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Paper accepted for presentation at PPT 2001

2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference

loth-13th September, Porto, Portugal

Harmonic Filter Design and Power Factor

Correction in a Cement Factory
Belgin Turkay

+ stanbul Technical University, Electrical & Electronics Faculty

Electrical Engineering Department
stanbull TURKEY

ii) Use of DC smoothing reactor.

iii) Use of AC harmonic filters
Abstract- This paper presents, a study of harmonic filters design iv) Use of DC harmonic filters.
to minimise harmonic distortion caused by harmonic source such
as drives and power factor correction in a cement factory. A number of authors devoted their studies to filter out the
Nonlinear loads and rolling mill drives generate significant harmonic currents. Heydt and Gredy [4] used three simple
harmonic currents that flow through the plant and utility power filter structures; a single branch of series RLC (or single-tuned
system. These harmonic currents cause system voltage distortion
and power loss in the system and interact with power factor
filter) connected to the bus. The test system had several
correction capacitor banks leading to equipment failures. distributing non-linear loads. The dominant harmonic in this
Experimental harmonic measurements have been recorded using case was the fifth component and the proposed filter was
a power and harmonic measurement device. Different single tuned to a frequency of 300Hz. A fixed quality factor of
alternatives of filter design have been considered before making 60 was used for filter inductor. Hammond [5] suggested the
the final decision on filter configuration. Among the criteria used use of second order high-pass filters. The advantage of second
for performance evaluation are losses, current, and voltage order is that it provides constant impedance to the harmonic
ratings of each filter and system contingency conditions. The currents above certain corner frequency. It also helps in
design and performance of single tuned and high pass filters and reducing commutation notches and it requires less total
methodology used for the analysis will be discussed.
capacitance than the notch filter. The disadvantage is the
significant power losses (both fundamental and the harmonic)
Keywords: Power system quality, harmonics, filter. in the high-pass resistor. In their interesting work, Montarani
and Loggini [6] used the effectiveness of harmonic filters and
I. INTRODUCTION transformers reactance in compensating the reactive power.
The effectiveness of transformer reactance in reducing voltage
With the increase of non-linear loads in power notch and distortion factors was discussed. A smaller
systems, the voltage and current waveforms are becoming commutation angle lead to higher harmonic components. The
more distorted and power quality is deteriorating. Because of voltage notch dimensions were affected by location of the
this development it has become essential to assess any adverse filter and the ratio of protection and equivalent supply
effects which harmonic may produce in a system. These reactance. Makram and Subraminam 131 investigated
effects are best acertained by carrying out field measurements harmonic filters design to minimise harmonic distortion
[ 1. These measurements need to be compared to a standard to caused by drives. In their work, the steady state and transient
evaluate whether or not they are harmful. In the USA an analysis of harmonic filters has been presented. Andrews and
American Standard (IEEE) applies and in Europe IEC Bishop[7] suggested the analytical technique used to correct
Standard applies. Measured harmonics significantly higher power factor in modern steel manufacturing facility. In that
than the recommended levels would be considered work, THD on the system has been reduced, plant power
unacceptable. factor has been improved and power factor penalties have
Harmonics have harmful effects on generators, been eliminated.
motors, capacitors, supply circuits etc. It is essential to limit In this paper, power system harmonic field measurements,
harmonic content in waveforms. power factor correction and harmonic analysis in the cement
Harmonics in AC and DC waveforms are minimised by factory are considered to save electrical energy and to improve
following means: power quality. To this end, a harmonic filter design in order to
minimise harmonic distortion and to correct power factor in
1) Use of 3 phase converter bridges or higher pulse
number. However, pulse number 2 is most the cement factory is presented.
economical and is used in present HVDC systems.

0-7803-7139-9/01/$10.00 02001 IEEE

ILHARMONIC FIELD MEASUREMENTS Table 1. Harmonic measurement results for the power
Harmonic measurements have been taken at five different
cement factories whose energy consumption was very high.
The measurements have been taken at motor and unite. A
typical example system where the measurements have been
taken is shown in Fig. 1


1 -
0.4 hV

Fig. 1. Sample system

Harmonic measurements have been recorded in the cement

factory. One of the measurement sets has been taken at the
power transformer low voltage side. This power transformer
feeds a rotary mill, which is driven by semiconductor devices
injecting harmonics into power system. These measurements
have been compared to a standard to evaluate whether or not
they are harmful.
The recorded current waveform having harmonic
components is shown in Fig. 2. 22 0 0
23 63 2
24 0 0
25 5,5 2
Distorlion T H D A = % 12
600 Three
phase load 136,3 kVAr
PF= 0,782

-400 -
-600 -
Time (ms)
Filters are basically LC circuits whose L and C
parameters are selects such that complete LC circuit of the
Fig. 2. The recorded current wave form filter resonates at a particular frequency. AC harmonic filters
reduce the harmonic content in the AC network to acceptable
limits. Shunt filters are connected between power line and
earth. The design of shunt filters is based
on the resonance phenomenon R,L,C series and parallel
ilSinEle- Tuned Filter
It is a single RLC circuit tuned to the frequency of
one particular harmonic. A LC circuits resonates at particular

1 frequencies the filter impedance rises steadily. For lower

(2) values of Q, i.e.,0.5, the response at the corner frequency
= 2nJLC increases, while the impedance is roughly constant.
At this frequency the filter circuit offers low
impedance to harmonic of f and high impedance to other Other factors to be considered in the choice of Q include,
As it is seen from the Tablel, 5‘” harmonic of the system is i) The frequency to which the filter is tuned,
8 YO,which is higher than the IEEE standards. The filter will ii) The concern for telephone interference (if any),
be tuned to 4.7‘h harmonic because of the risk of filter’s iii) Losses.
resonating with the system’s natural frequency.
The capacitor value, which will be used in the single- High Pass Filter Component ratings are given in Table 3.
tuned filter, is previously calculated as 200pF part (ii). L will
be calculated from resonance frequency, and R will be Table 3. Filter Component Ratings
calculated from quality factor, which is a measure of the
sharpness of the tuning. Quality factor can be chosen between
10-25 [7,8], and it is defined as,
f (Frequency) I 235HzI 535Hz



Filter Component ratings are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Filter Component Ratings Various factors such as reactive power requirements for
power factor correction, parallel resonant peaks resulting from
interaction of filter and source impedance should be
considered when designing filter to correct harmonic problem.
A properly designed electrical supply system is necessary
L (Inductance) 2.29 mH
for reliable and efficient operation of cement factory. The
paper has presented harmonic filter design for an actual
cement factory.
The field measurement has been useful in the analysis,
ii) High-Pass Filter providing input data and information to design a filter.
A high pass filter stops all frequencies below its cut
off frequency and passes all frequencies above it. First order In this study, harmonic filters have designed for actual
high-pass filter is characterised by large power losses at the cement factory. In both analyses, at the bus where filter is to
fundamental frequency but a good filtering action. Second be placed the filter capacitor is calculated based on power
order filter is characterised with an acceptable filtering action factor calculation. The designed filters reduced THD on the
and power loss at the fundamental frequency. Third order has system and improved plant power factor.
a superior loss performance but does not have an effective In this paper two different filter types have been discussed
filtering action. So, according to the above-mentioned reasons, to correct power factor of the system and to minimise the
the second order high-pass filter is more suitable to apply [7]. harmonic distortion.
It can be concluded that there is not general type of filter
The impedance of second-order high-pass filter is given by suitable for every system.

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[5] Petr. W. Hammond “a Harmonic Filter Installation to
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[6] Maura Loggini, Gian Carlo Montanari, Enrico Tironi
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