exp. n, .
empowered to draw on the city treasurer for said sum,
tlte accounts thereof to be kept separate and no money
be paid but by the onJer of the committee.
[The eight of the commons: ] Messieurs Willi am Common,.
Lindsay, John R,oade, John TowIIsend Sinnott, vVilliam
Cope, \Villiall1 McCready, Francis Hamil ton, .John
Pittar, Joshua Dixon.
[3.] Certain of the commqns, praying to grant t he
City pipe
herbage of Saint Stephen's Green to aldennan Hugh
Trevor cl lLring iLi, year of j'd ayoralty: whereupo.! it
was granted, pursl,lant to the prayer of the petition.
[4,] Certain vf the oommons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe w,a.oor have made the annexed report
of the 16th day of July, 1807.
'We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your lordship and honours that we have been very
attentive to the business oommitted to our care since
our last report.
, And your honours' treasurer having paid to the
several proprietors of the ground near Blessington
Bason. street, which was valued for a bason, the sums awarded
to them re.spectively and they having executed the m. 17!
necessary conveyances thereof, we had the oontract for
the excavation of such bason made out and signed upon
the terms mentioned in our last report.
'But your committee finding that such excavation
would be very expensive and as the Royal Canal com-
pany had occasion for the excavated emth in order to
Harbour. embank their new harbour, we had a oommunication
with them on this subject. In consequence whereof,
your oommittee on the 26th lYLa0' last received a
Payment. letter from them agreeing to pay fivepence per cubic
yard for the earth to be so removed to their harbour.
'And they and your committee have also consented
Lord to Iet messieurs Stewart and, agents to Lord
Palmerstoll. Palmerston, have five thousand cubic yards of said
earth for raising upper Dominick street, on the same
terms. And your oommittee observe that this important
work is carrying on expeditiously ,agreeable to said
'Your committee further inform your honours, that
we ordered the colleotors to enforce immediate payment
I b.
of all sums outstanding for pipe water rent, and arrears h
due 24th June last. Arrears.
'Your committee having received applications from
the inhabitants of Montgomery street and of C1ark's
court. in Ship street for mains to be laid for their
supplies, we r eferred the same to Mr. Ooffey, who
" That it would be advisable to postpone the same
until the now basons and the works thersfrom are Baso",.
completed." With which report your committee
'Your committee gave directions to Mr. Coffey to
purchase such quantity of pitch pine timber as is neces- Timber.
i!ary for the works. Your committee also gave orders
for a main to be laid in upper Rutland street to supply
the inhabitants with water .
And your committee according to annual custom
went up the water course and found several useful and
important repairs have been madE) by the engineer,
and your committee on that occasion made the obser-
vations which are annexed.'
And the s;:tid commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it, was
thereupon granted, the commiltee's report confirmed
fond made an act of "a,ssembly, and that they be and are
hereby empoWl'lred to let or stop up the passage at the
side of the bason, if they shall think it expedient.
[5.] Oertain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near City leases.
expiring have made the annexed report of the 16th day
of July, 1807.
'We, the committee laJppointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have attended very carefully to the business
committed to us, and having t aken into consideration
the petition of Mr. rrhomas Meaghan of Cook street for
a new lease of the house and premises formerly
demised to James Ware, which will expire in
l\Iichaelmas 1809, we think it would not be advisable
or for the city's interest to' grant the same, but that the
premises should be let in the usual manner on the
expiration of said lease. m. 177
'Your committee further beg leave to report that
your treasurer informed us that some persons have
been quarrying and raising sand on the lands of
Clonturk and thereby co=itting great injury to the
city's estate. We directed the law agents to consult
the Recorder thereon, who advised a bill to be filed to
prevent further waste, and which we ordered to be done
, Your committee further inform your honours, that
Lord Fitzwilliam has brought an ejectment on the title
for recovery of the whito bank below the Pigeon Hous!',
on which your honours very properly a house
to be erected for the purpose of protecting your right
thereto, to which ejectment we directed defence to be
taken, so that if his lordship has any right thereto, he
must make it appear to the satisfaction of the court
and jury on the trial of said ejectment.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed m. 177
and made an act of assembly.
\6.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom to
Everara. captain Everard, the rather for his great and
heroic gallantry in the storming of Monte Video:
whereupon it was granted, gratis, and that the same be
transmitted to him by the Town Clerks.
[7.] "Resolved, that the freedom of the city this day
Browne. voted to colonel George. Browne of his majesty's 40th
regiment of foot be engrossed and transmitt.ed to him
by the Town Clerks in the IDoSt respectful manner,
7 b.
16 b.
in considerat.ion of his heroic gallantry in storming 1807.
Monte Video."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[8.] Andrew Coffey, praying .to be continued pipe
water engineer: whereupon it was ordered, that the said engineer.
Andrew Coffey be and is hereby continued engineer of
the pipe water works during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year, at the salary of 250, per annum. Salary.
[9.] David Johnstone, praying to be paid the sum of Johnstone.
69 Os. 6d., which was granted by the corporation for
bUIlding the north angle wall of the Sessions Rouse:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
011 the Lonl :Vlayor's warrant, pay the overseers Payment.
appointed by the term gra.nd jury for building the new
tower at the Sessions House the sum of 69 Os. 6d.,
sterling, the said sum to be expended by them as they
shall find expedient for said work.
[10.] Samuel 21Iiddleton, sword bearer, praying for
usual compensation for striking the assize of bread for of
one year ending the 7th February last: whereupon it bread.
was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city Payment.
1reasurer' on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of
twenty guineas, for the reasons in his petitioll
[11.] Williarh J\IcCready and Thomas McCready, llcCready.
praying for payment of bill for providing new cushions,
et cetera, for the Lord :lIIayor's seat in Saint Ann's
church: whereupon it was ordered, that the city church.
Ireasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pa.y Payment.
petitioner the sum of 12 9s., sterling, for the reasons
in their petition mentioned.
[12.] Samuel Hutchinson, uraying to be continued Hutchin
son, plpe
pipe water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that
1lle said Samuel Hutchinson be and is hereby co ecor.
continued olle of the pipe water collectors during the
pipe water
at mace.
at mace.
city's pleasure, not exceeding one year ending ! ? J ~ 7 " J
Midsummer assembly 1808, he giving such security for
the faithful dischar@e of the duties of said office and
paying (0 the city treasurer all such sums of money
as he shall from time to time receive, said security to
be entered into in one month from this date or this order
to be void.
[13.) Robert Newell, praying to be continued pipe
w;ater collector: whereupon it was granted on the usual
order, that the said Robert Newell be and is hereby
continued one of the pipe water collectors during the
city's pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Mid-
summer assembly 1808, he giving such security for the
faithful discharge of the duties of said office and
paying to the city treasurer all such sums' of money as
he shall from time to time receive, said security to be
entered into in one month from this date or this ordor
to be void.
[14.) John Gregory, praying to be continued one of m. 175
the serjeants at mace of said city: whereupon it was
granted on the usual order, that the said John Gregory
be ,and is hereby continued one of the serjeants at mace
of said city during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending Midsummer assembly 1808, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
office as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
and redelivery of the silver mace, said security to be
entered into in one month f:mm this date or this order
to be void, provided also tha,t he do appear on public
days in proper gown of office.
[15.) J ames Bardin, praying to be continued one of
the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was granted on the
usual order, that the said J ames Bardin be and is
hereby continued one of the serjoeants at mace of said
city during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year
ending Midsummer assembly 1808, he giving such
011 xxvi.
i. 175.
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said 1807.
office as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
and redelivery of the silver mace, said security to be
entered into in one month from this date or this order
to be void, provided also that he do appear on public
days in proper gown of office.
[16.] Matthew. Courtney, praying to be continued ono
.)f the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was granted on at mare.
the usual order, that the said .Matthew Courtney be and
is hereby appointed one of the serjeants at mace of said
cHy during the city' s pleasure, not exceeding one year
ending Midsummer assembly 1808, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
office, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
and redelivery of the si lV('r maee, said security to be
entered into in one month from this date or this order
to be void, provided also that he do ,appear on public
days in proper gown of office.
[17.] :Mrs. Seguin, praying for some aid: where- Segoln.
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the
city treasurer on the Lord J\Iayors warrant the sum Grant.
of ten guineas, for the reasons in her petition

[18.] Sarah Walker. praying for usual aid: where- Walker.
upon it was jlrdered, that the city treasurer do, on the
Lord J\Iayor' s warrant, pay petitioner the snm of Grant ..
25, sterling, for the reasous in her petition mentioned .
Hugh Trevor.-John Exshaw.-Richard Manders.
-Samuel Reed.- J ohn Carleton.-J ames Vance.-
Frederick Dar!ey.-William Henry Archer.-Abraham
Bradley King.-William Stamer.-John Cash.'
1807. July 17.-Admissions to franchise.
1807. July 17.-Declaration and signatures.
1807. October lB.- Thinl Frirlay after the 29th day
of September.
Michaelma,s AssembJy held at the Exhibition House !Oli9Y
in W illiam stI1eet.
Lord Mayor: Hugh Trevor.
Sheriffs: John Alley and Alexander Montgomery.
[1.] Alderman Joseph Pemberton, late Lord Mayor,
praying for usual sum of 1,000, sterling: whereupon
it waiol ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord
Mayor's warrant, pa:y alderman Joseph Pemberton the
sum of 1,000, sterling, for the reasons in his pet.ition
[2.] "Resolv,ed, that a committee consisting of alder- m. 193 b'
men Henry Howison, John Carlet.on, Frederick Darley,
Abraham Bradley King, and John Cash with five of
the commons to be named by the SheTiffs and Commons
be and aI'e heI1eby ,appointed a oommittee with the
assistance of thel Recorder to prepare addresses to the
late Lord Mayor and Sheriffs."
[The five of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard,
William Cope, William McAuley, John Claudius
Beredord, Robert Shaw.
[3.] The address of the corpomtion of Dublin to the
late Lord Mayor.
'To alderman Joseph Pemberton, late; Lord :i\fayor.
, Sir.
'''Ve, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin in oo=on council
assembled, take this opportunity of e'xpressing our
perfect satisfaction and returning you our grateful
thanks for your exoollent and exemplary conduct in
the high office which you lately filled, so much to the
advantage of the publioand to your own honour.
, In retiring into private life, you carry with you the
affectionate wishes of your fellow citizens, who will long
remember tlIe dignified integrity, impartiality, and
politenB'ss which distinguished you in office. m. 192.
oll xxvi .
. 192.
, Accept then the grateful and affectionate thanks of
your feHow citizem, which we know you will consider
as the most honourable rew,ard for your virtuous
exertions in the public service.
, In testimony whel1eof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th day City ,eal.
of October, in the year of our Lord 1807.'
Ordered, that the said address be ,engrossed, put under Order.
the city seal, and presented to alderman J oseph
Pemberton, late Lord Mayor, ,accompanied by a gold Gold uox.
box of the value of twenty-five guineas, and that said
address together with his answer be published in the
Dublin Journal.
" My Lord and Gentlemen. Answer.
"To receive the thanks of the ancient and loyal
corporation of the city of Dublin, I consider the highest
honour that can be conferred upon a citizen. HUllou,.
" My exertions to fill the high and important office of Exertions.
Lord Mayor to the advantage of the public, has through
your kindness and partiality been honoured by such
marks of your approbation and esteem as time cannot Esteem.
efface from my memory.
"To carry into privato life the affectionate good
19:J b wishes of my'. fellow citizens must give me great satis-
factioh and impress deeply on my mind how much I am
indebted to them for this distingu ished mark of their
"I am, my Lord and Gentlemen, your obedient
"Joseph Pemberton."
[4.] The Lord Mayor and Board of Alde.rmen request of
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in pre-
senting a piece of plate value 50, to Mrs. Pemberton,
late Lady Mayoress, for her very polite attention to the
corporation and citizens at large during her residence in !Oll192
the Mansion House, and that a committee consisting
of aldermen Samuel Reed, Abraham Bradley King, and
N athaniel Hone with three of the commons to be named
by the Sheriffs and Commons, be, and are hereby
appointed to prepare a suitable inscription for same.
[The three of the commons: 1 Messieurs Richard
Manders junior, Edmond Nugent, William Lindsay.
Answer. " My Lord and Gentlemen.
Gratitude. ., I receive with the most lively sentiment of grati-
tude this very affectionate and distinguished mark of
approbation from the, loyal and respectable corporation
of Dublin. I must indeed be devoid of sensibility, if I m. 191.
did not highly value so honourable and unprecedented
Testimony. a testimony of their esteem, though I cannot but feel
at the same time, that their kind parti,aJity has over-
rated my humble deserts.
"It certainly was my most ardent desire to fill my
Citizens. late high situation to the satisfaction of the citizens of
Dublin. Dublin. How agreeable must it the1',efore be to me to
find that my anxious wishes have been so happily
gr,a tified.
"Tho corporation of Dublin may be assured, that I
Friendship. will ever retain a deep sense of their friendship and
deem myself peculiarly happy in being considered by
them as deserving of so fiattering a distinction."
, Gentlemen.
'When we contemplate the arduous and laborious
c1uties, which you have lately discharged with so much
credit to yourselves and advantage to your fellow
citizens, we, cannot refrain from offering to you the just
tribute of our praise and approbation.
I xxvi.
1D1 b.
. The labour of presiding at two eIections, one of them
the most contested. which this city has experienced, has
given us an opportunity of bell()lding and applauding
the spirit, impartiality, and ooolness of your conduct.
, The nefarious banditti of robbers and forgers, who
had so long disturbed the publio peace and rendered
property insecure, and who have been brought to
conviction by your exertions, is an additional motive CouvictioD.
for our thanks and increases our satisfaction at having
raised to your high situation, men, who have so respect-
ably perform.ed the duties of the office.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said c,ity to be hereunto affixed this 16th day City a .. l.
of October, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
" My Lord {tnd Gentlemen. Anawer
"When we looked for and obtained from your hands
the appointment of High Sjleriffs of this city, we were
resolved, if possible, to merit your approbation and to
convince you, that our efforts in support of the duty
and dignity, of the office should keep pace with our
"That, we have so far succeeded ill our wishes as to
obtain your good op,inion amply compensates our labour Lahour.
and in whatevtr situat.ion we may be placed, whether
public or pri vate, we shall feel it our duty and inclina-
>0. tion to cultivate. and to merit a continuance of your
regards. Regards.
"vVe have the honour to be my Lord and Gentlemen
your obedient servants.
"Richard .Manders, junior.
"Edmond Nugent."
Ordered, that the foregoing address be engrossed, put Order.
. Addregg.
under the CIty seal, and presented tu the late High
Sheriffs, accompanied with a si] ver box to each of them

pipe water.
value five guineas, and that said address together with !.'lill't
their answer be published in the Dublin Journal.
[6.] "Resolved, that the thanks of the Sheriffs and
Commons he presented to Mr. Howe lIfanders, late Sub-
Sheriff, fDr his very honourable and creditable CDnduct
in that office, the duties of whioh he discharged to the
satisfaction of his fellow citizens and the. public at
The Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrence
of the. Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the fore-
going resolution.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheniffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution.
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
CDmmittee appointed for bette,r supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water l:ua,ve made the. annexed report
of the 15th day of October, 1807. m. 190 b.
, We, the CDmmittee appointed for be.tter supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the. business committed to our cal'e since. our last
report. Your committee ordered new books to be given
to the respective CDllectors upon their paying up their
several halances and making a :final return of their
accounts. Your CDillmittee directed the banks of the
hason to be repaired under the direction of your
'Your CDmmittee received petitions from the inhabi-
ta,nts of Hardwicke street, east J ames street, and
Rydor's row praying that mains should be laid for
their supply, which your oommittee directed should be
done under the inspection of your engineer.
'Your commit.tee directed that the different pipe
water collectors should not accept of less rent than
shall be given them in charge for their collection,
II xxvi.
190 b.
' 189 b.
out the previous c{)nBent of your committee or the super- 1807.
visor, e,lse such collector should be held for
the difference. Your finding the adoption of Difference.
this regulation necessary, by the observance, of which
your committee will benefit consiuerably.
'Your committee also mrecteu that lists should be
furnished by the oolledors of all arrears in their r,espec-
tive wards and that tbey should use eve.ry exertion to Ward,.
collect the amount thereof, a mea.sure. which if
regularly attended to in future will considerably benefit
your establishment.
'Your committee requested the attendance of tho
several persons who wero snpplied hom the water
conrse near Dolphin's Barn, conceiving that your
honours were not sufficiently compensated for their con-
sumption of water. Your committee thereforo resolved
. and do recommend that messieurs Clarke should pay in Clarke.
future for their supply of water 60, per annum, and
that all other persons shall pay for their respedive
supplies at the rate of 10, per annum each, for every Rates.
inch ferrule they may ha,ve, to oommence on the 25th
of Docember next. Messieurs Clarke, I3oarclman,
Sheil, Fairbotham, and Wilde, your committee beg
leave t; mention, attended and agreed to th@e terms.
, Your committee directed that the different
collectors sho.uld in future pay for the expenses attend- Expen,es,
ing, eptering into, and perfecting their respective bonds Rond,.
annually, the costs of which have hitherto been paid
by your honours.
'Your committee conceive it their duty to return
their unanimous thanks toO the late Chief Magistrate
and Sheriffs, as well for their polite and constant Sheriffs.
attention to your CDmmittee, as for their unremitting Attention.
attention and assiduity during their year of office in
promoting upon ,all occasions the interest of your
1807. ' And your committee, in consequence of a communi-
cation had with the paving board on the subject of
paving over mains, have come to an agreement with
them, to do that work by persons to contract with your
committee, and an agreement to that effect has been
submitted to us by the paving boarJ, which we recom-
mend to be canied into effeot.
City leases.
, Your committee also reoommend that the necessary
expenses of Mr. Andrew Coffey going to England to
disposo of the steam engine, and procuring cast iron
pipes, and proper boring tools for canying on the
works be pa;id, amounting to sixty-three guineas.'
And the said commons, praying to confinn the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay m. 188.
Andrew Coffey the sum of sixty-three guineas within
[8.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
oommittee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 15th day
_of October, 1807.
"\Ve, the committee appointed for city
leases near expiring beg leave to inform your honours
that we have- been sedulously attentive to the various
business committed t.o our care since our last report.
Your committee took into consideration the encroach-
ment on that part of your honours' esiate, originally
NettlesoD. demised to Henry Nettleson, now out of lease and situate
Cuffestreet. at the rear of several houses in Cuffe street, extending
from Kevin's port nearly to Harcol1l't street. 'Which we
referred to a sub-committee consisting of the treasurer,
alderman William Henry Archer, messieurs \Villiam
.M:cCready and Daniel .Moore, who having viewed
Map. the premises directed your snrveyor to make a map of
11 xx,i.
188 b.
the same, thereby the more accurately to ascertain your 1807.
honours' property.
, A.nd your committee having summoned before them
the several persons occupiers of the houses, at the rear
of which such encroachments have been made, the
majority of them have been disposed to come into
terms, which will prove highly a,dvantageous to the
corporation. Dut as this business is now only in
progress during which your committee have been
assisted by Mr. Recorder, we are of opinion and re com- Recorder.
mend that the committee to be appointed at next
assembly be invested with full power to treat with the
several occupiers and to calTY into effect the same in
such manner as shall appear best calculated to promote
the corporation's interest by setting the whole of the Interest.
ground to the best advantage.
'Your committee advertized the ground in Bonham
street to be set, as formerly demised, with the green
hide Cl'ane to William Grumly and lately surrende11ed Gruml),.
by him, and set the same, by auction in the usual
manner to JamBS Fegan at the rent of 40, per annum,
so that the city's rental has been thereby increased
35, annum, illasmuch as your honours allowed
Mr. Grumly the former tenant an abatement of 5, per
annum, in oonsequence of said surrender.
, Your committee had a case laid before the, RBcorder
for his ancl opinion respecting thE) laying out of
Saint Stephen' s Green for building upon, in con Be-
187. quence of which your committee are of opinion and do
recommend that your honours' estate in Saint
8tephen's Groon be improved according to tho plan laid Plan.
down by your surveyor, inasmuch as same will tend to
ornament the metropolis and to the increase of your
honours' income.'
A.nd the sa,id commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
City law
men's bills.
thereupon granted, the committee's report conrmed
and maue an act of assembly, save as to that part
which relates to the improvement of Saint Stephen's
Green, which is postponed for fmther consideration.
[9.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee for conducting the oity's Jaw busine,ss have
made. the annexed report of the 15th day of October,
'\Vs, the oommittee appointed for <londucting the
city's law business, beg lecave to inform yom lordship
and honours that we met and took into consideration
the accounts of messieurs Alien ,and Greene, Town
Clerks, for one year commencing the 29th of September,
1806, and ending the 29th of September, 1807, referred
to us at last assembly. And .your committee appointed ID. 187 b.
a sub-committee consisting of aldermen Thomas
Andrews, \Villiam Henry Archer, messieurs John
Giffard, Matthew \Vest, Joshua Dixon, and John Read,
to examine the ,said ,accounts, who have reported to us.
"That they inspected the sam!'! and found them to
correspond vvlith the table of fees established by the
corporatiQn, and therefore recommend that the amount
thereof being 274 3s. 10!d., be paid."
, \Vith which report your committee agree.'
And the said commons, praying to <lonfirm the said
report and make the same, an act of assembly; it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and ordered, that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord :Mayor's warrant, pay
messieurs Allen and Greens the sum within reported
due to them.
[10.] Certain of the oommons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tr,adesmen's bills
have made the annexed report of the 15th day of
October, 1807.
'We, the committee appointed for examining trades-
men's bills, beg leave to inform your honours that we 1807.
met and inspected the several bills laid before us, and
186 h.
your committee finding that the following bills having
priority of date and being regularly vonched by
affidavit, recommend that the same be paid, that is to
s. d.
, Alderman
John Exshaw for print-
ing and stationery in 1806 114 o 10
, Peter Wilson for iron work in 1806 ... 67 4 6
, Messieurs Liudsay and Son for
rib bands for the state coach in
1806 18 4 0
'W illiam Leet for gowns for officers
at mace in 1806 20 0 0
, Benjamin
Eaton for carpenters
work in 1806 ... 53 15
John Callaghan for glazing work
in 1806 87 8 1
'James King for papering in 1806 ... 8 Hi
, Same person for like in 1806 16 8
Thomas Reed for plumbers work in
1802 21 13 8
, person for like in same year ... 4 2
, Same person for like in 1804 15 3 9
, Richard J ackson for glass work in
35 4 4
, John
Dickinson for iron work in
1806 21 12
, Thomas
Palmer for new cushions
and repairs of the state coach ... 45 5 2
' And the Freeman's Journal bills for
ad vertising in the years 1801,
1802, and 1803 52 12 9
581 11 4
'Which several bills amount altogether to the sufu
of 581 lIs. 4d.
, And your committee having taken into consideration
the bill of George Harv,ey for engrossing freedoms and
addresses in the years 1806 and 1807, amounting to
50 4s. 3d., which being regularly vouched by affidavit
and the same not chargeable upon the sum usually
allowed for tradesmen's bills, we recommend that the
amount thereof be paid.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the oommittee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay tho
several persons within mentioned the sums reported due
to them respectively.
[l1.J Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for providing furniture for the
Mayoralty house have made the 'annexed report of the
15th day of October, 1807.
'We, the committee appointed for providing furniture
for the Mayoralty house, having taken into oonsidera-
tion the following bills.
'John Norton, esquire, for carpeting
for the Mayoralty house in the
years 1805 and 1806 amounting
to the sum of ...
'Also the balance of Mr. William
McCready's bill for furniture,
s. d.
]09 7 /'
2011 2
129 18 9
m. 185.
Furniture. 'We recommend that said sums be paid, being furni-
ture indispensably neoessary and particularly as there
has been this year a very oonsiderable saving in the
)11 xxvi.
usual articles of painting and p1astering at the 1807.
.l'iJ ayoralty house.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the smd Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the comm-iUe's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the several sums Payment.
within mentioned.
And it is further ordered, that the olll furniture in
the Mansion House be sold under the direction of the
Lord Mayor, and that a proper inventory be made of
the furniture in the house.
[12.] Certain of the commons, praying to appoint a
c.ommittee to prepare an ,address to the right honour- Address.
able Sir Arthur vVellesley, baronet, for his very gallant Wellesley.
conduct befme Copenhagen: whereupon it was orcLered, ..
that the contents of said petition be referred to a com-
mittee consisting of aldermen William Alexander, John
185 b. Carleton, Thomas Andrews, and Henry Hutton with
four of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons, who with the assistance of the Recorder are
to prep-ar,,; said address.
[The, four of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard, COIDIDons.
William Cope, William McAuley, Mark Bloxham.
'To general Sir Arthur WelIesley, baronet, chief
ge0retary of Ireland.
'Ve, the wrd Mayor, Sheriffs, commons and citizens
of the city of Dublin, ,anxiously embrace the earliest
opportunity of congratulating you on your safe and
triumphant return from the late momentous and
important expooition to Denmark, an expedition Denmark.
planned in wisdom, performed with intrepidity, and
City seal.
Return to
executed with that judgment ,and promptitude which
the necessity of the times so imperiously required.
, We are proud to claim as our countryman, an
officer who in so mllilly climes has led the troops of our
beloved sovereign to victory and glory, and who in this
last expedition sustained so very conspicuous and
honourable a part.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the (lommon
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed thi,s 16th
day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1807.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do stand the address of m. 184.
the Lord She,riffs, (lommons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin to Sir Arthur Wellesley and that same
be engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented by
the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, committee" and such of the
corporation as choose to attend, .and that same with his
answer be published in the Dublin Journal.
"My Lord and Gentlemen.
" I consider myself fortunate that my servioes should
htlJve been employed by his majesty on the expedition
to the Baltic, in the success of which the interests and
safety of this oountry were so materially involved.
"And I am very much flattered by the obliging
terms in which your lordship and my fellow oitizens of
Dublin have expressed their satisfaction upon my
return to Ireland.
" Arthur Wellesley."
[13.) Certain of the oommons, praying for freedom
to brigadie.r-general J ames Leith: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[14.] James Digges Latonche, esquire" praying for
freedom, the rather it being at the request of alderman
Joseph Pemberton, late Lord Mayor: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
. [15.] Thomas Saunders, esquil'e, praying for
freedom, the rather it being at the request of alderman S.unders.
Joseph Pemberton, late Lord Mayor: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[Hi.] Giloo naxon, esquire, praying for freedom:
whereupon it was granted, on a fine of 4, sterling.
[17.] Jacob J'ackson, pmyillg fm' freedom: where-
upon it was grunted, on a fine of 4. sterling.
[IS.] Thomas Sheppard, praying for freedom:
whereupon it was granted, on a fine of 4, sterling.
[19.] Alderman John Exshaw, praying for payment Exshaw.
of bill for stationery and provided for the
Market House, Lonl .i\Iayor's Court, et cetem, amount-
ing to 179 15s. lld., sterling: whereupon it was
ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's
warrant , pay petitioner the said sum of 179 15s. lId., Payment.
sterling, for the n::asons in his petition mentioned.
[20.] John Lambert, clerk of commons, praying for Lambert,
. clerk of
usual allowance: whereupon It was ordered, that commons.
petitioner be paid by the city treasurer on the Lord
Ma,yor's ,,-arrant the sum of fifteen guineas, faT the Payment.
reasons 'in .his petition mentioned.
[21.] 'J ames Evatt, praying to be continued one of the
pipe water collectors: whereupon it was ordered, that cofleetor.
183. the said J ames Evatt be and is hereby continued one
of the colled:ors of the pipe water revenue during the
city's' pleasure, not exceeding one year ending
lIIichaelmas assembly 1S0S, he giving such security Security.
for the faithful di scharge of the duties of that office,
as the pipe water committee shall approve of, and
paying to the city tl'easurer all such sums of money
as he shall l'eceive, said security to be entered inlo in
one monlh from this date or this order to be void.
[22.] Trosham Gregg, praying to be cont.inned
gaoler: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Tresham Gregg be and is hereby continued gaoler of
at mace.
at mace.
the New Prison for one year ending lIfichaelmas ! ~ ~ 8 ~ \
assembly 1808, provided that he the said Tresham
Gregg do constantly reside in the said gaol and strictly
adhere to and observe the directions particularly set
fmth in the act of Michaelmas assembly 1787, for
regulating said prison, and upon the said Tresham
Gregg giving security for indemnifying the city from
all escapes and for the faitbful discharge of the duties
of said office, such as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs
shall approve of, said se,curity to be entered into in one
month from this date or this order to be void.
[23.] John Rose, praying to be continued one of the m. 183
sergeants at mace: whereupon it was granted on the
usual order, thrut the said J,ohn Rose be and is hereby
continued one of the, se,rgeants at mace of said city
during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year
ending lIIichaelmas assembly 1808, he giving such
security for the .faithful discharge. of the duties of said
office and redelivery of the silver mace, as the Lord
Mayor and Sheliffs shall approve of, said security to
be entered into in one m,onth from this date or this
order to be void, provided also that he do appear on
public days in proper gown of office.
[24.] Ephraim Ellis, praying to be appointed one of
the serjeants at mace,: whereupon it. was ordered, that
the said Ephraim EIlis, be and is hereby appointed one
of the serjeantsat mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, for one year endJing Michruelmas assembly
1808, he giving such security for the faithful discharge
of the duties of that ,office land redelivery Of the silver
mace, as the Lord :NIayor and Sheriffs shall approve
of, said security to be enter,ed into in one month from
this date or this order to be void, provided also that he
do appear on public days in pr')per gown of office.
[25.] Mary Swettenham, p;-aying for some aid:
whereupon it was ordered, tb'1t the oity treasurer do,
. oil xxvi.
1. 183 b.
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the petitioner the 1807 .
sum of 25, sterling, for the purpose of providing her Grant.
with clothing, the same to be paid on her own receipt
[26.] Margaret Smith, praying for usual allowance Smith.
for cleaning and lighting the fires at the market
house: whereupon it was ordered, that the petitioner
be pa,id .on the Lord Mayor's walTant tho sum of two Payment.
guineas, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[27.] Gatherin Darquier, praying for usual ail!: Darquier.
whereupon it was onlered, that the petitioner be paid
by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the
sum of ten guineas, for the reasons in her petition Grant.
[28.] Benj amin Gibson, praying for some aid: Gibsou.
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord }fayor's warrant, pay the petitioner the
sum of 11 78. Gd., sterling, for the reasons in his Grant.
ptition mentioned.
1807. October 26.-Adjournment of 1fichaclmas
[29.] Whereas it has been stated to this house, that
Robert ,Willard and 'IV illi am Grove, wardens of the
corporation of shoemakers, did C01'l'Uptly, tyranni cally,
and contrary to . their oaths and the tenour of the
charter of thilt corporation, refuse to sign the certi-
ficates of the frredom of Thomas Dooley, which was
duly tendered to them,
"Resolved, that the said Robert Willard and
William Grove be summoned forthwith before this summoned.
common council to show cause why they should not be
disfranchised for this offence,"
The Lord JliIayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons' in the above res{)[n[i on and
that the necessary steps shall be taken, under the
Recorder's direction, by the prope-r officers against said
Willanl and Grove to be. grounded upon proper docu-
ments and proofs to be brought forward in support of
the charges against them or the offence aforesaid.
" Resolved, that it appears to this assembly that the
charges .agalinst Willard and Grove have been fully
proved, but inasmuch as they have solemnly declared
that they acted through ignorance and have manifested
a proper oontrition, the assembly do hereby direct that
Reprimand. the Lord Mayor do reprimand and dismiss them."
George Ill.
'Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor.-Frederick Darley.-
N athani,el Hone. - William Stamer. - Henry Gore
i::lankey. - John Exshaw. - Samuel Reed. - Hugh
Crothers.-John Carleton.'
lS07. October 16.-Admissions to franohise.
lS07. October 16.-Dedaration and signatures.
180S. January 22.-Fourth Friday ,alter the 25th of
December, lS07.
Christmas Assembly held at the Exhibition House in
William street.
[1.) Certain of the oommons, praying to appoint a
oommittee to prepare an address to his majesty on the
present momentous period of public affairs : where-
upon it was ordered, that IlJ oommittee oonsisting of
aldermen Henry Howison, John Carleton, and John
Cash, together witlI three of the commons to be named
by the Sheriffs and Oommons with the assistanoe of the
Recorder, be and are hereby appointed a committee to
prepare an address to his majesty, pursThant to the
prayer of the petition, and that same' be engrossed, put
under the oity &e,al, and presented by the oorporation
at large to his excellenoy the lord lieutenant, in order
that same may be transmitted to his majesty.
[The three of the oommons:) Messieurs John Giffard,
William Cope, William MoAuley.
1I xxvii.
9 b.
''To the king's most oxcellent majesty.
, 1'h.e humbl e address of the Lorel Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons and citizens of the city of Dublin in common
council assembled.
, i\Iost gracious sovereign.
'We, the Lord l\fayor, Sheriffs, oommons, and
citizens of your majesty's faithful and loyal city of lion.
Dublin, beg leave to approach your majesty with senti-
ments of the warmest affection to your majesty's sacred
person, dutiful respect for your gov.crnment, and
grateful veneration for that most exalted conduct by
which your majesty has set to the worlcl a glorious
example of religion and morality of public ancl private
'VVf'! humbly and sincerely thank your majesty for
the vigilance aml firmness with which yon have Vigilanc
watched and clefended our happy oonstitution in
church and state, and we feel ourse,lves called upon at
this momentous period to declaI;e OLlr perfect confidence
in the wisdom of your ma,jesty's government, our
dete'rmination to exert our utmost efforts in its support.
'With unbounded gratitude to the almighty disposer of
of all human affairs, we reflect that while a system of
ernel and uitprincipled tyralmy has been exercised
over most of the oontinent of Europe, overthrowing the
rights and libe1iies of great aml ancient governments
and reducing their people to one common slavery. "Ve,
through your majesty's parental care and faithful
guardianship, enjoy those rights and liberti es which
8. the courage and wisdom of our ancestors acqnireJ and
which have been transmitted to us, as our best inheri-
, Under these circumstances and well knowing your
ma;jesty's firmness, we have tho fullest confidence, that Confidence.
City seal.
Petition of
tion of
Petition of
of Ireland.
the, justice of our caUEe and the wise and vigorous ~ l t x x v i i .
measures of your majesty's government must soon
bring the contest to a favourable issue, and that the
nations of the earth will behold us, who have been the
glorious assertors of constitutional freedom in the proud
situation of being able under divine providence to
restore peace and tranquillity to the world.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affbmd this 22nd
day of January, in the year of our Lord, 1808.'
Ordered, that the foregoing address do stand the
address of the Lord Mayor, Sheri ffs, commons and
citizens of the city of Dublin and be presented, pur-
suant to the order of this day.
[2.] Certain of the commons, praying to appoint a
committee to prepare addresses to the imperial pal'lia-
ment against the claims of the Roman Catholics:
whereupon it was ordered, that ,81 committee consisting
of aldermen William Alexander, John Exshaw,
Frederick Darley, and Abraham Bradley King, with
four of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons, with the assistance of the R000rder, be and
are hereby appointed 'aJ committee to prepare the said
addresses, pursuant to the said petition.
[The four of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard,
William Cope" William McAuley, Edward Stanley.
, To the knights, citizens, and burgesses in parlia-
ment assembled.
'The humble petition of the Lord Mayor, She,riffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in common m. 8 b.
council assembled.
, Sheweth,
, That your petitioners have heard with the deepest
regl1et, that a petition has again been presented to this
k xb:vii. honourable house by ce,rtain persons ill the name of 1808.
the Roman Catholics of Ireland, c.ontaining demands Demand"
of p.olitical power, which if yielded, would be ruinous
to our happy constitution ill church and state.
'That the good conduct of the Irish Roman Catholics, Conduct.
as rec.ognised by the Irish legislature in 1799, t.ook 1799.
place under the operation of severe laws, which since
that period have been from time to time repealed, so te";!led.
as to place the Roman Catholics of Ireland upon a
footing of political power and civil liberty not enjoyed Liberty.
by any dissenters fr,om the established church in any
other state. And thou gh the Roman Catholics declared
at the time of relaxillg th.ose laws, that they would
be fully content, yet we are salTY toO .observe, tlmt that
cordiality and uuion of sentiment, which would be so
de,sirable in Irelflind, have not yet taken place.
'That the made by the Irish Roman
Catholics of their being excluded from the privileges Privileges
. . . of corpora-
of corporatIOns IS wh.olly unfounded, masmuch as they tions.
are admissible into all guilds and corporations on
taking ,the oaths in the,ir former petiti.ons recited, and
many of them do at this time actually enjoy and exer-
cise such privileges.
'But your petitioners observe, that the object of this
assertion seems to be to induce the legislature to
()ompel the Frotestant corporations of Ireland to elect
Romait Catholics into their franchises in such numbers,
as to overbear and destroy the Protestant
An attempt. which was made, both in England and
Ireland during the short and arbitrary reign of that
unfortunate and infatuated monarch, king J ames the Jame, H.
Second, and with other serious innova,tions led to the
glorious rea,ssmtion of the ()onstitution in church and
state under the great and good king William.
'And your petitioners beg leave most humbly to
impress upon this honourable house, that the lower
1808. orders of Roman Catholics in Ireland are in possession
Catholics. of civil , religious, and political liberty in as eminent
Prowslants. a degree as the Protestants of the same rank and
Restraints. station. Alld even the restraints complained of by
said petition affect a very inconsiderable number of
Roman Catholics, and only those who avow their
obj ect to be the attainment of political power, which
upon every former occasion they not only stu diously
concealed, but repeatedly disclaimed.
, Though now they do not hesitate openly to declare
that nothing less than political power will satisfy their
ambitious views, and which if granted, would in the
Toleration. place of that mild toleration and liberal policy
experienced by his majesty's subjects of every descrip-
tion in this realm, lay a fresh foundation for the
Arbitrary exercise of that arbitrary and intolerant spirit, which
formerly had almost extinguished the Protestant
interest in Ireland.
'Petitioners therefore humbly conceive, that the
held out by the petition to this honourable
house, videlicet, that granting the demands of the
Roman Catholics of Ireland would extinguish all
Disunion. motives to disunion and means of discontent are utterly
fallacious and unfounded. And we therefore most
Demands. humbly submit, that if the demands contained in said
petition were acceeded to, all the fences and securities
Legislature. of our excellent constitution in church and sta,te estab- m, 7 b.
lished by Protestant legislators from the time of the
Reformation to the reign of his present majesty would
be destroyed and annihilated, and his majesty's
Protestants. Protestant subjects be again devoted to all those
miseries, calamities, and persecutions, which they
Popery. never ceased to experience when Popery had the
'Petitioner s therefore pray, that this honourable
house will continue t.o preserve unimpaired our excel-
toll xxvii.
il. 7 b.
lJUllLlN ROLL, 1808. 71
lent oonstitution and reject the demands of the Roman
Catholics of Ireland_ tution.
I In testimony wheroof, we have caused the common
seal of the city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd day of City seal.
January, in the year of our Lord, 1808.'
Ordered, that the foregoing petition do stand the Order.
petition of the Lord :Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, Petition.
and citizens of the city of Dublin, and that same be
engrossed, put under the city seal, and one copy thereof City seal.
forthwith transmitted to his royal highness prince
Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, to be by him
presented to the house of lords, and another copy thereof land.
to be transmitted at same time to each of our represen-
tatives in parliament. but not to be presented, unless the Parliament.
petition of the Roman Catholics be presented.
[3.J Auditors of the city accounts for the last. year,
Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, masters of the works, aldenIlen accounts,
William Alexander, John Exshaw, Henry Howisnn,
Charles '1'horp, Hugh C1'othe1's, Joseph Pemborton,
WiUiam Henry Archer, Thomas Andl'ews, John Cash,
and eighteen of the commons to be named by the
Sheriffs a}ld Commons or any nine of them, whereof the
Lord Mayor and one of the Sheriffs to be always two,
and in the absence of the Lord Mayor, the senior alder-
man present toprelSide, be and are hereby appointed
auditors of'the city acoounts from the 29th September,
1806, to the 29th September, 1807.
[The eighteen of the' commons: J Messieurs ,\Villiam Common,.
Cope, \Villiam ],jndsay, Goorge \Val sh, Francis
Hamilton, William McAuley, John Giffarcl, J{) hn
Townsend Sinnott, Joshua Dixon, William l\[cCready,
John Evatt, Elias Riky, William Leet, Frederick
Goorge Bourns, John Dooley, John Read, Thomas
Palmer, James King, \Villiam McKol1zie.
[4.J Ordereci, that Richard 'Manders, junior, and
Edmond Nugent, esquires, late High Sheriffs, be and
1808. are hereby appointed masters of the city's works for
the ensuing year.
[5.] Certain of the commons, praying to reimburse the
late Lord .?lfayor his expenses in providing horses and
servants for the state coach: whereupon it was ordered,
that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Maym-'s warrant,
pay aldeil:man Joseph Pembe.rton, late Lord lI,fayor the
sum of 50, sterling, for that purpose, the same to be
allowed in his accounts.
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
water. co=ittee appDinted for better supplying the city with
pipe water have made the annexed report of the 24th

day of December, 1807.
'We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe wate;r, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been very careful a.s to the
business committed to us since our last report.
, And your committee shortly after making the same
received a letter from the commissioners fDr paving.
lighting, and cleansing, declining to enter into the
agreement proposed by them for allowing your com-
mittee to' pave ov,er the Dpenings on the pipe water
'Your oommittee having received a letter from
messieurs John Jail1leson and Company off.ering 800,
for the steam engine payable in twelve months, we
requested the city t:masurer to make the best bargain
he could in that respect for ready money allDwing dis-
count not exceeding twelve months. m. 6 b.
'Your committee receoived a petition from several
skinners in Watling street. for an abatement in their
pipe water rent, but your committee not thinking it
advisable to comply therewith di]1ected the same to be
, Your committee signed an order for payment to the
Gr.and Canal company of 1,394 10s. 7td., being
12 10s., pe,r cent. on 11,156 Gs.Od., the gross produce 1808.
of the pipe water revenue for the year ending 24th Payment.
JlllB, 1806.
'Your committee gave directions to Mr. Andrew Coffey.
Coffey to purchase such pitch pine timber, as he could Timber.
obtain fit, for the works.
, And your committee beg leave to obsene, that in
consequence of the determination of your honours to
retain the supply of the Graml Canal water for both
sides of the city, together with the aill of the Royal
Canal, we shall have at all times an abundant and
ample supply to distribute to our fellow citizens.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report, and make the same an act. of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
[7.] Certain of the commons, pmying to grant the
usual allowance to alderman Joseph Pemberton for a Allowance.
horse and cart for admeasuring coals during his
Mayoralty: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
treasurer -do, on the Lord ,Ylayor's w,arrant, pay alder- Payment.
man Joseph Pembcrton the sum of 40, sterling, for the Pembertoll.
reasons .in said petition mentioned.
[8.J Certain of the commons, praying to confer the Franchise.
freedom of this corporation on lieutenant-colonel Burne Burne.
of t.he 36th 'r,egiment of foot, in consideration of his
spirited and gallant conduct in the attack on Buenos
Ayres: whereupon it was granted, pursuant to the
5. prayer of the petition, gratis, and that same be
engrosseLl, put under tho city seal, and presented to him.
[9.] Alderman Henry ILowison, praying to have three Howison.
pipe water b0l1l1s of 500, each, e,xchangecl for fifteen Pipe water
. bonds.
bonds of 100, each: whereupon It was ordored, that
fifteen bonds for 100, each, on the pipe water estab-
lishment be made out and put under the city seal and City seal.
given to the petitioner in lieu of the three bonds above
ings at
mentioned, the petitioner being at the expense of pre-
paring and sealing such bonds.
[J 0.] " Resolved, that in future no proceedings what-
ever be taken at law, without first previously laying the
nature or cause of such proceedings before the Roorder
for his advice and obtaining his opinion and direction
The Lonl Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrenoe of the Sheriffs and Oommons in the fore-
going resolution.-A.llowed.
Wilson. [11.] The reverend James Wilson, praying for two
City bonds. new city bonds in lieu of bonus, numbers 174. and 211.
rendered useless to petitioner, the endorsements thereon
being from age worn off and therefore not transferable:
whemupon it was ordered, that petitioner do get two
bonds in liElU of the said two bonds in said petition
City seal. mentioned, and that same be put under the city seal
and given to petitioThsr, provided he legally
entitled thereto, petitioner being at the expense of the
officer of
[12.] John Tew, praying for a copy of the lease
granted to John Hamilton of the lot No. 77. on t.he
North Strand, he having become entitled to said lot by
mesne assignment: it was therefore granted, pursuant m. 5 b.
la the prayer of the petition.
[13.] Richard Quintan, praying to be continued
mace bearer and officer of commons: whereupon
it was ordered, that the said Richard Quintan be and
is hereby continued mace and offioer of
commons during t.he city's pleasure, at a salary of
100, sterling.
[14.] Richard Quintan, officer of commons, praying
for usual -aJlowance for pr,oviding the Sheriffs and
Oommons with candles and other neoessaries for one
year: whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the
( xxvii
5 b.
DUllLIN ASSEMllLY ROLL, 1808. 75
sum of 5, sterling, for the re.asons in his petition 1808.
"Resolved, that this house highly approving the
general conduct of Mr. Richanl Quintan, offioer of Quinmn,
commons, and most particularly during the late trials
of contested elections, will support him against all
action brough't in tbe name of one McLoughrey, and
that the city law agent be ordered to t.ake defonce rey.
accordingly _"
The Lord and Boanl of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the, foregoing resolution.

[15.] James Henry, praying to be continued one of Henry,
pIpe water
the pipe. water collectors: where,upon it was ordered, collector.
that. the said James Hemy be and is hereby oontinued
one of tho collectors of the pipe water re.venUEl during
the city's pleasure, not. exceeding one year ending
Ohristmas aBsembly 1809, he giving such security for Security.
the faithful discharge of the dutie-s of said office and
paying to the city treasurer all such sums of money as
he shall from time to timo reoeive, said security to bo
entered into, in one month from this date or this order
to be void.
4. [16.] Ale.xJamcler McOullogh, praying to be continued
keeper of the city ]I,f arshalsea: whereupon it was keeper.
ordered, that-the said Ale:IDamder McOullogh be and is
hereby continued keepe,r of the city Marshalsea for one
year ending Christmas assembly 1809, at a salm'y of Salary.
:20, sterling, with all just fees and allowances
belonging to the said office, he giving security for Security.
indemnifying the oorporation from all e8capes, said
security to be entel1ed into in ten days before the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs, or this order to be void.
[17.) Jmncs Keating, praying to be appointed one of
the serjeants at maoe of the said city: whereupon it at mace.
was ordered, that the, said James Keating be and is
hereby appointed one of tho serjants at mace of said
city for one year ending Clllistmas assembly 1809, he
giving such security for the .acithful discharge, of the
duties of said office as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs
shall approve of, and redelivery of the silver mace,
said security to be entered into in one week, provided
also that he' do appcar on public days in proper gown
of office.
H,rvey. [18.] George Harvey, praying for payment of bill for
Addresses. engrossing addDElsses: whereupon it was ordered, that
the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant,
Payment. pay petitioner the sum of t.wenty guineas, for the
reasons in his petition mentioned.
Emerson. [19.] Rose Emeroon, praying fOl' usual aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petiticmer be paid by the
Grant. city treasurer on tho Lord Mayor's warrant the sum
of thirty guinoals sterling, for the reasons in her petition
French. Elizabeth French, praying for usual aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city trasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the
Grant. sum of 10, sterling, for the reasons in her petition
Xeill'. [21.] Mary Ann Kelly, praying for usual aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that ]J,titioner be paid by m. 4 b.
Grant. the city treasuror on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum
of five guineas, sterling, for the re'asons in her petition
Duplex. [22.] Thomas Duplex, praying for usual aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
Grant. treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of ten
guineas, sterling, for the reasons in his petition
1808. February of Christmas
[23.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
'f.'vii. oommittee appointed for enquiring how the city's
revenues may be increased and its expenses lessened revcnues.
have made the annexed report of the 23rd day of
February, 1808.
.;, ..
'We, the committee appointed for enquiring how the Report.
city's revenues may be increased and its expenses
lessened to whom it was referred to inspect the funds
of the corporation and the expenses thereof,-having
met several times 'and taken the same into our serious
consideration, beg leave to report that the following
further retrenchments can in our opinion be made.
'We find that the Town Clerks in right 0. their
appointment under the corporation and pursuant to the
established fees arc; entitled to the following salaries Fees.
and emoluments, videlicet:-
s. d.
, Their annual bill of cost averaged at
0 0
' Attendance on all committees GO 0 0
, Allowance for staMonery 10 0 0
, Fees
on sealing bonds on raising
money averaged at least per
annum to 40 0
, Dra"ving .orders on chari ty petitions 48 0 0
408 0 0
3.' 'In lieu whereof we recommend that
they bo aJlowed for the present
the yearly sum of 270 0 0
'Wherehy there will ba a saving
annually to the corporation of 138 0 0
'This allowanoe to commence the first of January Allowance.
last, and to be in lieu of all allowances payable to them
by the corporation, save and except thei r ancient sa,]ary Salary.
of three ponnds per annum and their attendances, ee.s, Fees.
et ootera, under the pipe water establishment. To Pipe water.
which arrangement the Town Clerks, at the instance of
78 DUBLIN Y ROLL, 1808.
1808. the co=ittee and in consideration of the present state xxv
of the city's finances, have consented for the present.
Account,. And we recommend that their accounts under the
established table of fees be settled by the law committee
to the first of January last, in order that the same may
be paid off.
'We are of opinion, that the Law Agents' sala.ry of
170 12s. 6d. per annum be discontinued for the
Salary. present and that there will be a salary of one hundred
guineas in lieu thereof allowed them in full for any
attendanC in future on the corporation or any of its
committees, for which their former sal.ary of one
hundred and fifty was paid, from this altera-
tion there will of course be an annual saving of
56 17s. 6d.
'We al'El also of opinion that the salaries payable to

Gold, or
the Clerks of the Commons are sufficient for their
trouble in the discharge of their duty, and therefore we
recommend that the additional allowance annually
paid to the assistant clerk of the commons on his
petltion be discontinued, making a saving annually of
17 Is. 3d.
'We ar,e of opinion, that the city Stationer do not
give in future any allowance of stationery to any officer
under tha co,rporation, but that all such officers do
provide the same at their own expense, annual saving m. 3 b.
'\Ve, further reoommEmd, that neither gold, or silver
boxes, or any other 0..'Cpensive compliment be granted to
any person whatever, save and exCpt to a lard
lieutenant and his secretary, and in such case to be
given only on their departurel from this country, if conduct should merit such distinction, annual
saving 100.
'Making toge,ther an annual saving of 41117s. 9d.
'And your committee reco=end, that city bonds
xxvii., for 10,000, be issued and handed over to the city 1808.
, b. City
Treasurer in part liquidation of the balance due to TreasureI.
him. '1'he rather as he has now an opportunity of
disposing of 7,000, thereof at a very advantageous
rate, and also as the Town Clerks have consented to
relinquish their fees on preparing and sealing them,
which will be a saving (if the foregoing arrangements
shall be adopted) of at least 150, on the issues thel1oof.
I We are also of opinion, that no compensation what-
ever be given in future to the Chief JIilagistrate for the Green.
use of Saint Stephe.n's Green to the army, annual
saving 170 12s. 6d.
I And your committee are of opinion, that a consider-
able further saving will arise by adopting the following
" That in future no member of the corporation or any
other person be employed to execute any work under tho Work.
corporation, exoept such work shall have been pre-
viously agreed for by est,imate sanctionod by the signa- Estimate,
tures of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and Oity 'l'reasurer."
I We also recommend, that the City Treasurer do
notify to several tenants of the city esta,te, that they
shall hereafter pay their rents regularly in twenty-one Rent"
days after same shall become due, or that immediate
proceedings will be taken to enforce them. By this
plan being ad,?pted, there will arise a saving on interest Interest,
of at least petr annum of 200.
I Making altogether an annual saving of 782
10s. 3d.'
Town Clerks salaries and emoluments
Law Agents
Clerks of the Commons
City Stationer
s. d.
138 0
o Schedule.
56 17 6
17 1 3
100 0 0
311 18 9
City seal.
Brought forward
Gold and Silver Boxes
Oity Bonds
Saint Stephen's Green
Interest ...
d Roll xx,
311 18
9 m. 2.
100 0 0
150 0 0
170 12 6
200 0 0
932 11 3
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly. And that the city seal
be affixed to bonds to the amount of 10,000, fnr the
purpose in said report mentioned.
1808. Adjournment of Christmas Assembly.
[24.] "Resolved, that from the various fatal accidents
which have from time to time occurred and more
particularly of i,ate in the Bay of Dublin, that it would
be highly advantageous to the commercial interests of
this conntry and in a great measnre te.nd to avert
future calamity, that a harbour between Howth and
Ireland's Eye should be and sections for
that purpose having been this day produced to us and
they appearing to possess a considerable degree of
merit.-We theDefore conceive them wen worthy the
attention of the several commen>ial boards of this city
and as such recommend, that they be laid before them
for their inspection."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
Concur the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the
forogoing resolution.-Allowecl.
Thanks. [25.] "Resolved, that the thanks of the Sheriffs and
Bowen. Commons be returned to v.ioe-admirai Bowen for his
zealous exertions to promote the commercial interests of
Dublin and to prevent the fatal accidents which fre-
Vessels. quently happen to vessels resorting to its port, by
1 xxvii.
2 b.
2 b
bringing forward plans which appear to us eligible for 1808.
making a secure harbour between Howth and Irelanrj",
Eye, by adopting which it also appears to us, the inter-
course between this oountry and Great Britain will be
greatly facilitated."
'rhe Sheriffs and Oommons request the concnrrence
of the Lord JliIayor and Boanl of Aldermen in the above
re sol u lion.
'The Lonl Mayor and Board of Aldormen agree with
the Sheriffs amI Oommons in the above resol11tion.
1808. January 22.-Admissions to fvanchise.
1808 . .January 22.-Dec.]aration and signatures.
1808. February 26.-Post Assembly.
[1.] "We, the Lord JliIayor and Board of Alllermen
of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated and
returned from amongst t.he Sheriffs' Peers, Humphryaldenllall.
Minchin ofFitzwilliam street, esquire, Drury Jones of
William street, esquire, Mountiford John Hay of
Dorset street, esquire, and .John Claudius Beresfonl of
Buckingham street, esquire, as fit persons to serve in
the place of alderman of said city and do hereby return
the names with the additions of the said four persons
to you the Sheriffs ana Commons of the said city in
order to your electing one of the said four ]lr8ons an
alderman of the said city in the room of alderman deceased.
Henry clecased.
" Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor."
[2.] "We, the Sheriffs and Oommons of the city of
Dublin, have this clay elected by ballot John Claudius
Beresford of Buckingham street, esquiro, from amollgst aldermau.
the four Sheriffs' Peers returned to this house by the
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen to the pl.acc of an
alderman of said city, in the room of aldermftn Henry
Hntton deceasell.
"John Alley, Alexander SheriffR."
of Lord
'Hugh 'rrevor, Lord Jifayor.-John Exshaw.-John
Oarleton.-William Alexander.-Jolm Rose.-Hugh
Orothrs. - John V,ance.. - J aIm Oash. - A braham
Bradley King.-Frederick DarJey.-Joseph Pemberton.
-Oharle,s 'rhorp.-Samuel Reed.-Alexander Kirk-
patrick.-Nathaniel Hone.-Thomas Fleming.-Henry
1808. April 29.-Second Friday after Easter . .! m. 18.
Easter Assembly held at tho Exhibition House in
,Villimn street.
[1.] "We, the Lord Jifayor and Board of Aldermen of
the city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot
alderman Alexander Kirkpatrick to serve in the place
or office of Lord Mayor of the said city for the ensuing
year commencing Jifichaelma,s next, and do hereby
return the said AIexander Kirkpatrick to you the
Sheriffs and Oommons of said city for your approbation.
" Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor."
" We, the Sheriffs and Oommons of the city 'of Dublin
in common council assembled, have this day by ballot
approved of alderman Alexander Kirkpatrick to serve ru. 18 !
in the office of Lord Mayor of said city 01' t.he ensuing
year commencing Michaelmas next.
"John Alley, Alexander Montgomery, Sheriffs."
[2.]" We, the Sheriffs and Oommons of the common
council of the c.ity of Dublin, have this day nominated
by ballot the following eight freemen of said city resi-
lIent within the said city or the liberties amI franchises
therelmto a,djoining, each of them worth in real and
personal estate in possession the sum of 2,000, sterling,
over and abov,e [\ill their just debts, that is to say, John
George of York street merchant, George Sutton of
William street merchant, Hickman Kearney of Abbey
street merchant, Joshna Dixon of Lower Ormond quay
J day, 17th April, 1808.
shoemaker, Edward Rtanley of Saint Stephen's Green
merchant, James Riddal of Suffolk street merchant,
J ames King of GraflOn street stationer, and Leon arc!
Ogilby of Dorset street merchant, as fit persons to serve
in the office of Sheriffs of the said city and do hereby
return the names with the additions of the said eight
persons to you the Lonl Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the said city, in ordor to your electing two of tho said
persons to be Sheri ffs of the said city for the ensuing
year commencing Michaslmas next.
"John Alley, Alexander :\Iontgomery, Sheriffs. "
" We, tho Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
city of Dublin, have this day by ballot elected .loshua
Dixon of Lower Ormoncl quay, shoemaker, and Leonard
Ogilby of Dorset stlJoot, merchant, out of the eight
persons returned to us by the Sheriffs and Commons to
serve in the office of Sheriffs of the said city for the
ensuing year commencing from Michaelmas next.
" Hugh Trervor, Lord J\f ayor."
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 28th day of April, 1808.
'We, the cQ.mmiHee appointed for better supplying Report .
the city. of DUblin with pipo water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the business oommitted to our care since our last
'Your oommittee conceiving that it wouW be highly
useful, that a turncock should at all times be in 'furncock.
attendance at the pipe water house, clirected the engineer Pipe
to fix on a proper person conversant in tho business for
that purpose, frail! which arrangement your cOllllniltc6
are of opinion much good may result.
'Your committee received an application from the
Clinical Hospital for a supply of water, which we
directed to be given. Your committee received a similar
application from the Surgeons' Hall in York street and
we directed a supply to be given thereto at 5, per
, Your commit.t<:e directed that the passage or small
piece of ground near the city bason should be enclosed
at each end under the direction of the engineer,
conceiving it more advisable so to do, than set
it as before proposed at so small a rent as 8, per
annum, particularly as it may become necessary here- m. 17-
after for the use of the corporation.
'Your committee 11eceived a proposal from the inhabi-
tants of Lower Gardiner street for a main to be laid f01'
their supply, which your committee directed to be done.
Your committee orderd the different collectors to dis-
train all person in arrear more than one year for pipe
water rent, feeling that from the immensity of improve-
ments to be made every aid will be required to meet
the expenditure.
, Your committee having taken int,o consideration the
utility as well as convenience the citizens of Dublin will
derive f1'Om having the streets of this metropo1is regu-
larly watered, particularly in the summer season, as
is the practice in London, referred to the engineer to
report the ,expense that might attend such an under-
taking. Who reported, that on the completion of the
improvements now carrying on, there will be abundant
provision for so useful a purpose, in the expense attend-
ing which your committee trust they will be aided by
the inhabitants.
'Your committee, in consequence of a letter received
from the paving board, directed the engineer to lay
down a service pipe on Burgh quay, prior to paving the
same. And as an ample snpply of timber in the stores 1808.
is at all times necessary, your committee directed the
engineBl' to purchase such quantity of Norway timuer,
as he shall conceive fit and proper.'
And the saicl commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
therenpon granted, the committee's report confirmed amI
made an act of assembly.
[4,.] Certain of the' commons, setting forlh that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near City leas.,.
expiring have made the annexed report of the 28th clay
of April, 1808.
'We, the committceappoimecl for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform yon r honours
that we have paid the slrictest attention to the various
business commiitecl to our care sinoe our last report.
'Your committee received a plan from YOllr surveyor
of the modo of regulaling and making out a new rental, )few rental.
and your committl'C conceiving it an object of the
highest ntility, directed an estimat() should be made of
the probable expense of making out maps and sllrvey-
ing your lordship and honours' estate agreeable to said '
, Your committee look into consideration the petitions
of J oseph Kelly 'for renewal of premises in Fleet
street, and Jan;es \Villiam \Vall for renewal of premises
in Church street, both of wbich your committee referred
to the law agents. ,Vho reported that they were
seveTally entitled thereto, your comlnittee therefore
recommend that they be granted.
'Your committee, pursuant to ]Jowers vesled in
them, turned their attention lo premises at the rear of
Cuffe street, callcel N"cLUeton's holding, and have by
agreement with some of the tenants occupying part of holding.
that holding added to your lordship unLI honours'

est ate by agreement with dill'erent tenants residing
there on, to wit.
s. d.
, Mrs. G.artside, at the rent per annum of 9 0
'Mr. George Skellern. at the rent per
annum of 15 0 0
, Mr. Peter Burnett, at the rent per annum
of 6 0 0
, Mr. Luke Conuor, at the r.ent per annum
of 2 10 0
, And your committee adverlized another part of said
concerns in front to Kevin's port to be let, and several
persons baving bid for the same and Mr. William Bond
being the highest bidder , we directed that l eases should
be made out to him thereof.
, AnLl your committee beg leave to observe, that there
are nine other lot s of real' ground part of said holding
l' osscssion. yet to be disposed of, to obtain legal possession of
which, your committee have fOlmd it necessary and
Law agent, . have dil'ected your lordship and honours' law agents
to take the proper steps; Which when completed, your
committee will be Bnabl ed to add with the settings
already mentioned to your lordship and honours' rental.
'Your committee received a proposal from Mr.
Samuel Johnstone of Temple Bar, china merchant, of
Bar. ten guineas per annum, for the small piece of ground
in Temple Bar, formerly the watering slip, for such
term as your lordship and honours should think fit,
merely as a temporary accomodation to him. Your
committee are therefore of 0pullon and recom-
Lease. lllend that a lease be made t.o him at that rent for the
Sewer .
remainder of term yet to come and unexpired of the
adjoining premise.s, he making a good and sufficient
sewer from the strret into the river.
'Your committee directed that a survey should be m. 1 .
made of the ground at Island Bridge, part of your lord-
DUllLIN ASSEMllLY ROLL, 1808. 87
ship and honours' estate, which was 11ese;l'ved for the use 1808.
of the engine house, which has now become unneoessary,
your committee are of {Jpinion and recommend that
same be set in the usual way to the best advantage.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make, the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly. And that leases be Leas.,.
made out and put WIder the city seal of the premises in City seal.
saicl ""Blport mentionecl, and that the committee be also
empowered to Let the ground in said report also
mentioned in the usual way.
[5.J Certain of the common.', setting forth that the com-
mittee for examining tradesmens' bills have
made the annexed report of the 28th day of April, 1808.
'We, the committee appointed for examining trades- Report
m{m's bills, having inspecte,l the accounts of Arthur
Hichanls Neville, city surveyor, for clifferent surveys iITr;ille,
made for the corporation enLling the :.19th January last, surveyor.
amounting to 42 13s. l!d., which we are of opinion be
'Your committee have also received a bill from llills.
Mr. Neville for business done by him since the above
period, amounting to 16 3s. 11d., which we submit
to your lordship and honours.
, Your comtrtittce beg leave, to recommend that some
arrangement may be made, so as to prevent the brillging
fonvar.d of any .bills from the city surveyor in future., bills.
by granting him an adequate salary, f.or which he is Salary.
to attend on all committee.s and otber occasions and to
5 b. make out all surveys and maps for the corporation.'
And the saicl commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committeo's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that Arthur Richards
N eville, city surveyor, be paid the sums in the within
Audit of

ripe water
report mentioned, and that the other matters contained
in the said report be recommitted and that the committee
do report thereon to the next assembly.
[G.] Certain of the oommons, setting forth that the
oommittee appointed to audit the accounts of alderman
John Carleton, city treasurer, for the rents, issues, and
profits of said city for one year comnlncing Michaelmas
1806, and ending l'IIichaelmas 1807, have made the
annexed report of the 28th day of April, 1808.
'liVe, the c.()mmitlee appointed to audit the acconnts
of alderman .J olm Carleton, cIty treasurer, for the rents,
issues, and profits 0. said city for one year commencing
Michaelmas 1806, and ending Michaelmas 1807, beg
leave to inform your honours that we have carefully
examined the same t0gellier with the several vouchers
relating thereto.
'The treasurer laid before us a rental of your
honours' estate as it swod Michaelmas 1807, we charged
him with the. amount of the rents received in said year
being 9,590 lIs. 5d., and with such other incidental
issues and profits as accrued in that time, amounting to
the sum of 21,960 118. Od.
'We find the disbursements, including a sum of m. H.
1,032 2s. Id., interest of money in advance for your
honours, also including the sum of 762, poundage,
amonnt in the whole to the sum of 33,087 Is. 2id., so
that there appears due to the city treasurer upon this
account the sum of 11,126 9s.
, Your committee also further inform your honours,
that with the 'assistance of the: pipe water committee,
we audited your treasurer's accounts respecting the pipe
water revenue for said year and find a balance due by
him thereon of 1,797 18s. 6d., which includes therein
82 3s. 10d., interest due by the treasurer, so that the
balance due to your honours' treasurer on both said
accounts 'appears to be 9,328 10s. 10td.

, And your committ ee, finding tllat the whole accounts
were stated with the greatest accuracy, returned the
treasurer our sincere thanks for the attention by him Thanks.
manifested upon all occasions for the interest of the
corporation, and for the satisfactory manner in which
he ga,ve your committee every information throughout
tho investigation of the whole of the accD'llllts.
'Your oommittee recommend, tha! the llsllal compli-
ment of ten guineas be paid to Mr. Isaac Smith, clerk Smith.
to your hUJlours' treasurer, for his trouble in making up Payment.
said accounts and a second copy thereof.
, And yom' committee further recommend, that several
insolvent arrear, appearing on the facG of said account;;.
as pointed out by us to the treasurer, amounting in all
to 882 3s. 10d., be discontinued on the accounts, but.
that the same be entered in a separate book in order to
Le rrferrecl to whenever it may be found necessary.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
b. report aml the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made au act of assembly.
[7.] Certarrl of the commons, setting forth that the
appointed for enq uiring how the city's City
revenue may be increased and its expenses lessened expenses.
have made the.llnnexed report of the 28th day of April.
'We, the commiit,ee appointed for enquiring holV the Report.
city's revenues may Le increased and its expenses
lessened, beg leave to report that it appears to us, that
many persons who petition for their freedom of this city Franchise.
neglect after passing the> same to come forward and pay
their fines to the city treasurer, which occasions very Fin ...
serious loss to the corporation. For remedy whereof,
your committee recommend that in future no freem::Ill's
beseech be preferred to the assembly, unless the probable Reseeches.
fine and' the fees usually paid on swearing in are pre- Roll xx'
. m. 14 b
viously deposited, and that if the Town lerks omlt to
receive such fines, they shall be chargeable therewith.
'Your oommittee, are al&o of opinion. that upon every
Settings. setting in future of any city lands or houses, there be
a condition dec},aToo at the time of sale and inserted in
the leases, that the tenants shall pay along with the
rent, receiver's fees at the rate of 5, per cent.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm tho said
report and make the same an act of assembly; it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an ,act of assembly.
[8.] "Resolved, that the fine to be hereafter paid by m. 13.
persons praying to be excused from serving the office of
High Sheriffs of this city he increaood to the sum of
500, sterrling, which sum is to go towards establishing
a sinlring fund for the city's debt."-

[9.] Oertain of the commons, pr.aying to subscribe
to the erecting of a pillar to the memory of the late Lord
Viscount Nelson, as a monument of his gallant services
to his king and country; whereupon it was ordered, that
Payment. the city do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay
the committee for building a monument to the memory
of Lord Nelson the sum of 200, sterling, for the pur-
pose in the above petition mentionecl.
[10.] Oertain of the co=ons, praying that the
Harne,.. committee appointed to provide a set of new harness
State coach. for the state coach be empowered to proviLle and pay
for the same: whereupon it. was ordered, that the yity
Payment. treasurer clo, on the Lord Mayor's w,arrant, pay tho
committee a sum not exceeding 107, sterling, for the
reasons in their petition mentioned.
[11.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom
Clancarty. to the right honourable the Earl of Olancarty, one of
the postmastoers-general, for the essential services he has
I xxvji.
13 b.
rendered the citizens of this city by the useful regula- Office.
tions he has introd1tced in that department: whereupon
it was granted, gratis, and that same be presented by
the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.
[12.J Samuel lIiddleton, sword bearer, praying for
usual compensation for striking the assize of bread for of
one year: whereupon it was ordered, that the city bread.
treasurer do, on the Lord 1fayor's warrant, pay peti- Payment.
tioner the sum of twenty guineas, for the reasons in his
petition mentioned.
[13.J George Brown, praying to be continued high
constable: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be co",tabl, .
and is hereby continued high constable of said city
during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year end-
ing Easter assembly, 1809, at a salary of 40, sterling. Salary.
[14.J William McAllister, praying to be c(>ntinued
one of the serjeants at mace : whereupon it was ordereu, at marc.
that the said William McAllister be and is hereby con-
tinued &erjeant at mace of said city during the city's
pleasnre, not exceeding one year ending Easter
assembly 1809, he gi ving such security for the faithful Security.
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord 1fayor ancl Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to he void, provided also
that he do appeal' on public days in proper gown of
[15.J Michael Dalton, praying to be appointed one of
the serjeants [1,t mace: whereupon it was ordered, that at mace.
the said William Dalton bo and is hereby appointed
one of the serjeants at maoo of said city during the
city's pleasure, not exceeding three months ending Mid-
summer assembly 1808, he giving such security for the Security.
faitlIful discharge of the duties of said office and re-
delivery of the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Silver
Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to be entered into mace.
in one week from this cl ate or thi s order to be void, ; ; , ~ l l l t ~ ~
provided also lhat he do appear on public days in
proper gown of office.
[16.] George Harvey, praying f.or payment of bill for
Address. engrossing an address to his majesty: whereupon it was
Payment. ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of five guineas,
for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[17.J Eobert T.aylor, beadl.e of St. Paul's parish,
Smitllficld. praying for usual allowance for opening Smithfield
market: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
l'ayment. paid the sum of three guineas, for the reasons in his
petition mentioned.
[IS.] Margaret Smith, praying for usual allowance
for attending all assemblies for one year and providing
Necessaries. pens, ink, paper and candles: whereupon it was ordered,
Payment. that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer, on the m. J2.
Lord Mayor's warrant, the sum of five guineas, for the
reasons in her petition mentioned.
[19.] Margaret Oooney, praying for some aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, the sum of
2, sterling, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[20.] Elizabeth Oorry, praying for some aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, the sum of 2,
sterling, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
1808. April 29.-Admissions to franchise.
1808. April 29.-Declaration and signatures.
1808. May 16.-Post Assembly, )D. 12.
ll.] Alderman Alexander Kirkpatrick, praying to be
excused from serving the office of Lord Mayor for the
ensuing year: whereupon it was ordered, that the
resignation of alderman Alexander Kirkpatrick here
unto annexed be accepted of and that he be excused
from serving the office of Lord Mayor, on paying the
2 b.
usual fine of twenty guineas to the city treasurer, one
hogshead of claret or twenty guineas in lieu thereof to Claret.
the present Lord Mayor, and one other hogshead of
claret or twenty guineas in lieu thereof to the slrcceed-
ing Lord Mayor, and it is fmther ordered, that the
petitioner do keep his station and wear a scarlet gown, Scarlet
[2,] "Resolved unanimously, that it is the opinion of gown.
this assembly, that ,an address be presented to alderman Arl<lr. ",.
Alexander Kirkpatrick expressivo of our sorrow that
his state of health prevents him from serving the office alderman.
of chief magistrate of this city for the ensuing year, Chief
being persuaded from the maIller in which he dis-
charged the important duties of High Sheriff of this
city during his year of office, so much to the honour of
himself and the advantage of his fellow citizens, and
his gentlemanly conduct as one of our magistrates on
all occasions, that ho would have rendered the most
important advantages to his fellow citizens at large, if
his health had him to serve that most
important office."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani- Aldermcll.
mously agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the
above resolution and that a committee consisting of Committee.
aldermen \Villiam Alexander, Henry Howison, and
John Carleton, wit.h three of the commons to be named
by the Sheri.fIs and Commons together with the
assistance of the Recorder, be ami are hereby appointed
a committee to prepare said adllress and that same be Adrloess.
engrossed, pllt under the city seal, and presented to him City seal.
in the most respectful manner,
[The three of the commons: 1 Messieurs N athaniel COlUmo",.
Craven, Daniel Hutton, <Joshua Dixon.
[3.] Joshua Dixon, esquire, praying to be excused
from serving the office of Sheriff: whereupon it was
ordered, that the resignation of the said Joshua DixOll
be and is hereby accepted of and that he be excused Excuse<L
from serving the office of Sheriff, on payment of a
fine of 500, sterling, to the city treasurer, which sum
is to go towanls liquidating the city debt.
[4.] Leonard Ogil1:J.y, esquire, praying to be excused
from serving the office of Sheri ff: whereupon it was
ordered, that the resignation of the said Lconard Ogilby
Excused. be and is hereby accepted of and that he be excused
from serving the office of Sheriff, on payment of a fine m. H.
of 500, sterling, to the city treasurer, which sum is to
go towards liquidating the city debt.
[5.] "We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of of the city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot
alderman Frooerick Darley to serve in the place or
office of Lord Mayor of the said city for the ensuing
year commencing Micha<llmas next, and do hereby
return the said Frederick Darley to you the Sheriffs and
Commons of said city for your approbation.
"Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor."
[6;] "We, tbe Sheriffs and Commons of the city of
Dublin in oommon council assembled, have this day by
ballot approved of alderman Frederick Darley to serve
in the office of Lord Mayor of the said city for the
year commencing Michaelmas next.
" John Alley, Alexander Montgomery, Sheriffs."
[7.] ""Ve, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
oouncil of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated
by ballot the following eight freemen of said city,
resident within the said city or the libe,rties thereto
adjoining, each of them worth in real and personal
estate in possession the sum of 2,000, sterling, over and
above all their just debts, that is to say, George
Sutton of William street merchant, John George of
York street merchant, J allies Riddall of Suffolk street
merchant, Hickman Rearney of Abbey street merchant,
Eclward Stanley of Saint Slephen's Green merchant.
William Poole of Black Pitts brewer, William l'vIcKenzie m. 11
DUBLl" ROLL, 1808.
of College Green stationer, and James King of Grafton
street stationer, as fit persons to serve in the ofll ce of
Sheriffs of the s<aid city and do hereby return the names
with the additions of the said eight persons to you the
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the said city, in
order to your electing two of the said persons to be
Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing year commenc-
ing Michaelmas next.
"John Alley, Alexander Montgomery, Sheriffs."
[8.] "We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot elected Election.
George Sutton of William street, merchant, and John
Goorge of York street, merchant, out of the said eight SherilfB.
persons returned to us by the Sheriffs and Commons to
serve in the office of Sheriffs of the said city for the
ensuing year commencing IUichaelmas next.
"Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor."
1808. June I.-Post Assembly.
[1.] 'rhe Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen reriuest Report.
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in pre-
senting the report of Andrew Coffey, the engineer to the
pipe water works, to his grace the lord lieutenant, it f:fr'k;ater
containing the sentiments of the corporation respecting
the proposed mode of making sewers, and that an Sewcro.
humble request be made to his grace, that directions
may bA given to suspend the present works.
And that a petition be prepared and presented to the Petition to
.., . parliament.
impenal parhament, praylllg a repeal of certalll clauses
iu an act of his presenl majesty entitled, " An act for Act.
the more effectual improv08ment of the cily of Dublin
and the environs thereof," so far as same relates to
laying pipes on ledges in sewers within said city.-
Allowed .
Hugh Trevor.-John Exshaw.-Henry Ilowison.-
John Carleton. - Henry Gore Sankey. - Richal'll
Manders. - Hugh Orothers. - Frederick Darley. -
William Stamer.-Nathaniel Hone.-Abraham Bradley
King.-Oharles Thorp.-Samuel Reed.'
1808. July 22.-Fourth Friday after the 24th of Ill. 24.
Midsummer Assembly held at the Exhibition House
ill \Villiam street.
[1.] Oertain of the commons, praying to appoint a
committee to prepare an address to his majesty on the
Spain. present very important crisis of affairs in Spain and
Portugal. Portugal: whereupon it was ordered, that a committee
consisting of aldermen j ohn Alexander
Kirkpatrick, Frederick Darley, William Henry Archer,
and John Oash, together with five, of the commons to
be named by the Sheriffs and Oommons be and aIle
hereby appointed a committee to prepare said address.
Commons. [The five of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard,
Nathaniel Oraven, William McOready, William Oope,
William Lindsay.
GCOl'gC Ill.
Corpora ..
tion of
'To the king's most excellent majesty.
'The humble address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in common
council assembled.
, Most gracious sovereign.
'\Ve, your majesty's most dutiful and faithful sub-
jects the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens
of the city of Dublin, beg leave to approach your
throne with sentiments of the warmest admiration for
the measures, so vigorously adopted by your maje'sty,
towards assisting the glorious cause in which the
Spanish and Portuguese nations are engaged to defeat
th') foukst perfidy and the most violent usurpation that
ever stained the page of history.
From {/ JIill iafl(rr, PHi /tt/'d by 11", TTOIII',
:4 b.
, At this awful perioe!, when the injustice, the insults, 1808.
the un exampled aggre.ssions, and the inordinate
ambition of the common enemy of Europe have roused
the indignant feelings of a brave and generous people Europe.
awl compelled thorn to appeal to arms in vindication
of their honour, their rights, their liberties, and their Liberti".
properties, we should deem ourselves unworthy of tbe
blessings we enjoy under onr matchless constitution,
if our bosoms did not glow with the same patTiotic
ardour. And if we did not thus publicly declare our
fL'Ced determination to concur in every measure, which
your majesty in your wisdom may be gTaciously
pleased to adopt for the TeIief of those injured, Relief.
oppressed. and insulted nations. And may your con-
duct excite otheT states and kingdoms to follow their
great example and finally rescue Europe from the Europe.
domination of an unprincipled usurper. Usurper .
.l:'ermit your faithful citizens of Dublin to renew to
your majesty their assumnces of unaltemble attach-
ment to your royal peTson, family, and government,
and their wishes that you may long continue the
beloved sovereign of a free and loyal people and the
glorious assertor of the liberties of Europe .
In testimony wheTeof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd City seal.
day of July, j.n the year of our Lord, 1808.'
Ordered, tliat the foregoing address clo stand the Order.
address of the Lorel :\fayor, Sheriffs, commons, and Address.
citizens of the city of Dublin, that same be engrossed,
put under the city seal, and presentll by the corporation my se.1.
at large to his grace the IOTd lieutenant, to be by him
transmitted to his majesty. Allowed unanimously.
[2.] Certain of the commons, praying to provide
furniture for tho lIfayoralty h011so: whereupon it was
ordered, that a committee consisting of the right Furniture.
honourable the Lore! Mayor, Sheriffs, treasurer, masters
DUDLI N ASSl';UllLY ROI.L, 1808.
of the works. aldcrmrll Joseph Ppmberton, Jobn
Exshaw, Frederick Darley, and vVilliam St.amer, and
eight of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons or a,ny five of them, whereof the Lord :Mayor
when present and one of the Sheriffs to be always two,
and in the absence of the Lord Mayor the senior
alderman present to preside, be and are hereby
Committee. appointed a. committee to provide such furniture for
Darley .
City pipe
i\Iain pipes.
the llse of the house as may be necessary.
The expense attending the same not to exceed the 'sum rn. 23 I
of 100, sterling, and the committee are hereby
empowered to draw on the city treasurer for said sum,
the ' accounts thereof to ba, kept separate and no money
paid but by the committee's order.
[The eight of the commons:] :Messieurs
Sutton, Daniel Hutton, William FalTell,
Hamilton, William :ilfcCready, J ohn GeOl'ge,
Dickson, Charles Lilly.
[3.] of the commons, praying to grant the
herbage of Saint Stephen's Green to alderman Frederick
Darley during his year of :NIayoralty: whereupon it was
granted, pursuant to the prayer of the petition.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that t.he
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the ann8iX8d report
of the 20th day of July, 1808.
'We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the cily of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have, paid particular attention
to the business committed to us since our last
report. Your committee having received a letter from
the paving board, relative to the sums to be paid to
messieurs Cornwall and Donnellan for paving over
main pipes during the time such work was done under
the orders of your committee. We directed an ans,ver
t" b(l returned, t hat we would pay them one Rhillinp.
per yard for such work, pursuant to the terms of lIieir 1808.
contract. Contract.
'Your committee found it necessary to giYe orders to
the collectors to distrain aJl such persons as arc in Distraint.
arre,ar for pipe water rent and thaL they should make Arrc",s.
returns of all such arr,ears. tour committee received
a letter from the secretary of his majesty's commis-
sioners of customs, relative to the s1.1pply giYen to the
Custom Housc and your committee are of opinion that
the sum of 30, par annnm. will be but a reasonable
charge for giving an ample supply of water to that
extensi vo building.
'Your committee fnrther inform yom honours, that
on the ninth day of June last, mistm,' Sheriff Mont-
gomery roported to ns, that having waited on his grace
the lord lierutmant with copies of the act of last post
assembly and of Mr. Anclrew Coffey's report on the
impracticabi lity of laying main pipes in se,vers, his
grace was pleased to order the work to be stopped in
Capel street, and that the experiment should be tried
i (J Blessington street.
'But in consequence of a further report from
Coffey on this business, your committee resoh'cd that Coffey.
our humble and sinceT() thanks bo returned to his grace
fol' his goodness and condescension in suspending th0
work in stn'et, accompanied with our earnest
entreaty that he would be pleased to order that no such
experiment should be made in any street, until such
t ime as the committee can obtain the opinion' of the
ablest engineers experienced in
London on the subject, for which
is to proceed thither forthwith.
the water works of
purpose our engineer London.
'With which request llis grace was pleased to
comply, and Mr. Coffey has been sent to London for Coffey.
that pmpose. An(l your colTllnittee directed that the
account of the. expense of relaying tbe main in Capel :u
street be furnished to the paving board.
'Your committee gave orders, that an experiment
should be made of watering the streets in the summer
season by a branch from the main, as is the constant
and usual practice in the city of London. Your
committee having received a notice from the paving
board of their intention of repairing Banack street,
Skinner row, and other streets, we ordered the main in
Skinner row to be relaid with new timber.
, Your committee further inform your honours, that
Mr. Richard Cave having reported to us, that the sum
of 24 5s., has been received by Mr. Daniel Parker,
late collector, and not yet accounted for, directe.d your
honours' treasurer to stop the same out of the annuity
payable to Mr. Parker at such times as he shall find
most convenient.
'Your committee went up the course on the eighth
instant, according to annual custom aI}d found the
same in general in good order, but in the demesne of
Norton at Kimmage observed the remains of a dam,
which is fr<XJ.uently made across the course. And at
Mr. McDonnell 's mill neaJ. Templeoge, we found the
l"empleoge. water impured by the washing of rags for his paper
manufactory. We therefore directed letters to be
Trespasses. written to those persons not to commit such trespasses
in future, or that they will be proceeded against by the
law agent. And Mr. 1IcDonnell having attended your
committee promised to be careful not to impure the m. 21.
water in future.'
And the said commons, pmying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon grantcd, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of asoombly.
[5.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom to
It xxvii.
lieutenant colonel Henry Torrens: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[6.J "Resolved, that the Lord lIfayor be re'1uGsted to
issue a proclamation to bring to condign punishmfmt
such persons as are concerned in the unlawful com-
bination in tho baking trade stated in the memorial
submitted by his lordship to this corporation.
"Hesolv.eti, that his be empowered to offer
in said proclamation a reward of 100, to such person
or persons as shall prosecute to conviction those who Rew",".
are concerned in snch illicit combination. "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the above
[7.J George Holmes, shoemaker, praying that the
conduct of Robert Willard, senior master of the C01'-
poration of shoemakers, may be taken into considera-
tion, he having re.fused to sign the return of petitioner
after being duly elected to represent said corporation
in this assembly: whereupon it was ordered, that said
petition and memorial of the said cOll1oration of shoe-
makers be laid before the Recorder for his advice and Recorder.
21 b. opinioI\ in what manner the matters therein contained
shall best be carri,ed into effect, and that such advice
as the Recorder shall give be followed up by the
[8.] Fisher and Greene, law agents, praying for pay- Law.geuts.
mimt of the balance due them on their accounts: where-
upon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do on the
Lord Mayor's warrant, pay messieurs Fisher and
Groone the sum of 200, sterling, on account of their nreene.
bills of costs and that the law committee be requested
forthwith to ipvestigate the said accounts and ])eport
thereon to the next assembly.
[9.J Andrew Caffey, pmying to be continued pi pc
water ,engineer; whereupon it was ordered, that the engineer
son, pipe
pipe water
at mace.
said Androw Cofl'ey be and is hereby appointed
engineer of the pipe water works during the city's
pj,easure, not exceeding one year ending Midsummer
assembly 1809, at a salary of ,250, sterling. .
[10.] Samuel Hutchinson, praying to be continued
pipe water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that
the said Samuel Hutchinson be and is hereby con-
tinued one of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pleasllre, not exceeding one year ending Midsummer
assembly 1809, he giving such secnrity for the faithful
discharge of the of said office and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from
time to time receive, said security to be entered into in m. 20.
on! month from this date or this order to be void.
[11.] Rober! N"ewell, praying to be continued one of
the pipe water collectors: whereupoll it was ordered,
that the said Robert New,ell be and is hereby continned
one of the pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure
not exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly
1809, he giving such security for the faithfnl discharge
of the duties of said office and paying tQ the city
all such sums of money as he shall from time
to time recaive, said security to be entered into in one
month from this dat,e or this order to be void.
[12.] JliIatthew Comtney, praying to be continued
sorjeant at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said JliIatthew Courtney be and is hereby continued
serjeant at mace of said city during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding OHe year ending Midsummer assembly
1809, he giving such security for the faithful discharge
of the dutie!> of said offiCe and redelivery 'of the silver
maoe, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
said security to be entered into in one month from this
elate or order to be void, provided also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.

