Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.: Course Title Course Number School Year & Term Faculty

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443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon

(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Course Title Speech and Theater Arts

Course Number ENGL 225

School Year & Term Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

Faculty Zarah Joyce A. Segovia, LPT
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. is a community that provides equal opportunity for
learners to actively participate in their development as responsible leaders in their
LGMC Vision
chosen fields of endeavor and cultivates a culture of service to mankind for the greater
glory of God.
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. aims to maintain a standard of education that will
LGMC Mission
harness the full potential of each student based on their skills set and aptitudes.
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. believes that education aims at the total
LGMC Philosophy development of individuals, imbued with knowledge and skills and Filipino values for
the enhancement of nation building.
1. Display mastery of the essential and emerging science concepts, learning theories
associated with instructional methods and strategies, models /frameworks of
Program Outcomes teaching and learning, frameworks, and principles in science education;
Addressed by the Course 2. Manifest ability to express scholarly views or opinions on various issues problems
and solutions in teaching and learning science; and
3. Adopt a philosophy-oriented and learn to formulate theory-based practice in
teaching science education based on Philippine context.
This course provides the pre-service English teachers an examination of the process
of oral communications and the various forms of speech arts from public speaking
and group discussions to debate, oral interpretation, and dramatics. Therefore, they
Course Description
will be able to demonstrate content knowledge and application of speech and theater
arts while using verbal and non-verbal communication forms and drawing
implications in teaching these language art forms to future students.
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:

A. demonstrate content knowledge and application of oral communications, various forms

of speech arts, public speaking, group discussions, debate, oral interpretation, and
dramatics in English language teaching by preparing original written
Learning Outcomes
speeches and scripts; and

B. demonstrate and apply their understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication

strategies to speech and theater arts
through performing speeches in different modes.
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Lesson Guide Instructional

Course Theme/Content Expected Output
Questions Delivery/Activities

Week 1

Weeks 2-4 1. How does 1. Speech Arts – An •Lecture discussion • Oral participation as
their Overview and review on the formative assessment on
background 1. Concepts of process, levels, and concepts of speech and
knowledge in modes of
communication Speech and communication communication
and speech Communication through filling in a
help in skills for 2. Levels of Context Concept Map • Role Play/Acting
Drama of Communication Performance on the
3. Modes of • Drills and sounds, communication
exercises on speech
Communication modes and processes
sounds and
4. Review on the effective voice simple simulations, and
Communication elements (use of public speaking tasks
Process contrast drills, (focusing on Confidence,
5. Review on Speech tongue twisters, Correct Use of Speech
Sounds rhyming songs, Sounds and
vocal exercises,
6. Focus on the etc.) Suprasegmentals, and
Suprasegmentals as Discourse and Strategic
Tools for Speech • Role play/acting Competence Shown)
and Theater – on simple
Stress, Pitch, situations with • Group Slogan synthesis
Volume,Enunciation, focus on changes in on relevance of Public
stress, pitch,
etc. volume, Speaking (focusing on
7. Public Speaking enunciation, and Creativity, Theme and
other voice Meaningfulness, Medium
elements (i.e. Used, Oneness of Idea
acting like a
grandparent with
low volume and
flexible small voice,
delivering the
valedictory speech)

• Slogan making
about public
speaking as a
relevant linguistic
activity in society
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

References for https://www.scribd.com/document/177103417/1-Fundamentals-of-Speech-Communication

Week 2-4 scribd.com/presentation/422989501/TYPES-OF-COMMUNICATION-ACCORDING-TO-

Week 5-8 2. Creative Speech • Pairing Discussions • Short objective quiz on

Productions on the procedure the types of creative
and application of speech productions
1. Impromptu, the creative
Extemporaneous, speeches • Process Assessment on
Memorize, and • Sample Video the preparations for
Manuscript viewing of speech creative speech production
Speaking productions, debate, presentations
and oral and group
2. Argumentation interpretation • Individual Performance
and Debate • Completing a (Impromptu,
matrix to distinguish Extemporaneous,
3. Speeches for the similarities and Memorize, or Manuscript
Special Occasion differences of Speech, Speeches for
various types of oral Special Occasion, Oral
4. Oral and group Interpretation –
Interpretation interpretations Storytelling, Interpretative
• Various Speech Reading, Declamation,
5. Storytelling Productions with Monologue) presentations
proper verbal and with plan and script
6. Interpretative non-verbal (focusing on
Reading communication Originality/Appropriateness
strategies in relation of Script, Confidence, Use
7. Declamation to English language of Public Speaking
teaching activities Elements, Gestures/Bodily
8. Monologue Actions/Costumes/Props,
and Language Mechanics)

