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Name: __________________ Date: _____________

1. What did Coach White throw at the football player inside

the locker room?

2. What is the name of the high school Coach White gets

hired to teach at?

3. When Johnny Sameniego meets Coach White he tells him

that he plays football. What number does Johnny wear?

Instructions: As you watch the video, please answer 4. What does Coach White’s neighbor give him as a
each question. The answers are in chronological order. welcoming gift?

"I'll be honest with you. The 5. What sport does Coach White want to coach?

odds are stacked against us.

6. Who does Coach White put in charge of recruiting students
You guys are super human. for the cross-country team?
There's nothing you can't do
with that kind of strength, 7. Who is the “anchor” of the cross-country team?

with that kind of heart...” -

Coach White 8. What score does the McFarland cross-country team get at
the Palo Alto Invitational?
Name: __________________ Date: _____________

9. What does Cheryl White want Coach White to pick up 17. What kind of party does Coach White throw for his
for Julie’s birthday? daughter Julie (hint: the answer is in Spanish)?

10. Who does Coach White see sitting at the edge of the 18. What school does Coach White interview with?

11. The second dual meet is between McFarland vs. 19. What happened to Jose during the race at the CIF State
_____________________________. Cross Country Championship?

12. Making inferences: Why do you think it was important

for Coach White to work out in the fields with his runners?
20. Which runner gets 5th place at the CIF State Cross Country
13. List the two things that the McFarland cross-country
team did in order to fundraise for new uniforms and
shoes? 21. Which team wins 1st place at the CIF State Cross Country

14. Thomas Valles’ father tells him: “Nobody ever needed a

_______________________ in the 22. How many state titles has McFarland High won in the span of
_______________________.” 14 years?

15. At the Stallion Oak State Qualifier, a coach 23. From what university did Danny Diaz graduate from?
approached Coach White to tell him that they are
interested in him. What school is this coach from?
16. What word is misspelled on the uniforms?
Name: __________________ Date: _____________

The following facts were changed in the movie:

- The real Jim White started coaching at McFarland HS

in 1980 instead of 1987 as stated by the movie.

- The rise of the cross-country team took place over

several years and not just one year as portrayed in the

- Coach White did not create the cross-country team at

McFarland HS (he resurrected the team).

- Jim White was never fired from a previous school for

losing his temper. In fact, he taught in the McFarland
School District since 1964. He did not arrive at
McFarland on his last leg after being fired.

- Jim White and Cheryl White have three daughters. Do you think that a movie can advertise itself as “A True Story”
McFarland HS is not located across the street from a when so much of the story has been changed? Explain.
- Coach White did help the boys work in the fields
various times (not just once). __________________________________________________

- Most of their opponents were not snobby rich kids as __________________________________________________

portrayed in the movie.
- Danny Diaz was not overweight.

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