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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Thaheem Construction Company
House#175, Main Road, Khyaban-e- Jammu & Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad,
Site location* 44000, Pakistan.
Number of workers There are 1478 employees working in this company.
For the purpose of risk assessment report I have selected Thaheem Construction Company.
Thaheem Construction Company (TCC) is the subsidiary of Thaheem Construction Company. It is
offering construction services all over Pakistan in the plains, hills and mountainous terrains.  After
successfully completing a variety of several construction projects we are confident to say that we
deliver matchless quality construction service at affordable rates. It provides services in the field
of construction, in residential, commercial and industrial buildings across Pakistan. It provided
various services in the area of construction (such as, developers, builders, and consultants), High
Rise buildings, industries, automobiles, cements industries etc. This company have achieved
General description of the organisation certification of ISO-14001:2015, ISO-9001-2015 and PEC certification 2020-2021.
This company operates 24 hours having 2 shift a day. I have visited this Thaheem Construction
Company’s projects, which is the construction of Sky park One high-rise building situated in the
Gulberg Green Islamabad. The number of workers working in this Project are 165 and working
only in general shift from 08:00 am to 6:00 pm. During my visit on 26-March-2021, I have
observed many activities being executed on the work place like, welding, cutting, work at height,
grinding, concrete mixing, excavation, concrete mixing, load lifting, painting, soil compaction
painting and loading/unloading.
Description of the area to be included in the The area for the risk assessment is the raw material storage area, construction site, inventory

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risk assessment area, Mechanical workshops
Any other relevant information HSE manager and Safety Supervisor are responsible for the safety activities in the worksite.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I considered the Safety websites, International General Certification (IGC) books , International labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and
Recommendations and labour standards
I consulted Health and Safety Environment publications on different hazards with their control
Outline how the risk assessment was measures in construction site.
carried out this should include:
 sources of information consulted;
 who you spoke to; and I interviewed the labours and workers about safety management system and personal safety.
 how you identified: They were unaware of modern control measures. I had held meetings with safety manager, HSE
- the hazards; officer, contractor, site workers of the Thaheem Construction Company. They provided some
- what is already being done; and documents including Policy of the Company, medical records of injured workers, previous
- any additional controls/actions accidents, worker sick pay register and previous risk assessment records. By all these above
sources of information and safety tour with one of the representatives I observed several hazards
that may be required.
and chance of accidents. So, I recommended them for the additional control measures. I
observed the electrical hazard and referred its control measure from

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Thaheem Construction Company

Date of assessment: 26-march-2021
Scope of risk assessment: raw material storage area, construction site, inventory area, Mechanical workshops

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Vibration Worker using jack Safety signs are placed near 1. Training and instruction regarding 1 month HSE
hammer and operator the working area. vibration should be conducted. Representatives
Employee are 2. Maintenance of machine should 2 months (1-8)
using The workers are using Health Surveillance are be done periodically.
Jackhammer was jackhammer without conducted periodically. 3. Install vibration dampening to 3 weeks Maintenance
being used anti vibration gloves avoid high source of vibration. Staff (2,3)
without vibration and without provision of . 4. Ensure effective monitoring and 1 day
dampening vibration dampening supervision. Construction
device/covering. device. Jack hammer 5. Anti- vibration gloves, shoes and 1 weeks manager
creating high vibration safety helmet should be provided (1,3,4,5,7)
along with noise which to each worker.
leads to numbness, 6. Area should be cordon-off. 2 days Area In-charge
tingling sensations, 7. Provision of job break and job 3 weeks (1-8)
discoloration of fingers, rotation of worker.
muscle fatigue or 8. Ensure to maintain the 4 days
weakness, poor range occupational limits of vibrations
of motion in the hand, for the employees. The daily
arm joints or fingers, exposure limit value is :( 5.0 m.s-2
permanent or A (8) for hand-arm vibration).
temporary loss of use (1.15 m.s-2 A (8) for whole-body
of hands or arms. vibration).

