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1. Mabuhay recruitment agency is testing 30 applicants; the examiner wants there to

be only one independent variable -- the individual being tested. To ensure this, the
examiner administers (an)
(A) Intelligence test
(B) Personality test
(C) Standardized test
(D) Random error
(E) Individual test
2. Which is an advantage of group testing for applicants?
(A) Reduction of cost
(B) More reliable norms
(C) More objective scoring
(D) Both A and B
(E) All of the above
3. Which of the following activities would require divergent thinking?
(A) Adding a column of numbers
(B) Deciding whether to turn to right at an intersection while driving a car
(C) Choosing the best move in a card game
(D) Repairing a broken typewriter
(E) All of the above.
4. Organization theory uses reinforcement to increase worker efficiency and
satisfaction. According to this theory, the best time to reward a worker is
(A) At the end of the year in the form of a bonus.
(B) An interval of 2 weeks.
(C) When he first begins work in the company.
(D) Immediately before a task is performed.
(E) Immediately after a task has been performed.
5. This area concentrate on workplace design, human-machine interaction,
ergonomics, and physical fatigue and stress.
(A) Human resource management
(B) Human factors
(C) Human-machine interaction
(D) Human resource development
(E) Performance evaluation

6. which of the following are contributions not mandated by the government

(B) PhilHealth
(C) Pag-ibig
(9) Life insurance
(E) 13th month pay
7.Promoting employees until they eventually reach their highest level of
(A) Peter principle
(B) Performance appraisal
(C) The Human factor
(D) Person power planning
(E) Job design
8. It is a process where the organization becomes fully aware of certain problems.
(A) Organizational Analysis
(B) Job design
(C) Feedback
(D) Job analysis
(E) Organizational update
9. How often should a Job Description be update?
(A) Ever: 10 years
(B) Every 6 months
(C) Every year
(D) Should be updated if a job changes significantly
(E) Should be updated if there is a change in leadership
10. The sub-field of I/O psychology that would most likely examine how employees
balance their work and non-work lives is:
(A) quality of worklife
(B) training and development
(C) performance management
(D) selection and placement
(E) all of the above
11. The present stage in the history of I/O psychology is referred to as:
(A) government intervention
(B) toward specialization
(C) the information ages
(D) technological change
(E) none of these
12. A local company decided to give its employees a chance to voice their opinions
through the use of a suggestion system. Employees initially appreciated this
opportunity and the productivity in the plant increased significantly. After a few
months, however, the novelty of the suggestion system wore off and employees
returned to previous levels of performance. This is an example of:
(A) the Doppler effect
(B) the Hawthorne effect
(C) the Supressor effect
(D) the Conundrum effect
(E) none of these
13. In a research study on predicting successful sales clerks, the number of
customers served per hour represents:
(A) the conceptual criterion
(B) the predictor criterion
(C) the actual criterion
(D) the dynamic criterion
(E) none of the above
14. A company evaluates its three shifts of production workers by recording the
number of units produced per 8-hour shift However, the three shills have unequal
numbers of production workers. In this case, shift productivity is a__________
criterion measure.
(B) Contaminated
(C) relevant
(E) none of the above
15. Which of the following would not be used as a SNIE?
(A) Incumbent
(B) subordinate of incumbent
(C) Supervisor of incumbent
(D) work analysis
(E) none of the above
16. The_____________ is a resource that provides information on a wide variety of
occupations, which also ludes information on market conditions, compensation levels
for various jobs, and career assessment instruments.
(E) All of the above
17. A___________identifies key- attributes that can be generally applied across all
(A) job evaluation
(B) managerial analysis
(C) competency model
(D) worker-oriented procedures
(E) job analysis
18. To obtain a job in the warehouse, a Company requires female applicants lift a 50-
pound o to assess their strength to perform the job. The company does not make
male applicants lift this package. This would be an example of:
(A) Non-normal treatment
(C) Non-normal impact
(D) social validity
(E) rote playing
19.Mabayag College requires a student to achieve a grade point average of 2.00 (C
average to graduate, that grade point average represents:
(A) criterion cut-off
(B) validity ratio
(C) reliability index
(D) predictor cut-off
(E) all of the above
20. Santos Incorporated has repeatedly and consistently engaged in discriminatory
hiring practices, which of the following remedies most likely would be used?
