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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION CITY OF MANILA FIELD OFFICE Room 445 Manila City Hall, Antonio Villegas Street, Ermita, Manila MEMORANDUM TO ‘ ALL PUNONG BARANGAYS SUBJECT : PREPARATION OF DOCUMENTS FOR 2022 BARANGAY ANTI-DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL (BADAC) FUNCTIONALITY AUDIT DATE i MAY 11, 2022 Pursuant to DILG Advisory dated March 15, 2022, regarding the Implementing Guidelines for the Conduct of FY 2022 BADAC Functionality Audit, all Punong Barangays are enjoined to prepare the following documents covering the period of C.Y. 2021 and ensure the availabilty of the same not later than May 30, 2022 for the upcoming Face-to-Face Audit: Executive Order organizing BADAC; Copy of Certificate of Completion’ Participation; BADAC Activity Report re Training of BAT with Attendance Sheets; BADAC monthly Minutes of Meeting with Attendance Sheets; BADAG Activity Report re Community-based and School-based IEC campaign activity; BADAC Activity Report re IEC. campaign activity prepared by Youth and CSO; BADAC Aativity Report re IDADAIT and DAPC Week, Copy of Barangay Duty Officers’ logbook or copy of logbook! reports from mandated agencies where the resident surrendered; Copy of referral letter from the barangay, received by MADAO and law enforcement agencies; 10. List of updated number and status of residents enrolled and completed their Weliness and Recovery Intentions issued by MADAO, 11. List of updated number of residents enrolled and completed in CSAR or any reintegration program interventions issued by MADAO 12. Certificate of submission from MADAO and MPD regarding Consolidated Information Report (CIR); 19. Copy of approved Barangay CSAR Plan or any reintegration program received by MADAO; 14. Photo showing the desk/ table and the duty officers; 15, Copy of approved BADAG Plan of Action (BADPA) or approved Barangay Peace and Order and Public Safety (BPOPS) Plan; 16. Copy of approved Barangay Annual Budget with budget allocation for the BADAC; and 17. Copy of Annual BADAC Accomplishment and Fund Utilization Report The templates forms may be accessed through For guidance and compliance of all concerned @NOAaON= © INE Zinver, CESOV City Director yy 2022. 954 ene! Cie Notes er the 2022 BADAC Funconaity uct Perfomance an Functonaity intr, Equivalent ‘Suton Regared Decumests heave of Vacation HOV} « Hon Fransico isk Moreno" Bomagose Shy Mayr Me. Romeo S. Bagay Head, Mania Barangay Bureau DILGManaaRAWISCUyjal *Matino, Mahusay, at Masasahan’ et (ny 34444 tana cm bracoback consonants ‘Guide Notes for the 2022 BADAC Functionality Audit Performance and Functionality Indicators, Equivalent Points and Required Documents! Means of Verification (MOV): a PERFORMANCE AND EQUIVALENT | REQUIRED DOCUNENTS/ MEANS GF FUNCTIONALITY INDICATORS POINTS \VERIFICATION (MOV) is composed of at least sever = Ome 5 | Regured Exaovive Otar Supporting MOVs: [eucorene ones a z ECan sre pees mniiea nA = “Copies of 10s issued to BADAC members ca ee 2 “Appoiniment papers | BADAG Autliary Team (GAT) Is ~ ] organized 2 “BADAG Organizational Structure “Copias of IDs issued to BAT members “Appointment papars | Barangay House Clusters are organized | with designated House Cluster Leaders | % “BADAC Organizational Siracture | “Copies of IDs. issued 10 House Cluster Leaders - “Apponiment papers Barangay Duly Offoars (BDO) ae | ‘Required: Executive Order designated “Supporting MOVs: 7 "BADAC Crosnizational Structure “Copies of IDs issued to Barangay Duty Omnicers | “Apporiment papers Punong Barangay (PB) has atiended at ‘Required: Copy of Corifeate of Completion! feast one (1). training’ capabilty Partkipation ‘enhancement activity on strengthening 4 ‘Supporting MOVs: BADACS o other related trainings “Copy of attendance sheet with tie of the ‘activity, date tine, and venue “Attastation from the lead organizer PE has alended taining’ planning ‘Roquired: Copy of Corifieate of Completion! ‘session on Community Support, Parteipation Atercare snd Reintegration (CSAR) 4 ‘Supporting MOVs: ‘organized by MADAC “Copy of attendance sheet with title of the ‘activi, date/time, and venue _% Attestation from tne lead organizer BADAG fas conducted at Teast one (1) ‘Required BADAG acivly report with relevant airing for house cluster attendance sheets leaders MOVs: Photo’ video documentation “Copies of evaluation or feedback forms 2 “Copy of signed liquidation report “Copies of carificates of completion! participation awarded to cluster leaders "Any roof of attendance to taining on BADAC provided