Working at Mechanical Forman,  Provision of emergency 1. Barricaded the area where work 3 days HSE

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
height technicians, general arrangements at the work is carried out. Representatives
labour site. 2. Supervisor should be appointed 1 week (1-8)
Employees are  Tool Box Talk are for effective monitoring.
working at the top The worker was conducted. 3. Personal protective equipment’s 4 days
of water storage working at the top of like gloves, helmets, Coverall and Area In-charge
tank at tower and he was doing shoes should be provided to (1,2,3,4,7,8)
construction site repairing work near the workers.
with no presence stairs without presence 4. Permit to work at height 1 weeks
of guardrails on of guardrails. The document should be provided to
the around the worker are not provided worker.
stairs. with safety helmet and 5. Safety nets and airbags should 2 weeks
safety shoes. be installed.
Moreover, effective 6. Provide guardrails around the 2 weeks
monitoring are not stairs.
conducted. Fall of the 7. Working at height must not be 1 day
employees may lead to permitted if the wind speed is greater
brain damage, multiple than 20 knot at that specific height.
broken bones, paralysis 8. Workers must ensure Safe work 4 days
and may cause even Load (SWL) of stairs

Hazardous Workers, labours, Rest breaks are provided 1. Medical examinations and clinical 2 weeks HSE specialists
substance supervisor and by frequently. tests of a worker should be (1-7)
passers. Local Exhaust Ventilation conducted timely.
Asbestos used as system is present at the site. 2. Job rotation should be provided 3 weeks Area Manager
a fireproofing It employees are using Safety signs are placed. to workers. (2,5,6,7)
material on steel asbestos material for 3. Training must be provided 1 week
and columns and fire proofing material regarding asbestos hazards and
workers are and residue of precautions.
working without hazardous substances 4. Asbestos should be avoided as
respirators. are present. Moreover, fireproofing material. 2 days

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Employers are working 5. Air purifier should be arranged in
without breathing that section. 3 weeks
apparatus. There is a 6. Install ALERT Pro 1000’s device
high risk that workers for monitoring and testing device 5 days
may be exposed to of asbestos in air.
asbestos, lung cancer 7. Provide Moldex respirator with
and mesothelioma, asbestos removal kit. 6 days
cancer in larynx, oral
cavity, colon and
kidney by inhaling
asbestos fibres.

Manual handling All the workers involved Safety shoes and gloves are 1. Conduct short tool box talk to 3 days HSE specialists
in manual handling provided to the workers workers about safe manual (1-8)
Workers are activity. handling and proper lifting
manually posture before start the work. Area Manager
unloading cement Outside the building in 2. Provide frequent rest breaks to 3 weeks (2,3,4,5,6,7)
bags from laydown area workers workers.
delivery truck to are manually unloading 3. Provision of hand trolley or 3 weeks
storage area. cement bags on their handling aids to minimize manual
back from delivery truck handling hazard.
to storage area without 4. Reduce manual transportation of 1 month
provision of Handling- heavy material by providing fork
Aids machines. Lifting lift truck for transportation of
posture of workers was cement bags.
totally incorrect and 5. Provide conveyers and cargo lifts 2 months
improper. Weight of for transportation of cement bags.
each sack was 50kg 6. Provide information and arrange 3 weeks
and most of workers training about manually lifting
are lifting two bags at a weight.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
time on their back. This 7. Ensure good manual handling 3 days
unsafe practice can technique.
impart serious ill health 8. Worker should have to handle 3 days
effects on workers like load as per Osha standard which
severe back pain, disc is 20-25 kg Per person.
disorder and hump
appearance. Safety
shoes and gloves were
provided to the workers
Load handling All the workers, visitors Warning signage are mounted 1. Hold the activity immediately and 1 day HSE specialists
equipment and management staff in area. barricade the area around the (1-6)
present on site. Crane are third party mobile tower crane.
Operator of Heavy concrete rods inspected and valid inspection 2. Provide competent rigger/Bank- 2 weeks Area Manager
Mobile tower are being transferred to sticker are available on crane. man to the crane operator. (2,3,4,5,6)
crane are eleventh floor by using 3. Use two tag lines with load in 1 week
carrying out mobile tower crane order avoid rotation of load while Site- Engineer
heavy lifting there was no lifting. (1-6)
without rigger/ competent rigger/Bank- 4. Ensure mandatory and adequate 1 month
Bank-man on man to give signals to supervision and presence of
site. crane operator. Area rigging supervisor during lifting
was not barricaded operation.
around the crane. Risk 5. Arrange refresher trainings for 3 weeks
of collision with riggers and crane operators.
adjacent structure or 6. Implement permit to work system 1 month
falling of concrete rods for lifting activities.
on workers working
under and close to the
area. This might lead to
property damage and
physical injuries like

