Review 2 Mid Test SMT 2 FF5

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UNIT 7-9

1. My sister ______ to the cinema very often
a. Not goes
b. Don’t go
c. Doesn’t go
d. Doesn’t goes
2. Your brother ………….. Tennis very well.
a. Play
b. Is play
c. Plays
d. playing
3. A: what ………………………?
B: he’s an engineer.
a. Does your father do
b. Is your father do
c. Does your father doing
d. Is your father doing
4. ………………….. reading a book at the moment
a. I read
b. I’m reading
c. I reading
d. I reads
5. Where …………. You born?
a. Have c. were
b. Are d. did
6. I ……………… my wallet last week.
a. Lost c. was losing
b. Have lost d. did lost
7. How long …………… your best friend?
a. Do you know
b. Did you know
c. Are you knowing
d. Have you known
8. Jen: “I can swim really fast.”
She said that ………………………….
a. I could swim really fast
b. She can swam really fast
c. She could swam really fast
d. She could swim really fast
9. Dad: “There was an accident outside the supermarket.”
a. He said there has been an accident outside the supermarket.
b. He said there were an accident outside the supermarket
c. He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket
d. He said there was been an accident outside the supermarket
10. Tom said, “I’m going to London tomorrow.”
a. Tom said he was going to London the following day.
b. Tom said he is going to London the following day
c. Tom said he was going to London tomorrow.
d. Tom said he had been going to London the following day.
11. Which sentence is not correct?
a. Mom said she was cooking fried rice then.
b. James said he will help me the following day.
c. Karen said she had been doing her homework the night before.
d. Lisa said she didn’t have a map.
12. She said:” I invited him last week.”
a. She said you have invited him the previous week.
b. She said she invited him the previous week.
c. She said she has invited him the previous week.
d. She said she had invited him the previous week.
13. “I see the clouds.”
He told me that he ………………… the clouds.
a. Sees
b. Saw
c. Was seeing
d. Is seeing
14. Mary: “I will eat steak for dinner.”
Mary said ………………… for dinner
a. Had been eating c. would eat
b. Could eat d. was eating
15. Dany: “I didn’t watch TV last night.”
a. He told me that he didn’t watch TV the previous night.
b. He told me that he had not watched TV the previous night.
c. He told me that he hasn’t watched TV the previous night.
d. He told me that he had not been watching TV the previous night.
16. If I ……………. time tonight, I will finish the novel that I’m reading.
a. Will have c. am having
b. Have d. has
17. If David …………… answer my phone this time, I ……….. call him again.
a. Won’t / doesn’t c. doesn’t / won’t
b. Won’t / won’t d. isn’t / won’t
18. Choose the correct sentence
a. If you won’t try harder, you will fail.
b. You are late if you won’t leave now.
c. If the game is good, I am playing it.
d. If the sun shines, I will go swimming.
19. Yesterday I ……………… get up early because it’s weekend.
a. Had not to c. don’t have to
b. Didn’t have to d. have to
20. ……… you ……… clean your room every day?
a. Do / have to c. do / has to
b. Does / have to d. does / has to

1. The patient needed a __________ to carry her broken arm.
2. One of the firefighter’s jobs is to ___________ people from a dangerous place.
3. Yesterday I accidentally spilled hot water into my hand that caused a ________ on my
4. Milk is really useful for our life. We can make ___________ such as cheese and
yoghurt from milk.
5. Junk food is bad for our health. It contains a lot of ___________ that make it tastier or
look better.
6. __________ is a natural disaster caused by overflowing water.
7. Ronaldo is a famous and skilled football player. He won a __________ for his team in
the last match.
8. When we breathe in, oxygen goes into our two _________.
9. Vampires like to drink _________. That’s why they have sharp teeth.
10. My mom wants to make macaroons. She asked me to buy the _____________

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