by DILG, PDEA, MPO, MTRC, ete. | Any proot of relevant training conducted by _ the barangay itself | BADAG has conducted at least one (1) ‘Required. BADAG aciviiy repent wih relevant training for BAT attendance sheets Supporting MOVs: Photo! video documentation “Copies of evalvation or feedback forms 2 “Copy of signed liquidation report “Copies "of certificates of completion! paricpation awarded to BAT members “any proof of attendance to training on BADAG Brovided by DILG, PDEA, MPD, MTRC, etc. “Any root of relavant (raining conducted by she barangay itself BOOS have sitended at least one (1) Required Copies of cortieate of complaion! raining on Community Based participation ‘Rehabaltation Program (GBRP) ‘Supporting MOVs: “Copy of attendance sheot with tle of the activi, data time, and venue © “Phote’ documentation (with the speaker! faciltator and other participants in the photo) ‘Attestation from the lead organizer “Any proot of attendance 10 traning on BADAG provided by DILG, PDEA, MPD, MTRC. etc. Any proof of relevant training conducted by the barangay itself | PERFORMANCE AND FUNCTIONALITY INDICATORS EQUIVALENT POINTS REQUIRED DOCUMENTS! MEANS OF VERIFICATION (MOV) BADAC has conducted at least one (1) BADAC Consultative Meeting with ‘Stakeholders Required GADAC activity report with | attendance sheets ‘Supporting MOVs: -Phototvidee documentation. “Minutes of meeting | proceedings “Minutes of barangay assemblies with ‘discussions.on legal drugs | BADAC has conducted BADAC ‘monthly meetings. “Required. Copies of BADAC monthly minutes | ‘of meeting with attendance sheets ‘Supporting MOVs: Minutes of barangay reguiar sessions with ‘discussions on illegal drugs BADAG has organizedico-organized at least. (2) community-based IEC campaign setvities ‘Required BADAC activi reper Supporting | ‘Move | “Attendance sheets | “Phototvideo documentation “Copies of evaluation or foscack forms “Copy of signed iquidation report “Copy of EC matenals used BADAG has organized/co-organized at least ‘one (1) schookbased IEC campaign aetvity “Required GADAC activity report Supporting MOVs: Attendance sheets =Phototvideo documentation Copies of evaluation or feecack forms “Copy of signed iuidaton report “Copy of IEC materials used “Any activity organized with schools outside ‘ne barangay juacitionis accepted Conduct of at feast one (1) youtT-led fog. Bray SK or any youth fg) school or ‘community-based IEC campaign activity 18 “Required: Copy of activity report prepared by ‘the youth organization ~Gopies of evaluation or feedback forms: Copy of signed liquidation report “Copy of IEC materials used _ Conduct of al Teast one (1) CSO-ied school or community-based IEC campaign activity 18 ‘Requireet Copy of activity report prepared by the CSO Supporting MOVs: “Attendance sheets “Photatvideo documentation |-Copies of evaluation oF feectack forms activities in observance of IDADAIT une 26, 2021) Required: BADAC acthity report Supporting MOVs, Attendance sheets | MADRO MPO POEA oto any concer tose BADAC has subriied updeied number RogUired Us oT apdaied wriber of eacaris Chrmcerts uo have competed te ‘so completed he CAR or any rategraton sth orany Program inventions sewed by Seeralea ppt pret EabacaaoAe Supporting MOVs: 1 Copies of certificate of completion “Copies of Gearonce cocate iesued by cee SRecating copy of comanent submited to MADAO MER” PDEA or ts any concemed = agen | BADAC has submitted updated summary ‘Required. Certificate of submission from erconelseteé Iformaton Report (CIR) | gg —_'| CABACIMADAC and local PNP unit fCADACNIADAC Supporting MOVs" ‘Zep of recalved rans form | BABS has —sabnliod — paid Repeired. Catiicals of SubnasoR TO Coneotcatediferneton Nopon iRiie | ggg | EABMCMADAG ard nel PNP ut EREREMADAG or cal BNP unt move opr of recelved vansmital orm EADAG fat sibriiod iS Baangay SAR Plan or any equivalent Required: Copy of approved Barangay CSAR reintegration program — plan as 1 Plan or any reintegration program received by (renperated in they Garangey ATED SADAGMADAC Plan of Action (BADPA) Barangay nat a pyc Geek Tbe a abet belial {or to Barangay Fehabitaton Reteral ' relia il song nda | Desk = ‘Barangay has BADAC Pian of Action 10 ‘Required Copy of approved BADPA or copy (eans approved BPOPS Plan with BADPA Sergey has aIScad Water ore te | Required: Copy of approved Barangay Annual Baoee Bagot budget cation forthe BADAC | BADAG has submited is Annual ‘Required: Copy of Annual BADAC BADAG Accomplishment and Fund 78 rua BA BADAG | Accom Setompateor ea Fund aston Repo TOTAL 70

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