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An International Services Providing Company

Element 1: Why We Should Manage
Workplace Health and Safety
Learning Outcome

• Discuss the moral, social and financial

reasons for managing health and safety in
the workplace.

• Explain how health and safety is

regulated and the consequences of non-

• Summarise the main health and safety

duties of different groups of people at work.

• Explain how contractors should be

selected, monitored and managed.
Discuss the moral,
social and financial
reasons for managing
health and safety in
the workplace.
Important Definitions
• Health
The non-existence or absence of disease is termed
as health. It is a condition in which there is no
symptom of illness or sickness. It includes physical
as well as mental health.

• Safety
It means no risk of serious personal harm or injury.
It is a risk-free condition of human life. If you stay
out of the danger area, you are in safety and
Important Definitions


It means access to necessities and facilities

of life to employees. It means that nothing is
missing or lacking in basic facilities and an
individual has easy access to them.
340 million and 6000 deaths every
single day in 2012 (ILO)

Society expectation on worker safety.

Impact on worker (pain, stresses,
dyability, loss of job)

Impact on injured worker family.

Financial Reasons
Sudden accidents can lead to
huge loss of company.

There are two type of cost

associated with an accident
• Direct cost
• Indirect cost
Legal fees, when defending a claim form the injured person for

• Worker sick pays

• lost production.

Direct Cost: • Repairs to, or replacement of, damaged tools,

• Compensation payable to the victim.

• Overtime to meet the production target.

• Costs associated with the recovery of the injured worker.

• Insurance premium increment due to the accident.

Time delay during investigation

Reduction in staff morale

The cost associated with corrective actions.

Indirect Cost: Lots of time (reports preparation, enforcing agency meetings)

Effects on reputation and the goodwill.

The cost of hiring of new staff and their training etc.

• Fine from court during the legal proceeding.

• Internal Industrial relations

Insured Cost

Employees claims on employers Damage to buildings, equipment Any attributable production and
and public liability insurance or vehicles general business loss.
Uninsured Cost
Damage or loss
Worker’s sick Repairs to plant
of product and
pay and equipment;
raw materials

Extra wages,
overtime working Production time lost while
and temporary delays; investigation
Fines in the
Loss of future
criminal court
to the employer
Continue… Increased Loss of
insurance experienced
premiums. staff.

Legal costs for Loss of

remedial business
actions. reputation
Iceberg study

➢ Uninsured costs vary between

businesses and types of accident.
➢ 8- 36 time more than the insured
➢ Visible and Hidden costs (iceberg
To meet the also boosts
cost of employees
compensation morale, and
Why maintain of employees they feel
Liability Due to
insurance It is often a insurance
claim ,the
requirement. insurance
premium will
Legal reason
The majority of countries have regulations regarding how the
organisations must provide health and safety to workers. These are
legal standards that need to be followed; otherwise, strict action can
be taken against that organisation, and imprisonment and
punishments can be given.

• Safe Workplace
• Safe Plant and machinery
• A safe system of work
• Supervision, Training and competency of staff
Explain how health and
safety is regulated and
the consequences of
The role of national governments and international

Truly international legal standards of health and safety in workplace do not exist. A great quantity of
countries have enacted their own laws.

The International Labor Organization has developed two basic output;

• Conventions
• Recommendations

which have laid down rules to set international standards.

Convention (C155): Occupational Safety &
Health Convention
This convention sets out the first line of
action for health and safety. This road-map is
drawn at the national level as well as the
level of the individual organisation. In this
The role of way, it may be termed as a two-pronged plan
of action.
governments Recommendation (R164): Occupational
Safety & Health Recommendation
and international further adds material to C155 and thoroughly
provides guiding lines to act upon the action
bodies programs of C155. Particularly, it points out
the duties and obligations of both the
employers and employees for achieving the
primary target of a protected and healthy
Employers Responsibilities; (C155)

• To ensure that --- The workplace, machinery, equipment and processes under their control should
be so for as is reasonably practicable are safe and without risk to the health of workers.

• To ensure that --- The chemical, physical and biological substances and agents under their control
should be so for as is reasonably practicable without risk to health.

• To provide --- where required so far as is reasonably practicable adequate protective clothing and
protective equipment to prevent, risk of accidents or adverse effects on health."
Employers Responsibilities; (R164)

• To provide workplaces and work equipment and working methods, which are safe
and not risky to the health and safety of the worker.
• To deliver necessary training and instructions, considering the functions and size of
different categories of workers
• To provide enough supervision to work to ensure to use the occupational safety and
health measures.
• To make organisational arrangements concerning occupational safety and health
and the working environment suitable for the size of the organisation and the nature
of activities
• To provide, necessary adequate personal protective equipment free of cost to the
worker, when hazards cannot be through other way prevented or controlled
• To ensure that organisational, long working hours and rest breaks, does not badly
affect occupational safety and health of the worker.
• To take all reasonably practicable controls to eliminate excessive physical and
mental fatigue from workers.
• To carry out studies and research keep updated on the necessary scientific and
technical knowledge to comply with the national law.

Employers Responsibilities; (R164)

Responsibilities of Workers
• To take reasonable care of their safety and that of other people who might
be affected by the things that they do and the things they fail to do.
• To co-operate with safety instructions and procedures deliver by the
• To use all safety equipment properly and not unauthorizes modify with it.
• To report any situation which they believe could be a hazard and which
they cannot themselves correct.
• To report any work-related accident or ill health.
Rights of workers
The convention and Recommendation also give rights to workers.

