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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by
Vaibhav Patil Akash Patil
Pratham Pachakore

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Government Polytechnic, Yavatmal
It is an incident of great pleasure for us submitting this Micro
project. We take this opportunity to express our deep sense of
gratitude and great thanks to our guide Prof.P.H.Bhagat Sir, and HOD
A.P.Matale Sir , who has been a constant source of our guidance and
inspiration of thoughts we will always be grateful to them for
encouragement and suggestion given by them from time to time.

We should like to thank all the teaching members of

Mechanical Engineering Department and sincere thanks to our
Principal DR.R.P.Mogre Sir who always inspire us.

We are also thankful to our friends and library staff members

whose encouragement suggestion helped us to complete our
Micro Project.


Vaibhav Patil

Akash Patil

Pratham Pachakore

This is certify that the Micro project report is entitled.
“Collect Information of Chassis Specifications of Different
Vehicles” has been completed by following students under
my guidance, in satisfactory manner as fulfillment of the
diploma course in Mechanical engineering.

Vaibhav Patil Akash Patil

Pratham Pachakore

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

Prof.P.H.Bhagat Sir Dr.A.P.Matale Sir Dr.R.P.Mogre Sir
Annexure –I

Collect Information of Chassis Specifications of Different


1.0 Aims / benefits of Micro-project :-

To know what are the information of various types of Chassis
their specifications and application.

2.0 Course outcome addressed :-

1. Prepare a vehicle layout of Chassis

3.0 Proposed Methodology :-

To prepare report on types of Chassis and their specifications
and application.
Firstly we collected all the information related to our topic and also
search some other things related to this topic.
we referred some books and also searched on Internet related
to our Micro-project We use this information for creation of our
Micro-project. Then we started writing a project.
4.0 Action Plan:-
(Sequence and time required for major activities 8 weeks) Details of activity Plan start Plan end Name of responsible
date date team members
1) Discussed and selected Vaibhav Patil
topic after consulting 01/04/2022 01/04/2022 Akash Patil
Pratham Pachakore
to teacher and internet

Purchased all the (same as above)

2) 07/04/2022 08/04/2022
equipment’s after
(same as above)
3) Understood the exact 18/04/2022 19/01/2022
procedure needed
(same as above)
4) Took the practical 25/04/2022 26/04/2022
knowledge of project
(same as above)
5) Wrote the proper report 02/05/2022 04/05/2022
of the experiment (same as above)
6) Shown the final report 10/05/2022 11/05/2022
to the teacher for any
changes (same as above)
7) 18/05/2022 18/05/2022
Made the told project and
submitted the project
5.0 Resources Required :-
Sr.No Name of Resources Specification Quantity
1 Computer With installed 1
2 Printer 3d 1
3 Internet High Speed
4 Pendrive 32 gb 1
5 Paper sheet white ------
6 Color pens 1 set 1 set

6.0 Names of team members with roll No :-

Sr No. Name of Student Roll No. Enrollment No.
1 PRATHAM PACHAKORE 19ME24 1901350186
2 AKASH PATIL 19ME27 1901350189
3 VAIBHAV PATIL 19ME28 1901350191

Annexure II

Collect Information of Chassis Specifications of Different


1.0 Rationale :-
Automobile sector has been helping the world for the overall
development and it has been creating wage and self employment
opportunities both in public and private sectors. A Mechanical
engineering technologist should have an overall understanding of
various aspects of Automobile Systems. This course provides a
broad knowledge about the different vehicle layouts, transmissions
and controls, electrical and electronics systems, vehicle safety and
security, features of Motor Vehicle Acts along with automobile
maintenance systems. This knowledge will be helpful to the students
in co-relating various automobile systems with each other and
provide good practical input with theoretical knowledge for
technological advancement of the industry/society.

2.0 Aims of project :-

To know what are the information of various types of Chassis
their specifications and application.
3.0 Course outcome addressed:-
1) Prepare a vehicle layout of Chassis Specifications.
4.0 Literature Review :-

Taken resources as internet select the topic , Further read more
details about the topic from the internet Also discuss with the
subject teacher , referred books to enhance the project , Taken lots
of advice from group members .

