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Develop critical thinking in others

Student name: Harpinder Singh Kler

Student ID:

Assessor: Lawrence Matthews

Date: 18-05-2022

Business or Community/Social group this Social Group

assessment is based on:

Documentation reviewed as preparation:

Leadership role assumed by student (e.g. Customer Sales Team Representative

Services manager):

Team using critical thinking (e.g. Customer Marketing Team

services team):

Job role(s) requiring coaching/mentoring in critical

thinking within the team (e.g. sales consultant,
shipment officer, customer representative):
Section 1: Plan and assess critical thinking

1. Research critical and creative thinking.

 A summary of at least three models of critical and creative thinking
Creative thinking is a way of looking at problems or situations from a gresh perspective
to conceive of something new and original. Critical thinking is the logical, sequential
disciplined process of rationalizing, analysing, evaluating, interpreting information to
make informed judgements and decisions.
Critical thinking is logical and reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or
do. Critical thinking involves questioning and evaluating information. Critical and
creative thinking both contribute to our ability to solve problems in a variety of contexts.
When we are thinking creatively, it is focused on exploring ideas, generating
possibilities, and developing various theories. It is mostly happened structural process
such as brainstorming session.
 Five characteristics of critical and creative thinking
The five characteristics of critical and creative thinking are:
 A goal of creative thinking is to free your mind from customs and norms so you can
approach a problem in an unusual or novel way. Creative thinking involves skills like
associative thinking, brainstorming and originality.
 critical thinking in that it involves looking at things from a new perspective, coming
up with several solutions to a problem and avoiding solutions that are overly
 It differs from critical thinking in that it allows for improvisation, can involve wild
ideas and benefits from a playful approach.
 As a critical thinker, you have to approach a situation after you free yourself from
your emotions. If you employ your emotional mind to evaluate a problem, there are
many solutions that you will be unable to see.
 Creative thinking involves skills like associative thinking, brainstorming and


It is generative It is analytical
It is Divergent It is generative
It is Right Brain It is left brain
It is Intuitive It is logical
It is Imaginative It is sequential
 It is subjective  It is objective
 It is open-ended  It is close ended
 It is Lateral  It is vertical
 It is Possibility  It is probability
 It is Non judgement  It is judgement

 Features of critical thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation

The features of critical thinking skills are as follows:
a) gathering relevant information
b) evaluating information
c) assessing bias or unsubstantiated assumptions
d) formulating ideas
e) weighing opinions
f) Reaching well-reasoned conclusion
g) Considering alternative possibilities

 formal and informal organisational learning environments and systems

Classrooms, laboratories, and lecture halls have traditionally contained rows of desks
facing one direction with a fixed lectern and singular teaching wall, but as the method
of and behaviour of learning is evolving, so too are formal learning environments;
they are flexible, engaging environments.
In informal learning environments, the ownership of learning lies with the individual
to design their own experience, create their learning incomes, and self-assess.
Informal environments have non-traditional lighting and seating and can incorporate
non-learning experiences. Informal learning environments mix private, public, and
collaborative spaces to accommodate all learning behaviours.
 Best practice approaches for instructing teams and individuals in critical
The approaches for instructing teams and individuals in critical thinking are:
a) Question each other: Questioning what someone says enables you to think
critically, so get your team to question each other.
b) Look for problems and solve them together: Identifying problems and solving them
can also help your team think critically. Once a problem is identified, state it clearly
and then figure out what you have to do to solve it.
c) Evaluate each other’s strengths and weaknesses: Every member of your team
should clearly assess their own and someone else’s strengths and weaknesses, and the
impact these may have on any decisions you make.
 Examples of how the critical thinking can be applied in the workplace
There are six steps to critical thinking. These are knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Knowledge comes from the research
gathered while using critical thinking in the workplace. In order to understand a
problem, workers must first find the sources. Next is comprehension, concertedly
attempting to understand the information. The third step involves application of these
concepts to the specific problem. Analysis means breaking something into its
constituent parts and showing how those parts work together to create the whole.
Synthesis is bringing diverse ideas together to create a new idea. During the
evaluation phase, workers team members test their hypotheses.

