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M A G A Z I N E F O R A R T & M E N TA L I T Y

# 02 April 2011


April 2011 TANGRECIA

by Pablito Greco


Tango nuevo

TANGO NUEVO (= The merging of tango with New tango) was the other recognized western name given by Astor sounds by PIazzolla constituted such a success, Piazzolla (A.P., that it produced a new genre 1921-1992) to the which exceeded all its influences Carlos Kuri new musical genre created by him after attributed to the 1954. This gifted globally acknowledged musician merged tango A.P.s music. In 1999, a This issue is dedicated to with elements of jazz new kind of music is the permanent editors of and classical music. In given birth by Gotan TANGRECIA. It is an honor the beginnings of the Project - electronic to host them in our pages. 90s some exceptionally tango. Until today, In this magazine we are talented and profound many people in the trying to approach art with tango dancers world confuse all these various ways. Poetry, managed to provide terms and notions literature, opinions, new and revolutionary (perhaps due to the information, books, music, oral cultivation and humor and speculation are bases to this dance. great tools in the hands of Using Euclidean the confusion between evolution and diversity that geometry (flat shapes, dancing-musiclines, points) as well as ignorance). We always we need. other sciences, they must further evaluate Pablito Greco. created one, although the information input. Chief editor not new, yet more www.pablitogreco.com So, lets read some comprehensive and more. We would like to thank our explanatory dancing www.piazzolla.org translator, Myrto Sifaki, for mode. They named it the English edition. cosmotango. As the [email protected] years passed, this term was replaced by tango nuevo, borrowed from Astor Piazzollas Dedicated to my Muse, music. The aim of this MARGARITA. To love. replacement was to give to this new 2011. All rights reserved. dancing mode a revolutionary contour, Pablito Greco, 1st edition: February 2011. equal to the one


April 2011 TANGRECIA 3

by Andreas Labrinidis

Lust or something else?

SOME may call me folklore. Maybe I would call myself that, were I in their place. Tango is and accumulates every beautiful thing in life. It is an expression of love, where the body movements constitute the language of love. Some, of course, equalled tango with the erotic element - lust. They were mistaken; for, its exactly the opposite of that. ...It is an act of escape, an act of rebellion...

we are, in the best of cases, in the taboos of apprehensiveness and hesitation. In the most tragic but, unfortunately, most often cases, we are confined in the bonds of our own flesh desires. But tango is beyond all these. Through the nostalgia of the connection and the love in a womans body we leave the instrument of physical lust outside and ...through a common embrace we create, acting as one... I had many girls in my life, but never a woman. This is exactly what tango wants to abolish, as it escapes from the double, sad sexual act of intercourse with the unknown. It wants to abolish wrath, disappointment, threat and sarcasm. To offer joy and peace. So, dance tango and lose yourselves in its magic...

It is the internal creation of the object of our hope and our wish, which permits us to escape from a cruel everyday reality where everything is formalized and In the next issue: Vangelis everything leads us to an era of Hatzopoulos & Marianna light eroticism - a tightwad love; Koutandou finally we end up as just another hollow individual. Today, the romantic is dead and the best thing you can run across is the sweetie, since the most we can offer is our sweetness, confined as


April 2011 TANGRECIA 4

The new
by Gianna Kyrchanidou

MY senses started traveling on the pathways of tango after one quite difficult life period. For the first time I did what I needed, what I have long now been wanting, but couldnt do for various personal reasons. I want to believe that I will go on and that no hurdle will stand on my way. I have started having fun Every time I dance, its as if a love story begins; a love story lasting as long as the music lasts, that takes you to places unknown, beautiful places where you dont want to leave. This sublime music and the closed embrace make me feel complete and amazing. But the most wonderful part is making new friends, good friends that gave to my life the joy and laughter which had been missing for so long. Finally, tango is what I thought it would be. Its passion, love; sometimes its something indescribable. A great feeling! My advice? Put tango in your LIFE! It will renew you!