References for
Weeks 6-10
Week 9-12 3. Theater Arts – An • Lecture • Mind map summary
Overview discussion on the notes as formative
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

1. The History and overview, history, assessment on the

Elements and role of Theater overview, history, and role
of Drama Arts of Theater Arts
2. Role of Drama • Biography • Skype Classroom Oral
and reading of famous Participation
Theater theater artists and • Reflection Paper on
3. Theater as an sharing of Drama, Multiculturalism
Art, students’ analysis and the English Language
Socializing Activity, on artists’ history, (focusing on Uniqueness of
and a Ideas, Organization,
passion, work in
Way of Learning Language Mechanics, Use
theater, skills
4. Drama as a of Theater Terms and
gained, and
Learning Concepts)
5. Creative Drama • Writing of
6. Role Playing reflection paper on
7. Improvisation ‘The Multifaceted
and Drama in the
Pantomime English Language’
8. Scripted and
9. Puppetry and
References for
Weeks 11-14

Week 15-18 4. Theater


1. The Theatrical
2. Audience and
3. Theater Space
and Design
4. Playwriting and
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

5. Scene Design
6. Theater Acting 7.
Directing and
Producing a Stage

Course - Attendance
s - Class Participation (direct and indirect)

- Reflection paper
Grading - Attendance -10%
- Class Participation (direct and indirect) -20%

- Reflection paper -20%

CHED policy in class attendance and LGMC rules and regulation on routine matter Policies such as
withdrawal from the course, as stipulated in the Student Handbook will apply.


Prepared by:

_____________________ _______________________
Faculty Date Submitted

_____________________ _______________________
Faculty Date Submitted

_____________________ _______________________
Faculty Date Submitted
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Reviewed by:

Dean, College of _________
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Course Title Teaching and Assessment of Macro Skills

Course Number ENGL 223

School Year & Term Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

Faculty Zarah Joyce A. Segovia, LPT
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. is a community that provides equal opportunity for
learners to actively participate in their development as responsible leaders in their
LGMC Vision
chosen fields of endeavor and cultivates a culture of service to mankind for the greater
glory of God.
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. aims to maintain a standard of education that will
LGMC Mission
harness the full potential of each student based on their skills set and aptitudes.
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. believes that education aims at the total
LGMC Philosophy development of individuals, imbued with knowledge and skills and Filipino values for
the enhancement of nation building.
4. Display mastery of the essential and emerging science concepts, learning theories
associated with instructional methods and strategies, models /frameworks of
Program Outcomes teaching and learning, frameworks, and principles in science education;
Addressed by the Course 5. Manifest ability to express scholarly views or opinions on various issues problems
and solutions in teaching and learning science; and
6. Adopt a philosophy-oriented and learn to formulate theory-based practice in
teaching science education based on Philippine context.
This course allows the pre-service English teachers to explore the nature of the macro
skills and the theoretical bases, principles, and methods and strategies in teaching
and assessing listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. It aims to provide
various strategies for pre-lesson, during lesson, and post-lesson to develop research-
Course Description based knowledge and principles in teaching the macro skills while using differentiated
teaching to suit learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences. Also,
they will be able to identify learning outcomes aligned with the learning
competencies and provide timely, accurate, and constructive feedback to improve
learners’ performance in the macro skills.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
A. select differentiated learning tasks in teaching the macro skills to suit learners’ gender,
needs, strengths interests, and
B. demonstrate how to provide timely, accurate, and constructive feedback to improve
learner performance in the different
tasks in the macro skills through simulations;
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

C. craft a learning plan according to the English curricula that is developed from research-
based knowledge and principles of
the five language macro-components and the theoretical bases, principles, methods, and
strategies in teaching these
components; and
D. conduct a teaching demonstration of the assigned learning competencies in the macro