 List of what a safe critical and creative work environment includes

a) Trust your team
b) Set boundaries and expectation together
Make sure you access at least four sources of information, reference them correctly
and attach your report to this section of the portfolio.

a) Critical Thinking vs. Creative Thinking - The Peak Performance centre
b) How Teams Should Approach Critical Thinking (
Assess critical thinking

About the organisation  Worlducation

Provide an overview of  It manufactures tablet computers for primary
your chosen organisation school students and they also have a
and competitive team creating software, content
product/services/program and activities to better engage and educate
s. the students.
Include:  Worlducation aims to change the way
 name of the business children learn at school by implementing
artificial intelligence technology that can
 description of what follow up on each child’s progress and
the business does adjust to their needs as they learn, creating
 key operational the optimal path learning experience.

The development of Worlducation's business requires

Critical thinking within
critical thought. To begin, Worlducation seeks to improve
the organisation teaching quality and develop the way students learn in
Identify how critical schools by utilizing artificial intelligence technology that
can modify the learning route to fit the needs of students.
thinking is an important
Critical thinking is definitely required while developing
part of the organisation. new goods utilizing new technologies. Furthermore,
Include: Worlducation has had several issues in 2020 as a result of
COVID-19, including operational and manufacturing
 how critical thinking issues, which have resulted in a large number of
is a part of the consumer complaints. As a result, critical thinking is
business, such as: necessary in order to discover answers to these issues.
The company's mission is to encourage change and make
o the vision and the world a better place without illiteracy by
objectives of the incorporating modern technologies like artificial
intelligence into its products, which will track students'
progress and modify to fit their requirements. Critical
o assessment of the thinking appears to be a necessary component for
work generating new ideas, which aids in the development of
new products and services utilizing new technology. The
environment as it company's aim is to see the world with zero percent
relates to critical illiteracy. The primary goal of every business is to
and creative maximize profits, and as we all know, the employees of
thinking, the company play a critical part in achieving those goals.
including: Customer satisfaction should always be prioritized; thus,
a high-performing staff and culture should be created. For
 systems, changes in empowerment of creativity and
policies and responsiveness, more money should be allocated to
research and development.
supporting The legislative requirements related to critical thinking
critical and training are below:
thinking  Procedures provide mandatory information for schools
 barriers to and workplaces to follow.
critical  Guidelines reflect good practice and represent the
thinking in department's preferred position and are to be followed.
existing If principals or managers do not follow a guideline the
organisation alternative actions taken need to achieve an equivalent
al systems or improved outcome in terms of safe practice. The
 legislative alternative actions or procedures are to be
requirements related documented.
to critical thinking How critical thinking is required as part of the work done
and training for your by chosen team: The diversification of their personnel will be
chosen team. maintained. This was a list of the company's key goals, all of
 how critical thinking which must be met. When it comes to the system and policy,
is required as part of all financial transactions must be approved by the designated
the work done by authorised person prior to the transaction taking place, as
your chosen team stated in the policy. Where applicable, this policy should be
(identified on Page read in combination with other particular financial policies.
4) This policy covers the use of company credit cards as well as
suggestions for dealing with the problem. Critical thinking
 list of critical
skills allow you to understand and address a situation based
thinking skills on all available facts and information. When using critical
required for the thinking skills, you will sort and organize facts, data and other
employees who are information to define a problem and develop effective
going to be coached solutions.
(job roles identified
on Page 4). The list of critical thinking skills required for the
employees who are going to be coached are:
Attach relevant policies
and procedures to this 1) Maintain positive online customer relationships
section of your portfolio. 2) Deal with emotional clients, graphical representation of call
centre data
3) Improve digital advertising skills – creativity with

Plan team meeting The fact sheet is attached with the Moodle:
Plan how to articulate key
features of critical and
creative thinking concepts
to the relevant team
(attach any relevant
documents you create e.g.
fact sheet).
Develop a set of at least
five questions to identify
critical and creative
thinking knowledge gaps
for your chosen team and
one of your chosen

The five questions to identify critical and creative thinking

knowledge gaps are below:
1) where you want to be in the future?
2) How do you communicate in difficulties?
3) Which wok do you find more difficult?
4) What skills are currently becoming more necessary?
5) How to implement a learning culture in your company?