5.0 Actual Resources Used :-

Sr.No Name of Resources Specification Quantity
1 Computer M.S.Word 1
2 Printer 3d 1
3 Internet High Speed
4 Pendrive 32 gb 1
5 Paper sheet white ------
6 Color pens 1 set 1 set

6.0 Actual Methodology Followed :-

To prepare report on types of Chassis and their specifications
and application.
Firstly we collected all the information related to our topic and
also search some other things related to this topic.
we referred some books and also searched on Internet related
to our Micro-project We use this information for creation of our
Micro-project. Then we started writing a project.

7.0 Outputs of the Micro project :-

 We get the required information of various types of Chassis.
 Better understanding Specifications and application of
Chassis for different vehicles.
8.0 Skill Developed/ Learning Outcomes of this Micro-Project:-

a) Communication skill and planning for micro project with

group members skill developed.
b) Presentation skill developed how to present our project and
perform the action of Micro micro-project.
c) Leadership developed and time budget and cost estimation
and schedule management skill developed.
d) Drawing skill is improved.
e) Internet surfing skill.

9.0 Application of This Micro-Project:-

Some of the important application are , as follows
 It is used in automobile industry chassis is backbone of
 It is also important component of overall safety system of
 It is used in all types of vehicle like truck, busses, two
wheeler, cars etc.
 This project helps the mechanical engineering student to
study the various types of Chassis their specifications and
their advantage and application.

Whether it is a human or animal every one has a skeleton to give it a
desired shape and size. In the same way, the cars that we have in
this world have a skeleton-like structure called chassis to give it
strength and shape. In this article, we will take a look at what is
types of chassis and different types of cars in automobiles.

Have you ever notice that:

1. Why in the collision of a vehicle, like a small car which

crushed fully but a truck or big car not crushed fully?
2. Why truck or big cars vibrate greater than a small car?
3. What type of car you have?
Whether you have an off-road ready automobiles or on road, every
type is made up chassis, It is the most essential part of automobile
without which the existence of vehicle is not possible. It is the type
of chassis that decide the strength of vehicles.

Types of Chassis

You have heard the word “Chassis” many times in automobile but till
now you have confusion about it. But today I am going to tell you
about it. Chassis is the base of a vehicle. It consists engine,
the transmission system, brake system, suspension system, steering
system, cooling system, wheels etc.

There are two types of chassis:

1. Conventional chassis or frame-full chassis

In this type of chassis the body is made as a separate unit and then
joined with ladder frame. It
supports all the systems in a vehicle such as an Engine,
Transmission system, Steering system, Suspension system.


Higher load capacity and strength


 The body tends to vibrate easily and the overall vehicle

handling and refinement is lower.It is used in truck, bus
and in SUV cars and in bigger vehicles.
2. Non-conventional or Frameless Chassis

In this type of chassis, the ladder frame is absent and the body itself
acts as the frame. It supports all the
systems in a vehicle such as the Engine, Transmission system,
Steering system, Suspension system.


Less rattles and squeaks are developed.

 Handling is better due to the higher body rigidity and

The load carrying capacity is lower.

 It is not safe in accidental condition.
Used mostly in hatchback and sedan cars.
Different Types of Cars According to Body Style

The body of a car decides the space available for passengers and
language in the car. There are various types of bodies used in the
Indian market. And they are given below.

1. Hatchback

Hatchbacks are vehicles with a separate engine area, and passenger

area (or two boxes), the luggage area is enclosed with the passenger
area behind the rear seats.

Example: Nano, Indica, Jazz, Punto etc

2. Sedan/Notchback
Sedan are basically vehicles with an engine area, passenger area, and
boot area (or three box), all separate.

Example: Indigo Manza, Swift Dzire etc.

3. Estate/Station Wagon

Estates or Station wagons are modified saloon vehicles by

combining the boot with passenger area & extending it till the roof.
The boot area is significantly larger and does not have third row
seating. This makes it convenient to carry big objects.

Example: Indigo Marina, Octavia Combi etc.

4. Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) / Multi Utility Vehicle (MUV)

MPV (Multi-Purpose Vehicles) or MUV (Multi Utility Vehicles) can
have the engine, passenger area and boot area enclosed together or
they can have the engine area separate and the passenger and boot
area enclosed. MUV/MPV can also have third row of seating. These
vehicles are two wheel drive.