Course Lesson
Format/Schedul Guide Theme/Content Expected Output
e Questions

Week 1

Weeks 2-5 1. An Overview on • Differentiating Receptive • Venn diagram as

the Teaching of vs Expressive Macro Skills formative assessment
the Macro Skills • Group analysis and in understanding
identification of
• Receptive vs. appropriate activities for English Macro Skills
Expressive Macro the Speaking, Listening, concepts
Skills • Macro Skill Reading, Writing, and • Documentation and
Competencies in Viewing competencies in Group Presentation of
the English K to 12 the English K to 12 Analyzed Macro Skills
Curriculum Competencies (focusing
• Lecture discussion on
• Viewing as a New English Language Macro on Critical Thinking
Macro Skill Skills Teaching concepts, Shown, Completeness,
• Connection of approaches and methods Teamwork and
the Macro Skills • Listing and classification Collaboration, and
with Vocabulary, of researched activities Appropriate Activities
appropriate for teaching
Grammar and Designed)
the macro skills
Literature • Giving of examples of • Reflection Essay on
• Review on activities in BICS or CALP, Qualities of an Effective
Communicative CBI, and CLT English Macro Skills
Competence • Analyzing a sample Teacher (focusing on
• BICS vs. CALP lesson plan/teaching Unique Ideas
demonstration of an ESL
• Content-Based class and identifying Presented,
Instruction approach and qualities Organization of Ideas,
• Communicative show and
Language Teaching Concepts/Approaches
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

• Qualities of an Cited) and

Effective English Meaningfulness,
Macro Skills Medium
Teacher Used, Oneness of Idea)
References for
Week 2-5

Week 6-10 2. The Expressive • Creating summaries and/or • Oral participation

Macro Skills – mind maps on the nature (OSTS activity) in
Speaking and purposes, process, sharing important
• Nature and speech styles and registers, concepts in teaching
Purposes of speech acts, phonology speaking
Speaking review, modes of • Speaking
• Mechanics and communication, and formats Task/Performance
Process of in speaking (focusing on
Speaking • One Stay-Team Stray Confidence, Speaking
• Speech Styles activity to share the Simulation, Varied
and Registers summaries/mind maps Speaking Concepts
(Frozen, Formal, made on important concepts Applied)
Consultative, in teaching speaking • Speaking Task
Casual, Intimate, • Individual/pair/group Feedbacking Simulation
Aggressive, preparation and (focusing on
Passive, Assertive) presentation of speaking Feedbacking Process,
• Austin and tasks (storytelling, oration, Use of Rubrics, and
Searle’s Speech acting, conversation Appropriate Tips/
Acts(Locutionary, simulation, role play, Feedback Provided to
Illocutionary, and theatrical play, etc.) Learner)
Perlocutionary) • Pair feedbacking practice • Making a Learning
• Review on and simulation on speaking Plan in Teaching
Segmentals, task performed Speaking (focusing on
Suprasegmentals, • Pair learning plan making Completeness,
Modes of in accordance to the English Appropriate Approach
Communication, curricula speaking Used, and Facilitative
Types of Speech competencies Process)
Delivery) • Teaching speaking • Teaching
• Speaking demonstration on the Demonstration in
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Formats assigned/chosen learning Speaking (focusing on

(Interaction, competencies TeacherLike Simulation,
Transaction, • Feedbacking of instructor Preparation, Classroom
Performance) to demonstrator on teaching Management, Learning
• Lesson Design speaking Environment, and
in Teaching Feedbacking/Evaluation
Speaking • Process)
Materials and
Resources in
Teaching Speaking
• Performance-
Based Assessment
in Teaching
• Feedbacking in
References for To be Provided by the professor
Weeks 6-10 1- Video or documentary film

Robinson, K. (2010). Paradigm Shift in Education by Ken Robinson, Available on YouTube)


Required Reading:

Morales, M. P. E., (2012). Culture and Language Integration in Physics Education.


Illich, I. (1998, 2003). Deschooling Society. Chapter 1 & 3 (Available online)

O’Neill, G. (2015). Curriculum Design in Higher Education: Theory to Practice, Chapters 6-8.
Dublin: UCD Teaching & Learning. ISBN 9781905254989
http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/UCDTLP0068.pdf. Also available from UCD Research
repository at: http://researchrepository.ucd.ie/handle/10197/7137