Teamwork In a diverse work environment help to boost business and

overall country’s economic growth. Our team is also
Plan for teamwork,
culturally diverse so get variety of creative ideas and thinking.
Promote healthy relationships and friendships among
 what the diverse
colleagues through social or community involvements. Get
requirements are of
employees' participation in hiring new talents and ask for
your team (e.g.,
referrals. Partner with schools to introduce the company's
cultural differences)
culture, help young people build self-esteem, and educate on
 how you will the benefits of diversity. This is how we connect each other’s
establish connections
and understanding
(e.g., ice-breaker)
 techniques you’ll use
to negotiate,
influence and elicit
the views of your


Knowledge gaps 1. Experience difficultly establishing fact from fiction when

dealing with customer issues
Summarise the outcomes of
your team and individual 2. Cannot represent information graphically.
meeting(s). Include: The two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for
 at two critical and one sales staff Sales representative:
creative thinking  Could not maintain online relationships
knowledge gaps for
your team  Valuing differing perspectives and cultures

 at least two critical and The team/individual’s experience of organisation’s

creative thinking approach to critical thinking is:
knowledge gaps for one  Already did brainstorming session in the past.
individual team
 Need to follow legislation
 Follow the KPI
 team/individual’s
experience of  Trying different ideas and method
The list of workplace problems are:
approach to critical
thinking  Manufacturing and shipment delays due to COVID-19

 list of workplace  Direct online ordering not available

problems identified in  Demand greater than supply ability
the meeting that are
relevant to the team  User requirement changes as a result of COVID-19
 a description of the
The problem chosen through negotiation was manufacturing
problem chosen
and shipment delays – all team members agreed that the most
through negotiation at
customer complaints being received were related to shipment
the meeting as the most
issues.The meeting is attending with the assessor.
pressing and relevant.
Attach proof of your team
and individual job role
meeting(s) (e.g. video,
screen recording of virtual
meeting) to this section of
the portfolio (if not already
viewed in person by your

Safe processes Instead of solving work issues symptomatically, use critical

thinking to drill down to the very root of the problem. If you
Use the work done in
receive ongoing customer complaints, offering an apology or a
Section 1 of your Project
discount may resolve individual claims, but may not reduce
Portfolio and the knowledge
the frequency of customer grievances. Instead, examine every
you’ve gained from the
aspect of how your product or service is delivered and how
team/individual meeting(s)
employees interact with customers. If you scrutinize the
to develop at least two
situation, you may realize the issue isn't with your product, but
processes that create a safe
with how it's marketed to customers.
environment for critical and
creative thinking. If company salespeople don't adequately explain how the
product works, buyers may be dissatisfied because it wasn't
For each process, include:
what they expected. In this case, you can train your
 a description of the salespeople to better relate to customers and help them
process understand how the product can benefit them.
 how the process  Equip employees to constructively deal with the
supports a safe critical COVID-19 pandemic challenges
and creative critical
 Incorporate formal critical thinking processes in the
thinking environment.
 description of at least
The processes that create a safe environment for critical
three sources of
and creative thinking are:
information related to
the process  Develop the diversities in the team help to increase the
creative thinking ideas
 resources required for
the process to be  Establish online payment and booking system.
The resources required for the process are:
 any relevant legislative Human resources, economic resources and environment
requirements. resources.
Attach proof of the
developed processes and
information sources to this
section of the portfolio.

Plan learning opportunities The Formal learning opportunities to address the

Use the work done in identified the knowledge gaps is:
Section 1 of our Project Job training: On-the-job training is instruction for employees
Portfolio and the knowledge that takes place at work. OJT typically involves a combination
you’ve gained from the of observing others and hands-on experience completing tasks
team/individual meeting(s) under the supervision of a training manager, co-workers or
to plan one formal and one outsourced professional trainer. Employees benefit from
informal learning additional skills and knowledge as well as motivation to do
opportunity to address the well. Companies then benefit from having engaged employees
identified knowledge gaps. that are invested in achieving goals.
For both the formal and The informal learning opportunities to address the
informal learning identified the knowledge gaps is:
opportunity, include: YouTube clips: it is one of the online learning platforms in
 a description of how which people get knowledge and skills. It helps to maintain the
learning will take knowledge gaps.
The learning opportunity is aimed to individual which help to
 who the learning
achieve the goal and help manager to solve the critical
opportunity is aimed at
thinking skills.
(e.g., team or
individual) All employees that have worked for the company more than
four months are eligible to participate in external training
 how the opportunity
programs individually or in teams.
complies with
organisational and Employees can choose to attend as many training programs as
legislative they want, provided they don’t exceed the budget and day
requirements limit.

 reason for choosing the All trainings should consider what employees need and how
approach they can learn best. This is why, we encourage employees and
managers to consider multiple training methods like
 how you will collect
workshops, e-learning, lectures and more.
The reason is to solve the critical thinking skills:
I will collect feedback through the Staff surveys, Staff bulletin,
Worlducation intranet, Emails and other social network.

