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surya mas perkasa

Date 31 - Oktober - 2012
Project Name : Fabrication & Installation Vertical Lime Kiln

No Description Unit Qty Labor ( Rp ) Total Amount ( Rp.) Remarks

1 Installation Rotary Equipment Kg 89,050 5,000 445,250,000
2 Installation non rotary equipment kg 284,750 4,000 1,139,000,000
3 Fabrication & installation steel -
2010-1 Hopper with supporting struct kg 6,000 9,000 54,000,000
2015-1 bucket for skip kg 2,797 9,000 25,173,000
2015-2 skip support steel works kg 15,671 9,000 141,039,000
2020-1 Limestone hopper on kiln top kg 7,659 9,000 68,931,000
2020-3 Connecting bodies kg 4,070 9,000 36,630,000
2030-1 Kiln shell kg 94,120 9,000 847,080,000
2030-2 Service steel struct,walkways& stair kg 75,000 9,000 675,000,000
2030-3 Limestone distributor kg 1,307 9,000 11,763,000
2040-1 Kiln Base Frame kg 35,598 9,000 320,382,000
2040-3 Lime collection Hopper kg 3,160 9,000 28,440,000
2050-5 Lime Final Hopper kg 4,525 9,000 40,725,000
2150-6 Ducting kg 33,249 9,000 299,241,000
2100-1 Bucket loading area supporting -
stell work & lateral enclosure kg 17,000 9,000 153,000,000
2100-2 upper zone supporting steel works -
& lateral enclosure kg 56,750 9,000 510,750,000
5 Hydraulic kg 34,200 9,000 307,800,000
6 Silo tank kg 69,000 9,000 621,000,000
7 Installation quick lime conveyor system kg 198,930 9,000 1,790,370,000
8 Installation of motor 41 nos kg 8,631 9,000 77,679,000

9 Mob & Demob 1 nos 250,000,000

kg 1,041,467 7,593,253,000

Surya Mas Perkasa
Hendro Sakim
Office :
Pergudangan Pantai Indah Dadap
Block CB/15-16 Dadap - Tangerang
Phone. (021) 55962995 - 55962952
Fax. (021) 55962957
surya mas perkasa


Piping Qty & Scope of works

Vertical Lime Kiln # 5
No Description Unit Qty Labor ( Rp.) Total price ( Rp. ) Remarks
I Fabrication & Installation of BOP area
1 SS pipe dia inch 1,340 150,000 201,000,000
2 CS pipe dia inch 500 125,000 62,500,000

II Fabrication & Installation of inside plant

1 SS pipe dia inch 825 150,000 123,750,000
2 CS pipe dia inch 1,550 125,000 193,750,000

III Tie In to existing pipe

1 SS pipe dia inch 50 150,000 7,500,000
2 CS pipe dia inch 30 125,000 3,750,000

IV Fab. & Install of secondary support

1 BOP area kg 12,000 7,000 84,000,000
2 Inside plant kg 8,000 7,000 56,000,000

Grand Total Excluded VAT 10% 732,250,000

Scope of works
Piping erection labor rate considered includes the following
1 Mob. & demob of site office fabrication shop
2 Manpower mobilization , accommodation, warehouse/store,labor camp,security
3 Supply of all skilled and unskilled manpower to execute the job
4 Scaffolding at site including material and manpower requi equired for that
5 Material handiing of all piping material and valves and all other accessories
6 Grinding (egde preparation) piping Fit-up and welding of the pipe and the rimoving
the siag from weld jjoint to have amooth finish and acid cleaning for SS pipe
7 installation of complete piping system along with all manual valves and accessories like system
safety valve, trainer etc
8 Providing all tapping points for instrumentation e.g, PI, TI, TE required for that pipeline
9 installation of all control valves and all in-line instrument accessories e.g flow element,
flow transmitter, if any
10 installation of hydrant pillar and hose boxes
11 Attending to all punch lists
12 Flusing, pigging and testing includes flush out pipe installation with supports as required and
removing and connecting the system with battery limit piping
13 Assistance during commisioning and the hand over
14 All consumbles required for welding e.g, welding rod, gas cylinder, grinding wheel atc.
15 All other tools and tackles required for welding, like generator for power distribution
16 Lifling equipment like for lift, chain pulley block etc. and any other heavy equitment like crane
required for material handling and erection
17 All safety devices required during welding and installation
18 installation of primary support (sliding support, U-bolt support) and any other related activity
necessary to fix-up the primary support
19 Fire blankets for protecting existing pipes in the existing bridges during welding, installation of new pipes
20 Deputing safety personals where critical works are carriedout specifically on the bridges where natural
gas pipes are running
21 As built drawings to be made and submited
22 Fabrication spool pieces for hydro test, blowing etc
Date 1-Nov-12
Reff. No. 001/Quot/IKBB/XI/12
Attn Mr. Hitesh Kumar Grover
CC Mrs. Betty Sarah Silalahi
Project Vertical Lime Kiln # 5
Location Lime Kiln

NO. Description Unit Qty

1 Mechanical fabrication and installation works 1 Lot

2 Piping fabrication & installation works 1 Lot

TOTAL 1 + 2
VAT 10 %
Grand Total

Terms of payment : 30 days after completion work

This price valid only for Supply Material,Fab.,Erect.,Dismantling,PWHT
This price include delivery to RAPP site

Best Regards
Hendro Sakim
PT. Surya Mas Perkasa
Pergudangan pantai indah dadap
Blok c/b 15,16 dadap
Tangerang Indonesia
Tel : + 62 21 55962952 / 55962952
Fax : + 62 21 55962057
Mobile : + 62 813 19508187
E Mail : [email protected]
Total Price ( Rp.)

Rp 7,593,253,000
Rp 732,250,000

Rp 8,325,503,000
Rp 832,550,300
Rp 9,158,053,300

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