Listening: Listen and Tick The Correct Answer. Which Is Tom's Bedroom?

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School Evaluation

Name _____________ Surname _____________ Class: 5 th ____ ____%

Date _________________________________________, 20 ___
Muito Bom Bom Suficiente
Signatures _____________________/______________________
Insuficiente Muito Insuficiente
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)

1. Listen and tick  the correct answer. Which is Tom’s bedroom?

a.  b. 

2. Listen and complete the text about Ann’s house.

Hi! I’m Ann and I live in a a._____________ with my parents, my grandparents and my
sister. It is on the b.______________ floor. It the entrance there is a small
c.__________. On the left there is a d.____________ to the bedrooms. On the right
there is a e._______________ and next to it there is a living room and a
f._______________. Opposite the living room there is a g.____________. There are two
h._______________ and a study. My favourite room is the i._______________ because
there is a big TV set there where I play video games with my dad.
I love my home!
School Evaluation
Name _____________ Surname _____________ Class: 5 ____ th
Date _________________________________________, 20 ___
Muito Bom Bom Suficiente
Signatures _____________________/______________________
Insuficiente Muito Insuficiente
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)


1. Look and label the routines.

a. ______________ b. _____________ c. ______________ d. ______________

e. ______________ f. _____________ g. ______________ h. _____________

2. Look and write the time.

a. ______________ c. ______________
b._______________ __________________
_ _
________________ ________________

_ _
Read the dialogue between Grace and Pete.

Grace’s house
Pete: Hello, Grace! Let’s do our English homework and answer these questions. Are you ready?
Grace: Yes!
Pete: Ok, tell me about your house. Where is it?
Grace: It’s in London. My address is 44, King Street.
Pete: And how big is your house? How many rooms are there?
Grace: It is very big. There are two toilets, a kitchen, a hall, a pantry, two living rooms, a study and a
big dining room downstairs. And upstairs there are six bedrooms and six bathrooms.
Pete: Wow! Is there a garden?
Grace: Yes, of course there is. There is a big garden and a swimming pool too. I spend a lot of my
time there. There are also two garages and a big basement.
Pete: What a wonderful house! I think it is a dream house! What colour is it?
Grace: It’s white.
Pete: Ok, thanks!
Grace: It is your turn now, Pete. Are you ready?

1. Read and write T (True) or F (False). Correct the false sentences.

There is one example.

a. Grace lives in Oxford. Grace lives in London.__________________

b. She lives in a small house. ___________________________________________
c. There are six bathrooms in her house.
d. There is a pantry on the ground floor. ___________________________________
e. There isn’t a study in Grace’s house. ___________________________________
f. There is one garage in her house. _____________________________________

2. Read and answer the questions.

a. Is there an attic in Grace’s house?
b. How many bedrooms are there in her house?
c. What colour is your house?

1. Look, read and write the correct form of the verb there + to be.
There is one example.
a. There is a big garden.
b. ______________ a basement? Yes, _____________.
c. ______________ an attic? No, _______________.
d. ______________ any bathrooms? Yes, ______________ six.

2. Look at the picture and write the correct preposition of place: next to, on, in front
of and behind. There is one example.
a. There is a table in front of the window.
b. There is a pot plant ___________ the shelf.
c. There is a lamp ___________ the table.
d. There is a rug ___________ the armchair.
e. There is an armchair ___________ the table.
f. There is a window ___________ the table.

3. Read and complete the sentences with because, but, and or so.
There is one example.
a. Children like games and birthday parties.
b. I don’t like playing basketball _________ it is difficult.
c. I like reading books __________ playing mobile games.
d. I like playing the piano, ________ I don’t like playing the guitar.
e. I love my bedroom, ________ it is my favourite place in the house.

1. Read and answer about you.
a. Where do you live? ___________________________________________________
b. What’s your favourite room? ____________________________________________
c. What’s your favourite object in your room? _________________________________
d. Where do you study? __________________________________________________
e. What colour is your bed? _______________________________________________

2. Describe your bedroom (20-30 words).

__________________________________________________ Mention:
__________________________________________________  size
__________________________________________________  objects in your
room and place
 your
Good luck!
Your teacher, ___________________________

Answer key and marking criteria

Aprendizagens Essenciais
Áreas Temáticas Compreensão Oral Compreensão Escrita Interação Escrita
- Gostos e - Identificar a ideia global de - Seguir instruções - Preencher um formulário
preferências pequenos textos orais elementares (online ou em formato papel)
pessoais - Seguir conversas sobre - Compreender mensagens simples com informação
- Rotinas diárias assuntos que lhe são curtas e simples (postais,
pessoal básica e
familiares, articuladas de mensagens de texto,
forma lenta, clara e pausada posts/tweets, blogs, emails) preferências pessoais
sobre assuntos do seu básicas
interesse - Pedir e dar informação
pessoal de forma simples
Produção Escrita
- Descrever uma imagem
usando there is/there are
- Redigir mensagens e notas

