2.2.1 Walberg's Theory of Educational Productivity

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2.2.1 Walberg's theory of educational productivity 
Walberg's (1981) theory of educational productivity, which is one of the few empirically tested theories of scho
integration of over 3,000 studies (DiPerna, Volpe & Stephen, 2002).   “Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1997) ana
reviews and 91 research syntheses and surveyed educational researchers in an effort to achieve some consensus
learning" (Greenberg et al.,  2003,  p. 470).  Using a variety of methods, Wang, et al. (1977) identified 28 categ
influential domains of variables, 8 involved social-emotional influences:  classroom management, parental supp
attributes, motivational- effective attributes, the peer group, school culture, and classroom climate (Greenberg e
state, district, or school policies, organizational characteristics, curriculum, and instruction) were less influentia
intervention in the psychological determinants of learning promise the most effective avenues for reform" (p. 21
learning characteristics (i.e., social, behavioral, motivational, affective, cognitive, and metacognitive) as the se
modification that could, in turn, significantly and positively effect student outcomes (DiPerna et al., 2002).
More recently, Zins, Weissberg, Wang and Walberg, (2004) demonstrated the importance of the domains of mo
strategies, and social/interpersonal abilities in facilitating academic performance.  Zins et al. reported, based on
Emotional Learning (SEL) program, that student’s who became more self-aware and confident regarding their l
learning goals, and who were organized in their approach to work (self- regulated learning) performed better in
O'Brien, Zins, Fredericks, Resnick, & Elias, (2003), Zins et al. (2004) assert that “research linking social, emoti
advance the new term social, emotional, and academic learning (SEAL).  A central challenge for researchers, ed
connection through coordinated multiyear programming"(p. 470).
Walberg and associates’ conclusions resonate with findings from other fields.  For example, the "resilience" lite
that despite living in disadvantaged and risky environments, certain children overcame and attained high levels
(Gutman, Sameroff & Eccles, 2002).  Wach’s (2000) review of biological, social, and psychological factors sug
“why” these resilient children had beeninoculated from the deleterious effects of their day- to-day environment
(interactive) variables were suggested, which included, aside from cognitive abilities, such conative characteris
of behavior problems (Guttman et al., 2003).
Haertel, Walberg, and Weinstein (1983) identified 8 major models of school learning that are either based on ps
based models of learning (Bennett, 1978; Bloom, 1976; Carroll, 1963; Cooley & Leinhardt, 1975; Harnischfege
constructs, Haertel et al. (1983) found that most of the 8 theories included variables representing ability, motiva
instruction.  Constructs less represented in the models were social environment of the classroom, home environ
Keith, 2002).  Haertel et al.’s (1983) review of theories, multiple quantitative syntheses of classroom research, a
surveys (Reynolds & Walberg, 1992), generally support Walberg's global model of educational productivity.
Classroom learning is a multiplicative, diminishing-returns function of four essential factors—student ability an
—and possibly four supplementary or supportive factors—the social psychological environment of the classroo
peer group, and exposure to mass media.  Each of the essential factors appears to be necessary but insufficient b
these factors appear required at least at minimum level. It also appears that the essential factors may substitute,
diminishing rates of return: for example, immense quantities of time may be required for a moderate amount of
instruction is minimal (Haertel et al., 1983, p. 76).

An important finding of the Walberg et al. large scale causal modeling research was that nine different educatio
operate vis- à-vis a complex set of interactions to account for school learning. Additionally, some student chara
attitudes) had indirect effects (e.g., the influence of the variable “went through” or was mediated via another va
The importance of the Walberg et al. group’s findings cannot be overstated. Walberg’s (1981) theory of educati
theories of school learning and is based on the review and integration of over 3,000 studies (DiPerna et al., 200
effect student outcomes:  student ability/prior achievement, motivation, age/developmental level, quantity of in
home environment, peer group, and exposure to mass media outside of school (Walberg, Fraser & Welch, 1986
(ability, motivation, and age) reflect characteristics of the student.  The fourth and fifth variables reflect instruct
variables (classroom climate, home environment, peer group, and exposure to media) represent aspects of the p
Clearly student characteristics are important for school learning, but they only comprise a portion of the learnin
More recently, Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1993) organized the relevant school learning knowledge base into
Governance &Organization, Home & Community Contexts, School Demographics, Culture, Climate, Policies &
Instruction, Classroom Practices, Learner Characteristics) and attempted to establish the relative importance of
Using a variety of methods, the authors concluded that psychological, instructional, and home environment cha
significant impact on achievement than variables such as state-, district-, or school-level policy and demographi
context of the current document, student characteristics (i.e., social, behavioral, motivational, affective, cogniti
with the most significant impact on learner outcomes (DiPerna et al., 2002).
A sampling of the major components of the school learning models summarized by Walberg and associates is p
characteristic domain in Figure 1 is the primary focus of this current document.  A larger version of this figure c
section of the current document/resource.

(c) Institute for Applied Psychometrics,llc 01-07-08

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