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Manage People Performance

Assessment Task 2

Student Name Harpinder Singh Kler Student ID Number

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due Date Date Submitted

Establish a team performance plan

Team Name: Sales Team

What will your role in the I am the Sales Manager in the team.
team be and who are your
Team members and their duties are as follows:
team members?
A) Sales Manager - Harpinder Singh Kler: Nurturing
State their roles in the team strong client relationships
and provide a short
B) Sales Rep 1: Contacting new prospects or existing customers
C) Sales Rep 2: Presenting your product or service

D) Sales Rep 3: Customer satisfaction & follow ups

Provide an overview of the To sell the a high no. of solutions for Worlducation by acquiring new
purpose of the team in line customers, maintaining client relationships and resolving customer
with organizational queries.

What is the team seeking to


Manager- Harpinder Singh Kler

Team manager
responsibilities Role of manager or team leader is to nurture strong client
What is the role of a manager relationships as well as manage the team.
or team leader?
Team tasks  Sales Manager - Harpinder Singh Kler: Nurturing
strong relationships.
What are the main tasks and
 Sales Rep 1: Contacting new prospects or existing customers
activities the team needs to
do?  Sales Rep 2: Presenting your product or service

 Sales Rep 3: Customer satisfaction & follow ups

Stakeholders were convinced with new changes in the plans as well

What input was received from
as the team performance enhancement plans.
the stakeholder/s?
However, they asked to be kept in loop every month with the impact
of the same.

Team members felt slightly uncomfortable but majorly excited about

up-skilling and performance plans end goals and tangible as well as
What input was received from career-growth incentives.
your team member?
Team member tasks and

How did you decide which Task assignments were done on the basis of:
task to assign to each team
 Previous experience of each team member
 Performances in various domains in each section of work

What are the timelines for Task Start Date End Date
completing each task? Contacting new 1st Jan 2022 31st Jan 2022
prospects or existing
Presenting your 1st Jan 2022 31st Jan 2022
product or service
Nurturing strong client 1st Jan 2022 On-going (no end
relationships date)
Customer satisfaction 1st Dec 2022 On-going (no end

& follow-ups date)

Setting KPI’s KPI for each task are:

Outline the key performance Sales Rep-1:
indicators for each task.
 Total Call Volume to new phone nos.

 Total Call Volume to existing customer phone nos.

 Total no. of email conversations with New + Existing


 Total sales to new customers

 Total fresh sales or up-sell to new customers Sales Rep-2:

 No. of product demos per month

 No. of customers on-boarded after product demo Sales Rep-


 Contact to Customer Conversion Rate

 %. of follow-ups sent out of total follow-up requirement

Supporting the members of a Members were supported by giving them task improvements that
team to achieve expected could impact their performance the most.
performance outcomes
Each member was to work on the most potentially beneficial aspect.

Develop and facilitate team chosen.

Policies and procedures

How did you develop/ Internet policy was modified to restrict and control employee
modify the Internet Use internet usage so as to increase effectiveness.

Develop team cohesion

What were the Active listening, consideration, empathy, decisiveness, evidence-
communication skills based management.
you applied when giving

Overlapping duties
What are the issues,
Lack of trust
concerns, problems
highlighted? Unclear communication

How did you help team Team members were asked to openly share their concerns, their
members identify issues? perceived resolutions or the lack of them as well as their feedback on
how the issue started.
By listening to all issues with empathy and focus and by showing
trust of confidence, the employees were asked to outline and share
How did you apply
the whole roadmap of the problems and acted on it accordingly
your problem-solving
after discussing the solution with the team.

How did you encouraging

team members to take Active motivation and responsibility coupled with ownership
responsibility for team relating to end goals were shared and transferred in the team to do
activities? the same.

Facilitate teamwork
How did you adapt you? Active listening ensured no one’s opinion or concern was left out and
all points were acted on after gathering all data.
personal communication style
This is how every member felt valued and hence contributed to a
to build positive working
positive working relationship.

Fluent communication, trust among the team, clarity in individuals’

Model desired behavior and
Active listening ensured no one’s opinion or concern was left out and
Promote collaboration
all points were acted on after gathering all data.
Encourage and foster shared This is how every member felt valued and hence contributed to a
understanding of purpose, positive working relationship.
roles and responsibilities

 Increase in productivity
Develop a process
 Reduction of work hours
for addressing
 Development of good relationships at workplace

What were your ideas?