(A) preferential, election
(B) quotas
(C) active recruiting
(D) passive c recruiting
(E) stringent hiring
21. 1190% employees in a given job perform that job at or above the company's
expectations, then 90% represent the:
(A) selection ratio for the job
(B) base rate for the job
(C) banding cut-off
(D) predictor cut-off
(E) Predictive validity
22. One characteristic of being an expert is that in your area of expertise you can
perform many tasks without much cognitive effort. This characteristic is referred to
(A) proceduralization
(B) knowledge compilation
(C) automaticity
(D) meta-cognition
(E) familiarization
23. One approach to managing a diverse workforce is to ignore cultural differences.
This "color-blind" perspective is called:
(A) a derailment view
(B) a melting-pot conception
(C) a socio-cultural view
(D) a multi-culturalism conception
(E) diversification
24. Jason is an executive vice-president of the Mindanao division of Eastern Dragon
Corporation. He occasionally meets with Rachel, who is an assistant manager in the
Visayas division, to provide her with both job-related guidance and psychosocial
support. Jason is most likely Rachel's:
(A) special peer
(B) executive coach
(C) mentor
(D) protege
(E) all of the above
25. After the training program ends, the trainers ask the trainees what they thought of
the Did the' like it? Are they glad they came? This is an example of the program. level
of training evaluation.
(A) reaction
(B) learning
(C) behavioral
(D) results
(E) feedback
26. A company spends Php 50,000 on a training program aimed at reducing injuries
and accidents. After training, the company saves Php 100,000 in lost time from work
among injured employees. This is an example of the level of training evaluation
(A) reaction
(B) behavioral
(C) learning
(D) results
(E) feedback
27. Performance appraisal is a component of:
(A) personnel recruitment
(B) performance management
(C) placement
(D) affirmative action
(E) job evaluation
28. Performance appraisal can be used for all of the following I/O psychology
functions EXCEPT:
(A) promotions
(B) personnel research
(C) recruiting
(D) employee training
(E) all of the above
29. If your supervisor believes that you are very bright, and based on this
assessment, rates you high on other traits (such as conscientiousness, initiative,
etc.), then mostly likely he or she is committing which type of error?
(A) leniency error
(B) acquiesce error
(C) central tendency error
(D) halo error
(E) bias
30. In a performance appraisal system all employees are rated on a I. to 10 scale in
which 10 equals "excellent" and 1 equals "poor." This scale is used to rate employees
on several dimensions including such aspects as: Leadership, Teamwork, and
Initiative. This represents a:
(A) graphic rating scale
(B) critical incidents
(C) forced distribution
(D) paired comparison
(E) performance assessment
31. All of the following are true regarding performance appraisal interview s EXCEPT:
(A) Typically, supervisors are not anxious about the interview with their subordinate.
(B) Subordinates are typically nervous going into this interview.
(C) A typical objective of the interview is for future planning.
(D) It is advisable to have separate interviews for developmental versus administrative
(E) None of these
32. The functional principle is best reflected in which of the following statements?
(A) the number of hierarchical levels in a company
(B) dividing a company into certain groups (e.g., sales, operations, HR)
(C) the number of subordinates per superior
(D) the overall functional description and tasks of every department in the company
(E) all of the above apply to the functional principle
33. Which of the following jobs fall into the technostructure of an organization?
(A) secretary
(B) executive vice-president
(C) sales clerk
(D) accountant
(E) production supervisor
34. The ASA cycle refers to:
(A) the social processes in companies to enforce norms
(B) sustaining, a culture in companies through recruiting, hiring, and turnover
(C) the process by which roles art communicated, adapted, and reinforced
(D) the fife-cycle of growth, maturity, and decline of organizations
(E) all of the above
35. When U.S. manufacturing jobs are eliminated and the work is performed by
employees in cheaper labor markets, the lost jobs are said to have been:
(A) downsized
(B) merged
(C) outsourced
(D) offshored
(E) commissioned
36. M. Suppose a school always has an -oblation run" before their annual
homecoming. That event is part of the school's:
(A) norms
(B) rules
(C) roles
(D) culture
(E) tradition
37. suppose a school always has an ‘oblation run" before their annual homecoming.