Section Answer key Marking criteria

Question 1: Listen and tick  the correct answer. Which
Listening 2 marks per correct answer
is Tom’s bedroom?
Only accept an answer if there is
Answer key: a.
only one correct answer.
MC L5 Compreender discursos Question 2: Listen and complete the text about Ann’s
simples, articulados de forma clara house.
Answer key:
e pausada
a. flat
MC L5.3 Entender informações b. third 9 x 2 = 18
que lhe são dadas c. hall 2 marks per correct answer
MC L5.6 Identificar a ideia global d. corridor Only accept an answer if there is
de pequenos textos orais e. kitchen only one correct answer.
MC ID8.7 Identificar as divisões da f. dining room
casa e o mobiliário g. toilet
h. bathrooms
i. living room
Question 1: Look and label the routines.
Answer key:
a. get up
b. have a shower 8x1=8
c. get dressed 1 mark per correct answer
d. have breakfast -0,5 marks if there is a spelling
e. brush/clean my teeth mistake
Vocabulary f. go to school
g. have lunch
h. watch TV
MC ID8.5 Identificar rotinas diárias 4 x 3 = 12
Question 2: Look and write the time. 3 marks per correct answer
Answer key: -0,5 marks if there is a spelling
a. It’s half past one. mistake
b. It’s a quarter to five. -0,5 marks if the subject is missing
c. It’s seven o’clock.
d. It’s a quarter past three. -0,5 marks if the verb is
Reading Question 1: Read and write T (True) or F (False). 5x1=5/3x2=6
Correct the false sentences. 1 mark per correct answer for T and
Answer key: F
MC R4 Compreender textos b. F – She lives in a big house. Only accept an answer if T or F is
breves e simples c. T written; 0 marks if V is used
MC R4 Reconhecer informação d. T False sentences: 2 marks for each
que lhe é familiar e. F – There is a study in Grace’s house. accurate correction
f. F – There are two garages in her house. -0,5 marks if there is a spelling
-0,5 marks if there is a verb mistake
-0,5 marks if the word order is
3 marks per correct
Question 2: Read and answer the questions. answer
Answer key: -0,5 marks if there is a
a. No, there isn’t. spelling mistake
b. There are six bedrooms (in her house). -0,5 marks if there is a
c. Personal answer: My house is (colour). verb mistake
-0,5 marks if the word
order is incorrect
1 mark per correct answer
Question 1: Look, read and write the correct form -0,5 marks if there is a verb mistake
of the verb there + to be. -0,5 marks if there is a spelling
Answer key: mistake
Grammar b. Is there / there is. -0,5 marks if the “there” is missing
MC LG8.17 Usar os verbos to be, c. Is there / there isn’t.
there + to be, e to have got, no d. Are there / there are
present simple, nas formas
affirmativa, negativa e
interrogativa Question 2: Look at the picture and write the correct
MC LG8.14 Usar at, in front of, preposition of place: next to, on, in front of and behind.
Answer key: 5 x 2 = 10
behind, opposite, under, above, 2 marks per correct answer
b. on
below (place) -0,5 marks if there is a spelling
c. on
MC LG8.8 Usar because e so d. in front of mistake
MC LG8.29 Apropriar-se de novos e. next to
itens lexicais, relacionados com as f. behind
áreas temáticas previstas no Question 3: Read and complete the sentences with
domínio intercultural because, but, and or so. 4x1=4
Answer key: 1 mark per correct answer
b. because -0,5 marks if there is a spelling
c. and
d. but mistake
e. so
Question 1: Read and answer about you. 5 x 2 = 10
Answer key: Personal answer 2 marks per correct answer
a. I live in a... -0,5 marks if the word order is
Writing b. My favourite room is... incorrect
MC W5 Produzir, com ajuda, c. My favourite object in my room is… -0,5 marks if there are 2 or more
d. I study in the... spelling mistakes
frases simples
e. My bed is... -1 mark if there is a verb mistake
MC W6 Produzir um texto simples,
Question 2: Describe your bedroom. 5 x 2 = 10
de 20 a 30 palavras
Answer key: Personal answer 2 marks per correct sentence
MC W6.1 Descrever uma imagem My bedroom is small / big. -0,5 marks if the word order is
usando there is/ there are In my bedroom there is a/an… and a/an… incorrect
There’s a/an (on… next to the… in front of… opposite...) -0,5 marks if there are 2 or more
There are (on… next to the… in front of… opposite...) spelling mistakes in the sentence
I like/love my bedroom! -1 mark if there is a verb mistake

Listening script
Hello! I’m Tom. I live in a big house with my family. My favourite room is my bedroom. It is very cool! In my bedroom there is a bed, of
course, and a window with a great view of the garden. It is very sunny in my bedroom. I like my bedroom because I can study, read
or practice basketball there. Yes… there is a basketball hoop in my bedroom for me to play basketball! I also love my bed… do you
know why? Well, because it looks like a car! It’s a different bed, isn’t it?

Hi! I’m Ann and I live in a flat with my parents, my grandparents and my sister. It is on the third floor. In the entrance there is a small
hall. On the left there is a corridor to the bedrooms. On the right there is a kitchen and next to it there is a living room and a dining
room. Opposite the living room there is a toilet. There are two bathrooms and a study. My favourite room is the living room because
there is a big TV set there where I play video games with my dad. I love my home!

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