The embrace
by Magdalena Tita

IT WAS March of 1996, when love knocked forcefully on the door of loneliness and migration! A biting cold and rainy night in Hamburg, Tita accepted the invitation to visit her love at his workplace. He used to work in some small music bar, which was the only thing she had managed to

understand (together with the address) from his little german and his gorgeous spanish, unknown to her back then. The date was fixed. Upon her arrival, she found an underground space with discreet lighting and a great, soft, very interesting music playing...Shadows of people of all ages, locked in embraces, tenderly, doing some weird tricks with their feet! For a moment she forgot the reason for her visit (she had never before laid eyes on such a scene, not in films or documentaries, neither had she heard anything about it). Back then, there werent even movies about it or, if they were, she certainly didnt know about it. As she sat, taking in the picture and while the rain fell incessantly etc., a gentleman stood before her and invited her to dance! oh, no, thanks, I cant, I dont know this dance, I just got here and I will leave in a short while. Allow me, you will see how simple it is. Accept to dance with me, you dont need to know - you need to feel. Well, then, be my guest! Thank you for the honour. When the embracing and the walk began, she just couldnt stop chattering. About this and that and how and ohs and blah blah! Just one thing, madam: Lets say no more words, lets listen to the music and the silence. That was it. She never stopped listening to it and moving into its embrace...For 14 years.


April 2011 TANGRECIA 5

The last of Second-man

by Pablito Greco

THE FAIRY-TALES about beautiful princesses, fatal men and fairies always come to an end. And the continuous sexual time extensions given to you in an affair, which is not yours to keep, momentarily distract you from your course. But life always helps you to understand that... in the heart of the person you love, never accept to be a Second-man . This is what happened with her. The thought that she might leave had always generated mixed feelings. I would lose my inspiration. Whom I would stay up all night in the milongas for? Still...I didnt even talk to her most of the times. I would greet every single person, but I would surpass her...God, what a fool. How many moments did I lose... One Friday afternoon, while doing my routine quest for my friend for job places for substitute mathematicians in 2011, a thunder struck my screen. Her name was in the runners-up. Destination: Athens. Everything was falling apart. I drank some water, but my heart was almost bursting in my chest. I covered my face with both my hands but at the end I managed to save the day. Men dont cry, right? I hardly managed to get up and out in the balcony for some fresh air. In a tshirt and I didnt even realize that the temp was 3 degree Celsius. Hey! Relax, will you? I told myself, yelling inside my head. Deep breaths, I continued. Night came and I pulled myself together. I met two friends in one of my new hang-out spots. I almost never drink, but that night

wine was water to me. I am on my way home and soon my mobile rings. Its her. Whats up? she says. Im fine. Congratulations! Many congratulations!, I surprise her, showing her that I know the news. She laughs, surprised. Thanks a lot! Look, Im at the milonga and I dont think Ill be coming again. So, if you want, come and dance with me, ok?. She sounds stressed. It took courage to call me and she managed to find it. OK, kisses. Buy., I say and hang up, realizing that I never confirmed my arrival! Now, my definition of speed is managing to shower, shave, iron your shirt and satin trousers, comb your hair, grab your mobile, keys, car, hit the road and get to the milonga in less than 19 minutes. I ask her to dance.


April 2011 TANGRECIA 6

Never in my life, as far as I can remember, have I danced with such simplicity and passion all these tangos. The whispered phrases Im gonna miss you so much, I love you, I want you acquired a new meaning; far beyond the trivialities. One kiss, while dancing, feels soothing. Tango Bar closes and the saddest moment approaches while I curse my luck in which I dont even believe. We are in the car and stare at each other. What can I tell her that she doesnt already know? Which complaints has she left unsaid? Hands speak, eyes kiss, hearts wonder. She is leaving, I am liberating myself and the story is

ending in the shadow of a sad spacetime... Send your stories, signed or anonymous, imaginary or real at [email protected].


Dancing & traveling

by the editing team

Ta n g o i n G r e e c e www.tangrecia.com Ta n g o i n C y p r u s www.tangocyprus.net Tr a v e l i n I t a l y www.justitaly.org


April 2011 TANGRECIA 7

by the editing team

Janet Kapuya

Famous Uruguayan singer, UNESCO award for representing the tango heritage of her country.

A unique voice, extraordinary performances, the award by UNESCO. What does singing mean for you?
IT MEANS a voice with its own DNA. Every voice has its own course, for within it, it embeds destinys own course. When someone hears a voice from any part of the world, maybe in a language that s/he doesnt understand, this is what one perceives. This is magical. Imagine, for instance, my personal experience. That is what happened with UNESCO. They listened to me in Youtube and that was it! Singing is an important issue for me. Every lyric has its own sense and therefore, it must be interpreted, you must make it your own, wear it, taste it, find its smell and colour. Its moment and its time.

What will be, will be. It s in the future, anyway...isnt it?

How important is art in our times?

