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18.1 Introduction

1 18.2 Apparatus
18.3 Reagents
I 18.4 Procedure
t 18.5 Calculations

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) in ambient air can be measured by High Volume
Method. In this method air is drawn through a size-selective inlet and through a
20.3 x 25.4 cm filter at a flow rate which is typically 1132 L I min (40 ft3 I min).
Particles with aerodynamic diameters less than the cut-point of the inlet are collected by
the filter. The mass of these particles is determined by the difference in filter weights
prior to and after sampling. The concentration of suspended particulate matter in the
designated size range is calculated by dividing the weight gain of the filter by the volume
of air sampled.
Depending on the type of filter media used, filter samples can be analyzed for lead, ion,
organic and elemental carbon, extractable organic material, elements, radioactive
materials, inorganic compounds, and single particles.
i Range and Sensitivity
Lower Quantifiable Linzit : For a 24-h sample duration at 1132 L I min, the
detection limit is determined by the reproducibility of the filter weight difference
i which shows a standard deviation (0) +
of approximately 2 mg. The three-sigma
I detection limit is then approximately 3.5 pg I m3. The three-sigma lower
1 quantifiable limit depends on the filter used and may be as high as 5 pg I m3.
Upper Quantifiabb Limit : For 24-h sample duration at 1132 L I min, the limit is in
the range of 400 to 1000 pg I m3. The exact value depends on the nature of the
aerosol being sampled : very small particles will clog the filter at a relatively low
mass loading while larger particles will fall off during sample transport at high
The high volume air sampling method is applicable to all measurement of ambient
suspended particulate matter. It is accepted as a measurement of total suspended
particulars matter (TSP).
Passive Deposition : Passive deposition occurs when windblown dust deposits on a
filter both prior to and after sampling.
Inlet Loading and Re-entrainment : Material collected in size-selective inlets can
become re-entrained in the sample flow. Controlled studies are insufficient to
quantify this interference. It can be minimized by greasing or oiling inlet impaction
surfaces, though this may change the size selective properties.
Re-circulation : Re-circulation occurs when the blower exhaust, which contains
carbon and copper particles from the armature and brushes, is entrained in the
sample air. Positive biases of 0.15 pg I m3 have been measured, which are
insignificant mass interferences but which may affect carbon and copper
measurements. Recirculation can be minimized by assuring a tight seal between
the blower and the sampler housing or by ducting blower exhaust away from the
Filter Artlfizct Formation : Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, nitric ilcitl and organic
vapours can be absorbed on the filter niediu111along wilh the suspelided particles
thereby causing positive biases. Samples taken in tlie presence of high S(12
concentrations have been shown to yield up to 10 pg / m-3 of excess sulfate on glass
fibre filters.
Shipping Losses : Particle loss during transport occurs w11e11filters are heavily
loaded with large dry aerosnls. It is Inore prevalent on nienibrane tl~anon glass
fibre filters. Particles loss is ~nininlizedby shorter saniple duratiou 111 heavily
polluted environments, use of fibre as opposed as membrane filters. folding Ihe
filter prior to transport, and careful shipping procedures.
Precision and Accurucy : Mass of the filter deposit. tlow rate through tlie filter. and
sanlpling.time liavc typical precision of + 1 iiig, 5%, and + 1 nii11. respectively,
as determined froni performance tests. The accuracy ol' tliosl' ~iicasuren~ents can be
well within these tolecarices when determined with iiidepe~itlenlstanclartls. These
uncertainties combine to yield a propagated precision o f approxi n ~ tely
a f 13% a1
10 pg 1 m3 and approximately 5% at 100 pg / nl". The filter deposit Illass
measurement precisiori dominates at low concentrations while the tlow rate
precision dominates at high concentrations.

To deterrnint: Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in ambient air by High
Volume method.

Sampler : The essential features of a typical high volume sanlpler are sliowo in
Figure 18.1. It is a colllpact unit consisling a protective houling. blower. vollage
stabilizer, automatic time anrl tiine totalizer, rotameter, gastous sanipli~~gassembly, filter
holder capable of supporting a 20.3 x 75.4 cm glass fibrc Eiltcr.