To be Provided by the student

Each student must contribute at least one of the following: (based on the number of enrollee)
1- Video or documentary film (International or local setting)
1- Reading Material (research article/book chapter)
Week 11-14 3. The Expressive • Individual/pair/group • Oral participation in
Macro Skills – preparation and sharing challenges and
Writing presentation of writing issues in teaching
a. Nature and tasks (writing stories, writing
Purposes of • Writing
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Writing poems, essays, creative Task/Performance

b. Mechanics and outputs, researches, etc.) (focusing on
Process • Pair feedbacking practice Organization of Ideas,
of Writing and simulation on writing Writing Simulation,
c. Concerns and task performed Varied Writing
Strategies • Pair learning plan making Concepts Applied)
in Pre-Writing, in accordance to the • Writing Task
Drafting, English curricula writing Feedbacking Simulation
Revising, Editing, competencies (focusing on
Proofreading, and Feedbacking Process,
• Teaching writing
Publishing Use of Rubrics, and
demonstration on the
d. Lesson Design Appropriate
assigned/chosen learning
in Tips/Feedback Provided
Teaching Writing to Learner)
e. Materials and • Feedbacking of instructor • Making a Learning
Resources to demonstrator on Plan in Teaching
in Teaching teaching writing Writing (focusing on
Writing Completeness,
f. Performance Appropriate Approach
and Used, and Facilitative
Portfolio-Based Process)
Assessment in • Teaching
Teaching Demonstration in
Writing Writing (focusing on
g. Feedbacking in Teacher-LikeSimulation,
Assessing Writing Preparation, Classroom
Management, Learning
Environment, and
References for
Weeks 11-14

Week 15-18 4. The Receptive • Lecture discussion on the • Various objective

Macro Skills – relevance of listening in comprehension tasks in
Listening the communication listening as diagnostic
• Active Listening process, nature, purposes, and formative
Skill sub-skills, and techniques assessments • Listening
•Nature and and strategies in listening Task Feedbacking
Purposes of effectively Simulation (focusing on
Listening • Varied teacher-led Feedbacking Process,
• Listening Use of Rubrics, and
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Comprehension activities on testing Appropriate

and Sub-Skills in listening comprehension Tips/Feedback Provided
Listening and sub-skills to Learner)
• Listening • Pair feedbacking • Making a Learning
Techniques and practice and simulation on Plan in Teaching
Strategies listening tasks performed Listening (focusing on
• Approaches in • Differentiating/analyzing Completeness,
Teaching Listening listening lesson plans Appropriate Approach
(Bottom-Up, Top- applying bottom-up, top- Used, and Facilitative
Down, Interactive) Process)
down, and interactive
• Lesson Design in • Making Original
Teaching Listening Instructional Materials
• Pair learning plan
• Materials and in Teaching Listening
making in accordance to
Resources in (focusing on
Teaching Listening the English curricula Appropriateness and
• Performance listening competencies Resourcefulness)
and Observation- • Pair synthesis of original • Teaching
Based Assessment learning materials for Demonstration in
in Teaching listening appropriate for Listening (focusing on
Listening • learners and the TeacherLike Simulation,
Feedbacking in assigned/chosen Preparation, Classroom
Assessing competencies Management, Learning
Listening • Teaching listening Environment, and
demonstration on the Feedbacking/Evaluation
assigned/chosen learning Process)
• Feedbacking of instructor
to demonstrator on
teaching speaking

5. The Receptive • Various objective • Reading Task

Macro Skills – comprehension tasks in Feedbacking Simulation
Reading listening as diagnostic and (focusing on
• Nature and formative assessments Feedbacking Process,
Purposes of • Listening Task Use of Rubrics, and
Reading Feedbacking Simulation Appropriate
• Reading (focusing on Feedbacking Tips/Feedback Provided
Comprehension Process, Use of Rubrics, to Learner)
and Sub-Skills in and Appropriate • Making a Learning
Reading Plan in Teaching
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

• Reading Tips/Feedback Provided to Reading (focusing on

Techniques and Learner) Completeness,
Strategies • Making a Learning Plan in Appropriate Approach
• Approaches in Teaching Listening Used, and Facilitative
Teaching (focusing on Process)
Reading (Bottom- Completeness, • Making Original
Up, Appropriate Approach Instructional Materials
Top-Down, Used, and Facilitative in Teaching Reading
Interactive) Process) (focusing on
• Goddell’s Appropriateness and
• Making Original
Reading Skills Resourcefulness)
Instructional Materials in
Ladder and Stages • Teaching
Teaching Listening
of Demonstration in
(focusing on
Reading Reading (focusing on
• Reading Appropriateness and TeacherLike Simulation,
Program and the Resourcefulness) Preparation, Classroom
Good Reader • Teaching Demonstration Management, Learning
• Lesson Design in in Listening (focusing on Environment, and
Teaching Reading TeacherLike Simulation, Feedbacking/Evaluation
• Materials and Preparation, Classroom Process)
Resources Management, Learning
in Teaching Environment, and
Reading Feedbacking/Evaluation
• Performance Process)
Assessment in
• Feedbacking in
Assessing Reading
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Course - Attendance
- Class Participation (direct and indirect)