ASSEl1BLY ROLL, 1808. 103
[13.] James Bardin, praying to be continued sel'jeant
at mace: whereupon it was orelereu, that the saiel J ames ..
Baruin be and is hereby continued sel'jeant at of .
said city uuring the city's pleasure, not exceeuing one
year ending Midsummer assembly 1809, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the dutie's of said Security,
office and rellelivery of the silver mace, as the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs shall of, said security to be
enterec\ into in one month from this date or this order
to be voiu, provided also that he do appeal' 011 public
days in propel' gown of office.
[14.] Michael Dalton, praying to be continued
serjGant at maCG: whereupon it was orderell, that the at mace.
said Michael Dalton be and is hereby continuell
serjeant at mace of said city during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly
1809. iw giving such secm'ity for the faithful discharge oecwily.
of the duties of said office and redelivery of the sil vel'
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs slial! approve of,
saiu security to be entered into in one month from this
date or this order to be void, provided also that be do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[15.] .Michael Conuolly, praying to be appointed
serjeant at mace: whoroupon it was ordered, that the at mace. Michael Connolly be and is hereby appointed
serjeant at n'raco of said ciLy during the. city's pleasure,
not .exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly
1809, he giving such security for the faithful discharge Secnrity.
of the duties of said office and redelivery of tllC silver Silver
mace, as the Lorel Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, mace.
said security to be entered into in o'ne month from this
date or this order to be void. provided also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[16.) George Harvey, praying for payment of bill for ITmey.
engrossing atlclress t.o right honourable Lord Clan-
carty: whereupon it was ordered, that the petitioner be '
Grant .
Hibbett .
pair.! by lhe lreasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the
sum of fi ve guineas, for the l'l?aSOnS in said petition
[17.) " Resolved, that it is the request of the Sheriffs
and Commons to the Lord 1.1ayor aml Board of Alder-
men, that Ambrose Crane be continued green-keeper of
Saint Stephen's Green.
" Resolved, that it is the opinion of this house, that
Ambrose Crane be paid his usual salary as green-
The Sheriffs and Commons unanimously request the m. 20 !
. concurrence of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermrn
in the ,above resolutions. -
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree wi th
the Sheriffs and Commons in the above resolutions.
[IS.) Sarah Walker, praying for the ' usual aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor' s warrant the sum
of 25, sterling, for the reasons in her petition
[19.) Elizabeth Seguin, praying for the usual aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the
city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of
ten guineas sterling, for the reasons in her petition
[20.) John Hibbett, praying for usual allowance:
whereupon it was ordered, that he be paid 2, sterling.
[21.) J ohn Winder, praying for usual aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid 2, sterling.
[22.) Elizabeth Walsh, 'praying for usual aid: whl'8-
upon it was orr.!ered, that petitioner be paid 2, sterling.
lS0S. July 22'-AdmissiollS to franchise.
1808. July 22.-Declaration and signatures.
lS0S. July 23.-Post m. 20 b
l1.) "We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
) b.
of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated the fol-
lowing nine aldermen, that is to say, aldermen Samuel
Reed, Charles' Thorpe, Meredith Jonkin, Joseph justices,
Pemberton, Frederick Darley, William Stamer, \Villiam
Henry Archer, Abr.aham Bradley King, and John
Cash, as fit persons for the offices of divisional justices
in the police district of Dublin metropolis, and do
hereby return the names of the said nine aldermen to
you the Sheriffs and common council of said city; in
order to your electing three of the said aldermen to be
divisional justices of the said police district, pursuant
to the statute in that case made and provided.
"Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor."
[2.] "We, the Sheriffs and common council of the
city of Dublin, have this da,y elected aldermen Abraham
Bradley King, William Henry Archr, and William Justices,
Slamer, out of the nine' aldermen returned to us by the
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen, to be divisional
justices in the polie<> district of Dublin metropolis,
pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided.
"John .Alley, Alexander Montgomery, Sheriffs."
[3.] "Wo, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of
the city of Dublin, have this day nominated the fol-
lowing nine Sheriffs' Peers, that is to say, Brent Neville,
William Cope;' Humphi'ey Minchin, William Lindsay,
Jonas Paisley, Nathaniel Craven, John Tudor, Joshua
Dickson, and James Blacker, esquires, as fit persons for
the offie<> of divisional justices in the police district of
Dublin metropolis, and do hereby return the names of
the said nine Sheriffs' Peers to ,Y'ou the Sheriffs ancl
common council of said city, in order to your electing
three of the said Sheriffs' Peers to be divisional justices
of the said polie<> district, pursuant to the statute in
that case made and provided.
"Hugh Trevor, Lord Mayor."
Election of
[4.) . We, the Sheriffs and common council of the city
of Dublin, have elected vVilliam Lindsay, James
Blacker, and Joshua Dickson, esquires, out of the nine
Sheriffs' Peers returned to us by the Lord l\1ayor and
Board of AlcLermen, to be divisional justices in the
police district of Dublin metropolis, pursuant to the
statute in thaL case made and provided .
.. John Alley, Alexander Montgomery, Sheriffs."
, Frederick Darley.-John Carleton.-Hugh Trevor.
-William Henry Archer.-Samuel Reed.-Nathaniel
Hone.-William Worth ington.-lVIeredith J enkin.-
John Exshaw.-John Cash.'
1808. OctDber 14.-ThirJ Friday after the 29th of m.
lVIichaelmas Assembly held at t.he Exhibition House
in William street.
t-;;1or. Lord Mayor: Frederick Barley.
Bll.ri![s. Sheriffs: George Sutton and John George.
[1.) Ahlerman Hugh Trevor, late Lord .Mayor,
praying for usual sum of 1,000, sterling: whereupon
Mayoralty. it was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord
Mayor's warrant, pay alderman Hugh Trevor the sum
Payment. of 1,000, sterling, for the reasons in his petition
[2.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the m. 3
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe warer have made the annexed report
of the 13th day of October, 1808.
Report. ''.Ve, the committee appointed for better supplying the
city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform your
lordships and honours that we have paid p.a,rticular
attention to the business committed to our care since
our last report.
' Your committee received notice from the paving
board apprizing thorn 0f their intention of repaving
DUllLIN ASSEMllL Y ROLL, 1808. 107
several streets, in order that new mains might be laid
whero necessary prior to such repair, and your CODl - }lain,.
mittee, aware of the necessity of having such r epairs Repai".
made, gave the necessary dir,ections to have the sume
effected with all expedition.
, Your committee, as mentioned in their last report to
your lonlshi p and honours, directed your engineer to Engineer.
proceed to London to obtain the opinions of the ablest London.
engineers, relative to the practicability of laying main
pipes in sewers as iutemled by the paving commis- in sewefS.
sioners, who has since returned and after a gaoLI deal of
attention to the business committed to his chfll'gc, pro-
cured four distinct r eports upon the subject from some Reports.
of the ablest engineers in England, videlicet , from: -
, Mr. Mylne, engineer to the New River Head water- Mylne.
, Mr. Fowles, engineer to the London Bridge wuter- Fowles.
'.Mr. 'Walker, enginoer to the East London and Walker .
i:lhaclwcll WaleT-Works.
'Mr. Simpson, ene,rineer to the Chelsea \vatcT-works. Simpson.
'All oi Wh0111 are dDcilledly of opinion against the
measure, and which r eports from their 'nature, your HepOf".
committee directed to be entered 11 I'on the fac(\ of their
books of for the purpose of more eURy
referring to them when necessary, and which r eports
for the information of your lordship a;ld honours are
herBto subjoined. Copies of which your committee Copies.
judged necessary to p11Bscnt to his grace the lord
lieutenant, which was accordingly llone by the Lord
and Sheriffs.
'Your committee reoeived a letter from .1\[1'. Samuel
8tephens, relative to some necessary alterations in the St et,hells.
course near Templeogue, which your commitee seeing Templeogue.
the necessity of directed same to be clone under the
inspection of .!\Ir. Charles Lilly and .!\II'. Daniel Hutton.
1808. .' Your committee judging it a necessary precaution
directed your lordship and honours' house on Ormond
quay, where your pipe water business is carried on, to
Insurance. be insured in the Dublin Insurance office for 700,
against fire.
Payment ..
City leases.
'Your committee conceived it their duty to return
their sincel'e thanks to alderman Rugh Trevor, Late
Lord l'Ifayor, and to John Alley and Alexander
Montgomery, esquires, Sheriffs, for their unremitting
attention arid polite conduct during their year of office.
'Your committee recommend that Simon P,earson be
paid the usual sum of five guineas. Your committee
received a petition from Richard Roman aJld Richard m. :
Crofton, overseers, for additional salary as inspectors
of femles, which your committee referred to alderman
Joseph Pemberton and messieurs Isaac Manders and
Edmond Nugent. Who reported, that they sbould be
each pMd the sum of ten guineas for their trouble in
that department since the death of Mr. Peter Seguin,
but that they should in future attend to that duty with-
out any charge, save usual salaries. With which
report your committee conceded and recommend to be
adopted by your lordship and honours.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it' was
therenpon gra.nted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that the city
treasnrer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the'
several sums in the within report mentioned.
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases nesr
expiring have made the annexed report of the 13th d"y
of October, 1808.
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that having received information, that some full grown
vi!. timber on the part of your estate' at the Grange of
Baldoyle had been cut. Wo directed that enquiry Baldoyle.
should be made as to the truth thereof, and found that
Mr. Purdon, who now holds said ground, had cut some Purdon.
of them, which he candidly acknowledged and pro-
posed to your committee to pay the value thereof and all rayment.
the timber thereon at a fair valuation.
'But your committee not knowing the quantity or Quantity.
quality thel1oof, appointed a sub-committee consisting Quality.
of aldermen .Joseph Pemberton, Bradley
King, messieurs .Joshua Dixon, .John Willis, and
Frederick George Bourns to view the same, and directed
111'. Arthur Richards Neville, your surveyor, and Surveyor.
Mr. A.ndrew Coffey, the engineer of the pipe water Engineer.
works, to attend them on such view .
And your committee had several interviews with
Mr. Purclon, but have not yet come to any determina- rurdon.
tion thereon. Your committee requested the gentlemen
named as aforesaid to call Mr. NevilIe to their Neville.
assistance and take a particular survey of all the timber
trees growing on your estate at Clonturk, in order to Clonturk.
prevent ,any tl1espass from being committed .
Your committee directed the law agents to prepare a Law agent,.
case to be laid before the Recorder, relative to obtaining
possession of a lot reserved by the corporation amongst
the North Lotts: And also directed that no case should
hereafter be laid boforo counsel, until such case was
first read and approved of by a committee.
'Your committee, in pursuance of the order of last
assembly, were about directing the Town Clerks to
advertise the reserved ground at the engine yard Island
Bridge, but Sir Willi8iID Worthington attended and
opposed the letting thereof, he considering the corpora- Letting
h. tion had not any right to make use of said reserved
ground for any purpose, than that of supplying the
city with water.
Right to
G ~ e e n .
City leases.
, We therefore orderecl a case to be laid before the ~ ~ ~ o '
Recorder, which case being approved of by Sir
William Worthington, the Recorder gave his opinion,
that the corporation have a right t.o let the ground so
'Whereupon Sir William Worthington made an
oll'er for same, but your committee not thinking the sum
proposed adequate, could net think of recommending
same to be accepted of, therefore nothing has yet been
done .as to the letting thereof, But your committee are
of opinion, that said ground shall be set by us in the
same manner as any other part of the city's estate by
public auction.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make t.he s,ame an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an aot of assembly, and that on the letting
of the ground at Island Bridge, t.he passage to Sir
William Worthington be reserved.
And it is ordered, that Mr. Purdon be prevented
from cutting any more of the tr,ees on the lands of
Grange, Baldoyle, and that he be called on for payment
of those which he has already cut.
And that the sub-committee in said report mentioned
b,) requested to have a pa,rticular account of the timber
trees on said lands and the number of them taken and
likewise those on the lands of Clonturk.
And that the committee be instructed to be very m. 2
particular in their enquiries and report the city's
interest in the houses occupied by messieurs John
Hudson, Robert Henry, and John Hill in College Green.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee ,appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the, 13th day
of October, 1808.
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city
,iI. leases llf)ar expiring, beg leave to inform your honours 1808.
that Mr. Luke Connor, who occupied part of the city's Conuor.
estate formerly Nettleton's holding at fhe rear of his NettletoD.
concerns in Cuffe street, having declined to execute his Cuffe,treet.
lease thereof which he formerly agreed to, we directed
the law agents to proceed by ejectment for recovery
'Your committee judged it a matter of very great
utility to the future value of the city's estate and City estute.
thought it prudent to direct the city snrveyor under the
direction of a S1lb-committeo to make accurate surveys Surveys.
of all suoh parts of the corporation's estate as are
planted with timber, also precise lists of all the other Timber.
valuable improvements thereon.
'Your oommittee having taken into consideration
the petition of Mr. Daniel Dickinson to be returned a nickinsou.
deposit of 10, formmly made by him on becoming the Deposit.
taker of a lot of ground in North King street, and your King street.
committee finding tha,t said ground has been since reset
were therefore .of opinion aml recommend that the said
deposit be returned.
'Your pommittee find that the corporation have
reoovered possession by ejectment of a lot of ground Ground.
near the city bason, formerly uemiseu to Robert Bason.
Mercer deceasecl.,also of two lots of ground in Montagn9 Mercer.
place, we therefore recommend that your commitee be ~ l ~ ~ ~ a g u e
empower,ed to let the same in the usual mmmer.
, Your committee have, recei vec! from the city surveyor
the anne,xed ropmt relative to the trees cut down by Trees.
Mr. Purdon on the city'S estate at the Grange of Purdon.
Baldoyle, by which it appears that the value thereof Baldoyle.
amounts to the sum of 50. Aud your committee
recommend that .l\lr. I'urdorr be called on for the same
and that upon payment thereof, the snit now instituted Payment.,
!l.gainst him be discontinued, lw pledging himself not to
1808. c.ommit any further trespass on said estate and paying
the costs already incurred.' '
Order. And the said oommons, praying to confirm the said
report and maim the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the oommittee's report oonfirmed
anti made an ad of assembly.
[5.] Oertain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for conducting the city's law
business have made the annexed report of ihe 13th day
of October, 1808. ID !
Report. 'We, the, committee appointed for oonducting the
city's law business to whom the accounts of me'ssieurs
Law agents. Fisher and Greene, law agents, were referred, beg leave
to inform your honours that we met and referred the
same to a sub-OOID1l1ittee.
Accounts. 'Who having inspected the said acoounts, made the
annexed report, with which your committee agree and
Payment. recommend that the law 'agents bEl paid the sum of
158 6s. 6d., sterling.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an ,act of assembly.
[6.] Oertain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
. have made the annexed report of the 13th day of
October, 1808.
Report. 'We, the committee .appointed for examining trades-
men's bills, beg leave, to report that we met and
inspected thEl several bills laid beforEl us, and we recom-
Bills. mend that the following bills having priority of date
be now paid, that is to say;-
'John Oanaghan for glazing in 1807
'Peter Wilson for iron work in 1806
and 1807
s. d.
22 6
23 12
' Matthew West for weighing gold 1808.
chains ending 1807 3 8 3
men's bills.
, A fire screen for the .Mansion House 1 :3 9
Benjamin Eaton for carpenter's work
from 1806 to the present time 385 0 2
'William Lindsay and Son for ribbands
for the state coach in 1807 18 4 0
Thomas Reed for plumber's work in
1807 and 1808 65 1
'George Paine for brazier's work in
1807 and 1808 20 13 0
Alderman Charles Thorp for painting
and plastering in 1807 60 12 0
600 0 0
, Amounting in all to the sum of 600, sterling.' Amount.
And the said oommons, pmying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and macle an act of assembly, and that thc city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the Puyment.
sev811a1 sums in the within report mentioned.
[7.] Certain of the commons, pmying for freedom to Franchise.
lieutenant-genE:ml Sir J o h ~ Doyle, Baronet, E.C., Doyle.
colonel of the 87th regiment and governor of Guern"sey: Guernsey.
whereupon it was granted, and that a committee con-
sisting of aldermen John Exshaw, John Carleton, and
Nathaniel Hone, with three of the commons to be
named by the Sheriffs and Comlflons, together with the
assistance of the Recorder, be appointed to prepare an
addr,ess to general Sir .John Doy le accompanying said Addr.".
freedom and that same be engrossed, put under tho city Cl'y se.l.
seal, and presented by the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and
}<' refdoUl
of city.

Dublin ron
of l'itizem;.
City seal.
[The three of the complOns:] Messieurs John Gi ffard,
William Cope, William Linusay.
"1'0 Sir John Doyle, Knight of the Crescent, and
lieutenant governor of the island of Guernsey, et
, Sir.
'\Ve, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, oommons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin in common council
assembled, beg l'lave to present you with the freedom
of 0111' ancient anu loyal corporation in testimony of
our high esteem for the eminent servioes you have
.rendered to your king and country in different parts of
the world, and whioh have l'aid a foundation of well-
earned fame that oannot be shaken, and deservedly
obtained for you distinguished and honourable marks
of his majesty's favour. .
'We refleot with peculiar satisfaction on that
brilliant aohievement in the glorious oampaign of
Egypt, by which with a very inferior force you
defeated and captured a French convoy in the desert
and thereby gained a signal adV'antageover the
enemies of your country.
'We cannot therefore but feel an honest pride in
having so estimable and amiable a character enrolled
amongst the citizens of Dublin.
(Allow us, Sir, to add our sincere wishes that you
may long continue a distinguished ornament of your
cOlmtry and fill with undiminished lustre that high
station whioh your merits so justly obtained.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 14th day
of October, in the y"ar of our Lord 1808.'
" My Lord and Gentlemen.
"I pray you to accept my best thanks for the dis-
tinguished honour you have conferred upon me by your
unanimous vote of the fI1eedom of your ancient and Franchise.
loyal corporation.
" The kind partiality with which you are pleaseJ to
view my humble efforts in the service of my king and King.
country and this flattering mark of your regard arc Conntr).
deeply impressed upon a grateful heart.
"The toils and privations incident to a long military
life are amply repaid by the most glorious of all .
rewards, the lapprobation of my revered sovereign and Sovereign.
the esteem of my beloved country.
"I have the honour to be with the highest respect
my lord and gentlemen your ,devoteel ancl faithful
"J. Doyle, Lie)ltenant-Gclleral.
"1st November, 1808."
[8.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom to Franchise.
Charles Saxton, esquil1, under-secretary to hi s grace
the Duke of Richmond, lord Eeutenam of Ireland: secretary.
whereupon it was granted, pursuant to the prayer of the
petition, and that same be engrossed, put under the city
seal, and presented by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.
[9.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom to Franchise.
major-general Mervyn Archclall, the rather for his Archdall.
gallant and heroic conduct in Egypt: \vhereupon it Egypt.
was granted, gratis. .
[10.] certain of the commons, praying for freedom to Frailchise.
major-general Spencer, the rather for his elistinguished Spencer.
conduct with the British army in Egypt: whereupon it Egypt.
was granted, gratis.
[11.] Crtain of the commons, praying for freedom Franchise.
to the right honourable Charles Henry St. John, Earl
of Q'Neill, one of his majesty's postmasters-general of
1808. Ireland for the very tial services he has rendered :'ll2!
Ireland. ' . I
Commercial to the commercial interest of this kingdom and to the
interest.. .
public m general by the salutary regulations made by
him in that department: whereupon it was granted,
[12.] Certain of the commons, praying that the
freedoms granted to the Earls of Clancarty and O'Neill
be presented in silver boxes: whereupon it was granted,
pursuant to the prayer of the petition.
lW.] Allen and Greene, Town Clerks, praying for
City bonds. payment for sealing seventy city bonds: whereupon it was
ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's 11'" 26
Payment. warrant, pay messieurs Allen and Greene the sum of

Ore,ne. 112, sterling, for the reasons in their petition
[14.] J,ames Evatt, praying to be continued one of
collector. the pipe water collectors: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said J ames Evatt be and is hereby continued
one of the collectors of the pipe mMer revenue during the
city's pleasure, not exceeding one year ending
SecUlity. Michaelmas assembly 1809, he giving such security
for the faithful discharge of the duties of said office and
paying to the city treasurer all such sums of money. as.
he shall from time to time l'eceive, said security to be
entered into in one month from this date or this order
to be void.

[15.] Tresham Gregg, praying to be continued
gaoler: wbereupon it was ordered, that the said
Tresham Gregg be and is hereby continued gaoler of
Newgale. Newgate for .one year ending Michaelmas assembly
1809; provided that he the said Tresham Gregg do
Residence. constantly lie each night in the gaol and strictly adhe,e
tu and observe the directions particularly set forth in
an act of Michaelmas assembly 1787, on the report of
the co=ittee to superintend prisons, and upon the said
Security. Tresham Gregg giving for indemnifying the
city from all escapes and for the faithful discharge of 1808.
the duties of the said office, such as the Lord Mayor and Duties.
Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to be entered
into in one month from this date or this order to be
[16.) Ephraim Ellis, praying to be continued one of
the serjeants ,at mace: it was ordered, that at mace.
the within named Ephraim Ellis he and is hereby con-
tinued one of the serjeants at mace of said city for. one
y,ear ending Michaelmas assembly 1S09, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
offico and redelivery of the silver mace, as the Lord
Mayor aml Sheriffs shall of, said security to be
entered into in one month from this data or this orcler
to be void, providecl also that he do appear on public
days in proper gown of ollice.
[17.) George Harvey, praying for payment of bill for IIarvey.
engrossing addresses: whereupon it was ordered, that Addressl'S.
the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's wauant, pay Payment.
the petitioner the sum of five guineas, for the reasons in
said petiti'on mentioned.
[lS.) John Brien, late green-keeper of Saint Stephen's
Green, praying . for half a year's salary due him: where- keeper.
upon it was ordered, that he bo paid by the city Pay",enl,.
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of
7 10s., sterling, for the reasons in his petition
[19.) Margaret Smith, praying for usual allowance Smith.
for cleaning and lighting fires in the market house:
whereupon it was order,ed, that petitioner be paid by Payment.
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum
of two guineas, for the reasons in her oetit.ion
1S0S. October Lt-A.dmissions to franchise.
1S0R October 14 -Declaration and sigJ;atures.
t.ion for
1808. December 2.-Post Assembly. !:,ll2t.'
[1.] "We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of
the city of Dublin, have this day nominated and
returned from amongst the Sheriffs' Peers, Jeremiah
D'Olier of M:ountj oy square, esquire, Humphrey
Minchin of Fitzwilliam street, esquire, Robert Shaw of
.JI.Ierrion square, esquire, and Jeffrey 'Foot of Essex
Bridge, esquire, as fit persons to serve in the place of
alderman of said city, and do hereby return t.he names
with the additions of the said four persons to you the
Sheriffs and Commons of the said city, in order to your
electing one of the said four persoDs an alderman of the
said city, in the room of alderman James Vance
" Frederick Darley, Lord 1Iayor."
[2.] "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of
Dublin, have this day elected by ballot from amongst
the four Sheriffs' Peers returned to this house by the .
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Robert Shaw,
esquire, to the place of alderman of said city, in the m. 25
room of alderman J amBS Vance, deceased.
" George Sutton, John George, Sheriffs."
, Frederick Darley, Lord Mayor. - William
Alexander.- J ohn Exshaw.-Charles Thorp.-Samuel
Reed.-Joseph Pemberton.-Nathaniel Rone.-Hugh
Trevor.-vVilliam Stamer.-John Carleton.-John
Cash. '
1809. J,a.nuary 20.-Fourth Friday after the 25th of m. 38-
December, 1808.
Chri stmas Assembly held at the Exhibition House in
,Villi am str eet.
[1.] Auditors of the city accounts for the last year.
Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, masters of the works, al(lermen
Wifliam Alexander, John Exshaw, Samuel Reed,
'l'homas Andrews, Joseph Pemberton, Nathaniel Hone,
William Henry Archer, Abl'aham Bradley King, J ohn
Cash, and eighteen of the commons to be named by the
Sheriffs and Commons or any nine of them, whereof the
Lord Mayor and one of the Sheriffs to be al ways t wo,
and in the absence of the Lord Mayor the senior alder-
man present to preside, be and a]1e hereby appointed a
committee to audit the city accounts from the 29th of
September, 1807, to the 29th of September, 1808.
[The eighteen of the commons : J Messieurs J olln Common .
Tudor,' William I\fcCl'eady, John Reed, John Alley,
John I\fcClaine, John Dickson, Daniel Hutton, Francis
Hamilton, James King, William Leet, J oshua Di xon,
Frederick George Bourns, James Riddall, John Dooley,
Charles Lilley, Alexander l\fonLgomer y, Bcrl\'er
Buchanan, Benjamin Eaton.
[2.] Certain of the commons, praying to reimburse t he
late Lord .Mayor his expenses in providing horses and
servants for the state coach: whereupon it was ordered,
that the city treasurer do, on t.he Lord Mayor 's warrant,
pay alderman Hugh 'l'revor, l ate Lord Mayor, the sum Payment.
of 50, for that purpose, the same to be allowed in his
[3.] that John Alley and Alexander Mont-
gomery, esrjuires, l ate High Sheriffs, be and are hereby
appointed ma.sters of the city works for the ensuing
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the Ci ty pi pe
committee appointed for bett(>1' supplying the city of water.
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 19th day of January, 1809.
b. 'We, the committee appointed for better supplying Re port.
the city of Dublin wit h pipe water , beg leave to inform
your honours that our attenti on has been unremitting
to tho business committed to 0111' care. Your committee
finding that Mr. Daniel Hautenville is through age
become very feeble and it having appeareLl to us from
his own showing in a petition, that he is incapable of
the duties of his office, we directed Ur. Richard Quintin
to assist him in doing his duty, which he has for some
time since performed to the entire satisfaction of your
committee. We b0g leave therefore to recommend, that
Ur. Daniel Hautenville be allowed to retire on an
annuity of 60, per annum, and that Mr. Richard
Quintin be appointed inspector of turncocks for the
north division at 30, per annum, during UT. Daniel
HautenviUe's life, which eligible arrangement will not
occasion any additional expense on this establishment.
'Your co=ittee on the second of November last
.. received a letter from Sir Arthur Wellesley, chief
secretary. secretary to his grace the lord lieutenant, acknowledg-
ing the pointed strength of the opinion of the engineers
of London aga.inst the project of laying main pipes in
of Irish
for Dublin.
sewers. Your committee ordered that the Town Clerks
should furnish the chancellor of the Irish Exchequer,
the representatives in parliament of the city and county
of Dublin, and alderman John Claudius Beresford with
copies of all the proceedings of the co=ittee and of
said engineers' reports on this subj ect, in order that they
may be in possession thereof should anyaUempt be
mac1e to carry that injurious and impracticable experi-
ment into execution.
'Your committee on the 19th of December last signed
an order for payment of 1,472 14s. 4td., the percentage
on the gross collection of the l)ipe water revenue for the
year ending 24th June, 1808. Your committee having
witnessed the very active and laudable exertions of the
officers of this department in giving their assistance to
the extinguishing accidental fires frequently at the
extreme risk of their lives and personal safety, Wi'
directed l etters to be written to the different fire
insurance. C'A>mpanies, in order to induce them to confer
XV" , ' on those officers some suitable reward as a stimulus to 1809,
b .. :U such their exertions. Reward.
'Your committee further beg leave to report, that
having received notice from the paving board stating Paving
that it is their intention to repave with granite stone in board,
tlHl course of next Sllmmer Cork Hill, Caslle street, Cork Hill,
Essex Bridge, and Upper Ormond quay, we are of
opinion that these streets be relaid with G.ast metal mains )letal
all through, in order to prClvcnt ,any necessity of break-
ing up that permanent pavement.
'And your committee recommend that pipe water
debentures for 1,000, at six per cent be sealed, in order Debentures,
to pay the proprietors of I he grOlmd at Portobello valued Portobello,
GrOUllll for
for a new bason, and the cost of the valuation thereof,
and of the several deeds necessary to convey the same,
which have long since been completed by the Town
Clerks under the direction of your committee, as the
further postponement of completing this business may
be attended with very serions loss and inconvenience to
tho pipe water works.
, And ypur committee recommend that a petition be Petition.
presented to parliament praying a repeal of the objec-
tionable clauses in the present paving bill relative to Paving bill,
laying main pipes in sewers.'
And the said ' commOllS, 'praying to confirm the said Order,
report and make the same an act of aSSBm bly: it
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[5.] Certain of the collullons, sEltting f.orth that the City leases,
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 19th clay
of January, 1809.
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city Report,
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we took into consideration the petition of Sir
William WOl'thingtol1 for renewal of Ipase of premises


"' Verdict.
at Island Bridge, in the room of William Horan
dece1ased, the petition of the executors of the late alder-
man Thomas Trulock deceased, for renewal of l<ease of
premises in Saint Andrew street, in the room of some
lives that have dropped, and the petition of Mrs. Mary
Cooke, representative of Thomas Cooke deceased, for the
renewal of premises north side of J ames's street in the
room of Martha Cooke and Samuel 'l'homas Cooke
deceased. Which several petitions we referred to the
law agents to report whether they were severally
entitled to such reuElwals, and they having reported that
the petitions were respectively entitled to said renewals,
we therefore recommend that same be granted them.
'Your committee took into consider,ation the matter
of the trees cut by Mr. Purdon on the lands of the
Grange of Baldoyle, which we agreed to leave to the
affidavit of Mr. Purdon's steward as to the number and
value of the trees that have been cut, which he will pay.
And on the 8th of December, 1808, we received a letter
from 11:r. Purdon acquainting us, th:at an old ash tree
had faUen down, which he requested might be taken
away, and which Mr. Andmw Coffey has since dis-
posed of.
, Y onr committee further inform your honours, t.hat
a verdict has been obtained in favour of the corpora-
tion's title to the houses in College Green, formerly in
possession of Mrs. Lawson, your committee recommend
that same be set. And we directed proceedings to be
taken for recovery of the premises in College Green
adjoining Trinity street, now in the occupation of Mr.
John Hill and Mr: Robert Henry.
'Your committee further report, that Mr. Robert
Reeves attended on behalf of Mrs. Reed, who is owner
Cuffe street. of the house in Cuffe street occupied by Mr. Luke
Connor. ConnoT, plumber, and informed us that Mrs. Reed
imagining that the entire rear of said house was her
.xvii. property demised same to said Connor, but since find ing 1809.
that a small part at the end .thereof is the estate of the Estate.
corporation and which has lately been recovered by
ejectment, he proposed that Mrs. Reed should pay the
b. rent of 3 10s. Od., per annum for the same, which we Rent
recommend your lordship and honours to agree to.
'Your committee have received the annexed repor t of
the sub-committee relative to a lot of ground at the south Ground.
east side of Essex Bridge, formerly set to Emanuel
EkersaIl, also relative to ground in Essex street where
the old Piazza stood, which we submi t to your lordship
and honours' oonsideration.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee' s report confirmed
and made arr act of assembly, and that tho report of the
sub-committee hereunto annexed be referred to the said
committee, who are required to enquire into the same
and report thereon to the next assembly.
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the annexed report of the ] 9th day of
Jarruary, 1809 .
We, the eoinmittee appointe(i for examining trades- Report
men's bills, beg leave to report that we met and took into
consideration the bill of alderman J ohn Exshaw for Ex' haw.
printing and stationery supplied by him for the Lord
Mayor's court, market house, and high constable, for
one year ending the 29th September last, and tho saiJ
bill appearing to us to bl: regular and correct, we
recommend that the amount thereof ] 12 lIs. 2d., be
And tho said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that alderman J ohn Exshaw.
Exshaw be paid the sum of 112 11s. 2d., sterling,
being the sum in the within report mentioned.
army in
[7.] Certain of the commons, praying to appoint a
committee to prepare a congratulatory address to the
right honourable Sir Arthur Wellesley" baronet, on his
safe return to his native country after the noble and
gallant victories obtained by him when commanding
the British army in Portugal: whereupon it was
ordered, that a committee oonsisting of aldermen
William Alexander, Joseph Pemberton, William Henry
Archer, Robert with the assistance of Mr.
Recorder and four of the commons to be named by the
Sheriffs and Commons, be and are hereby appointd a
committee to prepare said address, and that same when
so prepared be engrossed, put under the city seal, and
presented toSir Arthur Wellesley in the most respectful
CommOliS. [The four of the commons:] Sir John Ferns, knight,
John Dooley, John Giffard, John Townsend Sinnett.
'To the right honourable Sir Arthur Wellesley, KD.,
Wellcsley. etc., etc., etc,
, Sir.
'We, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin in common council
assembled, beg leave to join to the universal congratu-
la of your COUlltrymen the sincere expression of
Safe return. our satisfaction on your safe return to your country
Vidmy. after the brilliant victory obtained ove,r the veteran
France. troops of France by the gallant army under your com-
Portugal. mand in PortugaL
Laurels. 'The laurels you so gloriously acquired there, the
zealous, able, and prompt manner in which you dis-
Duiy. chargerl your duty to your king and country sufficiently
evinced, that you not. only deserved the power whir.h was
conferred on you, but also the admiration and applause 18on.
which attended the hero of Assye on the plains of Assy .
Argaum. Argauln.
, With peculiar pleasure, Sir, we behold in you the
accomplished gentleman, the judicious and intrepill
soldier, and the \vise and virtuous statesm'an.
, That you may long continue to enjoy the confidence Confidence.
and esteem of your king and country is the sincere wish
of the citizens of Dublin.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be herelmto affixed the 20th day City seal.
of Jamwry, in the year of our Lord, 1800.'
[8.] "Resolved, that it is the opinion of this house that
the reverend William Blundell, who has been for many chaplain.
years chaplain to the city of Dublin, highly deserves
their esteem and regard and they sincerely regret that
it is not in tho power of this corporation to promote a
man of such amiable chara.cter and eminent merits.
" Resolved, that a memorial be presented to his grace
the lord li,eutenant requesting that he will be graciously lient.nallt.
pleased to confer some preferment upon the said Preferment.
reverend William Blundoll, which will be most grate-
fully acknowledged by the corporation and be con-
sidered as an ebliging proof of his great favour.
" Resolved, therefore, that a committee consisting of COIllwittcc.
aldermen Williarn Alexander, Henry Howison, and
Robert Shaw, with the assistance of Mr. Recorder,
together with three of the commons to be named by the
Sheriffs and Commons, be 'and are hereby appointed a
committee to prepare and present said address pursuant Address.
to the above resolutions and that same be engrossed and
put under the city sea!. " City sr.l.
[The throo of the commons:] John Giffard, Commons.
William llicCready, John Townsend Sinnett..
[9.] Ccrtain of the commons, praying for freedom to Franchise.
colonel James Kemmis, who commanded the 40th regi- Kemmis.
\ 'illliero.
Oak box.

Blue Coat
l i'illC3.
ment at the glorioll s victory obtained over the French
troops at Vimiero in Portugal: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[10.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom to m. 3
captain Geor ge White., regulating captain of the impress
service: whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[11.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom to
ca ptain Michael Seymour of his majesty' s frigate
Amethyst, the rather for the courage and intrepidity
displayed by him in the capture of the French frigate
L.a TMtis: whereupon it was granted, gratis, and that
same be presented in an oak box of the value of ten
[12.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom to
Alexander Boggie, the rather for his perseverance in
deteoting and prosecuting to conviction the principal
offenders concerned in the unlawful combination in the
baking trade: whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[13.] John Whelan, praying for freedom: \vhereupon
it was granted, on the payment of a fine of 2, sterling.
[14.] Oertain of the commons, praying to grant the
usual allowance to alderman Trevor, late
Lord l\Iayor, for providing a horse 'and cart for the
admeasurement of coals during his Mayoralty: where-
upon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the
Lord Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner alderman Hugh
Trevor the sum of 40, sterling, for the I'easons in said
petition mentioned.
[15.] The governors of t.he Hospital and Free School
of king Oharles the Second, praying to restore the fines,
annuities, and contributions lately withheld and that
same may, in like manner as they were bt.>fore the year
1807, bo received and applied for the benefit of the said
Hospital: whereupon it was ordered, that so much of
the act of Easter assembly 1807, which takes away the
annuity of 250, per annum, heretofore paid the
govenlOrs of the Blue Coat Hospital, be rescinded, and 1809.
that same be paid to them together with the arrear s Payment.
which accrued clue since Easter assembly 1807.
[16.] Mary Vanoo, widow of alderman James Vance, ~ ~ . r ; , ~ .
praying for the usual annuity: whereupon it was Annuity.
ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer on Payment.
the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of 50, sterling,
annually during the city's pleasure, to commence this
[17.] John Hudson, praying for a ne'w lease of the ~ ~ l ; ~ ~ ~ "
house No. 39 College Green: whereupon it was ordered, Green.
that a lease be mado of the house in College Green to
Mr. John Huclson, for the reasons not only in hi s petition
mentioned, but those contained in the case laid bGforc
the Rooorder, at a yearly rent of one hundred guineas Rent .
per annum, for the term of forty-two years belll g thc Leose.
term unexpired of the adjoining houses, he Mr. IIudson
paying aU costs the corporation ha vc been put to in
obtaining the possession thereof.
[18.] Edward Wilson, praying for such part of t he Wilson.
rewarcl offered for prosecuting to conviction the per son lteward.
or persons conoerned in combination in the baking Baking
. . . trade.
trade: whereupon it was ordered, t at on pet ltlOncr s
proclucing a ceJ;tificate, of the conviction from the Clerks
of the Peace of the perSlOns therein named, he bG paid Payment.
the sum of 50, sterling, for the reasons in said petition
mentioned, and that he do acknowledge the receipt
thereof in the public papers.
[19.] Alexander Boggioe, praying for such part of the Boggie.
reward offered for the prosecuting to conviction the Reward.
person or persons concornod in combination in the
baking tradG: whereupon it was ordered, that on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "
petitioner's producing a certificate of the oonviction
from the Clerks of the Peace of the persons theroin
named, he be paid the RUm. of 50, sterling, for Payment.
the reasons in said petition mentioned, and that
he do acknowledge the receipt thereof in the public
[20.] Richard Quintin, officer of commons, praying
commons. for usual allowance for providing the Sheriffs and
Necessaries. Oommons with candles and other llecessaries for one
year: whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer
Payment. do, all the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner 5,
sterling, for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[21.] J amos Henry, praying to be continued one of
collector. the pipe water collectors: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said James Henry be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Ohristmas
Security. assembly 1810, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said offioe and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from
time to time receive, said security to be entered into in
one month from this date or this order to be void.
at mace,
[22.] Alexander McOullough, praying to be continued
keeper of the city Marshalsea: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Alexander McOullough be and is
hereby continued city Marshalsea keeper during the
city's pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Ohristmas
assembly 1810, at a salary of 20, sterling, with all
just fees and allowances belonging to said office, he
giving security for indemnifying the corporation from m. 35
all ,escapes, s'lid security to be entered into be,for8 the
Lord Mayor and Sheriffs in ten days from this date or
this order to be void.
[23.] John l{eating, praying to be continued one of
the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that
the said John K8ating be and is hereby continued
serjeant at mace of said city during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending Ohristmas assembly
1810, he giving such security for the faithful discharge
5 b.
of the duties of said office and redelivery of the silver l ; ~ ~ ~ ~
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall of, mace.
said security to be entered into in one month from this
date or this order to be void, provided also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[24.] George Harvey, praying for payment of bill for H.rvey.
engrossing addresses: whereupon it was ordered, that Addresses.
the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay Payment.
pe,titioner the sum of ten guineas, for the reasons in his
petition mentioned. ,
[25.] Catherine Darquier, praying for usual aid: Darquier.
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the Grant.
city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of
ten guineas, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[26.] Rose EmerRon, praying for usual aid: where- Emerson.
upon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the
Lorcl :Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the sum of thirty Grant.
guineas, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[27.] Mary Anne Kelly, praying for some aid: where- Kelly.
upon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the
Lorcl Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the sum of five Grant.
guineas, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[28.] Thomas Duplex, praying for usual aid: where Duplex.
upon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the
Lord Mayor's' warrant, pay petitioner the sum of ten Grant.
guineas sterling, for the reasons in his petition
[29.] Margaret Smith, praying for some compensation Smith.
for lighting the fires and cle1aning the marlmt house ~ ~ J ~ : t
office: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid Payment.
by the city tre-asurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the
sum of two guineas, for the reasons in her petition
[30.] Elizabeth French, praying for usual aid: }'renclI.
whereupon it was orde-red. that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the Grant.
Adj ourn-
ment .
}Uue Coat
petition ROIl!-1
rn. 3a
sum of ]0, sterling, for the reasons in her
men tioneLl.
Christmas I 1809. January 31.-Adjournment of
[31.] The Lonl Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in request-
ing the pipe water committee to take into consideration
the necessity of applying to the imperial parliament for m. 34.
an increase of the pipe water rent to enable the oorpora-
tion to acoomplish on a great and comprehensive scale
the effectually supplying e,oery part of the city of
Dublin with pipe water and carrying on the intended
works to effect so desirable an object. And that if the
co=ittee upon a mature consideration shall judge this
measure expedient, that they shall be armed with full
powers' to proceed in carrying into effect t.he intended
bill with the assistance of 1ir. Recorder, and that the
oommittee report thereon to a post assembly to be called
for that purpose.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Alde=en request the
Sheriffs and Commons will agree with them in having
t he r epor t above mentioned made to the adjournment
of this assembly. Allowed.
1809. February 9. - Adjournment of Christmas
[32.] The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in
rescinding that part of the act of oeconomy, which
appropri ates the Aldermen and Sheriffs' fines to the
funds of the corporation, and in enacting that those fines
which were originally paid, videlicet, two hundred
guineas from each fining Sheriff, and the sum of one
hundred guineas from each Alderman, shall in future
be paid for the use of the Blue Coat Hospital, the residue
of the fi nes now paid to be placed to the credit of the
city accounts.
[33.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the 1809.
commitwjl. appointed for enquiring how the city's
revenue may,be increased and its expenses lessened have
made the annexed report of the 7th day of February,
'We, the committee for enquiring how the city's Report.
revenue may be increased and its expenses lessened,
beg leave to inform your honours that pursuant to the
order of assembly, we met and took into consideration
the very important business referred to us. And after
much deliberation thereon, your committee are of
opinion, that it is expedient to raise a sum of 19,100,
by debentures on the pipe water establishment.
, And your committee are further of opinion, that it
would be much for the advantage of the corporation to
pay the Lord Mayor the sum of 1,000, and the City
Treasurer the sum of 1,000, annually, to be propor- Tre'SUIer.
tionably chargeable on the city and pipe water funds,
as salaries, in lieu of any claim hereafter to be made Salaries.
for poundage or agency, the sum appearing less than
the sums paid to them for poundage on the average of
the last four years, and to commence on the 29th day of
September last, [1808].'
b. And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
rfport and the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
made an act of assembly, and that pipe water bonds
be prepared and put under the city seal to the amount City seal.
of 19,100, sterling, for the purposes in said report
mentioned and in part to liquidate the debt due to the
city in support of the pipe water establishment.
And that no furtller poundage shall ever be granted Poundage.
or charged, and that no interest whatever be at any Interest.
time allowed to the treasurer, but that at the end of every
quarter the city's debt bo liquidated by cash or bonds. Git)'debt.
[34.] "Resolved, that debentures be issued for the sum Debenturea.
ripe water
of 10,000, on the pipe water fnnd to put the treasurer ! ~ l l 3 {
in cash to carry on the very necessary pipe water works,
agreeabl e to the annexed est imate."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution from the necessity that must obviously
a,ppear to them of completing the works mentioned in
the annexed estimate and which at present are
Memorial. [35.] Memorial of the corporation of Dublin to the
Duke of
Collieri es.
lord lieutenant of Ireland.
'To his grace Charles, Duke of Richmond, lord lieu-
tenant general and general governor of Ireland
'The memorial of the right honourable the Lord
Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the city of
'Humbly sheweth.
, That this great and populons city is to a considerable'
extent dependent both for home consumption ,and for
foreign export upon the supplies of provisions received
from the remote and inland counties of Ireland, and as
these supplies must be essentially governed by the
expense of their conveyance, it becomes a matter of vital
importance not only to the United Kingdom at large bnl.
to this metropolis, that canals which alone can furnish
a cheap mode of communication be extended to the
cities of Kilkenny and Cashel, the towns of Clonmei,
Tipperary, Nenagh, Roscrea, Birr, to the collieries of
CasLlecomer, Doonane, and Roscommon, the counties of
Limerick, and Clare, and various other places, whither
their extension would be useful and practicable,
'Your memorialists beg leave also to suggest that
such canals, independent of the advantages accruing
xxvii. from niem to this city in the cheap conveyance of pro- 1809 ...
14 b. ProvIsIOns.
visions, fuel, and other the necessaries of life, must be Fuel
deemed of most essential moment, not only to the
'3. oountry but to the United Kingdom at large, as well
from the constant employment it would afford to its
labouring poor, both in their immediate execution and L.bourers.
in the promotion of agriculture and manufacturing
industry, but from the great depots of provisions which I.eture,.
would be at all times formed in this metropolis so
contiguous to the ports of England, and that such a England.
mode of communication must be the more necessary in
a country, the exportation of whose produce can alone
enable it to sustain its immense foreign exp,mditure.
'Your memorialists have however to reg11et, that
though such a mode of communication be to a certain Transit.
degree established between the metropolis and some of
the remote counties of Ireland, through the medium Bf
the Grand Canal and Royal Danal, yet that the advan- Grand
tages which might be reasonably expected to accrue
therefrom are materially lessenet] by reason of the heavy
tolls required on the former. And in order to ascertain Tolls.
the rates of the tolls payable to each canal respectively,
your memorialists have hereto annexed a schedule of the
tolls payable each, to which your memorialists beg
leave to call your graoe's attention. And although your
memorialists feel it their duty to respect and support the
rights and privileges granted by the legislature to Rights.
individuals and corporate bodies, yet inasmuch as such
rights have been bestowed for the public benefit, your Public
memorialists humbly conceive, it is perfectly consistent
with the principles of justice, that when these rights
become injurious to the public, the same should be
surrendered upon fair and equitable conditions.
'Your memorialists, therefore ccnvinced, that the
directors of the Grand Canal will not hesitate, in COll-
sideration of the grea,t public benefit thence arising, to
of tolls.
Interests of
Act of
City seal.
City seal.
receive a fair compensation for the reduction of said
tolls, do confidently hope that your grace's aid and pro- m.
tection .will acc.ording to your grace's usual attention to
the interests of Ireland be cordially e,xt.ended to the fur-
therance of such important objects, thereby rendering a
most essential service to this city, to the whole country,
and every part of the United Kingdom, and fulfilling a
pledge solemnly given at the enactment of the Union.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 9th day
of February, in the year of our Lord, 1809.'
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the for&'
going petition and that same be engrossed, put under the
city seal, and presented to his grace the Duke of
Richmond by the Lord .M:ayor and She'riffs.-Allowed.
"Resolved, that the 1,000, per annum, payable
to the Lord Mayor in lieu of poundage be paid to him
during his year of office, videlicet, at quarterly pay-
ments, the first payment to be made on coming into m. ss
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheniffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.-Allowed.
'Frederick Darley, Lord Mayor.-William Alex-
ander. - John Exslla.w. - John Carleton. - Joseph
Pemberton.-Charles Thorp.-Alexander Kirkpatrick.
-Samuel Reed.-Hugh Crothers.-Meredith Jenkin.-
Henry Howison.-John GOTe Sanilley.-
Thomas Andrews.-Hugh Trevor.-John Claudius
1809. January 20.-Admissions to franchise.
1809. January 20.-Declaration and signatures.
1809. April 14.-Second Friday after Easter.!
[1.J "We, the Lord Mayor and Board .of Aldermen
1 Easter day. 2 April, 1809. ".
of the city of Dublin, have this day e],ecld by ballot of
alderman William Stamer to serve in the place or office
of Lord Mayor of the said city for the ensuing year
o(.mmencing Michaelmas next and do hereby return
the said alderman William Stamer' to you the SheritIs
and Commons of said city for your approbation.
"Frederick Darley, Lord Mayor."
"We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of Dublin
in common council assembled, hav,e this day by ballot
approved of alderman William Stamer to serve in the
place or office of Lord Mayor of said city for the ensuing
year commencing liIichaelmas next.
" George Sutton, John George, Sheriffs."
[2.J "We, the SheritIs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated ITg;igr
by ballot the following eight freemen of said city Sheriffs.
resident within the said city or the liberties awl fran-
chises thereunto adjoining, each of them worth in r eal
and personal estate in possession the sum of 2,000,
5 b. stm-ling, over and above all their just debts, that is to
say, Hickman Kearney of Abbey street merchant,
J ames TIidLlall of SuiIolk street merchant, J olm .
Rogcrson of William street merchant, Edward Stanley
of Saint St.ephen's Grean merchant, Charles Lilly of
}Ierrion TOW carpenter, Bevel' Buchanan of Grafton
street apothecary, Thomas Abbott of Saint Androw
street weaver, and John Kingston James of Lower
Ormond quay merchant, ,as fit persons to serve in the
office of Sheriffs of the said city, and do hereby l'fl turn
the names with the additions of the said eight persons
to you the Lord Mayo!' and Board of Aldcnnen of said
city, in order to your electing two of thp. said persons
to be Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing year
commencing Michaelmas next.
"George Sutton, John George, Sheriffs. "
City pipe
"We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
city of Dublin, have this day by ballot elected Hickman
Kearney of Abbey str,eet, merchant, and Thomas
Abbott of Saint Andrew street, weaver, out of the eight
persons returned to us by the Sheriffs and Commons to
serve in the office of Sheriffs of said city for the
ensuing year commencing Michaelmas next.
" Frederick' Barley, Lord Mayor."
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city I)f
Dublin with' pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 13th day of April, 1809 .
We, the committee appointed for better supplying the
city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform your
honours that we have been studiously attentive to
the business committed to our care since wllast reported.
Your committee, from a very minute investigation of
your accounts respecting this establishment and after
the most matur& deliberation theroon, judged it
essentially necessary that an application should be made
to parliament for an act to increase. the rent. And
accordingly your committee had a petition prepar&d
and presented to parliament for that purpose and a bill m. 44.
drawn under the direction of the Recorder, and your
ccmmittee have the satisfaction to inform you, that
same is now engrossing .
And trust from the precautions they have taken
ttroughout the whole of this arduous business and the
arrangements that have been made, documents, etc.,
furnished, and the attendance of your law agent.
engineer, and accountant in London, they will be able
to effect the increaSE) in the rent sought for, and thereby
enable your lordship and honours to proceed with the
Works. various heavy and expensivo works now become abso-
lutely necessary, not only for the regular and per-
manent supply of the inhabitants of this city, but for
the purpose of laying down cast metal mains, thereby
to prevent the frequency of taking up timber mains in mains.
different parts of this city.
, Your committee have perfected the principal deeds Deed,.
with the proprietors of the ground at Portobello intended Portobello.
for a new bason and your committee having advertizecl Bason.
to receive proposals for excavating the same. \Ve had Proposals
several proposals for that purpose laid before them,
but on account of the absence of Mr. Andrew Coffey in ColTey.
England, we declined coming to any determination.
, Your committee think it their duty to inform your
lordship and honours, that Mr. David Courtnoy, the Courtney.
principal proprietor of said ground, has in the most
handsome manner given up to your lordship and
honours a strip of ground adjoining the west side of the Gronnd.
intended bason, containing eighteen perches in length
and ten feet in breadth, by which addition your com-
mittee will be enabled to make a street and completely Street.
to insulate the intended bason. Your committee think
that Mr. Courtney for such his liberal conduct is justly
entitled not only to their thanks but that of the corpora- Corporation
tion at large. thanks.
'Your committee further beg leave to observe, that
we feel much)ndebted to alderman John Cash for the
very great pains he has taken in making out a most
able ,and accurate calculation and account of the Account.
receipts and expenses of this establishment for thirty-
one years past, which document as verified by his
affidavit is most important evidence, which has been
sent over to be produced before the imperi al parliament
in support of our new pipe water bill, and alderman water
John Cash has consented, if it shall become necessary,
to go over to attend parliament on this sUhject.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly; it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
Court ney.
City leases.
made an act of assembly. And that the thanks of this Roll xxi
m. 44 ~
assembly be given to Mr. David Courtney together with
the freedom of this city, gratis, for the reasons in said
report mentioned.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 13th day
of January, 1809 .
V'l e, the committee appointed for inspecting city
Leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have been particularly attentive to the business
committed to our care since we last reported. Your
committee took into consideration the sub-committee's
report respecting the ground near the old Custom
House, formerly in the possession of Emanuel Ekersall,
and your committee judged it prudent to have a map
of the same made out, which together with the old map
of the same and copies of the acts of Easter assembly of
1805 respecting it, we judged it necessary to lay before
government, they being at present in posse.ssion thereof
as part of the barracks. Which was accordingly done
by the L o ~ d Mayor accompanied by an offer, that they
should have the preference of it and giving the value
and requesting possession if they did not wish to
occupy it .
Your committee, according to directions of your
lordship and honours, advertized the reserved ground
at Island Bridge to be let in the usual way and bave
the satisfaction to inform your lordship and honours,
that the same has been let at the annual rent of 188, lli. 43
sterling, commencing 29th September next, . to Mr.
Lapham and leases are now before the Recorder for his
perusal prior to their being perfected. By this letting
a piece of ground which has been a considerable time
wholly unproductive now yields a handsome addition
to your lordship and honours' estate.
'Your committee having taken into consideration the 1809.
bill of !\lr. Arthur Richards Neville, your surveyor, for Neville.
different surveys made for the corporation amounting Surveys.
to 76 15s. Id., which we referred to a sub-committee,
who reported that the same should be paid, with which
your committee agree.
, Your committee having taken into consideration the
petition of Thomas M. Winstanly for renewal of lease Winstanly.
of premises on Hogg Hill, and your committee finding Hogg Hill.
that he is entitled thereto are of opinion that same be
granted him .
Your committee furthr beg leave to roport, that
having taken into consideration the petition of Mr.
David Sherlock for payment of the sum of 89 2s. 4d., Sherlock.
which was due to him by one Charles Carpenter, who Carpenter.
escaped out of the city Marshalsea during the time M,rsh,];;e,.
Mr. George Brown had the charge of that prison, which Brown.
sum. your committee are of opinion paid to Mr.
Shcrlock. And we recommend tha,t it be an instruc-
tion to the committee of inferior city officers to investi-
gate this business and to report how far Mr. Brown is
liable on that account.
'Your committee further beg leave to inform your
honours, that YDur treasurer having found that the
houses situate.l Dn the holdinoO's of Mr. Ware in Cook
street and Winetavern street were become very ruinous
and presented by the grand jury, he immediately street.
obtained possession of them in order to preserve tho
materials. And we recommend that the leases of sruid Lease .
premises having expired, the same shall be set in the
usual manner and we are also of opinion that the city
lot reserved in the setting of the North Lotts be also set r;:a;
in the usual manner.'
b. Aml the said oommons, praying to confim1 the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon grantocl, the committee's report confi:rro...ed
Lots of
Audit of

Pipe water
and made an act of assembly, and that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's wan'ant; pay the
sums in the roport ment.ioned, and that the several lots
of ground therein mentioned be advertized and set in
the usual manner.
[5.] Oertain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed to audit the accounts of alderman
John Carleton, city treasurer, ha,ve made the annexeLI
report of the 13th day of April, 1809 .
We, the committee appointed to audit the accounts
of alderman John Carleton, city treasurer, for the rents,
issues, and profits of the corporation for one year com-
mencing Michaelmas 1807, and ending Michaelmas
1808, beg Leave to inform your honours, that we have
carefully examined the same together with the several
vouchers relating thereto.
'The treasurer laid before usa rental of your
bonours' estate, as it stood Miohaelmas 1808, we
chargeu him with the amount of the rents reooived
in said year being 13,433 16s. 6}d., and with
such other incidental issues and profits as accrued
in that time, amounting in the whole to the sum of
29,523 12s. 4td.
"Ve find the disbursements including a sum 01
1,133 13s. 4d., interest of money in advance for your
honours, also including the sum of 1,476 3s. Otd., m. 42.
poundage, amount in the whole to the sum of 39,783
10s. l1td., so that there appears due to the city treasurer
upon this account the sum of 10,259 18s. 7d.
'Your committee also further inform your honours,
that with the assistance of the pipe water committee,
we audited the treasurer's accounts respecting the pipe
water establishment for said year and find a balance
due to him thoreon of 346 Is. lltd., so that the balance
due to your treasure-r on both said accounts appears to
be 10,606 Os. 6d.
And your committee found t.hat the whole of said 1809.
accounts were stated with the utmost accuracy, and Acconnts.
have much gratification in st.ating the vcry great exer-
tions that have been made in the collection of the rents Rents.
and arrears of rents, by which the tenantry are mostly Tenantry.
brought to pay one half year's rent within the other,
a measure most desirable and for which the treasurer
is entitled to our most sincere thanks .
Yonr committee recommend that a compliment of
twenty guineas be paid to l'.fl'. Isaac Smith, clerk to
your honours' treasurer, for his trouble in making up I'aymenl.
said accounts and a second copy thereof.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and maIm the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
[6.] .. Resolved, that alderman Joseph Pemberton,
his MayoraHy and ,at all times as a membGr of Mayoralty.
this corporation has evinced a steady and uniform
attention to the welfare and true interests of this city
and particularly in laying before the corporation
b. paving bill, which was proposed tD be passed into a law Paving bill.
in the sessions of tho forty-seventh of king George Ill. 1006-7.
In conseqllen9 of which the (XlllJoration petitioned
parliament against the same and which pet,ition was
IIDt a taken into consideration owing to the
slllldon of parliament which then took
The Lord Mayor ,a;nd Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore- resolution.
The Sheriffs and Commons agree with the Lord
Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the said resolution,
and request that the samc be published three times in
the Dublin Journal and Freeman's Journal.
[7.] Oertain of the commons, praying that so much
A::;size of
high >
serjcant at
serjeanl a.t
of tho act of oeconomy may be rescinded, which directs ~ ~ I ~ t
the Sheriffs to pay the sum of 250, each, in lieu of
their quarterly dinners, and that the late Sheriffs Alley
and Montgomery and the present Sheriffs Sutton and
George do pay the sum of 100, each, to the corporation
in full of all demands on that acoount: whereupon it
was granted, pursuant to the prayer of tho petition.
[8.] Samuel Middleton, sword bearer, praying for
usual allowanoe for striking the assize of bread for one
year: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid
twenty guineas by the city treasurer on the Lord
Mayor's warr,aJlt, for the reasons in said petition
[9.] George Brown, praying to be oontinued high
oonstable of the said city: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said George Brown be and is hereby continued
high oonstable of said oity during the city's pleasure, m. 41.
not exceeding three months ending Midsummer
assembly 1809, at a salary of 40, sterling.
[10.] WilliamMoAllister, praying to be oontinued
one of the serj eants at mace of said city: whereupon it
was ordered, that the said William lIfoAllister be and
is hereby oontinued one of the serjeants at mace of said
city for one year ending Easter assembly 1810, lIe
giving such security for the faithful discharge of the
duties of said office and redelivery of the silver mace,
as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, said
security to be entered into in one month from this date
or this order to be void, provided also that he do appeal-
on public days in proper gown of office.
[11.] Michael Dalton, pr,aying to be continued one of
the serj eants at mace of said city: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Michael Dalton be and is hereby
continued one of the serjeants at maoo of said city for
one year ending Easter assembly 1810, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
<xvii. office and redeliv,ery of the silvElr maco, as the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs shall approv,e of, said security to be mace.
entered into in one month from this date or this order
to be void, provided also that he do appear on public
days in proper gown of office.
[12.] JliIary Swettcnham, praying for aid: wherEll1pon
it was ordered, that petitioner be pa,icl by the city Grant.
treasurer on t,he Lord JliIayor's warrant the surr; of 25,
sterling, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[13.] George Harvey, praying for payment of billllarvey.
for engrossing addresses: whereupon it was ordered, Addresses.
that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer on the Lord
Mayor's warrant the sum of ten guineas, for the reasons Payment.
ill his petition mentioned.
[14.] Rober! Tyler, praying for allowance for TyJer.
opening Smithfield market by ring of bell: whereupon Smithfield.
it was ordered', that petitioner be paid three guineas, Payment.
for the reasons in said petition mentioned.
[15.] JliIargaret Smith, praying for usual allowance Smith.
for providing pens, ink, paper, and candles, for quarter Necessaries.
assem blielS and post assemblies fDr one year ending this
assembly: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
paid by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant Payment.
the sum of five guineas, for thel reasons in said petit.ion
mentioned. '.
[16.] Elizabeth Frances Corry, praying for usual Corry.
aid: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid Grant.
2, sterling, city bounty.
[17.] JliIargaret Montgomery, praying for usual aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitionor bo paid 2, Grant.
sterlmg, city bounty.
[18.] Maria Bennet, praying for usual aid: where- Bennet.
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid 2, sterling, Grant.
city bDunty.
1809. April H.-Admissions to franchise.
1809. April H.-Declaration and signatures.

tion for
1809. May I.-Post Assembly.
[1.] Hickman Kearney, praying to be excused from
serving the office of Sheri ff: whereupon it is ordered,
that the resignation of the said I-lickman Kearney be
and is hereby accepted of and that he be excused from
serving the office of Sheriff of this city for the ensuing
[2.] Thomas Abbott, praying to be excused from
serving the office of Sheriff: whereupon it is ordered,
that the resignation of the said 'rhomas Abbott be and m.
is hereby accepted of and that he be excused from
serving the office of Sheriff of this city for the ensuing
[3.J "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot
nominated the following eight freemen of the said city or
the liberties thereunto .adjoining, each of them worth in
real .and personal estate in possess}on the sum of
2,000, sterling, over and above .all their just debts,
that is to say, Edward Stanley of Saint Stephen's
Green merchant, John Rogerson of \Villiam street
merchant, James Riddall of Suffolk street merchant,
Charles Lilly of l'Iferrion row carpenter, James Walcot
Fitzgemld of Grafton street merchant, J ames Stephens
of Bachelor's Walk merchant, Berver Buchanan of
Grafton street apothecary, and James King of Grafton
street stat,ioner, as fit persons to serve in the office of
Sheriffs of the said city, and do hereby return the names
with the additions of the said eight persons to you the
Lord l\fay{)l' and Board of Aldermen of the said city,
in order to your electing two of the said persons to be
Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing year com-
mencing Michaelmas next.
"George Sutton, John George, Sheriffs."
[4.] "We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
IO,:XVIi. of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot elected
Edward Stanley of Saiut Stephen's Green, merchant,
. and James Riddall of Suffolk street, merchant, out of Sheriffs.
the said eight persons returned to us by the Sheriffs and
Commons to serve in t.he office of Sheriffs of said city
for the ensuing year oommencing Michadmas next.
, Darley, Lord Mayor."
1809. May 12.-Post Assembly.
[1.] "Resol ved, that a proper person resident in London
London be employed as agent for the purpose of solicit-
Ob. ing ,and conducting the corporation' s business in parlia- Parliament.
ment, and in general to watch ov,er any matter that may
be brought forward therein, whereby the rights or Rights.
pr,ivileges of this city may be infringed, and that such l'rivileg ...
agent do immediately infolTIl the Lord Mayor thereof,
and that he do act as solicitor in all bills brought into
the imperial parliament in which the corporation of
the city is concerned, and that Mr. Francis Fladgate
of Norfolk street in the city of London be appointed for
that purpose."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sh81iffs and Commons in the fore-
going re,solution.-AHowed .
. , Frederick .parley, Lord lILUJyor.-John Exshaw.-
John Carleton.-Samuel Recd.-Charles - Thorp.--
JllIeredith Jenkin. - Joseph Pemberton. - William
St'amer.-\Villiam Henry Archer.-Robert Shaw.'
1809. May 12.-Post Assembly.
[1.] George I3inns, praying to be appointed gaoler of
the New Prison, in the room of 'l'resham Gregg g:;;';;;ed.
deceased: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
George Binns be .and is hereby appointed gaoler of
Newgate during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one Ncwgato . .
year ending Easter assembly 1810.
Act of
of green.
Provided, that he the said George Binns do con- ~ 1 1 9 ~ x
stantly lie each night in the said gaol or in default
thereof, that the said George Binns be removed from
the s&id office and rendered incapable from ever holding
the same, and that he shall strictly adhere to the direc-
tions set forth in the act of assembly of 1787.
Also provided, that he the said George Binns do
giv,e security to imlemnify the corporation from all
escapes and for the due performance and faithful dis-
charge of the duties of said office, such as the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to
be entered into in one week from this date or this order
to be void.
N.B.-The foregoing act of assembly was omitted
to be put on the roll at the time it was signed, but was
afterwards transcribed and inserted here by us.
AlIen and Greene. Town Clerks ..
1809. July 21.-Fourth Friday after tbe 24th of m. 49.
Midsummer Assembly held at the Exhibition House
in William street.
[1.] Certain of the commons, praying to grant the
herbage of Saint Stephll1's Green to alderman William
Stamr during his year of Mayoralty; whereupon it
\Vla.s granted, pursuant. to the prayer of the petition.
[2.] Certain of the commons, praying to provide
furniture for the Mayoralty house; whereupon it was
onlered, that a committee consisting of the right honour-
able the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, treasurer, masters of the
works, aldernlen Samuel Reed, Charles 'rhorp, ,Villi am
Stamer, and N athaniel Hone, and e,ight of the oommons
to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons or any five
of them, wher,eof the Lord Mayor and one of the
Sheriffs to be always two, and in the(,absence of the
Lord Mayor the senior alderman present to preside, be
and are hereby appointed. a committee to provide such
DUBLIN ROLL, 1809. 147
furniture for the use of the Mayoralty hou;,e as may be 1809.
necessary, the expense attending the same not to exceed Expense.
the sum of 100, sterling, and the committee are hereby
empowered to draw on the city treasurer for said sum,
the accounts thereof to be kept separate and no money
paid but by the oommittee's order.
[The eight of the oommons:] lIfessi,eurs Edward Commons.
Stanley, William McCready, Charles Lilly, J ames
Riddall, Benjamill Eaton, Charles Thorp junior,
Francis Hamilton, Daniel Hutton.
[3.] Certain of the commons, praying to empower the :.;,t:.' and
committee of beams and scales to set the sam() in tl1e
usual manner: whereupon it was ordered, that the
oommittee be and .are hereby empowered to sot the same Setting.
for one year.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the e:t;,tpc
oommittee appointed for the better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the following report
of the 17th July, 1809.
'We, the committee appointed for bGtter supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have vC'ry carefully attended to
the husiness committed to us since our last report. And
your committe,e having seen in several newspapers ;::;;,s;"
resolutions signed by the vestry clerk of Saint Thomas's
parish containing gross, unfounded, and most slan-
derous charges ragainst our honour and integrity,
likewise that of the oorporation, which we would have
looked over with that cont.empt they so justly merited,
were it not thmt we wishe(l to show the public the falsity
of said resolutions. vVe appointed a sub-committee
consisting of aldermen Samuel Reed, \ViJliam Henry
Archer, messieurs John Giffard, vVilIiam .McAuley, and
Daniel Hutton to take same into consideration and
draw up an answer to said charges.
Mr. John Giffard, who took unoommon pains Gilf.rd.
Bason wall.
thereon, reported from said comrnitloo, that they had
prepared such answer, which is hereunto annexed, and
he having read over same to us paragraph by para-
graph, we highly approved thereof and ordered same to
be signed by our secretarie,s, messieurs Alien and
Greene, and requested Mr. Giffard to get OIle thousand
copies of t hem printed, five hundred in sheets and five
hundred of them made up like ,a pamphlet, and havo
distribu ted in the different parishes of this city,
which has accOrdingly been done.
'Your committee further report, that the bill for
enabling the corporation to raise the rent to enable
them to lay metal mains, make r eservoirs, etc., etc.,
having passed into a law, we ,a re dete=ined to use
every exert.ion in our power to have the spirit thereof
carried into effect to the satisfaction of our fellow
'We direct.ed :Mr. Andrew Coffey, the engineer, to
lay metal mains in O=ond quay as soon as possible,
and to have an inteorior wall built round theo new bason
at Blessington street anCl same properly puddled, so as
to prevent the water from ouzing through the same'.
'Your committee having had an application from
messieurs Guinness for an additional supply to their
brewery, we agreed to give them same under the
directions of :Mr. CoJ'fey, at the rent of 25, per annum.
'We furthe'r beg leave to report , that we appoint.ed
Wednesday the 5th July, to go Ill) the course, but from
the wetness of the day were prevented going farther
than Dolphin's Barn, but the Lord .1layor accompanied
by the Sheriffs and engineer have since gone up and
viewed same. They reported it to be in good order
and which report is hereunto annexed.
'Your committee further beg leave to say, they are
very sorry lo inform your honours, that lIIr. Lapham,
to whom the reserved ground at the engine house Island

vii. Bridge was so advantageously let, sent lIIr. Burton, for
whom he took same, to inform us that Sir William
Worthington had put a chain and lock on the gate of
the water course which runs through said gl'ound and
thereby obstructed and prevented him from going on
with his improvement.
'We thereupon requested the Lord lIfayor to put lIIr.
Bm'ton in the quiet possession of the premises he' had Burton.
so taken, and his lordship having gone thero with that
intent, he was obstructed by Sir William Worthington, Obstruc'
. .. troD.
who threatened to brmg an action agamst Ium as soon
as he was out of office, if he attemptd to take off said
lock. We, therefore considering Sir \Villiam Worth-
ington's oonduct very extraordinary, after he himself
being a bidder for said ground and being present at
the letting and having agreed to the map by which the
premi ses were set, we directed the law agents to take Law .gent .
such proceedings against Sir William \Vorthington as l::';:eed'
the Recorder shall think proper to direct.' Recorder.
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee:s report confirmed
and mad() an act of assembly,
[5.) Certain of the commons, setting forth that the City lease.
committee appciinted for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annel'ect report of the 17th day
of July, 1809.
'We. the committee appointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, inform your honours that in
pursuance of the powers vested in us, we directed the
Town Clerks to advertize for letting the two lots of
ground situate at the comer of \Vineta\'ern street and
Cooke street, formerly demised to :i'lIr. \Vare, and for
that purpose we did on Wednesday the 12th July
instant, meet at the Sessions House and several persons
having attended and bid, we let No. 1. the corner of
Bishop of
I I I '
Cooke street containing 21 feet 6 inches to Mr. Sullivan R<lll x
for 99 years at 19s. per foot, he being the highest bidder,
and at same time let No. 2. in 'Vineiavern street for the
like term to said 111". Sullivan for 15s. per foot, he being
the highest bidller and are of opinion that leases be
prepared pursuant to saill letting and put under the
city seal.
We further beg leave to report, that we thought it
aclvisable to adjourn the letting of lot No. 77 part of tile
North Lotls, containing two acres till after the year
expires for which it was agreed to be let to the present
occupier, which will be in June, 1810.
'We further beg leave to inform your honours, that
being informed the Bishop of Deny harl agreed to let the
house in Dawson street next the Mansion House, we
directed the law agents to write a letter to his lordship,
informing him thak the corporation will not any longer
suffer the windows of said house which look into the
garden of the said :iI1ansion House to remain open and
garden. to furnish him with a copy of the act of assemhly giving
Rnox. leave to the late Thomas Knox, esquire, to open said
windows in the year 1771.
'Your committee having taken into consideration the
lIanders. jJetition of Joshua to be allowed two years'
Bow Ilridge. rent of premises at Bow Bridge, which he deposited at
the time he took same with the late alderman Benj amin
Goal.. Geale and which we find has not been allowed, we are
Credit. therefore of opinon that. Manders be credited for
same by your honours' treasurer.
Your committee also took into consideration the
petition of John Hill for lease of house in College
ttr.een, which weareof.apinion cannot be complied \vith.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm the
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an a.ct of assemhly.
I xxvii.
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the 6ft:
committee appointed for enquiring how the city's ,evenue.
revenue may be increased and its expenses lessened
have made the annexed report this 20th day of July,
'We, the committee appointed to enquire how the Repod.
city's revenue may be increased ,am! its expenses
lessened, beg leave to inform your honours that we met
in pursuance of the act of assembly 1809, requiring
that the treasurer be in future not allowed interest on
any sum, but that at the end of every quarter the city
debt be liquidated by cash or bonds, and took into oon-
sideration the statement of the expenditure as laid
before us by your honours' treasurer for the last
quartm, and we find that it will be necessary in the
ensuing quarter to raise a sum of 7,200, under the be
powers vested in lhe corporation by the late pipe water
act to meet the necessary disbursements.
, And we also find that ,a, balance of 1,751 8s. 2d.,
appears due to the treasurer on the city's acoounts, for
which together with the demands ascertained to us to Demands.
become payable in the ensui11g quarter, it will beoome
necessary to raise the sum of 5,000, by city bonds, City bond .
which we recommend to be put tmder the, city seal to
that amount.' .'
And the said commons, .praying to confirm the said Orde"
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that bonds to the Bonds.
amount of 7,200, sterling, be put under the city seal City seal
for the purposes in said report mentioned respecting
the pipe water works, and that bonds to the amount
(If 5,000, chargeable on the city's estate be put
under the city scal for the reasons in said report
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
City leases,
quay hOllse.
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 21st day
of July, 1809.
We, the oommittee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring to whom it was referred to take
into consideration the propriety of faking a lease of
the Exhibition House in William street and fitting it
up as .ll/ Corporation House, beg leave to inform your
honours that we met and appointed a sub-committee
to view the same, consisting of the Lord l\[ayor, alder-
man Charles Thorp, messieurs ,Villi am m. 48 b.
Daniel HuU,on, John Giffard, Charles Lilly, and
Benjamin E,aton.
Who reported to your committee, that it will be
highly advantageous to take a lease of it at 150, per
a.nnum, and which oommittee also obtained a plan of
the n()cessary alterations, which is hereunto annexed,
by which alterations sufficient and ample accommoda-
tion will be afforded to the oorporation. The Lord
Mayor and Board of Aldermen having a complete room
to moot in and a neat parlour furnished for a reception
room, and the Commons a large room fitted up appro-
pria tel y for their use.
Your oommittee are therefore of opinion and do
reoommend the pla,n now submitted be adopted and
that a lease of the Exhibition House be taken at the rent
of 150, per annum, with a covenant to fine down the
same at the rate of 10, per cent, so far as 500, and
that the improvements so suggested be proceeded upon
forthwith .a,t an expense not exceeding 400, and that
the present pipe water house on Ormond quay be
advertized and sold to the best bidder.
Your oommittee cannot close' this their report with-
out acknowledging that much thanks are due to
Mr. ,Villiam l\[cCreacly, with whom the idea 'of taking
the Exhibition House, first originated and whereby a
considerable saving and advantage will accrue to the 1809.
funds of the oorporation.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
theI1eupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that leases be orth- Lea"""
with executed of the Exhibition House, agreeable to the Exhibition
terms in the fOI18going report mentioned, and that the
different alterations according to the annexed plan be
forthwith proceeded upon and that the pipe water 110118e
bl3 disposed of in the usual manner.
Note-.-For act of assembly relativo to pier of
Dunleary see roll 7. pago 159.
[8.] "Resolved, that the freedom of the corporatiou Franchise.
btl granted gratis to John Wilson Oroker, esquire, in
testimony of his great attention in parliament to the Croker.
interests of the citizens of Dublin, and that same be
engrossed, and put under the city seal, and presented City seal.
to :Mr. Oroker in the most respectful manner."
The Lord JliIayor and Board of Aldtmnen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Oommons in the fore-
going resolution.
[9.] Andrew Ooffey, praying to be continued engineer
of the pipe water works: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said A,ndrew Ooffey be and is hereby continued
pipe water engineer during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 1810, Salary.
at a salary of 250, sterling.
[10.] Samuel Hutchinson, praying to be continued
pipe water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that
the said Samuel Hutchinson be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors durillg the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending M.idsummer
assembly 1810, he giving such security for the fa,ithful Security.
discharge of the duties of said office and paying to the
<lity treasurer all suCh sums of money as he shall from
pipe water
serjeant at
time to time receive, said security to be entered into in Roll 1
one month from this date or this order to be void.
[11.] Robert Newell, praying to be continued one of
the pipe water collectors: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said Robert Newell be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Midsummer
assembly 1810, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of money as he 'shall from
time to time receive, said security to be entered into in
one month from this date or this order to be void.
[12.] George Browne, praying to be continued high
constable of the said city: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said George Browne be and is hereby continued
high constable during the city's pIeasure, not exceeding m. 41
one year ending Midsummer assembly 1810, at a salary
of 40, sterling.
[lB.] J ames Bardin, praying to be continued serjeant
at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the said James
Bardin be and is hereby continued one of the serjeants
at mace of said city for one year ending :ilfidsummer
assembly 1810, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of sa[d office and rede,livery of
thfo silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approv,e of, said security to be entered into in one monih
from this date or this order to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
[14.] Matthew Courtney, praying to be continued one
of the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said Matthew Courtney be and is hereby con-
tinued one of the serjeants at mace of said city for one
year ending JliIidsummerassembly 1810, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
office and redelivery of the silver mace, as the Lord
;:w!1. J\:f ayor and Sheriffs shall of, said security to 1800.
be entered into in one' month from this date or this order
to be void, provided also that he do appear on public
days in proper gown of office.
[15.] Michael DaHon, praying to be continued
serjetant at mace: whereupon it was ordorod, that the mace.
said Michael Dalton be and is hereby continued one of
the serjcants a.t mace of said city for oue year ending
Midsummer assembly 1810, he giving such security for
the faithful dischargel of the duties of said office aud
redelivery of the sil ver mace, as the Lord Mayor and
Sheriff8 shall approve of, said securily to be entered
into in one month from this date or this order to be
void, provided also that he do appear on public days
in proper gown of office.
[16.] Ambrose Crane, green-keep'!" of Saint Stephen's
Green, praying to be allowed the usual gratuity for keeper.
two years: whereupon it was ordered, that he be
allowod ten guineas, for the reasons in his' petition Paymen!.
[17.] Eliza Seguin, praying for aid: whereupon it Seguin.
was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord
Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the sum of ten guineas, Grant
for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[18.] Sarah Walker, praying for aid: whereupon it Walker.
was ordc,red;' that t.he city treasurer do, on the Lord
:Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the sum of 25, Gran!.
sterling, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
lHl.] It appearing to this assembly, that a number Petition.
of most respectable persons have petitioned his grace
the lord lieutenant to order that a pier be constructed Pier.
on the south side of the Bay of Dublin to prev,ent as
much as possible a, repetit.ion of the dreadful disasters
which have occurred on t.hat coast.
"Resolved, tha,t this assembly having the fullest Humanity.
reliance on the Wisdom and humanity of his grace alld
Paving act.
tion for
his government think it unnecessary to present any
petition on the subject, fully convinced that whatever
Wisdom and humanity can effect will be done in this
The Lord .ilIayor and Board of Aldermen ,agree with
the Sheri ffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[20.) "Resolved, that a committee be appointed to
consider the propriety of applying to parliament to
repeal certain clauses in the paving act of the 47th of
the king, [George IlL) and introducing therein by way
of amendment such other clauses as may be deemed
beneficial to the citizens of Dublin, ,and to report the
same to a post assembly to be called by the Lonl Mayor
for that purpose."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolut.ion,
and that ,a committee consisting of aldermen John
Carleton, John Exshaw, Thomas. Andrews, Henry
Howison, John Cash, and Samuel Reed, together with
twelve of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons with the assistance of Mr. Recorder, be and m. 47 &.
are hereby appointed a committee for the purposes in
the foregoing resolution mentioned.
[The twelve of the commons:) .ilIessieurs John Giffard,
William McCready, William Patterson, Daniel Dick-
in80n, John Thomas Sinnett, Robert Harty, Francis
Hamilton, William McEenzie, John Read, William
Cope, David Heffernan, Lewis Morgan.
1809. July 21.-Admissions to franchise.
1809. July 21.-Dedaration and signatures.
1809. August n.-post Assembly. m. 47.&
[1.) "We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the city of Dublin, have this day nominated and
returned from ,amongst the Sheriffs' Peers Jeremiah
D' Olier of Mount joy Humphry Minchin of
Fitzwilliam street, Jeffry Foot of Essex Bridge, and
Mark Bloxham of Meath street, esquiros, as fit porsons
to serve in the place of alderman of said city, and do
hereby r eturn the names with the additions of the said
four persons to you. the Sheriffs and Commons of said
city, in order to your electing one of tho said four
pt;rsons an alderman of the said city, in the room of
alderman Thomas Fleming, deceased.
" Frederick Darley, Lonl
[:3.] "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of
Dublin, have this day elected by ballot from among the alderman.
four Sheriffs ' Peers returned to this house by the Lord
Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Mark Bloxham of
Meath street, esquirE" to the place of alderman of the
said oity, in the room of alderman Thomas Fleming,
" George Sutton, John Goorge, Sheriffs."
Hl09. September 7.-Post Assembly.
[1.] "Whereas, it is as much the desire, as it is the
duty of this assembly in common wit.h all his majesty's celebration.
10)'l3JI and loving subjects to teshify by every means in
their power the gratitude tbey feel to divine providence
for having so long and so happily extended the life of
our most graCious sovereign, that we are now able to
celebrate a Jubilee for the completion.of tbe forty-ninth
year from his accession to the throne."
[2.] Resolutions adopted by the corporation for cele- Resolutions.
brating [he Jubileo of King George rH. ill Dub] in.
i. "Resolved, therefore the loyal corporation of
this city will on tbe 25th October next, attend in state
at Chri st Church to return thanks to Almighty God
for the blessings we have so long enjoyed and to pray
his bounteous continuance of the same.
ii ... Resolved, that we will celebrate by a grand
dinner at the Rotunda that day at, the expense of the
iii. "Resolved, that we call on all our fellow citizens
to concur ,and manifest their loyalty by illuminations,
bonfires, and transparencies.
iv. "Resolved, that a grand firework be displayed in
Saint Stephen's Green on this occasion.
v. "Resolved, that the corporation do recommend to
the public, that a subscription be opened for the pur-
poso of erecting an equestrian statue of George the
vi." Resolved, that the Lord J\Iayor be requested to
inform the lord lieutenant and archbishop of Dublin
of these- our resolutions and in the name of the city
pray their concurrence."
[3.] The Lord J\Iayor and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolutions, and that a committee consisting
of aldermen Henry Gore Sankey, John Carleton,
Charles Thorp, lIferedith Jenkin, the Lord nfayor elect
\Villiam St1amer, Robert Shaw, and fourteen of the
commons to be named by t.he -Sheriffs and Commons be
and are hereby lappointed a committee for the conduct-
ing.and arrangeing the several matters contained in the m. 46.
foregoing resolutions.
[The fourteen of the commons:] .Messieurs John
Giffard, William Leet, William Bell, William Cope,
John Reid, \V illiarn U'Kenzie, J ames King merchant,
\villiam Patterson, John Willis, Edward Stan1ey, John
Davis, George Holmes, William McAuley, Lewis
NorE.-The following act of assembly should have
been entered in roll 4. between numbers 7. and 8.-see
page 153.
1809. July 21. 1809.
[1.] Certain of the conunons, setting forth that the
inhabitants of the barony of Hathdown lately presented Rathdown.
a petition to his grace the Duke of Hichmond, setting
forth the many fatal disaslers which have happened Richmond.
to the shipping in the Bay of Dublin, which petition
':Ieing of the utm{)st consequence in saving the lives of Boy.
many of our brave sailors would have additional
support jf aided by an address from so respectable a
body as the oorporation of Dublin.
And praying that a committee be appointed 10 pre-
pare an address to hi s grace the Duke of Richmond for Richmond.
that purpose.
Whereupon it was ordered, that a committee con-
si sling <Jf ahlermen John Exshaw, Samuel Reed,
\\'illiam Henry Archer, and Robert Shaw, togother with
four of the oomm<Jns to be namecl by the Sheriffs and
Commons be and were thereby appointed a committee
with the assistance of ]1.11'. Recorder to prepare a petition
to hi s grace the Duke of Richmond for the purposes in Hichmond.
said petition mentioned ancl that they repmt the same
to the adjournment of this assembly.
[The four of the oommons:] Messieurs John Giffard, Commons.
William .McAuley, William Cope, Arthur -:lIitchell.
"\illiam St1a.mer, Lord J\fayor.--John Carleton.-
Henry Howison.-l'.Ieredith Jenkin.-Willi am Worth-
ington. - Samuel Reed. - H ugh Trevor. - Thomas
Andrews.-Richard jl,Janders.-1IIark Bloxham.- John
Cash. -William Henry Archer.-Nathaniel Hone.-
Joseph Pemberton. - Abraham Braclley King.-
Frederick Darley.'
1809. October 20.-Thircl Friday after the 29th of
III ichaelmas Assembly held at tIle Tailors' Hall, Back

George rll.
year of bis
Lord Mayor: William Stamer.
Sheriffs: Eclwanl Stanley and James Riddall.
[1.] "Rosolved, that a committee of &ix members of
this house be appointed to meet an equal number of the
Board of Alderrr:u;n, who with the assistance of Mr.
Recorder, are to draw up a dutiful, affectionate, and
congratulatory address to our gl1acious and beloved
sovereign on the completion of the forty-ninth year of
his auspicious reign."
[The s,ix of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard,
William Cope, John Thomas Sinnett,. William
McAuley, Joshua Dixon, Sir John Ferns.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution, altmling it, "on his entering into
the fiftieth year of his reign."
The Sheriffs and Commons agree to the above
Roll ]
Order. Ordered, that aldermen Frederick Darley, Henry
Howison, John Carleton, Natharuel Hone, William
Committee. Henry Archer, and Robert Shaw be a committee
together with the commons in thil foregoing resolution
Recorder. named with the lassistance of the Recorder to prepare
the address within mentioned.
'Your majesty's faithful and loyal subjects, the
Jubilee. Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citi21ens of the city m. 1
of Dublin with hearts exulting with joy, approach your
throne to congratulate your majesty upon entering into
. the fiftieth year of your auspicious reign.
Europe. 'Whilst during that period, not only Europe but
almost the whole civilised world have been rent and
Wars. distracted with wars, with feuds and usurpations,
whilst ancient governments have been overthrown,
Desolation. whole nations enslaved, and confusion, \V1ar, and deso-
lation have usurped the place of order, contentment, and
. cranquillity. Your majesty's slfbjocts blest and pro-
tecter! by It gracious prol'illence and safe in the wisdohl tions.
and justice of your maje&ty's government, have beheld
with the deepest regr."t the scenes shocking to humani ty,
which an unprincipled tyrant has exhibited on ihe Napoleon.
continent, and comparing their dreadful situation with Continent.
our own, have, sincerely and humbly thanked the
Almighty, who in his gracious bounty has blessed
them with your majesty's mild and paternal reign.
'May that gracious being, who governs the universe,
at whose eommand nations and empires rise and fall, Nations.
flourish and d,ecay, long protect your majesty's reign Erupires.
to make your people happy. And may your majesty
long enjoy the satisfaction of ruling a people loy,al,
grateful and eontented.
, In tcstimony whereof, we have caused the common
tical of tho Bail! city to be hereunto affixed thi s 20th day City senl.
of October, in tlIe year of Our Lord, 1809.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do stand the address of
the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, eommons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, and that the same be engrossed, put
under the city seal, and presented to his grace the lord City ,eal.
li<) utenant by the eorporation to be transmitted to his
[2.) "Resolved, that the sincerE) thanks of this Thanks.
a,sembly be and are hereby returned to his grace the
lord lieutenant and her grace tho duchess of Richmond Richmond.
for their most munificent donations towards l1elieving
the eonfined debtors and other poor by the hands of the
Jubilee committee." committee.
'fhe Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution.
[3.) "Resolved unanimously, that a committee con- .
sisting of aldermen Samuel Heed, Abraham Brad!ey
King, and John Cash, together with three of the en s.
1809. commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons, ~ o ~ 4 X ~
Committee. be and are hereby appointed a committee with the
assistance of the RBcorder to prepare an address to
alderman Frederick Darley, law LOl'l1 :I\fayor, and to
Geo1'ge Sutton and John George, esquires, late Sheriffs,
expressive of the high sense we entertain of their con-
duct during their year of office, ancl that same be pre-
Gold box. senteel in a gold box value twenty-five guineas, and two
silver boxes value iive guineas each.
'rhe LOl'd Mayor and Board of Aldermen rBquest the
Concur conCUlTence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fo1'e-
going resolution.
The Sheriffs and Commons unanimously agree with
the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the fore-
going resolution.
Commons. [The three of the commons: 1 Committee o'f the m. 53.
commons, messieurs John Giffard, Nathani,el Craven, I
William McCready.
I Sir.
, The Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of
the city of Dublin in common oouncil assembled beg
leave to embrace this public opportunity of testifying
their warmest approbation of your conduct in the high
station, which you so lately filled with such dis-
tinguished honoyr to yourself and advantage to your
fellow citizens. '1"he just applause, which you have so
univ,ersally acquired by a wise, temperate, and virtuous
exeroise of official duty, demonstratBs that you were
highly worthy of that marked confidenoe' with which
your fellow citizens were pleased to honour you.
, Accept therdore, Sir, our warmest thanks, a tribute
justly due to your exalted viliues, and may you long
continue to enjoy the oonfidence andaffeciion of yom;
fellow citizens.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the saiu city to be hereunto affixed this 20th day
of October, in tho year of our LOl'd, 1809.'
[4.] " Resol vod, that from th!') experi<B1loc of fifteen
years, we have the highest reason lo approve the con-
duct of our worthy Recorder, from whose wisdom, Conduct.
integrity, anu diligenoe, the public at large and this
corporation ha,ve derivod the greatest advantage."
'fhe Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agroc with tho SheriITs and Commons in the
foregoing l'Iesolution.
[5.] "The Sheriffs and Commons unanimously
request the Lord Mayor and Boan! of Aldermen will
agree with them in presenting to John Alley and
Alex,aJlder Monlgomery, csquires, each a silver box
value five guineas respectively, in consideration of their
upright, impartial, and honourable conduct whilst
serving the office of High Sheriffs of this city. "
The Lord 1lrayor aml Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution.
[6.] "Resolved, that the Lord Mayor be requested to
wait on his graco the lord li eutenant on the part of the
oorporal-ion, and l'ilquest that any new bill or amend-
ment of the present bill for paving, lighting, and cleans-
ing the streets of this city, intenlled to be brought into-
parliament, bi1 previously laid bBfore this oorporation."
ThB Lord Mayo]' and Board of Aldermen request [he
concurrence of lhe Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.-Allowecl.
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that
the commit tee appointed for better supplying the city
oi Dublin with pipe watel; have made the annexed
report of the 19th day of October, 1809 .
We, the committee appointed for better supplying R"pod.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leavc to inform
your honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the various business committed to us since we last
reported . Your committee received a memorial from
Bucking. the inhabitants of Buckingham stroet requesting that a
barn street. .
main be laid for their supply, which your commIttee
referred to your engineer, who reported that same could
Bason. not be effected until the bason in Blessington street was
I Your committee published an advertizement for m. 53'.
proposals for the iron railing work necessary to be
done there, and having received several proposals for
same, your COIDlIIittee took them into consideration and
Dnrieys are of opinion that Mr. Benjamin Darley' s proposal be
accepted of, he entering into security for the due
execution of the work, which he bas accordingly done.
I Your committee directed your engineer to proceed
fortbwith in forming the bason at Portobello, according
to the plan Originally approved of by the committee.
Excavation. I Your committee advertized for proposals for exca-
vating same, in consequence of which several persons
having proposeu for that purpose. Your committee
took s,ame into consideration and resolved that the pro-
Lenchan. posal of Denis Lenehan and James l\fcCormick be
McCormick. accepted of, they entering into security to complete the
work, agreeable to the specification of the engineer,
which they have accordingly don!. In agreeing to
which proposal, your committee were in a degree
ac.tuated by having experienced the proper conduct of
these men in a work at Blessington street.
I Your committee judged it for the inteDest of the
establishm()nt as well as your lordship and honours,
that the different distillers should pay their pipe water
rent half ye.arly instead of annually, a regulation which
your committee strongly recommended to be adopted.
I Your committee received a notice from the Grand
Canal company of their intention to apply in the
ensuing session of parliament for a bill to repeal so
much of the last pipe water act as prevents them from 1809.
recciving pounflage on the increased pipe water rent, a
measure which your committee conceive ought to bc
particularly attended to and instructions given to the
proper offioers for the purpose of opposing.
, Your committee took into consideration the compen-
sation to the different officers on passing the pipe water Officers.
act, and also the law agents' bill of costs, and other
incidental matters, which your committee referred to a costs.
sub-committee for their considemtion, who having
investigaled the claims of the n?,spect.ive persons,
reported to us as follows, videlicet.
" We, the sub-committee of the pipe water committee Report.
appointed to enquire into t.he various expenses attendant Expenses.
on the passing of the late pipe water bill and to water
examine into the bill of cosls of the law agents UP0j'l
that occasion land other incidental matters, beg leave to
report that we met and having maturely considered the
different matters so to us referred.
"\Ve find that Richard Cave's expenses are as Cave.
s. d.
" For travelling up to London ancl re-
turning, the sum of 45 10 0
" For lodging for five weeks at 5, per
week, (which expense was occa-
sioned by its being necessary for
him to have suitable apartments 10
receive the different members of
par liame.Jl t and other gentlemell on
various consultations and meetings,
making alterations and amend-
ments in the bill), the sum of 25 0
.. And for forty-nine days' expenses at
1 14s. l!d., per day, the sum of ... 83 12
If.i4 2
"Whioh said threo several sums of money being
adde(l together maIm a sum of 154 2s. lld., and which
we are of opinion should be paid to him.
Col!ey. " IVe find that :Mr. Andrew Coffey's expenses are as
Piece of
follows :-
"For travelling up to London and re-
turning, the sum of
" For travelling to Yorkshire specially
on your business, the sum of
" For lodging whilst in London
" Ancl for seventy-three days' expenses
at 114s. 1td., per d,ay, the sum of
s. cl.
45 10
22 15
18 4
124 11
211 0
":Making together the sum of 211 Os. ltd., which
we are of opinion should be paid him.
" And we feel that messieurs Cave and Coffey are
entitled to the sinoere thanks of the committee for their
sedulous and unwearied exertions throughout the
progress of this business.
"Your committee beg leave to state, that it appears
to them that ,alderman John Cash has been put to an m. 52.
expense exceeding the sum of one hundred guineas in
going to London at tho special request of the committee,
upon which occasion he gave such effectual aid to tlie
passing of tli.o bill by the evidence which his close
invostigation of the pipe water accounts for a period of
fifty years enabled him to do. Tha,t they consider any
rE>muner.ation they could afford or that he would accept
of, would in no degree compensate him.
" For these reasons, they r8'commend that he be paid
a sum of one hundred guineas and that he be presented
with a piece of plate of the value of fifty guineas, as a
small testimony of thffir esteem and gra!'itude for such
his important services and whioh from their knowledge
of him, they fNI he will set a higher valuEl upon, than
any peouniary r emuneration that could be given.
" Your committee conceive the Town Clerks are
entitled to a sum of t!tiny guineas for their repeated Allowance.
attendances at the committee ,vhile the draft of the bill
was pending, and which ocoasioned the oommittee's
mooting much more frequently than they otherwise )Ieetillg,.
would, and also for a"lterat.iolls made at their suggestion
during the progress of the bill befor.e tho committee,
which wo think should be paid them."
'With which report your committee have agreed and
are of opinion and do recommend that the several sums Sum'paid.
therein mentioned be paid.
, Your committee have muoh satisfaction in inform-
ing your lordship and honours, that the reservoir in
Blessington street is now amply supplied with water,
and is now named the Royal George Reservoir, from Royal
which source the North Side of this city will, as your
committee have every reason to expect, receive a most
ample supply.
, Your committee feel no small degree of satisfactiOll :;'iu;c's
in disoharging what they conceive a duty incumbent thank,.
upon them, that of returning alderman Fredel'ick
Darley, late, Lord .Mayor, George Sutton and John Darley.
George, esquires, late High Sheriffs, their sincere thanks
for the very polite and uniform attention manifested
upon all occasions by them to your committee during
their year ofoffioe.'
And the said commons, praying to confi I'm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
. thereupon granted, the said committee's report con-
firmed and made an act of assembly, amI ordered that
tho city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay Payment.
the several sums in said report mentioned.
[8.) Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
C'ity leases.

