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Team Performance Plan

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

Purpose of the team

• Increase the company's revenue levels.

• Increase the size of the product sales staff.
• Prepare and implement a B2C sales strategy aimed at selling tablets.
• Maintain strong customer relationships.
• Interact with customers and ensure that the company generates more
revenue by persuading customers to sign up for corporate applications.
• While in the market, raise brand awareness and support brand building.
• Extend the company's sales market outside competitive territories.

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

• In charge of encouraging and counselling their
sales reps on how to enhance their
performance, as well as hiring and training new
sales reps.
• Achieve their goals through properly planning,
creating sales goals, examining historical data,
Role of a and forecasting future performance.

manager • Allowing team members to work according to

their performance plans, embrace teamwork,
and adhere to the activity schedule
• Maintain a great relationship with the sales
team, which will drive them to perform more
efficiently because they will feel appreciated for
their efforts.
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
Role of a manager

While managing their assignments, provide helpful input on the team's progress.

Effectively managing the sales team to achieve growth and meet sales targets.

Putting together sales reports and submitting them to upper management for feedback.

Preside over sales meetings and provide guidance on the following steps.

Assisting the team in resolving consumer complaints

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

Sales Team
• Jay Santos
Will be to leverage his bilingual skills, as well as his capacity to learn new techniques, to help
the company strengthen its bargaining power. He is responsible for converting leads into
• Jala Singh
Responsibilities will include serving as a customer support representative and overseeing the
company's advertising.
• Jane Stone
Learn new sales methods for the future and plan properly for the advantage of the company,
which could result in a large sale. She also in charge of increasing sales by converting a large
number of leads into sales.
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
Assigning tasks to team

• With the help of the new rep, Jay Santos will be in charge of monitoring all of the
company's advertisements to ensure that all leads captured through the platforms are
converted into sales. By the end of 2022, sales should have increased by 15%.
• Jane Stone will be in charge of setting up virtual events and ensuring that all client
inquiries are recorded for answer during the event or after the event if they are
• Jala Singh will combine his sales experience with his ICT knowledge to guarantee that we
have a proper and efficient CRM system that allows for exceptional client-salesperson
interactions, assisting in the closing and tracking of sales. CRM software installation and
implementation must be completed by end of July 2022.

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

• Work on increasing sales by 10% over
previous results by converting more leads
generated through online platforms such as
social media and apps.
Sales • Work closely with the marketing and
communications team to ensure that the
Team Task brand name is established and maintained.
• Consolidate their customer interactions into
a CRM system that can be integrated to their
ERP and accounting systems, allowing them
to close deals faster and more efficiently.

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

Sales Team Task

Marketing of our products on Prepare a plan for important

various social media sales activities and events for
platforms and the internet in the year 2021, taking into
order to improve sales and, as account their long-term
a result, the company's viability in the present COVID-
revenue. 19 pandemic environment.

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

Setting KPIs

• By the conclusion of the fiscal year, sales will have increased by 15%.
• Ascertain if the brand has a positive reputation in the marketplace.
• Ascertain if the company's CRM system is deployed and operational.
• When dealing with virtual events, make effective use of the company's rules
and procedures.
• Create an effective visual event approach that will be implemented during
the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

Thank You

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

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