Government Polytechnic Awasari (KD) 2020-2021 Micro Project: Automobile Engineering Program (I Scheme Curriculum)

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Micro project TOM

Government polytechnic Awasari (kd) 2020-2021

Micro project
Automobile engineering program
[ I scheme Curriculum]

Maharashtra state board of Technical Education, Mumbai

(ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC-27001-2013)

Micro project TOM

This is to certify that the following students of semester 4 th of
Diploma in Automobile Engineering of Institute, Government
Polytechnic Awasari (kh.) (Inst. Code 2201)have completed the
micro project satisfactory in Course of Automobile Engineering
for academic year 2020-2021 as Prescribed in the curriculum.

Submitted by:
Sr Name Roll no. Enrollment no.
1. Kanade Mandar Mohan 20AE205 1810510409

2. Naikare Rahul Narayan 20AE206 1810510412

3. Bhor Mayuraj Govind 20AE207 1910510305

4. Aman Khan Amjad Khan 20AE208 1910510306

Guided by : Mr.P.Gavde

Place- Awasari Date:

....................... ……………. …………….

Micro project TOM

Part A Micro-project Proposal

1. Aim
Determine the velocity of point on a link by relative
velocity method.

2. Course outcome
Determine velocity point on a link by relative velocity

3. Methodology
Collecting the information from Book and Google based on
topic. Preparing soft copy of part A and part B based on
Drawing velocity diagram.
Solving the given problem by calculating and drawing the

4. Action plan
Sr Details of Activities Plan Plan Names of responsible
no. starts finished members
1. Formation of group
2. All location of project
title by subject teacher
3. Conduct the
information search
about given topic.
4. Develop actual format
of micro project
5. Printing of micro

Micro project TOM

6. Project presentation

5. Actual source required

Sr no. Source used

6. Team members:
Sr no. Name Roll no. Enrollment no.
1. Kanade Mandar Mohan 20AE205 1810510409
2. Naikare Rahul Narayan 20AE206 1810510412
3. Bhor Mayuraj govind 20AE207 1910510305
4. Aman Khan Amjad
20AE208 1910510306

Micro project TOM

Part B

The relative velocity method is based upon the relative

velocity of the various points of theLink as discussed in Art.

Consider two points A and B on a link as shown in Fig. 7.4

(a). Let the absolute velocity of thePoint A i.e. vA is known in
magnitude and direction and the absolute velocity of the point
B i.e. vB is Known in direction only. Then the velocity of B
may be determined by drawing the velocity diagram As
shown in Fig. 7.4 (b). The velocity diagram is drawn as
follows :

1. Take some convenient point o, known as the pole.

2. Through o, draw oa parallel and equal to vA, to some
suitable scale.
3. Through a, draw a line perpendicular to A B of Fig. 7.4 (a).
This line will represent the Velocity of B with respect to A,
i.e. vBA.
4. Through o, draw a line parallel to vB intersecting the line
of vBA at b.

Micro project TOM

5. Measure ob, which gives the required velocity of point B

( vB), to the scale.

Notes : 1. The vector ab which represents the velocity of B

with respect to A (vBA) is known as velocity of Image of the
link A B.
2. The absolute velocity of any point C on A B may be
determined by dividing vector ab at c in the same Ratio as C
divides A B in Fig. 7.4 (a). In other words.

Aa Join oc. The *vector oc represents the absolute velocity

Of point C (vC) and the vector ac represents the velocity of C
With respect to A i.e. vCA.
3. The absolute velocity of any other point D outside A B, as
shown in Fig. 7.4 (a), may also be obtained by completing the
velocity triangle abd and similar to triangle ABD, As shown
in Fig. 7.4 (b).
Micro project TOM

4. angular velocity of the link A B may be found By dividing

the relative velocity of B with respect to A (i.e. vBA) to the
length of the link A B. Mathematically, angular velocity of
the link A B,

Motion of point on a link and velocity diagram

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