)[ap of

l .. ease.
Report of

committre appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 19th day
of October, 1809 .
'Ve, the committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, inform your honours that we have
bepn particularly attentiye to the business committed to
us since we last reported. Your committee took into
consideration your lordship and honours' claim to that
piece of ground adjoining the old Custom IIouse, called
Ekers>,ll's IlUlding. wbich ) our CUllllllittee referred to a
sub-committee for the purpose of enquiring into same.
'Who having investigated it, reported to your com-
mitiee, who judge it proper to request of the late Lonl
Mayor, alderman Fredorick Darley to have a communi-
cation with government on the subject, inasmuch as
the Custom House is at present occupied as a Barrack.
\Vho accllrdingly laid SUllle before the chief secretary,
from whom his lordship received the letters and report
of the solicitor to the Barrack Board marked No. 1. 2.
and 3. and hereunto subjoined, and to which your
committee beg leave to refer .
. 'In consequence of which your committee directed
your surveyor to make a map of the ground and recom-
mended that the same be granted by lease to government
at some nominal rent, so long as same should continue
as a Barrack, thereby to ascertain in future that part
of your lordship and honours' estate, and directed the
repurt of the solicitor to the Barrack Board to be entered
upon your committee"s proceedings.
'Your COllllllittcp took into consideration the ptit.ion
of the reverend James Nevin, praying for a new lease
of a house in Saint Andrew street, referred to us by.
yonr lordship 'and honours, which hayillg duly investi-
gated and finding same to be in a very decayed state,
yOIll' committee are of opinion and do recommend that
new lease be granted to him for the same term of the
adjoining houses at the same rent of 35, per annum, \ 809.
' Reut.
W lch he now pays, so as tha,t the whole of your lordship
and honours' proptlrty then ma.y be out of lease at the
same time, upon his surrendering his present lease and
perfecting a new one to contain a covenant that he shall
expend thereon in lasting and valuable improvements
within two years from the perfection of the. lease the
sum of 100.
'Your committee directed to be prepared Lease,.
according .to maps made out by your surveyor of
premises in Lurgan street to Mrs. 1'IcDonald, in order to
have same tende,red to her for perfection, that in case s\reet.
01 he-r refusal, the. proper proceedings may be com-
menced against her for recovery of same.
'Your committee judging it a matter of the very last
im portance, the boundarie-s of the lands of Clon-
.turk be accurately ascertained, .directed a map Map.
of to be malle by your surveyor and that an Surveyor.
amicable bill should be filed against him, thereby to
perpetuate the yery material testimony he- is in
possession of respecting same, which is at pre,sent pre-
paring by your law agents.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm report Order.
and make the same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committoo's report confirmed and
made an act of ,assembly, and it was ordered, that a
lease be granted to the reverend Jamcs Ne,yin as within
reported and that his present lease be cancelled.
[9.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen' s bills
have made the annexed report of the 16th cjay of
October, 1809.
, We, the committee appointed for examining trades- Report.
men's bills, inform your honours that we met and
examined several bills laid before us, all properly Bills.
vouched by affidavits, and beg leave to report on the
furni shed.
following havillg priority of date, they having been
post\,olleJ last assembly and which we
recommend should be paid, that is to say:-
, AIJennan Charles Thorp, balance of
bill furnished in 1807
'AIJerman Jolm Exshaw, balance of
bill furnished same time
, JUrs. ,J ane GOl'don, balance of bill fur-
nished same time
, Mr. Thomas R.ced's account for
plumber's work in ]808
, Peter Wilson for iron work in 1808 .. .
'John Callaghan for painter ' s work . . .
, Dublin Journal for printing in 1808
, Alderman John Exshaw for printing
in 1808
, .\1 aki Ilg together the sum of
s. d.
64 3 4
116 16 8
16 19
43 17 4
29 2 2
28 16 2
60 2 4
129 12 3
488 19 10
, And your committee proceeded to examine bills now
furnished and beg to report the following, they having
pr iority and being aJso properly vouched by affidavits,
that is to say:-
s. d.
, William Lindsay and Son for ribbons
for state coach in 1808 .,. 20 9 6
, U. Keogh for slater's work, three bills
, Luke Oo11 l1or for plumber's work
, GCOl'ge l)aine for brazier's work
, Benjamin Eaton in part discharge of
a bill amount 129, furnished in
, Making together the sum of
46 1 6
-1 11 8
9 5 1
30 12 5
111 0 2
' And which said several bills so reported by your 1800.
committee amount in the whole to the sum of 600, the Amount.
sums to which your committee are limited by the act
of assembly and which your committeo are of opinion
should be respectively paid.
'Your committee also took into consideration several
bills furnished long since by the Freeman's Journal
for advertizements and other publications in that
ps,per, whilst it was employed by your lordship and
honours, which several bills are as follows: -
Freeman's Journal Account.
From 4th October 1803 to 7th December
From 3rd January 1804 to 18th November
10th January 1804 to 11th December
]1'rom 12th January 1805 to 19th December
From 12th February, 1805 to 3rd December
From 4th January 1806 to 12th December
1806 " '.
From 21st January 1806 to 11th December
. .
1!'rom 20th J .anuary 1807 to 17th February
s. d.
49 611
28 12 0
35 13 8
72 1 li}
44 18 1
31 1 10
9 18 5
297 1
'At which period the paper was discontinued by ..
your lordship and honours, making in the whole the continued.
sum of 297 Is. 6td.
, For the payment of which sum your are
17:2 DUBLIN ROLL, 1809.
"on. of opiniQIl the proprietor of that paper should petition
PtltitiOD. the next quarterly assembly for payment'
AmI tho snid commons, praying to confir m said
rel'ort nnd make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupoll granted, the committee's report confirmed
find made an nct of assembly, and that the city
Payment. treasurer do, on the Lord pay the
difl'erent persons within named the sums respectively
rejJorted due them, ,amounting in the \,-hole to the sum
of (500, sterling.
[10.J Alderman Frederick Darley, late Lord Mayor,
.'I"yomlty. praying for usual sum of 1,000 : whereupon it was
ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lor d Mayor' s
Payment. warrant, pay alderman Frederick Darley; late Lor d
Mayor, the sum of 1,000, for the reasons mentioned in
his petition. !
tranchi;e. [11.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom m. 51
to thfl most reverend Euseby Cleaver, D.D., lord arch-
bishop of Dublin, the rather for his steady support of .
the Established Church and his exemplary, 'pions, and
hllmane conduct as a divine upon all occasions: where-
upon it was ordered, that the same be granted and pre-
sented to his grace in the most respectful manner.
Celiain of the commons, prayiI\g for freedom
!laws"n. to Richaru Dawson, esquire, son of the late Richard
Dawson, esquire, a free merchant and grandson of the
lato alderman Ric!lard Dawsoll: whereupon it was
fl]'d'nd. that the same be granted, gratis.
[13.) Certain of the commons, setting forth, t hat
whereas the scheme so often rejected by the Irish
jI!;hnuwnt. l'ar1 iament of enclosing this city on its southern, south-
eastern, and south-western sides with turnpikes,
whereby improvement would be stopped, t he price of
provisions would be enhanced, the trade to this city
obstructed. and the health of its inhabitants injured
by confinement, is now again )'evived by persons,
DUBLIN ROLL, 1809. 173
xxvii. whose habitations and properties lie on the opposilB 180H.
o IIabtta
sIdes and who have no manner of interest in forcing
this measure, but to depreciate to a level with their own
the improvable grounds on the sides first mentioned, Grounds.
to create jobs, and acquire patronage. And praying Jobs.
th t 1
. 1 b' Patronage.
a t liS measure mlg It e opposed III the same effectual
manuer heretofore done: whereupon it was ordered, Order.
that a committee consisting of aldermen Samuel Beed, Committee.
William Henry Archer, Jolm Cash, and Abraham
Bradley King together with four of the commons to be
named by the Sheriffs and Commons be and are hereby
appointed a. committee to prepare a petition to parlia- Petition tu
ment pursuant to the foregoing petition, and that same
when prepared be engrossed, put under the city s,eal, City seal.
and presented by the city representatives.
[The four of the commons:] Committee of the Commons.
commons, messieurs John Giffard, Joshua Dixon,
Humphry Minchin, 'l'homas l'vfcKenny.
[14.] The master and wardens of the corporation of
goldsmiths, praying that a new pipe water bond might
be sealed in lieu of the one annexed, which has been
partly destroyed, upon cancelling same : whereupon it
was ordored, that a new pipe water bond be issued on
ohllcelling the annexed, the expense attending the same Expense.
to be paid by Hl() petitioners.
[15.] William' Leet, praying for payment of his bill I,eet.
amount 25: whereupon it was ordered, that the samo
be paid by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor' s Payment,
warrant, for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[16.] Matthew West, praying for payment of a bill W" t.
for a gold box for alderman Hugh Trevor: whereupon
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the cityaldermau.
treasurer on the Lord lIIayor's warrant the sum of
28 8s. 9d., being the amount of same, for the reasons Payment.
in his petition mentioned.
[17.] Philip Whit field Harvey, praying for payment Haney.


l)ipc water
8erj eant
Ilt mnce.
] 74 n UllLlX ASSElIllLY ROLL. 1809.
of his several acconnts for insertions in the Freeman's
J(;unIal: whereupon it was ordered. that the city
trcasnrer do, on thi' Lord ]\[ayor's warrant, pay
petitioncr t.hp sum of 297 Is. 6d., being the amount of
his bills for a,h'erlizing in said paper as reported by
Ill<' committee of tra,lesmen's bills.
[18.) Grorge ITan'ey, praying for payment of bill for
('lIgT,,,;;illg n,ldn'sHl's tD Ri chnrll Mamlers jnnior and
Edwnrd ?\llg('ut., eSfluires, lale Sheriffs: whereupon it
\\'<1>; or']('re,l, t.hat the same be paid by the city treasurer
on the Lord warrant, for the reasons in his
[,ctition ment.ion('(l.
[19.) Rob('r! .McClean, praying for remuneration for
damage done to his orchard in perambulating the
bounds: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's walTant, pay
petitioner the sum of twenty guineas, for the reasons in
bis petition mentioned.
[20.] Jam{'s EvaU, praying to be continued one of the
pipe water collectors : whereupon it was ordered, that
the said James Evatt be and is hereby continued one of
the collectors of the pipe water revenue during the city's
pll'asnrr, not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas
assembly 1810, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of that office as the pipe water
committee shall approve of and paying to the city
treasurer all such sums of m,On ey as he shall from time
to time receive, said security to be entered into in one
month from this date or this order to be void.
[21.) Ephraim Ellis, praying to be continued one of ID 51
the serjcants at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that
the said Ephraim Ellis be and is hereby continued one
of the serjeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasur(', not eXCf'e(ling one )'oor ending Michaelmas
as,cmbly 1810, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
l b.
the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said se,curity to be C'l1lered into in Olle month mace.
from this date or this order to be void, pTOvided also
that he shall appear on all public days in proper gown
of office.
[22.] Richard Blltler, praying to be appointed onc of
the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that at mace.
the said Richard Butler be and is hereby appointed
one of the serjeants at mace of said city Juring the city's
pleasure, not excocding one year ending l\fichaelmas
assem bly 1810, hl) giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and redel ivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and
approve of, said security to be entered into in one
month from this date. or this order to be void, provided
also that he shall :a1Jpear on all public days in proper
gown of office.
[23.J Cath81ine Darquier, praying for aid: where- Darquicr.
upon it was ordered, that she be paid the sum of 20, Gcant.
by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for
the reasons in her pelition mentioned.
l:!4.] Margaret Smith: praying for usual allowance: SLUith.
it ordered, that peWiOIlE'r be paid the Payment.
sum of two guineas, for the reasons in hor petition
[25.J John Greon, sexton of Christ Church, praying of
for increase of salary: whereupon it was ordered, that
in future the p<ltitioner be paid a salary of 5, per Salary.
annum, during the city's pleasure.
[26.] Rober!. Parkinsoll , praying fo'r aiel: whereupon Parkinson.
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of lon Grant.
guineas, by the oity treasurer on the Lord Mayor's
warrant., for the masons in hi s petition mentioned.
[27.] Simon Pearson, pmying for aid: whereupon it Pearson.
was ordered, that petitioner be. paid lhe sum of five Grant.
guineas, for the reasons in his petition mentioned.


17G DUBLI N ASSElIBLY 1l0LL, 18091810.
1809. ()ctobN 2:l.-Po,t Assembly. :US{i
[28.] '1'he Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen have
nominated the following six Sheriffs' Peers from
amongst the Sheri ffs' Peers for the purpose of sitting at
foot of tllf' six tables, to wit.
IIumphry Minchin, Sir John Fems, John Alley,
J I idmH111 Kearuey, Oeorge Sulton, and John George,
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen are of
opinion that the sewn dinner to be laid ill the
Rotunda Oil the 23th day of October, should have each
an alderman at the head and a Sheri ff's Peer at the
foot, except the centre table where the Lord Mayor is
t(, prElsidc and the Sheriffs to be at the foot.
They therefore request the Sheriffs and Commons
may now nominate six Aldermen hI' that purpose. And
tbo Lord :Mayor and Board of Aldermen have nomi-
nated six of the Sheriffs' Peers.
The SheriffR amI Commons name six Aldermen, to wit.
\villi,am Alexander, Frederick Darley, John Carle-
ton. Rngh ']'1'(,\'01', \\' illiam "Henry Archer, and John
'WilIiam Sta.mer, Lord 1\Iayor.-John Exshaw.-
Henry Gore Sankey.-Henry Howison.-John Carle-
ton. - N athaniel Hone. - Frederick Darley. - Hugh
Trevor.-Sa.muel Reed.-Mark Bloxham.-William
Henry Archer.-John Cash.-Richard hlanders.-
Abraham Bradley King.-Robert Shaw.-Charles
Thorp.-Mcredith Jenkin.'
1809. October 20.-.\ dmissions to franchise.
1809. Oct01er 20.-Declaration a.nd signatures.
1810. J aunar:v ] 9.-Fourth Fl'iday after the 25th m. 5
of December. 1809.
Christmas Assembly held at the Exhibiti0n House in
William street.
DUllLIN ASSE1111LY ROLL, 1810. 177
Lord Mayor; Sir Willi,am Stamer, baronet.
Sir Edward Slanley, knight, and Sir J ames
Riddall, knight.
[1.] Auditors of the ()ity acoounts for the last year. Auditors
. of Clty
Lord Shen ffs, masters of the works, ahlermen "scouuts.
John Exshaw, Henry Howison, Samne,l Reed, Charles
'rhorp, lIugh CroUlers, NaLhaniel IIone, ,Yilliam
Henry Archer, John Cash, Mark Bloxham, amI
eighteen of the oommons to be named by the Sheriffs
amI Commons 01' any nine of them, whereof the Lord
JIlayor and one of the Sheriffs La be always two and in
the absence of the Lord Mayor the senior alderman
present to preside, he and are hereby appointed a
oommittee to audit the city accounts from the 29th day
of September, 1808, to the 29th day of September,
[The eighteen of the oommons;] Messieurs William Commons.
Cope, John Thomas Sinnott, Benjamin Eaton,
Alexander Montgomery, John Rad, \Villiam
McKenzie, William l\lcAuley, Jahn King stationer,
Da,niel IIllttoU, Francis Hamilton, WiIliam McCready,
William Leet, William Lindsey, William Bell, William
Farrell, Jonas Paisley, Sall1ueJ Neville, John Evatt.
[2.] Ordered, that George IIlltton and John George,
esq uires, late High SherilIs, be and are hereby appointed
masters of ther city works for the ensuing year.
[3.] Certain of Lhe commons, praying to reimburse
the late Lorll Mayor',; expenses in providing horses amI
servants for the state coach; when:, upon it was ordered. ,
that the city .. treasurer do, on the Lord :Mayor's warraut, '
pay alderman Frellerick Darley, late Lord Mayor, the
sum of 50, sterl ing, for th at purpose, the same to be alderm"n.
allowed in his next accounts.
[J.] Certain .of the OOlllmons, praying for usual
allowanco to alderman Freclerick Darley, late Lord
Mayor, for providing a horse and cart for measuring
City pipe
l nns.
mai ns.
1,8 lJ t: llLIX ASSEMBLY ROLL, Ibl0.
coals during his year of :Mayoralty : whereupon it was
ordered, that the city ireasurer do, on the Lord :Mayor's
warrant, pay alder man Frcderick Darley, the sum of
.40, for the reasons above mentioned.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the m. 59
committee appoi nt('d for bett er supplying the city of
Dubli n with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 1bth day of January, 1810.
' We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that. we have been sedulously attentive
la tho busin0ss committed to our care since we last.
reported. Your cOJl1ll1iitlee received an application
from the King's Inns Society for a supply of water
which your committee referred to your inspector, ,vho
reportee] that they ought 10 pay '20, per annum, for
such supply, which your committee recomm(md to be
'Your committee are proceeding with every possible
act ivity in laying down metal mains in the progress of
which your committee have been somewhat delayed by
Ih(' h011S(, of mf'ssiP1IJ"s }cydoJl an,] Ellwall of Shelf Iron
\\' arks, Yorkshire, not having been as expedHious in
furni shing the supply required as was first expected.
\" our committee therefore directed their engineer to
write to them on this subj('ct, in order to ascertain to
what extent they can supply your lordship and honours,
that applicat ion may be made to some other house in
case Ihe quality and quantity wanted cannot be pro-
cured from them.
' Your committ ee took into consideration the suit
pendi ng between your lordship and honours and l'lir
William Worthington respecting the ground at Island
Bridge agreed to be set to Mr. Bmton, and judging it
a matter in which the interest of your lordship and
honours is considerably involved, referred the
11 xxvii.
59 b.
of it to a sub-oommittee consisting of aldermen William
Henry Archer, J ohn Cash, mssieurs John CifIanl,
Daniel Hutton, ;and Alexander Montgomery, who
having duly oon81deroo the same made the following
"We, the sub-committee to whom it was referred to Report.
enquire why your lordship and honours' tenant for
reserved g!'ollJ1l1 at I sland Bridge had not executed his
lease for said grOlmcl agreoa biD to the setting made Bridge.
thereof, wc had saill tenant summoned to attend us
which he accordingly did, and we having examined into
the matter so to us referred, find that the-premises
reserved by the lease made to Mr. H<l ran are detained Hor.n.
by his assignee and therefore recommend that tha
possession of the samo be forthwith legally demanded, r.;:;,a1nd.
and that in case tho same shall not be delivered up on
such demand, that an j cctment be immedially served Ejeetmeut.
to reoover the possession thereof. All which we submit
as our report this 2nd day of Jalluary, 1S10 . .
"W. H. Archer, A. lILontgomery, Daniel Hutton."
'With which repurt your oommittee agreed and
recommend same to be adopted.
'Your oommittee received a statement from
Andrew Coffey of his expenses going to England by
order of this ?ommittee in order to obtain the opinion England.
of enginet'rs the tl10n intended project of
laying mains on 1edges in sewers laml also for the sums
paid to such enginer s for their reports, and your com-
mittee having minutely enquired into the same are of
opinion recommend that the sum of 126 Ss. 6d.
British, be paid to him for such his expenses and for
the money so paid by him to fOllr English.ongineers for Engineers.
their opilliolls. ncl your committee recommend that .
in futuro when any officers are sent by the oorporatioll Officers.
to Londoll or elsewhere, t hat they clo keep an accurate London.
account (jf their expelllliturcti and that same be Acconnt.
1810. /l01, pai,l until sudl account shall be vouched by
La" ,,"cnl.. 'And your committee lHWillg refcrrcll the law a.gents'
Bill of
viII IIf costs for soliciting the pipe water bill to a
SUv-c<llllmittec consisting of alderman 'Villiam
lI(>nry .\rchcr, messieurs 'Villi alll Cope, Alexander
'.\ [ olllgol11(,I'Y, John Th'>llHlS Silll1l1tt, and IJaniel H utton,
which account lay over from the last assembly,
reported :-
"That. the law agellts are entitled to a sum of
872 10s. Od., that being the balance of one thousand
L"" agenls. guineas .which the iaw agents had agreed to take m. 58
remaining after having deducted thereout the sum of
26:>, which was included therein for expenses
attendant upon the soliciting the Baking bill."
. With which report your committee agree and
recommend that said sum of 872 10s. Od. be paid.
'And your committee b8g leave to inform your
honours, that we have given directions to your engineer
to give every assistance to his grace the lord
lieutenant and govBrnors of the Hibernian Schcol in
laying down a metal main for their supply in pursuance
_ of their request.
City sell I.
, All whi ch submitted as our report this 15th day
nf January, 1810.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make the same an ad of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
:1I1d made an act of assembly, and that the city treasurer
do, on tho Lnrd warrant, pay the .sums therein
reported to be paid.
A nd it is further orclered, that bonds on the pipe water
esrablishment to the amount of 5,000, being the
\,a]allce of '12,200, be put under t.he city seal for Hie
l'mpose of carrying on the necessary and very exten-
sive works of the establishment pursuant to the. pipe
water act, which orders and empowers the raising of
said sum previous to tho 24th June, 1810.
[6.) Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 15th
day of January, 1810.
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting oity Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have paid every possible attention to the
business committed to our care since we I ast reported.
Your committee judging it would be a matter of utility
and advantago to your lordship and honours directed
your city surveyor to prepare a book wherein to enter
all matters of moment respecting tho city's property City's
< , property.
and that same shall be brought forward on each slttmg
of the oommittee, to the end that if proceedings may be Proceed-
necessa.ry respecting any of such entries same shall bo 'Ef,t;ie,.
adopted. Besides your committeo conex,ived it would
keep matters in the recollection of your lordship and
honours which might othel-wiso escape observation and
which plan has been adopted.
'Your committee directed the Town Clerks to open
new books commencing first instant fOl' the entry of the New book,.
proceedings of eaoh committee, a l'egulation from
whence your lordship am! hononr8 will, as your com-
mittee conceive, derive considerable satisfaction, as the
proceedings of. each committoo will uy the intended Proceed
moue appear regularly entered in a book for that COffi- Illg>'.
mit.teB alone and not intermixed as at. present in one
book. By this means the respective proceedings of all
your comruitteos wi ll be more easily attaina,ble when- Com-
ever caller! for and whioh plan the 'J 'own Clerks have
agreeable to the directions given with very great regu-
larity oommenced from the period mentioned.
'Your committee took into consideration the petition
of Mr. Joseph Griffith for a, renewal of premis8R in Gritlilb.
City seal.
City In.w
Fiflhcr and
law agents.
Suiters lane, which your committeo very closely inves- ~ ~ 1 ~ 8 ~ " i
tigated and judging it a matter of some moment. r eferred
it not. only to your law agents but al so to your surveyor
from whoHe reports your are of opinion and
{/" recommend the renewal to bo granted agreeable to
the prayer of his petition by inserting the life of Joseph
Bmbazon Grant in the room of Joseph Walker
And the said GOmmons, praying to GOnfirm the said
report ant! make the same an act of assembly: where-
uFon it was ordered, that same be confirmed and made
all act of assembly, and tbat the renewal tberein
men tioned be put under the city seal.
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for GOnducting the city's law
business have made the annexecl report of the 17th day
of January, 1810.
'We, the GOmmittoo appointed for conducting the
c.ity's law business to whom the accounts of messieurs
Fisher and Greene, city law agents, wer e r eferred, beg
leave to inform your lordship and honours that we met
and having inspected same judged it right to refer
them to a sub-committee consisting of aldermen ChaJ:les
'l'horp, John Cash, messieurs William Jl.fcCready, John
IleaJ, Edward Stanley for more matur e investigation,
who have made the following report.
"We, the sub-GOmmittee to whom the raccounts of
T wogent messieurs Fisher and Grceno, city law agents, were
referred, beg loave to inform your lordship and honours
that wo have examined the same', being for ono year
Bill,. ending July last and we find the several bills for that
period have been regularly taxed by the proper officers m. 68
of Uw respecti ve courts wherein the business has been
Amo""t. rlone and amount as to taxed to the sum of 507 8s. Otd.,
and on such examina.tion the law ,agents, pursuant to
an act of assembly, jJroduced to us orders for the
different business from committees or general assembly. 1810.
Your committee also found that there was a sum of Sum due.
90 58. 2d., due to the law .agents, part of the account
preceding being costs incurred in prooeeding to recover Costs.
the ground withheld in College Green the city's estate,
which was also regularly taxed, said sums making Green.
together the sum of 597 13s. 2!d. But inasmuch as
there are some costs recoverable from the parties, your
committee are of opinion and do recommend that the
law agents be only paid a sum of 300, on account, Payment,
it appearing to us that they have aclvanced considerable
sums since last July and will be under the necessity of
advancing more in the ensuing term."
'With which report your committee agreed and
recommend that the sum of 300, therein mentioned be
paid to the law agents.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an .act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committeo's report confirmed,
and made an act of ,assembly, and that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the P,yrnent.
sum of 300, within mentioned to the law agents.
[8.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen' s bills
have made the annexed report of the 15th day of
January, 1819.
, W P, the committee fl)Jpointed for examining h'ades- Report.
men's bills, beg leave to inform your honours we met
and took into consideration the bill of alderman John Bill.
Exshaw (r eferred to us at last quarter assembly) for alderman.
printing la11< l stationery commencing 18th October,
180B, and ending 29th September, 1809, and find same
properly vouched by affidavit amounting to the sum of
109 3d., which your committee are of opinion
should be paid him, the several articles mentioned
therein having been necessarily furnished by him for
the use of the Lord 1fayor's market house. and R<>ll xxyj ,
m. 58 b.
high constable.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report, and llIake the sam" an act of assembly: where-
upon the same wn,s gra.ntrd, tho committee's report con-
firmed and made an act of assembly, and that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay alder-
man John Exshaw the S11m of 109 68. 8el., being the
sum ill the within report mentioned.
[9.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for the superintending Saint
Stephen's Green have made the annexed report of the
] 7th day of January, 1810 .
We, the committee appointed by your lordship and
honours for superintending Saint Stephen's Green
having taken into consideration the plans formerly suh-
mitt{l to the assembly for the improvement of the
same, judged it necessary to refer them to your surveyor
with instructions as to some -alterations which your
committee conceived were necessary and which plan
now submitted by your committee to your lordships and
honours, we strongly recommend to be adopted and
which is hereto subjoined.
'And your committee recommend that an act of
parliament be solicited this sessions by your honours
law agents for the purpose of carrying the intended
improvp-ment fully into effect by way of 10ttel'Y, such
act to be previously perused by the Recorder and after-
Rights to
wards submitted to the corporation, thereby carefully
and indisputably guarding tho rights of your lordship
and honours to the interior of the Green and appointing
the Lord 11 ayor, Recorder, 'l'reasurer, Sheriffs, and
1I1Gsters ot the Works for the time being to superintend
tlte improvements aided by three aldermen and six of
the commons.
'Your committee are firmly persuaded that should
58 b,
the improvements take place in the manner now pointed
out and ,agreeable to the annexed plan, it will tend ments.
greatly to promote the health and comfort of the inhabi-
tantR and citizens at large. It will considerably
augment the value of the property surrounding Saiut
Stephen's Green, and will make it one of the grandest
squares in Europe, and further it will most materially
aid the revenue of the corporation and enable them to Revenue.
effect the proposed plan of erecling .a superb Mansion
House in the centre of the Green for the residence of
your future Chief "Magistrates.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, except that part which relates to
appointing a oommittee, which is to be increased to
six aldermen .. nd twelve commons, and that said oom- Committee.
mittee do ()onsist of aldermen \Villiam Alexander,
Henry Howison, Henry Gore Sankey, \Villiam Henry
Archer, John Cash, and Nathaniel Hone with twelve
of the oommons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons and that they bo hereby appointed a com-
mittee for the purpose of carrying the intended improve-
ment of Saint Stephen's Green into effect.
[The twelve of the oommons: 1 Committee appointed Commons.
by the commons, messieurs Nathaniel Cravon, Beaver
Buchanan, Edmond Nugent, William Davis, John
King stationer, John GilI.ard, John Dooley, John R.ead,
Daniel Dickenson, J olm Thomas Sinnott,
George Bourns and William McCready.
[10.] Letter proposed to be sent to government rela-
live tD Saint Stephen's Green. ment.
" 1st February, 1810.
" Sir.
"The corporation of the city of Dublin desirous of
meeting the wishes of tho citizens of Dublin and par- Green.
ticularly of the inhabitants of Saint Stephen's (}reen
mo. in the improvE'lnent of the corporat ion's estate in the
8'111'''. S(juftre at their late quarterly meeting adopted the fol-
lowing as their act of assembly relative thereto.
"\Ye, the colllmirtee appointC'd by your lordship and
honours for superintending Saint Stephen's Green
)'Inn' for ha \'illg taken into consideration the plans formerly
ment. submitted to the assembly for the improvement of the
same, judged it necessary to refer them to your surveyor
with instructions as to some ,alterations which your
I'I.n. committee conceived wer,e necessary and which plan
now submitted by committee to your lordship and
honours, we strongly recommend to be adopted and
which is her eto subjoined. And your committee
recommend that an act of parliament be solicited this
sessions by your honours law agents for the purpose
of oarrying the intended improvements fully into effect
l,ollery. by way of lottery, such act to be previously perused
by t he Recorder and afterwards submitted to the
corporation, thereby carefully and indisputably guard-
lti"hts, ing the rights of your lordship and honours to the
illterior of the Green and appointing the Lord Mayor,
Recorder, '1'roosurer, Sheriffs, and Masters of the
Works for the time bffing to superiutend the improve-
ments, aided by six aldermen and twelve of the
commons. Your committee are firmly persuaded that
should the improvements take place in the manner now
pointed out and agreeable (0 the almec'Ced plan, it will
.. tend greatly to pro'mote the health and comfort of the
inhabitants and citizCl1s at large. It will considerably
the value of the property surrounding Saint
Stephcn's Grccn and will make it one of the grandest
sCjunres in Europe, and further it will most materially
lte"enlle. aid the revenue of the corporation and enable them to
effect. the proposrd plan of erecting a superb Mansion
Honse in the centre of the Green for the residence of
yom future Chief Magistrates."
" The committee thereby appointed accordingly met 1810.
and having taken into consideration the business
referred to them, are of opinioll that tll(' best means of
making such improvement is agreeable to the annexed
plan. And having received the report of the surveyor Plan.
who prepared it, we submitted it to the assembly as to
the estimated eXpBnse of carrying it into execution and Expense.
find that a sum of 20,000, would be required for the
intended exterior improvements, . videlicet, enclosing,
planting, railing, completing the sewer, and flagging,
and that a sum of 10,000, should be vested in
government securities to provide an annual income for for
the necessary repairs and supporting those im prove-
ments, lighting, flagging, et cetera, and that a sum of
at least 20,000, should be appropriated to aid the
corporation of Dublin in building a Mansion House
suited to the dignity of the second city in the empire, in
consideration of th0ir uniform loyalty and attachment Loyalty.
and their readiness at all times to step forward in
support of our good king and constitution in church
and st-atc.
and state and as somo compensation for the surrender
of that part of their estate to the public use and
"'J'o provide means for .the above stated sum of Means.
50,000, they beg leavo to submit to his majesty's
government, that if it should meet their approbation.
they would apply to parliament for leav<J to bring in a
bill to enable them to raise the same by five lotteries, one Lotteries.
in the present year, and one in each of the succeeding
four years. The plan they humbly submit as follows
b. grafted on anyone of the three lott.eries usually drawn
in London. London.
"John Alien,
" J\folesworth Green,
} Town Clerks."
Lett er to
clJ arity
'Twenty thllllsanrl tickets of the value of
.1' OS. Od. each at ] 10s. Od. would
t hl'rpby leave a cll'[1r profit of
]0,000 in each year
'Exl,ense of the extern improvements of
the Green anLI fund for supporting
' Surplus in favour of the corporation
to aid them in erecting a Mansion
IIouse together with any fnrther
advance beyond the 1 10s. Od .. they
might be enabled to obtain for the
tickets, from which there is to be
deducted the expense of the scheme,
et oetera
" The foregoing plan the corporation entertain a hope
will meet the countenanoe of gov.crnment, with this
impression they beg le-ave to lay same before ~ I r . Chief
Secretary Wellesley-Pole."
uno. February I.-Adjournment of Christmas
[10.] 'fhe Lord :/lfayor and Board of Aldermen beg
leave to submit to the Shei'iffs and Commons, that the
Chief Magistrate, Sheriffs, and several members of the
committee having waited on government find that it is
their wish that this corporat,ion should lay before them
a statpmcnt in writing, as to the intended improvement
of Saint Stcphen's Gre.en.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen therefore
submit the foregoing letter as one proper to be sub-
mit led to government on this occasion and request the
conCllrrence of the Sheriffs and Commons therewith.
[11.] Certain of the commons, appointed to distribute
the Jubilee charity fund have made the annexed report
of the 1st February, 1810.
Roll x..,=vi
m. 57 b.
' We, the committee appointed to distribute the
several subscriptions which have iJeen received, beg Subscdp-
leave to report that the amount of subscriptions which tions.
have been received (independent of the sum of 1,000,
granted by his majesty and which. has iJeen applied by
government to the l'elie.f of pel'sons in the countl'y parts Relief.
of I reland) was 2,406 19s. 2d. Ireland.
, That we have liberated and restorel! to their families Debtors.
108 pel'SOIlS who:ie debts amounted to 3,900 18s. 8}d.,
for a sum of 1,229 4s. 2Ll.
'That we have relieved 800 room-keepers, whose Roolll-
families con:;istecl of at least 3,200, for a sum of 880.
' ThJat we have appropriated for the ocasional supply
of coals, candles, potatoes, and straw to the prisons
which have no allowanoe of that natllre 100.
, That we have expended upon dinners to the prisoners
on the day of the celebration of the Jubilee 35 5s. Od.
'And that we have paid for printing, et cetera Printing.
17 9s. lOll., leavirlg a ba.lance of the fund at present
undisposed of 145 Os. lld., Hnd which balance your Balance.
committee propose to apply to the discharge of seven
other prisoners, whose oases are Ht present under Prisoners.
'And your oommittoo ela,rnestly request that the
public may inspect their acoounts, which are left for Aceoullts.
that purpose',every day at the pipe water office.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the sail! Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: where-
upon the same was granted, the committee' s report
/ cOllfirmell, and made an act of assembly, and it is
ordered, that the thanks of this assemblY be given to
the several members who composed the said committee
for the zeal, humanity, and unremitting exertions made
by them throughout the progress of this arduous
[12.] Om'lain of tlte commons, setting forth that ihe
. A:lscmlJly
- I
committoo appointed for conducting the festivities of
the Jubilee luwe wade the annexeU report of the 1st
February, 1810.
'"\Ye, the committee appointed by your lordship and
honours for oondllcting the festivities of the Jubilee,
beg leave to inform you that we have carefully
oxamined the sBveral acoounts and vouchers of alder-
lllan .John Carlcton, who kindly undertook the treasurer-
ship of same and we fin,) that there is a balance due
him of 308 5s. 4d., which we l'ecommend to be paid
to him.'
And the said commons, praying to oonfirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: where-
upon the same w,as granted, the committee's report
confirmed and made an act of assembly, and that the
balance of 308 5s. 4d., be allowed to the city treasurer
in his next acoounts.
[13.] Certain of the oommons, setting forth that the m. 56
committee appointed re,lative to city Assembly House
bave made the annexed report of the 18th January,
)(Ci>ort. 'We, the oommittoo appointed to superintend the
alterations in the city Assembly House to whom the
sum of 400, was granted for the purpose of expending
granted. thereon, beg leave to inform your honours that we have
paid the most unremitting attention to the trusts
reposed in us,at same time have to r egret tha.! we could
Exceeding,. not with the strictest Oloonomy a void the exceedings in
Account. the account hereto subjoined by way of schedule and
to which we beg to refer and to be oonsidered as part 0\
EXllenses. our report, expenses being incurred by the variety
of additional works that were unavoidable and which
we beg leave to explain as follows.
Repai". ' In the repairs of the upper and lower apartments of
the house for the purpose of providing suitable aCCOID-
n10dation for the meetings of your several committees,
as w()ll <as for the residence of your officer of commons, of
who it is intended shall live in and take oare of the rommons.
'Repairs of the roof not estimated, bricklayers work Roof.
in an entire range of chimneys, additional carpenters Chimneys.
work in the commons room, sheriffs' seat, et cetera.
'These several improvements taken into considera-
tion and which were not est.imated for leave but an
exceeding of not more than 30, on the original
'Your committee cannot conclude their report with-
out stating the necessity there appears to them for a
further grant to complete the house in painting, Painting.
furni shing, et cetera, and which ought to be done in the Furnishing.
course of the ensuing summer and which your com
mittee think can be accomplished for about 250.
'The schedule to which the foregoing report refers
containing an account of the bills of the several persons
employed in making alt01,atiolls in the city Assembly
SCHEDULE. s. cl.
Mr. Benjamin Eaton, carpenter 439 8 7
l\f 1'. William Fell, bricklayer ... 150 0 0
Mr. Frederick Darley, stone-cutter 23 5 9
:1,{r. Daniel Elliott, slater 35 2 4
Mr. Luke Connor, plumbe-r
17 15 0
Mr. Richard Finney, iron-monger 17 13 10
Mr. Charles Thorp, plasterer 44 :3 G
:\Jaking in the whole 727 8 0
And the said commons, ' praying to confirm the said Order.
report and mako the same an act of assembly: where-
upon it was ordered, that the several sums in the fore
going report mentioned be paid to thQ different persons Payment.
in the schedule therein mentioned, and that a further
sum of 800, be vested in the oommittpe for the purpose
of oomplet ing the furnishing amI works yet to be done,
tbe exceeding of 50, boing for the purpose of removing
the fireplace in the Board Room, which is at present
wholly inconvenient amI removing it to the end of the
room, thereby considerably improving and enlarging
same, and that Mr. Richard Quinton be appointed to
reside in and take care of same during the city's

pleasure not exceeding one year.
[14.] CBrtain of the commons, praying for an adLlress
to the right honoUl'able WiIlialfi WeIlesley-Pole,l chief
secretary to his grace the lord lieutenant: whereupon
it was ordered, that the following address be presented
to him.
The Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons and oitizens of
the oity of Dublin in oommon oouncil assembled
embrace with particular satisfaction this public oppor-
tunity of offering to you their sincere congratulations
on your late appointment +1) the high and important
office of chief secretary t{) the lord lieutenant of Ireland.
'When we observed the zeal, the ability, and the
ulll'emitted activity which marked your public conduct
when lately connected with the administration of the
Irish Ordnanoe, we, as Ii just tribute of our respect and
approbation, presented you with the freedom of our
ancient and loyal corp{)ration, and felt an honest pride
in having y()nr name enrolled among the citizens of
Dublin. And we cannot but consider the appointment
of a person of your acknowledged abilities and tried
fidelity to the high offioe you now fill, as the strongest
proof of his majesty's paternal wlicitude for the
happiness and welfare of Ireland.
I Third Earl of_Mornington, 1763-1845.
Your indefatiga,ble exertions to ameliorate the
sufferings and ,a.dd to the comforts of the unfortunate
56 b. prisoners .and your charitable attentions to the Prisoners.
neces-sities of the poor in general have excited in our Poor.
breasts feelings of the warmest admiration and respect.
We perceive in you Sir, the energy of character which
so eminently distinguished your illustrious brother, the
gallant Lord 'vVeIJington, whose matchless valour and
brilliant military achievements have rendered the .
British name formidable in every country in which
his maje.gty has been graciously pleased to employ him .
. From a natural solicitude for the prosperity of your
country, a just sense of her real interests, and a zeal Interest
and assiduity proportioned to your wishes to serve her,
we anticipate the full success of those measures in the Measures.
modification and devising of which you have been
already ardently engaged for the encouragement of
industry and the improvement of the education and
morals of the people .
Whilst we thus record your merits and our grati-
tude, we do not consider it unseasonable to observe tliat
we esteem it a singular happiness and lo Irishmen Irishmen.
peculiarly gratifying, that at such a crisis as the
prescnt, his majesty has been pleased to call to his
councils the .Marquis Wellesley, a nobleman who has
devoted his 'Yho1e life to the service of his king and
country, and from whose great talents and experience Talents.
we have just reason to expect that such wise measures
will be aJopted, as may disappoint the boundless
ambition and defeat the dangerous designs of the Defe.t.
common enemy of Europe and best maintain the rights,
the honour, and the dignity of the empire.
'In testimony whroof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hCTennto affixed [his 1st day City seal.
of February, in the year of our Lord, 1810.'
it was ordered, that the foregoing do Order.
1810. st and the .address of the Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin, and that
Cit y seal. same be engrossed and put under the city seal and pre-
sented in thG most r espectful manner to Mr. Pole.
Gitlnrd. (15.] Resolution of thanks to Hardinge Giffard,
" Resolved, that the thanks of this assembly be and
are her eby given to our wOlihy fellow citizen Hanlinge
Giffard, esquire, LL.D., f ot his loyal ode for the
celebrati on of the Jubilee and by him dedicated to the
Co rporation. "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
Concur concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.
The Sheriffs and Commons the Lord :Mayor
and Board of Aldermen will agree in presenting the
Silver box. above in a silver box value five guineas accompanied
Addre,.. with a suitable ,address.
The Lord lIfayor and Board of Aldermen unani -
mously agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution.
Committee. The Sheriffs and Commons request that a oommittee
be appointed to prepare said address.
Commons. (The six of the commons:] Committee of the
commons, messieurs Beaver Buchanan, Edmond
Nllgent, William l\fcCready, William Linc1say, George
B. Scot t, Franeis Hamilton.
Aldermen. Ordered, that aldermen Joseph Pemberton, Abraham
Bradley King, William Henry Archer, and Robert
Shaw, be appointed of the above committee.
Tenant.. (16.] "Resolved, that in future no tenant or tenants
City to any of the city' s property be suffered to into
or take possession of the premi ses demised or let to him
or them, nnt il he or they shall have previously perfected
Le.'e,. his or their lease or leases of the premises so let and
Certificate. have obtained a certificate of the Town Clerks of having
II xxvii.
DUllLIN ASSEMllLY ROLL, 1810. 196
so perfected the same. AmI in like manner that no 1810.
person or persons shall enter into the exercise or dis-
charge of the duties of any office under the corporation, Duties.
where security is required for the due discharge and
performance of the duty of such office, nntil he or they
shall have previously perfected and entered into the
security required for that purposo and haVB obtaineu
a certificate of the Town Clerks of havii1g duly per-
fected the same. Anu that hereafte-r if any tenant shall
enter into possession of the premises demiscd, or officer Officers.
enter into and exercise the duties of any office without
perfecting the respective requisites required by this
resolution, the Town Clerks shall be answerable, save
that they report the same immediately to the committef! answerable.
of city leases and receive their instructions therenpon,
by which their conduct is to be governed. And that
this resolution is to be posted in th0 Town Clerks' office
and pipe water committee house."
The Lord :ilayor and Board' of Aldermon, from
the salutary consequences that they conceive
arise by adopting the foregoing resolution, nnani-
mously req llest the ooncurrence of the Sheriffs and
Commons therein, and 'yhich was agreed to by the
Sheriffs and Commons.
[17.] "Resolved, that the Sheriffs and Commons can-
not agree wifh tho order of the Board of Aldermen, as country.
they aTe of opinion that the government of the country
only are competent to obtain the relief r equired amI Relief.
therefore request a petition may be presented to Petition.
government on that behalf. "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the within resolution-
that a bill shall be forthwith properly prepared and
digested for the regulation of the Baking trade of this
city and that same so prepared anu digested shall be
submitted to the adjournment of the assembly, and shall

Alll;i1.C of
if approved of be laid before the government for their ;:;011
approbation and support.
[18.] Samuel J\fiddleton, sword bearer, praying com-
pensation for ascertaining the price and striking the
assize of bread for one year ending January, 1810:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor' S warrant the snm of
twenty gninelts, for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[19.] Richard Quinton, officer of commons, praying
commons. for tlie usual allowance for providing the Sheri ffs arid
Nec,,,,,rics. Commons with candles and other necessaries for one
year ending this assembly: whereupon it was ordered,
that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant,
PaymenL pay the petitioner the sum of 5, for the reasons in his
petition mentioned.
Henry, [20.] James Henry, praying to be continued one of

the collectors of the pipe water revenue: whereupon it
was ordered, that the said James Henry be and is
hereby continued one of the collectors of the pipe water
revenue during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending Christmas assembly 1811, he giving such
Security. security for th8 faithful discharge of the duties of said
office and paying to the city treasurer all such sum and
sums of money as he shall from time to time receive,
said security to be entered into in .one month from this
date or this order to be void.
1' lcCnllogh .
. \Jarshalsea
[21.J Alexander McCullogh, praying to be continued
keeper of the city lIa.rshalsea: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Alexander McCullogh be and is
hereby continued keeper of the city Marshalsea during
the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year ending
Christmas assembly 1811, at the salary of 20, sterling,
with ,a ll just fees and allowances belonging to said
office, he giving security for indemnifying the corpora-
tion from all oscapes, snch security to be ontered into
in ten days from this dato or this order to be void.
,011 xxvii.
t. 55 r.
DUBLIN ROLL, 1810. 197
[22.] John Reating, praying to be continued in the 1810.
office of one of the serjeants fit mace: whereupon it was
ordet'ed, that sruid John Reating be and is hereby
continued one of the serjeantsat mace of said city
during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year end-
ing Christmas assembly 1811, he giving such security
for the faithful discharge of the duties of said office
and redelive','Y of the sil VBI' mace, as the Lord Mayor Silver mace.
and Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to be
entered into in one week or this order to be void, and
provided that the said James Reating do attend on
public days in a propel' gown of office.
[23.] Petition of Ralph James, stating that at last
assembly petitioner obtained his freedom of this Franchise.
honourable corporation as an apothecary by grace
especial, but owing to an inaccul'lacy in the certificate
from that guild, he was admilled by the christian name
of WilIiam instead of Ralph, and praying that the
name in said beseech be set right: whereupon it was Beseech.
ordered, that the said petition be referred to the master
and wardens of the corporation of apothecaries, in order
that they do report by what name lifr. James passed
their corporation.
[24.] Certain of the commons, praying that the
annexed bill of \Villiam l'vfcGoo for transparencies r;:encie,
painted for .the Mansion House on the Jubilee night
amounting to 12, be paid him: wherellpon it was
ordered, that the said William McGee be paid the said Payment.
sum by the city treasurer on the LOl'cl1\Jayol"s W1al'l'ant,
for the reasons in his petition men,tioned.
[25.] Maria Cox, widow, praying for aid: whereupon Cox.
it was ordered, that the saiu petitioner be paid 15y the Grant.
city treasurer on the Lord :Mayor's warrant the sum of
30, for the reasons in the within petition mentioned.
[26.] 1\lary Gregg, widow, praying for aid: where- Gl',gg.
upon it was ol'dereu, that the said petitioner be paid
by the city treasurer on the Lord :llIayor's warrant the ! ~ ~ f b ? l .
sum of 30, for the reasons in her petilion mentioned.
[27.J Rose Emorson, spinster, praying for aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on tho Lord :Mayor's warrant, pay the sum of thirty
guineas 10 be appl ied by him in paying for her board,
lodging, et cetera, for the reasons in her petition
[28.J Jl.Iary Anne Kelly, widow, praying for aid:
whereupon it was ,onlered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasurer on the Lord Jl.Iayor's warrant the
sum of five guineas, for the reasons in her petition
[29.J Elizabeth French, praying for aid: whereupon
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of 10,
for, the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[30.J Thomas Duplex. praying for aid: whereupon it
was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of ten
guineas, for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
'WiIliam Stamer, Lord lUayor.-Freclerick Darley.
-William Alexancler.-John Exshaw.-John Carle-
ton.- Henry Howison. - Charles Thorp. - Meredith
Jenkin.-Nathaniel Hone.-Richard Jl.Ianders.-Joseph
Pemberton.-Thomas Andrews.-Abmham Bradley
King.-John Cash.-WiIliam Henry Archer.-Mark
Bloxham.-John Alley.'
1810. January 19.-Aclmissions to franchise.
1810. January 19.-Declaration and signatures.
1810. May 4.-Second Friday after Easter.)
Easter Assembly held at the city Assembly House in
William street.
, Easter day. 22 April, 1810.
ll.J" v'l B, the Lord I\fayor and Board of Aldermen of of
the city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot }l'::or.
alderman N athaniel Hone to serve in the place or office Hone.
of Lord Mayor of the said city for the ensuing year'
commencing from Michaelmas next and do hereby
return the said Nathaniel Hone to you the Sheriffs and
Commons of saill city for your approbation.
" William Stamer, Lord Mayor."
"We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of Dublin Approval .
in common council a!ssembled, have this day approved
by ballot of alderman N athaniel Hone to serve in the Hone,
. . . .
office of Lord Mayor of the saId Clty for the ensumg Mayor.
year commencing Michaelmas noxt.
"Edward Stanloy, James Riddall, Sheriffs."
[2.) "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot
nominated the following eight. freemen of said city, rosi-
dent within the said city or the liberties and franchises
thereunto adjoining, each of them worth in real and
personal estate in possession the sum of 2,000, sterling,
over and above all their just debts, that is to ,say, Brent
Neville junior of Abbey street merchant, Matthew West
of Skinner row goldsmith, James W,alcott FitzGeralll
of Fitzwilliam street merchant, John Rogerson of
William stnlet merchant, Thomas Rochfort of Towns-
cnd street merchant, William Walsh of Digges street
merchant, \Villiam Poole of Black Pitts brewer, and
63 b. John Kingston James of Abbey street merchant, as fit
persons to serve in the office of Sheriffs of the said city
and do hereby return the names ,yith the additions of
the said eight persons to you the Lord Mayor and Board
of Aldermen of the said city in order to your electing
two of the said persons to be Sheriffs of the said city
for the onsuing year commencing Michaelmas next.
"Edwanl Sbanley, James Riddall, Sheriffs."
Electioll .
SlJ erith.
Piece of
City pipe
street .
Aydo1l 311d
Ellwll U,

200 DUDLIX IW.LL. 1810.
" We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot lYIatthew
West of Skinner row, goldsmith, and BDent Neville
junior of Abbey street, merchant, out of the eight
persolls returned to us by tho Sheriffs and Commons
to ser ve in the office of Sheriffs of the said city for the
ensuing year commencing l'IIichaelmas next.
"vVilliam Stamer, Lord Mayor."
[3.] The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons ill voting
the sum of 'fifty guineas for a piece of plate, as a com-
pliment to our wOlihy Lady Mayoress and as a mark
of the corpomtion's esteem.-Allowed.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
(lommittee appointed for betten supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 30th day of April, 1810.
'We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the business committed to us since we Jlast reported.
Your committeo received a petition from the inhabitants
of Mabbott street and Nelson street, praying that a
main may be laid for their supply, which having been
referred to and approved of by your engineer your
committee ordered it to be done.
, Your committee, as mentioned in their former report,
not having received la supply of metal mains from the
house of Aydon and Ellwall of Yorkshire with that
expedition which your works required, judged it neces-
sary and for the interest of your lordship and honours
that your engineer should repair thither. Your com-
mittee therefore directed him to proceed to Yorkshire
for the purpose of ascertaining the cause of the delay
and to give such necessary directions for the descrip'-
tion of metal mains wanting for your works and to L81O.
accelerate a sufficient supply of them with as much Suppl y.
expedition as possible.
'And your committee have much satisfaction in
infolming your lordship and honours, that your
engineer has effected the obj ect of his journey and no
doubt remains now of your works being amply supplied
with the various descriptions of metal mains that may
be necessary.
62. 'Your committee beg leave to inform you, t hat for
our engineer's expense and trouble in this Engineer 's
, eXI)Cnse.
they directed him to be paid a sum of thirty guineas.
'Your committee inform your honours, that they have
mov,ed the business of this establishment to the city
Assembly House in \Yilliaan street, where it is now
carried on, and have disposed of your former house on
Ormond quay for a sum of 420. honS<'.
'Your committoo reoeived from Mr. Richard Cave an Cav .
arrangement for the future collection of your pipe water Reli t ..
rent and metal main tax, as follows ;-
'Ward No. 1. to compri se Saint Mary' s, Saint Wards.
Uatherioo's, and Saint Nichol as within.
'Ward No. 2. to compri se Saint Audeon's, Saint
Bridget's, Saint Mark' s, and Saint Werburgh's.
, \Yard No. 3. to compri se Saint Andrew's, Saint
Ann's, and SThint Michael's .
,Yard No. 4. to comprise Saint Peter 's, and Saint
, Ward No. 5. to comprise Saint Nicholas wi thout,
Saint George's, Saint John' s, and Saint JamBs's.
' ''Vard No. 6. lo comprise Saint Thomas, and Saint
, The first four wards to be given in charge to your
present collector s, who are annually t o succeed each Collecoors.
other in regular r otation. The wards No. 5. and No. 6.
to be given to two new collectors, who are to be
City leases.
appointed by your lordship and honours and who are
to sucoeed each other in like manner, with which
arrangement your committee agreed and recommend
the adoption of to your lordship and honours .
And your committoe are of opinion, that from the
very great increase of trouble which your worthy officer
Richard Cave will be unavoidably put to by the main act, his salary ought to be increased, such
increase to contimw until the purposes for which said
act was passed are effected. And which additional
your committee recommend your lordship and
honours to adopt, as but a reasonable compensation for
such his additional services, the quantum of which
increase your committee beg leave to submit to your
lordship and honours consideration .
And your committee are of opinion and do recom-
mend that Mrs. Quintan be appointed housekeeper to
the pipe water establishment.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that two additional
collectors be appointed to carry into effect the plan in
the foregoing report mentioned. And that Mr. Richard
Cave's salary be increased by an addition of 150, per
annum, chargeable on the arising from the
metal main act, for the reasons in the within report
mentioned, same to continue until the purposes of the
said act are fully carried into effect.
[3.] Certa,in of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 30th day
of April, 1810.
'We, the committee 'appointed for inspecting city
leases neaf expiring. beg leave to infonn YOUf honours
that we have paid every attention to the business com-
t"vil. mitted to us since we last reported. Your committee 1810.
appointed a sub-committee to view the timber cut down Timber.
and sought to be cut down by Mr. Purdon, now the PurdOll.
occupying tenant of that part of your honours estate
oa.!led the Grange of Baldoyle. And Mr. Purdon, in Raldoyle.
consequence of such view having attended your oom-
mittee, agroocl to pay a sum of 39, for the troos first cut Trees.
down and one hundred guineas for those sought tQ be
cut down, making tQgether the sum of 152 15s. Od., Paym,nt.
with which proposal unrler all the circumstances your
committee judged it advisable to agree.
lb. 'Your' committee took into consideration the
memorial of the Guild of Merchants referred by your
lordship and honours, praying for liberty to meet in the
city Assembly House, and your oommittee, having duly
considered same recommend that the Guild of
lIferchants shall have liberty 10 meet on their quarter
days or at any other time it may be neDessary for their
de,liberative meetings in the commons room of the Meeting,.
Assembly House, (their general election and election for Elections.
master porters excepted) the meetings for which pur-
pose your committee recommend to be held in the room
underneath the commons room.
''l'he Guild of Merchants paying annually for the
same the sum of 30, and executing a deed for that
purpose to YOltr lordship and honours, CQvenanting
therein that such meetings shall not interfere with the
general quarter assemblies or post assemblies of your Assemblie,.
lordship and honours.
, Your committee, took into consideration the petition
of John FI'anklin and Ann Barlow for renewals, which
your committee referred to your honours law agents,
who reported that they were severally entitled to such
renewals, your committee aI'S therefore of opinion and Renewals.
do recommend that same be granted them.
'Your committee judged it necessary to lay a case Case.
1810. before the Recorder respe-cting trees cut down on that !oll6i" I
Donogh- part of your honours estate called Donoghcarney in '
~ ~ ~ c ~ i the tellantcy of the Earl of Charlemont. part of which I
hb lordship holds for three lives renewable for ever,
alllI part for three lives renewable for seventy years.
, And your committee having read the opinion of
Recorder. the Recorder on such case, judged it necessary to
appoint a committee for the purpose of viewing the
Delllesne. demesne of the Earl of Charlemont and ascertaining
what number of trees are standing and growing
t hereon, particularly those that have been lately
planted, and ascertaining if possible the value of those
cut down on that part of the demesne demised for three
lives renewable for seventy years, who are to make a
full report of the same to your lordship and honours.
'Your committee took into consideration the bill of
Arthur Richards Neville referred to us by your lordship
and honours amounting to the sum of 132 12s. Od., for
Survey,. business done and surveys made, attendances, et
cetera, commencing 16th January, 1809, and ending
1] th December, 1809. Which your committee referred
to a sub-committee consisting of alderman John Cash,
messieurs William Cope, and Willi'am McAuley, who
having reported that same was correct, your committee
are of opinion and dlt recommend that same be paid.
, And your committee judge it necessary to inform
your lordship and honours, that as yet they have not
received any answer from government respecting
Ekersall's holding, which your lordship and honours
formerly reported that a lease should be granted at
some nominal rent whilst the Custom House was
occupied as a barrack.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same 'an act of assembly; it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, save that part relative to
the meeting of the Guild Qf Merchants in the city of
Assembly HQuse which is postponed. Merchants.
[6.] Oertain Qf the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
havo made the annexed repQrt Qf the 3rd clay of May,
1810 .
. "Ve, the committee appointed for examining trades- Report.
men's bills to' whom the several acconnts Qf the pro-
prietor Qf Saunders's News Letter has been r eferred and
which has lain Qver ,ili considerable time amounting to Letter.
39 10s. 9d., having examined same find the several
charges and items which comprise said accounts have
been vouched by a very full and strong affidavit made
by .Mr. J ,ames Potts, your committee are Qf Qpinion and Potts.
dO' recommend that same be paid him.
, And yQur cQmmittee having taken into consideration
the petitiQn of lvIrs. McDonnell for payment Qf two bills 1IcDonnell.
amounting to' 43 18s. Od., which having ben vouched
by affidavit and having lain over a oonsiderable time,
your committee :are Qf opinion shQuld be paid.'
Saunders's News Letter, accounts
Mrs. McDonnell, two bills
' .
39 10
43 18
83 8
d. Schedule.
And the said commQns, praying to confirm the Order.
report and make the same an aot of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an .act of assembly, and that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the differ'ent snms Payment.
in the said report particularly mentioned.
[7.] Thomas Humphreys, praying for freedom:
whereuPQn it was granted, gratis.
[8.] Fisher and Greene, law agents, praying payment Lawagents.
Bill of
pipe water
pipe water
it'ti. removed from the said office ancl rendered incapable of iS10.
ever holding the same, and that he shall strictly adhere
to the dire()tions sot forth in an act of Michaelmas
assembly 1787. Also provided that he the said George
Binns do give security to indemnify the corporation Security.
from all escapes and for the due performance and
faithful discharge of the duties of said offico, such as
the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, said
oocurity to be entered into in one week from this date
or this order to be void.
[12.} William McAllister, praying to be continued
one of the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was ordered. at mace.
that the said Willi,am McAllister be and is hereby con-
tinued one of the serj eants at mace of said city for one
. year ending Easter assembly 1811, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of tho duties of said
offioe and redelivery of the silver maco, as the Lord Silverrnace.
Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to
be entered into in one month from this date or this
order lo be void, providocl also that he do appear on
public days in proper gown of office.
[13.J Michael Dalton, praying to be continued 0118 of
the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that ut mace.
the saidl'Iichae,1 Dalton be and is hereby continued one
of the serjeants at mace of said city for one year ending
Easter assemlJly 181], he giving s1Ich seourity for the
faithful discharg'e of the duties of said office ancl re-
delivery of the silver mace, as the Lord .Mayor and Silver mace.
Sheriffs shall approve, of, said security to be entered
into in one month from this date or this order to bo
void, provided also that he do appear on public days
in proper gown of office.
[14.J Hugh Boyle, praying to be paid the amount of
his bill for stone-cutter's work, et C8,tera: whereupon cutter.
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city Payment.
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of
1810. 16 9s. lld., sterling, the amount of same, for the
reasons in said petition mentioned.
[15.] Robert Tyler, beadle of Saint Paul's parish,
Smithficld. praying for usual allowance for opening Smith field
market: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
Payment. paid three guineas, for the reasons in said petition
Smith. [16.] Margaret Smith, praying for usual allowance
Assemblies. for attending the quarter assemblies and post
assemblies, et cetera: whereupon it was ordered, that
byment. petitioner be pairl the sum of five guineas, for the
reasons in said petition mentioned.
[17.] John Ralph, praying for some aid: whereupon
it was that petitioner be paid 2, sterling, for
the reasons in said petition mentioned.
[18.] Elizabeth Wyer, praying for some aid: where- m. 60.
upon it mas ordered, that petitioner be paid 2, ster-
ling, for the reasons in said petition mentioned.
[19.] J oseph Charles Andrews, praying :6or some aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor'S warrant the sum
of thirty guineas, for the purpose of enabling him to
BlLSincss. enter into some business .
William Stamer, Lord fiIayor.-John Exshaw.-
Henry Howison. - Richard Manders. - Meredith
Jenkin.-lIfark Bloxham.-John Carleton.-Alexander
Kirkpatrick.-Samuel Reed.-Abraham Bradley King.
-William Worthington.-Joseph Pemberton.-John
Alley.-Robe,rt Shaw.-William Henry Archer.-
N athaniel Hone.'
1810. Uay 4.-Admissions to franchise.
1810. May 4.-Declaration and signatures.
1810. July 20.-Fourth Friday after the 24th of m. 69
June .
.\IiLlsummer Assembly held at the Exhibition House
in Wi lliam street.
" .
. / ~ ;
I '
llUJ3LIN ROLL, 1810. 209

,.,\,il. ll.] Certain of the COllllllons, setting forth that the 1810 ..
City p11le
committee appointed for tbe better supplying of th() city water.
of Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed
report of the 18th July, 1810 .
. 'We, the committee lappointed for better supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg to inform your
honours that we have been particularly attentive to the
business committed to our care since we last reported.
Your committee a memorial from tIte inhabi-
tants of B1essingtOll street praying that a main be laid
for their which having been taken into COI1- Main.
sideration, your committee immediately directell to be
done, and that your engineer should make all the other
necessary improvements in that street, which lay within
his department.
'Your oommittee directed your engineer to report
what compensation the llifferent distillers and oiher Distillers.
persons using steam engines should annually pay for a
supply of water, which direction he having complied
with, your committee purpose having agreements
entered into and perfected by them, whereby a con-
siderable increase will aCCTIle to your pipe water
'Your committee with the concurrence of the chief
magistrate di;ected Mr. Richard Quinton to continue
in charge of 'the situation of turn cock of the north
division, inconsequence of Mr. Daniel Hautenville's
decease, he having most actively .and faithfully dis- "cccase!L
charged the duties .of it, much to the satisfaction of
your committee, for a long time prior tQ Mr.
ville's dissolution, owing to Mr. Hautenville's inability
from ill health to attend to it, and your committoo
conceive it but justice here tQ remark that in all situa-
tions there cannot be a more sedulous or attentive
- officer.
'Your committee directed the different collectors to Collect"".
Fire plugs.
rroposaIs .
. Fell.

return lists of the arrears prior to their getting their
new books. Your committee conceiving it would be a
matter of public utility to have the paving over the
fire pI ugs of the metal mains done in a conspicuous and
l'articular manner, appointed a committee to confer
with the paving board as to its expediency.
Your committee directed your engineer to advertize
for proposals for building the wa 11 at the Portobello
bason, which having been done, your oommitt,ee
received three proposals. vi-delicet, Mr. Fell, Mr.
Lenaghan, and Mr. Shortel, which having been taken
into consideration, your committee judged it necessary
to refer to your engineer. Who reported that Mr.
Lenaghan's was by far the most reasonable, indepen-
dent of his offer to let one fourth part of the money
remain in your treasurer's hands until the. work was
completed and approved of by your lordship and
honours, and the security for the faithful discharge of
the work which he offered being unexceptionable.
Your committee therefore directed such security to be
entered into, and that Mr. Lenaghan should proceed ill. 69
with the work according to specification of your
engineer, which has accordingly been done.
Your oommittee received a memorial from 'Villi am
J;'erguson, praying to be appointed bason-keeper to the
R.oyal George bason, and your committee from the
character given him by the certificate subjoined to the
annexed memorial presented by him, .your committee
!Jeg leave to r1800mmend his appointment to that
Your oommittee according to annual custom
inspected your waterworks and having met at the Royal
George reservoir highly approved of it, it being now
nearly finished. They then proceeded to the city
bason, and up from thence to the water course at -
1'empleogue, and here they consider it their duty to
inform you, that on the new road leading to the town 1810.
of Tallaght there is a bridge built over the course,
which is so exceedingly defective in its construction
and execution, that they are persuaded it must soon
fall and obstruct the flowing of the water in the course
and flood the adjoining lamls above.
, Your committee observed that the river Dodder has D,,,hler.
taken a turn so as to have destroyed the Strand road
from Fh House to Newtown, et cetera, and that there Fir House.
is a danger of its getting behind the bulwark lately Bulwark.
constructed the weir and be lost to the course. Weir.
YOlli' committee are therefol1e of opinion and recom-
mend it as ladvisable to apply to Lord :Meath and all
other persons interested in the water of the course
before any works are commenced or any expense gone
into, in order that he may be apprized of the necessity
of taking proper measures to prevent the evil, at w hich
period your committee oonceive the payment of the
fOlmer and present expense may be settled. And on
return to town your committee inspected the works Works.
going on at the new bason at. Portobello, with whioh Portobello.
they have every reason to be perfectly satisfied.
, And your committee submit, that from the unavoid-
able and necessary expenditure on your pipe water
works in the current year, and which work must be
immediately proceeded upon, it will be indispensably
necessary to raise a sum of 8,000, they t.herefore
recommen(l that bonds to that amount be sealed, pur- BOllds.
snant to the powers given to your lordship and honours
by the metal main act.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Orrlc'.
report and make the same an' act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and. made an act of assembly, and that bonds to the Boud>.
amount of 8,000, be made out and put under the city City seal.
seal, for the reasons in the above report mentioned.

City leases .
And it was further ordered, that :!liT. Richard
Quinton be continued in the office of turncock in the
room of :Mr. Daniel Hautenville, in pursuance of his
appointment malle on COlllmittee's report of Christmas
assembly 1809, and that William Ferguson be
appointed keeper of the Royal George bason, Blessing-
ton street, at a salary not exceeding 30, sterling, per
[2.] Ueliain of the commons, setting 10rtn that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 19th
.J nly, 1810.
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your h{Jnours
that we have been particularly attentive to the business
committed to our care since we last reported. Your
committee recommend that the north lot called Forbes'
lot, be a,dveriized to be let in the usual way from 29th
September next .
Your committee made particular enquiry respecting
the windows in the house, late the property of Lord
Northland, but now occupied by Surgeon Adrien, and
which windows look int.o the :Mansion House garden,
garden. and were formerly permitted by your lordship and
honours to be opened on the express condition of their
being shut np whenever called upon. Your committee
Lawageu! . there,fore directed your law agents to apply to his lord-
ship on the subject, who reported to your committee,
that he was ready ,and willing to perfect any deed m. f;S
binding himself, his heirs. administrators and assigns
Windows. to close the windows whenever called on, your com-
mittee therefore directed such deed to be prepared and
perfected .
:\I arsh,
Geof .'!:c 's
Your committoe took into consideration the petition
of Francis Marsh for renewal of premises in Great
George'" street which your committee referred to the
DUBLIN ASSElfllLY ROLL, 1810. 213
law agents to rBpOlt whether he was entitled to the 1810.
same, and they having reported that he was, as repre-
sentative of Neptune Vero, your committee arc of Yero.
opinion and do recommend th[lt the renewal sought for Renewal.
be granteu.
, AmI your committee beg leave to mention that no
dL'cisi ve answer has yet been received from the govern-
ment respecting tho ground adjoining thi] old Custom
House, called Ekersall's holding, and which your Ekersall.
committee beg to call your lordship and honours seriouR
[Iltention to. '
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, tho committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and it was further
ordered, that the renewal lease to Francis Marsh in the
auove report mentioned be made out and put under the City seal.
city seal.
[3.] Certain of the comm<ms, setting forth that the
committee appointed to audit the city tre.asurer's .ccounts.
accoUllts have made the annexed report. of the BOth
April, 1810.
"Ne, the committee appointed to audit the accounts Report.
of alderman John Carleton, city treasurer, for the 11ents,
issuos, and profits of tho corporation for one year com-
mencing .iIIlichaelmas 1808, and ending Iv[ichaelmas
J809, beg leave to inform your honours that we have
carefully examined the same together with the several
vouchEtrs relating thereto.
, 'l'he treasurer lai,) before us a rental of your honours Rental.
estate as it stood. Michaelmas 1809, and. we charged him
with the amount of the rents received in said year being
10,842 15s. 3td., and with such other incidental issues
and profits as accrued ill that time, amounting in the
whole to 37,983 9s. 6id.
, We find the disbursements amount in all to the sum
SUIlI dlte.
of 34,780 Os. 5td., so tbat there appears due by Roll xxv'
the city treasurer upon this account the sum of
3,203 9s. Id.
, Your committee also further inform your hOlHmrs.
that wit h the assistance of the pipe water committe we
audited your treasurer ' s accounts respecting the pipe
water department for said year, and find a balance due
llnln,, <e. by him thereon of 1,652 16s. 4d., so that the balance
due by your honours treasurer on both said .accounts
appears to be 4,856 5s. 5d.
'.And your committee finding the whole accounts
Thanks. correctly statd. retumed our unanimous thanks to the
Tre.,,,r. r. city treasurer for the precision and accuracy manifested
on the present occasion and for the zeal shewn by him
at .all limes for the welfare of the corporation.
, Your committee recommend that the usual com-
pliment of twenty guineas bepaid to Mr. Isaac Smith,
clerk to your honours treasurer, for his trouble in
making up said account and a second copy thereof.
" And your committee are of opinion, that it will tend
to the greater rogularity in stating the accounts in
future, if all salaries of city officers be paid up and
charged for each year to the 29th of September.
, And your committee recommend that the committee
City le ..... ,. of city leases be requested to examine into the observa-
tions made by your committee on settling said accounts rn. 68 I
Ci ty est . ! . relative to several parts of the city's estate, in order
that proper steps may be taken to follow up the same
for the benefit of the corporation's estate.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon ordered, that the said report be recommitted
and that the auditors be directed to report the amount
of the debenturef'. and the rat of interest by which the
sum of 29,100, was raised, as appears on the
treasurer 's accounts.
1 xxvii.
[4.J Certain of the commons, sptting forth that the 1810.
committee appointed to audit the accounts of alderman
John Cadeton, oity treasurer, to whom your committee's aCCoulltS.
foregoing report was recommitted by your lordship and
honours have made the ailllexed report of the 18th
July, 1810.
'We, the oommittee appointed to aucljt the accounts Report.
of alderman John Cadeton, city treasurer, beg leave to Carleton.
inform you that we have carefully reinvestigated the
same, and .find that the sum of 1,000, was due to Sums due.
alderman IIugh Trevor as Lord Mayor, prior to the new .
regulation commencing of paying to all succeeding )layor.
chief magistrates 1,000, per annum, and to your lord-
ship and honours treasurer a like sum of 1,000, per Treasurer.
annum in lieu of poundage, this not being sufficiently Poundage.
explained in our former r,eport, your oommittee
conceive was the cause, of its not being confirmed. And
further that a sum of 29,100, was raised at the rate Sum raised.
of six per C8Jrl your therefore under Interest.
those circumstances humbly submit that the rep-ort
ought now to be ocnfirmed by your lordship and
And the said commons, praying to confirm tlltl saltl Order . .
report ,and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the ocmmittee's report confirmed
and made an, act of assembly.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that ihs
agreement entered into for your lordship and honours
tolls and customs will expire on the 29th September
next. \Vhereupon aldermen Richard M:anders and M.nders.
l'vfark Bloxham having undertaken for Mr. John Clarke
to give f.or the tolls aml customs of this city the slim of
4,050, per annum, being the rent now paid for same, Rent.
and on ocnsidering the punctuality and honourable
conduct of the late Mr. Olarke and those ocncerned in
collecting the tolls and customs in having paid same
without requiring any abatement on any account, and
the corporation havi ng found by experience the heavy i
) [ayomlty
V .. rnitnrc.
abatements heretofore asked and given to former I
tenants. i
It is ordered unanimously, that Jolm Clarke do
get a lea,;e of the tolls and customs for the term of three
Yl'ars at the of 4,000, per annum, to commence
the 29th day of September next, which lease is to con-
tain the several clauses and covenants contained in his
present lease and such other to preserve the city's
rights, as the Recorder shall approve of, and also on
the usual bonds to secure said rent being executed.
[6.) Cert,ain of the commons, praying to appoint am. 67.
committoo to provide furniture for the Mayoralty
house: whereupon it was ordered, that the right.
honourable the Lore! Mayor, treasurer, masters
of the works, aldermen Samuel Reed, Richarel
Manders, Nathaniel Hone, and vVilliam Henry Archer
and eight of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs
and commons or any five of them, whereof the Lord
Mayor and one of the Sheriffs to be always two, and in
the absence of the Lord Mayor the senior alderman
present to preside, be and are hereby appointed a
committee to provide such furniture for the use of the
Bxpcns.. .Mayoralty house as may be necessary, the 8xpcnse
attending the same not to exceed the sum of 100,
slerling, and the committee are hereby empowered to
draw on the ci ty treasurer for said sum, the accounts
titeroof to be kept s8l'amie allll llO mOlley paid but. by
the committee's order.
COllllllons. ['fhe eight of the commons:) Messieurs Francis
Hamilton, William McCready, William Ferrall,
William Lindsey, Benjamin Eaton, Charles Thorp,
.lonaR Paisley, Daniel Hutton.
[7.J Oertain of the commons, praying to grant the
herbage of Saint Stephen's Green to alderman
xxvii. Nathaniel Hone, Lord Mayor elect, durina his 1810.
7. . 0 none,
Mayoralty; whereupon it was granted, pursuant to the alderHl.n.
prayer of the petition. .
[8.J Certain of the oommons, praying to empower the
committee of beams and scales to set the same in the
usual manner; whereupon it was ordered, that the
committee of beams and scales be and are hereby
empowered to set the same for one year.
[9.] Samuel Hutchinson, praying to be continued
pipe water collector; whereupon it was ordered, that the
said Samuel Hutchinson be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one y,ear ending Midsummer
assembly 1811, he giving such security for the faithful Security.
discharge of the duties of said office, and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from
time to time receive, said security to be entered into in
one month from this elate, or this order tD be void.
[10.] Robert Newcll, praying to be continued one of
the pi pe water collectors; whereupon it was ordered, cnllector.
that the said Robert Newell be and is hereby continued
ono of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding ono year ending Midsummer
assembly 1811, he giving such security for the faithful Security.
discharge of the duties of said office, and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from
time to time receive, said security to be entl1ed into in
one month from this date., or this order to be void.
[11.] George Browne, praying to be continued high
constable of the city of Dublin; whereupon it was
ordered, that the said GeDrge Browne be and is hereby
continued high oonstable during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 1811, Salary.
at the salary of 40, sterling.
[12.J Matthe'w Courtney, praying to be continued one
of the serj,eants at mace of the city of Dublin; where- at mace.
2]8 DUBLIN ROLL. 1810.
upon it was ordered, that the said Matthew Courlney be
and is hereby continued one of the serjeants at mace of
said city during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending Midsummer assembly 1811, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
Silmmace. office and redelivery of the silver mace, as the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, and provided also
he do appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[13.] Ambrose Crane, green-keeper, of Saint Stephen's
Green, praying for the usual gratuity for the last year:
Payment. whereupon it was that .petitioner be paid by
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum
of ten guineas, for the reasons in said petition
Coffey, [14.] Andrew Coffey, praying to be continued
pipe water
engineer. engineer of the pipe water works: whereupon it was
ontered, the said Andrew Coffey be and is hereby
continued pipe water engineer during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Midsummer
assembly 1811, at a salary of 250, sterling.
[15.] Richard Cave, supervisor of the pipe water
revenue, praying for anear of salary prior to itg
increase: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
Payment. paid by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant
the sum of 150, for the reasons in the said petition
[16.] Mary Swettenham, pmying for continuation of
lIlUmity: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
paid by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant
the sum of 25, for reasons in said petition mentioned.
on her own receipt only.
[17.] Certain of the commons, praying for an address
to his majesty on the escape of his Royal Highness the
l.nd. Duke of Cumberland from the late attempt at assassi-
nation, and another address to his Royal Highness:
whereupon it was ordered, that the following addresseF
37 b.
00 engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented to
the lord lieutenant by the corporation, in order to their .
being transmitted to his majesty and his highness.
[18.] Ad,]r(1SS of the corporation of Dublin to his
, To the king's most excellent majesty.
'We, your majesty's dutiful and most faithful
subjeds the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of your loyal city of Dublin approach your
majesty with joy and at the late provi-
dential deliverance of that great and good prince, your
majesty's excellent son, and our beloved and honol1l'ei
fellow citizen; the Duke of Cumberland.
'That the Almighty doth give his ,ange,ls charge
concerning those who trust in him, we are told from
the highest authority, this has been exemplified in your
majesty's sacred person, and lately in that of your
illustrious son. May he like your majesty in a course
of piety and virtue long oontinue to obtain this pro- Prot ection.
tection, and beE\! blight example to all your subjects.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to behereunto affixed this 20th day City seal.
of July, in the year of our Lord, 1810.'
;6. [19.] Address of the corporati,on of Dublin to the
Duke of Cumberland.
"1'0 his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland.
'Illustrious prince and most beloved and honoured gW:l

fellow citizen, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons and
citizens of the city of Dllblin ,approach your Royal
Highness with satisfaction and j ay at your
reoovery frorn the effects of the horrid attempt upon Recovery.
your sacred person.
'Affiicted and astonished at hearing that human
10n l\Iay 31, 1810, the Duke was found in his apartments in St. James's Palace
wit.h a terrible wound in his head.
}l epra\'ity.

Prot ecti on.
City seal.
t enant.
Care of

Duke of


depmvity could stimulate even the basest of mankind
to such an unaccountable act, as the assassination oi
yeur Royal Highness, his majesty's faithful citizens of
Dublin deeply deplore the sad consequences of that act,
but through the goodness of that almighty providence
which protected you, they are now enabled to express
their thankfulness and gratitude for your deliverance.
, l\lay you, Sir, long, very long be a favoured object
of that protection and a bright example of piety and
virtue to all your fenow citizens.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
spal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 20t h day
of July, in the year of our Lord, 1810.'
[20.J Certain of the commons, praying for an address
to his grace the lord lieutenant expressive of their sense
of his jJaternal care of the poor of this metropolis:
whereupon it was ordered, that the following adLlress
be engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented by
the eorporation.
[21.) Al1,lrPRs of the eorporation of Dublin to the lord
'To his grace Clla1'12';, Duke of Richmond, lord
lieutenant general and general governor of Ireland.
. .May it please your grace.
'\Ve, the Lord l\.1:ayor, Sheriffs, commons and
citizens of Dublin, many of us manufacturers, and all
anxious to relieve' the distress of the working people,
and to promote the prosperity of trade and commerce
in this his majesty"s faithful city of Dublin. have
beheld with grateful satisfaction the efforts of your
grace and of your government to give employment to
the industrious poor, thereby alleviating their miseries,
and in the best ma.nner sustaining the interest of trade.
, Convinced that your benevolent mind will induce
you to continue and increase thos() efforts, we beg of
66 b.
you to accept our humble thanks and to be assured tha'
your attention to our interests shall ever be remembered
with gratitude.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 20th day City ,".1.
of July, in the year of our Lord, 1810.'
[22.J "RBsolveu, that an address be presented to the
right honourable the Lord Mayor, expressive of the ...
a pprobation of this house of his wise and bencrvolent
proclamation calling on our fellow citizens to exert
themselves in relieving the distresses of the unemployed
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unan i- Alderllwo.
mOllsly agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution, and it was ordered, that the
fl'llowing address be .engrossed, put under the city seal,
aIlll presented by the corporation. .
[23.J Address of the corporation of Dublin to Sir
William Stamcr, baronet.
'To the right honourable Sir WilJiam
Bal'Onet, Lord Mayor of tho city of Dublin.
'My Lord.
Starrier, AddrcRs.
'We, the Board of Magistrates, Sheriffs, commons,
and citizens- of the city of Dublin having read the
proclamation lately aduressed by your lordship to your
fellow citizens, beg leave to express to you their grateful
acknowleugments for the wise, liberal and benevolent
sentiments which it contains, and WB sincerely hope Sentilllents.
that your paternal advice and recommendation fo!" the
relief of our clistreRt manufacturers may bB attcnclell 01
to, being the object so near to your lordship's humane fact"'"".
feelings, the giving them full and permanent employ-
ment. Anu we beg leave to add, that we consider your
lordship's attention at all times to your fellow citizens
1;10. has been cminenUy conspicuous in promoting their
Interests. interests and prosperity.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
City seal. seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed ihis 20th
day of July, in the year of our Lord, 1810.'
[24.] "The Lord 1\Iayor and Board of Aldermen
Demands, having maturely considered thB la.rge demands that
become due and payable for the city accounts from this
assembly to the next for intmest, salaries, et. cetera,
request the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons
llond" in ordering that a sum of 8,000, be raised by bonds
I"temt, to be put under the city seal bearing interest at six per
cent per annum and paid over to the treasurer to enable
him to discharge the same."
Agreed to, The Sheriffs and Commons unanimously agree with
the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the above
[25.] "Resolved, that it be recommended to the
Election, several corporations prior to the next general election,
that it would be prudent not to elect in their various
Gnild,. guilds any person or persons as their representatives
Police. holding any subordinate situation in the police estab-
lishment of this city."
[26.] "Resolved, that it be an instruction to
City leases. committee of city leases to get the list of the papers and
Documents. documents delivered by the representatives of the late
""jven. Edward Scriven to this corporation, that they carefully

examine their contents and report their opinion to next
quarter assembly."
[27.J Ann Beasly, widow, praying for aid: where- m. 65.
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of
thirty guineas by the city treasurer on the- Lord
Mayor's warrant, for the reasons in said petition
[28.) Elizabeth Seguin, widow, praying for aid:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasnrer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum J8lO.
of ten gnineas, for the reasons in said petitiGn
[29.J Sarah \Valk,er, praying for aiel: whereupon it Walke!.
was orelered, that petitioner be paid by the eity Grant.
treasurer on the Lord lH'ayor's warrant the sum of
25, for the reasons in said petition mentioned.
[30.J George DickinsGn, praying for aid: whereupon Dick;u,oH,
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid. 2, for the Grant.
reasons in said petition mentioned.
[31.] Resolutions of the Sheriffs and Commons.

i. "Resol ved, that we now feel as we ever have, an
unshaken 10)'a.Jty to our beloved sovereign king Loyalty,
GeOI'ge the Third, and the succession of his royal hGuse,
and we have to lament that his majesty should haye ;n
been so greatly imposed on by his ministers, as in ter-
minating the last sessions of parliamtmt, to state the
growing prosperity of Ireland, when his ministers in
making such representations tG his ma,jesty must have
known, that the very reverse was and is the fact.
ii. "ReSQlved, that the preoont distress and growing D;,trcs;.
misfortunes of Ireland ha ve arisen from our not ha vil'!-g
a Resident Parliament, who alone would be capable of
knowing the real wants of this country, and providing ment.
for its adequate remedies. And we are the more for-
tified in this our opinion J'Jy the manner in which the
late monstrol;'s system of taxatiGn was imposed on th is TaxaUou,
oountry, and which is oontrary to every sounu
principle of legislation.
iii. "\Ve therefore ,a,ppeal to our. cOlmtrymen an d
fellow citizens to come forward in corporate bodies,
and in oounty and grand jury meetings to demand a
Rsloration of that. Constitu tion which is our birth-
right, and of which we havo been desjXJiled by frauLl
and oorruption."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen cannot
ti on.
'I'axat ioll.
the Union.
concur with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
resolution, bui they conceive the best mode of pro-
ceeding would be by appointing a committee from the
corporation at large, who would moot and digest a
plan '10 carry into etrect the object of the resolutiol{s
proposed by the Sheriffs and Commons respecting the
lute enormous Taxation and the Repeal of the Union,
and to repOlt such progress ,as they have made to the
next general quarter assembly, for which purpose the
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the con-
currence of the Sheriffs and Commons in appointing a
COllllllittee. committee consisting of ald,errnen John Exshaw, Henry
Howison, Sir William Worthington, Samuel Reed,
Nathalliel Hone, William Henry Archer, John Cash,
:Mark Bloxham, and John Alley, with sixteen of the
commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons.
Which having been sent down to the Sheriffs and
Agreed to. Commons was by them agreed to, and the following m. Go
committee app{)inted by them.
Commons. [The sixteen of the commons: ] Messieurs N athaniel
1l1llSi c-
!Jistrogs of
fact urer."".
Craven. Daniel Hutton, Benjamin Eaton, John Tudor,
William Ferrall, Edward Stephens, Thomas lIIcKenny,
Samuel Neville, Robert Harty, Francis Hamilton,
Joshua Dickson, John Davis, William Walsh, William
Davis, Thomas Gorine, Humphrey lIIinchin, Thomas
[32.] Mam-ice Hime, music-selle,r, praying fDr renewal
of premises on the east side of Great G.eorge's lane,
whereon J ames Bamber formerly resided, at yearly
rent of 8 8s., per annum: whereupou it was ordered,
that the contents of his petition be referred to the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring, who are empowered to llquire into the same
a.nd report thereon to the next assembly_
[33-] "The Sheriff's and Commons request the con-
cnrrence of tlte Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
DUBLIN ROLL, 1810. 225
in appointing a committee to take into oonsideration lQlO.
the present. state of distress of the manufacturers of
this city, the best means of affording relief and to Relief.
report forthwith to this assembly."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with Committee.
the Sheriffs amI Commons in the foregoing resolution,
and that a committee consisting of aldermen Sir
Williftm Alexander, IIenry Howison, William Henry
Archer, John Cash, and Robert Shaw, together with
ten of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons. be and are hereby appoint,ed a committee
to carry the intention of said resolution into effect.
Which having been sont down to the Sheriffs and
C0mmons was by them agreed to, and the following to.
committee appointed by them.
[The ten of the commons;] Messieurs John Giffftrd, Commons.
John Thomas Sinnett, William l<'errall, Thomas
J\[cKenny, Benjamin Eaton, Daniel Hutton, Francis
Hamilton, William McCready, John Reed, William
[34.] Resolutions of the Lord Mayor and Board of.
Aldermen for the relief of distressed turers.
i. "Resolved, that we do most heartily coincide in
the plan of his grace the lord lieutenant in voluntary
subscriptions for the relief of the distressed manu- tions.
ii. that we will to the utmost of our
power encourage the use and consumption of our native
manufactures, and that we recommend it to 11,11 our fartllrers.
fellow citizens to follow the same.
3'- iii. "Resolved, that it would greaUy forward sftid
plan, if committees were appointed in each of the
several parishes to receive subscriptions and to take the
signatures of such persons as will engage to purchase
Irish manufactures within 11, given period."
\Vhich said several resolutions having been sent by
1810. the Lorcl 1IIayor and Board of Aldermen clown to thellollxxv
8herilIs and Commons for their concurrence, they
unanimously agreed thereto.
Ran-ey. [H5.] Gl'Orge Harvey, praying for amount of bill due
Addresses. for engrossing addresses: whereupon it was ordered,
that his petition be referred to the committee for
illspecting city leases near expiring, who a,re to report
thereon to next assembly.
[36.J" The Lord 1IIayor and Board of Aldermen
reqnest the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons
in empowering the committee of city leases to examine
Secu,ity. into the state of security the city )Iarshalsea is in, and
to layout such sum as may be thought necessary for
Expeose. making said prison secure, provided that such expense
shall not exceed the sum of 150."
\Vhich having boon sent down to the Sheriffs and
Agmd (0. Commons for their concurrence, they agreed unani-
mously thereto.
'Nathaniel Hone, Lord Mayor.-William Stamer.-
William Alexander.-John Carleton.-John Exshaw.
-Henry Gore Sankey.-Henry Howison.-Joseph
Pemberton.-Hugh Trevor.-Freclerick Darley.-John
Cash.-Robert Shaw.-John Claudius Beresford.-
John Alley.-William Henry Archer.-1vIark BJoxham.
-lIIeredit.h J enkin.-William Worthington.-Samuel
Reed.-Charles Thorp.'
]810. July 20.-Admissions to franchise.
UHO. July 20.-Declaration and signatures.
1 SW. October 19.- '1'hird Friday after the 29th of m. 71.

