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Manage People Performance

Assessment Task 1

Student Name Harpinder Singh Kler Student ID Number

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due Date Date Submitted

1. Outline two benefits of good group dynamics on a team’s performance.

1) Improved Results: a team operating to its fullest potential is naturally
going to get better results. They are more focused, clearer on their aims,
and work better together.
2) Greater Collaboration: greater levels of cooperation and collaboration are
possible when teams work in a more informal and supportive atmosphere.

2. Provide examples of three causes of poor group dynamics.

1) Weak Leadership: leads to lack of direction, a focus on the wrong priorities.
2) Deference to Authority: members agree with leaders and don’t share own opinions.
3) Freeriding: some members leave colleagues to do the work.

3. Explain why a team would need a team performance plan.

There are several reasons why a team would need a team performance plan. The
reasons below can be considered a viable ground for a performance improvement
plan if they affect the whole team’s output and threaten to jeopardize the project
more than once.
1) The team is having difficulty meeting deadlines;
2) The team members have problems replaying information to each other,
stalling their workflow;
3) There is a lack of internal organization;
4) The team members appear to be dysfunctional and lack professional communication;
5) The team seems lost and unsure of how their output affects the overall company goals.

4. Complete the table below to show how a performance plan

can help overcome the following scenarios:

The team is needs to complete a project by a A performance plan has definite goals and a
certain deadline. deadline (30, 60, or 90 days). So the team can
track the working progress of the project to meet
the certain deadline.

The team members do not understand the A performance plan clearly states the steps an
reason for undertaking the project or their employee should take to improve their
own involvement in it. performance. So the team members should
understand their own role well when involved in a
project by using a performance plan.

The team members are a diverse group and have A performance plan helps the team identify
many different outcomes in mind. They are specific problem areas within the group, the
struggling to organize themselves as a team. desired level of improvement, and lays out
guidelines that get the team to achieve the goals

5. Provide at least two examples of formal and informal

communications in the workplace, by completing the table below:
Formal 1) Vertical: Here, the communication is
held between different organisational
levels. So the message is either
transferred from the juniors to the team
leads to the manager or vice- versa.
2) Horizontal or lateral: This is the
communication that happens
between peers from different

Informal 1) Single strand chain: This is the type of

communication where A shares an idea
or information with B, who then passes
it to C, and so on.
2) Gossip chain: Think of the college
canteen conversations, where on person
vividly describes her recent adventures
to a group of friends gathered around
the table to listen. That’s how the
gossip chain works. One person
initiates the conversation and shares
information with a group of people,
who then pass on the information to
more people.

6. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and employees working from

remote locations, provide examples of two tools or techniques for
creating collaboration between team members.
1) Computer-mediated: this type of communication is defined as the ability to
use text and data to work on projects remotely through the use of email, text
messaging, online project management software and linked databases. Most
organizations use this system even if all of their employees are in one
2) Virtual collaboration (Zoom): one of the gold-standard companies when it
comes to enterprise video communications, Zoom provides a reliable
platform for video and audio conferencing. The product offers a single
communications suite for meetings, chat and productive workplace

7. Team leaders need to develop strategies to ensure that their team

members have input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of work. Describe at least three strategies
that can be used to accomplish this.
The strategy should express the common goal of achieving team and
organisational goals. These strategies include as follows:
 Arrange regular meetings to share experience and discuss the happened
 Encourage collaboration and team work when they are working
 Make sure each staff have the ability if priorities task
 Giving staffs a clear strategy and planning of the business
 Recognize and leverage team strengths in work activities
 Celebrate success and achieve work goals
 Promote common goals and achievements

8. Explain how to give constructive feedback to a team member.

Giving constructive criticism can be easier said than done – it’s something that
many people find challenging and can be tricky to do well. Here are some of the
top ways to give constructive feedback in a productive, respectful way.
 Establish trust
 Balance the positive and the negative
 Observe, don’t interpret
 Be specific
 Talk face-to-face
 Don’t make it personal
 Provide feedback consistently
 Be timely

9. Explain what is meant by reaching consensus in a team.

Consensus simply means reaching a general agreement on an issue with a group.
It could be thought of as the collective opinion of the group members reached
through discussion and compromise.
Reaching consensus involves distinct types of discussion – exploratory and
decision making. Exploratory talk helps team members understand their own and
others’ assumptions, values, and preferences. At this stage, team members are
attentive, open, and suspend any form of judgement. Decision making involves
team members making a decision that represents consensus and reflects group
values and goals. Critical thinking, objectivity, and flexibility are vital at this

