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This INSTRUMENT, executed by and among:

PASTOR B. PETARCO, JR., of legal age, Filipino, married to Cherlita R. Petarco

and presently residing at Brgy. Tandawan, New Bataan, Davao del Oro, hereinafter
referred as TRANSFEROR; and

TIMOTEO A. MIŃOZA, of legal age, Filipino, married to Regina A. Mińoza, and a

resident of Brgy. New Camiling, Carmen, Davao del Norte, hereinafter referred as

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, Transferor is the owner, possessor, applicant and claimant of a parcel of

land particularly described as Lot No. 9149-F, Csd-112303-011132-D, situated in Brgy.
Mangalcal, Carmen, Davao del Norte with an area of Four Thousand Four Hundred
Thirty Eight (4,438) square meters, more or less, and covered by Application for Free
Patent filed on January 31, 1992 with the DENR, CENRO, P 11-3D, (now) Panabo City,
Davao del Norte;

WHEREAS, Transferor losses interest to continue occupying and cultivating the

property on the reason that he wants to give up farming as a means of living, and thus he
is desirous to waive and relinquish his ownership and possession, or otherwise his right,
interest or claim, on the property upon consideration; WHEREAS, Transferee is willing
to acquire, obtain and maintain the same, and is qualified, and not otherwise disqualified
by law to be an owner, possessor, applicant and claimant of the property; and

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Thousand
Pesos Only (P 200,000.00), receipt of which in cash is acknowledged by Transferor to his
full satisfaction from Transferee; Transferor waives, relinquishes and transfers, and by
these have waived, relinquished and transferred, absolutely and without condition, his
ownership and possession, or otherwise his entire and complete right, interest or claim,
on the above-mentioned property, including any and all improvements found thereon, in
favor of the Transferee, his successors and assigns, free from lien and encumbrance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have here unto set their hands this May 18,
2021 at Carmen, Davao del Norte, Philippines.


Transferor Transferee

Marital consent:

Wife of Transferor

Signed in the presence of:

______________________ & ________________________


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the Province of Davao del Norte,
Philippines, this May 18, 2021, personally appeared PASTOR B. PETARCO, JR. with
COMELEC VIN: 8210-0083A-K0766PBP10001-5, CHERLITA R. PETARCO with
COMELEC VIN 8210-0082B-K0773CRP20001-5 and TIMOTEO A. MIŇOZA with
OSCA ID No. 2651, known to me and to me known, to be the same persons who
executed the annexed Instrument, WAIVER OF RIGHT AND INTEREST, consisting of
Two (2) pages including this page whereon this Acknowledgment is printed and signed
by them and instrumental witnesses. Further, they acknowledged to me that they executed
the Instrument freely and voluntarily and that they understood all stipulations therein.

WITNESS MY HAND and SEAL this May 18, 2021 at _______________, Davao
del Norte, Philippines.

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