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Rule Period of Appeal How to Appeal

40 Appeal from MTC  Within 15  Filing of

to RTC days after notice of
notice to the appeal within
appellant of the period as
the judgment allowed by
appealed from law,
 Where record indicating
on appeal is the parties,
required, the judgment
within 30 or order
days after appeal from,
notice of and the
judgment or material
order dates
appealed from indicating the
+ filing of the timeliness of
appeal and the the appeal
record of  Within the
appeal period for
Note: Record of taking an
appeal is only appeal, the
required in special appellant
proceedings and should pay
multiple or separate for the full
appeals docket fees
and other
lawful fees to
the clerk of
court which
rendered the
judgment and
proof of
payment will
transmitted to
the appellate
court together
with the
record or the
Record on

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