WHAT is nice in todays art is the lack of any rules or limits...Art today is a mirror of our society, with its own romanticism. You do not draw or write internally-driven. Everything pushes you towards darkness and negativity because this is the reality, realism. It s difficult to come across whats rare, when everything is cloned. Surrealism is a matter and a What are your plans for picture of how we live today. Art is the future? closer to us than it had been years I HAVE no plans...never had. I ago. In Greece I believe that the move on and get ready. Anyway, the new generation can express their strings are pulled by others and I feelings more openly and free, can never be sure whether or not I because of all the information they will be included in their plans. get through technology. * Facebook: Janet Kapuya


April 2011 TANGRECIA 8


Mauricio Castro

Famous Argentinean professional dancertango instructor, creator of the Tango Discovery method.

sexual ambiguity, to a NEW perspective of a real powerful strong masculine leader. Also all the materials are a good complement for taking my classes.

You are a unique tango dancer and a extraordinary teacher. by the editing team How important is for a dancer What is the present & what it to be different and not copying would be the future of tango, others? THANKS for thinking that way. from your point of view?
AT THE present moment is growing, evolving and mutating into more enlightened ways of dancing the dance. I remember when I used to teach back sacadas in classes and not even the advance students could do it, instead now is a common element that anybody can perform. And for the future, dance will be much brighter and better as the relationship between men and women evolves.

Well is as important as the value you give to your own life. Since childhood we have been trained and condition to repeat words from our parents, somebody else phrases in school and then if you are a good parrot pleasing teachers, you

Instructional books, dvds, cds from Tangodiscovery.com . What do you want to achieve with these excellent productions, regarding the public?
SO PEOPLE can have a common intelligent and consistent language about the dance, that makes sense with anybody in the world and with any partner of any style. To move from the view of followers complaining about that they can't find good leaders, to a NEW perspective of proactive following that works at any level of dancers any style. To move from the stiff suited macho frown ridiculous stereotype of the past, or the present tango nuevo


April 2011 TANGRECIA 9

graduate from a university. Without for ones, have produce any thought you can call your own. So now somebody comes to you and says you have to be yourself and obviously you don't know what the fuck to do. Out of desperation you start to copy what others are doing, and hoping that somewhere along the line, a thunderbolt strike you in the head and you can start to be independent. Or this people that change they way they dress, as a desperate means of looking different, as if it has anything to do with dancing. I have been asked in classes many times: How do you dance? What does it really make a great dancer apart from the rest? ... and the answer is my fellow sentient beings from planet earth... HONESTY TO THE CORE A little hint: Dance to the music it inspires you to move, like the one you use for making love. Everyone else are dancing to tango and bullshitting that is a sensual dance, but non of this people use it in real life. So just that change will set you apart from the rest.

Is that all? ... Oh my friend there is so much more... So much more... :)

What are your plans for the future?

THE FUTURE is looking bright... Ive been in Asia and going to teach in Europe in March and April 2011. I'm looking for a place to make an intensive for this or next year in Europe, also for a place to make a weekly practica for at least a couple of months, so we can have time to go more in depth. All will be announce at: www.tangodiscovery.com Un abrazo, happy tangoes and many thanks for the interest and promotion of value.


April 2011 TANGRECIA 10


T R I L O G Y,



This documentary is the third a last part of the trilogy Tango Thessaloniki in which we tried to combine the dance we love with the beautiful city of Thessaloniki. Using the arts of photography, literature and cinematography we achieved to fullfil one of our dreams that started from 2010. One of our main goals is to promote the city of Thessaloniki, as the culture center of the Balkans, using the outstanding dance of tango. Concept, director, producer, editor: * Pablito GReco Photography director, music supervisor, camera operator, assistant director: * Dimitris Papaioannou

Make up supervisor: * Gianna Kychanidou Blog: www.tangotrilogy.blogspot.com Special thanks to: * Municipality of Thessaloniki * Tango Bar * Tango Studio * Tango Salonika * Tango Room * Stelios Monahas & Humeyda Ok * Milonga Del Mar * Milonga Andromeda * Milonga in School * To all tangueros and tangueras in Thessaloniki Sponsored by: * Municipality of Thessaloniki * TANGRECIA FreePress * TANGRECIA Guide


