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1. 1 Curie is equal to:

a. 1.0 x 1010 dps
b. 3.7 x 1010 dps
c. 10 x 1010 dps
d. 37 x 1010 dps

2. The time required for one half of the atoms in a particular sample of radioactive
material to disintegrate is called :
a. inverse square low
b. a curie
c. a half life
d. exposure time

3. The radiation dose may be reduced by :

a. wearing a dosimeter badge
b. wearing an alarming dosimeter
c. moving farther from the source
d. using a shorter head hose

4. What must the operator do after each exposure?

perform a radiation survey
a. disconnect the pump or crank
b. disconnect the head hose
c. place the projector on the ground

5. If the half-life of IR 192 is 74 days, what will be the new strength on 222 days
when the original source 40 ci:
a. 5 ci
b. 10 ci
c. 20 ci
d. 30 ci

6. When gamma ray of intensity Io incident on a slab of thickness x, the intensity of the
transmitted radiation Ix is given by the following attenuation formula

7. The intensity of radiation source is 288 mR/ hr at 1 foot . at what distance will the
intensity be less than 2 mR/hr ?
e. 2 feet
f. 12 feet
g. 11.8 feet
h. 144 feet

8. The sievert replace the rem and one sievert equals :

a. 100 rem
b. 10 rem
c. 37 rem
d. 1 rem

9. Find the thickness of lead (HVL THK = 0 .19" ) to be used to reduce the
intensity from 32 mR/hr to 2 mR/hr for an IR 192 source :
a. 0.19"
b. 0.38"
c. 0.57"
d. 0.76"

10 . If on 2 May of this year you have anew 60 ci Ir -192 source , what will be its
activity after 300 days ?
2 ci
a. 3.75 ci
b. 11.8 ci
c. 14 ci

11. If an exposure time of 60 s was necessary using 1.2 m source –to – film distance
for a particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 0.6 m source – to –
fim distance is used and all the other variables remain the same ?
a. 120 s
b. 15 s
c. 30 s
d. 40 s

12. The vehicle speed of carrying radioactive isotope is :

a. 70 km/hr
b. 90 km/hr
c. 120 km/hr
d. 130 km/hr

13. Half value layer (HVL) of a material is defined as:

a. thickness required to reduce radiation dose or intensity to half of its original value
b. effective shielding thickness
c.the thickness that require to reduce the intensity down to a permissible value
for member of public
d. the thickness that require to reduce the intensity down to a permissible value
for radiation worker
14. The dose rate at the control area must be :
a. 2.5 µsv per hour
b. 3.5 µsv per hour
c. 7.5 µsv per hour
d. 10 µsv per hour

15. When performing gamma radiographic inspection at the construction site,

radiation survey must be conducted after the work completed to ensure that;
a. All lead numbers and letters have been collected and stored properly
b. The source has been properly stored in the source changer
c. The source retain its activity
d. The source has been returned to its safe position in gamma projector

16. When not in use x-ray machine must be kept in:

a. Specially built storage pit
b. Exposure room
c. Special room approved by IAEA
d. Locked store room

17. The trefoil symbol which indicate the presence of nuclear radiation has the
following colours;
a. blue for the blade and white background
b. blue for the blade and yellow background
c. black for the blade and white background
d. black for the blade and yellow background

18. Radiation warning for controlled area includes:

a. A minimum of 4 signs, barrier tape and flashing lights
b. Singe and barrier tapes but are not adequate warning without the attention of the
radiation technique
c. A minimum of 4 sings
d. A minimum of 4 sings and barrier tape

19. If when you working accident happened what shall you do ?

a. call Regularity authority
b. call RPO
c. restricted the area and call the site manger and the RPO
d. restricted the area and tell the police

20. For personal monitoring we used :

a. survey meter
b. personal alarm
c. TLD
d. dosimeter

recommendation utilizing him

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