Michaelma.,; Assembly held at the Exhibition House
in William street.
Lor<1 Mayor: Nat haniel Hone.
Sheri Ifs: Matthew \Vest and Brent Neville.
[I.J Sir \Villiam Stamer, lat e Lord Mayor, praying
for usual sum of 1,000, sterling: whereupon it was 1810.
od, that tll(; city treasurer Llo, on the Lord Mayor's Mayoralty
warrant, pay alderman Sir William Stamer, baronet, Payment.
the sum of ] ,000, sterling, for the reasons in his
petition mentioned.
[2.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointell for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 15th day of October, 1810.
, We, the oommittee appointed for the better supplying Re]>ort.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the business committed to our care since we l ast
reported. Your committee received a petition from
Robert Parkinson praying to be appointod messenger
to your committee, and your committee feeling the
necessity of a person to act in that capacity and to be
al in attendance to receive complaints, et cetera,
and conceiving him a fit person for that situation, aro
of and do recommend that he be appointed to
fill the same ,at a salary of one pound per week. Salary.
'\Your committee direClted the several collectors to Coll tors.
enforce the payment of all arroars due for pipe water
rent under the penalty of being chargeable with the
amount of all such as are solvent and remain uncol-
lected, a mea.,ure from wbich your committee are of
opinion your pipe water establishment will clerive con-
siderable benefit.
'Your committee received a memorial from Edward
Stephens relat ive to a passago at the rear of b is Stephen,.
concerns in James's street, and your committee having
taken same into consideration are of opinion and do
recommencl that he get a lease of the same at the rent.
of 5, per annum, samo to a covenant of
reassumptioll by the corporation on giving him throe
months notice,
Duties of
of salary.
Croft on.
228 . DUBLIN ROLL. 1810.
, And your committoo having taken into consideration
tho duties of several officers acting under your com-
miUee, now much increased by the extension of your
works, ant! having received memorials from many of
them for an increase of salary. and having minutely
invesligutecl their respective claims are of opinion and
do recommend as foll ows, namely, that, the:-
'Engineer's salary, lIfr. Richard Cave, now 250,
per annum, should be to 400. per annum.
' Storekeeper, Mr. Rugh Crofton, now 120, per
annum, to 200, per annum.
'Inspector of water works, Richard Crofton, now
120, per annum. to 180, per annum.
'Inspector of water works, Richard Roman, now
1.00, per annum, (.0 150, per annum.
, Inspector of tUl'llcocks, Richard Quinton, now 90,
per annum, to 110, per annum.
'Inspector of turncocks, Ambrose Binns, now 90,
per annum, to 110, per annum.
'And your committee having taken into consideration
the services of the Town Clerks who act as secretaries
to your establishment and who discharge the various
and confidential duties annexed to that situation with
much satisfaction to your committee, are of opinion and
do recommend that in future they have a salary of
200, per annum, this your committee conceive will be
but an adequate compensation for the services they m. 71
perform, they agre0ing to relinquish for that sum all
charges in future for attending your committee, as
Iyell for the bills of costs for any business they may
transact, and also further relinquishing the sum of
twenty-five guin0as h01'etofore annually paid to them
hy warrant forattencling yom committee.
, AmI your committee recommend that all accounts
they may have against the pipe water establishment be
now settled and discbarged, and that the several
I xxvii.
7J b,
sa.laries heretofore mentioned do commence from tho 1810.
24th day of June last, and all arrears due of them Arrea".
settled up to that day, by which regulation the payment
of the salaries of your respective officers will regularly Salaries.
fall duo in each year Dn every 24th day of June, and
25th day of December, by adopting this measure your
committee oollceive the accounts of your establishment
will be settled with much greator ease and facility. The
adopting this mode, your committee are the more
induced to recommend, as the payments will fall due Payrne"".
consonant to the periods on which the revenue of your
establishment is settled.
, And your committee feel it a duty incumbent upon
them before they close this their report to bear testimony TestimollY.
as well to the sedulous and uniform attention paid by
Sir William Stamer, baronet, our late worthy chief
magistrate, to this committee, as for the lively interest
maniested by him upon all occasions for the general
interest of the pipe water establishment and for which
they conceive him well entitled to their thanks. Thanks.
, And we also feel it a duty to return our sincere
thanks to Sir Edward Stanley and Sir James Biddall,
late High Sheriffs, for their polite, uniform, and
regular attention during their year of office.
'All which is submitted as our report this 15th
October, uno.'
And the s;id commons, praying to confirm the said Orde!'.
l'port and make the sallle an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the oommittee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee ,appointed for setting the beams and scales
have made the annexed report of the 18th day Df
October, 1810.
'We, the committee appointed for setting the beams
and scales, beg leave to inform your honours that we scales.
clerk of
Agreed to.
aclvertized the same to be let together with the granary
at lhe markel house ill the usnal manner, and several
having bid for the sa'me, and .Mr. Ryland
having bill tlte sum of 15, per annum, he was declarerl
the tnker for one year, bllt your committee beg to observe
that he was illllu()('d lo lllake ('veil that bidding from
the ass nrance of your committe', that they would
recommend a lease to be made la him for a term of three
years. Your committee therefore under all the circum-
stances beg leave to recommend that he do get a lease
of the same for a term of three years commencing 29th
Septem bel' last.
, All which is submitted as our report. this 18th day
of October, 1810.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that 1lfr. Rylanu in the
fort'going report mentioned do get a lease for three years
for the re!lons ' that appeared to the committoo on
[4.] "Resolved unanimously, that the salary of our
faithful and efficient officer Timothy Allen, esquire, on
account of his long and faithful service, be, as clerk
of the commons house from the 24th of June last, one
hundred guineas per annum."
The Sheriffs and Commons earnestly request the m 70.
concurrenoo of the Lord Thfayor and Board of Aldermen
in the above resolution, more especially as the salaries
of other officers have been liberally augmented.
The Lordl\1ayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
[5.] "Resolved, that a committee. be now appointed to
draw up an address expressive of the high npprobation
with which Ih is C01111110n council and all his fellow
citizens have witnessed tilEl exemplary conduct of Sir 18[0.
8tan .. er.
William Stamer, baronet, late Lord Mayor. alderman
," Hesolved, that same be accompanied by a piece of of
plate value one hundred guineas,"
The Lord Mayor anet Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing Agreed to.
[G.] Certain of the commons, setting fOlih that the
gnod old custom of an annual station dinner, which ha' dinner.
time immemorial been given by the chief magistrate for
the time being in the course of the summer, has tended
much to the gooe! fellowship and harmony of the cor-
poration, an object much to be wished for, the discon-
tinuance of which has in a great degree diminished the
same, and praying that the act of assembly rescinding
such an hospitable entertainment may be annulled amI
that that good old aml ancient custom may be in futnre
\Vherellpon it was ordered, that the act of assembly Order
rescinding the hospitable dinner be annulled, and that
in future the Lord Mayor for the time being do give the
summer annual dinner as heretofore.
[7.] James Evatt, praying to be continued one of the
pipe water collecLors: whereupon it was ordered, that collertor
the said .Tames Evatt be and is hereby continued one of
the oollectors of the pipe water revenue during the city's
pleasnre, not' e,xocccling one year ending :\Gchaelmas
assembly 1811, he g.iving such secnrity for the faithful Security,
discharge of the duties of that office, as the pipe water
committee shall approve of, and paying to the city
treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from time
to time receive, said security to be entered into in om
rnnnth from this date or this order to be void.
[8.] Richard Butler, praying to be continued one of
the serjeants at. mace: whereupon it was ordered, that at mace.
the said Richard Butler be aml is hereby c()ntinued one
:2:3:2 DUlIL1X ASSlmllLY ROLL. ]810-1811.
1810. ot the serj eants at mace of the said city during the city's
SCCIlr>ly. pleasure, not excpeding one year ending Michaelmas
assembly 1811, he giving such seclll'ity for the faithful
di scharge of tite dutieB of said office and redelivery of
Silvormnce. the si lver maoc, the Lord J\Iayor and Sheriffs shall
a pp rove of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this ,late or'this order to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
[9.] Miphael Caffray, praying to be appointed
at mace. sefj, 'a llt at mace : whereupon it was ordered, that the
said lIichael Caffray be and is hereby appointed one
of the serjeants at mace of the said city during the oity's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending lIichaehnas
assembly 1811, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said offioe and redelivery of
Sil\"ermaee. the sil ver mace, as the Lord }.layor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to be entered into ill one month
from this date or this order to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
office .

ti on,
Nathaniel Hone, Lord lIayor.-John Exshaw.-
J ohn Carleton. - Samuel Reed. - William Henry
Archer.-.M:ark Bloxham.-Charles 'l'l101'p.- William
Worthington.-John Cash.-Abraham Bradley King.
-Meredith .Jenkin.'
1810. October 19.-Allmissions to franchise.
1810. Octobor 19.-Dedaralion and signatures.
1811. 18lJ. January 18.-]?our th Friday after the 25th oim. 70.
of dty
December, 1810.
Christmas Assembly held at the Exhibition House in
William slreet.
[I.] A 11< litors of the city accounts for the last year.
Lord Mayor, SheriifR, masters of the works, aldermen
,Villiam Alexander, John Exshaw, Samnel Reed,
DUBLIN ltoLL, 1811. 2BB
tXVii. Thoma.s Andrews, \Villiam I-Ienr}-'- Archor, A brahanl of
Rradley King, John Cash, Mark Bloxham, John Alley,
s.nd eighteen of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs
and Commons or any nine of them, whereof the Lord
Mayor and one of the Sheriffs to be always two, amI in
the absence of the Lord Mayor the senior alderman
present to preside, be and are hereby appointed a
committee to audit the city accounts from the 29th day
of September, 1809, to the 29th day of Septembilr, 1810.
['Che eighteen of the commons:] Messiours vVilliam Common,.
Cope, Benjamin Eaton, Charles Lilly, ,Toshua Dixon,
\Villiam Ferrall, Edward Stephens, Thomas l\IcKenny,
Richard Lambert, John Fyans, Mountiford John Hay,
John Reed, William Porter, William Dixon, George
Holmes, Thomas Dixon, Alexander lfontgomery, Lewis
l\forgan, Robert Barty.
[2.] Ordered, that Sir Edward Stanley and Sir J ames
Riddall, knights, late High Sheriffs, be and are hereby
appointed masters of the city works for the ensuing
[B.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
late Lord Mayor was at a oonsiderable expense in pro--
viding horses and servants for the state coach on public
days: whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay alderman Sir Payment.
William, baronet, late Lord Mayor, the sum of St<lmer.
50, sterling, for that the samo to be allowed
in his accounts.
[4.] Certain of the commons, praying the usual
allowance to alderman Sir vVilliam Stmner, baronet, Stamcr.
lata Lord for providing a horse and cart for
measuring ooals during the year of his Mayoralty:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay alclorman Sir Payment.
William Stamer, baronet, the sum of 40, sterling, for
tbe reasons above mentioned.
!611. [n.) C!'rtuin "f th!' commons, setting forth thf>t the
City.!c ..... committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring havo made the annexed report of the 18th day
oi October, 1810.
llcp.,,.. ' \Ve, the committee apvointecl for inspecting city
leases nt'a.r expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have paid every attt'ntion to the business com-
mirte<.1 to us since we la st reported. lour committee
gaye directions to the law agents to file a bill to per-
XcvBI.. prtuate the testimony of )'Ir. A. R. Neville, your lord-
ship and honours surveyor, respecting the lancls of
Clontllrk. Clonturk, he being in possession of very material infor-
mation concerning that part of your estate, your
committee were induced to adopt this measure, judging
it a matter of the last importance to your future
'Your con'tmittee took into consideration the bill of
;\1r. George Rarvey for engrossing addresses, which
your lordship and honours thought proper to refer to
us, amolmt 20 9s. 6d., and which your committee
are of opinion and recommend to be paid.
'Your committee also took into consideration the
Him.. petition of ).Jaurice Rime for renewals of premises in
Sout h Great George's street, formerly occupied by )'1r.
J ames Bamber, but since legally vested in petitioner,
anrl which your committee referred in the usual manner
to the law agents. who r eported that 1.11'. :.\faurice Rime
nenew.!. was legally entitled to such r enewal. your committee are
therefore of opinion and do recommend same be granted
to him.
, And your committee beg leave to report that they
have agreeable to your lordship and honours directions
set the two acre lot on the North Lotts in the usual
manner by public auction. and several persons having
bid for the same, and Sir James Riddall haying bid the
sum of 60. per annum, and he being the highest
6;ii. bidder, he was the tenant, and your committee 1811.
beg leave. to inform your honours, that leases have been Lease,.
prepared agreeable thereto.
, And your committee beg leave to inform your lord-
ship and honours, that they directed a letter to be
. Board.
WrItten by the Town Olerks to the solicitor of the
Barrack Board respecting Ekersall's holding adjoining
the old Oustom House, and which has been particularly
mentioned in our two former reports, and not having
received any answer thereto, your committee recom-
mend that unless leases be perfected of the same as Lease,.
agnJed upon prior to the next genera,] quarter assembly,
that possession of the same be then taken by yonr lord-
ship and honours.
'And which is submitted as our report this 18th
October, 1810.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
re'port and make the same iln act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
[6.] of the commons, setting forth that the
committee app01nted for inspecting . city leases near Cily Ira,,,,.
expiring have made the arUlcxed report of the 22nd
December, 1810.
'\V,e, the committee appointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have beBn particularly attentive to the business
committed to our care since WB last reported. Your
. oommittee from their observation respecting your lord-
ship and honours conceive it would be of the
greatest utility and therefore recommend that in future
no lease or renewal of a lease be hereafter granted
a new survey and a report there on be made by Surveys.
your surveyor, save and except whore such renewnl
appears to be for a now life, and as a mat.ter of course Kew life.
and of right to I)e granted to the party applying.

Land!! of
.\S,nrnLY ROLL, 1811.
'Your committee directed your lordship and honours
law to proceed with evry possible expedition in
the business relating to the lands of Ckmturk, now in
the tenancy of Sir John Coghill, this being a business
in which the interest of your lordship and honours is
most materially involved.
'Your committee also recommend that the several m. 75.
lots of ground in Cuffe street, formerly let to Robert
Burnett. \Villiam Parvien, and the widow Smith, be
reset in the usual way, unless those persons do
within one month perfect their leases, agreeable to tbe
terms for which they were let to them, and that notice
to this effect be served upon them by the Town Clerks.
'Your committee alw recommend that the ground,
formerly in the possession of Mr. Robert J\[ercer, situate
near the bason in J ames's street, be let in the usual way.
' Your committee beg leave to inform your lordship
and honours, that the Town Clerks have received the
following letter respecting Ekersall's holding adjoining
the old Custom House, and which your ')ommittee
au verted to in their two last reports.
. , Gentlemen.
"In answer to a letter lately reoeived from you
" respecting an act of assembly of the corporation of
"the city of Dublin made on the 20th day of October,
" 1809, whereby it was ordered that leases be perfected
" by the corporation to government at such rent as they
" should think proper, of a plot of ground which had
"been part of the river Liffey and embanked and built
"upon, an'd which lay between the southermost end of
.. Essex Bridge and the west end of the Custom House
"quay, such demise to be so long Dnly as it may be
" necessary that the Custom House should be made use
" of as a Barn1ck, and not to be considered in any ways
"to interfere with the city's rigllts, to the remainder of b?ti"righls.
"the Custom House, alleged to he the property of
" Charles O'Hara, esquire. I heg leave to inform you, O'llara.
"gentlemen, that thE) said order of assembly having
" been before his grace the lord lieutenant, he has
" hoon pleased to direct that leases pursuant and accord- Lease,;.
" ing to the said order shall be forthwith prepared and
"made to Major General Quin John Freeman, dE)pnty Freeman.
" barrack master general la the forces in Ireland and Irelanu.
" one of the commissioners and overseers of the Barracks Barracks.
"and other puhlic works therein, in trust for hi s
" majesty, his heirs, and successors for the term of 999 Term.
"ye.ars, suhject to the aforesaid cont.ingencies .a,t the
" nominal yearly rent of six shillings and eightpencf', a Rent.
"draft of which lease shall speedily he submittod for the
" perusal and approbation of the proper officers of the
" city.
"I haVE) the honour gentlemen to be your obedient
" servant.
"Richard Marli;l. Marlin.
"37 Gloucester street. Dublin."
'Your commit.tee are therefore of 0p111lOn and do f::I:e.
recommend that. the lease be put under seal in the usual
'All which is submitted as our report this 22nd
December, 1810.'
And the s'aid commons, praying to confirm said Order.
repon and make the same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committBe's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that. Ihe lease to be Le"e.
made to government of Ekersall's holding be for three
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining t.radesmen's bill s
have made the annexed report of t.he 15th day of
October, uno.
1811. "Ve. the cDmmittee appointed for examining trades- Roll
Report. m. 70>. ,
men's bills, beg leave to inform your honours that we
met and inspected the following bills which were post-
poned since we last reported, to wit.
'Luke Connor's bill for plumber's work
, Benjamin Eaton's bill for carpenter's
work, being the balance of a
former bill
'Alderman John Exshaw's bill for
'Alderman Charles Thorp's bill for
painting and plastering, et cetera
'Mr. Charles Thorpe junior, bill for
'Mr. Peter Wilson for ironmonger's
'Mr. Thomas Reed for plumber's work
'Messieurs Callaghan for painting,
glazing, et oetera

s. d:
4 15 4
99 6 4
109 19 8
121 2
131 1 9
53 14
43 15
43 17 5
607 12 .9t
Amount. " All which bills amount to 607 12s. 9!d., and being
regularly vouched by affidavit, your oommittee are of
Payment. opinion should be paid, they having been furnished last
year, and being those postponed in consequence of prior
bills being then unpaid, and which were then ordered
to be discharged, amounting to 600, the sum to which
your oommittee are limited by act of assembly.
, And your committee beg leave further to inform
Xew bills. your honours, that they received new bills which they
also inspecled, to wii.
'Alderman John Exshaw's bill for
printing and stationery commenc-
ing 22nd September 1809, and
ending 15th September 1810,
s. d.
amounting to the sum of 123 17
ill 75 lJ
'5 b,
'Dublin Journal for printing and pub-
lishing addresses, advertizillg,
etc., commencing 6th October
1808, and ending 22nd September
1810, amount.jng to
, John Hamilton, saddler, for art i cles
providod for riding the franchises
during the Mayoralty of alderma,n
Frederick Darley, commencing
28th August 1809, and ending
23rd October 1809, amounting to
'John Gaskin, clockmaker, for taking
care of ~ I a n s i o n House clock com-
mencing September 1807, awl
ending 16th April 1810
'Richard Jackson for glasswork com-
mencing 29th September 1807,
and ending 7th February 1810,
amOlmting to
, Benjamin Eaton for carpenter's work
commencing September 1809.
amounting to
'Thomas Reed for plumber'S work,
two bills, one commencing 20th
September 1809, and ending 22nd
June 1810, amounting to
, And one other bill commencing 14th
August 1810, and ending 30th
August-1810, amounting to
'\Villiam Lindsay, esquire, for two
bills, thEl usual charge for provid-
ing ribbands for state coach for
two years, 1809 and 1810, at
20 9s. 6d. each year, amounting
to the SUlll of
, Charles 'l'horpe junior, for painting
and plastering commencing 1808
and ending November 1809,
s. d. 1Sll.
men's bills
96]4 5
19 (I 7
1 17 4
82 13 3
109 10 3
16 17 10
28 6 :3
40 19 0
arrl(lun ling to 140 11 5

men's bills.
Bills in


'And the administratrix of the late
Richard Finny, ironmonger" for
iron work, et cetera, commencing
Brd l\ovember 1808, and ending
18th September 1809, amounting
(0 the sum of
s. d.
G1 o 4
721 13 lIt
" All which said several bills being properly vouched
by aflidavitand amounting to 721 13s. lltd., your
committee are of opinion should be paid by sealing
bonds for that purpose, and your committee recommend
this mode of paymBnt to be adopted, in order that all
the bills now due by your lordship and honours should
he d eared off prior to the election of new commons.
, And your committee furthe,r recommrmd that when
said bills are so dJischarged, that it be most pa,rticularly
attended to, that in no one year in future shall the
tradesmen' s bills lexceed the sum of 600, and that each
person employed by your lordship and honours shall
furnish their bilk regularly the first week in September
to the Town Clerks for thB purpose of laying the same
before the ()ommittee of tradesmen's bills prior to the
29th September in each yeaT, and in default thereof,
that such bills not so furnished shall lie over until the
succeeding year.
'All which is submitted as our report this 15th
day of October, 18]0.'
m.75 1
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, so far as relates to the payment m. 7
of the within bills to the ,amount of 607 12s. 9d., and
t hat that part of said report, which relates to th sea.ling
bonds for the payment of the rema.inder of the bills in
said report ment.ioned, be reject.ed.
I xxvii.
nUBLIN !lOLL, 1811. 241
[8.] "The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
req uest the concurrence, of the Sheri ffs amI Commons
in appointing a committee consisting of aldermen Sir
\Villiam Alexander, baronet, John Carleton, and
\Villiam Henry Archer with three of the commons to
bo named by the Sheriffs and Commons, with the
allsistance of l\J r. Recorder to prepare and draw up an
address to alderman Sir William Stamer, baronet, late
Lord Mayor, expressive of the corporation's approbation
of his honourablE) and upright conduct during his
:lfayoralty, and that saill address when so prepared, be Mayoralty.
engrossed, fl,nd put under the city seal, and presented by City seal.
the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs."
The Sheriffs and Commons unanimously agree with
the Lord Mayor and Board of Alllermen in thE) above
[The three of tho commons:] Sir Edwanl Stanley, Commolls
Sir J ames Riddall, Mr. William Lindsay.
[9.J cc The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
reqnest the COllcurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons
in appointing a committ"e consisting of aldermen Sir Sheriff,.
\Villiam Alexander, baronet, John Carleton, William
Henry Archer, with three of the commons to be named
by the Sheriffs and Commons, with the assistance of
Mr. Recorder to prepare and draw l1p an address to Sir
Edwal'll Stanley and Sir J ames Riddall, late High
Sheriffs, for '. the very l'() and honourable
manner in which they discharged tlie duties of their
office, and that said address when so prepared, be
engrossed, and put under the city seal, and presented City se,1.
to them."
The Sheriffs and Commons agree with the Lord
Mayor and Boanl of AlLlermen in the above resolut.ion.
[The three of the comlllons:] Messieurs Joshua Dixon, Commons.
]wbert Harty, Thomas Abbott.
[lO.J "Resolved, that. George Kugent, esquire, late
uncleI' Sheriff of this city, discharged the duties of that
anluous office with exemplary attention, propriety, and
humanity, and therefore merits the thanks of this
The Lord l\:[ayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
concur with the Sheriffs and Commons in the above
[11.] Resolutions of the Sheriffs and Commons.
i. "Resolved unanimously, tl1flt the sincere and
affectionate thanks of this corporation be and are m. 74
hereby given to our brave countryman Lonl Wellington.
for his wise and 'gallant conduct in successfully anll
Spain. most gloriously maintaining the war in Spaip and
Portugal. Portugal, against an army immensely superior in
numbers, and commanded by the most celebrated
general of Franoe.
ii. "Resolved, that the sincere and affectionate
thanks of this corporation be and are hereby presented
to all the gallant officers and soldiers serving under
Lord Wellington for the discipline, activity, and
courage manifested by them upon all occasions.
iii. "Resolved, that the thanks of the Sheriffs and
Commons be and are hereby returned to our gallant
countryman, Field l\farshal William Carl' Beresford,'
as a testimony of the high sense we entertain of the
essential services he has rendered to the British Empire
and her Allies, in bringing to a state of discipline the
Portuguese army, so as to' enable them to take a con-
spicuous part in defeating the army sent by the French
usurper to subjugate Spain and Portugal, and also ill
consideration of his former services to his king and
country in various paris of ihe world."
The Slwri ffs and Commons request tbe
of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the
above resolutions, and that a committee be appointed to
prepare suitable addresses to each.
1 Viscount (1768-1854).
The Lord and Boanl of Aldermen unanimously 1811.
concur with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing Concur
[12.J "Resolved, that allY person or member of either
house of a8sembly being or Lecoming a furnisher of any Furnisher.
goods, furniture, or materials of any kind for the use
of the Lord 1r ayor or city of Dublin, if a member of the
committee 011 bills, shall immediately cease COlllmittee.
to be a member of the said committee."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in tlle foregoing resolution.
[13.1 Francis L'Estrange, praying the inserlion of rn<:,t<auge.
J ohn Carlcton, eldest son of alderman John C8rloton, CarletOll.
and of George' Carleton, his second son, in the place and
stead of William BlllTOWeS and Richard Higginson
deceased, two of the lives named in a !'ease dated 8th
,A ugust, 1776, granted to J osel'h Higginson since
deceased, (the interest of which lease having become Lease.
legally vested in petitioner): whereupon it was ordered.
that the contents of tho above petition bo referred to the
committef' for inspecting city leases, who are he reLy
empowered to enq uire into same ancl take care that the
lives to be insert.ecl be two of the royal family, and rel,ort
thereon to next assembly.
[14.] 'l'homas Eagle, praying renewal of premises on
Aston's quay: whereupon it was ordered, that the ahove quay.
petition be referred to tho committee for inspecting
city leases, who arc hereby empowered to enquire I.ease.
into same, oncl lake care that the lives t.o be inserted
be some of the royal family, anll report thereon to
[15.] Eecles Cuthbcrt, praying for renewal of
premises on tha 'Vooe! quay: whereupon it was ordered, qua!'.
that the contents of the above petition be referred to the
committee for inspecting city leases, who arc hercby L."",
em powered to enq uiro into same and take care that the

st rect.
life to be inserted shall be one of the r oyal family, and
l'8port thereon to next assembly.
[16.] john Davis, praying renewal of premises on
north side of Fleet street: wherell pan it was ordered.
that the contents of the above petition be referred to the
committee for inspecting city leases, who are her eby
empowered to enquire into same and take care that the
lives to be named shall be some of the royal family, and
report theI'eon to next assembly.
[17.J Oertain of the commons, praying to appoint
J ames H arrington, inspector of the green-kee,pers:
whereupon it was ordered, that he be and is hereby
a.ppointed to the care and superintendence of Saint
Stphen's Green and of the green-keepers during the
city's pleasure, not exceeding one year at a sal ary of
50, per annum, to commence from the 29th September
[18.] John Exshaw, assignee of George Faullmer,
printer to the honourable city of Dublin, praying pay-
ment of account: whereupon it was ordered. that the
foregoing bill be referred to the committee of trades-
men's bills, who are hereby empowered to report thereon
to the next assembly.
[19.J J ohn Dickinson, praying payment of bill:
whereupon it was ordered, that the foregoing petition
be referred to the oommittee appointed for examining
tradesmen's bills, who are hereby empowered to enquire
into same, and rep OTt thereon to the next assembly.
[20.J Arthur Richards NevilJe, praying half the value
of a lot of ground discover ed by him to belong to the city
of Dublin, (during his life): wherenpon it was ordered,
that the contents of the foregoing petition be referred to
the committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring, who are herf'by empowerPll to enquire into
same and report thereon to the next assembly.
[21.J Alderman Richard l\Ia,nclers and Sons, praying
a lease of the old engine house and thirty-three perches
of ground annoxed thereto: whor eupon it was ol'll,rr ecl ,
that the contents of the foregoing petition be r eferred
to the commi ttee appointed for inspecting city leases,
who are hereby empowered to enquire int o same and
report thereon to the next assembly.
[22.] Thomas Bmton, praying to be reiml.Jl1rsed for Burtvll.
the money he paid and expenses for r epairing enginr
Hnd premi ses (purchased by him), as also intr est on [{epairs.
said sums since they were so paid, (he not. being put into
posse-ssion of same) : whereupon it WHS order ed, that the
foregoing petition be r eferred to the commi ttee for in-
specting city leases near expiring, who are to enfI uiro
into same and r epor t to the next assembly.
13 b, [23.] Fisher and Gr eene, law agent s, praying money,, \,
on of bill furni shed : wher eupon it was orderell.
that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant , Payment.
pay peti tioner s 600, on account.
[24.] Richard Quintan, officcr of commons, prayi ng
usual allowance for providing the Sheriffs and commons.
Commons with candles and other necossaries for one Necess",i e8,
year ending this assembly: whereupon it was orc/ er ed,
that the city tr eaSlIl'er do, on the Lor d j\layor's warrant ,
pay the potitioner the Sl1..m of 5, sterl ing, for the reasons Payment.
in said ptit ion mentioned.
[25.] Alexfl?(ler McCullogh, praying to be continued
keeper of the- city lIIar shalsea: wher eupon it was keeper.
ordered, that the saill Alexander .rd cCull ogh bo and is
hereby continued keeper of the city lIIarshal sca during
the city's pl easure, not exceeding one year ending
Chr ist.mas assembly 1812, at the salary of 20, sterli ng, Salary.
with all just fees and allowances belonging to said
offi ce, he giving security for indemnifying the corpora- Seeur!ty.
lion from all escapes, such securi ty to be enter ed into
in ten days from this date or this order to be void. Henry,
[26.] J ames Henry, praying to be continued one of
scrjcant at

tho collectors of the pipe water rovenue: whereupon it !O1l7:'
was ordered, that the said J ames Henry he and is hereby
continued one of the pipe water revemle collectors
during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year end-
ing Christma.s assembly 1812, he giving such security
for the faithful discharge of the duties of said office and
payillg to t he city treasurer all such sums of money as
he shall from time to time receive, said security to be
enterod into in one month from this date or this order
to be voiLl.
[27.] Ephraim Elli s, praying to be continued serjeant
at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Ephraim Ellis be and is hereby continued one of the
serjeants ,at mace of said city during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending Christmas assembly
1812, he gi ving such security for the faithful discharge
of the duties of said office, as the Lord Mayor and
Silver ""ee. Sheriffs shall approve of, and redelivery of the silver
mace, said security to be entered into-in onB month from
this date or this to be void, provided also that he
do ilppear on public days in proper gown of office.
[28.] Alexander Falkner, praying to be appointed
city beadle: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner
be appointed one of the city beadles during the city's
beadle. [29.] Matthew Lee, praying to be appointed city
beadle : whereupon it was ordered, that the above
named Matthew Lee be appoin ied one of the city beadles

Assize of
during the city's IJleasul'o.
[80.] Samuel Middlcton, sword bearer, praying com- m. 71
pensation for ascertaining the price and striking tho
assize of bread for one year: whereupon it was ordered,
that pctit,io)ler be paid twenty guineas by the city
treasurer on the Lord :;\layor's warrant, for the reasons
in the above petition mentioned.
[31.] Certain of praying aid for the
widow of Doctor Charlos Lucas : wherenpoll it was 1811 .
ordered, tbat MrR. Lncas be paid Jly the city treasurm' Grant.
on lhe Lord Mayor's warrant twenty guineas ' as a
gratui ty.
[32.] Mary Gregg, praying aid: whereupoll it was Gregg.
ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer Grant.
on the Lord Mayor' s warrant 25, as a gratuity.
[33.] Catherine Darquier, praying aid: whereupon it Darquior.
was ordered, that petitioner bo paid by tJ\e city t.reasnrer Grant. -
on the Lord Mayor's warrant 20, sterling.
[34.] Elizabeth French, praying aid: whereupon it French.
was onleretl, that petitioner paid by the city treasurer Grant.
on the Lord .Jlayor' s warrant 10, sterling.
l35.] 'rllOlllaS Duplex, praying aid; whereupon it was Duplex.
ordered, that petitioner be pa id by the ci ty treasurer Orant.
on the Lord Mayor's warrar;t ten guineas.
[3G.] Mm'ia Cox, widow, praying ai d: wherenpon it Cox.
was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the cily treasurer Grant.
on the Lorcllilayor's warrant 20, as a gratuity.
l37.] Margare.t Smith, praying compensation for Smith.
cleansing office in market house, et cetera: whereupon Market
. .
1t was ordered, that petltioncr be paid by the ci ty Payment.
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of foul'
guineas, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[38.] Mary Anne Kelly, praying aiel: whereupoLl it Kelly.
was ordered, that pet itioner be paid. by the city Grant.
treasurer on fill} Lord Mayor's warrant five guineas, for
t.he reasons in her petition IllPut ioned.
[3!:!.] Huth Smyth, prayi ug money to be paid to Miss SmytlI.
Hoso Emerson, danghter to the lato Thomas Illllc"on.
Emerson: whereupon it was ordered, that the ci ly
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor' s warrant, pay thirty Grant.
guineas for the purpose of supporting Rose Emerson,
daughter of the late alderman Emcl' son, and that the
treasurer be req uested to see said sum properly applied. Nevillc.
[40.] Arthllr Ri chanl s Nevillo, city surveyor, 'praying
nl'nLlN !tOLL, 1811.
payment of bill: whereupon it was ordered, that the
within account be refened to the committee appointed
for insppcting city jpases, who are E'mpowered to enq uire
into same and report thereon to next a>ssembly.

1811. January to franchise.
1811. January and signatures.
Prince of
1811. February IG.-Post Assembly.
[1.] The Lord.Mayorand Board of Alrlermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in
appointing a committee .of their house, consisting of
four of the cam mOllS to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons, who ill conjunction with aldermen J ohn
Carleton, Samuel Reeel , Thomas Andrews, aml
Committee. Abraham Bradley King shall form a committee to pre-
pare all address to his Royal Highness the Prince of
"Vales, upon his taking upon himself the Regency of
the United Kingdom, such committee to be aided by
Mr. Recorder.
Commons.. [The four of the commons:] Messieurs J ohn Giffard,
Sir Edward Stanley, Willi am McAlIley, Willial1l
Nugent, who prepal'ed the following address.
To his Royal Highness George, Prince of 'Vales,
Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland .
The hnmble address of the right honourable the
Lord .i\{ayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizE>ns of the city
of Dublin in common council assembled.
, JllIay it please your Royal Highness.
, At a time when the calamity, which we deplore in
Gcorge Ill. common with all his maj,est.y's loyal and affectionate
subjects, has deprived us of his paternal guidance and
protection, we, with unfeigned attachment and respect,
approach your Royal Highness to express our sincere
m. 72 b.
nUBLI.'i .\SSEM ilL\" ROLL, 1811.
yii. satisfaction that [he gov,ernment of thB United Kingdom 1811.
of Great BJ'itain and Ireland, dnring thB continuance
or his majesty's indisposition, has been committed to
your care, by the unanimous yoice of all hi s people.
"Ve are fully confident that under the Regency, Regency.
which your Royal Highness has been graciously pleased
to accept, for our benefit , the same steady adherence to
the laws and oonstitution of these realms, which has Laws.
marked his majesty's longan(\ auspicious reign, will.
continue to be observed, and that the attachment of a
faithful people to bi s person, crown, and family will be
promoted, at thB sam0 tim(' that the sentimpnts of loyalty I,oyalty.
and afl'ection which we have al ways clwrished towards
the son, the representative, of onr sovereign, and the
inheritor of his virfues will be strengthened and Virtues.
, In testimony whel18of, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th clay City 'eal.
of February, in thB year of 0 111' Lord, 1811.'
Ordered, that thl'> for,rgoi ng adrlre5R do stand thp Order.
address of the right honourable the Lord Mayor, Address.
Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin,
and that same be engrossed, put under the city seal. City seal.
and presented to his grace the lord lieutenant by the
oorporation at large, to the {'nd that same may be trans-
mitted to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent.
1811. April 'S.-Post Assembly.
[1.) "I, William Robinson, do hereby resign to YOIl Roblllson
t he right honourable the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin my scat in
the common council of said city, as one of the represen-
tatives of the of brewers and r equest your Brewers.
lonlship will please to call a post assembly to accept of
the same.
1811. "Ui\'cn llIl<kr my hand and seal this 28th day of

Eledian of

tion for
.\J arch, 1811.
" William Robinson. (SeaL)
" Blac);:-pits.
"To 111<' right honourable the Lord .\Iayor, etc., dc:'
Onlered, that the. foregoing resignation be accepted
of, and that the corporation of br(lwers do proceed in the
wmal ,\"aY to el0ct another person to represent said
corporation in the room of thll said \Yilliam Robinson.
'Kathaniel Hone, Lord JlIayor.-IYillial1l Stamcr.-
Joltn Ex,lww.-Charles Thorp.---Joseph Pemberton.-
Samuel Reed.-Alexander Eirkpatrick.-.i\1ark Blox-
ham.-Robert Shaw.-John Alley.-Abraham Braclley
Eing.-Fl'ederick Darley.'
181]. April 26.-Second Friday after Easter.'
Easter Assembly held at the City Assembly House m. 7:1.
in William street.
[1.] "We, the Lon1 .\1ayor ane! Eoan1 of Aldermen
of the city of Dublin, have this rlay electer1 by ballot
alderman \Villial1l Henry Archer to serve ill the office
of Lord JlIayor of said city for the ensuing year com-
mencing from Michaell1las next and do hereby return
the said ,Yilliam Henry Archer to yon the Sheriffs and
Commons of said city for your approbat.ion.
"Nathaniel Hone, Lord .Mayor."
"'Ve. the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of Dublin
in common cOllncil msemblecl, haYA this day approypc!
by ballot of alderman William IIpnry Archer to serve
in the office of Lord ).1ayor of the said city for the
ensuing year commencing Michaelmas next.
" ).1atthew West, Drent Ncville junior, Sheriffs."
[2.] "\Ye, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of. Dublin, have this day nominated
the following eight persons of the said city, resident
within the said city or the liberties thereunto adjoining
1 Easter day. i.J. April, 1811.
( xxvII.
each of them' worth in real and persollal estate in
possession the sum of 2,000, sterling, over and above lor Sheriff,.
all their jnst debts,. that is to say. Richard Williamson
of Fitzwilliam street merchant, .Tohn Killgstoll .Tames
of No. 16 Dame stroet merchant, George IVarner ()f
College GreeH goldsmith, William Mool'() of Gloucest9l'
place merchant, Lowis Morgan of Henry street joiner,
Robert Harty of IVestll10reland street hosier, IVilliam
IValsh of Digges street merchant, and \Villiam Dixoll
of Mount street merchant, as fit persons to serve ill the
office of Sheriffs of said city, and d.o hereby return the
names with. the additions of the said eight persons t?
you the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the said
city in order to your electing two of the said persons
t.o be Sheriff's of the said city for the year com-
mencing Michaelmas next .
. , Matthew West, Brent 1'eville junior, Sheriffs."
"\Ve, the Lord :Mayor and Board of Alllcnnen of the
city of Dublin, have this day elected Ly ballot R.obert
Harty of Westmorcland street, hosier, and John .
Kingst.on James of Dame street, merchant. out of the
eight persons returned to us by the Sheriffs am!
Commons to serve in the office of Sheriffs of said city
for the ensuing year commencillg Michaelmas next.
"Na.thaniel Hone, Lord Mayor."
(3.] Certain of the commOllS setting forth that the City leases.
committee appointed for ill specting eit.y leases near
expiring ha\'e made the annexed r eport of the 22m!
April, 1811.
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave (.0 inform your honours
that we have boon sedulously attentive to the business
which your lordship and honours were pleased to
comll1 it to our care since wc last repor ted. Your com-
mittee having taken into consideration the several
petitions of Francis Lestrange, Eccles Cuthbert,
'. Eagle.
Thomas Eagle, ami John DavIs for renewals, your Davis.

Return of
D u nLI-" AS,l,hlBLY ROLL, 1811.
(;olIImilleo referred same to the law agents to report
whether they were r espectively entitled to the sanle, who
having reported they were, your committee are of
opinion and do recommend same be grant.ed them.
, And your committee cannot here omit remarking to
your lordship and honours, that under the existing
covenants for renewal, the tenant has tbe power of
nominating tbe life or lives to be added upon tbe fall
of any life or lives now existing under tbe covenants
contained in your present several leases.
, And your committee aware of the benefit that would
result by inserting the life of some of the royal family
upon the fall of every life in being, recommend tbat in
all new le'ases to be perfected, a, coven ant shall be intro-
duced giving your lordship and honours the power to m. 7Y b,
nominate the life or lives on the deat.h .of tbe present or
existing lives.
'Y.our committee took into consideration the petition
of alderman Manders and Son for a lease of the old
engine house at Island Bridge and tbirty-three perches
of ground, and your committee having maturely con-
sidered same are of opinion and do recommend that they
do get a lease of the same at the yearly rent of 20, such
lease to contain a clause of reassumption on the part of
the corpomtion if it sbould hereafter bp found necessary
for the supply of the city with water.
, Your committee took into consideration tbe petition
of Willi am Bmton for tbe return ,of the sum of
]95 15s. 10d., deposited by him, agreeable to the terms
of the set ting upon bi s bidding for tbe engine house,
et cetera, and your committee duly considering ,every
matter respecting same are of opinion that same be
refunded bim.
'Your commiHee directed your surveY<Jr to make .a
map of the glebe lands of the parish of Tagbdowe and
to have same entered in the map books, this your com-
'9 b.
mittee were induc.ed to do from information having been
given them that encroaohments were attempting to be ments.
made thereon.
, And your oommittee took into consideration tbe bill
of Arthur Richards Neville, city surveyor , commencing
January 1810, and ending 3rd December ] 810,
amount 49 Os'. 4d., for di fferent attemlanccs and
surveys made for your lordship and honours, and Surveys.
your committefl having examined same find fI clwr@8
of ten guineas contained therein for attending at
Town Ol'rks office find looking into maps and taking
copies of same, and. whi ch your committee did. not
cOllcoiYe themselves warrantod In passing, allLl
therefore recommend tb at tbe balance only of said bill Balance.
amount 37 128. 10d., be pai(j him.
"All which is submiited as our report this 221111
Jay of April, 1811.'
And the said comm{Jns, praying to confirm said. Order.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's repor t confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that the renowflls amI
leases in said report meniioned be made O\lt anu. put Leases.
under the ci ty seal.
[4.} Oertain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better suppl ying tILe city of
Duhlin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 22nd cl"ay of April, 1811.
'\Ve, the ClOmmittec appointed for bet ter supplying Report.
t1w city of Dublin with pipe water, beg lea\"e to inform
your honours thai. we hayo paid particular attention -to
the business committ ed to ll S since we last reported.
Your committee took inio consideration tbe. application
of J ames Stanley the inspector of works OIl the water
and basin, and recommend that he be paid in
fnturo .J 10s .. par week instead of one guinca., ill C011- Woge"
S6q uence of hi s attention a. nd the services he performs.
d! Lt y.
PUYlll ellt.
City water
sllppl y.
Qll illtOll,
Paymell t.
' Your committee r eceive(l a memorial from the
commistiionen; of Stam]' duty for a constant supply of
water for t hei r own establi shment, ami your committee
after referring 8[\]n8 to the engineer and having had his
repor t ther oon, recommend that they do receive a con-
stant supply, paying 25, per annum for the same,
whi ch sum they have agreed to pay.
'Your committee have much satisfaction in inform-
illg you, that the engineer is proceeding with laying
Llown metal mains . throughout the city with every
possible expedition, and your committee do not hesitate
to say, that when that work s}lall be completed and the
new basin at Portobello finished, there will not be any
city mol'() plentifully supplied with water than this
metropolis. Your committee at the same time cannot
help observing, it is attended with a very great expense,
11 0lwithst amlillg every possible precaution as to
oeconomy is observed throughout the whole of tha
, And your co"mmittee beg leave t o recommend that
i\[rs. Quinton be paid thirty guineas being one year's
salary as housekeeper to the pipe water establishment,
pursuant to .her appointment to that situation at Easter
assembly 1810.
' And your committee took into consilleration the
petiti ons of William Ferguson and Samuel Lawrence .
basin-keepers, who are at present paid 118. Gd. per
'alary. week, praying for an increase of salary, and your com-
mitteo arc of opinion from the Liut y they performed,
that they be paid 15s. 2Ll. per week in future.
, All which is submitted as our report this 22nd day
of April, 1811.'
Ulder. And the said commons, praying to confirm mid
r eport and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granteLl, the ccimmittee' s report confirmed
9 b.
and made an act of assembly, aml that Mrs. Quinton
be paid the sum reported due to her. P,ym,ni.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed to audit the city treasurer'g accounts.
accounts have made the annexed repDTt of the 22nd
April, 1811.
'We, the committee appointed to audit the accounts Report.
of alderman John Carleton, city treasurer, for the rents,
issues,. and profits of the corporation for one year com-
mencing Michaelmas 1809, and ending Michaelmas
1810, beg leave to inform your honours that we have
carefully examined the samo together with the several
vouchers relating thereto.
'The tJ1sasurer laid before us a rental of your Rental.
honours estate as it stood lIiichaelmas 1810, and we
charged him with the amount of the rents received in
said year, being 10,840 8s. 3!d., and with snch
other incidental issues and proJits as accmed within
that period amounting in the whole to the sum of
16,262 17s. Od.
'We find the disburscmcnts amount in all to the
sum of 2+,397 12s. 3tcl., so that there appears due
by the city treasurer on this account the sum of
2,70;") 13s. Oid.
'Your committee further inform your honours, that
with the assjstanoB of the pipe water committee, we
audited your' treasurer'E account respecting the pipe
water department for said year and find a balance cluo
by him thereon of the sum of 12,;")84 Os. 5d., so that
the balance due by your treasurer on both said accounts BalaHce.
appears to be Hi,289 13s. 5tcl.
And' your committce finding the whole of the
accounts stated with accuracy aml precision
:it our duty to retU111 him our unanimous thanks for the Thank,.
unremitting zeal manifested by him upon all occasions
for the welfl\re of the corporation.
Your committee recommend that the usual compli- : ; ; O l ~ ~
ment of twenty guineas be paicl to Mr. Isaac Smith,
clerk to your honours treasurer for his trouble in
making up said accounts and a seconcl copy thereof.
, Alld your committee recommend that in future all
warrants issuccl by the Town Clerks for the payment of
money from their office shall specify what such sum of
money is for ami if for any bill or account, the com-
moncement and termination of same.
All which is submitted as our report this 22nd day
of April, 1811.'
Ancl the said commons, praying to confirm said report
and make the same an act of assembly: {t was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmecl and
made an act of assembly.
[6.] Certain of th" commons, setting forth that the
cOIlllllittee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the ann8xeclrel'ort of the 22nd clay of April,
\\'e, the committee appointed for examining trades-
men's bills beg leave to inform your honours that we
took into consicleration the two following bills referred
to us by order of last assembly, to wit:-
'Alderman John Exshaw's bill com-
mencing 9th October 1809 and
ending 6th October 1810 for pro-
viliing stationery for the Lord
Mayor's court, market housE', and
. s. d.
the high constable, amount 88 8 6
, John Dickinson's bill for iron work done
at city :'If arshalsea for its security
commencing February 1808 and
ending 29th September 1810, amount 5-! 19 -!
.143 7 10
' And your committee finding both said bills perectly 1811.
vouched by gtffidavits and having maturely enquired
into tho same are of opinion and recommend that they Payment.
be paid.
, All which is submitted as our mport this 22nd day
of April, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Uro ...
report and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that tht) sums in said Payment.
report mDtioned be paid.
[7.] Certain ,of the commons, rraying an increase of
salary for the chief magistrate: whenmpon it was Salary.
ordered, that the increase of 1,000, per annum, sought
for by the foregoing memorial shall be given to the, late
Lord lvfayor, the present Lord Mayor, and to all future
chief magistrate.s, and that such increase shall be Increase
petitioned for by the present and all futurB chief
magistrates in the lilm manner as the sum of 1.000,
has been heretofore petitioned for.
[8.] Sir .J ames Hiddall, praying city's acceptance of Riddall.
a surrender of lease: whcrenpon it was ordeI'ed, that
the surrender of the lease mentioned in the foregoing
memorial be received forthwith, on Sir .J ames Riddall
paying the half year's rent due 25th March last into Rent.
the hands th,e city treasurer, and that llp011 same
8 b. being paid, the lot be set up again in the, usual way, Setting lot.
and that same be given up without any waste having
been committed thereon.
[9.] Certain of the commons, praying the freedom of Franchise.
the city to vVilliam Bctham, esquire, giatis: which Beth.m.
ha ving been sent down to the Sheriffs and Commons for
their concurrence, they unanimously agreed theretD.
[10.] Certain of the commons, praying the fitting up
of the room under the commons assembly room for
holding a Court of Conscience: whereupon it was
1811 .
pipe water
pipe water
onlered, that the room under the commons assembly
room be fitted up under the inspection of the Lord
Mayor and Lonl Mayor elect for the purpose of holding
a Court of Conscience, at an expense not exceeding
100, amI that be paid by the two succeeding
presidents of said oourt at 50, each.
[11.] Arthur Orde, praying to be continued pipe water
collector: whereupon it was orclered, that said Arthur
Onle be and is hereby continued one of the pipe water
collect.ors during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending Easter assembly 1812, he giving such
security fur the. faithful discharge of the duties .of said
office and paying to the city treasurer all such sums of
m.oney as he shall from time to time Deceive, said
security to be entered int.o in one month from this date
or this.order to be void.
[12.] J oseph l\Iaddock, praying to be continued pipe
water collect.or: whereupon it was ordered, that said
J.oseph Maddock be and is hereby continued one of the
pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one yem ending E.a.ste.r assembly 1812, he
giving such security for the faithful discharge of the
duties of said office and paying to the city treasurer all
such sums of money as he shall from time to time
rocei ve, said security to be entered into in one month this date or this order to be void.
[13.] George Binns, praying to be continued gaoler
of the New Prison: whereupon it was ordered, that said
Oeorge Binns be and is hereby continued gaoler of the
Row Prison eluring the city' s pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending Easter assembly 1812, provided that he the
said George Binns do constantly lie each night in the
said gaol or in default thereof, that the said George
Binns be removed from the said office and rendered
incapable of ever holding the same, and that he shall
strictly adhere to the directions set forth in the act of
,s"yii. Michaelmas assembly 1787, also provid.ed that he thA ISll.
said Goorge Binns do give security to indemnify the Security
corporation from all escapes and for the due per-
formance and faithful discharge of the duties of said
office, such as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to bo into in one week
from this date or this order to be void.
[14.J l'IIargaret Smith, praying payment for attending Smith.
quarter assemblies and post assemblies: whereupon it Assemblies.
was ordered, that the petitioner be paiu the sum of five Payment.
guineas, for the rE'asons in her petition mentioned.
[15.J Andrew Ooffey, engineer, praying for permis-
sion to take an apprentice out of the Bl110 Coat Hospital :
which having been sent uown to the Sheriffs and Hospital.
Commons for their concurrence, they unanimously
agree,l thereto.
[I6.J Robert Tyler, beadle of Saint Paul's parish,
praying annual gratuity: whereupon it was ordered,
the petitioner be paid three guineas, for the reasons in Payment.
his petition mentioned.
7. (17.J William l'IIcAllister, praying to be continued
one of the serjeants at mace: whe.reupon it was ordered, mace.
that the said William McAllister be and is hereby
continued one of the serjeants at mace of saiu city for
one year ending Easter assembly 181:2, he giving such
security for the faithful discharge of the duties of the
said office anel redelivery of the silver mace, as the Lonl
Mayor anu Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to
be entered into ono month from this date or this order
to be void, provided also that he do appear on public
days in proper gown of office.
[18.J "Resolved, that t.his assembly with great pride
and satisfaction return their grateful aml affectionate
thanks to general Grahllm 1 and tbe IlPToic troops which Troops.
fOllght under his command at Darrosa." BaITosa.
The Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrence
1 Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch, 1748-18403.
of the Lord and Board of Aldermen in the above
The Lord Mayor aml Doard of Aldermen unani
Agreed to.' mously agree with the Sheriffs amI Commons in the
foregoing resolution, and that the freedom of this city
be granted gratis to general Graham.
City I .. ses. [19.]" Resolved, that it be an instruction to the
cummittee of city leases to have leases made out of the
grolmd at Essex Bridge at the nominal rent mentioned
Bridge. to government if they choose to take it, agreeable to the
resolution of this house at last assembly as follows.
"Resolved, that the setting of Ekersall's holding be
for three years only."
"Resolved, that if government decline or refuse to
take said lease, the said ground be forthwith advertizecl
and set by public auction to the highest bidd,er."
'fhe Sheriffs and Oommons request the concurrence
of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the above
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen un ani
Agreed to mously agree with the Sheriffs -and Oommons in the
foregoing resolutions . .
[20.] The committee appointed to fit up the city
Assembly House, praying an additional sum of 300.
Pninting. for the purpose of painting and papering the commons
room, putting up king's arms, clocks, curtains, et
cetera: whereupon it was ordered, that the sum of 300,
he pai d to aldermen William Henry Archer and John
Oash, messieurs Oharles Lilly, and Daniel Hutton, who
are hereby appointed a committee together with
mess ieurs Williarn Dixon and Hobert J\[organ, to see
same properly expended.
[21.] Celiain of the commons, praying that two water
closets be put up in Assembly House: whereupon it was
ordered, that the contents of the foregoing petition be
referred to aldermen William Henry A rcher and John
Cash, messieurs Charles Lilly, Daniel Hutton, and 1811.
. R.
. 77.
Benjamin Eaton, who are requested to have same
executed out of the money granted for fitting up the
commons assembly room.
1811. April 26.;-Admissions to franchise .
1811. April 26.-Declaration and signatures.
1811. June 19.-Post Assembly .
[1.] For the election of an alderman in the room of
alderman John Rose deceased . .
" We, the Lord lIIayor and Board of Aldermen of the
cily of Dublin, havc this day nominated and returned alderman.
from amongst the Sheriffs' Peers, Thomas :McKsnny of
Fitzwilliam street esquire, Alexander Montgomery of
Lurgan street esquire, Thomas Abbott of Saint Andrew
street esquire, and George Sutton of Dominick street
esquire, as fit persons to serve in the place of alderman
of the said city and do hereby return the names with the
additions of the said four persons to you the Sheriffs and
Commons of the said city, in order to your electing one
of the said four persons an alderman of tho said city in
the room of alderman John Rose, deceased.
"Nathaniel Hone, Lord Mayor."
[2.] " We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of Election.
Dublin in common council assembled, have this day
elected by baUot, from amongst the four Sheriffs' Peers
returned to this house by the Lord :Mayor and Board of
Aldermen, Thomas lIIcKenny of Fitzwilliam street,
esquire, to tho place of an alderman of said city, in the
room of alderman John Rose, deceased.
" Matthew West, Brent Keville junior, Sheriffs."
7; b 1811. June 24.-Post Assembly.
[1.] For the purpose of addressing his Royal Highness
the Duke of York, pursuant to requisition for that York.
Dulre of

of forces.
To Field :Marshal his Royal Highness the Duke of
York, etc., etc.
, The address of the l'igh t h0110111'a ble the Lord Mayor,
Sherill's, comlllons, and citizens of the city of Dublin
in common council assembled.
, l\Iay it p],ease your Royal Highness.
"Ve, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin in common counCIl
assembleu. beg leave to express to your Royal Highness
our faithful and unalterable attachment to your
illustrious house, and to offer you the respectful tribute
of congratUlation on the reappointment of your .Royal
Highness as Commander-in-Chief.
, In contemplating the late splendid triumphs achieved
by the valour and discipline of his maj Bsty'S forces, it.
was not the least part of our exultation that the glory
of his majesty's arms and tlw secnrit.y of his empire had
been obtained through the excellent systems and
arrangements established by his illustrious son,
arrangements which have rendered the most essential
services to the state, the most solid advantages to the
officer, and the most desirable comforts to the soldier.
, We have yet, Sir, another source of pride and satis-
Dublin. faction, the loyal city of Dublin is now the foremost to
express her gratifrcation at your Royal Highnesses
resumption of that high station which your long tried
Services. and eminent services have proved you so capable of
filling with distinguished honour to yourself and advan-
tage to the empire.
'\Ve cannot conclude without expressing the just and
grateful sense we feel of the Prince Regent's regard for
Army our invincible and gallant army by the judicious
appointment of your Royal Highness to preside over it,
and that. you may long fill with undiminished lustre
Roll XX\!
m. 77 b.
I xxvii.
77 v.
the important situation of Commander-in-Chief of his 1811.
majesty' s forces is" the sincere wish of the loyal citizens Forces.
of Dublin.
, In t estimony whereof, we have caused the common
- seal of j he said city to be hereunto affixed this 24th day City seal.
of June, in tho year of our Lord, 1811.'
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs alld Commons in [he fore-
going address, and that same be engrossed, and put
under the city seal, and transmitted to his Royal
Highness the Dul,e of York.-Allowed .
Rathaniel Hone, Lord Mayor.-William Al exander.
-John Exshaw.- Henry Howison.- J ohn Carleton.--
Samuel 'Vorthington.-Charlcs Thorp.
- Meredith J enkin. - William Henry Archer. -
Abraham Bradl ey IGng.-John Cash.-1Iark Bloxham.
-John Alley.-Thomas McKenny.'
82. 1811. July 19.-Fourth Friday after the 24th of
Midsummer Assembl y held . at the City Assembly
House in William street.
[1.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for belter supplying the city of
Dublin wi th pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 15th July, 1811.
'"Ve, the' committee appointed for better supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we ha ve paid every possible attention
to the various business committed to our care since we
last reported. Your commi ttee received a letter from Letter.
the paving commissioner s request ing the aid of your
lordship and honours engineer relative 10 the repair of siOHers.
the different fount ains, and your commi ttee anxious not Fountain, .
only to meet the wishes of that board but to aid the
public in a matter in which the supplying of the lower

order of the people is so much involved, directed Mr.
Andrew Coffey to give every aid in his power.
'Your committee received a petition from Edwanl
Connor praying to be appointed basin-keeper in the
room of Samuel Lawrence deceased, and your committee _
having duly considered same are . of opinion. and do
recommend that he be appointed to that situation, he
ha ving done the business much to the satisfaction of
your committee since Lawrimce's decease.
'Your committe inform your honours, that they are
proceeding with every expedition in laying down metal
mains throughout the city, and your committee judging
it a matter of great utility and a measure by which
the r egular supply of water to the different inhabitants
will be considerably accelerated, directed that no
branch should be attached to any of the metal mains
now laying down, until the proprietor of such branch
should be previously provided with a cistern and ball-
cock, by adopting this throughout the various services
the present great waste of water will in future be
'Your committee cannot but express the high sense
they entmtain of the conduct of Mr. Hichard Cave, your
supervisor of the accounts of your collectors, and feeling
the benefit tha.t must result from it, they have returned
him their thanks and at same time requested his perse-
verance in that line of conduct, aware of the benefit that
must result thereby to your establishment.
'Your committee went agreeable to annual custom up
the water-course on Friday the 13th instant, and found
the whole in excellent order. 'fhe basin at Portobello
is proceeding with every possible expedition, and your
committee ordered the hedges of the old basin and new
basin to be clipped.
'And your committee took into consideration the
petition of John Despard for an increase of salary as
!.XVii, overseer of. the water-course and do recommend that he 1811.
in future be paid tho same as the basin-keepers, Payme"t.
videlicet, 15s. 2d. per week.
, And your committee are of opinion, that it would be
highly advantagoous to the corporation to establish a
system of watsr works for sup lying the military post at Military.
the Pigeon House and all the population between that
and tho canal bridge at Baggotstreet, including Rings-
end and Irishtown _with water, the more especially as
this work can be carried into effect under the direction
of your engineer without impeding or interfering with
the new works carrying on in the city.
, All which is submiLted as our report this 15th day
of July, 1811.'
'Your committee sinoe making the foregoing report
havs entered into the following resolutions, the adopting report.
of which they conceive will be of thElutmost utility and
therefore recommend them to be carried into execution
and be deemed and taken as part of the foregoing
i. "Resolved, that if any present or future collector Collectors.
of the pipe water rev,enue shall withhold from the
,2 b. know ledge ,of the supervisor any sum or sums of money
he may have received on that account, ,or shall in any
way intentionally malw false or incorrect returns, Return'.
either by his 'receipts or payments for the city accounts,
he shall immediately be dismissed from his employment Dismissal.
by the Lord l\iayor and be declal'ed incapable of holding
any employment or ,official situation under this
ii. "Resolved, that every present collector and future
to be appointed shall previous to his entering into office
be furnished with a copy of the foregoing resolution."
And the said commons, praying tc confirm said report Order.
imd make same an act of assembly: it was th r reupon
City leases.
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an I
act of assembly.
Ami onlcn'Cl. that the sum 6,000, as directed to
be raised by act of parliament within the year ending
the 2-!t h of June last, be raised by sealing bonds for
that. Sllm chargeable on the pipe water fund to meet the
current expenses absolutely neoessary for that estab-
lishment, 2,000, whereof t o be appropriated as a sink-
ing fund agreable to act of parliament.
And that the supply of tbe miiitary post at the Pigeon
lIonse, et cetera, be undertaken as soon as the respective
offioers of h is majesty's et cetera, shall have
ent ered into an agreement for an adequate and per-
manent payment for such supply.
[2.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the anneXied report of 15th July,
'We, the committee appointed for inspecting city
, leases near expiring, inf.orm your honours that we have
with every assiduity been attentive to the business
which you were pleased t.o commit to our care since we
last reported. Your committee took into consideration
the following several petitions for renewals, to wit..
, Sir 'Villiam vVorthington, for renewal of premises
Oxmantown green.
, Humphry .M:inchin, for renewal of premises Trinity
'James Gavin, for renewal of premises upper Bridge
, Dame Ann Scott and colonel Hopton Stratford SeoU,
for ren8\\'al of premises Aslon's quay.
, And Thomas Sheriock, for renewal of premises Saint
Andrew street ami Hogg Hill.
Law agents.
'Which we se,verally referred to the law agents to
roport whether they were respectively entitled to the
renewa,]s sought for, who having reported they were,
your committee are of opinion and recommend that they
be granted. .
'Your committee procured Sir J ames Riddall to Rkldall.
perfect a surrender of the lease of the lot No. 77.
formerly demised to him on the Nort.h Lotts and he
having paid the rent due thereon. Your committee
according to your lordship and honours directions
advertised it to be reset, and several persons having bid
for the same, and Mr. Richard \Villiams junior, being Wmiams.
the highest bidder at 60, per annum, your committee
declarell him the taker, and leases agreeable to that
letting have been perfected by Mr. Williams, who has
paid a year's rent in advance to your honours Rent.
, And your committee beg to recommend, now tbat
that ground is set permanently, that M1'. Arthur
Richards Neville, your honours surveyor, do get half
the annual rent thereof, to wit the sum of 30, per
annum during his life, such payment to commence and
be made to him out of the next half year's rent that will rent.
become due and payable by :tIIr. \Villiams, as a reward WilIiams.
for his great zeal and activity in the discovery of that
lot of ground until now wholly unproductive to your Grouud.
lordship and honours.
, All which.,is submitted as our report thi s 15th day
of July, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said report Order.
a,llcl make same an act of assembly: it was therenpon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
act of assembly, and ordered that the former taker of
the lot on the North Strand shall not be charged with
any rent for the san1(', as ho never obtained possession M.
therc'Of or deri vec! any benefi t therefrom.
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting fort.h that
the committee appointee! for conducting city law
::!()8 llUJlLIN ASSElU<LY ROLL, 1811.
business have made the annexetl report of the 15th b
.T u ly, 181l.
"Ve, the committee to whom the accounts of messieurs
Fisher ami Greene, city law agents, were referred by m. 81.
your lordship and honours at the last quarter assembly,
beg to inform you that having met we appointed a sub-
committee consisting of aldermen William Henry
Archer, John Cash, a]}d i\[r. Ceorge \Varner to view the
same, who reported to us.
" That they w{Jre not able to make any further report
than that the law agents accounts for nearly two years
were produced to us regularly taxed amounting to the
sum of 1,196 Os. 5d., and that they had been paid a
sum of 457 13s. 4d., on account, leaving a balance due
of 738 7s. Id., due unto them, and therefore recom-
mended that they be paid a sum of 400, on account,
and that their said accounts be recommitted and be
fully reported next assembly."
, All which is submitted as our report this 16th day
of July, 1811.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm said report
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
grailted, the committee' s report confirmed and made an
act of assembly, and that the city treaSUl1er do, on the
Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the law agents the sum of
400, on account of their bills of costs, and that the
committee be requested to settle the accounts prior to
the next assembly, so as to be able to make a final report
[4.] Certain of the commons, setling forth that the
committee appoint eLl for examining tradesmens bills
have maue the annexed report of the 15th July, 1811.
'\Ve, the committee appointed for examining trades-
men' s bills, beg leave to tnform your honours that we
took into consitleration the petit ion of Daniel C. Elliott
for payment of bill amounting to the sum of 26 6s. 6d.,
which was referred to US, being for slating work done f,M;,g
by him at the Mansion House, and your committee !.'i0rk ..
finding same to be regularly vouched by affidavit, and
the work therein mentioned having been done by him,
your oommitteEl are of opinion and reoommend the
amount bo paid him.
'Your oommittee also took into consideration the Harvey.
petition of Gem'ge Harvey for payment of bill amount-
ing to the sum of 42 9s. 9d., in like manner referred
to us, for .engrossing addresses and ornamenting the Addresse'.
same, and your committee having examined same and
finding the clifferent addresses which he charged for, to
have been done, your oommittee are of opinion that the
amount should be paid him.
, All which is submitted as our report this 15th day
of July, 1811.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report and mak same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the oommittee's report oonfirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that the several sums in Payment.
said report mentioned be paid.
[5.] Certain of the oommons, praying to appoint a
oommittee toO provide furniture for the Mayoralty Furniture.
house: whereupon it was ordered, that the right
honourable the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs. treasurer, masters
of the works" aldermen John Exshaw, Samuel Reed,
Abraham Eradly King, John Cash, am] eight of the
oommons to be named by the Sheriffs anu Commons or
any five of them, where.of the Lord Mayor and one of
the Sheriffs to be always two, .ami in the absence of tho
Lord May.or, the senior alderman present to preside, be
and are hereby appointed a oommittee to provide such Committee.
furniture for the use of the Mayoralty house as may be
necessary, the expense attending the same not to exceed Expense.
the sum of 200, sterling, and the committee are hereby
empowered to dmw on the city treasurer for said sum,

the accounts thereof to be kept sejJarate and no money
paid bnt by the committee's order.
[The eight of the commons:) Messieurs \Villiam
DixOll, \Yillim/l Porter, Daniel , IIutton, Francis
Hamilton, Thomas McCready, Robert Harty, \Villiam
Walsh, William Ferrall.
IG.] Certain of the commons, praying to grant the
of Green.
Reams and
('ity seal.

usual allowance to alderman Sir William Stamer, late
Lord Mayor, for providing a horS'8 and cart for
measuring coals: wher8,upon it was ordered, that
alderman Sir William Stamer be paid 40, for the
reasons before mentioned.
l7.) Certain of the commons, praying to grant m: 81
the herbage of -Saint Stephen's Green to alderman
\Villiam Henry Archer during his Mayoralty: where-
upon it was granted, pursuant to the prayer of the
[8.) Certain of the commons, praying to empower the
committee of beams anq scales to set the same in the
usual manner: whereupon it was ordered, that the com-
mittee be and ,aro8 hereby empowered to the same for
one year.
[9.) Certain of the commons, praying to . confer the
freedom of the city on Peter Jackson, esquire, gratis:
which having been sent down to the Sheriffs and
Commons for their convenience, they unanimously
agreed thereto.
[10.) Cerlt,in of the commons, praying to grant the
freedom of the city to John Wilson C1'oker, esquire,
gratis: which having been sent llown to the Sheriffs and
Commons for thoir concurrence, they unanimously
agreed thereto, and that same be engrossed, and put
under the city seal, and transmitted to Mr. Croker.
[11.) Certain of the commons, praying to the
f1'eooom of the city to Matthew Reed, esquire, gratis:
which having been sent down to the Sheriffs and
'rii. Commons for their ooncurrence, they unanimously 1811.
agreed thereto.
[12.] Certain of the commons, praying to grant the Franchise.
freedom of the city to Charles Stirling Berry, esquire, Berry.
gratis: which having been sent down to the Sheriffs
and Commons for thHir concuHence, they unanimously
agreed thereto.
[13.] Reverend Thomas lIereditll. praying for
freedom of the city: whereupon it was granted, gratis,
pursuant to prayer of petition.
[14.] Andrew Coffey, praying to be continued
engineer of the pipe water works: whereupon it was
ordered, that the. said Andrew Coffey be and is hereby
continued pipe water engineer during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one' year ending Midsummer assembly Salary.
1812, at a salary of 400, sterling.
[15.] Samuel Hutchinson, praying to be continued
pipe water collpctor: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said Samuel IIutchinson be is hereby continued one
of the pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending ::IIidsummer assembly
181:3, he giving such security for the faithful discharge Secnrity.
of the duties of said office and paying to the city
treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from time
to timo receive, said security to be entered into in one
month from this elate or this order to be void.
[16.] Robert' Newell, praying to be continued pipe
water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the colleclor.
said Eobert Newell be and is hereby oontinued one of
the pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure, not
oxceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 1812,
he giving such security for the faithful discharge of Security.
the dulies of said office and paying to the city treasurer
all such sums of money flS he shall from time to time
receive, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void.
i, [17.) Goorge Brown, praying to be continued high
collstaulu of lh\;\ city of Dublin: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Goorge Brown be and is hereby
continued high constable during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending ).fidsummer assembly 1812,
Salary. at the salary of 40, sterling.
[18.) )'latthew Courtney, praying to be continued
atwace. serjeant at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said Matthew Courtney be and is hereby continued one
of the serjeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending :l\lidsummer
assem bly 1812, he giviug such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office a,nd redelivery of
Silver mace. the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, and provided also that he do appear on
public days in proper gown of office.
[19.) John Gregory, praying to be appointed serj-eant
at mace. at mace: whereupon it orde'nid, that the said John
Gregory be and is hereby appointed one of the serjeants
at mace of said city during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 1812,
he giving such security for the faithful discharge of
Silver mace. the duties of said office and redeliv,ery of the silver
mace as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approye of,
and provided also that he do appear on public days in
proper gown of office.
[20.) The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request m. 80
abstract. the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons ill
appointing a committee consisting of aldermen John
Exshaw, William Henry Archer, John Cash, and
Robert Shaw, who with eight of the commons to be
Committee. named by the Sheriffs and Commons shall be a com-
mittee forthwith to meet and take into consideration the
treasurer's quarterly abstract and to report what they
conceive necessary to he done by this assembly thereon.
kt,XVii. [The eight of the commons:] J'v[PRsieurs William
Cope, Thomas J'v[cCready, Robert Rarty, Francis
Hamilton, William Smith, GeorgB ,Varner, Sir James
Riddall, Elias Ricky. .
The committee having met and taken into considma-
tion the annexed abstract of the treasurer and having Abstract.
minutely investigated the several sums of money likely
to be collected, ,are of opinion that a sum of 10,000, Sum.
will be necessary to be raised for the purpose of
enabling the city treasurer to meet the demands of thll Demands.
The Lord :Mayor and Board of Aldermen therefore
request the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons
i 'l ordering bonds to be sealed for the sum of 10,000, Bonds.
sterling, chargeable on the city estate at an interest of
six per cenL-Allowed.
[21.] Resolutions of the Sheriffs and Commons.
i. "Resolved unanimously, that alderman J'v[eredith
Jenkin, who for the year ending September 1803,
s,erved the office of Lord Mayor for this city, supported Mayor.
the dignity and hospitality of that high station in a
manner beooming the chief magistrate of the second
city in the British Empire.
ii. "Resolved unanimously, that this assembly
being long since conscious of the inadequacy of the
income allotted for the of the chief magistrate Income.
did cheerfully accede to the late liberal proposition of
augmenting it, and being likewise convinced that
alderman Jenkin's expenses considerably exceeded Expenses.
-his income as Lord Mayor, are most anxious t1wt
his private fortune should sustain no injury thereby
and that a fair remuneration should be forthwith
iii. "Resolved unanimously, that for the reasons
aforesaid, the Board of Aldermen be refjuested to concur
with the Commons in ordering the city treasu:[18r to pay
City seal.
to alderman Jenkin upon the Lord Mayor's warrant the ! : , J k ~ v
sum of 1,000, sterling."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in
the within resolutions, and ordered that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord l\1ayor's warrant, pay
alderman .Meredith Jenkin the sum of 1,000, sterling.
[22.] "Resolved, that a petition be presented to the
Prince Regent and imperial parliament, praying theIT
to take into their serious consideration the necessity of
erecting a Pier and Light House at or nea,r Dunleary
for the protection of the shipping frequenting the Pan
of Dublin."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
resolution and that a committee consisting of aldermen
Hugh Trevor, ,Villiam Henry Archer, and Abraham
Bradley King, and six of the commons to be named by
the Sheriffs and Commons be a committee for the
purpose of preparing a petition for the foregoing pur
pose aided by MT. Recorder, and that same be engrossed,
and put UJIder the city seal, and that his grace the lord
lieutenant be requested to transmit the petition to the '
Prince Regent.-Allowed.
[The six of the commons:] Messieurs Robert Harty.
George Warner, Sir James Riddall , John Reed, William
Porter, Sir Edward Stanley.
[23.] George Harvey, praying for payment of bill due m. 80 b
for engrossing address: whereupon it was ordered, that
the sum of 10 10s. 2d., be paid to petitioner by the
city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for the
reasons in his petition mentioned,
[24.] Elizabeth Seguin, praying for aid: whereupon
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the slim of 20,
by the city tl1easurer on the Lord Mayor's wanant, for
the reasons in her petition mentioned and that same be 1811.
paid annually.
[25.] Sarah Walker, praying for aid: whereupon it Walker.
was that petitioner be paid the sum of 25, by Grant.
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for the
reasons in her petition mentioned.
[26.] -;lfary Swettenham, praying for aid: whereupon
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of 25,
by the city treasurer on the Lord .Mayor's warrant, for Grant.
the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[27.] George Dickinson, praying for aid: whereupon Dickinson.
it was ordered, that pet.itioner be paid the sum of 2, Grant.
by the city treasurer on the Lord M,ayor's warrant, for
the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[28.] John Towers, praying for arrear of salary as
beadle: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
paid the sum of 1 ] 7s. 6d., by the city treasurer on the Payment.
Lord Mayor's warrant, for the reasons in his petition
men tioned.
'William Henry Archer, Lord Mayor.-Henry Gore
Sankey.-John Carleton.-Samuel Reed.-Charles
Thorp.-I-Ienry Howison.-Robert Shaw.-\Villiam
Stamer.-Frederick Darl ey.-Joseph Pemberton.-
Richard Manders.-John Claudius Beresford.-William
Worth i ngton.'
1811. July 1] .- A dmissions to franchise.
]811. July' n.-Declaration and signatures.
Hlll. October 18.-Third Friday after the 29th day
of September.
1Ifichaelmas Assembly held at the City Assembly
House in William street.
Lord }[ayor: William Henry Archer.
SherifI,: Robert I-Iarty and John Kingston James. Sheriff
[I.] Nathaniel Hone, late Lord Mayor, praying for
usual sum of 2,000, sterling: whereupon it was
ordered, that the citytreasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's
warrant , pay alllerman 1\ athaniel Hone the sum of
Paymellt. 1l,OOO, sterling, for the reasons in his peti lion
[2.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointeu for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have malle the annexed report
of the 14th day of October, 1811.
lteport. We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg tD inform your
lordship and honours that we hav,e been particularly
careful of the business which you were pleased to
commit to our care .
Your committee received an application from
messieurs Haskins, Greenham, and Row, tenants of the
of Earl of J\feath, stating that the gates of the weir at
Templeogue wanted repairs, and your committee having
considered same directed that such repairs should be
maue upon their unuertaking to pay two thirds of the
expense, provided such repairs should be done under the
inspection of your lordship and honours engineer, and
which undertaking by letter signed by messieurs
Baskins, Greenham, and Row, your committee having
received. your committee therefore directed the neces-
sary J1epairs to be done .
Your committee ordered a settlement to bo lT1ade by
Cullectors. the different collectors of their accounts with ]l,[r.
Cun. Richanl Cave, the supervisor, and ,that upon such
settlement being made to his satisfaction, their new
New books. books should be given them for the ensuing year's
, Your committee unanimously agreed in returning
Hone. thanks to alderman Nathaniel Hone, late Lord Mayor,
and to Matthew West and Brent Neville, esquires, late
Bigh Sheriffs, as well for their constant attendance, as
for their polite conuuct upon all occasions during their
y!'ur of, office. '
1 xxvii.
, And your committee are of opinion that Mr. Edwarrl1811.
Connor 's salary be increased from 15s. 2d. per week to
one pound, until such time as a sufficient lodging shall
bo provided for him.
, All which is submitted as our report this 14th day
of October, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm sairl Order.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[3.] Certain of the commOI1S, setting forth that the
committee for superintending Saint Stephen's Green Green.
have made the annexed report of the 16th Oelobe.r, 1811.
'\Ve, the committee appoint,ed for the superintending Report.
Saint Stephen's Green being anxious to see that square
beautified not only on account Of its surrounding
inhabitants but for the sake of the citizens in general,
beg to recommend that the annexed plan be carried into Plan.
effect, same to be done under the directions of the
Recorder anellaw agents of the corporation.
, All which is submitted as our report this 16th day
of October, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Order.
report anel make same an act of assembly: it wcas the11e-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed amI
made an act of assembly.
And ordered, that the improvement as laid down in
the annexed plan be carried into effect under the
direction of a committee consisting of the .right honour-
able the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, treasurer, and masters
of the works for >the t.ime being, together with aldermen
Samuel Reed, Sir \VilIiam Stamer, and John Cash, and
six of the commons to be named by the Sheriffsa.ncl
Commons, who with the aid and under the direction of
Mr. Recorder throughout the whole of the business, be
and are hereby appointed a committee for the purposes Committee.
City righta.
men's bills.
aforesaid, with six of the inhabitants surrounding Saint Roll xni
Stephen's Green, to be chosen by such inhabitants, care
being duly taken to preserve undiminished the city's m. 86 b.
rights to tho interior of the Green, such improvement to
be done by a local taxation on the inhabitants surround-
ing the same, the corporation being freed from all
expense in making such improvement or in upholding
the same, the corporation conceiving that they are
acting liberally by allowing the improvement to take
place, and by giving up part of their estate for that
[The six of the commons :]Messieurs, Joshua Dickson,
Benjamin Eaton, Charle.s Lilly, Francis Hamilton,
George Warner, Daniel Hutton.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the annexed report of the 14th day of
October, 1811.
'We, the committee appointed for examining trades
men's bills, beg to inform your honours that several
bills were laid before ns amounting in the whole to the
sum of 721 138. 11id., to wit:-
, Alderman John Exshaw for stationery
and prin ting
'Dublin Jonrnal for advertizements ...
'John Hamilton for saddler's work
'John Gaskin for clock work
'Richard Jackson for glass work
Benjamin Eaton for carpenter's work
'l'homas Reed for plumber's work
William Lindsey for providing rib-
bands for state coach ...
'Charles Thorpe junior for painting
and plastering
, Richard Finney ironmonger, for iron
work, et cetera
s. d
123 17
96 14 5
19 6 7
1 17 4
82 13 3
109,10 3
45 4 0
40 19 0
140 n
61 0 4
721 13
' As mentionE'd and particularised in a report made
by a former committee of tmdesmen's bills, during the report.
existence of the last common council, and which were
by said committee recommended to be paid by sealing
bonds for the amount, but which mode of payment was Bond,.
rejected by the then assembly of the corporation.
Your committee therefore conceive it is not their
province now to interfere with them, inasmuch as .a
new commons and new committees have since been
appointed, save by submitting to your lordship and mitree,.
honours that they should be discharged .
Your committeo therefore beg to report to your
loniship and honours, that new bills were laid before New bills.
them to wit:-
, Alderman John for stationery
from September, 1810, to Septem-
s. d
ber, 1811 124 11 11-
'Charles Thorp junior for painting at
:Mansion House, et cetera, to
Septem bel', 1810
, 13enjamin Eaton for carpenter's work
George Paine for globes, et c{'tcm,
provided for Mansion House
, Luke Sibthorpe for glazing, et cetera,
at Mansion House from September,
] 808:-to 11th June, 1811
'Thomas Reed for plumber's work at
Mansion House
'John Dickinson for iron work com-
mencing 12th September, 1810,
and ending 2nd August, 1811
, \Villiam Long for providing harness,
et cetera, commencing 24th Octo-
ber, 1808, during the Mayoralty
of alderman Frederick Darley ...
1118 7 5
53 14 4
10 17
26 H 2
63 6 2
53 6 8
26 19 It
T r n d e ~
meu's bills.
of bills.
Mode of
payment ..
' \'i'illiam Lillllsey, cS([lli rc, for provid-
ing ribbands and tassels for state
coach ending 29th September,
'Daniel C. Elli ott for slati ng work at
Mansion House commencing Sep-
tember, 1810, and ending May,
'Thomas McCready for work done for
the M ansion House , ending
s. d.
21 12 3
73 8 10
December, 1810 103 5 0
696 2
'All which said several bills amounting to
696 2s. 6td., having been properly vouched by
affidavit, YOUl' committee are of opinion therefore they
should be paid. And your committee recommend that
as by the payment of these bills ,a.nd thoso formerly
recommended by the late .existing tradesmen's bills
committee, all bills due by the corporation will be dis-
charged up to ' 29th September last, the whole ought
now to bo paid. And that the tradl'smen's bills com-
mittee do keep a watchful eye, so as to prevent such an
accumulation of ,aecounts in future.
Roll xx"i
m. 86 b.
, Your committee are strongly induced to recommend
this mode to be adopted, a.s by delaying the payment of
these several account.s your present committee would be
involved with former accolmts 'over which they con-
ceive for the reasons before mentioned, they feel them-
selves not aJtogether warranted in interfering.
, All which is submitted as our report this 14th day
of October, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly:' it was there
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, amI that the city treasurer 1811.
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the several Payment.
persons the amount of their bills herein mentioned.
15. [5.) Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near City le,,-,",s.
expiring have made th() an@xee! report of the 14th day
of October, 1811.
'\Ve, the committee appointee! for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg to inform y01l1" lordship and
honours that we have been particularly attentive to the
business you were pleased to commi t to ollr care. Your
committoo took into consideration the petitions of Sir
William \Vorlhington for renewal of premises in
Oxmantown green, of the reverend .Peter Lef,anu for
renewal of premises in Fleet street, and of }'Iartha Lelanu.
Brazill and Ilichard Thompson for renewal also of
premises in Fleet slveet, which your committee referred ;{r::A.
to the law agents in order to ascertain whether the
petitionerR were respectively entitled to such renewals.
who having reported thoy were, your committee are of
opinion and do reoommend same be granted them.
, And your committee beg leave to recommend now
that that parcof your ground in Bonham street, as laid
out by your lordship and honours surveyor, is now
clearly ascertained to be the property of your lordship
and hononrs, that leases thereof be perfected to Mr. Leases.
J ames FE'gmi at the yearly rent of \ 2, ste.rling, he Fegan.
surrendering the formel' lease made to him in which
was included groullll not your hOllours estate nnd Reut.
which he has in order to avoid litigation consented to
do, such rent to commence from the 29th of September
last. .
'All which is submitted as our report this 14th day
of October, 1811.'
And tho said commons, praying to confirm said Order.
report and make same an act. of assembly: it was there-
City leases.
Lots for
~ I a p .
upon granted, the committeEl's
made an act of aS8embly.
report confirmed and Roll x x ~
m.85. j
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
cDmmittee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiling have made this further report of the 16th of
October, 1811.
'\Ve, the oommittee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that since we made our report of the 14th day of October
instant, your committee oonceived it necessary tD advert
to the situation of the old Tholsel, and your committee
are firmly persuaded that from the annual rent and other
expenses to which that building subjects you, that it
is clearly advisable and for the interest of your lord-
ship and honours tha,t the ground should be set in lots
in the usual way for building, and which your com-
mittee recommend to be done agreeable to the annexed
, And your committeEI feel much pleasure in reporting
to your lordship and honours, that Mr. Arthur
Richards Neville, your honours surveyor, has this day
finished his examination, so as to perpetuate his testi-
mony respecting the lands of Clonturk.
, All which is submitted as our report this 16th day
of October, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to oonfirm the said
report and make the same an act of assembly: it was
ther,eupon granted, the oommittee's report oonfirmed
and marle an act of assembly, and ordered that the
ground as laid out in the annexed map be let by
auction in the usnal way to the highest and .fairest
bidder, and that the committeEI be empowered to treat
with Mr. Hunter either by purchasing from him 6r by
disposing to him that piece of ground which intersects
his, as shall seem best calculated ID promote the city's
' .
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the 1811.
committee appointed to view the s!::tte of the city
]l.farshalsea have made the annexed report of ifl6 27th
uay of August, 1811.
'We, the committee appointed to view the state of the Report.
city Marshal sea, beg leave to state that they on the
23rd instant proceeded to view the same, found a room Room
tenanted by one of the prisoners, and finding the female Pri'oners.
part not sufficiently commodious, your committee
ordered that room to be opened for their accommodation.
, 'l'hey conceive that the building a wall for the pur- Wall.
pose of dividing the male from the female apartments
would be highly necessa.ry, and which might be done
at a very small expense, say about twenty-five guineas.
There are also two privys, which this wall would Privy,
effectually divide and thereby render further accom-
, We think two guarcl-becls ought to be made, one for Gnarobeds.
the female ward to accommod.ate, six pN'sons, and one
for tlHl male ward to accommodate ten persons, each
guard-bed to be supplied with straw mattress and
bolster, and also a table for each hall capable of Tables.
accommodating the like number, n,nd half a dozen
forms, four for the male sicle anu two for the female Forms
, And your committee from the known humanity of
the reverend '}.Jr, Jones, recommend that he not only Jones,
inspect but undertake the whole of this work, which Work.
he has obJigingly promised to do, And your com-
mittee further beg le.ave to report , thn,t wh"en these
necessaries are supplied and improvements made, which
are now suggested, the prison will in e.very other respect Prison.
be perfectly commodious.
, All which we submit as our report this 27th day of
August, 1811.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Order.

