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Ep 29 (IM 1 Video) Ep 24 Ep 22 Ep 23 Ep 17 Ep 19 (Series 1) Ep 94 (Series 1, Peds) Ep 123 (Ethics 1) Ep 36 (Ophtho) Ep 181 (EMED1) Ep 206 (Series 1) Ep 228-Palliative Care 1 Ep 236-2CK 1 day class.
Ep 30 (IM 2 Video) Ep 180 (Heme) Ep 118(Breast) Ep 164 (Toxicology) Ep 21 Ep 45 (Series 2) Ep 95 (Series 2, Peds) Ep 132 (Social Sciences) Ep 37 (Risk Factors 1) Ep 182 (EMED2) Ep 209 (Series 2) Psych Ep 230-Quality and Safety Ep 266-ERAS Advice
Ep 31 (IM 3 Video) Ep 221 (Trauma) Ep239 (Risk factors) Ep 349-Psych Pharm Ep 223 (Newborns) Ep 46 (Series 3) Ep 119 (Series 3, IM) Ep 143 (Biostats) Ep 41 (Antibiotic Guide) Ep 183 (EMED3) Ep 212 (Series 3) GI Ep 234-Medication/Care Transition Errors Ep 296-Match Day 2021(Advice and Thoughts)
Ep 32 (IM 4 Video) Ep 377-GI Bleeds Ep239 (Risk factors) Ep317(Breastfeeding, newborn jaundice) Ep 47 (Series 4) Ep 120 (Series 4, IM/Peds) Ep 197 (Bias in Biostats) Ep 65 (Ventilators) Ep221(Trauma) Ep 213 (Series 4) GI Ep 268-Palliative Care 2 Ep 327-26 Rules for ERAS and M4 Year
Ep 41 (Antibiotic Guide) Ep309(Breast Cancer) Ep 326-Peds Cardio and Hemodynamic Changes Ep 48 (Series 5) Ep 121 (Series 5, IM/Peds) Ep 337-Drug Ads Ep 97 (Risk Factors, Important) Ep 214 (Series 5) GI Ep 275-Diagnostic Errors Ep 342-Common ERAS App Mistakes
Ep 100 (Clutch Micro) Ep 338-Fetal Heart Rate Tracings Ep 49 (Series 6) Ep 125 (Series 6, IM) Ep 363-Confounding Ep 100 (Clutch Micro) Ep 217 (Series 6) Pulm Ep 123-Ethics Ep 354-How to preround efficiently
Ep 104 (ACLS, Arrhythmias) Ep 350-The Clutch Teratogen Podcast Ep 58 (Series 7) Ep 126 (Series 7, IM) Ep 364-Effect modification Ep 102 (Clutch Cancer) Ep 276-Professionalism/Ethics
Ep 129 (Targeted Pulm) Ep 357-Disorders of Sexual Differentiation Ep 59 (Series 8) Ep 127 (Series 8, OB) Ep 111 (Clutch Pharm 1) Ep 277-Infection Control/Prevention
Ep 244 (Valvular Disorders) Ep 373-Progestin and Estrogen Challenge Tests Ep 361-The Eye 1 Ep 128 (Series 9, IM) Ep 112 (Clutch Pharm 2) Ep 325-Extremely HY Screening Guidelines
Ep 251 (Thyroid) Ep 362-The Eye 2 Ep 130 (Series 10, Peds) Ep 135 (Clutch Electrolyte)
Ep 253 (Starling Forces) Ep 371-The Spinal Cord Ep 131 (Series 11, All) Ep 137 (Next Best Step 1)
Ep 293-NBME GI Series 1 Ep 372-Clutch Headache Podcast Ep 134 (Series 12, IM) Ep 138 (Clutch Genetic Dzs)
Ep 294-NBME GI Series 2 Ep 374-Spinal Cord Lesions Ep 141 (Series 13, IM) Ep 161 (Clutch Autoantibody)
Ep 295-NBME GI Series 3 Ep 145 (Series 14, Surgery) Ep 164 (Clutch Toxicology)
Ep 298-NBME GI Series 4 Ep 153 (Series15, Surgery) Ep 169 (Nephrotic/Nephritic)
Ep 318-NBME GI Series 5 Ep 156 (Series 16, OB) Ep 173 (Clutch Immunodeficiency)
Ep 319-NBME GI Series 6 Ep 158(Series 17, Surgery) Ep 184 (NBME Weird, Must Know!)