- Reflection paper
- Attendance -10%
Grading System
- Class Participation (direct and indirect) -20%

- Reflection paper -20%

CHED policy in class attendance and LGMC rules and regulation on routine matter Policies such as
Course Policies withdrawal from the course, as stipulated in the Student Handbook will apply.


Prepared by:

_____________________ _______________________
Faculty Date Submitted

_____________________ _______________________
Faculty Date Submitted

_____________________ _______________________
Faculty Date Submitted
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Reviewed by:

Dean, College of _________

Recommending Approval:

College Department Head

Approved by:

VP/Academic Affairs
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Course Title Literary Criticism

Course Number ENGL 322

School Year & Term Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

Faculty Zarah Joyce A. Segovia, LPT
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. is a community that provides equal opportunity for
learners to actively participate in their development as responsible leaders in their
LGMC Vision
chosen fields of endeavor and cultivates a culture of service to mankind for the greater
glory of God.
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. aims to maintain a standard of education that will
LGMC Mission
harness the full potential of each student based on their skills set and aptitudes.
Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. believes that education aims at the total
LGMC Philosophy development of individuals, imbued with knowledge and skills and Filipino values for
the enhancement of nation building.
1. Display mastery of the essential and emerging science concepts, learning
theories associated with instructional methods and strategies, models
Program Outcomes /frameworks of teaching and learning, frameworks, and principles in science
Addressed by the Course education;
2. Manifest ability to express scholarly views or opinions on various issues problems
and solutions in teaching and learning science; and
3. Adopt a philosophy-oriented and learn to formulate theory-based practice in
teaching science education based on Philippine context.
This course provides the pre-service English teachers with opportunities to study the
basic approaches to literary theory and criticism and their application to selected
literary works. They will be able to demonstrate content knowledge and application
of literary criticism and critical theory approaches relevant to literature and English
Course Description
language teaching. Moreover, this will allow them to determine instructional
implications in applying literature teaching strategies that will promote critical
thinking and other higher order thinking skills through original critiques of literary
Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
A. discuss, analyze, and interpret a poetic text demonstrating their content knowledge and
applying the basic approaches to
literary theory and criticism relevant to the body of literature and English language
B. analyze literary periods/movements using a definitive text/author thereby promoting
critical thinking and other higher order
thinking skills in literary criticism and critical theory approaches; and
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

C. write an original critique paper addressing problems in critical theory from the classical
to modern times as applied to literary
works, and drawing implications to English language and literature teaching.

Course Lesson Guide Instructional

Theme/Content Expected Output
Format/Schedule Questions Delivery/Activities

Week 1

Weeks 2-5 1. Introduction to • Review discussion on • Diagnostic assessment

Literary Criticism literature overview, through objective
purposes and benefits of test/open-ended test on
literature, literary genres,
1. Review of and literary techniques purposes of literature,
Purposes and literary genres, and literary
Benefits of • Sharing discussion on techniques
Literature Studies literary criticism and
2. Review of purposes through reading • Oral participation in
and analyzing sample
Literary Genres sharing and analyzing
reviews from newspapers
3. Review of and websites reviews of literary texts in
Literary Techniques newspapers and websites
4. Literary Criticism • Creating summary table to
5. Definitions differentiate literary • Graphic organizers as
6. Purposes of discussion, analysis, and formative assessment to
Literary Criticism summarize and
7. Literary • Identifying the processes differentiate literary
Discussion vs. involved in literary criticism, criticism terms and
Literary Analysis vs. discussion, analysis, and processes
Literary interpretation through a
Interpretation process chart • Reflection/Metalog
Paper on the Purpose of
• Writing short reflection
and/or metalog on the Literary Criticism in
purposes of literary criticism Acquiring Deeper
to acquire a deeper Understanding and
understanding and Appreciation of a Literary
appreciation of a literary Work (focusing on
work of art
Reflection, Organization of
Ideas, Use of Literary
Criticism Terms, and
Language Mechanics)
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