pipe water
City seal.
Agreed to.
28-1 . DUBLIN ASSEMBLY ROW., 1811.
report and make same an act of ,assembly; it was there-
upon granted, the committee's repott confirmed and
made an ,ad of assembly, and that the improvements
therein mentioned be done at the city Marshalsea under m. I,
the inspection of the reverend Mr. Jone&.
[8.] J ames Ev,att, praying to be continued one of the
pipe water collectors; whereupon it was ordered, that
the said J ames Evatt be and is hereby continued one
of the collectors of the pipe water revenue during the
city's pleasure, not -exceeding one year ending
Michaelmas assembly 1812, he giving such security for
the faithful discharge of the duties of that office, as the
pipe water committee shall approve of, and paying to
the city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall
from time to time receive, said security to be entered
into in one month from this date or this order to be void.
[9.] Certain of the commons, praying to confer
freedom of the city on Lord March: whereupon it
granted, gratis, and ordered that a committee be
appointed to draw up an address, which shall be
engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented in the
most respectful manner to Lord March, together with
a sword value twenty guineas.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the above addition to the
order in Lord Jl.Tarch's freedom, and that aldermen Sir
'Villi am Alexander, John Exshaw, and John Cash,
together with three of the commons to be named by the'
Committee. Sheriffs and Commons, be a committee with .the
assistance of Mr. R.ecorder to prepare an address for
the purpose,s aforesaid.
Commons. [The three of the commons';] Messieurs Matthew West,
William Smith, Sir Edward Stanley.
Franchise. [10.] Certain of the commons, praying the freedom
Gough. of the c.ity to lieutenant-colonel Gough; whereupon it
was granted, gratis.
l xxviI.
85 b.
[11.] Certain of the commons, praying the freedom of
the city to J ames Crntchley, esquire, the rather at the Crutchley.
request of the right honourable the Lord Mayor:
whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[12.J Certain of the commons, praying the freedom of Franchise.
the city to the honourable lieutenant-general Galbraith Cole.
Lowry Cole: whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[13.J Certain of the commons, praying to confer some
mark of esteem upon captain Ferns (son of Sir .Tohn Ferns.
Ferns): whereupon it was ordered, that a s\litable
address be presented to captain Ferns congratulating Address.
him on his arrival in this country and expressive of the
corporation's esteem and the high sense they entertain
of his valonr and heroic conduct in fighting the battles
of his country.
[14.J Certain of the commons, praying the freedom of Franchise.
the city to Sir Thomas Chapman, the rather at the Chapman.
request of the right honourable ' the Lord Mayor:
whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[15.] Resignation of the city Marshal of Dublin.
"I, William Osbrey of the city of Dublin, Marshal
of said city, do hereby resign to you the Lonl lI1ayor, Marshal.
Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the said city, the said
place or office, and do request you to aceept of the same.
"In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed II)Y seal.
"William Osbrey. (Seal).
" Dated this 18th day of October, 1811. "
Tho Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen having
accepted of tho foregoing resignation, and having sent
it down for the concurrence of the Sheriffs and
Commons, they agreed thereto.
[16.] William Farrell, praying to be, appointed city
l\la.rshal: whereupon it was ordered, that the above Marshal.
named William Farrell be and is hereby appointed
';'larshal of the city of Dublin, in the room of William
181. 1.
Osbr ey r esigned, during the city's pleasure, not exceed- l
ing one year, with the several fees and emoluments to
that office belonging, the said William Farrell giving
security to the .amount of 2',000, for the faithful dis-
charge of his duty, such security to be approved of by
the Lor d Mayor and Sheriffs and to be entered into in
one week from this date or this order to be void, and on
the said William Fan-ell resigning his seat in the
commons as one of the r.epresentatives of the sheermen
and dyers.
[17.J Resignation of councillor William Fanell.
" I , William Farrell, do hereby resign to the right
honourable the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin, the place or office of one
of the representatives in the common council of said ID. 84.
city for the corporation of sheermen and dyers.
"Given under my hand and seal this 18th day of
October, 1811.
"William Farrell. (Seal.)"
[18.J John Judge, praying to be continued Cl'aner of
Bi shop street crane : wheI1eupon it was ordered, that
J ohn Judge be appointed craneI' of Bishop street crane,
for the r easons in his petition mentioned, together with
the fees and emoluments thereunto belonging.
[19.J "Resolv.ed unanimously, that feeling it to be
our bounden duty at all times to promote the interest
and welfare of the corporation of the city of Dublin,
as also those who have advanced money on its securities.
We deem it highly necessary and do recommend, that a
committee Le appointed consisting of members of both
Income. houses to investigate the expenditure, the income, and

the r esouroes of said corporation, .and to make diligent
researches into the deeds and leases, and to asoertain at
what periods they will expire, with the probable
increased r ent that may accrue. And that the said
Documents. committee shall have power to examine all documents
. xvii. that may illucidate the same, and that they report from 1811.
time la t.ime their observalions thereon, in orcler that
the members of this corporation may be guided by of
sound discnltion in any future grants of money."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with Agreed to.
the Sheriffs and Oommons in the foregoing resolution,
and that aldermen .John Exshaw, John Oash, Thomas
Andrews, John Olaudius Beresford, HeJiry Gore
San key, and Robert Shaw be and are hereby appointed
a committee together wilh twelve of the commons to Committee.
be named by the SherifIs and Oommons for the
purposes before mentioned, and that they do meet on
Wednesdays in each week at lwelve o'clock until the
busin<Jss is completed.
[The twfllve of the commons:] Messieurs Daniel Commons.
Hutton, Gecrge'Varner, Matthew West, Thomas Reed,
Joshua Dixon, Jolm Giffard, Robert Sutter, 'ViIliam
Leet, Francis Hamilton, John Thomas Sinnett, John
Pittar, Richanl Williamson.
[20.] Daniel O. Elliott, praying for payment of bill:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner the Payment.
sum of 36 13s. 8 cl. , being tho amount of tlIe annexed
[21.] George Harvey, praying for payment of bill:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord JI.'fayor's warrant, pay Gearge H arvey the Payment.
sum of 11 7s. 6d., being amount of foregoing bill.
[22.] Anne Beasley, widow, praying for aid: where- Beasley.
upon it was ordered, that potitioner be paid by the city Grant.
treasurer on the Lord warrant the sum of
thirty guineas, for the rea'sons in her petition mentioned.
[23.) Margaret Smith, praying for llsual allowance: Smith.
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by Grant.
the city treasurer on the.Lord Mayor's warrant the sum
of 4 11s., fa? the reasons in her petition mentioned.
at mace.
at maee.
nt mace.
Si lver
[24.] Catherine Darquier, widow, praying for aid: ! : ' ~ ~ :
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the
city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of
.20. for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[25.] Charles Smith, praying to be appointed serjeant
at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that . the said
Charles Smith be and is hereby appointed one of the
serj eants' at mace of said city during the city's
pll'asure, not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas
assembly 1812, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of sa.i d office and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve {Jf, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void, provided also
that he do al'pear on public days' in proper gown of
[26.] Ri chard Butlflr, praying to be continued
serjeant at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said Richard Butler be and is hereby .continued one of
the serjeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Uichaelmas
assembly 1812, he giving such . security for the faithful
di scharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
the silver mace. as the Lord :Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this 0rder to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
[27.] Ephraim Ellis, praying to be continued serjeant m. 84
at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Ephraim Elli s be and is hereby continued one of the
serjeants at mace of said city during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending },iichaelm!lJs a3sembly
1812, he giving such security for the fai thful discharge
of the duties of said office and redelivery of the silver
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sneriffs shall approve of;
said security to be entered into in one month from this 1611.
date or this order to be void, provided also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[28.] James Farrell, praying to be continued serjeant
at mace: wllPHlUpon it was ordered, thact the said J ameoS .t mace.
Farrell be and is hereby cont.inued one of the serjeallts
at mace of said city during the city's pleasure, not
exeeeding Olle y ar ending lHichaelll1as .assembly
1812, he giving such secnrity for the faithful discharge
of the duties of said offiC and redelivery of the silver
mace, as the Lore! Mayor and Sherill's shall approve of,
said security to be enterd into in one month from this
date or thi s order to be void, provilled also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[29.] " Resolvd, th.a,t the committee of city leaSs be
r equested to view forthwith the timber growing on the Timber.
city's estate at Clonturk with the assistance of the city
surveyor, and that said committee do have lhe trees '1:"6'.
properly numbered and markeLI, and that they report
what timbor has been cut down and by whom that
trespass has been oommittcd, and to have a propol' noLice
served to prevent any further depredation. "
The Lo,rd Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[30.] "Resolved, that an address be presented t? the
late Lord I\f ayor, alderman .N athaniel Hone, expressive .Idernmu.
of our approbation of the honourable, active and
upright manner in which he executod the dnties of that
important situation, and that a committee be appointed
lo prepare :iame, that the ahovo be accompanieLl by a Gold box.
gOlll box, value guineas.
"Resolwd, that the foregoing address be engrossed,
and put uncleI' the ciLy seal, .ane! present ed to alderman City seal.
Nathaniel Hone."
The Lore! and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the for egoing resolution.
City seal.
Silver box.
City seal.
Silver box.
Silver box.
Agreed to,
[31.] " Resolved, that an .address be preSnted to ! , , 1 ~ ~ x b . 1
Matthew 'West, esquire, our late High Sheriff, expres-
sive of our .approbation of the honourable and upright
manner in which he discharged the various dilties of
that important office, and that a committee be appointed
to prepare the same, and that same be engrossed, put
under the city seal, and presented to him, accompanied
by a silver box, value five guineas."
The Lord JliIayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
f,he Sheriffs .a,nd Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[32.] "Resolved, that an adllress be presented to
Brent Nevill junior, esquire, our late High Sheriff,
expressive of our approbation of the honourable amI
upright manner in which he discharged the various
duties of that important office, and that a committee be
appointed to prepare the same, and that same be
engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented to him,
accompanied by a silver box, value five guineas."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Alde.rmen .agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[33.] "Re.solved, that the grateful thanks of this
assembly be and are hereby given to our late worthy
Sub-Sheriff, George Archer, esquire, for his upright and
hunpne conduct during his year of offioe and that the
same be presented to him in a s,ilver box, valued at five
The Lord 'l\1:a,yor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
[34.] Joshua Kearney, carver and gilder, praying fm m. 83.
payment of bill: whereupon it was ordered, that the
city treasurer do, on the Lord l\Iayor' s warrant, pay
J oshua Kearney the sum of 56 17s. 6d., sterling, for
the reasons in his petition mentioned, that being the ,
amount of his account.
J xxviI.
[35.] The furnishing of the Mansion House.
i. that it be a standing order to the co m- Hou,".
mittee for supmintending the furnishing of the Mansion Committee.
House, to report their proceedings at each Michaelmas
ii. "Resolved,.that the present committee for super-
intending the furnishing of the Mansion HOllse do Furnl,"ing.
report their proceedings at Christmas assembly next.
together with the .expenses thereby incurred."
The Shoriffs .and Commons request the concurrence
of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the above
'1'he Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
concur with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
re sol ution.
[36.] The fate Lord Mayor having received letters
from . government respe.cting the .Market HOllse in
.Thomas street, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
request the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons
in replying thereto by informing the government, that
they are ready to l'ceive the possession of the same on
its being put in the same state it was when the corpora-
tion gave it to government to be made use of as a Guard
House, it being ascertained that it is considerably
damaged since it ha,s been so occupied, and that it be Damage.
referred to the committee of city leases to ascertain the
amount of such damage, to the end that the market may
be brought back there.-Allowed.
, William Henry Archer, Lord Mayor.-.J ohn Exshaw.
-Henry Howison.-W illiam W orthington.-Ri ch ard
l\Ianders.-Charles Thorp.- John Cash.-Robert Shaw.
-Mark Dloxham.-Abraham Bradley King.-John
Alley.-Nathaniel Hone.'
1811. October IS.-Admissions to franchise.
1811. October 1S.-Dedaratioll and signatures.
ot city
1812. January 17.-FoUlih Friday after the 25th of I
December, 1811.
Christmas Assembly held at tbe City Assembly
House in William street.
[1.] Auditors of the city accounts for last year.
Lord ]\[avor, Sheriffs, masters of the. works, aldermen
\Villiam AJexander, J ohn Samuel Reed,
'l'homas Andrews, Sir \Villiam Sh\mer, Abraham
Braclley King, John Cash, Mark Bloxham, Thomas
McE<mny, and eighteen of the commons to be Ilamed
by the Sheriffs and Commons or any nine of them,
whereof the Lord Mayor and one of the to be
always two,and in the absence of the Lord Mayor the
Senior alde,rman present to preside, be and are heveby
appointed a committee to audit the city accounts from
the 29th day of September, 1810, to .the 29th September,
Commons. [The eighteen of the commons:] Messieurs \Villiam
Cope, Daniel Hutton, George \Varner, Alexander
John Thomas Sinnett, Thomas :lIcCready,
John Tmlor, \Villiam Sherwin, Arthur Clarke, \Villiam
Dixon, RobeliSut-ter, LSlwis Morgan, Joshua Dixon,
Charles Thorp, Benjamin Eaton, Mountiford John Hay,
William Porter, Johnl'ittar. -
City lease,. [2.] of the commons, seUing forth that the
committee ,appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed rHport of the 13th day
of January, 1812.
Report. '\Ve, the committre appointed for inspecting city
lease,s near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have been particularly attentive to the
committed to Ollr care since we last reported. Your
committee judging it a matter of some importance to
Lea" . your lordship and honours interest (now that the lease
('Ionturk. of the lands of CI{)ntllrk is so near e;:pil'ing) that the
several timber trees standing and growing ('he1'oon
should be preserved for yonr lordship and honours 1812.
benefit. We directed your lordship and honours surveyor
to thither for tll0 purpose of marking and )Iorks.
numbering them, which your committee have much Numbe,",
satisfaction in informing your lordship and honours
bas been accurately done, and the list of the same, so Li st.
I1 nmbered and valne,l has been lodged by the 'I'own
Olerks as a record in your lordship and honours
'Your committee took into consideration the petition Renewals.
of BonjaminKearney for renewal of premises in Fleet
street, and the pot ition of J ohn Soott for r enewal of
.. .
premIses on SIl' J ohn Rogerson s Cl nay, whlCh yonr .
committee referred to the law agents to report whether
they were entitled theroto, who having reported they
were, your committee are of opinion and do recommend
that same be granted them.
'And your commitlee havo much satisfaction in
informing your lordship amI honours, that no impedi-
ment now remains to the di sposal {)f the ground whereon Grounu.
the old Tholsel stands, inasmllch as the Oommissioners Thol'cl.
of Wide Streets at tho instance of the Lord Mayor and
ci ty treasurer have agreed to take seven fect of the
grouJld, which would encroach Oll Nicholas street,
agreeable to the plan l bey hat! l aid down. and to give
for the samo the sum of 100. so that YOllr committ!'e Sn"',
will now without delay proceed to set in the usual
manner agreeable to t ho powers giv11 them at last
assembly, that ground in lots for building.
, And your committee beg leave to recommend that
an answer be got fr om government, whether or not they
will execute a. leasfl for a term of three years of Lease.
Ekersall' s holding adjoining the old Oustom House,
agreeable to act of assembly. Honsc.
, All which is submitted as our report ihis 13th day of
January, 1812.'
Awl the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committeo's report confinned and
made an act of assembly.
[3.] Cortain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed at last JlIichaelmas assembly for
into the city's revenue have made the
. annexed repOli of the 13th day of January, 1812.
Report. ' "Ve, the committee appointed at last quarter
assembly by your lordship and honours resolution, beg
leave to report, that we have with the greatest assiduity
Busin,,,. attencled to the very momentous business thereby given
, us in cha,rge, and notwithstanding the several meetings
we have had, which were occupied in examining
various charters and leases together with Y0.!lr lordship
Rental. and honours r ental, we have not yet been able from the
multiplicity of documents necessary to be examined, to
digest any p].an with sufficient accuracy to lay before
your lordship and honours.
'But from the line we have adopted, and the
Researches. researches we are making, we have every hope, we shall
be able next !J.ssembly to lay a report before you,
whereby the revenue of the corporation will be consider-
ably benefited. In the meantime, however, your com-
Occonomy. mittee recommend that the strictest Oconomy be
observed by your lordship .and honours in the various
departments of your expenditure, a measure highly
necessary to your lordship and honours future interest. m. 90 b.
, All which is submitted as our report this 9th day of
.J anuary, 1812.'
'Your committee, since making the foregoing report,
think proper to inform your lordship and honours that
feeling the balan 00 due to your treasurer as coming
immediately under our cognizance, called upon h\m for
his quarterly abstract, by which it appears that there is
a sum of no less than 12,961 Os. 6td., due to him, and
that it will r8(I11ire the fmtheT S11m of 7,000, to meet 1812.
the payments that will unavoidably become necessary Payments.
to be made pHor to the next assembly, your committee
th81'8fore recommend provision to be made to meet this
, And your committee beg further to report, that from
the numerous enquiries and researches which your Enquiries.
'tt I . . . Itesearches.
COmm1 ee lave made, find whlCh Jll the progress of tIllS
arrluous busin8ss they will unavoidably have to make,
they h[(\'o judged it right to call in the aid a.nd Aid.
assistance of Mr. 'l'imothy Alien, who W[1S for upwards Allen.
of twenty-five years an assistant to the Town Clerks,
and from whose intimate aC(luaintance with your
honours reoords, we have no doubt but we shall derive Records.
consideTable benefit.
, Your committee wem induced to call in his aid from Aid.
our feeling that it would be utterly impossible for the
Town Clerks, from the various other duties they have
to discharge, to give their assistance effectually, but Duties.
from whose aid whenever their other avocations will
permit,' your committef' have no doubt but they will Advantage.
derive considerable advantage.
, All which is submitted as our report this] 6th day
of January, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
reports and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's reports confirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that bonds to the Bonds.
amount of 20,000, be put under the city seal to med City seal.
the treasurer's demands in the foregoing report
And that alderman Abraham Bradley King be one King.
of said committeo in the room of alderman Robert
Shaw, who is going to England to attend p8rliament.
And that they be requested to continue with that zeal Parliament.
already so conspicuously manifested by them in their
men's bills.
City law
researches as to the city's property, a measure so highly ~ ~ l l 9 ~
necessary to the futur!' interest of the corporation, and
that they do report if pos,;ible fully to the next assembly
the consequence of their researches and enquiries, and
the best means of increasing the city's reyenue.
And that the city tre,asurer be directed in all instances
to pay the interest and rent first, and that he do n<:t
advance any sum of money on our account, on the Lord
Mayors warrant or otherwise, unt,il he shall be put in
cash by the city assembly.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the annexed report. of the 13th day of
January, 1812.
, lYe, tlHl committee appointed for examining trades-
men's bills to whom the petition of alderman John
Exshaw for payment of his bill was referred, amonnt
86 3s. lid., for supplying the Lord Mayor's coUli"
market house, and high cC4llstable with printing and
stationery co=encing 27th October, 1810, and ending
30th September, 1811, having taken same into considera-
tion are of opinion it ought to be paid, inasmuch as it
is properly vouched by affidavit and accompanied with
vouchers corresponding with the charges contained
, All which is submitted as our report this 13th day
of January, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of ass,embly: it. was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that. the
corruniUee appointed to conduct the city's law business
have made the annexed report of the 13th day of
.Tnnuary, 1812.
We, Ihe law committee to whom the petition of
Q b.
messi eurs Fishr and Groone law agents was refclTcrl,
beg IAave to report that we took same into consider ation, Greenc.
awl having referred the accounts procluCr1 to lI S, Accounts.
amount 1,170 19s. 3d., for a period of two ycars, to n,
sub-committee consisting of aldermen J ohn Cash, and
'l'homals ;\fcKcnny, messieurs J ohn Read, Georg8
\Varner, and ;\fountiford J ohn Hay, they repOlied to us.
'That after examining tho same, they fonnll tbat tllD
l aw agents after glvmg cr edit for the sum of Law agents.
903 28. 8d., there r emains justly and fairly due to
them the sum of 267 16s. lId., up to and incl uding tho Sum
mouth of July last, which \vo recommend should be paid
, All which is submi tted us ollr report t hi s 13th day
of J anuary, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confi rm the said Order.
report and make the same. an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's r epolt confi rmed
a nd made an act of a.ssembly, and that t he city
treasurer do, on the Lord ]\[ayor 's warrant, pay the sum Payment.
there,in mentioned.
[G.] Certain of the commons, setting forth t hat the
committeo appointed for better supplying (he city of
Dublin 'with pipe water have made the annexed r eport
of the 13th clay of J anu ar y, 1812.
' \Ve, the cpmmitt<.."c' appoin ted for bet.ler supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg lean; (0 inform
your lordship and honours that wo hav<l been sedulously
attentive to the busine,-;s committee! to our care since we
last r epor ted. Your committee received a peti tion from
sever al of tho inhabi tant.s of Stoneybatter and Chatham
row, both which yonr commi ttee referred to yonr lord-
ship's engineer , who r cpor ted it would be advisable to
lay down a five inch cast metal main for their supply, l Iet . l)nain.
by the CDmpletion of whi ch, thirteen houses would Houses.
immediately come under pipe water rent, the l'1:mson your Rent.
Pipe .
engineer reeommentiecl tk five inch pipe was from the Rolllxxvl
m. 90 h.
cer tainty of a future extension in that neighbourhood
owing to the buildings there daily increasing.
, Your committee dil1ected a letter to be written to the m. 89.
respective officer s of his majesty' s ordnance informing
them, that your committee will be ready within six
months after a specific agreement shall be entered into.
for that purpose to supply the milit.ary post and depot
at the Pigeon House with water, which when completed
your lordship and honours will therefore derive a con-
siderable increase to your revenue.
'y,our committee has much pleasure in informing
your lordship and honours, that the laying down of
metal mains throughout this city is proceeding upon
with great activity, which when completed your com-
Compl.lnts. mittee no doubt but the present 00mplaints of
R e p o ~ t .
several of the inhabitants will be completely Demedied,
their present 00mplaints being unavoidable, owing to
the necessity of opening the ground for laying down
the metal mains.
, All which is submitted as our report. this 13th day
of January, 1812.'
And the. said commons, praying to confirm said
report and maike same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the 00mmittee's report confirmed and
made an act, of assembly.
[7.] Certain of the 00mmons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for providing furniture for the
Mansion,House have made the following report of the
14th day of January, 1812.
'We, the committee appointed at last Midsummer
assembly for providing furniture for the Mansion
House to whom the sum of 200, was granted for that
purpose, beg leave in pu:rsuance of the resolutiOll of last
Michaelmas . assem bly to. report our proceedings.
'. Your 0ommittee, therefore in pursuance of the
powers vested in US, viewed the Mansion House and the
furniture therein contiliined, and found several articles Furniture.
in so deoayed a state from the length of time they have
boon in use, that they were wholly unfit to remain there
longer. Your committee therefore judged it advisable
to dispose of such articltls, which were accordingly done
to the best advantage by auction, the sale of which by
soveral articlE!S after deducting the expenses a(t.ending
upon the sale, produced a Sllm of 70 12s. Id.
, And your committee further inform your honours,
that tho necessary furniture to be provided, as well in Furniture.
the place of those sold, as what was otherwise indispen-
sably necessary, amounted to the sum of 274 7s. lOd.,
so that after giving credit for the amount of what was
sold, your committee have only exceeded the sum of
200, granted them, by the small sum of 3 15s. 9d.,
as appears by the annexed acoounts.
, Your committee cannot here omit reporting that
the several improvements, as well in the articles pro-
vided as in those of the l'ooms as suggested by the Lord
Mayor, have not only improved the residence for all
chief magistrates, but is highly to his credit, magistrate.
inasmuch as he very mnch I!o his own inconvenience
submitted to the delay unavoidable in making such
alterations by which his successor will be. considerably
, All which is submitted as our report tiiis 14th day
of January, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to oonfirm said Order.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the oommittee's report confirmed and
made an act of a.ssembly.
[8.] Resolutions relating to a pamphlet published on :renal Laws
the Ponal Laws in Ireland. In Ireland.
i. "Resolved, that we have read with v'sry great
regret in a pamphlet entitled, "A Statement of the Penal Laws.

nrm,1N ASSEllnLY ROLL. ] 8] 2.
l'enal Laws which aggrieve the Oatholics of Ireland,"l
!,ublisher.! by H. Fitzpatrick, a gross and unfounded
misrepresentation of the conduct of the magistrates of
the different corporations in this kingdom, in which it
Catholic. is a,sserted; "That the Oatholic more than doubts of
Justice. obtaining the same measure or justice, of favour, or
respect from the .Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, elt cetera,
Protestant. tI,at is accorded to his Protestant neighbour, and that
he lives in continual apprehension lest he or his family
Extortion. may become objects of some pecuniary extOliion or
victims of some malicious accusation, and that he is
Suppliant. cringing, dependent, and almost a suppliant for
common justice."
ii. "Rowl vcd, that said paragraph is calculated to
hold up to public obloquy the magistrates of the several
corporations in this kingdom, and to impress upon the
of minds of the Oatholics of Ireland, that a pure adminis-
tration .of public justice is not to be in any
corporation where a Protestant and a Oatholic are
parties, and that the Oatholic is obliged to sue as a
suppliant for what he is entitled to as a right common
ju,ticD-, though the author of such false and unfounded
calumny has not produced a single instance of such
corruption in any magistrate of any corporation in this
kingdom .
. iii. "Resolved unanimously, that w would not have
Assertions. conuescemld to take notice of snch malclovent asser-
Public. lions, but for the purpose of cautioning the public
Reliance. against an implicit reliance upon sllch anonymous
publications, which can be productive of no good, and
are only calculated to mislead the ignorant and
iv." Resolved, that when we see such inflammatory
I" A Statement of the Penal Laws which aggrieve the Catholics of Irelalld."
H. Fitzpatriek. Dublin, 1812.
xxvii .
produot.ions obtruded upon t.he public, we feel ourselves
imperiously callcLl upon to avow om determined resolu- Law,.
tion to support the laws and the government of our
country, laws, which have under the administration of ment.
his grace the Duke of Ri'chmond been adminislered with
j ustico and moderation.
v. "Resolved llnanimoll;;]y, that an humble aud
grateful address be presentee! to his graco the Duke of Richmond.
Richmond, thanking his grace for th" peace and
sflcurity we enjoy unLl er his mild anel beneficent
government. and assuring him of our humble but
1I10st zealous slIpport in bi s most laudabl Cl efforts
to muintain the laws and consi,itution ill church and
st ate.
9 b. vi . "Resolved, that a dutiful und hUlllble addrBSs be
presented to his royal highness the Prince Regent, Regent.
expressing our most gmteful acknowl edgments for
continuing to liS t.he advantages we deri ve from the
mild, yet firm and const it nt ional admini stration of hi s
grace the Duke of Richmond. "
'l'he Lord Mayor and Doard of AldE'lTIlen unanimously Agreed t o.
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
r esolutions, and that tlw same be publi shed thrc' times Publication.
in the Dublin Journal , E'reemall's Journal, Patriot, News-
Dublin Evening Post
Hibenlian papers.
Journal, and Saunc!cr s's News Letter .
And it is flirt her orderod, that a committee consisting Committee.
of allll'lllen. John ExslIaw, Henry Howison, Alexander
Kirkpatrick, Abraham Bradley King, J ohn Cash,
and Mark Bloxham with lhe as,sist.ance of Mr. Recorder
allll six of the common s 10 be named by the Sheriffs and
Colllmon s, bo aml am horeby appointed a committee to
draw up the addre.,;sos in ,aid resol utions mentioned, Address.,.
and that said adclre&ses when so prepared, be engrossed,
and put under the city seal, and presented by the City Bea l.
oorpomt.ioll at large.
Thanks to
Agreed 10.
Masters of
('.ity works.
at mace.
at mace.
"Resolved, that the thanks of this house be presented
to the right honourable the Lord :Mayor, for his zeal
and watchful attention in hringing to the notice of this
assembly the several slanderous statements in the
pamphlet this day under discussion."
The Sheriffs aml Commons request the concurrence
of the Lord .iI[ayor and Board of Aldermen in ordering
the above to be published along with the resolut,ions
before passed this day.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agroo with the and Commons in the foregoing
resol u tion.
[9.J Ordered, that Matthew West and Brent Neville
junior, esquires .. late High Sheriffs, be and are hereby
appointed masters of the city works for the ensuing
[lO.J Alexander McCulloh, keeper of the city
:Marshalsea, praying increase of salary: whereupon it
was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of 10,
and that the sum of 20, be given to the Lord Mayor
and Sheriffs to be paid him in such proportions as they
think fit, pTovided the prison be kept in a manner
meeting their approbation.
[11.] John Colvin, praying to be continued serjeant
at mace: whereupon it wa,s ordered, that the said John
Colvin be and is hereby continued one of the serjeants
at mace of said city during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Christmas assembly 1813,
he giving wch security for the faithful discharge of the
duties of saiJl office and redelivery of the silver mace
as the Lord :Mayor and Sheliffs shall approve of, said
security to be entered into in one week, provided ' also
tha,t l)etitioner do appear on public days in a proper
gOWll of office.
[12.J l\ [atthcw Courtney, praying to be continnerl
serjeant at mace: wheronpon it was ordered, that the
I b.
said Matthew Oourtney be and is hereby onc '"12.
of the serJeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Ohristmas
assembly 1813, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to be entercl into in one week,
provided also that petitioner do appear on public days
in a proper gown of office.
[13.] John Keating, praying to be continuell serjeant
at mace: whereupon it was ordered, tl1at the sfticl John at mace.
Keating be and is hereby continued one of the serjeants
at maco of said city during the city's pleasure, not
oxceeding one year eUlling Ohristmas assembly l813,
he giving such security for the faithful di,scharge of
the duties of said .office and l'edelivery of the silver
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
said semnity to be entered into in one week, provided
also that petitioner do appear on public days in proper
gown of office.
[14.] Samuel Midclleton, sword bearer, praying for
compensation for ascertaining the price and striking bearer.
the assize of bread for one year: wh{)reupon it was of
ordered, tbat petitioner bo paid by the city treasmer
on the Lordl\layor's warrant the sum of lwenty guineas.
[15.] Richard Quintan, officer of commons, praying
for usual allbwance fm providing the Sheriffs anel commons.
ODmmons with candles and other necessaf'ies fOI' one Necessaries.
year ending this assembly: whereupon it was ordered,
that tho city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's
warrant, pay the ]lol itioner the sum of 5, sterling, for Payment.
the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[16.] Thomas Dup].ex, praying for aicJ: whereupon it Duplex.
was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer Grant.
on the Lord Mayor' s wan-ant. the slim of ten guineas.
. [17.] Oertain of the commons, l'raying for aid for the
widow of Doctor Charles Lucas: whereupon it was
ordered, tlwt Mrs. Lucas be pa ill by the city treasurer I
on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of twenty guine<ls.
[18.) Hutll Smith, praying for aid for :Miss Rose
EIIl('rson daughter of the late alderman Thomas
Emerson: whereupon it was orderd, that petiti oner be
paid by the city tJ-.easurer on the Lord :Mayor's warrant,
the sum of thirty guineas.
[19.) Mary Ch-egg, ]lJ"flying for aid: whereupon it was
ordered, that petitioner bo paid by the city treasurer
on the Lord1lJayor's wan-ant the sum of 25, sterling.
[20.) Cox, widow, praying for aid: wheI'8upon
it was onlered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer 011 the Lord1lJ ayor's warrant the sum of 20,
[21.) Catherine Darquier, praying fO.r aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the oity
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of 20,
[22.) Mary Anne Kelly, widow, praying for aid:
whercu pon it was onlered, that petitioner be paid by the
city treaSl1l'er on the LorclHayor's warrant the sum of
five guineas.
[23.) Elizabeth French, praying for aid: whereupon
it was ordereel, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer all the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of 10,

[24.) IIfargaret Smith, praying for aid: ,vherellpon it
was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasnrer on the Lord Mayor' s warrant the sum of four

[20.) "Resolyed unanimously, that two silver labels rn. 88.
with suitable inscriptions be provided at the expense of
the corporation to be placed on the two balloting boxes
by the Sheriffs and Commons, expressing (with
other elegant clecorations of the Common Hall) that
",,;i. same were the gift of Lewis lI[organ, esquire, one of our
worthy brothers."
The Sheriffs ami Commons request the concurrence Concur
of the Lord Mayor and Doan! of Aldermcn in the above renee.
The Lord Mayor ant! Board of Aldermen agree Agreed to.
uDfmimously with rIll' Sheriffs and Commons in the
foregoing resolution.
[26.J Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of Franchi,e.
city to general Carroll: WlW1'0npOll it was granted, gratis. Carroll.
[27.] "'Ehe Sheriffs allfl Commons request the Lord
Mayor and Board of AldpTlflen will agree in presenting
the freedom of city to gen eral Carroll, engrossed, ami
under the city seal, by the Lord l\Iayor and Sheriffs." City seal.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with Agreed to.
the Sheriffs and Commons in the above resolution.
[28.1 J ames Henry, praying to he continuell pipe
wator collector: whereupon it was ordred, tlIat the collector.
said J ames Henry be and is hereby continued one of the
collectors of the pipe water revenU,B during the city's
pleasurE>, not exceeding one year el1lling Chri stmas
asscmhly 1813, he giving such security for the faithful Security.
discharge of th!) duties of saicl office and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of mouey a,s he shall from
timo to time receive, , aiel security t!) be entered into in
one month from this date or this order to be void.
[29.J lI1cCulloh, praying to bE> continued
lIlarshalsea keeper: whereupon it was ordered, t hat the keeper.
said A lexaneler bE> and is hereby continued
keeper of the city "Iarshal sea during the city's pleasure,
not excee, ling one year eneling Christmas assembly
1813, at the salary of 20, sterling, with all just fees Salary.
and allowances belonging to said office, he giving
security for indemnifying the corporation from all Secruit,. .
escapes, such security (0 be cntm'ed into in ten days
from this date or this order to be void.

ment s.
Sand bank.
Bay of
[go.] of the commons, praying for additional Roll x,
. . .
sum of .2.)0, for llTI l'rovmg the city Assembly House:
whereupon it. wa,s onler('cl, (hat the fon'going sum be
gnmtec\ to the committee formerly appointed for the
purposes in the foregoing petition mentioned, and that
the intended improvements in no wise shall exce(] the
said sum of 230, and it is earnestly re(luesteel that the
strict es!' oeconomy be observed in expenditnre.
[31.] l'etitioll of the corporation of Dublin to the
Prince Regent.
''1'0 his Royal George, Prince of "Vales, .
Regent of tha United Kingdom of Great Britain and
'The humble petition of the Lord :\layor, Sheriffs,
commons, and c,itizell<s of the city of Dublin.
, 110st humbly sheweth.
'That the city of Dublin is situate on the banks of a
small rivet, the navigat.ion of which is so impeded by a
sand bank at its mouth, that vessels of about two
hundred tons only can approach its quays.
'That the Bay of Dublin is an open bay and a most
dangrolls roaclstead for vessels during the continuance
of strong nOlih easterly or south easterly winds, from
which points violent storms frequently proceed during
the' most dangerous sea-sons of the year, so that each
succeeding winter furnishes a melancholy detail of the
lo:.;s Hot only of prDperty to a groat amolmt, bllt of Illany
valuable liv08, ancl on one particular your
potitioners had to lament the destruction of a great
part. of one of th? most gallant regiments in the king's
8crvice for want of an a:;ylull1 port without the bar to
which vessels could run for shelter.1
, That the occurrence of this afflicting event and an
apprehensioll of others similar thereto, together with the
1 In I\oYClIlb(,f'1807, the Rochdalc transport from Dublin was wrecked
DuuJcary Point i.lml aUlins lost.
I xxvii.
nUllLIN ASSEMBLY ROLL, 1812. 307
circumstances above stated, have rendered your Isn
petitioners particularly solicitous for the formation of
an asylum port, such as would afford protection not
only to the merchant-men of Dublin, but also to the
numerous vessels navigating tho Irish Sea to and from Vessels.
. .
roenock, LIverpool, et cetera, and WhICh III all storms
proceeding from the quarters already mentioned have
no other placo of refuge between Carlingford and Carlingford.
\Vatedord but tha Bay of Dublin, which in Waterford.
Bay of
cOllflequence thereof has proved the grave of much Dublin.
British as well as Irish property.
'That your pertitioners actua.ted by e.very feeling of
humanity and self intmoest have consulted the ablest and
most experionced seamen and other compotont judge.s Seamell.
as to the most eligible. situation for such asylum port,
and your petitioners are thereby enabled to state to
yonr royal highness, that a place situate on the south
side of the Bay of Dublin called Dunleary, has been Dunleary.
coIlisidored to posses.s pr&-eminent advantages for that Advantage,.
important purpose.
, That in support of this opinion, your petitioners beg
leave to state thiltt at Dunleary Lhere, is at prosent a Dunleary.
limited and ill-constructed dry harbour, and which Harbour.
although wanting sufficient depth of water, light, and
almost every necessary requisito for directing and
assis.ting vessels in distress, y8ft possesses such great Vessels.
natural advantages, that it has, besides the lives of Lives.
many valuabio seamen, saved property to the amount Property.
of 100,000, annually. But ycmr petitioners humbly
submit, that if a now j)ier were built about two hundred Pier.
88 b. yards eastwanl of the one, to extend one
thousand yards north from the shore, and two hundred
yards mOl'e north-west by [he compass. Such a pier
would furnish perfect accommodation, amI provide
ample security not only to all vessels engaged in the
trado of Dublin and the king's shipping stationed in
Iri sh Sea.
the bay, but would afforcl an asylum to the shipping of
Greenock, " 'hitchaven, Liverpool, et cetera, during I
those hun-iea,nes which oft en proyo their destruction.
ami dDl'ri \'e tlw Iri sh 8ea of all those terrors which I
C'x\,erienoeli seamen but too justly enteliain during the
existence of storms fl'om the, north or
And your petitioners humbly suggest, that so great
would be the imp<lrtanCEl to the empire at large of such
Expense. a port, that the expense of its execution TI}ust be a
secondary consideration. Your petitionen at the same
time beg to observe that such expense would be greatly
diminished by the convenient proximity of an inex-
haustible granite quarry (the property of the corpora-
tion for improving the port of Dublin), so that the
expenditure in the execution of this great national "'ork
would in a 'great degree consist of wages to a numerous
Peasantry. and indigent peasantry. whose comfort and happiness
would thereby be greatly promoted.
, That your petitioners beg leave furth er to state, that
they hav,e d\velling upon many topics essentially
connected with the object of this petition on acoount
of the technical language in which such topics should
be necessarily discussed, that they are ready to
Evidence. aliduC them, and by indisputable evidence to establish
the facts herein before slatl'd, before thH houses of
Parliament. parliament or 5nch ,other competent tribunal as shall
be approved by your highness.
, Your petitioners encouragecl by your royal highness's
known d08ire to promtte the iuterests ant! prosperity of
every part of tIle United Kingliom, most humbly entreat
that your royal highness will be graciously pleased to
r ecommend to parliament to make such grant as will
suffice for the execution of this important national
, And your petitioners will as in duty bound for ever
I xxvii.
88 b.
"The Sheriffs amI Commons re-jllcst the Lord Jl.Iayor 1812.
and Boarel of Aldermen will agree with the foregoing
petition, and that same be engrossed, put under the city City seal.
seal, and presented to bis grace the Duke of
in order to be transmitted to his royal highness the
Prinoo Regent."
'rhe Lord jlJ ay or and Board of Aldermen agree with Agreed to
till' Sheriffs ami Commons in the ab{)ve resolntion.
"Resolved lmanimonsly, that a similar petition
aclclmssecl to eacb house {)f the imp2rial parliament be ment.
engross8ll, put uncleI' the city seal, and transmitted to
onr representativcs in parliament in order to be laid
before each of said houses."
'1'he Lord and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the above resolution.
[32.] Address of the corporation of Dnblin to the A<ldress.
Prince Regent.
'To his Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales,
Regent of the nnitell Eingdom of Great Britain and
"fhe humble address of the Lord jlayor, Sheri ffs, Address.
commons. and citizens of Dublin in common council
, May it please y{)ur royal higlmess.
'\Ve, the r ;ord J\Jayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens
of tho city of Dublin, beg leave to approach your royal
highness with sentiments of t.he most profound respect
and gratitude for continuing at the hea,l of the govern-
ment {)f this country our highly esteemed and belovctl
vice.roy, Charles, Duke of Richmond, whose many
public and private virlue.s have deservedly inslll'od to
him the affections of a free ancl loyal people. The
advantages we derive from his mild, yet firm and con-
stitntional administration. His zeal to promote the
Trade of
City spal.
Duke oC
lord lieu-
(rada and of Ireland, and conciliatory
m. 88 b.
manner to all ranks, would make his departure from
this kingdom a subj ect of regret to all those who truly
value the happiness and welfare of Ireland.
'In thus acceJing to the wishes of every good and
loyal subject of this kingdom, your royal highness has
maintained the great and gratifying declaration, which
you were graciously pleased to deliver when you
assumed your present exalted station-that you would
maintain the constitution-and govern according to
those principles, which called your illustrious family
to the throne.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 17th day
of January, in the year of our Lord, 1812.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do stand the address of
the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, and that same be engrossed, put under
the city seal, and presented to his grace the Duke of
Richmond, in order that he do transmit same to his
royal highness the .Prince Regent.
[33.] Addl1ess of the corporation of Dublin to the lord
'To his grace Charles, Duke of Richmond, lord
lj.eutenant general and general governor of Ireland.
'Tho humbJ.e address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
oommons, ancl citizens of the city of Dublin, in common
council assembled.
'May it please your grace.
'The Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, COIlllnons, and Clt.lzens
of his majesty's faithful city of Dublin, who for several m. 87.
years have been attentive witnasses of your grace's firm,
wise, and temperate government, beg leave in this public
manner to offer the tribute of their grateful thanks, and
to acknowledge the peace and security they enjoy
through your steady, mild and beneficeDt, administra- 1812.
tion, and your unceasing efforts t<J support the constitu-
tion in church and state. .
'We humbly beg leavo to assure your gmce, that we
will continue zealously to sllpport your grace's g{)vern- Support.
ment, and recommend the same conduct to all our loyal
, In . tstimony wherC'Of, we have caused the oommon
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 17th day City seal.
of Januai'y, in the year of our LOl'll, 1812.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do stand the address of Order.
the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, oommons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin. and that same be ellgrussed, put under
the oity seal, and presented to his grace the lord City seal.
lieutenant by the corporation at large.
\Vhich having been engrossed, put under the city
seal, and presented to his grace, he was pleased to f(,turn
the following answer.
"The favourable opinion which the Lord Mayor,
Shoriffs, commons, and citizens of the ci ty of Dublin Richmond.
entertain of the measures pursued by me in ftdminister-
ing the affairs of this country, cannot fftil to ftJIord me
sincero gmtificatiol1. and I fe,,1 assured, that whilst I
continuo to act in conformity with the same constitu-
tional princ,iples, which have hitherto gui(led my Principle .
conduct, I slial! continue to receive the support and Support.
confidenoo of your corporation, and of cvcry loyal
subject in the United Eingdom.
" Richmond."
[34.] Charles Pemberton, praying for payment of bill PembertoH.
of costs for preparing prosecution against RobeTt Byrne,
chandler, (for using fraudulent weights), who died Weight .
previons to trial: whereupon it. was ordered, that
petitioner be paid by the city treasurer on the Lord
PaYlI leut.

of Lord
!I[ ayor"s warr;l nt the of il:i 8s. 4d., being amount
of annexel! bilL ;lS in ;;ai d petition mentioned.
[3:').] .r mnes 'I'oole, praying for payment of bill for
m;ltting, et cetera, for Assembly House : whereupon it
W;lS ordered, th at petitioner Le paid by the city
treasurer on t he Lord warrant the amount of
his account being 36 IS. 6d., sterling.
1812. 2.- Post Assembl y.
[1.] The Lonl Mayor and Boan! of AIl!ermen request
the concurrenco of the Sheriffs and Commons in refer-
ri ng the business for which the post assembly has been
t hi s day convened to the law committ{', to wit.
" To take into consideration the expiring Laws which
a ffect the Corporation."
And to report their opinion to a post assembly to be
called for that pllrpose.
' \Villiam Henry Arche,r, Lord
Bone.-\Villiam Alexander.-Joll]] Exshaw.-Henry
Howi son. - J olm Carleton. - Richard Manders. -
\Yilliam W orthington.-Mereclith J enkin.-Frederick
Darley. - John Alley. - Thomas MoKenny.-John
Beresfonl.-Thomas Andrews.-Alexanller
Kirkpatrick.-John Cash.'
1812. January I/.-Admissions to franchise.
1812. January I/.-Declaration and signatures.
1812. April IO.-Seconu Frillay after Easter.l
Easter Assembly heltl at the City Assembly House in
Willi am str('et.
[1.] " \\ro, the Lonl Mayor and Boan!. of Aldermen
of the cit y of Dublin, have this clay e1eoted by ballot
ulclcrman A braham Braclley King to serv(' in the place
or offi ce of Lord Mayor of the said city for the ensuing
, Easter day. 29 March, 1812.
y e llr commoncing l\Gchaelmas next and do hereby 1812,
return the said Abraham Dradley Ki ng to you t he Return.
Sheriffs and Commons of said ci ty for your approbation.
"\Villiam Henry Archer , Lord III ayor ."
"\Ve, tho Sheriffs and Commons of the oity of Approval,
Dublin in common council assemblel], have thi s cl ay
approved by ball ot of alderman Abraham Bradley
King to serve in the ofiicc of Lonl Mayor of the said
city for the .ensuing year commencing at l\Ii chaelmas Mayor,
next. .
"Robert Harty, J ohn Kingston James, 3heritT8."
[2.] " \Ve, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dubiin, have thi" day by ballot or en s.
nominated the following eight freemen of said city,
r esident within the said city ,or t he liberties and fran-
chises thereunto adj oining, each of them wOlih in r eal
and persona] estate in the slim of :2,000,
sterling, over ,and above all their j Ll st dpbts, that is to
say, Ueorge Studcl art of Orafton st reet mer chant,
George 'Warner of College Green gol dsmith, Lewis
Morgan of Henry stl18et joiner , \\Tilliam Smith of
Brunswick street butcher, .John Pim of Jamcs's street
merchant, \Villi am Dixon of 1Iount str eet merchant,
Thomas Rochfort of Towll send street. mer chant , and
'Dalliel T\:inehan of Merri ol1 sqmu 0 merchant, a" fi t
persons to sor ve in the offi co of Sheriffs of tho ,;aid city,
iilliI do hereby. return the names with the addi tions of
the sai,J eight pel'soll s to you t he Lord Mayor amI
Board of Aldermen of the said OilY in order lo your
el ecting two of the said persons to bo Sheri tT' s of the
said city for the ensuing year commcll cing at
Michaelmas next.
" Robert Harty, John Kingston J ames, Sheriffs,"
[3.] " We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the city of Dublin, havo this day elected by ballot
Ooorge Studdert of Graft.on street, mor chant, and Lewis
Audit of
.1I[organ of Hr.nry stred, joiner, ont of the cignt persons I
rdurneLl to us by the SIH'riffs and Commons to serve in
the ot1i{)() of Sheriffs of city for tho ensuing year
commencing next.
"\Villi-am Henry Archer, Lord Mayor."
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
{)()mmittco appointed to audit tho city treasurer's
accounts have made the rumexeU report of the Gth day
of April, 1812.
'\Ve, the committeo appointed to audit the accounts
of alderman John Carleton, city treasurer , for the
pents, issues, .a<nd profits of the corporation for one year
commencing :Michaelmas 1810, and ending nlichadmas
1811, beg to inform your honours that we have care-
fully examined the same, togethm' with the several
vouchers relating thereto.
'The !.l1easurer laid before us a rental of your
honours' est.ate .as it stood Michaelmas 1811, and we
charged him with the amount of tho rents r eceived in
said year being 11,424 198. and with such other
incidental issues and profit s as accrued within that
period, amounting in the whole to the sum of
32,10iJ 13s. 9!d.
, We find the disbw'sements amount in all t.o the sum
of :26,213 4s. so that there appears due by the
city treasurer on this ac{)()unt. t.he. sum of ;).890 98. otd.
, Your committee also further inform your honours,
that aided by the pipe water committee, your committee
examined your treasurer's accounts respecting the pipe
water department for said year. and find a balance due
Balance, by him thereon of 5,784 6s. so that the balance
Thanks to
due by your treasurer on both said accounts appe.ars
to be 11,674 10s. 10d.
'And yOill' committee finding the whole of said
accounts st ated with that precision and accuracy which
have upon [1]] occasions mm'ked the conduct of your
3 b.
honours treasurer, WB conceived it. our duty to return 1812
him our unanimous thanks.
, And your committee cannot here avoicl remarking
that this year's aCoOmrts have been made ant for the Accounts.
first. time by the ,a,ssistancc of your treasurer's son .Mr.
John Carleton, junior, to whom 8'very llegrce of credit Carleton.
is clue, inasmuch as from their groot extent, owing to
the metal main establishment, they were of course much
more complex than at former periods. Your committee
therefore recommenrl that n, compliment of thirty guineas Paymeut .
. be paid Mr. Cal'leton for his trouble in making up said
accounts and a second copy thereof. In recommending
this, your committeB do not by any means conceive it
an equivalent for his trouble, but merely as a small
testimonial of their entire approbation of his exertIons.
, And your committee conoeive it a duty imperative Treasurer.
upon them before thEly close this their report, to recom-
mend that the treasurer be allowed from Midsummer Allowance.
1810, to Midsummer 1811, the sum of 300, and so to
continue as a remuneration for his .acting as accountant
and foOl' the very great ,adllitional trouble which ncces- main
sarily devolves upon him under the metal main act.
'All which is snbmitted ,a,s our report this 6th clay
of April, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm the said Order.
report, ancl make same .an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and macle an act .of assembly.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the Tra<!,,'
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
ha,ve made the annexed report of the Gth clay of April,
, \Ve, the committee appointed for examining trades- Report.
men's bills to whom the bill of ;l,Ir. \Villiam IIanny was Hanny.
referred, for painting, et cetera, done at tho .Mansion
Honse amounting t.o the sum of 133 9s. 7d., House.
City leases.
examined t]1(\ same and finding it ]lerfpctly oorr ect amI
vuuched by affidavit are of opinion and rE'comrnend
that it be paid.
" All whicl. is submitted as our' report this 6th day
of April. 1812.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm said
repOlt and make same an act of assE'mbly: it was there-
upon granted, the comrnitt.ees report oonfirmed and
malle an act of assembly, and that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord warrant, pay the sum of money
in said repurt mentioned.
[6.] Certain of the oorn1l10ns, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leasE'S near
pxpiring have ma,de the annexed report of the 9th day
of April, 1812.
"YE'. the committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring to whom the petition of ]l,[r. Gerald
Dillon for renewal of premises in upper Bridge street
was r eferred, beg lea\'e to inform your honours that
having examined same, we referred it to the la\\" agents
to report whmher Mr. Dillon was entitled to r<'ne\\"als
sought for, who having reported he was. your com-
mittee an) of opinion and do recommend that it be
granted him.
, Your oommit.lee have much satLsfaction in inform-
ing yo111' lordship and honours, that agreeable to your
desire they in the usual manner set lip by public
auction the ground whereon the old Tholsel stanrls, and
several ppl"sons having attended the sale, messiellrs
'I'hol'pe, .i'lIurphy, anrl Cra.ig were declared t.he tenants,
t.hey being the highest bidders for the ground, which
\\'as set up in three lots, and leases haw been accord-
ingly executal to them, whereby an addition of
117 9s. 5d., per annum, is added to yam lordship and
honours rental.
And your oommittee reoommencl that Mr. Bryan
:l b.
Murphy, of the tenants to thoahove mentioned 1812.
ground do get an assignment of the interest in the lease J.ease.
of that part uf the ground, forl11erly let to your lordship
and hononrs by 1111'. Hunter at the annual rent of 25,
and which is within twel ve years of being expired.
it adjoining lllE' lut t.a.ken by him, hy which nwans
your tenant. will not only be accommoclakc1. hut your
lordship and hononrs will be fl't'ecl from the rent tu
which it is suhject fur the remaining term uf twel ve
years, amI thfll the lleed of assignment shall contain
a covenant uncleI' the allvi op uf Mr. Recorder to .covenant.
indemnify the corpora.tion from any damage. or delapi-
dation which might happen by :'Ill'. lIfurphy
, And your committee beg leave to TCcommend, that
in conseqnence of the decayed state of the stables at Statles.
the mansion house of Clonturk, the lease of which will
expire in eight years, and parti cularl y as ynl1r com-
mittee lately viewed and inspected the ruinous state,
they recommend that so many trCs on said estate may Trees.
he cut and applied as will be wanting to pnt said offices
in such repair as to uphold them for the 11emainder of
said term, by doing which tho remainder of trees
will be improved.
, All which is su bmiUed as our report this 9th day of
A pri1. 1812.'
And t.he sai{j commons, praying t<> confirm the. said Order.
report and mal((' same an aot of assembly: it was there-
upon gnll1ted, the committoe's report confirmed
made an act of assembly, and that. tilE' committee be
empowered to order such timber as now rerlllires to 1)(' Timber.
cui down 0 11 lbe lands of Clonturk to be i mmediately Clontmk.
sole! by auction, ane! the amonnt of such sa le 10 be
handed to the cit.y treaSllrer, ont of which the com-
mitteo are hereby empowered to expend in repairing
the stables there a Slll11 nol exceeding 150.
City pipe
North side
of city.
[7.] Certain of ,the commons, setting forth that the Roll xx, ,,
m. 93 b . ~
committee appointed for better supplying the city of .
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexeU report
of the 9th day of April, 1812.
'WC', the- committee appointed for better supplying
thp city of Dublill with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have paid every degree of aHen-
tion to the various business committed to our care
since we last reportctl.
'Your committee finding that several persons had in
{)PCll defiance {)f the law inserted surreptitiolls branches
ill several of the mains, judged it necessary to direct a
general i"nspection to take place, in consequence of
which several persons were discovered receiving a
supply, to whch t.hey were not entitled, and your com-
mittee directed t.hem to be proceeded ,against as the law
directs, in consequence whereof several were fined, and
yonr committee have now every hope that this practice,
by the examples that have been made, will in future be
'In furtherance of which your committee have
requested the paving board not to grant a license to any
prson to make an opening for inspecting .[I, branch,
until it has the sanction of some of the officers of the
pipe wakr establishment, with whicn request the
paving commissioners haye in the handsomest mallller
rradily complied.
, Your committee directed (ho laying clOW11 of metal
ma,ins on the. north side of the city to stop for the
present, so soon as 1 he communicaJions proceeding upon
are completed. Your committee were induced to give
these orders not ollly from the inclemency of tho
weather, but conc,2iving that the laying down a metal
main on the south side to communicate with the new
Portobello bason at Portobe,ilo was a matter of much more
importance to be attended to.
t xxvii.
)3 b.

, And your find from ineffici ency (through 1812.
. fi . ) BinD,.
age am U1 rnlIty of Mr. Am brose Binns 10 discharge jn,pe,;tOl'
the dut y of one of the inspectors of tUnJ cocks, com-
plaints of want of water of late to a great degree
multiplied. YOllr commiltee, therefore to prevent It
r epetition of them in ful ure. r ecommellll that he do get
It salary of 80, per ann urn, for his life, and that 1\Ir. Ann nity.
Ri chard Quinton be al)IJoinEed to the silllation of "ulntoll.
general inspector of tUl11cocks for threo months, with
tho proportionate salary of 30, per ,annum, added to S.-lar
hi s salary, that being the increase lately given to
::\fr. Binns.
'And your committee beg a lso l eave to stale
that 1\11'. Richard Homan, overseer of the works Homan.
OIl the north side is al so through age and infirmity Infirmity.
become wholly incompetent to perform the duties
of his office, we therefore r ecommend that ]\[1'.
Wil son Tomey be appointed in hi s room, a man
who from his act ivity aR well as in
mensur al ion will be a very great acqui sition to
your ,es tablishment, as he will not only be capable of
performing the duties annoxed to 1\11'. Homan's
situat ion, but he will also be competernt to survey your
, And your commiUee recommend that Mr. Homan
do get 90, per mmum, for hi s life, and that ::\11' . Tomey
shall get a salary of 120, pcr annum. TIy adopting
this regul ation tlte business of the establi shment will
bo e.ffect ually carried on by persons capable to dis-
charge the dnties of t11 eir respective sit uations at an
addition only of 60, per annum, the present salar y to
Mr. Roman being 150.
, All which is submitted as our report this 8th day
of April , 1812.'
And the commons, praying 10 confirm said Ord.r.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-

State coach.
n one,
uron granted, the committee's report confirmed and Roll .. ,
made an act of assembly.
l8.] Celi ain of the commOllS, praying for usual
allowance to the late Lord l f ayor, for proyiding horses
and Sl'l'\' ants for ,tate coach 011 public uays: whereupon
It was orderC'Li, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord
;\Iayor's warrnnt, pay alllcnnan Kathaniel lione, late
Lord Jil ayor, the sum of .flO, sterling, for that purpose,
rho same to 10 allowed in hi s accounts.
[9.] Certain of the commons, praying for usual
allowance to the late Lord Mayor. for providing a horse
and cart for measuring coals during the year of his
l.Iayoralty: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
treasurer do, OIl the Lord ;\Iayor's warrant, pay alder-
man Nathanicl Hone the sum of 40, sterling, for the
reasons above mentioned.
[10.] Certain of the oommons, setti ng forth that the
committee appointed at l ast .Hichaelmas assembly for
enquiring into how the city's revemle may be increased
and its expenses lessened have made the .annexed r eport
of the 9th April, 1812.
Report. ' ,Ve, the committee appointed at last Mi chaelmas
Revenu,. assembly for enquiring into how the. city's revenue may
Expens... be increased and its -expenses lessened, beg leave to
inform your honours that since our r eport of the 13th
J anuary last, we have been anxiously attentive to the
business committed to our oare . .
, :Mr. Timothy Allen, whom your committee
mentioned as having found necessary to call into their
aid, has been uriCi'Hsingly employed, and has furnished
Do"umeuts. us with the following very necessary documents,
.. ndi. 'A goneral abstract of the city's expenditure, dis-
it undr different he-ads, shewing the
c1iffermt sums given by the city, and which occasioned
the increase of its debt.
xvii. I A statement also of the city's title to its tolls and 1812.
Tol1s an::l
customs, particularising the several charters, acts of
parliament, and acts of assembly relating thereto, with
very useful observations thereon.
I A bstmcts also of the rli fferent charters granting Land.,
lands and annuities to the city. Annuities,
I A return of the several holrlings, whereof renewals
or new leases have been granted during the last fifty Leases
. yealls.
I And he has with incessant labour made out a most
compJ.ete new rental of your honours' estate carefully New
compared with the several tenants' leases, and has Lease .
made several useful and necessary observations thereon.
I In fine, the whole has been done with that accus-
tomed accuracy and zeal for your lord,ship and Accuracy.
honours' i.nterest, which has been on hi s part always
I And ,Your committee should feel that they did not Thaok..,
discharge their duty, did they not return their sincere
thanks to Mr. Daniel Hutton, one of your committee, Hultoo.
for his very ,anxious and regular attendance, not only
on the different meetings of your committee, but for the
very great assistance afforded by him to Mr. Timothy
AlIen during the time he was occupied in making, out Allen.
the rental, that very arduous business was in Reoh'.
its accomplishment consider ably accelerated, and
whereby Mr. Daniel Hutton's zeal for your lordship
and honours' interest was clearly evinced.
I And your committee from the d00ument,s they have Documeut",
now gotten, and from the information they have
received in the course of their arduous researches, have Rese&rche"
no doubt but they will during the ensuing quarter make
such progress, a,s to be able ' ,at the next general
assembly, to make their final report on the very impor- ;;:;;:;,.
tant business committed by y011l' lordship and honours
to their charge.
pipe water
collect or.
pipe water
, All which is submitted as our report this 9th day of ! ~ l l 9 2 ~ \
April , 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
repor t and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[11.] Joseph Maddock, praying to be continued pipe
water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said J oseph Maddock be and is hereby continued one
of the pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending Easter assembly 1813,
he giving security for the faithful discharge; of the
duties of said office and paying to the city treasurer all
such SUms of money as he shall from time to time
receive, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void.
[12.] Arthur Ordo, praying to be continued pipe watBr
collector: whereupon it was Drdered, that the said
Arthur Orde be and is hereby continued one of the pipe
water collectors during the city's pleasure, not exceed-
ing one year ending Easter assembly 1813, he giving
secnrity for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
office and paying to the city treasurer all such sums of
money as he shall fl'om time to time receive, said
security to be entered into in one month from this date
or this order to be void.
[13.] George Binns, praying to be continued gaoler
of the New Prison: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said George Binns be and is hereby continued gaoler of
the New Prison during the city's pleasure, not exceed-
ing one year ending Easter assembly 1813, provided
t hat he the said George Binns do constantly lie each
night in t.he said gaol, or in default thereof, that he the Georgo Binns be removed from the said office amI
rendered incapable of ever holding the same, and thal
<xvii. he shall strictly adhere to Ihe directions sel forth in 1812.
the act of Michaelmas assembly 1787, also provided
b. that the said Gcorge Binns do give security to indemnify Security.
the corporation from all escapes and for the due per-
formance and faithful discharge of (he duties of said
office, such as the Lord liIayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security 10 be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void.
[14.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom Franchise.
of city to Sir John Hope: whereupon it was granted, Hope.
gratis, and ordered, that same be engrossed, put under
the city soal, and presented by the Lord JiIayor and City seal.
[15.] Oertain of the commons, praying for fr eedom Franchise.
of city to Lord George Lennox: whereupon it ,vas Lennox.
granted, gratis, and ordered, that same be engrossed,
put under tha city seal. and presented by the Lord City seal.
Mayor and Sheriffs.
[16.] John Read, cutler, praying for payment of bill: ~ : t J ~ i .
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasureI"on the Lord Mayor' s warrant the sum Paymeut.
of twenty guinas.
[17.] Lancelot Kelly, praying for payment of bill: Kclly.
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by
the city treasurer on the Lorel :Mayor's warrant the sum Payment.
of 53 3s. lld.
[18.] lifargaiet Smith, praying for usual allowance Smltl,.
for attending tho different assemblies and providing Assemblies.
pens, ink, paper, and candles for one year: whereupon Stationcry.
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by tll e city
treasurer on the Lord lifayor's warrant the sum of five Payment.
guineas, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[19.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom Franchise.
of city to lieutenant-colonel Darley: whereupon it was Da,ley.
granted. gratis. Da,l.y,
[20.] George Darley, wafer baili ff, praying acceptance b:tiffi.
serjeant at
of his resignation: whereupon it was accordingly Roll X>;
m. 921
agreed to. i
[21.) Arthur :'IIitchell, praying to be appointed water
baililf: whereupon it was ordered, that the said Arthur
:'Ilitchcll be and is hereby appointed water bailiff of this
city during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year
ending Easter assembly 1813, he giving such security
to save the city harmless and for the faithful discharge
of the duties of said office, as the Lord l'Ifayor and
Sheri ffs shall approve of, said security to be entered
inte in one month from this date er this .order to be
[22 . .) Robert Tyler, beadle .of Saint Paul's parish,
praying for usual allow.ance for opening Smithfield
market: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
paid by the city treasurer on the Lerd Mayor's warrant
the sum .of three guineas, for the reasQns in his petition
[23.) Richard Lewin, praying to be appointed 8er-
jBa.nt 'at mace: wher.eupon it was ordered, that the said
Richard Lewin be and is hereby apfleint.ed one of the
serj12ants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding .one year ending Easter
assembly 1813, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties .of said .office and l'delivery .of
the silver mace, as the Lerd Mayor and Sheriffs shall
appreve of, said security te be entered into, in .one
month frem this date er this order te be void, previded
also that ha do appear on public days in proper gown
.of .office.
[24.) Certain .of the commons. praying fer petitien te
parliament against the demands of the Roman C:a.tllOlics
of Ireland.
The Lerd Mayor allll Board .of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commens in the fore-
Committee. going petitien, ami that a cemmittee consisting of
1 xxvii.
92 b.
aldermen Nathaniel Hone, John Exshaw, John Cash, 1812.
and .:IIark BloxlIam, with four of the commons to ho Aldermen.
named DY the Sheriffs and Commons, with the
assistance of .:IfI'. Recorder, be a committee for tho
purpose of preparing a petition to parliament, who Petition.
prepared the following petition.
[The four of the commons:] Messieurs John Giffard, Commons.
Sir Edwarcl Stanley, William Cope, William McAuley.
[25.] Petition. to parliament against the demands of
the Roman Catholics of Ireland. demands.
'To the right honourable and
knights, citizens, and burgesses
honourable the Pctition to
in parliament parliament.
"rhe humble petition of the Lord Sheriffs,
commons, ,ami citizens of the city of Dublin in oonnnon
ooullcil assembled, 10th April, 1812.
, ]\.fost humbly sheweth.
, 'rhat we, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin, whose loyalty to our most
gracious sovereign and his royal ancestors, monarchs,
of these realms, has ever been firm and unequivocal,
beg leave to approach this honourable house in perfect
oonfidence of - its fixed determination to maintain
unimpaired the constitution in church and
sta te. ' . tion.
'Reposing in full security on this confidence, the Security.
oommon oouncil have not for some time past appeared
as l)etitioners before this honourable house, notwith-
standing the repeateLI demands of the Roman Catholics; of
but now, when it is publicly asserted, that the Catholics.
91. Protestants of Ireland are favourable to such demands,
and when every power of artifice and intimidation is
employed, to give colour to such assertion, we shonld
feel that we shrunk from onr duty, if we did not declare,
s ions.
City sea}.
1326 D'("DLIN ASSE:\lBLY ROLL, 1812.
that. in our opinion the eoncessiolls alreauy made to the !OlloF
Roman Catholics, arc such, as if exercised with grati-
tude to the state, and for the tranquillity of the country,
woulu be most amply s\lfficient to make the situation
of the Roman Catholics happy under the present
Protestant establishment.
'We therefore pray this honourable house to persevere
in maintaining the constitution unimpaired in church
anu state.'
The Lonl Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going petition, and that same be forthwith engrossed,
put uncleI' the city seal, and transmitted to our city
representatives- to be by them presented to parliament.
Franchise. [26.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
lrvine. of city to Hamilton Irvine, esquire, major in tIle
Fermanagh. Fermanagh regiment: whereupon it was granted,
Franchise. [27.]" Resolved, that whereas our gallant cOllntry-
Jamc,. man lieutenant-colonel Reginald J ames of the 37th
regiment has maintained the illustrious character of
our country upon all occasioDs, both in the East Indies
and \Vest Indies, but particularly when captain com-
manding the 46th regiment in Dominica, in which, he
by his gallant exertions, succeeded in defeating the
French, who attempted a landing.
"That the froodom of this corporation bo presented
to him in the most respectful manner: whereupon it
was granted, gratis."
[28.] " Rswl vetI, that tIre freedom of the city be pre-
sented to our gallant countryman lieutenant-colonel
Robel't Travel'S of the 10th regiment. in testimony of
our approbation of his high military character, for a
nu IlJ bet of years, both during the rebellion in this
country, at Buenos Ayres, at Vimiero, at Corunna, at
which sCV8ral engagements was three times 1812.
wuunded: whereupon it was granted, gratis."
[29.] "Resolved, that whereas, our honoured country- Franchise.
man lieutenant-colonel Pakcnham, of the 7th or Royal Pakenham.
FlIzileers, has maintained the illustrious character of '
our country upon all occasions, parti cular] y in the
West Indies, and in the Spanish Peninsula, that there--
fore the freedom of this oity be presented to him in the
most resppctiul manner: whereupon it was granted,
[30.] "Resolved, that whereas, colonel Skinett of the
47th regiment having supported the glory of the British
arms in the defence of. Tarifa, is entitled to a mark of Tari! .
our esteem, and therefore that the freedom of this city
be presented to him in the most respectful manner:
whereupon it was granted, gratis."
1812. April 1O.-Admissions to franchise.
1812. April 10.-Declaration aml signatures.
91. 1812. April 22.-1'ost Assembly.
[1.] Frederick Goorge Bourns, praying to be
appointed gaoler in the room of Mr. George Binns,
deceased: whereupon it was ordered, that the above deceased.
named Frederick George Bourus be and is hereby
appointed gaoler of Newgate during the city's pleasure,
not exceediIJ;g one year ending Easter assembly 1813,
provided that the said Freclerick Goorge Bourns do
constantly lie each night in the said gaol, Hr in default Residence.
thereof, that the said Frederick George Bourns be
removerl from the said office and rendered incapable of
ever holding said office, and that he shall strictly
adhore to the directions set forth in the act of
JliIiohaelmasassembly 1787, also pr{)vided that the said
HredeI'ick GooI'ge Bourns do give security to indemnify Security.
the corporation from all escapes :and for the due per-
fmmance and faithful dischaI'gB of the duties of said
3:28 DUBLI:-I!BLY ROLL. 1812.
ofliC(', sllell 113 the Loru al1,J Sheriffs shall RoU."
approve of, said security to be enterod into in one week
from this date or this order to be void.
'William Henry Archer, Lord :Mayor.-Henry
Howison.-Samuel Reed.-William VI' orthington.-
Meredith J enkin.-John Exshaw.-Richard ]\fanders.
-Abraham Dradley Iung.-Hugh Trevor.-John
Carleton.-Frederiek Darley.-John Claudius Beres-
1812. May 27.-Post Assembly.
[1.J For the purpose of addressing his royal highness m. 91 b. '
the Prince Regent on the assassination of the right
honourable :Mr. Spencer Perceva1.
The Lord' )vlayor and Board of Aldermen request the
Committee. Sheriffs and Commons will appoint a committee of six
of their house, who with aldermen John Carleton,
Abraham Bradley Ring the Lord Mayor elect, and
John Cash shall form a. committee for the purpose of
Address. preparing an address agreeable to the requisition for
which the post assembly is this day convened.
Commons. [The six of the commons: J Messieurs Joshua Dixon,
George Carleton, William Cope, John Giffa,yd, Sir
Edward Stanley, William i.fcAuley.
[2.] Address of the corporation of Dublin to the Prince
Regent on the assassination of the right honourable
Mr. Spencer Pereeval.
' To his roya.] highness George, Prince of "Vales,
Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
'The humble address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in common
council assembled.
lAssassinated, 11 May 1812, in the lobby of the House of Commons by one John
91 b.
'May it please your royal highness.
'We, t.he Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin with heart-s full of the Pereeval.
sincerest duty and affection, beg leave to approach your
Toyalllighness to offer our oondolence and to express our
utmost abhorrcDoo at the foul and atrocious murder of
that great and good man, the right honourable Spencer
_ Perceval, first commissioner of his majesty's treasury
and .chancellor of the, exchequer.
, Permit us also to avail ourselves of this opportunity
to express our most carnest assurances to your roy.a.] Assurances.
highness, that the citizens of Duhlin, ever firmly united
in principles of loyalty and fidelity to your illustrious Loyalty.
house, will invariably persevere in the most dutiful and
affectiormte attachment to your royal person and
government, and that their zealous endeavours shall be
ever employed to promote a constant obedience to t he
laws, as the best mode, of preventing that flagitious Law,.
()rime which has disgraced the manly and generous Crime.
character of tho British nation, and deprived your BrltiSh
royal highness of one of your most faithful and able na Ion.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the sa,id ()ity to be hereunto affixed this 27th d,ay Cit.y seal.
of May, in the year of our Lord, 1812.'
Which having be!'n sent down to the Sheriffs and
Commons for" their concurrence, they agreed thereto,
and ordered, that same be engrossed, put under the city
seal, and presented to the lord lieutenant to. bo trans-
mitted to the Prince Regent.
William Henry Archer, Lord l\fayor.-Henry
Howison.-Samnel Reed.-William W orthington.-
Meredith Jenkin.-John Exshaw.- Richard Manders.
-Abrahwm Bradley King.-Hugh 'rrevor.-John
Carleton.-Frederick Darley.-John Claudins Beres-
1812. 1812. Jllly 17.-Fomth Friday after the 24th of Roll m
J uue.
2.fidsummer Assembly held at tho City Assembly
Honso in William street.
of [1. J Certnin of the commons, praying to grant the
herbage of Saint Stephen's Green to alderman Abraham
Bradley King dnring year of his Mayoralty: where-
upon it was granted, pursuant to the prayer of the
[2.] Certain of the commons, praying to empower the
and committee of beams and scales to set same in usual
manner: whe,reupon it was ordered, that the committee
be and are hereby empowered to set the same for one
[3.] Certain of the commons, praying to appoint a
committee to provide furniture for the Mayoralty
house: whereupon it was ordered, that the right
honourable the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, treasurer, masters
of the works, aldermen Richard Manders, Frederick
Darley, Abraham Bradley King, and John Cash, and
eight .of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons, or any five .of them, whereof the Lord Mayor
nnd one of the Sheriffs to be always two, and in the
absence of the Lord Mayor the senior alderman present
to preside\ be and arc hereby appointed a committee to
provide such furniture fm the use of the Mayoralty
house as may be necessary, t.ho expense attending the
same not to exceed the sum of 200, sterling, and the
oommittee are hereby empowered to draw on the city
treasurer for said sum, the aooonnts thereof to be kept
separate and no money paid but by the committee's
[The eight of the commons:] Messieurs Franois
Hamilton, Thomas lIIcCready, \Villiam Leet, John
.Pim, George Warner, Benj amin Eaton, Richard
Wilson, William Bell.
. \
:xvH. [-1-.J Certain of the commons, setting forth that the 1812.
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near City le",es.
expiring have made the annexed report of the 13th day
of July, 1812.
'vVe, the committee ;tppointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your honours
that we have been studiously attentive to the business
committed to our care s,ince we last repDl'ted. Your
committee took inlo consideration the petition of George
Cal'leton, esquire, for renewal of premises south Great
George's street, formerly demisecl to Neptune Vero,
which Y01H committee in the usual way referred to the
law agents 10 report, who having reported that he was
entit.led to the same, your committee are of opinion and
recommend that same be granted to him.
'Your committee also took into consicleration the
petition of certain of the commons for taking off an
angle of the walk at Saint Stephen's Green opposite
Grafton street and King street, thereby to make a more
convenient pass for the public, when there is so great a
thoroughfare, owing to Grafton st11eet, King street, and King street
two sides of the Green all meeting. And your com-
mittee having viewed the plan thereof, as by the annexed Plall.
map appears, aro of opinion and strongly recommend Map.
your lordship and honours to permit the improvement
as thereby pointed out to take place, more particularly
as it will be effect ed by the Paving Corporation without
any expense to your lordship and honours, and will be tion.
of the highest utility to the public in that part of the
city where is constantly so great a resort.
'And your committee received a petition from
.NIr. Thomas Kennan representing the dangerous
ruinous state of his house in Fishamble street, as street.
appears by the certificate of an eminent build8r hereto
annexed, and for which he has but an unexpired term
of 2-1- years, at the annual rent. of 11, too short a one Rent.
DT'nLI:;" ASSE1I1lLY ROLL, ]812.
for him to rebuiltl upon. Which your committee there-
foro from the urgency of the case antl fearing that it
would be presented as a nuisance. referred to a sub-
committee to view, who agree in opinio.n with
City pipe
water .j
Brown the builder, that it is in the most imminent
danger of falling. Your committee therefore strongly
recommend for the. reasons they have mentioned to your
lordship and honours to accede to Mr. Kennan's pro-
posal as contained in his annexed memorial, that of
surrendering his present lease, llpon getting a new one
for 99 years, and immediately rebuilding a house
thercon, and paying a rent of 20, per annum, being
upwards of one pound per foot for the same.
, All which we submit as our report this 13th day of
July, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said repoTt
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
act of assembly, except that part which relates to the
improvement of Saint Stephen's Green, and' ordered,
tha.t a lease be made out and put under t.he city &eal to
Mr. 'l'homas Kennan, pursuant and according to the
terms in said report. mentioned.
lo.] Certain of tte commons, setting forth that the m. 90
committee: appointed to supply the city of Dublin with
pipe water have made the annexed report of the 13th
day of July, 1812.
'We, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the various business committed to our care since we
last reported. Your committee derive much satisfac-
tion in informing you, the basin at Portobello is
nearly committed and will be opened for a snpply of
the south side of this city in the course of a month or
six weeks.
16 b.
And your committee recommend that the sum of
4,000, as directed to be raised by act of parliament
within the year ending the 24th of last, be mised
by sealing bonds for that sum chargeable on the pipe Bonds.
water fund, to meet tho cnrrent expenses indispensably
necessary for carrying on the works of that estab- Works.
Your committee acconling to annual cuslom viewed
the whole of your lordship and hononrs' water course
on Saturday the 11th instant, and fonne! it in good
We are of opinion and recommend that a neat gothic
cabin in the cottage sty le shall be built at the gate of Cottage.
the Royal George Reservoir in Blessington street for
the residence of the basin-keeper, which your com- 'treet.
mitt eo consider can be done at a very small expense in
consequence of the assistance which can be derived by
m:alking use of old pipes in the building.
All which is submitted as Ollr report this 13th day
of July, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Order.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that the committee be
empowered to build a cottage at the Royal George Cottage.
Reservoir, pursuant to the recommendation in said
report mentioned, at an expense not exceeding sixty Expense.
[6.] Certain ()f tho commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the ann8.lwd report of the 13th clay of July,
'Ve, the committee appointed for examining tradcs- Report.
men's bills to whom the bills of J. and P. Boylan fOT
painting. papering, et cetera, and of Lllke Sibtllorpe for Sibthorpe,
glazing, et cetera, were referred, beg leave to inform Glazing.
1812. your honours, that we minutely examined the same and ~ ~ ~
Work done. find that the work therein mentioned was actually and
bona-fide llono for your lordship and honours. Your
committee are therefore of opinion that they should be
severally paid, videlicet.

s. d.
, J. and P. Boylan's bill amounting to 49 0 2
, Luke Sibthol'pe's bill amounting to 12 9 7
61 9 9
, All which is submitted as our report this 13th day
of July, 1812.'
And the said (lommons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report 00nfirmed
and made an act of assembly, and that the city treasurer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant.. pay the bill s in said
report mentioned.
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for enquiring how the city's
revenue may be increased and its expenses lessened
have made the annexed report of the 13th July, 1812.
'We, the (lommittee of oe00nomy appointed for
enquiring how the city's revenue may be increased and
its expenses lessened, to whom the aC00unt of Thomas
Gillespie. for engrossing addresses, petitions, resolutions,
et cetera, and for ornamenting the same, amounting to
the slim of 6-! 9s. 6!d., was referred at laR! Easter
assembly, beg lea\'e to inform your honours that we had
same laid b('fore us. And your 00mmittee after inves-
tigating the aC00uut find that the bill for painting and
ol'l1a.menting the several addresses therein mentioned by
:iIr. Peacock which amounted to 29 9s. ~ d . , has been
DUBLIN !cOLL, 1812. 335
paid by petitioner, ant.! which being dedllcted leaves a 1812.
sum of 34 19s. for the engrossing, vellum, et Sum.
cetera, your committee however conceive that the sum
of fifty guineas ought to be paid for the whole, thereby
deducting a sum of 7 12s.
, And your committee beg leave to reCommend that
in future no addresses shall be painted, or otherwise be Addresses.
ornamented, but merely fairly and neatly tTanscribed,
(and which can be done by one of the boys of the King's
Hospital for some small gratuity in books. thereby to in
create emulation, not exceeding twenty shillings in books.
value) unless the party to 'whom the same shall be
voted, shall desire to have them so done at their private
, All which is submitted as our report this 13th t.!ay
of July, 1812.'
And the sai(! commons. praying to confirm said report Order.
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed ant.! made an
act of assembly, and that Thomas Gillespie in said Gillespie.
report mentioned, he pair! by the city treasurer on the
Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of fifty guineas in full Payment.
for the whole of his bill.
[8.] Anne Beasley, wir!ow, praying for arrear of Bca,lcy.
allowance: wherepon it was ordered, that petitioner be
paid by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant Grant.
the sum of 8 10s. 7!d., for the reasons in her petition
[9.] Andrew Caffey, praying to be continued engineer
of the pipe water works: whereupon it was ordered, engineer.
15. (hat the said Andrew Coffey be and is hereby continued
pipe water engineel" during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 1813, Salary.
at a salary of 400, sterl ing.
[10.] Goorge Brown, pl"Iwing tD be continued high
constable: whereupon it was ordered, that the said constable.
son, pipe
Newell ,
pipe water
serjeant at
!lcrjeant at
336 DUlJLL.'< .l.SSEMlJLY ROLL, 1812.
George Brown be and is hereby continued high con- ! ~ I ~ : F
stable of the city of Dublin during the city's pleasure,
not exceeding one year ending lIIidsummer assembly
18W, at the salary of 40.
[11.] Samuel Hutchinson, praying to be continued
pipo water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that
the said Samuel Hutchinson be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors during the . city's
pleasnre. not ex ceding one year ending Midsummer
assembly 1813, he giving security for the faithful dis-
charge of the duties of said office, and paying to the
city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall from
time to time receive, said secu.rity to be enJered into in
one month from this date or this order to be void.
[12.] Robert Kewell, praying to be continued pipe
water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said Robert Newel! be and is hereby continued one of
the pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 1813,
he giving security for the faithful discharge of thA
duties of said offi ce, and paying to the city treasurer all
such sums of money as he shall from time to time
receive, said-security to be entered into in one month
from thill date or this order to be void.
[13.] .Matthew Courtney, praying' to be continued
serjcant at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said Matthew Courtney be and is hereby continued one
of the serjeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending lIIid'summer
ass8mbly 1813, he giving such security for the faithful
diSCharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord :lIayo1' and Sheriffs shall
a pprove of, an d provided also that h8 do appear on
public days in pI'oper gown of office.
[14.] .Tohn Gregory, praying to be continued serjeant
at maC8: whereupon it was ordered, that the said .Tohn
be and is hereby continued one of the serjeants
at mace of said city during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Midsummer assembly 18] 3.
he giving such security for the faithful discharge of
the duties of said r;ffice and redelivery of rue silver Silver mace.
mace as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of.
and provided also that he do appear on puhlic days in
proper gown of office.
[15.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of Franchise.
city to the Reverend Dean John \Villiam Keatinge, Dean
. Keatinge.
D.D .. Dean of Saint Patnck's and formerly Chaplain
to the Irish Honse of Commons: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[16.] CNtain of the commons, praying for freedom of Franchise.
city to captain Daniel McN amara Boucher: whereupon Boucher.
it was granted, gratis.
[17.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of Franchise.
city to major-general Terence O'Loghlin: whereupon O'Loghlin.
it was granted, gratis.
[18.J Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of Franchise.
city to ma,jor O'Donohoe: whereupon it was granted,ODollohoe.
[19.] 'Sarah Walker, praying for aid: whereupon it Walker.
was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer Grant.
on the Lord Mayor' s warrant the sum of 25, for the
reasons in her petition mentioned.
[20.] "Resolved, tha,t the humble and sincere thanks
of this house be and are hereby presented to that ill us-
trious prince his royal highness the Duke of Cumber-
land-to the noble mem bel's of the House of Peers-and of
to the worthy and patriotic members of the House of
Commons-who have manifested a firm determination,
in which only under the protection of divine providence,
we hope to maintain inviola,te the religious find civil
constitution of the United Kingdom."
The Sheriffs and Commons request the
1812. of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the above
Agreed to.
resol u tion.
The Lor d Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree
with the Sheriffs ami Commons in the foregoing

[21.] " Resolved, that the thanks of this house be and
are her eby given to John ,Vilson Croker, esquire,
Secr etary to the Board of Admiralty, for his manly and
Support. spirited conduct in supporting the truth against an
unfounded assertion lately made in the House of
Commons with a view of stigmatising the administra-
tion of Earl Camden, when lord lieutenant of Ireland,
and the loyal inhabitants of this city."
Agreed to.
Tile Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrence m. 95!
of the Lord ]l.Tayor and Board of Alder.mer:. in the above
r esolution.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[22.J Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
finance committee have made the annexed report of the
:Z3rd clay of July, 1812.
Revort. ' We, the committee, of finance anxious to djscharge
our cluty with as much effect as possible, conceive the
first and principal object for their attention to be
directed to, is the means whereby your lordship and
City estate. hon!JllTs' estate can be speedily raised, and which your
committee are of opinion can be fOlihwith done in a
Sum rai,.d. sum of no less than 3,700, per annum, thereby pre-
1100<1 debt. venting the necessity of increasing YOllr bond debt.
And as your committee do not mean to make assertions
without having sufficie,nt grounds to support them, they
beg leave to lay before you the following statement of
e,late. your lordship and honours estate in Essex street,
1'emple Bar, Essex Bridge, Saint Andrew street, Sir
John Rogerson's quay. Oooke street, Castle street,
Clonturk, and Colganstown.
1 :u.vii.
95 b.
, First.-Your lordship and honours' lease of
ground in Essex street, Temple Bar, et cetera, to
Nevill Pooley, now prollucing but 30, per
annum, and which has but ten years to nm from
29th September next. will at the expiration of
that period produce at least 1,000. per
, Second.-Y our lease of ground at Essex
Bridge to Orowe, having but t,en years to run
from 29th September next, now paying but 20,
per annum, will produce at least 600, peT

annum. 600
'Thirdly.-Your lease of Olonturk, which will
expire in nine years from 29th Septem ber next,
now paying but 40 5s., per annum, will produce
at the least 3,000 per annum. 3,000
'Fourthly.-Your lease df Oolganstown, now
paying but 50, per annum, the lease of which
will expire in eight years from 25th March next,
will then produce at the least. 500, per annum. 500
'Fifthly.-Your lease to Robert Whitestone of
premises in Saint Andrew street, now paying
but 35, per annum. the lease of which will
expire in years from 29th September last,
will then produce at least 60, per annum. 60
, Sixthly.-The rise on your lease to Sir John
Rogerson from 25th March last, formerly paying
5, per annmr., now paying 200, per annum. 200
lease of premises to
William Pury in Oooke street, and in Oastle
street to N athaniel J ames, the leases of which
will expire in seven years, now paying but 35,
of cit.y
of city
per annum, will then produce ' at least 70, per
Roll xxv
' .Making a total of 3.430
'From which d'educt what the foregoing
several interests pay, being the sum of 210
'Leaves a balance of .5,220
'From which deduct the present tenants'
interests, which is estimated at ... 1,500
' Leaving a pI1esent increased annual income
to the city of 3,720
Income. ' Your committee, therefore in order to carry into full
effect so desirable an object as the raising your income
)lo<1e. in the manner before stated, submit that the mode to be
now adopted will be by referring the foregoing state-
ment to the p'resent finance committee or to a committee
to be appointed for the purpose of treating with the
Tenant.. several tenants and sub-tenants for their outst.anding
Interest.. interests, and reporting to the next general quarter
assem bly the several sums that each interest can be
Purchase. respectively purchased for, and the rise that will take
place upon each interest-to the end, that your lordship
and honours may confirm such agreements, should ii.
appear to you to be your interest so to do.
'There is another matter of very material concern,
whereby your committee conceive your income can be
augmented, namely, by disposing of your
Tolls and Customs to government, a measure which
would be exceedingly popular, and by means whereof m. 94.
a considerable sum would be received, so as to lessen
Tontine. your debt and purchase of your Tontine. Your com-
m'itt<!e therefore submit, that it is necessary that they
should have power to wait on government upon this
tlUBLlN ASSEl1BLY ROLL, 1812. 34J
11 xxvii. business so very material to your lordship amI honours' 1812 .
. 94. Interest.
future interest.
, There are several other minor concerns which will
within the period of ten or twelve YBars further increase
your rent roll, but which your committee for the present Rent 'DU
forbear to take notice of, deeming it unnecessary until
the for<egoing most material business is completed.
, All which is submitted as our report this 23rd day
of July, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said report Order.
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
act of assembly, and that tbe several matters in the fore-
going report mentioned be referred to the finance com-
mittoo with the powers required by them, and to report
the whole of their proceedings to the next general
quarter assembly.
And that it be an instruction to the committee in any Instruction.
arrangements they may propose, to bear in view a deter-
mination that no money be raised in future on any
account by city bonds, unless it shall appear particll- City bonds
larly advantageous to do SO, for the specific purpose
only of purchasing outstanding leases or for reducing Leases.
our annual expenses, and that in slLch instanoe, the Expenses.
money so raised be IQdged in the treasurer's hands to
the credit of trustees, to consist of three members' of the Trustees.
Board and' six of the Commons, and (0 be drawll for
such specific purpose alone by the said trustees, so as
to keep such money so raised free and distinct from the
other city acoounts.
'1'he Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with Agreed to.
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing addition tu
the order all the committee of finance report.
[23.) Robert Usher, praying to be appointed craneI' Usller,
of the butter crane on Usher's quay: whereupon it was
OJ'dm'ed, that the said Robert Usher be and is hereby
City seal.
tion. "I
appointeu cranr of the crane on Usher's quay during
good behaviour, agreeable lo act of parliament, that he
have an appointment under the city seal, and enter into
a bond beforfl the Lord Mayor with sufficient security
conditioned for the tme aud faithful execution of his
office. That the said R,obert Usher do at his own
expense provide a convenient weigh-house, and also
beams and scales, weights, branding irons, and other
necessaries, and that the place for keeping such weigh-
house shall be approVd of by the Lord Mayor. He the
said Robert Usher first resigning his seat in the
commons as one of the representatives of the corporation
of coopers.
"I, Robert Usher, do hereby resign to the right
honourable the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin the place and office of one
of the representatives in the common council of said city
for the corporation of coopers.
"Given under my hand and seal this 17th day of
July, 1812.
"Robert Usher. (Seal.)"
'Abraham Bradley King, Lord Mayor.-William
Henry Archer.-John Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-
Samuel Reed.-llferedith Jenkin.-Richard Manders.-
'l'homas Andrews.-Charles Thorp.'
1812. July I7.- Admissions to
181:J. July 17.-Declaration and signatures.
1812. October I6.-Third Friday after the 29th of ID. 99.
Michaelmas Assembly held at the City Assembly
House in William street.
Lord Mayor: Abraham Bradley King.
Sheriffs: George Studdart and Lewis Morgan.
[1.] William Henry Archer, late Lord Mayor,
ing for usual sum of 1,000, under act of Easter
assembly 1792: whereupon it was ordered, that the
city treasurer cIa, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay Payment.
alderman \Villiam Henry Archer the sum of 1,000,
for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[2.] Alderman William Henry Archer, late Lord
;,[ayor, praying for usual sum of 1,000, under act of Mayoralty
Easter assembly 1811: whereupon it was ordered, that
the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant,
pay petitioner the sum of 1,000. for the reasons in his Payment.
petition mentioned.
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 12th day of October, 1812.
'\Ve, the committee appointed for better supplying Rep""
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg to inform your
lordship and honours that we have paid particular
attention to the various business, which you werG
pleased to commit to our care since we last reported.
'And your committee derive much satisfaction in
informing you, that your pipe water establishment in
general amI its works are progressively advancing to a
state of perfection. The citizens were never better
supplied, ane! your committee IHwe every hope that Supply
even the complaints at present existing will be in
the course of the following three months completely
'Your basin at Portobello has
called the Richmond Basin, and
been opened, now Portobello.
the works of the
whole reflect much credit on your engineer: it is now
full of the most pure water ane! will afford a, copious
supply to the southern parts of this city.
'Your committee received a memorial from Mr. Grimwnod.
John Grimwood, nursery-man, for planting and orna- mau,
1812. menting it, and we have agreed with him so to do for
Expen.e. t he sum of fift y guineas, he covenanting to keep it in
Plants. repair, and making good any failure in the plants, for
a term of three years-to which he has agreed, and
the work is now in procedure-and will when
Walk. completed form a most pleasing walk.
'Your committee received a memorial from Mrs.
Boman. Nicolina Homan, widow of your late officer Richard
Homan, (whom you some time since allowed to retire
Salary. from age and infirmity at a salary of 90, per annum)
praying some aid for the remainder of her life--awl
your committee having maturely considered same are
Payment. of opinion and do recommend that she be paid 30,
per annum, for her life, in consideration of the
services of her late husband whilst able to perform his
'Your committee conceived it but a performance of
Thanks their duty to return their sincere thanks to the late
Archer. Lord Mayor, alderman \Villiam Henry Archer, and also
Barty. to the late Sheriffs, messieurs Robert Harty and John
James. Kingston J ames for the uniform attention paid by them
to the various business of this committee, as well
as for their polite attention at all times individually
and collectively to your committee during {heir year of
'And your committee beg to recommend that Mr.
\Vilson Tomey, overseer of the north department, do
Salary. get a salary of 150, per annum, during the life of
Homan. Mrs. Nicolina Homan, whom your committee have
Annuity. recommended to get 30, per annum, out of the salary
of said office, in conseqnence of Mr. Richard Homan's
, All which is submitted as our report this 12th day
of October, 1812.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly; it was m. 99
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed 1812.
and made an act of assembly.
[4.] Certain of the commons, sotting forth th at the City leases
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 12th day
of October, 1812.
'"Ve, the committee appointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your lordship
and honours that we have been studiously attentive TO
the business referred to us. And your committco beg
to report that in consequence of some mistake which
occulTed last asscm bly on gran ting the lease of
premises in B'ishamble street to .i\[r. 'rhomas Kennan
at the rent of' 20, per annum, your committee judgerl street.
it right to reconsider same, and Mr. Thomas Kennan
having attended your committee, he in the handsomest
manner agreed to take a lease of his premises in Fish- Lease
amble street at the increased rent of 2G, per annum, Rent.
to which your committee assented; they therefore
recommend that a lease be made out and put under the
city seal to Mr. Thomas Kennan at that rent, to com- City sen!.
mence 25th March next.
, Your committee teok into consideration the petition
of Thomas Keatinge, esquire, barrister-at-law, for
renewal premises in south Great George's street, which street.
your commitJ;ee minutely examined. Your committee
took also into consideration the petition of Richard
Longford for renewal premises also in south Great Longford.
George's street, which your committee in like manner
, examined, and having referred same to the law agents,
who reported they were entitled, your committee are
of opinion and do recommend they be granted.
, And your committee here beg leave to observe that
in all renewals to be in futur e gr-anted, your committf'e Renewals.
conceive it will be absolutely necessary, as they have
done on the present occasion, to procure affidavits from Affidavits.


the parties applying for snch renewals oroth;;r sufficient
documents to shew that the life in whose room appli-
cation is made to renew, is not dead more than a year.
'For your committee conceive that under the con-
struction of the several covenants contained in your
leases granting renewals for seventy years, the party
applying is barred the right of such renewal in case of
his suffering more than one life to lapse, and that even
in that event, the application must be made within
twelve' months, in this idea, your committee are fortified
by the opinion of your Recorder.
, Your ()ommittee therefore conceive it will be a con-
siderable advantage to your property in future if this
regulation is adhered to, for they find that heretofore
on application for renewals several leases have been
renewed where even two lives have dropped, and those
dead for several years-to remedy which in future your
committee reco=end the mode now pointed out to be
'And your committee having also maturely con-
sidered the pBtition of Mary Lett for a renewal of
premises in College Green, and she having made it
appear that she made application for ,a, renewal within
one year after the death of her husband, the life
dropped-your committee recommend that she get the
'And your committee ,also recommend that Mr. Arthur
R.ichards Neville, your city surveyor, be paid the
amount of his bill, being 117 12s. 3d.
, All which is submitted as our report this 12th day
of October, 1812.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was
t hereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[5.) " R.esolved, that a committee be appointed for the
purpose of preparing an address to his royal highness'18JJ,.ess.
the Prince Regent congratulating him 11pon the recent
glorious and signal victory obtained by his majesty's Victory.
arms and those of his allies under the command of the
Marquis Wellington over the French army invading
the Peninsula.of Spain and Portugal upon the plains of Salamanca.
The Sheriffs and Oommons the concurrence Concnr'
of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the above rence.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen concur Committee.
with the Sheriffs and Oommons in the foregoing reso-
lution, and that aldermen William Henry Archer,
Henry Howison, Frederick Darley, and John Oash,
together with four of the commons to bEl named by the
Sheriffs and Oommons, be a committee for the purpose
of preparing the above address.
[The four of the commons: ] 1Iessieurs Richard Commous.
(Juinness, John Kingston James, Matthew West, Robert
[6.] James Evatt, praying to be continued one of the
pipe water collectors: whemllpon it was ordered, that collecU,r.
the said James Evatt be and is hereby continued one vi
the collectors of the pipe wate,r revenue during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas
assembly 1813, he giving such security for the faithful Security.
di scharge of ttie duties of that office, as the pipe water
committee shall approve of, and paying to the city
treasurer all snch sums of money as he shall from time
t<J time receive, said security to be entered into in <In('
month from this date, <Jr this order to be void.
[7.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freodom of
city to the honourable Robert Peel on being appointed
Ohief Secretary to the lord lien tenant : whereupon it Secretary.
was granted, gratis, and ordered that same be presented
by the Lord JliIayor and Sheriffs ,a,ccompanied with a
Commit tee
Duke of
suitabl e address to be prepared by a committee COI1 - :;Oi
sisting of aldermen .Tohl1 Exshaw, John Carletoll
treasurer, Henry Howison, Charles Thorp, and Mark
Bloxham, with five of the commons to be named by the
Sberiifs and Commons, and that said address be
engrossed and put under the city seal.
[The five of the commons:] Messieurs J ames l{ing,
John Giffard, Sir .Tohn Ferns, William lIcAuley,
William Oope.
[8.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to hi s grace the Duke of Leinster: whereupon it
was granted, gratis, and ordered that same be presented
by the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and corporation at large,
accompanied with a suitable address to be prepared by
Committee. a committee consisting of aldermen John Exshaw,
John Carleton the treasurer, Henry Howison, Charles
Thorp, and Mark Bloxham, together with five of the
commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons,
and that said address be engrossed and put under the
city seal.
Commons. [The five of the commons:] Messieurs l\Iatthew West,
Duke of
J ohn Thomas Sinnett, John Read, William Porler,
Iiich ard Guinness.
' '1.'0 his grace Frederick Augustus, Duke of Leinster.
etc. etc. etc.
, May it please your grace.
'We, the Lord Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of this ancient and loyal city, beg leave to
test ify the happiness we in common with the rest of
our fell ow citizens feel on your arrival in this your
native country. Anxious to have your grace enrolled
as a freeman amongst us, we have tbis d.ay unani-
mously voted your freedom to you. convinced that from
your urbanity of manners, and the anxiety you have
already exp118ssed for your country's interests, and its
<vii. fu/ure prosperity, your name will ,add dignity and
lustre to our list of freemen.
, May your grace long continue to enjoy with unin-
terrupted happiness your possessions and honours
unsullied, and diffuse happiness around you.
, In testimony whereof, we have causfld the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th day City seal.
of October, in the year of our Lord, 1812.'
Tho Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurnmce of the Sheriffs anti Commons in approving
of the foregoing address.-Allowed.
And which address having been pr,esonted by
Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and corporation at large,
grace was pleased to return the following answer_
" My Lord and Gentlemen.
" On my return to my native country, I receive with Leinster_
the warmest gratitude, the honour of your kind address,
accompanied hy the freedom of your ancient and loyal
city;-with its interests and those of Ireland, I am
sincerely anxious to identify my own ;--on such senti-
ments ha,v{) the repI18sentatives of my house long restecl
their claims to the confidence of both.
"Your proffered proof of such confidence, I thore- Confidence.
fore accept as the best acknowledgment of all former
-the best pledgo for all future attachment to my
family. family.
".My personal gratitude is peculiarly due to your Gratitude.
fiattering wishes for the permanence of my happiness,
possessions, .aml honours, which will ever find their Possessions.
firmest foundation in those of the British Empire, my
native country, and your greal city.
" Leiuster."
[9.] Ann Beasly, widow, praying for aid: whereupon Beasly.
it was ordered, that petitioner bo paid by the city Grant.
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum vf Roll .
thirty guinea.s, for the reasons in her petition mentioned. m. 9
[10.] "Resolved, that a committee be appointed for
tho purpose of preparing an address of thanks to our
late worthy chief magistrate alderman "\Villiam Henry
Archer for his very proper conduct in every rE>,> pect
during his year of office."
The Lord JliIayor and Board of Aldermen concur with
the Sheriffs and Commons in tbe foregoing resolution,
and that aldelmell Sir William Alexander, John
Exsbaw, and Henry Howison together with six of the
commons be a committee for preparing the above
[The six of tbe commons:] Messieurs Robert Harty,
John Kinglston James, Joshua Dixon, Daniel Hutton,
William Dixon, Alexander Montgomery.
[11.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to the right bonourable Richard, Lord Viscount
Powerscourt: whereupon it was ordered, tbat the same
be presented in the most respectful manner.
[12.] Certain of tbe commons, praying for freedom
of city to captain Talbot: whereupon it was granted,
[13.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to captain Sproule: whereupon it was granted,
[14.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to "\Villiam Gregory, esquire, under-secretary la
the lord li eutenant: wliereupon it was granted, gratis.
[J 5.] Catherine Da,rquier, praying for aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's {varrant the sum of 20,
for the rpasons in her petition mentioned.
[lG.l Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to James Sadler, esquire: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
i b.
[17.] Resolutions relating to the Court of Conscience. of
i. "Resolved, that it appears by the fifteenth section
of an act passed in the thirty-third of the reign of 1759.
King George the Second, entitled" An act for better
regulating the Corporation of Dublin, etc." That the
Chief Magistrate with the assistance of the Aldermen,
Sheriffs, and Sheriffs' Peers of this city had from time
immemorial exercised a jurisdiction in the Court of
Conscience, for determining ca uses between party and
party nnder the value of forty shillings, which by said Value.
act was confirmed. t
ii. "Resolved, that land and every necessary of life N
would this day sell for more than four times the sum of life.
which similar articlos sold for at the time of passing
the before mentioned act, and that the jurisdiction of
the Court of Conscience is thereby proportionately
iii. "Resolved, that from the very heavy costs Law costs.
attending all law proceedings, small sums cannot be Proceed-
recovered in any of the superior courts without incur-
ring an expense greatly exceeding the amount of the
debt, which presses heavily on all persons concerned in
the retail trade of this city-and therefore we are of
opinion that it would be of essential service to the public,
if the jurisdiction of the Court of Ccnscience was
extended to the sum of six pounds sterling.
iv. "Resolv.ed, that a committee of some. of the
members of each House be appointed to propose. a plan
for the regulation of the Court, where causes shall
tried when the sum sued for shall exceed forty shillings
-and also to prepare a petition to parliament for
carrying the foregoing resolutions into effect, and to
submit the same to the next Christmas assembly-and
that our representatives be requested to present said
J JI. c. 16. (L759).
petition to parliament the ensuing session and take such
Alter law. measures as they may deem expedient to alter the law
in this particular at the least expense to the city."
The Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrence
of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in the fore-
going resolutions.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree
with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing reso-
lutions, and that a committee consisting of aldermen
John Exshaw, Charles Thorp, Robert Shaw, and John
Claudius Beresford, together with eight of the commons
to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons be a
Petition. committee for the purpose of preparing a petition to
parliament for the purposes in the foregoing resolutions
mentioned, and that they do report to a post assembly
to be convened for that purpose.
[The eight of the commons:] :Messieurs George
Richard Guinness, Simon Boileau, John
Head, John Thomas Sinnett, Sir Edward Stanley,
William Porter, Daniel Hutton.
[18.] "Resolved, that the report of the finance
committee be postponed, and that a committee bB
specially appointee! to further consider the same, and
prepare instructions for the Lord :Mayor and Sheriffs
to communicate with govemment upon the subject. of
Paving tax. the paving tax and any other matters connected with
the report, and to report the result thereof to a further
adjournment of this assembly."
Committee. '1'hc Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and CDmmons in the foregoing resolution,
save as to that part which relates to the Lord Mayor
and Sheriffs going to government until such instruc-
tions be first cQmmunicat,ed to and approved of by the
Assembly. as&embly, and that a committee consisting of aldermen
William Henry Archer. Henry Howison, Henry Gore
Sankey, John Cla.udius Beresford, Bloxham, and
'l'homas ::IlcKenny, together with twelve of the commons 1812.
to be named by the Sheriffs and Oommons be and are
hereby appointed a committee for the purpose of carry- Committ"e.
ing into effect the foregoing resolution, and to report
their opinion thereon to an adjournment of this
[The twelve of the commons: 1 }fessieuJ"s Sir Ed ward Commons.
Stanley, Oeorge \Varner, Daniel Hutton, Simon
Boileau, John rrhomas Sinnott, John Read, Alexander
Montgom(lry, Robert Sutter, Richard Guinness, John
Kingston James, \Villiam Porter, John Pitlar.
[19.] "Resolved, that the sincere thanks of the Thanks.
. James,
Sheriffs and Oommons be and are hereby returned to
our late worthy High Sheriff John Kingston J!ames,
esquire, for the active, upright, and honourable manner
in which he discharged the duties of that important
oflioo. "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously Agreed to.
agree with the Sheriffs and Oommons in the foregoing
resol u tion.
[20.] "Resolved, that we will by every lawful
means in our power-ever support the Protestant dancy.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree Agreerl to.
with the Sheriffs and Oommons in the foregoing
" Resolved, _that we do most warmly congratulate and
thank our Protestant countrymen, who in the various and
counties have stood forward to maintain the Oonstitu-
tion in Church and State."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldcrmen agree Agreed to.
with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
[21.] "Resolved, that a message be sent to the Lord City lease,.
Mayor and Board of Aldermen re'1uesting their
concurrence in empowering the finance committee in
1812. conjunction with the committee of city leases to confer ! , : l ~ f '
with the different tenants whose leases will shortly
Agreed to.
Ground for
Agreed to.
City leases.
expire, in order to report on what terms renewals should
he granted to them, and that the finance committee be m
continued till next assembly."
The Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrenc{\
of the Lord Mayor and.Board of Aldermen in the fore-
going resolution.
The Lord Ma,yor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the above resolution, and
request their concurrence in recommitting the finance
committee's report, and that they do report to next
[22.] "Resolved, that the city surveyor be directed
to make out a plan of the ground adjoining the :1fansion
House, which can be set for building without injuring
the appearance or convenience of it, and that same be
made out in lots-such plan to be laid before the com-
mittee of city leases, who are to report their opinion to
the next assembly."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree
with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
[23.J "Resolved, that no proposal for a lease or
renewal of a lease of any holdings under the city be
received by the committee of city leases, unless accom-
panied by a, map and survey of the same under signa-
ture of our surveyor, and of the party applying, the
same to be made at the party's expense, and that the
city surveyor be directed to lay before the said com-
mittee a schedule of prices for such work for their
The Lord :1fayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.-Allowed.
, A braham Bradley King, Lord l\Iayor.-John
97 !
11 xxvii.
97 b.

