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CBSE Mock Full Test-1_Phy-1


Class – XII
Maximum Marks: 35 Time Allowed: 2 hours

General Instructions:
(i) There are 12 questions in all. All Questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper has three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
(iii) Section A contains three questions of two marks each, Section B contains eight questions
of three marks each, Section C contains one case study-based question of five marks.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of
two marks and two questions of three marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in
such questions.
(v) You may use log tables if necessary but use of calculator is not allowed.


1. When two resistances X and Y are put in the left hand and right hand gaps in a wheat stone
meter bridge, the null point is at 60cm. If X is shunted by a resistance equal to half of itself
then find the shift in the null point.

2. Explain the effect of increase of intensity on photoelectrons kinetic energy.

3. A bulb of resistor 10 connected to an Inductor of inductance L is in series with an a.c.

source marked 100v 50Hz. If phase angle between the voltage and current is π/4 radian.
Calculate the value of L.


An electric dipole of length 2cm is placed with its axis making an angle of 60 o with respect to
a uniform electric field of 105N/C. If it exerts a torque of 8 3 , Calculate
(i) Magnitude of charge on dipole
(ii) Potential energy of dipole

4. What are eddy currents? How are these produced? In what sense are eddy currents
considered undesirable in a transformer?

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
CBSE Mock Full Test-1_Phy-2

5. The following data was obtained for the dependence of the magnitude of electric field with
distance, from a reference point o, with in the charge distribution in shaded region.
(I) Identify the charge distribution
(II) Identify the location points A B C and A1 B1 C1


Derive an expression for the impedance of an a.c. circuit with series L.C.R Combination.

6. Find the value of unknown resistance X in the following circuit, if no current flows through the
section AO. Also calculate the current drawn by the circuit from the battery of emf 6V.

A double convex lens made of glass if refractive index 1.5 has its both surface of equal radii
of curvature of 20 cm each. An a object of 5 cm height is placed at a distance of 10 cm from
the lens. Find the position nature & size of image.

7. Why do we require modulation? Explain the AM with block diagram.

8. Draw a diagram to show the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number of
different nuclei. State why heavy nuclei undergo fission.

9. A convex lens made of material of refractive index n2 is held in reference medium of

index n1. Trace the path of a parallel beam of height passing through the lens When
(i) n1 = n2 (ii) n1 < n2 (iii) n1 > n2

10. If  stands for the magnetic susceptibility of a given material. Identify the class of material for
(i) −1    0
(ii) 0    , ( stands for a small positive number)
(a) Write the range of relative magnetic permeability of these materials
(ii) Draw the pattern of the magnetic field liens when these materials are placed in an
external magnetic field.

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
CBSE Mock Full Test-1_Phy-3

11. A conductor of length ‘l’ connected to a d.c. source of potential V. If the length of the
conductor is tripled by stretching it keeping ‘V’ constant. Explain how do the following factors
vary in the conductor?
(1) Drift speed of electrons
(2) Resistance
(3) Resistivity

Case Study Type

12. The electron mobility characterises how quickly an electron can move through a metal of
semiconductor when pulled by an electric field. There is an analogous quality for holes,
called hole mobility.
A block of pure silicon at 300 K has a length of 10 cm and an area of 1.0 cm 2. A battery of
emf 2V is connected across it. The mobility of electron is 0.14 m2 V–1 s–1 and their number
density is 1.5 × 1016 m–3. The mobility of holes is 0.05 m2 V–1 s–1.

(i) The electron current is

(A) 6.72 × 10–4 A (B) 6.72 × 10–5 A
(C) 6.72 × 10–6 A (D) 6.72 × 10–7 A

(ii) The hole current is

(A) 2.0 × 10–7 A (B) 2.2 × 10–7 A
(C) 2.4 × 10–7 A (D) 2.6 × 10–7 A

(iii) The number density of donor atoms which are to be added up to pure silicon semiconductor
to produce an n-type semiconductor of conductivity 6.4 –1 cm–1 is approximately (neglect
the contribution of holes to conductivity)
(A) 3 × 1022 m–3 (B) 4 × 109 m–3
(C) 3 × 10 m (D) 3 × 1021 m–3

(iv) When the given silicon semiconductor is doped with indium, the hole concentration
increases to 4.5 × 1023 m–3. The electron concentration in doped silicon is
(A) 3 × 109 m–3 (B) 4 × 109 m–3
(C) 5 × 10 m (D) 6 × 109 m–3

(v) Pick out the statement which is not correct.

(A) At a low temperature, the resistance of a semiconductor is very high.
(B) Movement of holes is restricted to the valence band only.
(C) Width of the depletion region increases as the forward bias voltage increases in case of
a p-n junction diode.
(D) In a forward bias condition, the diode heavily conducts.

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000

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