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1 Previous lesson: Everybody Up 2, Unit 1 (Lesson 4), page 11


1. Prepare a 25-minute lesson

2. You should include
a. Warm-up
b. Lesson proper
c. Wrap-up
3. Things to consider
a. Which part of the lesson should I focus on during the class? Should I include all the activities in the book
(Unit 2, Lesson 1)?
b. What should I do to help the student produce the target language?
c. How can I make the lesson more conversational?

When preparing the lesson, you have three choices----------------(A) Plan my lesson by using a DIALOG, i.e. Teacher says→
students does/ says, (B) use the table below, (C) combine (A) and (B)

1. What am I going to do? Why should I do it?/ Expected result

2. How should I do it?
Warm-up (including greeting your

Lesson Proper

2 Previous lesson: Everybody Up 2, Unit 2 (Lesson 1), page 12, Activities A and B

NEW LESSON: Activities C and D, page 13


1. The student is a little slow.

2. Prepare a 25-minute lesson
3. You should include
a. Warm-up
b. Lesson proper
c. Wrap-up
4. Things to consider
a. Which part of the lesson should I focus on during the class? Should I include all the activities in the book
(Unit 2, Lesson 1)?
b. What should I do to help the student produce the target language?
c. How can I make the lesson more conversational?

When preparing the lesson, you have three choices----------------(A) Plan my lesson by using a DIALOG, i.e. Teacher says→
students does/ says, (B) use the table below, (C) combine (A) and (B)

1. What am I going to do? Why should I do it?/ Expected result

2. How should I do it?
Warm-up (including greeting your

Lesson Proper

3 Previous lesson: Everybody Up 2, Unit 2 (Lesson 1), page 12, Activity A (numbers 1 to 4)

NEW LESSON: Start with number 5 (Activity A), page 12


1. The student is a little slow.

2. Prepare a 25-minute lesson
3. You should include
a. Warm-up
b. Lesson proper
c. Wrap-up
4. Things to consider
a. Which part of the lesson should I focus on during the class? Should I include all the activities in the book
(Unit 2, Lesson 1)?
b. What should I do to help the student produce the target language?
c. How can I make the lesson more conversational?

When preparing the lesson, you have three choices----------------(A) Plan my lesson by using a DIALOG, i.e. Teacher says→
students does/ says, (B) use the table below, (C) combine (A) and (B)

1. What am I going to do? Why should I do it?/ Expected result

2. How should I do it?
Warm-up (including greeting your *Routinary To build rapport and engage the
student) T: Hello, Good morning! student to prepare for listening and
S: (Responds) participating in class. Also, to get the
T: How are you today? Are you interest of the student and review
happy/sad/hungry? prior knowledge and previous lesson
S: (Responds) understanding.
T: How’s the weather there today?
S: (Ss Answers may vary)
T: I see, is it cold/hot there?
S: (Ss Answers may vary)
T: Thank you Ss, Are you ready now
for our class?
S: Yes, teacher!
T: Now before we continue with our
lesson for today, let’s play a game

*Proceeds to (Activity A: LISTEN,


T:Can you tell me what is this

picture? (T points at the picture)
S: Says the answer
T: Will you please say the words
S: Pronounces the target vocabulary

T: Gives appropriate explanation and

varied feedbacks (Very Good!
Impressive! Great job! Amazing!)

*Rinse and repeat the process until

all the items have been pronounced


T: Now let’s proceed to our new

lesson, Are you ready?
S: Let’s go

Lesson Proper *Introduction To familiarize Ss to the different jobs

T: First I want you to look at the and introduce an new simple
pictures on the screen. What would sentence pattern.
you like to be when you grow up?
S: Looks and answers the question.
T: Can you tell me the people’s jobs
that you see in the pictures?
S: Describes the picture
T: Very Good!

T: Now let’s listen to the audio and

try to put the number on the correct
job? Are you ready?
S: Answers

*Ask comprehension questions.

T: What again are the different jobs
that we have?
S: Answers
T: Describe each of the following
people and their jobs
S: (Answers may vary)
*Introduce simple sentence
T: He is a _____________?
S: Answers
T: Great job!
Wrap-Up *Recap the jobs by doing (Activity E: To evaluate/ assess learning. End
Look at point B and ask and answer.) class.