Application The sales team representees bring some constructive idea to

group that all the staff members to connect and cooperate with
Plan one opportunity for
each other.
team member(s) to apply
their critical thinking skills Equip employees to constructively deal with the COVID-19
to address the workplace pandemic challenges. Different employees from the different
problem chosen at the team cultural background. She wants develop a cloud-based solution
meeting. where customers can access the software remotely on their
own devices (estimated cost of $2 million), purchasing off the
shelf tablets (lost margin of $300 per unit sold or $3 million
 who will participate in
the problem-solving per year) or repurposing used tablets.
process (i.e., which Then customer can use the software remotely
team members?)
It reduces the transportation cost and zero the hardware
 which critical thinking damage cost and travel insurance cost, so i am positive on this
skills and techniques topic. I will collect the feedback from the customer through
will be applied by the online survey, staff survey, Emails and many social sites.
team member(s)
 how you will give
feedback on the
performance of their
 how you will collect
feedback regarding the
opportunity you


Learning opportunities The formal learning is an essential way of training when it is

reflection necessary to systematically and with guidance adopt a set of
knowledge and skills or specific methodology to be used in the
Summarise the outcomes
of the formal and informal
learning opportunities you Informal learning typically comes into practice when the material
facilitated, including: is nice to know, but not necessarily essential. What’s more
important here is nurturing the conversations and encouraging
 feedback received
independent learning so that your employees feel that they can
from team member(s)
gain knowledge in a self-directed way.
 what you did well
After the formal and informal training, the team members gives
 what should be the following feedback:
 all the staff members are satisfied with the training
Attach proof of how you
 after training the sales representative valuing differing
facilitated the learning
opportunities (e.g. video, perspectives and cultures
screen recording of virtual
 all the geographical data is collected
meeting, emails with
instructions etc) to this  Improve digital advertising skills – creativity with
section of the portfolio (if technology
not already viewed in The learning opportunities is facilitated through the,
person by your assessor). brainstorming sessions, Online or face-to-face group discussions
and exchanges, Handouts, readings, and links to relevant
Websites, File and link sharing. There need to Improve digital
advertising skills – creativity with technology.

Application reflection Problems are analyzed for what they can contribute to the
individual and collective maturing process. Constructive
Summarise the outcomes
criticism, based on logic and rationality and intended to help the
of the application
team and its members grow in competence is welcomed. These
opportunity you provided
places a premium on fact-to-face skills associated with coaching
to team member(s),
and giving feedback. I will give constructive feedback which
combine everyone and grow together in the next step.
 feedback given to
Team members are all satisfied.
team member(s)
Formal and informal training session is very effective.
 additional support
required for teams Marketing through the social media need to change like making
and individuals small videos rather than just photos.

 feedback received
from team member(s)
 what worked well
 what should be
Attach proof of the
application opportunities
you facilitated .

Recommendations For the future learning, The team needs to invest time and effort
Develop recommendations into developing working techniques, methods, procedures and
for improvement in future ground rules to move the team toward its goal in the most
learning. efficient way consistent with preserving those other qualities
associated with effective teams.
The two learning opportunities are:
 a list of two
recommendations I) Improve digital advertising skills – creativity with technology
improvements to II) Use technology to solve and represent customer queries
The development of latest technology to take customer
 development of at
least one Digital marketing, IT officer and economic resources
recommendation to are necessary for the development.
be implemented in the
future First, the company must be committed to being socially
responsible for every move made through digital media. If not,
 resources required the company faces legal implications. This could be assimple as
for the development having a disclaimer throughout your digital advertising pieces.
of the
Your marketing team should operate with the highest ethical
standards, straying away from the risqué or questionable posts
 how the that could harm the brand.
In every promotion or contest, there needs to be adisclosure so
adheres to explicit
your audiences will not feel as if they have been deceived. This
is very simple. Either have a link that leads to the terms and
conditions or adds a line at the bottom with pertinent information
 how the to make sure the organization has operated with the best ethical
recommendation judgment and the highest legal standards. Because brands are
adheres to implicit accountable for disclosing information to their audiences, it is
organisational wise to take the proper steps to remain protected. Here are a few
 how the
Cloud Storage and Security Methods is also recommended
adheres to legislative
Attach proof of the
recommendation (e.g. plan
for more application
opportunities) to this
section of your project

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