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
head or neck injury,
broken bones and even
death of workers
Movement of The workers at the The walkways for pedestrian 1. Traffic routes should be properly 1 month HSE
people and workplace and the was clearly marked. designed and cordon-off for the Representatives
vehicle trespasser. Licences and competent entrance of pedestrian. (1-6)
During the At worksite, crane, Drivers are available. 2. Traffic safety signs should be 5 days
working, the trolleys, bulldozers and There are safe areas for displayed. Maintenance
heavy vehicles other heavy vehicles loading and unloading 3. Proper inspection and 2 weeks Staff (3,6)
may have struck were moving without maintenance of the vehicles
to other vehicles, workplace safety particularly braking system, Area manager
workers, moving measures. Safety and steering, tyres, lights, mirrors and (1,2,3,4,5,6)
objects, flying awareness signs are specific safety systems, should
and stationary not displayed which be done periodically. 1 week
objects, other may show traffic 4. Provision of the high visibility
structures etc., passage. There are jackets to the workers. 1 month
during the overturning on the 5. The workers should be trained
hitching or slopes and the edges and awareness should be
unhitching of of excavation. Some of provided to them. 1 week
tractors and the vehicles had poor 6. Provision of falling-object
trailers breaking system. protective structures (FOPS)
Due to these hazards when there is a risk of being hit
result in accidents, by falling materials.
injury, LTI, Broken
bones or may cause
Health, Welfare All workers working in N/A 1. Cordon-off the area around the toilet. 3 days Area in-charge
and work the project. 2. Sanitized washroom will be 2 weeks (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
environment. available.
There were no 3. Proper disposal system of waste will 1 week HSE Manager
be implemented. (1,2,3,4,6,7)
Unhygienic provision of sanitized
4. Developed periodic and scheduled 2 weeks

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
washroom are washroom. And no maintenance and inspection of Finance
available within proper waste disposal washroom. Manager (2,5,7)
the worksite system. 5. Sufficient changing rooms will be 3 weeks
Changing room are not provided as per standard.
6. Training must be conducted 3 weeks
sufficient available
according to Covid-19.
according to the 7. Provision of Filtered drinking water
number of workers. 2 weeks
within the worksite.
Due to absence of
filtered clean drinking
water out breakage of
disease and infection
will occurred.
Electricity Employee working in the 1. Area is cordon-off 1. 3rd party inspected electrical 3 weeks Area in-charge
maintenance work and 2. Safety sign are mounted. appliance and tools will be used. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Workers are doing the worker passing near 2. Implementation of LOTO system. 2 weeks
Maintenance of the workplace. 3. Maintain the Electric Panel cover 1 month HSE Manager
generator with and periodic inspection will be (1,2,3,4,6,7)
proper No implementation of conducted.
implementation of LOTO system and 4. Conduct Tool Box Talk before any 3 days Electrical
LOTO system. workers are working activity. Supervisor
without tool box talk. High 5. Installed Earth leakage circuit 2 weeks (1,2,3,5,6)
voltage electric panels are breaker in the electrical devices.
not covered. 6. Provision of insulated PPE’s.
1 week
High voltage current can 7. Refresher training will be provided.
3 weeks
cause electrocution which
lead to unpleasant event
and may cause death.
Slips and trips All employees, visitor Provision of PPE’s 1. Presence of slip resistance surface. 2 weeks Health and
trespasser. Safety sign are mounted. 2. Provision of slip-resistance shoes. 6 days Safety Manager
Presence of wetly Area are cordon-off 3. Conduct proper and timely 1 day (1,2,4,5,6,8)
area and oil Wet surface present in housekeeping.
the workplace due to 4. Absorbent mat will be available. 1 week In-charge
spillage from the
raining. Poor 5. Inspection will be conducted 2 weeks Supervisor

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
and hazard and how? required? further actions Responsible
to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
generator. housekeeping of trailing periodically. (1-8)
cable of generator. And 6. Refresher training will be conducted. 1 month
spillage of oil from 7. Clear the pathway immediately to 1 day Finance Manger
gigantic generators can avoid any unpleasant event. (4,8)
cause broken bones, 8. Provision of oil spill kit in the 6 days
back injury, pain and workplace. HSE Manager (1-
disability. 8)

Confined Space Employees working in 1. Tool Box Talk (TBT) are 1. Provision of breathing apparatus 2 week Health and
the confined space and conducted on daily basis. BA and BA technician. Safety
Maintenance and the near-by passing 2. A Hole-watcher is present 2. Developed the permit-to-work 1 weeks Manager
cleaning work employees. outside the confined (PTW) system. (1,2,4,5,6,9)
takes place inside space. 3. Check the proper gas testing and 5 days
the storage tank Cleaning and 3. PPE’s are available. oxygen level before entry into the Site Engineer
without proper maintenance activities confined space. (1,3,5,6,7,8,9)
ventilation takes place in the 4. Develop safe working method of 3 weeks
system. confined space of the confined space.
tank. There are no 5. Develop safe access and egress 6 days HSE Manager
adequate ventilation method. (1-9)
system, difficult access 6. Develop emergency rescue 5 days
and egress path. There arrangements.
is no implement of 7. Area must be barricade. 3 days
PTW. These hazards 8. Safety sign should be mounted. 5 days
lead to loss of 9. Ensure level of supervision. 2 days
consciousness, suffer
with asphyxiation,
excess sweating,
dehydration and