• The right of is to provide relevant information on health and safety matters.

• The right to the necessary training in occupational safety and health.
• The right to be consulted by the employer on all major issues of OSH
• The contribution of worker must be taken regarding health and safety
• The right to leave a workplace which the workers thinks a present of
danger to his or her life or health and not be forced to return until it is safe .
• Provide the information (codes of practice,
guidance notes, and website information)
• Perform health and safety inspections,
• Investigation after accident/incident and
incidence of ill-health.
Role of • Assessment of arrangements is in place to
reduce risk in the workplace.
enforcement • Providing advice or guideline verbally or in written
agencies • Issuance of enforcement action, e.g.
• improvement notice
• prohibition notices
• criminal proceedings.
Consequences of
• Issuance of warning either verbally or in
writing .
• Force to the employer to improve
workplace condition in specified period
(improvement notice)
• Force to stop doing dangerous activities;
till reforms are made (Prohibition notice)
• Investigating workplace accidents
• Taking proper steps to force the
employers to act upon the law.
• Cancellation of a licence of the company.
Consequences of non-compliance
• Issuance of a penalty or fine
• Starting criminal complaints against the offenders;
• Compensation to injured worker
Additional Global Standards
• The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the
biggest global promoter of management standards. It has
established and advanced
• ISO 9001 (Quality management standard)
• ISO 14001 (Environmental management standard)
• ISO 45001(Health and Safety management system).

• It is notable that these are not legal papers but they have got
worldwide acceptance by a large number of states because they
show clearly good and proper management doing
Summarise the
main health and
safety duties of
different groups of
people at work.
Directors and Senior
• Setting priorities and policies
• Ensure aims, and objectives are suitable.
• Ensure risk assessment and control measure application.
• Lead by example, visible leadership at front.
• Allocation of sufficient resources, in term of finance &
competent Personnel.
• Allocation of clear roles and responsibilities.
• Appointment of a senior manager with specific duties for
• Regular review of the Organisational health and safety
Responsibilities of Middle Managers and
They are responsible for;

• Application of OHS standards in the workplace under their control

• Workplace and equipment are safe to work.
• Risk assessment of workplace is conducted and revised.
• Safe working procedures are established and implemented.
• Appropriate coordination between other managers working in the same
area, workers and contractors.
• Management of work progress to ensure long working hours don't put
adverse health effect on workers
Responsibilities of Middle Managers and
• Involve in the investigation of the accident and ill health case.
• Take part in accident/incident investigations and work-related ill-
• Keep the record of all safety events like accident, ill health, or
risk assessment documents.
Responsibilities of
Safety specialists
Assist in establishing
Providing support, Ensure compliance
health and safety
instruction, and with health and
policy, objectives and
guideline on HSMS safety law.

Risk assessment To promote positive Reduction of risks of

and control health and safety accidents and
implementation. culture. emergencies.

Safety performance
evaluation, including Maintain health and
To identify training
accident safety records and
needs analysis.
investigation and documentation.
carrying audits.
Explain how contractors
should be selected,
monitored and managed.
Responsibility Resting
with Contractors

rests with a client
Contractors have (as an employer)
So, it is vital to hire
responsibility for for the health and
a contractor on the
their health and safety of his
biases of
safety as well as of employees and the
contractor health
others who might persons paying
and safety
have the effect of visit inside the
their work acts and workplace. Such
instead of price.
actions. liability is divided
into the client and
How to Select the Contractor

Has performed Have access to

Have a copy of their Monitors previous
similar work risk specialist advice on
written health and accident rate and
assessment health and safety
safety policy has a record?
previously? matters if required?

Record of
Has an effective Names of previous
Qualifications and membership of a
procedure for or current clients
training of staff? professional
monitoring. with all details.
Records of enforcement action and civil claim.

Proof of adequate resources,

How to
Select the If contractor will use subcontractors and if so, how the
contractor will check that subcontractors are competent?

Continue Will they submit a method statement for the job?

What kind of training already contractors have provided

to the staff.

Third-party inspection certification records.

• Client - Provide information about all known
hazards in the workplace.
• Contracts - conduct risk assessments and
how risk could be minimised.
• Contractor - submit a written safe working
(usually called method statement) method
Work • Communicate with each other and provide
information's, instruction and training
Planning • Co-operate and coordinate through regular
• Consult the workforce on health and safety
• The client should Manage and supervise the
Work Planning
Clinet should consider
• responsibility for the work
• responsibility for supervising
• what precautions will be taken
• What PPE is to be used procedures, including any permits-to-work

• Work with mutual coordination.
• Prevent from creating any mutual confliction or clash
• The client owns responsibility for the monitoring
• Client should stop work activity until the prevision of agreed
arrangements in case of breach of method statement.
Detailed Description About Joint Occupiers
of Premises

When two employers/contractors join a place of work. They should have to

• Conduct regular meetings of their managers.
• Share information and risk assessments.
• Establish a joint site rules for the workplace.
• Establish joint procedures for control of visitors.
• Develop system of traffic and the vehicle movement.
• Conduct joint inspections of the workplace .
• Draw up joint emergency procedures
• Conduct joint fire drills
• Procedure for the management of waste
• Develop joint safety committees

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