That event is part of the school's:
(A) norms
(B) rules
(C) roles
(D) culture
(E) tradition
37. Meso micro, and macro all are types of
(A) ad hoc team structures
(B) levels of analysis
(C) stages of team development
(D) phases of team decision-making
(E) categories and departments of the company
38. All of the following are roles found in teams EXCEPT:
(A) shaper
(B) creator
(C) worker
(D) informer
(E) saviour
39. What is the most fragile aspect of a team?
(A) cohesion
(B) conflict
(C) trust
(D) communication
(E) identity
40. The two basic types of conflict found in teams are:
(A) competitive; cooperative
(B) beneficial; competitive
(C) beneficial; confrontational
(D) competitive; confrontational
(E) only B and C
41. The general level of how much a given team knows about the task at hand is
(A) staff validity
(B) dyadic sensitivity
(C) team informity
(D) task-related knowledge
(E) all of the above
42. Jose will never quit his job because he feels a sense of obligation to be loyal to
his company, whereas Kat will never leave her job because she will never find another
job that pays her so well. This scenario indicates that Jose has high organizational
commitment, whereas Kat has high organizational commitment.
(A) normative; continuance
(B) continuance; affective
(C) affective; normative
(D) continuance; normative
(E) None of these
43. Informational justice is a type of:
(A) procedural justice
(B) interpersonal justice
(C) distributive justice
(D) interactional justice
(E) None of these
44, Nathan is a great employee. 1 le never gossips, never complains, and keeps things
in a proper perspective. Which OCR component is Nathan high in?
(A) sportsmanship
(B) conscientiousness
(C) civic virtue
(D) altruism
(E) commitment
45. A long-term employee with a high level of affective organizational commitment
most likely has IA hid! type of a psychological contact with his/her employer?
(A) transactional
(B) continual
(C) relational
(D) interactional
(E) secure
46. If Eastern Dragon decided to acquire ACT Ventures, then ACT Ventures would be
(A) parent
(B) child
(C) target
(D) option
(E) sub-division
47. Which of the following types of work schedules has recently been associated with
(A) part-time
(B) flex time
(C) shift work
(D) compressed work week
(E) night shift
48. In terms of the relationship between work and family, which model suggests that
stress in one context will affect stress in the other context?
(A) compensation model
(B) spillover model
(C) segmentation model
(D) congruency model
(E) stress model
49. Sandra can start her workday anytime she wishes as long as she is in her office by
11:00 am and works 8 hours before she leaves. This is an example of a:
(A) compressed workweek
(B) telecommuting agreement
(C) shift work schedule
(D) flex time arrangement
(E) 8-hour fixed work arrangement
50. Which component of motivation relates to exerting various levels of effort?
(A) choice
(B) intensity
(C) perseverance
(D) direction
(E) flexibility
51. If a student sets a goal for this semester "to do his/her best," Goal-Setting Theory
would criticize this goal because:
(A) it lacks specificity
(B) it's not challenging
(C) it's too difficult
(D) it's too brief
(E) It's too unrealistic
52. According to expectancy theory, motivation is enhanced by outcomes that have
(A) expectancies
(B) valences
(C) attainability
(D) social popularity
(E) commitment
53. Which of the following theories assert the basis for motivation resides more in the
environment than in the person?
(A) expectancy
(B) goal-setting
(C) self-regulation
(D) work-design
(E) none of these
54. All of the following are components of Self-Regulation Theory EXCEPT:
(A) people consciously set goals
(B) feedback is critical
(C) task significance improves employee motivation
(D) self-efficacy affects one's self-confidence
(E) none of these
55. The difference in power between a superior and a subordinate is referred to as:
(A) referent power
(B) personal power
(C) positional power
(D) implied power
(E) organizational power
56. As a supervisor, Jimmy is very good at acknowledging his subordinates' needs
and concerns, whereas Almald as a supervisor is very good at articulating the groups'
direction and goals. in sum, Jimmy illustrates leadership and Armald illustrates
(A) democratic; instrumental
(B) instrumental; directive
(C) supportive; instrumental
(D) supportive; democratic
(E) none of these
57. If you examine leadership based upon the leader's personality and integrity, then
you are taking a (n) approach to studying leadership.
(A) behavioral
(B) transformational
(C) implicit
(D) trait
(E) non-traditional
58. Which power base refers specifically to the authority in one's job title?
(A) reward
(B) legitimate
(C) coercive
(D) referent
(E) imposed
59. Which statement best describes LIVI X theory?
(A) Leaders classify subordinates into two groups: the in-group and the out-group.
(B) Leaders provide direction and support to help subordinates reach a goal.
(C) Effective leaders are motivated, expressive, and loyal to their subordinates.
(D) All of the above are characteristics of LAX theory.