April 2011 TANGRECIA 11

where experienced teachers would to the participants, Experience transmittheir classes, the necessary through Aristotelis knowledge in order to ease their Karagkounis participation in the maestros Professional dancer-tango seminars. At last, my conscience teacher, organizer of was clear. No more complaints and TangoGreece Festival, problems for all those who enroll in permanent editor of the wrong level. And what about TANGRECIA the boredom? What about tangos WHEN, on May 2010, Romina communication with the other arts? called me on my mobile, I was kind What about raising awareness on of surprised. When she suggested tango? Why not organize -I thoughtme to undertake the organization of a tango film festival and a tango yet another TangoGreece Festival, dance-theatre/theatre festival? And my immediate thought was not so I found myself, dear readers, another one! This would be my 9th with a festival including 70 festival in Greece, Turkey or musicians, dancers, actors and Germany. If I dont have something photographers. of quality to offer, why do the same To be continued... old thing? Besides, many people consider festivals as easy money; * Facebook: Aristotelis Karagkounis * TangoGreece Festival also, they think theyre a drag, as shown by the global shift of tangueros towards tangomarathons. Still, the tango worm was working its way inside me, and one morning I came up with the idea of tangotutoring (tango schooling)


April 2011 TANGRECIA 12

technique, discover the original sound, the original feeling. Yes! Astor Piazzolla was for me the cause to enter the world of tango and, Thomas therefore, I consider him to be my Kontogeorgis teacher. He himself leaned on Professional musicianpianist, composer, founder traditional tango. So, I started researching and studying tango of the tango orchestra TANGartO, permanent folklore. There, an unexpected editor of TANGRECIA treasure lay! I was astounded by the ingenious melodies, harmony and LOTS of things have orchestration!! One can discover been and continue to be written on great performers, composers, tango, like in here, in this new but orchestrators! All this involvement very promising magazine which has honoured me with this column. What with tango music had completely permeated me. The more I to write.... Bearing my musician penetrated into it, the more my identity, I d rather start with a small... confession, sharing with you musical perversions started to reveal my personal tango experience. I will themselves. There exist moments take as a beginning a question often which are absolutely head-spinning. You can get drunk on this music, posed to me: How on earth did you which is sometimes cruel and cynical get involved with tango? and sometimes so sensitive, sensual Coming from the field of classical and fragile! It has taught me to music studies, the only thing that express myself while playing music, could motivate me so as to get transporting me to non-ending involved with it, was tangos artistic side. So, the big push came from the emotional worlds. I kept thinking music of Astor Piazzolla. When I first that I was infected by a virus... the tango virus! For me, tango is a way of heard his music, something moved inside me. A different kind of energy living. Not to be afraid to express what you feel, to live with passion, to surged through my body, transmitting a fresh passion. Astors name things for what they are, to speak by your heart! Simple, yet music would awaken me in the morning and put me to bed at night. I difficult! But its worth it. At least the music offers its compensation! was addicted! I simply had to play this music! So, the TANGartO * Facebook: Thomas Kontogeorgis quinteto was born (1996). I would incessantly listen note-to-note all the * Quinteto TANGartO recordings, make sheets for all the instruments, copy the style. It was as if... as if I had discovered an exotic and dangerous drug. Every piece was better than the last one. Afterwards came the demanding rehearsals... where you should advance beyond the

El Maestro




Professional dancer-tango teacher, permanent editor of TANGRECIA

John Pashalidis

The Heretic

FROM time to time some provocative, yet extremely interesting stances about the two main dancing styles, de salon and nuevo, have been articulated. Such are: An Argentinean would consider nuevo as being tango only when a Greek would consider a yellowcoloured cheese as feta cheese. Juan Stefanides. There is only good tango (technique) and bad tango... Sebastian Arce. In order to stop this artistic war,we must abolish the word tango next of the word nuevo. Tango has evolved into a kind of communication though dance, independently of the musical accompaniment... Fabian Salas. Q.: What do you say to all those who accuse you that your music isnt jazz? A.: And whoever told you that what I play is jazz? This is a marketing term of the disc companies! Q.: But then, how would you call what you play? A.: MUSIC. (from a Miles Davis interview).

Dear Juan, to compare dance with cheese is very interesting, since it allows you to express a widelyacknowledged point of view in a ...spicy way, but every form of art possesses different potential for evolution. Dear Sebastian, why do de salon and nuevo seem so different (in their kinesiology) and, most importantly, why do they offer such a different feeling (leadingfollowing energy, plasticity of bodymovement)? Dear Fabian, OK, for the sake of peace, lets change the name of tango nuevo. But wouldnt we, in this way, justify all these who dance exclusively the close embrace with the 1930-1939 music and lead just two (2) boleos (one in the front and the other in the back cross), while punishing all these who dance closed/open/ without hands (soltadas) with 1910-2010 tango music, electronic tango (2000+), non tango (rock ballads with interesting rhythms) while evolving a functional technique permitting them to lead three (3) back and two (2) front boleos with two different kinds of energy (tempo and contra)? I am coming to a close with Fabian Salass most substantial line: We nuevo guys are the Milongueros of the future... * Facebook: John Pashalidis