Ep321-Clutch Metabolic Acidosis Ep 159 (Series 18, IM) Ep 197 (Bias in Biostatistics)
Ep 331-Clutch Lung Cancer Podcast Ep 163 (Series 19, Surgery) Ep 198 (Hypertensive Integrations)
Ep 332-Clutch Pleural Abnormalities/Effusions Podcast Ep 166 (Series 20, Psych) Ep 203 (Leukemias/Lymphomas)
Ep 333-Pressors/Inotropes for Step 2CK/3 Ep 167 (Series 21, Cardio) Ep 204 (USMLE Military)
Ep 339-The HY Pulmonary Embolism Podcast Ep 174 (Series 22, IM) Ep 207 (Geriatrics 1)
Ep 353-The Clutch Pulmonary HTN Podcast Ep 175 (Series 23, Psych) Ep 208 (Transfusion Reactions)
Ep 356-The Clutch UTI Podcast Ep 177 (Series 24, OBGYN) Ep 215 (NBME Acetylcholine)
Ep 360-The Clutch Secondary HTN Podcast Ep 187 (Series 25) Ep 216 (Step 1 P/F)
Ep 367-The Clutch Amyloidosis Podcast Ep 189 (Series 26) Ep 221 (HY Trauma)
Ep 376-Thyroid Cancer Ep 195 (Series 27) Ep 224 (Genetic Diseases 2, Chromosomes)
Ep 384-IBDs and the USMLEs Ep 196 (Series 28) Ep 226 (The NBME and Iron Labs)
Ep 199 (Series 29) Ep 231 (USMLE Military 2)
Ep 202 (Series 30) Ep 232 (Vasculitis)
Ep 210 (Series 31) Ep 233 (Shock)
Ep 211 (Series 32, Neuro) Ep 234-CLEAN SP 3 (medication/transition errors)
Ep 219 (Series 33) Ep 235-Admitting Patients Efficiently
Ep 220 (Series 34) Ep 239-OBGYN Risk Factors
Ep 225 (Series 35) Ep 242-USMLE Dermatology 1
Ep 227 (Series 36-HY OB) Ep 243-The USMLEs and Water Sol. Vitamins
Ep 238 (Series 37) Ep 244-The NBME and Valvular Disorders
Ep 240 (Series 38, OB/Ortho) Ep 246-USMLE Dermatology 2
Ep 245-Series 39 Ep 248-New Free 120 Q1-10 (2020)
Ep 247-Series 40 Ep 249-Oxygen Content
Ep 256-Series 41 Ep 250-HY Vaccine Podcast
Ep 258-Series 42 Ep 251-Thyroid and The NBMEs
Ep 270-Series 43 Ep 252 (Post exposure prophylaxis)
Ep 272-Series 44 Ep 253 (Starling Forces and The NBMEs)
Ep 274-Series 45 Ep 255-Key Drugs for Step 2CK/3
Ep 282-Series 46 Ep 257-Clutch Bilirubin
Ep 283-Series 47 Ep 261-USMLE Dermatology 3
Ep 284-Series 48 (Bone) Ep 263-Clutch CNS Infections
Ep 285-Series 49 Ep 264-Clutch Heart Failure
Ep 290-Series 50 Ep 265-Male Reproductive Pathologies
Ep 291-Series 51 Ep 267-Normal Changes with Aging
Ep 297-Series 52 Ep 269-NBME Ortho: Bone Tumors
Ep 299-Series 53 Ep 273-The NBME and High Output HF
Ep 306-Series 54 Ep 278- The NBME and Amenorrhea
Ep 307-Series 55 Ep 279-The NBME and Prostaglandins
Ep 312-Series 56 Ep 281-Fat Soluble Vitamins and the USMLEs
Ep 314-Series 57 Ep 282-Risk Factors 5/Rapid Review Series 46
Ep 316-Series 58 Ep 283-Risk Factors 6/Rapid Review Series 47
Ep 320-Series 59 Ep 286-The Ultra HY ARDS Podcast
Ep 324-Series 60 Ep 287-The Ultra HY Urinalysis Podcast
Ep 330-Series 61 Ep 288-Stress Tests/TEEs on the USMLE
Ep 334-Series 62 Ep 289-Alcoholism and the USMLEs
Ep 335-Series 63 Ep 292-NBME Endocarditis and Myocarditis
Ep 336-Series 64 Ep 300-Coronavirus/COVID-19
Ep 344-Series 65 Ep 301-Diabetes and The USMLEs Part 1
Ep 351-Series 66 Ep 302-Diabetes and The USMLEs Part 2
Ep 355-Series 67 Ep 303-Diabetes and The USMLEs Part 3
Ep 358-Series 68 Ep 304-The Floridly HY Trauma Podcast 2
Ep 366-Series 69 Ep 305-Upper Limb Rapid Review 1
Ep 369-Series 70 Ep 308-The Floridly HY NBME Cortisol Podcast
Ep 370-Series 71 Ep 309-The Clutch Breast Cancer Podcast
Ep 380-Series 72 Ep 310-The Floridly HY Knee Exam/Pathologies Podcast
Ep 382-Series 73 Ep 311-Clutch CSF/Brain Imaging Podcast
Ep 313-The Floridly HY Hyperkalemia Podcast
Ep 315-The Clutch Circle of Willis Podcast
Ep 321-Clutch Metabolic Acidosis
Ep 323-Immunocompromised/Transplant Patients
Ep 328-Vitamin B12 Deficiency and the USMLEs
Ep 329-Thriving Through Transitions (Wellness)
Ep 331-The Clutch Lung Cancer Podcast
Ep 332-The Clutch Pleural Anomalies/Effusions Podcast
Ep 339-The HY Pulmonary Embolism Podcast
Ep 340-Genetic Syndromes and Cancers for the USMLEs
Ep 343-Paraneoplastic Syndromes and The USMLEs
Ep 346-Cardiovascular Pharm for Step 2CK/3 Part 1
Ep 347-Cardiovascular Pharm for Step 2CK/3 Part 2
Ep 348-The Clutch Hypercalcemia Podcast
Ep 349-Clutch Psych Pharm Review for the shelf exam, Step 2CK/3
Ep 352-The Clutch Fungi Podcast for Step 2CK/3
Ep 357-Disorders of Sexual Differentiation
Ep 372-The Clutch Headache Podcast
Ep 375-Hardy Weinberg Made Easy
Ep 377-The Clutch GI Bleed Podcast
Ep 379-A Series of HY Elderly Vignettes for Step 1-3
Ep 381-Some HY Pharmacology Vignettes for Step 2CK/3
Ep 383-The Clutch Smoking Podcast
Ep 385-Anesthetic Complications and The USMLEs
Ep 387-Adverse Drug Reactions for Step 2CK/3

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