*Student may either ask or answer

the question.

T: (Asks questions about the lesson

and/may give some assignments)

T: Did you have fun in today’s class?

S: Yes teacher.
T: Thank you for having me. See you
again next time! Goodbye!
Previous lesson:

1. The student is a little slow.

2. Prepare a 25-minute lesson
3. You should include
a. Warm-up
b. Lesson proper
c. Wrap-up
4. Things to consider
a. Which part of the lesson should I focus on during the class?
b. What should I do to help the student produce the target language?
c. How can I make the lesson more conversational?

When preparing the lesson, you have three choices----------------(A) Plan my lesson by using a DIALOG, i.e. Teacher says→
students does/ says, (B) use the table below, (C) combine (A) and (B)

1. What am I going to do? Why should I do it?/ Expected result

2. How should I do it?
Warm-up (including greeting your

Lesson Proper

Previous lesson:
New lesson:

1. The student is a little slow.

2. Prepare a 25-minute lesson
3. You should include
a. Warm-up
b. Lesson proper
c. Wrap-up
4. Things to consider
a. Which part of the lesson should I focus on during the class?
b. What should I do to help the student produce the target language?
c. How can I make the lesson more conversational?

When preparing the lesson, you have three choices----------------(A) Plan my lesson by using a DIALOG, i.e. Teacher says→
students does/ says, (B) use the table below, (C) combine (A) and (B)

1. What am I going to do? Why should I do it?/ Expected result

2. How should I do it?
Warm-up (including greeting your

Lesson Proper

Previous lesson:
New lesson:

NOTES: PROBLEM: You cannot find the audio files for your lesson.

1. The student can follow instructions very well and has shown dramatic improvement in the past few
2. Prepare a 25-minute lesson
3. You should include
d. Warm-up
e. Lesson proper
f. Wrap-up
4. Things to consider
d. Which part of the lesson should I focus on during the class?
e. What should I do to help the student produce the target language?
f. How can I make the lesson more conversational?

When preparing the lesson, you have three choices----------------(A) Plan my lesson by using a DIALOG, i.e. Teacher says→
students does/ says, (B) use the table below, (C) combine (A) and (B)

1. What am I going to do? Why should I do it?/ Expected result

2. How should I do it?
Warm-up (including greeting your *Routinary To build rapport and engage the
student) T: Hello, Good morning! student to prepare for listening and
S: (Responds) participating in class. Also, to get the
T: How are you today? Are you interest of the student and review
happy/sad/hungry? prior knowledge and previous lesson
S: (Responds) understanding.
T: How’s the weather there today?
S: (Ss Answers may vary)
T: I see, is it cold/hot there?
S: (Ss Answers may vary)
T: Thank you Ss, Are you ready now
for our class?
S: Yes, teacher!
T: Now before we continue with our
lesson for today, let’s play a game

*Proceeds to (Activity A: LISTEN and


T:Can you tell me what is this

picture? (T points at the picture)
S: Says the answer
T: Will you please encircle the correct
S: Encircles the correct words
T: Gives appropriate and varied
feedbacks (Very Good! Impressive!
Great job! Amazing!)

*Rinse and repeat the process until

all the items have been answered


T: Now let’s proceed to our new

lesson, Are you ready?
S: Let’s go

Lesson Proper *Introduction To hone Ss reading, pronunciation

T: First I want you to look at the and comprehension.
pictures on the screen.
S: Looks
T: Can you tell me the things that you
see in the pictures?
S: Describes the picture
T: Very Good!

T: Now let’s read the story that we
have right on the screen. Will you
please read it?
*Note: Check for pronunciation
If the student can’t read clearly
help/assist by reading it and making
them repeat it.

*Ask comprehension questions.

T: What is the story about?
S: Answers
T: Do you like biking, hiking and
S: (Answers may vary)
T: Why do you like _____________?
S: Answers
T: Very good!
Wrap-Up Sing the song and have a recap of all To evaluate/ assess learning. End
the things that have been discussed. class.
T: Now let’s sing a song. Are you
T: (Asks questions about the lesson
and/may give some assignments)

T: Did you have fun in today’s class?

S: Yes teacher.
T: Thank you for having me. See you
again next time! Goodbye!

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