many tango lessons, milongas and, Love Lesvos for those interested, lots of skiing. Our biggest surprise was our TangoLesvos transportation in the night to the Tango group from chalet where the two milongas Mytilene, Lesvos, would take place. Apres-Ski Caf permanent editor of Bar was located in the middle of a TANGRECIA slope and you could only approach TANGOLESVOS, with 40 it with a snowmobile. So, you can participants, travelled in Bursa, imagine more than 150 Turks and Turkey, in order to take part in the 40 Greeks in their milonga outfits, Nifuler Tango & Ski Festival, which going up and down the chalet, in has now successfully been realized the snowmobile, in below-zero for three years in a row. Our twotemperatures A magical day stay in Bursa included a full adventure, in its own unique way! program of free tango lessons, a As for those who wanted to ski, show by the participating dancers there were all-level pistes, while and teachers accompanied by the the rent of equipment and the Tangorama orchestra and two night hiring of teachers was easy and milongas. Nine (9) dancing couples economically viable. Yet, the losses from various parts of Turkey, were sensed on the dance floor, including our own Panagiotis since many of the dancers suffered Papadellis and Vera Economou slight injuries or were too made our nights beautiful with a overworked to dance! In spite all series of shows and offered more these, the shows by the dancersthan 30 seminars on all levels and teachers filled our hearts with joy tango styles. and became, once more, a source of However, there were also after inspiration for more tango, more parties where we got to know each lessons and personal improvement other better and dance until sore on of our dancing styles.. traditional and new Turkish music. After approximately a month, In every chance they got like Bursas scent is still intense The during our bus transports- Turks hospitality was flawless. So, we and Greeks, all adult tango renew our rendez-vous for next dancers, behaved like teenagers in year, in Bursa, for the 4th Nilufer a school excursion, dancing the Tango and Ski festival. Next tsifteteli on the bus seats and destination: Ankara, for yet another aisle. tango adventure Afterwards, the program read a 2K. Margaris day excursion in the Uludag ski centre the biggest in Turkey- with * Facebook: TangoLesvos




by the editing team

CHANIA: The beautiful town of Chania has managed to preserve its authentic couleur locale, despite the increasing flow of tourists. It is considered as one of the most pretty towns of Greece and certainly the most picturesque in Crete. Chania is characterized by an intense cultural el.wikipedia.org/wiki/ life. A multitude of cultural activities In the next issue, we are visiting Thrace. take place every year (exhibitions, festivals, theatrical and musical shows, visual arts, etc.). RETHYMNON: The city of Rethymnon is a wonderful tourist destination. Picturesque and wellorganized, it is a mere paradise for the visitor who wants to have a peaceful vacation, strolling down the pretty little streets or enjoying the routes among the historical and natural monuments of the area. The old town of Rethymnon greatly preserves its urban plan as it was formed during possession by the Venetians, with the changes brought by the turkish possession and the incessant inhabiting until today. It is declared a historical monument and a traditional habitat. HERAKLION: Contemporary Heralion honours the tradition of being one of the most attractive mediterranean cities! It covers and satisfies every taste and demand both of the visitor but also of its

permanent residents. It is no accident that for centuries it had been the centre, the metropolis of Crete and it still holds its principal place offering many interesting activities a pleasant daily life. You will have plenty of sight-seeing to do in Heralion, since here one can find the most ancient monuments and samples of the first European civilization, traces of the Western Civilization.


April 2011 TANGRECIA 16

Visit TANGRECIA Guide, www.tangrecia.com for daily tango news, milongas and events in Greece.

and we will continue to evolve and expand, keeping our faithful promise to tango.

Stay informed and be part of our big TANGRECIA Guide is the new and tango embrace! final substitution of the formers Tango-Liquido.Gr and Greek Visit www.tangrecia.com Tango Guide. We serve the tango in Greece from the March of 2006


April 2011 TANGRECIA 17

Book - Music

Le Grand Tango: The Life and Music of Astor Piazzolla 2000 - Rembetiko 1983

down what is closest to the truth about the legend, in an extraordinary book. www.amazon.co.uk

XARCHAKOS, Gatsos, Ferris. Thanks to them, one of the most famous greek movies of all times was realized. The by the editing team music of the film Rembetiko is a must THOUSANDS of for every greek files and documents, house. Beautiful tens of interviews orchestrations, and journeys. A legendary voices huge and complete and study on the life and unprecedented works of one of the syntheses. It is greatest certainly one of the contemporary greatest works of the rembetiko composers and music, one of those that seal the musicians, Astor history of a people; so as we dont forget Piazzolla. The biographers, Maria S. who we are and where we ve come Azzi - Simon Collier have achieved the from. www.shops.gr unthinkable. They managed to write


April 2011 TANGRECIA 18

by the editing team

What is the cabeceo?