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Moral Reasoning

arguments The workers performing the jobs here were prone to various hazards and dangers in the
construction site. It is the moral and ethical duty of Thaheem Construction Company to ensure that
all its employees are safe and healthy while performing their duties. As a result of exposure to
accidents, workers can be physically injured and disabled. In addition, accidents can also affect
their physical and mental health. Another ethical responsibility of employer is to make sure the
provision of first aid, health care and sick pay compensation. The morale of employees may be
reduced due to such risks.
Financial reasoning
Statistics relating to accidents/incidents and ill-health help to reinforce the message that health and
safety should be effectively managed. These statistics also demonstrate that proportionately those
who work for small businesses are at significantly greater risk than those who work for large
organizations. Costs of accidents may be calculate by arising directly and indirectly from the
accident, such as sick pay, repairs to damaged equipment, fines, and legal fees, or more difficult to
assign a monetary value to such as lost orders and business interruption. Some insured cost such
as employers’ liability, public liability, motor vehicle. Some uninsured costs are as Lost production,
legal costs in defending civil claims, prosecutions or enforcement, overtime and other temporary
labour costs to replace the injured, time spent investigating the accident and other administration
costs, fines from criminal and loss of highly trained and/or experienced.

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Legal reasoning
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 requires employers of five or more people to have a
written health and safety policy statement. It should be specific to their business, setting out their
general policy for protecting the health and safety of their employees at work, their organisation and
arrangements for putting the policy into practice so Thaheem Construction Company is legally
responsible to follow the standard. Breaching health and safety regulations is a criminal offence.
Companies have a common law duty to ensure the working environment is safe for employees. By
not doing so, you can face consequences, including fines or prison sentences.

Justification for action 1

Action Install vibration dampening to avoid high source of vibration. (Hazard Category,“Vibration”)

Specific legal arguments The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and shall include consideration of
(a)other working methods which eliminate or reduce exposure to vibration;
(b)choice of work equipment of appropriate ergonomic design which, taking account of the work to
be done, produces the least possible vibration
(c)the provision of auxiliary equipment which reduces the risk of injuries caused by vibration
(d)appropriate maintenance programmes for work equipment, the workplace and workplace
(e)the design and layout of workplaces, work stations and rest facilities
(f)suitable and sufficient information and training for employees, such that work equipment may be
used correctly and safely, in order to minimise their exposure to vibration
(g)limitation of the duration and magnitude of exposure to vibration
(h)appropriate work schedules with adequate rest periods
(i)the provision of clothing to protect employees from cold and damp.

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ILO Recommendation R156 - Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration)
Recommendation, 1977 (No. 156)
“The competent authority should, when necessary for the protection of the workers' health,
establish a procedure for the approval of personal protective equipment.”
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Worker are using jackhammer and he is exposed high level of vibration which may be unhealthy for
him because there was no dampening system installed in jackhammer which can absorb the
vibration so likelihood is high.
The worker was not using any anti-vibration gloves so the effect of Hand-Arm-Vibration (HAV) will
be greater and severity is rank as “Major” which leads to numbness, tingling sensations,
discoloration of fingers, muscle fatigue or weakness, poor range of motion in the hand, arm joints or
fingers, permanent or temporary loss of use of hands or arms.
How effective the action is likely to be in
As jackhammer are being used without vibration absorb system so in this regard, so by provision
controlling the risk. This should include:
and installation of vibration dampening system which are installed by maintenance which can help
 the intended impact of the action; in reducing hand-arm vibration through a combination of counterbalances, shock absorbers, and/or
 justification for the timescale that you decoupling internal parts from the outside casting.
indicated in your risk assessment; The given timescale for this action is 3 weeks for the provision and installation of damping system
and by the maintenance staffs.
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk. This action will fully reduce the risk with a combination of some other recommended control
measures such as Personal Protected Equipment’s.