Example: Sumo Grande, Tata Tavera, Tata Innova etc.

5. Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)

These vehicle have large tyres, higher seating, higher ground

clearance. The engine area is separate and the passenger and boot
area are enclosed together. These vehicles are either equipped with
4 wheel drive or has as an option of 4 wheel drive.

Example: Safari, Scorpio, Gypsy, Fortuner.

6. Pick-Up Truck

These vehicles have large tires, higher seating capacity, higher

ground clearance. The engine area is separate and the passenger
compartment available in single or double cab configurations. Also,
the luggage loading bay is available behind the passenger
compartment. These vehicles are either equipped with 4 wheel
drive or has as an option of 4 wheel drive.

Example: Xenon, Scorpio Getaway etc.

Chassis can be considered an under-appreciated part of a car. Not a

lot of people know about them and even fewer people care about
them. Granted we don’t have a choice in selecting what chassis we
want to use on our car but knowledge about them will help you
determine what potential your car has and what are its limits.
Following are the Four main types of car chassis.

 Ladder Frame Chassis

der chassis

One of the oldest chassis, the ladder chassis gets its name
from the shape of has which simply put, is like a ladder. It
has two long and heavy beams which are supported by two
short beams. The main selling point of the ladder chassis was
how easy it was to manufacture. During the beginning of the
era of the automobile, technology was not really advanced
and the simplicity of the ladder chassis made it easier to
mass-produce. The chassis also makes the car assembly
easier. The ladder chassis is quite heavy and thus still finds
use in vehicles that need to tow heavy stuff around.

o Easier to assemble as parts can be easily put in. 

o Construction method makes it quite tough.

o Easier to fix as parts are not permanently attached.


o The ladder chassis has a weak torsional rigidity

making it bad for cornering.

o Heavyweight makes it not ideal for sports cars or


 Backbone Chassis

It also gets its name from how it’s constructed. A rectangular

cross-section cylindrical tube through the middle of the
chassis that connects the top and the bottom suspension. The
backbone. It’s present in cars like Skoda Rapid and DMC
DeLorean. The cylindrical tube actually covers the driveshaft
thus making it safer from getting damaged which can also be
a disadvantage.


o Due to its construction, the half axle has better

contact with the ground when off-roading.

o The driveshaft is covered by the chassis makes it

more likely to survive off-roading.

o The structure has good torsional rigidity allowing it

to withstand more twist than ladder chassis.


o The driveshaft repair is complicated if it fails as the

main chassis covers the entire shaft which makes it
necessary to open it.

o The manufacture of backbone chassis is quite

expensive which increases the cost of cars it is in.
 Monocoque Chassis


A unibody structure, it too gets its name from its structural

look. Monocoque being french for ‘single shell’ or a ‘single
hull’. The monocoque was first used by ships and then by
aeroplanes. It took quite some time to figure out that they
can be used in cars as well. A monocoque is a shell around
the car made by using both chassis as the frame in a single
construction. This is the most commonly used chassis right
now due to the number of advantages of has over the other
two chassis.


o  It’s safer than both the other chassis due to its cage-
like construction.

o The chassis is easy to repair as well.

o It has superior torsional rigidity.


o The chassis is obviously heavy as it’s both the frame

and chassis as one single entity.

o Producing it in small quantities is not financially

feasible and thus it cannot be used for cars that are
not mass-produced.

 Tubular chassis

bular Chassis

Tubular chassis were mainly used in race cars due to the

unrivalled safety they provide. These were an upgrade from
the ladder chassis as they were three dimensional and were
stronger than ladder chassis. They employed the use of a
strong structure below the doors to get more overall
strength. Tubular chassis are rarely used on passenger cars.

o Better rigidity compared to other chassis in the same


o Offers the best weight/rigidity ratio allowing the car

to be lightweight while being strong.

o Best choice for race cars due to lightweight and

better rigidity than other chassis.


o Tubular chassis are complex structures and cannot

be made using autonomous methods.

o Tubular chassis are time-consuming to build and

cannot be mass-produced.

o Not feasible to be used on passenger cars.

o The structure raises the door which makes it difficult

to access the cabin.

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