Peaked Roof Inlet : The peaked roof inlet is the oldest size selective inlet and consists ol'
a right triangular structure with an open hypotenuse placed over the filter. Over 50% o f
the particles smaller than 30 p to SO p diameter penetrate this inlet (;it 566 to
1698 L 1 mi11flow rates) and deposit on the filter. The peaked roof inlet tloes not have a
sharp sampling effectiveness curve and is intended primiuily to protect tlie filter fro111
dust-fall. The sampling effectiveness of this inlet varies depe~ldingon its orient;ition with
respect to wind direction and on the wind spcerl.
Manual Volume Flow Controller : A variable voltage transformer placed in series with the Environmental Engineering
blower controls the blower motor power. The motor speed varies with the voltage
supplied, and the flow rate through a filter can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the
voltage to obtain the hesired value for the resistance of the filter being used. The flow
rate decreases as filter deposit increases, but this change is normally less than 10% and is
quantifiable via pre-and post-exposure flow measurements.
Laboratory Equipment
Controlled Environment : A clean laboratory environment is required for filter
inspection, equilibration, and weighing. A temperaure in the range of 15 to 30°C
with f 3OC variability and a relative humidity of 20 to 45% with f 5% variability is
Light Table : A photographic slide viewing table is used for filter inspection.
Analytical Balance : The balance must be equipped with an expanded weighing
chamber to accommodate 20.3 x 25.4 cm filters and must have a sensitivity
of 0.1 mg.
Equilibration Rack : This rack separates filters from one another so that the
equilibration air can reach all parts of the filter surface. A photog~aphrecord rack
serves this purpose well.
Numbering Machine : Though filter ID numbers can be written on the edge of
filters with a pen, an incrementing numbering machine that prints 4 to 8 digit ID
numbers is more efficient and is less likely to damage the filter.
Wet Bulb'/ Dry Bulb Psychrometer : The temperature and relative humidity of the
controlled filter processing environment is measured and recorded before and after
each filter processing session. Adjustments are made to the environmental control
system when equilibration conditions exceed pre-set tolerances.
Calibration and Auditing Equipment
Primary Flow Rate Standard : A positive volume displacement device serves as a
p r i m a standard. A spirometer, a "frictionless" piston meter, or a Roots meter can
serve as such a standard.
Orifice Transfer Standard : The high volume sampler calibration orifice consists of
a 3.175 cm (1.25 in) diameter hole in the end cap of 7.62 cm (3 in) diameter by
20.3 cm (8 in) long hollow metal cylinder. This orifice is mounted tightly to the
filter support in place of the'inlet during calibration. A small tap on the side of the
cylinder is provided to measure the pressure drop across the orifice. A flow rate of
1132 L / min through the orifice typically results in a pressure difference of several
inches of water. The relationship between pressure difference and flow rate is
established via a calibration curve derived from measurements against a primary
standard at standard temperature and pressure. Flow resistances that simulate filter
resistances are introduced at the end of the calibrator opposite the orifice by a set
of perforated circular disks.
Manometer : A calibrated pressure gauge or water manometer spanning
0 to 15 inches of water (0 - 4 kPa) is used to determine the pressure drop across the
Barometer : The atmosphereic pressure at the time of calibration and at the time of
measurement is determined with a barometer. Flow rate corrections are made if
these two pressures differ by more than 5 (4% of standard 101.3 kPa).
Thermometer : The atmospheric temperature at the time of calibration and at the
time of measurement is determined with a thermometer. Flow rate corrections are
made if these two temperatures differ by more than 15OC (5% of standard 298 K).
Class-S Weights : A 3 g standard mass of Class-S or Class-M quality is used to
verify the span of the analytical balance.
Analytical Balance : Some analytical balances can be calibrated by the operator
while others require specialized skills to re-calibrate. In general, analytical
balances should be calibrated when first purchased; any time the balance is moved;
at least every twelve months, or whenever an NBS traceable 3.0000 g weight
registers outside f 0.5 mg of its designated weight. At each weighing session a
balance calibration check is performed using a Class S or Class M weight.
Laboratory I1
Filter Media : A 20.3 x 25.4 cm (8 x 10 in) fibre filter is used to collect particles. The
choice of filter type results from a compromise among the following filter attributes :
(i) mechanical stability, (ii) chemical stability,
(iii) particle sampling efficiency, (iv) flow resistance,
(v) clogging level, (vi) blank values,
(vii) artifact formation, and (viii) cost and availability.
EPA filter requirements specify 0.3 um DOP sampling efficiency in excess of 99%,
weight losses or gains due to mechanical or chemical instability of less than a 5 pg / m3
equivalent, and alkalinity of less than 25 micro-equivalent / g to minimize sulfur dioxide
(SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) absorption. The most appropriate filter media for high
volume sampling are cellulose fibre, glass fibre, quartz fibre, Teflon coated glass fibre,
and Teflon membrane. None of these materials are perfect for all purposes.
Glass fibre filters meet requirements in most categories with the exception of artifact
formation and blank levels. Sampling efficiency is very high for all particle sizes. Blank
levels for several elements of interest are high and variable. Glass fibre filters may
exhibit organic carbon artifacts.
Filter Jacket : A smooth, heavy paper folder or envelope is used to protect the filter
between the lab and field and during storage. Filter and sampling data are often recorded
on the outside of the jacket, but this should not be done while the filter is in the jacket to
prevent damage.