(E) Only A and C
60. The shop steward is:
(A) a management employee that meets regularly with the union representatives
(B) a union member that is responsible for overseeing union growth in a particular industry
(e.g., auto manufacturing)
(C) the elected union member that leads the national union
(D) a union employee that is the point person for union activity at the given company
(E) none of these
61. To have a union election, at least 30% of employees must:
(A) sign authorization cards requesting an election
(B) have prior experience as union members in previous employment
(C) file a grievance of unfair working conditions at the facia)
(D) not be classified as management or professional employees
(E) signified membership
62. If a union is viewed by employees as having great power to improve their working
conditions and benefits, then it is said that this union has high:
(A) ratification
(B) authorization
(C) instrumentality
(D) institutional socialization
(E) representation
63. All of the following are key issues in negotiating the labor contract EXCEPT:
(A) contract duration
(B) recruitment practices
(C) management rights
(D) union security
(E) demand power
64.If an arbitrator have to pick either the union proposal or the management proposal,
then this type of arbitration is called arbitration.
(A) compulsory
(B) final-offer
(C) conventional
(9) mandated
(E) dual
65. What is the best recruiting source for the position of Chief Financial Officer for a
Fortune 500 company?
(A) Radio advertisement
(B) Job fair
(C) College placement office
(D) Search firm
(E) The internet
66.If a measurement technique is reliable
(A) it will provide scores for most test-takers on most occasions
(B) it will yield scores if candidates are tested on two separate occasions
(C) protected groups will score similarly to non-protected groups
(D) scores can be relied oil for selection and placement all of the above
67. Rolando Uy needs to find an extended-care residential medical facility for his
father. To do this, he must take
(A) several weeks off from work to find a facility, move his father, and attend to legal and
medical matters.
(B) The time he needs to take off
(C) should come from this year's vacation days
(D) should come from this year's sick days
(E) is granted through the Family Medical Leave Act
68. Performance appraisal systems that compare employees with each other are most
useful for
(A) training needs assessment
(B) feedback to the employee
(C) promotion
(D) both A and B
(E) None of these
69. The main benefit of programmed instruction as a training technique is that
(A) it is self-paced
(B) participants are actively involved in the learning process
(C) it provides immediate feedback
(D) all of the above
(E) None of these
70. In a flexible work schedule the term bandwidth defines the range of hours
(A) within which the employee can choose to work
(B.) within which everyone is required to work
(C) that are most popular to work that
(D) that are least popular to work
(E) time in which the worker should report
71. One of the earliest applications of human factors research to the workplace was
found in
(A) time and motion studies
(B) equipment enhancement
(C) product design
(D) environmental control studies
(E) psychology
72. All of the following are duties of an industrial psychologist in a work setting
(A) organizational analysis and planning
(B) test development and planning
(C) psychotherapy and self-clarification
(D) job studies and analysis
(E) recruitment
73. Looking and dressing like your followers can help to make you a more popular
leader, fostering the sense that you are one of them.
(A) Hogg
(B) Festinger
(C) James
(D) Milgram
(E) Watson
74. The application of learning theory to organizational training does NOT suggest
(A) learning is an active rather than a passive process
(B) trial and error is probably the most efficient method of learning
(C) the individual must be motivated to learn
(D) learning methods should be as varied as possible
(E) none of these
75. Which of the following is NOT a basic personnel function?
(A) Training and development
(B) Managing the business
(C) Employee relations
(D) Compensation
(E) Recruitment
76. Compensation refers to
(A) all rewards individuals receive as a result of their employment
(B) the wages individuals receive each pay period
(C) wage schedules and wage rates listed in the union contract
(D) the internal alignment of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards
(E) salary and benefits
77. The existence of discrimination is determined by the
(A) result of employment practices
(B) appearance of fairness in employment practices
(C) intent of employment practices
(D) employer's future plans
(E) company's culture
78.Placement and classification decisions are easier to make when jobs are
(A) different and each applicant has similar levels of ability
(B) similar and each applicant has different levels of ability
(C) different and each applicant has different levels of ability
(D) similar and each applicant has similar levels of ability
(E) all of the above
79. What type of personnel data is the most commonly used in performance
(A) Grievances
(B) Absenteeism
(C) Accidents
(D) Amount of sales
(E) Number of complaints
80. An employee who receives uniformly bad ratings across all job performance
dimensions is most likely the victim of which type of rating error?
(A) halo
(B) predictor
(C) contrast effect
(D) central tendency
(E) none of these
81.What the primary reason it is desirable to state training objective in behavioral
(A) Most training outcomes are behavioral in nature.