DUBLIN ASSEMBLY ROLL, 1812-1813. 355
Exshaw.-Henry Gore Sankey.-Charles Thorp.-1812.
Nathaniel Hone.-Hugh Trevor.-Fr<'Clerick Darley.
-John Alley.-Richard 7Ifanders.-John Claudius
Beresford.-Robert Shaw.-Thomas ;-"TcKenny.-John
Carleton.-John Cash.-\Villiam Henry Archer.'
1812. October l6.-Admissions to franchise. Franchise.
18J 2. October 16.-Declaration and signatures.
1813. January 22.-Fourth Friday after the 25th of 1813.
December, 1812.
Christmas Assembly hdd at the City Assembly
House in William street.
[1.] Auditors of the city accounts for the last year. of
Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, masters of the works, aldermen accounts.
WiIliam Henry Archer, John Exshaw, Samuel Reed,
Thomas Andrews, Nathaniel Hone, John Cash, .John
Claudius 13eresford, Rob{'rt Shaw, John Alley, and
eighteen of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons or any nine of them. whereof the Lord Mayor
and one of tho Sheriffs to be always two, and in the
absence of the Lord Mayor, the senior alderman present
to preside, be and are hereby appoint{'d a committee tll
audit the city accounts from the 29th September, 1811,
to 29th September, 1812.
[The {'ighteen of the commons:] M,essiellrs Francis Commons.
Hamilton, George \Varner, John Thomas Sinnett,
William Dickson, \Villiam Shenvin, Sir Edward
Stanley, John Reed, R{)bert Sutter, Jonas Paisley,
Charles Thorpo, Daniel Hutton, Nathanid Craven,
George Callaghan, Thomas I\IcCready, Alexander
Montgomery, \Villiam Porter, John Pittar, Thomas
[2.] Ordered. that Robert Harly and John Kingston
James, esqnires, late High Sheriffs, be and are hereby
appointed masters of the city works for the ensning
City law
Fisher and
Jaw agents.
356 DUBLIN .\.SSElIBLY ROLL, 1813.
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting fort.h that the
committee appointed for conducting the city's law
business have made the annexed report of the 15th day
of OctDber, 1812.
'We, the committee appointed for conducting the
city's law business, beg leave to inform your lordship
and honours that we appointed a sub-committee con-
sisting of alderman John Cash, messieurs GeDrge
\'.7 arner and John Reed to examine and inspect the
accounts Df messieurs Fisher and Greene, law agents,
for business by them transacted for your lordship and
honours, who reported unto us.
, That they had carefully examined the said accounts
commencing in July, 1811, and ending the first instant,
being a period of one year and three months, amount-
ing to the sum of 357 Is. and that they found
said accounts regularly taxed by the re.spective proper
officers, and that the law agents produced unto them an
order from a committee appointBd by your lordship and
honours directing the law agents to do the several
business by them charged for, as required by an act of
assembly for that purpose."
'We therefore recommend that messieurs Fisher and
Greene be paid said sum of 357 Is .. 8td., which will
be in full to the first instant.
, And the sub-committee having stated that a part of
said costs was incurred in consequence of a false arrest
malle by one of the serjeants at mace and also an officer
nnder the corporation, we suggested the propriety of
having his salary stopped nntil the whole of said costs
be thereby discharged and which the magistrates
agreed to do.
, All which we submit as our report this 15th day of
Uctober, 1812.'
11 xxvii.
107 b.
" We, the sub-committee appointed to examine the Report.
accounts of messieurs Fisher and Greene, law agents,
beg leflve to inform your lordship and honours that we
have carefully examined the said accounts commencing Accounts.
in J uly, 1811. and ending the first instant, being a
peri od of one year and three months, amounting to the
sum of 357 1 s. 8!d., which we found regularly taxerl
by the respective proper officers,-and the law agents !-:;;;t,.
produced unto us an order from a committee directing
them to do the several business by them charged in sflid
accounts, as required by fln act of assembly for that
purpose. "Ve therefore recommend that said accounts
be reported to the next assembly and that it be recom-
mended that messieurs Fisher and Greene be paid said Payment.
sum of 357 Is. 8te!., being the amount of their said
accounts and in full to the first instant.
" A. ll which IVB submit as our report this 14th day of
October , 1812."
And the sflid commons, praying to confirm said report Order.
aml make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report oonfirmed and made an
act of assembly, and ordered that application be made
to John GrEigory, the officer at mace, to pay the amount
of the costs incnrred by his means, and in case of nOll-
compliance that his sureties, who are sufficient, be sued
for r ecovery of the same.
[4.] Cer tain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the .annexed report of t.he 14th day of
October, 1812.
' \Ve, the committee appointed for examining trad",- Report.
men's bills, beg to inform your honours that several

358 DUllLIK ASSE}l11LY ROLL, 1813.
bills were la ill before us, amoullting in the whole to
824 I s. 8td., to wit :-
Alderman .John Exshaw for printing
and st ationery commencing 16th
September 1811, and ending 14th
s. d.
September 1812, amount 126 1 8
' William Leet for three gowns for
officers of mace 15 0 0
'Dublin Journal for advertisements
commencing 2nd October 1810,
and ending 6th Angnst, 1812 60 2 6
, Thomas Reed for plumbers work com-
mencing 11th September 1811, and
ending 2:5th August 1812 67 17 3
'Richard Jacksoll for glass work at
Mansion House commencing 27th
Septcm ber 1810, and ending 8th
July, 1812 101 12 2
'Richanlson and NDlan for carpeting
for lIfansion House
'JDhn Dickinson for iron work at
MansiDn House co=encing 2nd
September 1811, and ending 17th
64- 5 7
August 1812 ... 81 4 7
'1fessieur Harty's bill for stockings
for battle-axs-guards ... 4 18 7
' Benjamin Eatoll for carpenters work
at Jl.Iansion House commencing
27th August, 1811, and ending
19th December, 1811 ... 132 4 8
George Darley for wDrk 1I0ne at
Mansion House in 1811 62 10
To the same person for work dOllS for
the year 1812 at same place 107 7 9
824 8I
U xxvii.
107 b ..
, 'Which said several bills amount in the whole to the 1813.
slim of 824 Is. aml being properly vouched by 01 bills.
affidavit, your committee are of opinion should be paid.
, And your oommittee conceive it advisable that all
bills of what ' nature soever due by you to the present
period should be forthwith flll'nishcd, to the end that
you may know your real sitnation, so as to be entirely
free from debt your proposed plan of
retrenchment, which your committee judge it highly
necessary should be adopted by you.
'In addition to the for egoing accounts, your com-
mittee beg to r ecommend that the bill be paid of the :-
s. d.
'Freeman' s J onrnal for adverti sillg,
amoun ting to fi 0
, Amount of foregoing account 824 1
'Which being added makes a total of 829 2
, All which is submitted as our repor t this 14th day
of October, J812. '
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Order.
r eport and make same an act of assembly: it was ther e-
upon gr anted, the committee' s reIlort confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and ordered that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord :\layor's warrant, pay the Paymenb
several in the witbin report mentioned.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dubl in with pipo water have made the annexed r eport
of the 21st (lay of J anllflry, 1813.
'We, the oommitt ee appointed for better supplying Report .
the city of Dublin with pi pe water, beg to inform your
honours tJl at we have paid ever y attenti on to the
business committed la our care since we last reported.
Your committee gave directions to the engineer to
1813. suspend all hoavy works, except such as were indis-ll<lll D
Suspension m. 106.
of work.. pensable until the season became more favourable.
Bills. ' And your committee directed in future that all bills
laid before this committee for payment should contain
Certincate,. a certificate by the storekeeper, specifying particularly
where the work was done and also certified by the
engineer that the prices were the proper and accus-
Charges. tomed charges,-a measure from which your com-
mittee are convinced considerable advantage will be
And your committee have much satisfaction in
stating, that the inhabitants of this city were never
more abundantly or regularly supplied with water
than they are at present, and that if any complaints be
existing, they are occasioned by the unavoidable but
Met.1 pipes. temporary inconvenience of the laying down of metal
, And your committee received a letter from Sir
Stanley. Edward Stanley requesting a supply of w,ater for the
rear of the Royal Barracks, which your committee
referred to your engineer to report thereon, so as to
enable your committee to ascertain but a fair compen-
sation, for snch supply, after deducting the heavy per-
centage payable to both canals, the expense of col-
lecting, etc. et c.
, All which is submitted as our report this 21st day
of January, 1813.'
Order. And thE) said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
City leases. [6.J Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 21st day
of January, 1813.
Report. '\Ve, the committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, beg Iave tQ inform your lordship 1813.
and honours that we have paid every attention to the
business committed to onr care since we last reported.
Your committee having read the petitions of the right
honourable the:-
, Lord Mayor, Abraham Dradley King for renewal of King.
premises ,on Aston's quay.
'Mr. Monntiford John Hay for renewal of premises Hay
situate on Aston's quay, also:-
'Nicholas Morris for renewal of premises on Hagg Morris.
'"Ve referred same to the law agents to report
whether they were respectively entitled to such
renewals, who reported that ths Lord Mayor having Renewals.
applied for renewal within ths time prescribed, your
committee are of opinion that the same be granted to
him. But your committoo are of opinion from the law
agents report, that ths other petitions cannot at present Petitions.
00 complied with, it not appearing at what period the
li ves sought to be renewed died.
, All which is submitted as onr report this 21st day
of January, 1813.'
And ths said commons, praying to confirm said Order.
report and maks SHms an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's r,eport confirmed and
made an act S; f assembly.
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the Finance
and city
committee of finance and city leases ~ i t t i n g together leases.
have made the annexed report of tlw 21st day of
January, 1813.
'We, the committee of finance and city leases sitting Report.
together, to whom yom lordship and honours were
06 b. pleased to refer the situation of your finances and to Finances.
enquiro how the same may be increased, so as to meet Increase.
your expenditure, beg leave to inform you that we have Expendi-
closely applied ourselves t,o the very arduous and tnre.
important business so confided to our care-and your
c<lI1llnittee derive much satisfaction in having it in
their power to report that in some instances, they have
slIcceeded in their endeavours for your lordship and
honours' interest.
'Your committee fir,;t appli ed themselves to the
premises in Essex street originally demised to KeviIJ
Pooley, which will expire ill the year 1822, and which
is now in the tenancy of Humphry Butler, esquire, and
which pays your lordship and honours at present but a
rent of 30, per annum, and which your committee
minutely examined and valued. They find that if now
out of lease, it would produce about the sum of 1.4GO,
Profit rent. annually, and they find that .Mr. Butler has a profit
rent well and securely paid to him for the residue of his
t<- rm of the sum of 836 7s. 6d.
'Mr. Butler not having it in his power to sell, your
committee judged it expedient and most for your interest
to become his tenant for the :msidue of his term at his
present profit rent, thereby getting into immediate pos-
session of the whole of these valuable concerns, so as to
afford you by new letting it, a profit increase of
between 500, and 600, per annum, to this proposal
Mr. Butler has agreed.
, And therefore your committee feel no hesitation in
recommending your lordship and honours to adopt this
line of conduct, namely. to become Mr. Butler's tenant
from 29th September last, at the annual sum of 840,
npon getting the residue of his interest vested in your
lordship and honours, thereby enabling you instantly
to deal with the occupying tenants for the term usually
granted by you, and to which the greater part of the
tenantry would gladly accede, as the entire property
would then be considerably improved, the presenL
tenants Sll ffering their holdings to go to df'Cay from tba
shortness of their leases.
6 b.
DUBLIN ROLL, 181 3. 363
'Your committee beg to submit to your lordship and 1813.
honours, that the r eason that the annual r ent to be paid
to Mr. Butler is somewhat more than what appears as Butler.
his profit ront at the foot of hi s rental (which is hereto
subjoined) is, that onc of the lenants' leases (Mr. James
Jackson) is at present expired, and he has offered Mr. Jackson.
Butler 7, per annum, more. for a lease of even his
unexpired term, of course Mr. Butler would be entitled
for his residue to such rise.
'Your committee then turned their attention to Crowe.
Orowe's holding situate at Essex Bridge and Essex
qu,ay, which at present pays you annually the sum of
20, and which will expire in 1822, and having with
equal attention viewed and valued it, and having had
interviews wilh the different tenants on the subj ect of
their respective tenures-yom' committee have only as
yet been enabled to come to a decision with two of them
, :\1r. Burnett who is the head landlord of 1fr. John Burnelt.
Eelly on Essex quay, and who is as your committee quay.
conceive best enti tled to a lease, he is satisfied to become
your tenant at the atmual rent of 25, during the Rent.
existence of the present lease, amI 50, afterwards on a
lease of eighty years.
'111'. Thomas }.[ason, optician, another tenant on
these concerns, is satisfied to become your tenant for a
similar term a't the annual r ent of 80, during his Rent.
present lease, amI 100, per annum, for the residue
'Your committee therefore upon a minule calculation
and an accurate examination of these premises strongly
recommend leases to ' be granted them on the terms
'Your committee received a proposal from Stewart
King, esquire, for an extension of the lease of premises, King.
which he holds near Baldoyle, for a term of forty-three Baldoyle.
of rent.
364 DUBLIN ROLL. 1813.
years, yet unexpired, formerly in the tenure of the late :1:[
Sir William Jl,fontgomery, baronet, and for which he at
present pays the annua,l rent of 41 18s. 4d., and
offering to leave the incI'eased rent he ought to pay upon
such be ascertained by two notary
publics. Your committee however declined this mode I
of proceeding, and having taken same into their con-
sideration have upon a minute oalculation offered to
recommend a lease to be given him for ninety-nine years m.
from 23rd March next at 100, per annum.
, It also appeared to your committee, that Mr. Stewart
Ring has a small stripe of ground adjoining his house
containing three acres and twenty-two perches, which
he holds for the same unexpired term as his other hold-
interest of which he purchased from the
executors of the late Mr. Adderly, and for which he does
not pay any rent, nor for the remainder of the unexpired
term-oould your lordship and honours derive any
benefit therefrom-for this he has acceded to your
committee's proposal of paying annually from the 25th
of March next, the sum of 3, making the whole of his
annual rent from 25th March next the sum of 103.
'So that by this agreement your lordship and
honours get an immediate increase of 61 1s. 8d., of
which you could not avail yourself for forty-three years
to (}{lme. Your committee therefore trust they need not
take up much of your attention in pointing out that the
entering into this agreement will in the present state of
your affairs be highly advantageous to be adopted by
. Your committee also minutely examined the several
charters and grants to your lordship and honours of
Sum paid. Toll and of Custom, and find that the sum of 2,000,
Paving act. per 8 DllUm, paid to the Commissioners of Paving, has
been so paid under an act passed in oomplete ignorance,
and in direct violation of the charter of king EdWlard 1813.
. Charters.
the Thn'd, and confirmed by Charles the Second, to be
exonerated from which your committee conceive your
Corporation hav every claim.
Your committoo feeling that the suggestion respect-
ing this matter, so very material to your interest,
originated with Sir Edward St'anley. Your committe Slanley.
requested his assistance (though not a member of your
committoo) and your committee cannot in terms
sufficiently thank him for the friendly aid afforded by Aid.
him throughout their variolls sittings, whereby they
derived considerable information.
And they now have the satisfaction of laying before
you three memori,als; one to be presented to his royal Memorials.
highness the Prince Regent, another for his grace the
Lord Lieutenant, and a third to be presented to both
Houses of the framing of those
different memorials, your committee would not act as
they conceive they ought, did they not return one of
their members (alderman John Claudius Beresford) lleresford.
their sincere thanks for his research, exertions, and
sedulous attention, and they conceive him well entitled
to tliat of your lordship and honours.
\Vhether these memorials will have the effect Memorials.
intended or not, your committee cannot at present sur-
mise, but they venture to affirm, that there is
sufficient grou;ld contained therein to shew that their
just claim is beyond controversy, to be relieved from the
further payment of the 2,000, per annum, to the 10
Paving Commissioners.
Your committee also turner! a considerable portion
of their attention to the lands of Clonturk, now tenanted
by Sir John Coghill, and which pays you at present but Coghill
. 40 5s., per annum, and will expire in the year 1821.
They hav,s had it minutely viewed and valuer!, and
have had an offer from Sir John Coghill, through his
TaUs and
agent of 1,490. per annum, for a lease of it for seventy ~ 1 ~ 1 '
'Your committee however oould not think of recom-
mending you to perfect a lease at that rent, but have
proposed to Sjr John Coghill, to recommend that a lease
be granted to him for the term proposed at the annual
rent of 1,800, per annum, for the profit rent he
receives, in , the same manner as your committee have
mentioned in this their report respecting ;',Ir. Humphry
Butler's holding. These proposals have been forwarded
by Sir John Coghill's agent to him to France, he being
a prisoner there, and to which your committee have not
as yet received any reply.
'Your committee therefore conceive it would be
prudent for your lordship and honours to empower
your committee to carry into effect such of the terms
proposed and forwarded to him as he may accede to--
and in tho event of Sir John Coghill not agreeing to
either of the proposals so forwarded to him, that then
the oommittee shall have power to deal with such of
the under-tenants as shall be inclined so to do--and
reporting such to your lordship and honours for rejec-
tion or confirmation.
'And your committee judge it would be highly
beneficial to your interest, if the Tolls and Customs (the
lease of which will expire 29th September next) were to
be set from that period for a term of seven years, by
sealed proposals for each gate, such proposals to be
lodged with the Lord Mayor, and indorsed-" Proposals
for the Tolls for seven years "-and such proposals to
be advertised to be received immediately after the
expiration of this assembly, until a week prior to the m 10
next Easter qua,rterly assembly, and numbered accord-
ing to order. And that the person proposing the
highest for each' gate shall then be recommended to the
assembly as tenant for the t ~ r m of seven years for such
5 b.
gate, such person paying down one-fourth of tho
rent agreed upon as a fi ne prior to the perfection of the Le.,e.
lease .
Your committee are conoerne(l, that their almost
daily exertions for your interest for the last three Interest.
months, havo not been more effective. Your lordship
and honours will however see that ground is laid for a
very considerable increase in the objects your com- Increase.
mittee have recommended for adoption, and which will
come under their discussion in the ensuing threo
months .
All which is submitted as our report this 21 st day of
J anuary, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm &aid Order.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granteel, the committee's report confirmecl and
made an act of assembly,-except that pmi which
rela,tes to the renewing the lease to Sir J ohn Coghill,
it being much more to the advantage of the corporation
to renew with the tenants on the lands of Clonturk,- C1onturk.
and also save amI except that part which relates to the King.
renewal of the lease to Stowart King es([uire.
And it is ordered, that the proposers for the Toll, and
Cust.oms Gates shall attend on a certain day to bo
named by the committeo of Tolls and Customs in con-
junction with the finance committee with their
proposals to be'"given in then by them, and to bo opened Proposals.
in their presence, and that the term of the &Otling shall
not exceed three years, and pr<wiclocl that a fair value
be otrerecl.
And it is further onlorcd, that previous to the setting
of the T'01l s and Customs, the regulated prices be put Prices.
upon a painted board. that all persons paying should
not be imposed upon.
l8.J .. Resolved, that a relluction on all salaries
payabl e by the corporation to their respect ive officers,


and on all gifts and annuities, shall take place
from 29th September last, at the rate of 20, per
cent, save and except that of the present Lord Mayor,
his lordship having incurred the expenses attendant
upon entering his office prior to the present idea of
retrenchment. "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution, save and except that no reduction
shall take place from the period mentioned upon such
gifts and annuities, as shall not exceed the sum of ten
[9.] "Resolved, that the consideration of relinquish-
ing the Mansion House shall be postponed until the
event of the several petitions submitted to this assembly
as proper to present to his royal highness the Prince
Regent, his grace the Lord Lieutenant, and to both
Houses of Parliament shall be known."
The Lord Mayor ancl Board of Alclermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.-Allowed.
[10.] "Resolvecl, that it appears that your income
has been increased from the last assembly in a sum of
370, and that proposals have been made by several
of your tenants, which if accepted of, would add
upwards of 1,687, per annum, to your income. Your
committee of finance therefore very properly postponed
yet coming to any decision on .a matter of so great
importance, but from the respective demands now due
and becoming due upon your treasurer, are of opinion
that a sum of 7,000, be raised by bonds for the purpose
of discharging the same, as your income is now fully
equal to the payment of the interest thereof."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution, and that bonds tD the amonnt of m. 10
7,000, be made out and put under the city seal for the
purposes in the foregoing resolution mentioned.- .
[11.] "Resolved, that the thanks of this assembly be Tb"nks.
given to alderman William Henry Archer, late Lord
Mayor, for the very liberal and handsome manner iu
which he has declined tne usual compensation for pro-
viding a horse and cart for measuring coals, and also
for horses and servants for the state coach during his
year of office."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheri ffs and Commons in the Agreed to.
foregoing resolution.
[12.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to the right honourable William FitzGerald,
Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, and one of the
Lords of the Treasury: whereupon it was granted, and
ordered that a committce consisting of aldermen Henry Committ,e.
Gore Sankey, John Carleton, and Robert Shaw, wi th
three of the commons to be appointed by the Sheriffs
and Commons, be and are hereby appointed a com-
mittee with the assistance of Mr. Recorder for the
p.urpose of preparing an address to be presented with Address.
said freedom to Mr. WiUiam FitzGerald, and that same
be engrossed, put under the city seal, ancl transmitted CIty seal.
to him by the Lord Mayor.
[The three qf the commons:] Messieurs R athaniel Commons.
Craven, William Paisley, John Mountiford Hay.
[13.] Petition to his royal highness the Prince Regent
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ancl Ireland. tion.
. '1'0 his Royal Highness the Prince Regent. .
'The humble petition of the ancient and loyal Regent.
corporation of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, COlllmons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin.
Henry n .
0harles 11.
, She\veth. ! ~ ~ o ~
That your petitioners have been established as a
Corpor ation at so early a period as the reign of Henry
the Second and have ever since faithfully adhered to
the crown of Great Britain, and in all the troubles
and difficulties of the country have preserved their
allegi ance, as will ,appear by the recitals of, their
differ ent Oharters, particularly that of Oharles the
' That in consideration thereof, the predecessors of
your royal highnesses august father have from time to
time granted to your petitioners by their Oharters
Freemen. certain privileges and immunities as freemen, and
M,gistrates. jurisdictions as magistrates with estates and other
incomes to maintain the peace of their city and the
dignity of their Oorporation.
'That while other corporations to whom similar
grants have been made, have flourished and their
estates and incomes have increased. Your petitioners'
E,!,t". estates have been encroached on during the different
Troubles. troubles of the country, and their income reduced, as
is r ecognised by the several Oharters, particularly by
the said Oharter of Oharles the Second .
That in addition to these losses, considerable diminu-
Income. tions ha,ve taken place in tueir income by Acts of the
Parliament of Ireland, which though of great public
utility have infringed conSiderably on the income of
your petitioners.
Charge. That amongst others, a heavy charge has belln
imposed on them amounting to 2,000, annually, pay-
Paving. able to the Oommissioners for Paving the Streets of
Duti es. Dublin, as a commutation for duties erroneously
supposed to have been enjoined by charter, but which
duties were not so enjoined;
Income. 'l'hat your petitioners' income being thus reduced,
they have been forced for many years to borrow money
. 0' b.
on bond for the payment of their }[agistrates and the
support of their dignity, till their debts have amounteu
loa very considerable sum .
'That this increase of debt has not been owing to Debt.
any extravagance all the part of your petitioners, as
they have been rigidly occonomical in all their expen-
diture, except in their public works and the grants
they have made to raise troops and seamen for the
support of the army and navy of the empire.
'That thus situate, your petitioners have laid their
case before the Imperial Parliament , and now appeal Parliament.
to the clemency of the Throne, trusting that your royal Throne.
highness will not su ffer the Corporation of the second
Metropolis of the British Empire to want thilt support, Support.
which they have ever received from the predecessors
of yonr royal fatll er or to retluced from that dignity, Dignity.
which they have maintaiueu through so many reigns,
and to which they hope their loyalty anu attachment
ever has and will entitle them.
, In testimony whermf, they have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd uay Cily seal.
of J anllary, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
Oruered, that the foregoing do stand the petition of Order.
the Lord Ma,yor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, and that same be engrossed and put
under the city seal, and presented by the corporation
at large to his grace the lord lieutenant to be trans-
mitted by him to the Prince Regent.
[14.] Petition to the House of Commons of the
Imperial Parliament.
"Po the Commons of the United Parliament. Petition to
"1'he humble petition of the right honourable the
Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the city
of Dublin.
Great seal.
Henry n.
ToU vn
372 DUllLIN ASSEMllLY ROLL, 1813 .
. Sheweth.
, That petitioners were incorporated by Charter under
the great seal of England so long since as the reign of
Henry the Second and have ever since continued as a
'That during several succeeding reigns the said
has been confirmed and the privileges and
Immunities of the citizens have been enlarge!i, and
div'irs estates and properties have been granted to them
at small crown rents amounting in the whole to the
sum of 69 18s. lltd., and amongst others the Toll or
'roll-bote on Corn was granted at the yearly rent of
' That in the reigns of Edward the First and Edward
Customs. t.he Second, the Oustoms of the City which are a distinct
charge, payable on goods entering into ,and departing
from it, were granted to the Corporation for limited
periods to enable them to pave the streets of the city, Pa"ing
as by the said Oharters, the last of which is dated in
the year 1318 will appear.
. 'l'hat the period of these grants having expired, his
Edward 1II. majesty king Edward the Third in the tenth year of his
1336. reign anno 1336, granted the said Customs to the city
in perpetuity for the repairs of the walls, gates, and
fosses, the preservation of the peace, and the public
of business and security of the city, but with no other
Charles 11.
condition of any kind annexed .
. 'l'hat down to the reign of his majesty king Oharles
the Second divers Charters have recognized the said
grant, but never annexed any other condition thereto.
']'hat in his reign a Charter was granted recapitu-
lating the different properties formerly granted,
confirming those grants, and reducing the gross rent
payable to the crown from 69 18s. lltd., to the sum
of 20. "In consideration of the great poverty of the
city to which they were reduced on account of their
allegi,ance and fidelity, and under which for many 1813.
years they had severely laboured-" (this grant is made GraIlt.
unconditionally) "notwithstanding any statute, act,
ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restriction, or
any other cause, thing, or matter whatsoever."
Your petitioners further state, that in the year 1778, ms.
the House of Commons of Ireland having appointed fI Commons.
committee to enquire into the state of the pavemeut of Pavement.
the city of Dublin, alderman Benjamin Geale, then
Treasurer of the city of Dublin, was examined on oath
b8oro them, who delivered his testimony in the follow- .
ing words, as appears by the Jonrnals of' the House.
"That, he has generally understood from the Town Evidence.
Clerk and Recorder that there are conditions annexed
to the grant or right of the Tolls and Customs, that the
city shall pave all the great avenues to the markets, Paving.
and clean ,all the streets in general, but cannot be
, The said Charters, save one, being written in an old Charters.
Court Hand and in contracted IJatin, petitioners were
then unacquainted with their contents and incapable of Latin.
refuting this vague evidence founded on a rumour, Evidence.
which had probably originated in a suprficial reading
of the temporary Charters of Edwarcl the First and
Edward the Second, and in consequence thereof the
Legislature hflving in the year 1782 ordered tho report 1782.
of said committee to be reprinted, did on the evidence
thereof pass a bill, in which they bound the Oorporation Bill.
to pay to the Oommissioners for Paving an annual sum
of 2,000, as compensation for scavenging, a duty
supposed to be annexed to the grant of their 'rolls and
, That petitioners have lately caused the Oharters to Charters.
be transcribed in a fair hand and translated, by which
they have discovered that no snch duty as scavenging
the streets ever was imposed on them in consequence of
18 13.
the grant of their OustDms-and that the Paving was Roll Xl i
m.103 1
only annexed to the temporary grants of Eclward the :
First and Edward the Second, but that it was totally
Charter. done away by the Oharter of Edward the Third, which
Edward Ill. .
granted them for ever to the OorporatlOn on the terms
uefore recited, and no subequent Oharter ever annexed
any othor duty to the enjoyment of them. Thus your
petitioners have continued to pay in their own wrong
t ~ ~ : : , t . for thirty years an annual sum of 2,000, which with
simpl e interest in the several payments would amount
to the enDrmous sum of 126,000, at the least.
lnterest of
'That by another act of the Legislature of Ireland,
all Corn coming by way of the Canal is exempt from
Toll.-That in consequence of the passing of said act
the Corporation have been necessitated to lease their
Tolls for 1,000, per annum less than they were leased
at before it was enacted, nor have they been able to
raise them higher, though several attempts have been
since made to do so-by thi s your petitioners have lost
a sum of money in rent and interest that woulrl amount
to no less than 58,000.
, That by the erection of Oarlisle Bridge in the year
1795, your petitioners have suff.ered another consider-
able diminution in their income, inasmuch as their
Ferries, which before that time let for 1,400 per
annum, have never since produced a larger sum than
270, per annum, the gross amount of whieh loss would
be 60,000.
''l'hat in consequence of all these heavy diminutions
of their income, the finances of your petitioners have
been much reduced, and they have been necessitated to
borrow money from time to time till their debts have
amounted to the sum of 184.500. a sum which bears
so heavy on their income, that on a minute inspection
of their- accounts and an accurate review of their
estates, they find that a,fter the payment of t ~ e interest
I xxvii.
of their bonds, they will be unable to provide a fund for
the support of their establishment, and unless they
receive from Parliament the relief, to which for the Relief.
reasons before stated, they conceive themselves justly
entitled, they will be necessitated to give up their
Mansion House, and reduce by one half the salaries of
I.heir Chief Magistrate, their Recorder, Town Clerks, Salaries.
and their other officers.
'That petitioners do not presume to find fault with
the wisdom of the Legislature in the encouragement
thus given to Inland N avigatio"n or in the improvement
of the City by the building of said Bridge, notwith- of
standing they humbly submit they were entitled to
compensation for their heavy loss-a principle which
was then admitted, as a compensation of near 10,000,
was granted to their tenant, who had a short. lease of Tenant.
the Ferries, though it was refused altogether to them. Ferries.
But they presume that had the documents now ready
to be produced been then before them, and had the
nature of their Charters been known, the Parliament of
Ireland never would have burdened them with so heavy
a payment to the Commissioners for Paving, nor would Payment.
103 b. your honourable house have followed such erroneous a
principle in the enactment of the Paving Act of the iff:
of his present majesty. 18067
'That in proof of the evidence given by alderman
Benj amin Geale, your petitioners refer your honour- Geale.
able house to the Journals of the Irish Parliament, and
for the nature of their Grants, to the Charters in their
possession, which are ready to be produced before this
honourable house if required .
.' Tha.t thus situated, petitioners lay their case before
your hOllourable house with a full reliance on the justice
of Parliament, and a hope that. they will not suffer the
Oorporation of the Metropolis of Ireland, the second Corpora
. h ff tlOlI,
Cit?' of the United Kmgdom to labour under tee eets
Cit Y!leal.
City seal
of a burden, which they humbly but firmly rely origi-
nated in misinformation, and is therefore manifestly
foundod in injustice, but that they will restore to
petitioners in such manner, as their wisdom shall point
out, the money thus paid by them in their own wrong
and relieve them from a burden under which they have
so long laboured, and to which their means are so
totally inadequate.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the co=on
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd day
of January, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
Ordered, that the for egoing do stand as the 12etition
of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, co=ons, and citizens of
the oity of Dublin, and that same be engrossed and put
under the city seal-one to be presented to tbe House of
Loi'ds and the other to tbe House of Commons of the
Imperial Parliament.
[15.] Memorial to tbe
Duke of Riohmond, lord
tion. lieutenant of Ireland .
Duke of
. ', ...
''1'0 his grace Charles, Duke of Richmond, lord
lieutenant general and general governor of Ireland.
'The humble memorial of tbe Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin.
, '1'hat your memorialists have taken a minute view
of the state of their finances and of the several sources
from whence their income originates, and find that
they are at present subj ect to such a debt as willneoessi-
tate them to curtail by at least one half the income of
Officers. tbeir Chief Magistrate, their Recorder. and tbat of the
di fferent officers belonging to the Corporation. Thereby
Dignity. with no small degree of regret lessening the dignity and
Splendour. splendour of their establishment, and as hf)retofore
uniformly upheld by them, and to meet snch
exigences, so as to support as they always have done, 1813.
punctuality with their creditors, they havo it in con- Creditors.
templation to give up the Mansion of their Chief
Magistrate anq to dispose of the ground whereon it
stands for building, unless they can obtain the relief Relief.
of Parliament from the heavy burden that has been
plaCd on them.
'That the lossos they have sustained in their TollR Tolls.
and Customs, occasioned by the acts of parliament CUStODlS.
establishing Canals, which permits Corn to be brought
to Dublin toll free, is a source, to which they have to
attribute a considerable diminution of their income,
so much so, that they have been neCssitated to let Letting.
them at upwards of 1,000, per annum, less than they
were wont to do, prior to that mode of conveyariee
being adopted-although from the great increase of
tillage within the last forty years, nearly double the Tillnge.
quantity of Corn is brought into the city.
"fhat out of this particular fund, they are obliged
to pay no less a sum than 2,000, per annum, to the
Commissioners for Paving. et cetera, as compensation
for scavenging, et cetera, and that by a determination
of the House of Commons while existing in this
Kingdom from evidence given by their then officers,
and which evidence was given by them in complete
ignorance, they being wholly unacquainted that by the
Charters of maj esties king EClward the Third amI Charters
Charles the Second, they were not bound to pay any
such sum.-On the contrary those very Charters give
the fund alluded to, after a period long since expired Fund.
to your memorialists expressly for thB suppo'rt of their
"Dignity and Splendour," and with which Charters
they were then totally unacquainted, in consequence of Charters.
their being written in contracted Latin, and in an old
Court Hand with difficulty legible, and of which your
memorialists were not even apprised until about three

or foul' years since, when those with other Charters
were translated. Yet they have notwithstanding
regularly submitted to the payment of that sum, m,
t.hough possessed of such information since that period,
evidently now appearing in their own
corroborat.ion of which they beg leave t.o refer to the
translation of such Charters if necessary ..
That your memorialists finances were further con-
sidera 11y reduced by the erection of Carlisle Bridge in
the year 1796-the income arising to your memorialists
from that branch of their r evenue (the Ferries) being
by that Bridge considerably diminished-and though
Par liament. your memorialists preferred their Petition to parlia-
ment then sitting in Ireland for remuneration, yet they
did not think proper to award them any compensation
for such their very severe loss-although their tenant,
who had then but a few years of his lease unexpired,
and who also petitioned, was compensated for his
unexpired term in a sum of no less than 10,000.
That the Ferries, which prior to the erection of that
Bridge, were set for 1,400, per annum, now only
Produce. produce 270, per annum. These with many other
similar causes of inferior note, together with the very
material difference in the price of every article for
snmption. con311mption havc been the means of increasing your
Expenses. memorialists expenses, and of course reducing in a

considflrable degroo your memorialists finances-the
several callses of which should it be deemed necessary,
they are ready to give most ample and detailed
proof of.
']'hat the sums at different times granted by them in
aid of the government of the country have not in a
small degree tended to increase their rlebt and present
em barrassmcnt, namely the raising of a Regiment---
the 2;ranj, for the purpose of raising Seamen,--with
many other sums voted for similar purposes, which
though it has tended to create their present incon-
venience, they yet with pleasure reflect upon, as having ence.
had at that period its good effects.
, Your memorialists forbear to dwell upon the atten-
tion at all times evinced by them in support of his of
majesty's government in aid of this their application, ment.
as it must be strong in the recollection of your grace,
and that of your predecessors, chief governors, that
their un[1lienable attachment to the support of the laws, Laws.
and the furtherance of the stH.bility of the government,
has been most clearly conspicuous, and by the influence
of its example has materially tended to promote the
peace of the country.
, Your memorialists further beg leave to state, that
not even the very evident justice which marks their
present claim to your grace's interposition could impel Claim.
them to obtrude themselves on your grace's att"ntion,
did it not proceed from a wish that no act on their part
should be wanting to renovate if possible the funds of Eunds.
their establishment for the purpose of still supporting
with becoming dignity the Magistracy of the second Dignity.
Metropolis in the British Empire-in doing which they
with humble confidence submit to government the
expediency and justice of affording them their Justke.
friendly aid.
'Your memorialists have therefore prepared petitions, Petitions.
ono to bo pres@nted to the United Parliament, and
another to he laid before the Prince Regent, therein
fully stating their just claims and praying relief, to Relief.
copies of which they beg leave to refer your graoe.
They have long felt your grace's favour,able intentions Intention,.
towards them, and they doubt not but that upon the
present occasion, they will be honoured with your power-
ful aiL! and assistance in a matter which has for its Assistance.
object the salvation of a Corporation-the second in of
oonseq uenoe in the United Kingdom, but second to none tion.
Loyalt y.
City seal.
Peti tion to
Petiti on
to Parlia-
380 DUBLL\' ROLL, 1813.
in lovalty the most steadfast. attachment and affection Roll ;\
J 1 ' m.10
to the royal family and to your gracc. \
, I n testimony whereof, we have caused the common '
seal of the said city to be her eunto affixed this 22nd
day of January, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do stand the petition of
the Lord Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, and that same be engrossed, put under
t.he city seal, and presented by the corporation at large
to his grace the lord lieutenant.
[16.] Petition of the corporation of Dublin presented
to parliament against the demands of the Roman
Catholics of Ireland.
' To t.he knights, citizens, and burgesses in parlia-
ment assembled.
' The humble petition of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in co=on
council assembled.
, Sheweth.
, That your petitioners have heard with very great
regret, that a petition has again been presented to this
honourable house in the name of the Roman Catholics
of Ireland, containing demands of political power, m.](
which if granted would be ruinous to the Established
Church and government of our country.
li berty.
'That the Roman Catholics of Ireland are already
placed upon a footing of political power and civil
liberty not enjoyed by any dissenters from the Estab-
li shed Church in any other state.-They are the
subj ects under a mild and equitable government, where
they have comfort, protection, security and happiness,
and live under laws impartial in their application and
merciful in t heir execution.
'And your petitioners beg leave most humbly to
impress upon this honourable house, that the lowor ISI3.
orders of the Roman Catholics in Ireland are in
session of civil, religious, and IJolitical liberty in as Liberty.
eminent a degree as the Protestants of the same rank
and station; and even the restraints complained of by fustraints.
said petition affect a very inconsiderable number of the
Roman Catholics, and only those who avow their
object to be the attainment of political power, which
they formerly not only studiously concealed, but
repeatedly disclaimed, and which if granted would
in the place of that mild toleration and liberal policy Policy.
experienced by his majesty's subjects of every descrip-
tion in this realm, lay a fresh foundation for the
exercise of that arbitrary and intolerant spirit, which
formerly had almost extinguished. the Protestants of Protestallt, .
'Your petitioners have no private animosity againHt
any person, but feel anxiously alarmed at conferring
political power on persons professing a religion hostile
in principle -and in action also to the Established
Church of this country, and who constantly separate
their spiritual rulers from the temporal governors of
the state, and assert the superior dignity and paramount
authority of the former.
'With the most perfect toleration of all persuasions, Toleration.
your petitioners humbly conceive that both prudence
and policy imp,eriously call upon them to defend and Defence.
support their own-the inter<:' sts of Christianity, the
evidence of history, and the nature and unaltered
spirit of the Romish priesthood, all unite in leading us
to deprecate the conferring political power upon the
Roman Catholics of Ireland-which if acceded to, all
the fences and securities of our excellent constitution Securities.
in church and state, established by Protestant legis-
lators from the time of the Reformation to the reign of
his present majesty, would be destroyed and annihi-

lated and his maj esty's Protestant subj ects be again Roll .1
devoted to tho miseries, calamities, and persecutions, m. 1C !
which they never ceased to experience when Popery had
the ascendancy .
Petitioners therefore pr ay, that this honourable
house will rej ect the demands of the Roman Catholics
of Irel and, .and continue to preserve unimpaired that

City seal.

City seal.
City seal.
constitution in church and state, under which we and
they have hitherto enjoyed every rational good and
solid advantage .
. In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd day
of January, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do stand the petition of
the Lord Mayor, Sheri ffs, commons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, and that same be engrossed, put under
the city seal, and transmitted to the Prince Regent and
to both Houses of Parliament.
[17.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to Sneyde Sankey, esquire : whereupon it was
granted, gratis, and that same, expressive of the reasons
stated, be engrossed and put under the city seal.
[18.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to Sir Frederick F alkiner, Baronet: whereupon it
was granted, gratis, and that same be engrossed, put
under the city seal, and presented by the Lord l1ayor
and Sheriffs.
[19.] Cllrtain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to John Wilson Croker, esquire, Secretary to the
Admiralty : whereupon it was ordered, that a com-
mittee be appointed consisting of aldermen William
Henry Archer, J ohn Exshaw, and J ohn Claudius
Beresford, and three of the commons to be named by
the Sheriffs and Commons with the assistance of l1r.
Recorder for the purpose of preparing an address to
John Wilson Croker, esquire, for the lively' interest he
has evin-ced on all occasions for the welfare of tho l8la.
Welfare of
corporation, and that said address be engrosseu, put
under the city seal, and transmitted to him by the Lord City seal.
[The three of the commons:] Messieurs John Commons.
Giffard, William Cope, Willia.m )'IcAul,ey.
[20.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom Franchise.
of city to Sir Capel Molyneaux, Baroilet: whereupon i t
was gJ'anted, gratis.
[21.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of Francliise.
city to John Carleton, junior, esquire: whereupon it Carlewn.
was granteu, gratis,-and that same, expressive of the
reasons stated, be engrosseu and put under the city City seal.
[22.] Charles Smith, praying to be continued one of at
the serjesJllts at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that mace.
the said Charles Smith be and is hereby continued one
of the serjeants at mace of said city during the Ycity's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas
assembly 1813, he giving such security for the faithful Security.
discharge of the duties of sa,id offioe and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this uatB or this order to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in his proper gown
of office.
[23.] Butler, praying to
be continued Butler,
serjeant at
serjeant at mace: whereupon it was oruered, that the mace.
said Richaru Butler be and is hereby continued one of
the serjeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas
assembly, 1813, he giving such security for the faithful Security.
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor anel Sheriffs shall
approve of, said security to be entereel into in one
month from this date or this order to be void, provided
also that he do appear on public days in proper gown
of office. I
at,] [24.] Ephraini Elhs, prayIng to be contInued serJeant
mace. i at mace: whereupon it was ordered, that the said I
Ephraim Elli s be and is hereby continued one of the
serj eants at mace of said city during the city's pleasure,
keeper . .
. water
not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas assembly I
11:n3, he giving such security for the faithful discharge
of the duties of said offioe ,and redelivery of the silver
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
said security to be ent.ered into in one month from this
date or this order to be void, provided also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[25.) Alexander McOulloch, praying to be continued
keeper of the city Marshalsea: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Alexand,er McOulloch be and is
continued keeper of the city lIlarshalsea during
the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year ending
Christmas assembly 1814, at the salary of 20, ster-
ling, with all just fees and allowances belonging to said
office, he giving security for indemnifying the corpora-
tion from all escapes, such security to be entered into
in ten days from this date or this order to be void_
[26.) JlIary Gregg, widow, praying for aid: where-
upon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of
25, by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant,
for the reasons in her petition mentioned .
[27.) Maria Oox, widow, praying for aid: whereupon
it. was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of 25,
by the city tr<:,a8urer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for
the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[28.) J ames Henry, praying to be continued pipe
water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the
said James Henry be and is hereby continued one of
the collectors of the pipe water revenue durIng the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Ohristmas
assembly 1814, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and paying to the
city treasurer all such slims of money as he shall from
time to time receive, said security to be entered into in
one month from this elato or thi s order to be void.
[29.] W illiam B'arrell , praying to be con tin ueel
::\farshal of the city of Dublin: WhOrllpOn it. was )(arshal.
orderod, that saiel \Villiam Farrdl bo and is horeby
.01 b. continued MarRhal of the city of Dublin during the
city's pleasnre, not exceeding one year ending
Christmas assembly 1814. with the sewral fees and Fee,.
emoluments to that office belonging, the sai d William
Farrell giving securit.y to the amount of 2,000, for Security.
the f.a.ithfnl discharge of his duty. such security to be
approved by the Lord ;\1 ayor and Sheriffs, and to be
entered into in one week from this date 01' this order
to be void.
[30.] Richard Quintan, officer of commons, praying
for usual all owance for jJroviding the Sheriffs and commons.
Commons wilh candles and other necessaries for one Nceessaries.
year ending this assembly: whereupon it was ordered,
that the city tre-aSl1l'er do, on the Lord Mayor 's warrant,
pay the petitioner thB sum of 5, sterling, for the Payment.
reasons in his petition mentioned.
[31.] Timothy Allen, clerk of praying for Allen,
. f Of I' If ,clerko!
remuneratlOn, o 15 ,or ma nng out renta 0 city s
estate, et cetera, as recommenclrc1 by flllaner committee:
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid tho Payment.
sum of ]50, by the city treasmer on the Lord -:"Iayor's
w.arrant, for the reasons in hi s petition mentioned.
[32.] William Leot, praying for payment of bi ll : f.1Y6r.
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay petitioner t.he sum Payment.
of 19, being the amollnt of his account.
[33.] Samuel Middleton. sword bearer, praying for Middleton,
'1 . th sword
usual allowance for ascertaining and sln nng e bea.rer.
VOL. XVI. cc
Assize of
Dulce of
~ assize of bread for one year ending January, 1813: ! ~ ~ o ~
whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the
sum of twenty guineas by the city treasurer on the
Lord Mayor's \varrant. for the reasons in his petition
[34.] J\Iary Anne Kelly, praying for aid: whereupon
it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of five
guineas by the city treasurer on the Lord .Mayor's
warrant, for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[35.] Ruth Smyth, on behalf of Rose Emerson, pray-
ing for aid: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner
be paid the sum of thirty guineas by the city treasurer
on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for the reasons in her
petition mentioned.
[36.] Elizabeth French, praying for _aid: whereupon
it w,a.s ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of 10,
by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for
the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[37.] Resolutions of the Corporati?n of Dublin
regarding the claims of the Roman Catholics of Ireland.
i. "Resolved, that it be ,a direction to our representa-
tives in Parliament to support the petition against the
claims of the Roman Catholics.
ii. "Resolved, that his royal highness the Duke of
Cumberland be requested to present said petition to tho
House of Lords."
The Lord l\a.yor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolutions.
[3S.] The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in con-
tinuing the finance committee in' conjunction with the
city lease committee lmtil they make a final report on
the business now before .them.-Allowed.
[39.] Resolutions of the CorpoTfltion of Dublin
relating to trade to and from India.
11 b.
1. "IWsolved, that it appears to be the intention of 1813.
government not to confine the trade to and from India
to London alone, but to open it to out ports.
ii. "Resolved, that by the Act of Union the Kingdom t;,io':f.
of Ireland is entitled to enjoy equal privileges with Privilege,
every part of his majesty's dominions.
iii. "Resolved therefore, that a message be sent to the
Board rHquesting their concurrence in appointing a
committee to prepare a petition to parliament, praying
that they will extend to. llu bJin and such other P01't8,
as upon any opening or alteration of the East India
Charter, sucl! privilege of import and export trade and Charter.
commerce with India as may be granted to any oth!'T India trade.
out port of his majesty's dominions."
The LordliIayor and Board of Aldermen agree wit.h Committee.
the Sheriffs and Commons in the f01'egoing resolutions,
and that aldermen 'Alexander Kirkpatrick, Henry
Howison, Henry Gore Sankey, John Oarleton, K athaniel
Hope, and Sir William Stamsr, together with six of the
commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons,
be appointed a committee with the assistance of }Ir.
Recorder for the purpose of preparing a petition
able to the foregoing resolutions, and that the petition W Petition to
prepared, be engrossed and put under the city seal, and Pru:li.ruent.
presented to parliament by 0111' representati ves the right
J. 11Onourable Henry Gmttan and alderman Robert Shaw.
[The six of the commons: 1 Messieurs Sir Edwa ell (Jorumolls.
Stanley, John Giffard, :B'rancis E. Thomas, vVilliam
Cope, William MeA uley, J ames King.
' To the right honourable and honourable tha
Commons of the United Parliament.
'The humble petition of the Lord nI ayar, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin.
Petition to
Trade of
City seal.

, Sheweth.
'That your petitioners firmly relying upon the
wisdom and justice of parli[lment would not have
decme(l it necessary to approach your honourable house
to pray an 0'lllal palticipation of the acknowledged
privileg0s of Briti sh subj ects in the advantages of trade
and commerce, did they not perceive that the e'luitable
propositions of the mini sters of the crown to open more
generally the trade of India, \\"ere attempted to be
counteracted by the persons interested in continuing
the present monopoly.
'That your petitioners deeply impressed with the
genoral impolicy of mercantile nistrictions, and
anxiously expecting the period of the dissolution of the
East India Charter, humbly beseech this honourable
house that it open to the port of Dublin and such other
ports of Ireland as may be deemed expedi ent, the same
right of trade to and from India, as may be gr.anted to
any port in Great Britain.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the sa id city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd
clay of January, ill the year of Ollr Lord, 1813.'
[40.] Resolution of the Corporati on of Dublin against
the demands of the Roman Catholics of Ireland.
"Resolved, that petitions be presented to the Prince
RDgent and to each House of Parliament beseeching
that the constitution in church and state may be pre-
served inviolate by refusing the demands of the Roman
The Lord :Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the SllPriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution,
and that aldermen William Henry Archer, John
Exshaw, Henry Gore Sankey, Charles Thorp,
Frederick narley, and John Cash, together with six of
the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons,
m. lOt
f.vii. be and are hereby appointed a oornmittee to prepare 1813.
petitions pursuant to the foregoing resolution.
['fhe six of the commons: J Messieurs John Giffard, Commons
William Cope, William McAuley, Sir Edwarcl
Stanley, James King, Simon Boileau.
[41.J l\farg.aret Smith, praying for usual allowanco Smith.
for lighting fires at the market home for one year
ending this assembly: whereupon it was orderecl, that.
petitioner be paid four guineas by the city treasurer on Payment.
the Lord Mayor's warrant, for the reasons in her said
petition mentioned.
[42.] 'l'homas Duplex: praying for aid: whereupon it Duplex.
was ordere(l, that petitioner be paid ten guineas by the Grant.
city treasurer on the Lord .Mayor's warrant, for the
reasons in his said petition mentioned.
[43.J George Harvey, praying for payment of bill for Harvey.
addresses: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner Address".
be paid five guineas by thl3 city treasurer on the Lorel Payment.
Mayor's warrant, for the reasons in his said petition
'Abraham BracUey King, Lord J\1ayor.-Williaw
Henry Archer.-John Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-
John Carleton.-Thomas Andrews.-Charles Thorp.-
Richard Manders. - Nathaniel Hone. - Frederick
Darley.-IVilliam Stamer.-Thomas McKenny.'
1813. January 22.-Admissions to franchise.
1813. January 22.-Dcclaration and signatures.
1813. April 30.-Second Friday aftJ' Easter)
Easter Assembly held at the City Asst'mbly House in
William street.
[1.J " Wc, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldennen of
of the city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot
alderman John Cash to serve in the place or office of
Lord Mayor of the said city for the ensuing year com-
mencing Michaelmas next and do hereby return the
d!l)T 1 18 April, 1813,
said John Cash tD you the Sheriffs and Commons of ~ ~ i l l i ;
said city for your approbation.
"Abraham Bradley ri:ing, Lord ]l.[ayor."
"\Ye. the Sheriffs .and Commons of the city of Dublin
in common council asoombled, haye this day by ballot
approved of alderman John Cash to serve in the office
of Lord :\Iayor of the said city for the ensuing year
commencing 1fichaelmas next.
"Goorge Studdart, Lewis ]l.[organ, Sheriffs."
[2.] "We, the Sheriffs and Commons of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot
nominatell the following eight freemen of said city,
resident within the said city or the liberties and fran-
chises thereunto adjoining, each of them worth in real
and personal estate in possession the sum of 2,000,
sterling, over and above all their just debts, that is to
say, GeOl'ge Warner of College Green' goldsmith, Jacob
\Vest of Capel street goldsmith, George Bradshaw
Scott of the City Quay morchant, ,\Villiam Smith of
Brunswick street butcher, Charles Bingham of
Men'ion butcher, James Stephens of Bachelor's walk
merchant, William Dixon of Mount str,eet merchant,
and John \Villis of Trinity street glover, as fit persons
to servo in the offioo of Sheriffs of the said city, and do
hereby return the names with the additions of the said
eight persons to you the Lord Mayor and Boar:d of
Aldermen of the said city in order to your electing
two of the said persons to be' Sheriffs of the said
city for the !lsuing year commencing lIfichaelmas
" George Studdart, Lewis Morgan, Sheriffs."
"We, the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
city of Dublin, have this day elected by ballot Grorge
'Warner of College Green, goldsmith, and Jacob \Vest
of Capel street, goldsmith, out of the eight persons
returned to us by the Sheri ff s and Commons to serve
in the office of Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing 1813.
year commencing Michaelmas next.
" Abraham Bradley King, Lord Mayor."
[3.J Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed to audit the city treasurer's accollnts.
accounts have made the annexed report of the 29th day
of April, 1813.
'We, the committee apointerl to audit the accounts Report.
of alderman J oh n Carleton, city treasurer, for the
rents, issues, and profits of the corporation for one year
commencing ]l.fichaelmas 1811, and ending :;I.Iichaelmas
1812, beg to inform your honours that we have care-
fully examined the same together with the several
vouchers relating thereto.
'The treasurer laid before us a rental of your Rental.
honours' estate as it stood Michoolmas 1812, and we
charged him with the rents received in the said year
being 10,803 13s. 8}d. and with such other incidental
issues and profits as accrued within that period,.
amounting to the sum of 33,445 5s. Gld.
'We find the disbursements amount in the whole to Disburse
the sum of 27,010 7s. l1ld., so that there appears clue
by the city treasurer on this account the sum of
17,238 lIs. 4}d.
ments. .
'Your further inform your honours, that
aided by the pipe water committee, your committee
examined your treasurer ' s accounts respecting the pipe
water department for Baid y,ear, ami find ,a balance due
to him thereon of .9,058 4s. Gd., so that the balance Balance.
due by your treasurer on both said accounts appear,
to be 8,180 Gs. IOld.
, All which we submit as our :Deport this 29th (lay of
April, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said report 01'<ier.
ma,kt;l same an act of assembly: it was thereupon

392 DUBLIN ROLL, 1813.
granted, the committee's report confinnerl and made an
act of am! that the committee of auditors be
appointed at assembly and shall sit
immediately after to audit the accounts of the last
year, and report thereon to the Christmas assembly
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee of finance have made the following report
of the 28th April, 1813.
Report. 'We, the cDmmittee of finance to whom your lordship
and honours were pleased tD confide the. examination of
Allowance. the state of your affairs, so as to report what allo\\'anee
under your present circumstances can with honour to
yourselves and security to cr,editors be in future made
to support with becoming dignity the situation of yam m. 112
Chief lIIagistr.ate in your present .Mansion House. beg
leave to submit to you, that by the accession of income
which you will get into the reoeipt of upon the present
finance and city lease report being confirmed, and
other small additions enumerated and to this their
Schedules. report annexed by way of Schedule under three
distinct heads, and marked Kumbers 1. 2. and 3. and
which they submit may be taken as part of their
, They conceive the Lord can be paid annually
his ancient salary of 1,650, subject however to a
reduction of 20, per cent-which tDgether with his
poundago from the pipe water establishment of 500,
and the usual vote of 1,000, to be paid him on his
retiring from office-subject to the approbation as
heretofore of yonr lordship and honours, making
togethr.r thfl sum of 2,820.-they conceive with
emoluments to be derived from Saint Stephen's Green
will be as much as yon can with justice disburse for
that department,
12 b.
, And as your committee conceivo the variety of bills
accruing from the repairs and furniture of the "Mansion
House is a source from whence in a great degree you Furniture"
may trace R great part of your present debt, your com-
mittee are firmly of opinion that no sum whatever shall
in future be allowed by the city upon that account. but
that upon the election of every alderman to be hereafter
elected, he shall upon such his election pay a sum of Payment.
400, to the city treasurer on your lordship and honours'
account, in lieu of all expenses attendant on his election,
to form a fund, whereaut alone the Mansion House aud
furniture shall be kept in repair.
, And that your lordshipancl honours shall in future
not be charged or stand chargeable with any matter Charges.
or sum of what nature soever for or on account of that
housB, save the insurance thereof and its taxes, by
adopting this mode there will be an annual saving in
no less a sum than 2,210, evidently apparent as
noticed in Schedule Number 3. annexed hereto.
'Your committee further submit, that in consequence
of each alderman to be in future elected, being su b-
jected to the payment of 400, that the one hundred
guineas heretofore paid to the Blue Coat Hospital shall Payment
be discontinued.
'And also that the sum of two h unc1red guineas hcre- Sheriff,'
tofore pain by' the Sheriffs upon their election, shall in
future be paid to the city troasurer for and on account
of the city.
'You]' committee feel the less regret in recommending
the disposition of tbese sums in this manner, as the estates.
estates belonging to the Blue Coat Hospital have of
late risen considerably and more than equal to this
'The ScllOclules N"umbers 1. 2. and 3. to which the Schedules.
foregoing report refers:-
. 0 SClffiDULE No. I.-Containing an account of the
illcrease of the Revenue arising from Rents within the
last and present year:-
o Crowe's holding;- s. d.
o Thomas Mason, optician
80 0 0
'J. F. Burnett
25 0 0
, Tholsel 117 9 5
'Sir John RDgerson
200 0 0
422 9 5
o CDlganstown, agreed for, as per finance
and city lease r eport, increased rent. 951 0 0
increased rent .. . 1,536 0 0
'Essex street, increased rent 107 2 6
3,016 11 11
'Value in the timber of Colganstown
1,611, agreed to be paid and as
reported . Interest thereof at 6,
per cent. 96 l2 0
3,113 3 11
o Proposed fines usually paid by the
Sheriffs to the Blue Coat Hospital,
to be in future paid to the Cor'por.a-
tion 227 10 0
3,340 13 11
'By d{scontinllance of City Chaplain's
salary at Michaelmas next 100
o By J ames Harrington' s pen-
sion, ceasing by his death... 50 150 0 0
3,490 13 11
Roll x
112 b.
SCHBDULE No. 2.-Containing an account of the
several settings yot to be made, and the increased Settings.
income likely to be derived therefrom, together with the
different proposals made of money to be paid by way
of fine:-
Part of Olonturk, two leases as men-
tioned in finance and city lease
Essex street will rise 800, more ill
nine years
Part of Crowe's holding, Essex Bridge
and Quay
, Donnycarney, rent 290
Donnycarney, interest on
3,000, fine proposed 180
Slicer's holding, Golden lane
'Cooke's holding, Blind quay
The Ferries, at least.
Next presentation to the parish of
Rathdrum, 3,000
'P"'Y, Cook ,',,,'. 1
' J ames, Castle street. Supposed
, HitcllCock). St. Andrew st.
, Porters, St. Andrew street. at lea:;t
, Hearing room at Tholsel.
, Additional on Essex and :\11'.
J. F. Burnett's loase
s. d.
504 0 0
0 0
608 15 0
470 0 0
231 17 6
95 16 0
130 0 0
180 0 0
100 0 0
821) 0 0
3,695 8 .6
'Besides the Tolls and Customs, and Tithes of
'l' aghadoe, which will produce a very corisiderable
Savings by
Law agent.
, SCHEDULE No. 3.-Containing the savings that will
accrue to the Corporation by the proJlosed retrench-
ments to be made at ~ I a n s i o n House, etc. etc.
s. d.
, Reduction of 20, per cent on Chief
Magi strate's old salary .. . 330
, Chief :tIlagistrate, on vote going out of
office. ... 1,000
, Chi ef :Magi str.ate, charged under casual}
expenses. For Petty Expenses 30.
-Wages 30.-Stationery 12.- 180
English papers.-Horses.-Care of
Coach, atp. etc.
, On :Mansion House, repairs and furni-
o o
o o
o o
o o
ture, at the very least .. , 700 0 0
2,210 0 0
, Saving on :Mansion House, m the future expense of
repairs and furniture is to be paid out of the fund to
be created by the sum to be paid on the election of every
future Alderman .
Your committoo therefore submit to your lordship
and honours, that upon the reports of the committees
of finance and city leases being confirmed, your lord-
ship aml honours' annual recoi pt and expenditure will
then stand thus. [See page 397.J
, Your committee, with respect to the sum heretofore
annuall y paid to the Paving Board, will not be pre-
pared to make a report until the retnrn of alderman
Robert Shaw and our law agent from London.
, All which is submittell as our report this 28th day
of April, ]813.'
Rol! xx
r-p- T- . -------- : 813.
'To amount of your Rent Roll
'To amount of your Tolls and
'To amount of your \Valer Oourse,
et cetera
'To amount of your Anchorage and
'To amount of your Freemen Fines
'To amount of YOlll' Sessions Fines
, To amount of Schedule No. 1
s. d.
11 ,080 15
4,050 0 0
2,500 0 0
661 2 0
105 12 8
88 1 6
3,490 13 11
21,976 5 6
'To amount of Schedule No. :2. part
of which is. at your option to
commence immediately, and the
remainder to a certainty in a
few years 4,480 0 0
'To amount of your inte:mst on
186,930, Oity Bonds
'To amount of your interest on your
'fontine 53,000
, '1'0 amount of your Rent and Taxes
'To amount of your Salaries after a
deduction of 20, per cent. ...
'To amount of your Tradesmen's
bilIR, advertisements, printing,
etc., which should be limited to
, '1'0 amount of your Oasual Expenses
, To amount of your Annuities, Gifts,
and Alms, after a deduction of
20, per cent.
11,215 16
2,929 0
3,101 7
2,915 0
300 0
1,571 15
691 0
22,723 18
D diture.
Blue Coat
Blne Coat
and city
And t he said commons, praying to confirm said ~ ~ 1 l 1 ~ :
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
llPon grant<>d, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, and that the several arrange-
ments relative to salaries do take place ..
And that the committee be requested to sit once in
each month, upon which occasion the treasurer shall in
a book jay before them an abstract of the receipts and
payments for the month preceding, a report of which
the committee are requested to make quarterly.
Am! that the sum of two hundred guineas now paid
by the Sheriffs on their election shall as heretofore
continue to be paid to the treasurer for the benefit of
the Blue Coat H{)spital.
And that out of the 400, mentioned in the report
to be paid by every Alderman on his election, a sum of
one hundred guineas be paid as heretofore to the Blue
Coat Hospital.
[5.) Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committees of finance and city leases have made the
annexed report of the 28th day of April, 1813.
'We, the committees of finance and city loases
jointly, after having for the last three months
endeavoured by every attention in our power to dis-
charge the very arduous and important business which
your lordship and honours were pleased to confide to
our cave, beg leave to report the result of our
proceedings thereon.
, And first, your committeo turned their attention to
the lease of the lands of Colganstown which will expire
as to its present tenant Mr. Yeates in May, 18H,-and
which at present pays you but 50, per annum,-but
there being an intermediate unexpired interest of six
years from that period vested in the representative of
lIIr. Howison, to whom your lordship ann honours
t:,"i. originally demised these lands. Your committee 18l:l.
conceived it to be very material for YOllr interest, that
. the outstanding term should be vested in YOllr lordship Term.
and honours, so as to enable you thereby to grant a
lease of the whole in May 1814.
'And your committee derive much satisfaction in
having it in their power to report to your lordship ami
honours, that they have agreed with Miss Howison for Howlson.
the purchase of that interest for a sum of 2,400,- Interest.
400, of which to be paid now, the remaincler on the
perfection of the deed of assignment to your lordship Deed.
and honours.
'Your committee need not they trust point out the
evident advantages which will result to your lordship
and honours by confirming this agreement, it will be
sufficient to observe that in consequence thereof a rent Rent
of 1,001, per annum has been offered for these lands
by the present tenant Mr. Yeatcs, being at the rate of Yeates.,
five guineas per acre--together with the sum of 1,611,
being the amount to which the timber thereon has been Timber.
valued at. Your (Jommittee therefore clo not hesitate
to recommend your confirming this offer, aud granting
a lease for ninety-nine years to Mr. Yeates .at the rent Le",e.
and sum proposed.
''''hus by having procured the outstanding interest Interest .
. 1 b. of six years to be vested in you for a sum of 2,400, Sum.
you have been eviclently benefited in no less a sum,
after making every possible allowance for the 2,400, Allowaoce.
advanced, than 4,000. Your committee therefore
need not by further observation press upon you the
necessity of paying over to ;I[iss Howison the sum
agreed upon'-she joining in the lease to be made to
Mr. Yeates, if so advised by the Recorder, Dr executiJ?-g
any other deed or article that may be thought proper
, Your committee beg leave to mention since they last Report.
Street. .
)tap of
New Quay.
New Quay.
rpport p<l, by that report they \\"('re directed, they
have completed the agreement with Mr. Humphry
Butler for the premises in Essex Street, formerl y
demis(I< i to N'evill Pooley, your lordship and honours
are thel-efore now :\[r. Butl er 's tenant for the residue
of his term being nine years.
'Your committee therefore t urned their attention to
the setting such parts of these premises at as
they could effect consistent with your future interest.
They accordingly by a sub-committee had the whole
viewed and' valued, and had a map theroof made,
shewing the intended improvement of the New Quay
-and had notices served on the several tenants requir-
ing their attendance for the purpose of submitting such
valuation to them-and which they here subjoin, as
more clearly shewing the precaution observed by them
upon this occasion.
Xames. Yearly Renti'.
s. d. s.
Reps. Tuit per Haly 10 0 0 30 0
Reps. 1[cCanll
... 30 0 0 30 0
Custom House, Barrack
Board 60 0 0 60 0
Gregg now Wright 26 0 0 60 0
Samuel Linfoot ...
22 15 0 45 0
Do. assignee of Q'Brien 36 0 0 68 0
Reps. Vice pcr Scriven 15 0 0 35 0
M. J. Kimberly ... 30 0 0 80 0
Thomas Sharmall 22 15 0 40 0
Samuel Alker 35 0 0 60 0
Forward, 287 10 0 508 0
1813. W1
ill b. Names.
Yearly Rents.
Present Value. Rental.

S. ll. s. d.
Brought forwlll'L1
287 10 0 508 0
John l\IcRobins
20 0 0 40 0 0
Representatives Freeman
per J ohnston
40 0 0 56 17 6
Same per Cotton
11 7 6 34- 2
Reps. G. Deaviere
34 2 6 34 2 G
Reps. same per Hoey
30 0 0 40 0 0
:Margaret Quin ... 35 0 0
15 0
Reps. Shirwan per Atiwell
38 0 0 60 0 0
Reps. FIrming per Byrrm 44 10 0 60 0 0
Edwanl Uambrick 31 0 0 60 0 0
Reps. Sherlock ... 18 0 0 35 0 0
Reps. C011nor ]leT Dell
24 0 0 36 0 0
Reps. IV. D. :Uoor e
18 0 0
0 0
James J ackson ... 34- 2 6 G8 G 0
51l 0 0 68 5 0
Ditto 30 0 0
f) O
0 0
Ditto 13 0 0 25 0 0
J ';hn Robinso11 ... 30 0 0 :'l0 0 0
Reps. Finton per .Johnston 32 0 0 50 0 0
per J ohnston 20 0 0
4;) 0 0
Scriven per Ballast Office 28 0 0
874 12 6 1,4;)9 7
' .
- - .- --_ ..
, And your commitrC'c rccommend that leases be mad" Leases.
out to the following pen;ons at the respccti ve rents pre- Rellts.
fixed to each {)f their names. wilo of the foregoing list
have come fm'ward , for a term of eighty years from Term.
March last. Your committee feeling confident
from their proviolls vi ew and minute. examination of
them, that thc fun value has been offered by them Vain .
respectively, taking it into cOI1"ic\eration that from the
state of the premises, they will be bound to rebuild.
E ~ s e x
of income.
---- ---------------
l\:[rs. Byron
j\fr. Bambrick
]\[r. Bambrick for. honse
adjoining Custom
House Gale
II[rs. Shaughnessy for
lI[alcolm's holding
for a lease for SIX
years only, with a
clause of reassump-
Mark Joseph Kimberley
for his two holdings
RDbert -Dmlley
Present Rent.
s. d.
44 10 0
3] 0 0
30 0 0
52 15 0
24 0 0
216 7 6
Increased Rent
for which Lease
is recommended
to be given.
s. d.
60 0 0
50 0 0
37 10 0
40 0 0
100 0 0
36 0 0
323 10 0
'Your committee beg leave to report that several
other persons, tenants to those concerns have come for-
ward and made proposals, but not equivalent to the
value your committee have put upon them. They
therefore postponed reporting any I hing concerning
them, convinced that by strictly adhering to what your
committee have ascertained to be their value, your
lordship and hOllOurS will derive a considerable acces-
sion of income; your committee therefore recommenu
that for thE'! present, leases be only made to the persons
beforo stated. Your oommitteB are the more oonfirmed'
in this opinion, as they feel confident the proposed
1 b.
improvement of the intended Quay will add much to
the value of these concerns.
'Your committec ncxt turned their aTtention to the
valuabl<:l interest, which your lordship and hononrs
o. have in the lands of Clontnrk, and the most prudent
plan your committee conceived to be adopted by them
respecting these concerns, was first to ascertain the
value of the respective holdings, if now in your hands
to be let-and calculating what rent each tenant ought Rents.
to pay upon that data from tho present period-to carry
into effect this plan, your committee having previollsly
got a map of t.he whole made out, numbered, and valued Mu".
to which they beg leave to refer you, if llccessary-
requested two of your committee namely aldennan
John Carleton and alLLerman .Tohn Claudius Beresford
resident on these gronnds to call a meeting of the respec-
tive occupying tenants, in order to ascertain such of
them as would at present become tenants to your lord- Tenant,.
ship and honours under t.he proposed arrangement,
which would put YOll into possession immediately of an
increase of income of 2,0-10, per ,annum-and which inc,,"'e.
arrangement your committee beg leave, to lay before
you, as follows, explanatory of the plan they adoptcll. Plan.
' -
Nnmes of present Tenants.
Present Valll e
if now to be let.
s. d.
William Flint 150 0 0
Edward HlIghes 18 15 0
A nclrew Clarke 42 16 9
John Duval ...
R2 3 0
Laurence Lickens 45 0 0
Forward 288 14 9
Estate .
. Valuation.
Rent for which
Leu!)Cs are re
commeIlded to be
made from
)larch last.
s. d.
113 0 0
14 0 0
32 10 0
24 0 0
34 0 0
217 10 0
Rent for which ~ l \ rl
Estate. Present Value
Leases are re-
l\:ames of pregent Tenants.
Hnow to be let.
commended to be
made from 25th
March last.

s, (1.
s. J,
Bronght forward 288 14 9
2] I 10
William Flint 5 0 0 4
0 0
,Villiam Benson 5 0 0 4 0 0
,Villiam Flint 17 1 3 ]3
0 0
Ditto 17 1 3 13 0 0
Laurence ,Vhelan ]0
0 0 7 10 0
John Iluval 40 0 0 30 0 0
John Fitz Patrick 20 0 0 15 0 0
.T 01111 Curtis 15 0 0 11 10 0
J. C. Beresford 67 4 4 50 10 0
Ditto 247 15 0 186 0 0
Charles Conolly 22 15 0 17 0 0
Brien Cli fford 22 15 0 17 0 0
Mary Connor 30 0 0 22 10 0
Mathew Pace 10 0 0 I 10 0
Owen Egan 10 0 0 7 10 0
\\,illiam Williams 82 2 6
) ~ 10 0
Eliza "JIeehan 75 12 0 57 0
.T. C. Bcresford 45 2 10 34 0 U
Laurence Lickens 114 14 11 86 0 0
John Carleton 197 1 5 148 0 0
Hugh Hamill 110 3 10 83 0 0
lIlargaret Atkinson 315 1 9 236 0 0
John Ryan 357 14 10! 268 0 0
Arthur O'Drien 178 0
133 10 0
~ , lHurphy 83 7 6 64- 0 0
Peter WilsOll 58 4 4 43 10 0
.T ohn IVooLlhouse 116 4 9 87 0 0
Patrick Ennis 72 1 9 54 0 0
'l'homas Kirwan 61 10 0 46 0 0
Charles Eavanagh 20 0 0 15 0 0
2,717 9 6 2,040 0 0
'Your committee in CDnsequence of this mode of
proceeding have the satisfaction of informing your Rents.
lordship and honours, that the following persons of the
foregoing list have assented to become tenants from
25th March last at the following rents.
Name. Xumber. Rent.
S. cl.
Edward IIughes 5 14 0 0
Andrew Clarke 6 and 7
10 0
John Dllval 8 24 0 0
William Flint 143 0 0
vVilliam Benson 11 4 0 0
Ditto 14 7 10 0
John Duval 15 30 0 0
John Fitzpatrick 16 15 0 0
John Curtis 17 11 10 0
J. O. Beresford 18, 19,20,21,
22, 23, 24 236 10 0
Charles Conolly
'r _0 17 0 0
Reps. Brien Clifford ... 26 17 0 0
Reps. :YIary Connor 27 22 10 0
Mathew Pace 28 7 10 0
William Williams 30,31, 32, 33,3-! 61 10 0
Eliza i'.Ieehan i:l5,36, 37, 38, 39 57 0 0
J. C. Boresfonl 40 34 0 0
Laurence Lickens 41. 42 86 0 0
John Carleton 43, 41, 45, 46,
47,48,49 148 0 0
Hugh lIamill 50.51, 52 8B 0 0
Arthur O'Brien 78,74,70,7G,
77, 78, 79 133 10 II
80,81 64 0 0

