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Date:____________ Home:__________________ Visitor:___________________ Site:_____________________ Start Time:_______ End Time:_______

Set Number:__________ Level (Varsity, JV or Freshmen):_______________________________________
Time-Outs First Serve Time-Outs
Team: (check box below) Team:
Serve Serve
Player Player
Order Libero:____ Order Libero:____
No. No.
1 16 1 16
2 17 2 17
3 18 3 18
II 4 19 4 19 II
5 20 5 20
6 21 6 21
III 7 22 7 22 III
8 23 8 23
9 24 9 24
10 25 10 25
11 26 11 26
V 12 27 12 27 V
13 28 13 28
14 29 14 29
VI 15 30 15 30 VI

Final Score: Official Verification

Subs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Subs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Comments: ___________________________________________________ Comments: ___________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

First Referee _____________________ ___________________________ Second Referee ___________________ ___________________________

Print Signature Print Signature
Scorekeeper _______________________________

Key: c=Playing Captain 1=Point -- =Loss of Rally P1=Penalty Point R=Replay RS=Re-Serve S=Substitution Sx=Opponent Substitution
T=Time-out Tx=Opponent Time-out =Point Scored off of Loss of Rally ∆=Libero Point
g:\word\volleyball\web\2007-08\Volleyball Rally Scoring Scoresheet.doc

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