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10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

First exam: Scientific method, sampling and

experimental design
Oct 28 at 14:15
Oct 28 at 12:45 - Oct 28 at 14:15
about 2 hours
Time Limit
60 Minutes

Choose the best answer or fill in the blanks as appropriate.  There are thirty questions in this exam and
you have 60 minutes to answer all of these questions.  Note that the exam can only be taken once. 

Take note of questions that you believe is defective, and send me a message in Canvas.

 You are encouraged to begin with Module 2, which is already available on this platform.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1
60 minutes 29 out of 30

Score for this quiz:

29 out of 30
Submitted Oct 28 at 14:13
This attempt took 60 minutes.

Question 1 1
/ 1 pts

The following was done in an experiment to determine if noise (from

window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance of
students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms: 120
students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15 students each,
randomly assigned a classroom per group and given 90 minutes to
complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC units and four
didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 

How many independent samples (=replicates) per treatment did this

experiment have?
Course Chat  1/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…


orrect Answers 4 (with margin: 0)

0 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)

Question 2 1
/ 1 pts

The following was done in an experiment to determine if noise (from

window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance of
students in standardized intelligence quotient tests taken in those
classrooms: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30
students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given Send
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

How many independent samples (=replicates) per treatment did this

experiment have?


orrect Answers 2 (with margin: 0)

0 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)

Question 3 1
/ 1 pts

The following was done in an experiment to determine if noise (from

window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance of 2/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms: 120

students were randomly divided into four groups of 30 students each and
randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 minutes to
complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units.  The following
day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms used had quiet
AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the first day) but is
otherwise equivalent. 

How many independent samples per treatment did this experiment have?


orrect Answers 0 (with margin: 0)

0 (with margin: 0)
1 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)

Question 4 1
/ 1 pts

The following was done in an experiment to determine if noise (from

window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance of
students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms: 120
students were randomly divided into four groups of 30 students each and
randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 minutes to
complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy AC units, two
had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.  The following
day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in quiet rooms
in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice versa and the
exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

How many independent samples per treatment did this experiment have?

4 3/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are subsamples

orrect Answers 0 (with margin: 0)

0 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)
4 (with margin: 0)

Question 5 0
/ 1 pts

The following was done in an experiment to determine if noise (from

window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance of
students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms: 
120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15 students each
and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 minutes to
complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC units.  The
following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

How many independent samples per treatment did this experiment have?

ou Answered

orrect Answers 0 (with margin: 0)

8 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)
0 (with margin: 0)

Question 6 1
/ 1 pts 4/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms:

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC
units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) got completed earlier than the others?

Experiments A and C 5/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Experiment D

Experiment C

Experiments A and B

Good! Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are


Experiment E

Question 7 1
/ 1 pts

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms:

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 6/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC
units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) will likely have the most precise, but potentially
inaccurate results?

Experiment E

Very good! Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are

Experiment C

Experiment A

Experiment D

Experiment B

Question 8 1
/ 1 pts

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms:

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 7/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC
units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) is most affected/ biased by genetic differences

among students?

Experiment D

Experiments B and C

Experiments A and B

Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are subsamples

Experiment E

Experiment C 8/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Question 9 1
/ 1 pts

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms:

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC
units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) is most affected/ biased by the repetitive testing? 9/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Experiment B and E

Experiment A and C

Experiment A and B

Experiment C and E

Very good! Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are
subsamples. The problem with C and E is that the same treatment
was applied on a given day.

Experiment B and C

Question 10 1
/ 1 pts

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms:

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 10/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC
units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) is most affected/ biased by potential long-term

effects of air conditioning?

Experiments A and B

Experiments B and C

Experiments C and E

The students stay longer in rooms in these experiments. And they

are experiencing the same treatment on each given day.

Experiments A and C

Experiments B and E

Question 11 1
/ 1 pts

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms: 11/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC
units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) has the most number of replicates?

Experiment D

Experiment B

Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are subsamples

Experiment A 12/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Experiment E

Experiment C

Question 12 1
/ 1 pts

There were five separate experiments conducted to determine if noise

(from window-type air conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken in those classrooms:

Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the rooms had noisy AC
units and two didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Four of the rooms had noisy AC
units and four didn't.  The rooms are randomly interspersed.

Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All four rooms had noisy AC units. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the four rooms
used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that of the
first day) but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided into four groups of 30

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  Two of the four rooms had noisy
AC units, two had quiet AC units.  The rooms are randomly interspersed. 
The following day, this procedure was repeated except those who were in
quiet rooms in the previous run were assigned to noisy rooms, and vice
versa and the exam used is different but is otherwise equivalent. 

Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided into eight groups of 15

students each and randomly assigned to a classroom per group and given
90 minutes to complete the same test.  All eight rooms had noisy AC 13/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

units.  The following day, this procedure was repeated except all the eight
rooms used had quiet AC units and the exam used is different (from that
of the first day) but is otherwise equivalent.

Which experiment(s) has the most number of subsamples?

All experiments do not have subsamples

All experiments have the same number of subsamples

Experiment A and B

Experiment C and E

Interspersed rooms are the samples here. Students are subsamples

Experiment D and E

Question 13 1
/ 1 pts 14/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Which of the treatments in the above figure is most precise?

The (lone) control

Treatment B

Treatment A

Correct! It has the shortest error bars.

Treatment D

Treatment C

Question 14 1
/ 1 pts 15/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Which of the treatments in above figure is least precise?