Forward .1,249 0 0
Name. Number.
Brought forward
Peter \Yil son and J Ohn} from 82 to 88
\Voodhouse .. . inclusive
Patri ck Enni s
Thomas Kirwan
Charles Ravanagh
Owen Egan
Laurenoe Lickens
"- Rolls
Rent. m.11o
1,249 0 0
130 10
54 0 0
46 0
15 0 0
7 10 0
34 0 0
1,536 0 0
' Your committee therefore strongly recommend that ID. 11,
leaS<' s be granted to the foregoing several persons from
25th ~ I a r c h last, at the annual rents prefixed to their
names respectively-by this mode of proceeding, you
will still haye to let of these lands, what your committee
conceive will produce 504, per annum-and which
your committee would think it prudent not to dispose
of until the expiration of Sir John Coghill' s lease--as
YOllr committee submit that at that period the improve-
ments made upon the. present several lettings will much
enhance the value of the residue then to be disposed of,
which consists of two large farms-and might then be
divided and disposed of to considerable advantage.
, Your committee further recommend that each lease
shall contain a covenant, that the tenants shall pay one
shilling in the pound' Ministers money, and sixpence in
the pound for the purpose of keeping the church in
r epair-the payment of the sixpence in the pound not
to commence until Sir John Coghill's interest shall
terminate, inasmuch as he is bound by coYenant in his
lease to keep the Church in repair.
, Your committee further beg leaYB to mention, that
in order t o ascertain anc! put you in possession of the
full value of your sewral Ferries in the river Liffey,
the lease of which will expire in May, 1814-yonr Liff<y.
committee have advertised to receive proposals either Proposals.
for the whole or separately, to be opened by your lord-
ship and honours on the morning of your q narlerly
assembly, and then submit them to you for your
acceptance or rejection.
'In like manner your committee proceelled (con-
ceiving it the most eligible mode) as to your Tithes am! .
Glebe of Taghadoe, having had the parish previously Glebe.
viewed by a sub-committee .ancl the Glebe surveyed.
'Your committee beg leave to report, that they have
received a letter from the Earl of Charlemont proposing
a surrender of his determinable lease of part of the mpnt.
lands of Donnycarney, and of which he lms :vet to (l{)me
an unexpired term of twenty-eight years and t.hree lives
nmewable within that period-the residue of his pro-
perty there he holds in porpet.uity, and for the whole of
which he pays your lordship and honours the annual
rent of 709 15s.
'He proposes to surrender the determinable lease Lease.
upon heing granted one in making the wltole
of his rent then payable 1,000, per annum-and pay- Rent.
ing you on the execution of the lease as a fine 3,000- Fine.
upon tltis proposal your committoe offer no decided
opinion, as your committee l!id not think themselves
warranted fo rccommen,! the granting of a perpetuity
of your property.
'Your oommittee, as to that part of the order made
by your lonlship and honours 011 their former report to your Tolls am! Customs, the lease of which Lease.
will expire on the 29th September next, beg to report
that they have given it every pOtisible com;ideration, and
judging the mode of setting them to be .a matter of the Setting.
last import, referrcd to a sllb-conlmittee to inquire, moot
particuJarly concerning them. \Vlto reported thaL
1813. from every information they coulr] collect on the su.b-
ject, that it ,,"ould be highly prej ndicial to your interest
Gates. to set them separately by Oates, they therefore recom-
mend that the Tolls and Customs be set to the best
Term. advantage in the usual way for a term not exceeding
seven years.
'Your committee recommend, that the renewal
applied for by Mr. William Hayes at last assembly of
premises on Aston's quay, and which was then post-
poned, be now grant ed. inasmuch as it appears by
affidavit, t hat Hayes had applied for the same
within the time
, And your commit tee beg to report, that an offer has
been made which they submit worthy of your attention,
namely a sum -of 3,000, to be now paid for the next
presentation to the Living of Rathdrum, now filled by
the Reverend Richard Pow ell. 1" our committee felt it
their duty to submit this offer to you, and think your
attention under your existing circumstances ought to
be turned to it.
Report. ' And your committee cannot close this their report
without submitting to your lordship and honours, that
Ditties. the very arduous and important duties which have
under your directions devolved upon them, they have
endeavoured to discharge solely with a view to your
Interest. interest. And they beg leave to submit. that what they
in this their report recommend for adoption has under-
gone in most instances, both collectively and indivi-
uually the most minute and close in I'estigation.
'There are many other matters in which your 10rJ-
ship and honours' interests are much involved, and to
which if it shall please you to continue them, they
I,urpose turning ev,ery attention to in the course of the
e-nsuing three months, so as to be enabled at :vour next
general quarter assembly to make if practicable- a final
report upon your affairs.
10 b.
DUllLlN ASSEMllLY ROLL, 181.3. 409
, All which is submitted as our report this 28tn day of 1813.
April, 1813.'
And the said commom, praying to confirm said report Omel.
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
act of assembly, save and except those parts whir;h
relate to the offer made by J.IOrd Charlemont--to the
offer made for the next prese.ntation to the Living of mont.
Rathdrllm, which is hereby expunged from this report, R.thdrum.
and also respecting the Ferries, amI that those several Fenies.
matters be recommitted to tile committees of finance and
city leases.
And that the committee of Tolls and Customs be
empowrecl to set the same for a term not exceeding
seven years to the best advantage. And save and
except that part which relats to the granting a lease
to l'Ifr. Yeates of the lands of Colganstown, which is
horeby recommitted to the finance and city lease town.
committees, who arc' to report thereon to the next
assembly. And that no interest be allowed on the
deposit to be made at the letting of the Tolls and Deposit.
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
DulJlin with pipe water have mlllle the annexed report
of the 26th day of ApTil, 1813.
'We, the committee appointed for better supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg to inform
your honouTs that we have been anxiollsly attentive to
the various business incidental to this establishment Ilusiness.
since we last Your committee have much
satisfaction in informing you, that very considerable
00, progmss has been made in laying down mtal mains
in such part of the city as it became absolutely impera-
t.ive to do so from the decay of the old timboT pipes Timber
. pipeS.
tilerein, in consequence flf whIch all complamts for
Pipes in
want of a sufficient and permanent supply of water in
those parts are completely obviated.
, Your committee have still a good number of pipes
in their stores, which they purpose laying down in the
course of the summer in such parts of the metropolis
as shall appear to the engineer most to stand in need
of them. Your committee were necessitated to lay in
Metal pipes. perhaps a much larger stock of metal pipes than they
were warranted in doing from their heavy expenditure
in their works, but a desne to bring into .action the
Bason at Portobello, so as completely to supply a great
portion of the southern part of the city, wad their
MaillS. object and thereby ease other leading mains, and which
they feel no small satisfaction in informing your lord-
ship and honours through the unceasing exertions of
your engineer has answered every expectation that
co uld have beeu hoped from it.
'Your coIllmittee cannot here avoid observing, that
Expense. the very great expense upon the pipe water establish-
ment has been so much, so as to oblige the treasurer to
trespass on the funds of the corporation, but in doing
so, they have performed and perfected work, that if
delayed, would be attended with double the expense.
, All which we submit as our report this 26th day of
April, 1813.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[7.] Certain of the oommons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesll1ens bills
have made the annexed report of the 26th day of April,
Report. ' We, the committee appointed for examining trades-
men's bills to whom your lordship and honours were
last assembly pleased to refer for examination the fol-
u xxvii
lowing several bills which were then laid before YOll,
beg to report that they examined same, to wit: -
, Alderman JDhn Exshaw for printing
and stationery for the Lord
:Mayor's conrt, market house, and
high constable, and printing assize
of bread, commencing j 1 th
October 1811 aml ending 29th
s. rl.
September 1812 74 17 4
John Dickinson for work done at the
City :Marshalsea commencing
21th December 1810 and ending
5th August 1812 7 18 4
'William Ranney for papering, paint-
ing, and plastering clone at the
Mansion House in September
18] 2, per est imate 40 13 3
Charles Thorpe junior for work done
at City Marshalsea under the
direction of the inspector
Jones in October 18J2 ... 10 7 2t
Thomas E. Thorpe for carponters
work and masonry done in City
lI'Iarshalsea in September 1812 and
which was dOIle under act of
assembly J.1.8 2 lOt
281 19 0
Amounting in the whole to the sum of 19s .. of
and which said several bi}ls your committee having .
minutely examined into and enquired concerning, aml
finding them regularly vouched by affidavits and a
certificate of the inspector of the Marshalsea of the ,
work being perfectly well done, and that it was abso-
412 DUBLIN ROLL, 1813.
'tt f" and ROil""'!
MI\!'paid ute y necessary, your commIee are 0 opll1IOn m. 109.
rec.ommend same to be severally pair!'
, All which is submitted as our r.eprrt this 26th day
of April, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and macle an act of assembly, and that the city
Payment. treasurer do, on the Lord ),Iayor's warrant, pay the
several persons within mentioned the amount of their
respective accounts.
[8.] The committees of city leases and finance having
met this day in order to open the several proposals
lodged with the Town Clerks for the Tithes and Glebe
of Taghadoe in the CQunty of Kildare agreeable to
public advertisement-read same and find the annexed
Xew,nham. proposal of Thomas Rewenham offering the annual
rent of 305, to be the highest proposal.
Proposal. " I hereby offer for the Glebe lands, great and small
Tithes of T'aghadoe, the snm of 305, sterling, per
annum-commencing rent as you may think proper-
which Tithes and Glebe are in the Barony of North
Salt in the County of Kildare-and will bind myself
by lease for the payment thereof during the term of
twenty-one years, as doth appeal' by advertisement.
" Thomas Newenham,
" Kilcock."
\Vhereupon it was ordered, that said Thomas
l\ewenha,m do get a lease .of the Tithes and Glebe of
Taghadoe. Taghac10e in the County of Kildare for the term of
twenty-one years from the 25th day of March last, he
giving snfficient security for the payment of said rent
to he approved of by the Lord ::IIayor, Sheriffs, and
gentlemen composing sai,l committees, and if snch
security be not approved {)f anel entered into within
ten days from the date hereof, that the committee be
empowered to let same on the terms aforesaid to the
person who has proposed the next highest sum f{)r same.
And it is ordered. that the lease (0 be made of the said Leases.
Tithes do contain such covenants and clauses as the Tithes.
Recorder shall think pr{)per for the safety of the Reco,der.
[9.] "Resolved, that the thanks of this Corporation
be and are hereby rctnrned to the right honourable
Robert Peel, Chief Secretary to his grace the lord
109 b. lieutenant, for his steady perseverance in snpport of the
Ci ty of Dublin in oontending for the admission of the
right hononrable the LOl'<l to the Bar of the Mayo,.
House of Commons to present our Petitions agreeable
to the usage of the City of London."'
The Lord Mayor and 130anl of Aldermen request the
concurrence of tho Shpriffs and Commons in the fme- Concm-
going resolution.-Allowed.
[10.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of F"nchise.
city to the r ight hononrabh' George Scholey, Lord
Mayor of the City of London: whereupon it was
granted, gratis, and that same acoompanied with a
suitable address to be prepared by a committee consist-
ing of aldermen Sir William AlexallLler, John Exshaw,
and J ohn Cash, t<Jgether with three of the commons to
be named by"the Sheriffs and CDmmons, and that same
be engrossed and pnt uncler the city seal, ancl trans-
mittecl to the Lord Mayor of London by our Chief
[The three of the commons:] :Messieurs John Giffanl, Commons.
Sir Eclwanl Stanley, Alexal1Ller Montgomery.
' T" the right hOllourable George Se-holey,
Mayor of the City of London.
Lord at
'The aciclress of the Lord :i\Iayor, Sheriffs, commons,
and citizens of the City of Dublin in common council
'My Lord.
'We have heard with [X'culiar gratification of the
Hospitality. distinguished marks of respect and hospitality bestowed
of by you and the city of London upon the Lord Jlfayor of
Dublin. our city dllring his residence in your great metropolis,
and we should be deficient in gratitude, did we not
take the earliest opportunity of expressing our acknow-
Favours. ledgements for the favours whieh you have conferred.
City seal.
We hail with sympathetic pleasure the sentiments of
union and concord between the sister countries, and
feeling, as we do, their interests indissolubly united,
we sincerely rejoice at every opportunity of social
intercourse and reciprocal friendship, which can tend
to cement our mutual interests. We therefore have
enrolled you as a citizen of our ancient and loyal
Corporation, and in presenting you with your freedom,
we beg leave to assure you, that should an opportunity
be afforded us of your presence in Dublin, we will be
happy personally to evince our respect and gratitude.
, In testimony whereof, we have ca.used the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this BOth day
of April, in the year of our Lord, 181B.'
[11.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to the Reverend Thomas Elrington, Provost of
l'rinity Oollege, Dublin: whereupon it was granted,
[12.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to Sir Oharles Vernon, knight: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[13.] Oertain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to John Rea, esquire, High Sheriff of the county
of the city of Londonderry: whereupon it was granted,
[14.] Certain of the commons, praying for freecloln
of city to Hichard vVogan 'l'albot. eS[lnire: whereupon Talbot.
it was granted. gratis.
[15.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom F<anchi..,.
of city to Daniel '''ebb 'Vebber, esquire: whereupon it \VebOOr.
was granted, gratis.
[16.] Lord Mayor of Dublin and the Imperial
Parliament. Parliament.
"R.esolved, that the thanks of this Corporation are Thanks.
jllstly due ane! hereby. givon to our worthy represen-
tatives the right honournblo Henry Grattan a nd Robert Grattau.
Shaw, esquire, for their exertions and perseverance in Show.
the Imperial I'arliament in supporting the cla im of its
Chief :Magistrate."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously Agreed to.
agree with the Sheri ffs [I nd Commons in the foregoing
resol ution.
[17.] Presentation of petitions by the Lord l\f ayor of
Dublin at the Bar of the House of Commons.
"Resolved, that the right honourable Abraham
Braclley King, Lord Mayor of the city of Dublin, is
entitled to our warm<'st and most sincere thanks for )I,),or.
having personally attended tlte Imperial Parliament
with the several petitions entrusted to his charge--fOl: Petitions.
having obtained from Parliament a recognition of the
right and privilege of the Ci ty of Dublin to present Privilege.
petitions at the Bar ,of the House-and for having B.r of the
h d
' I f I Cl' f House.
mflintainecl t e 19TIlty ant oonsequence t le lie
Magi strate of Dublin in the Metropolis of Greflt Britain,
with snitable and creditable splendour without any Splendour.
expense whatever to the Corporation of Dublin."
The Board of Aldermen (alderman \Villi am Henry Agreed to.
Archer, late Lord Mayor in the chair) nnanimousl y
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
Piece of
[181 Letting of the lands of Colganstown. ~ ~ < f :
"Resolved, that the thanks of this corporation are
justly clue and are hereby given to IIIolesworth Greene,
esquire, one of the Town Clerks, for the advantageous
letting he has enabled them to make of the lands of
Colganstown, by procuring them the outstanding
interest of the representative of your lessee in those
lands for a term of six years, at so Iowa purchase as
2,400, whereby the corporation has become possessed
of 1,000, a year, for so small a sum as 800, the
remainder of the purchase being discharged by the fine
of 1,600, paid by the tenant, and the corporation have
gained upwards of 6,000, and that for such his
services, he be complimented with a piece of plate, value
fifty guineas." .
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
request the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in
the foregoing resolution, Rnd they regret that the state
of tlieir finances preclude their requiting 1111'. Greene's
services by a sum more commensurate wth the advan-
tages the corporation have derived, and whiGh he
might if he pleased have turned to his own advantage.
[19.] Arthur Orde, praying to be continued pipe water
collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Arthur Orcle be and is hereby continned one of the
pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending Easter assembly 1814, he
giving such security for tho faithful discharge of the
duties of said office, and paying to the city treasurer
all sHch Sllms of money as he shall from time to time
receive, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void.
[20.] Joseph :r.-raddock, praying to be continued pipe
water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Joseph Maddoek be and is hereby continued one of the
11 xxvii.
pipe water collectors cluring the city's pleasure, not 1813.
exceeding one year ending Easter assembly 18140, he
giving such security for the faithful discharge of the Security.
duties of said office, and paying to the city treasurer
all such sums of money as he shall from time to time
receive, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void.
[21.] Freclerick George Bournes, praying to be
contiuued gaoler of the New Prison: whereupon it was NewPrison.
ordered, that the said Frederick George Bournes be and
is hereby continuecl gaoler of the New P,ris{)11 during the
city's pleasure, not exceeding one year (ncling Easter
assembly 1814; providecl that he the said Fredericl,
George Bourncs do constantly lie each night in the Residence.
said gaol, or in clefault thereof that the said Frederick
George Dournes be removed from the said office awl
rendered incapable of ever holding the same, and that
he shall strictly adhere to the directions set forth in
the act of il,Iichaelma,s assembly 1787; also provicld
th at he the said Freclerick George Eournes do givo
security to indemnify the corporation from all escapes Security.
and for the clue perfOrmlll1Ce amI faithful discharge of
the duties of said office, such as the Lord :J\Iayor and
Sheriffs shall appl'Ove of, said security to be entered
into in one week from this date or this order to be void.
[:22.) Michael Caffmy, praying to be continued one Calfray,
of the serjeants at mace: whereupon it was ordmed, at mace.
that the said Michael Caffray be and is hereby con-
tinued one of the serjeants at mace of said city for one
year ending Easter assembly 18H, he giving such
security for the faithful clischarge of the duties of said Silver mace.
office and recleli very of the si] vel' mace, as the Lord
Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to
bo entered into in one month from this date or this
order to be void, also provided that he do appeal' on
public days in proper gown of office.
Ilt mace.
[23.] Richard Butler. praying to be continued serjeant ! ~ 1 l 1 ~
at macc: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
Richard Butlcr be al1(l is hereby continued one of the
serj eanf s at mace of said city for one year ending
Eastpr assembly 1814. he giving such security for the
faithful diRcharge of the duties of said office and
Silver mace. redelivery of the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and
Sheriffs shall approve of, said security to be entered
into in ono month from this date or this order to be
void, also provided that he do appear on public days
in proper gown of office.
Smith, [24.] l..,[argaret. Smith, praying for payment for
Assemblies. attending all assemblies for one year and providing
Stationery. pens, ink, paper, and candles: whereupon it was
Payment. ordered, that petitioner be paid by the city. treasurer
on the Lord Mayor's warrant the sum of five guineas,
for the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[26.] George Gri,erson, printer, praying for payment
of bill: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
Payment. paid by the city treasurer on the Lorel j\fayor's warrant
Passage to
Ferry slip.
Agreed to.
the sum of 31 6s. 2d., being amount of his account.
[26.] "Resolved, that the committee of finance be
directed to demand of the Commissioners of \VidJ
Streets a jury to value the damages the city have
Rn ff ered by their closing the passage leading to t h ~
lower Ferry slip."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurl'once of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.-Allowed.
" The SheriJTs am] Commons request the Lord JIJ ayor
and Board of Aldermen will amend the order relative
to the passage of the lower Ferry slip, by referring it
to the city leases as well as the finance committee."
'l'he Lord )layor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
resol ution.
11 xxvii.
108 b.
[27.] George Drown, high constable, praying for aid:
whereupon it was ordBred. that hi s salary be increased
from 40, to 100, per annum, to commence t.his Salary.
[28.] Thomas Gill espie, praying for payment of bill Gillespie.
for engrossing addresses: whereupon it was ordered, Addresses.
that petitioner be paid by the city treasurer all the Payment.
Lord Mayor's warrant the slim of 17 12s. 7td ..
sterling, bDing amoun t of hi s account.
[29.] Robert Tyler. beadle of Saint .Paul's parish,
praying for uSlla] allowance for opening Smithfield Smithfield.
market: wber eupan it was ordered. that petitioner be
paid the sum of three guineas, for the reasons in his Payment.
petition mentioned.
[30.] Certain of the commons, praying for froedom Franchi,e.
of city to Charles Rea, esquire: whereupon it was Rea.
granted, gratis.
[31.] Charles Smith, praying to bo continued Smith,
Srjeant at mace: whereupon it was ordered, t.hat the at mace.
said Charles Smith be and is hereby continued one of
the serj eants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, for one year onding Easter assembly 1814,
he giving such security for the faithful discharge of
the duties of said office and redelivery of the silver Silver mace.
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall approve of,
said security-to be entered into in one month from this
date or this order to be voi, l, also provided that lle do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[32.] George Dickinson, praying for aiel : whereupon Dick;nson.
it was orderell, that petitioner be paid the sum of 2, Gmnt.
for reasons in his petition.
1813. April 30.-Admissions to franchise.
1813. April 30.-Declaration and signatures.
08 b. 1813. June 2o.-Post Assembly .
[1.] To l'eceivEl the resignation of the Reverend
Doctor William Blundell, and appoint a Chaplain in
his room.
"I, the Reverend William Blundell, D.D., having
Castlerea. been appointed to the living of Castlerea in the diocese
J;lphin. of Elphin, the duties of which parish are incompatible
Dublin. with those of the Chaplaincy of the City of Dublin, do
Chaplaiucy. hereby resign the said Chaplaincy, together with all
right to interfere in the duties thereof in future, and
all claim to the emoluments arising therefrom.
"William Blundell. (Seal.)"
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in accepting
the above resignation of Doctor Blundell.-Allowed.
[2.] The Reverend WilIiam Walker, praying to be
appointed City Chaplain in the room of the Reverend
William Blundell resigned: whereupon it was ordered,
that the said Reverend William Walker be appointed
City Chaplain in the room of the Re.verend Doctor
William Blundell resigned.
'Abraham Bradley King. Lord ::Ilayor.-William
Henry Archer.-John Exshaw.-John Carleton.-
Richard )l.Ianders.-Robert Shaw.-John Cash.-
Thomas Andrews.-Frederick Darley.-Mark Blox-
ham.-John Claudius Beresford.'
1813. Jnly 16.-Fourth Friday after the 24th of m.
Midsummer Assembly held at the City Assembly
House in William street.
[1.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water llave made the annexed report
of the 15th July_ 1813.
Report. 'We, the committee appointed for better supplying the
city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your honours, that we have been particularly attentive
xxvii. to the various business committed to our care since we >813.
l16. Business.
last reported. Your committee have much satisfaction
in informing YOll, that very considerablo progress has
been made in laying down metal maills in such parts Metal
of the city as it was absolute necessary hom the decay rnam,.
of old pipes to have same laid down, and which in con- Old pipes.
sequence now receives a const,ant and uninterrupted
'Your committee however oollceived it necessary
from the large sums of money which ha,ve been laid out
upon the pipe water establishment, and r emaining due
to yonr lordship and honours to llirect that no work Work.
should be proceeded upon, save what should appear
absolutely necessary until the sum so elll S to you should Sum due.
be in some elegree liquidated.
'Your committee beg leave to recommend that bonds Bonds.
for the sum of 2,000, be made out and put under the
city seal, being the last sum you are empowered to City seal.
borrow under the metal main act, to be applied for the
purposes in said act mentioned.
'Your oommittee agreeable to an annual custom
went up the water comse on Monday the 12th instant,
and found the same in perfect order, save a. small breach
in the city basin, J ames's sb'eet, which we ordered to :';:1
be repail"ed. basin.
, All which is submitted as our report this 15th day
of .July, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying to confiI"m said report Order.
and make samc an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
act of assembly.
[2.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the City leases.
committee of city leases have made the annexedl"epmt
of the 15th July, 1813.
'\Ve, the committee appointed fOT inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring, beg leave to inform your lordship
1813. and honours that we have paid every attention to the
business committed to us since we last reported. Your
committee took into their consideration the petition of
Arthur Richard Nevill, city surveyor, for valuations
Surveys. and surveys, amounting to the sum of 160 15s. 9d.,
which your committee referred to a sub-committee
consisting of messieurs Daniel Hutton, John Willis,
and \Villiam Porter. Who reported, that having
minutely examined the same, they conceive that he
ought to be paid thE' sum of 155, and that the several
maps made, which form said account, shall be lodged
in the Town Clerk's office.
And your committee took into consideration the
petition of Francis Dunn for the renewal of his premises
in Castle street, which your committee referred to a
sub-committee. Who reported that the same were in
so very decayed a state that they will require to be
Rebuilding. rebuilt long before the expiration of his present lease,
he having only an unexpired term of five years from
March Jast.
Your committee are therefore of opinion and recom-
Lease. mend that a' new lease be granted to him for a term of
seventy-one years from 29th September next at the
Rent. annnal rent of 56 17s. 6d. , he covenanting to rebuild
the concerns within two years from the perfection of his
lease. By this letting your lordship and honours will
acquire at present an addition of 6 ] 7s. 6d., per
annum, and at the determination of five years the
atmual increase of 30.
All which is submitted as our report this 15th day
of July, 1813.'
Order. And the said commons. praying to confirm said report
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
Payment. act of assembly, and that the city treasurer do, on the
Lord J\layor's warrant, pay lIlr. Arthur Rich:ud
I xxvii.
Nevill, the amount of his account, and that leases bo
made out to Fraoci s Dunn and put under the city seal
agreeable to the within r eport. City seal.
[3.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee of finan ce and city leases have made the leases.
annexed report of the 14th July. 1813.
, \V c, the committee of finance and city leases, beg Report.
leave to inform your lordship and honours that we
have encleavollrecl to discharge the dllty which under
your directions have devolved upon ns, since we last
reported. And first y<lllr committee ad verting to the
order which you wero pleased to maIm upon onr former
report respecting the lease of the lands of Colganstown,
and which you were pleased to recommit to li S for onr
consideration, in consequence of an increased offer
having been made for same after we hall S0 signed our
'Your committee jnclgecl it a matter of importance
to ascertain whether the gmtleman, who harl made
such billding w{) uld still adhere thereto. Your com-
mittee received a r eply from him, informing them, that
inasmuch as he had made a purchase in another
quarter, he begged to decline and withllraw h is former
'Your committ ee are therefore firmly persuaded that
it will be your lordship and honours interest to deal
with Mr. Yeates, your present tenant's eldest son. upon Yeate'.
the terms recommended by us in our former report,
namely at a r ent of 1,001, per annum, together wit h Rent.
the Sllm of ] ,611, bping the amount to which the
ti mber on the lands has been valued at, on a lease to
bo given to him for ninety-nine years.
'Your committee are the more confinned that this
their recommendation will be for your interest, as it
will put a stop to any possihle liti gation that might
occur-as Miss Howison, whGsQ interest will be vested Howis"n.
Value of
ill you, call surrender her term by joining in the lease :;'11
to him-in further explanation of this, we beg to refer
you to our former report should it become necessary.
'Your committee beg to inform your lordship and
honours, that 11r. Thomas Newenham, whom you were
pleased to recommend to get a lease of the Tithes of
Taghadoe-he being the highest bidder at 305 per
annum, has declined fulfilling such his bidding.
'Yonr committee having made enquiry concerning
the tithes and glebe of this parish and having obtained
much useful information from .Mr. John Willis, one of
the members of the corporation, your committee judged'
that the most likely mode to advance your interest
would be to ascertain the exact value of the parish for
the present year. And therefore to prevent any delay.
they requested Mr. John Willis for the present year to
take the management of the tithes and glebe, thereby
with precision to ascertain its real value, to which
request he has in the handsomest manner acceded with-
out any remuneration whatever, save the expenses to
which he may be put in having it viewed and valued,
from this mode of proceeding your committee are not
without hope that much benefit may result.
'Your committee received a memorial from Laurence
Byrne of 23 Essex street, now the tenant of your lord-
ship and honours, at t.he annual rent of 18, in conse-
quence of your becoming the assignee of Humph:my
Butler's int.erest in the lease of premises originally
clomisecl by yon to Nevill Pooley, proposing to pay you
the annual rent of 4F) 10s., and to layout 350, in
lasting and valuable improvements on the premises.
, And your committee having minutely examined the
same, and taking into consideration the very ruinous
and decayed state of the building feel no hesitation in
strongly recommonding a lease of eighty years to be
granted to him on the terms proposed, that being the
.,16 b.
same term you have already given to other tenants in
that neighbourhood similarly situated. He allowing
at the rear of his ooncerns, such ground as may be
necessary for the intended improvement of the New New Quay.
, All which wo submit as our report this 14th day of
July, 1813.'
And the said oommons, praying to confirm said Order.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, save and except to that part
which relates to the tithes of Taghadoe, and it is T.ghadoe.
ordereu, that the Lord ;\Iayor and Sheriffs be requested
and empowered to employ a person to collect same for Collector.
the present year.
And also except that part which relates to the lands
of Colganstown, which are to be advertised in the folgan
public papers to be let either in the whole or in divi-
Eions to the best and highest bidder for a term not Term.
exceeding ninety-nine years, agreeable to the resolution
agreed to by the Sheriffs and Commons.
[4.J Certain of the commons, praying to grant the
herbage of Saint Stephen's Green to alderman John
Cash during his Mayoralty: whereupon it was granted,
pursuant to the prayer of the petition.
115. [5.] Certain of the commons, praying for address to
the Prince Regent on the victory of Vitoria: where-
upon it was granted, pursuant to the petition, and that
a committee consisting of aldermen John Exshaw, John
Carleton, Frederick Darley, John Cash, NathanieI
Hone, and five of the commons to be named by the
Sheriffs and Commons be and are hereby appointed a
committee with the assistance of :\Ir. Recorder to pre-
pare an address to the Prince Regent, aml that said
address so prepared, be engrossed. and put under the
city seal, and presented by the corporation at large to
1813. his grace the lore! lieutenant in order to its being trans-
mitted to his royal highness.
Commom. [Tho five of the commons: 1 Messieurs John Gi ffard,
over the
William 1\ugent, Sir Edward Stanley, William
McAuley, William Bell.
'To his Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales,
Regent of ihe United Kingdom of Great Britain and
'Tlw humble address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin, in common
council assembled.
, May it please your Royal Highness.
'Wf', the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens
of the city of Dublin, beg leave to approach your Royal
Highness with our sincere congratulations on the late
splendid, glorious, and decisive victory obtained over
the French on the 21st of June last, near Vitoria, by
his majesty's army under the command of Field
Marshal the illustrious Marquis of Wellington, an
City seal.
officer whose dauntless fortitude, whose transcendent
merit, and excellent talents enabled him on the late
memorable oooasion to exceed all that he had himself
before achieved, and to obtain on that proud day a
victory the most brilliant that ever graced our military
, We most humbly hope that the God of battles, who
continues to extend his divine favour to his majesty's
arms, will enable him finally to triumph over all his
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th day
of July, in the year of our Lord, 18]3.'
Ordered, that the foregoing address do stand the
address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
xxvii. citizens of the city of Dublin, and that same be J813.
engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented as in
the order for appointing the committee for preparing
said address is particularly mentioned.
[6.] Certain of the commons, praying for address to
his grace the Duke of Richmond; whereupon it was Richmond.
grantt'd, pursuant to the petition, and that a committee
consisting of aldermon John Exshaw, John Carleton.
Frederick Darley, N athaniel Hone, John Cash, and
five of the commons to be namell by the Sheriffs and
Commons, be and are hereby appointed a committee
with the assistanoe of J\lr. Recorder to prepare an
address to his grace the Duke of Richmond, and that
said address so prepared, be engrossed, put under the
city seal, and presented to his grace by the corporation
at large.
[The five of the commons;] Messieurs Alexander Commons.
Montgomery, John Giffard, William Nugent, Sir
Edward Stanley, William 1I1cAuley.
''T'o his grace Charles, Duke of Richmond.
'The humble address of the Lord .Sheriffs, Richmond.
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin.
, May it please your grace.
'We, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of thte city of Dublin, beg leave to approach
your grace with sentiments of the deepest regret upon
your grace's departure from this kingdom. Under departuxe.
your grace's mild and firm adininistration, we have
seen the authority of the laws vindicated. \Ve have Laws.
seen your parental solicitude for the promotion of the '
trade and manufactures of Ireland, and we have seen
every charitable institution fostered and protected.
, Allow llS therefore to assure your grace, that we Aek"ow-
. ledgement&.
should deem ourselves devoid of gratitude, if we dId not
City seal.
Answer ..
Duke of
avail ourselves of this public opportunity to express : ' ~ t ' f . '
our sincere acknowle,lgements for that uniform wisdom
and that temperate vigilance and firmness which so
eminently distinguished your grace's administration,
and which deservedly ensured to your grace the affec-
tion of a free and loyal people.
, The loyal citizens of Dublin will ever remember the m. 115
Duke of Richmond's administration with gratitude,
and sincerely wish, that he, his amiabJe duchess, his
illustrious son, and every member of his family, may
always experience that happiness, which their public
and private virtues so justly merit.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th day
of July, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
Ordered, that the foregoing audress do stand the
address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin, and that same be
engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented, as in
the order for appointing the committee for preparing
said address is particularly mentioned.
\Vhich address having been presented to his grace
the Duke of Richmond, he was pleased to return the
following answer.
" Gentlemen.
"The reflection that my public conduct during the
long period in which the administration of the govern-
ment of this part of the United Kingdom has been
entrusted to my hands, has been such as to give satis-
faction to so respectable a portion of the community
as the Lord .Mayor. Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of
Dublin, will always be most gratifying to me, and you
may rest assureu, that my utmost exertions will at all
times and on all occasiolls be used to promote the
interest and prosperity of Ireland.
,011 xxvii.
I. 115 b.
DUBLIN ROLL, 1813. 429
" In the name of the Duchess of Richmond, my son. 1813.
and my family, I beg leave to return tbeir thanks for
the good wishes which you have so flatteringly
exprossed for their welfare.
" Richmontl."
[7.J "Resolveu, that the grateful and most humble Than"'.
thanks of this house be and are hereby returnerl to his
grace the Duke of Richmonu, for his constant attention
to the wishes and interosts of the city of Dublin,
and particularly for his having at the recommf'nda-
tion of the corporation promoted onr late worthy Promotion.
and respectable Chaplain the Reverend Doctor
The Lonl Mayor and Boanl of Aldermen unani-
mously agree with the Sheriffs amI Commons in the
foregoing resolution.
[8.J Certain of the commons, praying fnr aLlrlress tn Address.
'1 . f HT 11' I . . d Marquis of
t e", arqms 0 v. e mgton: w lereUpOn It was grante , Wellington.
pursuant to the petition, and that a committee consist-
ing of aldennen John Exshaw, John Carleton,
Frederick Darley, John Cash, Robert Shaw, and five
of the commons to be named by the Sheri ffs and
Commons, be and am hereby appointed a committee Committee.
witb the assistance of Mr. Recorder to prepare an
address to the Marquis of \Vellington, and that said
address so-prepared, be engrossed, put under the city
seal, and transmitted to his lordship.
[The fiv,e of the commons: J Messieurs Francis Commons.
Hamilton, George \Varum', John Gitfanl, WiIliam
N llgent., Sir John Ferns.
"ro Field :'Iarshal the Marquis of \Vcllington Address.
Knight of the most noLle Order of the Garter, et cetera:
, The address of the Lord Jl,[ayor, Sheriffs, commons,
and citizens of the city of Dublin.
' My Lord.
'When the gratitude of the empire has been called
forth by the triumph of the gallant army under your
command, the Corporation of Dublin would feel itself
wanting in that respect and affectionate attachment,
which it has so often manifested to you, if it did not
embrace this public opportunity to express the lively
and grateful sensations excited by your eminent
services, your distinguished heroism, and transcendent
abilities, which on no occasion were more happily
exemplified than on the late memorable victory
French. obtained by you and your brave associates' in arms
Liberties of
City seal.
over the French on the 21st of June last, near Vitoria.
A victory most humiliating to our enemies, most
glorious to the allied arms, and ranking with the
greatest and most important that ever has been obtained.
, After such a victory achieved in a cause at once so
great and glorious, we cannot but feel confident that
t.ho energies, magnanimity, and the resources of your
great mind, will under divine providence, effed the m. IV
re-establishment of a brave and generous people in
their rights and national independence, and ultimately
secure the liberties of Bumpe.
, Permit us, my Lord, to renew to you the assurances
of our unalterable attachment, and our sincere wishes
that you may long continue to enjoy the affection and
veneration of your admiring country.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th
day of July, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
[9.] Certain of the commons, praying for address to
his majesty's Attorney General, the right honourable
\Villiam Saurin: whereupon it was granted, pursuant
to the petition, and that a committee consisting of
aldermen John Exshaw, John Carleton, Frederick
Darley, Nathaniel Hone, John Cash, with five of the
commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons,
be and are hereby appointed a committee to prepare an mittee.
address to the Attorney General pnrsuant to said
petition, and that said address so prepared, be
engrossed, and put under the city seal, and presented by
the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.
[The five of the commons:] Messieurs \Villiam Common,.
Dixon, Alexander J\fontgomery, Sir John Ferns, John
Giffard, William Nugent.
'To the right honourable \Yilliam
Saurin his Addres8.
, Saunn,
maj,esty's Attorney General.
'The address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons,
and citizens of the city of Dublin.
, Sir.
, "vV e, the Lord :\Iayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city or Dublin, embrace this public cODduct.
opportunity to express our approbation of your conduct
in the high station which you now so hOl1ourably fill.
'We have seen by a wise, a virtuou s, and most
lenient exercise of official duty, the authority of the law Law.
vindicateu, and its vi olators brought to punishment. Violators.
And we are confident that the applause ancl approba-
tion which you have so justly acquired from all good
men, by a fa-ithful discharge of public duty, has been Public
. fi d . d duty.
to your honourable anc chgl1l 8 mll1 , the most
gra ti fying of all rewards.
, Allow us to add our sincere wishes, that you may
long continuo to onjoy the confidence of your sovereign C",nfidcnce.
and the affectionate esteem amI regard of all his Subjects.
majesty's loyal subjects.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 16th Jay City ,eal.
of July, in the year of our Lord, 181B.'
Which address having been presented by the Lord
lllayor, Sheriffs, 1'oWIl Clerks, and sevoral members of
the corporation to the Attorney General, he was
pleased to return the following answer.
"My Lord and Gentlemen.
"'fhe approbation of my official conduct expressed
in the address of that most loyal and respectable
hody, whom you represent, and conveyed in terms
Kind term . SO very kind and flattering mnst ever prove to
me a source of pride and satisfaction, nor can it fail
to operate as a powerful incitement to me to persevere
in the course which you approve, by bringing the
violators of the law to justice, and by applying the
laws with firmness, but with moderation and temper
to the political distempers of the state.
"William Saurin."
[10.] "Resolved, that the freedom of this city be
granted to general Sir Rowland Hill' for his signal
services upon the Peninsula."
The LOl'd Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
[11.J Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to captain Philip Broke
of his majesty's frigate
Shannon: whereupon it was granted, gratis.
[12.J Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to Edmund Alexander M cN aughten, esquire:
whereupon it was granted, gratis, and that same be
engrossed, put under the city seal, and presented to
Edmund Alexander McN aughten.
[13.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
city to Parke P. Neville, esquire: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
1 Viscount Hill, 17721842. : Sir Phillp Bowes VHre Broke, 1776-184.1.
Gm'. f('y'Al',tI., 78;
.7'IJp .. ..,
14 b.
[14.] J ane Tweedy, praying for aid: the Lord Mayor
and Board of Aldermen in consequence of the very
deep distress of )'Jrs. Tweedy as mentioned in her Distress.
petition, and which is verifierl by affidavit, rpcluest the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in reinstat ing
her in her annuity of 50, per annum, from this day.- Annuit.y.
[J5.] Sarah 'Walker, praying for aid: wherenpon it Walker.
was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of 25, by Grant.
the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for
the reasons in her petition mentioned.
[16.] Certain of the commons, praying to empower and
committee uf beams and scales to set same: whereupon
it was ordered, that the committee be and are hereby
empowered to set the same for one year.
[17.] Alldrew Coffey, praying to be continued pipe
water engineer: whereupon it was ordered, that the engineer.
said Anrlrew Coffey be and is hereby continued pipe
water engineer during the city's pleasure, not exceeding
one year ending Midsummer assembly, 1814, at a salary Salary.
of 400, sterling.
[18.] le Resolved, that the Green committee be Sajnt
directed to enquire into t ho state of Saint Stephen's G"en.
Green and report thcreon to the next assembly."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheri ffs fl"l1d Commons in the foregoing rosolution.
[J 9.] George Drowne, praying to be continued high
constable: whereupon it was ordered, that the said co"'ta!)lc.
G('orge Browne be and is hereby continued high
constable during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending :Midsummer assembly 1814, at the salary Salary.
of LOO.
[20.] Samuel Hutchinson, praying to be continued
pipe water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that
the saill Samuel Hutchinson be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pipe wa.ter
434 DUBLIN ROLL, 1813.
pleasure, not exceeding one year en ding Midsummer
assembly 1814, he giving secmity for the faithful dis-
charge of the dnties of said office, and paying to the
city treasurer all such S11IDS of money as he shall from
time to time receive, sai,l security to be entered into
one month from this date or this order to be void.
[21. 1 Robert Newell, praying to be continued one of
the pipe water whereupon it was ordered,
that the said Robert l\ewell be and is hereby continued
one of the pipe water collectors during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Midsummer
assembly 1814, he giving security for the fai thful dis-
cJlarge of the duties of saie! office, and paying to the
city treasurcr all such sums of money as he shall from
time to time receive, sai d security to be entered into
in one month from this elate or this order to be void.
[22.J "Resolved, that any claims made by nominees,
which have been struck out of the Tontine list be
referred to the committee of Tontine, and that they be
empowered to act according to the plan originally
establi shed by the corporation."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheri ffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[23.] 'I'he Commissioners of ,Vide StI'eets having
served notice upon the Commissioners of the 'Revenue,
to lodge money with their Secretary, to defray the
expen88 of a jury to value the damage sustained by the
Corporation and other persons, owing to the passage on
the north side of the river to the Custom House Ferry
being stopped.
Evidence "Resolved, t hat the committees of finance and city
befoTe jury. .'.
leases be empowered to appomt a select commlttee to
confer with the present tenant in order to get informa-
tion for evidence to bring before the jury to ascertain
the Corporation's claim for the loss they have
114 b.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with 1813.
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[24.] "Resolved, that the sincere and grateful thanks
of the Sheriffs and Commons be and are hereby Chaplain.
returned to the Reverend Doctor William Blundel!' our
late City Chaplain, for his laudable and praiseworthy
conduct in that office, and we congratulate him on the
promotion cleoervedly conferred on him by his grace t1Hl
Duke of Richmond." Richmond,
'1'he Sheriffs and Commons request (he concurrence
of the Lord .Mayor and Board of Alde1men in the fore-
going resolut.ion.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermon unanimously Agreed to.
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing
1813. July 16.-Admissions to franchise.
1813. July 16.-Declaration and signatures.
113. 1813. August 10.-Post Assembly.
[25.1 Henry Pet.tigrew, praying to be appointed
craner of Spittalfields crane: whereupon it was master.
ordered, that the said Henry Pet.tigrew be and is
hereby appointerl weighmaster and craner of Spittal-
fields crane, in the r oolll of J alllss Bamber deceased,
during good behavionr, and that he do enter into
sufficient. before the, Lord Mayor (in ten days Seellrity,
from the date hereof) conditioned for the true nlld
faithful execution of his ofllce, such security to be
approved of by the Lord Mayor and Sheri ffs or this
order to be void.
[26.] John JUurray, praying to be appointed pipe
water collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the collector.
resignation of the above named John Murray, as one of
Lhe representatives of the Guild of :lIerchants, be
acceptecl of, and that he be and is hereby appointed one
of the pipe water collectors in the room of J ames B enry
1813. deceased, during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one
year ending Midsummer assembly 18l4, he giving
Security. security for the faithful discharge of the duties of said
office, and paying to the city treasurer all such sums of
money as he shall from time to time receive, said
security to De entered into in one month from this date
or this order to be voi d.
Guild of
of city
"T, John Murmy, do hereby resign to the Lord
Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the city of
Dublin, my place or situation as one of the represen-
tatives of the Guild of Merchants, and pmy that same
may be received, provided I shall this day be elected
to the situation of pipe water collector.
" Given under my hand and sBal this 10th day of
August, 1813.
"John l\[urray."
'.Tohn Cash, Lord Mayor.-Abraham Dmdley King.
-John Exshaw.-Charles Thorp.-Frederick Darley.--
\Villiam Henry Archer. - John Carleton. - John
Claudius Beresford. -Thomas Andrews. - William
1813. October 15.-Third Friday after the 29th day m. 12]
of September.
Lord Mayor: John Cash.
Sheriffs: G(lorge Warner and .T acob \Vest.
[1.] of the city accounts for the last year.
Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, masters of the works, aldermen
Abraham BradJey King, John Exshaw, Samuel Reed,
Thomas Andrews, Nathaniel Hone, \Villiam Henry
Archer, .Tohn Claudius Berosford, .Tohn Alley, Robert
Shaw, and eighteen of the commons to be named by the
SheriiIs and Commons or any nine of them, whereof
the Lorrl Mayor and olle of the Sheriffs to he always
two, and in the absence of the Lord Mayor, the senior
,oIl xxvii.
l. 121.
alderman present to preside, be and are
appointed a committee to audit tbe city's
from the 29th day of September, 1812.
September, 181.3.
acconnts of city
to 29th
[The eighteen of thc commons:] J\fessieurs Robert Common,.
Marsh all, Benjamin Eaton, Charles Lilly, Mark
McGrath, Richard Lambert, William Jameson, James
Stephcns, DaviLl Heffernan, John Hill, Nathaniel
Craven, Alexander Craig, \ViIliam Sherwin, \ViJIiam
Nngent, Robed Atkinson, Samuel Stephcns, Joshua
Dixon, Thomas Hatton, JO)1ll Reed.
[2.] Abraham Bradley King, late Lord Mayor, King.
praying for usual sum of 1,000, under act of Easter
assembly 1792: whereupon it was ordered, that the city
treasnrer do, on the Lord ]1,1 ayor's warrant, pay alder-
man Abraham Bradley King the sum of 1,000, for Payment ..
the reasons in his petition mentioned.
[3.J Abraham Bradley King, late Lord .Mayor,
praying for usual sum of 1,000, under act of Easter
assembly 1811: wherenpon it was ordered, that tbe city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay Payment.
petitioner the sum of 1,000. sterling, for the reasons
in his petition mentioned.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the City lease,.
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiriug have made the annexed report of the 11th clay
of October. 1813.
'\Ve, the committee appointed for inspecting city Report.
leases near expiring to whom the petitions of doctor
'f'homas Bell for renewal of premises south side of Fleet Bell.
street, marked No. 11., JuIia Hudson for renewal of Hudson.
premises Nos. 11. and 12. Fleet street, were referred, meet street.
having taken same into consideration, we referred
them to the law agents to report.
, \Vho accordingly reported that doctor Thomas Bell
was entitled to the renewal by him sought for, but that Renewals.
H lldSl nl.
and city
Mrs. J ulia was not, inasmuch as lot No. 12.
was not on the fall of the life r enewed within the year,
nor any appli cation made for such renewal. and that
therefore ll lldrr the opinion given by ::Ill'. Recorder
respecting the tenants right to r enew, and the adoption
of that opinion by t.he, t.he renewal sought
for by her could not be granted, your committee there-
fore can only recommend the renewal to be made to
doctor Thomas Eell.
, All which is submitted as OU! report this 11th day
of October, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying t.o confirm the said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee' s report confirmed and
made an act of assembly.
[5.) Certain Df the commons, setting forth that the
committee of finance and city leases have made the
annexed report of the 14tIi October, 1813.
, We, the committeE) of finance and city leases, beg
leave to inform your lordship and honours that we have
paid every possiblB attention to the momentous
business referred to us by your lordship and honours
since our last report.
, And first your committee derive much satisfaction
in informing you, that the several persons who agreed
for , and to whom you ordered leases of part of the lands
of Olonturk for s,eventy-one years from 23th March
last, have come forward and perfected the same, so
that from 25th March last your lordship and honours
ar e in possession of an accession of income out of those
lands in the sum Df 828 10s., annually.
'Your committee also have the satisfaction of
acrjuainting you, that Laurence Eyrne of Essex street,
tenant to part of your honours' estate, formerly demised
to Nevill Pooley, has perfected the lease ordered to him
,21 b.
last assembly, by which you have Dbtained an accession
of income of 45 10s., per annum.
, And your comniittee pursuant to your desire and
in conjunction with the committee of tolls and customs
ad vcrtised to receive proposals for letting the same for Proposals.
a term of se.ven years, and alderman John Claudius
Beresford being the highest bidder, he having bid the Beres!ord.
sum of 4,867 10s., per annum, and to deposit half a Deposit.
year's rent being the sum Df 2,433 15s., to lie without Rent.
interest, as and for the last half-year's rent, heing no
less than 963 10s., per annum more thall they were
last let for,
'Your oommittee declared hIm the taker, and he in Taker.
consequence thereof immediately came forward and
entered into security for thE) regnlar and due per- Security.
formance of his bidding and also paid according to Payment.
agreement into. the hands of your honollrs' trpasurer
the sum of 2,433 15s., being one -half year's Rent.
Tent, which under the agreement is to r emain without
interest for the la,st half year's rent.
'By this setting your lordship amI honours have of
fDr the period for which they have been set got an
increase of income in no less a sum than 963 lOs., per
annum, so that upon the whole you have now added to
your rental by these various settings upwards of
1,800, per annum.
'Your committee therefore trust, they need not press
upon you the necessity of attending to the remainder
of the lettings of Clonturke, as well as the several hold- Cluntmke.
ings in Essex sLreet, Castle street: et a
further very considerable aC()8SSlOn of ll1COllle WIll be
, And your committee further inform your lordship
and honours, that inasmuch as Laurence Lickens and Lickens.
William Benson have declined to become tenants for Ben,on.
the lots Nos. 9. and 14., held by them of the said lands
of Clonturke as valued by your committee. And Roll .l
rn. 121 1
Andrew Coffey having proposed to take the same as so
valued and according to the terms of the other persons
to ",hom ~ a i d other lots ha ve been so let, your committee
do recommend that his proposal be acceded to, the
rather as Mr. Coffey has proposed to pay the rent from
25th lIIarch last.
, And your committee conformable to your lordship
und honours' desire advertised the lands of Colgans-
town and Ringwood to be let either in the whole or in
divisions for>\, term of ninty-nine years from May next,
Hmi several persons 'having proposed for the same, but
so much under its value, that your committee judged
it unnecessary to trouble you with a detail of them.
, Save one made by Alexander Graydon of Newcastle
in the C{lUnty of Dublin, esquire, who propooos to give
1,000, per annum, for a lease as adwl'tised for ninety-
nine years and to pay 500, down as a fine upon the
perfection of the lease, and to give 1,500 for the
timber standing and growing thereon, such sum of
1,500, to be paid by instalments with undoubted
security at 760, per annum, for one and two years.
Your committee, all circumstances being considered,
are convinced and therefore recommend that the fore-
going proposal of .:\lr. Alexander Graydon should be
acceded to.
, All which is submitted as our report this 14th day
of October, 1813.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the committee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, save as to that part of the
lands of Colganstown, which under all the circum-
stances attending it, the Lord Mayor and Doard of
Aldermen think it prudent to recommit to the committee
of city leasps :mcl finance, who are requested to take the
n b.
most efficient steps for the letting of the said l ands of
Colganstown, et cetera, and to r eport theroon to the lands.
next assembly.
[6.] Cert.ain of tho commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for beUer suppl ying the city of
Dublin wit h pipe water have made the annexed report
of the 11th day of October, 1813.
'We, the committee appointed for bett er supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to inform
your lordship and honours that W<l have to the utmost
of our power zealously attended t o the business which
you wer e pleased to commit t o our carc since wo last
reported. And your committ<le del'ive much sati sfac- of
tion in informing you, that they have be,m in some
degree compensated from a conviction th at the inh abi-
tants of this great city wer e never m{)r e amply or
better supplied with water .
Y{)ur committee cannot but attribute this to the Money
very large sums of money which have been expondod on works.
from time to time on the works, in addition and beside
that which you ,h r e authorised to borrow under act of
parliament. Y{)ur committee however under the
conviction of snch an heavy advance have given positive
directions that no new work shall in any wise he New work.
proceeded upon, more particularly at the approaching
season, in order to prevent the further increase of such
'Your committee ordered the several collector s their Collectors'
new books and have given them directions to proceed
in the collection with as much acti vity as possible, in
order as far as is practi cable to reimburse yon in the
money you have expended.
, Your committee from the attention and gentleman- Thanks.
like conduct of our late worthy chief magistrate during
his year of office, r esolved. that our ver y sincere and
grateful thanks are justly c1ne an,1 ar e hereby given
meD's bills
to aldennaD Abrnham Bradley King, late Lord :rvrayor !,,1\f;1
of the city of Dublin, for his very polite and gentle-
manlike conduct dnring his year of office and for the I
attention uniformly paid by him to the members of this i
comluittee both collectively and individually.
, And your committee also conceived it their duty to
return their thanks to our late worthy High Sheriffs,
messieurs George Studdert and Lewis Morgan for their
polite conduct and attention during their year of
, All which is submitted as our report this 11th day
of October, 1813.' m. 12
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
[7.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for examining tradesmen's bills
have made the annexed report of the 11th day of
October, 1813.
'\Ve, the committee appointed for examining trades-
men's bills, beg leave to inform your lordship and
honours that we met and minutely inspected t h ~
several bills laid before us, and your committee finding
that the following bills were regularly vouched by
affidavit and agreeable to act of assembly, recommenu
that the same be paid, that is to say:-
. s. d.
'Alderman John Exshaw's bill for
printing and stationery for
:111 ansioa House, City Assembly
House, high constable, market
house, et cetera, commencing
September, 1812, and ending
September, 1813 212 3 0.1
'The Dublin Journal for various
advertisements commencing Sep-
trmber , 1812, aml ending Sep-
tember, 1813
' Richard J ackson for repairing, clean-
ing, and putting up glasses, et
cetera, in Mansion HOllse, com-
mencing September, 1812, and
ending May, 1813
, Luke Sibthorpe for sundry work done
at Mansion House commencing
September, 1811, and enuing
September, 1813
'John Dickinson, for iron work cl one
at Mansion House commencing
September, 1812, ancl enuing

s. d. 1813.
94 18
20 16
32 7

men's bills.
September, 1813 42 4] 0
''l'he proprietors of Saunders's News
Letter for sundry adverti sements
commencing March, 1812, a nd
ending September , 1813 oh 14 10
' Thomas Reed for sundry plumber s'
work commencing October, 1811,
and ending August, 1813
'William Lindsay for r ibbands for
State Coach September, 1812
, Thomas McCrrmly for sundry work at
Mansion House commencing March,
and enclill g Sel't<'mlwT, 1813
'Matthew \Vest for repairing Collar of
S.S. awl cleaning ace, Swords.
et cetera
11 6 lOt
21 12 (3
3 17 0
5 13 9
500 13 Ot
, Amounting in the whole to the sum of 000 13s. Ol d. Amount .
pipe water
, And your committee having taken into consider a-
tion the petition of Frances Finney, widow of the late
Richard Finney, for an account due to her late
husband and which was referred to this committee by
the last assembly for iron work . done at the City
Assembly House commencing in February and ending
in July 1810, amounting to 35 Os. 4d., and which
your committee minutely enquired into and found to
be due, do therefore recommend that same be paid.
, All which is submitted as our report this 11th day
of October, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report and make same an act of assembly: it was
thereupon granted, the committee's report confirmed
and made an act 01 assembly, and that the city
treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the
several sums in the annexed report.
[8.] J ames Evatt, praying to be continued pipe water
collector: whereupon it was ordered, that the said
James Evatt be and is hereby continued one of the
collectors of the pipe water revenue during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending Michaelmas
S."urity. assemhly 1814, he giving such security for the
faithful discharge of the duties of said offioe, as the
pipe water committee shall approve of, and paying to
the city treasurer all such sums of money as he shall
from time to time receive, said security to be entered
into in one month from this date or this order to bp,
[9.J Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
Whitworth. the city to Lord Viscount Whitworth: whereupon it
Gold box. was granted, and that same be presented in a gold box
not exceeding in value twentjr-five guineas, and that
Artdr.". said freedom be accompanied with an address to be
prepared by A. committee consisting of aldermen
Abraham Bradley King, John Exshaw, Frederick
r,vii Darley, with the assistance of Reoorder, together
with three of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs
and Commons, and that same be presented by the
corporation at large.
['1'he three of the commons:] J.fessieurs J ohn Giffard. Commons.
William McAuley, Ge01:ge Studdert.
''1''0 his excellency Lord Visccunt Whitworth, lord
lieutenant general and general governor of Ireland. Whitworth.
'The humble address of the Lonl l\Iayor, Sheriffs,
commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in common
council assembled.
'May it please yemr excellsncy.
'We, the Lord JI.layor. Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin in common council
assemb],ed, beg leave to present your excellency with
the freedom of our a nci ent and loyal corporation. Freedom.
'And we cannot but embrace with peculiar satis-
faction, this public opportunity of assuring your
excellency, that we entertain a just sense of the Princf>
R,egent's regard and attention to the real interests of
Ireland in delegating his authority at this impol:tant
crisis, to a nobleman so eminently distinguished for his Kobleman.
public and private virtues, and we feel an honest pride
in having so excellent and ami a ble a character enrolled of
amongst the citizens of Dublin.
20 b. ' Allow liS fllrther to assure yallr excellency, that the
faithful and layal citizens .of Dublin will always exert
their most zealous effarts to maintain .our unrivalled
constitutian and to promate the solid interests of their
ccuntry .
In testimony whereof, we have the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 15th City seal.
day of Octaber, in the year of our Lord, 181 Ho'
And his excellency having been w-aited on by the
Lord MayoI', Sheriffs, Recorder, Town Clerks, and the
Corporation at larg,e, with said address, he was pleased
to return the following answer.
")'Ty Lord.
"I beg leave to return my best thanks for the
distinguished honour which you have done me in
presenting me with the freedom of the loyal and ancient
Corporation of the City of Dublin.
"I cannot better justify the confidence which his
royal highness the Prince Regent has placed in me by
committing to my care the government of this country,
than by an equal and impartial administration of
justice to all classes of his majesty's subjects.
" I shall zealously endeavour to maintain unimpaired
our envied and unrivalled constitution, and promote
Interests 01 by every means in mv power the best interests of
Ireland, Ireland. "
"In pursuing this line of conduct, I enter-
tain no cloubt of receiving the most cordial support
Loyalty. from the tried fidelity and loyalty of the citizens of
Dublin. Dublin.
" 'Yhitworth."
[10.] Certain of the commons, praying for an address
to the right honourable Robert Peel: whereupon it was
granted, and that a committee consisting of aldermen
Abraham Bradley King, Charles Thorp, and William
Henry Arch2r, together with three of the commons to
be named by the Sheriffs and Commons with the
Committee, assistance of Mr. Recorder be a committee for the pur-
Address, pose of preparing an alldress agreeable to tIlE' fore-
going petition, and that same when so prepared, be
engrossed, and put under the city seal, and presented to
Mr. Pool.
[The three of the commons:) Messieurs. John Giffard, Commons.
George Studdert, Sir Edward Stanley.
'To the right honourable Robert Peel, Chief Secre-
tary to the Lord Lieu tenan t of [reI and.
, 'rile address of the Lord }fayor, Sheri ffR, commons,
and citizens of the city of Dublin in common council
, Sir.
'Impressed with the most li vely sen timents of Sentiments.
esteem and respect for your character. talents, am]
integrity, and for your uniform and steady support of Integrity.
our glorious constitution in tho imperial parliament,
we would consider ourselves wanting in gratitude to Parliament.
that administration, in which you are so honourably
and justly distinguished, if we omitted this public
opportunity of congratulating our country on your
continuance in the importaut office of Chief Secretary office.
to his excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
, \Vhen we perceive the great and arduous duties of Duties.
your office so ably and faithfully discharged, when we
contemplate the splendid talents of tho mind united Talents.
with the attradivo qualities of tho heart , we cannot but
express our sincere wishes, that you may long continue Wishes.
in the same high station which y()U now fill with so .
. much honour to yourself and advantage to our country.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
sea.l of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 15th City ,eal.
day of October, in the yrar of our Lord, 1813.'
And the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, "Recorder. Town . nta.
Clerks. and several of 1he Corporation having waited
on :Mr. Peel with said address. he was pleased to return
the following a.nswer.
" Gentlemen.
"It is truly gratifying to me to receive from the
Corporation of the city of Dublin. an assurance that
my past conduct in the discharge of my official and
parliamentary duties has met ",ith their approbation,
and has induced them to express their satisfaction at
my continuance in the office of Chief Secretary to the
Lord of Ireland.
"I shall ever consider myself most fortunate in
having been appointed to a public situation, which
attaches me to Ireland by no common ties, and which
entitles me to regard her interests and her prosperity
I,ishm.n. with the feelings and the pride of an Irishman.
"By the continuance of my humble, but earnest
efforts to promote the welfare of this country, and by a
steady adherence to those principles which have
hitherto guided my conduct in parliament, I trust, that m. 11
I shall strengthen my claims on the confidence of a
body, not less distinguished by its loyalty and public
spirit, than by the proud station which it holds as the
tinn. Corporation of the city of Dublin.
House of
"Hobert Peel:'
[11.) Certain of the commons, praying for an
to the right honourable Charles Abbot, Speaker of troe
House of Commons: whereupon it was granted, and
that a committee consisting of aldermen Abraharn
Dradley King, Charles Thorp. and William Henry
Archer, together with three of the commons to be named
by the Sheriffs and Commons with the assistance of Ut".
Committee. Recorder, be a committee for t.he purpose of preparing
an address agreeable to the foregoing petition, and that
same when so prepared, be engrossed, a.nd put under
the city seal, and transmitted by the Tight honourable
the Lord Mayor in the most respectful manner.
[The thTee of the commons:) Messieurs John Giffard,
William McAuley, Willif.lm Cope.
ADDRESS. 1813.
, To the right honoUl'able Charles Abbot,
the House of Commons.
Speaker or
HOllse 01
'The address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, Common,.
and citizens of the city of Dublin in common council
, Sir.
'The sincere and gratefnl thanks of every Protestant
in the British Empire are jnstly due to you for the testant,.,.
loyalty, wisdom, integrity, and truo patriotism which
influence you in supporting the constitution in church
and state. \Ve therefore embrace this public oppor-
tunity of offering you this tribute of their gratitude,
respect, and esteem.
'\Vhon you, Sir, whose talents and whose virtues Talent,.
have placed you at the hear! of the right hon011l'able and
honourable the House of Commons of the United
Kingdom. When you, Sir, whose researches into our
anciEmt history-whose knowledge of our constitution History.
and of the laws of parliament stand without a rival
--when you demonstrato the clanger-nay the ruin of .
submitting to the demands of the Catholics- it may
reasonably be hoped that many who have been
deceived by plausible professions of libe.rality will now Liberality.
see the precipice from which your intrepidity snatched
them-will their stops and aid you, Sir, in
mailltaining the constitution inviolate.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 15th day City
of October, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
[12.] Field Marshal Wellington's answer to city's
"Lezaca, September 18th 1813.
"My Lord.
"The Duke of Richmond has transmitted
address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons,
the DlIke of
Agreed to.
House of
Piece of
citizens of Dublin, unanimously agreed to be presented !Oll1i'9
to me at a general assembly held on Friday the 10th of
July. in which my fellow citizens have been pleased to
express their approbatiDn of my conduct and of that of
the troDps serving under my command in the late battle
of Vitoria.
" I beg that your lordship and the citizens of Dublin
will accept my best thanks for this mark of their
favour, and that you will be assured that nothing can
be more gratifying to the brave officers and troops
under my command and myself than to know that our
conduct has been approved of by such high authority.
Cc Wellington."
[13.] Rsolutions relating to alderman Abraham
Bradley King.
i. cc Resolved, that the grateful thanks of this
assembly are justly due and are hereby given to alder-
man Abraham Bradley King, late Lord Mayor of this
city, for the distinguished manner in which he sup-
ported the dignity, the splendour, and the hDspitality
of that exalted station."
The LDrd !lIayDr and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
ii. "Resolved, that a committee be appointed to pre-
pare an address to alderman Abraham Bradley King,
late Lord Mayor of this city, expressive of Ollr sincere
acknowledgements for the many services he has
rendered the citizens of Dublin and this Corporation,
in particular by establishing a privilege which it never
before enjoyed Df presenting petitions at thOe Bar of the
House of Commons.
iii. "Resolved, that said address be accompanied
with a piece of plate not exceeding in value 200,
sterling. "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing r esolutions,
and that a oommi ttec consisting of al dermen Ri chard
Mander s, \Villi am Henry Archer, and Rober t Shall',
together with three of the comIllons to be named by t he
Sheriffs and Commons with the of Mr.
Recorder , be a committee for the purpose of preparing &corder.
119 b. an address agreeable thoreto, and th at same Le
engrossed, and put under (h<l city seal , and presented
by the Lonll\fayor amI Sheriffs, ami publi shecl in the
Dublin Journal and Saunders's Rows Letter.
[The t Inee of the commons: 1 Messien rs George Commons.
Studdert, Lewi s i\ror gan, Sir EdlVard Stanley.
'To Abraham Bradley King, esqui re, late Lord
Mayor of the city of Dnblin. alderman.
, Sir.
'The Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and cit izens of
the city of Dublin in common council assembled, beg
leave to embrace thi s public opportuni ty of expressing
the high sense they entort ain of the ex.empl ar y ma nner Manner.
in whi ch you discharged the arduoLl s and important
dut ies of Chief :'Jagi st r ate of thi s ancient amI loyal city. Duties.
'The undeviating r ectit ude of yonr conduct, your Condnet.
active benevolence, your indefatigable exerti ons ill thp
cause of the poor, by endeavouring to protect t hem from Poor.
every species of fr aud and imposition, and above all
your manly and finll suppor t of our glorious constitll-
tion in church and state, have cast a spl endour around
your lllunicipal administr ation and deser vedl y secured
to you (he thanks and gratit llde of every loyal citizen.
'Accept therefore, Sir, the piece of plate, which Piece of
accompanies thi s address, as a per manent mark of our
esteem and regard, and as a I asti ng memori al of your Melllorial.
meritorious concluct in the oxalterl st ation whi ch YOll
so lately filled with such di stingui shed honour.
City scal.
lioll .
452 IlUllLIN ASSEMllLY ROLL, 1813.
'In testimony whereof, we have caused the common
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 15th day
of October in the year of anI' Lord, ]8]3.'
The Lord r.Iayor and Sheriffs having presented the
foregoing add,ress to Abraham Bradley King. esquire,
lw was pl eased to return the following answer.
" My LorJ aml Gentlemen.
" 'l'he terms in which you afe pleased to express your
opinion of the manner in which I discharged the duties
of my Mayoralty, excite in me the warmest gratitude
and give me some hopes that my best endeavours to be
faithful and active in executing the trust reposed in me
have not been ineffectual.
"Your deliberate sanction of my feebh but zealous
efforts to maintain invi olate our glorious const.itution
in cl111rch and state, affords me peculiar gratification,
and 1 venture here to add an humble but confident
expectation, that the example of the a:ncient and loyal
Corporation of Dublin will novel' be wanting to stimu-
Protestants. late the Protestant inhabitants of this kingdom in pre-
serving and transmitting unimpaired to posterity that
constituti on on which the happiness and glory of their
country so essentially depends.
Piece of
" I know not how sufficiently to express myself in
return for the many obliging and flattering testimonies
of approbation, with which my fellow citizens at their
recent meetings in their incliviclnal guilds and now in
common council assembled have honoured me. 'l'hey
will however, I am persuaded, do me the justice to
believe, that if those distinguished marks of their
reganl have not been altogether desen'ed, t.hey will at
least be most faithfully and grat.efully remembered.
"The piece of plate which accompanies your address.
l hope to transmit to my children with those principles
[ xxvii.
119 b.
which have procurcd for their father this honourablo 1813.
token of your esteem.
" Abraham Braclley Eing."
[14.] Catherin8 Darquicr, praying for aid: where- Darqnier.
upon it was ordered, that pet.itioner be paid thc sum of Grant.
20, for the reasons in he)" petit.ion mentioned.
[15.] Anne Beasly. praying for aiel: wherenpon it Be"le,..
was ordered, that bo 'paid the sum of thirty Grant.
guineas, for the reaSQns in her petition mention8ll.
[16.] Margaret Smith, praying for usual allowance: Smith.
wherenpol1 it was ordered, that petitioner be paid the Payment.
sum of two guineas, for the reasons in her petition
[17.] Joseph Flinll , praying to be appointcll keeper Flinn.
of the Freemen's Gallery, city assembly house: where-
upon it was ordered, that the beforc namcd Joseph Flinn
be appointed door-keeper of the Freemen's Gallery
during the city's pleasnre, at the annual salary of 4, Solary.
per annum, to commonce from the present assembly.
118. [18.] A lexanrler M cCulloh, praying for increase of lIIcCulloh.
salary: whereupon it was ordered, that the salary of
the before named Alexander McClllloh, keeper of tho
City Marshalsea, be increased to the sum of 40, per
annum, to commence this assembly.
[19.] "Resolved, that \Villiam \Valkcr, ('s(juire, Walker,
Hecorder of the city of Dublin, is justly entitled to the Recorder.
thanks ancl gratitude of this assem bly for his constant
attention to the interest and dignity of this corporation,
and more particularly for his manly ancl energetic
address to his excellency the lord lieutenant all his
arrival in this city, amI for the firm and eloquent lieutenant.
manner in which he called his attention to the mainten- '
ance of the honour an,l dignity of the city of Dnblin." Duhlin.
The Lord 1I1ayor and Boare! of Aldermen request the
concnrrcnCG of the Sheriffs ane! Commons in the above
454 DUBLIN AssimllLY ROLL, 1813.
[20.] "Resolved, that the sincere and grateful thallks
of this assembly be and are hereby given to alderman
Charles Thorp, master of the corporation of brick-
layers, for his firm and manly resistance to the late
attempts of the Roman Catholics to intrude themselves
into that corporation."
The Lord Mayor amI Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the above
resolution.- Allowed.
[21.] "R.esolvll, that a committee be forthwith
appointed to prepare petitions to both Houses of
Parliament against the unqualified demands of the
Roman Catholics of Ireland."
The Lord :Hay or and Boan.! of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs ancl Commons in the fore-
COlllmittee. going resolutioll, and that a committee consisting of
aldermen Abraham Brallley King, John Exshaw,
Charles '.rhorp, Frederick Darley, and Nathaniel
Hone, together with five of the commons to be named
by the Sheriffs and Commons, be a committee together
with the assistance of 1111'. Recorder to prepare the
petition forthwith agreeable thereto, and that same
City seal. when preparecl, be engrossecl, and put llllder the city
seal to be presented to parliament, whenever the
Catholic Catholic petition shall be laiel ' before the house.-
[The five of the commons:] 1I1essieurs John Giffard,
William Cope, William 1[cAuley, AIxander Uont-
gomery, George Stndelert.
[22.] " Resolved, that the sincere thanks of this house
be and are hereby given to our late worthy High
Sheriff, George Studdert, esquire, for his just, upright,
anel firm, and constitutional conduct during his year
of office.
"Resolved, that the sincere thanks of this house he
and arc hereby given to our lat.e worthy High Sheriff,
Lewis :;'llorgan, esquir,e, for his j list, upright, firm, and
constitutional conduct during his year of office."
The Lord :;'llayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs ami Commons in tha foregoing Agreed to.
[23.] "Resolved, that the committee of finance and
city leases be requested to employ a proper person Timber.
residing near Colganstown t6 watch the timber on saili
lands ami prevent any depredations thereon."
The Lor,i Mayor and Board of Aldermen unanimously
agree with the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing Agreeu to.
[24.J "Resolved, that the order formerly made at Gold boxes.
Christmas assembly 1808, respectillg the voting of gold
box,es to any person, but a lord lieutenant, be amencicli
by expunging the wonls, 'On his departure from
Ireland.' "
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with Agreed to.
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[25.J "Resolved, that the freedom of this corporation Franchise.
to captain Sir P. B. V. Brolm, Royal 1\ avy, which Broke.
passed this house unanimously upon Midsummer
assembly quarter day, be accompanied with an address. Address.
and that a cOlllmitteB be appointeli to prepare same."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with Committee.
the Sheriffs ami Commons in the foregoing resol ution.
and that a committee consisting of aldermen John
Exshaw, John Carleton, and Frederick Darley,
together with three of the coIllmons to bE) named by the
Sheri ffs and Commons, be a committee for the purpose
of preparing an address agreeable to the foregoing Address.
resolution, and that same when DO prepared, be
engrossed, and put under the city seal, and transmitted City seal.
to him by the Lord
[The three of the commons:] Messieurs J olm Commons.
Kingston James, Humphrey l\Iinchin, John Giffanl.
'\larql1is of
])UIILIK ROLL. 1813.
[26.] "ResolvPII, that a committee of this house be
appointed to confer with the Board of Aldermen on the
subject of forwarding the intended testimonial to our
grrat anc1 illustrious countryman, Field Marshal
nIarquis of ,Vellington."
[The five of tho commons commitke: ]lIfessiellrs ,John
Gi ITanl, Joshua Dixon, Sir Eclward Stanley, ,Villiam
Cope, William l\IcA uley.
']'he Lord Mayor ancl U{)ard of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the for,egoing resolution,
amI that alllermen Abrahal1l Bradley King, John
Exshaw, John Carleton, Frederick Darley, ami Sir
,Villiam Stamer, be a committee, together with the
gentlemen of the commons before named for the purpose
of said resolution mentioned.
[27.] "Resolved, in order to hand down regularly
from the Chronological '1'able, now placed in the
Magistrates. commons room, the different Magistrates, who have
fHlec1 the respective. municipal offices in the city, the
Lonl nIayor and Board of Aldermen request the con-
currence of the Sheriffs and Commons in appointing a
Committee. committee consisting {)f aldennen Abraham Bradley
King, John Exshaw, Charles Thorp, and six of the
commons to be named by the Sheriffs and Commons for
the purpose of superintcu(iing, repairing, and com-
pleting the table agreeable to its original formation."
Commons. [The six of the commons:] Messieurs Joshua Dixon,
Gcorge Holmes, Daniel Hutton, John Giffard, ,Villi am
Leet, \Villiall1 Moore ..
[28.]" Resolved, that the committee of tolls and
customs be empowered to revise the lease of the tolls
Mill bonds. set to Miller, commonly called bonds, au(1 to make
s nch al tera tion therein as shall be deemed for the
,interest of the corporatioll."
'rh" Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
xxvii. concurrence of the Sheriffs ane! Commons !ll the for8- 1813.
l8 b. Concur-
going resolution, and that they report theroon to next rence.
[29.] Charles Smith, praying to be continued serjeant
at mace: whereupon it was onlered, that the said at mace.
Oharles Smith be and is hereby continued one of the
serjeants at mace of said city during the city's pleasnre,
not oxceeding one yoar cnding 1\1 ichaelmas assembly
18 [4, he giving sllch security for the faithful discharge
of the lluties of saill offico and redelivery of the silver Silver mace.
mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs sh(\11 approve of,
said security to be enterell into in one month from this
date or this onler to be void, provided also that he do
appear on public days in proper gown of office.
[30.] Richard Butler, praying to be continued
serjeant at mace: whcr,eupoll it was orderer!, that the at mace.
said Riehard Butler be amI is hereby continued olle of
the serjeants at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending }I ichaelmas
assembly 181 , he givillg such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord l\[ ayor and Sheriffs shall Silver mace.
approve of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
office. '
[31.] Ephraim Ellis, praying to be continued
serjeant at mace: whereupon it was ordenid, that the at mace.
said Ephraim Ellis be and is hereby continuecl onc of
the serjeauts at mace of said city during the city's
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending }liehaelmas
assembly 1814, ho giving such security for thA faitbful
discharge of the duties of said office aml redelivery of
the silver mace, as the Lord :Mayor allll Sheriffs shall Silver mace.
approve of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this date or this order to be voicl, provided also
1813. that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
[32.] 1Iichael Caffray, praying to be continued
at mace. serjeant at mace: whereupon it was ordored, that the
saill Caffray be ami is hereby continued one
of the serjeallts at mace of said city during the city's m. 11'
pleasure, not exceeding one year ending lIfichaelmas
assembly 1814, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
Silverma<e. the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs shall
a pprove of, said security to bo entorecl into in one month
from this elate or this ord,er to be void, provided also
that he do appear on public clays in proper gown of office.
[33.] John Eeatinge, praying to be continued
at mace. at mace: wherenpon it was ordered, that the
said John Eeatinge be anel is hereby continneel one of
the serjeants at mace of said oity during the city's
pleas1ll'e, not exceeding one year emling lIfichaelmas
assembly 1814, he giving such security for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said office and redelivery of
Silverm.ce. the silver mace, as the Lord Mayor anLl Sheriffs shall
approye of, said security to be entered into in one month
from this elate or this oreler to he void, provided also
that he do appear on public days in proper gown of
Franchise. [34.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to the Duke of Dorset: whereupon it was
granted, gi'atis.
Franchise, [35.] Celiain of the commons, praying for freedom
De Courcy. of city to admiraJ De Courcy: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
Franchise, [3G.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
.. eurtis. of city to Sir William Curtis, baronet: whereupon it
was granted, gratis, ami that same be.' engrossed, put
City sea!. uncler the city seal, ancl transmitted to him by the Lord
DUBLlN ROLL, 18 I 3.
[37.] Certain of the commons, pmying for freedom of
city to major-general Thomas Trotter: whereupon it Trotter.
was grantml, gratis.
[38.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom "ranchi, e.
of city to major-gnera l \Villialll Fyers : whereupon it Fyers.
was granteel, gratis.
[39.1 Certaill of the commons. praying for freedom Franchise.
of city to lieutenant-colonel tlw honourable \rilliam Gore.
Go]'o: whereupon it was grant eel , gratis.
[W.] Certaill of the commons, praying for freedom Franchise.
of ci ty to Henry \Va rner, esquire : whereupon it \\'(\ 8 W.n ....
granted, grati s.
[,n.] Certain of the COlllmOI1S: prayill g [or freedom Franchi, r .
of city to Timothy Driscull. esquire : whcreupon it was Driscoll.
gran ted, gratis.
Certain of the COI11ll1ons, prayill g for freedom of Franchise.
city to George Dawsoll, eS'luire : whereupon it was Dowson.
grallted, gratis.
[43.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of Francbise.
c;ity to ]l.fallrice .i\Iagrat.h, cS(juire : \\'hermlpon it was )[agrath.
grall ted,
[44.] Cert.ain of the commons, praying for freeclom Franchi se
of city to Frallci s Morgall , esquirc : whercnpoll it was )Iorgau.
grant ed, grati s.
[45.] Certatn of the commons, praying for freedom Francbise.
of city to captain J ohn Talbot: wher,clIpon it was
granted, gratis.
[46.] Certain of thc commons, praying fur freellorn of Franchi,e.
city to Williarn Cumming. portrait painter: where-
upon it was granted, and that SfI me be engrossed, pllt painter.
under the city seal, and present ed by the Lord !\fayor City seal.
and Sheri ifs.
1813. October 15.- Admi ssions to franchi se.
1813. October l5.- Declaration and signntmos.

4()O llUDLlX ASSEll ilL \' ROLL, 1813.
1813. DccemLer G.-Post Assembly. :;::llli
11.] Tho Lonl :\Jayor amI Board of Aldermen refluest
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in
appointing a committee to prepaTe a congratulat()ry
address to his royal highness the Prince Reg,mt on the
late gloriolls intelligence of the Independence of
nolland. Holland-the Testoration of his majesty's Electoral
Dominions, and the success of the allied armies
ill GeTlllany amI France.-And that said committee do
consist of aldennen Sir William Alexander, John
Exshaw, ami ChaTles Thorp, [lud thTee of the commons
to be nametl by the Sheri Ifs and Commons with the
assistance of Mr Recorder, who are hereby empowered
to prEpare an address pursuant to the above requisition.
Order. AmI that said a(ldress so prepared do stand the
address of the Lord Mayor. Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin, and be sellt down to the
Sheriffs and Commons faT their appTObation. and that
City se.l. same be engrossed, put under the city seal, and pre-
senteel to his excellency the lord lieutenant by the
corporation at large, in order that same be transmitted
by his excellency to his royal highness the Prince
Commons. [The three of the commons:] :\Iessieurs \YilIiam
Walsh, Sir Eliwani Staniey. \YilIiam Cope.
[2.] Address of the Corporation of Dublin to
Prince Regent.
'To his Royal Highness Gearge, Prince of \Vales,
Prince Regent.
'The humble address of the Lord :lfayor, Sheriffs,
COlllmons, and citizens of the city of Dublin in common
council ass'emblecl.
, May it please your Royal Highness. m. 111
'\Ve, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, "and
1 b.
citizens of the city of Dublin, beg leave to approach 1813.
your Royal Highness with our warm congratulations
on the glorious ane! welcome intelligence of the re-
establishment of the Independence of Holland after the Holland.
miseries, the calamities, and unmerited oppmssions
with which it has been so long afflicted by the insati-
able enemy of Europe. \Ve also view with peculiar
iQj.erest, the restoration of his majesty's Electoral
DOIY\inions, and the splendid a.nd brilliant victories
obtained by his majesty and his illustrious allies over armies.
the French armies. Victories which have proved the
impotence of tyranny, when encountered by the unite.]
efforts of men fighting for national illl]epellllence and
forced to have reC0urse to arms.
'And the hithfnl citi>:ens of Dublin cannot but Dublin.
remember with the warmest admiration that in the
general cOl1vnlsion of Europe, the British Empire
stood proudly' pre-eminent, undauuted, find unsubclued,
and with a spirit anc] firmness that ensnres her
immortal glory, became the champion of the injured Injured.
and oppressed, and sncoessfnlly combat.ed with her Oppresse,!.
in vincible armies. the most tremendous despotism that Despotism.
fiver disgracecl the page of history.
'And a.llow us here to adel, tha.t in those tempes-
tUOllS timos, the loyal citizens of Dn blin, animflted Dublin.
with the same' spirit, were (leterrnined with fidelity to Fidelity.
share in all the varieties of Britain's fate, and to stand Britain.
or gloriously fall in the gnerons cause.
, 'vV fJ most earnestly hope that tIle, God of battles.
who continues to extend his divine favour to his Favour.
majesty's arms, may enable 11im and his illustrious Arms.
allies to compel their enemies to sue for such a peace Peace.
as will be consistent with the honour, the secnrity. and
the permanent tran'luillity of all the belligerent
'In testimony whereof, we have callsec1 the common
City seal.
City pipe
462 DUBLIN ASSElIllLY ROLL. 1813-1814.
seal of the said city to be hereunto affixed this 6th day
of December, in the year of our Lord, 1813.'
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen reqnest the
conCUrTence of the Sheriffs and Commons in t.he fore-
going audress.-Allowed.
'John Cash, Lord Mayor.-Abraham Braclley King.
-Charles Thorp.-Nathaniel Hone.-John Exshaw.-
Thoma,s lIcKenny. - Thomas Andrews. - William
Henry Archcr.-Robert Shaw.-John Alley.-
Frederick Darley.'
1814. January 21.-Fourth Friday after the 25th of m. 12
December, 1813.
Christmas Assembly held at the City Assembly
House in William street.
[1.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committee appointed for better supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe water have made the annexed report
of tho 13th day of December , 1813.
"Ye, the committee appointed for better supplying
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg leave to infor;'n
YOllr lordship and honours that we paid every possible
attention to the' bnsiness committed to our care since we
last reported, and your committee derive no small
degree of Il.atisfaction in stating that this city was never
more abundantly or better supplied with water.
'Your committee received an application from the
secretary of his majesty's Commissioners of Customs
praying that a metal main for the supply of the Custom
HOl".. House should be laid down, as the timber mains from
whence they at present receive their supply are in many
places very defective, and your committee seeing the
necessity of this work ordered same to be done at an
Expense. expense not exceeding 50.
'Your oommittee have also laid a further extension
of main for snpplying several IW\\, homes in Fit7,-
william square, from whence your lordship and 1814.
honours will derive a further increase of revenue.
Those work8 became absolutely necessary, or your Works.
committee would not have authorised their completion,
for your committee have throughout recommended amI
do now press upon your lordship an(l honours the
necessity there exists, in consequence of the large SUIllS
of money expended by you on your pipe water works
ancl remaining due to you, that the greatest possible
of'conomy shoul,l observed in your expenditure,
which ought to be limited merely to works of absolute
'All which is submitted as our report this 13th day
of December, 1813.'
And the said commons, pl'flying to confirm said Order.
report and make an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
Rct of assembly.
[2.] Certain of tho commons, setting forth that the
- . and City
committe of finance and city leases have made the leases.
anne]Cec1 report of the 13th clay of December, 1813.
'\Ve, the committee of finance ancl city leases, beg Report.
leave tll inform your lordship and hononrs that we
have clone every thing in our power since we last
reported, to forward your lordship and h0110111'8 interest.
And first YOllr committee took into the
petition of Francis DUlln for a new lease of an h0118e
in Castle street, originally clemisecl by yam lordship street.
and honours to Nathaniel .Tames, by lease bearing c1at James.
the 4th of March, 17GO, for a term of sixty-one years
from 29th September, 1758, at the annual rent of 20.
anel which contains but 13+ feet in front to th street,
amI in depth 24 feet, and for which he offer8 the annnal
rent of 40, to commence from 20th March next, RIlLI Rent.
which lease will expire in six years from 29th
September last.
Value of
'Your committee therefore in order fully to ascE'rtail1 ~ ~ J \ ? , '
the value of these concerns referred this petil"ion to 11
slIb-c0mlll ittE'2 consist ing of your honours' treasurer,
ahkrJl1fin .T olln Carleton, Shcri ff George \Varner and
"fr. Dfini el Hutton, who having E'xamined the lefise find
the premises thereby demised, reported that the same
Hel,uilding. werr in a I'ery llecayc' d state, and mnst be rebuilt bl'fore
the expiration of the lease and that the offer made by
Franci s Dnnn should certainly be cOlllplied with . .
lOur committee are therefore firmly persuaded and
recommend that a lease be granted to him of these
premises for a term of seventy year s from 29th
September last, at the annual rent of 40, he covenant-
ing to rebuild the same within two years.
'Your committee received a proposal from )'Ir. James
J ackson for a lease for eighty years of his premises. in
Essex street being part of the premises contained in the
lease origillfilly demised by YOIl to Nevill Pooley, and
which you lately purchased from Humphrey Butler,
esquire., for these premi ses numbers 23. and 24., he m. 123
off ers 120, per annum. Your committee having
minutely examined into this proposal are of opinion
and recommel1ll that a lease be grant<>d him for the
term find at the rent proposed, commencing 29th
September last.
'He also proposed 25, per annum, for a stable in
EssE'x street at present occupied by him as a Iyarehouse,
which YOll], cOlllmittee are of opinion should be granted
to him, bnt only for a term of six years from 29th
SeptemilPl' l ast, inasmnch as there is a small dwelling
honse which will be ont of lease at that p2riod, an(l to
which it will be highly advantageous to attach this
stabl e.
'Yonr cODlmittf'f' also received a proposal from Mr.
Samnel Linfoot oITering 100, per annnm, for the
premi ses 1I0 W in his possession in Essex street. which
your committee are of opinion be accepted of and 1814.
recommend that a lease be made commencing and for
the same term as Mr. J ames J ackson's lease.
, All which is submitted as onr report this 13th day
of Decomber, 1813.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Order.
roport ami make same an act of assembly: it was there-
upon granted, the cQmmittee's report confirmed and
made an act of assembly, amI that leases be maLle ont Lea,e,.
to the persons within mentioned and jJut uncler the city City seal.
[3.] Ordered, that Georgc Studrlcrt ancl Lewis
Morgan, esquires, late High Sheriffs, be and are hereby
appointed masters of the city works for the ensuing
[4.] Lettor from the Chief Secretary of Ireland in
reference to the corporation's address to the Prince
"My Lord.
"'rhe lord lientenant having transmitted the very
loyal amI dntifnl address to his royal highness the
Prince Regent from the Lord ::-'layor, Sheriffs, Regent.
commons, ancl citizens of tho city of Dublin. I am
directed by his eJi:cellency to acquaint your lordship.
that he has received a letter from Viscount Sidmouth,
one of his majesty's principal of state, Sidmollth.
signifying that his royal highness was pleased to
receive the same in the most graciolls manner.
"I have the hononr to remain your lordship's
obedient sorvant.
" Robert Peel,
" The right h0l101lraLle the Lord :Mayor, etc. etc. etc."
[5.] Richard Quinton,. officer of commons, praying
usual allowance for providing the Sheriffs all(j commons.
Commons with candles and other necessaries for one Nec.,sari".
town lands.
and city

Securit y.
Assize of
year ending this assembly: wllerenpon it was ordered,
that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant,
pay petitioner the Sllll1 of 5. sterling, for the reasons
in hi , petition mentioned.
[6.) Richard Quintan, pray ing to be continued mace
hf'arer and officer of commous: whereupon it was
orrlered, that the said Richard Quint an be and is
hereby continued mace bearAr and officer of commons
dllring the city's pleasure, at a salary of 100, per
[7.] The Lard :irayor and Board of Aldcrmen con-
ceived the best mode of acting respecting the lands of
Colganstown, was by r eferr ing it tn the committee of
flnance and city leases to report thereon to the next
assembly. They were induced to act thus, as Mr.
Yeates tbis clay withdrew his former proposal and sent
in a new one, so much beneath the value of these lands,
that it could not be entertained. And the Lord l\Iayor
and Board of Aldermen feel that the mode of disposing
of the lands as mentioned by the Sheriffs and Commons'
resolution is a matter of 100 great a magnitudo to be !lOW
determined lIpon, and they therdore trust the Sheriffs
and Commons will concur with them in referring it to
the finance and city lease committees.-Allowed.
[S.] Alexander McColloh, praying to be eontinuell
keejJr of the city lIIarshal sca: ' whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Alexander :ilcCulloh be and is
hereby continued keeper of the city nrarshalsea rluring
the city' s pleasure, not exe-eeding one year ending
Christmas a.ssembly 1S1.). at the salary of 40, sterling.
with all just fees anLl allowances lwlonging to sa i,l
office, he giving security for indemnifying the corpo1'a-
tio!l from nil escapes, snch security to be rnte)'cd into
in ten days from this date or this orrler to bp void.
[9.] Samuel nIic1<llcton, sword b8<1l'er, prayi ng for
lIS1H1] allowance for striking the assize of hrend fill' one
year: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be paid
by the city treasnrer on the Lonl nfayor's warrant the
sum of twenty guinC'as, for the reasons in his petition
[10.] Certain of the commons, setting forth a petition
for celebrating the event of the Honse of Hanover
completing the one hundredth year on the throne.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the petition of certain of the, commons in the propriety
of eeJebrating the centenary of the House of Hanover Centenary.
by a publie .Tubilee in the month of Angust next. They Jubilee,
conoeive however it would be premature to appoint at
present a committee, but will consider between this and
the ensuing assembly the best mode of carrying it into
effect-the result of which shall then be snbmitte(l to
the corporation for their approbation.-Allowed.
[11.] Certain of tho commons, praying for freedom Franohise.
of city to the Earl of De La II' an-: whereupon it was
granted, gratis, and that same be presented by the Lord
Mayor and Sheri ffs.
[I :.l.] Certain of the commons. praying for freedom Franchise.
of city to Sir Gcorgf1 Hewett, barone-t: whereupon it was Hewett.
granted, gratis, and that same be presented by the Lorel
Mayor and Sheriffs.
[13.] Certain of the commons, praying for fref'dom Franchise.
of city to \Yilliam Jlfeyrick: where- !1eyrick.
upon it was granted, gmtis.
[14.] Certain of the commons, praying for address to
reverend doctor \Villimn Dlumlcll: whereupon it was Hlllnrlell.
granted, aml that a committee consisting of aldermen
Nathanicl Hone, Hugh Trevor, and Robert Sbaw,
together with six of the commons to br named by thr
Sheriffs and Commons be amI arEl hereby appointeel to
prepare an address to be presented to Doctor RI lln cl 811 ,
and that same br engrossed and pnt under th e city seal.
[The six of the commons:] :lIessiellrs Alexander Commons.
1814. J\Iontgomery, Charles Thorp, William Glenton, Jonas R
Commons. '-'
Paisley, Francis Thome, Charles Pentland.
Franchise. [15.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
Harc. of city to Mark Hare, esquire: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
Franchise. [16.] Certain of the commons, praying for freedom of
Reed. city to ::IIatthew Reed, esquire: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
}'rallchise. [17.] Certain of the commons, praying for fr,eedom of
Spray. city to IIIr. John Spray: whereupon it was granted,
[18.] Rut.h Smith, on behalf of Miss Rose Emerson,
praying for aid: whereupon it was orrlerecl, that
Grant. petitioner be paid the sum of thirty guinea.s by the city
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant., for the reasons
in her petition mentioned.
Gregg. [19.] l\fary Gregg, praying for aid: whereupon it was
Grant. ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of 2;),
sterling, by the city treasurer on the Lord Mayor's
warrant, fOl the reasons in her petition mentioned.'
Kelly. [20.] IIIary Anne Kelly, widow, praying for aid:
Grant. whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be pairl tlie
sum of five guineas by the city treasurer on the Lord
Mayor'S warrant, for the reasons in her petition
Duplex. [21.] Thomas Duplex, praying for aid: it
Grant. was ordered, that petitioner be paid the sum of ten
guineas by the city treasurer on the Lord l\fayor's
warrant, for the reasons in his petition mentioned.
'John Cash, Lord i\fayor.-William Alexander.-
John Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-Freclerick Darley.
-John Carleton.-Charles Thorp.-Samnel Reed.-
:\iereclith Jenkin.'
1814. January 21.-Admissions to franchise.
1814. January 21.-Dcclaration and signatures.
. 1814. April 22.-Se.cond Friday after Easter.' 1814.
Easter Assembly held at the City Assembly House. in
WilliHffi street.
[1.1 "\V e, the Lorcl ane! Board of Aldermen of
of the city of Dublin, have this day elected alderman
John Claudius Beresford to serve in the place or office
of Lord lIlayor of the said city for the ensuing year
commencing from Michaolmas next, amI do hereby
return the said John C1amlins Bercsford to you the
SherifIs and Commons of the said city for your
"John Cash, Lord Mayor."
"Wc, the Sheriffs and Commons of the city of
Dublin in common council a:;sembled, have this day
approved by ballot of alderman John Claudius
Beresfore! to serve in the office of Lord of the
saill city for the cmming yoar commencing from
Michaelmas next.
"George arner, ,T acob 'IVest, Sheriffs."
[2.] " Wo, the Sheriffs and COllllllDns of the common
council of the city of Dublin, have this day by ballot
nominated the eight following freelllen of said city,
resident within the said city or the liberties and
franchises therf'ullto adjoining, each of them worth in
real and personal estate in possession . the sum of
2,000, sterlmg, over .and abo\'c all their jnst clebts,
that is to say, Richard Sllly!h of llame street merchant,
William Glenlon of 1lIary street merchant, 'IVillimn
\Valsh of Digges street merchant, John Plunkett of
Blackhall street merchant. Oeorge Wheeler of Dame'
street merchant, John Pim of .Tames's street merchant,
Francis Tempest Brally of Dame street m{?rchant, aml
Zachariah \Villiam Carmichael of ClIstle street
merchant, as fit ane! proper persons to serve in the
office of Sheriffs of the saill city, and do hereby retnrn
day,]O April, 1814.
t.ion for

City leases.
the names with the additions of the saicl eight persons
to you the Lord Mayor antI Boarcl of Aldermen of the '
said city in order to your electi ng two of the said
persons tD be Sheriffs of the said city for the ensuing
year commencing from Uichaolmas next.
" George "Varner, .lacob \Yest, Sheriffs. "
" \Ve, the Lorcl Mayor am! Boan! of AIl!ermen of the
city of Dllblin, have thi s llay elected by ball ot J ohn
Plunkett of Blackhall street, merchant, alll! Richard
Smyth of Dame street, merchant, out of the eight
persons returnell to us by the Sheriffs ami Commons, as
fi t persons to serve in the office of Sheriffs of the said city
for the ensuing year commencing from Uichaelmas next .
" J ohn Cash, wrcl lIIayor."
[3.] Certain of the commons, setling forth that the
committee appointed for inspecting city leases near
expiring have made the annexed report of the 18th
April, 1814.
' V{o, t ho committee appointed for inspecting city
leases near expiring, beg lea ve to inform your lordship
and honours that we have been particularly attentive
to the various business committed to our care since we
last repor wd. And first your committee took into
consideration the petition of Maurice Rime for renewal
of premises No. 2. Saint Ancl rew St.reet, praying t.o
insert the life of his son .iIlaurice Caldwell Rime in tho
room of tho reverend Edward Moyler deceased, Olle of
the lives mentionecl in the last r enewal thereof to him
granteu. \Vhich your committee referrcu to the law
agents to examine into, who having reported
1\1r. Maurice Hime to be entitled, your committee are
of opinion and recommend that same be granted. .
' YOIl}" committee also took into consiueration the
petition of Robert Billing for renewal s of premises
north side of Exchequer street, by inserting the life of
William Billing his second son in the room of the
xxvii .
. 27.
DUllL1N ROLL, 1814. 471
reverend Edwanl liIeyler, decease,!. 'Which your if;:ler.
committee in like manner referred to the jaw agonts,
who reported that he was entitled thereto, your com-
mittoe are therefore of opinion and reoommend that
same be grai1tccl him.
'Your committee also took into eonsieleratioll the
lJetition of Francis Lestrange, cS(juire, for renewal of
premises in Chathmll street, by the lives of street.
Frallcis Lestrange amI Robert Lestrange in the room
le7 b. of George Carleton SOil of alderman John Carletoll amI Carletun.
a ),:11'. Jeremiah Higginsoll of LOl1Llon. Which your
committee also referred to the law agents to report
upon, who reported that the renewal sought for by
Mr. Lestrange coulel only be granted to him for on8
life, namely in the room ,of ),11'. George Carletoll, the
death of the other life l1r. Jeremiah Higginson not
being ascertain8rl, your cOlllmittee are therefore of
opinion, that a renewal should be granteel Mr. Renewal.
Lestrango, by inserting the life of his son ,:\11'. Franeis
Lestrango in the place of )'lr. George Carleton.
'Your committee also t'(]Qk into c'(]usideratioll the
petition of messieurs John Clarke amI \\Tilliam Clarke Clark.,
for a new lease of their premises with others, situate quay.
on Aston's fjUay. \Vhich they referred to a SlIb-
cllmmittee cQnsisting of alderman John ClallLlius Committee.
Bcresfonl, NI'. Sheriff George \Varner. amI )'Ir. Daniel
Huttoll, who reported to your committee the terms upon Terms.
which it woulrl be eligible that the jpase sought for Lease.
should be granteel, with a copy of which your committee
furnished messieurs Clarke, aoquainting them that
ujlon their accoding to the terms therein mentioned,
your committee would recommend your lonlship and
honours to comply with their memorial. to which your
cmnmittee have rccoi vcr! no answer. Your colllmittee
thorefore presume they ' do nut think it advisable to
comply with the snb-committee's report.
472 DUIlLlN .\SSEMBLY ROLL, 1814.
'Your committee beg lea\'e to mention that in pur-
suance of the request made to the late Lord lIayor and
Sheriffs to procure a person to view and value the
Tithes of Tagha,doc, they' employed a person for that
purpose, and the same was accordingly vie,,'ed and has
been set for the sum of 209 48. 9d.-lBO, of which
has been since collected and lately paid dver to your
hOllonrs' treasurer. The Glebe also has been set for
one year to Phep()(' for the sum of 20, the rent of
which will 110t become due until first next, by.
which time the balance lIne of the tithes win be also
'Your committee however now bE'g leave to recom-
mend that. these Tithes ami Glebe b2 let by lease for a
term not exceeding t\\'enty ?ne that the
committE'es of finance and city leases b2 empowered
to close with t.he fairest bhlder, such as shall appear
to them most advant.ageous for the city's interest.
, All which we submit as our report this 18th day of
April, 1814.'
Order. And the said commons, praying to confirm said report
Leases not
and make same an act of assembly: it was thereupon
granted, the committee's report confirmed and made an
act of assembly.
[4.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
committees of finance and city leases have made the
following report of the 18th April, 1814.
'"\Ve, the committees of finance and city leases, beg
leave to inform YOUl' lordship and honours that we have
been studiously attentive to the \'ariolls affairs and yery
arduous business which came under our discussion
since we last reported; A nd first your committee
turned their attention to those parts of the lands of
Clonturke which were recommended in our former
reports to be set, but since which time leases have not
been perfcctell by the parties so
videlicet ;-
rec.ommended, 1814;
'William Flint
, Arthur Q'Brien
'N. l,furphy
s. d.
139 0 0
133 10 0
G4 0 0
'Your committee are therefore of opinion that the
agreements made and ratified by act. of assembly with rescinned.
those persons be uow rescinded, and that thesc promises
be reset, to commence from the "ame period (but not at
a less rent than that agreed upon).
, Ancl your committee beg leave to lllention, t.bat the
lease recommended to messieurs Peter \Vilsun and John \Vilson.
W oollhouse of part of the lamls of Clontnrke at
130 10s., jl8l" annum, has not yd been executed,
ilHlsmuch as Mr. ,\Vilsoll having a"sign8l1 his part,
being a very slllall portion of theso premises to
J\Ir. Woodhonse, thc lease under the {'xisl ing act of Lease.
assembly could not be perfectc-ll to \\T 00ll11ou80 ollly.
Your committee however uncler these circumstances
recommend that the lease be now pcrf('cte<.l to him at
the same rent ant! for t.he same term and commoncemont Rent.
as formally re.commel1,clel[ to be perfectsll to both.
'Your committee also reCOlllll1elH1 that the premises
formerly rel'olted by them to be leasell to AIJ([rew
Olarkc at the annual rent of ,32 lOs" jIer annum, be C1ocke.
leased to 1\1r. John Duval, he having agreed thereto Ht Duval.
the same rent and for tbe same te.rlll. and commencing Rent.
rEnt at. the same period that 1\1:1'. Clarke \\"olllcl huve
clone, Clarke having refused to perfect his leases
agreeable to our former report.
'Your committee also rec(lmmend that the len:;e
forlllerly recommended to be given to 1\fr. l\f atlhew
Pace at. tho annual rent of 7 10s., be granted to 111'. Pace.
Ueorge Callins, he having become assignee of 1\fl'. Collius.
Lease to
ments for
Pace's interest, amI he c.oYenanting to pay the same rent Roll x. '
ID. 12:7
for the same term amI commencing at the same periou.
'Your committee also rec.ol1lmend that a lease be
made to Charles of premises in Essex street,
formerly recollilllended to be granted to Robert Dudley,
at a rent of 36. per annum, ;'[1'. A.lder being his head
landlonl. and Robert Dudley declining under tlio,e
circumstance'" tD execute the lease recoIDmellLled to be
granted him. This lease hOlyever your eommittee
recommenll to be granted upon the express condition
that 111'. Alder do commence his rent from the same
pel'iod that ;'11'. Dudley ,,'ould haye
'Your committee next turned their attention tD the
lands of Colganstown. the consideration of which you
'\'ere pleased to refer to us at the last assembly, a
subject of such great moment to your lordship and
honoill's' interests, as to demand on our parts ewry
possible attention. A.nd yOIll' c.ommittee after mafurely
the matter are of opiniDn, t.hat it Iyould be
more for the interest of your lordship and honour s to
snli'er the lease to expire, which it I\'ill dD on the first
of next . and get possession of these groulllls prior
to your all\'rtising them tll be disposed of, cOll\'inced
that mallY persons will bid for the same 'I'hen in your
tu .
'Your committee therefore submit that it Il'oulLl be
prllLlent. that your committee should be empowered to
ad\'rtise the same, either in the whole or in clil"isiolls
as may appear most advantageons, and that such
proposals as they shall receive shall be reported to a
post assembly.
'Your committee also beg leave to report, that the
lease of your Ferries has expired on the 23th ::\Iarch
la;;t. and submit to you the necessity of haying them
(lisposed of Il'ith as little delay as may be, after the jury
shall 11a,"e brought in their verdict concerning them.
DUBLIN ROLL, 1814_ 475
Your committee receiveu an application from 1SU.
alderman John Claudius Beresfonl requesting that Beresford.
your loruship anu honOllrs ,,ould insert his life in the
lease gran!eu to him of part of the lands of Clonturke Clontucke.
concurrent with the term of seventy-one years, being
the term granted to him, to accede to this your com-
mittee saw no possible oujection. I11r. Deresford's only
object being to aC'lllire a frecholu during his Freehold.
life, your committee therefore haw no hesitation in
recommending your loruship ami honours t{) allow the
'Your committee recommend that the premises ill
possession of messieurs Smith and Parvin in Cu ffe
street be taken possElssion of and reset, and \vhieh your Cutlestreet.
lordship and honours reCDverell by ejectment. unless
they forthwith perfect leases agreeable to the terms
proposed to them.
, All which we suhmit as our report this 18th uay of
April, 1814.'
And the sai,l COllllllons, praying to confirm ;aid Order.
report and make same an act of as,cmhly: it \\'a,
thereupon grantcu. the committee's report confirmed
and mauo an act of assembly.
And order ed, that a, Laurence Lid:ins, one of the Lickins.
tenants of Clonturke, having ueclincd perfecting his Clonturk .
leases, and alderman J Ohl1 Carleton and alderman Carloton.
J ohn Claudius Beresford haying offel'ed to stand in his lleresford.
place and to perfeet leases of this groullll at the same
rent that Laurenee Lickens was to pay, ami to COIl1-
mence rent at the same period.
And that any matter relating to the lands of
Oolganstown he reporteu to the next quarter assemuly
instead of a post assembly.
[5.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that the Trades-
. men's bills.
comllllttCB appointed for examining trade,men's hilb
ha ve made the annexed r eport of the 18th April, 1814.
'We, the committee appointed for examining trades-
men's bills beg leave to inform your lordship and
honours that the several bill s following were laid before
liS, amounting in the whole to the SUln of 224 Os. 8ll.,
to wit:-
'J. and P. BoyJ.un's bill for painting,
papering, et cetf'ra, at the :Mansion
s. d.
HOllse ending September 1812 71 10 ()
'Daniel Elliott's bill for slating work at
:Mansion ROHse commencing Sep-
tem bel' 1811 and ending February
1812 58 11 5
'Daniel El1iott for slating work at
Jl,[ansion House commencing Sep-
tomber 1812 and ending :March
1813 57 IG
, Dani el Elliott for slating work done at
the City Marshalsea as' per agree--
ment Sept,ember 1813 8 17 2
' The proprietor of the Patriot newspaper
for inserting resolutions of quarter
assembly pursuant to act of assembly 6 11 1
' John Hamilton for harness for state
coach and providing web collars,
et cetera, for ridillg the franchi ses
commencing September 1811 and
ending August 1812 20 14 5
224 0 8
by 'And which said bills your committee having minutely
aflidav;t. exa mined into and enquired concerning, and finding
them regularly vouched by affidavit are of opinion am!
. recommend that they be paid. Your lordship and
M>llIs;on honours will, by the foregoing accounts respecting the
nlansion House, see evidently the saving that '.viII
accrue by the. mode now adopted, the foregoing being 1814.
the last bills that can be charged on that account b,t bills.
agreeable to the late regulations entered into.
, All which WB submit as our report this 18th day of
April, 18l4.'
And the said commons, praying to confirm said Orde.'.
report and make same an act of assembly: it was the1'e-
upon granteel, the committee's report confirmed amI
b. made an act of assembly, and that the city treasnrer
do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the scv{'ral Payment.
persons within mentioned the Gmonnt of their respec-
ti ve accounts.
[6.] Certain of the commons, setting forth that thl'
committee appointed for bet ter supplying the city of
Dublin with pipe watnI' have made the amlRxecl report
of the 18th April, 1814.
'''Ve, the committee appointed for bett,er supplying Report.
the city of Dublin with pipe water, beg loave to inform
your lordship and honours that we have paid every
possible attention to the business committed to our
care since we last reported. Your committee have Supply of
. water.
much satisfaction to acquaint you, that the city IS most
abundantly supplied with water.
'Your committee havE' received a mcmorial from the Georgc',
inhabitants of George's place praying a sllpply of
water to be , granted them, which YOllr committee
directed to be done in consequence of YOllr engineer
reporting it woulcl acid to your revpnllP and that it
would be effected at a small expense.
'Your committee have given such directions to your
different collectors, as to the collection of the pi pe water
rent, that t hey are not without the hope that in fllture
the whole revenue will be collected some months sooner
than formerly.
, All which is submitted as our report this 18th clay
of April, 1814.'
Carl eton,
And the said commons, praying to confirm said
report allll make same an act of assembly: it was there-
npon granted. the committee's report confirmed and
mude an act of assembly.
[7.) Certain of the commons, setting forth that the
finance committee appointed t6 examine your city
treasurer' s accounts relating to the pipe water estab-
lishment lip to 29th September, 1813, ha\' e made the
annexed report of the 15th April, 1814.
'We, the finance committee to whom the accounts of
alderman John Carlcton, treasurer, have been rferred
for the year ending the 29th September, 1813, have
accurately examined that branch of it which relates to
pipe water establisllment, and find that although
each year's account purports to end on the 29th
September, it has been heretofore the practice to debit
the 'corporation with "' many sums liaid bf'l\Yeen the
29th September and the following Easter assembly,
(being the usual time of passing the treasurer's
accounts) but not to credit any sums received after said
day,-by which mode of statement, the corporation
never could have an accurate view of their a,ifairs.
, Under thi s impression your committee have felt it
their duty to rerjll inl the trE'asnrer to bring into the next
Sums year's accounts all WillS paill by him after the 29th
September last, awl they have consequently disallowed
them in the present account, as appears in pages five
and six.
'Your committee find that the pipe water committee
so long ago as the month of January, 1813, caused
letter s to be written by your treasmpr to the house of
.1\d messieurs Aydon and Elwell forbidding them to for-
ward any more metal pipes without OJ'uers, notwith-
standing which it appears to your committee they did
in direct violation of such direction send a very con-
siderable quantity and have. actually received from the
xxvii. treasurer a sum of abollt 1,802 ] 2s. Od., more tball 18H.
26 b. Payment.
the value of the pipes deli\'nrerl into your store. Your
committee have therefore conceived it their duty to
deduct that sum from the money paid by your treasurer Deduction.
to that company.
'YoU!' committee find that one of the dehentures last
drawn from the sinking fund has not yet been
demanded, and under these circumstances your com-
initteoare of opinion the treaSllrer ought nut to charge
same until paid off .
Your committee tind that on the sale of the last
issue of pipe water bonds, they prollucerl a sum of Bonds.
36 9s. 7d., marc than the slim statC'Cl in the aCC01ll1t
referred to us, in consequence of the running interest Intere,t.
not having been included in the former acconnt. And
your committeo have deducted the snm of 100, from
the sum charged as paid the accountant-paying him
his salary to 'lIIirlsummer 1813, conformable to the S.I.ry.
opinion expressed in this report.
, The treasurer aicled by your committee have stated
the account hereunto annexed. by which it appears treasurer.
that the balance due to him on foot of the pipe. water
account commencing 29th SeptE'mber, 1812, amI
ending 29th Scpt<}mbcr, 1813, is 9.G78 1Gs. lIt(l.,
instead of 14,304 48. Ht(!., the balan ce stated at foot
of the accoun .. t referred to us, which variation proceeds
from the disallowances above mentioned, taking the Disallow,
sum of 9,058 Is. Gcl., as the correct balance charged ances.
clue the trE'aSIll'er at foot of the pipe water accollnt for
the year ending 29th September, 181:2, respecting which
your c,ommittee are incompetent to give an accurate
opinion, the accounts of that year not having boe11 ACCollnts.
referrell to them for examination.
12f.. ' All which we submit as 0111' report this 11)th clay of
April, 1814.'
And the saicl commons, praying to c,ontil'm saill

