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Nestec/NRC-FCM S&C/SKL Version 5.

0 October 2018


This document must be shared with packaging/ food contact material (FCM) vendors.

These STANDARDS outline the Nestlé requirements, which are mandatory for packaging/ food
contact materials (FCM) of finished products.
The following rules also apply:
- Legal requirements must be followed for food contact materials. When no local
regulations exist, then the Nestlé standards must be followed.
- When there is an overlap of legal requirements and the Nestlé standards, whichever
is more stringent must be followed.
These requirements apply equally to Auxiliary Items (ice cream sticks, scoops, etc.) and FCM
of Beverage Dispensing Machines, including having a DoC/CoC.

# Standard/ Packaging part Restriction / Requirement

Substance of Concern
1 Active and Intelligent All food contact packaging - The use of antimicrobial (e.g. anti-fungal)
packaging additives in packaging is not allowed.
- Active packaging components that are
intended to migrate into the food product must
not be used. Exemption when specifically
allowed by local regulations.
2 Bisphenol A Bisphenol A (BPA, 80-05-7) - The use of Bisphenol A based materials is not
in epoxy coatings for metal allowed where suitable alternatives exist.
packaging, polycarbonate plastic,
and additives of packaging - Exemption for processing equipment where
material components including migration is <2ppb into food.
inks, adhesives, stabilizers, etc.
- Follow local regulations if there are exceptions,
prohibitions or more stringent requirements.
3 Perfluoro-based Perfluoro compounds for
compounds greaseproofing of paperboard:
- C8 and higher (PFOA and - must not be used where suitable alternatives
related) exist. Follow regulations where banned
- C6 and C2 perfluoro compounds - Are allowed to be used but alternatives must
be actively sought.

4 Heavy/Toxic metals - Cadmium (Cd), Chromium VI - Must not be intentionally used in packaging
(Cr+6), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) in materials especially in inks and pigments/
all packaging and FCM colorants of plastic components (e.g. caps).

- Total limit of 100 mg/kg in materials or lower if

local regulations are more stringent.
(Exception possible for recycled glass if local
legislation allows.)
- Other Metals (Nickel, etc.) in all - Follow local legislations
packaging and FCM
5 Azodicarbonamide - Metal closure gasket for glass - Must not be used as blowing agent for the
(ADC) jars gasket.

Continued on next page

Nestec/NRC-FCM S&C/SKL Version 5.0 October 2018

# Packaging part Restriction / Requirement
Substance of Concern
- CoC/DoC must specify high temperature
- Packaging materials
conditions of use.

- Allowed only if the temperature of the printed

- Printed materials
layer does not exceed 100 °C.

- Must not be used in high temperature

- Direct food contact ink printing
High temperature
- Must not be used in oven and microwave
end-use applications - Polystyrene
6 (e.g. ovenable materials,
microwaveable, cook-in - Must not be used for ovenable/ microwave
bag packages) applications.
- Recycled plastics for ovenable/ - Exceptions when explicitly allowed by local
microwavable applications regulations and a safety assessment of the
process and material, conducted by the vendor,
is reviewed and approved by Nestec/FCM-S&C
- As low as possible with a target maximum:
- Antimony trioxide in PET resin
250 mg/kg (expressed as Sb) or lower if
for High Temperature Applications
regulations are more stringent.
- Only allowed when applied to the sealing
- Latex in cold seals for flexible areas, i.e. must not contact the food.
7 Natural rubber latex
Allergen concern
- Government legislation on
packaging inks (e.g. Swiss Inks - Must comply with applicable local legislation.
Ordinancea, Japan Exclusion listb)

8 Outer Printing - Nestlé Guidance Note on - Must comply with, exception when in conflict
packaging Inksc with local legislation, must follow legislation.

- Virgin Paper/board - Must use low migration inksd.

- Must only be used when allowed by local

regulations (EU, US-FDA) made in GMP
- Printed inks directly touching facilities.
Direct Food Contact
9 food - Maximum ink coverage 5% for chocolate
(DFC) Printing
(inkjet and traditional printing) products and 30% for other food products.
- Must only use DFC from manufacturers
approved by Nestec/FCM-S&C
- ortho-Phthalates (aka
- Must not be used as plasticisers and additives
10 ortho-Phthalates Phthalates) in plastics, adhesives
in packaging materials.
and inks.