Problem solving is another important life skill manager of any
organization.  Here are the five steps that I followed problem the
above ideas.
1.       Definition of the problem.
Outline the process you In understanding and communicating the problem effectively, I have to
be clear about what the issue is. To implement this, I have to focus on
the behaviour instead of attacking the person who is not hard working
or having a bad relationship with each other.
2.       Collection of the information.
Here I had to look for the information that is causing team members to
have a conflict, work for a long time and less productivity.
3.       Generate possible solutions.
In this stage I had to work together with the employees in order to
brainstorm on all possible solutions without judging whether the ideas
are good or bad at this point.
4. Evaluating all the alternatives generated and choosing the best
that will work.
Here I had to choose which options I like and which I don't like. After
weighing the pros and cons and using the cost-benefit analysis of each,
choose an option that I feel comfortable with. Once a solution has
been found to meet everyone's needs while keeping everyone's self-
respect and self-esteem intact, then I make a plan to follow through
and do it. Lastly, I put down a time-frame for action in order to avoid
time wasting.
5. cross-check /post implementation
After I implement the alternative, was the best, then I had to make a
follow-up to see whether it works. If yes, great! Consider how my
solution may be applicable to other different problems. Ask how the
problem can be prevented from happening again.

What brainstorming and Mind mapping

group leadership
techniques did you use?
brainstorming Google


Virtual meets

Team Polls
Liaise with stakeholders

Communicating with An informed decision is a choice that individuals make once they have
line management all the information related to the decision topic.

You can use this space to

plan your ideas if you like in your decision line management communications, you will act as a
but you must include the conduit for passing information to your team; it
emails as attachments also means representing the needs of your team in the workplace.
This can include information on
Create your email to your line
procedural changes, performance outcomes and new business. Your
manager. Include:
delivery of information should be
What were the issues? tailored to suit the needs of the team and it should follow the
What solutions are you appropriate communication convention.
proposing? your management may only require certain pieces of information to
be disseminated to employees and
you will need to maintain organisational wishes and adherence to
Create an email to your confidentiality requirements.
team. Include:

What was the decision the best work sometimes emerges through a collaborative debate
line management among team members, where ideas can be bounced off of one
informed you of? another until the right one is discovered. You can also comprehend
your team's wants and desires if you communicate efficiently and
When will this change clearly with them.

occur? How will it affect the


Using a system of open communications with your stakeholders will

Liaising with stakeholders
show that you/your organisation 
How can a manager establish have good lines of communication. It lets others know your
open communication organisation values the sharing of 
information and a level of transparency appropriate to the situation.
processes with stakeholders?
An open communication process means giving, receiving and sharing
information when it is needed or 
available. It provides stakeholders with understanding and assurance
that information is current and 
Communication methods:
Determine the best method for the delivery of your communication;
you may need to use a combination
of methods with stakeholders to ensure communications are delivered
to all of the intended recipients. 
Communication methods include:
3. Video conference
4. Internet (e.g., online forums, intranet or email).
Formal communications:
This type of communication will be required in official meetings and
gatherings, such as those with 
clients/customers, management or business contacts. When
representing the needs of your 
organisation, a formal style follows set communication protocols which
serve to guide and provide a 

Informal communications:
This type of communication is used more with stakeholders that you
are familiar with, such as work 
colleagues, your team and your regular suppliers. This will still need to
convey meaning but can be 

Resolving team member issues:

any work or team issues that cannot be resolved through a first
What unresolved issues, approach directly with the team will
concerns and problems need to be addressed to ensure a resolution is reached. It is important
to tackle issues to ensure a team
needs to be communicated
harmony and balance is maintained, and work objectives can be met.
to stakeholders? teams are ideally positioned to help them by workplace strategies to
accomplish job goals so they know
what to do to achieve the desired results. It is a useful means of
indicating when work is progressing
well. However, it can also help in the identification and resolution of

Stakeholders were convinced with new changes in the plans as well as

Applying feedback
the team performance enhancement plans.
What feedback did you
However, they asked to be kept in loop every month with the impact
receive from the
of the same.

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