480 DUllL1N ASSEMBLY ROLL, 1814.
report and make same an act of assembly; it was
_thereulJoll granted, the committee's :report confirmed
and made an act of assembly.
l8.] Certain of the commons. praying for address to
the Prince Regent; whereupon it was granted. pursuant
t.o the prayer of the petition, and that a commit.tee
consisting of aldermen Abraham Bradley King. Sir
Willialll Alexander, Thomas Andrews, Nathaniel
Hone, John Claudius Beresforcl, and five of thp
commons to be named by the Shel;iffs and Commons,
he and are hereby appointed with the assistance of
Mr. Recorder to prepare an address for the purpose
mentioned, and that the committee for preparing t.he
address to the Prince Regent be empowered to get it
engrossed and ornamented in the best manner at an
expense not exceoding seven guineas.
[The fi ve of the commons; 1 Messieurs Sir Eclward
Stanley, ' John Giffarcl, 'Villiam Cope, John Kingston
James, George Carleton .
'To his Royal Highness George, Prince of 'Vales,
Regent of the United Kingclom of Great Britain and
, May it please yonr Royal Highness.
"Ve. the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of the city of Dublin, beg leave to approach
YOllr royal highness with our sincere and warm con
gratulations on the late splendid ancl glorious achieve-
ments of the British army the command of our
immortal countryman Field Marshal the Duke of
vVellington, which with the brilliant successes of our
illustrious ancl magnanimolls have at length,
under divine providence terminatell in the downfall of
the enemy to the repose of nations.
, In these signal successes "'e cannot but perceive the
full manifestation of the justice of God in punishing 1814.
the guilty and wresting the pa.lm of victory from the
ferocious usurper, who wished to intimidate the whole Usurper.
civilised world into a tame acquiescence in all his
visionary schemes in inordinate ambition.
" We see also with inexpressible satisfaction the
restoration of t.he lawful sovereign of France to tho FraIlce.
herellitary thron!' of Saint Louis amI a certainty of SailltLouis.
that honourable and durable peace which will put an
end to thp, calamities anLi afllictions of long agitated Europe.
, Permit the loyal citizens of Dublin t.o renew to your Loyalty.
royal highness their assurallces of unalterable attach-
ment to your person, family, and government, and to
express their warm and grateful acknowledgements
for your royal highness's peculiar favour and atten-
tion towards us, in having been graeiously pleasod to
appoint a chief governor to preside over us, who every
way formed to engage onr confidence does in the most
ample manuer possess it.
, In testimony whereof, we have caused 111<) common
seal of t.he said city to be hereunto affixed this 22nd Cily seal.
day of April, in the Yf'ar of our Lorel ISH.'
Oruered, that the foregoing do stand the addrpss of Order
the Lord 1fayor, Sheriffs, and commons to his royal
highness the' Prince Regent, and that the Lord
Mayor clo request his excellency the lord lieutenant to
transmit the same.
[9.J Certain of tho commons, praying for the cele-
bratioll of the Centenary of the House of Hanover: Centenary.
whereupon it was granteu, pursuant to the prayer of
the petition, and that a committee consisting of the
Lord Mayor, Shnriffs, tr.easurer, masters of the works,
aldermen Abl'aham Bradley King, John Exshaw, Sir
WilIiam Stamer, FredOl'ick Darley, and John Claudius
Beresford, together with ten of the commons to be
named by the Sheriffs and Commons, be and are
hereby appointed for the purpose of carrying the
intention of the petition into effect.
[The ten of the cornmDns:] Messieurs John GiffarJ,
Robert Usher, William Leet , John Kingswn .lames,
John King stationer, Robert Sutter. Sir Ed\\'anl
Stanley, 'Villiam Jameson, Henry Cooper, John Tudor.
[lO.J" Resolved: that the city seal be not affixed to
Green. any cOllYcyance of Saint Stephen's Green, until the act
of parliament for the improvement there<>f and securing
the rent of 200, to the corporation shaH have recei\"ed
the royal assent."
The Lord :\[ayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[l1.J "Resolved, that Saint Stephen's Green be m. 125;
granted to the committee for the improvement of Saint
Slphen's Green for erecting a testimonial of national
gratitude tD Marquis of "Tellingtun. at a rent not
exceeding 200, per annum, the corporation bping
exempted from all charges for paving, lighting, or
maintaining the inclosure of thp Green."
George ] r.
'1'he Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sherift's and Commons in the foregoing resolution,
and that Saint Stephen's Green be granted for the
purposes only before mentioned at the rent of 200, per
annum, the corporation being released from all taxes
of what nature soever to which they are now or here-
after may be subject to for that square. tho whole to be
done under the advice of Jifr. Recorder.
The Lord Mayor. Reoorr[pr, Treasnrer, Sheriffs, and
city representatives for the time being w be oommis-
sioners, it being nnderstood that the equestrian figure
in the centre of the Gr88n shall remain the property of
the oorporation am[ not bp. n'llloYed withont their
[12.] "Hesolvprl. tl1O.t it. be an instruction to thA
5 b.
committee for mauaging the transfer of Saint Stephen's kSe'':''ov,Jo!
Green to obtain from his royal highness the Prince n.
Regent or from his majesty's representative in Trelaml
a CllSent for the removal of the statue of the seconrl
monarch of the glorious House of Brunswick from
Saint Stephen's Green, if SllCh removal shall bn
'l'he Lord ]IJ ayar amI Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[131 Certain of the commons, praying for the affixing
of the eity seal to conveyances of ground to COlll-
missioners of \ViclB Streets amI the Ballast Office:
whereupon it was granted, pUrSlU\l1t to t.he prayer of
the petition.
[14.1 i. "Resolved, that it would be of grea.t
tage to the corporation, if all salaries ancl annuities
were made Hp to the 24th of June in each year, so as
to enable the treasurer to bring all such payments in
his accounts audited up to the 29th September, by
which the annual expenditure woult.! be regularly
brought before the corporation.
ii. "Resolved. that it he an instruction to the finance Proceed
ings of
committee to inspect the proceecling., of the corporation
since Easter assE'mbly ] 792, and tha.t tl'Ay select such
existing acts of assembly as they think necessary to
have printecl among the rules ancl orrieTs of the common
council am! to report the same to the next assembly.
iii. "The Lord lHavor and Board of Aldennml, at Tre.,urc,,
</ accouuts.
the instance of the t1'8.asnror, Tnrplest the concurrence
of the Sheriffs and Commons in appointing a committee
of auditors for the purpose of a,nditing his accounts
from 29th September last. (tho period to which they are
at present amlitecl) to 20th ::\[aroh last."
The Lore! :1<,fayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concnrrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going Tesollltiolls am! that the finallce c"mnliUAe be
empowered to audit and rel}ort on the treasurer's Roll I'
accounts from the above period.-Allowecl.
[Hi.] "Resolved, that the finance committee are
justly entitled to the thanks of this house for their
zea.]ous and faithful discharge of Hie trust reposed in
them by inspecting and reporting upon the treasurer's
last account."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolution.
[16.] John Magee, praying for payment of bill:
whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do,
on the Lord rvIayor's warrant, pay petitioner the
amount of his account, as in his petition mentioned.
[17.] Robert Tyler, beadle of Saint Paul's parish,
praying for usual allowance for opening Smith field
market: whereupon it was ordered, that petitioner be
paid the stun of three guineas, for the reasons in his
petition mentioned.
[18.] George Dickinson, praying for usual allowance:
whereupon it was ordcJ1ed, that petitioner be paid the
sum of 2, for the reasons il]. his petition mentioned.
[19.] Frederick George Bournes, praying to be m.
continued gaoler of the New Prison: whereupon it was
ordered, that the said Frederick Goorge Bournes bo
find is hereby continued gaoler of the New Prison
during the city's pleasure, not exceeding one year
ending Easter assembly 1815, pl'ovided that he
the said Frederick Gem'ge Bournes do constantly
lie each night in the said gaol, or in default thereof
that the said Frederick George Bournes be removed
from the said office and rende,red incapable of
ever holding the same, and that he shall strictly
adhere to the directions set forth in the act of
1fichaelmas assembly 1787; also provided that he the
said Frederick George Bournes do give security to
the corporation from all escapes and for the
llUHLlN ROLL, 1814. 485
due perfoi'mancc and faithful discharge of the (luties lSH
of said such as the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs
shall approve of, said security to be entrred into in one
week from this date or this onler to be yoid.
[20.] Arthur Orde, praying to be continued pipe
wa,ter collector: whereupon it w"s orderell, that the coll,ctDr.
said Arthur Orde be aml is hereby contillued one of the
pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding Olle year eIlding Easter asspmbly 1815, he
giving security for the. faithful (lischarge of the duties Secnrity.
of said office and paying to the city treasurer all such
sums of mOlley he shall from time to time receive,
said security tv be entered into in one month this
date or this order to be void.
[2l.] J oseph Jl.Iaclcluck, praying to be continued pipe
water col1ector: whereupoll it was ordered, that the said collector.
Joseph J'lIadclock be anll is hereby continued one of thc
pipe water collectors during the city's pleasure, not
exceeding one year ending EHster assembly 1815, he
giving security for the faithful discharge of the lluties
of said office and paying to the city treasurer all such
sums of money as bo shall from time to time receive,
said security to IJe entered into in one month from this
date or this order to be void.
[22.] l\fargaret Smith, praying for lIsual allowance Smith.
for attending 'all assemblies for one year and providing
pens, ink, paper, and candles :wherenpon it was ordered, Stationery.
that the jJetitioner be paid by the city ireasnrer on the Payment.
Lord ilfayor's W'a.rrant the slim of five gnineas, for the
reasons in her petition mentioned.
[23.] lIfargaret Smith, praying for usual allowance Smith.
for cleaning ancllighting the fires at the market hons8:
whereupon it was ordered, that the petitioner be paill Payment.
by the city treasurer on the Lord 211 ayar's warrant the
slim of two guineas, for the reasons in her pct.ition



[24.) Sevoral fixtures being in the house of Colgans-
town. which it \\'ould injure much to suffer to be taken
away and which have been valued to the sum of
90 17s. 6d., by your lordship and honours' engineer
and a committee, to wit, chimney pieces, grate-s, flnd
mallOgauy doors, .the Lord .Hayor and Board of
Aldermen recommend that that sum be paid to Mr.
Yeates, so soon as the corporation are put into posses-
sion of the house and lalllls.-Allowed.
[2;).] John Dickillson, praying for payment of bill:
whereupon it was ordered, that the sum of 2 18s. 2d.,
the amount of the annexed bill be paid on the certificate
of the Sheriffs am! inspectors of prisons.
[26.) Elizabeth French, praying aid: whereupon it
was ordered, that petitioner be paid 10, by the city
treasurer on the Lord Mayor's warrant, for the reasons
ill her petitioll mentioned.
[27.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to the right honourable ,Villiam l\IclIahon:
whereupon it was granted, gratis, and that same be
accompanied with an address, aud that a committee
consisting of aldermen A.braham Bradley King,
Frederick Darley, alld Sir William Stamer with three
of the commons to be named by the Sheriffs and
Commons be appointed to prepare same and that said
address be engrossed, put under the city seal, and
presented by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs.
['1'he three of the commons:) Messieurs George
Studdert, Richard Guinness, Humphrey Jl.Iinchin.
Address. 'To the right honourable William Jl.IcMahol1,
Uaster of the Rolls of Ireland.
the R.oJls c.,f
Ireland. ' Sir.
'The Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of
l it e city of Dublin in common council assembled beg
DUllLIN .AS:;EMllLY ROLL, 18t1,
1 xxvii. Inave t,o congmtU[>lte you on your appointment to t,I1O 18,",.
124. Appolllt.
high and important station of of the Rolls of ment.
'The eminent talents and unshaken integrity which Talents,
characterize your professional career slIfficiently
demonstrate that you are highly wurthy uf the
distil1cruished honour which the Prince Rc"cnt ha::; becnPrilleo
Cl Rcgellt.
graciously plellscll to call fer 011 you.
, llUpressed with these sClltiments, we callnot but feel
all honest pride in having so estimable a chamctsr
enrolled amongst the citizens of Dublin, ami therefore Dublin,
beg leave to present you with the freedom of our anciellt Freedom.
and loyal corporation:
, In testimony whereof, we have calloell the common
seal of the saill city to be herelUlto affixed this 221111 City ,cal.
day of April, in the year of our Lord, 18l4.'
Ordered, that the foregoing do the address of Oru,r,
the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the
city of Dublin, and that same be ami put
under the city seal, and presented by the Lord ],Iayor,
Sheriffs, and such members of the corporatioJl as shall
choose to attend.
And the Lord l\Iayor, Sheri [5, and several of the
members of tho corporation having waited upon the
Master of the Roll s witlI said addre:;s, ho was pleased
to return tlie following answer.
"My Lord and Gentlemen.
"I fopl extremely grateful for the municipal dis-
tinction which you have conferred upon mc, and
honoured in your approbation. lour favourable
impression of my professional life is particularly grati-
fying to me, ami without venturing to make professions
respecting myself, permit me to cherish the hope that a
m. 124 b. lliligent and faithful discharge of public duty will at
Major of
some future day authorize me to associate with a ~ 1 ~ 2 ~
grateful recollectioll of the honour of your franchise,
a conscious feoling, that the result has not disparaged
this flattering mark of your confidence.
""\Villiam Mcl\fahon."
[28.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to the reverend James Saurin. Archdeacon of
Dublin: whereupon it was grant.ed,
[29.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to Lord Henry Moore: whereupon it was
grantet.!, gratis.
[30.) Certain of tlte commons, praying for freedom
of cily to colonel Hudson Lowe
: whereupon it was
granted, gratis.
[31.) Certain of the commons, praying for freedom
of city to lieutenant-colonel John Tonson: whereupon
it was granted, gratis.
[32.] "Resol ved, that on the present happy 'tran-
quillity of Europe, we feel that the thanks of this
corporation are justly dne and the same are hereby
given to William Cosby, esquire, Brigade Major of
Yeomanry of this city, for his exertion and attention
to the several corps lluring a long and faithful service
of near twenty years, by which discipline was
promoted, rebellion subdued, ant.! the purposes for
whieh the Yeomanry institution was establishet.!, main-
tained, and supported."
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen request the
concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in the fore-
going resolution.-Allowed.
[33.] "Resolved, that the thanks of this assembly be
and are hereby given to the master, wardens, and
brethren of the corporation of Barber Surgeons for the
very proper conduct on the subject of admitting free-
1 Sir Hudson Lowf'], 1769-1844
.24 b.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree with 1814.
the Sheriffs and Common,.; in the foregoing resolution.
[34.] Certain of the commons, praying for affixing Rath-
. macknee
tile CIty seal to whatever document may become ncces- church-
sary for changing the site of the churchyard of City seal.
Rathmacknee, as mentioned ill the statement received
from the Bishop of .l!'erns
: whereupon it was granted, of
pursuant to the prayer of the petition.
[35.] Certa in of the commons, praying for freedom Franchise.
of the city to Major J_ Jenkins: whereuJHlIl il was Jenkins.
granted, gratis.
[36.] Fisher and Greene, law agents, praying that Fisher and
their accounts mav be referred to the law committee: .
.., Account,;.
whereupon it was ordered, that the contents of their
petition be refenld to the committee for cOllllucting the
city's law business and who are hereby empo\\'cred to
enquire into same and report thereon to the next
asoombly, and that the city treasurer do, on the Lord
Mayor's warrant, pay petitioners the sum of 200, on Payment.
account of their bill of costs.
t. 1814. April 22.-Admissions to franchiw.
1814. April 22.-Declaration and signatures. Signatures.
124 b. 1814. June 15.-Posl Assembly.
[37.1 "Rosolved, that a committee of twenty-onc
members of the Sheriffs aml Commons be appointed to
consider the" Paving Bill. and in conjunction with a
committee to be appointed by the Lord Mayor and Committee.
Board of Aldermen, to report the result of their investi-
gation to a post assembly to be convened at as early a
day as possible for that lJUrposc."
The Lore! Mayor and Board of Altlcrmen agree with Aldermen.
the Sheriffs Commons in the foregoing resolution,
and that aldermen A braham Bradley King, ,10Jm
Exshaw, John Carleton, Samuel Reed, Charles 'l'horp,
Alexander Kirkpatrick, Thomas Andrews, Freclerick
1 Hon. Percy Jocelyn, 1r1 . ..\ . Bishop of Ferns and Leighlin,
490 lJUIlL1" ASS!>MIlL, nULL, 1814.
1814. Darley, \\Tilliam Henry Archer, Nathaniel Hone, and ~ ~ ~ i
Committee. Hugh Trevor be a committee for the foregoing purpose
with twenty-one of the commons to be nallleu by the
Sheriffs anu Commons.
Cum mUllS. lThe twenty-one of the commons: 1 Sir Euwarel
i:ltanley, Robert Sutter, \ViIliam J allleson, Jllalthew
\Vest, ArtllUr I3attersby, Daniel Hutwn, George ThorjJ,
B ~ n j a m i n Eaton, John McLaine, WiIliam .i'lfeAuley,
Charles TllOrp, \VilIiam Leet, J ames King, Richard
Guinness, haac JiIumlers junior, \Villiam Dixon, John
'Willis, Thomas Cunnor, Robert lIarty, William
Porter, John King stationer.
'John Cash, Loru .i'lfayor.-John Exshaw.-Henry
Howison.-\ViIIiam Henry Archer.-Kathalliel Hone.
- Thomas Anelrews. - Frederick Da,rley. - Mark
Bloxham. - Abruham Braelley King. - ,WiIliam
\ V orthington .-l\lereclith J enkin.'
~ 9 1
CITY OF DUBLIN, 1807-1814.
By the Lord l\1ayor and Board of Aldermen of the 1807.
city of Dublin.
1807. July 17.-Midsummer Assembly.
"Alderman John Oarleton is this day elected
Treasurer of the city's revenue for one year commenc- Carleton.
ing the 29th September next, agroeable to the resolu-
tions of the 6th day of Fobruary 1798, he giving
security for the faithful and clue discharge of the rluties
Qf the said office.
"\Villiam Alexander. - John Exshaw. - Henry
Howison.-Henry Gore Sankey.-Richanl ]l.[anders.-
Hugh Orothers.-Henry Hutton.-Alexancler Kirk-
patrid:. - Froclerick Darley. - N'athaniel Hone.-
Abraham 13radley l\:ing.-John Oash."
87. By the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the 1808.
city of Dublin.
1808. July 22.-J\Iidsummer Assembly .
.. Al<;lerman John Carleton is this day elected
Treasurer of the city's revenue for one year commencing Carleton ..
1808. the 29th September next, agreeable to the resolutions ~ \ ' t ; ; ; ; k Y '
Security. of the Gth day of February, ] 798, he giving. security 87.
for the faithful ami dno discharge of the duties of the
said office.
"Hugh Trmor. - John Exshaw. - Henry Gore
8ankey. - Charles Thorp. - Samuel Reed. - Hugh
Crothers.-Nathaniel Hone.-Richard JliIamlers.-
John Cash.-Frederick Darley."
HlO9. April H.
Election of
" I, ,Yilliam Stamcr of the city of Duhlin, alrlerman,
clo hereby resign to the right honourable the Lonl
Mayor and Board of Aldermen the place or office of
Coroner of the county of the city of Dublin, ancl l'equest
they may accept of this resignation and elect another
person in my stead.
" Given unrler my hand and seal this 14th day of
April, ]809.
"William Stamer. (Seal.)
"Present, .10hn Allen."
By the right honourable the Lord JliIayor and Board
of Al']ermen of the city of Dublin.
1809. April H.-Friday, Easter Assembly.
" Al<1f'rman .10hn Cash is this day elected one of the
Coroners of the county of the city of Dublin, in the
r('om of aldemlan ,Villiam Stamer resigned.
",Villiam Alexflucler.-Johu Carletou.-,Yilliam
,I' orlh iugton .-Samuel "Reed.-Thomas Andl'ews.--
Charles 'l'hol'p.-Hugh Crothers.--).[ereclith Jenkin.-
Alexander Kirkpatrick.-'Villiam Stamer.-,Villiam
Hf'Ilry Archer.-A brah'alll Bl'aclley King."
By the Lonl ).f ayor and Board of Aldermen of tllo
city of Dnblin.
TREASUREII AND CORO:\fERS, 1807-18[;1.. 490
1810. 1810. July 20.-.Micl smnmer Assembl y.
"Aldorman John Carlot on is thi s clay
"lceted Election of
'freasurer of the city"s r evenue for one year commenc- Carle!on.
ing 29th Sep tember next , agreeable to the r esoluti ons
of the Gth clay of February, .1798, he giving secllri ty
for the faithful amI due di sch argc of the cllltif's of the
said office.
"John Exshaw. - Henry lIowison. - Ri chnrd
l\Iancler s. -l\Terpdilh J enkin. - IIflluy HowisOll .-
Hohert Sha\\,.-William Henry Archpr .-Abraham
l3radJey King.-Sall1ucl Heecl.-Nath ani el Hone.-
Alexander Kirkpat rick. "
1811. April 2G. 1811.
"1. Willi am Henry Archer of the ci ty of Dublin. "a.
alderman, do hereby rcsign la tho right honourable the
Lord :Mayol' and Board of Aldermen the pl ace or offi cn
of Cor oll P\" of the counl y of the city of Dubli n, and
request the.\" may elect anoljl er ,alderman in his room.
" DateJ tlIP 2Gth April , 181] .
" William Henry Archer. (Seal. )
" \\-itIlCSS, John Allen. "
9. By the' ri ght hononrablp the Lord :\Jayor and l30anl
of Aldermen ' of the ci Iy of Du bl ill.
]811. April 2G.- Friday, Eastpr Asspmbl y.
" Alderman ]\[ark B10xham is thi s (l ay p.]ected one of of
tbe Coroner s of the CO\lllt.V of the ci ty of Dublin, in I,he ")oxha m.
room of alderman \Villiam Henry ArcllE'r resigned.
" \Villia!l1 Alexander. - .John Exshaw. - Henry
HowisOll.- J ohl1 Car!('(on.- \VilI iam \Y or t hington.-
SanlllPl Hecd.- 'fhomas An(llc\\,s.-Charl cs 'fhorp.-
.\leredith J r l1kin.- J oscph ppmb81"toll.- Al oxandr r
I )nrlcy.- Jol!n Cash."'
Election of
Election of
By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Board
of Aldermcn of the city of Dublin. 100.
1811. July] 9.-1fidsummer Assembly.
"Alderman John Carleton is this day elected
Treasurer of the city' s revenue for one year commenc-
ing thp 29th September next, agret'ablp, to the resolu-
tions of the Gth clay of February, 1798, he giving
se.curity for the faith fill (lischarge of the dllties of the
said office.
" John Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-Henry Gore
Sankey. - \Villiam Worthington. - Samuel Reed . . , .
'l'homas Anclrews.-Charles 'l'horp.-Richanl anders.
- Mereclith Jenkin. - William Henry Archer.-
Abrahum Bradley King. - .Tohn Cash.-Robert. Sha\\,;
-I1fark Bloxham.-.Tohn Alley.-Thomas McKenny."
By the right honourable the Lord :Mayor and Board 10:
of Ahlermen of t.he city of Dublin.
1812. July] 7.-Miclsummer Assembly.
"Al,lerman .Tohn Carleton is this clay elected
'l'reasnrer of the city's revcnue for one year commenc-
ing the 29th September next, agreeable to the resolu-
tions of the Gth clay of February, ] 798, he giving
security for the faithful (lischarge of the duties of the
said office.
".Tohn Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-\.\filliam \.\forth-
ington.-Samurl Reed.-Richanl
Jenkin.-Hugh 'l'rl3vor.-Frederick Darley.-William
Stamer.-Abraham Bradley King.-.Tolm Cash.-.Tohn
Clauciius Bpresford.-John Alley."
]813. April 30.
"I, John Cash of the city of Dnblin, alderman, do
herchy resign to th8 right honourahle the Lord l\fayor
?:;:;:.Y and Board of Aldermen the place or office of Coroner
1102. of the county of the city of Dublin, and request they Coroner.
may elect another Coroner in my room.
" Dated this 30th clay of April, 1813.
" John Cash. (Seal.)
"Witness, John ADen."
By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Boanl
of Aldermen of the city of Dublin.
1813. April 30.-Friday, Easter Assembly.
"Alderman John Claudius Beresford is this day of
elected onc of the Coroners of the COU]] ty of the city of Bcresford.
Dublin, in the room of alderman John Cash, resigned.
"\Villiam Henry Arclter.-3ohn Exshaw.-Henry
Howison. - John Carleton. - Thomas Andrews. -
Charles Thorp.-Richard M"anders.-Frederick Darley.
-Nathaniel Hone.-John Cash.-Thomas McKenny."
104. By tho right hononrable tho Lord Mayor ancl Board
of AJdermen of the city of Dublin.
1813. July 16.-Midsummer Assembly.
"Alderman John Cal:leton is this clay elected
reasurer of the city's revenue for one year commenc- Carleton.
ing the 29th of September next, agreeable to the
resolutions of the 6th day of February, 1798, he giving
secnrity for 'the faithful discharge of the duties of the
said office.
"William Henry Archer.-John Exshaw.-Henry
lIowison. - Samuel Reed. - Richard Jl.fanders.-
Frederick Darley.-Nathaniel lIone.-3ohn Cash.-
John Claudius Beresford.-Mark Bloxham."

1814. April 22. IS14.
"I, John Claudius Beresford of the city of Dublin, .
alderman, do hereby resign to the right honourable the
Election of
1 8 0 ~ .
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen the place or office
of Coroner of the county of the city of Dublin, and
request they may elect another in my room.
" Dated this 22nd day of April, 1814.
"John Claudius Beresford. (Seal.)
"Witness, John Allen."
By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Board
of Aldermen of the city ot Dublin.
1814. April 22.-Friday, Easter Assembly.
" A.ldennan John Alley is this day elected one of the
Coroners of the county of the city of Dublin, in the
room of alderman John Claudius Beresford resigned.
" Sworn same day.
"Abraham Bradley King.-John Exshaw.-Henry
Howison.-Henry Gore Sanl,ey.-John Carleton.-
William Worthington.-Samuel Reed.-Charles Thorp.
-R.ichard Manders.-Meredith Jenkin.-Frederick
Darley.-William Stamcr.-John Claudius Beresforcl.
-Robert Shaw.-Mark Bloxham."
By the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
city of Dublin.
1808. October 14.-Michaelmas Assembly.
"The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen unani-
mously agree in returning their sincere thanks to
. alderman Hugh Trevor, late Lord Mayor, for hiR
upright,, and dignified conduct eluring hi s
year of Mayoralty, and that an address expressive of
such their opinioti be presented to him by the Lord
Mayor and Board of Aldermen, that the same be
Gold box. accompanied with a gold box value twenty-five guineas,
and that the LaTd Mayor and Board of Aldermen do
\"ait upon him with the same, and that said address
ay together with his answer be published in Saundeds
News Letter, 'l'he Freeman's J ournal, and Dublin
Journal. papel s.
"J<'rederick Darley.-John Exshaw.- John Carlet on.
-William Worthington.- Samucl Reed.- Charles
Thorp. - Richard Manders. -Meredith J enkin.--
Joseph I'emberton.-Nathaniel Hone.- vVilliam Henry
Archer.-J ohn Cash."
1. Be it remembered that at A ssembly
1808, tho right honourable the Lord Mayor am] Board 'frevor.
of Aldermen of the city of Dublin unanimously resolved
to present the following address.
" To alderman Hugh Trevor, late Lord Mayor of the
city of Dublin.
" Sir.
"The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen Esteem.
impressed with sentiments of the highest esteem and
affection for your character embrace with peculiar
satisfaction this opportunity of acknowledging the
high sense, they enter t ain of the distingui shed and
honour able manner in which you lately di scharged the
important and arduous duties of Chief Magistrate of
this city.
"The zeat, the llrbanity, and the unremitting Zeal.
activity which marked your publick char acter and
conduct, must ever chall enge their warmest approba-
tion and appl ause. They beg leave therefore. to present
you with a gold box as a small hut grateful mark of Gold box
their respect for your' pH bEc and private virtues.
"Allow them to add their sincere wishes, that you Wishe,.
may long cont inue to enj oy the confidence and aff ection
of your fellow citizens.
"In testimony whereof, t he same is signed by ;-
i' Allen a nd Greene, Secrotaries."
Market at
Harbour ..
And the Lord and Boar-d of Aldermen having
waited on alderman Hugh Trevor with said address.
he returned the following an,;wer.
"My LorLl and Gentlemen.
" 1'\ othing can be so grateful to a fooling mind, as the
disinterested good opinion of his fellow citizens, your
address therefore affords me peculiar pleasure. I am
convinced yonr kindness has much overrated my
endeavours, and am conscious of no merit but an
anxious wish to promote the welfare of my native city,
and discharge my duty to the satisfaction of my fellow
"I have the honour to be my Lord and Gentlemen
with sincere regards your faithful and obliged humble
"Hugh Trevor.
" Leeson street.
"31, October, 1808."
By the Lord J\Iayor and Board of of the
city of Dublin.
1809. February 16.
Lord :\Iayor: Frederick Darley.
Aldermen: John Carleton, ,Villiam Alexander,
Henry Howison, John Exshaw, Thomas Andrews,
Charles Thorp, Henry Gore Sankey, Joseph Pemberton,
Hugh Trevor, 1'\athaniel Hone, Alexander Kirkpatrick,
John Cash, William Henry Archer, ,Villiam Stamer,
Robert Shaw. .
Read the folluwing letter:-
"Royal Canal House, Dublin.
" 16 February, 1809.
" My Lord and Gentlemen.
Market at
"The Directors of the Royal Canal Company beg
leave to state, that in a city of the extent and popula-
tion of Dublin. the establi shment of markets at such
convenient situations as best can accommodate the
necessities of buyers and at same time afford the
ar ticles of consumption at the first and of course the
cheapest rate, must be an object with every well regu-
lated police and tend much as well to the accommoda-
tion of the consumer as to the convenience of the seller.
" Under that impression the Directors of the Royal
Canal Company beg leave to represent to your Lordship
and the Board of Aldermen, that having now com-
pleted a line of highly productive Inland Navigation
from the Broad-Stone Harbour in this cily through
some of the agricultural counties in the kingdom, by
the medium of which the several necessary articles
conducive to the wants and conveniences of the city of
Dublin are imported at a toll duty moderate in extreme
and considerably less than any other canal in Ireland.
"The want of an established Market at said Harbour, Supply of
it is conceived in a great measure deprives the city of
the utilities offer cLl by so abundant a supply, aml that
the articles which form a market established on the
spot would meet a ready sale. for want of such market,
are at an acl llitional expense now carried to a morp
distant market, thereby increasing the original expense
of the commodity find the illcollvenience of both buyer
and seller.
"'Whereas should it meet the approbation of your
Lordship and the Board of Aldermen to establish a carriage.
Market at the Broau-Stone Harbour, all these incon-
veniences would be obviated, the article would sell at its
1\[ark{'t at
prime cost and caniage, and the inhabitants of the
north side of this city could with greater ease and at a
cheaper rate obtain the necessary articles of consump-
tion, which a more prolonged caniage renders addi-
tionally expensive and inconvenient.
" Should your Lordship and the Board of Aldermen,
taking the above circumstances into consideration,
think it expedient to establish a Market at said Harbour,
the Directors of the Royal Canal Company undertake
to provide such accommodation, as will be adequate to
and befitting such establishment.
" I have the honour to be, my Lord and Gentlemen,
your obedient and very humble servant.
"Mark Ken, Secretary."
"Resolved, that as soon as proper accommodations
are prepared at the RDyal CanaJ Harbour by the
Directors of that Company, the Lord Mayor be requested
to establish a Market there, to be held by him and every
succeeding Lord Mayor one day in each week, the same
to be subject to the same restrictions and regulations'
as that now established at the Grand Canal Harbour."
" Ordered, that a letter be written to the Directors of
the Royal Canal acquainting them of the above."
Boot '
92. l .4
By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Board 94.
of Aldermen.
1809. October 20. Friday.
that in future no person shall be allowed
to remain in the Board Room at any meeting of the
Board of Aldermen, except the Town Clerks and their
':2:'Y "William Stamer. - William Worthington. - of
94. Frederick Darley.-Henry Howison.-John Carleton. Aldermen.
-Charles Thorp. - William AIexamler. - Samuel
Reed.-Abraham Bradley King.-Hugh Crothers.-
Alexander Kirkpatrick.-N athaniel Hone.-William
Henry Archer.-l'vIark Bloxham."
95. Meeting of Board of Aldermen at Mansion House.
1809. December 14.
"Present:-William Stamer, Lord .Mayor, William
\Valker, Recorder, aldermen vVilliam Alexander, Dublin.
Samuel Reed, John Exshaw, John CarIeton, treasurer,
Joseph Pemberton, vVilliam Henry Archer, Hugh
Trevor, John Cash, Charles Thorp, Robert Shaw.
"Relative to the report of the Commission of
lnrluiry respcting the Gaols of the City of Dublin.
" Alderman Exshaw read remarks made by him in
said report, in order to shew that same was in many
instaYotces fallacious, with answers to the several charges
made, pl10ving them to be so.
" Resolved, that a sub-committee be now appointed as
well for the purpose of taking same into consideration,
as to prepare therefore a statement, so as to satisfy the
Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, that the
idea the Court have formed upon the same is completely
errOl180us, and that same when so prepared shall be laid
before the Chief Justice for the eXCUlpation of the said
Magistrates and Jury.
"Resolved, that aldermen Thorp, Shaw,
Cash, and Bloxham, together with .Mr. Semple and
J\f 1'. Boilea u be a .for the above purpose and
to report on Wednesday next."
By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Board
of Aldermen.
1810. January 19.-Friday.
James 'Warren, s'Jcretary to the Lord Mayor,
having been called in before the Lord Mayor and Board
of Aldermen, the TovVll Clerks having been directed to
read to him the following resolution.
"Ur. 'Warren, a letter having been submitted to the
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen this day signed
J. vValsh and a conversation had with him by alderman
King and alderman Archer respecting you, they are
unanimously of opinion and have resolved that you
have been guilty of a gross insult to this boa.rd."
"i'lfr. Warren hearing the same read, expressed the
most sincere contrition for having in any manner
offended the Lord Mayor or Board of Aldermen or any
individual member thereof."
.. Ordered, that the foregoing be entered in the
Monday Book."
"William Stamer.-IIenry Gore Sankey.----:John
Carleton.-Henry Howison.-Nathaniel Hone.-Rabert
Shaw.-SamueI Reed.-Hugh Crothers.-John Cash.-
Thomas Andrews. - Frederick Darley. - Richard
Man<lers.-Charles Thorp.-John Exshaw.-Meredith
of By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Board 96.
of Aldermen.
1810. May 4.-Friday.
" Alderman John Cash is this day elected one of the
Corporation for preserving and improving the Port of
96. Dublin in the room of alderman Hllgh Crothers of
deceased, in pursuance of an act of parliament passed ernthers.
in the twenty-sixth of his present majesty entitled an
, Act for promoting tho Trade of Dublin by rendering
its Port and Harbour more commodious.' "
"William Stamer.-vVilliam Alexander.-John
Exshaw.-Henry Howison.-J'Ohll Carleton.-William
vVorthington.-Joseph Pemberton.-Thomas Andrews.
-Char1es Thorp.-Richard Manders.-Abraham
Bradley King.-Mark Bloxham.-William Henry
97. By the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Board
of Aldermen. lion.
1810. May 4.-Friday.
"Alderman Henry Howison having tendered his
resignation to the Lord l\Iayor and Board of Aldermen,
as one of the members of the Corporation for preserving
and improving the Port of Dublin.
" Resolved, that we will not accept such resignation.
And it is further unanimollsly resolved, that our thanks
are justly due and hereby given to our said worthy
brother magistrate Henry Howison, esquire, for the
manly, upright, and spirited conduct evinced by him
on all occasions both as a gentleman and a magistrate."
" vVilliam Stamer.-vVilliam Alexancler.-J olm
Exshaw. - John CarlElton. - Frederick Darley.-
Samuol Reed.-Charls Thorp.-Meredith Jenkin.-
William 'IVorthington.-Joseph Pernberton.-Thomas
Andrews.-Richanl Manders.-Abraham Bradley
King.-Nathaniel Hone.-William Henry Archer.-
John Cash.-Mark Bloxham."
1.ucas and
Meeting of Magistrates and Sheriffs' Peers.
1813. April 30.
"In consequence of the deduction made by the
Corporation from the gTants to the widow and daughter
of the late Doctor Charles Lucas, We, the undersigned
Magistra tes and Sheri ff s' Peers of the Corporation of .
Dublin, do hereby agree to pay to the Town Clerks of
Dublin at every Michaelmas Assembly the sum of one
guinea each, to be paid over by them to the said widow
and her daught<lr during their lives and the life of the
survivor of them."
"Abraham Bradley. King.-William Walker.-John
Cash.-John Carleton.-Henry Gore Sankey.-John
Claudius Beresford.-Meredith Jenkin.-Thomas
McKenny.-John Exshaw.-Charles Thorp.-Mark
Bloxham.-Samuel Reed.-Hugh Trevor.-George
Studdert.-Edward Stanley.-Jonas Paisley.-Robert
Harty.-vVilliam Stamer.-John Alley.-Lewis
Morgan.-J ohn Kingston J ames.-Frederick Darley.-
Molesworth Greene.-Robert Shaw.
"Thomas Andrews for widow only.-Alexander
Kirkpatrick for widow only."
1814. :\Iay 16.--Mollday.
At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen held at the
City Assembly House, William street on Monday, 16th
May, 1814, to take into consideration the following
letter of alderman Shaw.
Present, John Cash, Lord Mayor, 'Villiam Walker,
Recorder, aldermen John Carleton, Charles 'l'horp, Sir
Mrmd, f
Booll ~
William Worthington, Froderick Darley,
HQne, Abraham Bradley King, Thomas
Sir William Stamer, John Claudius
N athaniel 18H.
Andrews Robert
, Shaw.
Alexander Kirkpatrick, JQhn Exshaw, Samuel Rped,
Thomas l\[cKenny, William Henry Archer, Hugh
Trevor, John Alley, Mark Bloxhain, Richard Manders.
"London. 3rd l\:[ay, 1814 .
"My Lord.
" I bog leave through your lonlship to tender most
respectfully to the Corporation my resignation as a
member of the Board of Aldermen. Your lordship will
do me the justice to believe, that it is not without
extreme regret, I have fBlt myself under the necessity
of resorting to such a prQceeding, but the r<'ccnt decision
of the BQard has left ffi,ll no alternative.
"I do not presume to set up the opinion of any of
individual in competition with that of a, majority of so tion.
respectable a portion of my felLow citizens, but if 1 Cl
a strong conviction that certain measure,s must lead to
conseq llenC2S most injurious to the best interests of the
Oorporation, I cannot reconcile it to the duty I .owe to
my fellQw citizens or to myself to continue in any
situation hQwever respectable that gives my sanction to
those measures and involves me in the responsibility
.of a which I have zealously and lmiformly
" The Committee .of Finance after the most laborious Committee
. . otFinanct',
l11vcstrgation earnestly recommended a considerable
reduction in the expenses of the Corporation. I need
not remind your lordship, who took so active and
intelligent a part in carrying this report into effect,
that the general opinion was that the more summary
and impartial method of doing so, would be hy taking
the salaries in gross and making from them a general Salaries.
deduction of twenty per cent, however this plan might
Affairs of
have been generally approved and even generally acted
upon. I regl'et that in one eminent instance, an excep-
tion should have been made, that goes in my humble
judgment to the principle itself. To the strenuous and
unqualified support of that principle, I considered
myself and every other individual of the Board uncon-
ditionally pledged, that principle has been made to
yield to individual importunity, when it should be left
of itself to operate generally, since it has been
" I cannot see how the affairs of the Corporation are
likely to bo retrieved, nor can I be expected to sanction
by my presence, measures that appear to me to have
rather an opposite tendency. I regret this difference,
I have not hastily or ignorantly fallen into it, the
opinions in which I have the misfortune to differ from
the majority of the Board, have been the result of long,
arduous, and indefatigable attention and are fortified
by documents in my opinion not to be resisted.
"I should be most sorry if in following up any
public measure, I had unnecessarily wounded private
feelings, as nothing could have been farther from my
intention, but I accepted a public office in order to be
of as much use to the public as I could.
" I now resign it, because I despair of being able in
that situation to he of any, at the same time I would
assure the Corporation, that no longer one of their
members, I feel myself as warmly devoted to their
service and as anxious for their prosperity as ever.
"I have the honour to be with esteem and respect
your Lordship's most obedient humble servant.
" Robert Shaw.'
" Resolved, that the right honourable the Lord JliIayor
bo requested to communicate to our most esteemed
- brother alrlerman Shaw their unfeigned coucern at the
receipt of his letter tendering his resiznation us a
onday member of the Board of Aldermen, and r8<:j llest he will
R b t
107. postpone his intention until an opportunity can be
108. afforded for a personal commwlication between him
and his Brethren of the Doar'd, which they doubt not
will termillate in convincing l\fr. Shaw, that he mis-
conceivos some essential parts of the snbject in whieh he
founds his intended resignation.
" It was also l'esolvecl, that in the event of any qn8s-
tion passing at the Board by a majority of its members,
that tho minority dissenting or any part of them shall
have liberty to enter the cause or causes of so dissenting
on the faoe of their Monday Book in the nature of a
Copy of Alderman Slmw's Resignation.
" I, Robert Shaw of the city of Dublin. Alderman of
said city, do hereby resign to you the Lord Mayor,
Sheri ffs, commons, and citizens of the said city, the
said pJ ace or office and do request you to accept of the
"In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed my seal.
" Dated this eighth day of June, one thousand, eight
hnnclred and fourteen.
"Bobrrt Shaw. (Seal.)
present. Jo. Moore Towers."
110. 1814. July 22.-Friday.
The following letter baving this day been laid before Letter.
the Board of Aldermen, videlicet:-
"J\ferrion Square, 20th July, 1814.
" Gent,lemen.
" I some time since sent you in my resignation as a of
member of tlI e Board of Aldermen. which the Boanl
refused to accept in consequcnce (If ft very flattering
address from the Commons lWjuesting me to withdraw
the same. 1 now beg leave to do so and to request you
will have the goodness to return it to me.
"I have the honour to be Gentlemen, your most
obedient servant.
"Robert Shaw.
"Messieurs Allen and Greene, Town Clerks."
Agreed to. "'he Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen agree in
the foregoing request of Alderman Shaw and desire
that the Town Clerks do return the resignation.
"John Cash, Lord Mayor.-Henry Howison.-John
Exshaw.-J ohn Carleton.-Samuel Reed.-N athaniel
Hone.-Thomas Andrews.-William
William Henry Archer.-Mark B1oxham."
18]4. June 15.
"To Robert Shaw, esquire, from the Sheriffs and
" Sir.
"The Sheriffs alHl Commons of the city of Dublin
in common with the rest of your fellow citizens having
for yeM's past witnessed the . very honourable ane!
upright manner in which you have discharged thA
duties of a Magistrate of this city, so much to the
satisfaction ane! advantage of the public, and being
aware holV zealously and indefatigably you have
exerted yourself to stem the torrent of extravagance
and abuse which has so long prevailed in the Corpora-
tion, are most anxious to continue to the city the
independent and useful services of a person in whom
the commons have uniformly placeq the fullest
couficience, and arc firmly persuaded that a continua-
tion of your services, supported as you will be by the
independent exertions of the commons, will tend to the
46. advantage of the Corporation, the intm'est and safety .. n
of its creditors, and the allaying of tllose parties which
have so long been injurious to the best interests of the
" They have therefore come to the following
unanimous resolutions and to which they request YOllr
favourable answer, particularly so when you talw into
consideration, that the measures of retrenchments have
been happily achieved, in the adoption of which you
met with signal and unexpected opposition amI \\'h ich
appear to have led to the tender of your resignation.
"Edward Stanley.-Matthew West.-Robert Harty.
- Daniel Hutton. - Samuel Stephens. - William
J ameson.-Richard Guinness."
Rosolutions of the Sheriffs and Commons.
1814. June 15.-.Post Assembly. Wednesday.
of t.he
Sheriffs and
i. "Resolved, that from the very honourable and Commons.
upright manner in which Robert Shaw, esquire, has for
several years discharged the duti es of his fellow
citizens, this Corporation would receive with sentiments
of the deopest regrot the resignation of his situation as
an Alderman.
ii. "Resolved, that we sincerely hope that he
will consider that any cause that might have existed
is removed and therefore we req uest he will continue
his able and lIpright services both as an A lclerman and
a Member of our Finance Committee.
iii. "Resolved therefore, that the consideration of the
resignation of Mr. Shaw be deferred till such time as
his answer can be receivell to tllese resolutions."
Question, and allowed unanimously.
1814. June 27.
Answer of Alderman Shaw.
"To the Sheriffs and Commons of the City of
" Gentlemen.
" I beg you will accept my most sincere thanks for
your very flattering address. You are pleased gn?atly
to overrate my servioes, they are at best but an
endeavour to do my duty, and I resigned the situation
you did me the honour to place me in, when I thought
I could no longer discharge that duty to my own satis-
faction or to your advantage. I owed it both to you
end myself not t.o tltke such a step without mature
deliberation, ami I can only say and truly so, that I
offered it in the spirit of that faith I owe you, and ever
shall observe towards you, and though my hopes are
not very sanguine, that the important financial conse-
quences which yon are pleased to attribute to a
continuance of my services can be expected from the
efforts of an individual, yet when the Commons of this
great city have unanimously resolved that my humble
eHorts, supported by their zeal and spirit, may lead to
the good of the Corporation, I receive it as a command,
which I am not at liberty to dispute, therefore, what-
ever may be my own opinions I waive them, and obey
this summons of my fellow citizens with grateful
deference. If none of the steps, ' which I may as yet
have takcn to carry my resignation into effect, have
deprived me of my seat at the Board of Aldermen, I
shall resume that duty and ever hold in grateful
I8membrance the very flattering circumstances under
which I have been induced to do so.
"I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, your most
obedient and very faitbful h u m b l ~ servant.
(Signed.) "Robert Shaw.
"lIferrion Square, 27th June, 1814."
trnal .
Sheriffs: John Alley, Alexander jlontgomery.
Sheriffs' Peers: Benjamin Ball, Dayid La Touche.
Edmond Beasley, ,John Pe;ltland, Pah'id: Bride,.Tohn
Sankey, William H1llufrey. Brent Neville. Jeremiah
D'Olier, \Villiam Cope. Bcnjamin Gault, John Korton.
John Giffard, Humphrey :i\linchin, ,Yilliam Lindsay,
Robert Shaw, John Somple. John Langson, Jeffrey
Foot, Jonas Paisloy, Francis Fox, Sir John Ferns,
Nathaniel Crayen, Drury Jonos, jIountiford John
Hay, Francis Hamilton, Benjamin Clarke, 'l'homas
McKenny. \Villiam Long, M ark Bloxham, Georgo
Thorp, James Blacker, .Tohn Tudor, John Claudius
Berosfonl, Henry Charles Sirr, Richard ]\.fanders
junior, Eclmond Nugent.
[1.] Trinity Guild: .Tohn George. Hickrhan Kearney,
Ueorge Overend, George Sutton, James Burne,
\Vybrants Linrlsay, John Dickinson, J ames King,
,Villi am T. Briscoe, Eclwal'cl Stanley, ,Yilliam S.
Hamilton, Heni-y Pettigrew. I'onsonby Shaw, John
l\1urray, William Crombie, HobeTt ]\.farshall, Arthur
]l.[itchell, James IIamiltou, John Dickson, John Todd,
Daniel Dickinson, GeOl'ge Carleton, Richard \Vilson,
Henry Browne, ,Villiam Walsh, .Tames Ridclall, John
Hogenon . .lames Stephens, \Villiam McAulpy, Mark
jlagrath, J ames \Y. Fitzgeralcl.
[2.) Tailors: \Villiam Leet, John ]\[cLaine, Thomas
Magill, Robert Patterson.
.[3.] Smiths: J olm Callaghan, Gcorge Paine, Richard ~ ~ ~ : : ' . " l
Fmney, Luke Slbthorpe. 106.
[4.] Barbers: Richard Davison, Charles Sims.
[n.] Bakers: [saac Jl.lariders, John Seale, lsaac
l\1anders junior, Robert ::\Ianders.
[6.] Butchers: Richard ,Vornal!, Edward Burnet,
John Sweeney.
[7.] Carpenters: Charles Lilly, Benjamin Eaton,
Daniel Hutton.
[8.] Shoemakers: Joshua Dixon, Edmunc1 Louth,
Jonathan Bagnall, Thomas Dooley.
[9.] Saddlers: WiIliam l\1cCready, Thomas Palmer,
John Evatt.
[10.] Cooks: William Patterson, John Judge.
[11.] Tanners: Thomas Ord, Henry Piele.
[12.1 Tallow Chandlers: Edward Stephens, WiIliam
[13.] Glovers anl] Skinners: John 'Willis, John
[14. J 'W ea vel's: John Townsenc1 Sinnett, Thomas
Whitehead, Frederick George Bourns.
[15.] Sheermen and Dyers: William FeITall, Elias
[16. J Goldsmiths: Samuel N eville, J a cob West
junior, Waiter Peter, WiIliam C1arke.
[17.] Coopers: Robert Usher, George Hill.
[18.J Feltmakers: .roseph l\1adclock, James 8ha\\'.
[19.J Cutlers: John Reed, J ames King, William
[20.] Bricklayers: Charles Thorp junior, Richard
[21.] Hosiers: Robert RaTty, Thomas Dickson.
[22.] Curriers: Arthnr Ord, WilIiam Bell.
[23.] Brewers: Samuel Madde.r, Benj amin Guinness,
Richard Robinson, William Poole.
[24.] Joiners: David Reffernan, Lewis Morgan.
[25.] Apothecaries: Beaver Buchanan, William
,mmum ..
130. '
Sheriffs: Matthew West, Bren! Neville junior.
Sheriffs' Peers: Dnvicl Latonchc, ' .1ohn Sankey,
\Villiam Humfrey, Brent Neville, J eremiah D'Olier.
William Cope, Benjamin Gault, John NOl'ton, John
Gi ffarc1, Humphrey J\1inchin, \Villiam Lillllsay, John
Semple, Jeffrey Foot, .John Langson, JOllas Paisley,
Francis Fox. Sir John Ferns, Nathaniel Craven, Drury
Jones, iHountifOl'c1 JOhll Hay, Franci s Hamilton,
Benjmnin Olarke, Thomas :\IcKenny, \Villiam Long,
. George Thorp, James Blacker, John TllLlor, Henry
Charles Sin, Richard Mamlers junior, Ec1mund
Nugent, Joshua Dixon, Leonard Ogilby, Alexander
lIfontgomery, Hickman l\:earney, Thomas Abbot,
George Sutton, John George, Sir Ec1warc1 Stanley. Sir
James Ridc1all.
[1.] Trinity Guild: Mark lIlagrath, Simeoll Boiloau,
John D. Alloway, Georgo Carletoll, John lIIurray,
James Sutton. James \V. B'itgeralcl, Henry Brown,
John DickiJlsOll, Georgo Stnclclert, \Villi am Crombie,
\\,illiam \Valsh, Ge()rgo D. ScOtl, Robe'l't Marshall,
John Toclc1, John StGllley, Riclwl'll \Villi fll11Son. John
l{ingston J ames. J amos King, Frallcis Thomas, J ames
But'ne, John Rogor,;oll, Wil1iam lIIcAllley, James
Slophens, Hichanl \Vil"oll , \Villiam Nugellt, William
DixOIl, J ames A nnstrong, NicllOlas Brocas, John
Smith Flemillg, William
[2. ] 'l'ailors: Thomas Magill, \Villi am Leet, John
.McLain8, Roberl Patterson.
[3.] Smiths: Hichard Lambert, L11ke Sibthorpe,
Paine, John Fyans.
1811. [4.] Barbers; Charles Sims, John Clinton.
Council. [5.] Bakers: Isaac Manders senior, Isaac Munders 130.
junior, John Seale, Robert J\[anclers.
[6.] Butchers; John Sweeney, Ed,,'arcl Burnet.
William Smith.
[7.] Carpenters: Charles Lilly, Benj amin Eaton,
Daniel Hutton.
[8.] Shoemakers: George Holmes, Jonathan Bagnell,
Richard Ellis, Richard J. Ogle.
[9.] Saddlers: Thomas Palmer, Henry Cooper,
'I'homas McCready.
[10.] Cooks; William Patterson, Ale::ander Craig.
[11.] Tanners; Thomas Ord, Henry Peile.
[12.] Tallow Chandlers; Edward Stephens, 'William
[13.] Glovers and Skinners: John Willis, John
[14.] Weavers; Robert Atkinson, John Thomas
Sin nett, Thomas Whitehead.
[15.] Sheermen and Dyers; William Ferrall,
[16.] Goldsmiths: Goorge Warner, William Sherwin.
John Pit tar, Arthur M. Clarke.
[17.] Coopers: Robert Usher, George Hill.
[18.] Feltmakers: Samuel Stephens, James Shaw .
.[19.] Cutlers; John ReacL Patrick J ones, William
[20.) Bricklayers: Richard Halpin, Charles Thorp
[21.) Hosiers: Robert Harty. Thomas Dixon.
[22.] Curriers: \Villiam Bell, Thomas Hatton.
[23.] Brewers; William Poole, \Villiam Robinson,
Robert Sutter, Richard Guinness.
[24.) Joiners: David Heffernan, Lewis Morgan.
[25.] Apothecaries; Bea\'er Buchanan, ,Villiam
Sheri ffs: George \\T amer, J acol! \Vest.
Sheriffs' Peers: Davill La Touche, Jolm Sankey,
\Villiam Humphrey, Brent Nevill, Jeremiah D'Olier,
vVilliam Cope, Benjamin Gault, John Giffanl,
Humphrey J\fi nc.h ill , \Villiam Lillclsay, John Semple,
Jeoffrey Foot, Jonas Paisley, Hrancis Fox, Sir John
Ferns, Nathaniel Craven, Drury .loDes, 1Iountiford
.John Hay, Francis Hamilton, William Long, George
Thorp, J ames macker, John Tudor, Henry Charles
Sirr, Richard Mam]ors, Eclmone! Nugent, Joshua
Dixon, Leonarcl Ogilby, Alexander J\Iontgomery, Hick-
man Kearney, Thomas Abbott, George Sutton, John
Ooorge, Sir Eclwarcl Stanley, Sir .lames Ridclall,
Matthew \Vest, Bernt Nevill junior, Robert Harty, John
Kingston James, Goorge Studdert, Lewis J\Iorgali.
[1.] Trinity Guild: Richard Smyth, Mark Magrath,
Simoll Boileau, John B. AlIoway, Francis T. Brady,
vVilliam J\[cAuley, .James Sutton, James King, Samuel
Manclers, John Dickinson, \Villi::nn \Valsh, Samuel W.
Tyndall, Henry Brown8, John Plunkett, George
Carleton, John R.agerson, John Stephens, vVilliam
Glentoll, Stop hen Dojonconrt, John 'rode!, James
Walcott FitzgeralJ, Zachariah W. Carmichael,
Francis LodgE', James Armsti"ong, John Pim, Francis
Thome, vVilliam Kl1g.ent, \VilIiam Dixon, Charles A.
Fitzgerald, Charles Pelltlancl, John S. Fleming.
[2.] 'failors: William Leel, Thomas McGill, William
Smith, John l\1cLaine.
[3.] Smiths:. George Payne, Luke' Sibthorp, John
Lengson, Hichanl Lambert.
[4.] Barber s : Charle,; SiIUS, James Leahy.
[0.] Baker s : I saac l.Ianuers senior, Robert jl,landers, 34.
John Seale, Al exander McllIullen.
[G.] Butchel's : John Sweeney, Edward Burnett,
Hichard \Vorna n.
[7.] Carpenters: Daniel C. Hutton, Benjamin Eaton,
Arthur Battersby.
[8.] SllOemakers: George Holmes, Richard Ellis,
A mlrow IIayes, J onathan Bagnall.
[9.] Saddlers: John Hamilton, Henry Cooper,
'Chomas :i'.1cCroady.
[10.J Cooks: Arthur lI1[orrisson, Alexander Craig
[11.] Tanners: Thomas Ord, . Henry Piele.
[12.] Chandlers: John Flanagan, Edward Stephens.
[13.] Glovers and Skinners: John Davis, Joh11
[14.] \Veavers: Robert Atkinson, Jonathan Deverell,
Thomas Whitehead.
[15.] Sheannen and Dyers: \Villiam J ameson,
Robert Riky.
[L6.] Goldsmiths: John Lloyd, George Connor, John
\Valter Peter.
[17.] Coopers: John Hill, Robert Usher junior.
[18.] Feltmakers: Robert Norris, Samuel Stephens.
[19.] Cutlers and Stafioners: \Villiam Porter, James
J\ing, Richard Yeates.
[20.] Bricklayers: Charles 'l'horp junior, James
[21.] Hosiers: Ec1ward Stephens, 'l'homas Fair-
[22.1 Currier s : William Bell, Thomas Hattoll.
[2i3.] Brewers : William Poole, Richard Guinness,
Rober t Sutter, Samuel Madder junior.
[24.] Joiners: William 1I100re, Francis Kirchoffer.
[25.J Apothecaries: John Usher, William Callaghan.
1808. June l. - I'ost Assembly. Wednesday.
Report of Antlrew COffey, Engineer to the Pipe ,Yater
Works of the City of Dnblin, made to the Lore! Mayor
anLl Pipe \ Committee.
"1\1y Lord and O,' ntlemen.
l S0rl.
"It having hecll communicated to me by the
Commissioners of Paving. th at they arc determinerl to En,inrer.
cOl1strucL Sewers through fieveral of the streets of
Dublin with lerlges or projecting stones therein on
wllich your Main Pipos must be laid. I consider it my
duty to apprize your lordship and the' committee
thereof ancl to lay b('ore you snch observations as
occiir to me to be necessary for your informntion on
the subject.
"rro enable you to form a proper idea of the COI1- Obstacle .
seq uences of attempting to carry such an extraordinary
project into effect would require a practical kuowlcclge
of pipe water their magnillHle, and the
lllnvieldy natme of the materials necessary to be used
in tbeir const ruction . I shall however endeavour to
point out some of thr inslIperable obstacles which must
prevent the execution of such a plan, whi ch even if it
were practicable wou le! be materially injurious to your
works amI attended with hazard La the publick.
"The only object of this coutrivanco is t.o prevent Pavement,
the necessity of breaking the pavement in the streets
at any time hereafter for the purpose of repairs,
removing obstructions, or making nnforeseen although
unavoidable alterations ill pipe water works, from [\
supposition that these operations could be performed
within the sewer where sll ch pipes were laid.
1 Cf. p 95, supra.
pi pes.
.. If we suppose a sewer of this kind constructed and 9 g ~ ~ l '
a main or service pipe l ~ i d therein, it should be con- 126.
sidered that in a short time some of the pieces of such
pipe will become decayed and will require to be
replaced with new ones, to effct this it would be
necessary that a number of workmen should descend
into the sewer through some aperture left for that
purpose and proceed from thence to the place where the
decay has occurred and then cut away and take down
the decayed pieces and convey them to the aperture
through which they should raise them to the street.
They should next proceed to ' get down the new pieces
and convey them to the place of repair where each
pi ece is to he entered on the previous joints and driven
thereon with considerable force in .order to make the
work secure-if it were supposed that they were all thus
placed and dr iven except the last piece an insul1nount-
able difficulty occurs to form the junction. The
manner in which such junction can be securely formed
is to connect one end of the two l ast pieces with those
already laid, then to raise the other ends and enter a 125.
metal joint between the ends so ra ised-they are then
driven down with great force to the general range-
after which it is necessary t o have access to the joints
alJ round for the purpose of making the work staunch
and per fect .
" That sueh works a s I have now described could not
be effected in so unfavourable and confined a situation
is a fact that cannot admit of a doubt in the mind of
any person versed in mechanical operations, who will
candidly and wit hout prejudice consider the subject.
It is necessary also to mention that this work must be
formed amidst the vapour of torches and the noxious
effluvia of putrid filth, not only offensive but
dangerous. I know it will be said that the sewer can
be cleansed before the workmen proceed to repair-but
mono such an observation only shews the wflnt of inforIllfl-
tion on the subject-for those who are unaccluainter\
with water works know there cannot be a mOIllent lost
in proceeding on any repair, as the want of water to
manufacturers-and in the event of accidental fires Fires.
would render any delay highl y culpable in those who
had the management of such works. And here I beg
leave to mention that the tiIll bel' of our pipes rots very
rapidly when exposed to the putrid eflluvia (If sewcr s-
consequently mains or s8rvice pipes placed in the pro-
posed situation wOlLld require almost perpetual reno-
vation which would necessarily occasion very frequent
interruption of supply of water to the inhabitants and
man ufacturers.
" It is also proper to observe, that in many instances
there must be several mains in the same street and that
there will be a lleccssity of inereasing the number in
proportion to theoxtension of the city 01' increase of
population-for which circumstances the crude plan
126. now under consideration makes no provision whatever.
At present there are not less titan twelve main pipes
ruiming through one strect, and in all cases where
tlwre are main pipes, there must be also one or more
servico pipes-nor is this peculiar to ollr water works,
for there are no less than fifty eight seven inch main
pipes leadillg from the New River Head Company's
works at Islington, London-consequently there must Loudoll.
be several running in the same street-belonging to
this company exclusive of the mains belonging to other
water eompanies .
.. Another consideration of the utmost importance is, Water for
. tires.
the difficulty that would attend the procnnng an
immediale and abllllllant. supply of water for
extinguishing accidental fires. To obviate this. it has
belen asserted that there may be fire plugs placed at
sho, t distances and that the suction pipe of the engines

may be screwed thereto and the water drawn up by
the engines immediately from the main. Bnt on this 126.
L shall only observe that in gene,ral the united opera-
tion of a great number of engines is required on such
occasions-consequently by adopting the proposed
mode, a great number of fire plugs would be necessary
at every place subject to such an unfortunate
occurrence--besides the proposition of a screw in a fire
plug or rather fire pipe at the surface of the pavement
where it would be exposed to injury and destruction
from carriage wheels, etc., is in itself obviously futile.
In fact the haste and anxiety of the populace on such
occasions would induce them to tear up and destroy
any works that would obstruct or in any degree
prevent their having the utmost flow of water that could
be procured, even before the engines or experienced
persons arrived in the place of such fire.
"As sewers of this kind are not intended to be in
every street and mains cannot with propriety be laid
in the earth but at a moderate depth, they would neces-
sarily have the form of inverted syphons by being very
low in the sewers and high in other places, this circum-
stance would occasion in the low situations a deposi-
tion of sediment, that would be a great impediment to
t he operation of the works.
" If this proposition was practicable, the service pipe
must necessarily he at one side of the sewer and the
leaden branches for supplying the opposite side of the
street would, if they crossed the sewer direct, entirely
obstruct any workmen that might have occasion to be
employed therein. To obviate this, it is proposed that
those branches should be brought up and round the
seffet of the arch, but study and experience has ascer-
tained that pipes placed in that form always become
air hound in the elevated part of the curve, whicll
prevents the water from pa-ssing freely through them.
"The foregoing ubservati(J]ls relate principally to
pipes constructed of timber connected with cast iron
pipes, the greater part of the objections however will
apply equally to iron pipes. But this description (,f
pipo should be left out of consideration, as if they were
to be adopted. their dm"ability would prevent the neces-
sity of opening on them for so great a length of time,
that there coultl be no occasion for placing th em in so
disadvantageous and unfavourable a situation.
" If the im]lOlillnce of works for supplying a great of
and populons city with water for private and manu-
facturing purposes, as well as affording an immediate
and abundant quantity in the event of accidental fires.
was duly considered as it respects th cleanliness, the
health, and comfort of society, and the sllfety of life
and property; it is not to be supposed that any specu-
lative project would be suffered thllt could have a
tendncy to obstruct or impede their operation.
(Signed.) "Andrew Coffey.
"21st May, 1808."
1809. April 14.-I,;aster Assembly.
"ro the king's most excellent majesty.
'The humble petition of the Sheri ffs, commons, and
citizens of Dublin in common council assemblel!'
, Humbly sheweth.
, That it has long been an object ardently desired by
the corporation of this city to provide for the Femal e
Children of reduced freemen by an establishment
similar to that of the King's Hospital. Oxmantown,
Dublin, founded by his excellent majesty king Charles
the Secon d.
for Female
Fetition to
George HI.
for '1'he situation of the young female whose early
6hll'di':n. habits may have been associated with all the circum- 158.
stances of plenty amI independence ancl with the cheer-
Ptotition to
ing prospects of a resp1Cctable education under the roof
of a parent, but who by a sad reverse of fortune is at
OIice bereaved of all those comforts cannot but be
deeply interesting to every fooling heart and to afford
protection to a fellow creature so forlorn and so
exposed, when not only the miseries of want, but the
still more dreadful miseries of vice must almost neces-
sarily follow, if that protection be withheld, there is
no one who possesses the principles of a christian or a
man that must not admit to be a duty in proportion to
his means.
, Under this impression your loyal citizens of Dublin
with great humility approach your throne, praying
your majesty would be graciously pleased in your
princely munificence to grant a charter similar to that
of the King's Hospital, Oxmantown, for the proposed
school and to grant such other aid as to your maj esty's
wisdom shall seem meet.
, And as in duty bound we shall ever pray.'
, '1'0 the queen's most excellent majesty.
The humble petition of the Sheriffs, commons, and
citizens of Dublin in common council assembled .
'That we, your majesty's loyal subjects the
Corporation of Dublin in common council
beg leave to approach your majesty with the most
profound sentiments of respect and veneration and to
submit to your majesty, that his majesty king Charles
the Second was graciously pleased to found and endow
an Hospital in this city calle(l the King's Hospital,
Oxmantown, for the maintenanC and education of the
lm.:;"' sons of decayed citizens, but that there is still wanting for
.58. to complete that establishment, an asylum for the
female offspring of such citizens, who in consideration
of their sex ought to be mor,e peculiarly the objects of
publick protection.
'That we, your majesty's loyal sUbjects. being
anxious to supply that want ahd stmek with the
melancholy tmth, that the daughters of many respec-
table citizens, whose fairest prospects have been
suddenly blasted by inevitable misfortune are daily an unequal struggl e with poverty, ignorance,
and vice, have subscribed a fund for the endowment of
an Hospital for the reception of such females. and
humbly implore your majesty to exteml your gracious
patronage and protection to this infant institution, and
to permit your loyal citizens to call it Queen Charlotte's
Hospital for the Female Children of the Reduced
, And in duty bound we shall ever pray.'
15. Letter from the Reverend Doctor Blunclell to the from
Lord ;\fayor was read and moved to be en tered on the
books of this house, which was allowed, viz.:-
" My Lord.
"As I have upon my late visit to the Bishop of
Elphin been put into complete possession of the prefer-
ment his grace the Duke of Richmond was so good as
to confer on Ill O at the request of the Corporation, may I
beg leave to entreat your lordship will take the trouble
to give into the Board of Aldermen, Sheriffs, and
Commons my resignation of the City Chaplaincy, which
I take the liberty of enclosing ..
1 Cf. p. 420, snpra.
t:W;'r from "I would earlier have made this request of your ;
lordship, but that I ,,,as in hopes of having been able to 15.
hole! the situation, till the quarter assemhly would have
giyen me an opportunity of expressing to the city in
person my gratitude for their kiml and successful
exertions for my welfare, hut this I fear my necssary
depart me from Dublin before that meeting must
prevent. And my lord in making this request, may I
gi\'e you the further trouble to assure the Board of
Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Commons, that I resign the
situation I had the honour so long to hold under them
with a mind impressed with a deep sense of their
kindness to me and my family, for I can never forget,
that it was to that kindness my late father owed all his
advancement and to which I now not only stand
indebted for my own, but for the means of forwarding
the education ancl finally promoting the prosperity of
my children.
,. The feelings arising in my mind from such con-
sideration, I shoulcl have ,endeavoured to have uttered
at the ensuing assembly, though I much fear I should
not have been able to speak them, hut they are so eleeply
ancl indelibly impressed upon my mind, that no distance
ean remove, no time can efface them, and I can only
say, my lord, that though I must ever regret the
seperation, I nev]' can forget the connexion and that
to the latest period of my life, my ardent wishes will be
for the happiness and prosperity of the members of the 16.
Corporation of the city of Dublin, of the city of Dublin
individually and colleetivly.
"Trusting your lonlship will pardon this trouble, I
beg you will believe me to be, my lord, with great
respect, your lordship's most obellieut, much obliged,
humble servant.
"Henry Street.
(Signed.) ",Yilliam Blundell.
"3rd June, 1813."
omons XIV.

1809. January 20.-Christmas Assembly.
A hstract Charity P etitions.

Brooke, ilfa.rgarot :2 Low, Willi am 2
Bibl e, Frances 4 Lowe, Willi am :2
Brunton, Elizabeth
JUyers, Margar et 3
Darnes, J ane 4
McKittrick, Elizaheth -l
BrLlcll, Margaret 8
Mallow, J ohn 2
Brien, Elinor 2
l'IIaddock, Catherine ... 4
Coli ins, J osia,s :2
i\[orton. Elizabeth 2
COI:dner, Catherine 2
l'\[urray, Esthor 2
Camac, William 2
l\latllOw, J ohn
Cotton, Ann 2
Preston, Elinor 2
150. Dwyer , J anp 3
Parker , Catherino 4
Daly. J ohn 4
Ijowel!, Sam uel
F,c1wanls, Deborah 2 Ree!\, James 2
Eaton, Jane 2 Richmond, :Uary 2
Eelmiston, l\f ary :2 Sloane, H annah :2
Fisher, Jano 2 i::lcrvaut, l\lnry 2
Fay le, Elizabeth 2 Shea, J ane 2
Gillan, l\f a'ry 2 Storc1y, Esthor 4
Gregg, Alice :2 Usher, J ohn
Grevil!e, Eel ward 2 \Vincler, John 2
JIibbet, John 2 \Val sh, Elizabeth 2
lIughos, Ann
Willimns, ilIary 2
Honclerson, James 2
H untor , Frccl ori cia
2 i
Ha rri s, Rober t 3
,lolmston, Ann 4
Jordan, Mary :2
King, Margaret Maria 2
Charity Journal.
January 22.-Christmas Assembly.
Charity Abstract as follows.
, ,
B81met, ~ f a r i a 2 Levinge, Mary 2
Brooke, liIargaret 2 Low, William 2
Brien, Elinor 2 Myers, lIfargaret 2
Barnes, J ane 4 Monkittrick, Elizabeth 4
Bibl e, Frances 4 Maddock, Catherine ... 2
Camac, William 2 Montgamery, Margaret 4
Corry, Frances
Mallow, John 2
Elizabeth 2 Preston, Elinor
Cardner, Catherine 2 Powell, Samuel 2
Cotton, Anne
2 Parker, Catherine 4
Collins, J osias
2 Richmond, Mary 4
Dwyer, Jane 3 Shea, Jane 2
Daly, John
4 Senant, Mary 2
Edmiston, Mary
2 Stringer, Ann 2
Eaton, Jane 2 Sloans, Hannah 2
Fayle, Elizabeth
2 Ussher, John 6
Fisher, Jane
2 Wyer, Elizabeth 2
Greville, Edward
Walsh, - 2
Gillan, Mary
Henderson, .J ames
Harris, Hobert 3
Hunter, Frederitia
Hibbit, John 2
Johnston, Ann
Charity Abstract examined as usual.
The General Account of the Receipts and Payments
under the Metal II.Iain Act from 24th II.fay, 1809, to
22nd January, 1813.
To Nett Receipts ending 29th September lino 2,981 15 0
To Issue of Bonds 12,200 o 0
To Nett Receipts ending 29th September 1811 10,043 0 8
To Issue of Bonds 8,000 0 0
To Kett Receipts ending 20th September 1812 11,082 15
To Issue of Bonds . 6,000 0 0
To Nett Receipts ending 29th January 1813 3,900 0 0
To Issue of Bonds 4,000 0 0
To Hibernian Institution for :Metal Pipes . 280 3 2
To Over Expenditure on the Metal :Main Account
By Sundry Persons paid for Metal Pipes 29,811 5 9
By Freights, Duty, and Charges 1,557 18 Ok
By Commissions, Carriage, etc. 370 0
s. d.
15,181 15 0
18,043 0 8
17,082 15 7
8,180 3
30,344 12
88,832 6
s. d
Total Paid for Metal Pipes and Expenses '" 31,739 3 ll!
Total Sundry Expenditures on Reservoir.::;,
viz. :-
By valuing and purchasing Ground at the
Royal Circus and Port.obello
By Linehan and I\IcCormick for excavating
at ditto,
By \Villiam Fell for :Masonry
2,219 6}
6,884 1 7
2,262 12 It
Total }ljxpenses of Royal George and Port.obello Bl\Sins 11,365 11 3
Forward, 43,104 15 9!
Metal Maiu
Brought forward i"5 d2l Commolll
Act. By Sundry Expenses on passing the Bill
1,599 7 8.
Dy Sundry Expenses on laying dmm lIIains:
By Contractors Bill NortJl Department
By Contractors Bill South Department
By Storekeepers Weekly Bills
1,117 12 9
3,338 4
4,029 10
By Dublin Founders Work
By Smith and Ironmongers Work
By Lead and :Plumbers Bills
:::} 1,810 6
Total ..
Also to the Paving Board, sundry orders for
Paving over' l1ains from 5th July. 1809, to
22nd January 1813, inclusive
By Incidental Expenses viz.: Issuing and
Sealing Debentures, Increased Salaries, and
Petty Expenses
By Interest paid Sundry Persons as per Act
of Parliament:-
3t Years Int.erest on Old Debt, say
32,900 at 5 per cent. per annum, and}
38,600 at 6 per cent. per aDnum
Also 31 Years Interest on Metal Main }
4,905 0
tures at the different periods when issued ...
Videlicet, on 7,200
Sinking fund paid off Debentures, - Act of
Parliament and the Assembly.
25 December 1811
25 December 1812
10,295 14 2
8.073 14 4!
3,244 5 7
18,029 5 0
4,485 0
88,832 6 7
ommoll S
~ O .
1813. January 22.-Christmas Assembly.
A member moved the following resolution.
"Resolved, that a message be sent to the Lord :Mayor
and Board of Aldermen requesting their concurrence
in appointing" committee to consider whether any and
what means should be devised to remedy the very great
inconvenience felt by the citizens of Dublin from the
almost total want of Small Silver Currency, to com-
municate with Government and the Bankers on the
subject and to report the result to a post assembly if
Read question thereon and allowed and sent to the
Boarel for concurronce.
Oommittee of this Rouse on Silver Coinage.
Sir Edward Stanley, George Warner, William
Sherwin, Robert Rarty, John Read, Arthur M. Olarke,
Alexander Montgomery, 'l'homas McCready, \Villiam
Leet, and John Kingston James.
1814. January 21.-Christmas Assembly.
Potition of certain of the commons relative to lodging
pet.itions for undue elections or returns in the several
guilds of this city and order granting same.
Road, question thereon and rejected.
i5i 1ver
Goi uago.
Guilds ami
Guilds and
A member moved the following resolution.
"Whereas in the year 1675, a circular letter was
written by the then Lord Mayor to the several masters
of the different Guilds warning and forbidding them
to permit any surreptitious admission of Freemen, who
shall not have passed the city at large."
"Resolved, that it is the request of the Sheriffs and
Commons that the right honourable the Lord Mayor be
requested to write similar letters to the different masters
of the several Guilds."
Question and allowed, sent to the Board for
1814. April 22.-Easter Assembly.
from the Board.
" The Lord and Board of Aldermen request
the concurrence of the Sheriffs and Commons in order-
ing that the annexed map of ground for building a
Parish Church for the Parish of Saint Thomas be
referred to the eommittee of city leases with power to
treat with the commissioners of Wide Streets for the
purpose of getting possession of certain parts thereof
marked on the map."
Question and allowed.
J ournal.
Treasurer's Quarterly Abstract from 29th September,
1813, to 21st January, 1814.
To cash paid from 29th September, 1813 to this dllY, (includ-
ing half 11 year's interest on Bonds)
To and Irish Tontine half yenr due Christ.mas
Jo balance due by Treasurer this day
By Balance due by Treasurer 29th September, 1813
By cash received since 29th September, 1813
To cash paid since 29th September, 1813 to this day, (includ-
ing half years interest on Debentures)
To iJa1ance due to Treasurer 29tb September, 1813
By cash received since 29th September, 1813
By balance due Treasurec_ tltis day
S. d
13,735 6 1
1, 46[, 10 0
15,200 16 1
5,328 3 5i
20,528 19 Si:
S, d.
13,688 4f
6,840 15 2
20,528 19 6i
s. d.
5,848 12 I
14,304 11,
20,152 17 Ot
s. d.
7,890 10 0
12,262 7 01
20,152 17 01
s. d.
To balance due to Treasurer OD Pipe \Vater account this day 12,262 17 0i-
By balance due by Treasurer on . City account
By balance due Treasurer on both accounts j
s. d.
5,328 3 5i
6,934 3 61
)2,262 01
1814. April 22.-Easter Assembly.
A member moved the following
C o m m o n ~
J OUInal.
The Sheriffs and Commons request the concurrence
of the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen in amending
the order upon the Finance Report, by expunging the
exception of the Recorder' s Salary from the general
reduction of twenty per cent ordered by this assembly,
inasmuch as we do not conceive it contrary to law, it
appearing to us that if we had the power to increase,
we certainly have an equal power to diminish, more
particularly as the reduction ordered was a general
one imposed upon us by our absolute impossibility to
continue for the present to pay, and as we conceive it
would be an act of the greatest injustice to reinstate
the allowances of one officer and the most able to bear
it, and to continue it upon the small salaries and
annuities of individuals whose situation in life makes
the reduction of serious consequence to them.
Read, when the following amendment was moved.
"Resolved, that as the Recorder of the city of Dublin
is a ' public functionary and not a servant of the
corporation only, and therefore that his salary does not
come under the same circumstances as ordinary officers. "
Question declared in the affirmative.
]814. July 22.-Midsummer Assembly.
Rules, Ordem, and Oath of a Common Council Man read.
A member moved the following resolutions.
i. "Resolved, that the oaths required by several acts
of parliament to be taken by the Sheriffs of tllls city
previous to entering upon their office, were intended by
the legislature to guard, amongst other things, against
the traffic and sale of the office of Under-Sheriff, but
Journal .
the usual time of administering those oaths, being the ~ ~ ~ ; i f l "
30th of September is in our opinion too late to prevent Oath.
that shameful practice, inasmuch as such practice of
traffic and sale is carried on at the previous Easter
Assembly, immediately after the nomination for
Sheriffs by this house, and before their election by the
Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen."
Question and allowed unanimously.
ii. "TIesolve(l, that it would greatly tend to carry
the good intentions (Jf the legislature inw effect, if an
Oath founded upon those recited in the Statutes was
administered immediately before the time of ballotting
in this House, as the candidates would then be under
the immediate awe of that most solemn obligation."
Question and allowed unanimously.
iii. "Resolved therefore, that upon every nomination
of Freemen for Sheriffs before the return be made to
the Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen, they be
severally required t(J take tha following Oath extracted
from the Public Statutes, the same to be administered
by the High Sheriffs or one of them."
"I, (A.B.) do swear, that I have not sold nor let to
farm, . nor contracted for, nor have I granted or
promised for reward or benefit, vote, or interest, nor
will I sell or let to farm, nor contract for or grant for
reward or benefit, vote, or interest by myself or any
other person for me or for my use directly or indirectly,
neither have I promised or will I promise the Sub-
She.riffwick of the county of the city of Dublin, or any
Bailiwick thereof or any office belonging thereunto, or
the profits of the same to any person or persons what-
soever, but I will freely appoint such peroons as shall
in my opinion be most likely to discharge thr duties of
Under-Sheriff with honour and integrily.
" So help me God."
Question and allowed unanimously.
1812. October Assembly.
An estimaied account of the current expenses of the
city for one year, videlicet, from 29th September 1812
to 29th September 1813.
1812. September 29.
To half-year's rent due this day
'To quarter year's anchorage and
1812- December 25.
To quarter year's tolls and customs ...
To quarter anchorage and
1813. :March 25.
To quarter year's tolls a,nd customs ...
To quarter year's anchorage and
To half year's rent due this day
1813. June 24.
To quarter year's tolls and customs ...
To quarter year's anchorage and
To one year's rent on account of pipe
water works
1813. September 29.
To quarter year's tolls and customs ...
To one year's freemen's fines and
sessions fines
Leaving a sum to be provided for
amounting to
s. d.
5,540 0 0
160 0 0
1,012 10 0
160 0 0
1,012 10 0
160 0 0
5,540 0 0
1,012 10 0
160 0 0
2,500 0 0
1,012 10 0
90 0 0
8,679 0 0
27,039 0 0
1812. September 29.
s. d. Expenses.
By balance due treasurer per abstract
By tradesmen's bills reported
Michaelmas ...
By alderman Archer late Lord Jlfayor
By Timothy Alien per finance committee
By sundry bills for payment
1812. December 25.
By half year's English and Irish
By Lord Mayor (Ring) on account
By 'l'reasurer (Carleton) half year
By Recorder (Walker) half year
1813 . .March 25.
By half-yea,r's interest on Bonds due
By balance of Lord Mayor's salary ...
By balance of Treasurer's salary
By balance of Recorder's salary
By Paving Board half-year
1813. March 25.
By rents etc. on Mansion House
By salaries to city officers one year ...
By annuities gifts and alms
By sundry rents for one year
By half-year' s English and Irish
By balance of casual expenses only
2,900 charged will amount to
1813. September 29.
By half year's interest due
3fi9 0 0
828 0 0
2,000 0 0
150 0 0
750 0 0
1.500 0 0
1,000 0 0
250 0 0
250 0 0
5.650 0 0
650 0 0
250 0 0
250 0 0
1,185 0 0
326 0 0
],750 0 0
905 0 0
736 0 0
1,500 0 0
1,100 0 0
5,630 0 0
One year' s expenditure
KK 16th October, 1812.
27.039 0 0
J.ohn Carleton, City Treasurer.
1814. April 22.-Easter Assembly.
Treasurer's Half-Yearly Abstract from 29th
September, 1813, to 22nd April, 1814.
To cash paid from 29th September,
1813, to this day including one
year's interest on Oity Bonds due
s. d.
25th March last 23,123 16 2
To balance due by Treasurer this day 2,686 0 5l
25,809 16 7i
s. d.
By balance due by Treasurer 29th
September, 1813, per finance com-
mittee's report ... 14,577 9 3i
By cash received from 29th September,
1813, to this day ... 11,232 7 4
25,809 16 7t
To cash paid from 29th September,
1813, to this day including one
year's interest on Pipe Water
s. d.
Debentures due 25th March last 13,522 3 4t
To balance due to Treasurer 29th Sep-
tember, 1813, per finance com-
mittee's report 9,678 16 1 1 ~
23,201 0 4
S. Abstract.
By cash received from 29th September,
1813, to this day
12,761 10 0
By balance <.lue (0 Treasnrer this day. 10,439 10 4
23,201 0 4
s. cl.
To balance dne to 'rl"easurer on Pipe
'Vater Account this day 10,439 10 4
S. d.
By balance due by Tl'e;:\SUrer on City
Account this day 2,G8G 8
By balance dUB to Treasurer on both
accounts thi s day 7,753 9
1 0 ~
10,439 10 4
1807. January 16.-Chl"istmas Assembly.
A member' moved the following resolutions.
i. "Resol vecl, th at a system of suppressing letters,
whioh would pass through his majesty's Post Office or
of pilfel"ing the contents thereof has in vlllious
instances been carried on with unparalleled perse-
verance to the great detriment and threatened
destruction of all commercial and social intercourse.
Case of
ii. " Resolved, that an humble address be presented ~ u r n a L
to hi s grace the lord lieutenant praying an i=ediate 68.
investigation into so destructive and pernicious an
evil, and that he will be pleased to direct the adoption
of such measures as will in future more securely
protect the property of his majesty's subjects by the
prevention of similar occurrences."
A member moved that the two foregoing resolutions
be sent to the Board for concurrence.
Message from the Board.
The Lord Mayor and Board of Aldermen concur with
the Sheriffs and Commons in the foregoing resolutions
respecting the Post Office and in appointing a com-
mittee to carry the same into effect, who are to report
to a post assembly on the matters in the resolutions
1809. :March 29.-Post Assembly. 152.
A member moved that the statement of the case of
Thomas Fitzsimmons, who was fined under the
Commissioners of Paving be entered on the Journals of
this House.
The case of Thomas Fitzsimmons of No. 6 Irwin
street, Bow Bridge.
That some time back said Thomas built a wall at
Trwin street, I30w Bridge in the county of Dublin on
a bye road leading from Dublin to Kilmainham Jail.
Major Taylor, who is the head commissioner of the
Paving Board, did first su=ons said Thomas and
fined him fi ve shillings, and the second summons fined
mons said Thomas 19 15s. Od., and had said Thomas taken ~ ~ ~ ~ ' o f
2. into custody and confined said Thomas nine days and ~ n ~ ~ a 5
nights in Bridewell, said fines were imposed by'immou .
counsellor Ewing of said Board, who read the Paving
Act for said 'L'homas. The act was the 47th of the
king. The fines were for not taking out a license from aCorge Ill.
said paving board-said Thomas did pay said paving
board 10, to procure his enlargement from that
wretched place 13ridewell where he was confined nino
days and nights, which confinement caused said
Thomas to be very much impaired in his health.
"Paving House, 29th December, 1808.
"Whereas, Thomas Fitzsimmons of No. 6 Irwin Warrant.
street was duly convicted before George Ewing, esqllire,
commissioner for paving, cleansing, and lighting the
streets of Dublin in the penalty of 19 15s. Od., being
a fine imposed upon sairl Thomas Fitzsimmons by the
said commissioners f(11" erecting in Irwin street within
the Circular Road of the said city Dublin forming a
boundary to said slr,eet without giving seven days
previous notice in writing to the said commissioners
of his intention so to do, pursuant to the statute in thal
case made and provided. Now we the undersigned
commissioners, by virtue of the powers vested in us,
do hereby authorize and empower you Thomas Lynass,
constable, to demand and receive the said fine or penalty
off and from the said Thomas Fitzsimmons and in case
of non-payment thereof to levy the sallle by distress
of the goods and chattle., of the said Thomas Fitz-
simmons, and in case suffioient distress cannot be
found, you the said Thomas Lynass with your
assistants are hemby authorized and rerl nircLl said
Thomas Fitzsimmons to apprehend, secure, takr, and
deliver to the keeper of the HOll se of Conection, there
to remain in safe custody and during the term of three
Case of
months or until the said fine or penalty of 19 15s. Od.
is sooner paid and satisfied, and for so doing, this shall 152.
be your sufficient warrant.
"Given under our hands and seals the 29th of
December, 1808.
" Alexander Taylor. (Seal.)
"Hugh Trevor. (Seal.)
"To Thomas Lynass, constable, and assistants."
(A true copy.) Richard v'iTarren.
Copy Receipt.
" 10th January, 1809. Paving House.
Receipt. "Received from Thomas Fitzsimmons of Irwin
street, ten pounds for a fine adjudged by the commis-
sioners for paving, cleansing, and lighting the streets
of Dublin, for building in Irwin street without giving
notice or applying for a license pursuant to the paving
"James Hendrick, Treasurer."

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