References for 2. Periods and • Video viewing on the • Oral Presentation during
Week 2-5 Movements in Overview of Literary Periods reporting, synthesis and
Literature and Movements analysis of the periods and
• Report preparation and movements of literature
1. Overview of synthesis on the periods and (focusing on Synthesis of
Literary Periods movements of literature Report, Choice and Analysis
and Movements • Table making as a summary of a Definitive Text in
2. Early Periods of of the literary periods and Period/Movement,
Literature movements in literature from Preparation and Effort, and
3. Classical early period to literary Confidence in Oral
4. Medieval movements Reporting)
5. Renaissance • Oral sharing or reporting on • Note Table Summary as
6. Reformation the analysis of the periods formative assessment on
7. Later/Modern and movements in Literature the literary periods and
Periods of using definitive texts movements
Literature • Writing a critical analysis
8. Enlightenment paper of a text and an author • Objective quiz on the
9. Romantic from a definite literary period Periods and Movements of
10. Victorian or movements Literature
11. Modern • Consultation and
12. Post-modern feedbacking from instructor • Analysis Paper of a text
13. Literary on analysis paper made and an author from a
Movements definite literary period or
• Metaphysical movements (focusing on
• Symbolists Literary Analysis, Choice of
• Harlem a Definitive Text in Period/
Renaissance Movement, Organization of
• The Beats Ideas, and Language
• Confessional Mechanics)
• New York School
• Black Arts
Week 6-10 3. Literary • Lecture-discussion on each • Summary outline as
Theories and of the literary theories and formative assessment of
Modern Criticism modern criticisms the Literary Theories, its
Schools of construct and examples
Thought • Video viewing on the
1. Overview of explanation and examples of • Objective quiz on literary
Literary Theories, literary theories theories and modern
Modern Criticisms, criticism schools
and Schools of • Creating graphic organizers
Thought to understand the literary • Group Journal Review of
2. Traditional theories, modern criticisms, a Sample Critical Analysis
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Literary Criticism and schools of thought Paper as formative

3. Formalism and assessment on the use of
New Criticism • Analyzing and sharing of literary theories and
4. Marxism and sample critical analysis papers movements in analyzing
Critical Theory of famous literary texts using literary texts
5. Structuralism each of the Literary Theories
and and Movements • Critical Analysis Paper of
Poststructuralism a Poetic Text using a
6. New Historicism • Group journal review of a Literary Theory/Movement
and Cultural sample critical analysis paper (focusing on
Materialism of a literary text with a Appropriateness of Poem
7. Ethnic Studies literary theory/movement and Theory/ Movement
and Postcolonial used Chosen, Analysis and
Criticism Discussion, Organization of
8. Gender Studies, • Writing a critical analysis of Ideas, and Language
Feminism, and a poetic text through a Mechanics)
Queer Theory definite literary theory
9. Cultural Studies
References for
Weeks 6-10
Week 11-14 . Writing the • Round table discussion on • Oral participation rubric
Literary Criticism the essential elements of a during the round table
Paper literary criticism paper discussion on the essential
• Analyzing and elements of a literary
interpreting the structure criticism paper
and techniques in writing a • Literary Criticism Paper
literary criticism paper of a modern text analyzing
• Writing a critique paper the period/movement and
addressing issues and identifying an appropriate
theory/school of thought
problems in critical theory
(focusing on
with novelty
Appropriateness of Text
• Consultation and
and Period/Theory Chosen,
feedbacking from instructor
Analysis and Discussion,
on literary criticism paper Organization of Ideas, and
made Language Mechanics)
References for
Weeks 11-14
443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Week 15-18

Course - Attendance
- Class Participation (direct and indirect)

- Reflection paper
- Attendance -10%
Grading System
- Class Participation (direct and indirect) -20%

- Reflection paper -20%

CHED policy in class attendance and LGMC rules and regulation on routine matter Policies such as
Course Policies withdrawal from the course, as stipulated in the Student Handbook will apply.


Faculty Date Submitted

443 Mabini street, Zone 2 Poblacion Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s.1986

teaching minds… changing lives… moving forward

Reviewed by:

Dean, College of _________

Recommending Approval:

College Department Head

Approved by:

VP/Academic Affairs

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