Justification for action 2

Action Provide guardrails around the stairs .(Hazard Category “Working at height”)

Specific legal arguments ILO Convention C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167)
“Where workers are required to work on or near roofs or other places covered with fragile material,
through which they are liable to fall, preventive measures shall be taken against their inadvertently
stepping on or falling through the fragile material.”
According to Occupational Safety and Health Laws in Pakistan
“All floors, stairs, passages and gangways must be of sound construction and properly maintained
and where it is necessary to ensure safety, steps, stairs, ladders, passages and gangways must be

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provided with substantial handrails.”
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Worker are not secured during the work because of unguarded stairs and he is working at the top of
water storage tank so likelihood of fall is high because there are no supervisor and monitoring
system. The severity is rank as ‘catastrophic’ because there was no provision of safety nets and air
bags and height is more than 30 ft. where working are doing work which may lead to permanent
disability, dislocation of bones, head injury and death of labour.
How effective the action is likely to be in
At height approximately 30 feet a worker are working near the stairs at the top of water storage
controlling the risk. This should include:
tower for repairing work without provision of adequate controls measures like absence of guardrails
 the intended impact of the action; around the stairs. So he will be protected against fall. The guardrail will protect the person to work
 justification for the timescale that you in defined zone and there will be no risk of fall of person.
indicated in your risk assessment; The given timescale is 2 week for the purchasing and installation of guardrails around the stairs
and and this time is sufficient.
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk. This action will partially control the risk but somehow it will totally low the risk level with the
combination of other controls measure like safety harness, safety nets etc.

Justification for action 3

Action Provide Moldex respirator with asbestos removal kit. (Hazard Category “Hazardous Substances”)

Specific legal arguments ILO C162 - Asbestos Convention, 1986 (No. 162)
“Workers who are or have been exposed to asbestos shall be provided, in accordance with national
law and practice, with such medical examinations as are necessary to supervise their health in
relation to the occupational hazard, and to diagnose occupational diseases caused by exposure to
Pakistan Hazardous Substances Rules, 2003
Safety precautions for workers
A licensee shall ensure the following safety precautions are taken in respect of workers employed
for handling hazardous substances.
 No worker aged below 18 years or over 60 years shall be employed for any job involving
physical handling of hazardous substances.

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Protective clothing and equipment comprising helmet or cloth cap, safety spectacles or goggles,
respirators or masks, rubber gloves and work boots shall be available for all workers which may be
exposed to any hazardous substance, and no worker shall be permitted on job unless and until he
is wearing such protective clothing and equipment.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Asbestos are installed as fireproofing material on steel and columns and workforce are working
there without isolation so likelihood is high. As workers are not wearing breathing respirators and
there are no job rotation hence so severity is major long exposure of asbestos fibre inhaling leads
to lungs cancer, mesothelioma, oral cavity, colon, cancer in larynx and kidney by inhaling asbestos.
How effective the action is likely to be in
I suggested the area manager to protect the worker from hazardous substance like asbestos causal
controlling the risk. This should include:
masks are not enough so Moldex respirators should be arranged because it is reusable and it has
 the intended impact of the action; two variant half faced mask or full-face mask which is suitable in asbestos or hazardous
 justification for the timescale that you environment.
indicated in your risk assessment; I have given a timescale of 6 days in which area manager will purchase and arrange breathing
and respirators according to budget allowance.
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk. This action will fully control the risk with the combination of medical health care and job rotation.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with The company policy to review the risk assessment will be almost after 1 year, so I will set up the
reasoning date of 26, March 2022.if there will be change of international safety standard or purchasing of new

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equipment’s. Then I must have to review.
But If there will any unpleasant event, incident accidents or near-miss happened then the policy will
be updated accordingly.
How the risk assessment findings will be I will communicate my risk assessment findings by arranging a meeting with higher management
communicated AND who you need to tell including managing director, project manager, health and safety manager and line managers. I will
present all my findings through a proper multimedia presentation then I will have briefed all types of
hazards and how to control them with different ways and methods I will also discuss sufficient
knowledge about Moral economic and regulatory impacts of these unsafe practices on entire
project. To communicate all these findings to workers I will conduct mass tool box talk with all
workers working on site. Also I will send soft copy through email to all concerning parties. I will also
use notice board by posting properly designed posters for communication of findings and relevant
material will be made available on company’s intranet
How you will follow up on the risk I will set the reminder of 15 days before the execution of these controls then I will arrange the
assessment to check that the actions meetings with the HSE manager and HSE officer to know about the progress of the recommended
have been carried out controls measure. Then I physically visit the workplace and check the status of the implementation
of recommended controls measure. If these controls measures are not properly implemented or
installed then I will search out the reason behind it, if the slackness is due to in-charge then I will
find to know about the root cause. And discuss it with the HSE manager, if it is due to the Finance
issue I will arrange meeting with the finance Officer to discuss that issue. I will make the report and
forward it to the higher Authority for the completion of my Risk assessments,

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