Treatment E

Treatment C

Treatment D

Treatment B

Treatment A

Question 15 1
/ 1 pts 16/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Based on the above figure, which of the following pairs are likely
(statistically) significantly different?

The control and Treatment B

Treatment A and B

Treatment B and C

The control and Treatment C

Because their means and error bars do not overlap

The control and Treatment A 17/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Question 16 1
/ 1 pts

If the number of true replicates in the experiment shown in the above

graph is increased, which treatment is likely to improve the most and lead
to better results?

Treatment E

Treatment D

Treatment C

Treatment A

Treatment B 18/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Increasing the sample size increases accuracy and precision. 

Increasing the number of subsamples only increases precision

Question 17 1
/ 1 pts

If the experiment shown in the above graph is poorly designed and the
error bars are based on pseudo-replicates, which treatment is likely to
improve the most if the number of pseudo-replicates is increased?

Treatment B 19/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Increasing the number of subsamples will improve the precision but

not the accuracy of the results

Treatment D

Treatment A

Treatment E

Treatment C

Question 18 1
/ 1 pts

Which treatment likely differs the least from the others? 20/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Treatment B

Because its error bars overlap with most other treatments, and even
may not be significantly different from Treatment D

Treatment D

The control

Treatment C

Treatment A

Question 19 1
/ 1 pts

During randomization for sampling or experimental lay-outs, ensuring

interspersion means:

Accepting any randomization outcome

None of the choice given are appropriate

Repeating the randomization to get a satisfactory interspersion

Random outcomes are likely (but not always) unbiased

Resorting to haphazard arrangements instead of randomization

All of the choices given are appropriate

Question 20 1
/ 1 pts 21/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

________   occurs when data from subsamples are treated as data from


orrect Answers Pseudoreplication



pseudo replication


Question 21 1
/ 1 pts

Identify the number of true replicates and the number of subsamples in

the following field mensurative study aimed at comparing the growth of
mangrove trees found along the edge of the forest (the “treatment” group)
and those found in the interior of the same forest (the "control" group). 

Design A: Five paired tree samples, each member of the pair is

randomly chosen but always at least ten meters apart, one in the
interior and one on the edge of the forest.

None of the choices given are correct

10 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

5 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

Good! This is a paired design (similar to a randomized complete

blocks design) and could be analyzed using a paired t-test

No replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment 22/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

5 replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

Question 22 1
/ 1 pts

Identify the number of true replicates and the number of subsamples in

the following field mensurative study aimed at comparing the growth of
mangrove trees found along the edge of the forest (the “treatment” group)
and those found in the interior of the same forest (the "control" group). 

Design B: Five randomly selected tree samples at the edge of the

forest, another five randomly selected tree samples at least 10 meters
into the interior of the forest

5 replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

None of the choices given are correct

10 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

No replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

5 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

Question 23 1
/ 1 pts

Identify the number of true replicates and the number of subsamples in

the following field mensurative study aimed at comparing the growth of
mangrove trees found along the edge of the forest (the “treatment” group)
and those found in the interior of the same forest (the "control" group). 

Design C: Five samples along the edge of the forest, each sample is
10 meters apart. The other five samples are in the interior of the 23/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

forest, 10 meters from a matching edge sample and also ten meters
apart from the nearest interior sample.

Answer depends on the statistical analysis used

No replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

This is systematic sampling, which means the results are subject to

systematic error

5 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

10 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

5 replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

Question 24 1
/ 1 pts

Identify the number of true replicates and the number of subsamples in

the following field mensurative study aimed at comparing the growth of
mangrove trees found along the edge of the forest (the “treatment” group)
and those found in the interior of the same forest (the "control" group). 

Design D: 10 randomly selected samples whose distance from the

forest edge is also measured.

5 replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

No replicates, 5 subsamples per treatment

Answer depends on the statistical analysis used 24/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

This design is appropriate if the regression analysis (distance from

edge vs growth rate) is used

10 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

5 replicates, no subsamples per treatment

Question 25 1
/ 1 pts

Which sampling design is best for the stated objective of comparing the
growth of mangrove trees found along the edge of the forest and those
found in the interior of the same forest?

Design A: Five paired tree samples, each member of the pair is

randomly chosen but always at least ten meters apart, one in the
interior and one on the edge of the forest.
Design B: Five randomly selected tree samples at the edge of the
forest, another five randomly selected tree samples at least 10 meters
into the interior of the forest
Design C: Five samples along the edge of the forest, each sample is
10 meters apart. The other five samples are in the interior of the
forest, 10 meters from a matching edge sample and also ten meters
apart from the nearest interior sample.
Design D: 10 randomly selected samples whose distance from the
forest edge is also measured.

All designs are equally good

Sampling design C

Sampling design A

Sampling design B

Sampling design D 25/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Question 26 5
/ 5 pts

Answer the following questions by indicating the letter representing your

answer for the appropriate schema requested

Schema A
is an example of a completely randomized 26/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…
p p y


Schema B
is an example of a randomized blocks


Schema H
has no replication and no subsamples.

Schema A, B, and C
have acceptable interspersion

Schema G
has randomized but inter-dependent


Answer 1:

Correct! A

orrect Answer a

Answer 2:

Correct! B

orrect Answer b

Answer 3:

Correct! H

orrect Answer h

Answer 4:

Correct! C

orrect Answer c

Answer 5: 27/28
10/28/21, 6:37 PM First exam: Scientific method, sampling and experimental design: [1211_ECOLAPP_N01] - GENERAL AND APPLIED ECOLOG…

Correct! G

orrect Answer g

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29 out of 30 28/28

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