THE WORD cabeceo comes from the word cabeza (cabeza = head) and it refers to a nod by the head marking the offer and acceptation to dance in a milonga (see TANGRECIA #1). Cabeceo serves two main purposes: a) It minimizes the public embarrassment-shame for a leader whose offer has just been rejected by a follower b) It is the best way to ensure your partner from a distance, before someone else gets there first, especially when you are in milonga full of people eager to dance. Fortunately or unfortunately, this technique doesnt work in the European cultures, since interpersonal relationships are more immediate and obvious.

means learn the social tango. That is, I learn a dance through which I will find an emotional and physical harmony with other people, known or unknown to me; in other words I will socialize. The time of socialization combined with the time needed by the body in order to assimilate new simple or complex kinesiological information varies from one person to another.

Is tango a dance comprised of basic steps?

by the editing team

THIS dance depends, in its social expression (milongas), on the ability to improvise, on our creative imagination and our emotional intelligence as far as music is concerned. All people possess these, albeit in varying degrees. Therefore, the strict hierarchy-sequence of the steps-movements in the dance is impossible to be socially functional. In the next issue, you answer our questions!

How long does it take to learn tango?

by the editing team

THE ANSWER depends on multiple factors; especially on what sense each of us attaches to the word learn. Since tango is clearly a social dance (for the majority of people), the phrase learn tango


April 2011 TANGRECIA 19

La Poema
by Pablito Greco

by Siva

WHEN I sit once more on the land of Sicily. When I sense once more the wrath of the vals A hand comes out a worn-out hand. Leaving now to hide in the silence. And the godfather telling me Its been some time! The truth is a melody but when the light is off tears and a heart-wrenching pain. On Rotas notes I shall dance for you. In a circle, like before like a family, laces on a boot.

EYES too tired to look anymore and a voice too tired of keeping silent. And the darkness goes on and on and the darkness keeps getting deeper.

by Siva

WHAT will happen to you, I wonder in this channel in this silence... Where will this lead you... Which death will come along... I wonder if anything might be saved. You may send your poems, signed or anonymous at [email protected].


April 2011 TANGRECIA 20

Rear &Optimistic
Greeks for ever!
by Siva

HELLO, my dears,

Its been a while. Since then, a tsunami hit the Japan shores, and civil bombings fell on the heads of the Libyan people. And us? We remain in the crisiss dull mood. But I am your bright side. We look fine to me. We still fill our tavernas and coffee houses; the foreigners wonder, but they dont know an old greek saying declaring that poverty needs its fun. Our lenders may also wonder, because they dont know the other saying no thunder can darken a clear sky. For, we are clear my friends. Didnt they tell us, some years ago, that we are the most hard-working people in Europe and didnt they thank us for the nice Olympic games we organized? Suddenly we are scums? But we are clear; even if we are part of some dark underground scheme. You know, these people program the next 100 years. They dont know that an hour can bring what a year cannot, and a Greek is always the xP.S.: I am on the lookout for factor. Hes not a number hes a sponsors! person. We just need one thing in Haha!

order to stand on our feet again: Remember that we werent born yesterday. Remember the sayings of Socrates: (= An non-scrutinized life is not viable for a person). Learn because it can be learned- to wake up cheerfully in the morning, to say yes to the day and work happily again, where Shall we became house cleaners for all eternity? So be it! But work it must be. And good will. And dont forget: Between me and you, God has to be Greek. So many times He has helped us out of tight spots. Would 1821 Greek Revolution work with two civil wars in the meantime? Yet it did. And lets not get started on Byzantium or other wars. Here we are, still here. For, we are philosophers of life. We scrutinize our lives. We are not Americans, making profit out of the religions and the philosophies of the world. Unheard until yesterday: A philosophic therapist Through the method of Socrates, lets help Suzan find a boyfriend! A field fit for your comments, mr. Zouraris, with all due respect. So, lets get serious and teach them once more. Kisses

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