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8@D Gi\$XZk`m`kp,d`elk\j
KfgiXZk`j\j_fikZfem\ijXk`fej t Write the following conversation on the board and ask the
students to complete them:
A Hello. I’m Jan. What’s your name?
B __________________ Mohammed. (Hello, I’m … / My name’s
@ekif[lZk`fej …)
A Hi Elena. __________________? (How are you?)
B OK, thanks.
Jg\Xb`e^#I\X[`e^#Xe[C`jk\e`e^ A __________________ (Good night! Sleep well!)
B __________________ Sleep well!
Fe\Zfgpf]k_\nfibj_\\kZlk`e_Xc]g\igX`i t Divide students into pairs to practise them.
t Students are going to construct twelve two-line conversations
8EJN<IJ from the jumbled lines on their worksheets.
Nfibj_\\k8 t Divide students into pairs. Give Students A worksheet A and
(a)c*^+_,`-b Students B worksheet B.
Nfibj_\\k9 t Demonstrate the activity by asking Student As to read line 1 from
.Y/Z0\('X(([()] their worksheet to Student B. Ask all the Student Bs to find the
correct response from lines g–l on their worksheet and read it to
Student A. Each pair should then decide if the line is correct, and
if they agree it is, practise reading it. Students then work through
the rest of their worksheets taking it in turns to read a line from
1–12 and reply with the correct response from a–l.
t When students have paired all the lines, tell them to swap partners
and worksheets and do the activity again.

t Ask students to fold over their worksheets so that they can only
see lines 1–12. They should take it in turns to read out a line
and their partner should see if they can remember the correct
response a–l without looking at the paper.

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