(B) Behavioral objectives are more important.
(C) Behavioral objectives have broader applicability.
(D) It reduces ambiguity about the objectives of training.
(E) All of the above
82. is a set of energetic forces that originate both within as well beyond an
individual's being, to initiate work-related behaviour, and to determine its form,
direction, intensity, and duration.
(A) Work motivation
(B) Culture
(C) Company tradition and practices
(D) Drive
(E) Self-actualization
83. Which of the following is most true with regards to fatigue?
(A) It is a sociological phenomenon.
(B) It is often the result of monotony.
(C) It is a physiological phenomenon.
(D) It is less generalized than boredom.
(E) All of the above
84. Which of the following measurement waits is most precise?
(A) Nominal
(B) Ordinal
(C) Inters al
(D) Ratio
(E) None of these
85. The Goal Instability Scale, The Life Satisfaction Index, and the Interpersonal
Support Evaluations List are all used by HR for the purpose of:
(A) job selection.
(B) job assignment.
(C) retirement planning.
(D) substance abuse counselling.
(E) Employees wellbeing evaluation.
86, A person has just been evaluated by a prospective employer and may now either
be accepted or rejected for a position at the company. This person has just gone
through a process.
(A) screening
(B) selection
(C) classification
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these
87. Which of the following interest inventories will be most likely used with
occupations that require 4 or more years of college or graduate school?
(A) the Strong Interest Inventory
(B) the Career Interest Inventory
(C) the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey
(D) the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey
(E) The Personality Assessment Inventory
88. The more attention an employee receives from the managers, co-workers, and
customers, the higher the level of effort and employee productivity.
(A) Hawthorne Effect
(B) Halo Effect
(C) Conditioning
(D) Structured Leadership
(E) All of the above
89. Motivation research includes:
(A) focus groups
(B) individual interviews
(C) expert report
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these
90. Engineering psychologists were probably at work in the design of:
(A) an airplane cockpit.
(B) a computer keyboards.
(C) a child's car seat.
(D) all of these
(E) both A and B
91. in consumer assessment, survey research can be accomplished by:
(A) face-to-face interviews.
(B) telephone interviews.
(C) mail questionnaires.
(D) Internet survey
(E) All of the above
92. Perhaps the most widely used form of survey research is:
(A) the face-to-face personal interview.
(B) the telephone interviews.
(C) the mail questionnaire.
(D) Internet survey.
(E) all of the above
93. The following are common hiring mistakes EXCEPT
(A) Hiring your own image
(B) Emphasis on the interview
(C) Overemphasis on experience
(D) Overly impressed with formal education
(E) Fitting job responsibilities to the applicant’s skills
94. In a study on consumer perceptions of similarities and differences among
products. Which approach to scaling is more appropriate in this situation?
(A) Likert scaling
(B) Guttman scaling
(C) Multidimensional scaling
(D) Aggregate scaling
(E) None of these
95. Which attitude research method involves repeated judgments of a concept against
a series of descriptive bipolar adjectives on a 7-point scale?
(A) semantic differential
(B) multidimensional scaling
(C) aggregate scaling
(D) word association
(E) none of these
96. The following item appears on a paper-and-pencil questionnaire administered to
all employees:
I neglect my supervisor's instruction__ /__ /__ /__ /__ /__I pay attention to my
supervisor’s instruction.
The item exemplifies which type of scale?
(A) Liken
(B) Guttman
(C) Osgood semantic differential
(D) word association
(E) none of these
97. A consumer psychologist creates a survey that includes questions that can only
be answered yes or no (such as " do you like the new packaging for Siomai
Delight?"). The survey this Psychologist has developed could BEST he described as
(A) Likert survey
(B) poll
(C) semantic differential survey
(D) word association survey
(E) face to face interview
98.A consumer psychologist working for a drug company that has developed new,
contraception device for men. To assess men's attitudes towards this device. which
method of data gathering would the psychologist be LEAST likely to employ?
(A) mail surveys complete with information on the device
(B) home visit and family discussion
(C) online discussion forum
(D) focus group with males in the target age range as subject
(E) face to face interview
99. which of the following types of survey holds the greatest potential for immediate
(A) mail
(B) face-to-face
(C) Online
(D) telephone
(E)Internet or online
100. The following are some suggestions to encourage employees and take initiative
(A) Creating a supportive environment
(B) Seminar about volunteerism
(C) Establish a very competitive environment
(D)Reward those who initiate
(E) All of the above

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