Filter Inspection : Clean the light table surface with a methanol soaked wiper and allow it
to dry. Filters should be handled with flowed hands to prevent contamination. Place each
filter on the light table and examine it for pinholes, loose particles, tears, creases, lumps,
or other defects. Loose particles may be removed with a soft brush. Filters not meeting
visual criteria should not be used. If, chemical analyses are to be performed, one or two
filters from each lot should be analyzed for blank levels and the lot should be rejected if
pre-set specifications are not met.
Filter Identification : Apply an ID number to the upper right hand comer on the
smoothest side of each filter with the incrementing number machine. Gentle pressure
must be used to avoid damaging the filter. Record this number in a chain-of-the custody
logbook and on a filter jacket. The chain-of custody logbook contains columns opposite
every filter ID to record dates and technician initials for filter inspection, equilibration,
pre-weighing, shipment to field, receipt from field, re-equilibration, post-weighing and
These records identify the disposition of kach sample and prevent the creation of two
samples with the same ID.
Filter Equilibration : Place blank or exposed filters in a storage rack in the controlled
temperature and relative humidity environment (15 to 27OC and 0 to 50%, relative
humidity) for 24 hours prior to weighing. The rack should separate filters such that all
surfaces are exposed to the equilibration environment. Measure the temperature and
relative humidity of the controlled environment and record the values in the equilibration
column of the chain-of-custody logbook.
Filter Weighing : It is best to weigh filters in groups of ten to fifty. Wear gloves for all
filter handling. Stack filter jackets with data forms printed on them in the same order (in
ascending order of filter ID numbers, if possible) as the order of filters in the
equilibration rack. Adjust the balance tare to read zero with nothing in the weighing
chamber and adjust the span to read (or verify that it reads) 3.00000 g with the 3 g
standard weight on the weighing pan. Place a filter in the weighing chamber and adjust
the balance to its equilibrium position. If a stable reading cadnot be obtained, it may be
necessary to neutralize electrostatic charges with a radioactive source prior to and during
weighing. Record the weight on the data form in the blank or exposed filter column.
Verify the zero and span every ten filters. If these differ from their normal values by more
than 0.1 mg, re-adjust them and re-weigt the previous ten filters. Place each filter in the
filter jacket when weighing is complete, but do not seal the jacket opening. A separate Environmental Engineering
technician randomly selects four filters or ten percent of all filters in the batch (whichever
is larger) re-weigh them and subtract this check-weight value from the corresponding
routine weight. If any check weight differs by more than f 4.0 mg from the routine
weight, re-weight the entire batch of filters. Seal filter jackets and ship blank filters to the
field or place exposed filters into storage.
Field Sampling : Tilt back the inlet and secure it according to manufacturer's instructions.
Loosen the faceplate wing nuts and remove the face plate. Remove the filter from its
jacket and centre it on the support screen with the rough side of the filter facing upwards.
Replace the faceplate and tighten the wind nuts to secure the rubber gasket against the
filter edge. Gently lower the inlet. Inertial jet and cyclonic inlets must have their seals in
contact with the top of the faceplate. Look underneath the inlet just as it is coming into
contact with the faceplate to assure that this contact is being made. It may be necessary to
readjust the position of the filter / motor assembly in the sampler housing to obtain such a
seal. Excessively windy and wet conditions should be avoided when changing samples.
I Pre-loading in a filter cartridge assembly, temporary removal of the sampler to a
protected area, or a wind or rain shield may be used if the sample must be changed in
inclement weather. Set the timer for the desired start and stop time. Replace the chart
paper in the flow recorder, if there is one, set the proper time, and mark the time and date
on the chart. For a manually flow controlled sampler turn on the motor for five minutes
and measure the exhaust pressure with a pressure gauge or rotameter. Read the flow rate
corresponding to this exhaust pressure from the calibration curve and record it on the data
sheet. Turn off the motor and assure that the timer is in its automatic mode. For
automatically flow-controlled units, record the designated flow rate on the data sheet.
Record the reading of the elapsed time meter. The specified length of sampling is
commonly 8 hours or 24 hours. During this period, several reading (hourly) of flow rate
should be taken.
After sampling is complete, record the final flow rate and the elapsed time in the same
manner. Subtract the initial elapsed time from the final elapsed time to determine the
sample duration. Remove the faceplate by removing the wing nuts. Foldthe filter in half
lengthwise by handling it along its edge with the exposed side inward. Insert the filter in
its jacket. Note the presence of insects on the deposit, loose particles, non-centered
deposits, evidence of leaks, and unusual meteorological conditions on the data sheet.
Mark the flow recorder chart, if any, and return it with the data sheet.

Calculation of Volume of Air Sampled
V = QT

where, V = Volume of air sampled in m3,

Q = Average flow rate in m3 / minute, and
T = Total sampling time in minute.
Calculation of Suspended Particulars Matter in Ambient Air

(Wf- W,) x lo6

where, SPM = Mass concentration of suspended particles in pg / m3,
Wi = Initial weight of filter in g,

Wf = Final weight of filter in g,

V = Volume of air sampled in m3, and
10 = Conversion of g to pg.
Laboratory - I1
(1) Lenore S. Clesceri; Arnold E. Greenberg, R. Rhodes Trussell, "Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater", Published by American Public Health
Association, Washington.
(2) Mark, J. Hammer, "Water and Wastewater Technology", John Wiley & Sons

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