10. Describe two strategies for reaching consensus in a team.

Teams can reach consensus using formal and informal methods. Highly
developed teams may be able to reach consensus informally. However, new
teams or groups of employees who are not familiar with each other will need
more structured methods to help them build consensus methods such as
brainstorming, multi-voting, and nominal group technique.
1) Brainstorming is a simple and effective method of generating ides in a group.
It begins with a facilitator defining the problem or the topic. Then, each
team member suggests ideas either in turn or as ideas arise and those ideas
are written on a board or flip chart. Team members should not criticize or
evaluate any idea during the brainstorming session. After the team generate
the ideas, the group refines the list by asking for explanations combining
ideas, and if necessary, prioritizing ideas from most effective to least
2) Multi-voting can reduce a list containing a large number of items to a
manageable few. At the begging of the process, each member gets a number
of votes equal to no more than one half or one third of the total number of
items listed. Members cast their votes for the items they perceive as best on
the list but may cast only one vote per item. Items receiving votes from half
or more of the group are circled. The process repeats, with members casting
limited votes for the best of the remaining circled items. The team continues
multi-voting until it reduces the list to three to five items.

11. Outline two ways that issues can be identified by team members.
If you manage a team, you’re going to run into challenges. That’s just a fact.
Problems can have external causes (a project has an unrealistic deadline, the team
is strapped for resources, etc.), or internal causes (personality conflicts). Every
team will have at least some of these problems at some point.
It’s how you tackle these challenges — whether you act proactively to address
these challenges or are constantly in reaction mode — that sets your teams apart.
Knowing some of the challenges you may face will help you address them in
advance. The (now- defunct) Harvard Business Review’s Answer Exchange
listed a set of common problems that teams encounter. Here are the problems,
and how to tackle them if you see them arising.
1) Absence of team identity: Members may not feel mutually accountable to
one another for the team’s objectives. There may be a lack of commitment
and effort, conflict between team goals and members’ personal goals, or poor
2) Poor communication: Team members may interrupt or talk over on another.
There may be consistent silence from some members during meetings,
allusions to problems but failure to formally address them, or false consensus
(everyone nods in agreement without truly agreeing).

12. Describe three strategies a team leader can use to help resolve conflict in a
Conflict is a part of any work environment. It can’t be helped. When you have a
group of people working under stress with different personalities, there’s bound
to be a few problems.
Below are some conflict resolution strategies that can help you manage volatile team
1) Define acceptable behaviors: Before there is any hint of a conflict, you can
reduce or even eliminate potential problems by setting a standard of
behaviors in the workplace. If you give the team the room to define what is
and is not appropriate, they will.
2) Don’t avoid conflict: Depending on the type of person and manger you are,
there are several ways you might respond to conflict in the workspace. For
one, you could ignore it, and let the participants work it out among
themselves. This is not always the worst approach. Teams must know how to
collaborate, and conflict resolution is one of the tools they’ll need to do that.
3) Choose a neutral location: One of the first steps to diffuse any conflict is to
change the environment. People are heated and that anger is often tied to a
place. It sounds odd, but just removing the people from the room they’re
fighting in will help put the conflict in perspective. Then, to resolve the
conflict, you’ll want to bring the upset individuals to a neutral location.
A neutral space will first bring things down to level in which a constructive
conversation can occur. Secondly, by suggesting a meeting in a coffee house,
or anywhere outside the office where there isn’t intrinsically a power
dynamic, you are more likely to create a comfortable atmosphere where you
can productively deal with whatever caused the issue.

1. The Key To Good Team Dynamics, Orangeworks, 15/04/2021, team-dynamics/#:~:text=Team
2. Develop a team performance plan in four simple steps, Clockify,
3. Performance Improvement Plan: How To Do It
Right, Everhour, 15/04/2021,
4. What Is Formal And Informal Communication,
Harappa, 15/04/2021,
5. Top 13 Tools and Apps That Make Virtual Collaboration Possible,
Aperian Global, 15/04/2021,
6. How to Give Constructive Feedback in the Workplace, Champlain
College Online, 15/04/2021,
7. Reaching Consensus, Manitoba Education,
8. Effective Teams Strive for Consensus, OPM, 15/04/2021, oversight/performance-
9. Identifying Potential Challenges with Your Team and How to Address Them,
Traitify Blog, 15/04/2021,
potential-challenges-with-your-team-and-how-to-address- them-
10. 10 Conflict Resolution Strategies that Actually Work,
Project Manager, 15/04/2021,

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