- Must not be used in contact with infant foods

- Polyacrylonitrile in rigid plastic or for baby feeding spoons.
11 Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
- Not allowed by some regulations
- Oligomers in PET resin for rigid
bottles used for fatty food - Must not exceed 1%.
Polyethylene applications
terephthalate (PET) - Must be controlled with level based on legal
- Acetaldehyde (75-07-0): for
requirements and local/regional preferences,
bottled water
whichever is more stringent.
Continued on next page

Nestec/NRC-FCM S&C/SKL Version 5.0 October 2018

# Packaging part Restriction / Requirement
Substance of Concern
- Recycled paper /solid board and - Must not be used in direct contact with
recycled corrugated board food.

- Allowed for packaging applications

which have a functional barrier as primary
packaging around the food.
- Allowed for indirect contact only for
- Recycled solid board frozen food applications.
- Must not be used for high temperature
- Virgin solid board must be used for all
13 Paper & board other solid board applications.
- As low as possible with allowed average
- Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons (MOH) (C16
level of 600±150 mg/kg MOH in the
to C24) in recycled solid board
unprinted solid board

- Virgin Paper/board - Must use low migration inkse

SB latex can cause odor issues with

energy cured printing inks/ coatings/
- SB-Latex binders in clay-coating of varnishes.
- When using energy cured inks, must
ensure structure does not give off-odor.
- Only allowed if recycling process
approved by legislation (e.g. EU, FDA.)
- Recycled plastic in food contact for conditions of use.
14 Recycled plastics
application - Approval for Nestle Waters plastic
packaging applications from Nestle
Waters NPTC Vittel.
- Max. 20 mg/m2 material or lower if
- Total amount
local regulations are more stringent.
- Total amount of combined ketones and - Max. 7 mg/m2 material or lower if local
acetates regulations are more stringent.
Residual solvents from - Must not be intentionally used as
15 printed packaging with solvent in ink formulation (cross-
solvent-based inks contamination limit: 2 mg/m2 or lower if
- Toluene (108-88-3) local regulations are more stringent.).
- Cross-contamination from lamination
adhesive limit: 2 mg/m 2 or lower if local
regulations are more stringent.
- Must not be used for glass containers of
Full length plastic shrink sleeves (that products that are spoon-fed or drunk
16 Shrink sleeves cover the body and neck) of a glass directly from the bottle or jar.
bottle or jar - Not applicable for carbonated
beverages in glass containers.
- Must not be intentionally used as
additives of food contact material where
suitable alternatives exist.
Substances of Very High - SVHC (lists available from ECHA
17 - Must not intentionally use substances
Concern (SVHC) websited) in all packaging materials
which break-down into SVHCs (e.g.
TNPP breaks down to give 4-NP) where
suitable alternatives exist.
Continued on next page

Nestec/NRC-FCM S&C/SKL Version 5.0 October 2018

Additional General Requirements:

Packaging materials where odour Results are acceptable - according to Sniff Test,
testing required e.g. ISO-13302 standard
Bromo- and chloro- phenol Must not be used for wooden shipping pallets of
Wooden Pallets chemical treatments as wood Nestlé packaging due to risk of off-odour and
preservatives tainting.

a Swiss Ordinance On Packaging Inks: Annex 10:
10-ordinance-fdha-materials-and-articles-intended-to-come-into-contact-with-food-stuffs.pdf (English)
b Exclusion list for printing inks and related products, EUPIA, 3rd edition, November 2016:
Voluntary regulation concerning printing inks for food packaging materials, Japan Printing
Ink Makers Association, May 2006.
c Guidance Note on Packaging Inks available from Nestlé (must be shared with venders).
d Low migration inks are inks for food packaging applications which are formulated to reduce

potential migration of compounds of concernf to levels below regulatory limits where

migration can occur through the substrate or via set-offe from the printed outer side to the
food contact surface in the stack or the reel.
e Functional barriers are defined as one or more layers of food contact materials which ensure

that compounds of concernf do not migrate into the food above regulatory limits during the
shelf-life of the product.
Note: set-off migration is not prevented by functional barriers and should be evaluated for
all packaging materials which is in stack or reel format during or after its conversion.
f Compounds of concern can:

(a) endanger human health;

(b) bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the food
(c) bring about deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics thereof.


Stephen Klump
Global Head of Food Contact Material Safety & Compliance
Nestlé Research | Food Contact Materials Dept.
809 Collins Ave | Marysville, Ohio 43040 USA
[email protected]
Phone : +1 937 645 21 37

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